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KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR)

Deven Chakravorty (400470315)

Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University

KINESIOL 2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology

Lab L09

Dr. Joshua Nederveen

TA: Alessandra Chiarot and Faith Adams

November 14, 2023

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 1

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Two exercises were included in this lab experiment to clarify the Force-Length Relation (FLR) of
various muscle groups. While the passive FLR was established before the active phase by
measuring torque at increasing muscle lengths, the active FLR was investigated using maximal
voluntary isometric contractions (MVCs) at predetermined joint angles. Measurements of
passive force, or torque, will be made at muscle lengths, or at 0 (neutral ankle position), 5D
(degrees in dorsiflexion), 10D, 15D, and 20D. By having the participant do quick maximal
voluntary isometric contractions (MVCs), active force (torque) will be measured. The following
joint angles will be used for the MVCs: 30P (degrees in plantarflexion), 20P, 10P, 0, 5D, 10D,
15D, and 20D. Using a Biodex dynamometer, Exercise 2 examined the relationship between
muscle length and the active force of the elbow flexors. Isometric maximum voluntary
contractions (ISO MVCs) of the elbow flexors were assessed at four anatomical joint angles
(10°, 70°, 110°, and 150°) in one male and one female. Passive force was found at dorsiflexed
positions, including 0D, 10D, and 20D. At 0, 10D, and 20D, the mean peak values were 2.5 Nm
(SD = 1.192), 5.3 Nm (SD = 1.393), and 8.7 Nm (SD = 2.378), respectively. P≤0.05 for active
force, and a significant difference between 30P and 0 in torque values was observed. The
average peak torque values at 30P (SD= 6.913), 0 (SD = 13.14), and 20D (SD = 20.49) were
15.5 Nm, 30.1 Nm, and 31.5 Nm, respectively. Assessment was taken of the elbow flexors'
active force at various joint angles (10, 70, 110, and 150). At 10 degrees (SD = 15.6735), 70
degrees (SD = 14.0809), 110 degrees (SD = 13.5811), and 150 degrees (SD = 13.04421), the
male peak torque values are 40.3 Nm, 54.5 Nm, 54.9 Nm, and 38.8 Nm. The female peak
torque values are 18.7 Nm, 25.4 Nm, 34.3 Nm, and 34.3 Nm at 10 (SD = 6.1406), 70 (SD =
7.03376), 110 (SD = 7.7146), and 150 degrees (SD = 6.9000). Understanding the active and
passive effects of muscle length on force generation is important. This could clarify the intricate
relationship between force and muscle length and increase comprehension of the Force-Length
Relation by shedding light on the mechanics of muscle activity and having a larger application to
rehabilitation sciences.

Results Section

a) Figure 1 uses the “boot” tool part of the isokinetic dynamometer to produce torque and
measure passive force at various dorsiflexed positions such as 0, 10D (degrees of dorsiflexion),
and 20D. A T-test was used to analyze if a significant difference was present in the three joint
angles (P≤0.05). Between the torque values of 0, 10D, and 20D, a significant difference was
shown. This was also shown between 10D and 20D. Mean peak values at 0, 10D, and 20D
were 2.5Nm (SD =1.192), 5.3Nm (SD = 1.393), and 8.7 Nm (SD = 2.378).

b) Figure 2 uses a plantar flexor plate to measure torque regarding active force at different joint
angles (30P, 0 degrees, and 20D). A T-test was used to investigate the significant difference in
the three joint angles. P≤0.05, and a significant difference was shown in the torque values of
30P and 0. This was additionally shown in 30P and 20D, however no significant difference was
between 0 and 20D. Mean peak torque was 15.5 Nm, 30.1 Nm, and 31.5 Nm respectively at
30P (SD= 6.913), 0 (SD = 13.14), and 20D (SD = 20.49).

c) For males and females, respectively, orange and blue indicate the measurement of active
force in the elbow flexors at different joint angles (10, 70, 110, and 150). N=24 participants, all
McMaster Kinesiology students. Male peak torque values are 40.3 Nm, 54.5 Nm, 54.9 Nm, and
38.8 Nm at 10 degrees (SD = 15.6735), 70 degrees (SD = 14.0809), 110 degrees (SD =
13.5811), and 150 degrees (SD = 13.04421). The female peak torque values at 10 (SD =
6.1406), 70 (SD = 7.03376), 110 (SD = 7.7146), and 150 degrees (SD = 6.9000) are 18.7 Nm,
25.4 Nm, 34.3 Nm, and 34.3 Nm. Reducing elbow flexion generally results in greater torque

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 2

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

being produced. The different matching symbols on the graph, with the same symbols above
each bar value, show the corresponding bars with significant differences.

Figure 1.

This figure represents the passive force-length relation of the ankle plantarflexors. Average passive
torque is represented (Nm) at the given joint angles of 0, 10D, and 20D. The sample size is n=21
(McMaster Kinesiology students) and the * symbolizes the significant values in the groups (P≤0.05). At 0,
10D, and 20D, peak mean torque is 2.5 Nm (SD = 1.1919), 5.3 Nm (SD = 1.3928), 8.7 Nm (SD = 2.3775).
Overall, as length of muscle increases, the peak torque of passive force increases as displayed on the

Figure 2.

This figure represents the active force-length relation of the ankle plantarflexors. Average active force is
represented (Nm) at the given joint angles of 30 degrees of plantarflexion, 0, and 20 degrees of

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 3

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

plantarflexion. The sample size is n=21 (McMaster Kinesiology students) and the * symbolizes the
significant values in the groups (P≤0.05). At 30P, 0, and 20D, peak mean torque is 15.5 Nm (SD = 6.913),
30.1 Nm (SD = 13.14) , and 31.5 Nm (SD = 20.49). Overall, as length of muscle increases, the peak
torque in active force increases as displayed in the graph.

Figure 3.

Orange (male) and female (blue) represent the measurement of active force found in elbow flexors at the
various joint angles (10, 70, 110, 150). N=24 subjects (McMaster Kinesiology students). Average peak
male torque is 40.3 Nm, 54.5 Nm, 54.9 Nm, and 38.8 Nm at 10 (SD = 15.6735) , 70 (SD = 14.0809), 110
(SD =13.5811), and 150 degrees (SD = 13.04421) respectively. The average female peak torque is 18.7
Nm, 25.4 Nm, 34.3 Nm, 34.3 Nm at 10 (SD = 6.1406), 70 (SD = 7.03376), 110 (SD = 7.7146), and 150
degrees (SD = 6.9000). Overall, decrease in elbow flexion generally leads to greater torque produced.
The various corresponding symbols on the graph represent the significant differences between the
compared groups with the same symbols above their bar value.

Formal Discussion

The main purpose of this experiment was to investigate the peak torque recorded at

various lengths in the elbow flexors and ankle plantar flexors in various plantarflexed and

dorsiflexed positions. It was hypothesized that peak torque would occur later in the range of

motion as the muscle bulge interferes with an efficient moment arm and crossbridge formation is

suboptimal. While the passive FLR was established before the active phase by measuring

torque at increasing muscle lengths, the active FLR was investigated using maximal voluntary

isometric contractions (MVCs) at predetermined joint angles. Measurements of passive force, or

torque, will be made at muscle lengths, or at 0 (neutral ankle position), 5D (degrees in

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 4

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

dorsiflexion), 10D, 15D, and 20D. At 0, 10D, and 20D, the mean peak values were 2.5 Nm (SD

= 1.192), 5.3 Nm (SD = 1.393), and 8.7 Nm (SD = 2.378), respectively. The average peak

torque values at 30P (SD= 6.913), 0 (SD = 13.14), and 20D (SD = 20.49) were 15.5 Nm, 30.1

Nm, and 31.5 Nm, respectively. At 10 degrees (SD = 15.6735), 70 degrees (SD = 14.0809), 110

degrees (SD = 13.5811), and 150 degrees (SD = 13.04421), the male peak torque values are

40.3 Nm, 54.5 Nm, 54.9 Nm, and 38.8 Nm. The female peak torque values are 18.7 Nm, 25.4

Nm, 34.3 Nm, and 34.3 Nm at 10 (SD = 6.1406), 70 (SD = 7.03376), 110 (SD = 7.7146), and

150 degrees (SD = 6.9000).

Based on the findings, 20° of dorsiflexion produces the greatest total force for the ankle

plantar flexors. That is, the greatest combination of both active and passive force contributing to

the range of motion. This is where active force is the greatest. The joint angle places the highest

involvement of the musculature in the triceps surae leading to the greatest active force. Any

longer ranges of motion that are suboptimal in active force have greater involvement of passive

force and can even be at risk for rupture. In Marginson and Eston, 2001, it was found that Peak

torque was attained at 80° in men, observing maximal voluntary contractions at the knee joint.

Active force when the moment arm is in the most efficient line of pull and the leverage at the

joint positioning is most optimal for the individual.

The most optimal joint angle for the elbow flexors (see Figure 3) is at 110° for males and

110° to 150° for females. At 110°, males produce 54.9 Nm of torque, whereas at both 110° and

150° for females, mean torque produced is 34.3 Nm. These are the most optimal as the muscle

bulges of both male and female are lengthened, the moment arm can gain the most efficient line

of pull, allowing for the greatest torque production. This is similar to research (Sharma et al,

2020), where 90° is the elbow joint angle in males where the most isometric strength can be

generated. In another study, El-Ashker et al, 2022, the topic investigated had amateur boxers

that portrayed greatest elbow extensor strength values on the dominant side at ≥ 120°/s.

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 5

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

The reasoning behind the sex difference in force can be interpreted from the results of

the experiment. Males tend to produce force at larger joint angles due to their larger muscle

bulges compared to females. With a larger muscle belly, optimal joint angle occurs at a larger

length in the range of motion. Possible mechanisms for this are where crossbridge formation is

most optimal, as well as insertional and anatomical differences in participants. Males and

females have differences in body composition and muscle mass. These also contribute to

differences in force generated across the ranges of motion. Generally, at a longer joint angle,

men find their most optimal sarcomere length (2.0-2.2μm) to produce the most torque as the

‘bare zone’ consists of the maximal amount of overlap between actin and myosin filaments.

Peak voluntary strength in similar research (Tsunoda et al) occurs at 90° degrees for females

and at 120° in males.

This study highlights strength within various ranges of motion but is limited to the ankle

dorsiflexors, plantar flexors, and elbow flexors. Due to time, few participants were used which

can affect mean strength values due to limb length, training status, neural drive, etc. To propose

a future extension would be to examine the ranges of motion in the knee flexors, extensors,

(similar to Croix et al, 2017), as well as the glenohumeral joint flexors and extensors. This would

provide an insight to the strength of larger muscles at work and their contribution to peak torque

in ranges of motion.

In conclusion, this experiment investigated the contributions of both active and passive

force in the ankle plantarflexors seen at the various angles described previously. In general, as

joint angle increased in both the ankle flexors and elbow flexors, torque increased as the

moment arm gains greater leverage in males and females. This experiment can have

application to athletic performance development. Coaches and trainers can utilize equipment

and their knowledge of strength at different joint angles to optimize training qualities, improve

strength at joint angles, and train weak links in athletic ability.

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 6

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023


De Ste Croix M, ElNagar YO, Iga J, Ayala F, James D. The impact of joint angle and movement

velocity on sex differences in the functional hamstring/quadriceps ratio. Knee. 2017

Aug;24(4):745-750. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2017.03.012. Epub 2017 Apr 13. PMID: 28416087.

El-Ashker S, Chaabene H, Prieske O. Maximal isokinetic elbow and knee flexor-extensor

strength measures in combat sports athletes: the role of movement velocity and limb side.

BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 2022 Mar 16;14(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s13102-022-00432-2.

PMID: 35296340; PMCID: PMC8925177.

Marginson, Vicky & Eston, Roger. (2001). The relationship between torque and joint angle

during knee extension in boys and men. Journal of sports sciences. 19. 875-80.


Sharma HB, Das A, Tayade P, Deepak KK. Recording of length-tension relationship of elbow

flexors and extensors by varying elbow angle in human. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol


Tsunoda N, O'Hagan F, Sale DG, MacDougall JD. Elbow flexion strength curves in untrained

men and women and male bodybuilders. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol.

1993;66(3):235-9. doi: 10.1007/BF00235099. PMID: 8477679.

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 7

KIN2C03: Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology Fall 2023

Kinesiology 2C03 Lab 3

Exploring the Force-Length Relationship

Fillable Data Collection Sheet:

Table 1. Passive Force-Length Relation

Joint Angle Torque (Nm)

0 5D 10D 15D 20D

Participant 1 6 7 7.7 8.5 9

Table 2. Active Force-Length Relation

Joint Angle Force (Nm)

30P 20P 10P 0 5D 10D 15D 20D

Participant 1 25.7 39.9 45.2 50.1 47.2 39.8 31.2 24.6

Table 3. Maximum voluntary contractions (Nm) at four different joint angles.

ISO MVC 10° ISO MVC 70° ISO MVC 110° ISO MVC 150°

Female 31 42 43 30

Male 26 33 35 32

Lab 3: Force-Length Relationship (FLR 8

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