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Methods of Handling Objections

7 Easy Methods For Handling Customer’s Objections Effectively

February 7, 2022 by Sujan

Page Contents

7 Easy Methods For Handling Customer’s Objections Effectively

Relax and Listen

Agree and Counter

Turn Objections into Reasons for Buying

Ask Specific Questions

Admit Valid Objections and Counter

Postpone the Answer

Deny the Objection

7 Easy Methods For Handling Customer’s Objections Effectively

It is obvious that there is no specific and concrete method for handling objections. The method used by
one seller may not be suitable for another. Similarly, some prospects can never be convinced no matter
what method is used.

Customer’s objections are natural in selling, just by getting them a salesperson should not be depressed.
The key for handling objections is understanding why customers have made objections and figuring out
solutions that are mutually beneficial.
The one more key is trying to handle customers’ objections. Yet one technique is suitable for one seller
but not for another while handling customer’s objections despite this a seller should not give up without

However, I am sure that the below-mentioned methods are surely useful most of the time when you are
handling customer objections in your selling journey.

Relax and Listen

This method allows a salesperson to be patient in listening to the position of the customer who has
come up with certain objections. There should be no interruption when the objections are being put up.
Such interruptions may cause a quick end to the interview and the seller may be losing a sale.

Hence, the seller must follow the following steps with caution:

Welcome the prospect’s objections

Listen to all the points of objection in a relaxed manner

Ask some appropriate questions to further clarify the objections

Never interrupt a prospect when he/she is presenting his/her objections o Answer the objections
tactfully and intelligently.

Agree and Counter

Under this method, the salesperson agrees to the objections but tries to counter them with logical
answers, this is also known as the “Yes, but” method of handling objections. This method has some
psychological basis. In it, a salesperson needs to follow two steps, listen to and agree with the
customer’s objections, and, proceed to remind some of the points that the prospect might have missed

In the first step, the salesperson listens patiently and completely to the prospect’s objections. He/she
nods while listening. This nodding has a positive psychological effect. While coming up with his/her
objections, the prospect might have expected some argument from the salesperson, but, in fact, he/she
finds a reverse situation. This behavior of the salesperson makes the prospect think that he/she has
been given due respect. This feeling removes direct confrontation between the two parties. That is why
Dan Weadock says that it is good for a salesperson to agree with the prospect to the extent that the
agreement does not weaken the salesperson’s position.

In the second step, the salesperson should try to remind the prospect of some points he/she might have
forgotten or the points he/she was not aware of. Although this activity is a kind of countering the
prospect’s objections, a salesperson may make it a tool for answering objections and using the “Yes,
but…” method while presenting his/her points.


The prospect: I don’t like such a multi-functional and complex ‘remote’ for operating TV.

The seller: Mr. Y, I know exactly what sort of trouble you get while operating with this kind of remote
control but in this modern age, we have to accept some initial problems when we are using the latest
technology, don’ we?

The prospect: I want to replace it with a simpler one.

The seller: It’s ok. but I am afraid your children will prefer the multi-functional one. You know, children
are more curious about new gadgets.

Turn Objections into Reasons for Buying

This method is guided by the principle of the boomerang. A boomerang is a curved stick of hardwood
that is used to hit something by throwing; if it fails to hit the target, it returns back to the thrower. In the
same way, some intelligent and striking answers are used by the seller to persuade the prospect to buy
the product forgetting what he/she had objected to. If the seller succeeds in doing so, it is said that the
prospect’s objections have been turned into reasons for buying. If not, there is no loss for the
salesperson, because he/she had already assumed that the prospect was giving an excuse for not

Example 1,
The Prospect: I am too busy to meet you.

The Seller: I know you are a busy person, Mr. Y, and that’s the reason I want to consult you. The service
that I want to provide is for busy executives like you.

The Prospect: If that is so, I will be seeing you at 7. A.M. tomorrow.

The Seller: Thank you, I’ll be there tomorrow. (Objection turned into a cause for buying).

Example 2,

The Prospect: The price is too high.

The Seller: Yes, it’s too high, Mr. Y, but would you mind judging the quality of the product?

The Prospect: What quality? Do you think we are fools? (Failure to turn an objection into cause for

Ask Specific Questions

Although this method is widely used in evaluating real objections and excuses, it is particularly used in
handling price objections and in closing a sale.

In the course of separating and evaluating real objections and excuses, a salesperson may ask the
following questions when the prospect says, “I don’t like to deal with you.”

What makes you think so?

Why do you object to buying from our firm?

Would you mind saying what is in your mind more specifically so that we could make it clear?

In case the prospect says “I can get a machine at a cheaper cost” the questions seller can use could be as

No, I don’t agree. Do you know how long it will last and how well it will perform?

Do you want to say that you are using the least expensive machine?
What do you think is a fair price?

How much price difference do you find?

Is that your only object to our product?

Are you willing to buy if we make you satisfied with your objection regarding price?

The voice tone of the prospect while answering these questions will the salesperson to close a sale or to
decide to drop a prospect.

Admit Valid Objections and Counter

Although this method resembles the boomerang method, a typical difference can be observed. In using
this method, two steps are followed by the salesperson.

In the first step, the valid objection raised by the prospects is admitted for answering. In the second
step, the seller proceeds to show the compensating advantages of the product. This may be illustrated
as follows: first,

Proposition: Selling a six-cylinder car

The Objection: I am looking for only a four-cylinder car as the six-cylinder car uses too much gasoline.

The Replies: Step 1: No doubt, it uses too much gasoline. Step 2: But are you aware of these advantages,

A large easy riding car body.

More reserve power.

More comfortable.

Quick, and safer ride.

You feel less fatigued on long trips.

Do you think these advantages are enough to compensate somewhat for the larger consumption of

Proposition: Selling a plot of land.

The objection: I am looking for a cheaper plot.

The Replies: Step 1: I know you are looking for a chapter plot. Step 2:But have you thought of these

Convenient to reach

So wide road access

Electricity facility

Water supply lines

Residential area with doctors, professors, and engineers in the neighbouthood.

When a prospect is convinced, the objection is said to have been handled effectively.

Postpone the Answer

This method of handling objection can be used in two situations-when the objection occurs at the
beginning of the sales presentation or when the salesperson determines that the objection is an excuse
and not a valid one.

If the objection comes at the beginning of the sales presentation, the salesperson should postpone
responding to it saying that the objection will be answered later because he/she has not reached that
point of the sales presentation. He/she should convince that he/she will answer satisfactorily when the
point of objection conies up in the presentation. Then, he should proceed with the presentation.

When the seller reaches the presentation stage in which the prospect’s objection belongs, the objection
should be answered. Hence postponing does not mean ignoring the answer. If the objection is simply an
excuse and not valid, the salesperson should use his/her own experience and skill to handle it without
spending time and effort unnecessarily that is why Paderson Wright and Witze say, “Experience is the
sales representative’s working capital drawn on it”, In this situation, postponing an answer does not
mean not answering. It simply means, “Escape from the situation by using polite words of excuse.”
Deny the Objection

The implementation of this method requires great skill and intelligence. Specifically, a direct denial could
be too harmful. Hence, the salesperson should use indirect denial. The indirect denial, here, denotes the
use of tactical words for answering. Politeness and’ diplomacy can help salespeople while expressing
denial in the course of handling an objection. It does not mean that the salesperson cannot use direct
denial. Of course, he may use direct denial in case ‘the prospect makes false accusations against the
company and the product.

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