Temperance Shawl Fixed

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in malabrigo Sock

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TE MP E RA N C E By malabrigo team

Pattern information

Only size


Malabrigo Mechita or Sock.
One skein each. Sample shown in: Jasmine #347 | Myths #344 | Gingy #358


Size 6 ( 4mm) circular needle 32”/80cm long, OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE

Stitch marker and tapestry needle.

24 sts and 46 rows = 4”/10cm over Garter Stitch (measured over garter stitch BEFORE blocking)


k Knit RS Right side

k2tog Knit 2 sts together (a right leaning decrease) WS Wrong side

kfb Knit once into front of loop, leave st on the LH Ssk Slip next two sts knitwise, one at a time, to right-
needle, knit once into back loop, slip st off hand needle. Insert tip of left-hand needle into
p Purl fronts of these sts from left to right and knit them
together – 1 st decreased

pm Place marker
SK2P Slip stitch knitwise, k2tog, pass the slipped stitch
rm Replace marker
K1tbl Knit 1 through back loop
yo Yarn over
P1tbl Purl 1 through back loop
sm Slip marker
Sl1stwyb Slip 1 st with yarn in back
st/s Stitch/es
Sl1stwyf Slip 1 st with yarn in front

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You will be increasing in the borders (kfb) every row, and decreasing along a center spine every RS .
To help keep track of where the center decrease is located, we will use a stitch marker that will need
to be moved to work the K2tog in the SK2P (you use 2 sts before the marker, and 1 just after) and
then replace the marker (rm).
When carrying unused color up side of work in stripe sections, twist with working yarn at the
beginning of every RS row by bringing carried yarn from right to left over working yarn, continue with
working yarn.

With Color 1, cast on 5 sts.
SET-UP ROW ( WS) – Kfb, k1, pm, k2, kfb. ( 7sts)


Row 1 (RS) – With Color 1 – Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb
Row 2 (and all WS rows) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb.
( 2 sts increased)
Row 3 – Repeat Row 1
Row 4 - Repeat Row 2
Row 5 – With Color 2 – Repeat Row 1
Row 6 - Repeat Row 2
Repeat Rows 1-6, 8 more times. - 61 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (sl1stwyb, k1) to 2 sts before the marker,
SK2P, rm, (k1, sl1stwyb) to the last st, kfb.
Row 2 (WS) – Kfb, k1, ( sl1stwyf, k1) to the marker, sm, p1, (k1, sl1stwyf)
to the last 2 sts, k1, kfb. - 63 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 2 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb
Row 2 (WS ) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased)
Row 3 (RS) – With Color 3 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm, k to
the last st, kfb
Row 4 (WS) – Kfb, purl to the marker, sm, p to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased)

Repeat Rows 1 – 4 6 more times, and then repeat Rows 1-2 one more time.
- 93 sts

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Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (sl1stwyb, k1) to 2 sts before the marker,
SK2P, rm, (k1, sl1stwyb) to the last st, kfb.
Row 2 (WS) – Kfb, k1, ( sl1stwyf, k1) to the marker, sm, p1, (k1, sl1stwyf) to
the last 2 sts, k1, kfb. 95 sts.
Row 3 ( RS) – With Color 2 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb
Row 4 (WS ) – Kfb (K1,p1tbl) to marker, sm, p1, (p1tbl, K1) to last st. Kfb
- 97 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (k1tbl, p1) to 2st before the marker, SK2P,
rm, (p1, k1tbl) to the last st, kfb.
Row 2 (WS) – Kfb, (k1, p1tbl) to one st before the marker, K1, sm, p1, (k1, p1tbl)
to the last 2 st, K1, kfb. (2 sts increased).
Row 3 – Kfb, (k1tbl, p1) to 3 sts before the marker, k1tbl, SK2P, rm, (k1tbl, p1)
to the last 2 sts, k1tbl, kfb.
Row 4 – Kfb, (k1, p1tbl) to the marker, sm, p1, (p1tbl, k1) to 2 sts to end, k1, kfb.

Repeat Rows 1 – 4 7 more times. - 129 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 2 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker,
SK2P, rm, k to the last st, kfb
Row 2 (WS ) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb.
( 2 sts increased ) – 131 sts.
Row 3 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (sl1stwyb, k1) to 3 sts before the marker,
sl1stwyb, SK2P, rm, (sl1stwyb, k1) to the last 2 sts, s1stwyb, kfb.
Row 4 (WS) – Kfb, (k1, sl1stwyf) to the marker, sm, p1, (sl1stwyf, k1) to the
last 2 sts, k1, kfb. - 133 sts.


Repeat the foll. 2 Rows ( A and B) 15 times using the colors 1, 2 and 3 in the foll. way.
Remember to twist the yarns in the edge.

Row A (RS) – Kfb, k to 2sts before the marker, SK2P, rm, k to the last st, kfb.
Row B (WS) – Kfb, K to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased)
Rows 1 – 2 - Color 2 – Rows A and B
Rows 3 – 4 - Color 3 - Rows A and B
Rows 5 – 6 - Color 2 - Rows A and B
Rows 7 – 8 - Color 3 - Rows A and B
Rows 9 – 10 -Color 2 - Rows A and B
Rows 11 – 12 - Color 3 - Rows A and B
Rows 13 – 14 - Color 2 - Rows A and B. Cut the yarn

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Rows 15 – 16 - Color 3 - Rows A and B
Rows 17 – 18 – Color 1 – Rows A and B
Rows 19 – 20 – Color 3 – Rows A and B
Rows 21 – 22 – Color 1 – Rows A and B
Rows 23 – 24 – Color 3 – Rows A and B
Rows 25 – 26 – Color 1 – Rows A and B
Rows 27 – 28 – Color 3 – Rows A and B
Rows 29 – 30 – Color 1 – Rows A and B – 163 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (sl1stwyb, k1) to 3 sts before the marker, sl1stwyb,
SK2P, rm, (sl1stwyb, k1) to the last 2 sts, s1stwyb, kfb.
Row 2 (WS) – Kfb, (k1, sl1stwyf) to the marker, sm, p1, (sl1stwyf, k1) to the last 2 sts,
k1, kfb. 165 sts. Cut the yarn.
Row 3 ( RS) – With Color 1 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb.
Row 4 (WS ) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased ). - 167 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 1 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb.
Row 2 (WS ) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased ).
Row 3 (RS) – Kfb, ( ssk, yo, k4) 13 times, ssk, yo, k2, SK2P, rm, k2, yo, ssk,
(k4, yo, ssk) 13 times, kfb.
Row 4 (WS) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased).
Row 5 – 8 – Repeat Rows 1 and 2 twice. ( 4 sts increased).
Row 9 (RS) – Kfb, k3, (ssk, yo, k4) 13 times, ssk, yo, k2, SK2P, rm, k2, yo, ssk,
(k4, yo, ssk) 13 times, k3, kfb.
Row 10 (WS) – Kfb, k to marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2sts increased).
Row 11 – 14 – Repeat Rows 1 and 2 twice. ( 4 sts increased).

Repeat Rows 3 to 14 one more time, and the Rows 3 to 6 once. - 197 sts


Row 1 ( RS) – With Color 3 – Kfb, (sl1stwyb, k1) to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
(k1, sl1stwyb) to the last st, kfb.
Row 2 (WS) – Kfb, k1, ( sl1stwyf, k1) to the marker, sm, p1, (k1, sl1stwyf) to the last 2 sts,
k1, kfb. ( 2sts increased)
Row 3 ( RS) – With Color 1 - Kfb, knit to 2 sts before the marker, SK2P, rm,
k to the last st, kfb.
Row 4 (WS ) – Kfb, k to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb. ( 2 sts increased ) - 201sts

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From here, increases and decreases will cancel each other out. You always knit over - 201 sts
In the RS, the sts before the marker will increase in 1 st. and the sts before the marker will decrease 1 st
after you have knitted Rows A and B
Repeat the foll. 2 Rows ( A and B) 21 times using the colors 1, 2 and 3 in the foll. way.

Remember to twist the yarns in the edge.

Row A (RS) – Kfb, k to 2sts before the marker, SK2P, rm, k to the last st.
Row B (WS) – K to the marker, sm, p1, k to the last st, kfb.

Rows 1 – 2 - Color 3 – Rows A and B.

Rows 3 – 4 - Color 1 - Rows A and B.
Rows 5 – 6 - Color 3 - Rows A and B.
Rows 7 – 8 - Color 1 - Rows A and B.
Rows 9 – 10 - Color 3 - Rows A and B.
Rows 11 – 12 - Color 1 - Rows A and B. Cut the yarn
Rows 13 – 14 - Color 3 - Rows A and B.
Rows 15 – 16 - Color 2 - Rows A and B.
Rows 17 – 18 – Color 3 – Rows A and B.
Rows 19 – 20 – Color 2 – Rows A and B.
Rows 21 – 22 – Color 3 – Rows A and B.
Rows 23 – 24 – Color 2 – Rows A and B.
Rows 25 – 26 – Color 3 – Rows A and B. Cut the yarn
Rows 27 – 28 – Color 2 – Rows A and B.
Rows 29 – 30 – Color 1 – Rows A and B .
Rows 31 – 32 – Color 2 – Rows A and B.
Rows 33 – 34 – Color 1 – Rows A and B.
Rows 35 – 36 – Color 2 – Rows A and B.
Rows 37 – 38 – Color 1 – Rows A and B.
Rows 39 – 40 – Color 2 – Rows A and B. Cut the yarn
Rows 41 – 42 – Color 1 – Rows A and B. 201 sts ( 122 in the right side of the marker and 79 in the left side)

Repeats Rows 1 – 42 3 more times, and then Rows 1 - 31 . No sts rem after the marker - 201 sts

Bind off all sts rem with an elastic bind off method.

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