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Activate B2, Unit 3, Just the Job, Grammar and Vocabulary


Look at this chart for a clear recap of the future simple tenses and go to
www.englishpage.com and www.englisch-hilfen.de to find even more help.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. Here we are at the station! What time does your train leave (your train leave)?
2. Dad will still be working (still work) in the same job this time next year, I
3. I know you are going (go) to the party tomorrow, but who with?
4. By the time I leave school, I will have had (have) three months’ work
5. That box looks heavy. Hang on, I will help (help) you with it.
6. We’ll be home late tomorrow because a careers adviser is coming (come) to
give us a talk.
7. I can’t go for an interview next Monday because I will be taking (take) and
exam then.
8. Will you have finished (you finish) that letter of application before you go to
9. Look at those clouds! It is going to rain (rain).
10. The phone’s ringing. Shall I answer (I answer) it?
11. Here are your tickets. Your plane leaves (leave) at 6 p.m.
12. By the end of this term, I will have been studying (study) English for four

B. ompClete the sentences with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. As soon as I leave (leave) school, I’ll look for a job.
2. I’ll have to get up very early while I am doing (do) my work experience.
3. After I have (have) my interview, I’ll be able to relax.
4. We’ll wait here until the director arrives (arrive).
5. I’ll be able to earn money once I get (get) a job.

C. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
A: What (1) are you going to do (you do) when you finish your education next
B: Er, help, I haven’t got a clue. I think I (2) will look for (look for) a job, but
I’m not sure. What about you?
A: Well I know exactly what I (3) am going to do (do). I (4) am taking (take) a year

out—a gap year. I haven’t decided where I (5) will go (go), though. Maybe I
(6) will travel (travel)—to Africa for example, and help on some projects there.
B: Wow, that’s exciting! So this time next year you (7) will be living (live) abroad?
A: That’s right. I (8) will have done (do) all my exams by then so it (9) will be (be)
great to get away from books and studying.
B: Absolutely! Listen, my brother went to Africa last year. (10) Shall I ask (I ask)
him to phone you for a chat about it?
A: Yeah, thanks. That’d be great!

D. Complete the sentences with the correct future time clause. You can watch this
video to help you out as well.
Activate B2, Unit 3, Just the Job, Grammar and Vocabulary
1. Mum will have left for work by the time I get home.
2. I’ll just finish writing this letter while I’m waiting.
3. Please wait at reception until someone comes to fetch you.
4. We’ll phone you as soon as the manager arrives.


E. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. During my summer holidays, I have done a variety of

jobs. VARY
2. I think it would be really exciting to be a fire fighter.
3. Have I got the right personality to be a TV presenter?
4. My best friend wants to be a film director. DIRECT
5. I’m not very good at making decisions. DECIDE
6. The chairs in the office aren’t very comfortable.
7. You have to get good grades to get into vet school and there’s a lot of
competition for places. COMPETE
8. I worked during the holidays and got lots of practical experience. PRACTICE

F. Complete the sentences with these prepositions. You do not need them all. You
may have to use some more than once.
about – around – at – for – in – into – on – onto – out – through – to.
1. I’d like to be involved in making computer games.
2. As a paramedic, you’ll have to think on your feet.
3. Next year, I’ll be knocking on the door of all local employers.
4. Do you want to work in the same field as your dad?
5. What do you like best about the job?
6. Being a TV presenter is great, according to Emma.
7. There is no set route into acting.
8. I want to mark myself out from the rest of the crowd.
9. Police officers have to go out in all kinds of weather.
10. Maria is going to try out her skills as an entertainer by getting a job on a cruise

G. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. I’d like to get a job as a TV presenter when I leave school. PRESENT
2. There were five other applicants for the job so I was lucky to get it. APPLY
3. You can become an actor without too many academic qualifications. QUALIFY
4. Could you hep me complete this application form? APPLY
5. My sister is hoping for a fast promotion in her job. PROMOTE
6. One of the company’s employees has been dismissed for stealing. EMPLOY
7. My friend’s father is worried because he’s been unemployed for months.
8. I’ve decided to be a car mechanic so I’m starting a training course next week.
Activate B2, Unit 3, Just the Job, Grammar and Vocabulary
9. Medical students often specialise in a particular field of medicine, like surgery.
10. I want a job that’s exciting and varied. VARY

H. Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

at – behind – in – on – out of – under
1. News presenters have to stay calm while they’re on
2. Everyone gets fed up with their job at times.
3. Acting in films may look easy but there’s a lot to do
behind the scenes.
4. Daniel is under a lot of pressure at work which is why
he’s so bad-tempered.
5. If you take a job as a football referee, you’ll have to
think on your feet.
6. Actors are often out of work for long periods of time—
there are more actors than roles on offer.

I. Complete the sentences with these prepositions. You do not need them all.
at –in – off – on – out – over – under – up
1. Big companies often take over smaller companies for financial reasons.
2. Farmers often take up temporary staff in the summer to pick fruit.
3. Our careers adviser has told us to fill in these forms.
4. The company is planning to start up a new business in our town.
5. Dad’s hoping to get off work early tonight, so he can come to the movie with
6. When his contract runs out, the actor will have to find another job.

J. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Do you prefer being (1) active (act) to sitting around all day? Are you (2) completely
(complete) crazy about football, basketball, ice-skating, or some other sport? If health
and (3) fit (fit) are your passion, and if you have plenty of natural (4) ability (able), you
could become a professional athlete. You’ll have to be a good (5) entertainer
(entertain), too. Fans will pay to watch you, but you’ll
have to ‘perform’ for them. If you’re brilliant at your
game, you could end up (6) extremely (extreme) rich.
Some footballers are millionaires and have almost
(7) limited (limit) opportunities to make money.
But if professionals don’t play well, they face
disappointment and early (8) retireness (retire).
Being a ‘pro’ is a demanding and stressful job and athletes need all the help they can
get. Most rely on a (9) trainer (train), who can help them improve their skills and give
them lots of (10) enfcouragement (encourage). In team sports, the manager will often
give (11) instructions (instruct) about what players must and mustn’t do off the field.
Disobey these orders, and you’re likely to lose your place in the team!

K. Rewrite the sentences using the words in capitals. Use between two and five
words, including the word given.
Activate B2, Unit 3, Just the Job, Grammar and Vocabulary
1. By this time next year we will start two new businesses. SET
Over the next year we have set up two new businesses.
2. I have to send in an application form and then they’ll give me an interview.
They won’t give me an interview until I send an application form.
3. My intention is to train as a doctor after I leave school. AM
I am training at medical school after I leave school.
4. It’s Lisa’s fifteenth birthday on Saturday. WILL
Lisa will be fifteen on Saturday.
5. You’re busy now but have you got any plans for tonight? ARE
You’re busy now but what are your plans tonight?
6. It will take at least a week for them to arrive.
They will be travelling for at least a week.
7. I’ll discuss it with the manager and then I’ll phone you.
I’ll phone you after I have discussed with the manager.
8. At the time of your interview, we’ll be lying on the beach.
We’ll be lying on the beach while you have your interview.

L. Complete the text with one word which best fits each gap.

By the (1) time you finish reading this text, someone, somewhere, will (2) have rung
the emergency services for help. Many callers will (3) wait depending on the fire
service to rescue them from danger. Could you be one of the heroes they (4) are
looking for?
As a firefighter, you (5) will often be
first at an emergency, so you need to be
cool-headed. You are going (6) to face
danger, so courage is essential, too. Want to
know more? When you apply for training,
you’ll be given some tests. As (7) soon as
you’ve completed these successfully, you’ll
be sent to a school to learn how to use
ladders and other tools. (8) When this training
is finished, you’ll be assigned to a fire station
but you won’t be allowed out on your own (9)
till the fire chief is confident you can cope.
Life is (10) going to be very exciting! By the end of your first year, you’ll
probably have (11) done all the following activities: rescued people from burning
buildings, treated people injured in car crashes, put out hundreds of fires. What are
you waiting for? Apply today!

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