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Introduction to Sociology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Guelph
Fall 2023
Instructor: Dr. D. Behnke-Cook

Essay Proposal and Essay Guidelines

What sociologists attempt to do through their research efforts, and/or applied

or community-based work is essentially try to come to some understanding
about how the social world works. We try to come to some understanding of
why people treat others they way they do, why people have expectations of
self and others in terms of our behaviours as related to race, class and gender,
and to come to some understanding about the kinds of opportunities some
people have, while others may not. In the end, we try to understand these
social phenomena so that we can address them and hopefully make the world
a better place.

This essay is your opportunity to address an issue that matters to you on a

personal level. As mentioned in class, Family is considered the primary
socialization agent. Meaning, being a member of a specific family, or not, has
had an immeasurable impact on you in terms of who you think you are, and
how you navigate your way through the world. We want to hear about your
experiences… You can choose any topic that resonates with you from the
following areas:

Family: The Primary Socialization Agent

How has your family had an impact on you? What did your family teach
you? What have been the best “lessons” you were taught by your family?
What were the worst lessons? How have these lessons impacted what you
think of yourself and the kinds of expectations you have of self and others?


Were you treated differently than opposite sex siblings, or based on your
gender identity/sexual orientation, and if yes, how has that impacted you?

Did your family teach you what to believe in terms of religious group
membership, or political viewpoints? If so, how has that impacted you
either positively, negatively, or both, in terms of how you see your place in
the world?


Do you have something to say about adoption, or not having a family, or

about same sex marriage, or about inter-racial relationships, or rich
family/poor family? In other words…Any topic that has to do with FAMILY.
(If you are unsure about your topic, ask Deanna )

Carefully review the following information which includes guidelines

for writing essay proposals and essays, important formatting details,
and responses to frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Formatting and Submission Instructions:

1. Papers (proposal and essay) must be doubled-spaced with 12 point font in

Times New Roman.
2. Please include page numbers and word count for your essay.
3. Please use APA referencing format when you refer to textbook citations,
journal articles, readings/quotes.
4. Please use first-person pronouns freely. We want to hear about your
5. Please submit your work via the Dropbox on our Courselink.
6. Please submit your proposal and essay in either Microsoft Word or PDF
7. Please include a cover page with your essay topic title, your name and your
U of G Student ID number.

Essay Proposal Guidelines:

1. Value: 5% of your Final Grade.

2. Length: 1- 1.5 pages, double-spaced.

3. Please submit via the Dropbox on Courselink

4. Your proposal will provide a brief introduction to the essay you plan to
write. It will allow you the opportunity to receive written feedback about
your ideas and the theory you plan to use. You may use subheadings in
your proposal to organize your work.
a. You should begin by reading Chapter 12 “Family Groups and
b. You will then provide a one-paragraph description of the topic area
you intend to discuss. At this point your description does not need
to be overly detailed, but you should provide enough information
for your TA to assist you and provide feedback.
You must cite a least 1 academic source (textbook, and/or journal
article) source in your essay proposal.

5. Theory
a. Next, identify the sociological theory that you believe best suits the
paper you intend to write. (Read about these theories in Chapter
12….it is nicely laid our for you  )
b. For the theory you choose, you should first describe the theory in
your own words (1-2 sentences so we know you understand that
theory) and then explain how that theory can be used to help
understand your own personal experiences in your family/personal
experiences. Again, please be sure to have a look at the theory
section of Chapter 12 to help you! (we likely will not have covered
them all in class before your proposal is due).

6. Thesis
a. Finally tell us what your essay’s main point or argument will be and
how theory will support your argument. For example, if you believe
that “Family” is irreplaceable in terms of moving society forward,
you might choose to use Structural Functionalist Theory. If you
believe that your family treated you differently because of your
gender identity, you might consider Feminist Theory, or if you are
interested in discussing the interactions that occur between family
members, and how those shape people’s lives, you may wish you
use Symbolic Interactionist Theory.
b. Please DO NOT use direct quotes in your proposal. Please
paraphrase everything (in your own words) so we know you
understand the material before you go on to write your essay.

Essay Guidelines

1. Value: 15% of your Final Grade

2. Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced 12 point font in Times New Roman
3. Please submit via the Dropbox on Courselink.
4. Your essay will build upon the essay proposal by more fully describing
the experiences you had growing up in your family/your experiences
with family group membership/or non-membership thus far.
5. You must cite at least 3 academic sources in your essay (your text,
journal articles from the library or on-line journals about family).
All material that is not your own (any ideas, statements, quotations)
must be properly cited and referenced. This includes explanations of the
theory derived from the textbook or class lectures/films. If you are
unsure whether you are referencing properly, please contact a TA for
assistance. You may re-use material from your essay proposal.
6. Your essay should be comprised of the following sections (please
DO use subheadings to organize your paper)
a. INTRODUCTION: (approximately ½- 1 page). In this section you
will briefly introduce the topic you will discuss, identify the
theory you have selected for your paper to and briefly state its
applicability in terms of explaining or making sense of your own
experiences thus far.
FAMILY (approximately 2 pages).
In this section, you will fully develop your ideas and explain to
the reader how you have been impacted by your family/non-
family membership, and how those lessons, or experiences have
translated into how you navigate the world and/or how you
believe you will raise/have/not have a family of your own.

c. CONCLUSION: (approximately ½ page). Finally you should

conclude your essay by re-stating your thesis and briefly
summarizing your argument. At this point you should also
consider the value of the theory you selected for understanding
the experience you have had with “family”, and suggest any
revisions to the theory that you believe might make it more
useful. And that’s it!!!!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I change my theory or topic after my essay proposal is graded?

Yes, you may change your topic and/or the theory you will use for your
essay after receiving feedback on your essay proposal. You do not need
to inform us that you plan to do so. Note, however, that you cannot
submit another essay proposal –that is you will not receive additional
formal feedback on your new ideas. You are welcome to see me during
office hours or speak with your TA to discuss your ideas,
What types of articles can I select?
You may select articles from any reputable academic/editorial source
(i.e., you may not use videos, podcasts, etc. – the articles you select must
be from an academic/editorial source including the textbook, journal
articles, book chapters etc.). You may use print or online articles, or
magazines . You should not use material published on blogs, Wikipedia,
or the websites of other organizations that are not academic sources. If
you are uncertain about your sources, speak to your TA well in advance
of the submission deadline.

Can I use direct quotes?

You may not use any direct quotes in your essay proposal – you must
paraphrase all written work, which helps to demonstrate your
understanding of the material. Direct quotes may be used in the essay.

What material do I need to cite?

You must cite all materials that are not your own ideas. This will include,
at minimum, your theory, and any quotes you use from your articles to
support your ideas. If you are unsure of what to cite, err on the side of
caution and over-cite. Material that is cited in the body of your essay must
then be fully referenced on a separate reference page at the end of your

What format should I use for citations and references?

Please use APA referencing format.

How formally should I write?

The essay proposal and essay are formal written assignments; thus, you
should write formally. This means that you should use appropriate
grammar and spelling, and you should avoid the use of contractions. You
likely will write a significant portion of your paper in the first person
(i.e., you may use “I” in your written work), but your work should be free
from spelling errors, be grammatically correct, logical, and coherent in
its organization and presentation. In other words, you will be marked for
the quality of your writing, so please make sure to proof read your work
before submitting it. If you are unsure about your writing ability or need
help, you can access a variety of resources through Writing Services. The
Library also has a helpful page on writing in Sociology, which is available

Please see me or any of our TAs for further assistance (office hours
are posted on our Courselink) or if you have any other questions.
We look forward to reading your papers!

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