Brielle Bellerand - Lesson Plan 3

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Lesson Plan Template: YOUR NAME: Brielle Bellerand

Lesson Title or Compelling

Question: Our Neighborhood: The Things We Do

Example: How do You What do we do to maintain cleanliness in our neighborhood?

Distinguish Between a Need and
a Want?

Grades (You can select another 2-3

grading sequence, such as K-2, or 1-
3, or 3-5)

Time One-class period

NCSS Standards Science, Technology, and Society

C3 Framework:
The College, Career, and Civic Life D2.Civ.6.K-2. Describe how communities work to accomplish
(C3) Framework for Social Studies common tasks, establish responsibilities, and fulfill roles of
State Standards: Guidance for authority
Enhancing the Rigor of K-12 Civics,
Economics, Geography, and History
D2.Civ.14.K-2. Describe how people have tried to improve their
communities over time.

D2.Geo.5.K-2. Describe how human activities affect the cultural

and environmen- tal characteristics of places or regions

Common Core State Standards

Common Core State Standards for
1) Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where,
English Language Arts & Literacy in
when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of
History/Social Studies, Science, and
key details in a text
Technical Subjects (
2) Use information gained from the illustrations and
Incorporate at least one Reading
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
Standard for Literature K–5 (See
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
page 11 of 66)
3) Distinguish their own point of view from that of. the
narrator or those of the characters.

Lesson Plan Template: YOUR NAME: Brielle Bellerand

Objectives What do you want students to know and be able to do or

appreciate at the end of the lesson?
1. Review the Financial
Literacy Standards.
2. See page 11 pf 42. By the end of the lesson: Students will be able to understand
3. Select an objective that: 1. Most income is taxed by the government to pay for
content/uploads/2021/10/2021- government-provided goods and services .
Financial-Education.pdf a. 4-7b . Explain why citizens are required to
contribute to the cost of fire protection, police,
public libraries, and schools .

Differentiation: How will you For struggling students,

modify the lesson or help students
- During the group collaboration, allow them to work in
who need extra attention to learn
a teacher-led group
what you want them to learn?
- You may even replay the BrainPop video for
the group on a laptop and individualize the
different points they make in the video to
assist in making the group’s list

Interest Building (introduction BrainPop Video: Humans and the Environment

anticipatory set) How will you For the 1st 10 min of class, watch the video tagged above. In
introduce this lesson? this video, students will hear about the different ways in which
we can harm the planet as well as different methods to prevent
or fix those bad habits.

Lesson Development Class discussion:

- After watching the BrainPop video, ask your students

the following questions
What will you do and the students
do in the next 20-25 minutes so - What do you and your family do to keep your
that students will learn what you part of the neighborhood clean?
want them to learn? (i.e., We will - Who is responsible for keeping the
hold a mock election) neighborhood clean? Are these people
included your DREAM neighborhood?

- During the discussion, bring up that their parent’s tax

dollars help to keep the neighborhood clean

- Ask “ What would happen if we didn’t direct

funds to neighborhood maintenance?”

Lesson Plan Template: YOUR NAME: Brielle Bellerand

- By the end of this class discussion, students should

have an idea of who keeps the neighborhood clean,
what’s done to keep it clean, and why we must
continue to do so.

Group Work:

- In groups of 4’s students will develop a list of action

plans they’ll incorporate in their DREAM
neighborhoods to keep it clean

- The list must include at least 5 plans

- Plans should target the following

- Air Pollution

- Trash

- Plant maintenance

- Water Pollution

- Energy Conservation

- After their lists are made, allow each group to share

one method they decided on.

Assessment Homework: Now that students brainstormed ideas to maintain

cleanliness and heard ideas from peers in other groups, they
How will you know if students will incorporate it into their DREAM neighborhood project.
have learned what you wanted
them to learn? What assessments - Students will have to bring home their DREAM
will you implement so that you will neighborhood maps and make sure the following is
know if they learned the materials included by tomorrow's class
(the objectives for the day)?
- Physical features that make a neighborhood
(Day 1)

- People with important roles used to protect

the neighborood (Day 2)

- Habits that work to maintain a clean

neighborhood (Day 3)

Materials - BrainPop Account

What do you need in terms of - Collected drafts to hand out again

materials and resources to teach
- Pencils

Lesson Plan Template: YOUR NAME: Brielle Bellerand

this lesson? - Projector

Integration CCS ELA:Students are required to participate in conversations

with diverse partners (discussion) which is an integration of
How can you integrate other CCSS ELA Literacy/CCRA .R.1. Students are reading closely to
subject areas in this lesson? How see what the text says to make literacy connections between
do you plan to integrate the English
their maps and the video (Humans and the Environment ) .
Language Arts (ELA) in this lesson?
CCS ELA CCRA: W.4: Produce clear coherent writing in which
the development, organization and style, are appropriate to
the task, purpose and audience

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