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KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Lab 4: Fatigue

Deven Chakravorty (400470315)

Department of Kinesiology

KINESIOL 2C03, Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology


Dr. Joshua Nederveen

Alessandra Chiarot and Faith Adams

November 28, 2023

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

This lab study uses an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex) to measure muscular fatigue and
gender differences in performance during successive knee extensions. The study is divided into
two sections. In the first, male and female participants' knee extensor muscles are torqued
when they complete 50 maximally successive knee extensions at a speed of 180 degrees per
second. Torque values are tracked for analysis to identify variations and determine fatigue.
Participants also use computer stations in groups to complete a fatigue exercise utilising the
Powerlab system's Lab Tutor software. This exercise uses a 50% Maximum Voluntary
Contraction (MVC) gripping task to assess time to fatigue. When tiredness sets in and the force
exerted falls below 40% MVC for longer than two seconds, the test is over. Mean fatigue index
(%) for men and women among the 21 participants (n = 21) measured. The average male
fatigue index was 61.53% (SD = 23.57) and the average female fatigue index was 55.06% (SD
= 18.69). P > 0.05 with a significant difference between the fatigue index values for men and
women. Average type II fibre distribution between males and females across 21 participants (n =
21) was measured. The average distribution of type I fibre was 61.48% (SD = 18.52) for males
and 50.48% (SD =20.55) for females. P = 0.05, with a significant difference in the distribution of
fatigue type II fibres between males and females. The average time to fatigue (measured in
seconds) for 36 male and 36 female subjects (a total of 72 participants) is compared. The
average time to fatigue for men and women is shown and the standard deviation (SD) of the
times to fatigue for men and women is shown in column 3 (67.23 and 71.90, respectively). P
value.> 0.05, with low significance between the mean time to fatigue for males and females. By
using accurate torque measurements and data analysis, it aims to investigate gender-specific
variations in muscle performance and fatigue during maximal knee extensions. Second,
observing time to exhaustion in a gripping task provides light on fatigue thresholds and
variances in muscular endurance. These studies have applications in the fields of occupational
therapy, physical rehabilitation, and sports science. Understanding fatigue thresholds is
essential for developing interventions that maximise performance, guard against injuries, and
improve rehabilitation procedures in a variety of domains. These therapies can improve
muscular endurance and delay the onset of exhaustion in activities.

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Results Section:
a. Figure 1 uses the isokinetic dynamometer to find mean fatigue index for men and
women (n = 21). Using a T-test for statistical analysis, there is significant difference
between the fatigue index values for men and women (P > 0.05). The average male
fatigue index was 61.53% (SD = 23.57) and the average female fatigue index was
55.06% (SD = 18.69).
b. Figure 2 uses the isokinetic dynamometer to find the average type II fibre distribution
between males and females across 21 participants (n= 21). Using a T-test for statistical
analysis, the results yielded a p-value of 0.055 (p = 0.05). There is a significant
difference in the distribution of fatigue type II fibres between male and female subjects.
The average distribution of type I fibre was 61.48% (SD = 18.52) for males and 50.48%
(SD =20.55) for females.
c. Table 1 uses the handgrip dynamometer and shows a comparison of the average (in
seconds) time to fatigue for 36 male and 36 female subjects (a total of 72 participants).
The average time to fatigue for men and women is shown in column 2 (116 and 105
seconds, respectively), and the standard deviation (SD) of the times to fatigue for men
and women is shown (71.90 and 67.23, respectively). This set of data was subjected to
a t-test, which yielded a p-value = 0.906 (p-value.> 0.05). This shows a low significance
between the mean time to fatigue for males and females.

80 *
Fatigue Index (%)

female male

Mean Fatigue Index % Comparison in Females

and Males
Figure 1.
Mean fatigue index (%) for men and women among the 21 participants (n = 21) measured with
an isokinetic fatigue index was 55.06% (SD = 18.69). The T-test results showed a p-value of
0.061 (p > 0.05); There is a statistically dynamometer. The average male fatigue index was
61.53% (SD = 23.57) and the average female significant difference between the fatigue index
values for men and women.

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

80 *
Fibre Type Distribution (% Type II Fibres)

female male

Finding Fiber Type Distribution in Females and

Figure 2.
Figure 2: Using an isokinetic dynamometer, the average type II fibre distribution between males
and females across 21 participants (n = 21) was measured. The average distribution of type I
fibre was 61.48% (SD = 18.52) for males and 50.48% (SD =20.55) for females. The results of
the I-test yielded a p-value of 0.055 (p = 0.05). There is a significant difference in the distribution
of fatigue type II fibres between male and female subjects.

Sex Time to Fatigue with 50% MVC (sec)

Females 116 ± 71.90100136
Males 105 ± 67. 22685763

Table 1.
The average time to fatigue (measured in seconds) for 36 male and 36 female subjects (a total
of 72 participants) is compared. The average time to fatigue for men and women is shown and
the standard deviation (SD) of the times to fatigue for men and women is shown in column 3
(67.23 and 71.90, respectively). This set of data was subjected to a t-test, which yielded a p-
value = 0.906 (p-value.> 0.05). There is low significance between the mean time to fatigue for
males and females.

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Formal Discussion:

In this lab study, muscular fatigue and gender differences in performance during

successive knee extensions and sustained handgrip contractions are observed. Measurements

were made of the hand grip strength, type II muscle fibre distribution, and mean fatigue index.

Males generally tend to have greater distribution of type II muscle fibers to help with absolute

strength however females have greater resistance to fatigue with greater type I fibers to help

with hand grip. Time to exhaustion in gripping tasks sheds light on differences in muscle

endurance and fatigue thresholds and has application to sports performance.

The fatigue index was calculated by subtracting the average peak torque contractions

from the final three contractions by the peak torque contractions within the initial three

contractions, and then dividing by the average peak torque contractions from the initial three

contractions to produce a percentage. The average fatigue index produced by the 21 male and

21 female participants was 55.06% for the males and 61.53% for the females. This shows a

substantial gender difference. Although this exercise's patterns show that women typically had

greater fatigue indices, a study by Hanjabam and Kailashiya (2015) that contrasted young male

and female hockey players' fatigue indices and showed that male hockey players had a lower

resistance to hockey sprint fatigue than the female hockey players. Furthermore, the

researchers concluded that variations in anaerobic power, body fat percentage, and lean body

mass could have been factors influencing the outcomes on a larger scale. More significantly, it

is possible that these factors also contributed to the variation in fatigue index readings between

the sexes.

The findings in the lab show a sex based difference where males had greater type Il fiber

percentage in the vastus lateralis muscle. Usually, males have a greater muscle cross-sectional

area. Type I fibers are smaller than type Il fibers and males tend to have a greater distribution of

type lI fibers. A previous study by Miller et al, examined sex based differences in fiber type

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

distribution in the biceps brachii and vastus lateralis. A needle muscle biopsy and computerized

tomographical scannings were taken from 8 males and 8 females. According to the study, men's

biceps brachii type I and mean fibre areas were significantly greater than women's, and the

vastus lateralis type II and mean fibre areas were similarly larger in men. (Miller et al, 1993).

This supports the findings from this experiment since both portray males as having the greater

proportion of type II fibers. However, these type Il fibers are also more susceptible to fatigue.

Compared to type I fibers, type II fibers primarily rely on anaerobic metabolism. ATP can be

produced quickly to allow for a strong contraction at an initial period, however this is followed by

fatigue quickly as the fibers are depleted of glycogen and PCR. In Methinitis et al. (2019), the

study looked at the relationship between the composition of muscle fibres and the rate of force

development (RFD) in persons who have undergone different types of training but are otherwise

well-trained. To measure the rate of force generation, 38 young men—9 endurance runners, 10

power trainers, 9 strength trainers, and 10 inactive people—performed a maximal isometric leg

press. Additionally assessed were the vastus lateralis fibre type composition and body

composition (dual x-ray absorptiometry). In power-trained individuals, the evidence points to a

high correlation between the type IIx muscle fibres and early RFD and relative RFD. This

supports the findings from this experiment as both show greater force loss with type II fibers.

The results support the hypothesis and we can conclude that males have a greater type II fiber

distribution than females and these fibers are more susceptible to fatigue.

In the second experiment, females performed a submaximal contraction longer than

males but the difference was found to be insignificant. The major reason females are more

fatigue-resistant than males is because they have more type I fibres. Since they contain more

mitochondria and have greater capillarization, type I fibres use aerobic metabolism, which

enables them to produce less metabolites over longer periods of time. This is supported by

Clark et al. (2003) which evaluated gender differences in the back extensors and endurance

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

capacity during isometric and isotonic muscular contractions at 50% of maximum voluntary

contractile force. Results showed that women exhibited a longer endurance time than men

during the isometric task but there was no difference in endurance in the isotonic exercise.

Additionally, Hunter (2010) observed sex differences and the mechanisms of task-specific

muscle fatigue. It was found that when performing intermittent or prolonged maximal

contractions, women's peak force is reduced less than that of males. These sources of literature

support the initial hypothesis.

The study's usage of the standardised isokinetic dynamometer is one of its strengths.

Using this equipment, each participant was able to calculate the torque generated by knee

extension. This made it possible to collect the necessary data in a regulated manner and to

perform an isolated movement to lessen the force generated by other body components. The

lack of a controlled or equal training status among the participants in this study is one of its

limitations. This could lead to inconsistency since comparing a highly skilled athlete to a

sedentary person doing the knee extension reduces generalizability. Pre-testing should be

included in future research projects so that individuals can be categorized according to their

training history as well as their athletic ability. This would lead to improved

generalization and more accurate outcome depiction.

In conclusion, the study's results indicate that women have less type II fibres, a lower fati

gue index, and a longer time to fatigue than men. One example of this scenario is women who

run marathons or do exercise for that long of a duration. In this specific example, males would

produce greater force and possibly be physically stronger, while females would show larger

proficiency in endurance and the ability to use slow-twitch type 1 muscle fibers to reduce fatigue

over extended periods of exercise.

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Kinesiology 2C03 Lab 4


Fillable data collection sheet:

Table 1: Peak Torque, Fatigue Index, and Estimated Fast Twitch Fibres.

Peak Torque at 180 degrees/s Fatigue Index (%) Estimated %

Average Average Fast Twitch
Contractions (1-3) Contractions (48-50) Fibres (%)
Female 1 61.4 38.97 36.53 34.8
Male 1 147.2 50.5 65.72 54.4

Table 2: Sub-maximal Fatigue in Males vs Females

Time to Fatigue with 50% MVC (secs)

Female 1 120
Female 2 90
Male 1 48
Male 2 80

Lab 4: Fatigue
KIN 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023


Brian C. Clark, Todd M. Manini, Dwight J. Thé, Neil A. Doldo, and Lori L. Ploutz-Snyder. Gender

differences in skeletal muscle fatigability are related to contraction type and EMG spectral

compression (2003). Journal of Applied Physiology 2003 94:6, 2263-2272

Methenitis S, Spengos K, Zaras N, Stasinaki AN, Papadimas G, Karampatsos G, Arnaoutis G,

Terzis G. Fiber Type Composition and Rate of Force Development in Endurance- and

Resistance-Trained Individuals. J Strength Cond Res. 2019 Sep;33(9):2388-2397. doi:

10.1519/JSC.0000000000002150. PMID: 28737590.

Miller, A.E.J., MacDougall, J.D., Tarnopolsky, M.A. et al. Gender differences in strength and

muscle fiber characteristics. Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 66, 254–262 (1993).

Hunter SK. Sex differences and mechanisms of task-specific muscle fatigue. Exerc Sport Sci

Rev. 2009 Jul;37(3):113-22. doi: 10.1097/JES.0b013e3181aa63e2. PMID: 19550202; PMCID:


Sharma, Hanjabam & Kailashiya, Jyotsna. (2015). Gender Difference in Fatigue Index and its

Related Physiology. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology. 59. 170-174.

Lab 4: Fatigue

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