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The book thief

A story narrated by death

– The story begins when Liesel, her mother and brother are traveling to Munich by train, her
brother passed away because he was to weak and sick.
– He was buried near the train rail road in the heavy snow
– Before they continue traveling, Liesel stole the black book that the gravedigger left behind
– Liesel was adopted by Hans and Rosa Hubermann
– Hans is a friendly old man and Rosa is the opposite, she enjoys cursing at people.
– Liesel was suffering many nightmares, and Hans always helped her.
– Hans found out about the stolen book, and also discovers that Liesel can’t read, so he
decided to teach her.
– Liesel met a boy named Rudy, who was her neighbor, Rudy had a huge crush on Liesel
– Liesel and Rudy became good friends
– Liesel helped Rosa to bring the laundry from the mayor’s house
– She met the mayor’s wife, Mrs Hermann
– Mrs Hermann led Liesel to her library, and she would let Liesel stay in the library to read
with her whenever she came
– One night, a jewish guy was sent by his family to the Hubermans household , Max
– Max Vandenburg: he was Erik Vandenburg’s son, a jewish who was trying to hide and
escape from the Nazis
– Max’s father was the one who sacrificed himself to save Han’s life during WW1
– The hubermanns had to make Max stay in the basement for safety even when he was really
– Liesel was afraid to talk to Max, but later they became good friends
– Liesel got 2 books for her birthday by trading Han’a favorite cigarettes, Max had nothing to
give Liesel but a greeting
– Max felt bad when he didn’t give anything to Liesel for her birthday, so he stayed up all
night to make her a gift.
– He tore the papers from the book written by Hitler, painted them white and drew on them.
– Max named his book “The Standover” it was a collection of his feelings of being a Jew
– Liesel stayed in the basement everyday to read the book Max gave her
– Liesel went to the mayor’s house and receive bad news, they couldn’t hire Rosa anymore
because it was a hard time
– Mrs Hermann (the mayor’s wife) gave Liesel a book because she felt sorry for doing that,
but Liesel didn’t accept it because she was angry
– Liesel was too mad at Mrs Hermann, but she did wanted the book, so she and Rudy went
to the mayor’s house to steal the book
– Max got a really bad cold that made him sleep for weeks
– Hans and Rosa took him upstairs and let him sleep in Liesel’s room
– Liesel visited Max everyday
– Meanwhile, the Hitler Youth carnival was being held, and Rudy won three out of four races.
He became one of the fastest runner in Hitler Youth camp
– Rudy gave all his gold medals to Liesel
– Liesel came back to the mayor’s house to steal more books, she saw one and steal it. It
was a german dictionary
– She was caught stealing by Mrs Hermann
– The dictionary had a letter from Mrs Hermann saying she knew her book were stolen, but
she wasn’t mad at Liesel, she encouraged her to read
– Not long after, the war started. People on Himmel street had to hide underneath the
basement whenever they were warned of the bombing
– Liesel started reading her book out loud, in order to comfort people. It worked, everyone
temporarily forgot about the bombing and stayed focused on Liesel’s stories
– During day time, there was a parade of 20 jews
– An old jewish man fell down while he was walking because he was too hungry. Hanns
didn’t cared about the Nazi group that was there and he offered him a piece of bread
– His action brought danger to his family, which made Max though that it’s time for him to
leave, and he left the Hubermanns at midnight
– Liesel was really upset, every time there was a line of jews on himmel street, Liesel would
run through the line and scream Max’s name to find him
– Hans was called for the army as a punishment for him because he helped the Jew
– He broke his leg
– Luckily after months, he could come back home
– A bombing occurred whithout warning, which destroyed everything on the Himmel street

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