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"If I could tell you that I'd have the mystery half solved.


“Andai ku katakan padamu bahwa aku punya misteri setengah terpecahkan.”

She said that she would like to look around the grounds of Twin Elms.

Nancy bilang dia akan memeriksa sekeliling lahan Twin Elms.

"It may give us a clue as to how the thief got into the house."

“Bisa memberikan kami petunjuk bagaimana cara pencuri itu masuk ke

dalam rumah.”

As they strolled along, Nancy kept a sharp lookout but saw nothing
suspicious. At last they came to a half-crumbled brick walk laid out in an
interesting crisscross pattern.

“Sementara kedua gadis itu berjalan, Nancy tetap memeriksa dengan

seksama tapi tidak menemukan hal yang mencurigakan. Setidaknya mereka
menjumpai desing kontruksi patahan bata dengan pola menyilang yang

"Where does this walk lead?" Nancy asked.

“Kemana arah jalan ini?” Tanya Nancy.

"Well, I guess originally it went over to Riverview Manor, the next property,"
Helen replied.

"I'll show you that mansion later. The first owner was a brother of the man
who built this place."

“Yah, aku rasa seharusnya jalan ini menuju Riverview Manor, properti
berikutnya,” “Aku akan tunjukkan mansion itu nanti. Pemilik pertama
adalah kakak dari orang yang membangun rumah ini.”

Helen went on to say that Riverview Manor was a duplicate of Twin Elms
mansion. The two brothers had been inseparable companions, but their sons
who later lived there had had a violent quarrel and had become lifelong
enemies. "Riverview Manor has been sold several times during the years but
has been vacant for a long time."

Helen melanjutkan bicaranya bahwa Reverview Manor adalah tiruan asli dari
Twin Elms mansion. Kedua bersaudara itu pernah menjadi rekan tak
terpisahkan, tapi anak-anak lelaki mereka yang kemudian tinggal di sana
selalu bertengkar dan menjadi musuh abadi. “Riverview Manor dijual
beberapa kali bertahun-tahun tapi kosong sepanjang waktu.

"You mean no one lives there now?" Nancy asked.

“kamu maksud saat ini kosong?” Tanya Nancy.

As Helen nodded, she added with a laugh, "Then maybe that's the ghost's

Helen menggangguk sambil tertawa, “jadi mungkin hantu itu pulang ke


"In that case he really must be a ghost," said Helen lightly.

“Maka dari itu pencuri itu pasti si hantu,” kata Helen sepele.

"There's not a piece of furniture in the house."

“Tak ada satupun perabot di mansion itu.”

The two girls returned to the Twin Elms mansion and reported their lack of
success in picking up a clue to the intruder.

Kedua gadis itu kembali ke Twin Elms mansion dan melaporkan

ketidakberhasilan mencari petunjuk penyeludup itu.

Nancy, recalling that many Colonial houses had secret entrances and
passageways, asked Miss Flora, "Do you know of any secret entrance to your
home that the thief could use?"

Nancy, ingat bahwa banyak rumah bergaya colonial memiliki pintu dan
lorong rahasia, bertanya ke nona Flora, “Apakah anda tahu ada pintu rahasia
di rumah yang pencuri mungkin bisa menggunakannya?”

She said no, and explained that her husband had been a rather reticent
person and had passed away when Rosemary was only a baby. "It's just
possible he knew of a secret entrance, but did not want to worry me by
telling me about it," Mrs. Turnbull said.

Nona Flora bilang tidak, dan menjelaskan bahwa suaminya dulunya orang
yang cukup pemalu dan meninggal ketika Rosemary masih bayi. “Bisa saja
suaminya mengetahui pintu rahasia, tapi tidak ingin membuat ku kuatir
dengan mengatakan kepada ku tentang pintu itu,” kata Nyonya Turnbull.

Aunt Rosemary, sensing that her mother was becoming alarmed by the
questions, suggested that they all have lunch.

Bibi Rosemary, merasakan bahwa ibunya menjadi waspada dengan

pertanyaan itu, menyarankan mereka semua untuk makan siang.

The two girls went with her to the kitchen and helped prepare a tasty meal
of chicken salad, biscuits, and fruit gelatin.

Kedua gadis imengikuti bibi Rosemary ke dapur dan membantu menyiapkan

chicken salad yang lezat, biscuit, dan pudding gelatin buah.

During the meal the conversation covered several subjects, but always came
back to the topic of the mystery. They had just finished eating when
suddenly Nancy sat straight up in her chair.

Selama makan, percakapan mengenai beberapa hal, tapi selalu kembali lagi
ke topik misteri. Mereka baru saja selesai makan ketika tiba-tiba Nancy
bangun dari kursinya.

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