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How I Get Rich;
How I Make My Clients Richer Search
Posted on August 1, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
8 Ways Business Owners, Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Marketing Execs and Copywriters world
Can Produce Bigger Winners More Often by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Business Builder,

A lot has been said recently about the fact that I make five to ten times more
money than most copywriters and even copywriting coaches.

The American Writers and Artists Institute is blasting out thousands of letters
bearing a headline announcing that I make more than $1 million a year. The
great direct response guru Bob Bly tells his readers that I earn more than any
copywriter alive.

Frankly, I wince when people say stuff like that. For one thing, who knows if
it’s true? Unless every copywriter in America submitted his or her tax returns
for comparison, there’s no way to be sure.

What worries me most is that when some people hear this, they figure I must
be the most expensive copywriter out there. Baloney. The truth is, my fees
are only a measly eight to ten percent of what I earn for my clients.

That said, it is true that I do pretty well in the royalty department. My best
year so far was 2003 – nearly $3 million. Next best? Nearly $2 million in
2002. My best month? July of 2003: $650,000 in royalties. In all, I’ve only had
two years under $1 million in the last ten, and in both of those years, I only
missed it by an eyelash.

So what’s the deal here? Do I make up to 1,000% more because I write ten
times more direct response ads and mail packages? Is it because I’m ten[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

times smarter or ten times the writer everyone else is?

Absolutely, unequivocally NO on all counts!

But I do have a secret – a secret that will multiply any good copywriter’s
income and send his client’s profits through the roof.

So if you’re a copywriter looking to make millions …

Or if you’re a business owner or marketing exec looking to help your

copywriters earn you tens of millions, even hundreds of millions more than
they do now …

… Snag a cup of Starbucks and have a seat. This will take a little while, but
when we’re done, you’ll have the keys to the kingdom.

I’m about to pull another one

of my famous disappearing acts.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not welching on my promise to help you get bigger
winners more often in The Total Package. And if you’re a client who has
already reserved some of my time between now and Christmas, rest
assured: You’ll get your copy.

But that’s probably going to be all the freelance copywriting I do for a long

Taking myself off of the freelance market is not unusual for me. I know: I’ve
seen me do it four times before …

The first time was in 1982, when I spent a year focused exclusively on
Security Rare Coin in Minneapolis (120,000 new customers; sales
jumped from $360,000 to $16 million a month in one year).

In 1983, I disappeared again, then showed up in New Orleans, working

exclusively with Blanchard & Company (quadrupled sales to $120
million a year; helped the owner sell the company for $45 million).

In 1992, I took myself off the market to focus exclusively on Phillips

Publishing (2 million new subscribers for Health & Healing plus many
more for other letters).

And in 1999, I did it again to give my undivided attention to Weiss

Research (more than quadrupled subscriber files, made Safe Money
Report the largest $99 investment letter in the world, helped quadruple
profits on the house file).

Each time I vanished, former clients began to wonder, “Why isn’t Clayton
calling for a new assignment?”[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

Then, they noticed something funny on the data cards they use to select
mailing lists: A small competitor’s customer file was suddenly growing like
crazy – doubling …
tripling … quadrupling, or even more.

The marketing people got curious. They called a meeting to examine the up-
and-comer’s direct mail and try to figure out why it’s working so well. And
they put out feelers to see who’s writing the copy, hoping to get on the hot
new writer’s schedule.

Each time the answer has been the same: “It’s nobody new – just Clayton.”

Now, I’m about to go underground yet again. Here’s why …

My best years ever began yesterday.

Early this year, a dear friend and former accomplice of mine called to say
“Hi.” My buddy and I worked together on a variety of projects since the early
1980s – and he now owns a successful company that handles the nuts-and-
bolts end of things for small-ish direct marketers: Promotion and media
planning, printing, mailing, response analysis, IT, that kind of stuff.

Actually, my old pal was calling to say more than just “Hi.” He wanted to
know if I’d consider accepting a freelance assignment from one of his clients:
A small direct response company I’d never heard of. (Sorry – confidentiality
agreements prohibit me from disclosing proprietary information about clients
I’m currently working with – including in this case, the client’s name).

I declined, saying I was giving up the freelance writing racket. I was looking
for one good client in whom I could fully invest myself.

Ideally, I was looking for a client who would benefit from “The Total Package:”
Not just copy, but everything I have to offer – consulting on corporate
structure and marketing procedures … product development … new
customer acquisition campaign strategies … customer lifetime value
optimization … and of course, copywriting, graphic design, response analysis
and roll-out strategy.

In short, a client who would give me the freedom to take him to the moon,
thus making us both millions.

My friend got excited: “This could be the guy!” he said. “This guy is a dream
client. He’s smart, honest, hard-working, has a kick-butt product line. He’s
already growing his company by leaps and bounds, gives copywriters their
heads, and pays promptly. What more could you possibly want?”

I dunno – Angelina Jolie in a compromising position?

I accepted one assignment on a trial basis – a “first date” – to see if there was
chemistry between us, with both parties agreeing that the goal was a long-[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

term, in-depth relationship.

Long story short:

The client was a dream to work with.

The work went quickly.
My copy beat his control by three to one.
We drew up a long-term contract and got hitched.

Before the ink dried on our new contract, I asked the client and my friend to
meet me in Atlanta for an intensive weekend of review, brainstorming and
strategy – three days to rethink the client’s company, products and
promotions – and get us all ready for the explosive growth we were about to

The cast of characters

There would be five of us, I figured: The client, my friend, The Redhead,
Carline and myself.

Introductions are in order:

The Redhead (A.K.A. “Wendy”) isn’t called that just because she has red hair
(which she does). We call her that because she is a redhead in every sense
of the word: Fiery, spontaneous, fast-talking, fast-walking, pert and
impertinent, impish and impudent, and smart as hell. Killer smile. Cute can.

The Redhead is a former Director of Marketing for Phillips Publishing – the

giant publishing company on the Potomac. She started in customer service at
the ripe old age of 18 and worked her way up over a decade – learning and
improving every facet of that direct response business.

She counted the money in the mail room … cheerfully handled cranky
subscribers in customer service … designed budgets and response reports
for the marketing departments she served … fought printers for every nickel
and sweated over hot press checks at 2:00 AM … created reams of
successful mail plans … built and managed a crackerjack marketing staff …
hired copywriters and critiqued their copy … and built Health & Healing into
the single most successful health newsletter in the history of health

Then one day, some unprincipled bastard stole her away from Phillips,
married her, and made her the mother of my kids.

So The Redhead was going to be there. So was Carline.

Carline Anglade-Cole is, well, a force of Nature. She’s got more energy
than Three Mile Island: Lights up every room she walks into. Makes you
laugh until your sides ache. Makes Robin Williams seem like an insufferable
bore. I adore her.[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

When The Redhead was Marketing Director at Phillips, Carline was her
wingman – doing list plans, ordering lists, taking care of all the details. A few
years ago, Carline called to ask if I’d make her a copywriter. “OK,” I said. We
wrote a bunch of direct mail promotions together, then she took off on her

She did good. Carline has more controls under her belt than you have fingers
on your hands. Her royalties are huge, and she’s living the dream: A custom
swimming pool for the family … a new Corvette for her hubby … a lavish new
home for her mom … college educations for all four kids … and most
recently, Carline’s royalties allowed her family to move into a brand-spanking
new Tara-style mansion in Atlanta.

So that was my part of the team.

On my client’s side, I expected him to bring himself – a brilliant, creative,

detail-oriented, and determined young man who has done pretty much
everything right. He doubled sales revenues every year for the first several
years. Last year, revenues grew by 50%, and this year, they’re on track for
30% growth.

And of course, I expected my client to bring my old friend – a marketing

organizer, implementer, expediter and analyzer extraordinaire.

But to my surprise, my client brought a much bigger team: His brilliant,

vivacious beauty queen of a wife, his four amazing kids, his winsome sister-
in-law and her son, and his business-savvy dad and mom!

When’s the last time a “copywriter” did all

this for you?
Then we had the three most intense days I have ever had. We put every
aspect of my client’s company under the microscope.

At the end of each day, I was completely spent. My head hurt, my body
ached, and I collapsed unconscious into the bed.

I loved every minute of it.

Just a few of the high points …

We gave our new client powerful tools to maximize the lifetime value
of each of his customers …

We showed him how to attract tens of thousands of additional new

customers each year …

We showed him how to consistently create blockbuster products

with fewer misfires …

We showed him how to multiply the number of sales he’ll make to[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

new customers in their first 60 days with him …

We ramped up the selling power of his existing promotion packages

with great new headlines and test ideas …

We helped him get more from his list brokers and copywriters …

We handed him a complete web strategy that will bring him tens of
thousands of new customers … ramp up sales among existing
customers … and even lower the average age of his customers – all
for less than $10,000 in start-up fees.

We gave him a dozen hot new product ideas …

And we gave him a 90-day plan for quadrupling his new-to-file


My fee for all of this: $0

It was the best money I never earned.

My guess is that the tools, strategies, new products and the new promotions
we’ll be doing will more than double the size of my client’s active customer
file in the next 12 months.

I’m also predicting that beginning in September, each new customer will
spend an absolute minimum of five times more money with him in their first
60 days on his file.

And I’ll bet dollars to donuts that the combination of these hot new products,
more efficient marketing strategies and more powerful sales copy will have
him at $200 million in two years – a 1,000% increase – and at $300 million in

Of course, the royalties my team will earn on all of this will be well into the
millions of dollars each and every year – and still be about half the “tip” you
give to a good waiter: Only about 10% of his vastly increased net sales.

Any way you look at it, that’s a LOT better than

freelancing – BOTH for my client and for me!
Don’t get me wrong: Freelancing has been very good to me. If you’re a
freelancer, you accept assignments to create direct response ads and mail
packages for many different clients and for many different products. It’s a
great way to get started in this business.

But frankly, a lot about it really sucks.

First, there’s the whole “selling yourself” thing. You have to bang the phone
and pound the pavement to get assignments. You have to spend valuable
time scheduling your writing time – and then juggling your schedule to[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

accommodate your clients.

Not fun. Worse than that, not productive. Nobody pays you to do this stuff.
They pay you to write. Period.

Then, there’s the learning curve on each new job. You have to spend days,
even weeks of each new project learning about the market … learning about
the client … wrapping your mind around the product.

Even if you write for the same client three, four or more times a year, you still
have to shift gears each time you return to him. And more often than not,
you’ll have to learn about a product you’ve never promoted before each time.

This, too, is dead time for copywriters. When we’re not producing copy, we’re
not earning money. When we’re not earning money, we’re spending it.

Next, there’s the chemistry thing. Some clients you’re going to love, and
they’re going to love you back. But sometimes, the chemistry is just all
wrong. The client doesn’t “get” you, or vice-versa. Or maybe you find yourself
working with a newbie who is intent on systematically destroying your copy.
Big bummer.

Finally, there’s the competition. It’s one thing to take aim at a control and
beat the living daylights out of it. That’s good fun. But more often than not,
the client throws your package up against two or three new packages by
other, equally gifted writers.

No matter how well you do your job, there’s a significant probability the theme
or premium or offer you’ve been assigned won’t resonate as well as those
given to your competitors. If so, you’re going to get creamed. No royalties for

All that goes away when you choose to focus on a single client. There’s no
selling. No dead spots. No scheduling nightmares. No problems with
chemistry; you had it or you wouldn’t have the relationship. And you never
have to worry about the competition. You’re free to put 110% of your energy
into every project with no distractions whatsoever.

Is it any wonder that copywriters who pursue these kinds of relationships wind
up with bigger winners, more often, and greater income?

If you’re a copywriter, here’s my advice …

1. Expand your skills. OK, so you’re a creative pro. Maybe it’s time to
immerse yourself in the science of direct response. Take courses. Read
books. Attend seminars. Do whatever it takes to get a solid grasp of the nuts-
and-bolts side of the business.

Why? Because as you better understand the challenges your clients face,
you’ll be able to create packages that better fill their needs.[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

Few copywriters give much thought to anything but the copy. You’ll be miles
ahead if you also consider …

What are your clients looking for? Maximum response at break-even

(produces the most new customers)? Or maximum return on investment
(produces the greatest profit per piece mailed)?

How does your client track response and read results? Is there a way to
help your clients get back out into the mail faster, therefore doing more
mailings per year? Roll out with bigger numbers sooner, sending annual
mail quantities and your royalties into the stratosphere?

Which kinds of test panels should you recommend to give you a better
chance of winning? What headline, guarantee, offer, response device and
other test ideas hasn’t the client thought of?

How does the cost of the format you’ve chosen for your package affect
your odds of winning? Should you stick with something cheap – say a two-
color report-style piece? Or will a big, tabloid-sized piece give you enough
of a lift to more than offset the added cost?

Go to school on web-based marketing. Get a grasp on how to launch and

promote an e-zine and a website. Study the differences between writing
for the web and writing for print. Then, offer your services for web-based
promotions as well as direct mail and print.
Having a mastery of the “other side” of the business can not only give you
bigger winners more often; but it also makes you a more valuable
contributor to your clients’ success.

2. Be more selective. Seek assignments from clients who have the

resources to help you to big winners. Avoid clients who drag their feet,
demand scores of unnecessary drafts or insist on treating you as “just a

Covet clients who are eager to have you participate in a wider range of
marketing activities, and who welcome ideas for sharpening their company
and product positioning and their offers.

3. Seek long-term relationships. When you’ve found a client you work well
with and with whom you are able to produce strong controls, start a
conversation about how you might improve your relationship with them.
Consider innovative compensation strategies that work better for both of you,
up to and including a multi-year exclusive with that client.

Knowing the client’s company, market and products inside-out will save you
time on each job, enable you to produce more jobs per year, and get bigger
winners, more often!

If you hire writers, here's how to get their best …

I’ve spent a lot of time on both sides of this equation. And if you’re a business
owner or marketing exec who hires writers, I feel your pain.[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

Copywriters can be a pain in the ass: Quirky, preening, self-willed, creative

weirdos who require careful handling to protect their fragile egos.

They’re almost never available when you need them and hound you for
assignments when you don’t. They constantly stray from the themes they’ve
been assigned … demand that you produce piles of costly new premiums …
write way too long or way too short … fail to substantiate crucial facts they’ve
presented in the copy … buck like hell against your compliance guidelines …
and pout like 3-year-olds when you critique their “brilliant” first drafts.

And of course, to a copywriter, your deadline is important only because it

indicates how many weeks late your job is going to be. After all – you’re just
one of their clients. If you get mad, they’ll just move on.

On the other hand, you have copywriters you love. And deepening your
relationship with the best of the best can only pay huge dividends for you.

So if you’re a business owner or marketing exec, why not …

1. Get closer to your best writers: Look for opportunities to meet face to
face and bond with writers who give you winners. Fly them in. Fly out to see
them. Invite them on the company picnic. Send them the company
newsletter. Have the prez send a balloon bouquet with every new control. A
strong personal relationship transcends everything – including money – in
keeping your writers motivated.

2. Think outside the box: It’s hard, I know; the freelance copywriter model
has been around so long, doing things differently feels risky. And unless
you’re the owner, you may have to fight some internal battles to break the

But why not identify the one, two or even three writers who consistently
produce winners for you and lock them up? Consider incentivizing them with
retainer deals or a small override on back-end sales made to the new
customers they produce for you. Sweeten the pot, and you’ll get the best
more often than your competitors will.

And why not ask your superstar writers to mentor and/or copy chief a junior
writer on a few projects? You’ll get more packages per year and maybe even
a great new writer!

3. Encourage your copywriters to give you more: Challenge your writers

to get more involved in the marketing process. Offer rewards to writers who
find ways to improve your offer, premiums or guarantee.

4. Engage writers to write back-to-back packages for the same product:

The one time a writer is most immersed in your product is when he’s just
finished writing a promotion for it. A second package right away requires no
learning curve whatsoever – and he’s got tons of ideas he couldn’t use in the
package he just finished.[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

Try it: It works like a charm!

5. If a great writer makes an offer to focus exclusively on your

company’s products, jump on it!

Unorthodox? Yes. But aren’t all breakthrough ideas?

Remember: I’ve tried it four times. So far, I’m batting a thousand. Each time,
the client’s sales exploded. Each time, I made a mint. Any way you look at it,
that’s a big win-win for everybody.

Why wouldn’t it work for you?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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6 Responses to How I Get Rich;

How I Make My Clients Richer

Brian Bailey says:

June 6, 2008 at 10:15 pm

Hi, very interesting thus far. Have you got any ‘magic’ advice you can
supply me so I can grow an incredibly viable marketing business,
currently only off-line (will become on-line too when I can afford to). I
own an entirely unique marketing product (a new way for businesses
to advertise) where we can produce results over 80% (norm is 0.02%
response) with a results guarantee. It operates as a ‘promotions
network’ with a closed-loop referral system, so generates client
loyalty and a buyer data-base too. So efficient and effective a new[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

client costs around 70cents only.

My trouble? I’m a manufacturing systems developer(lean, continuous

improvement etc) so have no idea how to get it to market. Nor can
afford to throw any cash at it now, having wasted my small capital
trying to launch. So, where do I find somebody like you that will join
me, get us to market, grow us brilliantly and take a solid contracted
permanent percentage? I would love to know where the genius I
need is hiding. everything is ready to go in Australia, NZ and actually
anywhere else. It is a patent-pending business system too.


Rick says:
April 19, 2012 at 2:03 pm

I don’t remember how I found the training you guys put

together but I know it started with me wanting to learn to write
sales letters. I haven’t gone a day without using the training
you guys share here, for a long time now.

Thank you.


Nancy Hyden Woodward says:

June 6, 2008 at 10:26 pm

Clayton,Can hardly wait for a year to pass just to hear what you did
for your new client during that time. It’s pointless to wish you good
luck. Redundant to remark "Fabulous". Ridiculous to ask, "Nervous
about Number 5?"So, I just smile and say, I’ll keep learning from
you.Thank you.


Markus Trauernicht says:

June 9, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Gets my own thinking-cogwheels turning faster ….

Best wishes!

Markus Trauernicht


Ron Redner says:

October 17, 2008 at 7:52 am[11/29/2012 7:29:41 PM]

How I Get Rich; How I Make My Clients Richer |

Clayton, you’re a very down to earth person.

I appreciate your style.


Ron Redner


Rhavda Emison says:

August 31, 2010 at 10:20 pm

I have really enjoyed reading this article. It has given me several

ideas but how to implement them is the question. I grow, manufacture
and make the only American Made Rose Oil for my aromatherapy
company. I am not very computer literate. I am learning something
new each day. The mind-set in the aromatherapy world at this point
in time is to buy anywhere but from the United States and that is a
major problem for the small growers and manufacturers like myself
and others. I’ve tried “creating a craze” over the rose oil but because
it is not from Bulgaria, Turkey or France no one wants to take a
chance on it. Got any ideas? I am open to trying them. At present I
started working for a network marketing company in order to build up
a larger client base so that I can introduce my American made
products to people but I’m not sure if that is going to work. I don’t
have the money for a large advertising campaign and my current web
site is very understated because I ran out of money. I am reading
your articles to bolster me and to give me ideas. Thank you for being
out here.


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Posted on August 15, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

Recent Posts
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
How to become a better marketer Before you take the copywriting
Writing for the Internet vs. direct mail by storm, there’s something
you should know …
What to do when you have no testimonials Do You Believe?

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And (as they say), Much, MUCH MORE!

Dear Business-Builder,

We get a lot of e-mails at The Total Package. Here are a few I’ve answered
personally – and I’m hoping my answers could help you too …



Can you offer some examples of how to expand my skills?[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

How do I immerse myself in the science of direct response? Where do I find

courses? What books would you recommend? How do I find out about


Congrats – expanding your skills is the quickest way to multiply your


I'd suggest you jump on and buy …

1. Successful Direct Marketing Methods by Bob Stone

2. Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing by Bob Bly

I'd also suggest that you Google Jay Abraham, Marlon Sanders and
Dan Kennedy. They all have great books and courses on direct
marketing techniques.

Also, keep reading THE TOTAL PACKAGE.




I'm enjoying the hell out of your e-mails … keep-em coming buddy!

I'd love to know how you transition smoothly into the close.

As a salesman I enjoyed a high closing rate (I assumed the close) and the
presentation was so heavy with benefits that the customer would just come
right out and say: “So how do we get started?” Or, “Do I write you a check
now or at delivery?”

Sometimes they'd even say, “You've got to go see my brother or sister” – or

who-ever. Hell – one time, a customer not only gave me 27 referrals … she
even made all the appointments for me!

I'd love to know how to transfer that into my copy.

– P.B.

Sure, I can write about that – it's easy in my business.

I just spend the first half of the package selling a great free gift, then
say something like, "How to Get Your FREE Copy of XXX."

Then, I tell 'em it's free for anyone who accepts a risk-free trial of the
newsletter, or buys the book. Then, I sell the heck out of the main[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

product, justify my price, relieve their risk and ask for the order.

Or, if I lead with the product instead of the premium, I just insert a price
justification section.

They've seen all my benefits and are thinking, "Wow! This is great! I bet
it costs a fortune!" So I make the value of my product the superstar.
"Normally, you'd expect to pay a gazillion bucks for something this
cool. But I don't want you to pay that much. So for a limited time …"




Do you feel that the same headline works as well in direct mail and on the


People are driven by the same fears and desires when standing at their
mailboxes as when sifting through their e-mail or browsing the Web.

However, the media are very different.

The negligible cost of posting an ad on the Internet or blasting an e-mail

promotion has attracted a lot of unsavory characters to the Web. Some
make all kinds of ridiculous and irresponsible claims. Others are
nothing more than rip-off artists.

As a result, I believe that prospects are far more skeptical of promises

made in on-line sales copy than they are of benefits promised in direct
mail, television, radio, or print. And so, I try to address this skepticism
very aggressively when writing for the ’net.

The Internet also gives you the opportunity to respond instantly to

current events – a huge advantage when writing for the financial
markets, for example.

Say Greenspan shocks investors by raising interest rates a half-point

(instead of a quarter). There’s no way I would go with a general benefit-
oriented lead in an e-mail blast when I had that kind of fresh meat to
work with!

Conversely, in direct mail, you have a much larger area to work with. A
24-page special report or tabloid-sized self-mailer gives you a LOT
more real estate to present your headline and proof elements than you
get on a Web page or in the subject line of an e-mail blast.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

So in most cases, my headlines and decks for direct mail are often
quite different from what I do on the Web.

And of course, direct mail pieces tend to be longer copy and have a
longer shelf life in your prospect’s home than Web-based campaigns
do, so response differentials driven by the added copy, credibility
elements and so on can be significant.

All said, I’ll consider the results of headline tests done on the Internet,
but I never assume that the results will be replicated in the mail – and
vice-versa. The only way to know for sure how one headline will work in
a given medium is to test it in that medium.

Hope this helps …




I'm a novice copywriter (living in England). I have written some e-blasts for
Apple Computers Inc. and have compiled a spec direct mail sales letter and
some critiques of other weak sales letters (but not sent them to anyone).

I have two related questions for you.

(1) When you want to get a first assignment from a project manager/creative
director, do you have to make an appointment and see the project manager
in person, or can you conduct the transaction over the phone, in the mail or
by e-mail?

(2) What is the best way to approach a manager/creative director the first
time? By phone or with a letter (followed up by a phone call)?

Your newsletter is inspiring!

– E.B.

Great to hear from you all the way from jolly old England!
Hope these answers will help …

1. 99% of the time, everything you need to do can be handled long-

distance. No need to do the face-to-face thing. e-mail, phone, mail and
FedEx pretty much do it all.

Project managers don't care what you look like – only that you can write
kick-butt copy. However at some point in the relationship, it wouldn't
hurt to find an excuse to get eyeball to eyeball with them. Kind of helps
smooth out the work process over the long haul.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

2. I'd start with an e-mail. Project managers spend too much time in
meetings, and you're likely to wind up as just another message in his
voice mail.

I'd fire off an e-mail introducing myself, and letting him/her know that
I’m sending some samples. And I’d say that if I don't hear from him first,
you'll give him a ring in a few days.

Then, I'd make sure my samples were on his desk the next day and cool
my heels for two to three days. If he doesn't call, I’d ring him up.

If the manager is out, I’d leave a message, then fire off an e-mail saying
I’d like to discuss my samples with him and ask when would be the best
time to call – try to set an appointment.

I hope this helps!



Hi Clayton,

Thank you for a valuable n'letter.

One of the biggest limitations facing the promotion process of new products
(particularly in the sales letter) is a lack of testimonials. How do you
overcome this?

– S.H.

I'd get a bunch of samples of the product and pass them out to
everyone I know, everyone my client knows and everyone his
employees know.

Send them to friends around the country (so your testimonial

attributions are well-distributed geographically). Ask them to read it,
use it – whatever – for a few weeks and then tell you what they think.

If you don't hear from them in a couple of weeks, call and get their
testimonial over the phone (be sure to document the time of the call and
date for substantiation). Or, write the testimonial yourself – accurately
reflecting their views, of course – and ask them to sign it.

Also: Ask for photos of the folks who are kind enough to help you, and
use them along with their testimonials in your promotion.

It takes a little time, but if you get the ball rolling at the beginning of the
writing process, you should have some great testimonials well before
the drop date.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Thanks for writing!




I would like to know if you have any advice for young copywriters starting out.
I am just finishing the AWAI accelerated CW course by Mike Masterson.

I want to be a freelance copywriter and I really want to be in the top 1%.

I understand that copywriters get agents to assist them and others ghost
write for other master writers. Do you take on new young CW and assist

– S.S.

Regarding your questions …

1. John Finn is the dominant agent for copywriters in the information

industry. He's an old friend of mine (since 1974) and a great guy. His
Web address is I'd suggest that you send him a
nice note with samples of things you've written, and see where it goes
from there.

2. At the moment, I have all the help I need, but as copywriting jobs
come available at my agency, ResponseInk, my Total Package readers
will be the first to know.

Good luck – can't wait to welcome you to the "A" list!



Hi Clayton,

Your e-newsletter is marvelous and is a pleasure to read.

I read the issue How I Bagged $5 Million In Internet Sales In 5 Short Weeks
and am even more intrigued with the information now than I was before I
read it.

Is it possible to see/read (or receive) copies of the pieces you wrote for the
promotion … especially since it has already been completed?

As a beginning student of “the art of copywriting,” I would sincerely appreciate

the opportunity to study them.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Thank you very much in advance for your response.

– B.S.L.

I tried to get samples of these promotions from my client when I was

writing the article – no luck.

My suggestion is that you subscribe to a couple of financial and health

newsletters. You'll be amazed at how many promotions you get to

All these guys rent names from each other and mail their promotions to
each other's names. So by subscribing to just a few newsletters, you'll
be deluged with promotion packages – and I guarantee you, a bunch will
be mine.



Dear Clayton …

I’m a blooming copywriter in need of some water and fertilizer.

I get the meat and potatoes of writing a good sales letter … but what about
the envelope or packaging of it?

What are some ways to put the "junk mail radar" out of commission long
enough to open?

Do I create a completely new teaser headline to include on the envelope?

– D.

If you're looking for "fertilizer" you've definitely come to the right place!

The five most common strategies for getting envelopes opened are …

1. Offer something free inside.

2. Address a dominant emotion that the reader has about the subject at
hand – a fear that you assuage or a desire that you fulfill.

3. Directly address your product's most powerful unique benefit (your


4. Key in on a hot topic currently in the news and connect your lead
benefit with that.

5. Make the envelope look like something the prospect would open
normally: A bill, a letter from a friend, etc.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |



Hi Clayton,

As a full-time freelance copywriter over here in the UK, I have one question:
How can guys like us land the ‘big fee’ assignments? Are they only open to
US copywriters and, if so, how can we make ourselves known to US firms?

– M.L.

C'mon over, Mark … the water's fine!

At least one of the top guys over here is a Brit – does quite well for
himself. His name is Richard Stanton-Jones.

If you can produce sales, nobody cares where you're from. Heck. My
clients would even hire a FRENCHMAN if they thought he could beat
their control.

No shame.

Anyways, welcome aboard – and if you ever decide to jump the pond
and check out the climate over here, let me know …



I got a bunch of e-mails asking how long I think sales copy should be.

Here are two …


Dear Clayton:

Just subscribed to your Total Package material and it looks great!

Could you please possibly cover something on 'long copy versus short copy'
sometime in the future?

As you are aware this has always been a bone of contention in marketing
circles, and it would be great to have your thoughts on whether long/short
copy is best or whether it doesn't make any real difference.


– M.C.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |


Wow. Third e-mail from England today. You guys must be busy over

Short answer: LONG COPY!

I've never seen short copy win in a heads-up test.

In the early 80s, I tested an 8-page letter against a 16 pager. 16 pager


So I tested the 16 pager against a 24 pager. 24 pager won.

So I tested the 24 pager against a 32 pager. 32 pager won.

I tried to test a 40 pager, but it wouldn't fit in the envelope!

Just this year, I've tested several #10 envelope packages with 8-page
sales letters against 8.5" X 11" self-mailers with 24 pages of text. The
long copy beat the short copy by 50% to 70% each time.

Now, granted – my only frame of reference is in my own business: The

marketing of books and newsletters on health, finance and investment,
as well as nutritional supplements. And with an average sale around
$150-$170, my clients have plenty of margin to work with.

The cost that goes along with longer copy plays a big role in this
debate. If your margin is smaller, you may have no choice but to go with
shorter copy. And if your market is best reached with print ads, TV or
radio, you're also limited.

My philosophy: Write until you run out of benefits. Then go back and
make your copy as tight as a drum. Then let the sales message TELL
YOU how long or short it wants to be!

So long as you're speaking to the prospect's self interest … so long as

you're deftly stroking his dominant emotions about the subject at
hand … and so long as the copy is clear, concise, even fun to read, he's
going to stay with you.

And of course, if he's sold before you finish, he knows where to find the
order form.



Hi Clayton,

Do you normally believe in the long copy theory that longer copy brings in[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

more customers or the brief copy theory?

Are too many people learning copywriting these days?

– J.W.

I'm a long-winded, long-copy guy. I write until I run out of benefits and
reasons why my prospect should buy.

Usually, for information products (books and newsletters on finance,

investment and health), that takes me 30 to 50 pages of single-spaced
12 pt. type. Then, for direct mail, I cut it down to fit a 24-page special
report or magalog, or if I'm lucky, a 24-page tabloid-sized piece.

For the 'net, I've never done a promotion longer than 12 pages – so far.
But you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be testing longer copy soon!

When the medium forces me to "write to fit" – print, TV and radio – I, of

course, comply. This often turns out to be more difficult for me than
writing longer copy. Choosing which benefits to keep and which to get
cut is not a Sophie's choice I'm comfortable with.

Can I imagine a situation in which short copy would work better?

Yeah. If your product meets a need no other product does … if the proof
is a dead cinch … then a few lines of text in a print ad, a 15-second spot
or on a postcard might do the trick.

In almost every project I've done, though, long copy wins every time.
Fact is, copy sells. And in my experience, long copy sells better.

The answer to your final question is an absolute, unequivocal "NO!"

There are NOT too many people learning to be copywriters today. Direct
response companies are starving for great sales copy. The demand is
huge and growing by the day. And the number of writers available to
meet that demand is tiny by comparison.

The American Writers and Artists Institute (AWAI) and others are doing
a great service to the economy, direct response business owners and,
of course, to young writers by bringing the next generation along.

I'm absolutely convinced that our best years ever are still ahead – and
will be for decades to come.

So start window shopping for the new Mercedes and the big Gulfstream
jet now … it won't be long!


*****[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Dear Clayton,

I first would like to say how much I enjoyed your informative piece on "grab
your prospect by the eyeballs."

It has come to my partner and I at a very crucial time whilst we are about to
launch our services. In announcing our company’s offer, my partner and I
have a disagreement on our approach concerning headlines.

When promoting to people who don’t know you, would you grab them by the
short and curlies and "get their attention" by using a loud in-your-face
headline? Or would you do a softer, warmer initial approach introducing our
company and services – and then do a few follow-ups prior to hitting them in
between the eyes with what we are offering?

Hopefully you can be of help and lend us a bit of your wisdom.

– A.P.

I can't tell you how many times I've had that debate. Fact is, softer and
warmer just doesn't cut it with me.

Today and every day, your prospect receives some 650 advertising
impressions. To get yours read, you need to lift it head and shoulders
above the others.

That means standing up and boldly addressing his/her fears and

desires – and how your product/service addresses those dominant
emotions. And it means doing this in a way that both seizes the
prospect's attention and then converts that attention to readership.

Nine times out of ten, the "softer, warm initial approach introducing our
company and services" with follow-ups is a waste of time and money.

Marketers who prefer the warm, soft approach tend to be folks who are
uncomfortable with selling and who rarely buy anything as the result of
a direct response promotion – if ever.

Tell your partner that being an enthusiastic, unapologetic advocate for

your company and product is professional – losing money on your
promotions is not.

Test if you must, but my suggestion is, let your partner pay for his test
and suffer the loss. You pay for yours – and keep the profits.

Good luck!

– Clayton

*****[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Hi Clayton,

I've read all the greats like Gary Halbert and John Carlton and you are in a
class of your own.

Here's a simple question many starting copywriters must have that I've never
really seen any of these newsletters address …

How do you identify companies that would make ideal prospects for

Who are the big players hiring copywriters today and where do you find

– A.K.

Thanks for the kind words!

As far as the big players go, the biggest in my industry are still Phillips
Publishing, Agora, Boardroom and Rodale. But to get good writers, a lot
of the smaller fish are paying just as well.

Google the Direct Marketing Association, Denny Hatch’s Target

Marketing and others to see what directories of major mailers they have
available. If you’re interested in working for newsletter publishers, get a
copy of the Oxbridge Directory.

My suggestion is to go looking for companies that find customers

through direct mail and/or the Internet, call to ask who hires
copywriters, and introduce yourself.

You'll probably get a great reception. There are FAR more projects
looking for copywriters than vice-versa!



I loved the contrast between the following two e-mails.

The first is from a skeptical guy in Chicago who’s never heard of me.

The second is from a fellow copywriter who has …



I never heard of you before but your story was spellbinding, informative and
inspirational.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth. No on second thought – that's
exactly what I mean to do.

Because I don't get it.

If you are focusing full-time on one client …

And you apparently have made so many millions from ongoing royalties that
you could be enjoying it like Scrooge McDuck riding his bulldozer in his
swimming pool full of money …

And all this was developed with quiet stealth and relatively undercover …

So why this coming out party?

Why take the time to sweat out 26 newsletters to us less fortunate creative

Is this a philanthropic gesture to give something back to direct marketing

which has been so good to you?

Are you a compulsive performer who will miss the applause?

Is this your crack at immortality – to pass on your secrets so they don't get
buried with you?

Or are you secretly "trolling the waters" for your next project in case the
romance with your one client develops unforeseen complications?

Or something else I missed?

Forgive my impertinence but I would love to hear your answer. So would your
other readers.

– J.F.

Well, you caught me red-handed.

You’re right: This is anything BUT a philanthropic enterprise. My

motives are purely, unabashedly selfish.

Mentoring the seven young writers I've worked with over the past few
years has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

When each of them hit the big time, I felt like a proud papa. When they
began having copy cubs of their own, I felt like I had grandkids.

Now, I get to do the same with HUNDREDS of young writers, marketing

folks and business owners – even BETTER![11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

And I get to have fun doing it. (Can you imagine a stodgy financial client
letting me mention The Redhead's cute CAN in his copy?!)

Finally, it makes me think about how I do what I do – and why. And that
makes me a better copywriter and marketing consultant.

As far as your other possible explanations are concerned, I figure

"direct marketing" will do just fine without me after I'm gone. Heck. It
probably won't even send flowers to the funeral.

And heaven knows, others are equally well qualified to share winning
direct response strategies. But why should they have all the fun?

As far as "ulterior" motives go, hey – if THE TOTAL PACKAGE puts me

into contact with a great young company that's ready for some
explosive growth, I'll chalk it up to good karma.

But that will have to wait. I have more than I can say grace over for at
least the next year or two!

If I was doing all this just for filthy lucre, I'd be an idiot. I get much
filthier (rich) from spending that time writing hot new controls.

Fair enough?

Great to have you on-board!



Hi Clayton.

It’s an absolute honor to have been mentioned in your first issue.

Your work is legendary. I just scored a copy of one of your early, classic,
ground-breaking magalogs, and it still puts most of today’s efforts to shame.
It remains a killer template for how to do it right. And your depth of knowledge
in this biz is just stunning.

I can’t wait for your next issue. The “deep pocket” revelations you’re sitting on
are gonna change the landscape of the direct marketing world, and raise the
bar (again) for everyone.

With you, and Bencivenga, and others finally coming clean … it’s like we’re
all sharing some virtual online Algonquin Table of top ad writers.

There’s never been an opportunity like this before in the history of direct
response, and anyone who isn’t soaking it up is a fool.

– John Carlton[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Hi, John! Great to hear from you.

Yeah … I decided to take the plunge into teaching. Not sure I'm very
good at it yet, but I'm hoping I’ll improve with time.

Thanks for the testimonial. You can bet your bottom dollar we'll be
using it!




Keep the questions coming!

I love hearing from you – answering your questions is a kick. Please send an
e-mail to and let me know what I
can do to be of greater help to you.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← How I Get Rich; Confessions of a

How I Make My Clients Richer Marketing Chauvinist Pig →

3 Responses to Answers to Your Most

Pressing Questions About Getting[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |

Bigger Winners More Often

Cathy Sutter says:

July 10, 2008 at 12:28 pm

I printed this baby immediately…This is good stuff. Thanks, you are

aces helping novice, young copywriters like me. Well, OK, I’ll just say

Look forward to meeting you at Carline’s gig in September!



Jeremy Reeves says:

July 11, 2008 at 8:41 am

Great post once again – I used those links you provided and through
a series of clicks to other websites, found some incredible resources
that I never knew was available!

Thanks again for an awesome post,

Jeremy Reeves


Rabbi of Response says:

October 18, 2008 at 3:09 pm


Your advice is priceless!

To be quite frank with you, helping people is great and all.

But you’re a true master in your field. And in my humble opinion, from
the looks of things, you wouldn’t dare do anything stupid to
jeopardize the good name you have well established over the years,
(unless you were a raving lunatic, or you happened to go out of your
mind, G-d forbid!)

So I don’t pay much mind to what your motives might happen to be.

In my opinion, your motive is to create good will, so that your

audience directly benefits from you day in, day out.[11/29/2012 7:30:20 PM]

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About Getting Bigger Winners More Often |


And it’s a darn good business philosophy… if one understands it.

At some point this can possibly be used positively, and you could
monetize on all this good will that is naturally being generated! From
a large responsive audience of fervent fans that cheer your name and
respect your counsel.

Stephen Pierce, spoke about this in his book – The Whole Truth!
(Incidentally for those who don’t know he is also the owner of a site
on Swing Trading) He covers this successful strategy in depth.

So I don’t see what the problem is?

You’re a nice guy. You write like a person who is down to earth. You
enjoy people and their company. And any writer that’s going to come
on board is not going to push you out of your livelihood.

So why be small minded, you probably think to yourself?

Go help those who want to get in to this business, and a natural niche
will unfold and present itself of plenty of eager copywriters that you
may even be able to sell something to.

What’s the problem?

I see none.

I wish you the greatest success! You really deserve it!

And thanks for sharing all this great information, too!


Ron Redner
“The Rabbi of Response”


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Confessions of a
Marketing Chauvinist Pig Search
Posted on August 29, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Make this one simple change Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
in how you think about your company, world
and you’ll multiply your profits in record time! by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Business Builder,

A few days ago, I ran an article entitled, “How I Get Rich; How I Make My
Clients Richer.” In that issue, I demonstrated how having a grasp of the nuts
and bolts side of marketing has helped me make millions throughout my

That’s what this issue is all about.

My suggestion: If you’re a business owner, read this issue until you can recite
it verbatim. If you’re a marketing pro, print this issue and pass it out to
everyone in your company. And if you’re a copywriter, memorize every line.

Heed what I’m about to say, and you’ll all get richer. Ignore these principles
and you’ll be putting your professional life in grave danger …

How to kill a great company in one easy lesson

Back in the 1980s, I agreed to help the owner of a small company grow his
business. Within three years, it was the largest company in its industry.

By combining five key marketing strategies with kick-butt sales copy, we were
attracting between 5,000 and 10,000 new customers every month. By 1988,[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

we had more than 120,000 paying customers. Sales revenues and profits

At that point, my client decided to cash out – take his profits and retire – and
asked me to help him sell his company. I created a 20-minute video and a
comprehensive “company profile” to help attract prospective buyers.

The buyers – who paid top-dollar – turned out to be a team of three Rhodes
Scholars with advanced business degrees from Oxford University.

Within a week after the papers were signed, the crackerjack marketing team
we had built was placed under an oppressive bureaucracy: An “Executive
Committee” made up of the new owners, their hand-picked CEO, the CFO
and the General Manager – none of whom knew one blessed thing about

Within days, we went from being obsessed with marketing to being infatuated
with something called “Corporate Planning.” Key marketers were sidetracked
in day-long meetings – and sometimes, week-long out-of-the-office
marathons. Scores of crucial sales promotions were put on hold while the
marketing staff diddled themselves silly with endless research and reporting

I, of course, went ballistic. I warned everyone who’d listen (at the top of my
lungs) that de-emphasizing marketing was going to drive the company into

That drew giggles all around.

“You’re overreacting,” said the new owners. “It’s going to be just fine,”
chanted the Executive Committee.

It wasn’t fine. Not by a long shot.

The flow of new customers faltered, then plunged. Our active customer file
began shrinking. Sales to existing customers plummeted.

Finally, unable to make the new owners see the error of their ways, I fired the
client. As I walked out of the office for the last time, I told the CEO, “I
understand what being a Rhodes Scholar does for you. You’d have to
STUDY to be this stupid.”

I told the CEO that his company would be belly-up within six months. I was
wrong. He filed for bankruptcy 90 days later.

Smart Companies put marketing first.
OK, I admit it: I’m a marketing chauvinist. And it’s not because I think we’re
necessarily smarter and better looking than everyone else. It’s because the[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

only logical place for marketing is out front – leading the charge for your
entire company.

It drives me nuts when executives who know nothing about sales and
marketing mindlessly parrot phrases about “putting the customer first” – and
then relegate the only people who actually talk to customers to an inferior
position in the company.

Before the Rhodes Scholars showed up, my client had put sales and
marketing first. And because their job was to respond to customers’ desires
and concerns … it meant our customers were #1.

But the Rhodes Scholars and

their preening “Executive
Committee” wanted to be first –
the masters of all they surveyed,
at the pinnacle of the corporate
pyramid. So, they put sales and
marketing in its place – under
their thumbs, no more important
than janitorial services – or any other department in the company.

And by doing so, they turned my client’s “Smart Company” into a dumb one in
one fell swoop.

In a Smart Company,
the marketing department exists
at the top of the corporate pyramid.

Armed with the freshest

intelligence on the desires and
complaints of prospects and
customers, the marketing
department directs …

The development of new

products and the production
of existing ones …

The scripting of the sales force or telephone customer service reps …

The creation of sales promotions and the layout of the catalog and/or
store …

The shipment of products and the delivery of services …

The management of the customer service department, and…

Every other activity in the chain of events that begins with contacting a
prospect or customer and that culminates with the cha-ching of the cash
register.[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

In Dumb Companies, top execs fail to understand the supreme importance of

sales and marketing – or worse: See it as a “necessary evil.”

And their structure shows it. Marketers are kept under tight rein – slaves to
multiple layers of bean-counters, bureaucrats and other self-important
gasbags who have long forgotten where the money in their paychecks comes
from – if they ever knew in the first place.

Even worse: Dumb Companies make sure marketers – the only experts in
the company capable of boosting sales, revenues and profits – are frozen
into inaction and that crucial sales campaigns are delayed by corporate
procedures requiring marketing-challenged morons at the top to approve
their every move.

The CEO and top execs spend no more time or effort on sales and marketing
than they do monitoring human resources, or any other department.
Marketing is beneath them – something the weirdoes down on the fourth floor
are responsible for.

In a Smart Company, every employee clearly

understands that his/her job exists for one reason
and one reason only:
To help marketing sell more, more, more!
Accounting exists to ensure that sales and marketing have the financial
resources it needs to attract maximum numbers of new customers and to
boost sales revenues …

Human Resources exists to ensure that the marketing department has the
best talent available and that supporting departments have what they
need to help sales and marketing be more successful.

Information Technology – IT – exists to give the marketing department the

daily reports it needs to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of its
strategies and tactics.

The Legal Department exists to help marketers create promotions that are
as effective as is humanly possible within established ethical and legal

In a Smart Company, the business owner/CEO

occupies not one, but two positions:
1. Leading the charge with the Marketing Department – setting goals …
monitoring key costs and response rates … helping them innovate new
products and sales approaches … breaking logjams … and providing the
quick approvals needed to kick winning sales campaigns into overdrive.

2. Taking up the rear – constantly driving everyone down the line to make[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

supporting sales and marketing efforts their #1 priority.

BOTTOM LINE: Dumb Companies think that the marketing department exists
to sell products.

Smart Companies know that the only reason to have a product is to give the
marketing department a vehicle with which it can attract new customers and
produce revenues and profits.

My advice…

If you own or run a Dumb Company, changing how you and your
employees think about your business – the simple act of redefining it as a
marketing business and ensuring that your corporate structure and
procedures make sales and marketing #1 – is the first step to explosive

If you’re a marketing exec with a Dumb Company you’re never going to be

as successful as your peers at Smart Companies. If you can’t raise the
company’s IQ, pack your bags!

If you’re a marketing consultant or copywriter for a Dumb Company,

finding a better class of client will send your income skyrocketing.

How Smart Companies Can TRIPLE Revenues

and Profits In 12 Months or Less
This “30 Percent Solution” has helped me
quadruple sales and profits for four companies
and boost sales by up to 4,400% in one year

Once your marketing department is empowered to lead the way, it is

empowered to:

1. Attract more customers …

2. Sell more things to those customers, more often, and …

3. Increase the amount of money each customer spends on each purchase.

Do those three, simple things, and you can’t help but grow. Do them well,
and your growth can be explosive:

At Security Rare Coin, these three enhancements produced more than

100,000 new customers; sales jumped from $360,000 to $16 million a
month in one year – a 4,400% increase.

At Blanchard & Company, they also produced well over 100,000 new
customers and drove sales to well over $100 million per year.

At Weiss Research, they more than quadrupled subscriber files, made

Safe Money Report the largest $99 investment letter in the world, and[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

helped quadruple profits.

Boosting 5 key metrics by just 30 percent each

instantly TRIPLES sales!
On these and other occasions, I created quantum growth in sales revenues
and profits by “keeping it simple” – aiming for a reasonable, easily “doable”
30% boost in each of five key metrics:

1. Increasing the number of new customer promotions per year …

2. Increasing the size of each new customer acquisition promotion …

3. Increasing the response rate to each of these mailings …

4. Increasing the number of times each customer orders per year, and …

5. Increasing the size of each of those orders.

How much of an increase in revenues will compounding those five, 30%

bumps give you? Here’s what it’s doing now for one of my clients…

The best part is, the first two of those little 30% improvements are pretty
much slam dunks – things we can do simply and quickly:

More New Customer Acquisition Mailings…

To increase the number of new customer acquisition promotions by 30%, I

give my clients a handful of tools and strategies that let them read response
and react a couple of weeks sooner on each mailing.

To attract new customers, one client did about six major mailings to rented
mailing lists each year. He’d typically wait three weeks after he received his
first order from a mailing to see which lists were working for him, then order
more names from those lists and a handful of new test lists, prepare any
package refinements he wanted to test, then print and mail the next volley.

This process took about eight weeks minimum – sometimes longer – and
limited him to an average of six major new customer acquisition mailings per

I figured that if we could just cut a couple of weeks off of the time he spent
preparing each mailing – mail every six weeks instead of every eight – we
could mail as many as nine times per year. That’s a 50% increase that could
bring him 50% more new customers each year.

Here’s how we did it …

First, I took his daily response reports for the last twelve months and figured
out, on average, what percent of his total return came in on each day of a
typical campaign.[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

I compared how these percentages varied from month to month during the
year for several years to allow for seasonal factors. And I studied how they
were affected by package format – whether the promotion was a self-mailer
or an envelope package, for example.

Then, I had those projectors added to his daily response reports in a way that
predict what his final return on investment (ROI) will be for each list and each
package test panel mailed.

As you’d expect, these projections are wildly inaccurate in the early days of
each mailing. Unexpectedly fast or slow mail delivery in major urban areas
make them completely unreliable. But by 14 days after the first order pours
in, they prove to be amazingly accurate predictors of his final ROI.

… So now, instead of waiting three weeks to begin planning his next mailing,
he can get his next mailing planned two weeks after first response. That
alone adds one more new customer acquisition mailing each year.

The next step is to examine every process involved in planning and

executing his mailings – shaving a day from the creative process here, and
another day from his print and mailing cycle there, until we were confident
that we can get him up to 8 mailings per year, beginning immediately.

BIGGER New Customer Promotions …

Like many mailers, my client tests a number of rented mailing lists in each
mailing of a hot control. When a list brought him new customers at break-
even or better, he’d roll out to a bigger chunk of the list in each successive
mailing until he was using the entire file.

Fortunately, my client is an inveterate record keeper. He has data on

response rates, average sale and return on investment on every list he’s

It was a fairly simple matter to pick a handful of lists that consistently

outperform all others, designate them as “A” lists, and then index them
against every other list he’s tested. Then, once we have data on how well a
package/”A” list combination work, we can use that index number to predict
how well every other list he’s ever tested will respond to his new promotion
package, and roll-out big time.

Result: He’s able to roll much bigger with his “known” lists almost
immediately, adding millions of names to his new customer acquisition
mailings each year.

Plus, we found a way to broaden our mailing universe simply by getting list
brokers to work harder for us.

My client had pretty much been “faithful” to a single mailing list broker for
years. We instituted agreements with multiple brokers, promising each an[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

exclusive on each new list they bring us.

Each of these ideas becomes a list test, entered on the mail plan using a
projector that reflects how similar lists have performed with the promotion
we’re using.

How to get a 30% lift in response

This one’s a little trickier. But it’s not un-doable. I routinely see new
promotion packages – and even headline, premium, offer and other tests on
control packages – bump response 20% to 30% and even more. Sometimes,
much more.

Let’s say you’re getting a 1% response rate. That means 10 people in 1,000
are saying “yes” to your offer. All you need to do is find three more buyers
per 1,000 pieces mailed.

Piece of cake. The key here is to test aggressively in each and every mailing,
without allowing our tests to slow the process.

For this new client’s first roll-out of a hot new control package – for example, I
tested two new headlines and four offer variations. Next time, I’ll be testing
our best headline/copy/offer combination in two, maybe three cheaper

Bumping this client’s response by 30% is eminently doable. Heck. My first

promotion for him just beat his control by 300% – ten times more than our
conservative 30% target.

“If you make money on a customer acquisition

you’re fired!”
A few years back, a client hired a new marketing director and told her that
she would be reporting to The Redhead and me! In my first meeting with the
new employee, the business owner stuck his head into the room and told her,
“Just do whatever Clayton and Wendy say. You report to them.” – and then

It was a joke, of course, and I told her so. Everyone in that company reports
to the owner. I was just an outside guy. A consultant. But I did have a few
pointers to help her.

I told her, “Your Prime Objective is to produce as many new customers as

possible every month.

“Your goal is to do this at break-even. For every dollar we put into the mail,
we want one dollar back – AND a new customer.[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

“If you make a profit in a promotion designed to attract new customers – if

you get $2.00, $1.50 or $1.01 for each dollar you spend – that’s a bad thing.
It means you didn’t mail enough promotion pieces or bring in as many new
customers that month as you could have.

“And that means our sales to existing customers – the engine that drives this
company’s profits – will be less than they could have been for years to

I showed her how each new customer stayed with us for an average of seven
years and made subsequent purchases that generated $500 in net profits
every year.

That meant each new customer was worth $3,500 to us – and every new
customer we didn’t get would cost us $3,500 in profits down the road.

“So,” I said, “as far as your boss is concerned, losing money on a promotion
now and then is forgivable. It just means you’re trying. Consistently breaking
even will make you a hero. But consistently making profits on new customer
acquisition promotions will probably get you fired.”

Right then and there, we established an aggressive new customer acquisition

strategy designed to break even on each promotion …

We test each new promotion package against the existing control in a special
panel consisting of an nth-name selection (a geographically balanced
portion) of each of our “A” lists.

If the new package wins – if it produces a higher return on investment (ROI)

than the control, we: 1) Look at how every other list in our universe has
historically performed against those “A” lists and 2) Use the new package’s
return on investment with our “A” lists to project what our ROI would be if we
mailed each “B” list in our universe.

Then each month, we construct a mail plan that:

Current Goal Increase

New 6 8 33%
Mailings Per

Average 1,000,000 1,300,000 30%

Mailing Size

Total 6,000,000 10,400,000 73%

Mailed:[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Response 1.0% 1.3% 30%


New 60,000 135,200 125%

Per Year

New 5.0% 6.5% 30%

Making 2nd
First 60
Days On-

Average Net $150 $195 30%

Sale (Gross

60-Day $450,000 $1,713,660 281%

Net Sales

Additional 3 4 33%
Per New

Average Net $150 $195 30%

Sale (Gross

Additional $27,000,000 $105,456,000 291%

From New

After employing this “30 percent solution” for just 12 months, my client will
have generated more than twice as many new customers … his sales to
those new customers in their first 60 days with him will jump 281% to more
than $1.7 million … PLUS, he’ll sell another $105-million-and-change to
them in their first year with him – a 291% increase.

1. Includes roll-outs to every “A” list in our universe – the lists we know we[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

can mail at break-even or better …

2. Add significant test panels of every “B” list that our history indicates will
perform at break-even or better – but not as well as our “A” lists…

3. Add as many test panels as possible of “B” lists that we expect to produce
a slight loss – and “C” lists (previously untested lists projected to produce
a 50% ROI) until our mail plan projects a total return on investment of

Result: For every dollar we mail, we get one dollar back – and a new

Over the next three years, we quadrupled the number of paying customers
on our file – and because we broke even on our average new customer
promotion, each one of them cost us $0.

At the end of 36 months, those customers were handing us more than $80
million in sales and tens of millions in net profit each year.

When you want to grow really, REALLY fast…

At Blanchard & Company, I set out to lose money on every new customer I

Crazy, right? Yeah: Crazy like a fox!

First, I did my homework. I studied our active customer file. I determined that
each new customer made an average of five purchases per year … that the
average purchase was $1,500 … and that the net profit on each of those
purchases was about $500.

Furthermore, I discovered that the average new customer made one

additional purchase in his first 60 days with us, producing a $500 profit. And I
figured out that if I could spend just $200 of that to “buy” new customers, I
could bring in two or three times more new customers each year.

I didn’t tell the owner that I was planning to “lose money” on each new
customer. I told him, “I just want an extra 60 days to break even on each new
customer. I just want to change the bookkeeping entry a bit – add the profit
from second purchases in customers’ first 60 days to the revenues generated
by my new customer acquisition mailings.”

I showed him how our Prime Directive had been to mail our new customer
acquisition promotions to as many prospects as possible while breaking
even. But the problem was, some of the biggest prospect files out there just
wouldn’t come in at 100% of cost no matter what we did.

I showed him how that meant we were leaving thousands of new customers –
and millions of dollars in future profits – on the table. And I demonstrated
how, if we could just mail down to, say, 85% to 90% of cost, we could add[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

millions more names per year to our mail plans and tens of thousands of
new, paying customers to our house file.

So I suggested the client consider “cooking the books” a little bit. Instead of
insisting that his new customer acquisition mailings break even ($1 in for
every $1 they cost), I suggested that when we find huge files that we can’t
get to break even, we allocate part or all of that first 60 days income to the
new customer promotion.

It worked like gangbusters. The company, which had been running a distant
third in its industry, rocketed to #1 within a year.

In fact, this strategy has worked so well for me over the years, I’m doing the
same thing for a new client right now!

Consider these numbers:

Right now, my client’s new customer acquisition mailings cost him $560/M
(list rental, postage, printing and lettershop): $56,000 to mail 100,000 pieces.

At break-even, that 100,000-piece mailing generates 1,000 new customers

and $56,000 (gross revenue minus product cost). He gets one dollar back for
every dollar he mailed. At an ROI of 90%, he loses 10% of his mailing
investment, or $5,600.

We know that 8% of his new customers make a second purchase netting a

profit of about $100 in their first two months on board. So those 1,000 new
customers will make 80 purchases, netting my client an $8,000 profit in their
first 60 days with him.

Now, I’ve found a few huge mailing lists that we’ve never been able to mail at
break-even. There are millions of potential customers on those files, but
when we test them, we only get 90% of our money back.

So, if a simple bookkeeping entry – allocating a portion of each new

customer’s first 60 days of profits – would open these otherwise impenetrable
lists to us – why not do it?

Even at .8% response, he’ll pick up 8,000 new customers for every million
pieces mailed. So he has to wait 60 days to begin making money with them.
So what?

We know that in the ten months after those first 60 days, his average
customer will make four additional purchases netting $100 each. For every
8,000 new customers, that’s $3.2 million in additional profit this year.

Furthermore, we know that the average new customer will continue making
five purchases per year for seven years. That means these 8,000 new
customers will hand us $28 million in net profit in their lifetimes.

And we’re not going to mail these marginal lists just once – we’re going to[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

mail them over and over again – generating thousands of new customers
each time our control projects a 90% ROI on them. For every one million
names we mail three times a year, we add 24,000 new customers – and $84
million in future profits!

Seems silly to let a bookkeeping entry stand between you and that kind of
money – right?

Time to start optimizing lifetime value…

Now that we’ve got my client doing bigger new customer promotions, more
often, it’s time to kick things up another notch – by bumping the number of
times each customer orders, and how much he spends with us each time.

Until now, my client did what many direct response marketers do: He simply
mailed a couple of promotions to his entire customer file each month. I call
that “vertical” marketing. No matter who you are, no matter what kind of
product you’ve purchased in the past, you get the same offers as everyone
else on his file.

Not a terrible approach, but we can do better by combining vertical and

horizontal marketing techniques.

Horizontal marketing treats each group of customers on your house file in

ways that ensure optimum response and maximum order size. Horizontal
marketing asks …

“What kind of product has this customer demonstrated a desire for

before?” and then offers him an add-on that addresses the same desire
or concern.

And, “Where is the customer in his life cycle with us?” – and then sends
him promotions that are compatible.

And, “What’s going on in my customer’s personal life?” – and then sends

him promotions that are compatible.

So in addition to vertical promotions sent to the entire file – my client’s

customers receive horizontal promotions:

A 60-day campaign for a President’s Circle promotion designed to make a

quick second sale to our new customers in their first two months with us…

Upgrade mailings to buyers whose selection of products has

demonstrated a particular desire or concern, offering a new add-on
product that addresses that same issue…

Personalized “renewal,” “re-order” and “we-want-you-back” promotions at

the appropriate times…

Special discounted offers on the customer’s birthday, anniversary and

other special times of the year.[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Plus, for our vertical marketing, the entire file also gets two major mailings
each month: One focusing on one of our hottest products, and another kind-
of catalog mailing that invites customers to try anything in our product line at
preferred prices.

Will this kind of comprehensive strategy – along with harder-hitting sales

copy – give us the 30% bump in response, average sales, profits and
customer lifetime value we’re looking for? There’s not a doubt in my mind.

The final step

Once you’re generating thousands more new customers and thousands more
dollars in profits from sales to those customers, it’s time to turn an eye to
minimizing costs.

I put this step last for several reasons. For one, each of my clients has an
accountant or CFO – someone whose job it is to monitor spending and
overhead. For another, most marketing people are constantly looking for
ways to get it done faster and cheaper. And for yet another, cutting costs can
only get you so far.

As we’ve seen, a sharp marketing strategy and expert execution can

quadruple profits. Cutting costs may save you 5% here or 10% there.
Nevertheless, every penny you save on unnecessary expenses goes straight
to the bottom line. And over time, those pennies add up to real impressive

Most of my clients offer premiums – free gifts – to attract new customers. And
most of those premiums tend to be special reports, which are included in the
“Welcome Kit” new subscribers or first-time buyers receive.

A few years ago, for example, one client’s Welcome Kit cost him $15 to
deliver. Today, he delivers most of them online – and the $15 per new
subscriber he saved is pure profit.

Adding a web-based marketing initiative can cut cost per sale by an order of
magnitude. Mailing a sales promotion to your house file can cost anywhere
from $400 to $800 per thousand pieces mailed, for example. Sending the
same promotion via e-mail costs next to nothing.

You could blast the promotion to your customers every day for a week or
even a month – with a slightly different headline and opening copy each time
– and actually generate greater sales volume at a fraction of the cost.

Sometimes spending more saves you a bundle. For high-ticket products, for
example, I’ve found that personalized sales letters mailed to customers via
First-Class Mail often generate a lower cost per sale than mailing a non-
personalized promo via the cheaper Third -Class bulk mail.

When I’ve tested this, the personal touch and the perceived urgency of[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

personalized letters mailed First-Class usually boosted response

tremendously, thereby lowering our cost per sale.

With self-mailers especially, slightly altering format – like adjusting your trim
size one-eighth or one-quarter inch, for example – can save a bundle on your
printing bills. And although it’s not always possible to do, ganging jobs –
combining several similar printing projects into one large job – can shave big
bucks too.

I strongly endorse programs in which employees are rewarded for suggesting

ways the company can save money.

Worth thinking about…

What could you do right now – today – to …

1. Increase the number of new customer acquisition promotions you field

each year?

2. Ramp up the size of each of those promotions?

3. Increase the number of prospects who say, “YES!” to each of those


4. Boost – even incrementally – the number of additional times each

customer orders per year?

5. Pump up the size of each of those orders?

6. Cut marketing and fulfillment costs without adversely affecting the number
of new customers you generate or sales volume to existing customers?

How could focusing on these five key numbers help you, your employees and
your marketing people triple YOUR revenues and profits?

How could you tie employee compensation (raises, bonuses, stock options,
etc.) to how well key employees meet your goals in improving each one?

Answer these questions and you’ll be well on your way to at least tripling your
sales and profits!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

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18 Responses to Confessions of a
Marketing Chauvinist Pig

Ron says:
June 9, 2008 at 11:34 am

Dear Clayton,

How could you use this brilliant article to sell just about anything
you’re offering to any business owner?

Here’s my take on how to do just that.

Too often, when we ask business owners what a new customer is

worth, sadly, they don’t know.

But once that business owner commits to a number or you help them
figure out what they’re worth, you can make a case (because you
have forced the business owner to think long term about what that
customer is worth and tell you what that customer is worth) for just
about any service (such as copywriting, marketing service, whatever)
or product, figure out the ROI (Return On Investment) for providing
such services and virtually sell them anything.

I believe the key is just what you’ve outlined, and once you have a
business owner’s number (what his customer is worth – short term
and long term) you’re in the driver’s seat. You don’t have to do any
convincing, the numbers speak for themselves.

Am I on target Clayton?

Best regards,


Reply[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Stephen Chua says:

June 11, 2008 at 1:03 pm

Hey Clayton,

You’re certainly not whistling into the wind while on your Harley.
I came from many years in the corporate world and don’t you just get
so annoyed at these by the book types? When will they ever learn
that "book experience" is very much a 2 dimentional world trying to
work in a very multidimentional one?

I’ve picked up (at the time) companies going south and who is
typically at the helm? A super multiple Phd surrounded by like
minded types. I find it strange that I went to the same type of higher
education that they had but we thought so differently. I’d much rather
surround myself with marketing geniuses than a bunch of
overpaid hob-nobbing experts.

Great, great story. You have the makings of an incredible business

marketing book or course in this article for sure.

Hmm….maybe I should write one myself? If only I had known you

back then. You would have been on my list of go to marketing guys.
There is a wonderful but almost sinister business lesson in this story.
Thanks again.

Great Wealth and Prosperity,

Stephen Chua


Gayle Gruenemay says:

September 19, 2008 at 1:33 pm

Dear Clayton,While I doubt I’ll say anything that will lead to me being
cheefully vaporized, it does give a certain, um…spice and variation to
your statement.

I am a very, very ‘newbie’ at all this online selling thing, (I haven’t

even gotten my website up yet), and perhaps in my newly found
excitment am a bit enthusiastic. I purchased a few informative items
to help me along, and with one of these I received some ‘free’ items:
articles, webinars, etc.

Yes, the first ‘click’ was free, but since that first ‘click’ I have been
receiving offers for numerous additional items for ‘only’ so much $.

I know this is a very lengthy way of saying this, but I really wanted
you to know how refreshing and wonderful it is for you to be sending[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

me useful and beneficial information…for absolutely free, with no

hidden agendas inserted at the end. You give information, willingly
and freely, and with inside information that I can actually use.

Just a long-winded thank you! I wish there were more people like
you, but the ones like you sure make a difference in the lives of
others. And when I’m up and running, I will have your information
waiting to help me get where I want to go.


Gayle Gruenemay


Kevin Baker says:

October 9, 2008 at 4:16 pm

I am relativelly new to the marketing world and as an engineer I

should not be here at all.

But, its more exciting to learn a new skill than to be devoid of interest
in an old one.

My take on this whole thing is that Marketing and customer targeting

is your business. Its like the whole chicken and egg thing, whats first
and more importantly what matters more the product or the end user.

Both share importance but without a product you have no sales and
without sales the product is basically junk.

I learnt to design and now I am learning to market. I have a greater

appreciation of the professional marketer now than I had and yet
something still tells me I have more to learn than I can teach right

Your article has helped to re-enforce the reasons why I built the
business before I went to market. Now I only have to persuade and
bedazzle to grow rich. And that sir is the new game.



Susan Connors says:

November 17, 2008 at 3:11 pm

Hi Clayton[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Thank you very much for this invaluable article!

Sue in Aus


John Deck says:

November 17, 2008 at 5:34 pm

This is now the third time I have read this piece. What amazes me
the most is that when you step back and look at it solely as a process,
it make some much sense.

Clayton, quick question. What software do you use to keep such tight



Chong Xin Yun Seth says:

November 17, 2008 at 9:29 pm

You’re kidding… these stories sound like they’re dug up from the
Atlantis. An example of the highest level in marketing – by a master.
Clayton will worth a good life to clients who hire him.

Chong Xin Yun Seth


Bernie says:
November 17, 2008 at 10:46 pm

Clayton, great post. Loved the direct mail math. Reminds me of all
the story problems I had to do in High School Math.

As one of those "Book Smart" guys (I have an MBA from a 1st Tier
School) we were never taught any of this stuff. It was very much
brand building, and cost accounting focused.

Like the saying goes, "It takes a lifetime to learn what you already
knew," that marketing should be front and center because along with
sales it drives the MONEY![11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Keep up the great work.

A longtime fan, Bernie


Michel Dupuis says:

November 21, 2008 at 1:02 pm

Thank you again and again,

        Finally, the word on making it online or off is out.
I never understood why marketing was always a secondary part of
most companies, now I do.
It makes so much sense, market your product before all the rest,
this department should be at the very front of any venture.
Thank you for your insight,
       Michel Dupuis


Chu D. Obii says:

November 21, 2008 at 6:08 pm

Wow!! What can i say, [deep inhale and exhale] that’s was some
deep marketing and business building session I would internalize and
of course its being printed right now and archived for future
referencing. Thanks Clayton… I so grateful. Chu


mohamed says:
February 19, 2009 at 11:45 am



Pingback: Support Your Business Journey » Blog Archive » When the Going Gets Tough …
Fire Your CEO First!

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Your CEO First!

mike logan says:

December 4, 2009 at 3:00 pm[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Terrific article. It reminds me of all the time and money I wasted in
college learning from teachers who never ran a business or had to
actualy earn a living marketing in the real world.
thanks for the post! you are the best!

mike logan


Cheryl C. Cigan says:

December 5, 2009 at 9:31 pm

Terrific. What I needed to read today. Actually, I think I’ve read this a
few times already, but seem to pick up new information with each

Love the reminders of LTV (wasn’t it Federal Express which

instructed each driver to visualize $150,000 stamped on each
receptionist’s forehead), the clearly spelled out value of each new
customer. Also, taking the 60 day profits from Group A to get a Group
B at $0 cost and $0 immediate return is a great exercise.

Thank you again for sharing so much solid information.

Additionally, please tell The Redhead thanks for sending out the
Week in Review emails – because I look for them to get caught up on
the golden nuggets from you which I couldn’t get to during the week.
It is a great comfort to read her weekly recaps.

Best regards,

Cheryl C. Cigan



Manane says:
December 9, 2009 at 1:36 am

Hey Clayton!

Your “Smart Company” pyramid is not correct. Isn’t it supposed to be:

1. Employees – Marketing and Sales, in particular

2. Customers, then
3. The rest – shareholders and the the prez, etc.[11/29/2012 7:30:33 PM]

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig |

Great content as always …

PS Congratulations you quit smoking!


Pingback: 5 MORE reasons to read The Total Package

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A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

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Million-Dollar Copywriter

Posted on September 12, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

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Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
In this special interview issue … Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
How copywriters and their clients can get bigger winners, more
you should know …
often … Do You Believe?

How business owners and marketing execs can get a copywriter’s

best …

How one of the greats gets more assignments than he can handle …

How you can multiply your income without writing one more word
than you’re writing now …

And much, MUCH MORE!

Welcome, Business-Builder!

Gawd, I love copywriters.

Legends like Gary Bencivenga, Jim Rutz and others – pioneers and
geniuses who’ve been so generous with their wisdom over the years.

Today’s hottest "A" level writers – Arthur Johnson, Eric Beutel, Parris
Lampropoulos, Carline Anglade-Cole and others – because I learn
something that’ll make me a bundle every time I read them.

Most of all, I love the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed young guns just breaking
into this business, because they remind me of, well … me. They’re
younger, thinner and better looking to be sure – but so was I, once. Their
enthusiasm is contagious.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

I want you to meet a copywriter I’ve seen go from fledgling to top gun at the
speed of light – a guy who took his rightful place at the top of the "A" List
several years ago and whose accomplishments have pretty much guaranteed
him future installation in the Copywriter’s Hall of Fame …


When I first met Parris, he was about ten years younger, green
and cocky as hell, and was willing to work for cheap. So I hired
Parris and copy chiefed him on a few packages for Boardroom.

Next thing I knew, Parris was one of the hottest "A" list writers around – so
hot, in fact, that I couldn’t even get on his schedule (or for that matter, afford
his fees!).

Believe me – I’d like to take credit for his success. But the truth is, Parris
came to me with all the goods: Great writing skills, considerable persuasive
powers and a mind like a steel trap. When I saw his first draft of our first
package together, I knew he’d be one of the great ones.

A few days ago, Parris agreed to spend an hour with me on the phone for this
issue of THE TOTAL PACKAGE to talk about how business owners,
marketing execs and copywriters can produce bigger winners, more often.

I gotta warn you – this is going to be a long one. So if you need a potty break,
I’d suggest you do it now.

I’d also suggest that you save this issue – or better yet, print it out and stick it
on your bulletin board. The concepts Parris shares with us will make you big
money in the months ahead.

Here we go …

CLAYTON: Hi, Parris – thanks for doing this with me today!

PARRIS: I usually decline interviews – but who can say, "No"

to Clayton Makepeace? Actually, I’m looking
forward to it.

CLAYTON: Why don’t we begin by learning a little bit about

your background?

PARRIS: I grew up in Queens, in New York City, in a working

class neighborhood. Both my parents were
immigrants. And, I guess I got the work ethic from
my father who came here with nothing, worked his[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

butt off and ended up buying his boss’ company. A

true American success story.

But when I was growing up, we were still poor. We

lived in this little house and all four of us kids shared
a single 10′ x 12′ bedroom.

So before we could go to sleep, we knew we had to

use the bathroom because once my sister’s pullout
bed came out, the door would be blocked and the
bathroom would be closed until morning.

All that had a big influence on me. You know, a lot

of people say, "Oh, we didn’t know we were poor."
We were poor, and we knew it! When you go to a
friend’s house and he has all these toys and stuff
that you don’t have – it has an effect on you.

CLAYTON: How big a role did your family’s poverty have in

creating your work ethic? Did it give you the desire
to make millions?

PARRIS: It did. A lot of things about my childhood were really

great and gave me wonderful memories. I had a lot
of close family, close extended family, friends, and

But one thing I knew: I did NOT want to stay poor.

And I didn’t want my kids to miss out on going to
ball games and day camp like I did.

CLAYTON: That’s very similar to my own story – just a different

part of the country. How about your education?
How far did you go with school?

PARRIS: I got a bachelor’s degree in bullshit.

CLAYTON: You’re a Bachelor of Bullshit? I’d kill for a diploma

that says that!

PARRIS: [laughing] Actually, my degree’s in communications

and political science. That and a buck-fifty will get
you on the subway.

We studied stuff like Aristotle and all the old

rhetoricians from years gone by. You know – the art
of persuasion: Debate type stuff. Actually, it did
teach me some principles of persuasion that I still[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |


CLAYTON: Socrates often used questions to make his point.

Do you do much of that technique in your copy?

PARRIS: Not so much. I do it more in face-to-face selling. In

sales copy, I’ll throw in a question here and there,
but more often, I’ll phrase it as a statement. You
know – one of those statements that get prospects
nodding their heads.

CLAYTON: How did you first hear about copywriting and decide
to get into this business?

PARRIS: I’ve always had an innate gift for writing. I had

English teachers in college tell me, "Oh, you should
be a writer."

But I hated writing! It’s hard work. I think

Hemingway once said, "Writing’s easy. Just open a
vein and bleed all over the page."

I wanted to do something lucrative – and easier – so

I got into real estate sales. I had to learn how to be
a salesman.

I was horrible at it at the beginning. I was really shy

– one of those people who’d make a cold call,
secretly praying the person wouldn’t answer so I
wouldn’t have to talk to them.

So, when people say "Great salesmen aren’t born;

they’re made," I totally agree. If I can become a
good salesman, anyone can.

CLAYTON: The job in sales gave you valuable persuasive


PARRIS: Yeah. I had to learn how to sell to survive. When I

first started, the market was booming. Any idiot
could sell property. The bottom fell out, and then I
had to learn how to sell.

I got to be pretty good at it, and became sales

manager in a small real estate office. My mission
was to grow the company … attract better agents to
work for us … and get better listings. So, I got
interested in marketing.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

One day, in 1990, I received a newsletter that

contained an insert selling the Gary Halbert Letter.
The headline was, "How To Get People To Line Up
And Beg You To Take Their Money."

I signed up immediately. And one of the articles in

the premium was about selling information through
the mail. I got all excited and decided there and
then to write a book on how to sell your home in a
dead market.

It was perfect, I figured, because the real estate

market was as dead as a doornail and people were
having a real hard time selling their homes.

So, I wrote the sales letter for the book first. I wrote
every outrageous promise I could think of, and then
created the book to fulfill those promises. And
threw it in the mail, and waited for the orders to
come pouring in.

CLAYTON: Did they?

PARRIS: I got a 3% response. Cash with order, no credit

card option, on my very first sales letter. And I
didn’t know that was a good response! I was
despondent. I thought, y’know, 50% of the people
are gonna buy it. I had no idea.

CLAYTON: Oh that’s wonderful. 3% on your first effort.

PARRIS: Yeah. And then I tweaked it and I got it up to 6%.


PARRIS: But I was still losing money at 6% because I was a

total idiot. I didn’t know anything about the business
except just how to write copy.

So I got the copywriting stuff okay, but I knew

nothing about postage, printing, mailing lists,
fulfillment, and inventory, or any of the other stuff
that goes with running a business. So, I lost my

CLAYTON: What was your problem with that promotion? Was[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

your price point too low?

PARRIS: My price point was too low, my printing costs were

too high. I was mailing everything first class, I
wasn’t really exploiting the backend at all, and it
was a one-shot product. I had no clue. So, I’m
getting a 6% response and losing money.

CLAYTON: How did you get your first professional assignment?

PARRIS: A couple of years later, I attended a conference in

Las Vegas where direct response pros like Ted
Nicholas, Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, were

Before I left for the conference, I wrote a sales letter

for myself: "How To Hire A World-Class Copywriter
For Pocket Change."

I wrote about how I had created all these

successful promotions for my own products. And I
wrote about how the reason you’ve never heard of
this guy is until now he’s just writing for himself and
about how you’d better hire him quick because if
you wait, you’re not going to be able to afford him.

The first night of the conference, I stopped at

Kinko’s and had a few hundred copies of that letter
printed up, and then handed them out to anyone
who’d take them at the conference.

Four clients signed up on the spot. One of them

was Chip Wood of Soundview, who hired me to
write an insert for one of his newsletters. He’s still a
client today.

CLAYTON: Where did you go from there?

PARRIS: Well, from there, I was like okay, I’ve got a few
things under my belt, but jobs still aren’t coming in.
So, I started marketing myself some more, and I
hooked up with a fella named John Finn, who
hooked me up with a fella named Clayton

CLAYTON: Okay. Why don’t you tell me what happened then?[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

PARRIS: Well, there was this crazy guy named Clayton, in

Florida, who was like ah – the James Brown of
direct response: "The hardest working man in the
DM biz."

At the time, 24-page magalogs had become a big

part of the industry, and I would look at those and
say, "How do you write one of these? How do you
even begin?" It seemed like such a daunting task!

And one of the first things that I learned from you

was your step-by- step, methodical approach to
writing long copy. It was crucial for me because
after you had copy chiefed me on a few packages,
Chip Wood asked me if I would write a package for
Second Opinion, their flagship newsletter. And so, I
wrote a magalog.

I felt like this was my big chance to get to the big

leagues. And I felt I was only getting one shot to do
this, so, I’d better make it good. So I used every
trick I could think of to make sure that that thing
was successful.

It turned out to be one of the most successful

packages I’ve ever written. It mailed for about four

I pulled out all the stops on that package. It was

packed with proof elements, testimonials, price
justification, so there was no way anybody could
argue with it.

Some of the claims were pretty amazing – about all

these weird alternative therapies. And so, I had to
prove each claim three or four different ways and
overcome every possible objection I thought the
reader might have.

I worked every possible emotion the reader might

have too – his desire to feel and perform better …
his fear of future health problems and what
conventional medical treatments might do to him …
and lots of anger copy directed against the medical

CLAYTON: So, you used emotion effectively throughout the

piece. How did you make the connection?

Were there techniques that you used to make a[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

connection between how the editor felt and how the

prospect was feeling about the conditions he had at
the time?

I’m a big believer in this sort of

Stanislavsky method of
copywriting – where you try to
feel what the prospect is

Sometimes, I’m more

successful than others. The
more I have in common with
the prospect, the easier it is to do. If I’m writing a
package for Men’s Health, for example, I can do it in
my sleep, because I am a member of the market for
that product. But, if I have to be a 60-year-old
woman, it’s a little more difficult.

But, luckily, I was a big believer in alternate

remedies and immediately identified with my

And I liked the editor’s style. At the time, Second

Opinion was edited by William Campbell Douglas,
and he had a very great writing style: Sort of a
rough, sarcastic, curmudgeonly way of
communicating that really gave the copy a distinct

CLAYTON: A lot of times, you can copy and paste right out of
the newsletter for a sidebar or even for a section of
running text, and really capture the editor that way.

PARRIS: Yeah. And that’s something I learned from Bill

Bonner. He’d basically assemble the promotion out
of things the editor had already written.

CLAYTON: I remember that Second Opinion promotion. It really

launched you. As soon as it hit the mail, your phone
started ringing off the wall. Publishers couldn’t wait
to get onto your dance card.

PARRIS: I never had to go look for work again.

CLAYTON: Word gets out quickly, doesn’t it?[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

PARRIS: It’s amazing, it really does. I remember being at a

Ted Nicholas seminar and asking him, what’s the
best way to get gigs? And he said the best way to
get gigs is to have one or two strong controls, and
then the work will come to you. I didn’t believe him,
I just said, "That can’t possibly be." But, it really is,
as you know.

CLAYTON: Give me a list of people you’ve written for over the

last, say, ten years.

PARRIS: Mostly the same people that you’ve written for:

Phillips, Agora, Boardroom, Soundview, Rodale,
and Georgetown Publishing – the usual suspects.

CLAYTON: Tell me about this inspired promotion you did for

Louis Navellier …

That was a huge challenge. It

was just after the stock market
crash, and nothing was
working at the time for bullish

So I began by asking myself,

"What’s my prospect’s deepest
desire right now?" My answer:
To make back every dollar he lost in the decline.

So that was the promise in the headline. But I

needed a proof element in the head to make that
promise believable. And so my headline reads,
"Secret Flaw in Financial Markets Lets You Make
Back Every Dime You Lost"

I figured the "Secret Flaw" idea implied that I had

proof, and would make it nearly impossible for
investors to ignore.

Then I added another proof element – and a

paradox to the deck copy. It told about the money
manager who was making a bundle by playing it
safe. So there was intrigue there also, a fascinating

Next, I demonstrated Navellier’s approach – and

kicked my prospects’ greed glands into high gear –
by romancing the heck out of the stocks he was
recommending.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |


CLAYTON: Great stock stories are the heart and soul of most
great promotions for financial newsletters. How do
you approach them?

PARRIS: First, I go to Fortune, Forbes and Business Week

and read every article I can find on the company
being recommended. Then I do something unusual:
I sit down and start writing "fascination" bullets for
those articles.

By doing that, I find all kinds of unexploited sales

angles. Those angles lead me to the "hook" for the
stock story. And once I’ve got the hook, the story
almost writes itself.

Second, I write about how great and amazing this

company is. Why it’s the best thing since sliced
bread and why the company’s customers are
tripping over themselves to buy its products or

Third, I tell them why there’s this strange temporary

condition that’s causing the stock to be
undervalued. And I come up with some sort of
tangible measure of that.

I go to MSNMoneyCentral.Com, and use their stock

research wizard. It’ll tell you everything you need to
know: How the company’s Price/Earnings ratio
(P/E), growth rates, and just about every other
conceivable metric compare to other companies in
the same industry.

Now, if you look through there, somewhere, you’re

going to find some number that makes the case
that this company’s undervalued. And you romance
the heck out of that number.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

CLAYTON: I’ve also found, by the way, Parris, that the S&P
and Reuters stock reports give these same kinds of
comparisons. Plus, they give you dividend growth,
consistent quarters of dividend payment, earnings
growth, cash on hand, long- and short-term debt
and a lot more.

Fidelity.Com makes them available for free to

anyone with a brokerage account.

PARRIS: It’s worth opening a brokerage account just to get

that kind of research!

CLAYTON: Yep – so what’s your next step in writing a great

stock story?

My third step is to
demonstrate how the numbers
behind this stock mean it
should be selling for two, three
or more times its current price.

So, now, you’ve written your

hook … you’ve explained why
this is a great company … and
you’ve proven that it’s a screaming bargain …
you’ve explained why it’s so cheap … and you’ve
shown how much the stock should be worth, and by
doing so, how much money the prospect stands to

Now, it’s time to give them a catalyst – a trigger

that’s about to move the stock higher.

Maybe there was a lawsuit, but now the lawsuit’s

settled, so the stock’s ready to go back up again. Or
the company has just signed a lucrative contract
with the government or a bigger company, and
earnings are about to soar. Or the company’s a
juicy take-over target for a bigger company. Or
even just that very few analysts know about this
company yet, but it’s about to make a big splash
and when analysts and the big institutions jump
onboard – hold onto your hat!

CLAYTON: We’ve even pointed out that in the months ahead,

millions of people will be reading this report and
buying the stock.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

Shameless – right?

PARRIS: [laughing] Only you could get away with something

like that!

The point is, there’s a catalyst, and you’re creating a

sense of urgency. They must move now, or they’re
going to miss out. And I tap into the emotion of
regret my prospect has about opportunities he’s
missed in the past.

CLAYTON: Ken Roberts once had a P.S. on the end of his

piece that simply asked the question, "What if I’m
right? How are you going to feel three months from
now when this stock has jumped 100% … 200% …
300% or more – just like I told you it would – and
you missed the boat … again?

If you could name one thing that proved to be the

most important factor, in making you successful
today, what do you think it would be?

PARRIS: Boy, that’s hard. I mean, I know what I think the

most successful thing about writing copy is:
Understanding your audience and what they want.

CLAYTON: How do you do that when you’re writing for a market

and you’re not a member of that market? What are
some of the ways you get in touch with how your
prospects might be feeling?

PARRIS: I read the magazines that they read. I pay particular

attention to letters to the editor, because the people
who write them feel strongly enough about
something to actually sit down and write the editor.

And I listen. Like Gene Schwartz used to say, be a

listener, first and foremost.

Today, I’m mentoring a handful of young

copywriters, and I make them find people who have
certain health conditions and just listen to them.

I tell them, "I want you to go out and find somebody

who has arthritis, and I want you to interview them
for an hour. Listen to them talk about what it’s like
to have arthritis. Pick somebody you love, or who
you’re close to, or is a friend of yours, so you’ll have[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

empathy for that person as they describe how they


Then, I tell them to write, a two-page description of

what it’s really like to have arthritis.

And, when you write, picture someone in your mind

who you’re writing to, a specific person.

When I write health promotions, I very often picture

my mother-in- law. Because, she is the right age
and demographic, and she’s having health
problems, and she’s sort of skeptical about this
alternative health stuff. So when I write to her, I
have to convince this skeptical person I really care

CLAYTON: That’s wonderful. And it’s great to pick a skeptic.

Our prospects are becoming more and more
mature and more skeptical as a result.

I also notice from what you said earlier that you

sought out mentors who could help you get started
and grow as a copywriter.

PARRIS: It’s sort of a cliché, so people tend to dismiss it

because they’ve heard it so often before. But I can’t
impress upon people how important that is.

When I went into real estate, I didn’t have a mentor,

or rather, I had a mentor who wasn’t all that good at
it. So, I learned how to be not all that good at it!
And, it took me years to unlearn the wrong stuff and
learn the right stuff, by finding people who were
good at it.

So, when I got into direct response marketing, I

made it a point to find great mentors.

If you learn from somebody at an ad agency who

makes a hundred thousand dollars a year, he’ll
teach you how to make a hundred thousand dollars
a year. Why not find someone who makes millions
of dollars and let him teach you to do the same?

So that’s what I did. I started out by learning from

Gary Halbert and Ted Nicholas. Later, I learned
from Bill Bonner, Michael Masterson, Clayton
Makepeace, and Gary Bencivenga.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

By the way, you don’t actually have to meet all your

mentors. It’s great if you do get to meet them, but
you can learn a lot just from their work.

CLAYTON: You’ve told us about your big break – the

blockbuster control you wrote for Second Opinion.
Tell us about some of your other great
successes …

Sure. The current control for

Bottom Line Health is a big
winner for Boardroom – and it
shows how to turn any
weaknesses you might have
as a copywriter into strengths.

I’m not the most creative guy

in the world. I don’t get great
Jim Rutz type headlines coming to me from my
subconscious. I usually have to work consciously to
come up with my ideas.

When I’m writing to promote a book, for example, I

usually go through the product page by page,
writing fascination bullets. And then once I’ve got
those, several will suggest theme ideas and
headline ideas. The headline in the Bottom Line
Health promotion started out as a fascination.

So did my
control for Soundview, How To Undo Years of
Damage Done By Stress. This was written in early
2002, so you just had 9/11, anthrax in the mail, a
new war in Afghanistan and the build-up to the Iraq
war. My wife and I were talking about how stressed
out everybody was.

I jumped on Amazon.Com to check out the sales

rankings of books on stress. They were very high,
so I decided to use a stress lead.

It worked like gangbusters – Soundview mailed that

package for a good two years.

CLAYTON: Interesting. I work in a very similar way. I’ll write 24[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

pages of copy, and then turn to the headline and

deck copy last. I just go through my text and several
phrases will jump out at me. I turn the strongest
ones into headlines.

PARRIS: Yeah. Well, that’s no accident, I learned it from you.

CLAYTON: I’m flattered!

There’s another element to that headline that I think

is particularly powerful: Forgiveness for past sins.
That’s really what I loved about the headline – the
idea that I can be freed from the consequences of
past actions.

PARRIS: That’s huge. Forgiveness for past sins. Undoing the

past – undoing things you regret. Y’know, you
always hear people interviewed and they say, "I’ve
got no regrets." I’m thinking, "Bullshit. He’s got a list
of regrets a mile long, we all do!"

CLAYTON: What mental processes do you go through when

you’re starting a new project?

PARRIS: I always start with bullets. Because, like I said, I’m

just not the world’s most creative guy. And if I didn’t
start with bullets, I wouldn’t even know where to
begin. I’d just sit there staring at a blank screen.

So, if I’m writing a Boardroom package, that’s great,

because half the package is done when you’re
done with the bullets.

But even if I’m writing a package where there’s not

a single bullet in the final package, the bulleted
notes I take when beginning still shape how the
package is gonna be.

CLAYTON: In that case, the bullets you’re writing relate to the

benefits the product offers to the customer, right?

PARRIS: That’s right. But always with an intriguing twist.

I had a great conversation with David Deutsch,

where he told me about teaching somebody how to
write fascinations and bullets. His copy cub found a
tip in the book about how keeping a wallet in your[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

back pocket can cause back pain. So his

fascination read, "How A Pick-Pocket Can Get Rid
Of Your Back Pain."

CLAYTON: Beautiful.

You mentioned earlier that you read what your

prospect’s reading. Have you ever used, like polling
websites, for example, on financial packages? A lot
of the best ones tend to be quite topical. We might
be talking about rising interest rates and gas prices,
and commodity prices, for example.

Do you look for other sources of information on

what your market might be thinking and feeling?

PARRIS: Yeah, I look at polling stuff, I look at what’s in the

news, I look at Internet message boards and chat
rooms to see what people are writing about.

One thing about me, though, is I’m kind of, like,

lazy. I don’t wanna write a package and then have
to write a new one six months later when it’s not
topical anymore. So, I try to look for evergreen
material if I can.

But you know, as Dan Kennedy is fond of saying,

"You can make a living just going through USA
Today and getting ideas for new packages."

CLAYTON: Very true. And I’ve found that leaving the closing
copy – where you present the product and the offer
– the same for six months to a year at a time and
simply writing new front-end facing based on what’s
hot in the news today, can produce huge mailings
and massive royalties.

So, I’m lazy too, but I’m lazy in a different way. I just
rewrite the front ends and let the backends stand.

PARRIS: You know, the guarantee copy is something we

probably shouldn’t be lazy about.

If you look at Rodale’s sales copy, they’ve had the

same guarantee for like, twenty years. But, when
Gary Bencivenga would write that copy, he would
sell the guarantee in such a way that it sounded
new and fresh every time he did it. He would find a
new way of phrasing it that made it really sing.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

I was reading a package the other day that Arthur

Johnson wrote for Phillips Alternatives newsletter,
and he basically had the same guarantee Phillips
has run for several years now. But then Johnson
added, "250,000 people who ordered this did not
take us up on that guarantee."

CLAYTON: That’s beautiful. He turns a guarantee into a selling

device instead of just a risk reliever.

I often use my guarantees as contracts between the

editor and the prospect, in which I get to repeat all
the benefits the prospect is signing up for.

In fact I just finished a package this morning for

Sinatra, where the guarantee is a contract between
Dr. Sinatra and the reader. "Here’s my solemn vow
to you. I’m going to do these seven things, and if I
ever disappoint you, everything I sent you is free."

What could clients do for copywriters to help us

produce our work more quickly and give them
stronger copy?

PARRIS: Provide better research, more research – so the

copywriter can spend his time writing – NOT
beating the bushes for background stuff.

But the best thing a client can do to get really great

breakthroughs for information and advisory
products is to give the copywriter the freedom to
write about things that may not be in the existing

The best packages I’ve ever written came from

ideas the client hadn’t thought of. I got an idea and I
told the client, "Hey, you should write about this,
this is hot." And so, the editorial arose out of the
copy instead of the copy arising out of the editorial.

Y’know, I started this interview talking about how,

many years ago, I wrote a book on how to sell your
home fast. But I wrote the ad first, and then wrote
the book. You get better copy that way, and you
also get better editorial that way.

CLAYTON: Well that’s an important point. In a very real way,

the editorial copy is marketing copy, because the[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

strength of the editorial drives renewal rates. So for

a publisher, making the connection between
editorial and what’s hot in the market place is a key
to profits.

I think implicit in what you’re saying is that

marketing should drive editorial. The marketer is
the one, not the editor, who’s going to the websites
and reading the magazines and the books and
asking the question, "What’s selling now? What are
people worried about? What do they fear? What do
they desire?"

PARRIS: Yeah. If you want good renewal rates, you have to

ask the question, "How can I best serve my
customers?" And the answer is, you give them what
they want and need.

That’s what Robert Rodale, Tom Phillips, Bill

Bonner, Chip Wood and other pioneers did when
they first started this business.

CLAYTON: I think another part of it too, is that when Bob, Tom

and Chip got started, they were doing both the
editorial and the marketing.

Now, we have editorial managers and we have

marketing managers. They talk to each other, but
somehow, the singular vision – giving subs the
information and advice they’re hottest for – can get

That’s just a challenge of growth.

One of the problems that I had early on, I think that

a lot of younger copywriters have, and I guess I still
deal with it – is that, y’know, from our youngest
years, we’ve been taught that the customer’s
always right.

The client is my customer. I want to please the

customer. And so, I feel torn. On the one hand, I
want my copy to be a grand-slam homerun. On the
other, I want to please the customer. Do you ever
have that experience?

PARRIS: I was – y’know, I got this sort of cockiness from,

like, Gary Halbert and people like that who were
early influences on me.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

And so, I was a lot better at that.

It’s interesting because, I look back on it now, and it

surprises me because, like I said, I was always this
shy, timid guy. But, for some reason, I was pretty
good at asserting myself when it came to copy.

And, I think if you’ve done the work and you’ve

learned from the masters … and you’ve studied
Caples and Hopkins and Schwab and then some of
the newer people that we’ve talked about today –
and if you have some winners under your belt – you
need to fight for your copy.

Once, on a conference call, I heard Jay Abraham

say, "I don’t consider the client my customer. I
consider the end buyer, who’s buying the product or
service, that’s my customer. So, if I’m doing right by
that customer, then the client automatically gets the

CLAYTON: Once, Jim Rutz told a marketing manager at

Phillips, "The heartbreak of a blown deadline is
soon forgotten in the warm glow of a hot new

And the same is true, I think, of the process itself. I

think you can be nice, but firm. The client may not
like it in some cases, he may love it in others, but
the bottom line is that response at the end of the

CLAYTON: Parris, what’s the smartest thing you ever did to

increase your income as a copywriter?

PARRIS: The smartest thing that I ever did to increase my

income is the same thing you did. I become more
than a copywriter.

I can’t write more than three or four hours a day. My

brain just turns to Jell-O. So that leaves another
three or four hours that I could be making money,
but I’m not. That puts a ceiling on my income. Now,
it’s a pretty high ceiling, but it’s a ceiling

So I started copy chiefing other writers. There’s a

huge shortage of A-level copywriters, so there’s a
value to the client to be able to go to the B and C[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

writers and then have an A writer copy chief that

and bring it up to a higher level.

I get to accept assignments that I wouldn’t

otherwise. Each project only takes a tiny fraction of
the time I’d normally spend on a package, and I get
a chunk of the advance and the royalty.

So I make more money. The young gun gets more

assignments, grows his skills on each project, and
makes more money. And the client gets the
promotions he needs. It’s a win-win for everyone.

CLAYTON: As I understand it, you’re getting involved in a lot

more than simply creative. Aren’t you also working
on marketing strategy, product positioning,
development, and those kinds of things?

PARRIS: Product positioning, product development,

marketing strategy, sorta coming up with a road
map to take them to the next level.

CLAYTON: When in your career, did you learn the nuts and
bolts side of the business? How did you pick up that

PARRIS: Mostly, learning from other people. Some stuff I

learned from clients, some stuff I learned from
business books, some I learned from studying guys
like Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy.

You know, as Dan Kennedy says, it’s no great

secret. There’s this big building in your town, with
books in it, called the "library." All you have to do is
go down there and you’ll find out all kinds of stuff.

CLAYTON: And "stuff" equals money. So helping your client

with marketing strategy and all the rest that creates
another income avenue for you. Your client isn’t
getting that wisdom from you for free?

PARRIS: No. I mean, it’s free up front, it’s based on

performance. I pretty much patterned what I’m
doing after what I saw you doing.

CLAYTON: It certainly was a breakthrough for me in terms of

income, and it appears to have been for you.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

But it’s not always easy to get clients to break with

the old freelance copywriter paradigm … to think
about us as more than wordsmiths … and to involve
us earlier in the process, or at deeper levels of the
process. How are you able to do that?

PARRIS: It’s the old risk reversal thing, you know? Make ‘em
a risk-free offer.

I called my client and said, "Hey, y’know what? I’m

trying something new, it’s kinda crazy, I don’t know
if it’ll work, but it could pay big dividends. I’m gonna
be in your town next month, what if I stop by there
for half a day and we throw some stuff around?"

So I went to my client’s office and we took out all

his newsletter inserts and I changed headlines on
the spot. When he ran them again, he got a much
higher response.

Then, I strengthened their telemarketing scripts.

Pretty soon, we were talking products, positioning,
marketing strategy, creative strategy, and mailing
list strategy – the works.

Joe Sugarman said, "Two things you need to be a

good copywriter are, you need specific knowledge
about copywriting and about the client’s product,
but you also need general knowledge, because that
gives you ideas that maybe they never thought of."

If you’re well read and spend some time thinking,

you’re going to get ideas on how to increase your
client’s business that has nothing to do with
copywriting. You’re going to be watching the news
one day and say, "Wow. That idea could make my
client a gazillion bucks."

CLAYTON: I can definitely relate. I find that when I’m focused

on a client or a product, my brain is working on it 24
hours a day and great ideas come at the oddest

And so, the clients really get much more of you

than he would if you were merely a freelancer,
working at arm’s length.

Plus, so much of what we do is chemistry between

us and the client. And a lot of that chemistry[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

depends on how well each of you understands and

respects the other’s work process, and having a
relationship with that person that frees you to give
them everything you’ve got.

And then there’s the learning curve on the product

and the market. When a freelancer has to go
through a new learning curve every single month,
that’s time down the drain. When you have a
deeper relationship with a client, you can skip the
learning curve and focus intensely on the copy.

And since you get paid for writing – not for your
time learning – you just naturally work faster and
make more money.

PARRIS: Absolutely. There is a downside though. Sooner or

later – it could be years – you’re going to run out of
ideas for a particular product. That’s where your
copy cubs come in handy.

Bringing more good people into the mix and

allowing them to contribute keeps the great ideas

CLAYTON: Yes. And more than just the "idea" thing – if you’re
doing your job well; your client’s going to grow.
Fast. And at some point, there will be more work
than you can possibly handle – even with copy

At that point, I like to bring in other "A" writers and

let them work directly with the client. They put more
customers on the file, and since I’m also writing
sales promotions to those customers, they make
me money.

At Weiss, I asked him to bring in Eric Beutel,

Richard Stanton- Jones, Carline Anglade-Cole, Bob
Bly and many others. I even rang you up and tried
to get on your schedule.

The secret is to have a compensation schedule that

rewards you for the client’s growth no matter who
does the work. That way, everybody makes a

This has been great. There are tons of ideas here

that both copywriters and their clients can use to
make millions.[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

Thanks again, buddy.

PARRIS: You’re welcome.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Marketing Chauvinist Pig

12 Responses to A Conversation With

Million-Dollar Copywriter

Ruth says:
May 1, 2007 at 12:32 pm

These interviews are so helpful to me as a beginner. Actually, I get

more thoughts and creativeness from them than others..people get so
wordy…I hate that.. when jeweels can come from just a few well-
worded paragraphs. I have a BS in Psychology, and I believe that is
where I started to hate so many nonsensical words. Well, anyway,
thanks so much.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

Gerard LeBlond says:

July 24, 2008 at 10:30 am

Red Alert! Red Alert! As of 24 July 2008 the "Click to Enlarge"

feature attached to each ad image is faulty…


graham says:
July 24, 2008 at 11:22 am

Hey, Gerard. Thanks for the catch. We can’t find the larger versions
of those images right now – so the links are gone. Thanks for the
heads up!


Francis Ablola says:

July 24, 2008 at 11:24 am

It’s inspiring to see how someone like Parris came through the ranks.
Very insightful. I consider myself a cub with a lot to learn…great
article for someone like myself. Now how does one go about being
chief’ed by an A-level writer?


Chuck says:
July 24, 2008 at 3:02 pm

I’m with Francis above… How about an article titled, "How To Get
Chiefed By a Master Copywriter and Rocket from Idle Cub to
Overbooked A-Lister!"



Adam says:
July 24, 2008 at 3:12 pm

Parris is the king! Rock on baby!

Reply[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

Marcelino Latorre says:

July 24, 2008 at 3:19 pm

This interview was an inspirational jewel. Thanks for the lesson

guys. -Marcelino Latorre


Gene Ingle says:

July 24, 2008 at 6:26 pm

As a longtime interviewer, I must say this: It’s one of the best

interviews I’ve ever seen. Fantastic! If wannabe copywriters can’t
learn from this, maybe they should try something else. The Total
Package — always something of value.


Markus Trauernicht says:

July 25, 2008 at 1:18 am

"And I tap into the emotion of regret my prospect has about

opportunities he’s missed in the past."

Markus Trauernicht


Richard Muir says:

July 25, 2008 at 2:08 am

Hey great post and extremely insightful on the path of a copy writer.




Robert J Chamberlain says:

October 22, 2009 at 7:47 am

As a novice/beginner myself, I find this text to be a gem, an absolute

classic. It is definitely well worth the read, and I can say without a
doubt that I will be returning to it in the very near future. I have been
in hiding so-to-speak for various reasons, but I am certain that I will[11/29/2012 7:30:47 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterPARRIS LAMPROPOULOS |

have a great future career in this field. As a very creative person

thanks to my ADHD, writing and persuasion come pretty easily to me.
My future is bright.

It is an interesting subject. Hell, I love marketing. I can sell sell sell

and usually outperform everybody.

Thanks for sharing.

I will be implementing the techniques outlined here.


Alexander Herrera says:

April 12, 2012 at 10:45 am

Great article! I will be reading the rest of the archived articles on this
web-site, starting with 2005.

This interview with Clayton & Parris was inspiring to date, even
though it took place in 2005. Nothing really changed a whole lot in
regards to writing quality copy. I aim to digest as much as i can on
this site to better my shitty skills at writing.


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Face Your Fears
Posted on October 17, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

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Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
I love people who have the audacity to dream big dreams – and who have
the courage to actually follow those dreams through to fruition.

And in the last few days, I fell in love 200 times.

I’m writing this on Monday morning, October 10 (one week before you’ll read
it) – after returning from attending and speaking at the American Writers &
Artists Institute’s (AWAI) Boot Camp in Delray Beach, Florida.

This was a big first for me. For one thing, I don’t “do” conferences. I attended
my first – and last – marketing conference in 1975 … that was 30 long years
ago, and I hated every minute of it. It was a cattle call: Hundreds of hungry
writers, artists, list brokers, printers, and other vendors desperately mobbing
anything that resembled a potential client. And since acting like a teenage girl
chasing rock stars through hotel lobbies isn’t my idea of fun, I never did it

But I’m impressed – no, that’s wrong – I’m utterly BLOWN AWAY by the
whole AWAI Boot Camp experience. AWAI’s Michael Masterson, Paul
Hollingshead, Katie Yeakle, Denise Ford and their staff are some of the
greatest folks on Earth. They made The Redhead and me – and everyone
else there – feel right at home.

The organization was flawless. The programming was inspired. The speakers
were brilliant. And every one of the attendees proved to be the kind of people
I admire most: Everyday folks taking action to turn their dreams of freedom[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

and wealth – of a better life – into reality.

If you were there, I know you’re nodding your head right now. And frankly, if
you weren’t – and if you really are serious about sharpening your copywriting
or copy-chiefing skills – you blew it.

For every business owner, marketing exec or copywriter in America looking

for ways to produce more effective ad copy, the annual AWAI Marketing Boot
Camp is simply a “must attend” event. I strongly recommend that you begin
making plans now to be there next year.

I’m going to be – NO MATTER WHAT!

Just saying “yes” to AWAI

scared the bejeezus out of me.
If going to an industry conference was a big deal for me, actually speaking at
one was a life-changing experience.

This will probably sound strange to you – but ever since I was a kid, I have
suffered from a raging case of stage fright. Just standing in front of 20 or 30
people got my knees quaking. Once, my hands shook so violently, I couldn’t
even read my notes.

And so I turned down every speaking invitation offered to me in the last 33

years. Instead, I spent 99% of my time alone in darkened rooms, cranking
out reams of direct mail, print, TV, radio and Internet promotions.

My aversion to public speaking has cost me a LOT over the years. Once, the
prestigious Economic Club of New York – the august body to which J.F.K.
delivered his famous “tax-cuts-INCREASE-tax-revenues” speech – invited
me to address their members.

They told my secretary they’d spring for First-Class airfare and

accommodations, steer my family and me around Manhattan in a stretch limo
and even let us use their helicopter for sight-seeing – if I would only consent
to speaking.

My stage fright was so severe, I didn’t even return the call – and missed out
on what would have surely been one of the greatest experiences of my life.

But the folks at The American Writers & Artists Institute have been so
unbelievably gracious to me over the past few months – repeatedly
recommending THE TOTAL PACKAGE to their students – only a jerk would
have declined their invitation to speak.

So there I was; saying “yes” to AWAI … agreeing to face my fear … and

risking the possibility of sucking BIG time.[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

Evidently, I didn’t suck.

So, at 11:15 AM last Friday, I spoke about direct marketing in public for the
first time ever.

I presented the copywriting outline I’ve used to create some of the most
successful financial newsletter promotions of all time. These promotions have
consistently brought my clients as many as ten or fifteen times more new
subscribers than the competition gets in a year, and have repeatedly
quadrupled their customer files (not to mention my personal income!) in
record time.

I figured this stuff should be pretty handy for any copywriter to know. All I
wanted was to: 1) Not suck on-stage, and 2) Enjoy the experience enough to
not dread doing it again.

So when my buddy Bob Bly introduced me, I bravely checked my fly, clipped
the mic onto my shirt, treated myself to a quick mental snapshot of the
audience in their underwear (especially the cute blonde in the third row in the
imaginary Victoria’s Secret get-up), and began talking.

I thought I did OK. I didn’t choke up, nobody fell asleep and the material I
presented was real.

The Redhead, bless her heart, says I was hands down, the best speaker at
the entire conference … in fact, the best speaker there ever was on any
subject in the whole universe since the Big Bang, period (aren’t wives great?

The folks who work for me – the TOTAL PACKAGE staff and my new copy
cubs – were complimentary too. No surprise there, either: After all, I am the

And of course, the AWAI folks said I did great. They’re just too nice not to.

But the rest of the attendees blew me away. They lined up – scores at a time
– to tell me that my ramblings really helped them. Only one person – a nice
lady from Belize – offered a criticism: “Stand up straighter” she said,
“Slumping screws up your internal organs.” “Thanks, Mom,” I said.

Copywriter of the Year

Around 5:00, Sandy Franks presented AWAI’s first-ever award for the
“Copywriter of the Year.” Want to guess who won? Me, that’s who!

They put my name on a plaque that’ll hang in their offices forever and
awarded me a cool etched-glass trophy for my bookcase PLUS a silver
money clip from Tiffany & Co.!

Now, I don’t want to brag, but the other guys who were nominated are among[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

the greatest copywriters ever. Some are also my buddies. And so

to them, I say with the deepest sincerity…


When the comely and brilliant Sandy Franks handed me that trophy, I felt like
spiking it, strutting around like a Banty Rooster and breaking into an end-
zone dance!

… But while I was doing all of that on the inside, I didn’t let on. I just told the
crowd that if a high school dropout like me can make millions writing copy
and be honored like this, you can too. And I said that somewhere in the
crowd, there were several future “Copywriters of the Year”, and urged them to
stick with it.

It truly was a humbling experience. You see despite what you may read
elsewhere, there is no such thing as “The World’s Greatest Copywriter.”
Anyone who tells you different – who claims that he or she is the greatest – is
just … well, writing copy.

I’ve seen lots of great copywriters flop. Heck. I’ve done it myself! And just a
few weeks ago, I saw a no-name in-house writer beat the daylights out of
copy written by one of the most famous guys (and one of the most shameless
self-promoters) in the biz.

So thanks again, AWAI, for the honor. I’m thrilled to accept – whether I
deserve it or not. And to all my peers who voted for me, bless your little pea-
pickin’ hearts!

Is fear holding YOU back?

This whole AWAI Boot Camp experience taught me one of the most valuable
lessons I will ever learn. Facing my fear freed me from it!

Whether you’re a business owner, a marketing exec, a copywriter or an artist,

I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that fear has steered you into some of the
dumbest and costliest decisions of your life – and AWAY from decisions that
could have proven to be huge breakthroughs for you.

Fear is what keeps us where we feel safe – and what dooms us to mediocrity.
It keeps us from trying bold new things: Things that break the rules … things
that have the potential to create breakthroughs and make us legends, not to
mention, richer than Midas.

Last week, I introduced you to Carline Anglade-Cole – a former copy cub of

mine who now earns well into six figures every year spinning out hot new
controls for major clients. In addition to being a great writer, Carline is one of
the most fearless people I’ve ever met. Her lack of fear has enabled her to
put her talent on the line … fight for her copy … and become an “A” – list[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

writer in record time.

But not all of us are like Carline. Most of us do struggle with self-doubt,
intimidation and outright fear. But that moment when we finally set those
fears aside can lead to tremendous breakthroughs …

Carolyn faced her fear – and now, she’s ON HER

Carolyn – an attractive, very intelligent lady in my Boot Camp Peer Review
Group – is an excellent case in point. She works in a particular type of
financial services company and is disgusted with the way her industry
exploits and in some cases, even rips off everyday Joes like you and me.

Carolyn’s dream is to publish and then write hot sales copy for a book that
will expose these abuses, help consumers get a fair shake, and save them a
not-so-small fortune. But that would mean she’d have to quit her job and
gamble that profits from book sales will be substantial enough make up for
her lost salary.

Just yesterday, she wrote to tell me that – thanks to the encouragement she
got at the AWAI Boot Camp – she went straight home, quit her job and is now
pursuing her dream FULL-TIME!

You know what? I think she’s going to make it!

Andrew faced his fear – and I HIRED him!

After my speech, dozens of nice folks lined up to say “HI!”, thank me for THE
TOTAL PACKAGE, and to say kind things about my presentation. I was
humbled that some waited 20 minutes or more to chat.

As I met each person, I couldn’t help but notice that the fellow at the very end
of the line was literally quaking in his shoes. He looked as terrified as a guy
who was about to be led before a firing squad!

When he finally reached the head of the line, he introduced himself: “I’m
Andrew,” he said in a shaky British accent, “and I want you to mentor me.”
And he shoved a big envelope with writing samples into my hand.

Now, this happens to me a lot. I get scores of e-mails each week from writers
asking me to mentor, copy-chief, critique or coach them – but my time is
severely limited, so in most cases, I have no choice but to kindly decline and
urge them to continue reading THE TOTAL PACKAGE to find the help they

But a couple of days later, I had time to look at Andrew’s writing samples –
and within an hour, I’d fired off an e-mail offering him a “first-date”
assignment for one of my clients.[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

Now, because he too faced his fear, Andrew is on his way: If he works hard
in the next few weeks, he has a shot at a long-term contract worth five, or
even six figures – and a fast start towards the copywriter’s life he dreams

… So what are YOU afraid of?

Maybe your worst fear is that someone might tell you your copy stinks –
destroying your dream before it has the chance to really take flight. And
so you decide to put off those phone calls to prospective clients for yet
another day.

Maybe you have some great copy or marketing ideas – but you’re afraid
to see where they’ll lead you, or fearful of presenting them to a client and
having him or her think you’re some kind of a kook.

Maybe you’re paralyzed by the fear that your new copy will “fail in the
mail” and make you look and feel like a loser. So you second- and third-
guess every decision you’ve made – and weaken your copy with each
succeeding draft.

Or, perhaps you’re too intimidated to fight for your copy when a client
starts messing with it – so you just stand by impotently and let some fool
gut it.

My advice: It’s OK to feel fearful. We all do from time to time. When fear
raises its ugly head, acknowledge it. Say, “This scares me” – and then do it

Be SURE to read the next two issues

for even MORE exciting news!
Since today’s issue was mostly motivational in nature, I’m going to make it up
to you – in SPADES – with some super-heavy-duty nuts-and-bolts content
next week.

So stay tuned, dear friend … and never, EVER lose faith in your dreams.

The Redhead and I – and the entire TOTAL PACKAGE team – are doing
everything we can think of to help make your dreams reality!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor
THE TOTAL PACKAGE[11/29/2012 7:30:59 PM]

Face Your Fears |

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

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Scary LEGAL Issues
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You NEED to Know About
Posted on October 31, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace
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3 Golden Rules for avoiding most legal nightmares … He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
4 MORE secrets for KEEPING the millions you're going to make as a
Before you take the copywriting
savvy business owner, marketing exec or copywriter … world
by storm, there’s something
And MORE! you should know …
Do You Believe?

Dear Business-Builder,

One year before 9/11 – almost to the day – I was cooling my heels on the
86th floor of Manhattan's World Trade Center, waiting to be grilled by a
team of government investigators and wondering how IN THE HELL I'd
ever wound up there …

I flashed back to the moment, two years earlier, when a FedEx truck had
rolled up to my office and disgorged an innocent-looking box. Inside the box,
I found a bunch of investment newsletters written by a guy I'd never heard of
– and a letter from my agent asking me to "take a look."

As I read the first issue, I felt like somebody had just poured ice water down
the front of my shorts. What the editor was saying shocked me … chilled me
– and ultimately, electrified me!

This guy was saying truly outrageous things about President Clinton's past
and making extreme, negative predictions about the future of the economy
and the stock market.

In short, his audacious, uniquely powerful message was in stark contrast to

the Pollyanna pabulum I was seeing from other financial publishers.

The fact that I disagreed with most of the editor's views was immaterial to me
at the time. If ad agencies and copywriters only worked with clients and[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

media whose opinions we agree with, there wouldn't BE any ad agencies or


To me, the editor was simply …

A U.S. citizen, expressing his (admittedly outrageous) opinions, and …

An American businessman, attempting to attract new customers.

Now I feel it's only fair to remind you: I did NOT graduate Harvard Law
School – or any other attorney assembly line for that matter.

… But I am a proud graduate of McKinley Elementary School in Tremonton

Utah. And when Mr. Walden tested my sixth-grade class on the U.S. Bill of
Rights and Constitution back in 1962, I passed with flying colors (OK – so
maybe it was just a "C+").

I distinctly remember those dusty documents saying – and I'm quoting from
memory here …

"We the people say it is O.K.

to speak your mind and make money."
Besides: It seemed clear that, crazy or not, the editor passionately believed
what he was saying. Plus, I knew that thousands of investors did share his
views. And his copious use of facts, figures and quotes from well-respected
outside sources helped make his views seem at least plausible to thousands

Finally, I did the math: This guy's unique (and uniquely entertaining) views …
plus powerful sales copy … equaled huge promotional potential for him – and
six- or maybe even seven-figure royalty potential for me.

So I called my agent and asked if the publisher was reputable. Did he deliver
what he promised? I was assured that he was and he did. The prospective
client worked with several other reputable copywriters, printers and mail list
companies – and as far as my agent could tell, was on the up-and-up.

Anyways, I accepted the job.

I wrote a promotion or two for the guy … they mailed well … he paid me
promptly … and I banked some VERY healthy royalties. It was immediately
clear that this client was probably going to be a $1 million-a-year cash cow
for me.

It wasn’t long, though, until word got ‘round that I had written the client’s
control. Suddenly, people I respected were calling, positively mortified that I
was working with this guy.[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

According to them, the editor was a convicted felon on the lam from federal
authorities. And not only that, his partners were as crooked as a dog’s hind
leg, too.

“He’s not delivering the newsletters you’re selling,” they said, “nor is he
paying refunds to dissatisfied subscribers. And what’s more, the track record
he gave you is a complete fabrication.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

I'd worked with scores of clients in my nearly three decades in the direct
response biz. Until then, only ONE of them had proven to be a skunk – and
even he gave me the straight poop on his investment track record and paid
refunds promptly.

He delivered products to his customers too – as it turned out, much poorer

quality products than I had been led to believe (hence the "skunk" part) – but
at least he delivered something! (When I learned the skunk was cheating his
customers, I resigned the account. Within a year, I heard he'd been nailed for
his sins, had set up housekeeping with a cellmate named Bubba at a federal
correctional facility, and would be getting his mail there for the next decade or

Now, as I digested the horrifying news about this new client, I suddenly felt …
well, dirty, somehow – like I needed to take a long, hot shower and scrub my
entire body with #40 grit sandpaper.

My Momma raised me better than to be party to a scam. If she had ever

caught me hanging out with such unsavory characters, she would have said,
"Birds of a feather flock together," – and proceeded to give me the thrashing
of my life.

So, thanks to Mom, I didn't even have to think about what to do next. I
promptly bailed – and by doing so, walked away from the millions I would
have surely made with the client.

Then, one fine August day in 2000, my phone rang again. This time it was a
nice lady from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) – the
federal agency charged with the responsibility of skewering anyone who
breaks the law while selling futures or futures options.

The nice lady politely asked me if I would be so kind as to …

1. Send her every communication I'd ever had with the client …

2. Send her everything I had ever written for the client …

3. "Visit" her in New York to tell her everything I knew about the client.

Again – I am NOT a lawyer – but I do know one thing: When an investigator

at a government agency "invites" you to pay him or her a visit, it's not really[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

an invitation. It is an order.

One way or another, you are going to talk to them. Your only choice is
whether the record shows you did so voluntarily or only after some guy with a
badge and a gun shoved a subpoena into your face.

And so, I was nice right back at her. "Sure," I said, and we settled on a date.

Then, I speed-dialed a famous New York lawyer who specializes in such

things and asked him to walk me through what I was positive would be more
of a "grilling" than a "visit."

Don't shoot ME; I'm just the copywriter!

And so there I was that September day in 2000, in a windowless room at the
World Trade Center, awaiting my turn on the CFTC's spit. Long story short, it
went OK.

I swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me,
Buddha. I told them everything I knew about the client (not much, as it turned
out) and they let me go sans-handcuffs. I haven't heard a peep from the
CFTC, or any other regulator for that matter, in the five years since.

Besides the thirty-thousand smackers my lawyer and travel expenses cost

me – and the month of writer's block and lost productivity I suffered while
waiting to give my deposition – there were no permanent scars.

And frankly, I had re-learned a valuable lesson: Uncompromising personal

ethics, plus a working knowledge of the legalities involved with marketing and
strict adherence to those laws – and, of course, the phone number of a great
attorney – are absolutely essential to succeed over the long haul in any
business today – especially this one.

99.99% of all direct marketers are honest, good

When someone suggests that direct response marketing is a sleazy
business, I have to resist the urge to slap 'em. In fact, the only reason I don't
brain these cynics is that I, for one, find physical abuse of the mentally
retarded morally reprehensible.

The God's truth is, the vast majority of the companies in this industry – and
certainly every client I have ever had a long-term relationship with – provide
quality products at fair prices and in doing so, bring tremendous value to their
customers' lives.

Yes, there are some bad apples:

Insurance sharks that push children's burial insurance policies to guilt-[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

ridden parents and whole-life policies to addled seniors …

Bankers who sell "low-interest" credit cards that whack you for up to 30%
the second you're even one day late paying ANY bill …

Drug company fat cats who send lavish mailers to doctors touting stuff
they know will kill thousands just to make a quick buck (Thalidomide,
Tambocor, Fen-Phen & Redux and Vioxx) …

"Natural" quacks who claim their non-prescription remedies will make you
skinny, erase your bald spot and make your wilting willy snap to
attention …

Congressional candidates and other politicians who fill your mailbox with
fundraising appeals promising you the world if you'll only donate and vote
– but never deliver (Why can't you ever find an FTC cop when you
REALLY need one???) …

Every one of these scam artists should be rounded up … liberally doused

with Chanel No. 5 … shoved into a very small cell with a very large, very
lonely Bubba … and have the door locked behind him.

And it should be done NOW – before he sullies the reputation of honest

direct response companies any further, and certainly before he has the
chance to reproduce!

But the fact is, these kinds of shameless swindlers represent only a tiny
minority of the massive direct marketing community. And to those of us in the
biz, it's easy to avoid them.

Anyone with an IQ as large as my shoe size (I wear size 11 – and according

to the psychiatric textbooks, an IQ of 11 is about one-fifth of what you need to
be officially classified a "Moron" and well within the official "Idiot" range) – can
see them coming.

Their slick silk suits, greasy hair, implausible promises, shoddy products,
outrageous prices and Congressional imprimaturs are a dead give-away.

Beyond avoiding these obvious scoundrels, I also follow three "Golden

Rules" when working with clients …

Golden Rule #1
Lie down with dogs and you'll get up with fleas:
Never agree to partner with or promote products
sold by people you know to be less than honest.

Golden Rule #2
Never promote products you suspect
could be defective or dangerous:
Avoid things you wouldn't want your mom or dad,
your significant other, or your kids or grandkids
paying for and using (Attention, Merck and Pfizer execs!).[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

Golden Rule #3
Never, ever lie:
Say only what you are convinced is true –
and have substantiation to back it up.

More legal stuff you need to know

It would be wonderful if avoiding legal entanglements was as easy as

following my 3 simple "Golden Rules." Unfortunately, in today's highly
regulated, lawsuit-crazy world, it is not.

So here's some more great advice designed to help save you a bundle and,
hopefully, keep you out of hot water …

1. Memorize everything you see at
– the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's (FTC)
on the World Wide Web.
The FTC is the arm of the U.S. government that sets the rules for all
advertising, marketing and sales conducted in this country. In my experience
anyway, they're a pretty decent and reasonable bunch of guys and gals. They
just want everybody – consumers and businesses alike – to get a fair shake.

They know that for the U.S. economy to be successful, consumers need to
have a level of confidence in the advertising and marketing messages we
send to them.

And, the FTC also knows that it's important to protect consumers from
ALMOST all of the scammers and scoundrels named above (I'll let you guess
the only kind of swindler on the above list that even the FTC leaves alone!
Hint: They're both headquartered in Washington D.C.).

And on balance, they also know that advertisers and marketers need to
employ animated sales copy (they seem more concerned with content than
tone) to produce effective sales campaigns.

For the most part, the FTC wants to make sure that you follow my 3 "Golden
Rules" above. If you do, you'll be miles ahead of the game – but you will NOT
be home free.

There are other little wrinkles you need to be aware of – like the thing some
folks call the "reasonable person" rule – and it goes beyond merely insisting
that you tell the truth.

In a nutshell, it says that nothing in your sales message should – whether by

omission of key facts or by the presentation of supposed product benefits –[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

deceive, mislead or leave a reasonable prospect with a false impression.

In FTC parlance, ads that mislead are "deceptive" and in the FTC's own
words, certain elements undergird all deception cases …

"First, there must be a representation, omission or practice that

is likely to mislead the consumer.

"Practices that have been found misleading or deceptive in

specific cases include false oral or written representations,
misleading price claims, sales of hazardous or systematically
defective products or services without adequate disclosure,
failure to disclose information regarding pyramid sales, use of
bait and switch techniques, failure to perform promised
services, and failure to meet warranty obligations.

"Second, we examine the practice from the perspective of a

consumer acting reasonably in the circumstances. If the
representation or practice affects or is directed primarily to a
particular group, the Commission examines reasonableness
from the perspective of that group.

"Third, the representation, omission, or practice must be a

"material" one. The basic question is whether the act or practice
is likely to affect the consumer's conduct or decision with regard
to a product or service.

"If so, the practice is material, and consumer injury is likely,

because consumers are likely to have chosen differently, but for
the deception. In many instances, materiality, and hence injury,
can be presumed from the nature of the practice. In other
instances, evidence of materiality may be necessary." –

In Plain English, I'm pretty sure that means as a business owner, marketing
exec or copywriter, you are required to do more than simply tell the objective
truth. You must also avoid giving your prospect a false impression about your
product by omitting or failing to mention a key fact about it.

Unless you have a secret desire to spend a few years honeymooning with
Bubba, I strongly recommend that you spend a few hours at:

That's where the FTC keeps its "Plain English" guides for advertisers and
marketers. I suggest you commit them to memory.

I also recommend that my clients have sales copy reviewed by an attorney[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

who is steeped in FTC regulations and who stays current with the actions
being taken against other marketers.

2. If another regulatory agency has jurisdiction

over the clients you serve or the products you sell,
study their regulations carefully!
While the FTC watches advertisers and marketers in nearly every industry,
some types of businesses are also governed by their own sets of regulators.

If you or your client is selling stocks, mutual funds and other kinds of
securities investments, for example, you'll need to understand the ground
rules set out by the Securities & Exchange Commission (
as well as the National Association of Securities Dealers
( [UPDATE: In 2007, the NASD merged with the New
York Stock Exchange's regulation committee to form the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority, or FINRA.]

If you're involved in the selling of commodity futures or futures options, you

need to study the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's site at

And, if you sell nutritional supplements, you should study

for guidance in preparing your advertising and marketing materials.

If you don't know which agency regulates the industry you're working with,
you can check out the list at the U.S. government's web portal:

3. Keep your legal antennae tuned!

It would be nice if the laws and regulations governing the advertising and
marketing of products and services were black & white and carved in stone.
Unfortunately, they are not – so it is absolutely crucial to make sure an
attorney reviews sales copy before it is mailed and keeps you on top of both
current and possible future shifts in the legal landscape.

Many years ago, for example, the SEC hauled a guy named Chris Lowe up
on charges. He wasn't selling regulated securities – just publishing a monthly
investment advisory newsletter. Each month, he merely offered his opinion as
to what the stock market would do next, and made a few recommendations.

The way Chris saw it, sharing his opinions and recommendations was
protected speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And
so, Chris happily, even blissfully ignored the SEC's prohibitions against using
testimonials, his track record and other credibility devices when promoting his

Then, in a startling display of brilliant business judgment, Chris hired me to[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

write a promotion package for him. I did, and then sent him my invoice for, as
I remember, around $10,000.

The check bounced. Then, it bounced again. And again. So I got Chris on the
line and said, "Golly gee, Chris, what the heck's going on here?" – or words
to that effect.

Seems the SEC had not appreciated being ignored … had promptly shut
down Chris' little publishing operation … hauled him up on charges … seized
his bank account – and left me holding the bag for ten grand plus about
$3,000 in bounced check charges. My first and only promotion for Chris Lowe
never went very far: It didn't even make it into graphics – let alone into the

Chris, on the other hand, did go far – all the way to the Supreme Court. I
once paid an SEC attorney $300 an hour to help me understand what
happened next. According to him, the learned arguments went something like

CHRIS: "You can't do this to me – I'm operating under the First Amendment

SEC: "Are not."

CHRIS: "Am too!"

SEC: "Are not!"


SEC: "Damn!"

And so, ever since the famous "Lowe Decision," marketers of investment and
financial information products have been pretty much free to operate under
the far more liberal FTC guidelines ("Don't lie, cheat, steal or mislead")
instead of worrying about the SEC's prohibition on the use of testimonials,
track record and other crucial selling tools.

Nevertheless, the SEC or CFTC still take a run at a financial publisher every
few years, trying to expand their jurisdiction and powers. So if you're writing
for financial publishers, it's important to pay attention. The rules could

Something similar happened with the FDA not too long ago. While allowing
big drug companies to get away with murder – literally – the agency had
taken to kicking down doors at the offices of doctors who prescribed

In the case of one doctor – a Harvard-educated M.D. named Jonathon Wright

– FDA enforcers reportedly held nurses and patients at gunpoint while they
confiscated his supply of vitamin B12, his medical files and computers,[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

effectively putting him out of business.

And so in 1995, FDA regulators found themselves at the center of

Congressional Hearings on FDA abuses, held by Congressman John Dingel
(R-TX). The FDA boys got spanked pretty good and behaved themselves for
a while. But like the SEC, the agency has not abandoned the quest to
expand its power.

Most recently for example, the FDA endorsed something called the Codex
Alimentarius (Latin for "nutrition code") established by the World Health
Organization (WHO).

Should CODEX become the law of the land in the U.S., all the rules about
marketing supplements would change radically:

It would be illegal to sell a vitamin, mineral, herb, or other nutritional

product to help consumers avoid future health problems …

It would be a crime to sell supplements that exceed potency (dosage)

levels set by WHO …

It would be against the law to market any new dietary supplement before it
has passed through the CODEX approval process.

So again – keep your ear to the ground: The rules for marketing supplement
products are constantly changing – and when they do, you do NOT want to
be the last one to know!

4. Why experiment on animals

when there are so many LAWYERS?!
While following the 3 Golden Rules … getting a grasp on pertinent
regulations … insisting on a legal review of sales copy … and staying on top
of any changes are crucial, you're still not home free.

Problem is, according to the American Bar Association, there are now more
than ONE MILLION lawyers in the U.S. alone – about one for every 218
adults in America.

It only feels like most of them are in Congress or working for regulatory
agencies. In fact, far more work in the private sector – and of these, hundreds
of thousands are just praying you'll screw up.

According to the American Tort Reform Association, lawyers wrangle about

one-quarter of a trillion dollars out of the legal system every single year. And
according to the U.S. House of Representatives, lawyers – not their clients –
get 33% of that.

That's … let's see … carry the "1" … a whopping $81 BILLION per year:
Enough to send a check for $81,180 to each and every lawyer in the country!
(;[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

No wonder America has gone lawsuit happy! Just a few ridiculous recent
examples I found at:

January 2000: Kathleen Robertson of Austin Texas was awarded

$780,000 after she tripped over a toddler who was running amuck inside a
furniture store.

June 1998: 19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and
medical expenses from a driver who ran over his hand.

October 1998: Terrence Dickson of Bristol Pennsylvania was awarded

more than $500,000 when a faulty door opener trapped him inside a
garage and forced him to subsist on Pepsi and dog food for 8 days.

Okay, I’ll come clean. Those lawsuits aren’t real. But with access to a news
database and a few minutes to spare, you can easily find real lawsuits of
equal stupidity.

The fact is, anyone can sue you at any time and for any reason. And even if
you win, the suit is going to cost you tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

Business owners can buy insurance for this kind of thing – and most probably
should. If you're a copywriter or a marketing consultant, consider adding the
following to your contracts:

1. A clause that says your client takes full responsibility for determining the
accuracy, legality and regulatory compliance of all statements in the copy
before it is used …

2. A "Hold Harmless" clause that says if your client is sued for any reason,
he can't turn around and sue YOU, and …

3. An "Indemnification" clause that says if YOU are named as a party in any

regulatory or legal action against your client, he will reimburse you for any
legal fees or awards assessed against you.

Pretty scary stuff …

but absolutely CRUCIAL to your success!
As you can see, it's one thing to make big money as a business owner,
marketing exec or copywriter. HOLDING ON to the money you make is
another matter entirely![11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

So follow the 3 Golden Rules … follow your regulatory guidelines … get a

lawyer's help when appropriate … and CYA with contract provisions that
protect you when the worst happens … and you have a good shot at both
getting rich and staying that way.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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14 Responses to Scary LEGAL Issues

You NEED to Know About

DK Fynn says:
August 28, 2008 at 4:16 pm


I’d say that in the opening or ending of this post, you should state
something to the effect that "the information presented here is for
informational purposes only. I’m not a lawyer. This is not legal

That’d be true, and kind of paradoxical.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

Clayton Makepeace says:

August 28, 2008 at 5:02 pm

Hi, DK! Did it — right up there near the beginning: "Now I feel it’s
only fair to remind you: I did NOT graduate Harvard Law School – or
any other attorney assembly line for that matter."

Plus, if you think about it, my advice in this article is 1) Know the rules
and 2) Use a real laywer.

Thanks for your concern, though …


Clarke Echols (Not a lawyer but my son-in-law is...) says:

August 28, 2008 at 5:21 pm

Amen Brother Clayton…

Also don’t bet on the judge helping.

My son-in-law had an air-tight case against one of the "big pharma"

corporations you mentioned. Took it to U.S. District Court, expecting
a slam dunk.

It appears the judge didn’t even bother to read the case file. He just
signed a 2-page order dismissing the case. A case for damages
caused by blatant malpractice within the defendant company.

Most likely the U.S. District Court judge had his eye on a nomination
to a U.S. Court of Appeals, and from there the Supreme Court. And
he certainly wouldn’t want a drug company calling a Senator they’d
appropriately bribed with a "campaign contribution" to derail approval
of that nomination.

The case involved an individual disabled for life due to a "hot batch"
of vaccine manufactured by a company purchased by the "big
pharma" company in question (live viruses in the vaccine that weren’t
properly killed). They built a new production line in the 1980s and
instead of using current acellular technology invented by Eli Lilly and
made public domain when E.L. got out of the vaccine business, the
went back to a "killed cell" technology from the 1930s that was
banned in Japan in the 1960s when a better "split-cell" technology
was put online.

My son-in-law had copies of internal memos from company

management talking about the $millions they’d save with the older
technology.[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

When a "hot batch" showed up in a U.S. state (won’t mention but I

know which one), it was easy to track. So the manufacturer went to
Plan B: Don’t
package a batch in the same case. Split the bottles up so they go all
over the country, making it "impossible" to trace.

Enter the CDC and their computerized records. They tracked the
batch numbers from MD records and still nailed the source.

So, Clayton — when you talk about the money-grabbing, don’t-give-

a-rip-about-ordinary-people goons of big pharma, you are NOT

I think it would be useful to prohibit any attorney from running for

public office of any kind (possibly excepting U.S., state, and local
criminal prosecutors) unless they had a minimum of 10 years’
employment *outside* the field of law, or in their own business which
must have zero connection with the legal profession. [Given former
Colorado Attorney General Ken Salazar's record in the U.S. Senate
and his brother John in Congress (I grew up with their babysitter),
maybe it should include prosecutors. They're from a hamlet
you can't even identify as a town!]

Then maybe (just maybe) we might see a teensy weensy bit of sanity
within the "hallowed" (shallow?) halls of Congress…

But don’t hold your breath.

I have a simple way to keep my sanity about this stuff:

I know there is a God in Heaven. He is real. He Rules. And all of

these clowns are mortal. They will die. Records are being kept of
their every thought, their every deed, their every act.

And there will be a judgment day. They will stand before their
The books will be opened. They will be judged out of the books
according to their thoughts, acts, and deeds (as we all will — food for

And there will be no wondering about the meaning of the word "is".

And for those who say they don’t believe in God? No problem. They
don’t have to. That’s not required. But Truth isn’t a matter of opinion
or philosophy. They don’t have to believe in gravity either. But that
doesn’t mean they can jump off the roof of a 40-story building,
proclaim their non-belief in gravitational attraction, … and FLY!

Won’t happen.

Truth and reality are not a matter of opinion. And if I have to choose[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

sides, I’ll take truth and integrity.

I do web site consulting. I can choose not to help certain businesses

because I don’t like the owner or the owner’s attitude. I won’t
associate my name and reputation with anything of dubious nature. I
may make less money, but if I’m working for/with people of integrity, I
can keep mine…

Plus, I can sleep a lot better at night, not having to worry about the
eternal consequences of my mortal acts (as well as avoiding the
worries about
sharing a space with Bubba).



Winston McDaniel says:

August 28, 2008 at 8:01 pm

Being extremely new to this business of Copy Writing, I am puzzled

at your mention of "your agent" being the initial contact that led to
your unfortunate involvement. Is an "agent" necessary in this

Otherwise, I would say that this article is right on as any and all others
have been.

Thank you for sharing your invaluable knowledge and insight!


Gerard LeBlond says:

August 28, 2008 at 8:17 pm

Clayton, Your advice is right on the money and terribly important for
all copywriters and markets to know.This post, along with some of the
comments, should be printed and put in a special folder marked
"Legal Side Of Marketing" and put right next to Gary Halbert’s "The
Boron Letters."Thanks for the valuable lesson.Respectfully,Gerard


Craig says:
August 29, 2008 at 8:23 am

Just a quick note Mr. Clayton to once again express a resounding

"THANK YOU" for providing such profound, accurate and useful[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

information that we ALL can use and prosper from…

It truly is a crying shame that our society is in the condition it is in

(Sue Crazy, Ultra Legalistic pollitically correct etc., etc., etc and all of
that other garbage) therefore, I belive it goes without saying that it is
because, as Mr. Clarke Echols touched on, people just either are not
willing to submit to or just willingly refute the fact that one day, they
WILL have to give an account to God in Heaven for their negligent
and irresponsible actions in relation to their positions and
responsibilities with which they are entrusted to their fellow man while
here on this big blue ball called Earth.

To those who conduct themselves in such manner…… Repent now

or Face the Judgement in Eternity!

Thanks Again..

Craig Thomas


deanna says:
August 29, 2008 at 9:11 am

Hi Winston,

To answer your question about copywriting agents … you definitely

don’t need an agent to succeed in this business. They basically find
clients for you – for a fee - freeing up your time to focus on writing.
But you can also find clients for yourself. Check out Clayton’s article
in the archives: How to Attract Killer Clients Who Will Pay You the
Money You Deserve.

Deanna Blanchard
Response Ink


Apryl Parcher says:

August 29, 2008 at 10:32 am

Hey Clayton:

Thanks again, buddy, for scaring the POO out of me. Having to take
a turn on the grill in front of any regulatory body must be the ultimate
colon cleanser. Ironically, I was just writing an email campaign for
one of those [cleansers] when I got your post, and was considering
asking the client for some to try, but I think I’ll just save your post and[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

re-read that instead, should I need a boost.

I’ll never complain about having to submit my work through an FDA

lawyer again!



Stacy Karacostas says:

August 29, 2008 at 11:39 am

Hi Clayton,
Thanks so much for this post. I’ve been working as a copywriter for
years, and have clauses in my contract stating that it is up to the
client to make sure what we say is legal, as well as E & O insurance.
And I do my best to keep up on regulations.

Your post just gave me a few more good ways to cover my butt.
Much appreciated!!


Stacy Karacostas
Practical Marketing Expert, Speaker, Author
SuccessStream Sales & Marketing


Henry says:
August 29, 2008 at 4:38 pm

its sad,,,, you can do good by the truckloads.

but people will latch on to any misperception.  
Its sad that Clayton needs to remind us to CYA.     Its not legal advice,
just prudent advice.


Roshawn says:
August 30, 2008 at 1:18 am

Thanks for alerting us of these legal issues. Many of us, newbie and
veteran copywriters alike, were completely unaware of these things.
Your experience wasn’t in vain.

On a different note, that stuff about Codex Alimentarius makes me[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

sick. It hurts to know that our own government has betrayed us by

stripping us of our God-given right to health. This where the great
copywriters like you, Mr. Makepeace, can truly use your talents for
the good of all. YOU can help spread knowledge of such FDA
foolishness, which would anger the American people and encourage
all to contest our goverment’s acceptance of this disastrous code.
Using those skills solely for profit and not to inform people of a
great evil about to befall them is just as big a crime as accepting
bribes from Big Pharma (who would no doubt be the main
beneficiaries of Codex implementation) or any other crime
mentioned in this article!

Thanks again.


SB says:
August 31, 2008 at 11:30 pm

Thanks for the warnings and cautions, Clayton. I’m a newbie

exploring whether Copywriting is what I want to be doing next and this
was definitely one of the issues I had to look into. Your sharing e.g.
this kind of experiences you’ve been through is definitely


Donna says:
September 3, 2008 at 5:02 pm

Hi Clayton,

Thank you SO much for this very eye-opening article… the more I
read what you write, the more I realize that you have one of the best
and most informative blogs on the entire internet. Kudos!

Stay cool (as you already are)!



Vickie says:
July 28, 2010 at 4:17 am

Hi Clayton. WOW- what a really cool read this was…THANK YOU!

Your humour really pulled me in straight away and made what could
have been a very boring topic very readable- and of course so
entertaining! I have been writing for years but have just started up in
this field ‘officially’ with my own brand new little business. Though I[11/29/2012 7:31:12 PM]

Scary LEGAL Issues You NEED to Know About |

am down under in Australia, the information on your site is still very

relevant, and so helpful to me. Thank you for the insight, and for the
giggles too! I will be back for sure. Thanks again…Vickie aka “Lust for
Words” …in the wonderful land of Oz!!! x


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Ad Writer’s Arsenal
Posted on November 28, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
45 Super Weapons To Help You Time for a Change
Create World-Beating Ads Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
In this issue: you should know …
Do You Believe?

My 6 favorite free sources of brilliant ad-writing advice …

The single best way I know to get a rock-solid foundation in the art
and science of writing great ads …

9 classic books that every businessman, marketing executive and

copywriter should read every year …

The single best way I know for copywriters, copy chiefs and
entrepreneurs to produce stronger ad copy …

PLUS how I multiply the selling power of my ads by targeting

prospects’ 29 most powerful emotions.

Dear Business-Builder,

Since we began publishing this eLetter in June, readers have sent me

thousands of emails with suggestions for articles and questions about the
specific issues that concern them the most.

Today, I’m going to answer the two questions I get asked most often:

1. “What do you recommend I read to strengthen my ad-writing skills?”

and …

2. How can I better identify the emotions my prospects already have that
could push response to my direct mail, Internet, print, TV and radio ads[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

over the top?”

In a very real way, the answers to these questions are the super weapons of
direct response marketing: Together, they give you an astonishingly powerful
arsenal for producing world-beating ads.

Frankly, I envy you for having these amazing resources available to you. I
would have sold my soul for this stuff when I was starting out. But for you,
most of these power tools are free … and the rest are a screaming bargain …

Super Weapon #1:

You ’re looking at it right now –
In my subjective, completely biased opinion, THE TOTAL PACKAGE is
hands down the greatest free resource available to business owners,
marketing folks and copywriters on the web today.

Why am I so proud of THE TOTAL PACKAGE? Simple: It’s the only eLetter
on the entire World Wide Web that delivers these three valuable benefits to

1. You Get Real-World Response Boosting Strategies: Many eLetters on

marketing and ad writing are edited by self-proclaimed experts who do not
and have never produced marketing results that hold a candle to ours – or
worse: who make a living by teaching – not doing.
In THE TOTAL PACKAGE, you get the practical, real-world tips, tricks
and techniques that are boosting response for me – a working marketing
advisor and copywriter … right now … in the real world.

2. You Get The Unvarnished Truth: Some of the stuff I see marketing and
copywriting gurus saying about their ideas and techniques is just silly.
One guy claims to be the greatest in America. Another one claims to be
the greatest on the planet. Yet another claims to be the greatest in the
history of the universe since the Big Bang.

Many claim that their “ideas never fail.” Well, let me tell you: Even the
most brilliantly conceived sales campaigns and copy DO fail at times.

Here at THE TOTAL PACKAGE, we respect your intelligence. We never

claim to be the best or the smartest, the best-looking or the snappiest
dressers, and I delight in recounting how the spankings I’ve been given
over the years have helped me – and could help you – get bigger
winners, more often.

3. You Get Tremendous Value: When I was planning our recent teleseminar
series on how to build a profitable copywriting business, friends sent me
links to several websites selling seminars on the same subject … one for[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

as much as $10,000.
By contrast, I priced my teleseminar at just $299 – 97% LESS. And not
only did attendees get the five hours of coaching and free business
building guides we promised them, we over-delivered by an order of

First, we extended the length of most of our sessions to 90 minutes. Then,

we added a sixth 90-minute session for free. And finally, we gave
attendees not one, but three valuable, unadvertised bonus gifts – again,
for free.

BOTTOM LINE: When we offer you practical tools – books, courses,

teleseminars or anything else – you can be sure that they were created to
actually deliver a real, measurable boost in response to your direct mail,
Internet, print and electronic sales messages – and to do so at a
reasonable price.

So, if you’re reading a friend’s issue and haven’t yet subscribed yourself, just
CLICK HERE to get your own free issue of THE TOTAL PACKAGE every

And if you’re enjoying your subscription to THE TOTAL PACKAGE, why not
tell your friends and associates about us? Just send an email to everyone
you know who runs a business … works in marketing … or writes copy – and
invite them to visit our sign-up page:

Super Weapons #2-6:

Get tons MORE response-boosting insights for free
While I’m extremely proud of THE TOTAL PACKAGE, I’m also delighted and
amazed at the brilliant response-boosting ideas I get regularly from people I

Take Gary Bencivenga, for instance. Gary has often been called (by others;
never by himself) “The greatest copywriter alive.” He’s also a prince of a guy.

Although Gary and I both wrote scores of direct mail promotions for Phillips
Publishing, Boardroom and other health and financial publishers in the
1990s, we were never really “competitors” – because both of us did our dead
level best NOT to go up against each other’s controls!

At Gary’s “Retirement Party” this year – and also in a TOTAL PACKAGE

interview we hope to publish in the next week or two – Gary says the first
question he asked clients when considering a new assignment was, “Did
Clayton Makepeace write the control?” If the answer was “Yes,” Gary refused
the assignment.

Fact is, I did exactly the same thing – and so we spent the last two decades
studiously avoiding every opportunity to compete with each other. You get[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

bigger winners trying to beat weak controls than strong ones.

No business owner, marketing exec or copywriter worth his or her salt would
even consider missing a single issue of Gary’s brilliant eLetter,
BENCIVENGA BULLETS. So if you’re not already a subscriber, just CLICK

And while you’re online, you should also claim your subscription to the
eLetters offered by Gary Halbert and John Carlton. Both of their letters
contain excellent tips for creating powerful ads, and neither will cost you a red

Also: I’d strongly recommend that you sign up for the free eLetters offered by
Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham. Each claims to be the greatest marketing
genius and/or copywriter ever. And each charges truly obscene prices for
their books, courses and seminars. But don’t let their hype and the high cost
of their products put you off. Their free e-zines are extremely helpful.

Super Weapon #7:

Get a rock-solid foundation
in the art and science of writing great ads
If you work in any aspect of marketing … if you own any kind of business …
or even if you’re just beginning to plan your own business … and hope to
make sales over the Internet, with direct mail, or in print, TV, or radio ads…

Michael Masterson’s course, the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure

Copywriting is by far the finest grounding available in the art and science of
writing effective ad copy.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, I often hire and mentor beginning
copywriters to help me on direct mail, web-based and print promotions for my
clients. I’m keeping six of them hopping right now – and every one of them
began their copywriting careers by completing Masterson’s course.

And you DO NOT have to be a copywriter to make this remarkable course

worth many times its $507 cost! Masterson’s course should be required
reading for ANYONE who works with ad agencies or copywriters … and
especially for business owners and marketing people who write their own

Just CLICK HERE to get Michael Masterson’s Accelerated Program for Six-
Figure Copywriting and to subscribe to the American Writers and Artists
Institute’s free eLetter, The Golden Thread.

Super Weapons #8-16:

Buy and study the world ’s greatest advertising
classics[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

These are the books that got me off on the right foot so many moons ago –
and that I insist my copy cubs read and re-read today …

Successful Direct Marketing Methods – by Bob Stone: This is the

classic and constantly updated guide to how direct marketing works. I
was fortunate to read this book very early in my career, and
understanding these nuts-and-bolts principles has produced most of my
biggest paydays.

Confessions of an Advertising Man and Ogilvy on Advertising – by

David Ogilvy: These two books present an entertaining overview of the
advertising world, and contain many penetrating and inspiring insights that
will make you a better copywriter and a better businessperson.

Scientific Advertising and My Life in Advertising – by Claude

Hopkins: These are the classic works by one of the greatest copywriters
who ever lived. Though written in the 1920s, most of Hopkins’ ideas are
still applicable – yet sadly, too often ignored – even today.

Tested Advertising Methods, How to Make Your Advertising Make

Money, and Making Ads Pay – by John Caples: These three books by
the man who wrote the famous “They Laughed When I Sat Down at the
Piano …” ad are chock-full of valuable and vital information about
improving your ads and sales letters. Well worth studying.

How to Write a Good Advertisement – by Vic Schwab: Another

excellent book, full of great tips, tricks and insights.

Fund Raising Letters – by Jerry Huntsinger: The title sounds like it’s a
collection of actual sales letters. Instead, it’s Huntsinger’s classic guide on
how to write fundraising letters and contains some of the best advice
about copywriting you’ll find anywhere.

The Copywriters Handbook – by Bob Bly: A terrific A to Z guide by my

good buddy and fellow writer.

The Robert Collier Letter Book – by Robert Collier: Robert Collier was
one of the pioneers of the direct mail business. And this book is chock-full
of his timeless advice for writing effective sales letters.

Breakthrough Advertising – by Gene Schwartz: This book can be

tough going – but if you can master it, the principles are solid gold. carries most of these books. However, if you find one or more
is currently out of print, you’ll probably be able to find them offered on E-Bay
or through a used book seller.

Super Weapons #17-45:

29 powerful emotions your prospects already have

and how they can multiply response to your ads[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

If you’ve been with me for more than a couple of issues, you’ve probably
read one or more articles on how connecting with my prospects’ dominant
resident emotions gives me a big edge over writers who focus only on the
benefits a product provides.

I’ve been buried under a blizzard of emails asking, “How can I know how my
prospect is feeling?”

My answer: It’s easy.

First, you can be sure that every customer or prospect you will ever talk to
shares at least 10 common fears … 11 common frustrations … and 8
common desires …

10 fears every human being experiences

1. Fear of the Unknown…

2. Fear of Embarrassment …

3. Fear of Failure …

4. Fear of Poverty and Want …

5. Fear of Loneliness …

6. Fear of Dependence …

7. Fear of Betrayal …

8. Fear of Illness …

9. Fear of Death …

10. Fear of all of the above for people who are close to us.

11 frustrations that drive us nuts …

1. Frustrated by feelings of Inadequacy…

2. Frustrated by the feeling that we’re Inconsequential or Unimportant …

3. Frustrated when we feel Unappreciated …

4. Frustrated when we feel Powerless or Trapped …

5. Frustrated when we feel Used or taken advantage of …

6. Frustrated when we feel Oppressed …

7. Frustrated when we feel Deprived of things that others enjoy or even take
for granted …

8. Frustrated when we feel Demeaned in key relationships and when others

seem to take us for granted …[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

9. Frustrated by constant feelings of Guilt imposed upon us by parents,

religious institutions and even by our own expectations of ourselves …

10. Frustrated with the feeling that life is going by too fast and that we’re not
getting all we could be out of it.

11. Frustrated with things that shouldn’t be difficult or time-consuming, but

often seem to be true.

And each of us shares 8 common desires …

1. To feel OK about our past and to find Justification or Forgiveness for past

2. To feel Free and in Control of our own lives …

3. To feel Happy …

4. To feel Alive, Excited and Exhilarated …

5. To feel physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually Fulfilled …

6. To feel accepted, respected, admired, needed, desired and Loved …

7. To feel Successful …

8. To feel Optimistic, even excited about our futures.

From the moment I begin thinking about writing a sales message until I hit
the last keystroke, I’m constantly asking myself …

1. How each of these emotions relates to my prospect’s life in general – and

how, by acknowledging and validating them, I can make my sales
message resonate at a visceral level…

2. How each of these emotions relates to the benefits of the products or

services and the free gifts I’m writing about, connecting each tangible
benefit with an emotional benefit – showing how the tangible benefit
assuages a fear, eases a frustration, or fulfills an emotional desire, and…

3. How each of these emotions relates to my offer and the entire process of
ordering – assuaging fears and easing any frustrations my prospect may
have with similar offers he’s accepted in the past.

This is so crucial to the success of my direct response copy that I’m going to
spend the three of the next four issues showing you exactly how I do it.

So stay tuned!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace[11/29/2012 7:31:25 PM]

Ad Writer’s Arsenal |

Publisher & Editor


Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
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A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

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(And other snippets Valuable Lessons
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A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary

Bencivenga Part I Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Posted on April 24, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Like One person likes this. Sign Up to see what your friends like.
Before you take the copywriting
In this special interview issue … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Welcome, Business-Builder!

If the thought of an extended interview with Gary Bencivenga doesn’t already

have you quivering with anticipation, you are obviously in desperate need of a
quick course in direct response marketing lore.

Three decades ago, when I was just beginning my journey in this fascinating
business, eagerly devouring everything by John Caples, David Ogilvy, and
Dan Rosenthal I could lay my hands on, Gary Bencivenga had already
served a personal internship with each one of them.

When I was barely scraping by as a freelancer – writing ads for water heaters
and local banks and dreaming about breaking into the super-lucrative
financial publishing business – Gary ruled the roost, writing one blindingly
brilliant control after another for the biggest mailers in the industry.

Gary doesn’t know it, of course, but in a very real way, he was my mentor. I
spent a fortune I didn’t have at the time subscribing to every publication he
promoted just to make sure I got samples of his promotion packages.

Whenever one of Gary’s inspired promotions arrived in my mailbox, it was a

red-letter day: Like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Year’s Day all rolled into one. Studying those Bencivenga controls taught me
more – and made me more money – than all the books by all the great
masters who had gone before combined![11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

So let’s dispense with hype and horsesh*t: Right now, the Internet is crawling
with charlatans claiming to be the greatest copywriter alive – and then urging
you to pay them a fortune for their books and courses. Many are complete
frauds – scam artists who have never had a single hot control for a major
mailer – looking to make a quick buck off of you.

Other self-proclaimed experts really have made millions writing copy – most
of it aimed at selling their own books, courses and conferences, but rarely if
ever competing against top writers in the real world.

Only a handful of copywriters in our generation have ever competed at

anywhere near Gary Bencivenga’s level over the long haul. And if our little
fraternity held an election today, Gary would be unanimously elected King.
Gary showed us the way and we worship the ground he walks on.

And as a bonus, Gary is the nicest, sweetest, most humble, and the most
generous guy you could ever hope to meet.

Yeah, I admit it: I genuinely love Gary. I want to marry him and have ALL his

… So as you can imagine, it was an absolute thrill to spend a full 90 minutes

picking his massive brain for ways to help you get bigger winners more often.

Here’s how it went …

USP Heresy: Why your obsession with the “Unique Selling Proposition”
could be lowering your response …

Winning the Mind Game: How to quickly and easily program your mind
to automatically create grand-slam ads for you …

No Pain, No Gain! The painful (and enormously profitable) secret for

honing your sales copy to razor sharpness – and driving response rates
through the ever-lovin’ roof!

“Yeah, Sure!” The two most dangerous words in your prospect’s mind –
and the single best way to neutralize them …

The New Magalog: The next great direct response format breakthrough
is already here – are you making the most of it?

Beyond Benefits: Why prospects don’t give a hoot about what you think
you’re selling … and what to offer them instead to drive response rates
sky-high …

And way too much more to list here!

Clayton: Hi Gary, I really appreciate you doing this.

Gary: I like doing this. Especially with somebody as[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

knowledgeable and somebody I respect as much as

you. So this should be fun.

Clayton: That’s awfully nice. I spent some time on the phone

this morning with Carline. Did she send you the
picture of the two of you?

Gary: Yes, I looked at it about a half hour ago. What a

beautiful picture. I just wrote her a little note back. I
said, “Thanks for the photo,” and I just wondered
how you came by it because you weren’t at the

Clayton: No. Carline is or was one of my copy cubs. I kind of

got her started in the business.

Gary: She’s fantastic.

Clayton: She is – I have her booked up for the next two years
with one of my clients. You were doing mostly
freelance when you were really active. What I’ve
done more of lately is to pick up a client and get
involved in all aspects of his marketing and then
bring in other copywriters to get both acquisition
packages done for them and also back-end

Gary: That makes a lot of sense, Clayton. I know that

some major clients now are starting to pay royalties
just for those who do the copy chiefing.

Clayton: Right. It’s cool because I get to bring in more

copywriters and bring in more people and do less of
that opening the vein and bleeding on the page.

Gary: I wish I had thought of this idea. I’d have more blood
in my veins. That’s really a smart way to go. I guess
you have to be very careful, Clayton, about who you
decide to bring in on a project because you don’t
want extra work trying to untangle a mess rather
than fine tuning a few things.

Clayton: That’s true. Quite often, you find a writer doesn’t

work out and so you don’t return to that writer and
end up writing it yourself. But other times, you wind
up finding these little gems. It’s how I found Parris
Lampropoulos and Carline and Bob Hutchinson and
Kent Komae.

Gary: Oh my goodness, you have a better farm system

than the Yankees.

Clayton: Well, I’ve struck out a few times, too.

Gary: The names you’ve mentioned are stars.

Clayton: They’re all doing quite well. That’s gratifying. As you[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

know — and I think we’re of one mind about this —

one of the most rewarding things you can do is to
help younger writers get going.

What are you doing now? I know that you’re semi-

retired but I suspect you still have lots of irons in the

Gary: Yes I do. I really don’t take any client work anymore,
with the one exception of a food and wine
newsletter that I’ve become a partner in. That’s just
been a lot of fun. My wife and I are active in helping
a charity for disabled children and we throw a big
Hamptons food and wine party every year.

During that first event, we met somebody named

David Rosengarten who is a TV chef and has a
newsletter. And he said, “Gee, well, I’ve helped you
with your charity event, can you just take a look at
my newsletter?” And I said to myself, “Oh, another
guy with another newsletter. They all think it’s so

But I read the newsletter and just fell in love with it.
David is a brilliant writer. In my view, he’s the
world’s best food and wine writer. He’s so colorful
and just makes the subject come alive.

As things wound up, I became a partner in the

marketing part of his business and that’s one thing
I’m doing now. So we’re having a lot of fun hanging
out with great chefs at their restaurants, having a lot
of wine and traveling and eating a lot of great food
and it’s all part of business research. So it’s a lot of

Clayton: Cool! Why don’t we go ahead and get started with

the “official” part of our interview? Let’s begin by
having you tell us a little bit about your background,
your family life, childhood, growing up.

Gary: I was born in 1946 in Brooklyn. It was a very

fascinating time and interesting place to be because
Brooklyn really had been a bedroom community to
New York City — Manhattan. Just on my street, for
example, I’d say, counting both sides of the street,
one block, there were maybe 12 apartment houses
at least six stories high with anywhere from 50 to
100 families in each one.[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

As the baby boom really exploded, just on my one

little block, there were literally hundreds of kids and
every block for miles in each direction had the same
situation. So Brooklyn was just teeming with kids my
own age of every kind of background you could
imagine. From hoodlums and gangs to kids who
would ace a perfect score on their SAT when they
grew up, and everybody in between. You got to
know and interact with just about every personality

On our floor in my apartment building, next door to

us there was a rabbi with his family. On the other
side of us was a man who was an investigative
journalist for the New York Herald Tribune
newspaper. In an apartment on the same floor was
a gypsy woman who always wore a kerchief and
would bring us strange concoctions when one of the
children was sick.

It wasn’t a melting pot — it was a melting vat. And

when you were swimming around in this great soup,
you couldn’t help but pick up the flavors and
seasonings of many other people and cultures and
backgrounds. It made me tremendously curious
about life, and I think that’s a trait that any writer
really benefits from, being curious. I think it was
Ezra Pound, the poet, who penned the line,
“Curiosity. Advice to the young, curiosity.”

Larry King grew up in that same environment, not

too many blocks away from where I lived. Living
among so many people instills in you a curiosity
about anybody that you meet. Like Larry King does
on his show, he can be interested in a person from
any type of background and find very interesting
questions to ask. That’s a great trait to have as a

Clayton: It sounds too like you were fairly outgoing to have

met and spent time and actually experienced all of
these different people.

Gary: Yes, I guess so. You could not help but be outgoing
when there’s so many people around you. During
World War II, not many apartments were built in
New York City — which was also true of most of the
country because of the war effort.

My parents were very lucky to have landed our

apartment when they got married. It was a two-[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

room apartment, just a kitchen and a bedroom for

four people.

So you had to be outgoing because you couldn’t

spend much time inside, in such a tiny apartment.
We were out on the sidewalks and on the stoops
and playing in parks most of our young lives.

Clayton: What did your dad do?

Gary: He worked for the New York City Parks Department.

He came of age in the Great Depression and felt
there was nothing better than a secure city job. So
he took a job at the New York City Parks
Department. He loved working with flowers and
bringing beautiful greenery to the city.

But he also had a great knack with words and he

was an amateur copywriter. And one of the things
that led me into becoming a copywriter was just
seeing how my dad would always enter these
contests — 50 words or less on why you like a
particular product. He got really good at winning
these contests. He created some great slogans. For
example, he penned, “If it’s Borden’s, it’s got to be
good.” For Gimbel’s Department Store, he wrote,
“From pianos to thimbles, you’ll find it at Gimbel’s.”
The most famous one that he ever wrote was for
Rice Krispies, “The cereal with that snap, crackle
and pop.”

Now, he wouldn’t win much for these prizes. There

was one contest that he won when he was young, in
the Great Depression. He won $5,000 during the
depths of the Great Depression, which really helped
his family stay afloat for a while. But for these much
more famous slogans he would win relatively minor
prizes. This was his hobby. He would collect all the
box tops and send them in with his 50 words or less
slogan and very often would win.

He didn’t create the cartoons for Snap, Crackle and

Pop; that came later from Kellogg’s ad agency, Leo
Burnett. But he did write those words for one of
these 50 words or less contests.

Clayton: Amazing! It sounds like your future was pretty much


Gary: In an odd way it was. TV started becoming available

in households in the 1950s and I started watching[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

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commercials. I was just attuned to them because

my dad was always talking about advertising and
his latest slogan.

Now when I tried to get into copywriting, my first job

was in direct response. I really wanted to wind up
doing TV advertising, but the only opening I could
get into was in the direct response department at
Prentice Hall. And I thought, “Well that’s a start and
I’ll get my feet wet here and eventually migrate over
to the more glamorous world of TV advertising” —
which still has never happened, after 40 years.

It was funny when you mentioned that my future

was set. The first assignment I got from my copy
chief, he said, “Write a letter about this book.” It was
a biology teachers’ guide. They would sell these
books by mail order to the educational market, to
the self-improvement market, and so on and this
was my first assignment. For each chapter I wrote a
slogan. Not knowing any better, I just imitated what
my father might do. And the copy chief said, “What’s
with these slogans? This is not how you sell.” He
had to educate me about the difference between
sloganeering and writing direct marketing copy,
which was my start. Since then, I’ve never gotten
out of the direct response department.

Actually, there is a big difference in the different

worlds of advertising. Most people don’t understand
the reason why much TV advertising is like it is. Or
the reasons why slogans and brand image
advertising are more important. Or even the theory
of the USP, the Unique Selling Proposition, which
was initially created to create better TV advertising.

With TV advertising, the point of sale is far removed

from the exposure of the advertising to the
audience. So if you’re watching a commercial on 60
Minutes on a Sunday evening, you might not get to
the store until Thursday, so you have to have a
mnemonic device or something very powerful
embedded in your mind so when you do see that
product on the shelf, you’ll remember the

We in direct marketing don’t have such a heavy

burden of having the sales separated by time and
place. We can close the sale right on the spot. So
much of what works in TV advertising — namely
mnemonic devices, or USP, which focuses on one[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

reason to buy — really doesn’t apply to direct


I know this sounds like heresy, but I’d much rather

have in a good direct mail package three or four or
10 good reasons to buy, than to have to sacrifice
nine of them in favor of the one USP. The USP
really can be misapplied to direct marketing where
you have the luxury of closing the sale on the spot
and can give one dominant reason to buy but also
seven or eight other reasons. You don’t have to
abide so religiously to a single Unique Selling

Clayton: Our 24-page magalogs would be pretty short if we

focused on just one selling proposition.

Going back just a little bit, tell me about school. Did

you have the experience of others recognizing
writing ability or salesmanship in you at a young

Gary: No, not really. I didn’t seem to excel much in school.

I did go to Catholic school for most of my school
years. My Catholic school was very good about
drumming in the basics. We didn’t have music
appreciation or drama appreciation. What we did
have, though, was a constant focus on what makes
good sentence structure and basic arithmetic and
later algebra. So it was those basics — how to
construct a sentence, how to diagram a sentence —
which, at least in my experience, gave great
understanding of how sentences should be built and
how paragraphs should be built on strong sentences
and how whole essays eventually could be built on
the same very rational and logical structure. So that
did help a lot.

My dad and mom really couldn’t afford to send me

to college after high school. So I had the choice of
finding some blue collar work, like most of the other
relatives who had come in generations before. And I
really wasn’t sure. I knew I wanted to do something
with writing because I seemed to have an aptitude
for it and, as you pointed out, an exposure to
advertising because of my dad’s involvement with it.

I got a job writing copy during the day and I went to

college at night. It took me eight long years to get
through college at night, but I did. The thing I’m[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

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most proud of my whole life is just hanging in there

for eight years of college at night, though the degree
never really did much for me at all. It really didn’t
count because eight years into a copywriting career
I really knew what I wanted to do with my life. But
I’m proud of just having had that persistence.
Maybe a thousand times during those eight years of
going to night school, I would say, “Why am I doing
this? I’m not even interested in these courses. I’ve
got a term paper, I’ve got exams to study for, I have
a young family and they need attention, I have a full-
time job and I’m taking work home from that. What
am I
doing this for?”

But I just kept hanging in, saying, “I committed

myself to that and I’m going to do it and I’m going to
see it through.” That habit has stood me very well
through the years. Once I know I make a
commitment to something, it’s going to be very hard
to stop me. I attribute it to that experience of just
developing enough persistence to get a college
degree in eight years of night school.

From that I really am a believer in that old aphorism

that your thought becomes your action —your
action becomes your habit, your habit becomes
your character, and your character becomes your

I had found that whenever I wanted to develop

something, whether it’s a habit of becoming a better
copywriter in some way or just some other type of
self-improvement, this line of thinking really helps.

Maybe I’m jumping ahead here, but I had really a

great leap in my development as a copywriter when
a famous writer whom you know, Daniel Rosenthal
— I worked with Dan for a while — introduced me to
the book Think and Grow Rich. I was learning my
craft very well until then, but I had never really been
opened up to these ideas about how to enhance
your own mind power for any reason including
making your own mind work better. So that book
was really a turning point in my life as well because
it opened me up to many other self-improvement

The secret’s right there in the title, Think and Grow

Rich. It starts with your thoughts, and then your
thoughts become actions, and your actions become[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

habits, and your habits become character, and

character becomes destiny. So that line of
reasoning really has helped me throughout my life.

Clayton: What subject was your degree in?

Gary: I have a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.

Clayton: Great. How did you come into contact with the great
David Ogilvy?

Gary: I have had the privilege of working with some really

top people in advertising. But I probably learned the
most from John Caples. After Caples, I probably
learned most from my first several copy chiefs —
names that nobody would ever know. They were
really wizened copy chiefs who had seen thousands
of split run tests and could save you a lifetime of

The very first one gave me probably the best advice

I have ever gotten. He said, “You’re new to this field,
here’s how you’re going to learn. On each
assignment, I’m going to tell you to go to the files.
I’m going to tell you to bring out one handful of ads
that have worked like gangbusters. Then I’m going
to tell you the book titles and files of ads that have
bombed. I want you to look at the ones that bombed
and don’t do anything that they’re doing. I want you
to look at the ones that were blockbusters and try to
assimilate much of what they do into your new
piece, and that’s how we’re going to take every

It was great advice and even to this day when I

have a young writer or somebody who wants to get
into the field and wants to know the best thing they
can do, I tell them to do pretty much the same thing.
I also recommend that they get themselves a great
mentor who will review their work, such as I imagine
you would do with the copywriters you work with.

Other than that, the best way to learn is by just

going to the files or, if you don’t work at an ad
agency yet, signing up to receive the publications
and offers of great direct marketers like Agora
Publishing, Phillips, Healthy Directions, Rodale,
Boardroom, KCI — the usual gang of suspects. And
before you know it, you’ll be getting a free course in
the best advertisements that are being written
today.[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

That was what my first copy chief taught me. I

eventually wound up at BBD&O — Batten Barton
Durstine and Osborn. Somebody once said that
agency’s name sounded like a man with a suitcase
falling down a flight of stairs. BBD&O is where John
Caples worked for most of his life. I worked in the
direct marketing department there and got to know

He was a great teacher and a very congenial, kindly

man. And you can pick up so much from reading his
books. Even today I like to reread his scriptures of
direct marketing. It’s like the Old Testament. You
just read it. It never gets tired. It’s just so fresh and

In fact, I was having lunch with David Deutsch once

— great copywriter — and he said, “You know, I try
to keep up on my craft and instead of reading
maybe 100 books, Gary, what I think I should have
done with much of my learning time is read 10 great
books 10 times each.” I thought that was a very
trenchant observation because books by Caples
and Ogilvy and Claude Hopkins, those are the ones
you really need to read more than anybody else.

After working with John Caples I got to work at

David Ogilvy’s company, Ogilvy & Mather, in their
direct marketing division. And that’s your original
question: how I got to work with David. I never really
worked with him. It wasn’t like John Caples, where I
knew him personally.

David was the head of a giant agency, probably one

of the biggest four or five agencies in the world and
was very fond of direct marketing. He would gather
all the copywriters in big groups and teach us the
principles. Or we’d have big assemblies around the
holidays, and he would tell us what campaigns he
thought were great from the various departments at
the agency.

In that way I learned from him. But it wasn’t like he

would come into my cubicle and put his arm around
me and go over my copy sentence by sentence with
me. It was much more being in the army with a
great general at its command and learning all you
can because you never knew when he would
pounce upon your ad as one of those he was going
to analyze in front of the group. You had to always
be on your toes.[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

Clayton: What were the lessons that you learned from


Gary: Ogilvy said that he and Rosser Reeves, who were

two of the greatest copywriters in general
advertising of the 20th century, learned more from
John Caples than anyone else. More people know
David Ogilvy than Rosser Reeves today because of
his books. But both Ogilvy and Reeves said that
they learned more from John Caples than anyone
else and they shamelessly stole from him and most
of what they espoused came indirectly or directly
from him. So there is that lineage of masters
teaching other masters.

Many of the lessons that Ogilvy would preach came

directly from John Caples — mainly that your
headline is 80% of the sale in space ads. And I
make that distinction because sometimes people
mistakenly apply that to direct mail. In direct mail,
Ogilvy said, your format is even more important
than your headline. And I have certainly found that
to be true as a magalog almost always outpulls an
envelope with the same headline on it.

So that was one great lesson in space advertising:

your headline is 80% of the sale. And your format is
equally as important in direct mail

Other lessons — Ogilvy loved to write with charm.

He said, “You’ll never bore somebody into buying
something,” so he would fill his copy with charm. He
taught this mostly by example. If you ever read any
of the great ads written by David Ogilvy, you’ll see
they’re very tightly written. He wrote a whole series
of ads to help sell clients on joining his ad agency
— “How to Write Advertising that Sells,” “How to
Write Food Advertising that Sells,” “How to Write
Travel Advertising that Sells,” and so forth. He
loved, as did the nuns in my Catholic school, nouns
and verbs. He wasn’t big on adjectives and fairly
despised adverbs, such as “very.” Almost always
you can dispense with the word “very.”

He wrote tightly written ads that were charming and

very interesting. He would do great research on
whatever product he was selling and come up with
fascinating facts about it. He wanted his ads as
interesting as articles and he wrote them that way
and expected his copywriters to do the same.[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

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Clayton: Arthur Johnson told me that one of his biggest

secrets is understanding that the ad needs to be
entertaining to a degree. To keep a person reading
for 24 pages.

Gary: Yes, that’s true. However, it can also be a trap.

Rosser Reeves, who wrote and theorized about TV
commercials, warned about “vampire video,” where
sometimes the entertaining element can run away
with the ad and you come away from the
commercial remembering the joke, but not the
product. For example, take the famous campaign for
Alka-Seltzer, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” It
was one of the most entertaining campaigns, but it
turned out to be one of the worst campaigns ever
for Alka-Seltzer because after they really went gung
ho with it, sales plummeted.

As you know, we have a much stronger discipline in

our work, so entertainment has to be used carefully.
You have to leaven in just the right amount because
you can’t let it run away with itself. While a touch of
entertainment, like a pinch of salt, can add flavor,
the main meal in advertising is well-targeted
information of great interest to your prospect, which
has a natural connection to what you’re trying to
sell. Many ads try to be entertaining with extraneous
elements, which really don’t lead to a closed sale.
But if you can make your copy interesting with
thoughts and facts that not only are extremely
curiosity provoking and interesting but also help you
close the sale, that’s really getting good.

Clayton: Tell me a little bit about how you became a


Gary: After working at the Ogilvy agency, I was ready to

go out on my own and try to make some big bucks
as a freelancer. I had heard of other copywriters
doing very well and I received a call from an
executive headhunter who said, “Gary, I know
you’re thinking about going out on freelance but
there’s this little ad agency up in New Rochelle,
New York” — which is a suburb of New York City,
about 45 minutes northeast — “that is looking for
somebody just like yourself. Somebody who knows
direct marketing and worked at Ogilvy, or knows the
Ogilvy style of advertising. Why don’t you go see
them even though you’re thinking of going out and
doing freelance?”[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

So I went to see them mainly because of a letter

that Dan Rosenthal, the agency’s owner, had
written to this headhunter. It said, to “try and
persuade somebody who really knows how to write
salesmanship in print because if they do, we treat
the copywriters at our agency like salespeople. In
fact, our top copywriter here this past year has
made” — this is in today’s money — “$750,000 a

It wasn’t that high, it was about one tenth of that but

that’s what inflation has done. This was in the early
1970s. So at that time a salary of $75,000 was
equal to about $750,000 today. That’s what Dan
Rosenthal was making just from commissions on his

I wasn’t making anywhere near that, so I thought

maybe I should see these folks. If nothing else,
maybe I could freelance for them. But Dan
convinced me to join him by saying, “No, it’s not
really in your best interest to go into a freelance
career yet. Why don’t you hang out with us? We are
applying methods of salesmanship in advertising
that’ll go way beyond what most people have even
discovered yet and you’ll have a chance to make
some really good money.”

So I did go with Dan and I lasted there for about five

years. I became a copy chief and a creative director
and then he wanted to have a whole new path in his
life. He wanted to move to California. But our copy
department was in New Rochelle, and he tried to
make that work for a while but it was very
cumbersome to get copy through a department that
was half in New York and half on the west coast.
We didn’t have email then, I don’t even think we had
fax machines. We had a very rough form of a fax
machine …

Clayton: The old Qwip machines?

Gary: Yeah that’s what it was. I couldn’t remember the

name. One page, long time to send, and for some
reason a horrendous garlic smell oozed from the

Dan and I along with several other good

copywriters, worked together for about five years. It
was sort of like the Beatles, we had a great team for[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

about five years, and then it was just time to go out

on our own, in our own direction, so that’s when I
went out on my own.

It was about 1977 and by then I really knew what I

was doing. I had spent about 10 years, prior to
teaming up with Dan, learning from these great copy
chiefs at Ogilvy & Mather and a lot from John
Caples so I had a lot of street-smart copywriting

And with Dan, we formulated a system that was

really very powerful, and with those two things
together — we virtually could not be beaten. We
took out an ad that said, “Announcing an ad agency
that guarantees to beat your best ad by at least
10% or your pay us nothing.”

We were so cocky that we even said, “You test us

and if we don’t win, not only won’t you have to pay
us anything, we will pay for whatever you spent to
test us. In other words, if you take out an ad in The
Wall Street Journal and you spend $10,000 testing
our half of the test — and our half loses — we’ll give
you $10,000. That’s how sure we are we’re going to
win.” We got a lot of clients that way. Mainly it was
due to our methodology of focusing on the key
points that make direct marketing copy work.

So after that, I went out on my own and I did very

well with what I learned at the agency.

Clayton: Did Dan have Silver and Gold Report at that time?

Gary: Yes, yes. In fact, Dan was the owner of that

company because we also would launch our own
products as well as do work for other clients. So,
sure, yes, he was the publisher of that newsletter.

We had so much success and so many

opportunities because we were among the few
people who knew what we were doing. We were like
alchemists who could turn products into very
successful businesses because of the direct
marketing knowledge that we had. It wasn’t widely
known, not nearly as well known as it is today.

Clayton: Can you tell me a little bit about the approach or the
template that you and Dan used?

Gary: It wasn’t so much a template, it was just applying[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

everything very religiously that we had learned from

studying Claude Hopkins and Rosser Reeves and
David Ogilvy and John Caples and several other
great masters of selling in print. More than anything
else it was what Dan would call the “CRIT” system,
which was short for Critique System.

I think you’ve worked with Dan, haven’t you Clayton

Clayton: Sure have.

Gary: I’m sure you’ve heard that word, that odious little
word, “Crit.”

Clayton: Were his crits as ruthless back then as they are


Gary: Yes, yes.

Clayton: He’s sadistic. He takes joy in making his crits as

insulting and negative as possible just for the fun of

Gary: I know. I have the scars, believe me. But it was a

great system. You had to be on your toes. For those
who don’t know what we’re talking about, it was a
system by which the writer would distribute his copy
to everybody working in the ad agency — the
receptionist, the account executives, the art director
— anybody else who could be persuaded to read it.

Everybody would take their best crack at ripping the

ad apart. Now this sounds like a devastating
experience but you develop a thick skin after a
while. Most of the time it would be up to you to
accept or reject the criticisms that were coming
back at you. All the people involved in the process
would do their best to rip the copy apart, to point out
holes in the argument, to say, “You’re not
convincing me here, I don’t believe this for a
second, this offer makes no sense,” and so forth.

Every possible mistake from grammar and spelling

to psychological missteps or paragraphs that didn’t
connect well, paragraphs that went on without
subheads, all of it noted. Everything that could
make something less readable or just annoyed
anybody for any reason or just made them not want
to read any more. They’d say things like, “You’re
boring me here” — and that would be a comment in
the middle of one paragraph. You’d distribute the
work this way in the copy department which is
itching to vent some of the fury that they have just[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

been put through because they recently went

through the same process.

Clayton: You nailed them last week.

Gary: Exactly. It’s payback time. As weird and as sadistic

as it sounds, it produced fantastic copy. It didn’t
produce fast copy by any means because you would
go through many, many drafts this way until almost
everybody in the place said, “Wow, this is singing
now. I’m ready to sign up for this myself.”

So it was a very cumbersome, lengthy process.

Sometimes clients would be on the phone month
after month yelling, cajoling, begging, “When is my
copy going to be ready?” And we’d say, “It’s being
worked on, it’s being worked on.” When it was finally
finished, they’d have a campaign that they could run
for years and outpull virtually anything else they’ve
ever run unless they were very lucky beforehand.

This was the system we followed. We had a lot of

knowledgeable people take out their blue pencils
and just scratch out or question anything that they
didn’t like. But then after a time you learned to
internalize that process. You probably do it in a nicer
way, Clayton — but I’m sure with the people that
you mentor that you point out weak spots and shore
up areas that need more proof or persuasive
arguments or whatever. I’m sure you do that.

Clayton: Absolutely, and it really honestly just depends on

what kind of mood I’m in.

Gary: I’m sure that’s not true. For the process to work,
you have to be intellectually honest. Evaluations
should not change with your mood.

Clayton: Well sometimes I look at it as a creative writing

assignment, especially when the copy’s boring.
Then I’ll dive in and get rather verbose with my crits.
Other times, you’re right, you’re looking for
credibility, you’re looking for persuasiveness, and
you’re looking for specificity.

Gary: I think the biggest enemy we face today is not weak

headlines or artwork. It’s the tremendous amount of
clutter that you have to compete against. When you
look at your email this evening, you’ve got maybe
100 emails that need attention and each one was
crafted lovingly and with lots and lots of care — and[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

you couldn’t care less. You’re just deleting each one

with a very quick trigger finger. That’s an enemy
that we have to face rather than going to a very
receptive audience and having them judge us
paragraph by paragraph. You don’t even get a
hearing much of the time these days.

Clayton: You had a fantastic article in one of the early issues

of Bencivenga Bullets on, if I remember correctly,
the two most important words in advertising. You
said, it’s not “you,” it’s not “free,” it’s “yeah, sure.”

Gary: I gave a seminar at Rodale once. I had the good

fortune to never have lost a split run test at Rodale
against some very tough competition selling books
for the book division. I competed against Gene
Schwartz and most of the top names out there, and
I never lost.

So they called me in to ask, “How are you doing

this? Tell us the approach that you’re following.” So
I ran through a whole list of headlines from their
advertising, as well as many other examples from
our daily lives. For example, what politicians
promise every November — “I’m never going to
raise your taxes and I’m going to give you universal
health care” … “I’m going to get rid of crime in our
schools.” And what does everybody say once that’s
out of their mouths? They say, “Yeah, sure.”

That’s the biggest problem that most B-level

copywriters face. They’re always looking for ways to
increase the strength of their headline, and the
easiest way, apparently, is to increase the hype or
ratchet up the promise. But usually that’s going on
in the wrong direction because you’re sounding
more like the politician who is promising an even
more undeliverable promise. Since everybody out
there is looking for a way to dismiss you as quickly
as they can because they’ve got 100 other
messages to get through, as soon as they see an
over-promising headline, that is the first permission
that they have to just blow you off.

You’re usually much better with an under-promising

headline. A great example that I learned in the days
that I was working with Dan Rosenthal was for one
of our clients who sold gold and silver coins and
bullion. In this case it was an ad for silver. The
headline was a famous headline that ran for many
years, “Why the price of silver may rise steeply.”
Thinking I was such a hot-shot copywriter, I said to[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

Dan Rosenthal, who I believe was the author of that

headline and the great, great ad that followed it, I
said, “Why are you saying, ‘may rise’? You should
test a headline that sounds a little stronger, a little
bolder, such as ‘Why the price of silver will rise
steeply.’ That way it sounds, Dan, like you believe
what you’re predicting.”

So we tested my version and, of course, it bombed.

It’s counterintuitive, but “Why the price of silver may
rise steeply” outperformed “Why the price of silver
will rise steeply” maybe by 200%. And the body
copy was exactly the same for both versions. It went
into why inflation and why a silver shortage is about
to exert irresistible pressure under the price of silver
to cause silver prices to go higher. It gave every
reason why silver was going up. It was full of proof
and full of facts and full of figures, plus an
opportunity to send for a booklet on how you can
profit on the coming rise in silver prices. As I say, it
created land office business on the strength of that
ad but I could never understand why “may rise”
pulled so much better than the more forceful “will

But it’s because of that disbelief factor. Most

investors are savvy. So as soon as you promise
something that really is unknowable such as “will
rise,” they know that you can’t predict the future. But
when you build in a little bit of understatement, you
suck them right in.

So I’ve learned to apply that principle in many,

many headlines. One of my best headlines for
Hume Publishing was “Get Rich Slowly.” I created
an enemy out of all of the get rich quick investment
courses and opportunities out there by saying,
“Look, if you’re tired of all the hype, this is the
course that you should be buying because if you got
$2,000 to $3,000 to put aside each year, this is a
course that could easily get you to the $1 million
mark. It’s not going to happen in three, four or even
five years, but if you want to retire with $1 million
and can only put $2,000 aside in an IRA each year,
this is how it’s done.”

That ad was virtually unbeatable for several years

with a headline that the client didn’t even want to
test, “Get Rich Slowly.” They said, “Gary, have you
lost your mind? Who wants to get rich slowly?” So I
said, “Look, people are so tired of ‘get rich quick,’[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

it’s not believable anymore.” Nobody buys without

belief, so if you advertise something that can be
believed, then most of the battle is already won.

Clayton: I think that’s fascinating, and I think it kind of ties

into that the “Lies, Lies, Lies” package you did for
Mark Skousen’s Forecasts & Strategies, which you
must be tired of talking about.

Gary: No, no, not at all. Most people probably don’t even
know that package but yes, you’re right…

Clayton: That is the classic of financial newsletter promotion.

Gary: Oh thank you. That was extremely successful and

ran for many years.

Clayton: And it was really wonderful because there’s not

even a hint of a benefit in your main headline. It
simply seized on a resident emotion — the
skepticism and frustration of investors who had
heard it all, tried it all and were continually
disappointed. And then in the deck copy, you came
on with “Why we investors are sick and tired of
these things that are happening to us.” And then the
real payoff was, “How getting richer is the best
revenge.” I’m doing that just from memory — that’s
how powerful it was.

Gary: You remember it better than I do.

Clayton: My goodness, when was that?

Gary: It was the early 1990s.

Clayton: Yeah, and I still remember that headline. I can still

visualize the package and the wonderful cartoons
they used.

Gary: That was an example of humor actually working in

copy. We took every target of anger that an investor
can have — lying politicians, with a cartoon of a
classic looking politician, taking an oath to the flag,
and if you look closely, his fingers are crossed. And
he says, “I promise never again to raise taxes.”

Clayton: And the broker in a pinstriped suit behind a desk,

smoking a cigar.

Gary: And the guy from the IRS was Darth Vader. The
cartoons were just wonderful and that added a little
bit of that entertainment factor you were talking
about before but in an appropriate way. It was part
and parcel of the sale.

Clayton: There were a couple of things that I loved about[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

that. One was the little phrase, “we investors” in the

deck copy. Because it immediately got Skousen on
the side of the reader, it immediately made us

Gary: That’s so true. I’m so glad you picked up on that,

Clayton, because that is a great technique to use.
Instead of the usual “I’m trying to sell you
something,” which sort of sets up immediately in the
reader’s mind a you-versus-me mentality, I found a
way to shift gears by saying, “it’s you and me
against these other guys.” And if you can create an
enemy in your copy, that’s what happens. You set
up a three-point discussion and you come around
from your side of the desk to be on the reader’s side
of the desk and then it’s you and the reader against
the enemy that you’re railing against.

It’s a very effective psychological and copy

technique to use because it takes the copywriter out
of the role of trying to sell the prospect something
and puts them both on the same side, as if the
copywriter were a friend, consumer advisor, and

Clayton: There’s another thing about that headline that’s very

instructive, especially as I look back on it now.
People often wonder why Rush Limbaugh, for
example, is so successful. He has no real product to
sell. He doesn’t make your life better in any way.
There are no benefits, really, for buying his books.
But the service he provides for you is that he puts
your thoughts and your feelings — assuming you’re
in agreement with his politics — into words. He
gives you an outlet for the emotions that you’re
feeling about the things that are happening in the
country. That emotional release is valuable to
people, and as a result, 20 million people listen to
him every week on the radio and buy his books and
newsletters and so forth.

I felt that the “Lies, Lies, Lies” package did

something very similar and it did it beautifully. It was
one of the first-rate resident emotion packages that
simply went to a group of people who had strong
feelings about the subject at hand and spoke to
those feelings, and by doing so, validated them. But
they were actionable feelings and you were able to
come back with a solution, a way to assuage that
frustration in those people. I felt that was so much
more powerful than simply going back to them as[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

one more direct mail package promising huge


It was wonderful and it opened the way for me and

also for every other copywriter I’ve talked to, to
begin thinking about how much more powerful
emotions are than a mere intellectual argument in
terms of making a sale.

Gary: That’s a very astute analysis, Clayton. I think what

helped me to create that package — and this is
something I do before I start any assignment — was
to ask, “What are we really selling?” And you try to
come up with different answers to that question.
We’re not really just selling a newsletter, which is 12
sheets or eight sheets of paper a month. What are
we really selling? If it’s just a newsletter, everybody
had always answered, “We’re selling investment
tips.” But since there was so much competition from
other copywriters and other publishers selling the
same kind of investment tips, I reasoned if we
change the answer to the question “what are we
really selling?” we can open a whole new way to
talk to our market.

Let’s think about it. What are we really selling when

we sell a newsletter from an investment advisor who
wants to advise you on the most important financial
decisions of your life? Well you’re really selling a set
of values, a partnership with somebody that you
have to trust. The best way to come to trust
somebody is to see that they do share your same

I call this the “Credo Technique of Copywriting.” The

first issue of Bencivenga Bullets is about this
technique. In fact, in that bullet I say what I believe
about advertising. I believe advertising is designed
to sell and not to win awards and applause. I
believe you can always sell with integrity. I give the
other beliefs, very strongly held beliefs that I have
about advertising and that accomplishes a couple of

Number one, it tells what I’m about and if you have

the same values, then we’re a match. So I sell you
on me before I try to sell anything else. If you sell
not only the end product that the advisor or the
person behind the product of service is offering —
whether it’s the chiropractor who’s selling his[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

services or attorney or whoever it is — but also

mention the person’s values that you also feel very
strongly about, you sort of bond with them in a way
that’s much more powerful than any list of how-tos
or other types of bullets purely based on
information. You’re bonding with them on a level of
trust, which makes you different from every other
person out there who is just trying to sell something
because they want to sell it.

Clayton: You probably don’t remember, but in the early

1980s, you and I had a telephone conversation. I
was with a company called Security Rare Coin.

Gary: Oh yeah, that’s coming back to me now, yes.

Clayton: You are my mentor, by the way.

Gary: Oh, I didn’t know. Well thank you, what an honor.

To be continued in next weeks issue …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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8 Responses to A Conversation with the Legendary

Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I

Pavel says:[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

June 17, 2008 at 7:10 am

Wow, finally! I found this interview. I knew it had to be somewhere on

this site but nothing (including the search box) helped… until I
occasionally decided to check the top menu buttons.

… which leads btw to the conclusion that site navigation is not exactly
user friendly (considering also the fact that this comment seems to be
the first, after all:).

Anyway… Bencivenga is my favorite copywriter (maybe because of

psychological mindset), so this interview is a real treat. Thanks a lot!


Taufan Putera says:

October 15, 2008 at 9:21 pm

Thanx for this interview…opening my mind to be more effective

Thanx a lot…


Joe Swopes says:

March 16, 2009 at 6:26 pm

Awesome Clayton, incredible to read the convo between two

awesome writers. Dang I wish it was in audio though! I much prefer
audio lol, but I read it anyway, will finish the second half later tonight.



Hidradenitis says:
April 5, 2009 at 5:57 pm

Great interview, packed with nuggets of helpful copywriting gold. I

appreciate you making this available free of charge. Is there anyway
to get the audio version?


Jon Dalrymple says:

January 7, 2010 at 3:45 pm[11/29/2012 7:31:36 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part I |

I came across your site by accident when trying to find out more
about Gary Bencivenga.

As a graphic designer interested in how best to communicate through

– well – graphics and copy, I found this interview highly instructive
and can’t wait to read the next part.

Many, many thanks for sharing this freely.



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jim staughan says:

September 18, 2010 at 9:31 pm

I wish I had read this years ago .


Eric Niergarth says:

October 1, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Mr M,

first off, Thank you.

second, What a refreshing mine of hardcore copywriting gold.

Gary’s emphasis on integrity and earning trust is missing in almost

everything else I’ve come across. What a counter- -intuitive notion,
that of actually reducing the hype factor to increase believability. I’ve
seen his bullets site before but I’ll pay MUCH closer attention now.



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Posted on December 19, 2005 by Clayton Makepeace
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Before you take the copywriting
Glad you’ve joined us for Part II of our interview by storm, there’s something
you should know …
with Gary Bencivenga. Let’s jump right in where we left Do You Believe?
off last time.

Clayton: I read Rosser Reeves and Ogilvy and Caples and the
rest, but without a doubt, the greatest advances in my
career have come from reading you.

Gary: Thank you, Clayton. What a compliment. You have just

made my day. Thank you. Considering how high
you’ve carried the banner, that’s quite a compliment.
Thank you.

Clayton: Well, studying every one of your packages has been

just eye opening for me and I remember telling you in
that conversation that one of the things that struck me
was that you consistently made a friend before you
asked for the sale.

Gary: I think you have to do that because people don’t buy

from other people unless they believe them and unless
they trust them. If you don’t sell yourself first, you’re
trying to short circuit the process by just rushing to the
bottom line, rushing to the close of the sale too early.[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Salesmanship has changed over the years. It used to

be, in the days of Elmer Wheeler and “Sell the Sizzle
and Not the Steak,” the life insurance agent or the real
estate broker would try to corner you and answer every
objection you could raise and just out of exhaustion,
the hapless prospect would buy the policy or agree to
do whatever the salesman wants. Buy the
encyclopedias or the pots and pans that the door-to-
door salesman was selling.

But you know something? You don’t see door-to-door

salesmen much anymore. I haven’t seen one in years.
You don’t see the Avon ladies anymore. You don’t see
life insurance agents going around door-to-door
anymore. Why is that? It’s because salesmanship has
changed. We’ve all been marketed to so much, we
won’t stand for being manipulated that way anymore.
As a prospect, you just won’t put up with it. People
don’t like to have to buy because they can’t come up
with a clever answer to the life insurance agent’s
comeback. We’ve evolved because we’ve been
marketed to so much over the last several decades.
We’ve evolved from a nation of much more
manipulable prospects to tough customers and the
whole nation is like that.

So if you just try to come onto people with the same

old forms of salesmanship that used to work 10 to 20
years ago, they just don’t work anymore because a)
you don’t have my trust; b) you don’t have my values;
and c) you’re not my friend — and I’m not going to buy
from you unless I first have those feelings. So you’re
not going to just trick me into buying with snappy
comebacks to my three or four reasons I’m not sure
that I want to buy.

There’s a great movie about this called Boiler Room,

where they show how these people who used to do
telephone marketing from the boiler room would have
scripts with the snappiest comebacks to anything that
the person might say about why they may not buy.
They would try to embarrass people into making an
investment over the phone. That way of selling, in most
cases, has gone by the boards. It’s dying.

This is especially true in our field, where we try to sell

to 1,000 or a million people at once. They could blow
us off without us even knowing about it just by tossing
our mail or clicking “delete.” Given that, I think that the
best way to be selling anybody in the marketplace now[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

is to win a friend first and the best way to do that is

through an e-zine.

More and more, ice cold direct mail packages sent to

ice cold prospects are going to fare poorly compared
to promotions sent by people who have an e-zine
relationship with somebody. And by that I mean an e-
zine that really gives very high value as opposed to
selling so much. I counsel people in all markets of
goods and services to really develop a relationship with
their prospects through a very valuable e-zine. Hold
back on the selling. Just resist. Rein the selling in for a
while. Establish a relationship of giving very valuable
helpful information first and then introduce the sales

Even with e-zines, I get so many of them now, and I

don’t even open them much anymore. I send most of
them to an email address I have at a place called
Spam Arrest. And at Spam Arrest, I go through all my
marketing-oriented e-zines and I’m sure I’m not
untypical in this way. They’ll give me a listing of the
latest emails that I have — 25 at a time — whether
they’re e-zines or personal messages or whatever.
And I’ll just go down and I’ll check them all to be
deleted. And then I’ll uncheck maybe three that I’ll
want to read, out of 25. And the others get
automatically deleted when I hit the return key. I delete
them all just based on the subject lines. And we all do

Even very top marketers have entered a place in my

mind, and I’m sure in the minds of lots of others, where
I automatically don’t open their email anymore
because I know I’m just going to be pitched something.
I only open those e-zines where there’s going to be
honest to goodness nuggets of information, not just
another sales pitch. So most of the people out there,
even with e-zine marketing, they’ve gotten the
technology right but they don’t have the psychology

Just as you say, win a friend first and then try to sell
later. It’s so much easier to sell something to
somebody who you have a relationship with. So the
first sale that you have to make is that relationship, not
the product. You just put it so well before, you first want
to make a salesperson a trusted friend rather than
somebody who is just selling you a product.[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Clayton: And that’s what I feel that you’ve done whether by

design or just intuitively in so many of your packages.
In the Skousen package, the line “We investors are fed
up” was that way because friendship is quite often
based on commonality. Instead of the vaunted expert
touting his past successes, you just climb in the boat
with the prospect. “What are we going to do with this
problem?” And that’s wonderful.

Gary: And I feel that’s so much easier to do once you’ve

established an e-zine relationship with your prospects.
You can capture names very easily with an e-zine if
you give good information and use that as a basis for
growing your own list.

You’ve seen this, I’m sure, Clayton, in your work. Who

do you get most of your business from? It’s not from
people who are just walking in the door for the first
time. It’s from clients that you have a relationship with.
When they think of a new assignment, you’re probably
booked up for 10 years but whether it’s you as a writer
or you as the copy chief or creative director on the
assignment, they don’t even have to think twice.
Because they know you, they like you, they trust you,
and you’ve gotten great results for them. So it’s not
even a question of, “Should we use Clayton for this?”
It’s, “Gee, can we get on Clayton’s schedule?”

I’m sure you’ve had that experience. And it’s the same
for everybody who has sold anything over a period of
time. We’ve all found that it’s much easier to sell
something to somebody who’s satisfied with the
relationship with you and with your past performance.
And that’s one of the most important principles of
marketing and yet so many people just ignore it.

So many people in the internet marketing world just

want to find that one hot product to sell, make a
fortune, then find another hot product to sell in a totally
different market. But business just doesn’t work that
way. You really need to find a product or service from
which you can get lots of repeat business because
that’s the most profitable and easiest business — when
people are coming back to you again and again. I’m
sure that’s worked for you in your business. It has
worked for me in my business. For 25 years, the same
people were keeping me as busy as I could be.

Clayton: Gary, I would be fascinated to hear about your process

when you’re approaching a package. Everything from[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

the ways you identify themes or the approaches you

want to address to one of the things that you just said
that I think you could probably do a 500-page book on
— the concept of “What are they really buying?” What
are you really selling?

Gary: Right. You’re not selling grass seeds, you’re selling a

greener lawn.

Clayton: You’re not selling drill bits, you’re selling holes.

Gary: Exactly right. But you can really expand that. As I was
saying before, you’re not just buying a newsletter. I
want to buy a relationship with somebody, one person I
can trust in this investment world, where everybody
else is on commission trying to sell me something.
Boy, I would really appreciate a relationship with
somebody who is truly objective and doesn’t have any
product they’re going to sell me except their advice.
That’s what I realized we were really selling with
Skousen, and it’s why that package was so successful.

So if you dwell on that question more deeply than the

next copywriter might, “What are we really selling?”
you’d be surprised at the answers you can come up
with. Major, blockbuster breakthroughs.

Clayton: I notice in a lot of your financial packages for Phillips,

for example, you were selling things like simplicity or
reliability, consistency, growing reliably richer and
those kinds of things instead of just selling the obvious,
which was the big profit.

Gary: Right, exactly. Because most people don’t put their

serious money into risky, “ten bagger” opportunities.
Again it gets back to knowing your market — and some
of this I can elaborate on as I answer your question
about the process. But it really comes from knowing
your market well, as to what most people in that market
believe, and if you try to exceed their level of belief,
you’re going to lose them. I learned long ago that the
only people who invest and who therefore are going to
buy an investment newsletter are people with money.

Most people with money are probably over 50 years

old because you usually need that much time to
accumulate a substantial amount of money.
Furthermore, they really don’t want to lose it. So[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

they’re very risk averse, though they may like to hear

about the occasional investment that goes through the

Sure, there is a sub-market of people who really are

into that — the way casino gamblers are red hot for
that kind of information. But most investors, by and
large, want a safe way to invest their nest egg, their
retirement money, and they’re not going to bet it on a
penny stock. They might take a flyer on a penny stock
but if you could address the main portion of their
wealth, they will really reward you handsomely.

To get back to your question about my process — it’s

probably a little bit unusual, but it is more
encompassing than you might at first think you would
hear from a copywriter.

I mentioned before about how Think and Grow Rich

and similar books and tapes have influenced me. I’m
probably Nightingale-Conant’s biggest customer. But I
think every great achievement begins in the mind first,
before it manifests itself in the material world. Think
and Grow Rich — well, how do you grow rich? At first
you have to start with a thought that you want and
intend to grow rich, and the same holds true for a great
breakthrough in a package. But let me back up for a
moment to the very start of the process.

This doesn’t happen anymore because I’m not taking

clients anymore, but when I was taking clients, the
phone would ring and somebody would ask if I’d like to
do this assignment. And I’d say, “Sounds interesting,
send me everything you can on it. Let me get to know
it.” And I would receive everything and go through it
very carefully. I especially wanted to see the
advertising that’s being used for it. In terms of the
advertising, I will call upon my knowledge of the craft
that I’ve developed over all these years.

What I really want to know about the advertising is

whether or not I see an easy way for me to beat it. If
the advertising was created by somebody like Clayton
Makepeace, it’s an immediate turnoff. In fact, there are
about five or six writers who I would feel that way
about, and you’re certainly at the top of that list.

If Clayton Makepeace has written the advertising, and

you’ve done a bang up job, but this client is just getting
greedy and curious to see what somebody else can do,
I’m not very interested. I’ll know right away if it’s your[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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work, Clayton, even if you didn’t tell me you wrote it. I

could usually tell. I can certainly tell if a great writer has
written it and if a piece is a great piece. And if it is a
great piece, I’m much less interested in competing
against it. After all, why should I waste my time with a
much lower likelihood of success? We’re not in this to
prove how macho we are by taking on all comers.
We’re in it to maximize our return on investment.

That’s like Warren Buffett. He doesn’t try to turn every

wacky investment into a superstar performer. He says,
“You don’t have to swing at every pitch. I’d sooner let
1,000 bad pitches pass me by at the plate — there are
no balls or strikes — than swing at every pitch. I just
want to swing at the one I think I can whack out of the

I’m the same way. I like to see a great product

suffering from really weak advertising. That’s my
perfect scenario. It’s just as Warren Buffett wants to
see a great investment that the rest of the world
doesn’t realize is a great investment yet.

At first I would look at the advertising and the product

to see how strong the product was and how strong the
advertising was. In terms of the advertising, I can tell if
it’s strong based on my knowledge of the craft, just all
the things that we copywriters learn over time. You
learn to recognize good headlines and good offers and
good guarantees.

So I apply that screen to the assignment and see if I

can find a toe hold somewhere. If it’s fairly well written,
do I see a toe hold? Do I see someplace where I can
beat it? So I’ll analyze every part of the package. Is the
headline very strong or is it just fair to middling? If I can
find myself coming up with something that I could
pretty much realize is going to be stronger in that
department, well that’s a plus.

Then I’ll look at the body copy, the bullets, the offer,
the guarantee, the premium, every component in there
and if I can come up with a good feeling that I can beat
each one of those components, then it’s a slam dunk.
Then I can beat the overall response rate because the
package is nothing more than the sum of its
components and if I can see my way clear to improving
upon each component, then it’s a slam dunk that I’ll
beat the whole thing.

So I’ll look at the advertising through that screen. I’ll[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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also — and this is where a lot of copywriters go astray

— look at the product from the point of view of my
product knowledge. And this is why I think it’s so
important that copywriters should specialize in certain
parts of the marketplace. I don’t think there are many
copywriters who can be equally successful in all areas
of the market, with all different products. Especially not
when there are other very well trained copywriters in
every other market that they’re thinking of entering.

I’ve always been very knowledgeable about health. I’ve

been a health nut for about 30 to 40 years. And, just
because that’s where most of the work was, I was
always into financial products. So I know those two
marketplaces very well. I know what will generally sell.
I know lots of tests that didn’t perform well — and that
knowledge is very valuable in knowing whether this
product is valuable or not. This marketplace is always
changing so you have to keep up on what investors are
reading now. You’ve got to know the books and
newspapers that they’re reading and understand
what’s on their minds now. You’ve got to keep up with
what’s happening in the economy and what they’re
worried about. Once you reach a certain level of
knowledge, it’s fairly easy to keep up with the

If I’m really comfortable with those two things: 1) that I

can beat the advertising that I see in front of me or at
least have a reasonable chance of doing so after doing
a lot of research; and 2) the product is a strong one
with great credibility elements to it and some great
reasons why the prospect can benefit from this, then I
feel very confident about it and I’d be willing to take the

Like you, I imagine, I always have an incentive in my

compensation agreement where the better I do for the
client, the more money I could make myself. I really
want a very strong likelihood of long-term success with
it. Assuming all of those factors are positive, the next
step I would take is to envision a blockbuster success.
As I said before, every achievement begins in the mind
before it manifests itself in the material world, so I
would envision a great success.

In my mind, I would hear my client calling me in two

months saying, “Gary, you did it again. This is
unbelievable. The phones are ringing off the hook. The
postal trucks are lining up, bringing these bags of
orders in. Oh man, the next time you’re in town you[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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have to let me take you to dinner.” I would envision the

entire phone call with a thrilled client absolutely
jumping up and down with how thrilled he was that I
wrote the package and how the responses are just
pouring in, burying his mailroom with checks and

I would see this whole vision in my mind. I would taste

the celebratory dinner that I was going to experience
with my wife Pauline to celebrate this latest triumph.
Your subconscious mind wants to manifest the images
you place before it with great emotion. So indulge your
fantasy about success.

See the accomplishment in the rehearsal studio of your

own mind. Tell your subconscious, “This is what I like
to experience, help me do it!” So if you start celebrating
before you’ve even put pen to paper or fingers to
keyboard, just getting that very exciting vision of how
you’re going to experience success, it frees up
tremendous subconscious resources for you to achieve
that success and very effortlessly also.

You’re effortlessly teaching your mind what’s going to

be happening. Your subconscious mind, as Maxwell
Maltz taught in Psycho-Cybernetics, is a goal-striving
mechanism. When you give your subconscious a target
that you want to hit, it will pull into itself and eventually
share with your conscious mind all kinds of resources
that you never knew you had within you to make that

This is the goal that you’re telling your subconscious

mind that will be enjoyed and experienced in a month
or two, six months, or whatever your time schedule is
for completing the job and having it tested. This is
what’s going to happen. Most writers don’t go through
any preliminary stage like this. There are lots of ways
to do it, but whatever methodology or ritual you have
for doing this, the key is envisioning the success even
before it unfolds. That very process helps the steps
unfold and you want to make it very vivid to your
senses because that will make it real to your
subconscious mind.

You want to feel the emotion especially. You just want

to close your eyes and feel how great it’s going to feel
that you’ve chalked up another big winner and that the
word is getting around in the industry that “Wow, this
guy is almost unbeatable. Almost everything we’ve
given him, he hits a homerun for us. He’s[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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unbelievable.” You just fantasize about all of these

things. You combine that with your knowledge of the
craft that you’ve accumulated throughout the years and
you combine that with the specialized knowledge of the
marketplace. If you combine those three things, I can
guarantee you’ll almost be invincible.

How can anybody else beat you when you have all that
going for you? We’re not like athletes where, mentally,
they reach the peak of their knowledge just at the very
time when their physical skills are going into decline.
The quarterback at age 35 knows so much more than
the young rookie about how to read a defense and how
to craftily send a receiver downfield for a touchdown
pass. His mind is so much further ahead and educated
than a rookie quarterback just out of college.
Unfortunately for people who earn livings from physical
skills, their physical skills deteriorate at the very time
when their mental powers are at their peak.

In copywriting that doesn’t happen. We need to always

build on our knowledge base. Over time you must build
these three key areas of knowledge.

First the knowledge of what works in direct marketing,

your knowledge of the craft.

Second, your knowledge of a given marketplace —

whether it’s health or finance or chiropractic, or
whatever interests you or wherever you’re getting your
current work from.

And third, the knowledge of how to unleash the

competitive and great instincts that you have within you
that you don’t even know about. It’s the 90% of your
mind that you don’t normally use. Once you unlock that
90%, if you add that to the mix of knowing your craft
and market, you will be virtually invincible in whatever
you chose to do.

Clayton: That’s wonderful.

Gary: I’m sure, Clayton, that I’m not telling you anything you
don’t know because when I look at words that you write
for your clients, there’s no way I want to tangle with
that stuff. I’m sure there are a lot of other copywriters
who feel the same way.

Clayton: That’s very kind. Psycho-Cybernetics is one of my[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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favorite reads.

Gary: You’ve never told me that, but in a way I knew it. I

knew it because you couldn’t produce at such a high
level without the tailwind from your subconscious mind.
You’re at an emotional level when you write. And that
can only be achieved through your subconscious mind,
which is, in effect, channeling the desires, hopes and
dreams of a lot of other subconscious minds. It’s only
when your subconscious mind is engaged that way
that you can produce work of the compelling power that
I see you produce. Not having ever known that about
you, I knew that you must have been somehow
harnessing your subconscious mind in a way that most
copywriters don’t.

Clayton: I have my entire life. I think part of the process for me

too is envisioning early in the process the client being
completely blown away by the first draft.
Understanding the purpose of the first draft is to have a
second draft and a third. The purpose of the final draft
is to accomplish all of the other things — career growth
and the out-of-the park homerun and all of that.

I also spend time thinking about under-promising and

over-delivering to the clients as well as the longer
effects. I’ve also found that one of the little ideas in
Psycho-Cybernetics that’s extremely valuable in terms
of allowing your subconscious to work, is getting away
from the work in one way or another. Napping, for

Gary: That’s very true. That’s when your subconscious gets

the chance to connect with the conscious as Gene
Schwartz put it. He used to talk about that all the time
in his methodology where he would put himself in front
of his typewriter or computer and not put any pressure
on himself to do anything. He used a little time clock
and he would punch in 33 minutes, 33 seconds on it,
just so he wouldn’t have to punch in more than one
button on his timer. And every 33 minutes and 33
seconds he would get up and go for a stretch and
when he came back for his next 33 minutes and 33
seconds, somehow the answers were ready for him.
To relieve the stress and pressure of having to write
great copy, Schwartz had only one requirement. He
had to stay in his chair for the entire 33 minutes. He
didn’t have to work on the copy if he didn’t want to, but
he didn’t allow himself to work on anything else or to[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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answer the phone or to read the mail.

That’s the same process. You have to get away from it

so the subconscious can give you the answer it’s just
dying to give you but can’t because your conscious
mind is so rigidly trying to force the issue. So when you
open those channels by napping or getting away from
it, the subconscious at that point can whisper the
answer in your ear and it just bubbles right up to the
conscious mind.

Clayton: I wrote the Health & Healing launch package in one

day by a swimming pool in Huntington Beach and I did
it just that way. I wrote for an hour and I swam for an
hour. I wrote for an hour and I swam for an hour. By
the end of the day I had a complete first draft.

Gary: Isn’t that amazing? Oh, Gene Schwartz, in

recommending that very methodology, said that’s how
Mozart used to compose his concertos and
symphonies. It’s obvious, of course, that Mozart was a
genius, but people were amazed at the process he
used. He would play billiards — I think billiards is what
they called it then. And Gene Schwartz said that
Mozart would hit the billiard ball with his pool cue and
then write some notes. It was an activity that got his
conscious mind off of what he was working on and
then by the time he went back to the music notation,
the next phrases were all right there, he didn’t
consciously have to think about it.

Clayton: How many hours a day would you write? Is there a

hard and fast rule?

Gary: It’s hard and fast. I always believed that if I can get
three hours of quiet time, I can achieve anything in the
morning. And that three hours includes researching. In
the research phase — once I’ve agreed to take
something on — I’ll devote about 40% of my time on
the project to research, maybe 40% to writing the first
draft, and then 20% for polishing and rewriting after

I love to write. I guess I’ve had an aptitude from an

early age. And once you get successful at something,
you really feel like you have the aptitude to do it. I
really do like the writing process. Winston Churchill
said that he hates writing but loves having written. A lot
of people are that way; they hate the process of[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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writing. But I enjoy it.

Once you get into a rhythm and a groove, as I’m sure

you have over the years for approaching your
assignments, it’s not that hard. If you do enough
research, the writing comes fairly easily.

To answer your question, I would usually like to do

three hours in the morning, and I still try to do that. I
still get a little antsy if I don’t. I wake up and get three
hours in on something, like a major project that I want
to work on.

Those early morning hours are, to me, the most

productive time, especially if you can harness in the
subconscious before you go to bed. You just go to bed
reading something over and posing a question you’d
like to have solved by the morning. Your subconscious
mind tends to millions of cellular and biological
transactions every night. You’re breathing and
swallowing and goodness knows what else, literally
millions of other activities. It’s nothing to give you a
headline by the morning if you just say, “I’d like a good
headline on this in the morning. I’ve just read it over
and I have no idea, so you come up with it. You’re the
power behind whatever my conscious mind does, so
give me a good headline or ten or twenty in the
morning and I’ll just be ready with my notepad.” And
that’s pretty much what happens.

I know Dan Kennedy has said that’s how he is so

productive. He’ll tell his mind what he wants to have
written when he wakes up in the morning and it all
flows out like a computer dump. It’s not like you’re
sleeping fitfully — it’s totally subconscious. If you let too
much time go by, however, if you don’t get to your
writing until the afternoon, you might have lost it. That’s
why I like to do my writing first thing in the morning
because my mental computer’s been running all night
with whatever I wanted to write about and it just pours
out almost word for word.

Clayton: Absolutely. It’s amazing because I do the same thing.

Gary: Do you really? Wow.

Clayton: Years ago I got into the habit of going to bed very early
around eight o’clock and getting up at four in the
morning when there would be no sounds in the house,[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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no distractions, no phones ringing and be able to just

totally engage the work without interruption for several

Gary: Yeah that’s what I like. I still wake up naturally, no

alarm clock. I wake up with the morning light and
sometimes I wake up 4:30 or 5:00. We’re on the east
coast out in the Hamptons — the sun comes over the
ocean really early.

I used to stay up late. I used to do very well being a

night owl but Pauline wakes up really early. She bolts
out of bed at 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning. When she
does, I find it hard getting back to sleep so I had to get
in sync with her rhythm. And once I did, I found it much
more productive for me to wake up at that time
anyway, using the night as a time when I just sleep
soundly and let my mind review whatever it’s reviewing
to give me my answers in the morning.

Early in the morning too, as you say, there’s no phone

ringing. But you’ve got to train yourself not to get into
your emails and see what’s happening. There are so
many things that tug at your attention. Try to get into
the discipline of — and I’m saying this obviously for
your listeners or readers who don’t do this, because I
know you must already do it — training yourself to
focus on one major task at that precious, most
productive time of the day.

That’s really the 10% of the day that’ll give you 80% of
your results. So you should really save it for that most
important assignment that you’re working on at that
moment. Then the rest of the day will be phone calls
and emails and meetings and things that come up or
people coming to the door. You know a million things
that distract you, but at least you will feel very
productive for that day because you’ve logged your two
to three hours first thing in the morning, and you’ve got
something to show for that day. And if you could do
that pretty much every day, it’s amazing how much
you’ll write, how much you’ll produce.

Clayton: I also find that the work we do on each package is

easily divided into two camps: 1) the creative work; and
2) the detail-oriented work. And quite often they
require two very different aptitudes. I’ll tend to focus on
creative issues very early in the morning. Then, when I
feel my creative energy flagging, I move to more detail-
oriented tasks such as research and other things like[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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Gary: I couldn’t agree with you more, Clayton. In my mind the

tasks break down the same way. I like to reserve the
really tough problems for that high energy period in the
morning. And I find they usually get worked out right
away. But you have to have that focus, that clarity —
almost like a still lake — to follow the thread of a new
creative line of thought. And then there’ll be many
parts of a package that are just much more mundane
things, but are just as important in the long run
because you need the foundation for the brilliant,
creative idea that leads off the package.

I call that “grinding out the yardage.” Instead of a

beautiful Hail Mary pass that covers 70 yards at once
— which I toss in the morning — this is just three feet
and a cloud of dust … three feet and another cloud of
dust. For the rest of the day it’s a series of small gains.
It’s just grinding out the yardage, reading the stuff
that’s got to be read, capturing a little bullet from this
paragraph and the next one and the next one after
that. It’s rote mechanical work and it’s time consuming,
but it’s got to be done. But if you put those two halves
together, that’s where the power is.

Clayton: We’ve already taken a half-hour longer than I promised

but I would like to ask you one final question. Let’s
discuss the client relationship. A lot of the people who
will be reading this are people who hire copywriters
and work with them. What are the things the client can
do to help you produce stronger copy, and do it more

Gary: That’s a very good question. Over the years I

developed a “please don’t do this” list. Here’s an

“Suppose I work my tail off to produce a breakthrough

package for my client and it becomes the control.
Eventually, that new control starts to weaken. At that
point, they will often invite some other writers to take
their best shot at beating me.”

What would gall me is when another writer would look

at my package and then capture every essential
concept almost in the same sequence of
conceptualization and put it into “his” package. He’d
put different words around it of course, perhaps add a[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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different premium or two, but his package is really just

a mirror image of what I’ve done, with just enough
changes that he, under some guise of fairness, could
call it his package and not mine anymore. In other
words, the words have changed, but the concepts
really haven’t. Or if he did add a concept or two, they
probably didn’t help or hurt that much. I call this “barely
legal plagiarism.”

Basically, in effect, the writer does a mirror image of

my package under his name. That would drive me
crazy. The point is — and this goes back to my “please
don’t do this list” — I would tell clients, “Look, if you
want me to reserve my best ideas for you, don’t let this
happen. It’s for your benefit as well as mine.”

How does this hurt the client? Well, there are many
writers out there who, if you let them be lazy, will be
bone-lazy. If you let them get away with just mirroring
what somebody else has done without breaking new
ground, you’ll never get anything else out of them —
even when you demand it. They’re always going to
take the path of least resistance because everybody in
life seems to have more work than they can handle.
And if you’re a client who settles for somebody merely
imitating somebody else’s package, that’s the only
thing you’re going to get from that writer. If you spoil
each writer you work with that way, you’re never going
to get original breakthrough packages.

It also de-motivates your best writers. It de-motivates

me to give you my best ideas. After all, if I have a
breakthrough concept, why would I give it to a client
who would allow it to be swiped, when I have other
clients who will protect my ideas?

This isn’t a legal issue, by the way, where the imitative

writer violates the rule of copyright. The person does
change the words but the melody is pretty much the
same. So I have no legal recourse — and really have
no desire to go after the client or the writer legally
anyway. I have better things to do with my time.

So, it’s not a legal issue, it’s an incentive issue. I say to

my clients, “When you let other writers swipe my ideas,
what have you done for my incentive to give you the
next blockbuster idea? You’ve just trained me to give it
to somebody else who will protect me — and I don’t
want to do that. I don’t think you want me to do it to you
either. You don’t want me to go elsewhere with my
best ideas. If you want to protect the flow of great[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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ideas, by all means test other people but don’t let them
get off easy by taking either half or two thirds of my
package and just rewording it and cheating everybody
in the process, including the lazy writer himself. The
writer shouldn’t, for his or her sake, be allowed to do
that because then they’re not being forced to come up
to their best level of originality and thinking.”

That was a bugaboo and I’m sure you’ve seen that too,
Clayton. You have a great control package and all of
the sudden arriving in the mail is a package that sort of
looks like yours, all the same ideas…

Clayton: It’s paraphrased. They just sat down and paraphrased

your copy.

Gary: Some hot new writer! The client may even say, “Wow
Clayton, you’ve got to meet this guy, he’s really good.”
Meanwhile you’re thinking, “Yeah he must be my kind
of guy, he sounds so much like me!”

That’s one. And I have another. I didn’t have this so

much after I got a reputation and people would learn to
trust me. But earlier in my career, people would retain
me and then want to tell me what to write. Ogilvy had a
great saying for that. Whenever a client would try to
dictate the copy or come up with some cockamamie
headline that Ogilvy knew wasn’t going to work, he
would say, “Look, why keep a dog and bark yourself?”
I look at it the same way: “If you hired me to do this,
just let me do it and then judge me on that basis. Don’t
try to dictate to me what I should write and judge me
on whether I succeeded or failed. At the very least, let
me have my own test. I can try to work with what you
have your heart set on working, unless it’s really
atrocious.” I don’t want my name on a package that’s

Of course, very often a client has a really great idea

and you shouldn’t resist that. You should run with it.
Sometimes they’ll have an idea that’s not so great and
you think it’s not going to work, but who knows?
Maybe he’s onto something but give me another shot
at something, which I feel has a much higher
probability of working.

That’s another thing that I’ve always done through my

career is take at least two swings at the ball. I would
tell a client, “Look, in researching this, I’ve come up
with several ideas, any one of which could work. My[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

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favorite is a very high-probability concept, but I have

others I’d like to test, as well.” You want to always put
your best efforts forward. You always want to have
house odds. It’s like casinos and gamblers are both
participating in the same activity. They’re both
gambling but the casinos always make money and
gamblers almost always lose. Casinos always rake in
good fortunes just by slanting the probabilities in their
direction ever so slightly.

So I say to the client, “Let’s do that on your package.

For Package A I’m going to employ every high
probability technique I know that has created
breakthroughs for other people over my career in this
business. And I’m going to take certain powerful
techniques from other people’s packages that I see
working. Everything that I can bring to the table to raise
your probability of having a homerun, I’m going to put
in this package. That’s Package A.

“But over here in the second package, Package B, I’m

going to break a rule or two. We’re going to really get
original. I’m going to use most of the same high
probability bullets and offers and premiums and
subheads but maybe I’m going to try a headline that
has never been done before to give you that element
of freshness. So grant me two test panels and I will
double your chances of succeeding.”

The smart clients say, “Sure, it’s not going to cost me

that much more to test the second panel, and the
benefit I gain is that I’ve virtually doubled my chances
of success.” The point is, every now and then, that
second package will win.

Now, most of the time the high probability tests will

win. That’s the one with the big benefit headline, an
expanded subhead — I’m telling you the formula that
I’m sure you probably follow, Clayton — curiosity-
provoking bullets, a great credential up front, and so
forth. Following all the way through, it looks very
interesting to read, under a hot subject, emotional
language all the way through — all the things that we
pack into our magalogs and other formats. So that will
be the high probability one.

Also, I love to test something that is really different,

something radically different. Even in the offer, the
back-end, maybe instead of charging $200, let’s test
$3,000 for this. Who knows? It might just work. It could
be anything that could, if it works, gives you a whole[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

new business. Sometimes, not as often as the high

probability one, but every now and then you hit on one
of those and it really is a blockbuster. So I call that my
package insurance.

I never want to go naked into a test without my high

probability version because, for everybody, that usually
will be the winner. But you don’t want to cut yourself off
from those riskier packages that every now and then
open up a success unlike anything that anybody has
ever seen before.

Clayton: That’s wonderful. I wish I had thought about that in the

early going because whenever I was going up against
the control, I was always torn by that question. It was
always an either-or for me. It was, “Do I try something
radically new and different and pick the smaller odds,
or do I go with a high probability concept that is more
of a sure thing?”

Gary: Yes, that’s exactly the choice you face. Most packages
that are working utilize concepts that have come
before. So if you’ve come up with a concept that you’ve
never seen, it’s probably not a good sign but it could
be a great sign, we just don’t know. The odds are small
but the payoffs could be much greater.

Clayton: Just a bonus question: as far as I know you were the

first to really exploit magalogs.

Gary: No, actually not. That honor belongs to Jim Rutz, the
copywriter, and Ed Elliott, the designer. They did the
first magalog for Personal Finance. I did the second
one for Personal Finance, which beat theirs. But as
soon as I saw that format, my eyes lit up. These guys
discovered a format so powerful I don’t even think at
first they knew how powerful it was even though it did
become a control. I had a standard number 10-
package control for Personal Finance for KCI. They
came in with a magalog. On the front was a cartoon of
an investor with a dartboard and he was picking his
teeth with one of the darts and on the dartboard were
the various investments.

I had the background from Ogilvy and Caples who said

to never make your space ad look like an ad — always
make it look like an article. Ogilvy had tested this and
when a space ad looks like an article, his very scientific
readership study showed that 500% more people read[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

the ad than if it looked just like an ad. In other words,

headline, body copy, call to action —– every word is
identical except the layout. If you run in The Wall
Street Journal and you make it look pretty much like a
Wall Street Journal article, even if they slap that slug
on there that says “Advertisement,” you’ll get a 500%
boost in readership for that ad.

And that was pretty consistent across all the space ads
that he tested. That means right out of the gate you
get a 500% increase in readership by making your ad
look like an editorial article. Caples has always
preached the same thing. As a matter of fact, in one of
his books, he tells about a test in Reader’s Digest. I
think it was an 81% increase in actual orders for
Reader’s Digest when it looked like an article instead
of a typical ad.

There’s lots of evidence for space ads but I could

never think of a way to harness that same principle
with a direct mail letter. As soon as I saw that first
magalog, I knew these guys had done it. And they
didn’t realize they had done it because very few
magazines have a cartoon on the cover. So they found
a very entertaining and informative format but most
magazines really look like magazines with a photo on
the cover, like Business Week or Forbes or Time.

Magazines aren’t cutesy with a cartoon — so I saw my

opening, my toehold. I went back to Personal Finance
and said, “Look, I know you’ve got a new format and I
can do that format too. I’ll make mine totally different
with different copy. I believe my existing copy is still
very strong actually but there’s this great new format.”
And they asked, “What do we even call this format?” I
said “Well, it looks something like a magazine but it
sells like a catalog, so let’s call it a ‘magalog.’” So I
named it, but it was Jim Rutz and Ed Elliott who
invented it.

Now, what I did for mine — having had that training

from Ogilvy and Caples saying to camouflage your ad
and make it look like an article — was to make our
magalog look just like Time magazine. We gave it a red
border. We used a real photograph — not a cartoon of
an investor. It looked just the way Time magazine
might. We put a real photograph of a headshot of
Richard Band. He looked like the “Man of the Year” on
the cover of Time. We said something like, “Hottest
investment opportunities of the next year,” and the
bullets said “Great opportunities in treasuries, page 5;[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Once in a lifetime real estate opportunity coming up

next year, see page 7,” and so forth.

We had all the same body/copy articles on the inside

as my previous direct mail package, but we made them
look like real articles with photographs. And then the
copy read like an article written by Richard Band, the
editor. Let’s say we’re talking about real estate. We
talked about which forms of real estate are hottest right
now and said, “By the way, we have a special report on
how to make money in single-family homes. They’re
great investments for the small investor. You’ll get that
report free for signing up with Personal Finance.”

For every article, whether it was on bonds or stocks or

whatever, we had a little tie-in to a premium. But the
article was a real article, it gave a lot of good
information. This new venue, called a magalog, was
very valuable to read itself.

When I asked myself, “Can I beat Jim Rutz’s package?

” I saw that I had a much better cover. We had a
bigger, broader table of contents just the way a
magazine does. And we had lots of photographs
throughout that looked more like a magazine. So when
I analyzed all the components of my package versus
Jim’s, I felt pretty confident that I was going to win, and
I did.

When we started rolling out, Time called up and said,

“You’re using our red color on your cover.” And we
said, “What do you mean your color? How can you
copyright a color? You can’t copyright a color.” And
they said, “We have a lot of lawyers who say we can.”
Vickie Moffett at KCI didn’t want to get involved in a big
legal tangle so when they mentioned their lawyers, she
said, “Well, how do you feel about blue?” They said,
“Blue’s okay, that’s not our color.” So
we went with blue, and it went almost as well, not quite
as well but still
it was a giant hit for several years.

Clayton: All of us remember what a huge lift we got when we

started testing magalogs. I was in 6 x 9s at the time
and was running very long copy, up to 24-page sales
letters. But going with magalogs really radically
changed how I wrote my copy as well. Instead of being
a sales letter, I was now writing value-added copy that
rewarded the reader for plowing through my 24 pages
by giving him practical things that he could use now.[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Gary: That’s very true. That immediate gratification is very


Clayton: Yeah. Everyone’s looking for the next big format

breakthrough though.

Gary: I really think it’s here already. I think it’s the e-zine. I’m
finding that with the clients that I’m a partner with, I
almost don’t want to do direct mail anymore. It’s too
tough to send a 24-page magalog to a prospect who
doesn’t know you. I don’t think direct mail will ever be
dead, but rising paper costs, rising printing, and rising
skepticism argue against people responding to cold
mailings that are trying to sell them something right on
the spot. I think these factors argue instead for an
elongated courtship of an e-zine that is of great value
— where
the selling process starts more subtly, a lot more softly.
Perhaps in the
future the most profitable use of much direct mail will
be to drive people
into an e-zine relationship.

Direct mail is also destined, inevitably, to become the

province of higher-cost products. When I started, you
could sell a $12 book by direct mail and make a lot of
money. You can’t do that anymore. My first freelance
client was a little company called Farnsworth
Publishing and we sold a lot of books. I would write a
space ad that would run in The Wall Street Journal on
estate planning or some form of investing or how to
buy a small company or other very esoteric subjects.
We also had an active direct mail campaign for the
same book, a #10 package and a letter selling a book
for $12 or $19. You couldn’t possibly cover that cost
today, you’d go in the hole.

That bar is constantly being raised. I think pretty soon

it’ll be very hard to make money on a $39 offer unless
you’ve got a very healthy back end and are willing to
break even or even lose a little money up front. Again,
it depends on what you’re selling.

I think one of the great things that you did, Clayton, for
Phillips Publishing was your package for Health &
Healing. It wasn’t just a homerun, it was a grand slam
World Series winning blast in the bottom of the ninth
inning. That’s how memorable your Health & Healing
launch package was for Phillips.[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

That package built that newsletter to astronomical

heights. I don’t think anybody could’ve ever envisioned
that. I’m sure that Tom Phillips never thought that this
little newsletter on health that he just launched as an
additional product to have, would become the towering
profit maker of Phillips Publishing.

But not only that, it was such a perfectly natural vehicle

for selling vitamins and supplements to those who are
signing up for the newsletter. So the newsletter in
effect became a paid advertisement. The prospects
would literally pay to receive additional offers for
supplements and cruises and everything else that you
would want to sell associated with Dr. Whitaker, who is
the editor of the newsletter.

So you had 500,000, or however many subscribers

they had in time, each one paying $50 a year to start
with and I guess those prices ratcheted up over the
renewal period. I can’t even do the arithmetic. I think
that would break my calculator just to figure out the
money they were making on the subscriptions. And
then there’s all the money coming in from supplements
and vitamins and all kinds of arthritis remedies and
water filters and all the other back-end products. That
was just a gigantically profitable business that you
helped them create.

Clayton: They only thought I wrote that package. That was a

Bencivenga package from beginning to end.

Gary: Is it too late to tell Tom this because I understand he

was just made extremely wealthy by the sale of that
company? Maybe somehow you can finagle for me a
slice of what he just received.

Clayton: We sold between one and two million subscriptions in

three years.

Gary: Wow. Clayton, I had nothing to do with that. We all

learn from each other and I learn from you and that
was your homerun totally unaided by me.

Clayton: I think this interview should be absolute must-reading

for every soul in the direct response industry, Gary.
Your insights are staggeringly brilliant. Is there
anything else that you’d like to add before we close?[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Gary: No, that’s it, Clayton. When I was coming up through

the ranks of the direct marketing agencies in
Manhattan — Ogilvy & Mather, BBDO and a couple of
others — my favorite time of the week was on Friday
afternoons when most writers would kick back and just
meet in the copy chief’s office and shoot the breeze
about great campaigns and funny art directors and
neurotic account executives and other comical gossip.
We’d just tell jokes and learn from each other about

Mostly we young guys just shut up and listened

because the old timers had so many great war stories
of campaigns that were breakthroughs and how they
were developed and funny characters they met along
the way, like the art director who slept in his cubicle
because his girlfriend threw him out and he had no
place to go and that’s the real reason why he was so
early for work in the morning — he lived in his cubicle.

Those sessions were just so instructive and I think this

is sort of the modern day equivalent of that — where
two guys just talk shop on the phone and if we can help
others save some time by avoiding the mistakes we
made, so much the better.

Clayton: I just want you to know, Gary, that

if there’s ever anything at all that I can do for you all
you have to do is ask. I don’t
know what plans you have for Bencivenga Bullets or
future products or services
or educational tools or whatever, but just count me in.

Gary: The Bullets are free and I offer them to anybody who
wants to learn what I know. Just go to
I want to leave something of a legacy, partly to carry on
in the same tradition
of those great old copy chiefs who taught me. You
don’t have to know thousands
of things to be a really good copywriter.

A relatively small handful of insights as your

guideposts will save you years of effort and save
clients perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in
their testing. Those are the secrets I share for free in
the Bullets.[11/29/2012 7:31:48 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part ll |

Clayton: Gary, thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

Gary: Okay, Clayton, it’s been great. Take care.

Clayton: Take care. Bye.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
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GUARANTEED to Make 2006
Your Best Year EVER →

2 Responses to A Conversation With

the Legendary Copywriter
Part ll

Daniel Cajiga says:

August 26, 2009 at 6:07 am

Thanks for everything at The Total Package. I´d love to know where
the 1st part of this interview is?

Thaks again and thanks in advance.

Daniel Cajiga


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Three New Years Resolutions

GUARANTEED to Make 2006
Your Best Year EVER Recent Posts
Posted on January 2, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Maybe it’s just me … but don’t you think Thanksgiving Day is scheduled at
the weirdest possible time of the year?

I mean — what genius decided we should all give thanks for the year’s
blessings on the fourth Thursday of November? Heck — November isn’t even
finished, let alone the year!

When I become king, I’m moving Thanksgiving Day to January 1. That way,
we can all know just how good the whole year was — and be properly
thankful for all the good stuff!

Right now, for example, as I think back over 2005, I’m absolutely blown away
by all the amazing new things the last 12 months brought to my life …

The sixth year of the 21st Century was easily one of the most exhilarating —
and certainly the strangest — I’ve ever had. I worked harder, took more risks
and did more new things than at any other time in my 33-year career.

I ended a long-standing exclusive relationship with a client who had paid me

millions … accepted two exciting NEW clients … spoke in public for the first
time ever … and was thrilled when the American Writers and Artists Institute
honored me with their 2005 “Copywriter of the Year” award.

I launched THE TOTAL PACKAGE in June … wrote 24 content-rich issues …

received and responded to 2,049 fun, positive emails from subscribers (and
only 3 nasty, negative ones) … self-published my first half-dozen or so[11/29/2012 7:39:26 PM]

Three New Years Resolutions GUARANTEED to Make 2006 Your Best Year EVER |

eBooks … held my first teleseminar series … and launched QwikCrit™.

Plus, I copy chiefed and critiqued a couple dozen projects for seven younger
writers … and personally wrote nine, 24-page direct mail and Internet
promotions for Health Resources, Phillips Publishing, Boardroom, Agora,
Weiss Research and Healthy Directions.

And next week, I’m announcing my most exciting “first” of all: My first-ever
live event — the Clayton Makepeace Power Marketing Summit, in
Washington D.C. on April 20-22, 2006 (Keep an eagle eye on your eMail box
… trust me: You do NOT want to miss it!).

So to everyone who made all this amazing stuff possible …

The Redhead (wife Wendy) — my greatest champion (as well as my

unrelenting task mistress) …

Tanya — my long-suffering Jill of all trades …

Julie — who works diligently to introduce this eLetter to new readers each
week …

Steve — who has been a godsend on the editorial side …

Mary Ellen, Christine, Richard, Kat, Nehal and to everyone else in our Florida
offices who make THE TOTAL PACKAGE possible …

And of course, to my clients, copy chiefs, copy cubs — and every single one
of my wonderful subscribers …

… THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

I am truly grateful to each and every one of you for helping to make 2005 a
banner year for me!

… and HELLO, 2006!

For me and mine, 2005 was one for the record books. I sincerely hope it was
for you, as well.

Now, with 363 days of 2006 still before us, it’s time to take stock – and to
make three solemn resolutions together …

“I Resolve to Make 2006 My Best Year Ever.”

I’m often amazed at how many folks begin each new year-long journey
without a roadmap — or even a clearly defined destination in mind.[11/29/2012 7:39:26 PM]

Three New Years Resolutions GUARANTEED to Make 2006 Your Best Year EVER |

The one thing you can count on is this: 363 days from now, you’re NOT going
to be where you are now. You’re going to be someplace else.

How far you go and how fast you get there will largely be determined by two
factors: 1) The destination you choose, and 2) The quality of the choices you
make at each step of the way — beginning right now.

So what’s your destination? What do you want your business, your bank
balance and your personal relationships to look like one year from today?

How many new clients or customers will you have? How many big winners
will you have under your belt?

How much money will you be making? What will you do with all that money
and with your free time? What fantasies will you fulfill? What new
experiences will you enjoy? How will your personal relationships be

Be as specific as possible and write it all down — longhand. And most

importantly, fully explore how you will FEEL about all of the above one year
from today.

See yourself looking back over 2006 and basking in the warm glow of all
those amazing accomplishments and in the admiration of your family, friends,
customers and/or clients.

Make your word picture as vivid and rich with emotion as possible.

And to keep your vision as fresh, exciting and motivating as it is right now,
resolve to read it aloud 52 times in 2006 — at the beginning of each working

“I Resolve to Expend Every Effort

and Make Every Sacrifice Required
to Reach My Destination In 2006.”
Once you know precisely where you’re going, it’s time to create your own
personal roadmap — the shortest distance between where you are now and
where you want to be on January 2, 2007.

Identify each individual step you’ll take … each turn you’ll have to make …
the obstacles you’ll have to overcome — and set the dates by which you will
have done all of the above.

What do you need to LEARN to fulfill your personal vision for the year? What
do you need to DO — step-by-step — in the next 12 months to reach your

What beliefs do you need to change? What lifestyle changes will you need to
make? And perhaps most importantly, what sacrifices will be called for?[11/29/2012 7:39:26 PM]

Three New Years Resolutions GUARANTEED to Make 2006 Your Best Year EVER |

At the unveiling of a remarkable new statue of a magnificent bull elephant,

the sculptor was asked how on Earth he could create such a lifelike image
from a common chunk of stone.

“It’s easy,” replied the sculptor. I just started with a block of granite and
chipped away everything that didn’t look like an elephant!”

What’s in your life now that doesn’t look like the new version of “you” you’re
creating? Chip it away!

Sure — it’ll take discipline. Vision, Desire and Discipline are the very stuff of

If your vision is vivid enough, it will empower your desire.

If your desire is powerful enough, it will fuel your discipline.

Conversely, when you find yourself lacking the willpower to consistently do

what’s necessary to succeed, you can bet your bottom dollar that your desire
is in dire need of recharging.

And the only way to recharge declining desire is to return to, power-up — and
vicariously experience — the fulfillment of your personal vision!

“I Resolve to Be Good to Myself Along The Way.”

At age 53, I still happily rise at 3:00 AM and work until 5:00 or 6:00 every
evening. And since I typically follow that schedule on weekends as well as
weekdays, I average nearly 100 hours at my desk each week.

How do I do it? Well, I have a secret. I try to make sure that I’m never more
than a few weeks away from doing something really fun and exciting and that
has absolutely nothing to do with work!

See, I am definitely NOT into delayed gratification. If I ever tried to wait a

whole year to savor the fruits of my labor, I’d run out of gas in no time flat.

So I make sure I always have something to look forward to, no more than a
few weeks down the pike. Maybe it’s a family trip … a solo adventure on the
Harley … or a weekend with The Redhead at a spa.

At various other times it has been flying or scuba lessons … a cruise … or

the purchase of something I’ve wanted for some time.

It doesn’t have to be expensive — just fun. In the old days, before the money
got good, it might be something as simple as a few days off at home … a
massage … or a meal at a favorite restaurant.

Plan right now to be good to yourself along the way. Set four, six, even[11/29/2012 7:39:26 PM]

Three New Years Resolutions GUARANTEED to Make 2006 Your Best Year EVER |

twelve interim goals during the year and connect an appropriate short-term
reward with each one of them.

Start Building Your Foundation for Success

in 2006 Right NOW!
When I began publishing THE TOTAL PACKAGE just over seven months
ago, I told my little handful of readers that I was going to do everything in my
power to bring you bigger winners, more often.

I also said that I can’t do it for you. I can show you the way. I can share the
tips, tricks and tactics that have helped me. But in the final result, you’re
going to have to invest the time, the mental energy and the physical effort to
make it happen.

The same is true for the year ahead. It’s a blank page, practically begging
you to write your own success story any way you like.

I sincerely hope you follow my advice and begin building a rock-solid

foundation for your best year ever — right now.

Choose your destination wisely and visualize all the rewards that will be
awaiting you when you reach it.

Draw up your personal roadmap to success and reward yourself for each
major mission you accomplish.

You’re going to get out of 2006 what you put into it. Let’s give it our BEST!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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11 Startling Forecasts for 2006
Posted on January 16, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Will these Marketing Mega-Trends make you We’re still here…
– or break you – in the year ahead? Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
If I’ve learned anything in my 30-odd years of promoting investment
newsletters, it’s that predicting the future can be a dangerous game.

And so, to prove that I really HAVEN’T learned anything in my 30-odd years
promoting investment newsletters, I’ve decided to polish up the old crystal
ball – and try my own hand at prognostication.

Sounds like I’m about to crawl out on a limb just before I saw it off – right?

Not really – ’cause I’m cheating a little.

Each of the predictions you’re about to read is ALREADY coming true. Some
of these trends have been developing and accelerating for two or three years
now. And human beings what they are, each one of them is a slam-dunk to
continue – not only in 2006, but for years to come.

The thing is, the marketing environment is changing faster now than at any
time in my career – and the Internet is the reason why.

No matter what anyone might tell you, the Internet is NOT just another
medium. Other mediums cost money. Lots of it.

Send a direct mail package to 1,000 prospects and it’ll cost you five hundred
smackers or more.

Contact the same number of prospects through Print, TV or radio and you[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

could pay $5/m, $10/m or $20/m – maybe more.

But you can send e-mails to 1,000 folks over the Internet for next to nothing.

And not only is the Internet nearly free for marketers, there’s a lot of free stuff
on here for consumers, too. Like the eLetter you’re reading now, for example.

See, if this was 15 years ago – say, 1990 – and I wanted to help a bunch of
nice folks sharpen up their ad copy and marketing strategies, I’d have:

1. Started a print newsletter …

2. Written a red-hot direct mail promotion for it…

3. Mailed my promo to everyone who had ever bought any information

product relating to copywriting or direct response marketing at the cost of
around $450 per thousand pieces mailed ($450/M), and …

4. Popped champagne corks if I got my $450/M back.

I would have been thrilled to break even on my new subscriber effort. It

meant I got a new subscriber for free. And even though I’d have to spend $12
or $15 over the next year to actually fulfill each subscription, I’d have counted
on renewals and additional product sales to those subscribers to make me a
tidy profit.

The Internet, of course has changed all that. Now, you don’t have to pay
$450/M to attract subscribers. And you don’t have to pay through the nose to
print and mail the welcome kit or regular issues to subscribers.

So – at least for the time being, the Internet has made marketing and
fulfillment of information products a lot cheaper. But in doing so, it has also
cheapened the value of published information. So much on the Internet is
available for free, selling informational products isn’t as easy as it once was.

OK – so I guess I’ve pre-ambled enough. Let’s get on with the forecasts …

Forecast #1:
The Cost of Talking to Prospects
And Customers Will Continue to Rise
– BOTH in Direct Mail and on the Internet
Rising marketing costs are a fact of life – and there’s no end in sight.

Direct Mail Costs Will Jump By Double Digits: In direct mail, new
postage rate increases effective January 9 will drive postage rates more
than 5% higher in 2006. Paper costs – driven by a global surge in natural
resource prices as well as energy surcharges – are rising as well.[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

And if history is any indication, soaring federal deficits, combined with

downward pressure on the U.S. dollar around the world and accelerating
consumer and wholesale inflation here at home guarantee that this trend
will continue throughout 2006 and beyond.

Internet Marketing Costs Will Soar Even HIGHER: While the cost of
contacting prospects and customers via snail mail is moving incrementally
higher, the cost of making sales on the World Wide Web is also soaring at
an alarming rate.

Search Engine Costs Will Continue To Surge: The explosion in the

number of websites vying for top ranking on commonly searched
keywords is causing massive inflation in search engine costs.
In its most recent quarterly report on search engine marketing,
DoubleClick reports that search engine cost per keyword was up
about 15% and cost per click was 30% higher in the third quarter of
2005 than in July 2004 – and this trend can only accelerate as the
proliferation of new websites causes competition for surfers’ attention
to heat up.

Banner Ad Costs Will Soar: The rapid adoption of the new, larger
IAB-recommended standard ad units at the expense of smaller
buttons and banners has resulted in an overall reduction in the amount
of ad space available to advertisers. This is at a time when spending
on iNet ads is jumping at the rate of 31.5% per year.
As this limited supply of advertising space collides with soaring
demand in 2006, look for Internet ad costs to jump substantially.

Email Marketing To Rocket Higher: While there has been no

dramatic recent surge in the cost of sending email blasts to prospects
and customers, delivery rates are being reduced in many cases by
over-enthusiastic spam filters and other things, driving the cost per
delivered email substantially higher.

Rising costs mean one thing to marketers: They’re going to have to sharpen
their products, marketing strategy and ramp up the power of their sales copy
to maintain current levels of profitability. That’s great news for consumers,
copywriters – and in the end result, for marketers themselves.

Forecast #2:
Most – But NOT All Response Rates
Will Continue to Decline
Direct Mail Response Rates Will Continue to Be a Challenge: To
anyone who sells books, print newsletters or nutritional supplements
through direct mail, it’s no secret that response rates have fallen
precipitously since 2001.

As a result, mailings are shrinking in size and frequency and the universe[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

of current, active buyer names and addresses is declining.

Increased competition … the propagation of wild and unbelievable product

claims … increased pressure from litigators and regulators … and rising
consumer skepticism in these maturing markets will keep this trend intact
throughout 2006.

Many Internet Response Rates Will Continue Falling Throughout


Search Engine Conversions Will Continue to Decline: In 2005

alone, the number of people who click through and make a transaction
(including free ones, such as registering or opting in to an eZine) on
the average search engine keyword has fallen 22% – from around
4.5% to around 3.5%.

Look for this trend to continue as consumers become increasingly

bombarded with a dizzying array of choices.

Email Open Rates and Click-Through Will Continue Their

Downward Track: In the latest quarter for which data is available,
DoubleClick reports that email open rates declined a staggering 23.6%
– to 27.5%. Furthermore, of those who opened their emails, 6.5%
fewer clicked the links in those e-mails than in the preceding quarter –
about 7.2%.

Hardly surprising – especially when you consider the sheer volume of

emails sent to the average web user each day. As the quantity of
emails sent by marketers continues to skyrocket in 2006, expect the
decline in open rates and click-throughs to fall even farther in the year

Astonishingly, Bottom-Line Internet Response Rates Will Remain

Relatively Unchanged: While fewer prospects are opening email
advertisements and clicking the links, higher percentages of those
clicking through are ordering.
In the most recent quarter, click-to-purchase rates jumped 27.8% and
actual orders per email delivered rose 18.2%. As a result, revenue per
email sent is holding steady – at an average of 20 cents per email

For this reason, the Internet will continue to be a gold mine for
entrepreneurs and business owners who adapt quickly in this rapidly
changing environment. And again – “adapting” means offering better
products, using sharper marketing strategies and more compelling
sales copy just to stay as profitable as they are now.

Forecast #3:
Internet Marketers Will Be Forced to Focus
On Accountability, Tracking, Forecasting & Testing[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

While response rates are dropping and costs are rising in direct mail and the
Internet, the World Wide Web still presents the greatest opportunities for
attracting new customers and for selling more products to existing customers.

Don’t get me wrong: Direct mail is NOT dead. We’re still mailing tens of
millions of pieces each year for nutritional supplement companies and
millions for alternative health newsletters. And major positive investment
developments have created some strong direct mail promotions for
investment newsletters over the last year as well.

But whether you’re a copywriter, graphic artist, marketing pro or business

owner, you can NOT afford to ignore the fact that the majority of new
customers most direct response companies will attract in 2006 will be
generated on the WWW.

However, the reality of today’s rising costs/falling response virtual world will
require increasing vigilance in order to maximize profits while minimizing
capital risks.

Once upon a time, marketing on the web was cheap or even free. Ill-
conceived and poorly executed promotions that would have bankrupt any
company paying $500/M for a direct mail campaign were making Internet
marketers fat and happy.

With little if anything to lose, few iMarketers paid much attention to tracking
which promotions produced a bottom-line profit – let alone which techniques
produced the highest response rates and bottom line profits.

Today, with iNet marketing costs rising and many response rates dropping,
savvy iMarketers are beginning to demand that each dollar spent to generate
an eZine subscriber or website visitor produce a positive return on investment
in a reasonable amount of time.

At the same time, the twin demons of declining response rates and rising
costs will demand that Internet marketers produce stronger headlines, subject
lines and sales copy – and that these lynchpins of direct response be
constantly tested for relative effectiveness and to lift response and revenues.

And any way you look at it, that creates tremendous, exciting new
opportunities for copywriters, artists, marketing folks and entrepreneurs of all

Forecast #4:
Cheaper Media & Multi-Step Promotions
Will Gain In Prominence
As email open and click-through rates continue to decline, increasing
numbers of Internet marketers will turn to other media – television, radio,
print and others – to drive prospects to landing pages and websites.[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

Internet giants eBay, DiTech, Geico and Progressive Insurance are already
leading the way – and in 2006 the savviest entrepreneurs and business
owners will follow.

This is exciting because it creates new opportunities for us direct response

types to learn and grow, expanding our repertoire into new media – and to
seize unlimited opportunities to create winning campaigns in them.

Forecast #5:
Cooperative Marketing Arrangements
Will Gain In Importance & Frequency
In a rising-cost, falling-response environment – both on the Web and in direct
mail – cooperative campaigns will bring breakthroughs in 2006.

Affiliate promotions … ride-along promotions … joint ventures and product

combinations, and … subsidized promotions will take center stage in 2006,
producing massive breakthroughs for cutting-edge marketers and huge new
opportunities for copywriters, artists and marketing pros.

Forecast #6:
Innovative, Consumer-Friendly Marketing
Will Take Center Stage
To overcome rising consumer skepticism and falling response rates,
increasing numbers of Internet marketers will abandon “blunt instrument”
marketing strategies and messages in favor of …

“Permission” Marketing or “Invertizing” – in which consumers invite

marketers into their lives. Business owners, marketing people and
consultants who innovate ways for consumers to request advertising
materials will prosper.

Advertorials that bring value to consumers’ lives while making a sale will
double and triple revenues and profits for many companies. This is a
HUGE area of opportunity on the Internet, where advertorial advertising is
still a novelty.

Involvement Devices that intrigue and entertain – games, contests, self-

tests and other devices that makes sites “sticky” will produce greater
increases in traffic and sales.

Viral Devices – content deemed by recipients to be valuable enough to

be passed on to others of like mind – will turn each email address that
marketers pay for into two, three or even four that they DON’T have to pay
Come up with effective ways to get sales messages passed around the[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

Internet, and you’ll quickly become a hero – and get rich in the process!

Blogs Will Become an Even More Powerful Marketing Tool: Blogs –

websites on which visitors are invited to share their opinions on a variety
of topics are still skyrocketing in popularity. In 2005, 33% more people
visited Blogspot.Com than read the New York Times!
Creating a Blog and requiring visitors to register in order to share their
opinions – PLUS including links and ads on your blog site – will become a
huge source of new email addresses and revenues for anyone using and
creatively using them.

Rich Media will rule! With about 35% of U.S. households boasting
broadband connections to the Internet, the delivery of high-impact rich
media (streaming animations, video, audio, interactive games, etc.) will be
a major force in boosting response to iNet promotions in 2006.
In a recent study, DoubleClick found that banner ads featuring animation,
roll-overs or other rich media produced FIVE TIMES the response as non-
rich media ads!

Keep THAT in mind the next time you’re tasked to create any kind of iNet

Forecast #7:
Innovative Delivery Formats Will Make Millions
For Information Publishers and “Infopreneurs.”
The format in which information products are presented will become
increasingly important. Simple “special reports” delivered as PDFs will
continue losing their appeal to consumers while higher impact formats will
attract hoards of new customers.

Information products sold and delivered as streaming audio & video reports
… PowerPoint presentations with audio … Webcasts & Webinars …
PodCasts … live TeleSeminars … group and one-on-one telephone coaching
and other innovative products will attract ever larger audiences and earn
fortunes for cutting edge marketers.

Forecast #8:
For Consumers, The “Free Internet”
Will Become Harder and Harder to Find
Like the Internet, TV and radio once provided the majority of their content to
consumers for free. So long as you were willing to watch the ads, you paid
nothing to watch ABC, CBS or NBC.

Today, the television and radio industries derive the majority of their
revenues and profits NOT from advertisers, but directly from consumers:
Cable TV companies like Comcast and others … content providers like CNN,[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |

FoxNews, The History Channel and others … premium channel providers

such as HBO and CineMax, XM Radio, Netflix, DirecTV and others.

This trend has already begun on the Internet: U.S. consumers are now
paying nearly $2 billion per year to subscribe to websites, eZines and to
access other content online – that’s nearly THREE TIMES MORE than in

Expect many publishers of free eZines and websites to begin qualifying

prospects and bringing revenue forward by providing brief trial periods
followed by promotions aimed at converting leads to customers who pay
monthly, annual or per-access fees.

Forecast #9:
International Prospects Will Gain in Importance
While U.S. consumers have been bombarded with a mind-boggling volume of
web-based promotions and are increasingly resistant to their allure, Internet
users in many other countries have escaped much of the onslaught. As a
result, many Internet marketers will discover rich veins of gold overseas in
the year ahead.

According to the CIA World Factbook, 186 million Americans — roughly 63%
of the U.S. population — now have Web access. That’s only about 19% of
the global web community.

A whopping 81% of all Internet users do NOT live in the U.S. – and to a huge
percentage of them, emails and Internet sites delivered in English are

If you translate your email blasts and websites into Spanish, you'll pick up
about 76 million more prospects in the U.S., Mexico, Central America,
South America and, of course, Spain.

Add French, German, Russian, and Portuguese sales messages and you
can talk to 116 million more future customers.

And if you can figure out a way to make your sales messages readable to
Web nerds in China and India, you'll pick up another 136 million
prospective customers.

Look for an increasing number of entrepreneurs and businesses to tap this

largely virgin audience of consumers in 2006 – and to get richer than Midas
as they do!

Forecast #10:
The Customer Takes His Rightful Place
Many marketers who use cheaper media – TV, radio and the Internet, for
example – build their entire businesses on making a single sale to each[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |


Now, with rising costs and falling response rates, look for more Internet
marketers (as well as more TV and radio infomercial producers) to adopt the
venerable “Lifetime Customer Value” model that has turned masses of direct
mail marketers into millionaires.

In the year ahead, increasing numbers of Internet marketers will build vast
companies and fortunes by 1) Generating maximum numbers of new
customers at break-even and 2) Systematically increasing the lifetime value
of each customer through regular monthly, weekly, even daily promotions to
those customers.

In short, the most successful Internet marketers in 2006 will be those who
view marketing holistically – as an unbroken chain – and who design
campaigns which focus on taking prospects from first contact to first purchase
in a single step, then continuously upgrade the value of each customer over

This will force vast improvements in the quality of products offered. It will also
cause savvy marketers to think of each product sold as a promotion for the
next product to be offered.

Forecast #11:
Marketers Who Are The First to Capitalize
On These Locked-In Trends For 2006
Will Grow Richer Than Midas in the Year Ahead!
Each of these trends presents truly spectacular opportunities for
entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing pros, copywriters and graphic

The old marketing models are fading in effectiveness even as costs are
rising. Consumers are demanding radical new approaches to both marketing
and in the products they purchase.

Reviewing, testing and revamping product formats, pricing strategies,

promotional strategies from the ground up – and ramping up the selling power
of both marketing and editorial copy – will pay rich dividends in the year

Hope this helps make 2006 your RICHEST year ever!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor[11/29/2012 7:39:39 PM]

11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 |


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Posted on January 30, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace Subscribe to RSS

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3 inconvenient facts self-appointed copy gurus never tell you … Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
How logic lapses and organizational flubs kill great sales copy … We’re still here…
Time for a Change
How many drafts are enough? Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
The single most important quality of a great writer …
you should know …
Do You Believe?
And much, Much MORE!

Dear Business Builder:

I’ve been married. Twice. For a total of 32 years (so far). And if I’ve learned
anything from the experience, it’s that it’s always wise to apologize before
doing pretty much anything.

… So for the article you’re about to read, please accept my humblest


I do not intend to insult, degrade, discourage or belittle anyone – least of all

you, dear reader. To the contrary: My mission is to equip, challenge, inspire
and motivate you.

In truth, my vision for you is greater, higher and richer than your own dream
is for yourself. Tremendous success, wealth and personal fulfillment await
you further down this path that you have taken – the road to achievement in
the direct response marketing industry.

But to help you realize that dream, it’s high time someone told you the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth …

What the Internet’s “Direct Response” hucksters

never tell you[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

Right now, the Internet is lousy with ads promoting seminars, courses, books
and reports on how to write great direct response sales copy.

A few – products offered by Michael Masterson at AWAI, Bob Bly, Gary

Bencivenga, and a few others I could name – are by people I know and
respect as great direct response marketers and are worth their weight in

But many other copywriting and direct response products are promoted by
poseurs: People whose only qualification is that they once attended a
seminar or read a book on how to write sales copy. Truth be told, none of the
best direct response companies would ever even think of hiring these people.

Ask any of these guys or gals to name the clients they’ve written huge
winners for … the names of the great copywriters they’ve beaten in the real
world … the names of companies whose sales and profits they’ve exploded
… and you’re likely to get a blank stare.

Still, I’ve ordered a bunch of their stuff just to see what they’re selling. And
you know what? Most of it isn’t half bad. These guys and gals have dutifully
regurgitated many great principles that really can boost response.

The problem isn’t so much the quality of the information they sell as the tone
and content of their ads. To read many of them, you’d think that direct
response copywriting is just another “Get Rich Quick” scheme.

“It’s easy,” they say. “Just pay me a not-so-small fortune for my

book/course/seminar – and YOU TOO can get rich in direct response!”

But in their haste to sell you something, the “infopreneurs” fail to mention a
few “inconvenient” facts. And as fate would have it, what they’re not telling
you could make all the difference in the world for you …

Inconvenient Fact #1:

You have to think – HARD!

Writing effective ad copy isn’t about throwing a lot of random thoughts at a
prospect until he’s willing to do anything – even buy your product – just to
shut you up.

When you address prospects, you are talking to people who are busy,
distracted and overwhelmed with competing advertising messages. So, it
goes without saying that, to get and keep his attention, your message must
be high impact, personal, benefit-laden and convincing.

But to keep your prospect with you, there’s something else: He must never
feel as though you’re wasting even a second of his time. And that means your[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

sales copy must also unfold in a tight, rational, logical, “If ‘A,’ then ‘B,’ and so
‘C’” way.

If your copy leaves the prospect confused or disoriented at any point in this
process …

… If he ever finds himself wondering where in the heck you’re going with this
… if he feels you’re moving too slowly – taking two steps forward and one
step back … or if he begins to suspect that you’re going nowhere …

… Or worst of all, if he spots a critical flaw in your logic – or feels your

argument is flimsy or just doesn’t hold water …

… Mark my words: You are going to get your tail kicked!

That means you need to painstakingly think your way through the entire
chain of logic in your sales message. And frankly, that could be a bit of a
challenge, because the vast majority of us never learned how to think in the
first place!

Uh oh … I feel another one of those trademark Makepeace rants coming on

… helpless … to … stop it …

Now, maybe you passed college-level logic classes with flying colors – or like
yours truly, had a tyrannical father whose secret fear of insanity sentenced
me to endless lectures on how to think rationally. If so, you’re a member of a
tiny minority.

Because when it comes to teaching us how to think, the public school system
is a miserable failure. Fact is, most elementary and secondary schools I know
of don’t even try to teach kids how to think.

Don’t get me wrong: It’s not that the people who run our schools don’t deem
thinking to be important – it’s just that they know how dangerous it can be –
especially when you’re the one doing it!

Heck. If everyone in the U.S. suddenly began thinking about the politically
slanted, historically incorrect, economically ignorant mumbo-jumbo that
passes for “fact” in the public school system … in Washington D.C. … and in
our pop culture and media …

… We might realize how much of the stuff we’ve been taught is pure
crappola. We might even stop behaving (and voting) the way we’re supposed

Since we can’t have that, thinking is out; and learning – that is, remembering
“facts” (or reasonable facsimiles of facts) as presented by (you guessed it!)
them – is IN.

So, deprived of the most elementary tools required to connect thoughts in a

logical or rational manner, we are treated to entire TV shows called “The[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

World’s Dumbest Criminals.”

We also get hip-hop – which, as anyone can see, systematically destroys

both its listeners’ ability to select properly fitting clothes and the motor skills
required to put a ball cap on straight.

… And of course, we get copywriters who create ads lacking any semblance
of intelligent, rational, logical, linear thought … that jump all over the place
without ever really going anywhere … and that seem to have the attention
span of a three-year-old afflicted by a raging case of Attention-Deficit

“I’m about to reveal a fact

that can SAVE YOUR LIFE …
… Oh look – a pretty cloud!”
Writing rational, logical sales copy may not be brain surgery, but it does
require some skull sweat to take your prospect step-by-step down the path
to a purchase.

If I were attempting to sell a special report about how to build wealth with gold
stocks, for example, I might employ a chain of logic that goes something like
this …

1. It’s a fact that gold is soaring in value – up 112% since 2001.

2. It’s also a fact that gold mining shares are positively skyrocketing in value
– Glamis Gold alone has jumped 3,000% in the last 36 months!

3. And it’s a fact that MY gold stocks – the ones I’ve begged, pleaded,
nagged and cajoled my readers into buying – have positively exploded in
value: If you had followed every recommendation I made since 2002, your
$10,000 investment would now be worth more than TWO MILLION

4. But is it too late for you to profit from this great gold price explosion? NO
WAY! (insert bullets on the supply and demand fundamentals that can’t
help but drive gold prices higher).

5. All you need is the RIGHT gold stocks – and I’m going to tell you what
they are. I’ll name the names and give you my strategy for minimizing
your risk while maximizing your returns!

Now THAT’S a lean, mean, airtight chain of logic. It begins with two facts the
reader already knows and/or that can be easily documented using third party
sources: Gold prices and gold stocks are soaring.

Then, it documents a new fact (the success of the editor’s past

recommendations) and shows why there’s still plenty of time to get your
share of the profits.[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

Finally, it leads the prospect to the inescapable conclusion that since the
stockpicker’s last recommendations would have made them millionaires, his
NEXT ones could be worth their weight in (forgive me) gold.

But thinking things through like this isn’t easy. It takes energy. Focus.
Dedication. Deep thinking is work.

On the other hand though, NOT thinking through every step in your copy
rationally, logically, sequentially, linearly is the kiss of death.

Inconvenient Fact #2:

You have to work – HARD!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing more
than 20 of the top direct response business owners, marketing execs and
copywriters in the nation.

You’ve read a few of these conversations in THE TOTAL PACKAGE: The

interviews I’ve done with Gary Bencivenga, Arthur Johnson, Parris
Lampropoulos, and Carline Anglade-Cole, for example.

And although each interview is very different, one quote keeps coming up in
almost every conversation: “Writing is easy;” they recite, “you just slice open
an artery and bleed all over the page.”

I’d like to take issue with my esteemed friends. To me, writing is NOT like
slicing open an artery. It’s much harder and more painful than that – but only
if you do it right.

As I just pointed out, sales copywriting requires you to expend the effort
required to think your way through the logic and organization of your sales

That can be hard, painstaking work – but it’s only the beginning.

Great writing also requires precision – and a substantial expenditure of mass

sums of mental energy to select the words that will make each point quickly,
in just the right way and with just the right tone and intensity.

I’m often amazed by writers who seem to sleepwalk through word selection –
and wind up with a confusing jumble of mixed metaphors, inappropriate
adjectives, too-weak or too-strong verbs and more.

Here, for example, is an actual fascination that was recently submitted to me

for review. The copywriter is a young person with tremendous promise and
world-class training who will one day be one of the greats – but who
(actually) wrote …

How to soothe the deadly creator of the 4 sneakiest killers in the U.S. –
including the #1 reason you could end up in a nursing home (as young as[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

your 40’s)!

This paragraph is, of course, a disaster. A complete jumble. A brain fart

captured on paper. The verbal equivalent of projectile vomiting.

“Deadly creator?” That’s an oxymoron – a mindless, self-contradictory


And “soothe the deadly creator?” What the F*** does THAT mean? If there
were such a thing as a “deadly creator,” why on Earth would I want to
“soothe” him?

“Sneakiest Killers?” Thieves, embezzlers, cheating spouses and political

spinmeisters are sneaky. Killers are “ruthless” … “savage” … “remorseless”
… “brutal.”

And finally – HUH? What in the HELL does that paragraph mean, anyway???

I count four competing thoughts, none of which work together AT ALL! (See, I
CAN be a brutal critter – but to paraphrase Mike Meyers, “I critique because I

When I see a paragraph like that, it tells me that somebody is just being lazy
or getting rushed – or worse; counting on me being too lazy or too rushed to
catch it or call them on it.

Great ad copy requires patient persistence. I’m often surprised that so many
folks seem intimidated by the enormous volume of copy required to fill a 24-
page tabloid.

If the thought of writing an 18,000-word sales message boggles their minds,

how would they feel if they knew I’ve often done five, ten, even fifteen very
different drafts before I was satisfied?

… Or that I once did a staggering 27 drafts (my all-time record) of a 24-page

self-mailer before I allowed it to go to the designer?

Why work so hard? I did it hoping just to make a handful of extra sales.

Look at it this way: Let’s say you need a 1% response to break even on a
mailing. For every 1,000 folks who read your sales message, ten will have to
buy or the mailing loses money and you’re a bum.

But if you can convince just two, three or (please, God!) five extra people
among those 1,000 prospects to buy – if you generate a 1.2% … 1.3% or
1.5% response rate – the mailing makes a profit.

Just do that and you’re a hero – and whether you’re writing for fees, royalties
or a chunk of the net profit, direct response heroes invariably get rich.[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

Think about that as you meticulously review your latest “brilliant” draft – the
one you think is already finished: If the differences between being a loser and
a hero is just four sales per thousand … and if being a winner could mean an
extra hundred thousand dollars in income for you this year … doesn’t it just
make sense to polish that copy until it shines?

Inconvenient Fact #3:

You have to have the determination

to rebound from failure
Anyone who tells you that a certain approach to ad writing or marketing
“never fails” is either a liar or a fool.

I don’t care who you are, what copywriting guru you follow, how many books
you’ve read or how clever your tactics: Sooner or later, you’re gonna bomb.
You’re going to bite the big one. You’re going to defecate all over your

You’ll spend an entire month of your life – maybe more – pouring your heart
and soul into a chunk of sales copy. You’ll have expended every ounce of
energy to make sure the organization was tight and logical. And you will have
spent days on end sweating every word choice – and weeks polishing the
copy through endless drafts.

Then, you wait. It could be another six or eight weeks before the thing is
designed, printed and mailed – or programmed and posted on the web.

For nearly three months, that promotion was like a lottery ticket in your
pocket. You dreamed of the moment when the results would be announced,
making you a direct marketing god and bringing you mountains of cash.

Then, one fine day, your phone will ring and a voice on the other end will say,
“Uh, is this … ? Yeah. I just got the returns report and well, it looks like you

… Just kidding! Just kidding!

Nobody will ever say that to you. Nevertheless, that IS what you’ll hear.

The only question that matters is, “What then?”

I’ll tell you what I do. I get pissed off. I mean punch-the-wall, kick-the-coffee-
table, throw-the-cat LIVID! And I vow by all that’s holy, that this will never,
EVER happen to me again.

Then I use that energy to dive back into the work at hand. And that’s what
you’re going to have to do, too.

The Heart of a Champion[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

In many ways, these are the times that try direct response marketers’ souls.

Anyone who thinks direct response marketing is the path to fast, easy riches
is going to be sorely disappointed. In times like these, it takes the heart of a
champion to persevere and win.

The advent and rapid evolution of the Internet, its free content and mind-
blowing profusion of new marketing techniques … the explosion of
competition in the mail … rising skepticism among prospects … falling
response rates and rising costs … are conspiring to make this business more
challenging with each passing day.

At times like these, your mindset is everything. It takes the heart of a true
marketing champion to win consistently.

If you think this is easy … if you sleepwalk through your work … if you fail to
invest the mental and physical energy required to get the details right … if
you resent honest, well-meant criticism … and if you’re going to cut and run
the first time the going gets tough, there’s not much I or anyone else can do
to help you.

But if, as my high school football coach loved to say, you’re eager to pour
110 percent of your genius, your creativity and your energy into this …

If you’re willing to take the time and expend the energy to do it right … and
obsess about the minute details that must be right to bring in every last sale

If you’re willing to expend every ounce of mental and physical energy at your
command … take your best shot … accept the consequences … take a hard,
honest look at what you did right and what you did wrong … and learn your
lessons …

… And if, when all else fails, you can muster the will to pick yourself up, dust
yourself off and do it better next time …

… There’s no stopping you. Whether you’ve made it yet or not, you’re a

winner. And someday soon, you’ll find yourself relishing the winner’s rewards.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← 11 Startling Forecasts for 2006 You Ask I Answer Part One →

0 Responses to The Heart of a Champion

Lou Schuyler says:

October 29, 2007 at 10:15 am

Great article! Thanks for telling it like it is.


Ekene says:
October 29, 2007 at 11:34 am

This is absolutely great. A great mind must expand great energy to

achieve great things. Thank you for this.


Greg Thompson says:

October 29, 2007 at 11:52 am

Increased competition in the mail?


Get this… I signed up to every golf magazine in the nation for the
hopes of catching a glimpse of some of the best DM promotions out
there going to one of Americas hottest niches: golf.

And guess what?

Not one sales letter. Not a single one.

No \”Mid-West Farmer Accidently Discovers New Putting

Technique\”… No \”One Legged Golfer\”

No nothing!

Now here\’s what I say: if virtually no one out there is mailing the[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

magazine hotline subscribers of one of the hottest niches in

America… then we\’re all beyond hope!


Harold Brown says:

October 29, 2007 at 11:59 am

I spent just short of a decade in a B2B direct response company

where we learned by doing, testing and doing some more. I\\\’ve
written everything from postcards to catalogs and agree with you
completely. The best responses we ever got were earned by
sweating it out.

Keep up the great work!


Sharon Beach says:

October 29, 2007 at 12:14 pm

Hi Clayton–
I appreciate today\’s article! Reading your thoughts is like getting a
lesson from a personal mentor.
I am a (very) beginning copywriter–I am just starting to learn about
the trade. But I can tell you I revise my pieces to exasperation
because it\’s the only way I will be successful at what I do. Creating a
good piece is like building a jigsaw puzzle–all the pieces have to click
or it just doesn\’t work for me. And if it doesn\’t work for me, it sure
won\’t work for anybody else.
I look forward to getting your letters in my inbox. With all the crap out
there, your stuff is like a breath of fresh air.
Sharon Beach


Morenike says:
October 29, 2007 at 3:57 pm

Thanks for this spot on article. Even though I\’m a new copywriter
(AWAI trained)it\’s very encouraging to read someone telling it like it
is. I\’ve come across too many on the web saying otherwise and
giving a very unbalanced impression of what it takes to be a
successful DR copywriter.

Great down to earth article.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

Dave Bridges says:

October 29, 2007 at 4:46 pm

Dear Clayton,

Thanks again for another great article!

It was direct, in-your-face, humorous,

a litte crude, full of meaning, not a word wasted,and very, very
helpful. Its an absolute pleasure learing from you.



Jason Leister says:

October 29, 2007 at 5:27 pm

Every time I think I\’ve got part of this game figured out…

JUST when my little \”first year six-figure copywriting success story\”

starts going to my head…

Along you come and cut me down. WAY down…

I used to be six feet tall before I started reading your letter. Now
every Monday morning I lose at least an inch.

Today, I had my torso chopped off.

Man… you NEED to cut back on the coffee.

If you don\’t stop now… you\’re gonna, er, end up making a difference
out there or something.

And that might ruin your image.


Austin Flinn says:

October 30, 2007 at 2:10 pm

Wow, Awesome! For the first time, you are appealing to the higher
faculties of your readers, I think.[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

Unlike the usual suspects in a copywriter\\\’s bag of tricks, which

more often than not, pander to our base instincts, this time it\\\’s
actually so different, so much more classy.

There\\\’s hope finally, knowing that such a kind of a copywriter like

you, still exists.

Yeah thanks to your tyrannical father


Kimberley says:
October 30, 2007 at 3:31 pm

Outstanding article. You made my day.


Terry says:
November 1, 2007 at 5:13 pm

How could you write an article like this (which was good) and then
send out something like you did the other day (which most definitely
I\’m talking about \”Live Your Impossible Dream\”. Forgive me if I
missed something in the thousands of words I didn\’t read. I just
couldn\’t get past the hype at the start or the expoitation of a great
moment in that was genuinely inspirational. Your credibility just took a
dive in my books. Shame. I have come to expect better things from


Robert Michael says:

November 5, 2007 at 9:30 pm

Great article! I wrestle with the concentration issue often – not so

much in my writing but more so in taking on too many different
projects. I laughed out loud when I can to the \”pretty clouds\”. I even
had to show it to my 8 yr old daughter, whose teacher lets me know
that the indeed, the leaf does not fall far from the tree. My daughter
really needs to focus too!
Now we share a good laugh…she remembers word for word the
\”pretty cloud\” part. I only hope we both remember the lesson.
Thanks for yet another great reason to read \”The Total Package\”.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:39:50 PM]

The Heart of a Champion |

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You Ask I Answer Part One
Posted on February 6, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace Subscribe to RSS

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The Questions About Copywriting I Get Asked Most Often … Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
How to Ramp Up Your Productivity and Creativity … We’re still here…
Time for a Change
And much, MUCH MORE! Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?

Many years ago – in 1983 or ’84 as I remember, I met the great copywriter
Gary Bencevenga for the first time on the phone. I had more than I could say
grace over, and had hired Gary to help me on a new package for The Money

And on that phone call, as we compared notes about our trade, Gary said
something I’ll never forget: “I can generally write better than anyone who
writes faster,” said Gary, “and faster than anyone who writes better.”

Now, if you know anything about copywriting, you know that Gary is one of
the greatest copywriters the world has ever known. So, I thought, “Gee –
maybe I should try writing slower!”

So, on my next project, I really tried to take my time – and think my way
through the copy — the way I thought Gary might think his way through.

I sucked at it.

I got bored. Distracted. Unfocused. And finally, had to force myself back into
the copy and finish up like I usually do. Fast.

And so, we come to the first principal of the copywriting process: Do

whatever works best for you!

There’s no right way or wrong way to approach the task of writing sales copy.[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

Each of us has our own process. And that process generally reflects our
personalities, our life situations and our talents.

Nevertheless, I have been doing this for some 34 years — and may have
learned a trick or two that could help you get more done in less time.

Younger copywriters often ask me questions like these …

“How do you feel about

writing in general?”
I love writing.

Some guys and gals do this because it’s the best way they know to make a
living. I write because I love to.

To me, copywriting is a game. Kind of like constructing a jig-saw puzzle that I

get paid to put together. My client sends me his product, premiums,
testimonials, press clippings, track record, and scores of other small pieces of
the puzzle. I get to put it all together to form a beautiful picture. That’s fun!

Weekends and evenings are hard for me. I know my brain needs a break and
that I need to get my butt out of the chair, spend time with friends and family
and get some fresh air.

If there’s plenty to keep me mentally occupied, that’s fine. But if not, I often
find myself looking forward to getting back to it first thing Monday morning —
or even sneaking away, slipping into my office and tinkering with whatever
project I was working on when I quit work for the day or week.

Vacations can be great, so long as there’s plenty to do and no time to think

about work. A couple of years ago, I took my family to the beach for a few
days. At 4:00 in the morning I could be found in my car, on the cell phone,
laptop open, reviewing a draft with a client who I knew was as much an
insomniac as I was.

What’s that you say? I must be a workaholic? How could I possibly be? I’m
not working: I’m playing!

I love the mental challenge of the jigsaw. I love the challenge of helping a
small company get big, help a big company get bigger, or figuring out a way
to help a client who’s struggling.

I love the ego boost of beating a strong control that was written by someone I
respect — and then constantly cranking out new test versions to keep it
winning against all comers.

And I love the adrenalin rush of “riding the rocket” when a powerful control[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

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shoots for the moon.

And boy, do I hate losing! When I write a bomb — and believe me; I have,
and not so long ago, either — I’m emotionally devastated. It’s the hardest
thing in my business life.

“When do you do your best work?”

When I first wake up in the morning. That’s when I seem to be at my most
creative and find it easiest to solve problems.

I learned this years ago, after having read something about Thomas Edison.
Whenever Tom was stumped for a solution to a problem, he’d take a short
catnap. His staff, of course, thought he was just sleeping on the job. Wrong.
Tom was doing some of his best work — snoring, with his eyes shut. And
when he awoke, 15, 20 or 30 minutes later, VOILA! — he’d have the solution
he’d been looking for.

According to the author, your subconscious is a lean, mean problem-solving

machine. But your loudmouth conscious mind is always getting in its way.
How do you shut it up and let your subconscious do its miraculous work?

You go to sleep, thinking about the problem you want your subconscious to
solve for you. When you are asleep, your conscious mind is catching ZZZZs,
too. So it has no idea how much work its better half — the subconscious — is
getting done without it. And when you wake up, you’ll have your answer.

I’m lousy at taking naps during the day. Usually, I just lay there, staring at the
ceiling. But when I turn in at night, I only look like I’m simply drifting off to
sleep. More often than not, I’m mentally reviewing the copy I wrote that day
… and thinking about the things I want my brain to solve for me while I

Then, to make sure I get the full benefit of the work my subconscious did for
me, in the morning, I …

1. Stand up, stretch and throw on my work uniform: Usually shorts, a

sweatshirt and slip-on shoes …

2. Navigate down the dark stairs, being careful not to step in the middle of
Smokey, the morbidly obese cat …

3. Step out onto the deck, making as much noise as possible so as to scare
away any bears that might be lurking around the trash cans …

4. Trudge the 30 feet or so down the path to the lawnmower shed I use as
my home office … get the Starbucks brewing … sit down at the computer
… close my eyes and think about what I thought about when going to
sleep … and then tap out whatever springs to mind.

Sometimes, what falls out of my fingers over the next five minutes is … well,
rubbish. But other times, it astounds me.[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

More times than I can count, my subconscious has reorganized my copy for
me … given me two or three new headline ideas … suggested phrases that
say in two or three words what I had been using a whole paragraph to say …
identified a problem I need to correct … or identified the missing link in a
chain of logic I had been following.

If you haven’t tried this, I strongly suggest that you do. When you wake up in
the morning, go straight to work. Better yet, keep a writing tablet next to your

“What kind of reading do you do?”

This surprises some, but I almost never read my competitors’ mail packages.
In fact, pretty much the only time I ever read another copywriter’s copy is
when I’ve just finished a first draft of a package I hope will beat it – just to
compare the overall emotional power of the control with what I’ve done.

I do subscribe to Bencivenga’s Bullets and cherish every word that flows

out of “The Great Gary’s” mouth.

I also get Agora’s Early To Rise e-zine and most of what’s published online
by Bob Bly and the American Writers and Artists Institute.

Plus, once a year, I try to re-read the following:

Psycho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz

Scientific Advertising & My Life in Advertising by Claude Hopkins

Reality in Advertising by Rosser Reeves

Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

Confessions of an Advertising Man and Ogilvy on Advertising by David


And for fun — and this is really weird — I like reading anything about
quantum physics. The whole “reality isn’t really real” thing intrigues me.

“Do you work from an outline?”

“What’s your typical work process?”

It changes somewhat from job to job, of course, but here are the 12 steps I
typically go through to produce a first draft …

1. Begin: You’re in the middle of a busy workday and – “ding-dong!” Fed Ex

calling! It’s a HUGE box, crammed with everything you asked for: Everything
you need to start the next project you’ll be working on.

What do you do?[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

I’ll tell you what most writers do: They drop it on the floor and then try to
avoid looking at it for days – or even weeks – until they have their desks
completely cleaned off … or until they feel like jumping in … or worse, until
the deadline begins to loom.

If you can relate, I know exactly how you feel. The sheer enormity of the task
symbolized by that box is intimidating.

Me? Unless I’m on a red-hot deadline for another client, I drop everything,
jump right in and start reading.

You see, I love to procrastinate. To me, the feeling of putting something off
that I thought I had to do and giving myself a day off is one of the best gifts I
can give myself.

And over the years, I’ve learned that my love of procrastination isn’t such a
bad thing – so long as I use a bit of wisdom when choosing the time for this
guilty self-indulgence.

I know that every day that goes by after that box hits my doorstep and before
the deadline is one less day that my subconscious mind will have to chew on
the project at hand.

So, I jump right in. I know that, once I’ve internalized everything about the job
– filed it away in my subconscious mind — I’ll have earned the right to set the
job aside for a while. But not until then.

2. Read: Whenever possible, I like to combine two tasks into one, here. I
read the material item-by-item – and as I go, I’m cutting and pasting things
into the appropriate places in my outline.

When I’m through with the materials my client sent me, I jump on the Internet
and, as Carline says, “Google everything.”

I search for the client’s, the editor’s or the author’s name and the name of the
product. I read what competitors say about their product. I keyword the thing
the product does and the benefits it provides.

Then, I hop over to Amazon.Com and see what other authors have written on
the subject. I note their book and chapter titles (fodder for headlines and
subheads!). I “look inside” their books and read their tables of contents (clues
to what my final outline might look like and more fodder for heads and
subheads). And, if I see something that might help me, I order it.

Then, it’s time for my pilgrimage to Barnes & Noble to pick up an armful of
other books and periodicals on the subject and/or that I suspect that my
prospects are reading.

While I’m doing all of this, I’m also talking to everyone I know about the
subject at hand, and getting their thoughts and getting in touch with their
emotions. I take special note of their reactions to the conversation: What[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

interests or excites them; what bores them; what they find hard to believe.

I’m also making it a habit to point my satellite dish at any TV channels

dedicated to the subject at hand or that have programs on it.

Finally, I drop all the thoughts, ideas, facts, figures and impressions I’ve
picked up on the Internet, from the books and magazines, and from my
conversation into the appropriate places in my outline.

3. Think: NOW, it’s time to procrastinate! I take a day off. If the timing’s right,
I make it a three-day weekend. Take a nice, long putt on the old Harley. Do
some plinking. Tinker in the garage. Play with the kids. Or steal The Redhead
away from the kids for a day or so.

… Or not.

If I have work to do for other clients, I do it. The point is, I’m disengaging from
the new project so my subconscious has room to work without my

4. Organize: Once I’ve sowed my wild oats, it’s time to get back to work. And
the first task is to organize — or more properly, RE-organize my outline.

I already know that I need to make the 8 preliminary sales to make the big
Kahoona sale at the end. But the order in which I make these sales is
dictated by the product.

For example, I may realize that a particular testimonial is so powerful, it would

make the perfect headline.

Or, maybe the guarantee is so powerful, it needs to be right up front.

Or perhaps, there’s something in the news that suggests that I shouldn’t start
with the product at all – but with something that everybody’s already talking

Or, maybe my original outline is just fine the way it is.

5. Begin with the prospect: This is where I do the “Zen” thing: Become the

I begin by closing my eyes, sitting back in my chair, thinking about how my

prospect is feeling relative to:

The general subject area at hand …

The situation in which my prospect finds himself right now …

Other solutions he’s tried and the people who offered them to him …

Each of the benefits my product offers him …[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

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… And anything else that my research suggests he may be feeling.

I write a series of “I” statements describing each of the most compelling

emotions my prospect is experiencing right now in relation to my subject

“My greatest desire is _________ …

“I love the feeling of _________ …

“I’m scared to death of _________ …

“I’m fed up with _________ …

“I don’t trust people who ________ …

“I despise people who ________ …

“I secretly want to ________ …

… And whatever else my research may suggest.

Looking back over the list of resident emotions I’ve identified, I ask myself the
question, “If I were the prospect, which of these emotions would be
paramount to me? Which positive feelings are most likely keeping him/her up
at night? Which negative ones are waking him/her up in a cold sweat?”

Then, I sort my resident emotions in order of importance, from the most- to

the least-dominant.

Once I’ve exhausted every emotion my prospect could possibly have relating
to the conversation we’re about to have, it’s time to begin writing in earnest.

6. Brain Dump: Actually, this is the beginning of the actual writing process.
But I won’t dignify it by saying it’s “writing.”

It’s much cruder than that. This is the time for my subconscious to show off:
Convince me that it hasn’t been loafing.

The key to the brain dump is speed. At this point in the process, I’m not trying
to “write sales copy.” Yes, I’m doing some writing and some reorganization,
but I’m not concerned with spelling, grammar, or punctuation – or anything
else, for that matter.

This is almost an entirely right-brain, creative process. No rules. No page

limitations. I free-associate as I write, letting everything that crosses my mind
flow out through my fingers. Kill ’em all; let the devil sort ’em out!”

What I’m looking for is momentum … impact … personality … flashes of

brilliance to keep the copy energetic (and just entertaining enough to keep
’em reading) … ironies that intrigue and delight … the occasional stab at a[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

humorous one-liner, delivered with a knowing wink of the eye … cultural

references that the prospect can relate to and feels comfortable with … and
colloquialisms that communicate a lot in a minimum number of words, and
that speak to the prospect in the manner in which he is accustomed to being
spoken to.

Since I live nearly my entire life on my computer, spending money to make

that life somewhat more convenient and pleasant seems like a good idea to
me. I hate having to hunch over a 19-inch monitor and squinting at tiny type
through coke-bottle glasses for 10, 14, or 17 hours a day.

So, I have three big monitors instead of one small one. My main screen is a
32-inch flat-panel LCD monitor. And it’s flanked by two 24-inch flat panels.

On my main screen, I open my outline – the document that already has all
the impressions, ideas, facts and figures in a common-sense order — and
resave it as “Draft 1.”

On my second monitor, I open my emotional inventory – the list of the

dominant and resident emotions I’ve identified.

For the moment, I’m not worrying about the headline or lead-in. My goal is to
make short work of the rest of the piece. So – just as a placeholder, I type:


… in 36 pt. type. (As I am not offended by the occasional vulgarity – least of
all my own — I have been known to replace “frigging” with a similar but
somewhat earthier word, just for fun, and to help keep my mood and energy
levels high.)

I work my way through the outline, point by point. Turning my notes into
(hopefully) intelligible sentences and paragraphs.

And all the while, as I address point after point, benefit after benefit, “reason-
why” after “reason-why,” I have my “emotional inventory” open on my second
monitor, picking and choosing the resident and dominant emotions that are
appropriate to each point.

As I come to the end of one section and begin another, I note where the
subheads will probably go. If a subhead doesn’t spring to mind, I just slug in:

“Kick-Ass Subhead Goes Here!”

… and keep moving.

As I move through, I notice that some points, while powerful, just don’t fit with
the flow of logic in a given section. I cut and paste those into a third
document that I also have open, usually called “SBS” – for sidebars.[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

I also find stuff that I probably won’t be using. But who knows? So I have a
fourth and final document open, usually entitled “xtra,” and past this stuff

When I’m through, I have a very, very rough draft of my running text. It
contains all – or nearly all – of the points I want to cover: Every benefit, every
reason why the prospect should buy.

And of course, each is presented in a way that connects with one of my

prospect’s resident emotions.

When I’m done, I take the rest of the day away from the project – even if I
finish at 9:00 AM.

7. Review: At the beginning of my next working day, I print my draft, sit

where there are no writing instruments so I won’t be seduced into fine editing.

Mostly, I’m just kind of trying to get a sense for the overall logic flow and
energy of the piece. But no cheating: Mental notes only!

8. Edit: Now, I dedicate one, entire, unhurried day to pressing this lump of
coal into something more valuable. Still not a fine diamond, but at least a
diamond in the rough.

Once again, I move through the copy. But this time …

I’m looking for spots that need transitions and adding them.

I’m cutting fat – mostly in my case, repetitive statements and unnecessary


I’m examining my word choices and looking for alternatives that

communicate more precisely and/or with greater impact.

I’m reading sections aloud to see how they sound to the ear (a great way
to spot clumsy passages that you otherwise might miss).

I’m weaving my client’s personality into the copy wherever I can, often
with statements about his experiences, his passion, his commitment, and
how he feels just like the prospect does.

I’m thinking about ways that I can make each point more credible and
therefore, more compelling. If I need a fact or figure that’s not readily at
my fingertips, I just punch in, “[XX RESEARCH!]”

I’m replacing place-holding subheads with things that promise the

prospect for reading each new section.

I’m moving stuff around; making my last adjustments to the outline of the
piece so that the copy feels natural and the logic flows in a, well … logical

I rough in a headline and deck at the beginning. It’s still just a place-
holder, but I’m going to be showing the next draft to some folks who may[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

be confused or offended by the word “frigging.”

I also rough in my opening copy – everything up to the first subhead,

making sure that it is replete with all the reasons why the prospect should
read this.

I’m still not looking for perfection at this point – just something that’s good
enough that I can show my client to get his or her thoughts and ideas
without them freaking out.

The fact is, your client is going to have input. Usually, a LOT of input. I figure
I could give them something I’m ready to mail, and they’d still want to change
it. I’d rather get their critique, ideas, suggestions and any commands they
anticipate from the compliance officer before I spend the extra time.

When I’m satisfied that this draft of my running text is, indeed a diamond in
the rough – and not just a highly polished lump of anthracite — I move “Draft
1” from the big screen to the little one and move my “SBS” (the sidebar
document) to the big screen.

First, I scroll through Draft 1 again, looking for statements that could be
strengthened by a proof element sidebar of some kind – and rough them in.

Next, I look at the material I’ve already pasted into my SBS document and
decide what I’m going to turn into sidebars and what I’m going to banish to
my “XTRA” document: The place that, where, most often than not, weak
ideas go to die.

Finally, I create the sidebars I’ve listed above:

A Biography sidebar to dimensionalize my client’s uniqueness,

qualifications, passion …

Benefit sidebars to emphasize key benefits and expand upon them, and
stop scanners in their tracks …

Credibility sidebars to quiet the skeptics in the crowd …

Process sidebars to demonstrate why my client’s approach is far

superior to that of his competitors as well as superior to what the
prospect is doing now …

Proof element sidebars to prove my client’s case, document the wisdom

of his approach, prove that it works, and to demonstrate what the
prospect will get in return for ordering …

Value sidebars that demonstrate what an outrageous bargain this offer

really is …

A guarantee sidebar to assure the prospect that he really does have

nothing to lose by ordering …

One pull-quote per spread to get my prospects face-to-face with my

client and to drag scanners down into the running text …[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

Action devices for each spread that tell the prospect precisely what
he/she must do to order …

Page turners – whether they’re sidebars or not, and …

The contact device that will run in my footer at the bottom of each

9. Share: At this point, I’ve done about 80% of the work I’m ever going to do
on this piece of sales copy. The most time-consuming part of the process is

Now it’s time to get some second opinions. I show the piece to anyone who’ll
agree to read it. That includes The Redhead, a couple of other copywriters
whose opinions I respect, and a few civilians, as well.

Some of what they say is helpful. Some isn’t. And some just tick me off. But
the helpful stuff is worth the trouble. I take copious notes.

10. Edit Again: This is my last chance to avoid having my client think I’m an
idiot. I don’t always succeed, but I do my dead-level best to.

Generally, I take a full day to address the second opinions I’ve received.

And I repeat all the steps I took in the editing phase above to polish my
diamond in the rough into what I technically refer to as “A pretty good draft.”

Oh. And by the way? I don’t care how long the copy is at this point. For a
sales letter, I’ll eventually shoot for full signatures: 8 pages, 16 pages, or 24
pages, etc. Lower printing costs that way. But this is not the time for cutting.

For a magalog or tabloid, my copy is going to be typeset, collimated and

punctuated with graphic devices. I’ve found that a reasonable page count is
around 32 pages of 12 pt. text (with ½ inch margins at the top and bottom and
¾ inch margins on the sides of the page).

But at this point, if it’s longer, who cares? I’m going to be working on this
again – and it’s always easier to cut than add!

The point is, a first draft is only a first draft. It contains trial balloons that I’m
not married to, paragraphs or entire sections I’m dissatisfied with and still
thinking about, even clever little land mines intended to provoke a frank
response from the client, therefore clarifying a point for me.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s never something I would recommend

mailing. It’s just copy that’s far enough down the line to solicit the client’s

“What’s the best way you’ve found

to identify problems in your copy?”[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

I read it aloud — to The Redhead or someone else, when they’ll sit still for it
— or to myself when I can’t find an audience.

As I read, I often find myself stumbling over a phrase … emphasizing key

words that are NOT emphasized in the text … sensing the spots where the
copy slows and needs to be punched up and/or shortened … identifying
places where the sales argument is flawed … words that don’t quite
communicate what I’d intended … and more.

I make a note on the page and return to these notes for one final edit pass.

11. Submit: I sometimes fail to do this, but I try real hard to submit my copy
with a minimum of comments, excuses, rationales, or explanation.

The people who are about to read this are no strangers to first draft copy. I
want their honest, unvarnished, gut-level reactions. If I have to defend
something I’ve done, I’ll do it after I get their critique – not before.

12. Celebrate: I’ve just had a baby. I hurt all over. I’m physically and
emotionally exhausted. I’ve used up all my words and am incapable of even
the most rudimentary attempts conversation.

I deserve some time off and some pampering. Let the world stop while the
client reviews the draft.

“How do you handle client comments?”

Usually pretty well. Other times, not so well. And, well, sometimes, I throw

But I try not to let on. Because, over the years, I’ve learned that my first
reaction to copy criticism tends to be wrong more often than it’s right. After
I’ve cooled off and had time to really think about my clients’ comments, I
often realize that one of four things is true about them:

1. They correctly identified a problem and offered a great solution – or …

2. They correctly identified a problem and offered a reasonable solution –

but not the best possible one.

3. They INcorrectly identified a problem that doesn’t exist but their solution
for this non-existent problem actually strengthens the copy, or …

4. They INcorrectly identified a problem that doesn’t exist and proceeded to

offer a positively idiotic solution that would kill my beloved copy.

Over the years, I’ve learned that handling clients’ criticisms and suggestions
is one of the most critical stages of the copywriting process. Get this right,
and you’re home free. Get it wrong, and the copy dies.

Here’s how I think about this ultra-sensitive process these days:[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

The client hired me and agreed to my outrageous, exorbitant, greedy fees.

The only logical reason to do this would be that he believes that I know how
to write better sales copy than he could – or any of his employees could.

At the same time, however, the client often knows things that I don’t:
Including super-sensitive market research that they feel is proprietary. They
don’t want competitors – or if it can be helped, even the copywriter — to
figure out what they’ve figured out. And so we end up engaging in a kind of
cryptic conversation in which he/she/they try to push you in the direction they
want you to go – without giving away the keys to the kingdom.

Over the years, I’ve tried it all. I’ve had pieces that sailed through with
virtually no changes from the client whatsoever. And frankly, most of my
biggest winners fall into this category.

I went through a phase of doing everything I could to implement every

suggestion my client came up with – and met with disaster after disaster.

These days, I’ve found a happy medium: Right down the middle of the road.

Here are the rules I try to follow …

If any word, phrase, promise – or anything else in the text – is likely to

offend a regulator or expose the client to the possibility of litigation in any
way, I’ll work with the attorney, compliance officer – whoever – to find a
solution. I will not, however allow an attorney, a compliance officer, the
Apostle Paul or anyone else to change a word of my text. If a change is
needed, I will do it. If my change doesn’t satisfy the offended party, I’ll
continue working on it until it does. Beyond regulatory and other legal
issues …

If something I’ve written is inaccurate, it gets corrected. No discussion


If I agree a requested change will strengthen the copy, it’s a done deal.

If I think a change is inconsequential to the copy — but makes the client

happy, no problem.

If I think a change is both totally unwarranted and will damage response,

I’ll fight it like a wildcat. If I don’t win with the creative director, I’ll appeal
to the marketing director. If I lose with the marketing director, I’ll appeal to
the vice president. If I lose with the vice president, I’m calling the owner. If
I lose with the owner, I’m calling the real boss – the owner’s spouse.

“How do you decide what stays

and what goes?”
Great question!

After the client is through with my first draft, it’s time to turn it into a GIA-[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

certified, D Flawless diamond.

That of course, means more polishing. It also means it’s time for the
emotionally wrenching job of cutting copy to fit.

To do this, I rely on what I modestly refer to as, “Makepeace’s Laws of Space

and Time”

To whit …

Makepeace’s First Law of Space and Time: No matter how big the
promotion is – even if it’s a 60-minute epic of an infomercial or a 36-page
tabloid – there is a finite limit to how much sales copy will fit.

Makepeace’s Second Law of Space and Time: Everything that makes it

into the final draft displaces something that didn’t.

And so, it is absolutely critical that the copy-cutting task be handled with
utmost care.

If copy is to be cut, I do it. Here’s how:

First, I eliminate some of my intentional, but least crucial repetitions of the

USP and other benefits throughout the text.

Second, I check to see if I could do with fewer testimonials without damaging

my case. If so, I cut the least dramatic and least specific testimonials first.

Third, I put each sidebar under the microscope. If there are one or two that
make a point that has already been made well, I cut or dramatically shorten

Finally, if the copy is still too long, I get down to the fine cutting: Looking for
individual paragraphs and even sentences that can be shortened or

Well, that’s my process

– or at least a big chunk of it!
I sincerely hope this issue gives you some ideas to help you work faster,
better and more profitably. If you didn’t, you weren’t thinking hard enough.
Your assignment: READ IT AGAIN!

I just did – and I reminded myself of some stuff that’s going to save me a
LOT of time next week – and maybe even let me squeeze in a couple of
extra assignments this year.

Hope this helps!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 7:40:01 PM]

You Ask I Answer Part One |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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← The Heart of a Champion The Art of the Irresistible Offer →

One Response to You Ask I Answer Part One

Shane says:
July 31, 2009 at 9:53 am

Man. I only wish I had read you earlier on in my life. This article alone
has done much more for my copywriting than mose of the other crap
out their combined.

Enough comments though. My subconscious demands more archive

articles to stew over.



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The Art of the Irresistible Offer

Posted on March 20, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Simple Secrets for Boosting Response 20%, 30% or even more … world
by storm, there’s something
Eight Essential Components Every Great Offer Shares … you should know …
Do You Believe?
… And MORE!

Happy Monday, Business-Builder…

Here's to making the next five days the most creative, productive and
profitable you've ever had!

Today is a red letter day in my life. Literally: March 20, 2006 is printed in BIG
RED LETTERS on the white board on my office wall!

WHY is today so important? Because one short month from today – on April
20 – I'll be kicking off the first day of my Power Marketing Summit in
Washington DC!

With just four weeks and two days left to prepare, we're working around the
clock to make sure you get the ideas you need to make 2006 your most
profitable year ever!

Exciting stuff! Sure hope you're planning to be there!

Let's turn to the business at hand: This week, I want to take a look at one of
the most often-overlooked and under-appreciated part of every direct
response promotion: The offer.

The way I see it, "The Offer" is much, much more than the price you're[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

charging for your product or service. In fact, I count EIGHT major

components that great offers share – and we're going to take a detailed look
at ALL of them in this week's issue.

This is crucial stuff: While most marketers and copywriters spend most of
their time developing major themes, headlines and opening copy, we often
sleepwalk through the copy that showcases the offer.

We're all guilty of it – and that's a big, BIG boo-boo: A compelling offer can
easily boost response and average sale amount by 20 percent, 30 percent or
even more!

In contrast, an ill-conceived offer can depress or even kill response – and it

can also drive your fulfillment costs into the stratosphere, leaving your ROI in
the dirt.

So grab a cup-o-Joe and get comfortable. Unless I miss my guess, just

thinking about the offers you make on the Internet, in direct mail, in print and
in your TV and radio promotions is about to add big bucks to your bottom

Welcome to the days of …

"But Wait – There's MORE!"
In the old days, merchants and customers hammered out most purchases
face to face. The buyer haggled for the best price and asked the merchant to
sweeten the pot by adding something extra.

The advent of mass marketing changed all that, of course. Today, direct
response consumers are accustomed to having your best offer presented to
them on a silver platter.

And now as never before, the pressure is ON. With every passing day, our
prospects are exposed to ever-more-amazing offers – especially on TV, in
the mail and on the Internet.

Click on your TV and you're likely to see Ron Popeil giving away what seems
like a whole kitchen-full of free gadgets when you buy his rotisserie oven – or
Billy Mays cutting his price in half, doubling the amount of Orange-Glo you
get AND giving you free squee-gees and other goodies.

It's getting ridiculouser and ridiculouser.

When I first launched Health & Healing back in the early 1990s, we offered a
total of four free gifts: Two with your one-year subscription, one more if you
signed up for two years, and one more if you responded within ten days.

Last week I submitted sales copy for a health newsletter that offered a total of[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

SEVENTEEN free gifts!

What's that you say? You don't sell kitchen gadgets, cleaning products or
health newsletters?

Doesn't matter. The simple truth is that your prospects are being conditioned
to expect the moon – not just by your competitors, but by every direct
response marketer out there. Any marketer who ignores this sea change in
consumer attitudes does so at his own peril.

What's more, if the number of free gifts prospects expect you to offer has
more than quadrupled, the rest of every great offer has also become more
intense and complex.

Anatomy of a Power-Packed Offer

Just about every great offer you'll see is comprised of eight major

1. Rationale: Great offers begin with a clear, credible explanation of why

you're about to give away the farm.

Maybe it's a "Special Introductory Offer:" You're so sure that once the
prospect experiences the benefits your product provides, he'll be a customer
for life.

Or, maybe you're so worried about a current or impending crisis in his health,
finances, happiness, – whatever – that giving him all this good stuff is the
only ethical thing an ethical person like you could possibly do.

Whatever your rationale for the amazing, astonishing, truly spectacular offer
you're about to make, put it up in lights!

Better yet, use it to position yourself as a concerned advocate and your new
customer's greatest champion.

2. Discount: Several things to think about here …

FIRST: It's important to establish your regular price and make it seem like a
really good value.

To make your regular price believable, specifics are crucial.

Tell your prospect where your product has been offered or sold for full price
or even how many thousands of folks have paid the full price for the product.
(In his Internet promotions, one of my buddies even includes a link that opens
a separate web page on which the product is offered at full price!)

Then, demonstrate why even at full price your product is a screaming deal.
Show how your product will save them or make them many times your
regular price.[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

SECOND: Present your discount in a way that dimensionalizes your role as

your prospect's advocate and champion.

After stating and justifying the regular price, I often say something like, "But
it's so crucial that you get this help now, I don't want you to have to pay that
much …"

How BIG a discount should you offer? In cases when my client allows me to
establish pricing, I always go for the 50% Introductory Discount.

"You SAVE HALF!" and "HALF-PRICE OFFER" and "HALF-OFF!" have great
visceral appeal. Anything else feels kind of stingy – anything more strains

THIRD: Take the time to marvel at the piddling amount the prospect will pay.
Here again, comparisons will serve you well.

When possible, quantify the monetary benefits the product will deliver and
compare it with the almost insignificant price.

Break the regular price down to a daily or weekly figure and compare it with
something far more trivial that they spend more on without even thinking
about the expense: A gallon of gas, a cup of Starbucks, etc.

3. Purchase Options: Depending on what you're selling, determining how

many purchase options you offer the customer can be a thorny decision to

The key is to offer a low-end price point that will get you maximum numbers
of new customers, PLUS one or more higher price points to increase your
average sale and return on investment.

In the newsletter industry for example, we typically offer a one-year and two-
year subscription. (As a rule, the two-year subscription costs somewhere
around 1.8 times more than the one-year subscription. That gives prospects
a strong incentive to choose a two-year subscription.)

On some occasions, a three-year option is also offered, usually as an

impulse item: "Join me for two years for just $179 and get a third year for just

When selling nutritional supplements, I've found that a maximum of three

quantity options is generally best. Prospects may be invited to order a one-
year supply, a six-month supply or a three-month supply, for example.

The key here is to avoid presenting prospects with too many choices. Your
chances of losing the sale increase with every extra second your prospect
spends trying to decide which offer to go for.

4. Payment Terms: For most of my clients' new customer acquisition[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

promotions, cash with order is king. But once a year or so, I also work with
Boardroom on a "bill-me" promotion.

On the other hand, when crafting promotions for my clients' customer files, I
often consider other types of payment plans – here are just a few options you
may want to consider …

Payment Plan: When your key price point – the level at which most of your
customers will respond – is relatively rich for prospects' blood, consider a
"ThreePay" or "FourPay" offer.

You collect the credit card number with the order, then bang it for one-third or
one-fourth of the total amount each month for three or four months.

By doing so, you effectively lower the perceived price point in your prospect's
mind and should appreciably increase response.

"'Til Forbid:" When your products are delivered regularly – weekly or

monthly for example, this can be a great way to go.

You collect the credit card information up front and then bill the card at
regular intervals (monthly is most common) until the customer tells you to

Negative Option: You've seen this kind of offer most frequently in book club
and CD club promotions.

Each month, the customer is notified of the "Monthly Selection" and an

"Alternate Selection." At that point, one of three things happens:

If he fails to respond, the Monthly Selection is automatically

sent and his credit card is billed.

If he indicates he would rather have the Alternate Selection, it is

sent and his credit card is billed.

And if he indicates that he does not want any selection that

month, nothing is sent and his credit card is not billed.

The key advantage to all three of these offer types is that each one lowers
the perceived price point.

Instead of signing up for $348- worth of books per year for example, the
prospect perceives he is only signing up for $29 per month.

5. Premiums: These are the free gifts that prospects receive along with the
product they are purchasing.[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

Typically, in newsletter offers, premiums are timely special reports that

provide important information and advice on topics closely related to the
theme of the promotion.

Why are special reports such great premiums? Two reasons:

1. Timely special reports that can promise tremendous profit potential have a
far higher perceived value than a hard-cover book (perceived value:
$29.95) or any other free gift you could possibly offer, and …

2. Printed reports cost only pennies to print and mail, and they can be
delivered as PDFs or eBooks on the Internet for free!

When chosing the topics for the premiums you offer, it's important to make
sure that each one emphasizes and clarifies your main theme and/or your
product's USP.

It's also crucial to create a premium structure that makes the highest-priced
purchase option far and away the most appealing to the prospect.

In a campaign for an investment newsletter we just completed, our main

theme focused on tremendous opportunities in natural resource stocks – gold
stocks in particular – and our main premium was a list of the editor's 7 hottest
gold stocks.

Two-year subscribers were offered additional reports listing the 7 hottest

silver and platinum stocks … the 7 greatest energy stocks … and the 7 best
alternative energy stocks to buy now.

Prospects were faced with the choice of getting one free gift with a one-year
subscription or FOUR free gifts with a two-year sign-up: A real no-brainer if
you ask me – especially since they take no risk whatsoever with your super-
duper …

6. Guarantee: The stronger your guarantee, the better. One-year guarantees

tend to be the most common today. However, I have written Rodale
promotions in which you could return a book at anytime in your lifetime for a
full refund!

Cheaping out is the biggest blunder you can make in a guarantee. Offer a 60-
day or 90-day guarantee and you're going to get a blizzard of refund
requests two or three months out.

Delay your customer's decision date for a year, and you'll find that refunds fall

Whenever possible, tie your guarantee to your product's performance. Set a

specific benchamark: "XYZ will double your money in gold stocks every three
months, or just let me know and I'll refund every penny you paid."

In cases where you have significant production costs – or when there's a[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

temptation for shady customers to take advantage of your generosity and get
your product for free – you may need to require that the prospect return the
product or "the unused portion" in order to exercise his right to a refund.

If on the other hand, you're selling something that costs very little to produce
– a newsletter, for example – you're better off telling prospects that in the
unlikely event they decide to cancel, they can keep everything they've
received from you completely without cost or further obligation.

7. Urgency Premiums: Prospects earn these additional free gifts by

responding quickly to your offer.

Typically, these "Early-Bird" gifts are given to anyone who responds within 10
days. However, in Internet promotions, they can be for anyone who orders in
the next ten minutes!

And I've used another type of urgency premium very successfully over the
years …

See, I figure that time is the essence: Every second that passes after I've
presented my offer is an opportunity for my prospect to bail out on me.

Normally, in my direct mail promotions, some 60 to 80 percent of my orders

arrive by telephone. That means 20 to 40 percent of my prospects are
ordering by snail mail.

And that means they have to take time to fill out the order form, detach it, fold
it, put it in the envelope and drop it into a mailbox.

Now, I'm willing to bet that significant numbers of prospects get part of the
way through that process and then fail to follow through. In short, I sold them,
but I'm not getting their orders.

The truth is, I do NOT want them to order by mail. So why not offer an extra
premium for using the phone instead?

Combining a 10-day "Early Bird" bonus PLUS an extra bonus to incentivize

folks to order by phone has been a key component of some of my biggest
winners ever.

8. Fulfillment Considerations: We Americans are not known for our

patience. Instant gratification is big for us.

Giving out our credit card info and then cooling our heels for four to six
weeks stinks – and I'm willing to bet that millions of sales are killed every
year in this country simply because the prospect assumes it'll be a coon's
age before his product and free gifts arrive.

So if you can deliver faster, why not shout it from the rooftops?

I have a client who ships his product the very next business day. And I have[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

reams of testimonials from customers who were amazed that their product
arrived just three or four days after they ordered it.

Think I mention THAT little gem of a fact in my promotions for him? You bet
your bippy I do!

Also: If you're not charging for shipping & handling of your product or
premiums, why not put THAT up in lights? In an industry that routinely
charges $6.95 or even more for S&H, your customers will love you for it!

Get OUT of the Offer Box!

A few months ago, as I was happily reviewing the results a new control had
produced on its first outing, I had an idea.

Funny how many little stones can accumulate in your shoes before you
notice – but as I looked over the piece, I realized that one of the premiums
had been bothering me all along. Reason: It had almost no connection at all
with the product or the the main premium.

I quickly called the client and suggested a test: "Panel A" would be the control
as-is – WITH the oddball premium, and "Panel B" would be the control

To my surprise, Panel B won in a landslide. Not only did eliminating that

premium lower our fulfillment cost, it also increased our response rate and
average sale!

Turns out, the "HUH?" factor had been turning folks off!

The moral of the story: Allocate cells in every roll-out to test at least one
component of your offer. Test a stronger, longer, more specific guarantee …
new titles for your premiums … higher and lower price points … new payment
options … the works.

I'll betcha dollars to donuts you'll be thrilled with the results!

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.[11/29/2012 7:40:12 PM]

The Art of the Irresistible Offer |

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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from the Cutting Room floor) We’re still here…

Time for a Change
Posted on April 10, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace
Before you take the copywriting
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Dear Investor, Do You Believe?

Happy birthday to me … happy birthday to me…

Since Thursday’s my b’day, I’m giving myself permission to write kind of a

different issue this week. Instead of droning on for pages about a single
subject, I’m going to give you some top-of-the-mind stuff about things I’m
doing right now…

Our IQ Test Results So Far…

I got a wild hair the other day and in a few idle moments, created a little
exercise I hoped would give you some giggles, impart some helpful
information and hopefully, help remind a reader or two to register for my
Power Marketing Summit while there’s still time.

We blasted an email to our file challenging you to “Test Your Marketing IQ,”
asking the question, “Are You a Direct Response Millionaire in the

Our little quiz presents you with 25 multiple-choice questions about direct
response marketing. When you’re done, you get your score along with the
correct answer to each question.[11/29/2012 7:40:27 PM]

25 Million Small Businesses Eager to Grow … 1,000 Serious Copywriters … YOU Do the Math! (And other snippets from the Cutting Room floor) |

As it turns out, of the 964 subscribers who have tested their Marketing IQs so
far …

29 thought AIDA stands for “Annoy, Irritate, Debate and Argue” …

14 of you answered that “niche” is “the opposite of ‘nosh’” …

57 said “reverse type” is “A special kind of backwards type for dyslexics”

3 think “ROI” is the name of Trigger’s owner, and …

73 answered that the best time to write sales copy is “After a half-dozen
shots of tequila.”

Alrighty then … guess there’s still work to be done here!

I also got a few helpful emails from test-takers emphatically informing me that
the most powerful word in the English language is definitely NOT “you.”

According to my cherished friend Gary Bencivenga, it is, evidentially,


Now, I haven’t yet read that particular article in Bencivenga’s Bullets – so I

could be wrong here – but my guess is, Gary’s suggestion that “because” is
the most powerful word is merely a literary device.

My guess is he’s using this device to make the point that – today more than
ever – the credibility of your sales message is paramount. And boy, is THAT
ever right!

I’ll lay you serious odds, however, that “The Great Gary” never intended to
suggest that addressing your prospect in the second person singular is any
less crucial than ever.

If one of you literalists disagrees, let me propose a proposition: You write a

sales letter filled with “becauses” but never address your prospect directly
with the word “you,” or any of its permutations. Talk about your product and
other people all you want.

I’ll have my greenest copy cub write a “you” letter directly addressing the
prospect’s deepest personal fears, frustrations and desires. He or she will
also provide plenty of proof and credibility elements, but because this is a
pure test of the relative power of “you” and “because,” he or she will avoid the
“b” word like the plague.

If you win, I’ll personally moon a White House cop and take the
consequences like a man.

If I win, you’ll promise to take a deep breath and try to stop taking literary
devices so seriously.[11/29/2012 7:40:27 PM]

25 Million Small Businesses Eager to Grow … 1,000 Serious Copywriters … YOU Do the Math! (And other snippets from the Cutting Room floor) |

Anyway – if you haven’t tested your marketing IQ and would like to have a
little fun while testing your knowledge, just click here.

Food for Thought

Harvey MacKay of “Swim With the Sharks” fame called a couple of days ago
to discuss his banquet speech for the Power Marketing Summit. His first
question: “What opportunities should your Summit attendees be capitalizing
on right now?”

“Easy question,” I said. “There are 25 million small businesses in America

today – companies with 500 employees or less – and hundreds of thousands
of new start-ups every month.

“Every one of these businesses needs to do the same two things: 1) Turn
more prospects into customers, and 2) Generate greater revenue from each
customer they have. That’s their greatest opportunity for growth.

“But to do that, each of them needs more effective marketing strategies and
more persuasive sales copy for every promotion they run on the Internet, TV,
and radio – and in direct mail and print. That means they need solid, results-
oriented copywriters. And that need is a copywriter’s greatest opportunity.

“Just for argument’s sake,” I said, “let’s say there are now 1,000 direct
response copywriters qualified to do the job.

“25 million prospective clients; 1,000 copywriters: That’s one writer for every
25,000 growth-obsessed small businesses out there. That leaves TWENTY-
FOUR POINT NINE, NINE, NINE MILLION companies still searching for the
help they need to grow!”

Next thing you know, he was saying his daughter ought to talk to me about
getting into this racket (and he’s right)!

Harvey’s the past master at getting buyers and sellers together in the real
world. And he’s coming to the Summit loaded for bear – with strategies to
help copywriters land dream clients … and to help clients land plum
copywriters. Can’t wait!

I just studied 2,900 headlines

– and boy, does my head hurt!
I don’t think we’re spending enough time on headlines.

Maybe it’s just the late hour or my mood, but after scrutinizing nearly 3,000
actual heads used on direct mail packages in the investment and health
industries over the past 20 years, I found maybe 300 that work for me – and
only about 150 that really rang my bell.

The vast majority of the leads on these promotions completely fail to say[11/29/2012 7:40:27 PM]

25 Million Small Businesses Eager to Grow … 1,000 Serious Copywriters … YOU Do the Math! (And other snippets from the Cutting Room floor) |

anything unique – anybody could have mouthed them.

Most fail to establish the credibility of the spokesperson or his message –

give me any reason to believe that the spokesperson was anything more than
just another guy with an opinion.

Most also failed to intrigue me with a proposition, paradox, irony or even an

interesting story.

And most utterly failed to convince me that reading their message is the
single most important thing I could do in the next 10 minutes.

Imagine getting a promotion with a headline proclaiming “Achieve all your

financial goals” (a real headline someone actually paid money to mail) for
example …

… on the same day as Agora’s “The Man Who Said ‘Buy Microsoft’ In 1988
Now Says: ‘SELL EVERYTHING!’” hit your mailbox. Or Boardroom’s “Twelve
Smiling Swindlers” … or Phillips “The Great Retirement Hoax” … or my “7
Horsemen of the Stock Market Apocalypse” for Safe Money Report.

Imagine also getting a promotion with the faux benefit headline, “Dissolve
Plaque!” in the same stack of mail with Arthur Johnson’s “Get Smarter
Overnight!” … Jim Rutz’ “Read This or Die” … or my “Forbidden Cures!”

I’m guessing the special session I’ve scheduled on creating killer leads at the
Power Marketing Summit – with 39 great idea-starters and 83 killer leads (so
far!) will be time VERY well spent …

Seven Impressive Direct Response Companies

Asked Me to Make Them Clients Last Week.
In a normal week, I have the sad task of declining – or at least postponing the
acceptance of – two or three prospective clients. I have no choice: Even with
the dozen other writers who work with me, I just don’t have the time to say
“Yes” to everyone who asks.

But recently, the trickle of direct response companies looking for help has
become a torrent.

Seems my March 27 issue, All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever
Want – For FREE! struck a major chord with a bunch of business owners and
marketing folks. And they’re all asking the same question: “What do I have to
do to get you to help with my web marketing?”

Dunno. Maybe the number of a reliable cloning lab?

Someday – maybe soon – I’ll have enough red-hot, seasoned copy cubs to
accept a few new clients. In the meantime, I’ll do my best to help you get up
to speed in THE TOTAL PACKAGE.[11/29/2012 7:40:27 PM]

25 Million Small Businesses Eager to Grow … 1,000 Serious Copywriters … YOU Do the Math! (And other snippets from the Cutting Room floor) |

Plus, I’m going to spend three full hours on the Internet marketing
breakthroughs we’re engineering right now at my Power Marketing Summit
(Saturday morning from 8:00 to 11:00 AM).

I’ve asked a certified genius to help me help you. His name is Daniel Levis,
and he’s by far the sharpest Internet marketing strategist I know. Not only
that, he’s a smokin’ hot copywriter in his own right. Daniel’s so good in fact, I
hired him to help me create email and web-based campaigns for my prime

This is going to be the good stuff. Hope you’re there.

What’s the biggest limitation for Internet marketers today?

For me at least, that one’s easy: Finding a web designer who has it all:

1. A great eye for design …

2. Who really know their programming stuff – including rich media like Flash,
video, audio and other rich media …

3. Who knows how to find ready technology to accomplish more complex

programming chores quickly and cheaply – without creating from scratch

4. Who can get emails and websites up and producing sales almost as fast
as I can come up with the ideas, and …

5. Who are willing to invest the skull sweat to make sure everything works.

The good news is, we’ve found one!

Leista Burnett is THE TOTAL PACKAGE’s newest employee – and she fits
the bill in spades!

Leista is a great phenomenal graphic designer with a great eye for color,
photography and layout – the stuff that helps make sure sales messages get
read. She’s also a crackerjack techie who cranks out even the most complex
rich media emails, banners and sites blazingly fast.

Plus, as a former Miss Florida Model, well … suffice it to say, Leista is a

highly decorative addition to our office!

So stay tuned, Investor – we’ll be giving you a ton of exciting new web-based
tools for getting bigger winners more often in the weeks ahead!

Oh – and be sure to say a big “Hello” to Leista and the rest of “Team
Makepeace” at the Power Marketing Summit. You’re going to get the chance
to meet the whole cast of characters up close and personal …[11/29/2012 7:40:27 PM]

25 Million Small Businesses Eager to Grow … 1,000 Serious Copywriters … YOU Do the Math! (And other snippets from the Cutting Room floor) |

The winsome Julie McManus, who’s charged with introducing THE TOTAL
PACKAGE to new subscribers each week…

The breathtaking Carline Anglade-Cole, who hires and copy chiefs our copy
cubs and produces grand-slam winners for my clients …

The lovely & talented Daniel Levis – the brains behind the web initiatives that
are generating thousands of new customers on the WWWeb …

The stunning Tanya Lopez, who handles all the back-office work …

And of course, Wendy “The Redhead” Makepeace – my wife, best friend and
boss, and the real brains of the outfit.

Well that’s it for this week. I’ve got another 1,000 promotions to review and
another hundred or so PowerPoint slides to prepare for the Summit, so I’d
better go.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

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Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

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PLUS The Three Most Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Valuable Lessons We’re still here…

I Have Ever Learned Time for a Change

Before you take the copywriting
Posted on May 8, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace
by storm, there’s something
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Subscribers,

Sometimes, words fail even an old copy dog like me …

It’s been a little over two weeks since our first Power Marketing Summit
ended and my mind is still reeling … my heart is still warmed … and Wendy
and I still get all teary-eyed and blubbery when we talk about it.

The love we felt from every single attendee was palpable. The compliments
for The Total Package and the “Thank Yous” for the Summit blew me away.

You couldn’t cut the mutual admiration and respect in the room with a laser.
Everyone – and I do mean EVERYONE – left their egos at the door.

Superstar attendees like Carline Anglade-Cole … John Carlton … David

Deutsch … Matt Furey … Greg Grillot … Kent Komae … Parris Lampropoulos
… Brad Petersen … Andy Scholberg … Kim Schwalm … Peter Stone … and
so many others I’ve admired over the years graciously encouraged and even
critted work by less experienced writers.

A star-studded panel consisting of my good friends John Carlton, Parris

Lampropoulos, Carline Anglade-Cole and Kent Komae helped me give some
great response-boosting ideas and advice to growth-obsessed business
owners in our Hot Seat session.[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

At the Thursday evening cocktail reception (and at every break), old

friendships were renewed, new frendships forged, and deals were made that
launched dozens of new copywriting careers – and that I’m sure will make
many businesses grow like crazy in the year ahead.

The Friday evening Banquet was a blast. Harvey MacKay, the New York
Times #1 Best-Selling Author of Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten
Alive and three other #1 bestsellers, had us on the edge of our seats …

… I had the privilege of awarding $55,000 in copywriting assignments to

Copywriter’s Challenge First Place Winners John McCrea and Andrew Owen
– and to our Grand Prize Winner John Newtson …

… And I had the pleasure of awarding $150,000 in direct mail and website
makovers to our Marketing Challenge First Place Winners Lee Bellinger
(Independent Living Over 50), and Mark Kwasny, Paul Elliott and Beirne
White (Motley Fool) – and to our Grand Prize Winner Jack Barber

For my part, I yammered on for 2 ½ days straight, presenting nearly 400

PowerPoint pages, each one illustrating one, ten, up to 17 direct response
techniques that have made me rich and my clients richer.

And through the entire event, The Redhead and her staff made sure
everything went off without a hitch.

At noon on Saturday as I began to thank everyone for making it a greater

success than I could have possibly dreamed, (and got all choked up in the
process), I was treated to the first and only standing ovation of my entire life.

Afterwards, the accolades just kept on coming …

“Worth TEN TIMES the Money”

"Was it worth traveling 4,000 miles (from London) and paying $9,000 to
$10,000 (for the seminar, flight, food and hotel) to attend?"

“I'd say it was worth at least ten times that amount, maybe more."

“The sessions were better than any I'd ever seen before. The networking
opportunities were priceless. My Hotseat 'grilling' was invaluable. The goody
bag of useful books, tapes and CDs was full to bursting. And the evening
speech by Harvey Mackay was the icing on the cake."

“My advice: Do whatever it takes to get to any of Clayton's Seminars: Sell

your car, house or kids, and get the money together, because this
information is worth its weight in gold.”

– Nick Wrathall[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

Entrepreneur & Copywriter

London, England

“Great Job. It was certainly worth the plane ticket from Australia. I was
shocked when I was handed Course manuals & a goody bag. I gladly paid
the overweight luggage charges from the airline, to get these comprehensive
volumes Home."

“The content was sensational I can't wait to put Clayton's tactics to work. My
advice: Get in early for the next one, as all who attended have a giant
advantage to double their incomes.”

– Rowan Shead
Sydney, Australia

“A Definite 10!”
“If I had to rate Clayton's Power Marketing Summit on a scale of 1 to 10, it's a
definite 10!!!"

“To say that I got my money's worth from attending Clayton Makepeace's
Power Marketing Summit would be a vast understatement. It was worth every
penny and more!"

“The material presented was more in-depth than any I've seen, and the
binder alone would have been worth $5,000."

“It was also worth the price of admission alone to not only reconnect with
fellow copywriters as well as clients, but to meet so many fascinating new

“I will definitely plan to return to next year's summit. Meanwhile, I'm chomping
at the bit to put all the great ideas I picked up to work to write ‘bigger winners,
more often’.”

– Kim Schwalm
Germantown, MD

“This is the BEST marketing event,

BAR NONE, ever.”
“If I had one word to describe the power summit it would be

"This is the BEST marketing event BAR NONE ever. It was run incredibly
smoothly by "The Redhead" with an incredible smile the entire time, the[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

goodie bag was overwhelming; the syllabus was top notch quality."

“Clayton was totally approachable and incredibly open and willing to share his
experiences, the hottest contacts were made with the industry leaders and
top copywriters and marketers."

“The asking price is so totally worth it. Don’t ask, ‘Can I afford to go?’ Ask:
‘Can I afford NOT to go?’"

“Without a doubt, sign up as soon as there are spots available! Just do it!”

– Caleb Osborne
Fredericksburg, VA

“Wow. Wow. And Wow again.”

“Talk about over-delivering!

“This event was everything Clayton promised and more. Unbelievably

detailed content, quality attendees, great food and flawless execution."

“I haven't stopped raving about it since I got back. I thought twice about
going, because it wasn't cheap, and rarely does one of these events live up
to its promises."

“But as a subscriber to The Total Package, I knew that Clayton always

delivers quality information. So I really didn't dither too hard. I knew I'd get
something out of it."

“Wow. Wow. And Wow again. I left with a boatload of high-level copywriting
information, a fistful of solid, quality contacts, and an armload of marketing
and copywriting goodies."

“In fact, I had to buy an extra suitcase to haul it all home. And I met and
made great new friends. This was, hands down, the best investment of the
year for me.”

– Collette Gillian
Salt Lake City, UT

“I’m Already Making Money From It”

“I recouped the bulk of my investment the day the seminar ended. I called up
a client and we talked about the seminar. As a result, he asked if I could write
two letters that he hasn't had time to write."

“I must also say that I was blown away by the quality of the ‘Goodie Bag.’ The
information provided in it perfectly complements what I learned at the[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |


“I'd recommend anyone who's serious about getting the best results from
their sales material attend.”

– Rick Hanson
Ontario, Canada

“Already Making Me At Least $130,000 Richer!”

“I came out of the summit with $30,000 in immediate projects and I estimate
that I will book a minimum of $100,000 in fees from the conference by the
end of the year."

“My total cost for the summit was something around $7k – so I'm looking at
over a 14-to-1 ROI."

“My expectations have been exceeded, and I thank you for the opportunity
you presented. The hotel, food, and Total Package staff were also first rate. I
appreciated having everything in one place.”

– Lea Pierce
Santa Rosa, CA

“The Best!”
“Clayton Makepeace takes the mystery out of copywriting and replaces the
confusion with solid, workable, high performance methods presented in an
easy to understand format!"

“Clayton is without a doubt the best teacher I have ever had. To my delight,
he is a nice and ethical guy too!”

– Jeffrey M. Ferrell
Artist/Photographer and Business Builder
Gaithersburg, MD

“Clayton OVER Delivered!”

“A first-rate start to finish – the whole thing can be summed up in two words
"Over Deliver”, from the extra $1,000 in gifts in the Goodie Bag to the depth
of Clayton's Presentations."

“I walked out of there with more practical, useable information than I've found
anywhere else. Not to mention all the contacts and new friends I made.

The room was full of phenomenal people who, like Clayton himself, were
very approachable and willing to share their knowledge and experience."[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

“A nod from Clayton and suddenly I feel like I have more opportunities than I
could possibly follow up on. All in all, wouldn't miss next year's for the world!”

– John Newtson
Springfield, VA

“Real Assignments from Dream Clients!”

“As a solid intermediate-level copywriter, I came to learn and network.

Clayton took the pace of my learning curve from Model-T Ford speed to
rocket speed. My brain was ready to explode after day 1."

“I was also able to connect with prospective clients in a smaller, more

intimate environment compared to many other conferences. I made solid
connections that, one week later, are looking like they'll turn into real
assignments for dream clients."

“Tremendous event. Don't miss it next year, y'all."

– Eileen Coale
Annapolis, MD

“The Best Experience EVER!”

“I went, got like 7 hrs of sleep the whole time and it was the best experience

”It was incredible. Incredible. The Goodie bag alone was overdeliver. I got
three books on copywriting now! WOOT!"

”I have a feeling they're going to repeat this again next year. I only have one
thing to say: “GO!”

– Caleb Osborne
Fredericksburg, VA

“Totally Free of B.S.”

“Rave. Rave. And Rave again. This seminar was everything Clayton
promised and more."

”Clayton totally delivered the goods. He covered direct response copywriting

in such meticulous detail that my head threatened to explode (but in a good

“The content was so information-dense, people were afraid to leave the room[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

to pee for fear they’d miss his next gem. (I know this from rest-room chit-
chat!) Even a big-name copywriter across the aisle from me was typing so
fast and furiously his fingers practically melted the keyboard."

”And speaking of big name copywriters – how do names like Stone, Carlton,
Lampropoulos, Deutsch, Komae, and Cole grab ya? If you’re an aspiring six-
figure copywriter they should grab ya pretty good."

”As for our Fearless Leader: Apart from being brilliant, Clayton Makepeace is
utterly unassuming and totally free of BS. You couldn’t ask to spend time with
a nicer and more knowledgeable guy. (I can even forgive him his NRA

“And his wife, Wendy, ran the entire event from start to finish without a single
hitch. As a former event manager I can tell you, my friends, that is NOT easy
to pull off. And Wendy did it with effortless charm and a devastating smile the
entire time. Definitely an impressive biker chick."

”When Clayton does this again, I will most definitely be going. I would highly
recommend anyone who takes this profession seriously to do the same. It
ain’t cheap, but it’s worth every battered, grubby, lint-covered penny under
your sofa cushions."

”And bring an extra suitcase. You’ll need one to haul all your schwag

– Collette Gillian
Salt Lake City, UT

“Pardon my use of superlatives, but the marketing summit in D.C. was a
landmark experience for me. Again and again you pulled off the remarkable.
Your meticulous articulation of the entire process of creating copy that busts
unbridled winners loose was stunning."

“Once used, the 500 page swipe file is a reputation maker and money in the
bank for me. Besides handing over the grist that will, with certainty, produce
bigger winners more often for anyone who applies your methods, you and
your organization 'does the community proud' as you represent us with
unusual dignity."

“Overall, you demonstrate a gut-level commitment to developing wealthy

writers. That’s admirable and I thank you for that. Bravo and well done!”

– Peter Stone
Minneapolis, MN[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

“OK, So Where’s The Valuable Money-Making

CONTENT In This Week’s Issue?”
"I got your content right here: Three Great Lessons this whole experience
has taught me – lessons that will bring you far more wealth and success than
anything I’ve ever written or will ever write…"

Lesson #1:
Dare to Dream
If anything I ever say – any copywriting or business-building idea I ever give
you – helps in any way, you have Carline Anglade-Cole to thank.

Several years ago, I agreed to help Carline become a copywriter. I

copychiefed her on a few projects … kicked her out of the nest … and she
went on to make herself one of the five or six highest-paid copywriters on the
planet with a gazillion big controls under her belt.

Two years ago, in my suite at a Washington DC hotel, Carline told Wendy

(“The Redhead”) and me how much my help meant to her – and promptly
melted my heart.

To my surprise, I suddenly realized that the satisfaction I’d received from the
money I’d made, and the companies I’d helped explode in size positively
paled in comparison to the reward of helping others realize their dreams.

It was Carline who then suggested that I publish an e-letter and do

conferences to help others. The Total Package and Power Marketing Summit
are her babies.

For me, the thought of creating all this was massively intimidating. I’d spent
my whole life in the trenches, writing copy and building businesses. I’d never
had to promote myself. When you write winners, word gets around.

It took me a whole year to publish the first issue of The Total Package and
seven more months to agree to host a live event. I’ve wanted to quit a million
times in the last two years. But the dream of creating something that would
really help people kept me going.

Every great success begins with a dream. Without the dream Carline
implanted in my brain two years ago, none of this would ever have happened.

What’s your dream? Write it down. Take a picture of it. Tape them to your
computer monitor. Always keep it before you.

Be relentless in your pursuit of it – and one day you’ll discover as I just have,
that reality can be far sweeter than any dream.

Lesson #2:[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

Be a Bumble Bee
Aerodynamic experts will tell you that, given its large body and tiny wings, it is
physically impossible for a bumble bee to fly. But, being woefully ignorant of
this fact, the bee flies anyway.

Last November, folks in the conference business told Wendy (The Redhead),
Makepeace that she couldn’t plan a major event like our Power Marketing
Summit alone … that if she tried, the whole thing would be a massive

But being woefully ignorant of the fact that she couldn’t accomplish such a
mind-blowing feat, she did it anyway. Perfectly. Graciously. Spectacularly.

Be a bumble bee.

Last December, Wendy and I had to sign a binding contract committing more
than $100,000 of our own money just to lock in the hotel for our Power
Marketing Summit. Had we failed, it would have cost us a king’s ransom.

But being woefully ignorant of the fact that failure was possible, we signed
our names and went to work.

Be a bumble bee.

The fact that you can think of a million reasons why you’ll fail is meaningless.
Be intentionally ignorant of those “facts” – be a bumble bee and do it anyway.

Lesson #3:
Treasure Friendship
Now that the first annual Power Marketing Summit is in the history books,
those of us who were there share a special bond that can never be broken.

Each of us shares memories of 2 ½ brief days when great ideas were openly
shared, exciting new careers were launched and explosive growth was
sparked at many companies.

More importantly, we have the shared memory of 60 hours in which fun was
had and many new lifelong friendships were born.

I personally got to hug friends I hadn’t seen and had rarely talked to in five or
ten years. Janie Thompson of Carnegie Marketing was a close personal
friend in 1978 – when she got her start in direct marketing. It was a thrill
seeing her after 27 long years.

There will be other gatherings of top marketers and growth-obsessed

business owners. There will be other Power Marketing Summits. But there
will never be another first one.[11/29/2012 7:40:38 PM]

Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit 2006 SCRAPBOOK PLUS The Three Most Valuable Lessons I Have Ever Learned |

If you were lucky enough to have been there, treasure the memory. Cherish
these new friendships. Keep them strong, healthy, alive and productive.

That’s the good stuff.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin,
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2006 SCRAPBOOK An eye-opening conversation
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Valuable Lessons
I Have Ever Learned

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin,

Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Each Made Me Millions Yesterday We’re still here…
Posted on May 29, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Like One person likes this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
PLUS … Do You Believe?

The “luxury” no business person can afford …

How to double your commitment to (and chances of) success …

My first rant in months (actually, there are two) …

The best premium you’ll ever offer …

The essential ingredient most ads leave out – and how it multiplies
response for smart marketers …

And more!

Dear Business Builder,

Evidentially, I rock.

Or so it would seem, judging by the blizzard of complimentary emails TOTAL

PACKAGE readers fire off to us each week.

But please – don’t worry – I am NOT getting the big head. Couldn’t if I
wanted to. I’ve got The Redhead to keep me humble. All it takes is a roll of
her big blue eyes and a hearty “Hooo boy!” and my illusions of grandeur
suffer severe shrinkage.

Plus, the work I do each day for Response Ink – my direct response[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

marketing agency – constantly reminds me that:

1. Nothing always works …

2. Nobody always thinks of everything, and …

3. Nobody’s infallible (least of all, me!).

That’s good. Because if I’ve learned anything from the last thirty-something
years in this direct response racket, it’s that the minute you get cocky – the
second you get lazy or allow yourself to sleepwalk through any marketing or
copywriting decision – you’re making a date with the spank-monster.

Don’t get me wrong: I am NOT saying you should obsess on the possibility of
failure. Taping a picture of spectacular success to your mental refrigerator –
and looking at it often – is absolutely essential to creating winners.

But realizing that an inflated ego is the costliest of all luxuries … and that
success is not an entitlement – that it always must be earned through
arduous effort, long hours and meticulous attention to detail – will both
energize and incentive you.

Let fear of failure be the rocket fuel in your engine. And let your desire for
success be the spark plug that ignites explosions of energy and creativity for

The Joy of Oysterhood

Yesterday was a conference call-a-thon for me. I spent an hour on the phone
with world-champeen business exploder (and buddy of some 30 years) Jay
Abraham … another hour or so with web marketing wunderkind Michel Fortin
… another hour with copywriter extraordinaire and big idea monger Peter
Stone … and yet another hour with the nicest and smartest guy in this part of
the Milky Way, Dr. Martin Weiss.

These conversations were scheduled for all sorts of reasons. On some of

these calls, I was just supposed to keep my trap zipped and entertain a
business proposal. On others, I was expected to contribute a brilliant
marketing idea or three. And on another, my job was to help brainstorm a
joint venture opportunity.

Now, if you know anything about Jay, Michel, Peter and Martin, you know that
each of these guys enjoys a dazzling reputation as a world-class marketer.
Each has achieved truly spectacular feats in his industry.

So I doubt you’d be surprised if I also mentioned that each of these guys also
has a very healthy ego. The good news is that each one of them is also
intelligent enough to understand how much ego can cost you when you let it
off the leash.[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

If I’d been talking to anyone else, these calls could have turned out to be
verbal hump-a-thons, with each alpha male attempting to establish
dominance over the other. Instead, they were warm, supportive, frank
conversations with each of us attempting to bring value to each others’ lives.

And so I talked when I was expected to … and listened – actively – when it

was the other guy’s turn.

The listening part was kind of like being an oyster … taking it all in, filtering
out stuff that didn’t apply, and digesting the good stuff:

Without even knowing it, Jay triggered an idea that utterly vaporizes the
#1 problem every advertising and marketing agency struggles with
(including mine) – and that I’m confident will add several million dollars to
Response Ink’s bottom line over the next 18 months or so

Michel gave me two tools that will allow me to give you at least three
times more copywriting and business-building help each year than I ever
dreamed possible

Peter Stone busted down the door and slapped my face with a possibility
so positively huge, it instantly changed my life’s script for years to come.

And dear old “Uncle Martin” (as my kids call him) triggered an idea that’s
going to make Response Ink an extra $200,000-plus every month starting
right now (without even one extra lick of work) – and that will make him
ten times that much.

Wowzers. Not bad pay just for setting my ego aside, shutting up, listening
and learning!

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Lately, I’ve been quietly lurking around a lot of marketing and copywriting
blogs just to see what folks are thinking and talking about. And frankly, most
of the discussions I see are positive, helpful and sometimes even profound.

But on every blog, there always seems to be one guy – an angry, bitter know-
it-all – who has nothing good to say about anyone.

In his negative, skeptical, sarcastic, cynical, verbose pontifications, he

questions the honesty of honest people, he disrespects the experience of
experienced folks, and he downplays the success of copywriters and
marketers who earn more in a day than he does all month.

To this kind of guy, a blog isn’t a place to learn, connect or share. It’s free
Vi*gra for his limp, useless little ego.

When I see these guys’ posts, all I can think is, “Looo – hooo- hooo – ser!”

I mean, really. They might as well be wearing signs.[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

Couple of thousand years ago, a pretty smart Jewish fella said that the meek
will inherit the Earth. Seems like a pretty crazy statement on its face. Try as I
might, I can’t imagine a meek little Wally Cox conquering every government
on the planet.

So I figure the rabbi probably meant something closer to, “Be humble enough
to learn and you’ll go far.”

Or the corollary: “Be too proud to learn, and you’ll wind up eating humble
people’s dust.”

Or maybe, “The more you learn, the more you’ll learn you need to learn.”

Or even, “Learning is a journey – not a destination.”

Was he right?

In a word, “Yep.”

Inquiring minds want to know…

For me, personally, one of the best things about life is the fact that each
lesson I learn leads me to the next lesson in my journey. In fact, I’d go so far
as to say that for me, learning something new ranks right up there with the
blues, Haagen-Dazs cookies & cream, Grey Goose and big-legged women
(not necessarily in that order).

And I’m not just saying that because I personally find learning new things is
so satisfying. The human animal’s hunger for knowledge also presents us
with one of the greatest opportunities any marketer or copywriter could ever
ask for!

For one thing, it allows us to slap some black ink on white paper, call it a
“Special Report” … a “White Paper” … a “Course” … or even a “Book” – and
if it contains information that’s worth more than the price, charge a king’s
ransom for it without a single guilt pang.

Or equally cool, give it away free as a premium – an incentive for purchasing

something else.

(Uh oh … I feel a rant coming on. Helpless … to … stop … it …)

I don’t know about you, but it absolutely drives me stark, raving, certifiably
insane when clients (actually, it’s usually freshly minted still-wet-behind-the-
ears marketing grads who snagged their first job with one of my clients)
suggest that instead of offering a printed report as a premium, we offer a
gadget: Some three-dimensional made-in-China gee-gaw like a calculator,
alarm clock, a three-ring binder for their newsletters or other such stuff.

Do the math and you’ll see what I mean…[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

Cost / Benefit Analysis


Report Premium Calculator Premium


Cost: $1.50 $3.95

Benefit: Shows you how to Saves you $3.95 – but

double your money ONLY if were planning
in stocks. on buying a calculator
in the first place.

Perceived Tens of thousands $3.95

Value: of dollars


… So – you up for a quick little IQ test?

Pretend you’re the prospective customer. What would you rather have?

A big, fat wad of cash from stocks that are doubling?

… Or a lousy $3.95 calculator that’ll just wind up in the kitchen junk drawer?

What’s that you say? You don’t sell investment newsletters? You sell garden

OK, fine. What would you rather have?

A free report that shows you step-by-step how to produce prize-winning

vegetables or maybe roses? With less work? For less money? In less time?

… Or a cruddy Taiwanese alarm clock that’s so cheap it’ll probably explode

and catch the drapes on fire the first time you plug it in?

Say again? You’d rather have something that brings real value to your life
than a cheap plastic bribe?[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

Congrats, Sparky – you’re a genius! A veritable Einstein of the marketing


Too bad we can’t say the same for the marketing hotshots at the big
magazine houses, isn’t it?

Doesn’t matter what you’re selling. Folks don’t want you to give them stuff
they can buy – or worse, plastic junk they’d never dream of blowing good
money on. They want you to change their lives.

Information does that. Expert advice does that. Brick-a-brack does not.

(Nuff said, rant over.)

But more than anything else, the human being’s thirst for knowledge presents
us marketers with a super-weapon that gives us the power to drive response
off the charts!

Just look at what happens when your promo copy includes specific ideas
and/or step-by-step advice to help your prospect assuage a fear, erase a
frustration or fulfill a desire …

1. You make reading your ad a “must”: Using your headline, deck and
tables of contents to “advertise” the valuable free information lurking
inside your ad effectively “bribes” prospects to read your promotion.
Readership rockets off the charts.

2. You blow away sales resistance: Giving away valuable information

and/or how-to advice for free establishes you as an advocate and
champion for the prospect – not just another salesman. The prospects’
sales resistance melts like a Phoenix snow cone in August.

3. You establish bullet-proof credibility: If you’re selling an information

product, the information and advice you deliver in your promo is like a free
test-drive of your product. It palpably demonstrates and documents the
depth of your knowledge and value of your product in ways that no mere
sales claim ever could.
Even if you’re selling a non-information product, the information you give
away demonstrates the depth of knowledge your figurehead possess and
(again) proves that your commitment to your prospect’s success extends
far beyond a mere sale. Powerful stuff!

4. You create a sense of obligation in your prospect: Gifting your

prospect with information and/or advice that brings value to his life
creates a healthy tension, a debt – a kind of “karma imbalance” between
the two of you.
As the beneficiary of your generosity, your prospect feels a sense of duty
to even the score – by giving your product a fair try.

5. You excite the prospect’s curiosity: The value-added info in your

promo makes it nearly impossible for prospects to resist the urge to
experience the full force of your product first-hand.[11/29/2012 7:40:51 PM]

How Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin, Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Each Made Me Millions Yesterday |

Curiosity is, in Claude Hopkins’ words, among the most powerful of human
emotions – and the ideal emotional state for your prospect to be in as you ask
for the sale.

Hope this helps – see you next Monday!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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An eye-opening conversation
with SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Posted on June 12, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builders, by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
After a year of publishing The Total Package™, our Alexa ranking – the
service that tells you how you rate in terms of traffic – is around 35,000. That
means, we get more traffic than roughly 99.93% of all the websites out there.

Not bad – right?

Well get this: Ken’s website, weighs in with an Alexa

ranking of 200. That means of the 50 million sites on the web, he gets more
traffic than 49,999,800 of them.

Imagine – a small businessman who doesn’t spend a single penny on PPC …

who never buys banner ads or TV spots to drive traffic to his sites … in fact,
never spends a nickel advertising – and he still gets more traffic than!

Not only that: Type the word “sell” into Google and guess what? Ken’s site
generally appears in the first 10 or 11 listings. Those aren’t sponsored ads,
amigo – Google just figures that if you’re interested in selling, you’ll be
interested in Ken’s site!

So how does he do it?

Glad you asked – that’s what this issue is all about!

I spent an hour on the phone with this Internet miracle man a few days ago –
seemed like 30 seconds. His unique approach to building world-beating[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

traffic is already helping me – I’m betting he’ll make you a bundle, too!

So whaddaya say – want to listen in?

Here goes …

Clayton Makepeace: Why don’t we get started with a little bit about your
background? I understand you originally trained as a medical doctor in

Ken Evoy: Yep, I used to teach and practice emergency medicine at McGill
as an emergency doc.

Clayton Makepeace: What made you decide to set that aside and get more
involved in Internet marketing?

Ken Evoy: I started at Montreal’s Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical System

and after a couple of years of wrangling with the government in a socialized
medical system, decided that medicine was a wonderful hobby, but it
shouldn’t be a lifetime profession because I was going to be doomed to be
slaves to the state.

That’s whenI decided to start a business.

My wife and I started in a toy design business and we became Canada’s

most prolific toy inventing and licensing company, having sold 23 different
toys and games.

I had a little niche investing hobby which I had developed myself and which
was ruthlessly, methodically profitable. And one day I’d been hearing about
this thing called “The Net” – and I began wondering if I could use the Internet
to get the data that I need for my little investing hobby.

Now, I’m sure you remember the first time you went on the Internet. You do a
search on something you’re interested in and it’s just like the lights go on. It
was mind-boggling. Even back then, somewhere around ’96, it was all there.

It took me about one month of using the Internet as a consumer to realize

that it was the ultimate niche marketing vehicle and that I could use it to
reach other people interested in my particular little area. I began wondering if
I could take my piece of my little database and turn it into a piece of software.

Over the course of the next year, I taught myself basically how to write sales
copy. Then, I had to figure out how the search engines worked. And finally, I
had to work out how to convert my little database into a piece of software that
people could use.

The deal was, we were only going to sell 1,000 copies of this investing
software for $1,000 each. I knew if more than 1,000 people were using my[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

approach, it would stop working.

I figured it would take us about three years to reach that sales goal – but in a
year and a half we had sold out of the product. Today, people still find the site
and they call offering $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 for the program. But I just tell
them, “it’s not for sale at any price.”

That was the beginning.

I’d been taking notes along the way and so my next idea was, “Geeze – I
should turn this experience into a book to help other folks market online."
That book became Make Your Site Sell! which really took the internet by
storm back then. Using a completely unique affiliate program, the book has
sold over 100,000 copies, all by ourselves without any major publisher,
without selling it through any big companies.

That started a brand of books for us: Make Your Knowledge Sell, Make Your
Price Sell, Make Your Words Sell.

Next, I started realizing that even with a great “how-to” book like Make Your
Site Sell!, a lot of people can’t break through all the barriers the HTML, CGI,
FTP, and search engine mastery and make it work. The average person
reads and understands it but then is just baffled by the details: “Which is the
best brainstorming software? Which is the best search engine optimizing
software? Where should I host?”

That’s really where our core concept of a product that would combine a
process, the theory with every single tool that you would possibly need at
each step of the way. In other words, use technology to make technology
disappear, and let the small businessperson focus on what they know well.

Clayton Makepeace: I’ve noticed that your company is ranked in the top 200
by Alexa. That means your site gets more traffic than
and – and yet until you and I met, I’d never seen a single paid
ad driving folks to your site.

How do you drive that kind of traffic to your site? I mean the last time I
checked our Alexa ranking was at about 35,000!

Ken Evoy: If you’re in the top 100,000 that’s very good. If you’re in the top
50,000 you’re basically in the top, you know there are about 50 million
websites out there, so that puts you in the top tenth of a percent. So you’re
doing an awful lot of stuff well Clayton.

But to get inside the top 500 and the top 250 is pretty rarified air. And you’re
right, we don’t spend a penny on advertising. It’s all word of mouth.

It’s very gratifying to see daughters recommending it to their fathers and vice
versa. And people telling it to their friends at work who then tell it to their
spouse at home. It’s a real testimony to how well the product works.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

It really boils down to people. 99.9% of small businesses online just start all
wrong. We’re ten years into e-commerce now, as I was saying, everybody
starts out thinking monetization: “I want to put up a store. I’m going to do
auctions. I’m going to be an affiliate.”

That’s off-line thinking. You know you can put up a store on the corner of
57th and 5th in New York City and get walk in traffic, but online there’s no
such thing as passer-bys. And every single person who comes to your
website arrives there because they’ve clicked.

Nobody comes by accident. Nobody happens to walk past your website.

So you have to go right back to the basics and ask yourself, how do people
use the Internet? They use it to search for information, for solutions, for
cures, whatever it is that they’re doing they use it to search.

Way back when I wrote Make Your Site Sell! I called search engines the
very, very best bargains in the world. Imagine an organization that does
nothing but send you qualified targeted, editorially generated leads all day
long for free!

It was almost too good to be true. I worried that this flow of free leads couldn’t
last forever – sooner or later, the search engines would have to find a way to
make money and that they’d have to begin charging websites for sending
leads to them.

Instead though, Google figured out how to sell targeted advertising while still
providing the basic search service for free.

The reason Google is worth billions today, Clayton, is because most sites
never figure out how to drive their own traffic. So they have to buy advertising
to generate that traffic.

The beauty is that Google needs content sites or else they have no editorial
to sell. So in fact sites that create content are more valuable than ever.

The best way for a small business with no existing brand online to succeed is
to start at square zero by creating content. If you offer people the quantity
and quality of content they’re looking for, the search engines will find you and
send masses of qualified leads to you.

Sounds simple, but there’s an art and a science to how you create that
content. You have to make sure your pages have enough of the page hooks
and key words people are searching for in the right spots: In the title, in the
META keyword tag on in your text, for example.

Those are just the basics, though. Search engines are getting more
sophisticated all the time. Their job is to serve up the quality of content their
users are looking for. And to do that, they’re figuring out more and more
ways to track human behavior.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

They track what users were doing before they clicked the link on the search
engine’s results page … which page they’re clicking to … what they do when
they’re on the site … and even what they do after they visit the site.

They’re asking the question, “Did this person enjoy this website?” If the
answer is “Yes,” your traffic is likely to increase. If not, you could be dead in
the water.

Now, you can go about maximizing traffic from search engines two ways. You
can do what’s called SEO (search engine optimization), the way a
professional does it, which is really about manipulating the engines.

You’re doing things specifically for the engines. And every now and then
when Google makes a major change, it’s called “A Google Dance” – and you
may have to make big changes fast.

When that happens, search engine optimizers will wail as if Google somehow
owed them a living.

But if you’re building truly good content you’re both pleasing the human and
you’re pleasing the search engine. And if you do that you won’t get hurt. Even
if you get caught up in an algorithmic change, you’ll come back.

Ultimately quality content builds traffic and it builds targeted traffic.

So our model is something we call CTPM – or “Content, Traffic, Pre-sell,

Monetize.” Provide the “Content” and the “Traffic” will follow. If the content is
high-quality, it “Pre-sells” your website visitor, which makes them more likely
to make a purchase, allowing you to “Monetize” your investment.

My daughter’s website – is a great example of this

principle. She’s only 17 now, and started the site when she was 14 – and it’s
the #1 website in the world on Anguilla.

She spent maybe an hour or two hours per week building content on her site
over those three years. And it’s a charming site – about a family’s
adventures, favorite restaurants, hotels, and little misadventures throughout
the island.

People just love the site. When we go to Anguilla, I see people nudging each
other in the restaurant pointing at my daughter. The owner of the clothes
stores won’t let her buy clothes. For her, they’re free. A prominent chef at a
major resort comes out and panders to her. She has become a celebrity on
her island.

The fact is, everybody has an island of expertise. Your goal online should be
first and foremost to establish yourself as an expert. You don’t have to be
“THE” expert – just an expert who provides great content. Nobody ever visits
one site in any given niche and never goes anywhere else.

But if you do that, you now have mastered CTP: Content builds traffic and[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

pre-sells. Now, monetizing is a snap!

My daughter monetizes by selling Google ads on her site and makes $1,000
to $2,000 a month. She also recommends a local real estate agency that has
her on a retainer of $1,000 a month. She also makes money from the local
businesses she recommends.

That’s why I created my “Site Build It!” product – to help everyday people
build websites that automatically generate huge traffic, pre-sell visitors and
make monetizing that traffic a snap. Let me tell you: Watching people who
thought they were otherwise ordinary, really blossom, is a kick!

Local businesses are really starting to get the CTPM message. It’s surprising
in this day and age, but 60% of local businesses still do not have a website.
They somehow don’t quite grasp that you don’t have to be a global business
to profit on the Web – or that the Internet can turn local businesses into global

The son of a dear friend of mine had an asphalt ceiling business in Montreal
– which meant his business worked only about one month each year. The
rest is winter.

He started out creating a high-content website to boost his local business.

That content attracted huge search engine traffic and pre-sold his site visitors
– and now he sells asphalt ceiling kits all around the world!

Clayton Makepeace: As an old direct mail marketer myself, it occurs to me

that what you’re talking about here is essentially the advertorial approach that
we’ve used so successfully in direct mail. Instead of going directly with a
benefit oriented headline and shouting, “Lose 50 pounds in 50 days!,” we
provide content up front in our promotions that demonstrates our expertise
and the fact that we’re champions for the reader.

By doing that, we eliminate the “salesman-vs.-customer” dynamic and create

more of a “champion” dynamic where we’re on the prospect’s side. That then
creates the pre-sell and ultimately allows you to monetize the new
relationship you have with the prospect.

Ken Evoy: Correct. And that’s not to say that you don’t have sales pages on
your site. But this is a very patient approach. We’re not really talking here
about something that you know is a quick hit, somehow putting a product out
there, sell it for six months and get in and get out.

This is a long-term build. It will be two to three months before you see your
first dribs and drabs of traffic. But as you continue to build content, the
inbound links start growing on their own. That snowball starts to gather
momentum. My daughter might not touch her website for say, two or three
months before her final exams – and yet the traffic continues to grow and her
income grows while she does nothing on the site. It’s a very long term, self-
sustaining type of model.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

So when you decide to monetize, you can either put up a store and monetize
or have a dedicated sales page with straight good sales copy and monetize.
But if the person who reaches your sales page came after being immersed in
valuable content, he’s already pre-sold.

In the offline world – say, newspaper advertising – it’s like getting a wonderful
publicity piece about yourself versus taking the same amount of space as an
ad. Because they’re already pre-sold, your sales copy doesn’t have to work
as hard.

Clayton Makepeace: One of the challenges is creating the content that will
make a site valuable to visitors – that takes a lot of time. Are there any
shortcuts to acquiring content?

Ken Evoy: That’s a really good question. There are article clubs where you
can buy content. But lots of other sites also carry those same articles – and
so it’s unlikely you’re going to impress your visitors, and that means you’re
not going to fool Google.

So the answer is no, Clayton. It really does take work to build good content.
“Site Build It!” provides everything an average small businessperson needs,
except for one thing. We call that “one thing” BAM: “Brain and Motivation.”

You have to bring brain and motivation to the table. Now, “Brain” doesn’t
mean that you have to be a genius. It means that you have to know
something about something. You know a heck of a lot about copywriting and
direct marketing. You can take your particular body of expertise and
brainstorm those key words.

“Site Build It!” has brainstorming software which literally goes out and visits
hundreds and hundreds of websites and brings back key words that are used
in relation to your theme. It tells you how often people search for these key
words and how much competition there is for each of them.

As you’re doing this you’re starting to build what we call a “content blueprint”.
And you’re starting to develop a three-tiered structure of how your site’s
going to be organized: A very simple structure that both of what the spiders
(search engines), will spider through very efficiently and humans can
navigate very efficiently.

You always design a site with two audiences in mind, the spiders and your
human visitor. If you’re not pleasing both you’re gonna fail.

So the content really isn’t work if you know your field, if you’re passionate
about your field. But it does take time. It’s not something you bang out in 15
minutes. You know it better than anybody how hard it is to write well. Content
copy’s gotta really sing to please the visitor.

But once you’ve created content, it’s not like a piece of direct mail. It doesn’t
just get read and thrown away. It’s online, attracting traffic to your site and
preselling your prospects forever.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

On my daughter’s site, her single most important word is “Anguilla.” That’s

what her site is about – but there are 115,000 other Web pages containing
“Anguilla” as a key word, so it’s also her hardest key word.

You will win the war for your hardest key word last. You start up by winning
the easiest, less competitive words which starts the traffic, which starts to get
you on Google’s radar. Then, you’ll start to win the harder and harder ones.

At first her site didn’t show up in the top 500 at Google. Then it didn’t show
up in the top 100. Then it showed up around number 50. And then it showed
up around number 20. I’m not sure where it is now, but it’s somewhere
probably in between number five and ten. The first five are gonna be
irreplaceable, I mean they’re like government sites and gigantic sites.

Her site has risen through the ranks from “invisible” to top ten purely through
creating good content, starting out with some inbound links and from there
the snowball grows and grows and grows. Here’s the key point. She never
tweaked her home page, never changed it during that time. It does take time.
Surprise, surprise – the internet does not defy the laws of business gravity.
There is no such thing as “Get-rich-quick.” There is no shortcut to building
good content.

Clayton Makepeace: How much content do you need to drive that kind of
traffic? How do I know when enough is enough?

Ken Evoy: The key is finding a niche that is neither too big nor too small. My
daughter isn’t going to win the search engine wars with the keyword “travel,”
for instance. She doesn’t have enough time and money in the world to beat
out Expedia. “Caribbean” would probably take her two years at 50 hours a
week to start to really score seriously. “Anguilla” is just the right niche for her
to be able to build what is now 200 pages, of good content.

So, first you have to define a niche that’s right for whatever your business
happens to be. Second, you must pick keywords that enough people look for
to make it worth your while. Third, you need keywords that don’t expose you
to more competition than you have the time to build content to beat.

In general, starting out at about 40 to 50 pages you’re gonna start to build

some decent traffic. Then from there as it grows, 75, 100, 150, 200 pages
you’re gonna have a very serious business under your belt.

Clayton Makepeace: Are META keyword tags important?

Ken Evoy: Yes for a couple of reasons. Some SEO-ers will argue that META
keyword tags are not important.

Yahoo! is on record as using META keyword tags. And many engines use the
META description tag as the blurb you see that describes a site on the search
engine results page. So yes, I’d say you should have both. But META
keyword tags are just one tiny piece.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

A common mistake that’s made in the META keyword tag words though, is to
load up the META keyword tag with every single key word you can possibly
think of that’s related to your business. Pretend you’re the search engine and
you’re seeing 200 words in the META keyword tag. What are you going to
ask yourself?

You’re going to ask yourself, “Which of these words is this page REALLY

Just focus on no more than I would say three to five key words in any given
META keyword tag. If I’m a search engine and I see a META keyword tag
with two or three keys words, I’m gonna figure that the page is about one of
those words.

And beyond that, things like the key word in the title tag, the key word in
correct density through your body copy and so forth and so on, those should
all be there.

And again – just going back to “Site Build It!” – our software does all that
stuff. When you build a page, the METS keywords tags are automatically
created. The title tag, everything. You have a little program called “Analyze It”
so before you actually build the page, it says, “Hey! You didn’t include your
key word for this page in your title!”

But all that’s just sort of like the ante in a poker game now. Now the search
engines want to know, “How well-regarded is this page by human beings who
actually visit it?” That’s why your content has to be top-notch.

Most of your content, Clayton – your ezines – are what I would call “Tier-
Three” content. From there, you have “Tier Two” content – the major
subdivisions your content might fall into – direct marketing, business
management, copywriting, etc.” Finally, you have your home page and
everything filters up to that.

Clayton Makepeace: Fantastic stuff, Ken – and since your sites are beating
the dickens out of sites that spend millions to drive traffic, your CTPM
approach obviously works gangbusters. How can I learn more about it?

Ken Evoy: explains the basic concept of CTPM very

well. You can spend tons of time on SITESELL. It really gives away the entire

What’s stunning to me is 99% of small businesses don’t understand the basic

concept. So we give away that information free. Of course, we have an
ulterior motive: We know that a LOT of the folks who come to us for that
content don’t want to invest the time to learn and do all this themselves. And
since our content demonstrates that we really do know what we’re doing, we
know that a percentage of them will wind up becoming our customers.

Clayton Makepeace: You deliver a huge benefit to entrepreneurs and[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

businesses, Ken. I came to the web as a direct mail guy several years ago.
I’ve spent hours trying to learn all the nuances from the ground up and I still
feel completely inadequate in some of the more specialized areas, like SEO.
The volume of knowledge needed to do everything right is so formidable –
and it’s changing all the time.

Frankly, I want to run my business. I want somebody else to do those things

for me. And it sounds like what you’re offering here is an opportunity for
business owners who don’t want to become specialists in all of this to get all
the benefits of it.

I am definitely going to get your book, “Make Your Content PREsell." I know
how to write to sell, of course, but what you’re saying is absolutely critical
stuff that no one has told me before. And I think you’ll be seeing me at an
upcoming conference in Chicago. Can you tell me more about that?

Ken Evoy: Yes, its from July 12th to 16th in

Chicago – and by the time each attendee leaves, he or she will have a real,
working online business.

This is a first for us – and we’re doing it in partnership with Agora Learning.
We’re taking “Site Build It!” and doing a hands-on, five-day working seminar.

This is very intensive. This is not a 9-to-5 and hit the bar conference. This is
an 8-to-6, then do your homework, then hit the sack – because the next
morning we start bright and early again.

Clayton Makepeace: I want to know more about this.

Ken Evoy: If you like, just check out the website:

Clayton Makepeace: Ken thank you very much.

Ken Evoy: Thank you, Clayton, it was great talking with you!

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton's articles? Check these out.

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

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Peter Stone and Dr. Martin Weiss Response Boosting Tool
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6 Responses to Drive Millions of Qualified Visitors

to Your Website for FREE!
An eye-opening conversation
with SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy

Maggie Kress says:

July 31, 2008 at 1:02 pm

Clayton, I am legally blind and 71 years old and want to try to make
this work. I wrote an article on The Power of Positive Thinking. It is
about me and my challanges of my blindness and how I try to stay in

Is this what you are talking about on content?

I do not have a lot of money to apply to ads so this is what I am

trying. Can you help give me some advice.

Your article is very helpful and I want to know if I am going in the right

Thanks for any input you can give me positive or negative. With
negative comments, it helps me to learn and turn them into positive

Thanks and God Bless

Maggie Kress


Dr. Vikrama says:

August 18, 2009 at 2:04 am

Dear Clayton and Dr. Ken Evoy,

Thanks a lot opening eyes in the field of Internet Marketing. I hope

that it is the real way a small business person can succeed online.

Kindest Regards,


Sigang McGough says:[11/29/2012 7:41:04 PM]

Drive Millions of Qualified Visitorsto Your Website for FREE!An eye-opening conversationwith SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy |

October 18, 2009 at 6:59 pm

I hope this is an encouragement to other technically challenged baby

boomers. If you have basic computer skills like sending emails with
attachments and do google search, and can follow instructions, you
can build a website using SBI software. You need “BAM”- lots of it- ,
time and patience.

That’s how I got mine up.


Pingback: Copy With » Blog Archive Drive Millions of Qualified Visitors to Your
Website for FREE! | Copy With

Phil says:
January 4, 2010 at 2:36 am

This is awesome, already got the glimmerings of an idea from what

was said here…and a few ideas and hints on how to actually do it!!

Cheers Clayton and Ken


Phil says:
January 4, 2010 at 2:40 am

By the way, my dad started a small niche site himself and learnt SEO
and HTML and all that before all the cool kids started doing it, after
10 years it STILL ranks #1 & #2 out of nearly 77,000 and even
outranks the government site! even got in touch with him to become a partner.

(Search “burnley cemetary”)


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The Single Most Powerful

Response Boosting Tool
I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone Recent Posts
Posted on June 26, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Like 4 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Take this issue … print it out … laminate it … tack it to the you should know …
Do You Believe?
wall next to your desk …

… and before you deliver your next scrap of copy to any

client or designer, USE my 37-question litmus test to spot
weaknesses in your sales copy – and by eliminating them,
drive your response through the roof!

Dear Business-Builder,

Wowzers. Things sure are happening fast around here!

Redhead #1 (Wendy), Redhead #2 (Julie) and the rest of The Total Package
team have been a bunch of blurs lately – what with getting our new webhost,
new database, new shopping cart, new web pages, new blog and new
webinars all sorted out!

So before I hand you one of the most powerful response-boosting weapons

in my arsenal – a tool I guarantee will help multiply the selling power of your
online and offline promotions – let’s do a little quick housekeeping

If you value your subscription to The Total Package, here’s some very, VERY
important news: Hopefully, you arrived at a squeeze page before viewing this
issue, and renewed your subscription to The Total Package. If you found this
issue without seeing that page, here’s the straight skinny:[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

To bring you all the exciting new response-boosting and business-boosting

tools we have planned for 2006, we had to change email vendors – and the
new company (1ShoppingCart), requires that you renew your subscription if
you want to continue receiving The Total Package.

It only takes a second and couldn’t be simpler. If you haven’t already

renewed, just click here, then provide your first name and email address –
and we’ll make sure you don’t miss a single issue.

As always, your info is safe with us: We will never share your name or email
addy with anyone. And of course, you can cancel your subscription any time
simply by clicking the link at the end of each issue and each email we send

Speaking of our website – – lots of cool

new stuff to check out:

The About Us links at the top of each issue of The Total Package take you
to pages introducing our entire team and some of the reams of testimonials
our wonderful readers have sent to us.

The Online Store is now open for business, and we’ll be adding many more
great business-building and response-boosting tools every month from now

Our first-ever video is online! If you’d like to meet a few of your fellow Total
Package readers and hear what they have to say about this year’s Power
Marketing Summit, you’ll want to take a look. The video in 9 megs, so
depending on your connection speed, it may take a minute to load, but it’s
pretty cool. Just click here.

Leista and David are working overtime adding new pages and valuable new
tools to our site for your moneymaking pleasure and we’ll be announcing
them in coming issues.

Our inaugural Virtual Hotseat Webinar session last Wednesday was a

resounding success! I spent 90 minutes critiquing and improving a ten-page
sales letter for a real estate product online – while attendees listened by
phone, watched on their computers and sent questions.

I demonstrated how I go about identifying a product’s practical and emotional

benefits … grabbing my prospect by the eyeballs with a compelling headline
and deck structure … making the copy impossible not to read … infusing the
copy with credibility … and convincing prospects that not ordering would be
the dumbest thing they could do.

My initial concerns about the reliability and usability of this webinar

technology proved to be completely unfounded. Attendees report that logging
in was a breeze and the whole thing went off without a hitch.[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

Afterwards, we sent a link allowing everyone to watch the entire thing again –
and when the series is over, everyone will get a CD-ROM containing Flash
video and audio of all five sessions.

To check out what folks are saying about this remarkable event, point your
browser to:

We’ll be doing it again this Wednesday at noon Eastern time – and each of
the next three Wednesdays – so if you’re serious about boosting response
and getting bigger winners more often, I strongly suggest that you click here
to check it out!

Daniel Levis’ new eLetter – Web Marketing Advisor™ – is already garnering

rave reviews. If you’re looking for inspired strategies and copywriting advice
to ramp up the selling power of your online promotions, you should definitely
take a gander!

The videos of Power Marketing Summit 2006 will be available soon!

Attendees have already received their unedited DVDs and PowerPoint slides.
Now, my lifelong friend Denny Koska – producer of some of the most famous
infomercials ever made – is editing the final version.

Denny’s job is to marry the Summit’s 613 PowerPoint slides to the 20-hour
video of my presentation. When it’s done (my guess is sometime in July),
we’ll rush it to all attendees FREE, and make it available in our Online Store.

So much for the housekeeping – let’s get on with making you some MONEY

My 37-Point Acid Test for Direct Response Copy

Seems like it doesn’t matter whether I’m talking to the owner of a home-
based business or a small business, a marketing exec or a copywriter, just
about everybody in this biz deals with the same, burning question about
every direct response promotion they create:

“How can I know just how strong the sales copy in my

promotion is before I show it to prospects?”

If you can relate, you’re gonna love this. Next time you’re tempted to let go of
a draft – submit it to a client or send it to a layout artist or web programmer,
do this:

Set aside one hour. Lock yourself in a quiet room. Yank the phone jack out of
the wall. Mentally insert your dogs into a prospect’s Nikes and then read your
copy just as he or she would.[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

DO NOT allow yourself to get drawn into editing or changing anything.

Instead, notice every fleeting thought that crosses your mind and every
feeling – excitement or boredom, conviction or skepticism, clarity or
confusion – that arises within you as you read the copy.

Then, the second you’re finished, take out this test. Rate how well your copy
accomplishes each of these 37 objectives on a scale of one to five as follows:

1. Non-Existent or Pathetically Weak

2. Room for Major Improvement

3. I’ve seen worse

4. Pretty darned strong

5. Golly geeze, this is perfect – I must be a freakin’ genius

Ready? Here goes…

1. Is the theme or benefit presented in the headline and lead likely to

resonate powerfully with a significant number of your best prospects?

1 2 3 4 5

2. Does the headline and lead instantly seize your attention?

1 2 3 4 5

3. Are they instantly and completely believable?

1 2 3 4 5

4. Do they present compelling benefits the prospect will derive in return

for reading this?

1 2 3 4 5

5. Do they explain why it is crucial for the prospect to read this right
now?[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

1 2 3 4 5

6. Do they establish the qualifications of the spokesperson beyond the

shadow of a doubt?

1 2 3 4 5

7. Do they sell you on reading the opening?

1 2 3 4 5

8. Does the opening copy connect directly with the headline and lead –
and intensify your desire to read on?

1 2 3 4 5

9. Do the emotions you experienced while reading the copy that follows
the open make you disposed to continue reading?

1 2 3 4 5

10. Are all key statements of fact supported by sufficient specifics to

make them believable?

1 2 3 4 5

11. Does the spokesman present a compelling reason why he’s writing
this or offering this product or service – early in the running text?

1 2 3 4 5

12. Is the prospect told why he/she absolutely must read this?

1 2 3 4 5[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

13. Does the spokesperson’s personality and conviction come through

loud and clear?

1 2 3 4 5

14. Does the copy feel like a one-on-one conversation between two
friends with a common interest?

1 2 3 4 5

15. Is the emotional tone of the copy appropriate for the subject matter?

1 2 3 4 5

16. Is it clear that the spokesman is an advocate for the prospect and
has an emotional stake in getting this information to him or her?

1 2 3 4 5

17. Is the prospect likely to find an emotional soul mate – someone who
articulates his feelings – in the spokesperson?

1 2 3 4 5

18. Does the spokesman feel like a friend and advocate – and not just
another salesman?

1 2 3 4 5

19. Do you feel as though the copy moves faster as you progress
through the piece?

1 2 3 4 5[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

20. Are the practical benefits of the product and/or premiums fully

1 2 3 4 5

21. Are the positive emotional benefits the product/premiums deliver

fully addressed?

1 2 3 4 5

22. Are the negative emotions your prospect has regarding the topic at
hand and that will be neutralized by the product fully explored?

1 2 3 4 5

23. Are there entertaining elements sprinkled throughout – and if so,

are they appropriate to the subject?

1 2 3 4 5

24. Is the value of the product and all premiums fully dimensionalized –
and is the price fully trivialized?

1 2 3 4 5

25. Is there a plausible rationale given for the discount, premiums and
other offer elements?

1 2 3 4 5

26. Does the guarantee restate benefits and is it presented in a way that
deepens the bond between the spokesman and prospect?

1 2 3 4 5[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

27. Is the prospect’s desire for instant gratification addressed? Have

you emphasized how quickly he or she will receive the product?

1 2 3 4 5

28. Did you feel your excitement rising to a crescendo as you

approached the close?

1 2 3 4 5

29. Does the spokesperson present a compelling reason to buy now?

1 2 3 4 5

30. Is there an urgency motivator – a fast-response bonus, a limited

offer, a deadline, etc.?

1 2 3 4 5

31. Would it be strong enough to get you to act?

1 2 3 4 5

32. Does the close leave you feeling like it would be insane NOT to

1 2 3 4 5

33. Is there a special incentive to order right now – by phone?

1 2 3 4 5

34. Does the order form copy restate the benefits and the guarantee in a
compelling way?[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

1 2 3 4 5

35. Does the order form appear to be simple and easy to use?

1 2 3 4 5

36. Are the ordering instructions clear and easy to understand?

1 2 3 4 5

37. Does the order form thank the new customer for his order and begin
the bonding process?

1 2 3 4 5

How’d You Do?

Want an overall read? Just add up all your answers and check your score …

37-109: Whoa. You just gave yourself an “F.” And you were going to give
THAT to a client or a designer? If the Earth Firsters ever find out you were
willing to kill a tree to make paper for that, your life won’t be worth a plug
nickel. Better get back to the drawing board – FAST!

110-128: The bad news is, you’ve got some “D” copy on your hands. The
good news is, you know exactly how to fix it. Just work on each of the weak
sections until you can honestly give them a substantially better grade.

129-146: OK – that’s about a "C." Not bad for a draft … but certainly NOT
good enough to make it a final one. I’d suggest you begin with the sections
you rated a “1” or a “2” first – and when you can honestly give each one a 4 or
a 5, move on to the ones that scored a 3.

147-165: So you’re in the “B” range – a great start. Just a little tweaking on
the weaker sections, and you’re there. Be sure to pay extra attention to the
headline, lead and open copy – when you can honestly give them a 4 or a 5,
you just might have a big winner on your hands.

166-184: Want a job? Seriously.

185: Yeah, right. Whatever. Oh – my fault. I forgot to mention you have to do[11/29/2012 7:41:25 PM]

The Single Most Powerful Response Boosting Tool I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone |

this SOBER!

I’m yanking your chain a little here. Fact is, the overall score is pretty much
meaningless. What’s important is that you’ve identified the things you still
need to do to turn this copy into a grand-slam home-run.

We’ll be spending a lot more time helping you with each of these major points
in future issues of The Total Package – so stay tuned!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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An eye-opening conversation
with SEO and web traffic whiz Ken Evoy

One Response to The Single Most Powerful

Response Boosting Tool
I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone

robert says:
February 21, 2011 at 3:56 pm

Point 38: Does the sale letter and order form copy have P.S’s


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Response Boosting Tool with direct response scholar Sign-up Here!
I’ve Ever Shared With Anyone and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY
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A Year of Living Dangerously

Posted on July 17, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace

Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. Recent Posts

He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Gala Anniversary Issue Time for a Change
A Year of Living Dangerously Before you take the copywriting
(Some of) The Best of The Total Package (So Far!)
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
The World’s 3 Most Powerful Headline Techniques Do You Believe?

10 Rules for Generating Maximum Readability

How Smart Companies Thrash the Competition

Mastering the Art and Science of Seduction

21 “Non Rules” for Producing Bigger Winners, More Often

The 75 Most Powerful Words and Phrases in the English Language

How to Beat Writer’s Block

21 Kinds of Sidebars and How to Use Each One

Legal Issues You Need to Know About

Holey moley – can you believe this is the fifty-twoth issue of The
Total Package?!
I sure can’t: Seems like TTP #1 hit the ‘Net only yesterday!

Boy, oh boy – what a year it has been:

The text of the 50 unique issues we’ve published so far (OK – I cheated:
The two-part Gary Bencivenga interview was so good I ran it twice) now
occupies more than 600 single-spaced pages on my hard drive …[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

In September, I hosted my first-ever teleseminar – Kick Your Copywriting

Business Into Hyperdrive – to rave reviews …

In October, I confronted a raging, life-long case of stage fright to speak in

public for the first time ever at the American Writer’s and Artists
conference. I did OK – and was rewarded for my trouble with AWAI’s
prestigious “Copywriter of The Year” trophy …

In March, we began building The Profit Center™ website and are now
adding new pages every couple of weeks – all designed to help you get
bigger winners more often…

In May, The Total Package Blog went live and is now helping writers and
marketers network and share ideas with each other …

In April, I attended my first copywriting conference ever – my own Power

Marketing Summit™ – and delivered 20 hours of my best response-
boosting secrets to about a hundred top marketers …

In June, we launched our second free e-letter, Daniel Levis’ Web

Marketing Advisor to a standing ovation from subscribers …

In June, we began planning next year’s Power Marketing Summit in

earnest, snagging some of America’s top marketers as special guest
speakers (watch your inbox for the tantalizing details!) …

This week, I’m doing the final installment of my five-part Virtual Hotseat
Webinar – The 37 Most Valuable Marketing Lessons I’ve Ever Learned …

We’re already planning our next webinar in which I’ll reveal the
techniques I use to create out-of-the-park grand slams for financial
products …

And along the way, we created a pile of other tools to help you take your
direct marketing career to the moon.

Not bad – huh?

Oh – and in our spare time, my team of copywriters and I also cranked out a
gaggle of controls for my clients. About five million of those promos are now
being stuffed into U.S. mailboxes each month, showering us with nearly $2
million a year in royalties.

And that doesn’t even begin to include the countless housefile promotions,
web initiatives and even a complete website we’ve created for four separate

And the best part is …

You Ain’t Seen NOTHIN’ Yet!

One year ago, The Total Package staff consisted of just two people: Julie[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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McManus (our affiliate manager) and yours truly. Today, there are seven of
us full-timers and at least a dozen others helping us on individual projects.

I’m thankful to every one of them for the great success we’ve enjoyed over
the last 12 months.

Most of all though, I’m grateful for your decision to join me in The Total
Package – and for the encouragement and outpouring of gratitude that flows
into our Feedback Box every week.

And to thank you, we’re working harder than ever to get you bigger winners
more often. In the next 90 days, you’re going to see a burst of activity around
here: Lots of exciting new opportunities for you to take your response – and
with it, your income – to the next level!

But this issue isn’t about that. It’s about taking a moment to bask in the warm
glow of a year well spent – considering the many risks we’ve taken, a year of
living dangerously.

I’d like to do that by sharing some of the most helpful excerpts from a few of
our earliest articles: Articles you probably haven’t seen before – unless of
course, you were among our first subscribers, or have since acquired a copy
of our compendium of our first issues, Double Your Profits in 12 Months or

So let’s get right to it …

From Issue #1:

Grab ‘Em By The EYEBALLS!
The World’s 3 Most Powerful Headline Techniques
There is no “right way” to write a killer head. In fact there are as many
headline techniques as there are copywriters, products and services, benefits
and consumer emotions to be addressed.

Let’s take a look at three of the most powerful headline techniques ever –
approaches that have produced huge winners for John Caples, Gary
Bencivenga, Jim Rutz, Bob Hutchinson, Arthur Johnson – and yes, for me,
too …

1. PURE BENEFIT HEADLINES present only the primary practical benefit

offered by the product.

Some examples …

Who else wants a whiter wash

– with no hard work?

*****[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

Great new discovery kills kitchen odors

quick –makes indoor air “country-fresh.”


Super Spy Lets You See Through

Walls, Fences, and Locked Doors.


“Who Else Wants to Get At Least

In This Bear Market?”


What’s Wrong With Getting Richer QUICKER?”


2. PURE EMOTION HEADS directly address the emotional need, frustration

or fear that the product’s primary benefit addresses – only hinting at the
practical benefit.

Examples …

Lies, Lies, Lies

We investors are FED UP
with everyone lying to us
and wasting our money!


Tell The “Health Police” To Take A Flying Leap –



You can laugh at money worries –

if you follow this simple plan


3. COMBINED BENEFIT/EMOTION HEADS present the product’s chief

benefit and either imply or state the emotional pay-off for the reader.

For example …

They laughed when I sat down at the piano,

but when I started to play …[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Laugh All The Way To The Gas Pump!

How rising gas prices can make you up to 307% richer in 2005


To men who want to

Quit Work some day


Remarkable Cures CENSORED By Knife-Happy Surgeons
and Greedy Drug Companies:
Medically Proven Remedies That Heal Without Drugs or Surgery!


The Amazing Face-Lift-In-a-Jar Used by Hollywood

Stars Who Don’t Want Plastic Surgery


Join millions who are saying…

“Thanks For NOTHING, Wall Street – I’d Rather Do It MYSELF!”
10 Ways To Grow MUCH RICHER Without Touching A SINGLE STOCK


To me, these kinds of combined benefit/emotion leads are the best of all
worlds, and have given me some of the biggest winners of my career.

From Issue #3:

How I Bagged $5 Million In Internet Sales In Five
Short Weeks
Several months ago, one of my favorite clients asked me to create a web-
based promotion for a new investment advisory. The service would give daily
mutual fund trading advice to investors for the princely sum of about $1,000
per year.

… So instead of beginning with a series of e-mails or even a new web page

(as my client requested), I promptly sat down and wrote a 24-page DIRECT
MAIL package.

It's not that I'm contrary by nature – I just had a better idea …

My client had been blasting several sales promotions for other products to his[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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customers every weekday via e-mail, and had been doing it for years. And
predictably, response to those promotions had crashed to less than one-tenth
of what he had been getting years earlier.

My goal: To do everything possible to make this promotion the exception – to

boost response rates and ROI by an order of magnitude.

My strategy: To establish the new $1,000 product in prospects' minds as

being head and shoulders above every other product my client had ever
offered them. To do that, I would demonstrate the uniqueness and superiority
of this new product – and create emotional momentum for it – by making its
introduction a gala event.

My tactic: Use every medium available to me over a 5-week period –

beginning with the cheapest avenues and proceeding step-by-step to ever-
costlier ones – to sell the maximum number of subscriptions possible with a
positive ROI.

That would require much more copy than the client usually produced for an e-
mail promotion – but it would be worth it.

And beginning by writing long copy – copy containing every benefit, every
credibility element, every reason why the prospect should buy the service –
would be the best way to make sure that the strongest sales copy available
appeared in every contact with our prospects.

Once the long copy was finished, the rest would be easy: I would simply
excerpt it over and over again to create my multi-step campaign …

STEP #1 – Pick the low-hanging fruit – cheap: A respectable chunk of my

client's customers love him to death and will buy just about any product he
recommends. For these wonderful customers, I created an extremely low-
cost, multi-step e-mail campaign: A series of short, daily blasts announcing
the new product and the reasons why the customer should jump on board
right away … re-announcing the new product … asking them why we hadn't
heard from them, etc.

Important point: The e-mail medium itself is, in a very real way, a big part of
the message. By its very nature – the fact that it is an instant communication
– the e-mail medium screams "urgency"!

And it also raises key questions in your prospect's mind:

"Why is this communication urgent?

"Is it because you urgently need to sell me something?

"Or is because I urgently need a piece of information in order to bring value

to my life?"

If my prospects perceived that my e-mail messages were just crass attempts[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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to sell them something, my e-mails might be instantly deleted. If on the other

hand, my e-mails were perceived as a timely and sincere offering to help the
recipient in some way, my sales message would be far more likely to be read
and responded to.

And so, for urgency and readership, I began each e-mail with valuable
information or advice relating to a fast-breaking piece of news from the
investment world. The subject line and opening copy of each blast was new
each day – as fresh as each day's headlines – and rewarded prospects for
reading my sales message.

Next, I made the connection between the breaking news and the new
investment service – and demonstrated how the service could use this new
event to generate huge profits for the reader in the days ahead.

And finally, I inserted copy justifying my price and asking for the order.

RESULT: A constant stream of $1,000 orders poured in from these e-mails

every day for five, full weeks.

STEP #2 – Get fence-sitters to a "tipping point" website: While a

significant group of loyal customers could be counted on to buy in response
to a short e-mail, I reasoned that the short copy would leave at least 90% of
my prospects sitting on the fence. To sell them, I'd need longer copy – more
reasons to buy now – than could be presented in a five or six-paragraph e-

To tip these prospects off of their perch, I used about half the long direct mail
copy I had written about the product (12 pages, of 12pt. type, single spaced),
to create an "Urgent Special Report" on-line: A small, cheap website. And in
week #2 of my campaign, I began sending e-mails to the client's customers
urging them to click a link in order to read the free report immediately.

RESULT: Order volume increased dramatically as a significant number of my

client's customers responded to the simple website.

STEP #3 – Exploit other low-cost or free media: While my client's web-

based products were extremely successful, he also publishes and mails a
monthly print newsletter to some 120,000 active subscribers every month.

Taking my client's urgent recommendation to his customers in print would

position this new product in my prospects' minds as being something special
– not just another run-of-the-mill product promoted exclusively on the

So, I simply took the 12-pages of copy from the little website I'd created …
wrote a new headline and opening copy … turned it into a printed special
report … and had it inserted in the next issue of my client's print newsletter.

At the same time, I tasked the client's operators to include a pitch for the
product on all in-bound phone calls from customers.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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And I included an insert offering the free on-line report in my clients outbound
welcome packages that new subscribers received.

RESULT: Once again, sales spiked nicely.

STEP #4 – Show up where they least expect you to: Two weeks after the
newsletter insert hit my prospects' mail boxes, I hit them again – with the full
24-page direct mail package I had initially created to promote the product,
formatted as a free special report or "thank-you" bonus for loyal customers.

After years of receiving ONLY e-mail promotions for these high-priced

trading services, my prospect suddenly realized that this must really be
different – and therefore better than – anything my client had recommended

Reasoning that anyone who hadn't bought probably hadn't read past the
headline and lead-in copy, I made sure the first three pages were fresh.
Beyond that, the copy was pretty much unchanged.

RESULT: Money was positively rolling in.

STEP #5 – I get tenacious: Two weeks after the 24-pager hit their mail
boxes, we stuffed it into an envelope, added a one-page letter from my client
asking, "Why haven't I heard from you?" and dropped it into the mail.

Again – the phone rang off the hook.

The final result: The combined effect of e-mail, the website, the inserts in
the print newsletter and two direct mailings had a multiplying effect on

When the dust had settled, our multi-channel marketing campaign had sold
more than $5 million-worth of subscriptions to the new service in just five
weeks – about five times more than we would have sold through an e-mail
promotion alone!

Issue #5:
Direct Response Graphics 101
10 Rules for Generating Maximum Readability
1. This is not an eye test. Many of your prospects are older and have fading
eyesight. Requiring that they fetch their spectacles before they can read your
pitch is a big mistake.

As a rule, body copy should never be smaller than 12pt. – and the body text
in some of my most successful promotions has been presented in 14pt. type.

2. Readability Rules. On computer screens, sans-serif type is slightly easier

to read.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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That’s because the dot pattern on many computer monitors makes it difficult
to see the detail in serif type. That’s why I use Arial– a sans-serif type in this

In print, however, readership studies show that serif type is far more
readable. That’s why body copy in most newspapers and magazines is
presented in Times or something close to it.

Also, in my direct mail promotions, you’ll notice that I often invert my type
selection in sidebars to create contrast between them and the running text:
Sans-serif heads and serif body copy in the running text … serif heads and
sans-serif body copy in sidebars.

3. Put it in black and white. The human eye likes contrast. The lower the
contrast between your text and your background, the lower your readership
will be.

Black ink on white paper provides the greatest contrast. Each step you take
away from black on white – lighter type or darker backgrounds, for example –
cuts readership.

I use this fact to emphasize and promote readership of my running text. In

most of my promotions, the running text is black-on-white. In sidebars, I add
a light buff, blue or green background, keeping the body text in black.

4. Eyepath is crucial. The human eye is easily confused. You never want
your prospect to wonder where to look for the next piece of text, or to be
distracted in the middle of your cogent selling argument.

Photographs and other illustrations embedded in running text distract and

confuse the eye.

Full-page sidebars on right-hand pages create a visual barrier and can

discourage the reader from turning the page.

Subheads should never be broken between columns. And when near the
bottom of a column, should always have at least three lines of text
beneath them.

Subheads should be broken into coherent phrases:

I want to kiss her

BUT she won’t let me

– NOT –

I want to kiss her BUT

she won’t let me

5. Keep lines of text short and manageable. When a string of small letters
and words – say 12pt. or 14pt. body copy – runs too long, the eye gets[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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fatigued and the brain loses its place. Excessive line length kills readership.

That’s why God invented columns. Columnating text allows the eye and brain
to sort out a few words quickly and then move to the next line. I find that
columns containing about 40 characters and spaces are optimal.

6. Make each paragraph visually inviting. Long paragraphs look

intimidating and discourage readership. I try to keep paragraphs as short as
possible – even if I have to break them in places that drives grammarians and
proofreaders bonkers.

Sprinkling an ample number of one and two-line paragraphs on a page

makes the entire page feel more inviting.

7. Justified text is unjustifiable. Justified text – where both the left- and the
right-hand margin of each paragraph is even – destroys readership.

This paragraph is justified. Note the uneven spaces between

the words. People justify paragraphs to eliminate unnecessary
hyphens – but it also interrupts the flow of coherent thoughts in
the text.

Ragged right – RULES!

8. Widows and orphans should be treated with care. In my opinion, a

widow – a single word on the last line of a paragraph – is usually a good
thing. It ads a smidgen of white space, making the page look less
intimidating. I’d move heaven and earth to avoid ending a paragraph with a
hyphenated word fragment on a line by itself. That just looks sloppy.

Orphans – the single line of a new paragraph at the bottom of the column –
should be avoided. It breaks a thought before it can take hold in the
prospect’s mind.

9. Never end a page with a period. Plan each page and 2-page spread so
the last paragraph of running text is broken and continues on the next page.
That way, the reader is more likely to turn the page and keep reading. Also,
at the end of the text, insert a page-turner: A small “Please turn …” flush

10. Include contact information on every spread. Add a header or footer

on each spread that presents the client’s toll-free telephone number and/or
directs the reader to the page where the response device can be found.

In my business, some 80% of our orders usually arrive by phone. So

typically, I’ll use a footer on each spread that simply says, “For More
Information, Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-827-0940.”[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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From Issue #6:

Confessions of a Marketing Chauvinist Pig
How Smart Companies Thrash the Competition
OK, I admit it: I’m a marketing chauvinist. And it’s not because I think we’re
necessarily smarter and better looking than everyone else. It’s because the
only logical place for marketing is out front – leading the charge for your
entire company.

It drives me nuts when executives who know nothing about sales and
marketing mindlessly parrot phrases about “putting the customer first” – and
then relegate the only people who actually talk to customers to an inferior
position in the company.

Before a bunch of Rhodes Scholars showed up and bought one of my clients’

companies, my client had put sales and marketing first. And because the
marketing department’s job was to respond to customers’ desires and
concerns … it meant our customers were #1.

But the Rhodes Scholars and their preening “Executive Committee” wanted
to be first – the masters of all they surveyed, at the pinnacle of the corporate
pyramid. So, they put sales and marketing in its place – under their thumbs,
no more important than janitorial services – or any other department in the

And by doing so, they turned my client’s “Smart Company” into a dumb one in
one fell swoop.

In a Smart Company, the marketing department

exists at the top of the corporate pyramid.
Armed with the freshest intelligence on the desires and complaints of
prospects and customers, the marketing department directs …

And their structure shows it. Marketers are kept under tight rein – slaves to
multiple layers of bean-counters, bureaucrats and other self-important
gasbags who have long forgotten where the money in their paychecks comes
from – if they ever knew in the first place.

Even worse: Dumb Companies make sure marketers – the only experts in
the company capable of boosting sales, revenues and profits – are frozen
into inaction and that crucial sales campaigns are delayed by corporate
procedures requiring marketing-challenged morons at the top to approve
their every move.

The CEO and top execs spend no more time or effort on sales and marketing
than they do monitoring human resources, or any other department.
Marketing is beneath them – something the weirdoes down on the fourth floor
are responsible for.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

In a Smart Company, every employee clearly

understands that his/her job exists for one reason
and one reason only:
To help marketing sell more, more, more!
1) Leading the charge with the Marketing Department – setting goals …
monitoring key costs and response rates … helping them innovate new
products and sales approaches … breaking logjams … and providing the
quick approvals needed to kick winning sales campaigns into overdrive.

2) Taking up the rear – constantly driving everyone down the line to make
supporting sales and marketing efforts their #1 priority.

BOTTOM LINE: Dumb Companies think that the marketing department exists
to sell products.

Smart Companies know that the only reason to have a product is to give the
marketing department a vehicle with which it can attract new customers and
produce revenues and profits.

From Issue #7:

Turbocharge Your Sales Copy!
Mastering the Art and Science of Seduction
Two guys walk into a bar. The first is a bookish, meticulous, accountant type
who just read a book on “How to Pick Up Women.” Spying a winsome lass,
he approaches her and states his “Unique Selling Proposition: “I’m going to
rock your world like nobody else ever has.”

That done, he begins ticking off all the benefits she’ll derive from having sex
with him: She will be thrilled and satisfied. He shows her testimonials from 23
other women he’s been intimate with, each one saying that they were
satisfied. And he tells the young lady that if she’ll go back to his apartment
right away, he’ll do the same for her.

The second guy, spotting another lady, takes a radically different approach.
He captures her attention with a friendly, admiring glance. He offers her a
drink. He validates her with a compliment. He puts her at ease with an
amusing, intriguing or self-effacing remark.

He gets her nodding her head, speaking to her of things she is passionate
about and that he suspects she’ll agree with. He asks her to dance. He takes
his time – and when the time is right, he drops a flirtatious comment or two.

Finally, he invites her to his apartment to see his art collection – or on some
other pretense.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Which of our two heroes do YOU think has the best chance of closing the

If you said, “The guy who had a USP and benefit-oriented sales copy,” you,
my friend, have read too many books about copywriting.

Top-notch writers understand that salesmanship is the art of seduction – and

that five careful steps must be taken before the affair with the prospect is
consummated and marketing bliss is achieved:

The creation of sales promotions and the layout of the catalog and/or
store …

Human Resources exists to ensure that the marketing department has the
best talent available and that supporting departments have what they
need to help sales and marketing be more successful.

The Legal Department exists to help marketers create promotions that are
as effective as is humanly possible within established ethical and legal

In a Smart Company, the business owner/CEO

occupies not one, but two positions:
The scripting of the sales force or telephone customer service reps …

The shipment of products and the delivery of services …

Accounting exists to ensure that sales and marketing have the financial
resources it needs to attract maximum numbers of new customers and to
boost sales revenues …

Every other activity in the chain of events that begins with contacting a
prospect or customer and that culminates with the cha-ching of the cash

In Dumb Companies, top execs fail to understand

the supreme importance of sales and marketing –
or worse: See it as a “necessary evil”.
The development of new products and the production of existing ones …

The management of the customer service department, and …

Information Technology – IT – exists to give the marketing department the

daily reports it needs to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of its
strategies and tactics.

1. You must convince your prospects to give you their attention – with a
headline that speaks to the prospects desires, frustrations or fears.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

2. You must convince them to read your message – by offering to bring

value to their lives if they’ll just lend you an ear for a few minutes.

3. You must convince them that your product or service will meet their needs
and therefore, fulfill their desires or assuage their frustrations or fears.

4. You must convince your prospects that your price is fair (or better yet, a
bargain) – by making a comparison that demonstrates the value you’re
offering in a compelling way.

5. You must convince your prospects to take action now to purchase the
product – by showing them how easy it is to order.

Do these five things consistently – and compellingly – in each sales

promotion and your response will soar.

Add Credibility
Today and every day, each prospect you’re writing to will be bombarded with
some 650 advertising messages. That’s nearly 240,000 per year, every year
of his or her life – and the volume is growing by the day.

Those messages have made your prospect a seasoned consumer who has
bought thousands of products and services over a lifetime – many of which
lived up to their advertising, and many of which did not.

As a result, your prospect is a skeptic. The quick way to lose him is to

promise something you both know you can’t deliver. The slow way to lose
him is to fail to document that your product really does deliver.

“B” writers assume that prospects will believe everything they read.

“A” writers infuse their copy with credibility devices like these:

1. The ersatz author’s qualifications as an expert on the subject at hand,

including his education, books he’s authored, major media outlets that
have featured him, his career experience, etc.

2. Details, facts, figures that prove every point in the copy beyond the
shadow of a doubt.

3. Customer testimonials that prove your product has delivered for others.

4. Expert and/or celebrity testimonials that validate you, your product or your

5. Mentions in credible media that validate you, your product or your


6. A guarantee written in a way that demonstrates your absolute confidence

that your product or service will deliver the specific benefits you’ve
promised.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

From Issue #9:

How to Create a Killer Ad
21 “Non Rules” for Producing Bigger Winners,
More Often
Allow me to offer 21 ways to spot strong copy – and to help make the ads,
direct mail packages and Internet promotions you’re working on bigger
winners for you.

THESE ARE NOT RULES. I hate rules. But they’re great “non-rules” –
guidelines that have paid off for me time and time again in my 34 years in the
direct response trenches – and that I’m confident will strengthen your ad copy
as well …

Non-Rule #1:
BE somebody!
We tend to be skeptical, even suspicious of information given us by a
corporation. We welcome – indeed, we seek out – advice from qualified
guides and advocates who have our best interests at heart. And we welcome
advice from someone who has solved a problem that we’re struggling with.

Putting a friendly and/or highly qualified human face on copy – and speaking
in that person’s voice – will ramp up the impact of your sales messages by an
order of magnitude.

Non-Rule #2:
Address your prospect directly.
Here, you actually get two maxims for the price of one:

1. Talk to your reader: Instead of talking about how “we” age … how “we”
encounter various health problems, talk to the reader about her life … her
future … and most importantly, her feelings.

2. Use the word “YOU” as often as is humanly possible throughout your text.
Remember: Your prospect really couldn’t give a flip about you, your
company, your product or anything else. The prospect is interested in the

3. Talk about the reader: Yes, it’s true that x million Americans have heart
attacks each year. But saying it that way, you’re not talking about her;
you’re talking about x million other folks.

4. Find ways to personalize these kinds of statistics: “As an American over

age 40, your chances are one in x of having a heart attack this year.”
Wow. Now, you’ve got my attention![11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Non-Rule #3:
Be personal.
I often begin by closing my eyes and imagining that I’m talking to a friend
about the subject at hand. How would I begin the conversation? What would I
say? What would he say? What would I say back?

I would not refer to myself in the plural: “We want to help you …” I’d say,
“Here – let me help you …”

Non-Rule #4:
Identify with your prospect.
Gary Bencivenga did this beautifully with his “Why we investors are fed up
…” deck in his all-time classic “Lies, Lies, Lies!” package. Instantly, in the
prospect’s mind, the person addressing him was transformed from a
salesman into “a regular guy” – someone just like him.

Tell the reader what you have in common. Let him know that you empathize:
You’ve been there. Reveal a non-fatal weakness or a petty frustration that the
two of you might share. Anything that puts you on the reader’s level will
endear him to you and engender trust between you.

Non-Rule #5:
Put a face on the enemy.
Why has the reader failed to solve this problem or fulfill this desire? Were all
the other products he’s tried ineffective? Were the “experts” who gave him
advice wrong? Is someone intentionally using him?

This is a rich emotional vein – so mine it! But instead of droning on about how
unfair banks are, personalize it. Talk about how greedy bankers do this or
that to the reader. Or about how callous drug company execs trick his doctor
into prescribing costly and dangerous things that often don’t work.

Non-Rule #6:
Prove every point.
Never ask your reader to accept any claim at face value. Always include
proof elements that suspend his disbelief with every claim. Best credibility
devices could include:

1. Study data from respected sources

2. Expert testimonials

3. User testimonials

4. Statements that support your point from a major periodical – The New[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc.

Non-Rule #7:
Don’t fear the occasional obvious overstatement.
No, I’m not suggesting that you should exaggerate when describing what
your product does. But I often use an obvious over-the-top phrase to
demonstrate how intensely my client feels about a particular point.

Once in a health promotion, for example, I wrote:

“Some surgeons are so greedy, they’ll gladly cut a hole

right through you – just to get to your wallet!”

Was it true? Who knows? No, I didn’t have a story about a surgeon who had
literally cut through a patient to reach his wallet in my substantiation files. I
did know, however, that many of my readers had had hysterectomies,
mastectomies and other surgical procedures that were later determined to be
unnecessary – and that line got every one of them emotionally involved and
on my side.

Non-Rule #8:
Speak colloquially.
I try to speak to my prospects as they’re used to being spoken to. Yes, that
means I often dangle my participles and other parts (of speech). So what?
I’m trying to communicate here – not trying to pass an English exam.

To mock the sticklers who were constantly correcting his prepared speeches,
Winston Churchill once declared, “A dangling participle is something up with
which I will not put.” Pretty much says it all …

Non-Rule #9:
All jargon is NOT evil!
Many coaches say you should avoid technical terms and industry jargon
altogether. Baloney.

The selective use of jargon comes in handy lots of times when I’m writing –
like …

1. When the jargon’s meaning is familiar to the reader – especially investors

and medical patients – I’m respecting his intelligence; speaking a
language he understands and is comfortable with.

2. When the jargon is being spoken – sparingly – by an expert, it

demonstrates the expert’s, well … expertise. We expect doctors to be[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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proficient in the use of medical jargon and brokers to use investment

terminology. If the term is obscure though, I’ll include a quick explanation
and then move on.

Non-Rule #10:
Figures of speech are wonderful!
Early on, I was told to avoid clichés, sayings, analogies, aphorisms, proverbs,
adages and so on. But why? If you had a face-to-face conversation with your
prospect wouldn’t you hear tons of these figures of speech?

Doesn’t the use of these favorite sayings instantly say, “Hey – I’m not a
salesman; I’m just like you!”? Don’t they get your prospect smiling? And don’t
most of them instantly communicate something that it would otherwise take
us a sentence or more?

If a picture is worth one thousand words, a good figure of speech should be

worth at least one hundred. So go ahead: Experiment. If a figure of speech
helps you communicate faster or drive a point home harder – and if you’re
absolutely sure that its meaning will be instantly grasped by your prospect –
go for it!

Of course, writing copy that’s just one cliché after another might be a slippery
slope. Your client may even say that your promo is a basket case. That would
be a close shave! You might end up feeling as dumb as a bag of hammers.

But on the other hand, choosing the right spots to communicate quickly with
an idiom could turn out to be your bread and butter. Who knows? Maybe
you’ll wind up richer than Midas!

Non-Rule #11:
Put the 75 most powerful words and phrases in the
English language to work for you.
Use these freely (no charge) when crafting headlines, subheads, and
throughout your copy:

At Last
Discount[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

First Time Ever
How to…
How I …
It’s here
Just Arrived
Last Chance
Never Before
Nothing To Lose
Right Away
Send No Money
Special[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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The Truth About…

And of course, the all-time award-winner … YOU!

Another thing: Some words and phrases are wimps. The limp-wristed,
namby-pambies of the writing universe. “Can” … “could” … “should” …
“might” … “may” … “ought to” … “seeks to” … “has the potential to” … “In my
opinion” … and all the rest of these sissies should be banned from your copy
whenever necessary.

Tell your prospect what your product will do. If the legal beagle or compliance
officer complains, make a phone call and haggle.


YOU WRITE: “These investments are guaranteed to soar when interest rates

COMPLIANCE VERSION: “These investments could possibly have the

potential to soar when interest rates rise – maybe.”

COMPROMISE: “These investments have the power to soar when interest

rates rise.”

Non-Rule #12:
Squinting makes the individual letters and words indecipherable and I’m left
with just the pattern the paragraphs make on the page.
As I study the page, I’m asking myself, “At first glance, does this feel easy-to-
read and inviting? Or is it covered with long, dense paragraphs that will only
discourage my reader?”

Then I …

… Or, billboard benefits, as with these fascinations from a recent

promotion for Your Money Report:

Flipping For A Fortune? WATCH OUT! Ingenious strategy lets you

make a bundle without ever owning a single property. BUT, it could also[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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get you sued – or worse! Essential advice: Page xx

Identify spots where the thing is crying out for a break – a sidebar or
indented paragraph, for example – and then work them in …

Ages your body: Fluoride has been shown to damage your

chromosomes and block the enzymes needed to repair your DNA.

You can present horrifying alternatives …

Jump in and break long paragraphs into shorter ones – even one-line
paragraphs when I can …

Beware of These “Landlord Landmines!” 3 easy ways to sidestep

costly landlord/tenant traps. Page xx

… Or, create a label. This series, “7 Guilty Secrets Drug Companies Do

NOT Want You To Know” was also touted on the cover of the piece as a
reason to read the piece:

Poisons your brain: Laboratory subjects given tiny doses of fluoride for a
year showed an increased uptake of aluminum in the brain, and the
formation of beta amyloid deposits which are characteristic of Alzheimer’s
And five Chinese studies have documented a lowering of IQ in children
exposed to fluoride!

Look for opportunities to turn a long block of copy into a string of pearls
(like these).

I look for a series of benefits, steps in a procedure or other copy points that I
can precede with bullets, numbers, letters, etc.

The #1 Secret of Landlords Who Get RICH: Doing this one thing can
mean the difference between fat profits and a devastating loss! Page xx

FACT #1: Drug Companies Kill Tens of Thousands Each Year: Many of
today’s most-often prescribed medications are not only useless, but
extremely dangerous – crippling and killing as many Americans each year as
died in the 18 years of the Vietnam war.

FACT #2: They Do It Knowingly – For Money: The ultra-rich U.S. drug
industry – the single most profitable businesses in America – is guilty of using
bogus research, distorted reporting, and bald-faced lies to push deadly and
ineffective drugs onto unsuspecting doctors and patients.

Non-Rule #13:
Go for precision and power.
A lot of experts say you should use short words. Write as if the prospect is an
eighth-grader.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Some anal-retentive rule addicts have even gone so far as to instruct

students to add up all the letters in each paragraph and divide by the number
of words, and make sure that the average word is no more than five letters

Utter nonsense!

Here’s what I do …

This is a particular weakness of mine – I tend to string too many thoughts

together … use hyphens and ellipses and other devices to connect them; and
only wind up turning sentences into entire paragraphs in which the prospect
eventually gets lost or has to read twice. (Damn – did it again!)

I don’t worry too much about it on my first drafts. That’s when I’m just trying
to get everything out on paper. I try to fix my run-ons when I’m editing, later

As I edit my copy, I try to keep this advice in mind from the classic book on
writing, The Elements of Style:

But if a longer word – or even an entire phrase – more precisely conveys

my meaning or more effectively invokes the emotion I’m going for, the
longer word it is!

Non-Rule #14:
Short sentences rule!
If a long word means precisely the same thing and carries the same
emotional coloring as a shorter word, I’ll go with the shorter word.

I can’t stand to read or even talk to people who use longer words when
shorter ones will do just fine: Who say “facilitate” when all they mean is
“help” or “ease” … “compensate” when they mean “pay” … “individual”
when they mean a “guy” or a “gal” or “person” … or “sufficient” when they
mean “enough!”

Nine times out of ten, I’ve found that people who write or talk like that are
trying to hide something. Like massive insecurities. Or the fact that they
have no idea what they’re talking about.

To quote William Zinsser’s advice in his classic, On Writing Well:

“Beware, then, of the long word that is no better than the short word:
‘numerous’ (many), ‘facilitate’ (ease), ‘individual’ (man or woman),
‘remainder’ (rest), ‘initial’ (first), ‘implement’ (do), ‘sufficient’ (enough),
‘attempt’ (try), ‘referred to as’ (called), and hundreds more.”

“Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences,

for the same reason that a drawing should have no
unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This
requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that
he avoid all detail and treat his subjects only in outline, but that
every word tell.”

Non-Rule #15:
Count commas.
I view commas as warning flags in my copy. Sure – they could be there for a
good reason: Like showing the proofreader that I do, in fact, know a thing or
two about proper punctuation.

But often times, commas are a big red flag that tells me that I’ve got a run-on
on my hands. Or even worse, they scream, “HEY, BOZO! You wrote this
sentence UPSIDE DOWN!”

Consider …

“With only the finest of intentions, Clayton wrote his example.”

That comma in the above sentence is a dead-giveaway that something’s out

of kilter. Wouldn’t it read faster if I merely said …

“Clayton wrote his example with only the finest of intentions.”

Non-Rule #16:
Use connecting words at the beginning of
In addition to communicating, every paragraph of great copy should also
make a sale: It should “sell” the prospect on the idea of reading the next

Early on, I learned that using conjunctions and other connecting words at the
beginning paragraphs was a simple way to keep the momentum going: “And”
… “Plus” … “But” … “Furthermore” … “Moreover” … “What’s more” … “And
there’s more:” … “Even worse,” for example.

Hint: I like “and” better than “but.” “And” is positive. “But” is negative. I look for
“buts” and try to replace them with “ands” wherever I can.

Non-Rule #17:
Look for shortcuts to keep the momentum going.
I make liberal use of contractions. After all – it’s how people talk! In fact, the[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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only time I write “does not” instead of “doesn’t” is when the “not” is crucial to
my meaning. And if it’s really crucial, I’ll ad emphasis to it with an underline,
italicizing it, capitalizing it, and in come cases, all of the above.

Non-Rule #18:
Be specific.
Every generality in your text is a landmine. That will kill you.

Instead of merely saying “you’ll save time,” tell your prospect precisely how
much time he’ll save. Don’t say, “Buy now and save!” Say, “You SAVE $99
by calling in the next 10 minutes!”

I actually read through each draft looking for excuses to add specifics to fully
dimensionalize every problem and every promise.

Non-Rule #19:
Consider the question.
Some folks think that asking the prospect a question – either in a headline or
elsewhere in your copy is a mistake. “After all,” they say, “Declarative
sentences are strong; questions are weak. And besides, how do you really
know how the prospect will answer?”

But sometimes questions aren’t weak. Sometimes, they’re hypothetical – and

make a very strong declarative statement. A headline I wrote for Louis
Navallier – a head that mailed successfully for more than a year – once
asked …

What’s wrong with getting richer QUICKER?

The copy went on to say:

I’ve made money slow, and I’ve made money fast. Believe
me: Fast is better!

That head wasn’t really a question. It was a cry of defiance from impatient
investors who were sick and tired of being told to cool their jets.

In the pre-head of a recent direct mail piece for Your Money Report, I wrote

It’s time for you to join millions of your fellow Americans who grew
rich when they finally said …

“Thanks for nothing, Wall Street –

I’d Rather Do It MYSELF!”[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Used properly, questions can often be used to demonstrate that you already
know and empathize with the answer. And they can also be a great way to
demonstrate the horrifying alternative – as I did in this P.S. for an investment
newsletter …

P.S. What if I’m right? What if I really can help you avoid losses and even
profit when tech stocks tumble? How will you feel, licking your wounds and
knowing that if you had just said, “YES,” to this generous offer, you could
have made a killing?

Suspicious of corporate CEOs who lie about their earnings?

Fed up with stockbrokers who tout lousy stocks – and get rich even
when you don’t?

Impatiently waiting for the profits Wall Street promises you – but
never delivers?

Please – for your sake – let me hear from you today. If I

can’t help you, my service costs you nothing. If I can, you’ll
be laughing all the way to the bank.

Non-Rule #20:
When in doubt, cut it out.
After I’ve completed a draft, I often realize that my best lead is buried a few
paragraphs down in the copy. Moving or deleting the first few paragraphs – or
even the first page – would get us off to a much faster start.

Another weakness of mine: Excessive repetition. I tend to over-write key

paragraphs, or write a key paragraph several different ways. Second drafts
are the perfect time to spot this needless repetition and condense several
graphs into one, short, punchy one.

Non-Rule #21:
Break the rules!
Never let the fact that a particular technique is frowned upon prevent you from
using it.

Follow every road that opens up before you as you write. Explore every
unbeaten path. Don’t let that left-brained party-pooper who lives inside you
kill what could be a great idea before you’ve had time to fully develop it. Even
if you later agree that it doesn’t work, you’ve learned something. And if it does
work, you’ve made a breakthrough.

From Issue #10:[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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The Human Brain:

An Owner's Manual
How to Beat Writer’s Block
We've all been there. You're stuck for a creative idea. Maybe a headline, a
subhead, or a creative way to drive a copy point home to your reader. But
your creative muse is AWOL.

What do you do? Me? I add up a long column of big numbers – by hand.

Here's why – and how it works:

When I was in my twenties, I took an aptitude test just for fun. The test
explained that there are only two basic aptitudes:

1) The Creative Aptitude: This is the "right-brain" part of you that is active
when you're being the most childlike – wild, free, playful, and well, creative.

The creative aptitude couldn't care less about order, or rules, or details, or
even what's true. Like a child, it's just interested in having a good time.

In short, it's where great art, music, poetry, innovations and inventions, most
Congressional testimony, and nearly everything politicians say comes from.

2) The Accounting Aptitude: This is the "adult" – the old-timey Methodist

minister – who lives on the left side of your brain. It does not approve of play.
It frowns on frolic and is suspicious of anything that is not substantiated six
ways from sundown.

And it loves rules: Both making them and following them to the letter.

The accounting aptitude is the voice in your head that shouts down every
creative idea you've ever had. It points out the problems wrapped inside your
creative solutions. It is strict, self-disciplined, detail-oriented, and in some
folks, anal-retentive.

The test went on to explain that all of us have varying degrees of both
aptitudes. Nobody is 100% creative or 100% accounting.

Most kids under the age of six tend to be way to the right-hand side – the
creative side – of the aptitude scale. So are abstract artists, most Hollywood
actors and others who have lost all touch with reality.

Really good bean counters, proofreaders, compliance officers and most traffic
cops I've encountered in my colorful career as a motorist tend to be most of
the way to the left-hand side. They live their lives on the "just the facts,
ma'am" accounting end of the scale.

But most of us are somewhere in-between. A great songwriter like Elton John
or Paul McCartney, for example, needs to write both words and music.[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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The lyrics demand a tremendous amount of creativity, but also enough detail
orientation to get the rhyme, rhythm and spelling half-way right. The melodies
and harmonies are partly creative and partly directed by music theory – rules
which are, surprisingly, mathematical in nature.

Now here's the key: To function at peak efficiency, we each need to exercise
our creative aptitudes AND our accounting aptitudes on a regular basis.

When one of these two aptitudes is not getting enough exercise, it starts
jumping around, raising its hand and interrupting everything we're trying to do
with the other one.

Example: You're trying to proofread your copy for typos – a task in which your
meticulous, detail-oriented accounting aptitude is fully involved – but you
keep getting distracted. Your brain keeps feeding you creative ways to punch
up the subheads. Before you know it, you're not proofreading, you're editing!

The opposite happens when you've been working creatively in your copy for
some time: Your accounting aptitude gets jealous, jumps up and starts
shouting, doing its dead-level best to kill every germ of a creative idea you're
working with.

What's the solution?

Mix it up! In most cases, the copy projects you work on require the healthy
exercise of both aptitudes.

Research, organization, substantiation and documentation are largely done

on the left side of the brain.

Creating major themes, headlines and subheads, dimensionalizing benefits,

and crafting the prose itself require a hefty dose of right-brain work.

So here is what I do, I work on one type of task until I'm exhausted, then turn
to the other type.

The sales copy I delivered for a health newsletter last week required me to
spend four days reading five years of back issues – plus a half-dozen
premiums and scanning four or five books. And while I was doing all that
reading, I was also meticulously pasting material I thought I might use into
the appropriate places in my outline.

Although the material was very well written and entertaining, I was bored to
tears after the first day. So the next day, I turned to more creative tasks –
headlines, subheads, sidebar ideas and so forth. And the next day, with my
creative aptitude satisfied, I returned to studying the client's material.

What's that you say? You're creatively blocked and you don't have any detail-
oriented work to do?[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

Try this to humor the accountant inside you …

Jot down a list of, say 20 or 30 four-digit and five-digit numbers.

Add them up by hand.

Then divide by 7,329 and carry your answer out to the 21st decimal place.

Then, multiply that by Pi: 3.14159265

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, your accounting aptitude will be satisfied,

shut the heck up, and you'll be able to return to the creative task at hand.

In rare instances when this fails, my next tactic is to do some other detail-
oriented task for an hour. You could pay your bills, for example. Or work on
the household budget.

Don't have a detail-oriented task to do? Then disengage entirely. Mow the
lawn. Stack firewood. Work out. Hit the local bookstore for an hour. Then try

Does it always work for me? Not always. On extremely rare occasions, the
only solution is a good night's sleep …

From Issue #11:

Sidebar madness
21 Kinds of Sidebars And How to Use Each One
Let’s take a think about the kinds of sidebars that give you the best chances
of turning scanners into readers, and how they can help you get bigger
winners, more often …

Readership Sidebars are designed to sell the prospect on reading your

text, and generally fall into one of three categories …

1. Tables of Contents: Listings of the valuable information that is

revealed inside the promotion piece enlist the prospect’s self-interest.
These can be full-pagers (usually on page 2 of a magalog or tabloid)
or they can be a smaller box on the front cover, or consume the entire
back cover. The items listed in these tables of contents are generally
written as fascinations.

2. Pull-quotes: These boxes are typically about one-quarter page in

length and put an intriguing proposition … a compelling benefit … or
an emotional touchstone with the reader up in lights. I often include a
photo of the ersatz author speaking to the reader for added attention-
getting power and impact.

3. Teasers and Page-turners: Inserted at the bottom of a right-hand

page, these little gems “sell” the reader on turning the page by hinting
at the valuable information contained on the next spread. They can be[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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a simple statement or a mini table of contents.

Biography Sidebars are really a kind of “credibility device” used to

eliminate any doubt that the titular author of your sales copy knows what
he’s talking about. They attempt to lift your expert – and therefore your
sales message – head and shoulders above the competition, and often
take the form of a …

4. Curriculum Vitae: A true biography of the expert – his education,

accomplishments, awards, books he’s authored, major publications
who turn to him for insights and advice, industry groups that beg him
for pearls of wisdom at their conventions, and so on.

5. Case History: A narrative of an experience the expert has had that

demonstrates his wisdom, experience, commitment to his readers
and/or his prestige in his industry.

Proof Element Sidebars are used to present facts,

figures, charts, tables and other evidence that prove the absolute truth of
surprising statements in your text. These proof elements can relate to
your premise, your premium or your product. I tend to use them in three
ways …

6. To document the enormity of the problem: In a health package where

I’m trying to evoke concern over heart disease for example, I might
include a sidebar to present a chart showing how many Americans will
suffer a heart attack this year – and credit the American Heart
Association for the data.
In a financial package, I might use this kind of sidebar to document a
claim in the running copy that 80% of all mutual funds don’t keep up
with the S&P 500 – and credit The Wall Street Journal. Or I might use
a table listing the advisor’s most profitable trades. Or, maybe a line
chart showing soaring global demand for oil and plummeting supplies
– again, crediting an authoritative source.

7. To document the enormity of the opportunity: In promotions for the

financial markets, for example, “opportunity” sidebars might show how
similar stocks have soared in the past, suggesting that the expert’s
idea to purchase a particular type of stock is likely to produce the
same result in the future.

8. Demonstrate the wisdom of the client’s approach: This kind of

sidebar might be a chart or graph comparing the profits the expert has
earned to another indicator – the S&P 500, for example. Or, it might
compare the blood pressure of people who take a particular
supplement with those who don’t.
NOTE: In each of these examples and in many others in this article,
citing an outside source that is respected by your reader helps make
these kinds of sidebars work twice as hard for you.

Benefit Sidebars are really just like ads within my ad. Each of these
draws out one of the most compelling benefits that the product or[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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premium offers. More importantly, each is presented in a way that

connects with the prospect’s dominant resident emotions about:

9. Avoiding or resolving a problem: With this approach, I’d typically put

my prospect’s feelings about the subject at hand into words … validate
how he feels … empathize with him … and then show him how my
premium or product will resolve those dominant resident emotions.

10. Easing a fear: These kinds of sidebars tend to appear around the
middle of my sales message – after I’ve done everything I can to bring
every personal fear, concern or frustration he has about the subject at
hand bubbling to the surface. Once I’ve done that, I use these “fear
relief” sidebars to show him how my premium or product will free him
from those negative emotions and leave him feeling confident,
positive, excited.

11. Fulfilling a strong, long-held personal desire: If my main up-front

theme is a positive one – focused on one or more benefits that will
bring tremendous value to my prospect’s life, I use these “fulfillment”
sidebars to prove that my premium or product will, indeed deliver the
promised benefit.
NOTE: In these types of sidebars, adding a testimonial or even a
whole passel of them can help remove all doubt that you’re going to
deliver the goods. So can a reference to your iron-clad guarantee.

Credibility Sidebars are invaluable tools for convincing your prospect

that your expert’s view (no matter how radical), is valued by other experts
and that your premium and/or product will produce the promised benefit.

12. Customer testimonials: These can take the form of straight

testimonials, or narrative testimonials, and can appear singly to add
impact to each spread or be clumped together in big sidebars. I like to
do both.

13. Expert testimonials: Praise from peers and other experts whose
names are known – or whose titles are impressive and/or connect
them with respected institutions – establish the authority and credibility
of your expert and hence, everything he’s saying in your copy.

14. Media mentions and appearances: These demonstrate that your

client is important enough to have been noticed, quoted, or invited to
appear on major media outlets. At best, they’ll say something about
your client that reads like an endorsement, but the simple fact that
your client regularly appears on CNBC or Nightline or is quoted in The
Wall Street Journal makes him someone worth listening to.

Sales-Closing Sidebars generally appear in the final third of the sales

message, and are designed to remove the final roadblocks between the
prospect and your response device. I use seven of these kinds of
sidebars in just about every promotion I write …

15. Pull-Quotes: To allow the author to look the prospect in the eye and
deliver a compelling benefit or horrifying alternative and ask for the[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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16. Premium Ads: To ramp up the perceived value of the free gifts the
prospect will receive. Usually, these ads are a series of bulleted
fascinations – a “string of pearls” dimensionalizing the most valuable
information each premium will give him – and more importantly, the
value that information will bring to his life … and how he will feel about
all of the above.

17. Product Ads: To fully dimensionalize the value the product will bring
to the prospect’s life. These are typically written in much the same way
as my premium ads.

18. Value Sidebars: To demonstrate how mind-blowingly cheap the

product is relative to other things the prospect buys – designed to
make not ordering feel like the dumbest thing he could possibly do.

19. Risk Relief Sidebars: “Risk relief” is just a fancy-schmancy way of

saying “your guarantee.” But I make my guarantees go beyond simply
saying, “If you hate it, I’ll refund your money.” I use my guarantees to
reiterate the benefits I’m promising … to have my expert sign a
contract with the prospect, promising that he’ll deliver them … and to
demonstrate the author’s “money-where-his-mouth-is,” unwavering
confidence that the product will perform as advertised.

20. Contact Devices: Actually, these should appear in the header or

footer on every spread and contain a toll-free number the prospect can
call to order. I also like to break them out in sidebars to drive my
prospect to my response device page or to his telephone.

21. Action Devices: Often imbedded in other sidebars, sometimes stand-

alones, they urge the prospect to order now – either by calling a Toll-
Free number or turning to the order form page.

From Issue #15:

Scary Legal Issues You Need to Know About
When someone suggests that direct response marketing is a sleazy
business, I have to resist the urge to slap 'em. In fact, the only reason I don't
brain these cynics is that I, for one, find physical abuse of the mentally
retarded morally reprehensible.

The God's truth is, the vast majority of the companies in this industry – and
certainly every client I have ever had a long-term relationship with – provide
quality products at fair prices and in doing so, bring tremendous value to their
customers' lives.

Yes, there are some bad apples:

Insurance sharks that push children's burial insurance policies to guilt-

ridden parents and whole-life policies to addled seniors …[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

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Bankers who sell "low-interest" credit cards that whack you for up to 30%
the second you're even one day late paying ANY bill …

Drug company fat cats who send lavish mailers to doctors touting stuff
they know will kill thousands just to make a quick buck (Thalidomide,
Tambocor, Fen-Phen & Redux and Vioxx) …

"Natural" quacks who claim their non-prescription remedies will make you
skinny, erase your bald spot and make your wilting willy snap to attention

Congressional candidates and other politicians who fill your mailbox with
fundraising appeals promising you the world if you'll only donate and vote
– but never deliver (Why can't you ever find an FTC cop when you
REALLY need one???) …

Every one of these scam artists should be rounded up … liberally doused

with Chanel No. 5 … shoved into a very small cell with a very large, very
lonely Bubba … and have the door locked behind him.

And it should be done NOW – before he sullies the reputation of honest

direct response companies any further, and certainly before he has the
chance to reproduce!

But the fact is, these kinds of shameless swindlers represent only a tiny
minority of the massive direct marketing community. And to those of us in the
biz, it's easy to avoid them.

Anyone with an IQ as large as my shoe size (I wear size 11 – and according

to the psychiatric textbooks, an IQ of 11 is about one-fifth of what you need to
be officially classified a "Moron" and well within the official "Idiot" range) – can
see them coming.

Their slick silk suits, greasy hair, implausible promises, shoddy products,
outrageous prices and Congressional imprimaturs are a dead give-away.

Beyond avoiding these obvious scoundrels, I also follow three "Golden

Rules" when working with clients …

Golden Rule #1
Lie down with dogs and you'll get up with fleas:
Never agree to partner with or promote products
sold by people you know to be less than honest.

Golden Rule #2
Never promote products you suspect
could be defective or dangerous:
Avoid things you wouldn't want your mom or dad,
your significant other, or your kids or grandkids
paying for and using (Attention, Merck and Pfizer execs!).[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

Golden Rule #3
Never, ever lie:
Say only what you are convinced is true – and have substantiation to back it

More legal stuff you need to know

It would be wonderful if avoiding legal entanglements was as easy as

following my 3 simple "Golden Rules." Unfortunately, in today's highly
regulated, lawsuit-crazy world, it is not.

So here's some more great advice designed to help save you a bundle and,
hopefully, keep you out of hot water …

1. Memorize everything you see at – the U.S. Federal

Trade Commission's (FTC) home on the World Wide Web.

The FTC is the arm of the U.S. government that sets the rules for all
advertising, marketing and sales conducted in this country. In my experience
anyway, they're a pretty decent and reasonable bunch of guys and gals. They
just want everybody – consumers and businesses alike – to get a fair shake.

They know that for the U.S. economy to be successful, consumers need to
have a level of confidence in the advertising and marketing messages we
send to them.

And, the FTC also knows that it's important to protect consumers from
ALMOST all of the scammers and scoundrels named above (I'll let you guess
the only kind of swindler on the above list that even the FTC leaves alone!
Hint: They're both headquartered in Washington D.C.).

And on balance, they also know that advertisers and marketers need to
employ animated sales copy, (they seem more concerned with content than
tone), to produce effective sales campaigns.

For the most part, the FTC wants to make sure that you follow my 3 "Golden
Rules" above. If you do, you'll be miles ahead of the game – but you will NOT
be home free.

There are other little wrinkles you need to be aware of – like the thing some
folks call the "reasonable person" rule – and it goes beyond merely insisting
that you tell the truth.

In a nutshell, it says that nothing in your sales message should – whether by

omission of key facts or by the presentation of supposed product benefits –
deceive, mislead or leave a reasonable prospect with a false impression.

In FTC parlance, ads that mislead are "deceptive" and in the FTC's own
words, certain elements undergird all deception cases …

"First, there must be a representation, omission or practice that is likely to[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

mislead the consumer.

"Practices that have been found misleading or deceptive in specific cases

include false oral or written representations, misleading price claims, sales of
hazardous or systematically defective products or services without adequate
disclosure, failure to disclose information regarding pyramid sales, use of bait
and switch techniques, failure to perform promised services, and failure to
meet warranty obligations.”

"Second, we examine the practice from the perspective of a consumer acting

reasonably in the circumstances. If the representation or practice affects or is
directed primarily to a particular group, the Commission examines
reasonableness from the perspective of that group.

"Third, the representation, omission, or practice must be a "material" one.

The basic question is whether the act or practice is likely to affect the
consumer's conduct or decision with regard to a product or service.

"If so, the practice is material, and consumer injury is likely, because
consumers are likely to have chosen differently, but for the deception. In
many instances, materiality, and hence injury, can be presumed from the
nature of the practice. In other instances, evidence of materiality may be
necessary." –

In Plain English, I'm pretty sure that means as a business owner, marketing
exec or copywriter, you are required to do more than simply tell the objective
truth. You must also avoid giving your prospect a false impression about your
product by omitting or failing to mention a key fact about it.

Unless you have a secret desire to spend a few years honeymooning with
Bubba, I strongly recommend that you spend a few hours at:

That's where the FTC keeps its "Plain English" guides for advertisers and
marketers. I suggest you commit them to memory.
I also recommend that my clients have sales copy reviewed by an attorney
who is steeped in FTC regulations and who stays current with the actions
being taken against other marketers.

2. If another regulatory agency has jurisdiction over the clients you

serve or the products you sell, study their regulations carefully! While
the FTC watches advertisers and marketers in nearly every industry, some
types of businesses are also governed by their own sets of regulators.

If you or your client is selling stocks, mutual funds and other kinds of
securities investments, for example, you'll need to understand the ground
rules set out by the Securities & Exchange Commission (
as well as the National Association of Securities Dealers

If you're involved in the selling of commodity futures or futures options, you[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

need to study the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's site at :

And, if you sell nutritional supplements, you should study

for guidance in preparing your advertising and marketing materials.

If you don't know which agency regulates the industry you're working with,
you can check out the list at the U.S. government's web portal:

3. Keep your legal antennae tuned! It would be nice if the laws and
regulations governing the advertising and marketing of products and services
were black & white and carved in stone. Unfortunately, they are not – so it is
absolutely crucial to make sure an attorney reviews sales copy before it is
mailed and keeps you on top of both current and possible future shifts in the
legal landscape.

Many years ago, for example, the SEC hauled a guy named Chris Lowe up
on charges. He wasn't selling regulated securities – just publishing a monthly
investment advisory newsletter. Each month, he merely offered his opinion as
to what the stock market would do next, and made a few recommendations.

The way Chris saw it, sharing his opinions and recommendations was
protected speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And
so, Chris happily, even blissfully ignored the SEC's prohibitions against using
testimonials, his track record and other credibility devices when promoting his

Then, in a startling display of brilliant business judgment, Chris hired me to

write a promotion package for him. I did, and then sent him my invoice for, as
I remember, around $10,000.

The check bounced. Then, it bounced again. And again. So I got Chris on the
line and said, "Golly gee, Chris, what the heck's going on here?" – or words
to that effect.

Seems the SEC had not appreciated being ignored … had promptly shut
down Chris' little publishing operation … hauled him up on charges … seized
his bank account – and left me holding the bag for ten grand plus about
$3,000 in bounced check charges. My first and only promotion for Chris Lowe
never went very far: It didn't even make it into graphics – let alone into the

Chris, on the other hand, did go far – all the way to the Supreme Court. I
once paid an SEC attorney $300 an hour to help me understand what
happened next. According to him, the learned arguments went something like

CHRIS: "You can't do this to me – I'm operating under the First Amendment
here."[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

SEC: "Are not."

CHRIS: "Am too!"

SEC: "Are not!"


SEC: "Damn!"

And so, ever since the famous "Lowe Decision," marketers of investment and
financial information products have been pretty much free to operate under
the far more liberal FTC guidelines ("Don't lie, cheat, steal or mislead")
instead of worrying about the SEC's prohibition on the use of testimonials,
track record and other crucial selling tools.

Nevertheless, the SEC or CFTC still take a run at a financial publisher every
few years, trying to expand their jurisdiction and powers. So if you're writing
for financial publishers, it's important to pay attention. The rules could

Something similar happened with the FDA not too long ago. While allowing
big drug companies to get away with murder – literally – the agency had
taken to kicking down doors at the offices of doctors who prescribed

In the case of one doctor – a Harvard-educated M.D. named Jonathon Wright

– FDA enforcers reportedly held nurses and patients at gunpoint while they
confiscated his supply of vitamin B12, his medical files and computers,
effectively putting him out of business.

And so in 1995, FDA regulators found themselves at the center of

Congressional Hearings on FDA abuses, held by Congressman John Dingel
(R-TX). The FDA boys got spanked pretty good and behaved themselves for
a while. But like the SEC, the agency has not abandoned the quest to
expand its power.

Most recently for example, the FDA endorsed something called the Codex
Alimentarius (Latin for "nutrition code") established by the World Health
Organization (WHO).

Should CODEX become the law of the land in the U.S., all the rules about
marketing supplements would change radically:

It would be illegal to sell a vitamin, mineral, herb, or other nutritional

product to help consumers avoid future health problems …

It would be a crime to sell supplements that exceed potency (dosage)

levels set by WHO …[11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

It would be against the law to market any new dietary supplement before it
has passed through the CODEX approval process.

So again – keep your ear to the ground: The rules for marketing supplement
products are constantly changing – and when they do, you do NOT want to
be the last one to know!

4. Why experiment on animals when there are so many LAWYERS?!

While following the 3 Golden Rules … getting a grasp on pertinent
regulations … insisting on a legal review of sales copy … and staying on top
of any changes are crucial, you're still not home free.

Problem is, according to the American Bar Association, there are now more
than ONE MILLION lawyers in the U.S. alone – about one for every 218
adults in America.

It only feels like most of them are in Congress or working for regulatory
agencies. In fact, far more work in the private sector – and of these, hundreds
of thousands are just praying you'll screw up.

According to the American Tort Reform Association, lawyers wrangle about

one-quarter of a trillion dollars out of the legal system every single year. And
according to the U.S. House of Representatives, lawyers – not their clients –
get 33% of that.

That's … let's see … carry the "1" … a whopping $81 BILLION per year:
Enough to send a check for $81,180 to each and every lawyer in the country!

No wonder America has gone lawsuit happy!

The fact is, anyone can sue you at any time and for any reason. And even if
you win, the suit is going to cost you tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

Business owners can buy insurance for this kind of thing – and most probably
should. If you're a copywriter or a marketing consultant, consider adding the
following to your contracts:

1. A clause that says your client takes full responsibility for determining the
accuracy, legality and regulatory compliance of all statements in the copy
before it is used …

2. A "Hold Harmless" clause that says if your client is sued for any reason,
he can't turn around and sue YOU, and …

3. An "Indemnification" clause that says if YOU are named as a party in any

regulatory or legal action against your client, he will reimburse you for any
legal fees or awards assessed against you.

Hope this helps![11/29/2012 7:41:39 PM]

A Year of Living Dangerously |

Next Monday is the first Monday of a brand new year for us – we’re doing our
dead-level best to make the next issue of The Total Package our best ever.
Do NOT miss it!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

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with direct response scholar

and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES Search

Posted on August 14, 2006 by Clayton Makepeace

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We’re still here…
Time for a Change
In this issue: Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
How a new copywriter wrapped up a fat cat client (ME!) with just two
you should know …
quick phone calls … Do You Believe?

The single most powerful response-boosting secret in any

successful promotion …

How people-watching can make you rich …

The unparalleled power of writing to the whole brain …

How trying to be creative can kill great sales copy – what to do

instead …

The #1 blunder new copywriters make that sentences you to blank

page block – and how to blast through and write better copy
faster …

The two most common mistakes made in financial promos today …

How to give your headlines an “unfair” advantage over the

competition’s …

How “writing in layers” can multiply your response rates …

And much, MUCH MORE!

Dear Business-Builder,

Greetings,[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

I’ve got some great stuff for you in this issue – a candid interview with a
young man who has knocked my socks off, and who’s about to make you
some serious money, AND the most exciting announcement I’ve ever had the
pleasure to make in this e-letter!

We’re talking to Anthony Flores – and for my money, he’s one of the two
greatest students of direct response copy I’ve ever met.

In fact, Anthony impressed me so much, I hired him – both as a copy cub and
to help me bring you an exciting new tool for writing better copy faster and
getting bigger winners more often!

I can’t tell you how thrilled we are to have Tony’s incredible research skills on
our team — skills he honed while attending Stanford University (one of his
good friends even dated Chelsea Clinton; but we won’t hold that against

After college, Tony’s business savvy, marketing wisdom and sales copy
helped double a friend’s natural health company in 2004 and then doubled it
again in 2005 to nearly $3 million in sales. That’s when copywriting legend
(and notoriously tough critic) John Carlton praised his writing as “damn

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend an hour picking Tony’s brain …

getting the secrets he’s used to become a highly paid copywriter virtually
overnight … and his ideas for ramping up your response …

Clayton: Why don’t we begin by having you tell me a little bit

about your background?

Tony: Okay. Well, I’m the oldest of four kids. I was born and
raised in Southern California. I went to Catholic School
and private school pretty much all my life. In High
School I went to a really intense, all boys school, run
by Jesuits and it was a good experience.

There were certain things missing, like girls, but it was

very, very intense academically. I focused a lot on
learning and from there, not only did I get a good
education but that helped me get into Stanford as well.
In a lot of ways it was more difficult than Stanford
when I got in.

Once in College, I realized I didn’t have quite the

same focus or direction. In High School I knew exactly
what I was aiming for but in College, I didn’t.

So I ended up getting more interested in tennis and[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

school became kind of secondary. But that was also a

very good experience; it prepared me for getting into
marketing. The Tennis Coach, Dick Gould, he was
really a master of persuasion. He raised millions and
millions of dollars for the tennis program and he just
understood selling at a deep level.

He actually sent out some letters but a lot of it was

face to face; he was just a great, natural salesman in a
lot of ways. In that experience I really got to see what
it was like to network and persuade people and to
raise money and that whole thing. So I learned a lot.

After College, not knowing exactly what I wanted to

do, I kind of just hung out and dabbled for a year or
two. I got interested in health and started to work for
some natural health companies and learn more about
that industry.

One of the companies I worked for had some Jay

Abraham books. I started reading those and got really
interested in what he was saying, partly because I was
involved in a lot of the nitty gritty of day-to-day of

Jay was saying some revolutionary sounding things,

things that I now know are very common Direct
Marketing principles. But the first time you hear them,
they sound extremely revolutionary.

So I was definitely impressed by all of Jay Abraham’s

stuff. I just got more and more into his work and
eventually I heard about – I got more fully immersed in
Direct Marketing because he kind of spins off into
Claude Hopkins and to copywriting and all the other
guys, too.

Clayton: Had you done any sales work? When I was a kid I
sent off for this greeting card thing in the back of a
comic book.

I sold greeting cards door to door when I was ten

years old. (Laughter) Ever do any stuff like that coming
up, anything to indicate that you’d have an interest in

Tony: Not too much. Although, in College I actually did one

thing that was very interesting for the Stanford Fund.
My job was to cold call and ask Alumni to contribute
money. It was a fairly intense sales experience.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

They did their best to make it fun and to help you deal
with the rejection that you would get the vast majority
of the time. And they would post some really, really
funny quotes on the wall to relieve the tension a bit.

Like some people would say, “Yeah, I already give

money to the College every month, it’s called Student
Loans.” (Laughter) That was the closest I think I’ve
done to Direct Selling.

Clayton: So you had the opportunity to handle objections —


Tony: I did.

Clayton: That’s great. At the supplement company, you were

saying that there were only two of you really working
there but you doubled sales?

Tony: Yeah, exactly. In 2004 sales doubled, and then in

2005 they doubled again to almost $3 million.

Clayton: Did you do any sales copy during that period time or
was it mostly telephone work or what?

Tony: Yeah, a lot of it was telephone work but I did do some

sales copy. One of our clients, actually our biggest
client, had a huge on-line following and we supplied
him with materials.

I began offering him sales copy to sell our stuff on his

site. It was a good experience for me because I got to
see everything with real money on the line, I got to test
things live and see how I was doing.

Some of the initial results were surprising. Just from a

few of the first letters that I wrote for them, some of
them were close to 50% response rates. Several of
the early letters brought in hundreds of thousands of
dollars in a fairly short period of time.

I relate that experience to – you know how in David

Ogilvy’s book, he has the chapter where he describes
Direct Marketing? He says that one of the things that
hooked him on Direct Response Marketing was when
he was a kid and he had to sell people coming into a
Bed and Breakfast.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

So he wrote a letter and it was completely sold out in a

really fast time. The last sentence he had in this
section was like, “I had tasted blood.” (Laughter)

And that’s how it felt to me. I had this experience of

seeing all this money coming in from sales copy that
wouldn’t have normally come in. It made me realize
how powerful it was and that I might have a good
future in it.

Clayton: It can be addictive. It sounds like you just kind of fell

into this. It’s been kind of a happy accident that you
found the vitamin company that you worked with and
you’ve progressed since then. You called me – I think
we first met back in March right?

Tony: Yes.

Clayton: And you came to me with a great idea for a newsletter

by pointing out a weakness that I had in The Total
Package; the on-line e-zine. Why don’t you tell us a
little bit about that?

Tony: Okay. Well, right after kind of finding out about Jay, I
went through every copywriting book and course I
could get my hands on. All my extra time and money
was going into that process.

From reading the classics, like Claude Hopkins and all

those people to AWAI to a lot of the major players in
this industry.

When you came out, I was just so impressed with the

quality and the content and just everything about it. I
was hooked into reading the newsletter every week.

But I also started to realize, with many of the secrets

you were teaching, I didn’t know quite how to use the
material in my own writing; especially the emotional

There’s a lot of things that you teach that are

extremely high level but it’s not quite so apparent how
to use them. I kind of had this feeling like if I’m
experiencing this with all the work I’ve done, all the
courses I’ve taken and the time and energy that I’ve
put into it this process—then there’s probably a lot of
other people like me.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

That’s when I came to you with the idea and I said,

“Hey, look, this has been my experience. You’ve got a
great service but I think that we can bring them more.
Here’s what I think I can do; this is the role that I think I
can play in it.”

It actually taught me a really powerful lesson about

persuasion and working with people. Because – and
you probably don’t even remember – I actually
emailed you first last year.

We first talked about this specific project in March or

February; but I tried to send you some stuff the
previous year and I never got a response from you. I
had Fed Ex’d you some of my materials but it was
basically very “me” centered. It was based on trying to
get you to help me become a copy cub and become a
better writer.

So that’s the lesson here. Most business people are

way too busy to care about your desires and goals.
On the other hand, the prospect cares about himself,
he doesn’t care about you or your company or what
you want to do.

The second time I approached you, and I don’t think I

did it consciously, I just made it all about you. I
focused on what I could offer you, what I could bring
to the table for you, how I could help you and it made
a huge difference in your response.

And I think that’s worth noticing for anybody who’s

looking to work with somebody important in this
industry. Rather than think of yourself or what you’re
trying to get out of the situation, really focus on what
you can offer and what you can deliver. Doing that, I
think you’re chances of getting through are a lot

Clayton: Yeah, well when you came to me the second time you
pointed out that we were missing the visual element
and actually showing the application with the
principles that I was teaching. It was something that I
was keenly aware of. You anticipated a need and then
came up with a solution.

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed about working

with you is that you are a solutions guy. There are a lot
of people who end up focusing and obsessing on a[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

problem and kind of take a negative tact – you could of

very easily said, “Well, this guy’s stuff is just – I don’t
know what he’s talking about”, and cancelled your
subscription. (Laughter)

But instead you came up with a brilliant solution and

that solution is now The Screaming Eagle™ monthly
print newsletter, which is twelve pages of intense
content and the Ride Along that shows actual
application of these principles in action. I think it’s
going to be a great help to a lot of people.

Tony: Thank you. It’s exciting to me because I think it’s a

way of helping a lot of people who have been in the
same shoes that I’ve been in. So to help them kind of
go through the process that I’ve gone through all your
controls, looking at other promotions and then really
making that connection.

I think it’s priceless knowledge.

Clayton: In addition to the fact that you’re, arguably, one of the

very top scholars of Direct Marketing and Copywriting
that I’ve met; I would put you and Daniel Levis in a
class of your own in terms of your grasp of the
principles and what the masters taught.

In addition, I got a very pleasant surprise when you

wrote some promotional copy for me. It was very
strong. Now I see an awful lot of sample copy by
beginning copywriters or younger copywriters that
doesn’t grab me. And yet I saw yours and thought,
“Wow, this guy, he’s already there.”

So, how did you get there so quickly?

Tony: Well, thank you first of all. I think I’ve really immersed
myself pretty heavily with everything I could get my
hands on.

One of the things that I’ve enjoyed about copywriting

is something I learned directly from you. It’s that
there’s really two sides to it – just like when you had
an issue in The Total Package on the brain and how
there’s the right brain and there’s the left brain. I’ve
generally been a person that likes to appeal to both
sides; the mathematical, linear, logical side and then
also the creative side.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

That’s one of the things that I’ve tried to emulate in

watching you. I think one of your biggest secrets is
that you put tremendous energy into coming up with
the powerful logical, unquestionable argument that
becomes the outline and foundation for your copy.

And then you also put a huge emphasis on that strong

emotional angle that’s really gonna hook people and
make it awfully hard for them to look away. The thing
that ultimately makes it an impulse sale.

So I’ve worked very actively to get good at putting

both of those sides together. I’ve looked to work both
sides into everything that I do. And I think you’re one
of the first people to really – I know everybody
mentions emotions – but I think you’re one of the
people that’s really given everyone practical tools for
harnessing more emotional power into their sales

That’s one of the things I knew, coming from benefit-

centered approaches like AWAI, that I had to work on

When I came into you, I realized that this emotional

side of copywriting that that’s really where selling is;
that’s what makes the biggest difference in results.
And it’s not even just in direct response copywriting;
it’s in all the industries, all the movies and books, and
promotions selling anything.

So, getting that from you and then really working hard
to put those lessons to work helped me progress

Clayton: Well I think that’s really what it’s all about. There are a
lot of great copywriters who don’t really think that
much about prospect’s emotions but are so good at
presenting benefits up front in a compelling way and a
credible way, that they invoke those emotions almost
by accident.

But early on in my career I was working, like you did

for a while, in fundraising — and I realized that in that
situation, emotion was all I had; I didn’t have a product
to sell. It was a very natural progression for me.

So tell me how has copywriting changed your life?

Tony: It has in a lot of ways. Besides the freedom and the[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

money I can say I enjoy my day a lot more. I get to

work – I’m a morning person so I get to work a lot in
the morning. And then a lot of times it allows me to
take a break in the afternoon and then work again at

Then there are the wonderful people I get to work

with, people like you. It’s allowed me to kind of live out
my dreams and to really design my life a lot more than
if I were working in a normal job or a normal 9 to 5

Another thing that I think is unusual—and I thought

about this in reading your interview with Daniel Levis
—is that, I think copywriting has actually helped me
understand human nature a lot better.

That’s just an extremely valuable skill. Daniel’s whole

thing is really brilliant. It’s like copywriting kind of
forces you to get a direct behavioral understanding of

So many people base their decisions, feelings and

overall thinking on how they want people to act or how
they believe people might act. But as a copywriter, you
have to learn to address basic principles of human
behavior that always work.

If you don’t throw out your personal opinions, your

results are definitely going to show it. So copywriting
has taught me to study and then consider the realities
of human nature as I approach my prospect – and as I
live my life. That’s a big secret to persuasion, success
and overall happiness.

Clayton: I’m constantly people watching, even when I’m

watching television. If I’m seeing a news event, for
example, I’m trying to figure out what’s going on inside
their heads. What are they thinking?

I think you’re absolutely right and Daniel’s right about

human nature being the key here.

I’m not sure what comes first though, the chicken or

the egg. Whether we’re good copywriters because we
love to see what makes people tick or if we like to do
this kind of voyeuristic people watching because we’re

I think, in my case, it’s just a natural curiosity about[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

other people’s experience in life and their fears and

desires and frustrations.

Tony: Yeah, absolutely. I’ve seen you do this in The Total

Package a lot: You look at people like Rush Limbaugh
and try to figure out what made them successful. Then
that really helps you get leverage and get some
insight that you can use in your own promotions and
increase your own results.

Just the other day, the movie Superman came out.

The score was written by John Williams, who’s also
done the music for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, ET, all
these huge movies.

I couldn’t help thinking, “Wow, this guy is a multi,

multi-, multi-millionaire.” And I began wondering,
“What’s made this guy so successful?”

The answer is obvious: Williams knows how to

compose music that captures like the full emotional
impact of those movies.

That’s an incredibly valuable skill, something very

applicable to writing copy. Being able to evoke
feelings people want to experience is worth its weight
in gold.

Clayton: Absolutely. And we’re not just talking about fear and
greed, here. There are certain unspoken feelings that
everybody has; and they include all our insecurities
and fears.

I think you can pretty much improve any piece of copy

by recognizing that those feelings are not unique to
us. If we’re having them, chances are everyone else—
including our prospect—is having them as well. And if
you speak to them, your readership will soar.

So what are the two or three lessons you’ve learned

about persuasion in print that have had the greatest
impact on you?

Tony: The first thing is to always offer people what they

want. It’s simple but people so rarely do it.

My first attempt to get through to you didn’t even

register because I wasn’t offering you what you
wanted. The second time, I offered you something that[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

you wanted, needed and were looking for. That made

it successful.

Many writers make this same mistake. It’s natural —

and a lot of times we haven’t acquired like the
discipline as a copywriter and as a marketer to prevent
our own desires and needs from conflicting with the

So really seeing that maximum success of any piece

of copy is all about the prospect’s wants is huge.

The second thing is to forget about creativity. I know

that’s gonna sound weird but I mean to at least forget
about creativity in the normal sense.

I remember Gene Schwartz, once said, “The word

creative implies taking nothing and making something,
like God does. We’re humans, we can’t do that, so
instead we’ve got to be connective.”

Gene was talking about being able to connect two

things in a unique way, in a way that hasn’t really been
done before.

I think being connective is one of the single most

valuable skills that you could ever acquire as a

I’ve seen writers who can do this, have tons of

success very, very quickly. If you can really go through
a lot of controls mailings and be able to mentally
categorize them and understand the context, it’s huge.

You don’t even have to do this mentally if you have

your Swipe File really well organized. Anytime you
come into a new situation that’s somewhat similar to a
previous one, you’re able to make the connection
between them. That lets you borrow ideas, themes
and concepts that have worked well in previous areas
or in previous promotions.

You’re truly just being connective, seeing something

that worked and then making that connection to your
present situation.

And it doesn’t just work with other controls or other

copy, it works for creative breakthroughs in entire
industries. I think this one of the reasons why Jay
Abraham is heralded as being one of the most
creative people in the whole industry.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

He’s able to take these direct response principles and

go into a new company and make connections that the
people within the companies can’t see. Things that
other marketing consultants can’t necessarily see.

Clayton: You’re absolutely right. Having a good memory for

copy, too, I think is important. I constantly remember
words and phrases that had an impact on me a
decade or more ago and sometimes it’s just a line from
a movie or sometimes it’s maybe a piece of sales copy
I saw.

But the argument resonated enough with me that it got

filed away and making those connections with work
I’m doing now is absolutely essential.

And you’re right about Jay, he has core concepts that

he can connect to just about every company out there
and offer excellent chance at quantum growth by
doing that. And one of the things he’s most famous for
is taking things from one industry and applying them to

Tony: Absolutely.

Clayton: I’ve known Jay since 1972 or 73 – and I still talk to him
on the phone about every other week. He’s spawned
a whole lot of copycats who have taken his principles
and have started teaching them now, too. Many of
them taking credit for them but Jay’s the original.

What mental processes do you go through when

you’re starting work on a promotion?

Tony: Well, I think because I don’t have decades of

experience like you do, I had to develop a system for
shortcutting that issue. And basically it’s in line with
what I said about connectivity.

I’ll look at what I’m selling and then I’ll go into my

Swipe File, which is growing every week. I’ll look for
things in my swipe file that are kind of similar.

If I’m selling a supplement or if I’m selling a specific

service, I’ll look and see if I can find any similarities
from promotions that have been successful in the past.
I’ll start to get ideas, selling angles and it’ll also help
me get in line with the real benefits. This gives me a[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

really quick glimpse of what I should be focusing on

and what I shouldn’t be.

I remember in your interview with Gary Bencivenga,

he said something similar about his early days. One of
the senior writers he was working with said, “Every
time you start an assignment, I want you to go into the
file, look at what is working and then only do that

“And then also,” he said, “I want you to look at this

other file where nothing’s worked and I want you to
avoid doing any of that stuff.”

The next thing is to just start assembling the copy.

Don’t get too caught up in trying to make claims or to
make promises or create headlines or do any of that
stuff right off the bat.

Just start assembling the different parts of the copy.

Simply work on whatever component you can, get it
onto the page and then just start ordering things and
filling in the gaps.

I think trying to make the big headlines, big promises

and everything work right away is one of the things
beginners find especially challenging.

But you’re just not in a position to do that early in the

process. So really immersing yourself and just starting
to get involved with the material and starting to
assemble and order it, to put it into some kind of
pattern or sequence and see how it all fits together, is
a huge relief.

It accelerates the process and I think it helps improve

the quality of the copy.

Clayton: And that gets into what I’ve written about so often,
about how your brain works.

You’ll be working on a headline, like I’m doing right

now – I have three new headline test panels I have to
do for a particular package and it’s just not coming.
The ideas just aren’t there for me. And so switching off
and doing something that’s more detail-oriented, using
the accounting “left brain” for a while will make the

I know that when I return to the headlines, the ideas[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

that I’ve been really searching for and knocking my

head against the wall to try to come up with will be
there for me.

It’s just a matter of being sensitive to which part of

your brain is active today and doing those tasks. So
you’re never forcing yourself to come up with a
headline or great opening copy when you’re
accounting aptitude is more active. Or slogging
through 200 pages of testimonials when you’re
creative aptitude is saying, “I want to write some

That gets back to human nature, too. Because when

you’re talking about understanding human nature,
understanding your own nature is critical.
Understanding under what circumstances you do your
best work.

I found out early on that working for an hour then

taking 20 minutes off to do something completely not
work related at all, was a big help for me and sped up
the process of writing immeasurably.

It’s kind of counterintuitive because you think taking all

those 20 minute breaks during the day would really
slow you down but it actually did the opposite for me.

Tony: Yeah, I found that same experience to be true. One of

the things that I think helped me – in that same lecture
that I mentioned by Gene, he took out a little timer and
he has it set for like 33 minutes and 33 seconds.

He recommends you go through that time and then

you take five minutes off. And then you go back and
you do the 33 minutes, continuing the process. Gene’s
rationale was similar to what you were just explaining
about the headlines.

It’s that when you’re working actively you’re actually

not creating. You’re creating through your
subconscious, when your mind isn’t working directly
on the project. So a lot of times, like you were saying,
when you take that break or go somewhere else or
you do some other kind of work, all the sudden the
idea pops up that you’re looking for.

That’s why it’s works for me, you and a lot of other
writers to have multiple projects going all the time.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

You immerse yourself and you get involved in one

project and you really kind of let that material go into
your subconscious. Then, you jump to the next one
and then all the sudden when you’re on that next
project, you’ll have ideas for the previous project.

They pop up because your mind has had a break from

it and was able to start creating – or ‘connecting’ at a
subconscious level.

Clayton: Absolutely. So you’re spending most of your time

these days going through direct mail pieces and Web
promotions and identifying the techniques in them that
have been proven to work well over many years for
our new Screaming Eagle™ newsletter. How’s that
going for you?

Tony: (Laughter) It’s going really well; I’m enjoying the

process. If I didn’t enjoy it, I wouldn’t be able to do it
because it is a lot of work. It’s a lot of reading everyday
and it’s a lot of intense thinking. But it’s so illuminating,
I’m just seeing incredible keys to making good copy
work well.

I’ve had the good fortune of learning very quickly, and

I’ve been able to see myself at different stages in such
dramatically different ways.

I’m seeing so much more of how the elements work

together. It’s like I’ve got x-ray vision now and I’m able
to say, “Okay, wow, this is the argument behind this
copy, this is really strong” or “Look at how this
credibility element is helping here” or “These are the
emotions that are at work.” I’m just seeing all the little
details that go into these promotions. It’s a huge help
and it’s turned on a lot of light bulbs in my head.

I think one of the things I’ve realized too, is that in any

area of life, in any skill especially, the finer your level
of perception, the more details that you can see and
understand, the better you are.

If you think about an athlete, they just know, like Kobe

Bryant or a great tennis player or a great golfer, they
know all the little nuances of everything related to
what they’re doing. They see things at such a fine level
of detail and that’s just a sign of somebody who’s a
master at their craft.

Top copywriters are very similar. If you, Clayton, were[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

to look at a piece of copy, you see all the little pieces

and elements, how everything’s working together. And
you see it a lot more vividly than somebody who
doesn’t have a lot of experience or doesn’t have a lot
of skill.

That’s why the process that I’m going through for The
Screaming Eagle™ is so valuable to me and to
anybody who wants to get better. It helps illuminate
and it gives you that crystal clear vision of all the
different little components. It just can’t help but make
you a much better writer and a much better marketer.

Clayton: Are you finding many promotions that you feel are
very weak or could be dramatically improved or are
most of the promotions you’re seeing in the mail right
now pretty good?

Tony: That’s an interesting question. I got a disk from Wendy

the other day with almost a decade worth of financial
promotions, and I spent hours and hours one day just
scanning through them. And one of the things I
noticed, especially in the financial industry, is a lot of
the headlines just started to blend together after a

It was a definite contrast between a lot of the

headlines that I’ve seen from you, the more emotional
ones like “The Seven Horsemen of the Coming Stock
Market Apocalypse” or “Shameless Two-Faced
SOBs”, the ones that didn’t necessarily have a huge
benefit in the headline but just really grabbed my

Whereas many of these other ones I was seeing had

headlines like, “Grow 512% Richer in the Next Gold
Boom” and I started to see the same thing over and
over again.

I imagined being a prospect in that market and getting

hit with the same claims in the mail over and over and
over and over again, eventually I know I’d become

Everybody’s making the same claim, and prospects

don’t have the time for “more of the same”.

That’s also why your dominant emotion promotions

were so huge in a lot of ways, they seemed totally
different.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

In terms of body copy, I’m also seeing that many

promotions don’t have quite as much momentum as
those written by people like you or Arthur Johnson.
Actually most of the other controls that are out in the
mail right now aren’t written quite as forcefully or as
fast moving.

A lot of momentum comes from the headline. That’s

what usually separates the “A” writers from “B” writers:
“A” writers just demand that their headline be different
and be strong.

It’s not that it works 100% of the time or that they hit
winners every time. But having that intention and that
demand really increases the odds that they’ll stand out
and bring more momentum into their overall copy.

Clayton: There’s something organic that happens, too, if you’re

in the mail a lot.

For the last year I’ve been focusing like 90% of my

efforts on the health industry and I have a client who’s
mailing in the millions every month. That gives us the
opportunity, every single month, to test headlines.

So with three or four or five test panels available every

single month, I’m able to try some stuff that I would
never be able to try if it was the first mailing of a new
package for example. That intelligence you get back
from the market is really valuable. Especially as you
go about the process of trying to knock off a control or
establish a control for the first time.

At any given time I may have 10 or 15 or 20 headline

tests in the mail and I’m getting updated data on those
tests on a weekly basis.

I see headlines that generate high readership but

actually lower my average sale. Everything else in the
package is identical but there could be a measure of
disappointment, for example, if the headline over
promises and the copy under delivers on that promise.

In other cases – I’ve got one now where I was sure the
headline would increase the response rate by 20-30%
and it didn’t, but the average sale has jumped almost
30%. And so I went from an ROI of 110% to over
140%.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

Right now, I’ve got some headline panels out there

that nobody would even suspect were written by a
direct response copywriter — and that’s by design.

I’m looking for the people who have received this

promotion many times in the past and not responded
to it and I’m looking for other promises and other ways
to get their attention on the package. So just having
that wealth of information is an extremely valuable

In the body copy, I think there’s a lack of

understanding among a lot of younger copywriters that
the purpose of this thing is persuasion.

That means that you need to persuade the reader of

your credibility and of your point of view — and the
thing that I see missing the most in this area is
specificity when we’re talking about both product
claims but also when we’re trying to establish
credibility of the author.

I think if I had one criticism of the body copy I see; it

would be that there just isn’t enough of that specificity
in the text to make the thing feel credible.

I know a lot of writers don’t like to use statistics in the

text because they think it slows the copy down. But
there are other ways to keep the copy moving and I’m
sure you’re going to be pointing out a lot of those in
The Screaming Eagle™.

Tony: Definitely, and I think the point you’re making is, a lot
of times, it’s just an issue of hard work. Not so much in
terms of hours but it’s that willingness to go the extra
mile when you’re in the research phase or when
you’re in the writing phase.

When you make a claim and it feels sort of general

and you know that it’s general, and yet you just kind of
say, “Okay, whatever.” Well, that “whatever” is just
something that could end up killing you later on.

And so just having that discipline and having that

demand on yourself to say, “You know what, I’m
gonna make this more specific and I’m gonna do
whatever it takes to look up the info I need.”

It doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to work any

longer, but it is about working harder in the sense of[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

demanding that you’re really gonna go all the way with

it. That’s something that you always do and it shows.

Clayton: The combination of credibility and momentum really is


If the prospect believes in your expertise and believes

in the value of what you’re saying and then also feels
like you’re respecting his time by moving him through
this quickly, you’re likely to get the sale.

But that balance is hard to achieve and sometimes it

takes many years.

There’s another approach here, too, Tony: The idea

that I write in layers. I can go in and I can write my
basic offer copy and my product copy and get all the
benefits in there and then set it aside.

Then, I come back another day and make sure my

editor’s personality is in there.

And then go back another day and make sure that I’ve
infused the text with specifics where they’ll help my

And then go back another day and make sure that I’ve
touched all of the relevant emotions that I feel I need
to invoke in order to make the sale.

So it can really be a layering process and I think that

gets back into the idea of how your brain works, too.
Because one day you’ll be really in touch with the
emotional side of it and another day you’ll be really in
touch with the specifics and those are two really very,
very different functions.

Tony: That’s actually what one of the Screaming Eagle™

issues is going to be about. Not only is it about
momentum, but there is a section on writing and
editing in layers.

I’m surprised I learned this process on my own without

discussing it with you, but I learned it’s about
beginning with the fundamentals, having clarity and
everything else there.

And then after that’s accomplished really coming in

and saying, “Okay, how can I make this more
emotional?” or “How can I pick up the pace, the[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

speed?”, “Can I add more colloquial expressions and

idioms?”, “Can I make certain sections shorter?”, “Can
I make the subheads more explosive?”; all the little
things. Yeah, you’re right, it’s so powerful.

Clayton: Well, why don’t you tell us a little bit more about the
Screaming Eagle™ and what we can expect in
upcoming issues?

Tony: Okay. Well, as we explained in the beginning that

basically the goal of it is to be a bridge for writers who
want to see the principles you teach applied in real
promos in the real world.

I’ve had the great privilege of working directly with

you, of improving my copy very rapidly, and so this is
meant to give others access to those insights.

Sometimes, and we all have a tendency to do this,

people can’t help but see guys like you as almost
supernatural when it comes to copywriting. These
things work for you, but you’re a genius and all of us
are mere mortals.

But the Screaming Eagle™ is for a normal person who

just worked hard, studied your secrets, related them to
winning packages, and improved like crazy. It’s all
overseen by you, and so our readers get both sides.
They get your incredible expertise, great in-depth
examples, and then get to see how someone just like
them is using the material with tremendous success.

Here’s another really cool thing. While many of The

Total Package issues cover a variety of topics, each
issue the Screaming Eagle™ will focus on a very
specific topic. It will take something like credibility and
really look at all the different ways that you can
enhance the credibility of your sales message.

For example, in looking through yours and other

promotions, I found that at least 18 different ways that
you can add more credibility to your sales copy. And
it’s all presented in such a way that anybody can just
look at how it’s done in the promotions, see the
explanations and then be able to quickly apply that to
their own copy.

There’s another entire issue on creating momentum in

your copy — something you’re a master at but is rarely
ever taught.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

The September issue – our very first — is totally

focused on writing more powerful bullets and

It’s a skill that’s been a huge factor in the success of

people like you, Gary Bencivenga, Gene Schwartz,
John Carlton, Parris Lampropoulos and many others.

One of the things I discovered is how much being a

good bullet writer can help in other areas—like writing
headlines, subheads, teaser copy and more.

We examine 21 different bullet writing formulas that

can be used to attack any piece of information, tons of
examples, and then specific practices for quickly
making over any bullet.

At first I wasn’t sure if I was on the right track, but then

I showed a draft of the issue to some very successful
writers in the industry, writers with controls for KCI,
Agora and others. They were totally blown away. They
now have it on their desk and use it when it comes
time to write bullets and fascination of their own.

So that’s how I envision each issue. I’ve made each a

really, really powerful reference to be able to have
next to you when you’re writing copy.

With this first issue, you’ll be able to look at all different

kinds of information and hit each fact with three, four,
five, six different bullet styles. You’re not limited by
saying “how to”, “how to”, “how to”, “how to”, over and
over again. You really have a lot of possibilities.

So I’m very, very excited. I think that the level of

specificity we’re offering, along with the extreme focus,
is going to make a big difference in helping readers –
as you say – write better copy faster and get “bigger
winners more often”.

Clayton: And each 12-page issue comes with our Ride Along
insert that actually shows real promos in which these
techniques were used in successful mailings.

Tony: Correct. The purpose of it is to show how the secret

looks in the context of winning copy.

We show you what to look for, what to notice and how

you can apply that principle yourself.[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

Clayton: Well, Tony, I think The Screaming Eagle™ is going to

be an incredibly powerful tool for copywriters. Both for
younger writers and beginning writers and also for
people who hire and direct writers. And of course, for
folks like me who always can use a reminder or a new
idea, or a new way of doing something.

Thank you Tony, for this time today.

Tony: You’re welcome, Clayton.

Hope this helps!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← A Year of Living Dangerously A Candid Conversation with

B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY →

One Response to A candid conversation

with direct response scholar
and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES

Malcolm says:
June 4, 2009 at 3:15 am

For a beginner, this was a great insight into the minds of two
copywriters I greatly admire.

Clayton, I haven’t noticed these little gems before, that is the

interviews, so a pleasant surprise. Just purchased the Bonus
Bonanza this last week and so I am looking forward to reading[11/29/2012 7:41:52 PM]

A candid conversation with direct response scholar and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY FLORES |

through each component some more. Very pleased indeed.

Tony, I was able follow you a little when I first started subscribing to
The Total Package and enjoyed your contributions enormously.
Haven’t seen you around much since then. What a joy to discover
that you have contributed to emotional triggers words….. I think …
sssh … I’m at work !

Have a great day !


Mike says:
November 24, 2010 at 3:27 pm

How do I get my hands on The Screaming Eagle™???

Thanks this was great…ml


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A Candid Conversation with

B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY
Posted on January 1, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
Recent Posts
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We’re still here…
Time for a Change
In this issue: Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
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Do You Believe?
7 Key differences between B2C and B2B sales copy …

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structure your fees … and more …

A multi-million-dollar idea that could make YOU obscenely rich in

2007 …

And Much, MUCH MORE!

Happy New Year, Business-Builder!

OK … so now that we got all THAT holiday partying out of our systems, it’s
time to decide what we’re going to make of 2007.

My #1 New Year’s resolution is to try as many new things as possible in the

year ahead – and I’m starting right now – by doing two things I’ve never done
before:[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

New Thing #1: Although Bob Bly has interviewed me many times before, I’ve
never had the chance to hold his feet to the fire … and that’s precisely what
this issue is all about!

See, a couple of weeks ago, Steve Harris – one of our most loyal readers and
EasyWriters Marketing Club Members – dropped me a line. “Please, please,
please,” Steve begged, “write something on business to business

“Hmmm,” I says to myself, “I haven’t really written any B2B copy in a couple
of decades. So what’s the best way to help good old Steve out?”

That’s when the name “Robert W. Bly” sprang to mind. Now, you may know
Bob Bly as the best-selling author of about a bazillion books on marketing
including The Copywriter’s Handbook, which has been highly praised by
David Ogilvy. Or, you may have heard that Bob is a solid six-figure copywriter
who I’ve frequently hired to work with me on promotions for my health and
financial clients. Or that Mr. Bly is a featured speaker at my Power
Marketing Summit 2007.

What you may not know is that Bob is also one of the few acknowledged
masters of B2B copywriting – with 25 years of successful promotions for IBM,
Intuit, Swissbank, Nortel Networks, Praxair, and a lot of others under his belt.

So if B2B’s your bag, this issue should be a gold mine for you.

New Thing #2: Normally, when we do an interview issue, I simply call the
victim, record the call, have my assistant Tanya create a transcription of the
call and edit the transcript for publication in The Total Package.

But I figure some of you guys would just as soon have the actual unedited
recording of the call … so welcome to the first AUDIO issue of The Total

How you use this issue is up to you. You can continue reading online … you
can print this issue for later reference … or, you can click here to download
the MP3 version of this interview and listen to it on your computer or your
MP3 player any time!

Ready? Here goes …

Clayton: Welcome to The Total Package Bob!

Bob Bly: Clayton, it’s a pleasure as always.

Clayton: I had a lot of fun doing the Headline Master Class with you at the
AWAI conference in November. In fact, one of the attendees said that we
were a great comedy team and that we should take our act on the road.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Bob Bly: Yeah, someone told me, “You guys are the Laurel and Hardy” but I
said, “But which one’s Laurel?”

Clayton: So, let’s just dive right in here. Are B2B and B2C copywriting
techniques the same or are they really different from each other?

Bob Bly: This is a question that people have been asking for eons, and there
are two schools of thought.

One school of thought holds that they are fundamentally different and they
have nothing in common and that B2B is totally a different animal.

The other school says, “Hey, forget the B2B, you’re writing to a person and
they’re a person whether they’re in the office or at home, and therefore
they’re different, they’re not, I mean they’re the same. There are hardly any

I think there’s a lot in consumer copywriting that works well in B2B, and in fact
if you study The Total Package and learn those techniques, you’ll be a better
B2B writer.

But on the other hand, I think are the seven key differences between B2B
and B2C marketing and copywriting.

Clayton: Well okay, well seven differences. Let’s tick them off here. What are

Bob Bly: Number one, the business buyer wants to buy. In other words, a lot
of consumers would rather not spend any money. They want the benefits
your product will offer, they want to be healthier, they want to be richer, but
they’re loathe to spend money.

The business buyer has to buy. In fact, most businesses employ at least one
person with the title “Purchasing Agent” whose only job is to buy stuff.

Key difference number two is that the business buyer is usually more
sophisticated than the consumer.

Clayton, you’re a master and you’re known at writing copy for nutritional
supplements, which can be very sophisticated products. You know much
more about the ingredients in these products than your prospects do. Very
few of your readers have a biochemistry degree.

But when you’re writing a promotion to sell artificial joints to orthopedic

surgeons, you could never know a fraction of what they know about
orthopedic surgery.

Key difference number three is that the business buyer will read or at least
scan amazingly long copy if it’s important, relevant or engaging.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

If your prospect’s job is to purchase maintenance services for a big factory,

and your copy’s all about how to save money on factory maintenance, he’ll
read it.

Key difference number four is that while most B2C marketing is a one-step
sale, business buying is for the most part a multi-step buying process.

One company I worked for made pollution control systems for chemical
plants, and the average price tag was one million dollars. So when we ran a
full page ad in a trade journal, we didn’t have a coupon that said, “YES! I’d
like one of your multi-step volatile compound recycling plants. Enclosed is my
check for a million dollars. Please send me the plant. If you’re not happy, just
send the plant back and you’ll get your million dollars refund.”

Buying something like that is a multi-step process. Normally, in most

business to business marketing communications, we’re either generating a
lead or fulfilling the lead or doing some other step in the buying process.

Fifth key difference: Business buying involves multiple buying influences.

When you and I go to get a mailing on a financial newsletter and we say,
“Gee, that looks interesting”, we don’t ask anybody, we just go buy it, even if
it’s a hundred or two hundred or five hundred dollars.

But in the corporate world today, most buyers need someone else to approve
larger purchases. And the more expensive your product is, the more buying
influences are involved. Your copy has to appeal to all of those different
buying influences.

Key difference number six is that business to business products tend to be

more complex. I have clients that make semiconductors, one that makes
chemical filtration systems and one that makes mainframe computers, for
example. Sales copy for these products needs to cover all their complex
features and benefits.

And number seven – and this is something a lot of marketers don’t

understand – although consumers mostly buy things for ourselves, the
business buyer has dual motivations. They buy for their company, but they
also buy for themselves.

So if I’m an IT professional, I might buy the software that I know will help my
company run its business more efficiently but I’m not going to buy that
software if it’s going to be a headache and a nightmare to install on my
existing systems. That may be good for my company, but I don’t want

So there’s a dual motivation, it’s what’s good for the company and what’s
good for me.

Clayton: You know that was really the first thing that occurred to me as I was
thinking about this prior to this call. In many cases the person who’s making
the purchase decision is not the end user.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Bob Bly: No, and that’s why we talked about going to multiple buying

A good, a classic example of this is, let’s say, enterprise software, software
that runs a company’s big systems, human resources, accounts receivable,
supply chain management. Yeah, there’s an end user, the person who’s
going to operate the manufacturing system, but he’s only one of four or five
influences. And he’s probably the least important.

There’s the end user; there’s the IT professional who’s responsible for
implementing it, installing it, and making sure it works, we call that the
technical buyer.

Then there’s the financial buyer, the CFO, chief financial officer who might
say, “Hey, I’m going to make a decision whether we’re getting a good return
on investment. Yeah, this’ll help us be more efficient in our manufacturing,
but if it costs a billion dollars to buy this software and saves us eight hundred
dollars a year, we’re not going to buy it.”

Then there’s the CEO, who’s sort of the, we call the executive decision
maker, who wants to be comfortable knowing hey, if we buy this big software
program from your company that costs a hundred thousand dollars are you
going to be here two years from now or are you going to be out of business?

So yes, most of the people on the buying committee are not the end user,
and the end user is usually only one of four or five decision makers and often
not the most important.

Clayton: I would assume that in B2B, as in B2C selling, that a lot more of it is
being done on the web these days.

Bob Bly: Yeah, it’s really changed and I think it’s effected B2B at least as
much as consumer, and probably more.

In the old days, when a client would call me in, in the ‘80s to launch a new
product, they would say, “Hey, okay. We need a sixteen page color product
brochure, we need three trade ads, we need four case histories and three
application notes.” It’s all print.

Today, they might not have any brochure, they might just need what we call a
sell sheet, which is an 81/2”x11” piece of paper with copy on two sides, and
they might make a thousand copies of that in print, but mostly that’s going to
be downloadable from the web site.

They’re also going to have downloadable white papers, online demos, online
cost calculators, web pages describing the product and its accessories and its
operations and so on.

Also: Instead of sending out just print direct mail, which we did in the old
days, at least half of it, probably more, is e-mail marketing.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

You’ll hear the term in B2B, “Integrated Marcom” which means “integrated
marketing communications.” Rarely does one thing, one e-mail, one web
page, one ad sell the product. It’s usually a group of marketing vehicles
working in tandem, in sequence, that are both online and offline.

Clayton: Now are there good reliable e-mail lists of B2B prospects? Are the
lists available and well documented and clean and well segmented or

Bob Bly: Yes and no. There are good B2B lists and there are brokers who
specialize in B2B. Two of the biggest ones are ePost Direct and Merit Direct
– you can Google them and find them online. Direct Media is also big. And
there are lots of good clean opt-in e-lists.

However, they don’t cover all of the market. There are many segments for
which there are not good e-lists, and there are many other segments where
the e-lists only include a small part of your market. Let’s say you’re looking
for mechanical engineers. You’d find there’s a really great e-list of eighteen
thousand mechanical engineers, but the membership list of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers is a hundred and eighty thousand people.

Clayton: If somebody asked me to do a promotion for a B2B product, one of

the key components of my campaign would be a downloadable PowerPoint
presentation or video they could take into the boardroom with them to show
the product’s benefits to the rest of the group.

Bob Bly: You would think so, but you don’t really want them to make the
sales presentation to themselves. Instead, you want them to invite your sales
rep to make the presentation.

They don’t know your product and they’re really not, no matter what you give
them, they’re not going to be able to sell it to their management. So you want
to go in and be able to sell it to them and even better, at the same time sell it
to everyone on their committee.

Clayton: It seems you really have a lot of different types of campaigns in the
B2B side that we don’t see as often on the B2C side, because you do have a
salesman dynamic for a lot of products. And even on the products that aren’t
so high priced, you may have a salesperson involved if there’s a prospect of
a continuing sale or the establishment of a new relationship with that

Bob Bly: Right, a good example is in the newsletter field. You know the
consumer newsletters are all sold, or mostly sold one-step. You send out a
package and the reader either subscribes or doesn’t.

The business-to-business newsletter publishers will do that too, but in

addition, they also have a sales staff for what they call enterprise sales. So
they will sell one or two or three subscriptions of let’s say a newsletter on
portfolio management to financial professionals, but what they’d rather do is[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

have the brokerage house call them and have a sales person come over and
sell them a site license which is a bigger ticket item and therefore requires a
negotiated price.

Clayton: So we could really add to your list of seven differences the

negotiated price difference.

Bob Bly: Yeah, I mean that is another difference, and yes, you could put on
the list price number eight.

Prices are standardized and non-negotiable in most consumer direct

response. You really can’t negotiate from Phillips Publishing what you want to
pay for Richard Band’s newsletter. But in B2B, the prices, even if there’s a
fairly fixed price schedule, there’s always some negotiation going on.

And the other key difference is that often the sale is not made by your
marketing materials that you’re writing, you’re only generating a lead and the
actual sale is closed by a live salesperson.

Clayton: Tell me if I’m right or wrong here, but seems to me, the motivation
of a buyer in a business is often to look good to someone else. The boss
needs to look good to the stockholders, and everyone else needs to look
good to the boss. So the justification for the sale, seems to me, or for buying
this product as opposed to another, seems to me to be an important
component of B2B selling that isn’t quite handled the same way.

Bob Bly: Oh, you’re exactly right. I mean I don’t think it’s non-existent in
consumer for example, you’ve heard the argument, I don’t know if you agree
with it, that yes, one reason people buy stock market newsletters is to make
money but another one is to look smart at parties.

There’s an old cliche line that you see in B2B copy that tries to communicate
what you just said. You’ll see a line in the copy, “And buy our widget and
you’ll be the hero of your company.” That’s a very poor way to say it, but
that’s what you’re trying to say.

You’re trying to say, “Yes, our widget will increase your efficiency and reduce
your cost and produce better quality and that’ll help your company, but you’ll
look good and you’ll get a promotion.”

And you’ll also see with products that save time and are easy to use, you’ll
see the line, “You buy this and you’ll still be able to get out of the office by
5:00 and spend time with your kids or go golfing.”

So there’s definitely both a business motivation and a personal motivation,

and the amateurs, or a big amateur mistake in B2B is only addressing the
business motivation. You’ll see copywriters that prove that the product is
technically superior but they haven’t addressed why does this person that I’m
writing to, what do they care about?

Clayton: It seems to me that looking for the right kinds of testimonials could[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

really help in that regard if you could find somebody who had purchased the
product and as a result they got a lot of praise from their boss or a promotion.

Bob Bly: Oh yeah. In B2B print advertising, one of the most effective print ad
formats is to create ads that do that. We call them case study ads, where the
whole ad is a one person testimonial and it’ll typically show a picture of a
plant manager with a hard hat standing next to the machine that he bought
that’s being advertised.

I did a bunch of these years ago for different companies and it’ll say, “Our
Niagara Lockport tissue making machine saved us 12 million a year in pulp
and paper costs and made me the plant foreman instead of a line supervisor.”

Clayton: Another big difference I see in B2B selling is that quite often your
prospect has an employee whose job it is to make sure they don’t see your
promotion. That person’s called an “administrative assistant,” or “secretary.”

Bob Bly: Yep. That’s a big thing. Consumer direct mail goes directly to the
consumer. It’s in the mailbox and they take it out and sort it. But, in B2B, not
only do they have someone, there actually are two screening influences.

In a large corporation or even a medium size one, the first screening is the
mailroom. And every year or so a reporter will get an idea to do another
article on this, where you’ll read in the Wall Street Journal that corporate
mailrooms at big companies routinely dump anything that looks like quote
unquote junk mail. And there are deliberate strategies for getting around this.

I’ll give you an example, there was a company that makes safety equipment
for factory floors, you know showers so in case you spill something in your
eyes you can get the water on you and it washes out your eyes, little mats so
you don’t slip on the floor, and they sell through a catalog, a print catalog.

They would mail their catalog plain, you know it didn’t have an envelope it just
was a self-mailer and it did great in all their prospect companies except the
Fortune 500, where the response rate was very low.

They concluded that the mailrooms in these companies were throwing it away
‘cause it looked like quote unquote junk mail. So they split off all the Fortune
500 companies and those catalogs got put in a plain envelope and then
mailed. And when they did that, the response rates from the Fortune 500
segment went up to match the response rates from the small and mid-size

So the mailrooms are screening one number one, and then there are the
assistants – and how do you get past that?

There are a variety of techniques but the best one I ever heard was I actually
was in the doctor’s office and I asked the nurse who worked the desk and
was sorting the mail, “What do you give him and what do you throw away?”[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Without much thought she said, “Well if it looks important I give it to him.” So
one way to get past that screener is to make it look important and that means
not like quote unquote junk mail or advertising mail.

Clayton: A long time ago I did a B2B promotion where the premium was
obviously something for the secretary.

Bob Bly: Xerox had a campaign that was profiled in one of the magazines
and they reported did very well. They had a jumbo envelope for the executive
and spot glued to that was a smaller envelope that was for the receptionist
and it was, “Our gift for you” and they said if you give this to him or her and
mail back the reply card, you’ll get a glass jar of jelly beans. They said it
worked very well.

Clayton: Have you ever experimented with alternate delivery methods like
FedEx packages?

Bob Bly: Yeah, I could tell you stories. I mean I haven’t done a lot of that
myself, and I don’t do a lot, but there was a guy, he just passed away
recently. I don’t know if you knew him, Shell Alpert, who was a very well-
known B2B direct marketing consultant.

He wrote a series of articles for the old Business Marketing magazine, which
has since become B To B. He actually, delivered boxes to CEOs with carrier
pigeons in them.You had to check off a box on the reply card and there was a
little net attached to the pigeon’s leg and you opened the window and let him

I did a campaign where we actually sent two thousand target CEOs a

cassette tape we wanted them to listen to, with a Sony Walkman.

This was for US West. We were selling very expensive disaster recovery
systems and services so that if a large corporation, their power or their
computer grid or their system was cut down, they’d still operate. The promo
got a phenomenal sales result and won an ECHO.

Clayton: I just received a promotion for a direct marketing company, I think it

was a list company, and they sent me a portable DVD player.

Bob Bly: Yeah, I’ve gotten those kind of things too. I remember once
Thomas Register had this multi-part campaign where the first one had a
cutesy theme where it says, you know, “Thomas is the hot place to advert in
the B2B industrial market.” And they sent me with that a can of chili powder.
So that’s done often.

I remember there was this firm that I saw that had a very successful mailing, it
was one of these architectural construction firms where if you wanted a new
warehouse or office building they’d do the whole thing turnkey. They mailed
very small quantities and although there was a reply card in it, they followed
up every mailing with a phone call.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Their package was in a padded envelope a short letter, a reply card, and the
business card was silk-screened onto a brick, which was very relevant ‘cause
they were a construction company.

So when the salesperson called and the secretary asked, “Will he know who
you are?” The salesman would say, “Yeah, I’m the guy that sent him the
brick” – and they always got through.

Clayton: That’s great. I’m reminded of a bank in LA that did a promotion, it

was like a nine-step series, they were looking to make commercial loans.
And the first promotion was a small envelope and it had a picture of golf balls,
and it said, “Enclosed six free Titleist golf balls.”

Of course, it was a flat envelope so everybody had to open it. And the next
week you got one that said, “Enclosed six free tennis balls.” And every week
the balls got bigger and so did the envelopes. And finally on the last week
they got it said, “Enclosed your free basketball.” And the thing was that was
the premium you’d get for applying for a loan.

Bob Bly: A gimmick that we used at Westinghouse thirty years ago, twenty-
five years ago – we’d send out mailings like everyone else to invite people to
our trade show booth.

We’d send them a mailing invitation to the trade show and inside would be
one, very nice Westinghouse cufflink. And there’d be a P.S. in the letter and it
says, “To claim your other cufflink, come by booth 483.” And it always

Clayton: You and I did a great series on how to build a million-dollar

copywriting business. We focused primarily on freelancing for B2C
companies. How does an aspiring B2B copywriter find clients?

Bob Bly: Well, the finding of the clients is not that different than what you
would do if you were a consumer copywriter except for one thing …

In the consumer space, there are known big clients that most copywriters
want to go after. Boardroom, Weiss, Phillips, Agora. In the B2B space it’s a
little different. If you’re a B2B copywriter, you have a choice: Do you want to
ghost write for ad agencies, or do you want to work with clients directly?

Except for at the very beginning when I didn’t know any better, I always have
worked for clients directly.

Now, the way B2B works is that there’s three segments of companies by

There’s small businesses. I have a client locally here that’s a manufacturing

company. They only have like half a dozen employees, they’re really small.
Two million in sales a year, that’s a small business.

Then, there’s medium size or mid-market. They might have sales of ten[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

million, fifty million, a hundred million, two hundred million, you know that’s a
real range. Those you can approach the marketing director directly ‘cause
they will use freelance copywriters.

They may also have an ad agency, but the ad agency may handle their print
ad campaign, may handle their web site, but in business to business
marketing as you pointed out, there are many more project types than
consumer marketing.

The ad agencies, if they have them, will handle the sexy or glamorous stuff
and the freelance copywriters will do all the things that ad agencies don’t
want to do. And that includes, by the way, direct mail which most agencies
don’t like to do and can’t do well.

For the bigger companies, if you say, “I want to write for the Fortune 500 or
Fortune 1000. I want to be a copywriter for Cisco and IBM,” agencies tend to
control a lot of that business.

Doesn’t mean you can’t work for them directly, my friend Steve Slaunwhite is
probably the number one freelance copywriter for United Parcel Service. But
if you want to get that work, you’ll have to find out what agencies handle each
account and go through them.

And since I prefer to work with clients directly and not agencies these days, I
wouldn’t go after them. But those are the two choices you have to make and
that’s a prime difference.

Clayton: How do you structure your deals with your B2B clients?

Bob Bly: Most of these deals are not royalty or commission deals. For
example, if you’re writing for a consumer mailer like Phillips, and you say,
“Hey, I’m going to charge you X dollars to write a magalog, but if it becomes a
control I want three cents or five cents or two cents for every piece mailed.”

That’s worthwhile to you because a control might mail a million, two million,
you’ve had many controls mail over 30 million. But in B2B, most markets, not
all, are very limited, the lists are small. I mean I once had a company
approach me that needed a mailing to go to manufacturers of robotic
manufacturing equipment. I mean there was a directory of three hundred of
them, so a royalty doesn’t make sense.

And generally B2B companies don’t pay royalties. Now the ones that do are
B2B marketers who do lower price products that are more of a consumer
feel. There are some B2B newsletter publishers, for example, that will pay

Some will pay a mailing fee if they have a large universe; others might pay a
bonus, you know saying you charge X dollars for your mailing and if it
becomes the control we’ll pay you another X dollars.

I met one company that did B2B actually in Germany, and they paid you an X[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

dollar flat fee, and then they paid you a bonus every quarter ‘cause they
mailed quarterly, that your piece continued to be the control.

Clayton: I think I would be tempted if I was a young copywriter starting out

today to consider B2B clients equally with B2C clients. I’d go in to a company
and I’d say, “I really like your product. What it’s missing is great marketing.
And what I’d like to do is establish a benchmark of what your sales are today
and I want ten percent of the increase I produce for you.”

Bob Bly: You could do that with smaller to mid-size, where they’re more
entrepreneurial. If you’re dealing with the president or owner, that would
work. I think if you tried that with a Fortune 500, you’d get a blank stare.

Clayton: Oh yeah, you’d get killed. But I could jump in my car right now and
drive down the street to a couple of companies here in town, one of them
makes Epsom salts and the other one is a paint manufacturer.

Bob Bly: Yeah, small companies are much more open. You can do that with
small local and entrepreneurial firms as well as mid-size and the best way, as
you say, might be to literally get in the car or drive around, identify twenty,
thirty companies in your town; I don’t think it matters if they’re B2B or
consumer, just smaller entrepreneurial firms, and make those kind of deals.

Clayton: Yeah, I did it early in my career and it worked out quite nicely. I
ended up with clients that stayed with me for an awful long time, and yeah, it
was fantastic.

Okay, so how do you structure your fees?

Bob Bly: I think every freelance copywriter who works in Business to

Business should have an hourly rate and time but shouldn’t charge it.

My feeling is that, and I don’t know how you feel about this, but clients,
whether you get a royalty or not, hourly is not really a good model for
freelance copywriters for several reasons.

First of all, it indicates that they’re paying for labor like bricklaying rather than

Secondly, if you’re hourly rate is low to make you affordable, then the client
says, “Hey, this guy isn’t making a lot of money, how good can he be?” On
the other hand, if it’s like you or someone even near you and it’s
astronomical, the corporate client or the B2B client might say, “Hey, I’m
paying them too much.”

So with a project rate, whether it’s high or low, how much you make per hour,
since you’re not working on the premise, is invisible to them.

I work off a fixed fee schedule which lists all the projects that I handle and not
the exact price but the range of prices that I charge for them. And I just e-mail
that to the client and they pick like it’s a menu at a restaurant.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

I’d be happy to let you distribute it to any Total Package reader who’d like to
see it.

Clayton: That’d be great. Alright, well let’s get back to the copy for a minute.
Let’s just talk about copy length.

It drives me crazy on the consumer side, I get all of these letters asking me
about how long the copy should be and my answer is always the same, you
know, it’s write until you run out of benefits. But on the B2B side, you can …

Bob Bly: It’s a little different.

The copy also on the B2B side needs to cover everything, but in the
consumer side you’re doing it in one piece, you’re doing it in the magalog. In
the B2B side, I might send a letter which then they’re going to request a sales
brochure and after they read that then they’ll request a meeting with a sales
rep who gives a PowerPoint and then they’ll request a written proposal. So
they’re going to get just as much copy but it’s going to be parceled out over
three or four or five steps in the selling process.

And so in the B2B, whatever you’re writing, you must know where it is in the
selling cycle. And to do that, you have to actually outline the selling cycle and
then you only have to write enough copy to take the reader to the next step in
that cycle.

Let’s say I’m selling Key Man life insurance to medium size businesses. Very
expensive life insurance policies. That’s not sold by mail order. I’m not going
to send out a letter and have someone send me a check for fifty thousand
dollars for a premium.

They’re going to want to meet with me and we’ll review who are their key
executives and come up with a custom plan on how much should we insure
each? It’s a consultative sell. So all I’m trying to do in that letter is get an
appointment for the agent with the client.

So I’m not really selling the life insurance, I’m selling the value of that

So I might say in my letter, “Have you thought about what happens in your
business if you lose any of these key executives? How it would devastate
you? Your company, not just the executive for his family, you want him
insured with life insurance, but you need key man insurance to cover your

“What would happen if your chief scientist or an engineer died tomorrow? Let
me sit down with you, no obligation, I’ll go through how this works and show
you examples of companies in your town, in your industry that have protected
themselves with this.

“And then if you like what I’m saying I’ll give you a no charge proposal and[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

show you what I would recommend in terms of coverage and we’ll give you a
couple of variations to choose from.”

You’re selling the appointment, you’re not selling the product.

Clayton: I think that’s great advice. It’s the same thing in B2C by the way
when you’re writing headlines. One of the real squib moves I see young
copywriters make is trying to make the entire sale in the headline instead of
selling the prospect on reading the promotion.

Bob Bly: See, that’s one of the most important things you teach, and I think
people who do not subscribe to you absolutely do not get that.

You said, “Hey, the purpose of the cover of the magalog, when you’d use an
advertorial style, is not to sell the product, it’s to sell the person on reading
the magalog.”

Clayton: And it’s very similar in B2B. You’re saying, “Know what your
product is.” When I’m writing that headline I’m thinking my product is the
magalog, I want them to read this.

Bob Bly: Yeah, my product is the free consultation they get with the supply
management chain software expert or whatever it is.

I’ll give you an example of this. I had a client that sold expensive
telecommunications networks here locally and they made multiplexers and
hubs and routers. Not really directly competitive with Sysco but more in the
telecom rather than the data communications space. And in their promo
mailings, they’d list the features of their products versus the other products.

I told them, “You’re selling the wrong thing.” I found out that when a sales rep
would go to a customer’s site, they were doing what’s called a network
topology analysis for the customer.

They brought with them a piece of software on which they would lay out the
person’s telecommunications network, the connections and the hubs. Then,
they would click a mouse, and it would show you how you could get the same
level of service with fewer lines and calculate the cost savings in terms of
what you would get with getting rid of redundant lines.

So I said, “We’re not selling routers and multiplexers. Sell them on a free
network topology analysis. It has enormous value even if they never buy from
us. And rather than shy away from that possibility, stress it. Say, ‘Hey, even if
you don’t buy anything we sell you, you’re crazy not to have one of our guys
come out and do this for you. He’ll print it out and you keep it.’”

Clayton: That’s fantastic. Getting back to the copywriter client dynamic again
here, it seems to me one of the early points you made was that there are a lot
of people involved in making the decision but there are also more people
involved in making the sale.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Bob Bly: Yeah. There’s three groups involved in making the sale. First
there’s marketing. The marketing department or as they call it in the
corporate world marketing communications or marcom, they’re responsible
for generating the business opportunity or the lead.

Next is the sales person who is responsible for cultivating the prospect,
bringing him along, and making the sale.

And then the third thing is that usually sales people work with technical
support. There’s usually an engineer or technical person assigned to work
with the salesperson who can give a price quote.

So it is a team approach.

Clayton: And of course the fourth person in that group is you – the

Bob Bly: Yeah, I folded him in with marketing but yes, you as the copywriter,
you’re basically going to work with marketing although often I have worked
with sales departments.

Clayton: So does that devalue you as a member of the team? When I’m
doing B2C promotions, the entire success or failure of it is riding on what I
do. And that’s why I can charge out the wazoo.

Bob Bly: Generally a B2B copywriter can’t earn as much as a pure

consumer copywriter in certain areas. The only way you can get Clayton
Makepeace type fees or Gary Bencivenga fees or Paris Lampropoulos or
David Deutsch fees is to work on products that have huge potential rollouts
for clients that are knowledgeable and aggressive mailers.

And that would include things like financial and medical newsletters,
nutritional supplements, business opportunity, that kind of thing.

And so yeah, I know a bunch of good B2B copywriters who right now have
contacted me and they said, “We’re stuck now at the $200,000 a year level.”
They’re making decent money, I know two in particular. But they can’t seem
to get beyond that.

Now I have gotten to multiples of that, but I don’t make the money that you
do. I don’t make millions of dollars a year, I make many hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year.

So I tell people in that situation there’s about three ways to get around it. One
is to have a role beyond that of a copywriter. You could form an agency
although I don’t recommend it. But if you’re a copywriter and also a strategic
consultant, you might be able to charge more.

The other way, what I like is have a mixed portfolio I tell a lot of the people.
Keep doing your B2B ‘cause it has some advantages over consumer. One is
that there’s less competition. Most copywriters want to do the glamour stuff[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

and are not chasing these B2B accounts. So it’s easier for newbies and
novices to get in.

So have a mixed portfolio. Do B2B and then also do some consumer

projects. Like I’m not pure B2B. These days I actually do more consumer
than B2B. I love B2B but I make very good money on the consumer stuff,
especially when it’s paying royalties. And so that’s one way to get beyond
that limitation.

The other way you can get beyond that limitation is to do other streams of
income. You can do B2B copy, you can do consumer copy, you can do
something that you’re doing and I’m doing, which is you make a lot of money
and I’m beginning to make a lot of money selling our content and information
and advice online.

Clayton: Well we’re not making a lot of money, we’re leaving it in the
company but – I keep coming back to the idea though what excites me about
the B2B field is trying to find that small one or two million dollar a year
business and create explosive growth.

You know the quintessential stereotype of the small business owner is that
he’s an inventor or a scientist or a technical guy who came up with a better
mousetrap and the world didn’t beat a path to his door. The one missing
ingredient is great marketing.

If you can find that guy, and you can make a pitch to him that says basically,
“Look I’ll increase your sales by X percent in twelve months or I won’t charge
you a thing.” And then you just get yourself in for ten or twenty or thirty
percent of the increase in sales that you produce for him.

Bob Bly: I think that’s one of the great opportunities. The other one, is to
become a narrow niche specialist. For example, there’s a thing in Business to
Business marketing called white papers. I know two guys that have promoted
themselves as white paper specialists.

Now as far as I know, they’re flat fee but the fee is really high. And there are
annual report writers who similarly make a lot of money. And by a lot I mean
you know, over half a million dollars a year.

So that’s another way to go, to either specialize in a format like white papers
or annual reports, or in an industry or niche like I’m working with one guy
now who specializes in writing promotions for just for the electronics industry,
for semiconductors.

So the more narrowly you’re niched, yes you have a smaller market, but
you’re able to circumvent all the other competition and you’re able to charge
a premium price assuming you actually are good.

Clayton: I can see creating a small web site, a one page web site and PPC
and SEO campaign basically to support it. It could be “”
and you’d basically make that pitch to small to mid-sized businesses.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

The business owner applies to be accepted by your organization for free

marketing. He applies by sending you information on his products and on his
market. And the lucky guy that gets accepted gets free marketing.

Bob Bly: That’s such a good idea that someone listening to this and I won’t
do it, although I’m tempted, should just reserve right now the domain

Maybe one of us should do it and then we can resell it for an obscene price.

Clayton: Yeah. Maybe we should cut this question out of the interview.

Well alright. Let’s say now I’ve decided I want to be a B2B copywriter. I think
that $200,000 a year for starters sounds really good and I might be able to …

Bob Bly: And you can double that. I’ve more than tripled it.

Clayton: And the potential for maybe finding the dream client that could
make me millions on a deal like this, I mean shoot – stock options on a
company that has an IPO alone could be worth a fortune.

Bob Bly: Yes it could.

Clayton: So what skills do I need to acquire to jump into this thing and do it

Bob Bly: I think you’ve got to do a few things. And you already teach most of
them. You really teach all of them.

Number one, before you think about being a good B2B copywriter, you just
have to be a good copywriter. You can’t take the attitude, “Well it’s B2B so
they really can get along on B level copy as opposed to A level copy so I’ll
just be so- so.”

It’s so competitive today and the big advantage you get if you master Clayton
Makepeace’s copywriting techniques, and other top people who teach it
especially, and you study consumer copywriting at a high level, you’ll be a ten
times better B2B marketer. And you’ll do things that to a consumer client they
would expect but to a B2B it’ll knock their socks off. So become a really good

Secondly, learn like you’re doing by listening to this interview, learn the
fundamentals of business to business marketing. And of course it’s self
promotional, but I’d be remiss not to mention for example my book, Business
To Business Direct Marketing which they could get on or from
my web site, go to and click on books.

I would also subscribe if you’re really interested in this to B To B magazine

which covers the field.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

And thirdly, I’d think about do I want to specialize in a particular industry or

niche or product and if so, gain some expertise on that.

For example, when I decided at some point to do more in the computer

hardware software area, that was not my background, my background was
chemical engineering, I became a certified Novell administrator. I took IT
training so I would have a better, not only would I know it better but so I’d
have a better credential.

I knew a guy who, he wasn’t a freelancer he worked for an ad agency, and

they assigned him a welding account. And this guy was an ivy league type
guy who never got his hands dirty. He took courses and he became a
certified welder and his career skyrocketed.

Clayton: That’s it. The Zen thing, be the prospect, right?

Bob Bly: Yeah. He’s this ad agency guy and he walks in to the shop and all
the welders are sneering at him, and then he picks up the welding tool and
puts solder in it and he does a great job and they respect him and they’ll
cooperate with him.

Clayton: Yeah, that’s great. Well what other skills? I imagine you’re doing a
lot of SEO stuff and PPC.

Bob Bly: Well there are some specialized areas, you don’t have to do
everything, you can specialize in print direct mail.

I mean there are guys for example, there’s a guy Steve Slaunwhite that I’ve
mentioned, all he does is B2B lead generation direct mail. … There’s that guy
that I mentioned, his name is Mike who specializes in white papers.

But yeah, I mean some of the areas that are bigger these days, that are
niche areas, if you can become really good at Google AdWords, pay per click
advertising, and I believe there are training programs so you can become a
certified Google AdWords expert, you probably do that through Google or
maybe there’s some other place. That would be a real plus. That would be
very helpful to you.

Another area that would make sense to learn is SEO copywriting, search
engine optimization copywriting. I just read in DM News there is going to be a
certification program on it, actually on search engine marketing, not just on
SEO copywriting. So if I was serious and wanted a big competitive edge, go
to the DMA, Direct Marketing Association, sign up for that program, take
those courses and become a certified search engine marketing specialist.
That’s going to give you a huge advantage and learn SEO copywriting.

There’s a guy, a friend of mine, I don’t know if you know him, Perry Marshall,
who is recognized as the Google AdWords pay-per-click specialist. If you
Google Perry Marshall, his book is very good and there’s a couple of others
as well.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Clayton: Great, okay. Well right now, what’s working best in the consumer
marketplace are promotions that have high entertainment value in addition to
just being great sales copy. Arthur Johnson is probably the number one
practitioner of this, especially you know, in places like Rodale and Boardroom
and – so forth.

But even his stuff for Agora and Phillips seems to have this entertainment
component. But in B2B copy, everything I’ve seen it seems to be really pretty

Bob Bly: But that’s bad. That’s because the level of expertise of knowledge
of what works is much lower in B2B. If you look around more widely though,
you will see higher entertainment level coming more to the fore.

We did that thirty years ago and twenty-five years ago at Westinghouse. We
had a booth at a big defense marketing show and we were vying with
competition like Martin Marietta and Lockheed-Martin, trying to win a big
contract to provide a gun fire control system for US Army tanks.

The code name for that project was The Gunfighter. So we had a big booth
and we hired a wild west quick draw artist to be in the booth and he did
shooting and you could shoot against him. That was the hit of the show. So
entertainment does work.

Clayton: Why don’t you give us a couple examples of successful B2B pieces
you’ve done?

Bob Bly: Sure I can do that. One thing that was fun was, this is a little
different. You know the book Physicians Desk Reference?

Clayton: Sure.

Bob Bly: They give it away free to doctors, but they sell this directory which
today I guess is seventy or eighty dollars, to everyone else who wants it.
They sell it for example to trial lawyers who do medical malpractice. They sell
it to psychotherapists who need to reference drugs but are not doctors.

They had a long- standing control that could not be beaten. I would go every
six months, we’d sit and meet and discuss it for a day. We realized that most
people who we were mailing to already had purchased a PDR at some point
or another.

So we did a mailing where we showed a picture of an old PDR, and we put

you know, the symbol, the red circle slash through it?

We put that symbol and said, “Warning! Your existing PDR is out of date and
if you’re using it for prescribing or making clinical decisions, you’re in for

Clayton: I saw that promotion![11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Bob Bly: Yeah. And then what was the gimmick of it was that it was a snap
pack, so one of those mailings that has multiple plies within a carrier. One of
the plies was a sticker, a self adhesive sticker, where the sticker said,
“Warning! Don’t use this PDR, it’s out of date.”

And we said in our letter, take this sticker, peel it off and put it on your old
PDR so you don’t screw up until you get your new one.

That package actually tripled the control and was the control for many years
until finally we ran out of vendors who were willing to do that affordably. But it
worked for many years.

Another one: We had a product called The Mist Eliminator, which is basically
a type of pollution control equipment. If you looked at it you would think it was
chainmail from armor.

You stick it in factory smokestacks.The smoke passes through this maze of

wires and condenses and the pollutants drop back into the chimney and the
smoke that comes out is cleaner.

I said, “Let’s convert our letter into something that looks like a shipping tag.”
We printed it on heavier stock, and then we wired it with a little bread tie, we
tied it to a piece of this mist eliminator we cut out of a big one with scissors.

And we mailed it in an envelope with the teaser, “Your free mist eliminator is
enclosed.” It worked like gangbusters.

Clayton: You’re recognizing that you’re marketing to people and the people
are curious at work just like they are in their personal lives. I think it was
Caples who said, “Curiosity is one of the prime human motivators.”

Bob Bly: Yeah, I mean the thing about the differences, you asked at the
beginning is it different or the same? And there’s a school of people that
says, “Hey they’re humans underneath.” They’re correct and they respond to
human stuff.

I did a letter for a client in software and the letter was to warn them that
something horrible was going on in their disk storage system. And it was.

Disk storage systems often will overwrite and erase records, not in a huge
quantity, but it will happen and we were warning them that this is going on
and you ought to buy our software to police that and make sure it doesn’t

So my first sentence of my letter for this very conservative software company

was one word. It was the word “YIKES!” with an exclamation point.

It worked well and for years, whenever I would see these guys after he left
the company at a trade show, he’d smile and point at me and go, “Yikes!”

Clayton: A lot of business-to-business stuff I see is you know, jargon out the[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

wazoo. And I suppose there has to be some of that just to demonstrate that
you know your stuff and you can speak the language of the person you’re
talking to. But a good mix of colloquial stuff in there too will keep it fun to read
and interesting.

Bob Bly: Let me show you the application of a key Clayton Makepeace
principle that I did for a mailing long before I knew you.

This client, sells soft skill seminars to IT departments. So they’ll train you in
technical writing. They won’t teach you programming, they’ll train you in
technical writing and teamwork. And how to do group projects and how to
make presentations.

So they had a new seminar they were doing a mailing for and they called me
and said, “It isn’t pulling and we thought it would do great.” So they sent me
this mailing and the headline is, “Interpersonal Skills for IT Professionals”.

So I said, “Well what’s the resident or dominant emotion that IT professionals

have about the user?” A lot of IT professionals don’t want to deal with people
and in fact they have an adversarial relationship with their end users. They
consider the user a pain in the ass.

And so we did a split test. “Interpersonal Skills for IT Professionals” versus

my headline, which was, “Important News For Any IT Professional Who Has
Ever Felt Like Telling An End User ‘Go To Hell’”

It pulled six times the response of the other piece.

It’s the dominant resident emotion. That’s why it worked.

Clayton: That’s right. What can B2C marketers learn from B2B marketers?

Bob Bly: I think, actually, B2B can learn more from consumer marketers. But
there is one thing I think consumer marketers can learn from B2B.

I see a lot of copy, especially online today, that is, really just pure hype and
it’s frantic and unbelievable and has no real substance.

The one thing a good business-to-business copywriter knows how to do is

write to an intelligent, serious, and somewhat sophisticated buyer without BS
and speaking to them, writing to them in a way that’s engaging without talking
down to them.

Clayton: You know, I think that’s right on the money. There’s so much stuff
out there right now that’s basically overwritten. It’s writers showing off rather
than salesmen selling.

Bob Bly: Right. ‘Cause they’re taking a promotion they’ve seen online that
was done by one of the great copywriters or marketers that is hypie but works
and they don’t see what works in it. So they just knock it off, but they only
knock off the surface stuff.[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

Clayton: Right. And the “reason-why” stuff gets lost.

Bob Bly: The two things that get lost are the reasons why and also the proof
in credibility.

Clayton: Yeah. Yep, great. Well guys, that’s Bob Bly. And thanks, Bob for
being with us today.

Bob Bly: It’s always a pleasure.

Clayton: I just want to remind our readers and listeners that Bob is one of our
speakers at my Power Marketing Summit March 21-24 – and if you haven’t
registered already, we’d love to see you there.

Bob is going to be revealing the response boosting techniques that he relies

on most heavily and also will be part of several other sessions including hot
seats and other things.

Bob is a great and shining example of the quality of the expertise that we’ve
lined up for you. So if you haven’t registered already, this would be a great
time to do so!

Well Bob, it’s always a ball, and I really appreciate the insights you’ve given
us today.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← A candid conversation Dominant Emotion of the Year Award

with direct response scholar for 2007: ANGER →
and rising copywriting superstar ANTHONY

2 Responses to A Candid Conversation with[11/29/2012 7:45:10 PM]

A Candid Conversation with B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY |

B2B Marketing Ace BOB BLY

Joaquin Garcia says:

February 14, 2008 at 7:25 pm

Great stuff, Clayton. I\’ve read Bob Bly\’s book and he really knows
what he\’s talking about.

Always good to get pointers from a master. More power to you both.


Aida Hidayah says:

August 28, 2009 at 10:16 am

this is a great article and I really hope to keep publishing such

valuable information. thanks for your generous sharing.
Is it possible to receive more B2B information?


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for 2007: ANGER

Posted on January 15, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
“The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party Before you take the copywriting
that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and world
get the chickweed out of your lawn. by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?

“Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work,

and then get elected and prove it."

– P.J. O’Rourke

Dear Business Builder,

When I launched The Total Package, I made a rule: I would studiously avoid
discussing religion and politics in my articles.

This week – to prove that I am neither disciplined nor all that smart – I’ve
decided to throw the rulebook out the window and write a little bit about
politics …

Before I begin, a quick disclaimer:

This is not about which party or ideology is right or wrong. I have my own
very strong opinions and so, I suspect, do you. And since my opinions tend to
be – as The Redhead diplomatically puts it – “friggin' outrageous,” I would not
dream of burdening you with them.

So this article isn’t about you or me. It’s about our prospects … what many of
them are probably thinking and feeling about the current state of affairs in
America … and how understanding those resident emotions can help you[11/29/2012 7:45:27 PM]

Dominant Emotion of the Year Award for 2007: ANGER |

create promotions that speak to them in a spectacularly compelling way.

Meet Our Prospect

The industries I specialize in – personal finance, investment and alternative
health – were created by conservatives and libertarians for conservatives and

No, not “librarians” – libertarians: Folks who tend to be conservative on fiscal

issues (taxing and spending) and liberal on social issues (personal liberty and
equality – as in “Of course gays should be allowed to marry; why should
straight folks be the only ones to suffer?”).

When you’re talking to one of these “conservatarian” prospects, you’re talking

to someone who’s convinced that neither big government nor the equally big
and corrupt medical industry can be trusted with their wealth or their health –
and who believe the only way to improve their lives is to do it themselves.

Why are these prospects so bent on self-sufficiency? Well, if you’re one of

them, you’ll say it’s because they know their history … understand how
things really work … and follow the news more closely than the average guy.

If you’re not one of them, you’ll probably just say it’s because they’re closed-
minded dinosaurs who couldn’t recognize a great new idea if it bit them on
the keester (which, according to our prospects, most “great new ideas” have,
in fact, done).

Whatever the reason for these prospects’ conservatarian bent, they take their
politics seriously – and are precisely 78.9% more likely than the average
American to be found yelling expletives and/or throwing a brick at the TV set
during the evening news.

Furthermore, most of these prospects are older and more affluent than the
average American. The majority are male. They’re more likely to belong to a
fundamentalist religious sect. And more than 90% of them are both white and

Yep, that’s right: Rich, old, angry, fundamentalist, straight, white guys.

Who probably can’t dance.

And there are three more things to know about these guys:

1. They’re readers – so they’re more likely to read your promotion and more
likely to buy and use an information product than the average bear – and

2. They tend to be more direct-response active – more likely to purchase

a “how-to” book, newsletter, conference or course from a print ad, direct[11/29/2012 7:45:27 PM]

Dominant Emotion of the Year Award for 2007: ANGER |

mail package or Internet promo.

3. Their ranks are growing by leaps and bounds – and in the years
ahead, the explosion in the number of these rich, old, angry straight white
guys in America is going to be mind-boggling.

How do I know? Well for one thing, this whole country is growing older. Fast.

The oldest baby boomer in America is now 61. The youngest? 43. And in-
between, a staggering 75.8 million people; more than one in every four
Americans, the greatest demographic bulge in US history … are marching –
credit cards in hand – into seniorship.

And have you noticed? As most people age, they tend to grow increasingly
conservative in terms of their values, lifestyle, finances and political views.
Heck. Even Winston Churchill once recognized this by saying, “Any man who
is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30,
and is not a conservative, has no brains.”

… But why are they so angry?

Well, for one thing, President Bush and the Republicans screwed, blued and
tattooed ‘em.

Sure: They got their tax cut, and many of them still support the war – but
remember: These folks are fiscal conservatives. And the Republicans have
spent so much more than they took in since 2000, the “official” federal debt
now stands at a staggering $8.7 trillion.

But that’s just the official number – all gussied up in ways that would get a
corporate accountant sentenced to life. Throw in the unfunded liabilities of
Social Security and Medicare, and Washington now owes some $50 trillion
more than it can pay.

Fifty trillion dollars: Lay that many $1 bills end-to-end, and they’ll
stretch on for some 4.7 billion miles.

That’s enough to encircle the equator 197,285 times … or span the

distance to the moon 19,822 times … or to the sun about 51 times!

Now, put yourself in these prospects’ shoes for a moment …

After eight years of Bill Clinton, you finally got your wish in 2000: The White
House, Senate and House of Representatives, all in Republican hands, and
guaranteed years to cut spending and shrink the government!

But instead of attacking waste and cutting idiotic federal programs,

Washington Republicans actually managed to make Clinton and the
Democrats look conservative– by adding a whopping $1.6 billion a day to the
national debt.[11/29/2012 7:45:27 PM]

Dominant Emotion of the Year Award for 2007: ANGER |

Now being fiscally conservative, our prospect knows that historically, when
the national debt skyrockets, the value of the U.S. dollar – their U.S. dollars –
inevitably falls like a rock.

That means the spending power of their money shrinks. Their cost of living
rises. And anyone living on a fixed income – such as prospects who have
already retired – lives less well with each passing year.

Are you beginning to get a sense of the sense of betrayal, disgust and anger
these prospects feel?

Wait – as they say – there’s more. Much, MUCH more …

There’s An 800-Pound Gorilla in the Room

… And Her Name’s NANCY PELOSI!
Let’s face it; to our prospects, the new Speaker of the house makes V.I.
Lenin look like a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. After all – this is a woman
who wakes up every morning thinking San Francisco is normal!

Now, I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing; it’s just a “thing.”

And the other thing is, Nancy, and Hillary, and Charlie Rangel, and John
Kerry, and Teddy Kennedy and the rest of the Dems have plans – and they’re
not exactly shy about telling our prospect what they’d like to do to him:

Since he’s probably in the top 5% of income-earners, they want to raise

his income tax rate. To help subsidize Social Security, they’d also like to
increase his FICA “contributions.” Is it any wonder he suspects it’s only a
matter of time until they raise taxes on his capital gains and dividends?

They want to throw a bone to their environmentalist supporters by limiting

oil exploration … imposing windfall profit taxes on oil companies … and
regulating how he uses energy – moves he’s sure will send the price he
pays for a fill-up and to heat his home sky-high.

They want to impose a national health insurance plan that he’s convinced
will limit his treatment options and damage the quality of care he receives.
Plus, several Dems have said they want to regulate prescription drug
prices which he’s sure will decrease the amount of research and the
number of new drugs being developed.

And if the recent actions of liberals in Europe and the UK, the United
Nations and even our own Food and Drug Administration are any
indication, they also aim to deprive him of his right to use nutritional
supplements to prevent or treat his ailments.

Now remember: These are actual proposals that have already been
advanced by Democrats in Washington – and that our prospect sees being
sold on TV every single night.[11/29/2012 7:45:27 PM]

Dominant Emotion of the Year Award for 2007: ANGER |

Also, please remember that for our purposes, it doesn’t matter who’s right or
who’s wrong. All that matters is that our prospect is painfully aware of every
one of these proposals … is convinced that they threaten his wealth and
health … and believes that since nobody in Washington seems to care about
his wealth or his health as much as he does, he’s on his own.

My Prediction
In 2007, promotions in the health and wealth markets that key in on this
disgust, anger and fear will lead the pack.

If you’re creating promotions in these niches, you’re talking to guys who feel
betrayed by the Republicans – and as though the Democrats have just hung
a big, fat target on their backs.

And your prospect isn’t just furious at the Republicans and/or the Democrats.
He’s fed up with the whole stinking establishment.

He’s angry and scared.

He needs the cathartic experience of having his frustration, anger and fear
put into words.

He needs practical, how-to- help to insulate himself from the onslaught.

And he’s willing to pay to get it.

… Any takers?

Hope this helps!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Posted on February 19, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Dear Business Builder,

A few days ago, Natalie Judd of the Internet Masters Series

( called to pick my brain about
on-line marketing and copywriting.

We covered the waterfront together, and I’m betting some of this stuff will put
a shekel or two in your pockets in the months ahead…

Natalie Judd: Clayton, welcome so much to the Internet Masters Series, and
we thank you so much for being here today.

Clayton: It’s my pleasure.

Natalie: Tell me what makes powerful sales copy.

Clayton: Well, most great sales copy has seven features that really
distinguish it from run-of-the-mill copy.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

The first thing is, great sales copy enters a conversation that your prospect is
already having with himself. It begins with headline and the opening copy that
addresses something that he’s already thinking about or worried about or
afraid of or excited about.

It’s not about you. It’s not about your product. It’s not about what you think.
It’s about what he’s interested in and what’s waking him up in the middle of
the night.

We have something around here we call “The Forehead-Slap Test.” If I see a

headline and I can’t imagine my prospect waking up in the middle of the night
in a cold sweat and slapping himself on the forehead and saying, “Oh, my
gosh –” and then saying that headline, I know there may be a better way in.

So this conversation he’s having with himself is everything. If you can show
him how to make something in his life work faster or easier to do or cheaper
to do or better or healthier or whatever, now this is something that he’s
thinking about because he deals with these things every day. Or if you can
eliminate negative emotions that are linked to problems or challenges or
obstacles or even just aggravations in his life, you’ve got it.

The second feature of strong copy is that it begins by solving a current

problem – not merely preventing a future one.

I do a lot of promotions for health products. One of my most exciting products

an oral chelation capsule. It contains EDTA that removes plaque from your

We have like 1,000, 1,500 testimonials from people who have lowered their
own blood pressure, had doctors cancel open heart surgery, lower their
cholesterol and even recovered their sex lives because they improved
circulation throughout their bodies with this product.

So what’s our big promise with that product? Should it be, “Never have a
heart attack,” or, “How to never have a stroke?” Or would it be stronger to
lead with lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol — things that people
are dealing with right now that are limiting their life?

If you’re eliminating my high blood pressure right now, today, this is a current
problem, I get the benefit immediately. I don’t have to keep taking those
blood pressure pills, don’t have to keep paying for the prescriptions. But if,
instead, you tell me 20 years from now I won’t have a heart attack if I take
this product every day for 20 years, that’s not nearly as strong a motivator.

The third feature is that strong copy goes beyond just talking about the
benefits that a product provides to recognizing the dominant resident
emotions that the prospect has, either about those benefits or the lack of
those benefits in his life.

This is something that we’ve done an awful lot of work with. And we’ve found[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

consistently that when we address those emotions, we get much higher

response rates than if we just simply mention a benefit in our copy.

Fourth, great copy fully explores all the benefits the product delivers to the
prospect. It leaves nothing out. When I work with young copywriters, one of
the first questions they ask me is, “How long do you want this to be?” My
answer is, “As long as it takes to explore and dimensionalize every benefit
your product delivers and to prove that it delivers those benefits with
testimonials and other credibility devices.”

See, what we do is a game of percentages. If one customer in 100 buys our

product, typically we can all be very successful. That’s 10 in 1,000. But if by
leaving out one benefit, you lose one customer or two customers who
otherwise would have bought, you’ve just cut your response rate to nine-
tenths of a percent.

If you’re a copywriter, that can get you killed if another copywriter explored
those benefits and got the sale.

Fifth, great copy fully dimensionalizes the value of the product.

It’s really important to compare the value of the benefit you deliver to what
the problem is costing your prospect.

Take my oral chelation product, for example: A lot of people are paying two
or three hundred dollars a month for heart drugs and then they’re getting side
effects that cost them another couple of hundred dollars in drugs to treat
those side effects. Plus, they’re having to cool their heels in a doctor’s office
two or three times a month.

Well, you know, there’s a real savings there if you can solve this problem for
23 cents a day with a simple nutritional supplement. So that comparison was
really important in our copy.

Sixth, great sales copy minimizes the price. Last month, for example, I sold a
$25,000.00 product online. I was very careful to minimize that $25,000.00
price. I broke it down by the number of months that they’ll be receiving the
service, the amount of money that the service has made other investors.

By the time you finished reading that copy, it was kind of a no-brainer. You’d
have to be a fool not to buy the product because the value of what it delivered
was so much greater than the price.

Seventh, great sales copy creates an urgency to buy. It doesn’t do you any
good if you absolutely convince the prospect that they need to buy this
product if you don’t get the order right now. If you don’t get it immediately,
you’re probably never gonna get it.

So including an urgency factor in the sales copy and in your offer is

extremely important. And by urgency factor, I mean, for example, something
extra they get if they order immediately.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

For one client, we added a time clock to their web page and gave prospects
ten minutes to make their decision. When the clock reaches zero, that’s it.
The offer is over for them.

For another client, we we create urgency by giving new customers the top-
rated tech stock right now when they order by phone. They can hang up, call
their broker, and within minutes, they can own that stock.

Think about ways that you can add urgency. Deadlines are great, especially
on the web because you can do a countdown series, counting the days and
finally the hours until the offer ends.

Limiting the number of products available under this offer is another way to
do it. We do that a lot in the investment market, especially with higher priced
products. And, you know, just offering a premium, an extra bonus if they order

Natalie: Wow. That’s a really pretty powerful list! I’ve been trying to take
notes and keep up with you and I’ve already filled two pages.

I want to ask you a couple of questions about language, finding the right tone
and the use of jargon in sales copy.

Clayton: Well, first of all, as far as tone is concerned, the message that
you’re conveying should dictate the tone. I was copy chiefing a very good
writer on not too long ago. The promotion was about the dangers of Vioxx
and how this natural product was a much better way to treat your arthritis.

At the time, some 120,000 people had reportedly suffered heart attacks after
taking Vioxx. But the copywriter wrote this very scholarly piece with lots of
credibility elements, lots of quotes from major organizations and institutions,
and gave me the statistics and what the odds were that I’d have a heart
attack if I
took Vioxx.

So I called the copywriter and I said, “You know what? I want you to rewrite
this copy. And I want you to begin with this thought. You just buried your
mother because she took Vioxx, a drug that the federal government and the
pharmaceutical company told you was perfectly safe. I want you to rewrite
this copy and make the tone appropriate for the message.”

And on the next draft, the copy had energy out the wazzoo. It was angry.
Indignant. Outraged. Because the tone was appropriate for the message, the
message had tremendous credibility.

As far as the use of language and jargon in your text, I do a lot of stuff both in
the health and in the investment industries. I write under they bylines of
doctors and stock market experts – both of whom are famous for their use of
jargon.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

My rule is that I use just enough jargon to demonstrate that I know what I’m
talking about, but not so much that I confuse or disenfranchise a neophyte
who’s reading my copy.

Natalie: I think that’s a great rule of thumb and a really good balance. How
should copy look on a page? Are there particular rules that you like to follow
about the way copy should look or particular fonts or typefaces, sizes, colors,
underlined bold, any of those kind of suggestions?

Clayton: Absolutely. The rules are slightly different on the internet than in
print. In print, people are used to reading newspapers. Newspapers are
typically set in Times Roman face, which is a Serif typeface.

On the web, however, the fact is that the screen you’re looking at is pixilated.
It has a lot of little dots on it. And the little flourishes on Serif letters get all
messed up and fuzzy-looking.

That’s why most websites use Sans-Serif typefaces. Ariel and Verdana are
the two most common faces on the web just because they’re easier for the
eye to see.

Then, there’s the contrast question. The human eye likes high contrast — and
the highest contrast you can get is black against white. For body copy
especially, the text should be black on white.

A lot of people like to get fancy and do maybe a cream background, but
anything that you do away from black on white reduces readability. And for
goodness sake, try to avoid going with reverse type, which would be a dark
background with a lighter type on top. It’s far less readable and many
readership studies have documented that.

So on the web, we have Verdana or Arial. We have black type on a white


I tend to go with 10 or 12 point type in my body text. Verdana’s a bigger face

than Arial, so I use 10 point Verdana or 12 point Arial. This is larger than
you’ll see on and other websites, but there’s a good reason for

We want to reduce eye fatigue, and a lot of our promotional copy is longer
and therefore, we go with the much larger typeface than you’re used to
seeing on and Yahoo and the other big sites.

Because we use longer copy, we use indented paragraphs and what we call
“strings of pearls” to make the page appear more inviting. A string of pearls is
where you take a number of benefits that a product offers and you make
each one a short three- or four-line indented paragraph that has a graphic
device before it, a checkmark, a box, you know, a round bullet, something like

By doing that, you are airing the page out, making it look more inviting.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

Remember in the old days, when computer screens were square? I

remember my old – my first Macintosh had a little tiny like six inch square
screen on it.

Natalie: I think I had that same one. My first computer actually had a green

Clayton: I think all of the monitors back then were square. Today, then tend
to be more panoramic. They tend to be a wider format, wider than they are
tall. And with that has come web pages and websites that are going 800,
900, 1,000, even 1,200 pixels in width.

We’ve done surveys and found that almost 100% of the people who read our
material have a 1,200 screen resolution. So we could go that wide if we
wanted to with our web pages. But the problem is that the human eye tires
going across a long line of text. And so we try to keep, especially in long
running copy, we try to keep the lines of text to 30 to 40 characters roughly.

It’s not hard and fast. Sometimes we’ll go shorter. Sometimes we’ll go slightly
longer, but just be sensitive to the length of that line. I’ve got a 32 inch
monitor in front of me now. If I had to scan all the way across that monitor in
order to finish a line of text, my eye would get pretty tired pretty quick.

Natalie: Sure. How about e-mail? Are there any other rules to follow when
sending e-mail?

Clayton: We do generally two kinds of e-mails. All of our e-mails are html
because that allows us to track our open rates and our click-through rates a
little bit more accurately.

But some of our e-mails are contrived to look as though they’re text e-mails.
And so those are just basically set up to look like, you know, on your prospect
screen like any text e-mail would. But most of the time, we design our e-
mails so that they have a border around them.

There’ll be a background around the outside of the e-mail, usually very light.
In our case, a blue and white lined screen outside the body of the e-mail. And
we do headlines and subhead type faces just like we do in our landing pages,
in our web pages.

I forgot to mention earlier when we were talking about how the copy should
look. We try to break up the running text with subheads every eight or nine or
ten paragraphs so the people who scroll quickly through the document will be
drawn in by these subheads. And typically those are 14 point bold and in a
second color, like red.

But as far as e-mails are concerned, it’s really all over the map. If you’re
trying to make it look as though you just sat down and tapped this up for your
customer because – oh, let’s say for urgency sake, some breaking news
story on vitamin C, you know, and you wanted to get this to them right away,[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

make it look like a text e-mail.

If trackability isn’t that important to you, for example, if you’re mailing just to
your own house file and you really don’t care about tracking open rates, then
use a text e-mail.

Natalie: What advice do you have for us about tracking and what are good
open rates on, you know, various kinds of direct mail and e-mail, sales
letters, advertisement?

Clayton: In direct mail, there are surveys that are done by the Direct
Marketing Association that indicate that an average of 60 to 70% of your
direct mail that gets thrown away unopened. There is no way to know on any
given promotion in direct mail what your open rates are unfortunately.

You can guess by looking at the response rates, but you’re not gonna come
anywhere near the truth in direct mail. On the internet, the open rates are all
over the map. When I send an e-mail to my subscribers of The Total
Package, I quite often will get open rates in excess of 70%. These are my
friends. We’ve bonded and they read what I send them.

On the other hand, when I do an e-mail to a file that doesn’t know me, I find
my open rates can be as low as 20% and sometimes even less.

And of course, the nature of the e-mail has everything to do with it. If an e-
mail comes from someone the recipient knows, then the open rate may be
higher. If the subject line is strong, intriguing, suggests a benefit, the open
rate will be higher. But it really is all over the map.

Natalie: What kinds of things do you suggest that people do for testing and
how can people test?

Clayton: On the web?

Natalie: On the web, yeah.To get better open rates and to get people on their
pages longer.

Clayton: Okay. Wow. Okay. That’s a big subject.

Well, a few months ago, a web marketing expert told us we should never use
our prospect’s name in a subject line. She said it sent the message that this
e-mail was a promotion.

And so I thought, “You know, that does make a lot of sense to me. I think I’ll
test it.” So for the next several months, we split our files so that every other
recipient had their name in the subject line. “Your new issue of the total
package is ready, Fred …” or, “Hey, Fred, have you seen this?” The other
half of the file just received unpersonalized subject lines.

And in every case, the personalized subject line outpulled the non-
personalized subject line. The differential was not huge, but it was consistent.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

And so now we tend to use personalization in our subject lines.

When I’m doing e-mails, the body of the e-mail itself will tend to have a
headline on it. So after I see the subject line, I open the e-mail and there will
be a headline there that will draw me into the copy. I’ve written dozens of
issues on headline writing and they’re available at our website in the Archive

But it’s basically the same on the web as it is in direct mail. And anything that
you read on writing headlines, either having a benefit in the headline or
having something topical entering the conversation prospects having with
themselves, etcetera, etcetera, are all very, very important.

Does that answer the question, Natalie?

Natalie: It does. What about punctuation? Do you recommend using, you

know, proper grammar school punctuation that we learned or can we mix it
up and break the rules a little bit?

Clayton: Just throw the rules away. Great copy speaks to prospects in a way
that they’re used to being spoken to and in the same way that they speak to
other people.

So depending on who your market is, you have a very broad range of both
word choices and punctuation available to you.

I use punctuation to try to make my copy sound in the prospect’s head the
same way it would sound as if I was speaking this to him.

What we do is salesmanship in print, right? So I’m writing to my prospect as if

I were in the room with him and my word choices, my phraseology,
everything is crafted to make him comfortable with me.

One of the best things that you can do is to read your copy aloud. When
you’ve got a pretty good draft, just sit in a room by yourself and read it out
loud. Imagine that you’re talking to your ideal prospect as you’re reading it.

You’ll find that there are certain areas where words are lost because of lack
of emphasis. Or passages that seem a little jumbled. Or places where you
stumble over the phrasing. Or sections that just slow the reader down.

Highlight those sections and when you’re done, go back to them and work on

Let’s just go through some of the ways that I use punctuation — just some
things to think about.

I use commas in my sentences to create pauses. Again, we’re thinking about

this printed copy as though it were verbal. A conversation we’re having with
our prospect.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

I use ellipses in a sentence or a paragraph to air out a longer string of

thoughts or progression of thoughts.

I just did an e-mail blast this morning, for example, on China and about how
inflation is heating up in China and the effects that would have.

It went something like:

“Yesterday the Chinese government announced that inflation will nearly


“Two billion Chinese are now looking for ways to hedge their new-found
wealth against inflation…

“Is it any wonder gold prices are soaring?”

I use em-dashes to emphasize a thought within a thought in a sentence. I use

colons when I want to really point to the following text in a strong way – like
before headlines in my eyebrow or pre-head copy.

I use caps and italics in text to create emphasis for certain words. In print,
you use underlines quite often, but on the web, underline means, “This is a
link.” And so most people avoid using them on the web. But all cap words
and italics serve the same purpose.

I make sure that my use of exclamation points is judicious. I’ll go through my

final draft and make sure that I don’t end two or three paragraphs in a row
with exclamation points. When everything is emphasized, nothing is

In the end, you want your copy to go through variations in pacing and
amplitude — where it goes from more intense to less intense so that the next
peak can be more dramatic.

Another thing that I do is the comma test. When I see a lot of commas, I take
a hard look at the sentence because commas are quite often used to try to
repair sentences that were really written upside down.

For example, I could write, “With great bravado, Clayton gave his example.”

Natalie: Right.

Clayton: Well, that sentence is upside down and that’s why it needed the
comma. It should have said, “Clayton gave his example with great bravado.”

Natalie: Yep.

Clayton: So that’s a clue that there’s work to be done to make that sentence
read more quickly and efficiently.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

Natalie: What are some different ways that people can get started? If they’re
sitting down and they’re staring at a blank screen or a blank piece of paper,
what are some of the ways to get past the blank screen blues?

Clayton: I think the outline’s the best way to do it. It’s really intimidating and
daunting when you know that you have to write a fairly long sales copy for a
product and you don’t really know where to start.

But again, this is not an exercise in writing. It’s an exercise in selling. And so
the first step that I take is I imagine I’m in a room with my prospect and I ask
myself, “How would I talk to him about this product? How would I begin the
conversation? What would I say next? How would I present the product and
the benefits and the offer? How would I do it if there was a live human being
sitting there?”

That’s a really good cue to how the copy should flow.

I begin by identifying every product benefit that I can think of. I look at the
product. I look at what it does. I look at how it changes people’s lives. I look
at how it connects with things that are going on in the world right now or that
are in the news right now.

Because if it’s in the news, my prospect’s thinking about it. And if he’s
thinking about it, he has feelings about it. So if my product addresses
something he’s thinking about, that’s particularly important to me.

The second thing I do then is I ask myself, “How is my prospect likely to feel
about each of these benefits that my product provides?” And I ask myself,
“How does he feel right now about not having those benefits in his life?”

See, what’s happening here is you’re building a matrix. You could even do it
on an Excel spreadsheet. In the left column, you have the benefit the product
delivers. In the right column, you have the resident emotion that connects
with that benefit.

Third, I decide whether I’m going to do a USP or an advertorial approach for

my promotion. A USP approach is one where you begin simply by stating the
benefit that the product offers.

So if the benefit is that you can have a greener lawn in 30 days, that’s your
headline. You just go straight to the direct benefit. USP ads are great when
you’re limited in terms of the length of your copy.

Advertorials have much greater readership and generally produce much

greater response, but they require longer copy. An advertorial promotion
begins with editorial copy on a theme your prospect is thinking about, worried
about, excited about, whatever.

You construct your promotion as if it were an editorial report or white paper

on that topic. And in my areas, investment and health, there’s a million ways
to go with that because there’s always news from one organization or another[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

about the efficacy of some supplement … or China just found out that its
inflation rate is gonna almost double in 2006 … or gold prices have taken off
… or the federal reserve didn’t raise interest rates yesterday.

The USP lead for a financial newsletter promotion would probably begin by
touting the most profitable investment advice in America, then present give
the track record of the newsletter and say, “Buy this newsletter and you’re
gonna double your money in 2006 or 2007.”

But the advertorial approach says, “Look, here’s something you’re thinking
about that you probably have been wondering where you could get more
information about.” And then it goes about establishing our expertise and the
value of what we do by giving him practical advice and help that he can use
even without buying the product in order to capitalize on this opportunity or
solve this problem.

Once you know whether you’re going with a USP or advertorial approach and
once you have the outline complete, it’s time to start hanging some meat on
the bones. That means research. You’ll identify facts you’ll need to make
each point credible – maybe a chart or a picture to drive your point home.

So your outline kind of becomes a research document. You simply drop in

the facts or the support material or whatever you need after each sales point
so it’ll be there for you when you begin writing.

Now, what you have is a very rough draft. You have a complete sales
argument that starts at point A and ends at point B with most, if not all, of the
facts that you’ll need in order to complete your copy in the appropriate places.

Now, you don’t have a blank page, do you?

Natalie: Right.

Clayton: So it’s simply a matter of going through and turning those notes into
a conversation that you’re having with your prospect and doing it in the order
that you’ve laid out in your outline.

Natalie: I read somewhere that you also said that if a writer’s really struggling
with a blank page he could get some external stimulation by going to a
bookstore and looking at headlines. Can you talk a little bit about that as well?

Clayton: Sure. I write my headlines last usually, but bookstores are fantastic
resources for us. I’ve done a lot of work with Rodale Press. They do Men’s
Health and Prevention Magazine. And one day they told me that every month
they do 10 to 12 cover panel tests on Prevention.

So if you go to a bookstore in Connecticut, you’re likely to see a different

cover on Prevention than you might see just down the street, right? And
certainly you’re likely to see a different cover if you go to Alabama.

They’ve been doing these tests for like 20 years. So when you stand there in[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

front of a magazine rack and look at the fronts of all of those magazines,
you’re looking at millions of dollars of research on the hoof. The companies
that publish those magazines have spent a fortune and many, many years, in
some cases decades, trying to find out what kinds of headlines on their
magazine covers product the greatest sales in the newsstand.

And so a trip to the bookstore can be very informative. I quite often will go
and take both a little pocket recorder and a notepad, grab myself a latte, and
just stand there and go over the magazine rack very carefully. Then after
having done that, I go to the book section.

Now, I’m told that book publishers do much less of this kind of research. But
looking, especially at the non-fiction books, and studying their headlines and
opening the books and looking at their chapter titles, both of those exercises
have yielded a lot of great headline ideas.

Another way if you’re stuck for a headline would be to go to the tabloids,

National Enquirer and the Globe. Those guys are past masters at headline
writing. Back in ’91, I was asked to write a promotion for Health and Healing,
and I did just that. I went to a bookstore after I’d written the copy, and I
noticed that a couple of the tabloids used the word forbidden in the headlines
on their covers.

And so I went straight home and just wrote “Forbidden Cures: The Cures
Doctors, Drug Companies, and the U.S. Medical Industry Don’t Want You To
Know About.” We mailed 30 million of those and sold a heck of a lot of
subscriptions of Health and Healing.

It’s great. Once you get into this, you’ll always have your feelers out and
you’ll be hearing phrases and structures that you can adapt for pretty much
any product. Television’s another great place to go, but bookstores are
probably the best.

Natalie: I’ve heard that some people keep a swipe file of things that they get
in the mail or they keep, you know, these headline idea. They rip them out as
they see one and stick it in a file. Do you recommend doing things like that?

Clayton: I tell my copy cubs, “Do what works for you.” I have a very visual
memory and so I don’t use swipe files. I saw a headline 20 years ago that I
still laugh about today.

It was on National Lampoon. There was a picture of this forlorn dog looking at
the camera and somebody was holding a gun to his head. The headline was,
“Buy this magazine or we shoot the dog.” I can still see that dog’s face.

I tend to have kind of a knack for remembering great phrases and great
headlines. But some of my copy cubs, especially the brand new ones, really
find swipe files helpful.

The key to me using a swipe file though is to go through and make notes in a
separate document on the ideas that you pick up and to study those notes. if[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

you do that, you’re internalizing what you just saw. And your subconscious
has an amazing way of feeding that stuff back up to you when you need it.

The term swipe file is a bit unfortunate because too many people are relying
on their swipe files rather than on their own creativity to draw new boundaries
or to innovate.

And so they tend to end up writing, “They laughed when I sat down to play
the piano,” as their headline on pretty much everything they do. “They
laughed when I stepped up to the green. They laughed when I said I’d cure
my own diabetes.”

If I see another “They laughed when …” headline, I think I’ll scream.

So swipe files should be used to study how great copywriters have innovated,
how great copywriters have broken the rules rather than seeing them as a
new set of rules that we all want to follow or formulas that we want to

Natalie: What advice do you have for younger copywriters looking to build a
successful career today?

Clayton: I think if I was a young copywriter working for an ad agency, the first
thing I’d want to do is to get the hell out of that ad agency!

My son-in-law sent me a list of the ten top paying jobs in America yesterday.
Copywriter was one of them. It was from one of these employment websites
like And it said that copywriters make $92,000.00 a year on

Well, the reason that the average copywriter makes $92,000.00 a year is
because the average copywriter in America is working for a radio station or
an ad agency and the philosophy of those organizations is to create creative
ads. It’s not to sell their client’s products.

Well, you know, if you’ve ever been to the National Museum of Modern Art,
you know, you can throw a glob of mud at the wall and be called creative. So
that’s not worth much.

Natalie: Right.

Clayton: What’s worth a lot is learning how to motivate people, how to create
action – desire and action in prospects so that they buy client’s products.

Because if you can make a client rich, you’re gonna get rich.

Most of those $92,000 copywriters have never read Caples. They’ve never
read Hopkins. They’ve never understood why Ogilvy was so successful.

They don’t understand the most rudimentary things about acquiring or

holding human attention or creating desire or moving people to action.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

And, of course, the reason for that is the difference between general
advertising and direct response. In general advertising, if you run an ad, then
everyone says, “Oh, that’s creative,” or they’re all talking about it by the water
cooler on Monday morning, you’re a success and you’ll probably get into the
advertising hall of fame.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t sell a single product. Doesn’t matter if your ad
actually hurt sales, but cause nobody knows for sure.

In direct response, on the other hand, two weeks after I do a mailing or 24

hours after I do an e-mail blast, I know if I was a genius or an idiot and not
only do I know, so does my client.

Natalie: Right.

Clayton: So number one goal for me would be to get the schooling in how to
create sales that’s so readily available today on the web. Of course, I highly
recommend my own weekly e-letter. It’s free. But there are others.
Bencivenga’s Bullets is outstanding.

Then, read the masters. Read John Caples and Claude Hopkins and David
Ogilvy and Rosser Reeves.

And then when you’re ready, go out on your own. You can do it part-time at
first if you want to. Just take on a local client creating store traffic for him or
creating orders for him.

My advice to business owners is to recognize that your sales copy is by far

the most important component of success. By a long shot. A better
mousetrap will not cause the world to come to your door. Great sales copy

Now, maybe you don’t want to be a copywriter for your own products. Maybe
you figure that’s something that you can hire somebody else to do. That
doesn’t really let you off the hook though.

You’ve got to at least know the difference between strong copy and weak
copy because you’re gonna be asked to put your money behind ad copy that
someone else wrote.

If someone comes to you and says, “We want to run this in USA Today
tomorrow. It’s gonna cost $45,000.00.” Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether
that ad’s going to make you money or not?

Natalie: Right.

Clayton: You’ve got to understand the difference between a good ad and a

bad ad, an ad that’ll generate a measurable response and one that’s likely to
go down in flames. And it’s so easy to do because there’s just so much good
information out there.[11/29/2012 7:45:38 PM]

7 Characteristics All Great Sales Copy Shares |

Natalie: Clayton, I want to thank you so much. This has been a really rich
hour for me. I have seven, eight pages of notes here, so I know I’ve taken
away a lot and I hope that everyone else has.

Clayton: Anytime, Natalie — I hope it helps.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Posted on March 12, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
Dear Business Builder, He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Well, that was interesting! by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Seems I’ve stirred up a bit of a hornet’s nest.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about how a lot of younger copywriters
seem to think they’re automatically entitled to a six-figure income – and in
some cases, maybe even more.

When I offer them a fair fee for their apprentice-level work – a fee that
acknowledges the enormous amount of painstaking labor I’ll have to do to
whip their copy into shape – they seem insulted.

Then, they sleepwalk through the whole process, submitting sloppy first
drafts, and sulk when I politely tear their work to shreds.

In short, they seem to believe that all they have to do to earn a huge income
for the rest of their lives is to read a few books about copywriting.

So I wondered, “Where in the world are people getting these crazy notions?”
And I set out to see if maybe some copywriting gurus out there might be
“guilding the lily a bit” when it came to selling their books, courses and
seminars online.

And right off the bat, I found a website – A SITE OWNED BY A GUY I’D
NEVER HEARD OF – claiming that …

1. He is an “acknowledged expert” on copywriting and marketing …[11/29/2012 7:45:51 PM]

How to Turn Your Copywriting Savvy Into BIG Money |

2. He can teach you how to write sales letters that will make you rich in no
time flat…

3. You can make up to $50 million with a one-page sales letter…

4. You can work “where you want (true), when you want (true)” and make all
the money you want…

5. The ONLY person who can teach you winning copywriting techniques is

6. And that at nearly $5,000, his copywriting course is a “bargain.”

So, I wrote an article challenging those claims … to try to bring a little sanity
to this whole copywriting thing … to give younger copywriters a more
balanced inside view of what a freelance career is really like … to challenge
them to invest the time and effort required to become a top writer … and most
of all, to make the point that IT’S WORTH IT!

Well, I can honestly tell you, I have never written an article that got more
attention than that one did.

Almost immediately, my inbox was jammed to overflowing with notes from

readers thanking me for bringing some balance to over-the-top claims like

And I got even MORE e-mails asking my advice on the best way to get the
fastest possible start as a freelance copywriter today.

Here’s my answer:

Step #1:

Buy and Read the Masters

These are the books that got me started – and that every copywriter and
direct marketer worth his or her salt should read, and then re-read ever year

How to Write a Good Advertisement by Vic Schwab

My Life in Advertising & Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
The Robert Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier
Reality in Advertising by Rosser Reeves
Positioning by Al Ries and Jack Trout
Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples
Reason-Why Advertising by John E. Kennedy

Also – to master the nuts and bolts side of things, I recommend Successful
Direct Marketing Methods by Bob Stone.[11/29/2012 7:45:51 PM]

How to Turn Your Copywriting Savvy Into BIG Money |

And to get a better handle on human motivation and how to move people to
action, I love Robert Ringer’s Looking Out for #1 and Psychocybernetics by
Maxwell Maltz.

This step is not optional. It makes no sense whatsoever to spend thousands

of dollars on courses or seminars – mine or anyone else’s – until you have
mastered the foundational copywriting philosophies, strategies and tactics of
The Masters.

Step #2:

Complete Michael Masterson’s Copywriting

Courses – BOTH of Them
Now, I know what you’re thinking: You think I have some kind of special deal
that will make me money when you buy a copywriting course from the
American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI).

Sorry – no cigar! Truth is, you could buy one for every member of your family
and it wouldn’t affect my bank balance one iota.

The simple fact is, Michael Masterson’s Accelerated Program for Six-
Figure Copywriting is hands down the best way I know to get a working
knowledge of the world’s most effective copywriting techniques today.

It has, quite simply, become the standard of the industry. Like many direct
response companies, I won’t even consider hiring a copy cub who hasn’t
completed both the basic and the advanced course.

Furthermore – unlike the self-proclaimed guru I described a couple of weeks

ago in The Total Package – all of AWAI’s programs are based on proven
copywriting strategies and techniques that have generated over a billion
dollars in sales and that made Agora Publishing the 800-pound gorilla in our

And AWAI won’t charge you five grand for these effective response-boosting
secrets. Their basic course goes for only about one-tenth that much.

Plus, as a bonus, the spec assignments you’ll do as you work your way
through are a great way to begin building a portfolio of the samples you’ll
need to get your first paying jobs.

Step #3:

Get My How to Build a Six-Figure Copywriting

Business Course
For most new writers, I recommend that after basic training, you spend a
couple of years interning with a top copy chief – in a job with an agency or a
top direct response company like Agora or Weiss Research.[11/29/2012 7:45:51 PM]

How to Turn Your Copywriting Savvy Into BIG Money |

But if you’ve done that and you’re ready to hang out your freelance shingle –
or if you’re sure you want to go straight from your training into your own
freelance business – you’re going to need some help finding great clients and
structuring profitable working arrangements with them.

I may be somewhat biased here, but I think my 9-hour course is a great way
to fill your dance card with high-paying clients. And so far, everyone who has
taken it seems to agree.

I show you how I’ve done it throughout my 35-year career – starting in the
1970s, when I had little experience and zero name recognition in the biz.

NOTE: AWAI also offers Freelance Writing Success in a Box – which I

haven’t seen, but I’ve heard is also excellent.

Step #4:

Get to Work

You can do all of the above and still fail – spectacularly – unless you actually
put what you’ve learned to work.

Sounds obvious, I know. But you’d be surprised at how many promising new
writers are either too intimidated or too lazy to do what it takes to build a
successful freelance business.

Early in my career, I spent about half my time just selling myself to

prospective clients. So have a work ethic. Bang the phones. Send out tons of
samples. Create entire promotions on spec for the major mailers and Internet
marketers. Then, bang the phones again.

If you can’t get a big national direct response marketer like Rodale or
Boardroom to hire you right off the bat, don’t be discouraged: Pick up a local
client or two and create the hottest promotions they’ve ever seen.

Be a pest. Risk rejection. Keep your eyes on the prize – the fantastic money
and freedom copywriting can bring you – and don’t let up until you’re getting
the kinds of clients and assignments that get you the big bucks.

Step #5:

If Freelance Assignments Aren’t In

The Offing, Apply for a
Full-Time Copywriting Job.
I happen to know that Agora Health, Agora Financial, Weiss Research and
many other firms are looking for full-time junior writers – and as I mentioned
last week, not only will interning with a top copy chief pay your bills while you
learn, it’ll also make you a better writer and make you more money over the[11/29/2012 7:45:51 PM]

How to Turn Your Copywriting Savvy Into BIG Money |

long haul.

The other day, I interviewed ace financial copywriter Jack Forde for an hour
on the phone – it’s March’s Roadhouse Rants Interview for my EasyWriters
Marketing Club.

John Forde, for example, lives an idyllic life in Paris and makes a bleedin’
fortune as a freelance copywriter. He got his start interning under Bill Bonner
and Michael Masterson at Agora.

And as I pointed out last week, Gary Bencivenga, Jim Rutz, Arthur Johnson,
Kent Komae, David Deutsch and most of the other top freelance copywriters I
could name (including ME) started out with full-time jobs at agencies, direct
response companies or with senior copywriters.

So if it’s not happening for you – if the freelance thing isn’t paying the bills –
don’t be discouraged. Make a list of the people you’d love to work for,
perhaps even the companies you’d eventually love to have as freelance
clients, and apply for a full-time job with them.

Above all, do NOT lose heart. Remember:

The freedom is real.

The work is fun.

The money is real.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton's articles? Check these out.[11/29/2012 7:45:51 PM]

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All Great Sales Copy Shares of My Newest Copy Cub →

3 Responses to How to Turn Your Copywriting Savvy

Into BIG Money

Joe Swopes says:

February 12, 2009 at 5:34 pm

Thanks Clayton, I’m very surprised there are no comments on this

classic post! I love reading through your archives as I always find the

Thanks for the list, encouragement, and kick in the butt.


Pingback: Copywriters Garage Sale – Make An Offer « Copywriters Garage Sale

Rezbi says:
October 28, 2009 at 11:54 pm

This is not only a fantastic piece but… I think… I know the person
and package you’re referring to.

Would you still say the same as you have in steps 1 and 2 noe that
you have the Quick-Start Copywriting System?

Or, would you say that covers all the neccessary basics, enough to
go straight to step 3?


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of My Newest Copy Cub

Posted on March 19, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
in this issue: We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
How taking calculated risks can light a fire world
under your career … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
The three most crucial lessons a new
copywriter can learn …

The #1 mistake too many new copywriters

make …

How to turn criticism into money …

Much more!

Dear Business-Builder,

I want you to meet someone very special this week – someone who’ll
encourage and inspire you, and help you take your copywriting to the next
level …

His name is John Newtson – a young copy cub who’s just beginning his
career in direct response marketing.

Last year, John and his wife Katrina decided to take a huge gamble: To
spend $5,000 plus expenses to attend my Power Marketing Summit.

At the time, John was an office manager for a market research firm in
Virginia. He had completed both AWAI courses and was eager to begin his
new career as a copywriter.

John figured the Summit would give him the chance to network with other[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

writers and with potential clients. And our Copywriter’s Challenge gave John
the opportunity to test his copywriting chops.
So John and Katrina swallowed hard and put the $5,000 registration fee on a
credit card.

John’s entry in the Copywriter’s Challenge was for a health

product called Super CoQ10™. And wonder of wonders, his
entry won the Grand Prize and $25,000 in copywriting
assignments from my agency, Response Ink.

Not only that – my client has now mailed John’s promotion to

his customers twice and it has earned us both some nice royalties!

Then, a couple of months ago, Wendy and I decided we needed a full-time

copywriter here in our offices to help me with my clients’ work – and John
was my #1 choice.

And so, John and Katrina took another huge gamble. They put their Virginia
home on the market, packed up their worldly possessions and moved here.

I’m hoping John’s experiences as a young writer – and the lessons he learns
as we work together on direct mail and Internet promotions – will help you
accelerate your learning curve and get you bigger winners, more often – and
sooner …


Clayton: Hey John, thanks for joining us today.

John: Thanks for having me.

Clayton: Why don’t we begin by having you tell us a little bit about your
background: growing up, your parents, your education, and so forth?

John: All right. Well basically I was a military brat. My dad was enlisted in the
Army for 20-some-odd years. And so I was born in Japan; grew up in
Germany—kind of lived all over. And my mom’s from Greece, where I still
have family.

So we lived all over the place. And then education-wise, I was a high school
drop out. And then went back to school to get my high school diploma. I did
go to a couple of years of college but nothing business or marketing related.
It was pretty much religion and philosophy.

Clayton: Interesting. Was your father in the military the whole time you were
growing up?

John: He retired when I was about in the sixth grade, so right through
elementary school. And we actually lived in Germany for a year after he
retired because my mom’s family was in Greece and that made it easy to get
over there and see them. And then we came back here and he went to work[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

for the government here.

Clayton: So neither one of your parents really were involved in

entrepreneurship or marketing or anything like that.

John: Not really. I mean my dad always had some ideas. And before I was
born he’d had a couple of auto shops, briefly for about two years. And then
he went back into the military because it was a good way to move back
overseas. But that was about it.

But he always made the point to me growing up that, “You’re never gonna
really be able to make a lot of money if you’re working for someone else.” So
it was one of those things, a tradeoff that he made is he kept jobs that gave
him a lot of security for the family growing up. And made it easy to go visit
family overseas. But he never really got to chase down some of those other
dreams. But he really encouraged me to.

Clayton: Did you ever get involved in sales when you were growing up?

John: Not really. I think the closest to actual sales experience was when I
was in high school I had a telemarketing job for about a week. And that was
about it. Didn’t really care for that too much though.

Clayton: Didn’t work out too well for you?

John: Not at all.

Clayton: So like me, you’re a high school dropout?

John: Oh yeah, I took it almost all the way to the end. I was about halfway
through my senior year. And I just didn’t really feel like school was for me. So
I just stopped going.

Clayton: Well it worked out okay for me and I think it’s working out okay for
you too.

John: Yeah, it looks that way.

Clayton: So when did you first hear about copywriting in direct marketing?

John: Well it was funny. After I met my wife—up until then I hadn’t really
thought much about a career because it wasn’t really essential to any of my
plans. But then after I got engaged I realized, “I need to really work this thing
out.” And so I had a friend who had a bunch of different small businesses at
different times and did some marketing online. And he put the bug in my ear
because he thought it was a good fit for me but I didn’t think much about it. At
least not until I saw an ad for the AWAI course in Early to Rise. And it had the
headline: Can you write a letter like this one?

And so I read through it and it seemed like, “Yeah this is me. This is
something I could really get behind. I really liked the idea behind it. And that[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

when you’re writing sales letters success has little to do with other people’s
opinions because it’s results based.”

And so I asked my friend about it. And he told me, “Yeah copywriting is really
one of those areas that’s still a real meritocracy in America. There are not a
lot of other things that are quite as result oriented.”

And that’s what I was looking for because I didn’t have a degree and that
closed a lot of doors to me. So I just fell down the rabbit hole from there. I got
the course material and then started getting every book I could on the
subject. I read everything I could find and probably spent $2,000.00 on books
and courses and stuff just trying to really understand everything I could about
the business.

Clayton: But the AWAI course was your first big introduction really to how to
do this, right?

John: Oh yeah. And in retrospect I’m glad it was because most of the other
stuff out there doesn’t really give a strong basic structure the way that the
AWAI course does. Which, I think, is really fundamental.

Clayton: I hear that a lot, we get a lot of very positive comments about the
AWAI course. And I’ve found that when I’m working with Copy Cubs, the
ones who’ve completed both courses, the beginner and the advanced, tend
to move along a lot more quickly than those who haven’t.

So I met you a year ago at our Power Marketing Summit in Washington, DC.
How did you hear about that and what made you decide to spend the
$5,000.00 plus to attend?

John: Well that was definitely a big decision for me. I remember I had
subscribed to The Total Package. And it was probably the most significant
newsletter to me, personally, of all the ones I’d found. I felt like – finally!
Here’s someone who knows what he’s doing, but is also really sharing his
experience in depth and really giving a broad and detailed perspective on the
business on multiple levels. And it was just fantastic.

So then when I saw you were having the Summit, two things struck me. One,
I knew you were someone I wanted to learn from because it was obvious you
were one of the top in the field and then two, you had this copywriting contest
where, basically you’d get the opportunity to write a package, submit it, and
the winners would get a chance to apprentice under you or one of your other
past Copy Cubs like Carline or someone.

And it was that right there that really just appealed to me. To have the chance
to actually learn in the real world from somebody who’s already successful at
this and get that kind of experience. Because even taking the courses and
reading the books and stuff, you’re so much on the outside of the business.
And you have no true frame of reference so you don’t even really know
whether you know what you’re doing or not.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

And so that was just such an appealing concept to me and I couldn’t let this
chance go by. Even thought I hadn’t actually done any copywriting before
this. And I didn’t have the money for it either, so I threw it on a credit card and
crossed my fingers.

Clayton: And wonder of wonders you won the grand prize in the copywriting

John: Yeah that was quite a surprise, actually. I remember when I had met
John McCrea earlier that day, and he ended up winning the first prize spot.
And so we were sitting there talking at dinner. And I remember when he got
called up and I was so thrilled for him and thinking, “That’s fantastic.”

And then you were talking about how the person who won the grand prize
wasn’t really even a copywriter. So my first thought went, “Oh, it was
somebody who has a business who happened to submit an entry.” So I’m
thinking, “I’m out. I didn’t even get honorable mention. I got nothing.” And
then you called my name and I’m sitting there, I’m like, “Did he just call my

Clayton: Well at the time you were working as what?

John: An office manager, actually, in a market research firm.

Clayton: But you weren’t really involved in the market research that much,
were you?

John: Not too much. I mean a little bit; you get to see a little bit of it, help out
here and there and stuff, but nothing that required any real brainpower. I
mean it was interesting to read a lot of the stuff and see what they were doing
but it was not a hands-on thing at all.

Clayton: I remember when you came up to the stage and I presented you
with your grand prize trophy that you were visibly shaking. You had a smile
from ear to ear.

John: Yeah. It was quite an intense experience.

Clayton: And then immediately you disappeared; nobody knew where you
were. And it turned out you were calling your wife.

John: Yeah. ‘Cause I mean it was really, it was a big step for her too—we
had to talk about our finances for me to put $5,000.00 on a credit card to go
to something like this. And it was just—I just wanted to share it with her
immediately. And it was great; she was so excited and it felt fantastic.

Clayton: I understand that after the Summit, you and John McCrea arranged
to critique each other’s copy. Is that right?

John: Yeah. Actually it was John McCrea, Caleb Osborne, who was one of
the honorary mentions there, and I. The three of us started critiquing each[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

others copy and to this day we still do. We send each other our copy and
critique it and give each other ideas. And that’s been just so helpful for all of
us, I think.

Clayton: It’s something I highly encourage especially with the

interconnectivity of the Internet today, there’s no reason in the world why
younger writers shouldn’t be making friends with others and sharpening each
others copy—even in the absence of a mentor.

Clayton: And since then you’ve been freelancing for me and for Carline and
other people I work with. How has that experience affected your approach to

John: Well first, it was definitely a reality check for me. When I wrote the
package for the Summit, I had all the time in the world to do it. But then I
remember the first thing after the Summit I wrote was a newsletter insert for
Carline. And time-wise it was a couple weeks to get the first draft to her—
which was much faster than I had for the contest promotion.

And then by the time she wanted the first draft I was like, “This is not in very
good shape but I have to send something over to her.” And so I felt like she
should get some combat pay for that because she really had to tear that first
draft to pieces. And I loved the fact that, though she was very nice about it, at
the same time she was not going to pussyfoot around. She had no problem
saying, “This sucks; this sucks.” She wrote “lame” on everything, which was

And then she gave me some direction and it helped so much to have
someone like her go through and say, “Look, your line of reasoning here
sucks. This is not the right way to go.” Or, “Why are you writing more like an
editor rather than a salesman?” And things like that.

Just doing one package with her just totally changed everything—the way I
thought about how I approach a project. And it was such a great experience
and that was just from one package. So I did, I think, three drafts on that. And
I was really impressed by the time I was done with what she could pull out of
me. And it did really well when it mailed.

And so the speed factor really came in fast because now I stopped writing
editorial style in my first drafts. Now I could start to look at things immediately
from how they should lay out in the sales message and that helped a lot.

Clayton: Well yeah, – it’s quite a shock. That’s why I quite often recommend
that people look at the AWAI basic course as their bachelors’ degree and the
advanced course as their masters’ degree. But to go from there into an
internship with live copywriters, so they can experience the challenge of
approaching a product and a market and a prospect in a real-world promotion
that’s somebody’s actually going to invest money in. And the experience of
doing it is instructive. Also the experience of seeing the results afterwards is
a great way to focus your energies—especially when you get a loser.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

But then we took the copy that you had submitted, that won our copywriters
challenge, and we did a few nips and tucks. And one of Response Ink’s
clients mailed that promotion. And lo and behold, it worked. It made money
for the client. And yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting you with your
first-ever royalty check. How did that feel?

John: That was a great surprise and it was just a great feeling to know that
something that I had thought I put to rest so long ago is still paying – that was
just phenomenal. I did that work months and months and months ago. And it
was such a great feeling. You always hear about royalties. But until you get
that first check in your hands it doesn’t really feel real. It’s all kind of
theoretical. But then as soon as the cash comes in it feels really good.

Clayton: And it feels like free money, doesn’t it?

John: Yeah it does, that’s exactly what it feels like.

Clayton: And since your freelance experience with Carline and your
freelancing experience with us, as part of your award for winning the
copywriting challenge, you’ve come to work with me full-time.

And, in fact, as we speak right now, everything you own in the world is in
boxes on the floor of a house here in Western North Carolina. And your wife
is headed down here; she’ll be arriving tonight to begin unpacking and getting
you established here.

That’s quite a big step. What made you decide to accept my offer of a full-
time job rather than pursue your freelancing career?

John: Well for me it was basically an IQ test —I mean when we were on the
phone and you said that you’d be interested in bringing me down here to
write for you full time. I had a choice, I could continue to build my freelance
business and hope one day to break into the top rungs of the business. Or I
could come do this full-time with one of the best in the business. And from
the experience I already had working with you my copywriting and my
understanding of the business has improved fast that it just seemed like a no-
brainer. I knew there was no better way to do this than to come and actually
work on a day-to-day basis with you and just see the business as a whole.

And it’s amazing how much stuff besides just the copywriting there is to
learn. And, I think, that’s one of the big motivators for me, when I hear you
talk about being the “total package” — doing not just copy but strategy and
planning and all these other things. And outside as a freelancer you’re more
separate from those kinds of details and it’s kind of opaque to you.

So the chance to come in here and work with you and see everything, was a
no-brainer. If I’m going to succeed in this business then that’s exactly the
kind of experience I want to have. And I know that pretty much everyone I
look up to in this business, you and Gary Bencivenga and others; you’ve all
worked for someone else in either an agency or for a client early on to get
that total view of everything and the input from experienced pros.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

Clayton: I remember a conversation you and I had when we first started

discussing you coming to work here in which I said, “Here’s how things work,
okay? You come to work for me. We’ll spend a couple of years sharpening
your approach to copy and getting you a bunch of winners and plumping up
your portfolio. So you can eventually unceremoniously quit me and become a
$1 million a year freelancer. But between now and then I’m gonna make a
buck or two off of you.”

John: Yeah, exactly.

Clayton: And I think that’s a great synergistic relationship. And throughout

history that’s the way the apprentice approach to learning a craft has worked;
it’s economically helpful to both parties.

Okay so you’ve been here in the office now for a few weeks. What
differences have you noticed between your budding freelance career, prior to
accepting this job, and being around copywriting eight hours a day, six days a

John: Well I think going back to the earlier point that now I see so much
more of what’s going on. I see not just the final copy delivered, but I see
more of the strategy behind promotions, why we’re doing one thing as
opposed to another, the numbers behind the whole plan and how it all fits
together. And that is so instructive.

And then there’s also the fact that since coming here things are going at full
speed every day. There’s just so much to do—you feel that you get that
experience so much faster because you’re just working on so many more

And it reminds of something Claude Hopkins said. He was talking about how
he’s worked twice the hours every day than other advertising men of his age.
And so it wasn’t that he was so much better it was that he had two lifetimes of
experience because he put in double the amount of time. And so I think
having the volume of work, having that experience of doing so much more
and working on so many more things, it speeds up your learning curve

Clayton: Yeah absolutely. That’s great stuff.

All right well you came to us with some momentum, some wind in your sails,
because of the studying that you had done and that $2,000.00 that you had
spent on courses and books. And since then you’ve experienced both, life as
a freelancer and, for the last few weeks, life as a fulltime staff copywriter. And
you’ve collected your first royalties and you’ve produced a winner that’s
making my client money.

So I’d like you to spend a little time and tell us about the two or three or four
lessons that you’ve learned over the past year about persuasion in print, that
you think would be most helpful to young copywriters.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

John: All right. I think the very first one—and this one was the one that really
struck me when I was writing the package that ended up winning the grand
prize at the Summit and it was one of those real “a-ha” moments—was that
I’d been hearing so much about using formulas or swiping and writing
headlines and what not and all this technical stuff about the copy itself.

And when I was writing that promotion I was reading through issues of The
Total Package. And the one thing that really came home to me was that it
wasn’t about the copy itself, it was about the prospect. And that’s something
that you said over and over again but it didn’t really come home to me until
then. And it wasn’t about writing a how-to headline or this type of headline or
about the technique — it was more about what the prospect was actually
feeling, where are they mentally in their life, and how are they feeling when
they get this promotion—and actually really trying to visualize that and
understand that.

And the copy, the theme or the idea that’s going to flow from that is really
what’s going to win. It’s not going to be because you had this really great way
of turning a phrase or using some whiz-bang word that’s going to really
impress someone. Those are such minor things. It’s all about the prospect.
And the formulas and everything are great but they don’t really get you there;
they’re just crutches.

Clayton: Great, what else?

John: Well one of the things that really struck me more than anything else is
maybe less about the copy and more about the business. And that was, both
from you and then from listening to a call with Martin Weiss not too long ago,
was that integrity matters quite a bit.

And that there’s a lot of stuff out there telling people that it’s all about
manipulating and tricking people and squeezing your clients or your list and
prospects. And you and Martin, you both just have a completely different take.
You honestly care about your prospects and customers. You realize that
they’re people and that you’re trying to do something for them and you’re not
trying to just squeeze a nickel out of them. You’re trying to provide them with
some real, honest value.

And so I think it’s that difference between the churn and burn approach
where you just want to cycle through your list or your prospects and get as
much money as possible as fast as possible, versus building a long-term
business where you’re actually providing things to people that they want and
that they enjoy the experience. And that the business itself is about delighting
people rather than just getting money from them.

Clayton: Absolutely. This is all about customer lifetime value. The people,
who follow the churn and burn approach, make money. But for every
$1,000.00 they make, the people who run businesses that are committed to
developing long-term relationships and actually improving their customers’
lives, make tens and tens of thousands of dollars.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

So it just makes sense. It’s rational selfishness to treat customers with dignity
and with respect and to deliver on the promises in your copy.

Are there any other lessons that you’ve learned?

John: Oh there’s so many. Again there’s the idea that you’re most effective
when you really understand the marketing side of the business besides just
the copywriting. The copywriting is one piece of the puzzle. And the more you
understand the business as a whole, the more valuable you are to clients and
the more success you’re going to have. Rather than just pigeonholing
yourself and thinking, “I just need to learn how to write good headlines,”
you’re thinking about the whole business and the front end and the backend
— everything. And that seems to be a huge thing that is easily missed,
especially in the beginning. Because I know I did. I didn’t really think about it
in terms of the business a whole, initially.

Clayton: All of those are great insights. If you were giving advice to a young
copywriter who is maybe just starting out or maybe even still taking the AWAI
courses, what would it be?

John: Don’t rush through it. Don’t try and just get to the end of the course or
the books and check the box that you’ve done it. It’s not about finishing the
course. It’s not about having read the books or even just knowing what the
principles are. It’s about actually mastering the skills they’re sharing.

I mean, it’s one thing to be able to quote Caples and Reeves and Claude
Hopkins. You hear people treat them like bibles, “Claude Hopkins Chapter 12
Verse 10 said this.” Quoting a principle is not the same as having mastered it
and being able to use it. And so it’s really focusing on developing the actual
craft and the skill.

I’ve noticed as a freelancer before I came down here after working with you, I
could send a letter with a couple samples to some of the major mailers. And
they’d call me back up and they were like, “Hey this is great. We want to hire
you.” And I had to turn work down because I ended up not having the time
right now because this opportunity came up. But that was because of the
strength of my copy after having worked with you. The point is though copy, if
it’s strong, will open doors. It’s not that complicated. Once your copy is strong
people will hire you. So focus on the skill rather than just trying to rush
through things and get started as fast as possible.

Clayton: There’s a principle there, I think, that’s really important, that what
we do is a combination of what has gone before—which is essentially what
you pick up from Claude Hopkins and Michael Masterson Masterson and from
me and from all of the available books and courses that are out there. That’s
the first ingredient.

But the second ingredient is your own genius. Applying those principles and
even breaking them selectively at the right time, in order to move our industry
ahead and to continue innovating indirect response.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

And you and I have noticed recently that there are people who believe a
computer is all the brain they’ll ever need and that simple copywriting
software will produce those kinds of winners. But all copywriting software can
do is to help you replicate what has gone before; it doesn’t help you innovate
or move things ahead. And because of that, its ability to produce grand slam,
out of the park winners is really limited.

John: Right. And that actually reminds me of something else I’ve noticed
when I started working with you. You allow this incredible freedom where I’m
not worried about trying something new. There’s a lot more room to explore.
Because you’re much more open to ideas. You let me be a little creative. If
it’s not a good idea then you just explain why.

But it’s not that you’re trying to fit my writing into a certain mold and so it
allows me to express ideas and think outside of the box. And you’re open to it
and that just lets me grow, I think, much faster because I’m not just trying to
replicate something else. I’m able to think more and try to apply what I
understand in different ways. And if it works, it does; and if it doesn’t you just
smack me upside the head and say, “Hey, that’s a stupid idea. Try again.”

But there’s no judgment like, “What a horrible copywriter you are to even
begin to consider that.” There’s this feeling that I can explore and not be
considered an idiot.

Clayton: (Laughter) Well my job with you, and also with anyone who reads
The Total Package, is not to create Clayton clones. My job is to help you free
the genius within you and try to combine what you know intellectually, the
left-brain stuff, with your natural creative side that will give you the real, the
grand slam winners in the future.

What is your reaction—we joke around the office that Carline has a rubber
stamp that say “this sucks” and another rubber stamp that says “lame” with
an exclamation point after it. How do you respond internally to criticism when
you submit copy?

John: Well I don’t take it personally, I guess. I think that when I submit to you
or to Carline, I want those critiques. I want somebody who is experienced
and at the top of the game to tell me, “This is probably not the best way to go
about this,” or “this is really not the right approach,” because I don’t want
someone to spare my feelings and then hurt me by not letting me advance
my craft. I want someone to go ahead and be as hard of a critic as possible
with it.

And sometimes you feel like, “Oh man I really suck today.” But just because
somebody’s critiqued your copy, even if it’s Carline writing LAME! All over it
— it’s never a criticism of you personally. Because at the same time, you get
a lot of encouragement and whenever there’s something good that you’re
doing, you’ll say, “Hey this is good; this is not.” And it’s more of just a working
document.[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

And so I don’t take it personally. I really enjoy it when somebody experienced

critiques the heck out of my copy and makes it stronger.

Clayton: Great. I think that’s a great attitude. Although, I have to admit, even
after 35 years of doing this, a negative crit to me is something that evokes an
emotional reaction. And I have to deal with that before I can continue and
produce the next draft.

Whenever you’re working a piece of copy you have one thing at stake and
that’s your ego and, by extension, your hopes for the future. But the client
has real dollar bills on the line. And the difference in the longer-lasting
importance of a young writer’s ego or the client’s money is a gulf as wide as
the distance from here to the nearest star.

And so with that perspective and understanding that the worst thing that’s
going happen for the young writer is that he’s going to learn and be a better
writer after this project is over. Whereas the worse case scenario for the
client could be the loss of tens or even hundreds of thousands dollars if the
promotion doesn’t work. I think it really puts things in perspective and can
help you through those times of self doubt or those times of feeling insecure
because somebody said something naughty about your copy.

John: Right. I was surprised, I guess, that the first time that somebody told
me, “Well you know, it’s going to cost me $50,000.00 or $60,000.00 to test
your copy.” And I hadn’t really considered that before. All of a sudden I’m
realizing, “Yeah, I can see why you’re hesitant to work with new writers.”

Clayton: Right, right. And the responsibility only gets larger as you become
more established because pretty soon you’ll be in a situation where
somebody will test your copy with a 200,000 piece mailing which is going cost
them $100,000.00 or more.

Well is there anything else that you would like to add? Any other piece of
advice you’d like to add for younger copywriters, before we close?

John: Yeah well I guess especially when you’re starting out. And whether
you haven’t gotten any jobs or you’ve just gotten a few, there’s a lot of self
doubt or, “Can I really do this or am I just kidding myself.”

I remember when I first came into the Summit. I’m walking into this room with
gaggles of million dollar copywriters, famous names in the industry, business
owners and all this stuff. And I had this feeling, “I’m a fraud walking in here
and calling myself a copywriter because I was really just someone who
wanted to be a copywriter.” But everyone in this business is so nice and
they’re very encouraging to you if you’re trying.

And so one thing is not to think that just because you haven’t succeeded right
away that the door’s closed to you. If you keep working on getter better and
keep learning the business and trying to connect with people —whether
through networking with people or sending out sample letters or whatever, if
you keep at it you’re going find success. And so don’t give up so easily just[11/29/2012 7:46:03 PM]

The Trials, Travails and Triumphs of My Newest Copy Cub |

because you haven’t gotten there right way. And the most important thing is
really, really hone that craft and get better and better.

I know I’m not an A Level copywriter yet. But I don’t have to be yet. I have to
be good enough that someone like you is going find value in having me
around. And so it’s a process.

And I think it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking of copywriting as the lazy
man’s way to riches and thinking real skill comes easily and quickly. Because
nothing else in life is that easy. You’re not going to be a master pianist
because you took a course and three weeks later you’re a concert pianist.
You have to develop your craft. It takes time and so don’t be afraid of the fact
that it takes work. Copywriting isn’t the one area in life where you don’t have
to work to succeed.

Clayton: I think that’s a great analogy.

John, thank you so much for helping us today.

John: Thanks for having me.

Clayton: And I know that your insights and your experience will be both an
inspiration and very instructional to the younger writers who read The Total

John: Well thanks. I certainly hope so.

Clayton: Thanks again, buddy.


Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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One Response to The Trials, Travails and Triumphs

of My Newest Copy Cub

Shane Arthur says:

August 21, 2009 at 1:21 pm

Sometimes the best copywriting advice is simply copywriting insight.

Thank you for inspiring and sharing, John & Clayton.



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response in our Guest Expert Spotlight issue!

On Fridays, JULIE MCMANUS will reveal the secrets she uses to

generate new customers at ROIs of up to 650% on the Web in her In
the ‘Net Trenches issue.

And on alternating Saturdays, you get two more issues of The Total
Package: You’ll pick up practical “how-to” advice on the technical issues
associated with IT and the Internet in DAVID DITTMAN’S Working IT Out
issues – and the help young copywriters need to come up to speed in
JOHN NEWTSON’S Life in the Fast Lane issue!

PLUS, with our new site …

You get to make a name for yourself: Until now, The Total Package has
been pretty much one-way communication. I write, you read. But
beginning next Monday, each issue will include a link that lets you weigh
in with your own comments and ideas on the subject at hand.

You get to CONNECT: Our new site includes The Total Package Forum
– a great place to ask questions, share your ideas, get help with
challenges you face, connect with other direct marketers and copywriters
and more.

You get helpful new tools: Check out our Direct Response Glossary …
our searchable archive of more than 100 past issues (so far!) … and
watch for even more helpful free tools in the months to come.

And much more!

So be sure to watch your inbox for my “Today’s issue is ready” e-mail next
Monday. When you click the link, you’ll be magically transported to our new

OK … so ‘nuff biness … let’s get onto the topic of the day …

Legal Counterfeiting 101

Back in the ‘70s, I got a surprise visit from some of the baddest badasses in
the U.S. government: Agents from The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco &
Firearms (ATF).

No, I wasn’t printing sawbucks in the basement. But it seems I’d caught their
attention nonetheless.[11/29/2012 7:46:16 PM]

My Favorite Magic Trick |

See, I had a client who was offering a premium entitled, How to Survive the
Money Crash. And being the creative fellow I am, I decided that a whole-
brain headline – a lead containing a dramatic visual that represented a money
crash – would make my promotion impossible not to open.

To me, “crash” was the operative word. So I took a $100 bill and had an
enlarged version of it silk screened it onto a piece of glass. I then grabbed my
trusty 1911 Colt .45, took the glass into the back yard and fired a bullet clean
through old Ben Franklin’s right eye.

Then, after photographing the shards of glass, I placed that photo on my

carrier envelope along with the headline, “How to Survive the Money Crash.”

Good news: It worked like gangbusters. My prospects couldn’t resist the

visceral power of the image combined with my head and deck copy.

Bad news: ATF saw it – and a few days after we dropped 100,000 copies
into the mail, they came knocking on my door.

According to ATF, my envelope bordered on counterfeiting.

It didn’t matter that the C-note was shattered into a gazillion pieces. Didn’t
matter that it was reproduced at only about half actual size. Didn’t even
matter that it was printed in black on white 20 lb White Wove stock.

What did matter, according to the agents, was that it had something called,
“Sufficient Similitude” to a real $100 bill. Seems any image you could pass off
as real money … in a darkened bar … to a thoroughly inebriated patron …
qualified as having this “similitude” thing.

I, of course, pointed out that, depending on the blood alcohol level of the
aforementioned patron, any scrap of paper smaller than a billboard would
meet those criteria. But my compelling argument rolled off the ATF guys like
water off a duck.

They just shrugged — and then cheerfully confiscated every image I’d made
for silk screening … every shard of glass … every positive and negative
image of that glass … the film used to burn the printing plates … the printing
plates themselves … and the handful of left-over printed envelopes loitering
down at the letter shop’s warehouse.

No big deal – it was a housefile mailing my client only planned to use once.
And of course, being intelligent human beings, the ATF guys knew I was no
counterfeiter, so nobody even mentioned “jail time.”

But it did get me to thinking … if this is how closely the U.S. government
watches out for anything resembling a counterfeit bill …

… And if the consequences for real counterfeiting include decades-long

dates in an 8X12 cell with an amorous and extremely lonely Bubba …[11/29/2012 7:46:16 PM]

My Favorite Magic Trick |

… Why in the bloody hell would anyone even entertain the thought of doing
such a thing?

… Especially since turning ink and paper into green money the legal way is
so amazingly profitable?

Printing Money the Legal Way for 35 Years

Over the last nine weeks, I’ve been spending my Wednesdays on the phone
with a few hundred folks who have found the secret to turning pots of ink and
stacks of paper into thousand-dollar bills.

We called it the “Confessions of The Info-Marketing Superstars” series – and

each week, we spent an hour with a real-life expert: An entrepreneur who’s
making a fortune selling newsletters, books, courses, seminars and other
information products on the Internet, in direct mail and through print ads.

I delivered a ton of my own insights in the first session – and then each week
for eight more weeks, I picked the fertile brains of other experts who have
mastered the art of “Legal Counterfeiting” – turning drums of ink and reams of
paper into green money.

We talked with top infopreneurs like Bob Bly … Michel Fortin … Dr. Martin
Weiss of Weiss Research … Early to Rise president Mary Ellen Tribby …
Bob Serling … Daniel Levis … Troy White and Sylvie Fortin.

See, the beauty of the information marketing business is that the price you
can charge for an information product has nothing at all to do with the cost of
producing your product.

The value of your product – and the price you can charge for it – are based
entirely on the value of the information it contains! A report that costs you fifty
cents to print and mail can easily be sold for $29 … $49 … $99.

Heck. Dr. Weiss just sold truckloads of a report on uranium investing for $499
– his printing and mailing costs? Zero dollars: He delivered the report online
as a PDF!

Now I ask you: Can you name another business that lets you sell a product
that cost you next to nothing – or even precisely nothing — for five hundred

Without the risk of having the ATF throw you into the hoosgow for

Wait … it gets better:

What’s Better Than a 100% Profit Margin?

When you become an infopreneur, your product isn’t the only thing that costs[11/29/2012 7:46:16 PM]

My Favorite Magic Trick |

you nothing: Thanks to the Internet, your marketing doesn’t have to cost you
a penny, either!

Just make sure your sales page is search-engine friendly … swing a few ad
swap, affiliate and joint venture deals with other online entrepreneurs … salt
the relevant blogs and forums with links to your sales site … fire off a few
volleys of online press releases … and Voila! — the money starts rolling in.

So your product costs you nothing to manufacture or deliver …

Your marketing costs you nothing …

… You’re pretty much left with a 100% profit margin!

And all you need to get going is the ability to 1) Produce an information
product people will pay for, and 2) Create sales copy that compels prospects
to buy it.

It doesn’t have to be eternal to be immortal (or

Course, most of the folks I interviewed for Confessions of the Info-Marketing
Superstars sell pretty hefty products. Their books, reports, newsletters, audio
and video series and other information products deliver reams of content.

And so, naturally, before they could create that content, they had to become
experts of sorts on the subject at hand.

Should the challenge of becoming an expert stop you? Absolutely not: The
Internet makes becoming an expert on just about anything a breeze.

Spend an hour studying the mating habits of the snail darter – or anything
else, for that matter — and you’re instantly among the top 1% of the world’s
experts on the subject.

Or, if you’re even lazier than that, you could just interview the world’s top
expert and sell the interview for a small fortune. Or better yet, interview a
dozen or more of the world’s top experts and sell the transcripts and MP3s
for a large fortune.

Still too much work for you?

Consider this …

Infopreneuring minus the “info”

Remember Crazy Dazies? Those flower stickers everyone stuck all over their
notebooks, refrigerators and Volkswagen vans in the ‘70s?

The guy who invented them had an office in Palos Verdes, California – right[11/29/2012 7:46:16 PM]

My Favorite Magic Trick |

next to mine.

He wasn’t a shrewd entrepreneur … just a graphic artist with an idea: Let

folks “customize” their stuff with stickers that made a statement.

When I met this guy (Senior moment: I can’t remember his name!) he had
sold approximately 22.4 bazillion stickers for a net profit of more than 18
gazillion – and he was still going strong.

His genius was that he was kind of like an info-preneur – slapping ink on
paper to create products — but he didn’t sell any information at all. An info-
preneur minus the info. A “preneur,” if you like.

You know those obnoxious little smiley face stickers that demand you have a
nice day? More ink on paper – and some preneur is still making a fortune on

Or the bumper stickers that proclaim “I heart my dog?” Ditto.

Point is …

There’s no excuse for someone with your skills

to ever want for money!
Time to stretch a little.

Maybe you got into this direct response thing to promote a particular product.

Maybe you got into it because you like the idea of being a freelance

The fact is, once you learned what you now know about identifying
consumers’ desires … about persuasion … and (hopefully) about the nuts
and bolts of direct response marketing … you have a huge advantage over
the vast majority of your fellow entrepreneurs.

You are uniquely equipped to make an easy six figures a year – or even
millions — by conceiving and promoting your own products.

I did it once with a little 32-page book entitled “They’re Out to Steal Your
Children!” The book simply contained the most outrageous lyrics from the
day’s pop music. We sold tens of thousands of dollars-worth of them by
placing ads in conservative tabloids back in the day.

Bottom line: There’s simply no excuse for anyone with your skill set to be
struggling. The money you need to earn is already in other people’s pockets.
They’re dying to give it to you – IF you offer them something that will bring
value to their lives.

Using your skills to create and promote products that cost little or nothing to[11/29/2012 7:46:16 PM]

My Favorite Magic Trick |

produce and little or nothing to sell is a great way to go from zero to six
figures a year in no time flat.

So think … what could you create and market in a couple of hours a day?
What market niches will you go after? What’s the first step you’d have to take
to make it happen?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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0 Responses to My Favorite Magic Trick

David says:
March 30, 2007 at 8:24 am

Loved the issue!


Julie says:
April 2, 2007 at 6:03 am

Great Job! The new website look fantastic! :zzz


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The Total Package Centennial Celebration
Posted on April 16, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Subscribe to RSS

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It’s My Birthday … Recent Posts

It’s The Total Package’s Historic 100th Issue … He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
… And YOU Get the Present!
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
On Friday, I turned 55 – and today, we’re publishing the 100th issue of The Do You Believe?
Total Package!

To celebrate, I want to give you a valuable, no-strings-attached gift …

Startling, Heretical and PROVEN…

NEW Recipes for Maximum Response

In this eye-opening 80 minute teleconfernce – hosted by direct response

superstar Bob Bly – I challenge copywriting rules you only think are carved in
stone — and show you how strategically breaking the rules can often give
you the biggest breakthroughs of your career.

No strings, no gimmicks, no pitches,

just a full hour of startling,
response-boosting insights on …

The New Art of the Irresistible Headline: Throw out the tired, me-too
headlines everyone’s using and discover EIGHT headline and opening
approaches that are exploding response RIGHT NOW online and off…
3 Surprising Reasons Why Benefit-Oriented Headlines Are No
Longer Enough: The sea change in customer attitudes that’s making
everything you think you know about headline writing obsolete – and how
you can USE these new realities to create bigger winners, more often!
Why USP Headlines Are Yesterday’s News: Unique Selling Proposition
based headlines were revolutionary…30 years ago. See how to know[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

when they’ll still boost response… and when they’ll virtually kill your
7 Challenging Realities of Today’s Changing Online Markets:
Understanding these seven trends in human behavior caused by the
internet gives you the master key to unlocking profitable markets. Ignore
them and you damn your promotions to mediocrity…
Irresistible Offers for Challenging Times: The seven crucial
components of every successful offer – and how to use each one to
create breakthroughs even in today’s tough marketing environment!
Modern Premium Offers: Yesterday’s premium selection guidelines can
get you creamed in today’s markets. Here are premium offers prospects
are panting for…
And much, MUCH MORE!

Now, to celebrate my 55th

and The Total Package’s 100th,
the recording and transcript of this
80-minute event are yours absolutely FREE!

Just click here to download the MP3 audio recording …

And/or click here to download the unedited transcript as a PDF file! Or read
the transcripts below.

Hope this helps…

Bob Bly: Welcome folks to the New Recipes for Maximum Response Tele-
Seminar with Clayton Makepeace. And we had promised in the Total
Package in our announcements and I’m reading a quote, “A fascinating
guided tour of your prospects brain, beliefs and buying preferences as of
March 15, 2006 noon.” What you must do now to seize prospects attentions,
what you must say to get them to listen and what you must offer them to
close the sale.

And the premise of this is something interesting. Lots of people almost

universally listen to the buzz in the industry saying response rates are down.
ROI is down because not only are response rates down but in print stuff is
more expensive. Lists costs more. Postage always goes up never down. So
it’s harder to get a winner today. You hear everyone say that. And yet in
copyrighting seminars and in marketing seminars we teach the same stuff or
most people teach the same stuff.

And in our DM news ad, Clayton wrote "Benefits, Headlines and Shouting at
USP Guarantees Success, right?" And he said, "wrong". So the techniques
that — and this is I think a lot — most of the people in the business have
known this for a long time. The stuff that worked five or ten or twenty years
ago does not work today. And if human nature is unchanging the answer is
why is that.[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

So the first thing I want to ask you Clayton — and we have on the call with us
I should have introduced Julie McManus from the Total Package. Hello Julie.

Julie McManus: Hi there. How are you doing?

Bob Bly: And we have Daniel Levis who is the new Total Package Internet
staff expert. Hey Daniel.

Daniel Levis: Hey. How’s it going?

Bob Bly: Good, how are you doing?

Daniel Levis: Doing well.

Bob Bly: And of course we have Clayton. So Clayton the first thing we want
to ask you is why is this? How did the direct response universe change that
the old — the standards what we know and love and been taught doesn’t
work any more? It’s very upsetting.

Clayton Makepeace: Well, you’re right Bob it doesn’t. We’ve seen the
universe for investment newsletter shrink from somewhere around twelve
thousand — twelve million active subscribers just a few years ago to as low
as one million active subscribers today. And that’s an indication that as
people are dropping off they’re not being replaced. And a lot more people are
dropping off; a lot more people are becoming disenfranchised.

And if you think back over the last few years; well, I remember for example in
2000, Julie will bear me out on this because she worked at Weiss Research
at the time, but in 2001 and 2002 when I wrote a new promotion package for
promoting an investment newsletter I would routinely get a three hundred or
four hundred percent ROI on our first mailing of that package. If I got a two
hundred percent ROI we’d sit around and try to figure out what was wrong. In
other words, for anyone who’s not familiar with the term for every dollar it cost
us to mail the promotion we would get between three and four dollars back
on our first test.

And those first tests were to list. And of course ultimately our goal was to mail
down to break even to expand the size of our mailing universe to the point
where we were mailing less profitable and even unprofitable lists and
subsidizing them with the profits we were making on profitable lists. But on
that first mailing, that first test, we were getting those kinds of returns.
Nowadays in that same market what’s happening is when you write a
promotion if you get an eighty-five percent ROI on your first mailing that –

Bob Bly: You got a control, probably.

Julie McManus: You’re rolling.

Clayton Makepeace: You may well have a control and to get a hundred and
fifty percent of cost is unheard of in today’s market. And so if you think back
over the last few years and ask yourselves what has changed. What’s[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

different? Well, we know that we’ve gone through a very trying time in the
country. We know that we had 911. We know that we had the beginning of
two wars. We’ve had anthrax in the mail which didn’t help us much there in

Those of us who were in the mail big time when that thing hit. And we know
that people had been glued to their television sets more often. Instead of
coming home and really focusing on what we’ve sent them in the mail they’ve
tended to flip on the TV to see what the latest blockbuster news is. And so
that hurt us. But that’s been fairly much over with now for awhile. In other
words, we haven’t had any major take your breath away news on any of
those items for many, many months.

Although those events cause that kind of televisionitis — television — you

know there’s a song television killed the radio star. Well, television has killed
some star direct mail packages too because when those events are
happening people don’t read their mail.

But again those things are pretty much self contained and they’re not
happening now.

Bob Bly: Right. They’re not happening now but you said they were — when
we talked there were some long term syndromes in the market that are
responsible for changing the direct response universe and how they respond
to –

Clayton Makepeace: Right.

Bob Bly: – promotions.

Clayton Makepeace: That’s where I’m going now. The one other major
change in the last few years has been the advent of the Internet. Obviously, it
began before that but in the last few years more and more of our prospects
have really gotten connected with the Internet and are much more net savvy.
And they’re getting their e-mail particularly in our older markets the health
market where the average age may be seventy-five to eighty years old or in
the investment markets where maybe sixty-five or seventy years old.

It took these older people a little bit of time to actually get on the net and
begin using it daily. But as they have we’ve seen real changes in their buying
habits. And there are seven syndromes that I’ve identified that are changing
our market every day. And those of use who are trying to sell either through
direct mail or the Internet really need to be aware of what they are and think
about what their impact might be on the promotions we’re writing or the
products that we’re trying to sell.

Bob Bly: So give us an example of one of these syndromes if you would.

Clayton Makepeace: Well, the first one is the clutter syndrome. Every great
advance in copyrighting and marketing has come as a response to a
proliferation of advertising. You can go back to the 1800’s and see how[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Kennedy and Lasker and Wannamaker and all of the companies and
copywriters that brought advertising along were responding to the fact that
everybody was advertising all of a sudden in the newspapers. And then came
radio and we were exposed to more advertising than TV. And — but now the
Internet has like doubled the total amount of advertising each one of us sees
every day.

We did a little exercise not too long ago where we figured out that the
average American consumer is now getting over two hundred — I think it was
two hundred and forty advertising impressions a day. And that’s the average
American — three hundred million Americans; it counts everybody. If you
figured just adults it would be much larger. If you figured in or looked at the
people who live in major cities or who spend a lot of time on the Internet the
numbers get truly astronomical. The number of impressions you may be
getting per day may be as high as a thousand.

Bob Bly: Yeah, you walk through New York City you see an ad on every bus

Clayton Makepeace: That’s right. And every bus that drives by –

Bob Bly: And every subway.

Clayton Makepeace: Billboards are everywhere. And so we’re just besieged

by ads and with the advent of e-mail we’re besieged with direct response
promotions with subject lines which are in essence headlines. And they’re
yelling benefits at us and they’re trying to get our attention. And so to kind of
protect ourselves from that clutter we as consumers have these kind of
mental anti-advertising defenses that just kind of go up. And we immediately
identify things as advertising; usually correctly, and say well I don’t need to
read that or I don’t need to look at that. And so it’s just out of sheer self
defense. We’re trying to reduce this glut of advertising.

Another one of the syndromes that the Internet has brought us is the freebie

Bob Bly: This belief that grew up on the Internet because it was a culture of
free information exchanged between the scientists and government and
universities the idea was everything should be free and then all the
marketers jumped on the Internet and wanted to sell stuff which was clashed
with the culture of everything on the Internet should be free.

Clayton Makepeace: Absolutely. And I remember the old days we had to –

man if we had to research a project it meant a day at the library.

Bob Bly: Absolutely.

Clayton Makepeace: Now you can get so much free research right off the
net. They have these huge databases, pubmed, the National Institutes of
Health, medical databases, huge financial databases, just about anything you
want to know is available on the net. And so –[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Julie McManus: I just read something recently; a study that showed that the
Internet is actually killing the directory business.

Clayton Makepeace: Sure. I mean why would anybody pay for information
today when it’s free. Unless you want real-time streaming quotes on stocks
you can get just about any other kind of information that you want from big
charts or from your own broker — your own online broker. If you’re looking —
let’s say your like Wendy; Wendy has allergies to Parabens. Parabens are
preservatives that they put in soaps and shampoos and things like that and in
makeup. And so you need to find a source of paraben free cosmetics or

I’ll just type paraben free into Google and the next thing you know you’re
buying your product. Any allergies you have any problem you have in life you
can find solutions on the Internet. You can find information about that
problem that you want to solve or the goal that you want to achieve and it’s
all free.

Bob Bly: Now you mentioned Google, what’s the Google syndrome? What
you’ve talked about.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, the Google syndrome is Double Click does great
surveys. If any of you are marketing on the net and you’re not reading Double
Click regularly I strongly recommend you to surf on over there and take a
look around. But they do quarterly surveys of Internet marketers. And they’re
finding that as high as sixty to eighty percent of all people who purchase a
product online Google it first. They’ll go to a search engine it could be Yahoo,
Google, Ask Jeeves, any of the search engines and they’ll look it up. And
they’ll compare prices. And they’ll shop.

So the days where you go to somebody and you say well we have the
greatest widget in the universe and our price is $99. And you tell them it’s a
great price the days when everybody will take your word for it are gone.
People — a lot of your prospects will look at your ad and you’ll wind up selling
a product for one of your competitors because your prospect will go online
and he’ll do his –a little bit of research and he’ll save some money.

So the Google syndrome is also having an effect on all of us whether we’re

selling information or three-dimensional products or services.

Daniel Levis: I wonder if I could interject with a question that I think some
people might have on their minds. When you say free sources of information
there are a lot of people selling information on the Internet and they’re doing
pretty well with that. And they’re also selling information that on a commodity
basis for much more than what people are buying information offline, how do
you explain that?

Clayton Makepeace: The convenience factor and if — the convenience

factor makes buying information online a good deal for a lot of people. I mean
I pay for a few websites in order to get a very specific type of niche[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

information from them. But the fact of the matter is unless you’re a
professional in a particular area where you need a constant stream of
information on a very specific subject paying for information on the net just
doesn’t make sense.

As I was saying earlier, if you’re an investor — let’s say you’re a day trader
and you need streaming, real-time quotes then paying for that service makes
sense. And that’s — all it is just simple information. There’s no opinion
attached. There’s no attitude or advocacy attached. It’s just straight
information. So — but by in large the vast majority of what’s on the Internet
today is — in this area is free.

And the point here is really twofold. Number one if you’re selling information
you have an uphill battle now where you didn’t have quite so much of one
before. Secondly, if you are — no matter what you’re selling the Internet
gives all of your prospects the opportunity to keep you honest by double
checking your prices and double checking your competitors. And there’s
nothing sadder in the world than spending five hundred bucks, a thousand to
drop a big, direct mail campaign and then find out that you’re selling a bunch
of product for your competitors –

Daniel Levis: Yeah, I hear you.

Clayton Makepeace: – which is happening today. Another one of the

syndromes I call the skepticism syndrome.

Bob Bly: Now is that new? One could argue that people have always been
skeptical of advertising.

Clayton Makepeace: Not to the degree they are today.

Bob Bly: So it’s intensified you say?

Clayton Makepeace: Excuse me?

Bob Bly: So you think it’s intensified over the last few years?

Clayton Makepeace: Oh certainly. I mean the thing is that in the old days if
you’re doing — let’s say you’re doing print ads in Barron’s –

Bob Bly: Uh-huh.

Clayton Makepeace: – and you make an outrageous claim about your

investment approach; Barron’s would simply refuse to run the ad. If you
made outrageous claims in direct mail you’re doing so at great risk because
you have to — you’re paying big dollars for the direct mail and for your
promotion. So — and because there was a lot less of it going on it was much
more easily policed I think by the authorities. And so the claims — I mean you
wouldn’t see a direct mail piece coming to you making just outrageous
claims. You have the Federal Trade Commission all over everything. You
have the U.S. Postal Service all over everything. And they were watching for[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

that kind of thing.

But the Internet is totally free. And you can live in Malaysia or the Philippines
or Brazil or anywhere else in the world and you can spam your brains out;
sending out millions and millions of e-mail’s to everybody in the world at a
cost of next to nothing. Making the most outrageous claims, promising a
guarantee, promising to refund everything else and with total impunity. And
you’ll make money doing it.

And we all see those e-mails in our boxes all the time. And we also see
websites — and not the majors — but not Amazon and Ebay but you see
websites that people have put up that have made just totally outrageous,
unfounded claims as well. And so more and more we’re in kind of a caveat
emptor society where it’s more up to the individual consumer to exercise
discretion and wisdom when making purchases. People have seen so many
huge claims for so long that they’re becoming immune to them.

And we see it on — in a much smaller way for example in the health

marketing marketplace where we’re selling alternative newsletters or
supplements. For the last fifteen years or so, our internal market place has
been receiving these promotions that promise if you just try chondroitin and
glucosamine your arthritis pain will go away. And they try it and it doesn’t
work. And so next month they get another promotion for something else. And
maybe it’s capsaicin. And they try that and that doesn’t work. And then it’s
Emu oil. And it’s just one thing after another. And pretty soon it becomes an
IQ test for the consumer. At some point, they just shut down.

And we’re seeing a lot of that skepticism and frustration today in the health
marketplace especially. And I have to believe also that that’s been a major
component in the financial marketplace as well.

Bob Bly: Absolutely. Now you also say that in addition to be being very
skeptical people want instant gratification. How so?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, again the Internet has been a huge part of this.
But when I buy a product now there are two components to the purchasing
process. Okay. There’s the actual purchasing of the product and then it —
there’s the receipt of the product. Now, I can drive over to Asheville — I can
drive thirty minutes and be at a nice bookstore and I can pick up two or three
books and come home and it’ll take me probably two hours to do. Or I can
get in — on Amazon and literally in thirty seconds have ordered everything I
wanted. In the first case, it’s going to take me two or three hours of my time
but I’ll have my books today, right?

Bob Bly: Uh-huh.

Clayton Makepeace: If I go on Amazon, it takes me thirty seconds, a minute,

two minutes whatever it takes and if I need the books quickly I can have them
usually tomorrow.

Bob Bly: Right.[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Clayton Makepeace: And we’ve taken it even farther where a lot of the
Internet products that you buy are instantly downloadable. I mean I bought
Dream Weaver software the other day and downloaded the program. It’s a
thousand dollar program. I downloaded it directly off the Internet. I didn’t have
to wait at all. I had instant gratification.

Bob Bly: Yeah, people don’t want it on CDs anymore. They just want it
download it.

Clayton Makepeace: That’s right. On Daniel’s recommendation, I bought

another program called WYSIWYG. And it was ninety-nine bucks;
downloaded it immediately. We’re doing it ourselves with our PDF’s and our
e-books and MP3′s of conferences and these kinds of things. And so our
prospects are being conditioned to — they were already fast food people.
This was already a fast food society but with the Internet it can track that with
what we were doing with direct mail with these people.
We would send out a direct mail promotion by snail mail, some percentage of
them twenty, forty percent or more would return their order by snail mail and
the old mantra was allow four to six weeks for delivery.

Bob Bly: Right. And the old — when I had my old mail order business in the
seventies when all the reports were done on an IBM Selectric and run off on
a photocopy or everything was four to six weeks delivery. And people were
quite happy with that.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, well the reason we all said four to six weeks
delivery was that was the maximum the Federal Trade Commission would
allow. It was six weeks between the order and the delivery of the product. So
they came out of that environment and now all of a sudden you can buy
pretty much anything on the Internet and get overnight shipping.

So at the shortest, I have a client that if you go on his website or call his toll-
free number and order supplements today they’ll ship tomorrow and you’ll
have them in as few as three or four days.

Daniel Levis: Now when you say instant gratification when it comes to
downloadable product, are there ways to instruct your copy to take
advantage of impulse buying and to create an analogy in the offline world?
When you go to buy something at the store they have the impulse items right
at the checkout, how could we parallel that and boost up the power per copy?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, that’s kind of going back the other way. That’s
where you’re saying okay well here’s a model that works well in the real
world; the impulse sale, the point of purchase sale. And that’s really going
back the other way where we’re saying okay well I’ve got my shopping cart
open and I’ve just bought your product. This is a real aside by the way. But
I’ve got my shopping cart open, I just got your product, I hit submit; the
impulse application on the Web would be to have the very next page come
up and say oh by the way here’s a special for just an extra twenty dollars you
can have — add this to you order if you add it right now. Normal price is X.[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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And you just click yes or no and that product can be added to the shopping
cart without the prospect really having to deal with the fact that he’s spending
money at that point. So it can work that way too.

Daniel Levis: So we could turn these challenges to our advantage in other


Clayton Makepeace: That’s where I want to go with this. The — another one
of the — the sixth syndrome that the Internet has really caused here is the
entertainment syndrome. Years ago, all of our promotions were pretty much
deadly serious. I mean we use some humor now and then but very rarely.
And the maximum direct marketing was that humor will kill a sale. When you
try to do something humorous or fun or entertaining in your promotion piece
you risk offending somebody and so most of us avoided doing it.

I remember back in ’91 when we launched Health and Healing. I had a small
cartoon that I wanted to put in the package. And I had to really fight for it. The
cartoon basically was BC Comics, the caveman.

Daniel Levis: Yeah.

Clayton Makepeace: And one of them says hey I find an herb that’ll cure
cancer. And his buddy goes oh that’s great. Now how do we make a drug out
of it. (Laughter) And so the point was drug companies don’t want to give you
things that’ll cure you unless they can make a profit at it. And I thought that’s
humor but it’s humor as revenge. It’s when you can get people laughing at
the people that are ripping them off or hurting them in some way it evokes a
good, strong emotion. And so I fought for it and I eventually won. And of
course the package when on to great success.

But today on the Internet involvement is everything. The people who are
finding new ways to get consumers to become involved with their sales
message are doing extremely well. And consumers are beginning to be
conditioned to say — to look for humor or to look for some form of
entertainment. On the web right now, for example, there are flash games. I
remember as an outlet after 911 they had this one game that was the Bin
Laden shooting gallery. And you — Bin Laden was behind a cash register at
K-mart and/or a — the Circle K, the convenience store, and he would pop-up
every once in a while and you’d shoot at him with your mouse. And it was a
good emotional outlet. But I — people sat there and played with that thing for
many long minutes on end.

Today it’s things like IQ tests. has a great IQ test. You might
go over there and take a look at it. You talk about involvement; it’ll keep you
involved for probably close to an hour. And at the end of the process you’ve
given them all of your pertinent information not just your e-mail address but
you’ve given them your street address, your age, your sex, everything. And –

Daniel Levis: Your IQ.

Clayton Makepeace: And your IQ. (Laughter) And then they proceed to[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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attempt to sell you an aptitude profile that will help you find the job — the kind
of job that’ll be most –

Bob Bly: Well, that’s a great example of entertainment. What about the last
syndrome, the risk syndrome? What do you mean by that?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, people are more concerned than ever now about
identity theft. And anytime you put your credit card on the Internet — you put
your credit card number on the Internet you’re taking a risk. And so when
we’re promoting on the Internet, and I think it spills over to direct mail as well,
I think there’s a component of caution there. Even if someone says we have
completely secure ordering. If you don’t know who the company is you’re
cautious. And I think it would be naive to believe that that concern doesn’t
also kill response.

Bob Bly: Okay. So now we know these syndromes that are changing the
direct response marketplace. But how does this affect the prospect in how
they buy it or how they read?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, we’ve touched on some of these things. But if

you think through it the clutter syndrome, the sheer number of promotions
you’re receiving each of whom was probably written by somebody who read
Caples and Ogilvy and those to put benefits upfront. Once you see your ten
thousandth benefit today it’s going to stop having an affect on you. And so
straight benefit leads are working less and less well.

The information explosion is cheapened the value of information. So if you’re

in that business you need to be aware that you’re not just –you can’t succeed
as wildly in these niche markets especially selling plain vanilla information as
you used to be able to. Today the information has to have a strong viewpoint,
a strong perspective, in many cases a strong attitude. I know one letter that’s
doing very well that’s by a guy named Bob Livingston. And he’s a irascible,
curmudgeonly, fun, opinionated, person. And he’s selling subscriptions. Now,
he’s giving me information but he’s giving me leadership and he’s giving me
some entertainment with it as well.

The commoditization of products because of the Google syndrome where

people are always shopping for the best price is costing us money in terms of
our average unit of sale or even our basic price point and in some cases
response. The skepticism of the big promise that we’ve all been told for years
that we needed to use right upfront in our promotions; skepticism is killing
that. We’re seeing an erosion. We’re not seeing a collapse in it.

I have some promotions out there right now with big promise or benefit
oriented headlines that are working reasonably well. But almost every time I
test against them another type of headliner, another type of lead that’s more
— that’s better suited to this environment, I get a substantial lift.

Timeliness of delivery; we just talked about this instant gratification

syndrome. Timeliness of delivery is something that none of us really think
about very much. I just went through a stack of promotions for health and[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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investment newsletters and there wasn’t a single one of them there that said
anything about how quickly I’m going to receive my premiums or my first
issue or my welcome package or anything else. There wasn’t a single one
there that offered me the opportunity, jump on the web and download my
premiums or my first issue instantly.

Marketers still really — marketers in the mail have one hat on and they’re just
not thinking about the fact that this delayed gratification is costing them sales.

Daniel Levis: I think you bring up an excellent point that applies very much
to the Internet as well. There’s a tremendous amount of negativity that goes
through people’s minds. And when you give them step-by-step, I think they
call this future pacing an NLP. If you paint a picture of what’s going to happen
and you make it so dead simple and leave no step out, leave nothing to the
imagination, you’re essentially crowding out all of those bad things that
people naturally have going around in their minds when it comes time to buy.

Clayton Makepeace: That’s the slide of hand approach. I was talking with a
friend of mine yesterday about that. And if your overriding theme is so
compelling that it totally rivets the reader and in — then he won’t be capable
or he won’t be likely to ask some of the tough questions that might expose a
flaw in your argument or a weakness in your product. But that’s absolutely

Bob Bly: So we’ve got a — the fact that timeliness of delivery is important.
What about this idea of entertaining that you talked about and fun?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, I’m seeing that on both sides actually. And I think
it’s — I’m seeing that on the direct mail side but I’m also seeing it on the
Internet side which is really kind of sad. The Internet — for years we all knew
that direct mail was a great mental medium. In other words, you go to people
with cogent selling arguments and you can make a sale while television was
the great emotional medium that was the one where you could involve people
much better on an emotional level. In a direct mail piece, you can show a
picture of a starving child in a fundraising appeal. On television, you see the
children living in squalor in the streets and the emotional intensity is an order
of magnitude higher.

The Internet though is a combination of both. It can be a static medium like

direct mail or it can be something that moves and that evokes emotion and
that involves people. And most of the Internet marketers that I see especially
the at-home business people and the entrepreneurs that are doing —
starting businesses or doing small websites or selling information on the web,
and I am guilty of this, are treating the Internet as if it were just an electronic
version of direct mail. Our promotions are static. Our products are static.
There’s no movement. We’re missing out on half of the power of the Internet.

Bob Bly: That’s a good point. But let’s get to the core of the issue. The core
of the issue seems to be that benefits headline — benefit headlines don’t
work. So if we take a stereotype benefit headline for a financial newsletter,
make nine hundred percent profit barring this little known company, and that[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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doesn’t work. Well, one of the reasons you said it doesn’t work is because if
they’ve seen over the years three hundred of them it — and yours is the three
hundred and first enough already. They’re not interested. But why else won’t
a big benefit — big promise, big benefit headline work today?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, one of the biggest reasons I think is just that it
says hey this is an ad. You want to read an ad. Well, I’ve already seen my
two hundred ads today; no thank you, I don’t think I want to read another ad.
When a headline is about a product or in any other way gives away the fact
that this is an ad the sheer saturation of your market is going to be working
against you.

And of course I already addressed the skepticism thing that Gary Bencivenga
has a way of writing things that stick in my brain. One of the things he said
was that — early on was that the emotional or mental reaction to most
headlines today is yeah right. You read the headline you go oh okay

Bob Bly: So we’re in a world where everything we learned big, unique selling
proposition, big promise, benefit headlines don’t work, so what do I have to
do to now make my direct mail and internet marketing work in this new
environment? [Crosstalk] This is what I think we really want to know.

Clayton Makepeace: Well, one of the things that we’re doing right now —
well, first of all you don’t want to send ads. You have another tool available to
you that’s much more potent in this environment.

Bob Bly: What’s that?

Clayton Makepeace: It’s called the advertorial.

Bob Bly: Can you describe that?

Clayton Makepeace: An advertorial is something that offers the prospect of

benefit just for reading it. And it can work whether you’re selling garden tools
or whether you’re selling investment newsletters or health products or
whatever. And so the advertorial basically goes to you let’s say it’s a garden
implement. It says how to have the greenest lawn on the block. And it’s
seventeen ways –

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: – to have a richer, fuller lawn.

Bob Bly: So an advertorial promises a benefit not for buying a product but it
promises you’ll get a benefit just for reading the promotion?

Clayton Makepeace: It can. They also sometimes lead with much the way a
Time Magazine cover would lead with — we just did one that was The Case
for Two Thousand Dollar Gold was the headline. Daniel and I did it for Weiss.
It’s a web initiative. And it doesn’t say you’re going to get rich. It doesn’t say[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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we’re going to get eight hundred percent profits. It just says pretty much the
way Time Magazine would what’s the case here for two thousand dollar gold.

So it involves people on a whole different level. The anti-advertising defenses

don’t go up. The person who’s promised that he’ll learn certain things by
reading this article. And so I guess my response Bob is the headline doesn’t
have to be a benefit — doesn’t have to be screaming a benefit read this or
die. Or –

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: – that great Jim Rutz’s headline. It doesn’t have to be a

quantified monetary benefit. It just simply has to engage the reader by
promising information that will somehow make his life better.

Bob Bly: So to overcome that — this overflow this — of ads you write
something that doesn’t look and read like an ad that reads like an

Clayton Makepeace: Right.

Bob Bly: What about the idea of the fact that you said the Internet
encourages information to be free. It cheapens information. How do you
overcome — what can you do to overcome that?

Clayton Makepeace: The cheapening of information is overcome by adding

something to it. Anytime a product is commoditized you can overcome it by
redefining the product in some way. I ran into this years ago in California
when I had a sound stage in Los Angeles and I was producing videos. Now
you talk about trying to sell coal in Newcastle or snowballs to Eskimos. I was
in video production capitol of the world with a three camera video truck and a
non-union crew. And I couldn’t get it booked. I couldn’t rent the facility no
matter what I did. And so I redefined my service.

I went and got a sound stage at Sunset Gower Studios and hired a guy that
had a laser light show and I started bringing rock n’ roll stars in and
videotaping them singing with these effects. And I turned it into a nice little
business. So I redefined what I was doing, what my product was.

The same thing is true with information. If you’re selling information you’re
fighting the trend here with the Internet. But if what you’re selling is advocacy,
a unique opinion, controversy, intrigue, excitement it has to have other
elements added to it in order to make the sale today. We were brainstorming
a package with a client not to long ago and the client made the great point
every product — every package we’ve ever mailed had somebody — had the
doctor or the advocate on the front cover angry about something.

Bob Bly: So to address or overcome the cheapening of information have an

expert behind it or a viewpoint, is that the technique?

Clayton Makepeace: It has to be personalized. Think about it in terms of[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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newsletters versus magazines. Let’s say you go down to the B. Dalton

Bookseller and you look at a copy of Forbes Magazine. And what is it going to
cost you? It’s going to cost you a few bucks, right? And what do you get in it?
You get a lot of different experts and a lot of nonexperts a lot of just non —
just editorial people sharing their opinions. Right?

Bob Bly: Uh-huh.

Clayton Makepeace: There’s no unified direction. There’s no advocacy.

There’s nobody saying here’s where I am right. There’s nobody saying here’s
my track record. So it’s not a leadership or an advocacy situation. It’s just
information. But when we sell material in the — and again my primary
markets are investment and health. When we sell information in those areas
we have to make sure that our advocate, our expert, the figure head, the
newsletter editor has a unique position on — a unique and surprising position
and solution on something that the consumer is already either concerned or
excited about. So again it’s just like the video truck in Los Angeles. We’ve
addressed commoditization as a product by making it different from the bland
just the facts ma’am information –

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: – that’s available on the web.

Bob Bly: Now we’ve got — you’ve mentioned a bunch of other problems and
it seems to me the way to address those are pretty clear. You talked about
skepticism and wariness of the big promise. Well you can get through that
through third party endorsements and proof elements.

You talked about instant gratification and you mentioned letting someone
download a premium. You talked about the idea of involvement and
entertainment on the web and you mentioned earlier surveys, tests, contests,
stream — motions, streaming video and audio. And you mentioned people
are concerned they’re buying someone they don’t know — from a company
they don’t know. And you build the credibility of the company.

You put service and customer testimonials and third party endorsements but
what people I think on this call are really wondering are how do you write a
headline or a headline and a lead that’s going to work in this new — to solve
all these problems? And you told me you came up with I think four or so new
headline writing techniques that you’re using and we’d like to hear them.

Clayton Makepeace: Sure.

Bob Bly: We’d like to steal them from you.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, absolutely. Let me just — I want to touch on one

thing before I get to that though. I just wanted to mention that on the Internet
look — if you’re marketing on the Internet be looking for these kind of
involvement advices. We hired a speaker for the Power Marketing Summit.
And we had to go to Premier Speakers Bureau. They had us type in our[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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name and e-mail address when we first entered the site. And we got a flash
presentation using our name in the presentation explaining all the reasons
why we should hire a speaker for our event. Flash media, they call it rich
media, streaming audio and video are more than quadrupling response rates
for the people who are using them. So before we moved on I just — I think
that it’s very important that we think beyond the Internet just as another form
of direct mail.

On headline strategies, I have eight lead approaches that are just perfect for
this environment that don’t have anything to do with screaming benefits right
off the top. The first one I’ve written about in the Total Package a couple of
times it — I call them skeptical or validation leads. The people who —
everyone on this call received premiums — your premiums hopefully. We had
some technical glitches early on but I hope by now everyone’s received

One of them was a direct mail package that Carline Anglade-Cole wrote. The
headline was Why Bilberry and Lutein don’t work for Eyesight. And that
package was just absolutely the perfect connection for people who were
skeptical, who had seen it all in a mature market place. They had seen the
big promises the big benefits. This didn’t say anything about benefits. It just
basically says hey you’re right to be skeptical. These things don’t work half
the time and there are ways to either make them work or there are other
things that will work for your eyes.

I did a similar lead for a newsletter called Your Money Report for Weiss
Research that was a validation of the prospect’s frustration with Wall Street.
A couple of years ago when I wrote the package, and it’s still true today by
the way, the Dow Jones had gone nowhere since 1999. It was still trading at
the same levels it was trading back then. And so our anticipation was that our
investor customers and prospects were feeling really frustrated about this
lack of growth. They’d wasted four or five years of their lives or six or seven
now and have — and risked their money for that period of time and had
nothing to show for it.

And so our headline on that one was Thanks for Nothing Wall Street, I’d
rather do it myself. And the package was about using your money in other
ways to grow your wealth; real estate collectibles, other things. So that’s a
skeptical or validation lead. You acknowledge how the prospect is already
feeling about products like yours about offers like yours and then you give
him an advertorial that gives him valuable information that he can use. In the
case of bilberry and lutein it was information they could use for their health;
things that really do work.

In Thanks for Nothing Wall Street, it was, I forget, seven or eight things I think
that they could do to make money without ever touching another stock.

Bob Bly: So that’s the skeptical validation lead and that’s your — new
headline method number one of the eight. What’s the second one on your
list?[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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Clayton Makepeace: The second one is confirmation of suspicions. I’ve

used this over the years to grade affect. All of us have these little questions
pass through our minds from time to time. I wonder if cancer researchers
really want to cure cancer because the drug companies make more money
off of it than anything. Or the American Cancer Society is the richest charity
in the world, what would happen if they actually cured it?

We wonder about the supplements we’re taking if they’re pure. If I was a

supplement company we think I could put sugar in here and nobody would
even know the difference.

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: So anytime you can identify a little, sneaking suspicion

that your prospect may have that’s great fodder for an advertorial. It’s a great
way to engage them — ah-ha, I knew it. It connects with them immediately.
We all think that these are little, secret thoughts that only we have but the fact
is we all have them.

And another one is the bullet proof proof lead. The — this is in a case where
you want to go with the big promise. You haven’t been able to come up with
anything that you think has greater, visceral strength for your market. The
bullet proof proof lead uses some device whether it’s something that the
prospect already knows or something that a very credible third party person
may have said or something else. Like for example, right now all of my clients
have one question in their minds and that is, should we do a promotion on the
bird flu? Okay?

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: No matter who I talk to they all have the same
question. Financial companies, health companies they all want to know is it
time to do a bird flu promotion. Okay? Well, we’re at one of those strange
moments in time where we know that this major news event is coming. And
we know that there will be a time when everybody is going to be devouring
every piece of information they can possibly get on Avian Flu. And we know
that everyone from George Bush to Kofi Annan to the leaders of Germany
and France and England and all over the world are issuing these very public
warnings. Oprah Winfrey is doing television shows on –

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: – this is going to be big. It’s dangerous. It’s scary.

You’ve got to stay on top of it. But the public isn’t quite there yet. And so —
but the people who will make a product or a promotion for the bird flu based
on the bird flu topic work are going to be the ones that make it absolutely
bullet proof right from the top that this is a big deal and this is something that
you should concern yourself with.

Bob Bly: So the third method is the bullet proof proof lead. Now, let me —
Clayton, let me just interrupt. People are concerned that we’re this far into the[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

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call and we’re not quite — we’re a little behind in our outline. So with your
permission and we’ve done this before I’d like to extend another fifteen,
twenty minutes, would that work for you?

Clayton Makepeace: Absolutely.

Bob Bly: I think to really give these points — and I think this list of eight by
the way is the core of the whole — really the core of it. And to get through it
all we’ll go a little longer. So go ahead.

We’ve now done the third one the bullet proof proof lead. What’s number

Clayton Makepeace: Number four is testimonial lead. I just — I used this

approach not too long ago for a product that most people didn’t know much
about. It’s called EDTA and it’s taken orally. A lot of people know what
intravenous chelation therapy is. But not a lot of people knew that there was
anything — any such thing as oral kelation. A pill that you could take that
would remove plaque from your arteries and lower blood pressure and lower
your risk of a heart attack.

And I could have lead with all kinds of big promises but instead I found a
testimonial from a gentleman who had even sent us his photograph. And his
testimonial started out heart surgery may be a thing of the past. And he went
on to tell the story of how his doctor wanted him to have a bypass. He started
taking this product instead and a few weeks later he was reexamined and told
that he didn’t need a bypass after all.

There’s nothing that cuts through the skepticism in today’s market like a
testimonial. And there’s nothing that engages and even entertains as well as
a story. And good storytelling is really another one of the approaches I want
to discuss. I used it a few years ago with great success in a promotion for Dr.
Martin Weiss in his newsletter Safe Money Report.

And Martin and I were sitting out by his swimming pool one day and he
happened to tell me this little story about this insurance company that was
very upset that Weiss had given them a poor rating and so they flew down to
try to talk him into raising their safety rating. And Martin said I’m sorry I can’t
do it. And so as they were leaving the office the receptionist heard one of
them say Weiss better shut up or get a bodyguard.

Daniel Levis: I remember that.

Clayton Makepeace: So do you want to guess what my headline was on the


Daniel Levis: I think so but tell us the headline.

Clayton Makepeace: It was Weiss better shut the blank up or get a

bodyguard. And the package started with that story. Immediate engagement,
immediate interest, and then the story made the point that you need an[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

independent third party source of advice, of guidance. And so it was a perfect

setup for our direct mail piece.

Daniel Levis: Storytelling’s a tremendous interest to copyrighters. I wonder if

before we move on if you could just give us like three quick bullet point tips
on story writing –

Clayton Makepeace: Well –

Daniel Levis: – storytelling.

Clayton Makepeace: Sure. When you become a storyteller it’s — you need
the same skills that a novelist would have. You have to have characters that
people care about and you have to make them care about them. They have
to be dimensionalized enough that you know something about them and
you’re rooting for them.

In the heart attack — in the heart story heart surgery may be obsolete. In that
one, we talked about this guy named John and how twenty-four hours ago
this harmless looking white powder that you see now was plaque built up in
an artery. And we build this story so you care about John and you want to see
him win.

And I think that’s the key for us copyrighters when we’re telling stories. They
need to be personal in nature. They need to involve somebody that’s much
like them and they need to care about this person. Now there’s another kind
of story that copyrighters will quite often use at the beginning of packages;
actually, two others — two other types that are really excellent. The first one
is the ironic story. How a bald headed barber saved my hair.

Bob Bly: Right. And what’s the second type?

Clayton Makepeace: How — or how a one legged golfer took three shots off
of my game. Those are ironic. And so you just have to read it. I mean what
would a one legged golfer know about playing better golf and what would a
bald headed barber know about saving my hair. So you have to read it. And
on that one you may not care at all about the principals but you’re just
intrigued with the story. So you have that approach.

And then the other one is the fascinating story. There was a promotion a few
years ago where on the outside of the envelope, it was a six by nine
envelope, and on the outside of the envelope a guy starts telling the story of a
direct mail piece he had received. And not unlike the one you’re holding your
hand right now. And on the cover it said, “The Winner of this Week’s XYZ
Football Game is Known to Me,” details inside. And it was sent just to a list of
gamblers. People who like to bet on the games.

And so the package went on to tell that story of how — and so that week I got
a correct answer and so I paid two dollars and I got the name of the winning
team and I won my bet. And so the next week I got another mailing and the
same thing happened. And — but now the price was ten dollars. And by the[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

time the Super Bowl rolled around the price was ten thousand dollars to get
the name of the winner of the Super Bowl.

Daniel Levis: Awesome.

Clayton Makepeace: And — so then he revealed the magic trick behind it

and he showed exactly how these people had correctly called one hundred
percent of the games that this guy had read about and how they had
correctly called the Super Bowl for him.

Daniel Levis: What a great lead.

Bob Bly: Okay, so we’ve got the story lead pretty well covered what about
the — you call it the official notification lead. What does that mean?

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, the — one of the problems that we have — well,
on the one hand if we’re working with an unknown company, a company that
isn’t well known to the people we’re promoting to it was just the credibility
thing whether it’s on the outside of the envelope or whether it’s on the subject
line of the e-mail or on the landing page that you’re sending them to.

And I have a client that I’m personally convinced is going to be absolutely

huge within a year but right now not a lot of people on the outside know who
he is. So I did something a little sneaky. And — I’m a big believer in what
Mark Victor Hansen says that you want to do everything you can get away
with and still get into heaven. I think I can get into heaven over this one but a
lot of the material in this package was taken from the National Institutes of
Health. And the package is about diabetes and blood sugar imbalances in
people. And I wanted to get maximum readership. It’s a component package
with a carrier envelope. And I knew with just our corner card up there in the
corner it’s not going to get the package open.

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: And so I did a very — official looking envelope and it

just says Plague Warning; underneath it says, Important Notification from the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Okay?

Bob Bly: Uh-huh.

Clayton Makepeace: And then it says seventy-two thousand Americans will

be struck down in the next twenty-four hours; urgent, self defense inside.

Daniel Levis: That’s brilliant.

Bob Bly: So that’s the official notification lead, that’s great. What about the
lead, I’ve heard this one before, the dominant emotion lead?

Clayton Makepeace: Let me just back up.

Bob Bly: Sure.[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Clayton Makepeace: On that official notification, it could — you have to be

careful. You can’t go so far with it that it becomes fraudulent or anything like
that. But any official organization whether it’s a branch of the United States
government, it could be the IRS; it could be any group in the United States
government or any acknowledged group of experts like the American Heart
Association or so forth. If you re writing about something that they are writing
about then it’s perfectly legitimate to use their name in your teaser copy on
the outside of your promotion.

Dominant emotion leads; we’ve talked a lot about this in the Total Package
and if — and we’ll continue talking about it because it’s a major point — a
major tool for increasing response. It tends to be a layer in headlines. You
begin with a basic premise but then you write it in such a way that it connects
directly with the strongest, resonant emotions that your prospects have. My
all time favorite right now is still Arthur Johnson’s Had Enough headline for
Dr. Williams.

I think it’s just perfect in that it connects with another source of frustration that
our prospects have right now which is the — this feeling that every piece of
health advice is telling you to give up something that you love. The sun’s
going to kill you. Alcohol’s going to kill you. A great cigar after dinner’s going
to kill you. A big old juicy steak is going to kill you. Everything you love is
going to kill you. And only the stuff you really can’t stand is good for you.

And so this package was just like — if you’ve had enough of this idiotic advice
let me tell you the truth about these things. And it was absolutely brilliant and
it really resonated well with our marketplace. A lot of other people have tried
to get theirs simply with negative or just — yeah, just negative headlines. And
they’ve missed the mark. What was going on here was — in that package,
Arthur was freeing you from the health Nazis’. He was freeing you from these
people who are always making you feel guilty, always trying to scare you into
the kind of lifestyle they want you to lead.

Bob Bly: Okay. So we’ve got the dominant emotion lead and the example
Had Enough. And then you have the one called the topical lead. What’s that?

Clayton Makepeace: We’ve found working with Weiss that anything that
people are reading about they’re thinking about. And anything that they’re
thinking about they have feelings about. And connecting with those feelings
is a key to winning. So this is a topical lead. Anything that’s in the news and
looks like it’s going to be there for some period of time if you can connect
with that, with what your prospect is thinking about those things, you could
have a very big winner on your hand. Much bigger than simply yelling —
shouting benefits or a unique selling proposition.

We’ve — there’s some dangers involved that I’d like to mention but overall
the idea of saying — well, let me back up just a second. One of the keys to
doing really hot direct mail promotions in the financial field and also in health
and I think pretty much in anything is to enter the conversation the prospect
is already having with himself. If you come to him with a problem he doesn’t[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

know he has he’s going to shut you down because he’s already encountered
too many problems today. And the last thing he needs is you to give him
another one.

If on the other hand, you come to him and say look I know you’ve been
worried about this or I know you’ve been thinking about this and now here’s
— here are the answers that you’ve been wondering where you would go to
get. Now —

Daniel Levis: Essentially confirming the fear that he has.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, it could be fear. It could be a desire for

something. But the key is that he’s already having the conversation. At the
Power Marketing Summit, I’ve got a whole bunch of great slides showing
times when I violated this rule and got spanked pretty good.

We went out with — in promotions where our forecasts were one hundred
percent right. We forecasted the federal deficit would explode. We forecasted
that banks would crash. We forecasted interest rates would climb. We
forecasted gold would go up. We forecasted fuel prices would go up. Oil was
at ten dollars a gallon and now it’s at sixty. We were one hundred percent
right on these forecasts. But they weren’t conversations our prospects were
already having with themselves. And so they missed the mark.

Clayton Makepeace: But the point here is that this is a very different
marketplace. You need to acknowledge what the Internet has done to your
prospect, how it’s changes his expectations and how that affects everything
you do whether it’s in direct mail or whether it’s on the web or in any other
medium. And it even affects how you deliver your products.

Bob Bly: Well, it seems like the number one lesson we’re learning today is
that the prospect has seen so much of this over so many years that
yesterday’s approach no longer works just because it’s worn out. Does that
sound accurate?

Clayton Makepeace: That is accurate. And the reason that I wanted to do

this call was I’m dealing with a lot of copy cubs now. And these are people
that have taken great courses and read great books on direct marketing. And
— but they’re coming to the table with these very elementary tools of just
leading with benefits. And I walked into a seminar that somebody was holding
and there was one of the top experts in the field and he was literally yelling
and pounding the podium benefits, benefits, benefits.

And the fact is that people who are following that advice now are losing some
faith because they’re trying it and they’re not getting the blockbuster results
that they were promised. And that’s why it’s time for some deeper thinking.
It’s time to go to school on this kind of thing and to really think about where
your prospect is now. The benefits have never been more important than
they are when presenting your product later in your promotion. But nine
times out of ten you go with an advertorial it is essentially a bribe. You’re
bribing the prospect to read this by giving him information that will make his[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

life better right now today.

And then after you have him engaged on that level you can — you’re no
longer a salesman. Now you’re his advocate. You’re his friend. You’ve gotten
up from behind the little salesman table and walked around front and now
you’re sitting next to him. And you’re his guide. You’re his helper. And when
you’ve done that now there’s not an adversarial relationship here any more.
This is not a sales pitch. This is an offer to help.

Bob Bly: Although — even though it’s an advertorial as we close we’re going
to have to get to a sales pitch and we’re going to have to present an offer.
Now you say that just as the headlines and the copy approach and the lead
have to be different that today offers are different. And I’ve always thought of
them as unchanging. Like they all have a guarantee and a price and a
premium so aren’t those elements the same and what’s the difference
between a guarantee today and ten years ago?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, I think many of the elements are the same but I
think we’re guilty of sleepwalking through these elements today. And when
we — when we’re in an environment of declining response because of the
front end of our packages one of the opportunities we have — in addition to
employing some of these techniques that we’ve talked about today to help
the front end out; one of the other opportunities that we have is to strengthen
the back end or the offer copy.

Bob Bly: So what’s — how would you strengthen a guarantee? That seems
pretty straightforward; you read it for sixty days and if not return it and you get
your money back. What should we be doing different?

Clayton Makepeace: (Laughter) Well, the — if you think about it a guarantee

can be a lot more than just simply hey look if this sucks I’ll send you a check.
I’ll send you a refund which is essentially what basic guarantee copy says.
Entrust us with your money, we’ll send you the product; if it stinks you get
your money back. And that’s essentially what most guarantees say. But
when we present a guarantee we really have opportunities to do a lot more
than that.

For example, we have the opportunity to establish a benchmark performance

for the product. In the financial field for example, we can say that within
twelve months you will have a fifty percent return on your money or all you
have to do is let me know and I’ll send you a full refund. Okay?

In the health area, I’ve just gone through major repositioning of a health
company where we wanted to remove faith from the proposition. And
basically say look if you don’t feel the results of this supplement within sixty
days or any supplement you buy from us — if you don’t feel measurable
differences within sixty days then just let us know and we’ll send you your
money back.

Now we even went farther with one of them which was a product that
balances pH levels in your body, the acid alkaline balance in your body. By[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

providing them with a set of test strips and saying take your pH balances
before you start taking the product and then every week for the next four
weeks take them again. And if your pH doesn’t move back to normal from
highly acidic to normal then just let us know and we’ll send you a full refund.

Bob Bly: So tying the guarantee into the performance; although you do have
to say in your guarantee if you do that — if you’re not satisfied with how it
makes you feel or you want to return it for any other reason you’ll want them
to think that they have to meet that condition or they can’t return it, right?

Clayton Makepeace: Right. We’ve even done multiple guarantees in

packages where we had one that was nothing more than a quality guarantee,
a freshness quality of ingredients, absorbability, all of that kind of stuff which
is not really an actionable guarantee because there’s no way anyone knows
that but you.

But still presenting those things as guarantees raise them to the level of this
is our corporate mission.

Daniel Levis: Well, this is another place that — such a perfect place for the
future facing again the recent promo that we did for Weiss in the guarantee it
talks about give it a try. And it goes through every single step of what
happens when you make your purchase. Plug your — plug my
recommendations into the asset tracker. Step two, do this. Step three, do
that. And basically you’re crowding out all of the opportunities for negativity at
that pivotal moment right there in the risk reversal.

Clayton Makepeace: Absolutely. And — now your guarantee is a selling


Bob Bly: So one thing in our offer we can make the guarantee a selling
device. Now another thing that’s traditionally part of the offer is the price and
the discount. Software is four hundred dollars but if you order now you get it
for three hundred. You save a hundred. That — how does that have to be
different today? That’s pretty much the same, right?

Clayton Makepeace: Well, in some businesses in some industries it maybe

but I see an absolute dearth of testing on offers today. And the fact of the
matter is if all of a sudden information is free on the Internet then we need to
start thinking about what your charging for the information that you’re selling.

Another thing, if all of a sudden your universe is one tenth as large as it was
before what does that say about your universe? You’re talking to the most
adamant, die hard people out there.

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: If you’re doing investment promotions right now you’re

talking to the one million guys who refuse to give up on investment advisories
when everyone else did. So they find tremendous value in investment
advisories. So does it make sense to test higher prices?[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Bob Bly: I see what you’re saying. But yet you also see them testing lower
prices where they’ll have a one year subscription, two year and they’ll say hey
do you just want to kick the tires? Get eight issues for eight weeks for a real
low price.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, that generally does not work well.

Bob Bly: Does not work well.

Clayton Makepeace: And the reason for that is especially with the periodical
publication there’s not sufficient time for bonding to take place. In order to get
a good renewal rate on a newsletter the person who’s taking the newsletter
has to first take some step or action that’s recommended in the newsletter.
So now he has a vested interest in continuing to follow your advice. Right?

And in those shorter trials, historically, they’ve been tested time and time
again over the years. And the people who come in on those — yes, you’ll
sale them. And yes because they’re low price you’ll get a lot of names in the
door. But the quality of those names is substantially lower and there’s a huge
question as to whether they’ll be with you in six months to a year. And
especially today when so much of this business is the back end sale –

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: – where they buy the newsletter but the profits center
for the company is making the next sale which would be a trading service or a
supplement product or something else. So –

Bob Bly: So the bottom line is more price testing?

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, well more testing at every level of the offer —
every single level. Test your guarantee. One of the things that we tested
early on about — on guarantees was the client had a sixty day guarantee.
And I was looking at his refund curve and I was seeing that he had this huge
bulge right at sixty days where all of these people are writing in for
guarantees. And so it took about a year in a half to do it but we finally talked
him into testing a one year guarantee. And his refund requests fell by almost

Bob Bly: So you got it tested. Now we literally have Clayton, even though
we’re fifteen minutes over, we have literally five more minutes. So I want to
ask you things that I see are on peoples’ minds.

Clayton Makepeace: Absolutely.

Bob Bly: What’s working in premiums today?

Clayton Makepeace: On the premium side, what I’m seeing working best
are just very nitty gritty how to do it step by step premiums. I’ve seen people
do things; in fact, one of them came out of our shop that attempted to[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

position a special report for example as a encyclopedia or a physician’s desk

reference. Okay? That stuff just doesn’t cut it. What people want is cutting
edge, opinionated, emotionally driven and exciting, new solutions.

And people — it’s important when writing premiums and in crafting them.
People don’t want — really want solutions. They want miracles. They want
effortless, push button profits. They want effortless, miracle pill cures. They
want — they don’t want to learn anything. When you’re selling a premium you
say you’ll discover this. You’ll learn that. That’s just bad copy. The premiums
need to be animated. They need to actually do things for the prospect. And
they need to have that fresh cutting edge feel to it.

A client of mine had a run away, grand slam control and decided, because he
had just been published by a major publisher and had a hardcover book in
bookstores, decided without testing to change his main premium from a
printed — a cheaply — a cheap looking printed report to a hardcover book.
And his response fell by like seventy-five percent. It just cratered.

Bob Bly: Yeah and I found that a lot of people think I’ll offer a best selling
book and that’s even worse because if it’s a best seller so many people
already have it.

Clayton Makepeace: A printed book — a hardcover book as a perceived

value of twenty-nine bucks.

Bob Bly: Right.

Clayton Makepeace: What’s it worth to you to cure your arthritis?

Bob Bly: Exactly.

Clayton Makepeace: It’s priceless. And so it’s all about perceived value
when it comes to premiums. It’s also very important to make sure that the
premium supports or expands on the main USP for the company or for the
product. You don’t — if you’re selling a book on personal finance don’t give
away an alarm clock. Those — or a calculator. Those things are — the
perceived value is zip. People know they cost a few cents or a buck.

If you give away something though that could help him save thirty dollars a
month on his electric bill –

Bob Bly: We’re just about out of time. But any concluding thoughts or final
thing you’d like to add that we didn’t get to today? I know it’s been very richly
information packed but we went fast.

Clayton Makepeace: Yeah, I would ask what I asked the last time we had a
teleconference. Please drop us a line at and let us know how we did. I know
there were a lot of questions we didn’t get to. I am — the redhead’s always
accusing me of being overly optimistic as to what we can get done in a period
of time. But we will do our best to answer any questions we didn’t get to[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

today on the call.

Bob Bly: And we have all of those.

Clayton Makepeace: Yes, we have them all. And we’ll be answering them
either by direct e-mail back to you or in the next few issues of the Total

Bob Bly: Well, on that note I want to thank Daniel, Julie and especially
Clayton for being with us today. And you guys for listening. Thanks folks.

Clayton Makepeace: Thanks so much.

Julie McManus: Thanks.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← My Favorite Magic Trick It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again →

0 Responses to The Total Package Centennial


Jason Leister says:

April 16, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Aren\’t we supposed to be sending you a gift?[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Much appreciated.


Mike Staskiewicz says:

April 16, 2007 at 5:03 pm


Rich people just need more love, not more gifts. :p

Right Clayton? Happy Birthday.


Robert Lehrer says:

April 17, 2007 at 11:01 pm

Thanks for that powerful birthday gift that you gave to, er, all of us!!
Belated Happy Birthday!


Andrew Cavanagh says:

April 18, 2007 at 12:07 pm

I found it interesting that the direct mail world are all asking if it\’s time
to feature the bird flu.

If you search on Google for \”prevent bird flu\”, \”how to prevent bird
flu\”, \”bird flu history\”, \”bird flu suit\”, \”bird flu pandemic tamiflu\”
you\’ll find I\’m number 1.

And I\’ve been number one since either late 2005 or early 2006.

What\’s interesting is the sales in this niche have no correlation to the


It\’s all about the current level of hysteria around the bird flu.

I can even track where the hysteria is at based on where the sales
are coming from.

And you\’re dead right…at present the bird flu is NOT a hot topic.

If it were to jump to a genuine human to human flu it would be the

hottest topic on earth.

Kindest regards,[11/29/2012 7:46:28 PM]

The Total Package Centennial Celebration |

Andrew Cavanagh


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It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

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It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again
Posted on June 4, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Subscribe to RSS

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Are "Faux Benefits" killing your sales copy? Recent Posts

He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Why product features are far more important than you’ve been led to We’re still here…
Time for a Change
believe …
Before you take the copywriting
The simple secret to exploding your sales results in just five easy by storm, there’s something
steps … you should know …
Do You Believe?

Dear Business Builder,

Today, The Redhead, our 14-year-old daughter and three of her closest
girlfriends are partying it up in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.

They’re up there to see something called "Fallout Boy" – the rock band that
the National Institute of Health just identified as today’s #1 cause of swooning
among young teenage girls.

And so, armed with earplugs and a half-pound of Advil to assuage the
inevitable post-concert headache, the Redhead gamely agreed to chauffeur
an SUV-full of giggling teenagers the seven hours to Baltimore just to help
them make a memory.

What a gal!

Fact is, Wendy and I have been together nearly 15 years now – and I don’t
regret a day.

And the day I don’t regret was March 12, 2001 …[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Just kidding!

Yeah, I know – it’s an old joke. But sometimes, jokes you’ve heard before are
the best.

And sometimes, advice you’ve heard before is also the best.

Which got me to thinking …

See, back around April Fool’s day, we opened our new article archives – a
veritable Direct Response University that’s now packed with 141 of the most
astonishingly helpful articles on copywriting and direct marketing imaginable.

Folks pay other direct response coaches thousands of dollars – even tens of
thousands – for the timeless secrets, tips, tricks and techniques in those

We offer them to you free. All you have to do is click any one of the big, red
"Archives" buttons on our pages and start reading. Or save them. Or print
them out.

But you know what?

While thousands of good folks read each NEW issue of The Total Package
we publish … and while thousands more pay big bucks for the products we
offer in our online store … almost nobody’s mining our archives!

And that’s a problem. Because I do NOT believe in covering the same ground

So if you’re waiting for me to give you my forehead-slapping secrets for

organizing your copy …or crafting world-beating headlines … or writing
openings that make it impossible for prospects to look away … or structuring
offers that prospects can’t refuse …

… or the nuts and bolts of direct mail … or the basic legal issues you need to
know about when writing sales copy – or any of the other fundamental advice
I’ve covered in past issues, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time.

There’s just too much NEW stuff we’re learning … too much cutting-edge
stuff I need to get to you … too many more advanced techniques to take your
response through the roof.

So this week, just to show you what you’re missing in our archives – and also
to remind you of some things you may have forgotten – I’m doing something
I’ve never done before and (I promise) I will never do again:

I’m taking you back to January, 2006 – and to one of the most highly praised
and most effective response-boosters from our archives – entitled …[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

How to Make Your Product’s Benefits SPARKLE

A serious crisis has arisen that must be addressed immediately – before I
have to crit even one more copy cub’s draft …

The other day, I had the dubious pleasure of reviewing copy submitted by a
new group of my beloved cubs – each of whom has read The Masters and
even completed courses on copywriting … and each of whom I believe has
the innate talent to (eventually) become one of the greats.

Each cub was told to write benefit-oriented headlines for a series of natural
supplement products.

The first headline jumped up and shouted …

Get Off The Hormone Roller Coaster!

“Well,” I said to myself, “THAT certainly sucks!” And so I turned to the next
one …

Balance Blood Sugar Levels Naturally!

… And the next …

Flush Deadly Toxins Out Of Your Colon!

“Whoo boy,” I said out loud, “I should be getting combat pay for this!”

See, not a single one of those "benefit-based" headlines contains a single

real benefit! Instead, each contains a "Faux Benefit" – a product feature
masquerading as a benefit!

Apply my patented "forehead slap" test to each of those headlines and you’ll
see what I mean.

Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night … sat bolt
upright in bed … slapped yourself on the forehead and exclaimed, “Holy
Moley – I gotta get off of the hormone roller coaster!”

When was the last time you were jarred out of a deep sleep exclaiming
“Jeez Louise – I need to balance my blood sugar levels naturally!”

And have you EVER jumped out of a warm bed to holler, “I gotta flush
some deadly toxins out of my colon!”

No? Me neither!

Have you ever found yourself feeling eager to PAY for a product that would
do any of those things for you?

Nope? Join the club![11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

I mean – getting off the hormone roller coaster sounds like it might be a good
thing. On the other hand, roller coasters are fun. Heck. People pay money to
get ONTO them!

I suppose balancing blood sugar levels is good, too. And if you’re making a
list of folks who are "all for" flushing deadly toxins out of my colon – or any
other part of my body for that matter – put me at the top of it.

But are these really benefits our prospects crave – and are willing to pay for?

Of course not. Our "hormone balancing" prospects want to stop having hot
flashes and mood swings and stop losing their libidos.

Why? Well, for one thing, because hot flashes and mood swings are irritating
– even miserable. And for another – drilling down even deeper – because all
of these things threaten the intimacy and security of their primary
relationships. Nobody wants to be a hormone hermit!

Nobody really wants to balance their blood sugar levels, either. But anyone
in his or her right mind DOES want to avoid the misery of blindness … cold,
numb, painful limbs … amputation … and premature death that go along with

And frankly, while "flushing toxins out of my colon" is nowhere near the top of
my personal "to do" list, I WOULD prefer not to be constipated, or plagued
with uncontrollable diarrhea, or have to poop in a bag for the rest of my life,
or die from colon cancer.

The Faux Benefits heralded in these headlines are mechanisms … processes

… product features that deliver benefits. They are not, in themselves, real
benefits that anybody craves or wants to pay for.

My beloved copy cubs failed to drill down to the real, bottom-line, rubber-
meets-the-road benefit each product provides – the tangible, measurable,
real value they bring to prospects’ lives: The value that prospects are willing
to – once again – pay for.

This is a cardinal and common sin even among more seasoned copywriters –
and that business owners and marketing execs too often let us get away with.

Here’s another: Failing to fully explore the benefits that each benefit provides.
In short, squeezing every feature until you’ve explored every benefit … and
then squeezing every benefit for the secondary benefits IT provides.

Confused? Me too – sometimes, anyway. Let’s work through this together …

Benefits 101
Let’s start with four basic facts …[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

1. Every product has features: Features are merely objective facts about a
product (or the company behind it). In three-dimensional products,
features include size, shape, weight, construction, color options and more.
In information products, features include number of pages, size,
frequency of publication (for periodicals) and the types of information that
is presented.

2. Fortunately, most features are there for a darned good reason:

Prospects don’t want features. They want you to change their lives for the
better. Product features are merely the means to that end. That means
features can have a place in ad copy – like telling prospects how many
issues they’ll get per year … how many big pages are in your book … or
that your widget is made from carbon steel for strength or carbon fiber for
Beyond that, features are a yawn because they’re about the product; not
about the prospect. Or, as in the examples above, they can help
demonstrate how your product delivers a benefit.

The good news is, just about every product fact – every feature – is there
to provide a benefit that your prospect IS willing to pay for.

3. There are more benefits associated with each product feature than
are dreamt of by most copywriters: Benefits are like bunny rabbits:
Give them a little time and they’ll begin multiplying – each benefit or
combination of benefits producing one, two, three or more new benefits
you never thought about before.
The secret to kick-butt sales copy is to identify each and every benefit a
product provides – and then to look at each benefit and ask, “What does
THAT do for me? What additional benefits does that benefit provide?”

4. Your prospect has strong feelings about every dimensionalized

benefit you present: Connecting each fully dimensionalized product
benefit with a strong emotion that your prospect already has about the
benefit (or the lack of it in his/her life) makes sales copy irresistible.

Benefits that sing and soar

– in four, simple steps
Here’s a little exercise to help you drill down to the benefits prospects are
willing to pay for … fully dimensionalize those benefits … and then connect
those benefits with powerful response-boosting emotions that your prospect
already has about those benefits (or the lack of them in his life).

By the time you’re through, you will have a complete list of company and
product features … you will have squeezed every possible benefit out of
those features … you will have fully dimensionalized those benefits … and
you will have connected each one to a powerful emotion your prospect has
about each one of them.

In short, you’ll have a comprehensive "features/benefits/dominant emotion"[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

inventory you can refer to as you write your copy.

I do NOT suggest that you do this on every project. After a while, this kind of
thinking comes naturally. But even for more advanced writers – and
especially for folks who supervise writers – going through this exercise can
go a long way to finding new themes and adding power to your promotions.

To begin, create a spreadsheet with these headings:

Feature Why? Benefits Dimensionalize Dominant Rank


Step #1:
Create a comprehensive FEATURES inventory

If you’ve read any books or taken any courses on direct response

copywriting, you’ve probably learned that features are immaterial. Only
benefits matter.

Only problem is, that’s just horse-pucky.

Features are the fathers of each benefit your product provides. And if every
product benefit has its roots in a product feature, identifying and fully
understanding each feature is essential to identifying all the benefits your
product provides.

And so, if features are the fathers of benefits, it makes sense to begin at the
beginning – by listing all the key facts about 1) the business and 2) the
product or service you’re promoting.

Start by answering the following questions about the company and the
spokesperson behind the product in the first column of your table…

1. "What are your qualifications?" What degrees or certifications have you

earned in your field of endeavor? From which institutions? What
associations are you a member of? How many years have you provided
this product or service?
How many customers (patients, clients, etc.) have you served? Are you
the largest or oldest in your area of expertise? What specialties do you
offer that your competitors don’t?

2. "What resources do you use to produce a superior product or

service?" How large an army are you putting to work on the prospect’s
behalf? Who are the stand-out players? What unique or proprietary tools
do you use to produce the desired result?
Do you have custom computer programs or hardware that nobody else
has? How many customer service reps are available to make ordering
comfortable and easy? How many service techs are on your payroll who
can respond when the product needs service?[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

3. "How is your location a factor?" Are you closer to your prospects than
your competition? Are your headquarters impressive-looking? Is your
office close to a major intersection or freeway off-ramp? Do you offer
plenty of free parking?
Or, if you’re promoting a product for a national company, how does its
location help you produce a superior product? Are you offering an
investment product that’s produced on Wall Street or anywhere in New
York, for example? A politically oriented product that’s produced in or near
Washington D.C.?

4. "What’s your reaction time?" Are appointments readily available? Do

you perform your service faster than your competition does? If I order this
product, how fast will I get it?

5. Inventory: How many different products do you have available? How

does that compare to what your competitors offer?

Product or Service Features

Now, it’s time to really start digging – with answers about the product or
service you’re offering …

1. Purpose: What, exactly, does your product or service do? If it

accomplishes several things, great – list everything you can think of!
2. Physical dimensions: How does your product compare to competing
products? Is it smaller? Bigger? Lighter? Heavier duty?
If it’s a published product, how many pages are in the book or the regular
issues of the newsletter or magazine? Is the page size larger that what
the prospect may be used to?

Are there illustrations, charts, or graphs? Is it written simply – in a way

that a child could understand? Does it give clear, concise directions that
anyone could follow? How many times do customers hear from your client
each year (count regular issues, bonus issues, e-mail alerts, web site
updates, etc.)? What regular features are included?

If you offer nutritional supplements, are your pills smaller than the
competition’s? Does the prospect have to take fewer of them, or take
them just once a day? What are the ingredients? Are they fresher than
those used by some other competitors? More absorbable? More potent?

3. Performance metrics: How quickly can your product be delivered,

installed and/or begin producing results? How fast does your product
complete the desired task? How thoroughly does it do its job? How long
does it last? How do your product’s performance metrics compare to
similar products offered by your competitors?
For investment products, what results has it produced for investors in the
recent past? How did it perform at key turning points in the economy or
markets – the tech wreck of 2000, or the gold price explosion of the
1970s, for example? How and when did it help prevent investors from
making major blunders?[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

For health products, how fast does it work? How can I know it’s working?
What studies have proven that it works? Or for information merchants,
what health breakthroughs were you the first to publicize? How else does
the past performance of the author, editor or the product itself
demonstrate the superiority or indispensability of the product?

4. Credibility: What have customers, subscribers, peers and others said

about your product or service? What guarantees and/or warranties come
with it? How do they compare to what the competition offers?
5. Available options: What choices does your product offer to prospects?
What colors or sizes does it come in? How do your terms make ordering
the best fit possible for customers? Is it customizable in any way? How do
these choices make your product superior to the competition?
6. Timeliness: How quickly can your product be delivered and/or installed?
How does this compare with the competition?
7. Pricing: What are your prices? How do they compare to the competition?
Do you deliver more for the money? Or does your product’s quality
demand a higher price?

If applicable, divide your price by the numbers 12, 52 and 365 – and then
write down the product’s cost per month, week and day. …

Use this opportunity to think through every step of the process that your
prospects experience when shopping for, buying and using your product or

Step #2:
Attach a "why" to each feature
The next step is to figure out why these features are included in the product
or service, and then to turn those reasons into tangible benefits that will bring
value to the customer’s life.

So now, in the "WHY?" column next to each feature, enter the benefits each
feature provides.

Example: If you’re selling a high quality drill bit, your entry might look like this:

Feature: Constructed of carbon steel.

Why: Never wears out.

On the other hand, if you’re promoting a dentist, your list might

look like this:

Feature: A TV in every exam room.[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Why: More comfortable for the patient and time passes more

The "why" for an investment newsletter might go like this …

Feature: Daily e-zine included with subscription to monthly


Why: Stocks move fast; opportunities could be lost without

split-second updates.

Or, if you’re writing for a book on health, you might write …

Feature: Specific prescription for each age group on each

supplement recommended.

Why: To eliminate reader confusion.

Attach as many "whys" to each feature as you can.

My guess is that as you review your completed list, you’ll be getting pretty
excited. And for good reason: Your brain is already beginning to take the next
step – visualizing how these features improve your customers’ lives!

Step #3:
Turn features into benefits
The simple act of completing Steps #1 and #2 above could easily multiply
sales and profits at tens of thousands of businesses from coast to coast –
merely by shifting the spotlight off of the advertiser and his product or service
and on to why their features are important to the customer.

But still, we focused entirely on a company and a product or service. Now,

we’re going to bring your prospect into the picture – and answer the question,
"What’s in it for me? How does each of these features – these facts about the
business and product or service – directly connect with and improve my life?"

Think about how each feature and "Reason Why" benefits your customer,
and list every possible way each one of them brings value to your prospect’s

We’re going to ask the one question that’s constantly at the forefront of your
customer’s mind: "What’s in it for me?"

And we’re going to answer by listing the problems your product or service
solves … the desires it fulfills … and the future disasters it will help your
customers avoid.

Be sure to think about immediate benefits as well as those the customer will[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

experience later on.

If you’re selling one-hour oil changes for example, you can save your
customer oodles of time right now, today. But you also make it easy for him
properly maintain the family chariot, thereby helping him avoid an
inconvenient or even dangerous breakdown and costly repairs later on.

Write each benefit as a "you" statement – as if you’re talking face-to-face

with your prospective customer, patient or client.

Then, go back over your list of benefits … look at each one … and ask
yourself, "What additional benefits does this benefit bring to my life?" Keep
drilling down until you hit the Mother Lode – the benefits that mean the most
and bring the most value to prospects’ lives.

Step #4:

Connect each dimensionalized benefit

with a dominant resident emotion
I don’t know who first coined the word "dimensionalize." I do know that it
drives my spell-checker bonkers, so it’s probably not in any dictionary you’ll
ever see.

But the word "dimensionalize" does a great job of describing what A level
copywriters do – the extra mile we travel to make each benefit in our copy is
as compelling as possible.

When you "dimensionalize" a benefit, you give it added dimension by painting

word pictures of all the ways the prospect will enjoy that benefit. You
compare that benefit with those offered by others. You add specifics that
demonstrate all the ways the benefit will enrich the prospect’s life.

When you’ve finished, your list may look something like this, for example:

Feature: Constructed of carbon steel.

Why: Never wears out.

Benefit: The last drill bit you’ll ever buy.

Dimensionalized Benefit: You can save up to $75 a year in

broken drill bits … hours of unnecessary trips to the hardware
store … and hundreds of dollars in lost income!
Or in our hypothetical promotion for a dentist, your list might
look like this:[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Feature: A TV in every exam room.

Why: More comfortable for the patient and time passes more

Benefit: Your appointment is over before you know it!

Dimensionalized Benefit: Great for fidgety kids: The time zips

by. In fact, just last week, little Jimmy asked if he could stay
The benefit drawn from a feature offered by an investment
newsletter might go like this …

Feature: Daily e-zine included with subscription to monthly


Why: Stocks move fast; opportunities could be lost without

constant updates.

Benefit: You’ll never get caught wondering what to do when

major events break!

Dimensionalize: You’ll lock in your profits when the market

sags and go for even greater profit potential by getting into each
up-move on the ground floor.
Or, if you’re writing for a book on health, your list might look
something like this …

Feature: Specific prescription for each age group on each

supplement recommended.

Why: To eliminate reader confusion.

Dimensionalize: You’ll always know precisely what you should

be taking … how much you should be taking … and even when
to take it.

I’ve already written reams about this – and this issue is already running a bit
long, so there’s no need to go into great detail at this time.

The point is simply to identify how your prospect is likely to feel about each of
the dimensionalized benefits on your list.

Do NOT stop at listing just one emotion per benefit. Think about how the
prospect feels about the lack of this benefit in his/her life now. And about how
the prospect will feel as he/she is enjoying that benefit. And about how he’ll
feel as others see him doing things better … being healthier … richer …

One last thing: When you’re done, review your inventory and rate each[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

benefit/emotion combination on a scale of one to five.

As you assign each ranking, think about three things:

1. The relative importance of the improvement each benefit brings to

prospects’ lives: A benefit that can prevent cancer would be scored higher
than one that merely produces sweeter breath, for example …

2. The relative number of prospects most likely to covet that particular

improvement: More people are likely to have arthritis than cancer …

3. The relative intensity of the emotion(s) connected to each benefit.

Finally, sort the entire spreadsheet by these rankings in descending order.

When you’re done, you’ll have systematically created a comprehensive

inventory of features, benefits and dominant emotions for your product.

Then, USE your inventory to make sure you press every possible hot button
as you begin writing your copy – and please, for mercy’s sake – to get real,
dimensionalized, emotionalized BENEFITS into your lead copy!

More next time!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Issue #142[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Are "Faux Benefits" killing your sales copy?

Why product features are far more important than you’ve been led to
believe …

The simple secret to exploding your sales results in just five easy
steps …


Dear Business Builder,

Today, The Redhead, our 14-year-old daughter and three of her closest
girlfriends are partying it up in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.

They’re up there to see something called "Fallout Boy" – the rock band that
the National Institute of Health just identified as today’s #1 cause of swooning
among young teenage girls.

And so, armed with earplugs and a half-pound of Advil to assuage the
inevitable post-concert headache, the Redhead gamely agreed to chauffeur
an SUV-full of giggling teenagers the seven hours to Baltimore just to help
them make a memory.

What a gal!

Fact is, Wendy and I have been together nearly 15 years now – and I don’t
regret a day.

And the day I don’t regret was March 12, 2001 …

Just kidding!

Yeah, I know – it’s an old joke. But sometimes, jokes you’ve heard before are
the best.

And sometimes, advice you’ve heard before is also the best.

Which got me to thinking …

See, back around April Fool’s day, we opened our new article archives – a
veritable Direct Response University that’s now packed with 141 of the most
astonishingly helpful articles on copywriting and direct marketing imaginable.

Folks pay other direct response coaches thousands of dollars – even tens of
thousands – for the timeless secrets, tips, tricks and techniques in those

We offer them to you free. All you have to do is click any one of the big, red
"Archives" buttons on our pages and start reading. Or save them. Or print
them out.[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

But you know what?

While thousands of good folks read each NEW issue of The Total Package
we publish … and while thousands more pay big bucks for the products we
offer in our online store … almost nobody’s mining our archives!

And that’s a problem. Because I do NOT believe in covering the same ground

So if you’re waiting for me to give you my forehead-slapping secrets for

organizing your copy …or crafting world-beating headlines … or writing
openings that make it impossible for prospects to look away … or structuring
offers that prospects can’t refuse …

… or the nuts and bolts of direct mail … or the basic legal issues you need to
know about when writing sales copy – or any of the other fundamental advice
I’ve covered in past issues, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time.

There’s just too much NEW stuff we’re learning … too much cutting-edge
stuff I need to get to you … too many more advanced techniques to take your
response through the roof.

So this week, just to show you what you’re missing in our archives – and also
to remind you of some things you may have forgotten – I’m doing something
I’ve never done before and (I promise) I will never do again:

I’m taking you back to January, 2006 – and to one of the most highly praised
and most effective response-boosters from our archives – entitled …

How to Make Your Product’s Benefits SPARKLE

A serious crisis has arisen that must be addressed immediately – before I

have to crit even one more copy cub’s draft …

The other day, I had the dubious pleasure of reviewing copy submitted by a
new group of my beloved cubs – each of whom has read The Masters and
even completed courses on copywriting … and each of whom I believe has
the innate talent to (eventually) become one of the greats.

Each cub was told to write benefit-oriented headlines for a series of natural
supplement products.

The first headline jumped up and shouted …

Get Off The Hormone Roller Coaster!

“Well,” I said to myself, “THAT certainly sucks!” And so I turned to the next
one …

Balance Blood Sugar Levels Naturally![11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

… And the next …

Flush Deadly Toxins Out Of Your Colon!

“Whoo boy,” I said out loud, “I should be getting combat pay for this!”

See, not a single one of those "benefit-based" headlines contains a single

real benefit! Instead, each contains a "Faux Benefit" – a product feature
masquerading as a benefit!

Apply my patented "forehead slap" test to each of those headlines and you’ll
see what I mean.

Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night … sat bolt
upright in bed … slapped yourself on the forehead and exclaimed, “Holy
Moley – I gotta get off of the hormone roller coaster!”

When was the last time you were jarred out of a deep sleep exclaiming
“Jeez Louise – I need to balance my blood sugar levels naturally!”

And have you EVER jumped out of a warm bed to holler, “I gotta flush
some deadly toxins out of my colon!”

No? Me neither!

Have you ever found yourself feeling eager to PAY for a product that would
do any of those things for you?

Nope? Join the club!

I mean – getting off the hormone roller coaster sounds like it might be a good
thing. On the other hand, roller coasters are fun. Heck. People pay money to
get ONTO them!

I suppose balancing blood sugar levels is good, too. And if you’re making a
list of folks who are "all for" flushing deadly toxins out of my colon – or any
other part of my body for that matter – put me at the top of it.

But are these really benefits our prospects crave – and are willing to pay for?

Of course not. Our "hormone balancing" prospects want to stop having hot
flashes and mood swings and stop losing their libidos.

Why? Well, for one thing, because hot flashes and mood swings are irritating
– even miserable. And for another – drilling down even deeper – because all
of these things threaten the intimacy and security of their primary
relationships. Nobody wants to be a hormone hermit!

Nobody really wants to balance their blood sugar levels, either. But anyone
in his or her right mind DOES want to avoid the misery of blindness … cold,
numb, painful limbs … amputation … and premature death that go along with[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |


And frankly, while "flushing toxins out of my colon" is nowhere near the top of
my personal "to do" list, I WOULD prefer not to be constipated, or plagued
with uncontrollable diarrhea, or have to poop in a bag for the rest of my life,
or die from colon cancer.

The Faux Benefits heralded in these headlines are mechanisms … processes

… product features that deliver benefits. They are not, in themselves, real
benefits that anybody craves or wants to pay for.

My beloved copy cubs failed to drill down to the real, bottom-line, rubber-
meets-the-road benefit each product provides – the tangible, measurable,
real value they bring to prospects’ lives: The value that prospects are willing
to – once again – pay for.

This is a cardinal and common sin even among more seasoned copywriters –
and that business owners and marketing execs too often let us get away with.

Here’s another: Failing to fully explore the benefits that each benefit provides.
In short, squeezing every feature until you’ve explored every benefit … and
then squeezing every benefit for the secondary benefits IT provides.

Confused? Me too – sometimes, anyway. Let’s work through this together …

Benefits 101
Let’s start with four basic facts …

1. Every product has features: Features are merely objective facts about a
product (or the company behind it). In three-dimensional products,
features include size, shape, weight, construction, color options and more.
In information products, features include number of pages, size,
frequency of publication (for periodicals) and the types of information that
is presented.

2. Fortunately, most features are there for a darned good reason:

Prospects don’t want features. They want you to change their lives for the
better. Product features are merely the means to that end. That means
features can have a place in ad copy – like telling prospects how many
issues they’ll get per year … how many big pages are in your book … or
that your widget is made from carbon steel for strength or carbon fiber for
Beyond that, features are a yawn because they’re about the product; not
about the prospect. Or, as in the examples above, they can help
demonstrate how your product delivers a benefit.

The good news is, just about every product fact – every feature – is there
to provide a benefit that your prospect IS willing to pay for.

3. There are more benefits associated with each product feature than[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

are dreamt of by most copywriters: Benefits are like bunny rabbits:

Give them a little time and they’ll begin multiplying – each benefit or
combination of benefits producing one, two, three or more new benefits
you never thought about before.
The secret to kick-butt sales copy is to identify each and every benefit a
product provides – and then to look at each benefit and ask, “What does
THAT do for me? What additional benefits does that benefit provide?”

4. Your prospect has strong feelings about every dimensionalized

benefit you present: Connecting each fully dimensionalized product
benefit with a strong emotion that your prospect already has about the
benefit (or the lack of it in his/her life) makes sales copy irresistible.

Benefits that sing and soar

– in four, simple steps
Here’s a little exercise to help you drill down to the benefits prospects are
willing to pay for … fully dimensionalize those benefits … and then connect
those benefits with powerful response-boosting emotions that your prospect
already has about those benefits (or the lack of them in his life).

By the time you’re through, you will have a complete list of company and
product features … you will have squeezed every possible benefit out of
those features … you will have fully dimensionalized those benefits … and
you will have connected each one to a powerful emotion your prospect has
about each one of them.

In short, you’ll have a comprehensive "features/benefits/dominant emotion"

inventory you can refer to as you write your copy.

I do NOT suggest that you do this on every project. After a while, this kind of
thinking comes naturally. But even for more advanced writers – and
especially for folks who supervise writers – going through this exercise can
go a long way to finding new themes and adding power to your promotions.

To begin, create a spreadsheet with these headings:

Feature Why? Benefits Dimensionalize Dominant Rank


Step #1:
Create a comprehensive FEATURES inventory

If you’ve read any books or taken any courses on direct response

copywriting, you’ve probably learned that features are immaterial. Only
benefits matter.

Only problem is, that’s just horse-pucky.[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Features are the fathers of each benefit your product provides. And if every
product benefit has its roots in a product feature, identifying and fully
understanding each feature is essential to identifying all the benefits your
product provides.

And so, if features are the fathers of benefits, it makes sense to begin at the
beginning – by listing all the key facts about 1) the business and 2) the
product or service you’re promoting.

Start by answering the following questions about the company and the
spokesperson behind the product in the first column of your table…

1. "What are your qualifications?" What degrees or certifications have you

earned in your field of endeavor? From which institutions? What
associations are you a member of? How many years have you provided
this product or service?
How many customers (patients, clients, etc.) have you served? Are you
the largest or oldest in your area of expertise? What specialties do you
offer that your competitors don’t?

2. "What resources do you use to produce a superior product or

service?" How large an army are you putting to work on the prospect’s
behalf? Who are the stand-out players? What unique or proprietary tools
do you use to produce the desired result?
Do you have custom computer programs or hardware that nobody else
has? How many customer service reps are available to make ordering
comfortable and easy? How many service techs are on your payroll who
can respond when the product needs service?

3. "How is your location a factor?" Are you closer to your prospects than
your competition? Are your headquarters impressive-looking? Is your
office close to a major intersection or freeway off-ramp? Do you offer
plenty of free parking?
Or, if you’re promoting a product for a national company, how does its
location help you produce a superior product? Are you offering an
investment product that’s produced on Wall Street or anywhere in New
York, for example? A politically oriented product that’s produced in or near
Washington D.C.?

4. "What’s your reaction time?" Are appointments readily available? Do

you perform your service faster than your competition does? If I order this
product, how fast will I get it?

5. Inventory: How many different products do you have available? How

does that compare to what your competitors offer?

Product or Service Features

Now, it’s time to really start digging – with answers about the product or
service you’re offering …[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

1. Purpose: What, exactly, does your product or service do? If it

accomplishes several things, great – list everything you can think of!
2. Physical dimensions: How does your product compare to competing
products? Is it smaller? Bigger? Lighter? Heavier duty?
If it’s a published product, how many pages are in the book or the regular
issues of the newsletter or magazine? Is the page size larger that what
the prospect may be used to?

Are there illustrations, charts, or graphs? Is it written simply – in a way

that a child could understand? Does it give clear, concise directions that
anyone could follow? How many times do customers hear from your client
each year (count regular issues, bonus issues, e-mail alerts, web site
updates, etc.)? What regular features are included?

If you offer nutritional supplements, are your pills smaller than the
competition’s? Does the prospect have to take fewer of them, or take
them just once a day? What are the ingredients? Are they fresher than
those used by some other competitors? More absorbable? More potent?

3. Performance metrics: How quickly can your product be delivered,

installed and/or begin producing results? How fast does your product
complete the desired task? How thoroughly does it do its job? How long
does it last? How do your product’s performance metrics compare to
similar products offered by your competitors?
For investment products, what results has it produced for investors in the
recent past? How did it perform at key turning points in the economy or
markets – the tech wreck of 2000, or the gold price explosion of the
1970s, for example? How and when did it help prevent investors from
making major blunders?

For health products, how fast does it work? How can I know it’s working?
What studies have proven that it works? Or for information merchants,
what health breakthroughs were you the first to publicize? How else does
the past performance of the author, editor or the product itself
demonstrate the superiority or indispensability of the product?

4. Credibility: What have customers, subscribers, peers and others said

about your product or service? What guarantees and/or warranties come
with it? How do they compare to what the competition offers?
5. Available options: What choices does your product offer to prospects?
What colors or sizes does it come in? How do your terms make ordering
the best fit possible for customers? Is it customizable in any way? How do
these choices make your product superior to the competition?
6. Timeliness: How quickly can your product be delivered and/or installed?
How does this compare with the competition?
7. Pricing: What are your prices? How do they compare to the competition?
Do you deliver more for the money? Or does your product’s quality
demand a higher price?

If applicable, divide your price by the numbers 12, 52 and 365 – and then
write down the product’s cost per month, week and day. …[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Use this opportunity to think through every step of the process that your
prospects experience when shopping for, buying and using your product or

Step #2:
Attach a "why" to each feature
The next step is to figure out why these features are included in the product
or service, and then to turn those reasons into tangible benefits that will bring
value to the customer’s life.

So now, in the "WHY?" column next to each feature, enter the benefits each
feature provides.

Example: If you’re selling a high quality drill bit, your entry might look like this:

Feature: Constructed of carbon steel.

Why: Never wears out.

On the other hand, if you’re promoting a dentist, your list might

look like this:

Feature: A TV in every exam room.

Why: More comfortable for the patient and time passes more

The "why" for an investment newsletter might go like this …

Feature: Daily e-zine included with subscription to monthly


Why: Stocks move fast; opportunities could be lost without

split-second updates.

Or, if you’re writing for a book on health, you might write …

Feature: Specific prescription for each age group on each

supplement recommended.

Why: To eliminate reader confusion.

Attach as many "whys" to each feature as you can.

My guess is that as you review your completed list, you’ll be getting pretty[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

excited. And for good reason: Your brain is already beginning to take the next
step – visualizing how these features improve your customers’ lives!

Step #3:
Turn features into benefits
The simple act of completing Steps #1 and #2 above could easily multiply
sales and profits at tens of thousands of businesses from coast to coast –
merely by shifting the spotlight off of the advertiser and his product or service
and on to why their features are important to the customer.

But still, we focused entirely on a company and a product or service. Now,

we’re going to bring your prospect into the picture – and answer the question,
"What’s in it for me? How does each of these features – these facts about the
business and product or service – directly connect with and improve my life?"

Think about how each feature and "Reason Why" benefits your customer,
and list every possible way each one of them brings value to your prospect’s

We’re going to ask the one question that’s constantly at the forefront of your
customer’s mind: "What’s in it for me?"

And we’re going to answer by listing the problems your product or service
solves … the desires it fulfills … and the future disasters it will help your
customers avoid.

Be sure to think about immediate benefits as well as those the customer will
experience later on.

If you’re selling one-hour oil changes for example, you can save your
customer oodles of time right now, today. But you also make it easy for him
properly maintain the family chariot, thereby helping him avoid an
inconvenient or even dangerous breakdown and costly repairs later on.

Write each benefit as a "you" statement – as if you’re talking face-to-face

with your prospective customer, patient or client.

Then, go back over your list of benefits … look at each one … and ask
yourself, "What additional benefits does this benefit bring to my life?" Keep
drilling down until you hit the Mother Lode – the benefits that mean the most
and bring the most value to prospects’ lives.

Step #4:
Connect each dimensionalized benefit
with a dominant resident emotion
I don’t know who first coined the word "dimensionalize." I do know that it
drives my spell-checker bonkers, so it’s probably not in any dictionary you’ll[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

ever see.

But the word "dimensionalize" does a great job of describing what A level
copywriters do – the extra mile we travel to make each benefit in our copy is
as compelling as possible.

When you "dimensionalize" a benefit, you give it added dimension by painting

word pictures of all the ways the prospect will enjoy that benefit. You
compare that benefit with those offered by others. You add specifics that
demonstrate all the ways the benefit will enrich the prospect’s life.

When you’ve finished, your list may look something like this, for example:

Feature: Constructed of carbon steel.

Why: Never wears out.

Benefit: The last drill bit you’ll ever buy.

Dimensionalized Benefit: You can save up to $75 a year in

broken drill bits … hours of unnecessary trips to the hardware
store … and hundreds of dollars in lost income!
Or in our hypothetical promotion for a dentist, your list might
look like this:

Feature: A TV in every exam room.

Why: More comfortable for the patient and time passes more

Benefit: Your appointment is over before you know it!

Dimensionalized Benefit: Great for fidgety kids: The time zips

by. In fact, just last week, little Jimmy asked if he could stay
The benefit drawn from a feature offered by an investment
newsletter might go like this …

Feature: Daily e-zine included with subscription to monthly


Why: Stocks move fast; opportunities could be lost without

constant updates.

Benefit: You’ll never get caught wondering what to do when

major events break!

Dimensionalize: You’ll lock in your profits when the market

sags and go for even greater profit potential by getting into each[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

up-move on the ground floor.

Or, if you’re writing for a book on health, your list might look
something like this …

Feature: Specific prescription for each age group on each

supplement recommended.

Why: To eliminate reader confusion.

Dimensionalize: You’ll always know precisely what you should

be taking … how much you should be taking … and even when
to take it.

I’ve already written reams about this – and this issue is already running a bit
long, so there’s no need to go into great detail at this time.

The point is simply to identify how your prospect is likely to feel about each of
the dimensionalized benefits on your list.

Do NOT stop at listing just one emotion per benefit. Think about how the
prospect feels about the lack of this benefit in his/her life now. And about how
the prospect will feel as he/she is enjoying that benefit. And about how he’ll
feel as others see him doing things better … being healthier … richer …

One last thing: When you’re done, review your inventory and rate each
benefit/emotion combination on a scale of one to five.

As you assign each ranking, think about three things:

1. The relative importance of the improvement each benefit brings to

prospects’ lives: A benefit that can prevent cancer would be scored higher
than one that merely produces sweeter breath, for example …

2. The relative number of prospects most likely to covet that particular

improvement: More people are likely to have arthritis than cancer …

3. The relative intensity of the emotion(s) connected to each benefit.

Finally, sort the entire spreadsheet by these rankings in descending order.

When you’re done, you’ll have systematically created a comprehensive

inventory of features, benefits and dominant emotions for your product.

Then, USE your inventory to make sure you press every possible hot button
as you begin writing your copy – and please, for mercy’s sake – to get real,
dimensionalized, emotionalized BENEFITS into your lead copy!

More next time!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← The Total Package Centennial Celebration You Ask, I Answer →

3 Responses to It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again

Donna Kaluzniak says:

June 4, 2007 at 5:25 pm

Clayton, this is one of my favorites. I\’m a spreadsheet type of

person, so you just made my day.

I\’ll use your article to help write winning copy!

Thanks, Donna Kaluzniak


Richard Sleigh says:

June 4, 2007 at 2:34 pm

Dear Clayton,

I just went through the Deja-Vu All Over Again article, and I am
feeling a ruch of energy as I print it out – this is a real keeper, not just
for copywriting, but for developing a product in the first place. I am
going to use this to clear up the content of a couple of information
products that i have been stumbling my way through for a while.
Once I get through this process I KNOW that I will have a product
that is worth a lot more than what I have now, and that alone will
make it much easier to market!

OK, now for full disclosure – I have yet to buy any of your products
(but this article gets me a hell of alot closer to that concept) I am also
a real beginner in many areas of being a successful entrepreneur.[11/29/2012 7:46:40 PM]

It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again |

So- for what it is worth to you – THANK YOU SO MUCH for this well
crafted and very valuable article!

Richard Sleigh


Ray McGee says:

June 5, 2007 at 8:31 am

What a fantastic tool! I\’m a rookie writer. One of my difficulties with

the copywriting process was knowing what questions to ask to pull all
of the features out of a product, and then turning those features into
real, grab-them-by-the-throat benefits.

Well, you solved that one, in spades!



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You Ask, I Answer

Posted on June 11, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
The two things you must do to establish the most effective world
emotional tone for your sales copy … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Four secrets for organizing your workday for peak productivity and
Do You Believe?
performance …
Five keys to ramping up your creativity and getting more done every
day of your working life …
How to handle a copy critique without letting it ruin your day – and
without strangling your client …
How to know when your copy’s ready for the client to review and
when it’s ready to put to work …

Dear Business Builder,

I love it when you tell me what you want …

And boy, have you ever been busy doing just that: Our SUGGESTION BOX
is crammed to overflowing with questions and requests for the articles you’d
like to see next!

It really helps – especially on a Friday afternoon when The Redhead’s

cracking the whip and demanding an article from me OR ELSE …

And so this week, I’m going to answer a few of the questions we get asked
most often around here: Lots of good stuff in this issue – a veritable
cornucopia of career-building, response-boosting, profit-rocketing insights.

Ready? Let’s get started …[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Q: “I’m stuck on what kind of emotional “tone” I should use in a

promotion – how do you decide?”

A: I know – just about every direct response or copywriting forum you see
has at least one free-for-all going on the “tone” question.

“High-energy sales copy is definitely the way to go,” says one set of

“Baloney! Calm, reasoned, rational copy works better,” says the other.

Fact is, the question itself is totally specious. It implies that one particular type
of emotional tone works best in all markets … on all subjects … and with all

In truth, you should never have to decide what the emotional tone of the copy
you’re writing should be. Your market and your subject should do it for you.

So if the “tone” question has you hamstrung, try this…

Ask Your Market: Take a cue from promotions that are being used
repeatedly – and therefore successfully – in your market niche.

Click here
for larger image

Right now in the financial markets, for example, the most successful
customer acquisition promotions (mailings to cold, rented lists) tend to rate
fairly low on the emotional intensity scale – like Weiss’ outstanding The 6
Giants of Unstoppable Global Profits promotion written by ace copywriter Eric

This and the handful of other financial newsletter promotions that are
generating new subscribers at a profit in the mail today supply extensively
documented facts about investment opportunities and the qualifications of
their figurehead.

Big promises are intentionally left OUT of headlines. Higher energy words are
eschewed in favor of plain language. You could count the number of
slammers (exclamation points) used on one hand.

These “come; let us reason together” promotions are light on hype and heavy[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

on compelling, persuasive sales arguments. And they rely on their prospects

to react to the facts by providing the appropriate emotional response.

This low-tone approach is working best in the financial markets because our
prospects tend to be overwhelmingly:

1. More conservative than the average bear …

2. More serious about their money, and …
3. More skeptical – especially after being taken to the cleaners by
brokers and other advisors who made inflated promises before the
tech wreck of 2000.

Come off like a carnival barker when you’re trying to introduce yourself to
these guys, and they’ll instantly vaporize your e-mail or turn your direct mail
piece into birdcage liner in no time flat.

Later, once they’ve become your customers and have come to know and
respect you, there will be times for higher energy copy. And believe me – if
you do it right, they’ll buy in droves.

For now though, it’s best to whisper through their left ears … into the left side
of their brains … and let them connect the emotional dots.

In the health supplement markets though, it’s a very different world. In almost
every case, our high-energy copy is working much better.

Click here
for larger image

For one thing, big promise leads tend to differentiate my clients from their
competitors – many of whom use stilted, dry, doctor-driven, “just the facts,
ma’am” sales copy.

For another, our health product prospects have yet to experience the kind of
crisis of faith that hit our financial newsletter prospects when Enron,
WorldComm, Global Crossing and many other tech stocks fell to zero a few
years ago.

And while bad financial advice can cost you dearly, there’s no comparable
downside for taking a vitamin. Only the possible upside of more energy …
erasure of pain … weight loss … better sex … a more fulfilling, fun and longer
life.[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Yep, you heard me right: Our prospects take their money more seriously than
they take their health. But that’s always been the case.

Don’t believe me? Go into your swipe file and pull a Phillips financial promo
and a Rodale health promo from ten years ago.

Let Your Theme Lead the Way: To me, the tone question is ultimately a
“credibility” question. If your emotional tone is either too energized or too
anesthetized for the subject at hand, you will lose sales.

If I smiled and said, “Pardon me, old chap, but your posterior appears to be
oxidating rather rapidly,” I’d probably just get a blank stare.

But if I ran up to you and screamed, “Holey Moley – your BUTT’S ON FIRE!!!”
– I’d probably get an entirely different reaction from you.

Same message, two very different responses. Why? Because in the second
case, the emotion validated the message.

Right now, for example, I’m putting the finishing touches on a promotion
aimed at well-to-do political conservatives. My product is a series a
premiums and a newsletter that are designed to help my prospects live well
and prosper despite the fact that their sworn enemies – those darned
Democrats – control Congress and may soon control the White House, too.

To my prospect, Democrat politicians are devils incarnate: Determined to

hijack his health care, confiscate his guns, make him more vulnerable to
terror, mug him at tax time, drive gas prices to $10 a gallon, destroy the value
of the U.S. dollars in his bank account, wreck the economy and stock market,
render his savings and investments worthless and – who knows? – maybe
even give him a noogie.

Put simply, this is personal.

So how do you think my prospect is likely to feel about all this?

… Frustrated and angry that his own government is turning on


… Naked, alone and vulnerable to Pelosi, Rangel and Kennedy

– an axis of evil that, to him at least, makes Syria, Iran and
North Korea seem distant and benign by comparison?

… Determined to not only defeat the enemy’s attempts to

destroy his life, but also to exact some sort of emotional
satisfaction (as in Bencivenga’s great “Living Well is the Best
Revenge” headline)?[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Given the subject matter of this promotion and the off-the scale emotional
state of my prospects, do you really think a low-key, non-emotional tone
would work best?

Or wouldn’t an emotional tone that resonates with and activates my

prospect’s dominant resident emotions be more effective at making him my
friend, establishing my spokesman as an advocate and making my message
more credible?

So instead of arguing over which kind of emotional tone is best in every case,
ask yourself, “How intense are my prospect’s emotions regarding the subject
at hand?”

If you can get that right, getting on the same emotional level as your prospect
enhances credibility and makes your spokesman a kindred spirit – a person
your prospect can understand and trust.

Q: “How do you organize your workday?”

A: Organize! My workday? Oh, that’s RICH!

Organize my work day. Hey Wendy – take a look at this question! HAH!

What have I ever done to give you the impression that I’m organized – much
less that I have any control over how my day’s going to go?

Sure: There was a time – before The Total Package and before my one-man
freelance copywriting business became a real direct marketing agency –
when it was still possible to control my workday.

Back then, my schedule was simple:

Rise at 4:00 AM …

Write until noon …

Turn telephone on and return calls until 2:00 or 3:00 PM …

Ride Harley to Azure Tides – a little tiki bar on Lido Beach – and consume
vast quantities of tequila with my friends.

Nowadays, it’s not so simple. I do, however, have a simple four-part plan I try
to stick to:

1. Just as no battle plan survives the first engagement with the enemy, no
work schedule I’ve ever used has survived the first interruption. For me at
least, any attempt at detailed scheduling of my workday is an exercise in
2. Since early morning is the only time of the day I can expect to work
uninterrupted – and coincidentally, because my mental and creative[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

powers are strongest in the wee hours – the 480 minutes (eight hours)
between 4:00 AM and noon are reserved for my clients’ copywriting
3. Since keeping The Redhead in a good mood is always a good idea,
whatever she needs from me (usually stuff for The Total Package) comes
4. After that, the rest of the world – copy cubs, web guys, JV partners, etc. –
gets its shot at me.

So with that in mind, here’s what a typical day looks like for me these days …

4:00 AM – 5:00 AM: Stumble out of bed, throw on sweats and exercise
shoes. Navigate down a flight of stairs to the living room … step out onto the
deck, then trudge down the path that leads to my little cabin in the woods.
Get the coffee brewing while checking how the Asian stock markets did
overnight … tap into our main office network and mainline caffeine while
answering e-mails …

5:00 AM – 7:15 AM: Open the project du jour and begin reading. Reading
quickly leads to editing; editing to the addition of new copy. Before I know it,
I’m wide awake, deep into the work and have a blessed two hours and fifteen
minutes to wail without a single interruption.

7:15 AM – 7:30 AM: Cordial daily conference call with a beloved friend and
client for whom I produce daily e-mails to promote various financial products
to his customer file.

7:30 AM – 8:40 AM: Trudge back up to the main house, crank up iPod and
enter The Dungeon of Pain – or as it’s better known, “the exercise room.”

Fifteen minutes on the LifeCycle … 50 crunches … ten minutes on the

eliptical … 50 crunches … fifteen more on the LifeCycle … to hell with those
last 50 crunches. Curse my aging body. Head up to the bedroom … give The
Redhead her morning smooch … cool down, shower, don work attire.

8:40 – 8:50 AM: Clamber into my li’l red Porsche … creep down the long
gravel driveway through the trees, across Winchester Creek, past the stables
and through the pastures … roll down window and baby talk Ember, Cody,
Flash and Micah as they respectfully interrupt their grazing to acknowledge
my presence … wave at Tim “The Handyman” Jones as he climbs aboard the
tractor to begin mowing whichever field the horses are not in.

Tool out onto the blacktop, crank up some Zeppelin (or maybe Jet), nail the
accelerator and hang on for dear life. I never cease to be amazed at the
breath-taking acceleration – let alone the beautiful music those twin turbos
compose when they’re making 500-plus horsepower.

9:00 – 10:30 AM: Arrive at downtown office … say “Hi” to John, Tony and
Martha downstairs and to Dave, Graham, Forrest and Pete upstairs. Give
Redhead her second smooch of the morning … fire up coffee pot … settle
down at computer … crank out financial client’s daily e-mail project and[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

submit the copy.

10:30 AM – 12:00 Noon: Open current major longer-term project – probably

a direct mail package selling nutritional supplements or a financial newsletter.

12:00 Noon – 12:15: Wash down a Subway sandwich with green tea while
getting an update – and my Total Package marching orders – from The

12:15 PM – 3:00 PM: Whatever happens, happens. If I’m lucky, I’ll have a
few more uninterrupted hours to work on a client’s current longer-term, long-
copy project – a direct mail piece or web landing page.

Or, I may have a conference call with a client about a new project … critique
a cub’s draft copy … meet with staff on Total Package projects … convert a
client’s tabloid into a bookalog … create a couple of new headlines to test on
one of my direct mail controls … interview a top marketer for our EasyWriters
Roadhouse Rants … work with Julie to create some new traffic drivers for a
client’s web-based acquisition campaign … or, like today, slave over my
weekly Total Package article.

3:00 PM: Beginning to plan my escape. Hey – I’ve got 11 hours under my
belt; I deserve it! Usually, I get out of here early – but only if I’m at a good
stopping point on all my projects … and if I ask real nice … and if The
Redhead’s in a good mood. Otherwise, I could be stuck here until 5:00 or
even later.

Until 8:00 PM: Jump in the 911 Turbo for the second half of the 20 most
viscerally exhilarating minutes of my day. Once home, I say “Hi” to Margaret,
who’s usually cleaning or cooking something, ask the kids how their day went
and accept their one-word answers at face value.

Then, I usually head down to my little cabin office to decompress and maybe
do a little reading for a couple of hours. When The Redhead gets home
(usually after 5:00) we have dinner and hang for a couple of hours. Finally,
we watch TV in bed from 8:30 or 9:00 until I doze off.

So that’s what works for me. Usually. Sometimes, changing it up some is

good, too. But whatever your work situation or personality type, there are
some solid concepts I hope might help you here …

1. Early to bed, early to rise works. You’ll be amazed at how much more
productive and creative you can be when you get several hours of
uninterrupted work out of the way early in the AM.

That’s when your brain is freshest and at its most creative – and when your
conscious mind is quiet so you can still hear your subconscious brain serving
up solutions to the problems you thought about the night before.

2. Compartmentalize. Block off more time in the mornings for intense

concentration on projects at hand. If you’re here in the States and your[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

phone usually begins ringing once it gets to be 8:00 or 9:00 on the East
Coast, turn the bugger off.

Have a voice mail message that says you’re “on deadline” and you’ll return
the call that afternoon. Then, inform anyone in your home or office who might
consider interrupting you that doing so would trigger consequences too
painful to contemplate.

3. Create opportunities for chaos. Just as you set aside time for your most
intensive work, it’s important to set aside time each day to handle the billion
little things that come up.

Your clients and/or work associates won’t mind your predilection for playing
the hermit until noon so long as they can count on you getting with them as
soon as you come out of hiding.

In fact, the ONLY way I get time to work alone is to bribe The Redhead with
the promise that if she’s patient, she’ll definitely get her shot at me later in the

That’s what afternoons are for. If you’re a writer, you’ve been alone and
intensely focused on one or maybe two projects for several hours. Now, with
your creativity spent (or at least waning), the afternoon is a great time to
handle things that require interaction with real, live people – and to take on
the left-brain tasks like signing up new clients, scheduling, finances,
bookkeeping, personnel, purchasing and all the rest.

4. Delegate – and mean it. My job is to pay for everything around here. That
means meeting with clients, conceptualizing products, consulting on
marketing strategy, writing sales copy, directing designers, analyzing the final
results, making whatever adjustments are called for – and then doing it all
over again.

That’s what pays the bills. And frankly, it’s a full-time job that requires pretty
much every ounce of energy and focus I can give it.
Wendy’s job is to do everything else – and I do mean everything:

She found our office building and negotiated the lease … selects and
purchases all our office furniture, phone system, workstations, printers and
office supplies … interviews and hires new employees … schedules and
manages our in-house copywriters, web designers, fulfillment and customer
service – and with her assistant Tanya, makes sure our receivables get
received and our payables get paid.

The Redhead’s in charge at home, too. She makes sure Margaret always has
plenty of the right kinds of foods in the pantry and that the kids are picked up
and dropped off at the right places at the right times.

She’s “executive in charge” of making sure Tim knows exactly what must be
done each day to keep our little estate up to snuff … that the cats, dogs and
horses are fed and healthy … that our munchkins’ homework is done and[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

done well and that they have fun stuff to do every weekend.

Me? I don’t even know how much money I have in the bank.

I’m not kidding. And frankly, I don’t want to know. And I especially don’t want
to know about the thousand decisions The Redhead has to make every day.
Not having to give these things a minute of my time frees me to focus on my
clients, improve my copy and make more money.

My advice: If you’re a copywriter, pay someone else to mow the lawn and to
do the other little chores someone can do as well or better than you can. Use
the time you save to hone your craft, attract new clients and produce bigger
winners for them.

If you’re an employer, hire people who can do their jobs better than you can,
and then, for Buddha’s sake, turn ‘em loose.

If you can’t trust an employee to do things right, it’s nobody’s fault but yours.
You either failed miserably at communicating your employee’s responsibilities
to him or her, or worse – you hired the wrong person for the job.

That means you’re paying someone to do a job – and then doing his job for
him. That’s pointless for you and painfully humiliating for your employee.

If this sounds familiar to you, there’s only one humane thing to do: Either get
your management act together or replace the employee who can’t do it right
with one who can.

5. Do NOT forget to loaf! During the week, I try to give my businesses 12 to

13 hours of quality time a day – about 60 to 65 hours a week. I figure that
earns me the right NOT to work on weekends or holidays.

Sure – if a client’s in a bind, I will occasionally break my weekend work ban,

but it almost never happens. Instead, I use that time to be with my loved
ones, to re-establish contact with popular culture (read, watch TV, see a
movie), to have a little fun and to give my poor old tired brain the time it
needs to recuperate.

On days off, I try hard NOT to think about work – and Wendy and I try hard
not to talk about work. But sometimes we can’t help it. And you’d be
surprised at how many of our best ideas bubble up to the surface when we’re
doing our dead-level best to think and talk about other stuff.

A few more quick Qs and As …

Q: “How do you handle it when clients and others critique your copy?”

A: I generally go through three stages:

1. Irritation: “I’ve just spent weeks on this copy. I’ve thought[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

more comprehensively about my prospect, my spokesperson,

my product and my offer than my client possibly could. I’ve
made my Sophie’s choices on what to include and what to
leave out. I have 35 years of doing this under my belt and one
heck of a lot of successes to back up every jot and tittle. And
this guy is telling me my copy could benefit from his input?

And so, I put off reading the crits for a few hours … prepare
myself to deal with them with a cool head … tell myself that
they probably won’t be that bad.

2. Curiosity: “OK – well, in the past, this client has actually

given me an insight now and again that actually made me
money. Besides: If his comments are too off-base, I can always
help him to see things my way … maybe I’ll just take a peek at
what he says…”

3. Acceptance: “Hey – most of these crits don’t suck! In fact, a

few of them are pretty brilliant!

Q: “How do I know when my copy’s ready to be reviewed by my client –

or to “go live” on the web or in the mail?”

A: For me, it depends on the client.

Some of my clients don’t want to get involved in the copy at all. They’ll just
review what I wrote to make sure the numbers add up and that the offer is

And of course, they’ll have their legal beagles make sure every claim is fully
substantiated and that I haven’t said anything that might get us in hot water
with the governing authorities.

Beyond that, they pretty much leave the copy alone.

When I’m writing for these guys, I refuse to let them see my copy until I’m
sure it’s something I’d gladly invest my own money to mail. After all – when
it’s submitted, it’s going straight into design.

Then, there are my more active clients – guys and gals who’ve been in this
business as long as I have and have a solid handle on what works in their

When I write for these guys, I know I’m looking at three, four, even five drafts
before we’ll be done – and sometimes, even more. So there’s no point in
making the first draft perfect. It’s more important to make it complete – make
sure it contains every salient sales argument I can think of – and that it turns
around quickly.[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Then, we go back and forth a few times until we’re both convinced it’s the
strongest sales copy we’re capable of creating for the product.
Both approaches seem to work equally well.

The trick is, finding out which kind of client you’re dealing with right up front
so you can submit your copy at the right time.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← It’s Like … Déjà Vu All Over Again Thank You Mr. Ward
How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage
and A Healthy Dose
of Dominant Emotion Marketing
Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in
Marketing History … →

5 Responses to You Ask, I Answer

Caleb Osborne says:

June 11, 2007 at 9:33 am

… you over deliver Clayton!

Thanks for the info – definitely


Talk soon,

Reply[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Beverly Reany says:

June 11, 2007 at 10:01 am

:sigh Hi Clayton and Wendy & everyone,

Just wondering how to land 1st assignment when everyone wants
someone with at least 2 yrs of
experience and/or a BA, or some other kind of BS degree under their
belts. I\’ve been
searching but that seems to be all I can find. Any suggestions for
those of us who are trying to find our 1st paid assignment?



Andrew Cavanagh says:

June 11, 2007 at 10:02 am

I was reading this post and thinking \”Wow Clayton really has it all
together\” then I read the bit about listening to JET while driving your

My God!

It\’s amazing your brain cells haven\’t crawled out of your ears and
leapt to a less painful death on that winding road.

Perhaps some of the Total Package readers good start sending you
some musical care packages.

Clearly there are no music stores near where you live and links to
online stores like Amazon have been disabled on your web browser
(bless the redhead).

So guys send Clayton some real music FAST…before it\’s too late!!!

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh


Andrew Cavanagh says:

June 11, 2007 at 11:50 am

I should also add that no self respecting bikie would ever play JET!

Next you\’ll be driving a volvo.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:46:56 PM]

You Ask, I Answer |

Scot Corbett says:

June 15, 2007 at 9:31 am

Hello clayton I\’m with Bev on this one.

I\’d really like to know how to get my first paid assignment but I do
not have all the experiance neither.
I do know that I am great at what it is that I do and that is write.
Do you think you could give me any reccomendations?
Thanks your friend.
Scot Corbett


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Thank You Mr. Ward

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of Dominant Emotion Marketing He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Time for a Change

Marketing History … Before you take the copywriting

Posted on August 20, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
Do You Believe?

… And How YOU Can Harness It to Grow

Much, MUCH Richer In 2007 And Beyond

Dear Business Builder,

We’ve got a lot to celebrate around here these days …

First, how does $2.5 million in one week sound to you? That’s how much our
web-based sales campaign for a major client is scoring in its first week
online. Yippee!

Can’t say much about it right now – but watch this space and when this
campaign ends in a few weeks, I’ll show you how we did it. (Hint: Topicality
plus dominant emotion, plus flawless strategy plus world-class execution,
plus inspired sales copy – if I do say so myself!)

Second, we just signed a lease agreement on a building that will more than
double our office space … enable us to bring on a new marketing director,
more web designers and several new copywriters … and finally say “Yes!” to
one or two of you who have been pleading with us to take you on as a
Response Ink client.

And third, most exciting of all, I just made a new friend; his name is
Drayton Bird.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

In case you just moved here from another universe and have no idea who I’m
talking about, consider this quotation:

“Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than

anyone in the world.”

– David Ogilvy

As Ogilvy Mather’s International Vice Chairman and Creative Director,

Drayton and his team created brilliant direct response promotions for
household-name companies like American Express, Bank of America, Ford,
Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, Philips Electronics, Unilever and Visa credit

He’s also the author of Commonsense Direct Marketing (5th edition available
now), Salesletters That Sell, and Marketing Insights and Outrages – and has
written more than 1,000 columns for international magazines.

Drayton Bird
Will Make You Money

Best of all, Drayton is a spectacular human being. He’s outrageous, hilarious,

adventurous, insatiably curious, self-effacing, kind to a fault and so brilliant,
you gotta wear shades.

If you were a member of our EasyWriters Marketing Club, you could be

listening to the hour-plus interview I did with him – I called it “The Drayton &
Clayton Show” – right now.

If you join now, you’ll be on hand for the webinar we’re doing together in the
next couple of weeks.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

Plus, we’re working now to schedule him into as many guest spots as we can
in our Thursday issues of THE TOTAL PACKAGE.

And also in a few weeks, Drayton’s going to interview me for his e-letter. (If
you don’t already subscribe, I strongly recommend that you remedy that
catastrophic situation right now by signing up at

If you don’t read Drayton’s stuff, you ain’t no kind of direct marketer. Besides
being one of the two or three most delightful and engaging personalities I
have met in my 55 years on this planet, Drayton has a wonderful clarity of
vision when it comes to direct response copywriting and marketing.

When I talk to Drayton or read his pearls of wisdom, I feel like I’m communing
with Hopkins, Caples, Schwab, Ogilvy and Schwartz all rolled into one. He is
one of the seven or eight true giants in the history of this industry – a genuine
living treasure.

His knack for expressing profound, response-rocketing truths in the simplest

of terms will make you money.

Anyway, when I was talking to Drayton the other day (I love saying that!), he
mentioned that he’s working with Virgin’s legendary Richard Branson on
some stuff …

… And that got me to thinking about how far we’ve come and where we’re
going as an industry – and where the greatest opportunities are most likely to
be awaiting us up ahead.

So with that, let’s jump

into our trusty time machines
and head back in time
to just after the U.S. Civil War …

Aaron Ward –
Father of Direct
Response Marketing

The time was 1872. The place: The Breadbasket of America – the Midwest.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

And Aaron Ward’s blood was boiling …

The 28-year-old traveling dry goods salesman fumed over the obscene
prices local shopkeepers charged for the clothing, tools, lanterns and other
general merchandise on their shelves. And he was even more livid that they
were actually getting away with it.

In those days, most small-town general stores enjoyed virtual monopolies.

Few hamlets boasted more than one of these establishments and the next-
closest shop could be a full day’s round trip away – often more.

That meant shopkeepers could demand any price they liked. And although
consumers hated these greedy shopkeepers for fleecing them, they had little
choice but to grumble and fork over their money.

That didn’t sit well with the idealistic Mr. Ward and, being a man of action, he
decided to do something about it.

Investing $1,600 of his own money (about $26,000 in today’s dollars), he

printed a simple flyer offering 163 items at bedrock prices, then mailed his
one-sheet catalog to families throughout the Midwestern states.

For Mr. Ward, it was a daring deed, founded on moral principle and fueled by
righteous indignation.

It also proved to be a red-letter day in American entrepreneurship.

Because with that one mailing, Aaron Montgomery Ward lit the fuse on a
marketing revolution that continues even now …

Mr. Ward Does Well by Doing Good

And so on a brisk Midwestern morning more than 135 years ago, thousands
of Americans opened their mailboxes to discover Mr. Ward’s one-page
catalog – a solicitation sent to them precisely because they were believed to
be excellent prospects for the products advertised.

It was, as far as we can tell, the first direct marketing promotion they’d ever

And Mr. Ward’s innovation didn’t end there: He also invited customers to
respond to his catalog by placing their orders through the mail and invented
“Direct Response Marketing” in the process.

Consumers loved the idea of saving a bundle. They also relished the idea of
doing their shopping without leaving home.

Most of all, they loved the fact that Mr. Ward had given them a way to hit
greedy shopkeepers where it hurt them the most: Right smack-dab in their
bulging wallets.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

Mr. Ward had harnessed the awesome power of his prospects’ most
dominant resident emotion – their hatred of the merchants who had been
abusing them.

And they ordered in droves.

In fact, the response to Aaron Montgomery Ward’s little catalog was so

explosive, his next few catalogs quickly ballooned from the one-sheeter
weighing less than an ounce to a massive book weighing a hefty four pounds.

By 1904, with only 17 million households in the U.S., Mr. Ward could be
found mailing a staggering three million of his catalogs to eager consumers
every year.

The Triumph of Science Over Hope

Mr. Ward loved his innovation even more than his customers did. Because
now for the first time, he could know – to the penny – how much money his
advertising produced.

He could count the number of orders, the sales revenues and the profit
produced by each mailing of his catalog – and by each product in his catalog.

This meant that for the first time, business owners and marketing people
using Mr. Ward’s direct response marketing model could view the money
they spent to attract customers as an investment.

And they could calculate a return on investment for every product in their
inventories and every dollar in their advertising budget.

Mr. Ward had, in short, transformed advertising from an expense that

businesses could only hope would make money into an exact science that
told them not only whether their advertising was working, but also how well it
was working.

And that knowledge allowed marketers to cut losing promotions short while
ramping up the size of their successful campaigns.

Mr. Ward’s innovation also meant that, by mailing more than one version of
their solicitations at a time, they could learn which kinds of headlines
garnered the greatest readership of their ad copy.

Another huge breakthrough: For the first time ever, businesses could
discover which sales copy techniques and offers produced the greatest
response, revenues and profits. And that meant they had a way to
consistently boost response, average sale and return on investment with
each mailing.

Unsurprisingly, others soon followed in Mr. Ward’s footsteps – most notably,

Richard Sears and Alvah Roebuck.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

From its founding in 1895 until its first brick and mortar store opened in 1925,
Sears, Roebuck and Co. – which now boasts more than 350,000 employees
and annual revenues of more than $53 billion – offered its products
exclusively in catalogs delivered through the mail and received its orders and
payments exclusively through return mail.

Throughout the 20th Century, Mr. Ward’s direct response marketing

revolution expanded far beyond catalogs and even the sale of products – to
fundraising for countless charities, causes and political organizations, to
producing leads for Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer
salespeople and, as we direct response copywriters are fond of saying, much
much more.

Nor has Mr. Ward’s direct response marketing revolution been confined to
direct mail. Throughout the last century, enterprising marketers pioneered
and perfected the use of magazine and newspaper ads, television and radio
commercials and many other media to solicit a direct response –a request for
more information or an immediate purchase – from prospects and customers.

The Interactive Marketing Revolution

As recently as the 1990s, the world’s companies could pretty much be
divided into two groups: Those who primarily relied upon Interactive
Marketing to attract new customers and to sell products to established
customers – and those who did not.

Banks and credit card companies, insurance companies, publishers,

fundraisers and, of course, catalogue companies spent billions on promotions
that targeted their best prospects and solicited a direct response from them.

But for the most part, manufacturers, retail chains and others focused on
non-interactive advertising they hoped would emblazon their brands on
consumers’ minds.

All that changed radically with the explosive growth of the Internet in the

Today, with more than 1.1 billion people using this miracle of modern
technology worldwide – and with the cost of interacting with prospects and
customers via the ‘net infinitesimally small compared to other media – Aaron
Ward’s direct response marketing revolution is being adopted by every
conceivable kind of company to attract customers and multiply sales:

Direct marketing companies were among the first to see the potential of
the Internet. Montgomery Ward, Sears, Nordstrom’s, Victoria’s Secret,
Lillian Vernon – pretty much every catalog retailer you can name – now
has a prominent storefront online. – the online book, music,
video and electronics “catalog” – will earn net revenues of more than $12
billion in 2007, making it the largest online retailer on the planet.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

Many businesses that were once confined to storefronts and left trusting
their fortunes to the vagaries of image advertising now use the Internet to
produce measurable sales results for every advertising dollar they spend.
Travel agencies like,, and drive business travelers and vacationers to their sites and
earn a king’s ransom booking flights, hotels and auto rentals online. Office
Depot and Staples each sells billions of dollars-worth of products online
each year.

Grocery giants Winn-Dixie, Safeway and other chains invite you to

download coupons and even order groceries online. Real estate giants
like Century,, and others drive prospects
to their sites to browse properties for sale, to find a realtor near them and
even book appointments.

Even manufacturers, wholesalers and other non-retail companies have

gotten into the Interactive Marketing act. Auto manufacturers invite you to
build your car online, then arrange to have a local salesperson contact
you to close the deal.
Sites maintained by Harley-Davidson, Nike and countless others invite
you to learn about their products, to find virtual or brick and mortar
establishments where their products may be purchased and even to
schedule appointments with salespeople.

Of course, these massive companies are only the tip of the proverbial
iceberg: Millions of mid-sized companies and even local mom and pop stores
are now using the Internet to attract new customers and make sales 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

In fact, one of the most fascinating of these smaller entrepreneurial animals

to emerge on the ‘net is the “Solopreneur:” Men and women who, simply by
establishing a store on eBay or setting up a one-page website attached to a
shopping cart, now have the power to bank thousands of dollars from online
sales – and to grab his or her share of the estimated half-trillion dollars that
online retailers will earn on the web this year.

Direct Response Marketing Comes Full Circle

Thanks to the Internet, millions of companies and entrepreneurs around the
world have discovered the tremendous advantages direct response
marketing – or in today’s parlance, “Interactive Marketing” – offers them; of
being able to precisely measure the sales and profits produced by every
advertising dollar they spend.

It was only a matter of time before smart marketers at these Internet

companies began looking beyond the virtual world; to begin wondering what
would happen if they converted their online sales copy into full-page ads and
plastered them across newspaper and magazine pages from coast to coast.

… Or, mailed their online catalogs to qualified prospects just like Aaron Ward
did more than a century ago.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

And so, armies of companies that would never have considered mounting
direct response campaigns a couple of decades ago are now taking their
successful online businesses into the offline world.

The moral of the story …

Today, the Internet has made direct marketing

indispensable to every kind of business.

To compete effectively, every business on Earth

must now be a direct response business.

And that means every business

on the planet needs YOU.

Remember at the beginning of this article, I mentioned how we just helped a

client to $2.5 million in a single week?

Well, that’s one way to rake in a king’s ransom in this biz – by selling your
marketing ideas and copywriting skills for 10% … 20% … even 30% of the
revenues you produce for your clients.

And remember how I said Drayton is working with Richard Branson at Virgin?

Now, I didn’t ask – but I’m betting that The Great Mr. Bird isn’t writing sales
copy for Virgin Airlines or Virgin Records or Virgin Vacations or Virgin Games
or Virgin Comics or Virgin Books or Virgin Wines or Virgin Media or Virgin
Mobile – or any of the other Virgins with whom the spectacularly prolific Mr.
Branson has surrounded himself.

I’m betting he’s working on something entirely different; most likely something
that requires more than a copywriter – something that requires an expert with
a world-class working knowledge of the nuts and bolts of direct response

Yeah – I’m talking about the monotonous, humdrum, tedious stuff like
database structure and management. Retrogression analysis. Psychographic
and demographic number crunching. Customer acquisition strategy.
Customer lifetime value optimization.

That’s right: The dull, boring stuff that makes companies billions – the stuff
that requires expertise that companies are eager to pay through the nose for.

So here’s your assignment for this week:

Head on over to … search for books on direct marketing … buy

some … and then actually read them.[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

I love Bob Stone’s Successful Direct Marketing Methods. It formed my

foundational understanding of this business and gave me the basics I needed
to become more than “just a copywriter.”

I also just ordered Chet Meisner’s The Complete Guide to Direct Marketing …
Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution by Edward L. Nash … and
The New Direct Marketing: How to Implement a Profit-Driven Database
Marketing Strategy by David Shepard Associates.

I’ll let you know what I think in a few weeks.

And then, in what I’m certain will prove a failed attempt to become at least
half as adept as Drayton is – or at least be able to hold up my end of a
conversation with him – I also ordered Mr. Bird’s Commonsense Direct &
Digital Marketing … How to Write Sales Letters That Sell … Marketing
Insights and Outrages … The Master Marketer … and Open for Business!

Hope this helps …


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← You Ask, I Answer Breakthroughs in The Making

Two innovations with the power
to boost your response as much as twenty-five
times over →

5 Responses to Thank You Mr. Ward

How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage
and A Healthy Dose
of Dominant Emotion Marketing
Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing
History …

Mike says:
August 20, 2007 at 1:33 pm[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

The Drayton interview was excellent. \”Charm\”.


Derek Naylor says:

August 20, 2007 at 2:38 pm

The Drayton Bird interview that was part of this month\’s \”Roadhouse
Rants\” was simply brilliant. In fact, I would say the gems included
are worth the entire year\’s Easy Writers membership fee! Thanks for
the inspirational insights and gems Clayton and team! Derek Naylor


Dean Kennedy says:

August 20, 2007 at 3:31 pm

Sitting here in Melbourne Australia I can hardly contain my

excitement waiting for the next big EasyWriters orange envelope to
arrive — with Drayton Bird in it! Then I can say \”I was listening to
Drayton the other day\”

Although I first starting getting online about 10 years ago, my first

area of learning was direct and database marketing… completely
forgetting where someone like Drayton Bird might be at today (not
even thinking of using the internet to find out – d\’oh!).

Glad you and him and now friends, I haven\’t heard this month\’s
Roadhouse Rants yet but I can already feel how much extra oomph
you\’ve just packed into EasyWriters!


Steve says:
August 21, 2007 at 2:50 pm

Amazing. I have never heard of him before.[U]Never[/U]


John C. A. Manley says:

August 28, 2007 at 2:38 pm

I took more notes from that Drayton interview than any other CD I\’ve
ever listened to.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:47:08 PM]

Thank You Mr. Ward How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage and A Healthy Dose of Dominant Emotion Marketing Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in Marketing History … | MakepeaceTotalPacka...

Database Marketing Analysis says:

December 29, 2010 at 11:12 am

Thank you for sharing your observations. It seems the Internet has
made direct marketing indispensable to a variety of businesses.
Interesting read.


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Two innovations with the power Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
to boost your response as much as twenty-five times We’re still here…

over Time for a Change

Before you take the copywriting
Posted on September 10, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
by storm, there’s something
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Business Builder,

This is going to be a short one.

One of the best friends I’ll ever have is going to arrive here in my office in
precisely two hours. I haven’t seen him in 15 years. So when he shows up,
this article is DONE.

I first met Denny Koska in the early 1970s in Anaheim, California. He was a
sound man and recording engineer. I was a TV producer/director, video and
film cameraman and lighting director. We became fast friends.

A couple of years later, I moved to Tulsa to take a full-time job with an ad

agency there. When the agency was unable to support a full-time video guy, I
bugged out. I left my eight-month-pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter
with family in Oklahoma and made a beeline to L.A. to look for work.

Denny and his family put me up – and put up with me – for several weeks
while I beat the bushes in Hollyweird. To honor him for his friendship, I
named my newborn son – who is now 30 years old – after Denny.

When I abandoned television production for a career in copywriting and

moved from L.A. to Prescott, Arizona, Denny sold his house, pulled up stakes[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

and moved his family to Prescott, too.

And a few years ago, Denny followed me again – into direct response

Today, Denny is Vice President of Production for Script to Screen (eighth bio
down). His clients include Orek vacuums and air filters, Dremel tools, Dirt
Devil vacuums, NordicTrack, InvesTools, Body by Jake, Complete Gym,
HealthRider, Time Life Music – not to mention direct response ads for Sharp
Electronics, Bose, Vermont Teddy Bear, Amway, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem
and a gazillion others.

So for the next few days, while I catch up with my pal, I’m also going to be
picking his fertile, soon-to-be tequila-soaked brain for ways to make
infomercials work better.

Which is cool – because I’ve been watching

a LOT of infomercials lately …
It all started when Geraldo Rivera shoved a microphone into the face of a
man whose wife and unborn child had just been found murdered and asked,
“How did you feel when you heard the news …”

See, I’ve been a Fox News freak from Day One. As a libertarian who believes
that both major parties are 100% full of crappola at least 75% of the time, I
was sick to death of CNN and other networks only reporting only the liberal
side of the story. Presenting panels of experts made up of six liberals all
mindlessly regurgitating Democratic party talking points ain’t news; it’s

So when Fox came along – and made it a policy to feature both sides of
things in their newscasts – they had me from the get-go.

But over the past year or so, I began noticing that Fox was spending less
time reporting news that matters and more time obsessing over trivial
garbage. Like Paris Hilton’s latest porn video. And Lindsey Lohan’s latest
drug bust. And whether Brittany Spears’ crotch was covered or uncovered
last night.

Fox’s growing obsession with the Bimbo Patrol and other superficial fluff
annoyed me. But they lost me forever when Mr. Ailes and his crew began
exploiting cold-blooded murder just to raise their ratings.

Every time an attractive female turns up missing or murdered, she gets her
own logo … her own theme music … her own team of reporters incessantly
reporting, re-reporting and re-re-reporting even the tiniest and most
insignificant developments in the case and wallowing in the most maudlin,
morbid, ghastly, grisly, revolting details.

Why? To make a buck.[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

By appealing to viewers’ prurient interests, Ailes is looking to raise his ratings

… which lets him charge more for every second of airtime he sells advertisers
… which causes Rupert Murdoch to him cut bigger bonus checks at

Now, maybe I’m the only one who feels this way; but to me, exploiting the
agony of families who have lost a loved one is sick.

It’s also not that bright.

Because although appealing to our baser instincts may cause Fox’s audience
to grow in quantity, it also causes it to decline in quality. If you’re looking to fill
your audience with 400-pound redneck women in K-mart Mu Muus who
dropped out of school in sixth grade and don’t have two nickels to rub
together (or with which to buy your advertisers’ products) tabloid journalism
and Geraldo Rivera are definitely the way to go.

But hey – your advertisers have no idea whether or not their ads are working
anyway – so who cares? So long as Neilson and Arbitron say you’re
delivering the eyeballs, you’re good as gold.

And so a few months ago, instead of keeping Fox News on 24/7, I began
tuning out. I tried just watching Messers Hume and Cavuto and the fetching
Brenda Butner. But I quickly found that even their excellent programs were
frequently interrupted with “Breaking News” trumpeting the grisliest details of
the murder case du jour.

Now, I’m a big believer in the “garbage in, garbage out” school of things.
Feed your brain garbage and it returns the favor. Plus, I believe in the school
of thought that says my subconscious brain can’t tell the difference between
something that really happened to me and something I witnessed on TV. I
don’t figure living in a constant state of subconscious emotional trauma is the
best way to unlock the creative genius inside.

So when Geraldo Rivera asked that grieving husband and father how he felt
about his wife being brutally murdered, it was the straw the broke the camel’s

I vowed to never watch cable news again.

And so, as I said, I’m watching a LOT

of infomercials these days.
I wake up at 4:00 AM every morning. I trudge down to the little cedar cabin
on our property where I keep my home computer. I make a pot of coffee, turn
on the TV and check my e-mail. And while I begin work, I listen to TV.

But for the past three months or so, instead of keeping tuned to the Fox
News slaughterthon, I’m listening to The History Channel. Or more[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

accurately, to the endless parade of infomercials that marches through The

History Channel in the wee hours of the morning.

And I’ve been noticing stuff.

Like how the best of these infomercials are a balance between product
demonstrations and testimonials.

And how each of them is really three or four shorter infomercials, each of
which presents all the reasons to buy and all the credibility elements.

But most of all, I’ve been watching how different the offer structures are.

My favorite right now is The Computer Professor’s softer-than-soft offer: You

get your first lesson free – you pay only postage and handling. If you don’t
like what you see, you tell him and you get your postage and handling back.
Otherwise, I understand he begins sending you lessons and banging your
credit card on a regular basis.

In fact, I like this offer so much, I borrowed it a few weeks ago for a promotion
of an information product – and so far, the results are blowing me away.

Now, two components determine how successful a soft offer is. The first is
the response rate – how many folks accept what amounts to a free trial offer.
Writing for Boardroom and others who offer a 60-day free trial of a book, I’ve
had response rates between 6% and 12%. That’s up to three times higher
than the very best hard offer promos I’ve ever written.

So care to guess how well our super-soft offer for our Six-Figure Copywriting
Business course did?

About 50 times better than our last promotion for the product.

I swear.

Now, we’ll see how many people pay up at the end of their free trial.
Typically, I’m used to pay-up rates of about 85%. But heck; if even just half
stick with me, the campaign will blow away just about everything else we’ve
ever tried for that client.

The Web is a great place to test these kinds of offers. And yet, the vast
majority of web-based promos I see are plain old cash with order promos.
Getting outside of your box testing new offers can create truly massive

InvesTools is using infomercials in an entirely different way. They’re not

selling anything; just producing leads. Their half-hour program invites you to
register for a free seminar – a seminar where they sell a high-dollar investing

So I started to wonder – “What if we did an infomercial for a financial client[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

designed to drive prospects to a free one-hour video seminar ONLINE?”

Prospects would have to register for the seminar by giving us their e-mail
address. The seminar would be an advertorial – spend the first 45 minutes or
so delivering valuable, actionable information on a particular topic; say,
investing in foreign stocks. The last 15 minutes would be a pitch for a product.

We’re going to do this for a client in the next 90 days – and I’ve got some
pretty impressive ruffles and flourishes we’re adding to the campaign and the
offer for good measure. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Well, Denny just walked in, so I’m done.

Lessons for this week …

First – looking for more productive ways to spend my down time gave me two
great offer ideas, each of which is going to make me heaps of moolah in the
weeks ahead.

Second – studying successful copy and offers in media other than your own
is a great way to bring new life to your online promotions.

Third – stepping away from the way you’ve always done things and trying
something new is the ONLY way to create breakthroughs.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← Thank You Mr. Ward The Drayton and Clayton Show

How Lofty Morrals, Personal Couage Episode 3 →
and A Healthy Dose
of Dominant Emotion Marketing
Is STILL Creating The Greatest Revolution in
Marketing History …[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

5 Responses to Breakthroughs in The Making

Two innovations with the power
to boost your response as much as twenty-five times

lawton chiles says:

September 10, 2007 at 4:12 pm

Clayton, this was very educational indeed. As I begin to write copy for
paying clients on a daily basis, I feel like I can learn something new
everyday, and the soft offer sells me more than a super hard offer
mainly b/c i don\’t have access to a large amount of instant cash flow.

Great work


Rob Metras says:

September 10, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Claytons folksy style and down to earth advice always gives me value
and more ideas. He is a great teacher and a fine sharing individual.
Now in Clayton\’s own style, thats what partners are all about folks
Best wishes


Senen Pousa says:

September 10, 2007 at 6:58 pm

Would you please add me to the waiting list of that free investment
video seminar as I am looking to invest both locally and abroad and
would welcome the opportunity to view the free video.


Andrew Cavanagh says:

September 10, 2007 at 8:12 pm

Nice insights. I\’ll be interested to see how driving offline prospects to

an online seminar goes.

My tests with this have been less than impressive but that was a
couple of years ago and more and more people are getting online

Reply[11/29/2012 7:47:37 PM]

Breakthroughs in The Making Two innovations with the power to boost your response as much as twenty-five times over |

Scott says:
September 12, 2007 at 5:07 pm

I often watch my laptop while I work. Internet video lets me kill two
birds – work and awareness of lessons and products.

If you saw Faux News laughing at Ron Paul during the 9/5 debates,
you\’ll want to strangle Hannity and Giuliani yourself. Just Youtube it.
Faux news is a manipulative joke.


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The Drayton and Clayton Show

Episode 3
Posted on October 22, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
The 5 things that matter most to me in my personal life and how they Before you take the copywriting
apply to my business and yours … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
My greatest success and biggest mistake – and what you can learn from Do You Believe?
them to skyrocket your direct marketing career …

How I convince my clients to pay me royalties – you do this and your

income will shoot through the roof …

And much, Much MORE!

Dear Business Builder:

Drayton Bird founded the UK’s first major direct response

marketing agency.

David Ogilvy loved Mr. Bird’s direct response campaigns

and sales copy so much, he bought Drayton’s agency and
promptly installed him as Chairman of the Board of Ogilvy
Mather Direct.

Drayton and his team at Ogilvy created brilliant direct response promotions
for American Express, Bank of America, Ford, Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble,
Philips Electronics, Unilever, Visa credit cards and many other multi-billion-
dollar international household-name companies.

David Ogilvy famously proclaimed,[11/29/2012 7:47:50 PM]

The Drayton and Clayton Show Episode 3 |

“Drayton Bird knows more about

direct marketing
than anyone else alive.”

Know anyone else with a testimonial like THAT on their resumes?

Me neither.

Oh – and one other thing: Like you, Drayton is a Total Package reader. And
he likes it. A LOT. In fact, we probably would never have met if he hadn’t sent
us a rave about one of our issues.

Then a few days later, this e-mail appeared in our inbox …

“Clayton Makepeace should be banned.”

“I have been at this game far longer than him, written three
books and well over 1,000 articles about it, taught people in 41

But every time I read his stuff, I realise I still have a lot to learn.

“The man is infuriating.”

– Drayton Bird

Wow. What a charmer – right?

But there’s a problem: See, Drayton’s been spending a LOT of time, lately,
helping the next generation of direct response marketers and copywriters
learn how to do it right.

To that end, he’s written more than one thousand columns on direct
marketing and copywriting for international magazines … and generally
spends his time tear-assing around the UK and Europe, sharing his vast
knowledge, experience and response-boosting insights with – well, let’s call a
spade a spade: He’s helping your competitors.

Now, I’m no chauvinist. I dearly love every one of the 64 countries our
beloved Total Package Readers call home. But I’ll be damned if I’ll sit idly by
and let anyone get an unfair advantage over us Yanks in the response

And so, I’ve kind of “imported” Drayton Bird for members of my EasyWriters
Marketing Club. So far, there have been two episodes of what we’ve come to
call “The Drayton and Clayton Show” – one in last month’s RoadHouse Rants[11/29/2012 7:47:50 PM]

The Drayton and Clayton Show Episode 3 |

audio CD and the second in this month’s live event.

Unsurprisingly, the charming, outrageously funny and impossibly brilliant Mr.

Bird drew rave reviews, a couple of marriage proposals and at least one
deliciously indecent proposition.

But last week, Drayton presented an invoice for the services he has provided
for our EasyWriters members – in the form of a request that I LET HIM
INTERVIEW ME for his readers.

Now, let me ask you, Mr. or Ms. marketing expert: “How would it feel to have
someone of Drayton Bird’s stature publicly test YOUR marketing IQ?” I’m
willing to bet your stomach would execute more flip-flops than a politician on
the campaign trail.

Nevertheless, when someone you revere thinks enough of you to want to pick
your brain, there’s no way on God’s green Earth you can say “No.”

So I said “Yes.”

And for an hour last Friday – on this third episode of The Drayton and
Clayton Show, my new friend asked me stuff nobody has ever asked me
before – about life … love … work … writing … and more. And I blurted out
answers I don’t think I’ve ever given before.

I hope I sounded at least somewhat smart – you’ll have to be the judge of


But that’s not really important, is it? What’s important is that there’s a better-
than-even chance you’ll hear something in this interview that will make you
money. Maybe even a LOT of money.

So take a listen. Just push the play button below for the streaming audio
version, or click the link and download the audio file. That way, you can burn
it to a CD or download it to your MP3 player so you can listen any time you

Download Audio File (14.1 MB, right-click to "Save Target As")

Hope it helps!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor
THE TOTAL PACKAGE[11/29/2012 7:47:50 PM]

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claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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Evolution of a Copywriter
Posted on November 5, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?

Why working with smaller businesses is a great way for you to get started
as a new copywriter – and how it can mean big bucks for both you and
your client …

2 things every ad needs to accomplish in order to be successful – you nail

them and you’ll have a potential winner on your hands …

Why the famous commercial from the 2005 Super Bowl –
the one featuring the beautiful woman with the wardrobe malfunction –
was a total failure – and how you can use the lessons learned to improve
your advertising …

And much, Much MORE!

Dear Business Builder,

Today, I have a special treat for you – an interview with a great friend and
fellow copywriter, Brad Petersen.

Brad and I have conspired on many promotions over the years – and I think[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

so highly of him, I’ve actually had paid him $120,000 per year just to have
him on-call to help me with promotions for my financial and health clients.

A while back, Brad and I spent an hour on the phone talking about the
lessons he’s learned that can help you get bigger winners, more often. I’m
convinced that this journeyman copywriter’s insights will make you a ton of

Clayton Makepeace: Hi Brad. How are you?

Brad Petersen: Hi Clayton, I’m doing great, thanks. How about you?

Clayton: I’m doing very well, thank you. I appreciate you doing this with me.

Brad: No problem. I think it will be fun.

Clayton: Let’s drive right in. First, Brad, before talking about how you got into
copywriting, tell me about your childhood, your family life, and your education

Brad: Okay. I grew up in what I guess you would call a middle class family. I
have two brothers and two sisters, so there was always something going on
at our house.

My dad always had the entrepreneurial bug and pursued a few business
ventures. Unfortunately, none of them were really successful and he
ultimately pretty much gave up the entrepreneurial game and spent most of
his career in the corporate world.

Despite that, I inherited the bug from my dad, as did my brother who is also
in business for himself.

Clayton: What kind of entrepreneurial things was your dad involved in?

Brad: He owned an insurance agency at one time. He was involved in the

development of a travel trailer park in Devore, California. We lived on the
property while they were building it, and absolutely loved it. It was in the
country, so there was lots of hiking, we had all sorts of pets, and I remember
really enjoying living there.

He had a couple of other ventures, including a bookstore. He also talked

about going into the mail order business and I remember reading Melvin
Powers’ book, How to Get Rich in Mail Order when I was in college because
of it – and that sort of gave me an introduction to the direct response

But, like I said, none of his ventures went big, so he wound up making his
living in the corporate world. However, I seem to have inherited whatever it
was that drove him to try to make it on his own.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

My brother is the same way. He’s in the specialty food business. He has
several of his own products and acts a sales agent for various specialty
brands. My other brother has a regular job, but he has the itch to get out on
his own. He just never found the right thing.

Clayton: Very interesting. Okay, so all of this was in Southern California?

Brad: Yes. I lived in San Bernardino until seventh grade, and then we moved
to San Clemente, a really great beach town in south Orange County. I
haven’t lived there in years, but I still love it. I left when I went away to college
and wound up living in near where my wife grew up, in Torrance, California.

Clayton: Where did you go to college?

Brad: I went to Loyola Marymount University, a small Catholic college in L.A.

I was a history major. I had always thought I’d be a writer – a journalist
perhaps. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me that you could make a living
writing advertising, so I didn’t find out about that until several years after

However, I did luck out with my first real job after college. After piddling
around for a year or so, I got a job working for Robert Ringer, the author of
the book Looking Out for #1 and a few other best-sellers. I’m a big fan of his
and he ran an ad in Reason magazine looking for employees. I applied, and
got the job.

At the time, he was publishing a financial newsletter called The Tortoise

Report. He mostly promoted through the mail using long copy. So I saw the
real live results for myself. My job was administrative. As I recall, I opened
the subscription orders, entered them into the computer, sent out the
welcome package, and so forth.

It was fun job. I worked with great people, and, of course, I was excited to be
working for Robert Ringer. I still remember the first time I read Looking Out
for #1 in college. I loved his writing style and his philosophy.

Clayton: Was this before Blanchard began publishing The Tortoise Report?

Brad: Yes – I lost my job when Blanchard bought The Tortoise Report and
moved the whole operation to Louisiana.

Clayton: Sorry about that.

I remember Robert Ringer being on The Tonight Show. That was my first
exposure to him, when he was on the book tour for Looking Out for #1.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: And his whole rationale is something I think that would be extremely
helpful for copywriters to read.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

Brad: Oh, absolutely.

Clayton: And businesspeople as well. The whole concept of rational


Brad: And equally as important, I think, is his first book, Winning Through

Clayton: Yes.

Brad: The title apparently offends some people – though I think it’s kind of
fun and interesting. However, the book is really about not letting yourself be
intimidated by your circumstances, by other people, by people posing as
experts, by people who want to keep you in your place or cheat you out what
you’re owed.

Clayton: It was a brilliant title, because, you’re right, the book was about
winning in spite of intimidation. But using the word "through" gave it an edge
that really made people intrigued.

Brad: Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, he’s since updated and revised the book.
It came out just in the last couple of years. And the new version is called To
Be Intimidated or Not To Be Intimidated, which just doesn’t have the impact, I
don’t think.

I think he tried to soften the title a bit – perhaps because he’s taken a beating
from a lot of people who obviously never read any of his books. I don’t know
how many times I’ve read or heard that Looking Out for #1 teaches you how
to get ahead by screwing other people – which is simply absurd and indicates
the person didn’t even read chapter one of the book.

But I don’t think softening the title is a good marketing technique.

Clayton: No.

Brad: And I think Robert must know that. He’s a brilliant marketer, knows
what he’s doing, and really achieved phenomenal success marketing his
books and the books of other people onto the best-seller list.

Clayton: Was he working with Dan Rosenthal when he did those great full-
page newspaper ads for Winning Through Intimidation and Looking Out for

Brad: I don’t believe so. I think that was all him. But I don’t for sure.

Clayton: Ringer was one of the first people to develop the idea of
segmenting the nation’s newspapers into A, B and C groups based on
responsiveness and creating a real marketing machine for his books using
full-page newspaper ads.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

: And both Jay Abraham and Dan Rosenthal – and myself – followed on that
success and built major companies using Ringer’s principles.

Brad: Ringer’s success was phenomenal. And he did it with his own books
and with books written by others. He made Doug Casey’s Crisis Investing a
best-seller. Another one I recall was called Nice Girls Do, and it was a huge
bestseller. And he did it all with full-page ads in The Wall Street Journal and
other places that drove people to bookstores. Although I think he sold them
through the mail as well, at least in the early days. And drove all these books
to the top of the bestseller list.

Clayton: One of the concepts he introduced that I used with wonderful

success at Security Rare Coin up in Minneapolis was that very idea. He
would take a book. and write a full-page ad for it. Then he would go to B.
Dalton and other national bookselling chains, and he would ask them to
subsidize the cost of running the ad in return for putting their logo in the ad
along with his response device.

And then in the ad, he would say, "Pick up this book now at your local Barnes
& Noble bookseller," and he would even include a telephone number and an
address for the local stores. But he’d also have a response device of some

And it was brilliant, because all a retailer like Barnes & Nobles wants is store
traffic. And if you can show that you’re generating a response with your ad
and people are reading and responding to it through the mail, then that tells
Barnes & Noble you’re getting eyeballs and a lot of people will come to their
store to look for it and end up buying that plus other things.

So it was really wonderful. And we did that at Security Rare Coin with a book
– 27 Forecasts for 1983, I think it was.

That’s interesting. I didn’t even know you worked for Robert Ringer.

Brad: It was a fun experience, and I picked up a little direct response

experience. But unfortunately, I didn’t stay with direct response. After he sold
the company to Blanchard, I went into sales for the next three years. Selling
had its pros and cons. I wasn’t the best salesman in the world, but I did at
least learn the principles of selling, which are so important for a copywriter to

And knowing those principles made the idea of salesmanship in print much
more natural for me. I saw how it translated. When I was selling copiers and
typewriters to people, I didn’t do it by trying to entertain them. I did it by
selling them on the benefits of the product.

So when I got into advertising in 1988 and started reading Jay Abraham and
Gary Halbert, the two big gurus at the time, it all made perfect sense because
of my selling experience. I think it made my transition easier than it may be
for some people who just don’t understand selling when they get started.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

Clayton: So you met John Finn when selling office equipment?

Brad: Yes. For those who don’t know who John Finn is, he’s an
agent/matchmaker who represents both copywriters and direct response
companies and brings them together.

Anyway, I was out making cold calls, and I just happened to cold call his
office one day. Interestingly, just minutes before I had also cold called Jay
Abraham’s office, which was nearby.

I don’t believe Jay was a marketing guru at the time. As I recall, he was
marketing subscriptions to financial newsletters for $19 a year. I believe Jay
got to keep the $19 and the newsletter got the name. Then the newsletter
made its money through renewals and back-end products. I was actually a
customer of his, so I recognized the company and his name.

Anyway, a few minutes later I cold-called John and somehow realized he too
was somehow tied into the financial newsletter business. So we talked about
that, I mentioned having worked for Robert Ringer, and we became friendly.
So I’d stop by his office when I was in the area and visited.

This was back in the mid-1980s – 1985 or 1986 – and John was mostly in the
list business, but also dabbling as a copywriter’s agent. So he was the first to
introduce me to this thing called copywriting. And after awhile I realized I
might be able to make a living doing it.

So I decided to get out of selling and into advertising. The first thing I did was
to get a job at an ad agency called Foote, Cone & Belding, working in the
mailroom. Foote, Cone was actually the successor agency to Lord &
Thomas, the agency that employed Claude Hopkins, and, briefly, John E.
Kennedy – two of advertising’s all time greats.

Lord & Thomas was owned by Albert Lasker who made a fortune peddling
the idea of advertising as “salesmanship in print” to his prospects and clients.
He learned the idea from John E. Kennedy in the early 1900s and then he
and Hopkins used it to make tens of millions of dollars for themselves back
when a million dollars really meant something.

Anyway, when Lasker retired he also retired the name Lord & Thomas and
the company became Foote, Cone & Belding after the three company
executives who took over – Emerson Foote, Fairfax Cone, and Don Belding.

Unfortunately, by the time I worked there, nobody at FCB even knew who
Claude Hopkins, Albert Lasker, or John E. Kennedy were. They, and all the
great principles they taught, were mostly forgotten or simply dismissed as
irrelevant to modern advertising.

However, I did find some great stuff in the archives down in the basement –
old ads, copies of some of John E. Kennedy’s books and pamphlets, and
some other goodies. I recall giving copies to Gary Halbert, to Jay, to John
Finn and a few others. Now you can find some of that stuff on the internet,[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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but at the time nobody had it, so it was pretty neat.

I had great fun at Foote, Cone. Working in the mail room was a blast – and
stress-free, too. Unfortunately, it just didn’t pay the bills.

So I worked there for a little over a year and then got a call from a buddy of
mine – another budding copywriter who I’d met through John Finn – who was
working for Jay Abraham. He needed an assistant or something like that and
offered me a job. So I went to work for Jay. I was a jack of all trades while
working there, but did get some good experience editing various products for
Jay – mostly transcripts of his marketing consultations if I remember correctly.

And you know him – the guy who hired me – it was Gary Walterscheid.

Clayton: Is that right?

Brad: Gary was Jay’s right-hand man for quite some time. Eventually, we
both moved on, and I wound up working for one of your former employers,
Craig Huey, at his ad agency Creative Direct Marketing Group here in
Torrance. I went on there as a junior copywriter, making about ten bucks an
hour, as I recall.

Clayton: Yeah. What other copywriters were working there at the time?

Brad: It was just Kent Komae and myself. Kent was the copy chief or the
creative director. And he, of course, has gone on to become something of a
superstar freelance copywriter himself.

Clayton: Just to give a little history for the people who are reading this, when
I left the motion picture business in 1974, I answered an ad in the paper that
was placed by a small mail list brokerage in Palos Verdes called Infomat. And
they were looking to hire a copywriter to create a creative division in the
company so they could do copy and graphics as well as just rent mailing lists.
And the rationale at the time was that people will rent more lists from us if
they have better copy to mail. That company became Creative Direct
Marketing Group, the company Brad worked for.

Anyway, I auditioned for and received a job offer the day after I submitted my
sample. And it was really where I began in copywriting. And Mike Engler, who
was the owner’s roommate at the time, is the person who turned me on to all
of the great works by John Caples, Ogilvy, Rosser Reeves, and the rest.

And so that was really my entrée to copywriting. I didn’t begin as a freelancer.

And I really feel that the time I spent there was foundational. I didn’t make
much money. My salary was $15,000 a year. But looking back, I should’ve
probably paid the owner for the experience I got there.

But we started the creative division and built it up to a million dollars in sales
prior to my leaving the company. And then in the years later, Brad, as I
understand, Jim Rutz followed me there, Kent Komae, you. Are there any
others?[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Brad: I know Gary Walterscheid worked there at one time, but I don’t know of
any others whose names are recognizable.

Clayton: I think I left in ’77 or ’78. So I left there at least 10 years before you
were there.

Brad: I worked there in 1989. I was only a part-timer, working five hours a
day, so I also did a little freelance work. After about a year I decided to make
the leap and become a full-time freelancer, working out of my house. In fact,
I worked at home up until about five years ago, when I got an office just so I
could get away from the distractions of home life.

And it has worked out well. John Finn got me a few jobs in the early going, I
lucked into some work, got some great referrals, and have managed to make
a career of it. And of course, I met you though John back in 1995 or 1996,
which gave my career a big boost.

Clayton: It sounds like you had a lot of really great early influences. Lucking
into relationships with Jay Abraham and Gary Walterscheid early on was
incredible. And then going to work for Foote, Cone, & Belding and
discovering all that Kennedy stuff in the basement.

Brad: Oh yeah, it was great. I feel very fortunate.

Clayton: . I find it interesting that Gary Bencivenga started his advertising

career working for David Ogilvy – the one guy in modern advertising who
remembered and actually practiced much of what Kennedy, Hopkins, and
Lasker taught so many years ago. Gary learned a lot of foundational things at
Ogilvy & Mather. And Ogilvy was his springboard, and then he connected
with Dan Rosenthal. It seems like your springboard was FCB, which was in
the Lasker -Hopkins tradition, and then you moved on to Jay Abraham, who
is a practitioner of those same principles.

Brad: Definitely. I should also mention that Gary Halbert had a tremendous
influence on my thinking, as well. I met him through John Finn, as well, and
read his newsletter and went to some of his seminars. I also met John
Carlton through John Finn, and we became friends.

Clayton: There are probably three or four thousand readers of The Total
Package who would give their right arm to wander in to a relationship with
people like Robert Ringer, Jay Abraham, and, Gary Halbert. And yet it was
just plain dumb luck for you. It just happened. That’s wonderful.

Brad: I guess I was in the right place at the right time. I’d have to say that
cold calling John Finn was one of the luckiest things I’ve ever done.

Clayton: And that face to face selling experience was probably as helpful for
your copywriting career as was learning the secrets of Kennedy, Lasker, and
Hopkins. I often tell people who want to get into copywriting to get a night job
as a salesperson. If you want to be a great copywriter, you’ve got to be a[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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salesperson first.

Brad: That’s great advice.

Clayton: Copywriting isn’t about writing, it’s about sales. And you came to
the industry with that kind of face-to-face, grind it out, overcome objections,
old-fashioned salesmanship.

Brad: Right – though I don’t think that’s the best way to do it these days, but
that’s the way we did it then. If I’d known how to write a good lead generation
letter or about the importance of back-end sales and various other marketing
principles I take for granted now, it would have done wonders for my sales

One of the most important things I learned is how difficult it is to make a sale.
It’s not enough to just say who you are, what you’re offering, and how much it
is. You have to show the prospect what’s in it for them if they buy your
product or service. And you have to show why your product is better than
everybody else’s.

Every salesman knows this – or learns it the hard way. And knowing this
made me a much better copywriter. I didn’t waste any time with ads that just
tried to get attention or tried to entertain people. I certainly never sold a copy
machine by doing a dance routine for a prospect. So it wasn’t at all hard for
me to accept that advertising is nothing more than “salesmanship in print” as
John E. Kennedy described it..

Clayton: . How did you apply those lessons effectively when you began
writing copy?

Brad: I knew going in that I had to make a strong case right there in my ad or
sales letter for whatever product or service I was selling. I knew I had to give
them very specific reasons to buy my product and back them up with proof.

When I sold copy machines, nobody really wanted a copier. They’re

expensive, they take up space, they break down. But everyone wanted
copies. So I wasn’t selling a copier. I was selling good copies at a reasonable

Sometimes, of course, I was also selling speedy copies – a feature – so they

could get the benefit of employees spending less time standing at the copier
and more time getting their work done.

Always I was finding ways to connect the benefits of the copier with the
wants expressed by the customer. And I do the exact same thing when I write
sales copy.

Clayton: I think that’s a wonderful insight into copywriting. A couple of

months back I wrote an article for The Total Package talking about the fact
that a lot of writers I work with wouldn’t know a benefit if it bit them on the
butt. In other words, they’re selling the copy machine, not the copies . Like[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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you said, nobody wants a copy machine. People want copies. People want
reliability. People want to look like a hero to the boss, ’cause they saved him
money. Those are the things that people want. Nobody wants a copy

Brad: Absolutely. It’s not enough to say your machine makes 50 copies a
minute. You’ve got to translate that into something worthwhile. Ask yourself,
what does that mean to the prospect? It means that when he goes to the
copy machine, he’s only going to be there for 30 seconds, and he’s going to
get the job done faster, be more productive, get more done, look better in the
eyes of his boss.

Clayton: Yeah, and to the boss it means he’s going to save X number of
employee hours per year. And that’s what’s viable to him, so by asking him to
make a $10,000 purchase, say, you could show him where he’s going to
save $50,000 a year.

Brad: And that’s a heck of a lot better promise than “50 copies a minute.”

Clayton: So either by the college of hard knocks or instinctively, long before

you met Jay Abraham or read John Caples or any of the other advertising
greats, you had figured out the importance of selling benefits over features.

Brad: Definitely. It’s one of the first things any new salesman learns. That’s
why I always tell new copywriters to read a few books on selling, even as
they’re studying the great copywriting books.

Clayton: What are some of your favorites?

Brad: There are so many good ones. But some of my favorites are How to
Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins, How I Raised Myself from Failure
to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger, How to Sell Anything to Anybody by
Joe Girard, Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar, and The Five Great
Rules of Selling by Percy Whiting. And a really great more recent book is Dan
Kennedy’s No B.S. Sales Success. These books are such a rich source of
valuable material you can use in copywriting.

When I first read those books, it made sense to me. So when I first read
Claude Hopkins and John Caples and all the rest, it all came together. I
understood what they meant and I bought into it. And it has served me well.

Clayton: Cool. Those are some wonderful recommendations. You know, we

have eight or 12 books that we recommend to people, but I’m definitely
gonna be adding Robert Ringer’s books as well as these others that you’ve
just mentioned to our recommended reading list.

Now, I’d like to switch gears for a moment to talk more about the companies
you’ve worked with. I know that in addition to the successes you’ve had
among traditional direct response companies that I work with, you’ve also
taken on some smaller, more traditional companies as clients. I’d like to hear
more about that, because a lot of our younger copywriters, for a lot of them,[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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working for small business to begin with is a great way to get started.

Brad: Okay. One of the nice things about small businesses is that there are
so many opportunities simply because they’re doing almost nothing right
marketing-wise. So even the most mediocre copy and the most mediocre
marketing ideas can work like gangbusters compared to what they’re doing
now. So you can really build your copywriting chops with those kinds of
companies, while doing them a real service.

The challenge is getting them to hire you in the first place. So many of these
guys have never used direct response and are really close minded to its
benefits. They’ve always done everything the hard way, cold calling, running
tombstone-style yellow pages and space ads – what I call name, rank, and
serial number ads that tell me nothing other than their name, address, and
phone number.

And they get their advice, often, from the yellow pages rep or the newspaper
rep – guys who usually know next to nothing about effective advertising. But
they represent themselves as experts, and these business guys believe it.

In addition to that, most small businesspeople – and most people in general –

simply refuse to believe that long copy works. They think that everything has
to be short and catchy and entertaining, because that’s what they saw on the
Super Bowl. So they’re looking for ads that entertain and don’t really
understand why your every ad needs to generate a trackable response.

Often they don’t even know if their ads generate a response. They have no
idea whether they’re working or not. Nor have they ever tested any new ideas
or new ads. Often the only reason they have any business at all is because
they’ve been around a long time, they have a good location, or whatever.
They don’t realize that their advertising isn’t producing a thing.

I’ll give you an excellent example of that. I have a friend who’s a successful
builder of tract homes. One day he listened to another interview I did with
Bob Serling, a savvy marketing strategist and copywriter in his own right.
During the interview I mentioned the idea of tracking the results of your
advertising and testing different ideas.

This idea really resonated with him because he was spending something like
$600,000 or $700,000 a year on advertising – mostly on billboards and
newspaper ads – but didn’t know if any of it was working or not.

So, after listening to my interview, my friend simply canceled all his

advertising. I don’t necessarily recommend that kind of drastic action, by the
way, but that’s what he did. And believe it or not, his sales weren’t affected in
any way. He noticed no difference whatsoever – other than the additional
several hundred thousand dollars a year that were now in his bank account
instead of somebody else’s.

Clayton: Yeah.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Brad: The point is that his advertising was achieving absolutely nothing. And
I think many businesspeople would be surprised to discover that the same is
true of their advertising.

Clayton: Let me jump in for a second, because there are two things that went
through my mind as you were saying that. The first has to do with
accountability in advertising. I don’t know the exact number, but my guess is
probably 80% of the money spent advertising today is spent in media and in
campaigns in which there’s no way to know if the advertising was helpful or
not. And your friend is the shining example of that, because he had no way to
track the results of his advertising. He was wasting, over the period of many
years, millions of dollars that came right off his bottom line, on ineffective

The second thing is what frequently happens to local businesspeople Put

yourself in his shoes for a moment. You work hard all your life. You finally get
a nest egg together and you achieve your dream of opening your own
antique store on Main Street in a quaint little tourist town someplace. And you
settle in. You get the store fully stocked. You open the doors. And you sit
there, and nobody walks through the door.

And after a couple hours the door opens and someone walks through, and
instead of a customer, it’s a representative of the local newspaper. And he
wants you to buy an ad. And you talk to him and you figure, well, okay,
maybe so. And you buy an ad, and he leaves. And then a couple hours later
the door opens again and another guy walks in, and it’s the representative of
the local cable television channel. And he wants to sell you ads. And a couple
hours later the local yellow page person comes in. A couple hours later the
account reps from the local TV and radio stations, show up. A billboard
agency salesman comes by.

And in each case you tell them that you don’t have an ad, and in each case
one of these salesmen says, ”Well, don’t worry, I’ll create one for you.” So
now you’ve got a salesman for the medium that you’re spending money in
who has no training, no experience, and no track record creating ads for you.
And, as a result, thousands of people across this country who have achieved
their dream and actually started their own businesses are sitting in their
stores day by day watching their nest egg dwindle. And every one of the
campaigns that they’re sold are campaigns that are not trackable. And so,
like your friend, they’re terrified of canceling their advertising, thinking that
that would erode whatever sales they are making.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: And all of this ties into this incredible scam that I want to draw you
out on a little bit later, the Madison Avenue scam.

Brad: Okay. You know when it comes to the small businessmen I encounter,
I see so many who pour everything into these businesses and then their
advertising is lousy. And often they wind up going out of business – or never
do anything close to the business they could be doing if they advertised[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Of course, when things go wrong, they’ll blame the medium instead of their
execution. So you’ll hear countless small businesspeople pronounce that
direct mail doesn’t work – but the reality is, the direct mail they sent out
simply stunk. And often that’s because, as you said a minute ago, they’re
taking advice from people with no experience, no track record, and no
knowledge of direct mail principles. Perhaps more importantly, those people
don’t have a stake in the success of the business, so it ultimately doesn’t
effect them much if your advertising fails to produce.

That’s why I think it’s such a good idea to give any copywriter you hire a
royalty of some kind that’s tied to the success of the promotions he or she
does for your business.

Unfortunately, many of the businessmen I talk to don’t want to do that. They’ll

happily pay a salesman a commission for every sale he makes. But when
they hire a copywriter or marketing consultant, forget it. Yet that guy might
just be the best salesperson your company ever hired. And if he’s able to
bring your business an extra $1,000,000 in sales, why on earth would you
begrudge him a $25,000 or $50,000 bonus? You’re getting $950,000 in
revenue you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Even more importantly, when you offer a royalty or a commission, you

incentivize the copywriter. If he knows that his compensation is tied to the
success of your promo, he has an even bigger incentive to pull out all the
stops to make your promotion the biggest winner possible.

Clayton: Absolutely. Furthermore, the best copywriters won’t even consider

taking a job that doesn’t include a royalty.

Now, let’s talk specifically about one of your clients who’s not part of our
usual direct response clientele.

Brad: Okay, sure. I lucked out with this particular client, mostly because he
was softened up by Gary Halbert. He was a subscriber to Gary’s newsletter
which, as you know, teaches the principles we’ve been talking about. So he
had already bought into the idea of salesmanship in print, using long copy,
preaching the product benefits, and all that good stuff.

Anyway, he called Gary looking for a writer and fortunately for me, Gary
recommended me.

Jim – the client – wanted to get into the business of manufacturing and
distributing pool cues. He’d been a pool player all his life, owned a successful
pool and billiard store, and had previously owned some billiard rooms. He
had a new line of low-priced, high quality cues that he wanted me to help him
pitch to dealers.

At the time, there was no such thing as a long copy ad in the industry trade
magazines. It was pictures of the cues, perhaps the endorsement of a[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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famous pool player, and very few words.

I knew right off that convincing someone of the quality of our cues was going
to take a little more than that – especially if we wanted the cues to be a big
success. Obviously, we were going to be facing some serious skepticism on
the part of both dealers and consumers.

At the time, I partnered with Gary Walterscheid – another writer – on a

number of projects, including this one. And we came up with a two-page,
long copy ad. The headline addressed the prospect’s skepticism head-on.
We had a pre-head that said, “Cues This Good at Prices This Low…” And the
headline was, “Who Will Believe Us?” Then the ad was written like a letter
from Jim to the prospect – acknowledging that what he promised was hard to
believe, but here’s the proof.

In the ad we included a toll-free number so dealers could call to get

information about carrying the cues – along with a coupon the actual player
could use for a discount on the cue. Both of these helped Jim track response
to the ad.

Fortunately, Jim went along with our ad, despite the fact that no one in his
industry had ever done anything like it before. And fortunately for us, it
worked like gangbusters.

Jim’s picture was in the ad and it made him a bit of a celebrity at the next
industry trade show and the cues sold like hotcakes. Within a year or two he
owned the low price, high quality niche and soon he had a booming business
with multiple lines of cues, all kinds of accessories, furniture, you name it.

And it was built, at least initially, on long copy ads for a number of his

One of my favorites was for a new high-tech cue he was distributing that was
more accurate than other cues. I wrote an ad and a sales letter and we sold
so many more cues than they were expecting, that they literally had to stop
running the ads because they couldn’t get the cues.

Unfortunately, a few years back Jim cut his involvement in the business way
back and I began dealing with his daughter. I like her a lot, but unfortunately
she has fallen under the evil influence of a graphic designer. This designer
has apparently won various awards for her packaged goods designs, but she
knows nothing about advertising. Her work is beautiful to look at, but she
leaves very little room for copy and she’s smitten with reverse type, so what
little copy there is, is usually unreadable.

I’ve argued and argued to no avail. The business is successful, it’s well-
known, they have a huge presence at the trade shows, and they have
momentum that keeps them growing. So the life or death of the business
really isn’t tied to their advertising any more.

But I can’t help but wonder how much better they might be doing if they went[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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back to long sales copy.

There’s a lesson here for every businessperson. Many of them get a certain
momentum and stop doing what made them successful in the first place. Or
they start worrying more about their image than about their sales. And, as a
result, they leave countless millions of dollars lying on the table.

That image thing is huge for some businesspeople. They start thinking
opinions are more important than results. Everyone they know finds their long
copy ads ugly, refuses to believe that they work, and so forth.

I don’t know how many times I’ve had people tell me that long copy doesn’t
work because no one will ever read it. And nothing I say can convince them
otherwise. I’m sure, Clayton, you’ve had the experience of showing someone
one of your magalogs that earned you a million dollars or more personally,
and they’ll say, “Oh, come on, no one responds to that stuff.”

Clayton: Absolutely.

Brad: That brings me to another point. I just read an article in USA Today –
it’s a few weeks old – where they polled consumers now on whether a
particular ad was effective or not. They didn’t ask if the person had bought the
product or not; they only wanted to know if the person found the ad effective.
Based on this, USA Today chose what are supposedly the most effective ads
of the year – again, not based on whether it sold any product, but on whether
or not consumers thought it was a good ad.

Imagine the impact on a businessman who knows nothing about long copy,
direct response advertising. They figure if the consumers like the ad, then
that’s the style he should emulate.

The big mistake in that is, it’s not based on results. It’s not based on actual
sales. It’s not based on profits. It’s based on a poll. And if we took our ads
into a bar and polled everyone, a lot of times they’d say this ad is terrible.
You’d hear, “I would never read this ad.” “I would never buy this product.”
However, that’s not the way you measure whether an ad is effective or not. It
simply doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of the ad. All that matters is
whether or not it got results. And that’s the only thing anybody should ever be
looking at when they’re looking at an ad.

Clayton: That’s one of the main problems with focus groups. You get a
bunch of people in the room and show them an ad and you do exactly what
you said. And the response you get is totally meaningless . First of all, the
method you use to grab their attention was to get them in a room and say
look at this, which, obviously, you’re not doing when the ad is actually
running or being mailed or on the Internet.

And then secondly, their response to the ad is not backed up with a check.
And so it’s a contrivance that totally frustrates the selling process. And any
input or response they give you in that environment is suspect. And,
therefore, those kinds of focus groups are a total waste of time.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Brad: I’ve also read that often focus group members will try to give the
moderator the answer he or she wants.

Clayton: Yes.

Brad: They want to please the guy in charge.

Clayton: Or just maybe to sound smart.

Brad: There you go. That’s a common problem with opinion polls, as well.

Clayton: . Right. If you took a poll, you’d find out that nobody buys Playboy
for the pictures. They buy it for the articles.

Brad: And nobody buys The National Enquirer, even though it’s the
bestselling magazine in the world.

Clayton: Right. Right. The only answer that matters is one that’s
accompanied by a check.

Brad: Yes. Exactly. If every business owner just got that into their skull, they
would do so much better, even if they never hired a copywriter in their life. If
you just made sure you could track the results of every ad and tried different
things and quit listening to the so-called experts that keep telling you to build
an image, build a brand – not that there’s anything wrong with having a good
image or having a good brand.

The problem is, it’s too costly for the average guy. To build Miller Lite’s brand
– and I love the tag line, "tastes great, less filling," – it costs them tens of
millions of dollars. Most businesspeople don’t have those kinds of resources
to build a brand. He’s got to rely on getting sales tomorrow, not six weeks, six
months, or six years from now.

And so he’s got to run ads that get people to bring in their laundry tomorrow,
and he’s got to run ads that he can track, so he knows whether his ads in the
local paper are actually bringing in any laundry. And you do that with a
coupon, or if nothing else, at least ask your customers, where’d you hear
about me? How do you know about me?

And it’s a lesson that has to just be driven home again and again and again,
to track everything religiously. If you do that, you’ll quickly disabuse yourself
of the notion that short copy sells better than long copy or that it’s important
to build an image, or that your ads have to be entertaining.

The entertainment thing is really a big problem because you so often hear
people raving about commercials and ads that are entertaining and fun. Of
course, when you ask them what product is being sold they usually have no
idea – nor have they bought the product, which is even more important. They
just thought it was a great ad.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Now, I’ve got nothing against entertaining people in your ads – so long as you
sell at the same time. But the sale has to come first. Entertainment and any
other factors are purely secondary. So if you can entertain, build a brand,
build an image, look great in your community and sell at the same time, and
be hilarious, go at it. More power to you. That’s phenomenal. But don’t let
anything else take the place of sales.

Clayton: One of the things that always cracks me up is that the same idiots
who talk about how ads have to be this way or that way or be an image ad or
be beautiful or be funny or be amusing or be any of these other things, the
last thing they ever want to do is to test their cockamamie ideas heads up
against hard-selling, reason why, benefit-oriented copy.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: These are the same people who will talk about putting the customer
first, and making the customer king. But they don’t want to be bothered with
the actual numbers that the customers use to tell you whether or not they like
your ads, whether or not they like your products. They don’t want to know
that the response rate on an ugly long copy ad is five or six times higher than
on their little image ads that they love so much.

So all the stuff they say about putting the customer first is just pure baloney.
The only way to put the customer first is to test different ideas, let the market
tell you what it wants, and then give them that. And that’s what direct
response does.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: You and I were talking the other day about some specific ads that
just crack you up. It’s amazing that a hard boiled, hard core MBA who’s now
the CEO of a major corporation would spend a hundred million dollars putting
ads that, in the first place, are untrackable.

In the second place, they don’t create a desire for the product, and in the
third place even where the concepts of the ads themselves, or the video, or
the imaging in the ads, completely overshadows the name of the product, the
name of the company and everything else, so you remember the ad, but not
the product or the company. I think you mentioned Carl’s Jr.

Brad: Carl’s Jr. ran a pretty famous campaign featuring Paris Hilton. I can
only remember one specific ad right now, but if featured Paris essentially
making love to a hamburger as she ate it. And it was a very sensual, sexy ad
that every guy I knew loved. It even made the rounds of the internet via e-

And I like Paris Hilton as much as the next guy. But I certainly don’t buy my
hamburgers based on the fact that she’s eating one. And neither do the other
guys I know. The fact that she’s eating one of their hamburgers doesn’t mean
anything, nor does it tell me anything useful about the hamburger or about
the experience I’m going to have when I eat one. It’s just Paris Hilton eating a[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Now I find those kind of commercials silly and ridiculous. But some people
look at them and are deeply offended by them, especially since their kids are
seeing them, too. And this is especially true of Christian audiences. And you
can make fun of the Christians and the religious right as much as you want,
but the fact is they’re a huge market. And they have sensibilities just like
everybody else. And they wound up having a boycott of Carl’s Jr.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not necessarily against offending people. Nor do I
think you should run your life in a way that avoids giving offense. But if you’re
going to offend people in business, I think you should do it strategically. You
should have a reason for doing it and derive some benefit from doing it.
Otherwise, you’re wasting the company’s money and ripping off the

Let me give you another example. Everyone remembers the

commercial from the 2005 Super Bowl. It’s the commercial that featured a
beautiful, well-endowed woman having a wardrobe malfunction during a
Senate hearing of some kind. She nearly loses her top and all the old men on
the Senate panel are about to keel over of heart attacks. It’s a funny
commercial and I know it got the attention of every guy watching the Super

And at the end of the commercial, they mentioned a web site,
However, if you asked the people raving about the commercial what the
company’s web address was, they couldn’t tell you, nor could they tell you
what business was in – though it is mentioned one time in the
course of the commercial.

And believe it or means, it’s a company that registers domain names – and
offers hosting and various other related services. Now, I’m sure some people
went to, hoping to get further glimpses of the girl in the
commercial. But are those really the prospects you want to spend several
million dollars for? Wouldn’t it be better to run a commercial that attracts
qualified prospects instead?

Before this call, I went on to their web site just to find out some details about
the company because I knew I was going to use it as an example. I
discovered that the company’s CEO has his own philosophy about
advertising. He believes it must be "polarizing" to be effective.

Now, I’m sure that polarizing ads sometimes work – but it’s a tactic to be
tested, not a philosophy – and it’s not appropriate for every product or every
ad. But more importantly, if you’re setting out to offend half your prospects,
you’d better make darn sure your ad really sells those who aren’t offended.
And this ad did no selling whatsoever. It just showed a pretty girl and a web
address. At least give me one good reason to go there.

I guess my point is that it does no good to piss people off if no one buys what
you’re selling. You might as well just stay home.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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And of course that brings us back to the importance of tracking everything

you do and carefully testing new ideas before you go hog wild with them.

Clayton: I’m always amazed that the people who design those ads make
millions of dollars every year, and are considered to be geniuses in the
advertising world.

Brad: It’s a shame really because they seduce small businessmen into
thinking that this is the way to advertise and so they waste countless dollars
trying to entertain and amuse.

Clayton: . . Well, this is not a new problem. . As a guy that has done more to
study the history of advertising and marketing than anyone I’ve ever met, you
and I have talked often about lessons that were learned 100 years ago and
that books have been written about by some of the founders of today’s
advertising industry illustrating exactly the point that you’re making now.

Brad: I was a history major in college and I’ve always been fascinated by
history. So when I got into advertising and learned about Claude Hopkins and
read his books, I just found the subject interesting and fascinating, and so I
sought out other older books.

You know, there’s a fantastic history of advertising called The Mirror Makers,
by Stephen Fox, that is just phenomenal, and it goes through the history from
the late 1800s up to when the book was written in the 1980s. And to me it
was just fascinating.

Of course, most people listening to this call are familiar with the concept of
salesmanship in print. It was devised by John E. Kennedy in the late 1800s or
early 1900s. He shared the idea with Albert Lasker, the owner of Lord and
Thomas. And Lasker bought into it hook, line and sinker. He’d been on a
personal quest to try to figure out what advertising was.

And a lot of people thought advertising was just news. You just put the news
of your product and that was it. And people had success with that back at the
time. But Kennedy had the idea that it was selling. It’s nothing more
complicated than that.

Lasker bought into it and built the most successful agency probably in history,
called Lord & Thomas, and personally made something like $50 million. And
he was dead by 1940, so he made all this money when $50 million was real
money. It’s just a staggering amount of money.

Claude Hopkins worked for Lasker for many years and together they made
many of their clients and each other quite wealthy.

But even at the time, there were other schools of advertising. Just like today,
there was a school of advertising that said advertising isn’t either news or
selling – advertising is entertainment. And if you took a poll of people today,
that’s what they would say advertising is.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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The most famous advocate of this point of view was a guy named Ernest
Elmo Calkins. Calkins claimed that salesmanship in print didn’t work, that that
it was really all about entertainment. One of his clients was a cereal company
called Force Cereal. Force had a character called Sunny Jim associated with
it. Calkins didn’t invent him, but he used him in the advertising he did for
them. I imagine Sunny Jim was something like the Jolly Green Giant or the
Pillsbury Dough Boy.

Of course, at that time, there was no TV. So they were building this business
in print – with amusing jingles and cartoons about Sunny Jim. And Calkins’
ads made Sunny Jim one of the most famous characters in America. They
took polls, and he was apparently as famous as both President Theodore
Roosevelt and the well-known banker J.P. Morgan. Everybody knew who
Sunny Jim was and everybody loved him.

But there was just a slight little problem – nobody was buying the cereal.
Sure, they were all laughing at Sunny Jim, but they weren’t buying the
cereal. And finally the company threw in the towel and hired that famous
advocate of salesmanship in print, John E. Kennedy, to write a new
advertising campaign for them.

And the next thing you know, Force Cereal was selling like gangbusters. And
I have this great quote I looked up from Calkins after he was humbled by
Kennedy, where he said, "The advertising absolutely sold Sunny Jim to the
public, but it did not sell Force." And that’s the key point.

And the absolute best modern example of that is a campaign Nissan ran
several years back that was designed by TWBA/Chiat/Day, one of those hot,
creative advertising agencies everyone loves so much.

Hopefully, your readers will remember the campaign. Some of them featured
Ken and Barbie and GI Joe-type action figures driving toy cars. In one of the
commercials they had a dinosaur grab one of the characters and drop him
into a car. It was just really entertaining. And I loved these commercials. I
thought they were hysterical. There was one I recall where a seagull was
chasing a brand new Nissan through the streets trying to soil it, and the guy
just barely made it into his garage, and the seagull wound up impaled on his
garage door or something like that. Really funny stuff.

And the advertising industry went nuts over it. The Wall Street Journal called
one of the commercials in the campaign the most successful TV commercial
of the year. Magazines were calling them the best ads of the year. The
copywriters and art directors were invited to appear on Oprah. And they were
going to make a TV series about the characters in the ads.

The advertising industry loved the ads as well. In fact, when Lee Clow – one
of the TBWA/Chiat/Day honchos involved in creating the campaign – was
inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame, they started playing the music
from the commercial and the crowd gave him a standing ovation. They were
going nuts for this guy.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Now I have nothing against Lee Clow. For all I know, he’s a brilliant ad man.
But in this case, he got all the fame and fortune while his client got the shaft.
That’s because, despite all the adulation, there was this teeny, tiny little
problem: Nissan sales were dropping like a rock and the car dealers were in
revolt against Nissan.

I got some statistics from an article in The Wall Street Journal about the
whole fiasco. And according to them, in the first month of the campaign,
Nissan sales fell 2.7% over the previous year. The next month they fell
10.2%. Then they just fell 4%. Then they fell 2% again.

So their sales were falling. And, meanwhile, who’s their big competitor?
Toyota. And their sales are booming on the backs of the same old boring,
benefit-oriented ads featuring fat rebates. Buy a Toyota today, get a thousand
dollar rebate. These ads didn’t win any awards and nobody got on Oprah for
writing them, but they were getting bodies into the dealerships. And that’s
what the dealers cared about. They need to make a living. They’ve got to
feed their families.

In that same Wall Street Journal, there’s an incredible quote from Lee Clow
that I think sums up the problem with advertising agencies. When Clow was
told about the car dealers’ complaints, he said, "That’s car dealers. They’re
forever bitching about something. There are always people that like to damn
things that are new."

The arrogance of that statement is simply mind boggling. This guy was hired
by Nissan to sell cars. He failed miserably at it and then has the nerve to bust
their chops for having the audacity to complain.

There’s a valuable lesson here for every businessman and every corporation
in America. It’s simply that your ad agency is most likely much more
interested in winning awards and earning industry accolades than they are in
selling your product.

Interestingly enough, Nissan eventually decided it had no choice but to go

back to more traditional advertising and, believe it or not, within a month,
sales literally increased 10% over the previous year. And the next month they
increased 15% over the previous year.

So whenever you’re tempted to entertain, be darn sure you’re ready to

absorb a big drop in sales. And whenever someone tries to tell you that your
advertising has to be entertaining, demand that they show you actual results
from their past ad campaigns.

There’s another quote from The Wall Street Journal article that I found
interesting. And it said, "Not long ago, the conventional wisdom on Madison
Avenue held that advertising was all about giving people a compelling reason
to buy a product. TWBA/Chiat/Day believed advertising could have a different
goal, to create flashy images for a client and turn the company’s name into a
household name."[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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In other words, TWBA/Chiat/Day didn’t think you had to give people a reason
to buy your product. But that’s just insanity. You’d darn well better give
people a reason to buy your product, or they’re not going to buy it. And most
of the time, just having a flashy image isn’t enough. I won’t say it’s never
enough. But for most businesspeople it’s not enough. And worse than that,
it’s usually a complete and total waste of time and money.

By the way, as I said before, none of this means you should never use humor
or that you should never entertain. If you can entertain me and make me
laugh and still get me to buy your product, great. Go for it. Do it. But make
sure your track your results religiously every step of the way.

And always keep in mind that your media reps and your ad agency rep really
don’t want you to know how well your ad is working. They don’t want to be
held accountable – and usually for good reason.

I went off on a bit of tangent there, but I’d like to get back to the history for a
minute. Like you said, most of the mistakes that are made in advertising
today, were the same mistakes made 100 years ago. And Claude Hopkins
pointed them all out eighty years ago – which is one reason it’s so crucial to
read his books, Scientific Advertising and My Life in Advertising.

If you did nothing else but read those two books and followed the advice, you
would do wonders for your business. It’s always fun to look for the next big
marketing secret, but I think it’s critical to get your foundational principles
right first. And that’s what you’ll get from reading Hopkins, Lasker, and
Kennedy. And let’s not forget John Caples. He’s absolutely essential, too.

Clayton: There’s something that keeps coming back to me. In order to be

successful, in order to make a sale, any kind of ad – including any TV ad –
has to do, at the very minimum, two things. It has to create a desire for the
product, and then secondly, it has to give the prospect a way to acquire that
product. Yet the ads we’re seeing so much of right now on television are
mostly image advertising where the images don’t connect with the product in
any way. For example, the TV ad for you mentioned. What
does a pretty girl having a wardrobe malfunction have to do with registering a

It doesn’t talk about what you can do with your own URL, or tell you why you
would want an Internet site. It doesn’t create desire for the product. It’s what I
call “vampire video” – you remember everything but the name of the

Brad: Right. And I suspect most of the people who remembered the name of
the site and actually went there were going to look at the girl, as opposed to
going there to actually do some business. Because the site has additional
video of her, and pictures of her, and links to her website, and all this stuff,
and it’s all about her, this beautiful woman.

Clayton: Yeah. And so, if highly paid advertising agencies can’t do the two[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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most basic things that advertising is supposed to do, then you don’t have to
run the ads to know that they’re going to be a total failure. And if you don’t
create desire, you won’t have a buyer. And the agency should be fired.

Those are the two most basic things. Of course, accountability and tracking
are important, too, but you don’t need them if your ad creates no desire for
the product and no way for the prospect to buy. Especially when the ad
totally occupies the mind so that you don’t remember the name of the
product. You don’t need tracking to know that it’s a dog from the word go.

Brad: It’s a major problem in most advertising, not just TV advertising.

They’re not creating a desire for the product, often because they’re not even
telling you what the product is. They’re just entertaining you and then telling
you the name of the product. No where do they tell you why you should own

It’s also a mistake that so many of them don’t make you any kind of offer:
“You can buy our product for this much; here’s how you get it; here’s your
guarantee; here’s your free bonuses,” and so on and so forth. At the very
least, they should offer free information, especially in an ad where you can’t
really sell directly from the ad. For example, it would be silly to say, “To get
your new Rolls Royce, just pick up the phone and call 1-800 blah, blah, blah.”
But it wouldn’t be silly to offer free information about the Rolls.

Anybody who runs TV commercials – in fact, anyone who does any kind of
advertising – should watch infomercials from time to time. The 30 minute
commercials for a particular product that appear to be a TV show. These guys
sell, sell, sell – and often they entertain at the same time – and then they give
you a specific offer: “Send us $29.95 a month for three months, and we’re
gonna give you this incredible product that does all these things for you. And
you’re gonna get this bonus, and this bonus, and this bonus. And call this
specific phone number or log onto this website.”

Nothing is left to chance. And too many advertisers on TV and in print just
leave too much to chance. They throw out some cleverness or some funny
idea or some entertaining thing, but they don’t really make it clear what
they’re selling, why you should own it, why you must have it. Nor do they tell
you how to get it.

Your goal should be to make your product seem indispensable. It’s not
enough to just have someone say, “Oh yeah, I guess I’d kinda like to have
that some time in the future.” You’ve got to make them want it right now. And
if they don’t claim it right now, they’re going to miss out on the chance of a

Let’s go back to that commercial again. Now remember,

GoDaddy offers domain name registration and various other services related
to maintaining your own web site.

So, let’s suppose I’ve got a bunch of domains that I use for business. I’m
paying x dollars for the registration, x dollars for my web hosting, and x[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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dollars for various other related service. I’m always looking to save money –
assuming I can get the same or better service for less. Let’s further assume
that can save me money and provide me with great service.
That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I’m ready to do business or at least check
it out a little further. The only problem is, even after watching the commercial,
it’s likely I’m unaware that those are the services is offering.
So I’m probably oohing and ahhing over the girl with all my friends, but I’m
not logging on to switch my web host.

However, I’ll guarantee you that thousands of teenage boys who aren’t really
interested in the company’s services logged on so they could look at the girl.
But they’re not buyers.

My point is – and I know I’ve probably said this over and over – is that you’ve
got to make sure that your prospects know exactly what you’re selling – and
you have to inflame their desire for it by appealing to their emotions, by
showing them the benefits you offer, and by making them a specific offer. If
you can get that right, you’ll be well ahead of the game. And then you go out
and test the creative, entertaining stuff. However, 99% of the time, you’re
going to find that no matter how clever your idea is, it will lose to something
that’s based on the traditional old-style direct marketing principles.

Clayton: Well, I think you’re right, and we’re really stanking,
here. There are many others like them, but I think this interview basically is
going to turn out to be kind of a study in how to do it wrong.

Brad: We’re picking on, but that’s just because it’s what came
to mind.

Clayton: It’s almost like a case study.

Brad: Yeah. And it’s the most famous. If I talk to someone about the 2005
Super Bowl, that’s really the ad they remember.

Clayton: You know, I’m not a fan of advertising agencies, but usually they
will at least attempt to identify your prospect market, and then craft the
message in a way that speaks to those people.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: And that’s one thing that most ad agencies do quite well. And it
seems like with this site, even the name of the site tells me
that this is not a serious business site.

Secondly, the name of the site doesn’t tell me what they do. “GoDaddy”
doesn’t say anything about their product or why it’s superior. It gives me no
information at all. And then thirdly, all of that shows me that the people
behind the product don’t understand the importance of crafting a product for
a particular niche. So they’re selling cheap websites to people who can’t
afford ‘em.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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Brad: Or to folks who just don’t need web sites. I’m sure many teenagers can
afford one of their sites, but how many teenagers need it? And they’re not
making money at $7.99 a site, so they have all kinds of add-on services. I
think their business is mostly the back-end stuff. But if you’re just attracting
people who aren’t even interested in your front-end stuff, you’re never going
to sell them your back-end stuff. And by back-end I mean products you sell
to existing customers after they’ve made their initial sale. Which we’ll also
want to get into later, because that’s another big opportunity that a lot of
businesses miss out on.

Clayton: Ok, let’s move on to my next question: What two or three lessons
from all this could help a businessperson improve his or her own advertising?

Brad: The key thing – and I’ve probably said it a dozen times in this interview
– is to recognize that all your advertising, all your marketing, is selling. You’re
not trying to do anything other than make a sale. In general, if a salesman
wouldn’t do a particular thing – dance a jig, do a strip tease, or whatever – in
front of a prospect, then it’s probably a bad idea to do it in your advertising. I
won’t go so far as to say that kind of advertising never works. But most
copywriters and most businesspeople simply can’t make it work.

In general, you want your advertising to reflect what your top salesperson
would say if they were standing in front of a prospect. What exactly would he
or she do to sell the guy? He’s going to be selling benefits, emotional pay-
offs, reasons-why, Unique Selling Proposition, and all that great stuff. So, find
a good reason for your prospects to do business with you, and then share it
with them.

Claude Hopkins made a key observation in one of his books, saying that
most of the advertising he saw said nothing more than, “Give me the
business you’ve been giving to someone else. Buy from me, instead of them.”
They provided no reasons why you should do so. And I think that’s a real
problem still. Just look at the yellow pages. Most businesses use their name
as the headline, provide a list of services, and their address and phone
number. There’s no selling whatsoever other than vague and practically
worthless claims such as “great service,” “high quality,” “low prices.” The
point is, all your advertising and marketing should give your prospects very
specific reasons to do business with your company. I guess that would be my
first lesson.

The second lesson would be to actually prove that you’re going to deliver
what you’re offering. It’s not enough to just to just list all these benefits and
make an offer. When your prospects read your promise, most of them are
thinking, “Yeah, right.” And that means you need to prove that you can
deliver. And you do that with testimonials – and the more specific, the better.
Almost nobody uses enough testimonials and often the testimonials they do
use are vague. “My profits increased by 47%” is a lot better than, “You did a
great job.”

You should also include case studies of people who’ve benefited from your
product. Back up your claims with specific facts and figures. And then take[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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away all their risk with a terrific guarantee.

I find that a lot of businesspeople are afraid of guarantees. They’re afraid

people are going to take advantage of them. And I’ll tell you right up front,
people are going to take advantage of you if you offer a guarantee. But that
will always be offset by the increased response you get to your offer. After all,
what do you care if five people ask for a refund if your offer brought you 1,000
more customers than it otherwise would have?

I know, Clayton, you’ve got a great example of this from when you were
working with Martin Weiss, and you convinced them to switch from a 90-day
to a one-year guarantee.

Clayton: Well, actually what happened, Brad, was, they had a 60-day
guarantee. This is a perfect example of how being penny-wise can make you
pound-foolish. They had a 60-day money-back guarantee. So you sign up for
this $100-a-year newsletter, and you have a very small window of time to
determine whether or not you’re going to ask for a refund, to determine
whether or not you’re satisfied.

And people remember things over the short term. And as soon as they
bought – every single person who bought our product – had this mental date.
Sixty days from that day, they could still get their money back and keep all of
the free gifts, and keep all the issues they’d received in the meantime. And so
they had a fairly high cancellation rate at exactly 59 days after every major
promotion. So my argument to them was that we could get a higher response
rate by making it a one-year guarantee. Now, of course, I would have liked to
have done an unlimited guarantee – but my argument to them was that if you
can ask for a refund at any time during your subscription, they would get a
higher response rate, and that we would get fewer cancellations at that 59
day mark. And it took forever to get them to even test it. But when they did,
they couldn’t believe the results, and so we tested it a second time. And then
after the second series of tests, finally they realized that setting a short time
limit on the guarantee actually increases refund requests and lowers

Brad: Right, that’s a great example. And most businesspeople I think will find
similar things happening to them in their business. One of the things I left out
of my story about my pool cue client, Cue & Case Sales, is that we’ve always
offered a money-back guarantee. We guaranteed the dealers that the cues
would sell. If not, they got their money back, including the cost or the return

Think about what that would mean to a dealer. Our cues were brand new. He
doesn’t know for sure if customers will want them. With every other cue brand
he has to just hope and pray that they sell. But with our cue, he doesn’t have
to take a chance because they’re guaranteed. He has no risk – not even the
shipping cost, which can be quite expensive and has a real impact on a small
dealer’s profits.

We called it our “Unlimited Sales Guarantee,” that any time within the first[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

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year, if they didn’t sell the cue, or they hated the cue, or whatever, they could
just return it back to us, no questions asked. Now, we never actually tested
anything without the guarantee, so I don’t know what that did to our sales, but
I do know that it wasn’t long before virtually every major competitor was
offering the same thing.

Now I’m sure other distributors offered money back guarantees, but they
didn’t like to publicize it or talk about it. I actually talked to one major cue
brand distributor who deliberately kept it a secret.

But if I’m a dealer and I’m trying decide, “Do I want to carry low-priced cue A,
or low-priced cue B?” and brand A comes with a guarantee and brand B
doesn’t, your choice is a no-brainer. All other things being equal, you’re going
to take the one with the guarantee.

Of course, if your product or service is crappy, if what you’re selling is junk,

then a guarantee is going to hurt you. But the answer isn’t to avoid giving a
guarantee – it’s to improve the quality of your product.

The next thing is tracking. Track everything you do so you know whether a
particular ad, sales letter, direct mail package, marketing tactic, or offer is
working and how well.

Now, obviously not every ad is a direct response ad. But you can use
coupons to track. Tell those who read the ad to bring it in for a discount or a
free report or a free something related to the business you’re in.

If nothing else, at least have your employees ask your customers, “How’d you
hear about us? Where’d you get our name?” After all, it seems downright
foolish to spend thousands of dollars on a newspaper ad and then do nothing
to figure out whether or not it’s producing any results for you. The same goes
for your yellow pages ads and any other advertising you do.

And then the final thing is to always ask for the order and tell the customer
exactly what to do when they’ve finished reading your ad or sales letter. Call
a toll-free number to get the product. Come into the store and claim your free
premium. Mail the coupon for your free information kit. Or whatever.

When I was in sales they used to hit us over the head with the reminder to
always ask for the order. You don’t just leave it up in the air when you’ve
finished your presentation. And the same goes for any advertising you do.
You don’t just end your pitch and then walk away. Yet, so many ads do
exactly that. You’re expecting your prospect to know what to do and to do it.
But you’ve got to ask them to do it and then tell them how.

Another common mistake in this regard is to assume that someone will

search your ad or sales letter in order to find your address or phone number.
Some marketers will have their address in the letterhead of the sales letter or
tied into the logo in a space ad. In other words, they make the prospect work
to find it. That’s a very bad idea. You need to tell them specifically in the body
of the ad or sales letter the number to call or the address to come see you at.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

Leave nothing to chance.

You’ve got to remember that, in general, when your prospects are looking
over your ad or sales letter, it’s at the end of a hard day. They don’t want to
have to work. They’re taking it easy. Or they’re distracted by their wife and
kids. So don’t make them work any harder than is absolutely necessary.

And if you do those things, and even if you don’t do them brilliantly, you’ll
likely put yourself far ahead of your competitors who probably aren’t doing
any of this stuff. If you do it right, you can do this stuff mediocre in a lot of
markets, where there’s no one doing anything right, and you’ll be the king.
And then, you’ll have the opportunity to start really perfecting everything, and
bringing in people like Clayton Makepeace, and paying for a QwikCrit that will
drive the value of your advertising up. And soon you’ll find yourself
dominating your market.

It just breaks my heart to see people start businesses that last just a few
months or a few years when they could be around for a good long time if
they’d just follow all those great principles that have been around since 1902
and are just simply ignored.

When it comes to writing sales letters, I’m reminded of a great do-it-yourself

copywriting technique that Gary Halbert teaches. It’s a technique anyone can
emulate very profitably. You take your best salesperson and start tape
recording their sales pitch whether in person or over the phone. Do it again
and again, until he’s no longer worried about the tape record and you get him
at what Gary calls “concert pitch.”

Then you simply transcribe that sales pitch; clean it up, get rid of the “uh’s”
and “ah’s” and “hmm’s,” and it can almost practically become your sales letter
And that’s one down and dirty, simple, easy, cheap way to get a good sales
pitch in the mail.

Clayton: I think that’s great advice. And actually, one of the themes that
keeps coming back and back in this interview, is the idea that advertising is
salesmanship. And even if you don’t have a salesman, even if you’re the
person who does the sales yourself, the point of the matter is that your letter
is a salesman for you. And the letter needs to accomplish everything that a
live salesman would accomplish in approaching the prospect; getting his
attention; presenting the benefits of the product; justifying the price; asking
for the sale; and even taking the check. And so it applies brilliantly.

The next question on my list is, what can a client do that would help you to
help them more?”

Brad: Let me throw in a couple of quick additional things before I answer that
because I think they’re really important for a small businessperson to

First of all, many of the business people I talk to are completely focused on
getting new customers, while practically ignoring the customers they already[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

have or putting them on back burner. My advice is to immediately begin

devoting more resources to coming up with new offers for your current
customers, new ways to sell them. That’s where the real money is. You
spend a lot of money bringing a customer into your business; once you’ve got
them, don’t let them get away. Keep selling them.

The second thing is, don’t be afraid to lose money when you’re bringing in
new customers. It’s often worth it to lose money on the initial transaction if
you know the customer will be back to buy again and again.

Of course, this requires calculating what every customer is worth to you in the
long run, so you know what you can afford to spend to acquire them as a

And the final thing is, most businesses don’t contact their customers near
often enough. Your customers are not thinking about you all the time. And
they will easily forget about you if you don’t remind them that you exist. At the
very least you should contact your customers every month – with a special
offer, a newsletter, a new product announcement, and so forth. And I’ll bet
most businesses can even get away with more than that. For example, Matt
Furey, one of the internet’s most successful entrepreneurs contacts his
prospects and customers every single day – and he’s doing a booming
business. Every contact doesn’t necessarily have to sell something. It just
has to remind them that you’re still around and still ready to serve them.

I had a mail order nutrition client once that I somehow inherited from Gary
Halbert early in my career. And I still remember the most valuable piece of
advice Gary gave this particular client. The client had a sale mailer that he
sent a couple of times a year. He wanted Gary to come up with some
amazing technique for increasing the sales from the flyer. Gary told him to
forget that and simply to wait 30 days after mailing the offer and then send it

The client wasn’t too happy with the advice, but he did it and he did just as
much volume with the second mailing as he had with the first – perhaps

Clayton: That’s great advice and it has paid off for my clients countless times
in my career. Okay. We’re running really long, so why don’t we wrap this up
by going back to the question of what a client can do to help do a better job
for them.

Brad: It really comes down to really thinking about the stuff we’ve talked
about in this interview.

First is the obvious stuff. Tell me everything I need to know about your
product or service – all the benefits, all the features, all the reasons why
someone should buy whatever you’re selling, all the emotional wants and
needs it satisfied.

However, I wouldn’t just rely on your intuition. I recommend polling your[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

customers and making sure you know why they bought the product or
service. You may get the answer you expected or you may get answers that
surprise you.

I also need to know what’s unique about your product – and how you differ
from your competitors. And if you’re not unique – if you’re just a carbon copy
of everyone else – then find some way to make yourself unique. And don’t
forget – it doesn’t even have to be truly unique. Perhaps it’s something that
you and your competitors all have in common – but you’re the only one telling
anyone about it, so it sounds unique.

Anyone who has read Claude Hopkins knows the story of how he did that
with Schlitz beer. And if you don’t know the story, it’s essential that you get
his books and read it.

It’s also critical to think about how you’re going to prove to your prospects
that what I promise them in the advertising I write is 100% believable and
credible. That means you have to get me testimonials. If you don’t have any,
you need to go out and get them – even if you have to start giving your
product away free in order to get some.

It’s critical the testimonials are as specific as possible. “Hey, Joe, your
vacuum cleaner made my carpet 84% cleaner than it ever was before” is a lot
more powerful than “Hey, Joe, you’re great. Thanks a lot.”

Case studies also help. Find out the experiences your customers have had
with your product or service. Get the details that can make for a nice story.
And if you can get a testimonial to go along with the case study, that’s even

Next, be willing to back up whatever you’re offering with a generous

guarantee. Forget 10 day guarantees. Forget 30 days. Why not go for an
entire year? This builds credibility and, as we talked about earlier, increases
response dramatically.

I can’t stress this credibility building enough. It’s just silly to tell someone your
product is going to do all these great things for them, but you can’t even cite
one customer who has had a good experience, nor are you willing to give
them a decent guarantee.

The next thing would be to trust your writer more than you do. Many times
I’ve had my client make ill-advised changes to my copy. Sometimes they
consult me; sometimes they don’t. And I know every writer has had this
experience. It’s especially silly to fail to even mention it to the writer.

I once had a client remove the words “How to” from the headline for a
business opportunity promotion. It may not sound like a big thing, but the
words “how to” are proven to increase response. If he’d asked me, I could
have told him that. But he didn’t bother. Now why would you pay me
thousands and thousands of dollars and then not even consult me about a
change to the headline?[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

Many years ago – when I was still green and not prone to disagreeing with
clients – I had a client demand that I remove the testimonials I had built page
one of my letter around. He said something to the effect that testimonials
don’t really work. They’re not necessary. Blah, blah, blah. It was a big
mistake in my view. But when my letter lost the subsequent test, do you think
the client took any of the blame?

Clayton: Of course not.

Brad: And not only did that cost the client money, it cost me money because
I had a royalty on the package. And this wasn’t the only time. The same client
also completely changed the headline of my promo for a different product to
something I consider vastly inferior. And the promo bombed. I got blamed
and my reputation took a hit. Would the promo have worked with my
headline? We’ll never know. Amazingly, the client never told me about the
change until I got it in the mailbox and went, “Oh, my God, they ruined it!”

Clayton: Isn’t it ironic, that they’ll pay a fortune to have your write something
ostensibly because you know what you’re doing, and then once it’s written,
they treat it so cavalierly?

Brad: Yeah, it’s amazing really. And this isn’t a small, inexperienced corner
businesses I’m talking about. This happened with experienced, successful
direct response companies. If you’re a copywriter, you need to be on the look
out for this sort of thing because it can really hurt your reputation. So you’ve
got to stand up for your copy. Otherwise, when the response comes in, and
it’s bad, your name is mud.

Clayton: My friend Carline Anglade-Cole actually had a situation where they

had finalized the copy, they had finalized the art, and it went to press, and
while it was on the press, the client had second thoughts and changed the

So she didn’t know this had happened, right? And so after a few weeks,
Carline receives the package in the mail and just went ballistic.

Brad: Right.

Clayton: And then a few weeks later, the client says, “Well, your package
didn’t work. And Carline says, “Oh, did you mail my package? All I saw was
this piece of crap that you guys put out. You haven’t mailed my package yet.”
And to this day she refuses to work with that client.

Brad: And that’s probably a good strategy for her. And I tell you, throughout
my career, if there’s been any – for lack of a better word – character flaw –
that I have suffered from, it’s I’m too damn nice. My client screws things up,
and I just let it go. And it’s cost me real money. So if you’re going to be a
successful copywriter, you can’t be a nice guy when it comes to things like
that. You can’t just roll over. Sometimes you have to be a bad guy. And if
your client won’t go along with it, then yeah, you’ve got to dump the client,[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

because your reputation is so all-important.

By the way, this doesn’t mean you never listen to your client or take his
advice. Clients often have valuable suggestions to make. They usually have
more experience with their markets than I do. So listening to and carefully
evaluating what they have to say is important. But you can’t let them ride
roughshod over you just because they’re the ones signing the check.

Sometimes, of course, you’re not sure, but you have to go with what you
believe is best based on your experience. And when you’re wrong, be
prepared to take your lumps.

Clayton: Right.

Brad: I guess the final piece of advice I’d have for working with a writer is to
stop worrying so much about your image. This really isn’t an issue with our
big direct marketing clients, but it is with local businesses where the owner
has a presence or a reputation in the community – or thinks he does.

Judge your advertising on results – not on whether your wife or friends like it.
You may be embarrassed by a headline such as “The Dirty Little Secret Your
Tax Preparer is Hiding From You,” but if it brings in more response than
“John Doe, Tax Preparer,” then it’s the headline you should run.

Ultimately, you have to decide whether you want a nice image – or if you want
cold hard cash.

That reminds me. We bagged on GoDaddy, so much, but there is evidence

that adding a pretty girl to reason-why copy will increase response. I’ve never
actually done it, but Gary Halbert tells the story of a financial services client of
his who tested adding a totally gratuitous picture of a beautiful young woman
to his ad. This is the kind of ad that can be hard on your image and annoying
to your wife. But response apparently increased quite dramatically. The
woman got the attention of more men, who then took a closer look at all the
great copy Gary had written selling this particular client’s services.

However, as I recall that the client got so much grief from his wife and various
others about the girl that he eventually took her out of the ad.

And again, then you have to decide, “Do I want the image or do I want the
money?” And I always advise people, “Go for the money. Forget your blasted
image. You probably don’t have an image anyway. You just think you do.”

Clayton: Have you ever done a promotion for a Baptist church?

Brad: No, I can’t say that I have.

Clayton: Yeah, there are times when a buxom young lady in an ad probably
won’t help all that much.

Brad: In the case of a Baptist Church, I think you’d depress response.[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

Clayton: That’s great. It’s good stuff. It’s interesting to talk to somebody
who’s worked in my industry, but also with companies that don’t have strong
direct response backgrounds, because it brings a whole new dimension to
what we try to do in The Total Package.

Brad: You know, there are so many opportunities in those kinds of

businesses. In the direct response arena you and I typically work in, you’ve
got a dozen of the best copywriters in the world beating each other over the
head, competing, trying to eke out an extra quarter percent response,
whereas I could probably go down to the local mortgage broker, say, and
perhaps double his response in a month. And I wouldn’t have any
competition. Nor would I have to spend weeks slaving over the copy. The
problem is, most of these businesses simply aren’t open to hiring
copywriters, don’t believe in the power of direct response, and aren’t willing
to pay royalties.

Clayton: If there was a way I could become king, and get a law passed, it
would be that every company in America, from the smallest little dry cleaner
on up to the largest Fortune 500 company, would have to learn and use the
basic tenets of direct response marketing. Because it seems that somebody
as smart as a business person – whether he’s a small business person who
found a way to become his own boss, or whether it’s a guy running Microsoft
– it would seem that he would be smart enough to understand that if these
techniques work in promotions that are scientifically trackable, then there’s a
very good chance that the same principles would increase the response to
his advertising. But somehow that never quite crosses the blood-brain

Brad: Yeah, I don’t know what it is. It all seems so obvious – but I’ve always
found that arguing about it is pointless. It’s like talking politics and religion.
You never get anywhere.

And it’s sad in a way. So many people dream about opening their own
business, but then they do it without knowing anything about marketing and
then wind up working 80, 90, 100 hours a week just to generate new
business. As I think Michael Gerber – the author of The E-Myth – puts it, they
don’t own a business, they own a job. And then many of them wind up going
out of business. Meanwhile, the application of the direct response principles
we’ve been talking about could generate all the business they need and help
them cut way back on the number of hours they spend in the business.

Clayton: Oh, absolutely. So many more small businesses would survive and
thrive if they’d do just some of the things we’ve talked about here today.

Well, we’re out of time. But this has been great. Why don’t you share with our
readers how they can get in touch with you.

Brad: Sure, my e-mail address is And I’m in the

process of putting up a web site at I’m kicking
around the idea of starting my own e-zine, so your readers are welcome to[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

go to my site and sign up to receive info about that when it happens, or just to
ask about my copywriting and marketing services.

Clayton: Great. Brad, thank you very much for your time.

Brad: Thank you, Clayton.

Clayton: Bye-bye.

Brad: Talk to you soon. Bye.

Hope this helps,

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Evolution of a Copywriter |

← The Drayton and Clayton Show Why Your Snail Mail Fails
Episode 3 Why Your Web Stuff Stinks
And A Guy Who Really Can
Turn It All Around For You
And Make You More Money Faster
Than You Now Believe Possible →

3 Responses to Evolution of a Copywriter

Linda Kaun says:

November 6, 2007 at 4:16 am

Hey Brad and Clayton,

Thanks for a great interview. I just wanted to confirm that targeting

your local businesses for new copywriters is so helpful to them and
you! They so often have no idea about direct response writing that,
like Brad said, whatever you do is so much better than what they\\\’ve
got going- it\\\’s a big boost to your self esteem and you are really
helping them be more successful. You get put all your hard learning
to practice in an arena that doesn\\\’t have hundreds of thousands of
dollars on the line. Plus you can often do much more than just writing
by guiding them through marketing strategies as well.

Linda Kaun


JC says:
November 6, 2007 at 9:19 am

Very Interesting Interview, thought it was super.

But, I think you chose the wrong guy to dissect…Bob Parsons, I think
his name is. Parsons is one sharpe cookie though. He views the
battle field from a higher ground.
Go Daddy I believe is exploding with business and has become
number one, for registering a domaine name. And that super bowl ad
put them on the map.

It had more to do with pr then the ad itself.

They were going to run it twice during the game but CBS received so
many complaints they pulled the second clip before it could run.
Subsequently, Go Daddy didn\’t have to pay for it because it didnt air,
but guess what was on all the news shows like CNBC,and blogs the
next day? — \”CBS pulled the Go Daddy commercial!\” It got buzz.
Nationwide – free advertising.

And the owner played it for all he could, going on a lot of the talk
shows, for instance he got on Howard Stern talking about what his[11/29/2012 7:48:03 PM]

Evolution of a Copywriter |

site is all about. This is before Stern went off regular radio. So I\’d say
the roi on that ad, went through the roof.

Now for the name Go Daddy, I believe he went with the strategy of
say, google, yahoo ebay etc. There all names that\’ll stick in your

Anyways, I agree 100% what this interview was all about.

Everytime without fail…

after viewing a commercial… I find myself asking, \”WTF was that
about?!\” I\’m there trying to figure out what it all meant, and I know
the pedestrian viewer won\’t give it that much thought. They\’ll be
amused at best, and won\’t give it anymore thought.

Just my 2 cents, JC


Bernie Malonson says:

November 7, 2007 at 8:25 am

I had the pleasure of meeting Brad Petersen at a recent Jay Abraham

seminar in Los Angeles.

It never ceases to amaze me that so many Internet Marketers who

claim to be copywriting \”Gurus\”, their eyes glaze over if mention
Hopkins, Lasker, et. al.

Brad/Clayton, thanks for keeping it real!



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Posted on November 19, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
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by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?

You’d think I’d be a pretty happy guy …

After two years of doing our darndest to make sure The Total Package really
does help you get bigger winners more often, we have received more than
1,500 testimonials from subscribers and customers saying …

The quality of TTP is stellar – the best in the business by far.

Our products are the most effective of their kind and are priced well below
what others charge for lesser quality.

Plus …

We’ve built a world-class archive containing more than 280 helpful articles
on marketing strategy, copywriting, media selection, business
management and much more.

We have a year’s worth of our EasyWriters Marketing Club’s benefits in

our archive:

Twelve timeless 20-page print newsletters …

Twelve 60-minute audio interviews on CD …

Twelve videos of our live one-hour webinars …

The best-known and most respected names in our space admire us and[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

are eager to work with us.

Every forum and blog in our space has hundreds of references to us and
our products – and every single one of them I’ve seen is beyond positive.

You’d think I’d be satisfied. But you know what? I’m not satisfied. In fact, I’ve
been more than a little frustrated that we’re not growing five or ten times
faster than we are.

I figure there are about 20 million businesses that can profit from the help we
offer for free in The Total Package. And until at least five or ten percent of
them are on our subscription file, there’s no way we’re going to even think
about resting on our laurels.

In fact, I’ve been nagging The Redhead about it for weeks now.

“Why aren’t we growing faster?” I whine.

I can pretty much count on my Wendy smiling … taking my hand in hers …

gazing adoringly into my eyes … and saying something like … “Shut up, you
old bugger!”

Rich Schefren may have just saved my marriage

Sunday morning, to prepare for a Monday morning chat with my new friend
Rich, I had to read a preliminary unfinished draft of a new special report he’s

Five hours later (40 minutes reading; four hours and 20 minutes of note-
taking), I came to the conclusion that Rich Schefren is a certified genius.

And he’s going to make us all hundreds of millions of dollars if we’ll let him.

And by “we,” I mean me. And, of course, you.

Now, before I say another word, there are a couple of things you need to

FIRST, I’ve often said that most self-appointed marketing gurus are little
more than puffed up, megalomaniac gasbags who extract outrageous
amounts of money from starry-eyed newbies in return for decades-old
information they’ve stolen from others.

Not Rich Schefren. He’s the real McCoy: A certifiable genius when it comes
to web marketing strategy. An advocate who, like me, insists on
underpromising and overdelivering. That’s why Agora and other major
companies count on him to help craft their web strategies – and why you[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

should get to know him, too.

SECOND, I’m not benefitting in any way for telling you this. I will not make
one extra penny if you decide to check out Rich’s site – – or even if you wind up buying everything that
proceeds from Rich’s mighty pen from now until kingdom come – which I
predict, if you’re smart, you ultimately will.

Because I certainly intend to.

Fact is, my ONLY motivation in introducing you to Rich is that I am

absolutely, positively convinced that he will make you money: Big, heaping,
disgusting stacks of the stuff.

So let’s review: I don’t respect many marketing gurus, but I hold Rich
Schefren in the highest esteem. I don’t benefit in any way by saying that or
introducing you to him.

My hand to God.

We clear on that?


Now, follow this chain of logic …

1. It is an objective fact that, in order to attract a prospect or make a
sale, you must first get his or her attention.

2. Attention is getting harder to come by: The information explosion – the

proliferation of cable TV channels … XM radio channels … direct mail
promos and catalogs … spam in our inboxes and ads on every website
we visit – have made ATTENTION the scarcest and most valuable
commodity in the world today.

3. Online, attention can be the most valuable currency.

Try this:

I’m thinking of a celebrity who can’t act … can’t sing or play a

musical instrument … doesn’t excel in any sport, design high
fashion or report the news … doesn’t produce a product of any
sort: A completely superficial, trivial, vacuous, worthless,
pointless human being if there ever was one.

Nevertheless, the media gives her tons of attention, and has

made her “famous for being famous.”

Can you name her?[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

You said Paris Hilton – right?

Now Google her.

You’ll see there are 1.47 million pages bearing her name.
That’s 2,940 more pages than reference me.

Now, that’s attention!

And even though she has no product to sell, that attention earns
her $6 million a year in personal appearance fees and product

Attention is indeed a valuable commodity!

4. There’s more than one kind of attention online:

A. Positive attention:Anything that that causes your prospects

to seek you out … to depend on you … to trust you … and to
want more of you.

B. Negative attention: Anything that causes your prospects to

avoid you … to feel they can’t depend on you … and most
devastating, to distrust you.

5. You can create positive attention: Rewarding new subscribers by

delivering something of tremendous value when they opt in (a report,
video, podcast, online event, teleseminar, etc.) means they’ll be infinitely
MORE likely to give you their attention the next time you ask them to
open, read or click a link in an e-mail. Or click an ad. Or buy from your
landing page.

6. You can also create negative attention: Punishing new subscribers by

delivering something of little or no immediate value (a landing page
posing as a “special report” that instead, merely pitches a product while
delivering no actionable information or advice) pretty much guarantees
they’ll be infinitely LESS likely to give you their attention the next time you
ask for it.

7. It’s idiotic to blow good money on paid ad campaigns to generate

new subscribers who do not trust you and therefore, who are
unlikely to buy from you in the future.

By this definition, most online marketers are idiots

– including, as it turns out, ME![11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

Until now, too many direct response companies have built their online
marketing strategy on the venerable old direct mail paradigm that we all know
so well.

The fact that this paradigm works only about one-tenth as well in the mail as
it used to hasn’t even begun to cause us to question its efficacy: Most mailers
I know just figure their direct mail isn’t working as well as it once did because
the health and wealth markets have matured.

Our prospects are older, wiser, disillusioned – or worse, simply dead, and are
being replaced with a new generation that doesn’t relate to print newsletters –
who prefer to get their information and advice online (, … or on TV (CNBC, Discovery Health Channel) … or in
magazines (Money, Prevention).

But what if that’s wrong?

What if most mailers’ DM efforts are failing simply because their direct mail
prospects are on to them?

What if their prospects have figured out that nearly everything these
companies sends them contains the message, “You can’t trust anything we

Let’s think through how many deceptions we can find in a typical direct mail
promotion …

They pose as something of value: A magazine … or a special report …

or a tabloid … or a book. Many of them even display “Newsstand Prices”
on their covers.

The prospect, of course, learned long ago that these mail pieces are
NOT magazines or special reports or books. Any prospect with an IQ
bigger than his shoe size knows they’re promos and that the company
that’s mailing it is trying to trick him – right off the bat.

They offer prospects a bundle of “free” reports: But the prospect soon
discovers the free gifts aren’t really free. He has to subscribe to get them.
Another deception.

The prospect is told his “free reports” have high value: But when he
receives those reports, they’re often little more than poorly written, eight-
page scraps of cheaply-printed paper. More deception.

The prospect is told that he’s getting a valuable discount for

subscribing now: But any prospect who can fog a mirror couldn’t help
but notice that he’s seen scores of promos for the product over the years
– and that the price is ALWAYS discounted. (Kind of getting hip-deep in
here, isn’t it?)

The prospect is told that if he doesn’t like the newsletter, he can get
his money back and can keep the free reports: But the prospect knows
as well as the mailer does that he is unlikely to ever take the time to[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

actually claim his refund.

So the question is, after as many as 35 years experience receiving

promotions that commit one or more of these cardinal sins, wouldn’t any
sentient being see right through them?

Of course they would!

And wouldn’t anyone with an intellect more advanced than that of a snail
darter have realized that the company’s marketing copy can’t be trusted?


And so, when faced with another promotion from the same company – this
one offering a different investment service or maybe a nutritional product –
wouldn’t a rational person distrust the sales message and promptly turn the
sales letter into bird cage liner?

I’ve got to confess: Looking at this old DM model in this new light, I’m amazed
it ever worked.

Its one saving grace was probably that when well-done, these promos
delivered plenty of value – actionable advice on improving health or growing
wealth – and that advice; those proof elements; were just enough to suspend
just enough disbelief to turn one in every 100 or 200 prospects into

The triumph of hope over experience

Nevertheless, the very companies that are experiencing declining results in
the mail now appear to be eager to repeat those failures online. And of
course, their beloved direct mail paradigm is a pretty miserable failure in the
virtual world as well.

And yet, like a bunch of lunatics in an asylum – doing the same thing the
same way over and over again and each time expecting a different result –
they just keep at it …

They attempt to attract new subs by offering a “free report”

in paid ads and PPC efforts – then, once they’ve captured
their prospects’ e-mail addresses, they direct them to a
high-hype landing page with NO actionable advice or value

At their very first contact with a new subscriber – the ONLY

chance they’ll ever have to create a first impression – these
companies prove that they’re not to be trusted.[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

RESULT: Conversion rates stink. Many new opt-ins

immediately opt out; some, before they’ve seen their first issue
of their e-zine.

Many of those who don’t get around to opting out don’t open or
read their free e-zines or read or click the links in promotional
e-mails that follow. Open rates and click-thru rates are

And since everything else these companies ever do with that

subscriber is colored by that first impression, those who do stick
and do read the free e-zines never forget they caught the
company in a lie on their very first date – and therefore, they’re
slow to trust any claim in the company’s promotional copy.

But what if …
What if instead, the company had offered a free report and then – hold on,
this may shock you – actually delivered a report and not a pitch?

And what if the report was packed with useful, actionable information and
advice – more helpful content than the products that its competitors are
charging big bucks for?

And what if there was absolutely, positively not even one whiff of an offer in
the report?

How would its new prospects, leads, opt-ins feel then?

… Like they’d found a friend, an advocate, a partner they could really trust?

… Like they couldn’t wait to hear from your company again?

… Like they almost have an obligation to jump at any offer you make them in
the future?

How many would opt out? I’m betting zero.

How would your open rates and click-thru rates rise? I’ll wager they’d double
or even triple.

How many more of your new leads would you convert to customers? I think
you’d be looking at a veritable sales explosion.

And your customer lifetime value? Off the ever-lovin’ charts!

Wowzers. What a difference!

See what getting inside your prospects’ heads gets[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

Now, whether you’re creating direct mail promotions and looking for a
breakthrough … or banging your head against the wall trying to create a
tsunami of new customers online … here’s what I’d suggest:

1. Print this article and read it once each day this week. Think about how
you’re marketing now. Think about how your prospects and customers
feel about the promotions they’re getting from you. And think long and
hard about how, by creating stronger bonds of trust with your prospects
and customers, you might get more attention from them – higher open
rates, higher readership and greater response rates.
I’ll bet you come up with something brilliant.

2. Watch this space over the next week or so. You can’t buy Rich Schefren’s
new blockbuster now. In fact you won’t ever be able to buy it – when it’s
published, it’ll be free.
I’ll be one of the first to give you the link so you can be one of the first to
put it to work for you.

Hope it helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← Evolution of a Copywriter Talking Turkey →

4 Responses to Why Your Snail Mail Fails

Why Your Web Stuff Stinks
And A Guy Who Really Can
Turn It All Around For You
And Make You More Money Faster
Than You Now Believe Possible[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

Tommy says:
November 19, 2007 at 2:11 pm

You have brass balls pal.

I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to see a pro such as yourself

drop the pants on an industry that has practiced some short on
character techniques

Rich didn\’t invent this idea btw.

He\’s just championing it.

It\’s called honesty

I have the utmost respect for your honesty today. You are an

The best article you have ever written

and you are right this concept will make you FILTHY rich

Words cannot describe how happy you made me today

I cannot wait to see what your talent does with this


Louis says:
November 19, 2007 at 2:23 pm

Thanks, Clayton.

I\’ve always wondered why I kept those kinds of magalogs. They\’re

supposed to make up your swipe file but they\’re sooooo boring even
on topics I\’m otherwise interested in. I got tired of looking for the

And then they offer all these premiums and I\’m wondering what\’s
wrong with the product that they have to give away all this extra junk.

It seems like several physical book sellers learned this lesson a

couple of years ago. They learned it more quickly than the mailers.

I still have files full of downloads I was \”bribed\” to take to help make
someone\’s book a best seller. I noticed they quit doing that. That
was shortly after I quit buying books marketed that way. Go figure.

I\’m looking forward to more marketers figuring this out so we\’ll have
better advertisements to read and write.[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...


Markus Trauernicht says:

November 19, 2007 at 3:37 pm

I think you just said what most copywriters suspected, but not
knowing any other way. Or were to afraid to see and recognize. But
then – what else can one do to get attention? Perhaps the down-to-
earth „ lets keep balls low“ as we say in Fussball in Germany makes
sense. So you actually hit the goal and don\’t kick way over it.

Quite often I get emails from people asking me why I have so many
spelling mistakes on my websites. So today I put the most recent
letter on my webpage, which was written by a „Tiefenpsychologe“ and
asking me why I do overlook these spelling mistakes including my
answer to the letter. I put it up to establish credibility – “here is
someone who has nothing to hide”. The answer is quite easy – if the
content is all right, spelling mistakes do not matter! Perhaps it even
seems more authentic. Like the „Bill Gates out of the garage real

Same with a short Camtasiavideo I put up for an ebook in the

salesletter, splittesting it against the identical salesletter without the
videolink inside the salesletter. It was a bit unprepared, I was
stumbling along, I jumped over words like I normally do – but sales
more than doubled with this video. It was a bit embarrassing, but the
numbers were right. I guess because it seems so much more
authentic. Then sales dropped to the old level, but I did not pay
attention. Months I found out that my unprofessional flashfilm was
damaged and didn\’t work anymore. Duh!

I think it was all about authenticity. That sixth sense – people feel,
see or whatever you might call it, if something is for real or not.

Just today I listened to an interview by Bob Bly and Daniel Levis. It

really hit me when they pointed out the difference between long sales
letters for a product and the capture of a name and email. I really
shortened the salesletter for the email capture to a few lines – an opt-
ins drastically increased – today! It just seems so much more serious
to not write a long salesletter to capture an email. After all its just an
email in the prospects eyes! Anything too long would look suspicious
– wouldn\’t it? I mean it already feels dumb to write a long salesletter
to capture an email?!? But I did it over and over again. Actually
seems obvious that having a long salesletter – just to get an email
address – looks like you are desperate or trying to fool someone.

But the word „actually“ implies it is not actually obvious.

Rich Schefren gave out a list few days ago – „472 phrases that keep[11/29/2012 7:48:16 PM]

Why Your Snail Mail Fails Why Your Web Stuff Stinks And A Guy Who Really Can Turn It All Around For You And Make You More Money Faster Than You Now Believe Possible | MakepeaceTotalPack...

attention“. Plain outright valuable. I lies here printed out, dog-eared

and needs to be reprinted. I have used a whole number of phrases for
a salesletter I am writing now.

I guess the plain forward „what you see is what you get and a bit
more“ is what will get response in any market. And establish

What I am trying to say. A big Thank You !!! from my side for all the
valuable information I get from your website. As someone who is just
starting out as a copywriter the content on your website, and those I
got to know over your website, is so practical and down-to-earth

Markus Trauernicht from Berlin


Dean Kennedy says:

November 21, 2007 at 12:21 am

Clayton, you\’ve nailed it. I resonate strongly with this thinking. This is
the exactly the Collier-style \”conversation in my mind\”.

Funnily enough, it was only 36 hours ago I was reading Rich\’s

material about getting attention, and his blog entry about his recent
dismay watching buyers at an internet seminar.

That\’s why I love Rich\’s stuff, and the \”over-delivery\” of value.

That\’s also why I love what YOU and the Total Package team give
as well. And there\’d be less than 4 people that I can think of that I\’d
say that about.

To me, a lot of this is about the levels of \”awareness\” that Tony

Flores covered in your Easy Writer\’s newsletter a few months back,
on Eugene Schwartz\’s Breakthrough Advertising.

When someone gets it right, they have an open invite to the top of my
inbox. Most of the other stuff is just noise. Even with social
communities, the same techniques will still be effective, and
eventually the same filters will keep out the BS.


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Talking Turkey
Posted on November 22, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. world
They are consumed in twelve minutes. by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Half-time takes twelve minutes.
Do You Believe?
This is not coincidence.”

– Erma Bombeck

There’s a holiday tradition in many homes across America. You may have
experienced it yourself.

You sit around a table that’s literally sagging with a mouth-watering feast, but
– before you can touch one crumb of food – you have to say something
you’re thankful for first.

Well, that’s what we’re going to do today. The contributing editors of The
Total Package and an assortment of staff want to sit down with YOU around
this virtual “table” and share what we’re thankful for.

You just might be surprised at what we say …

The Redhead says I have to write a

few paragraphs saying what I’m
thankful for – and that she damn well
better make the top of list …[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

That goes without saying of course. But the fact that something is obvious
never seems to stops her from saying it anyway.

Truth is, without Wendy, none of this other stuff would mean a thing. And it
also goes without saying our kids are right up there too – along with my two
grown kids and their kids.

I’m also thankful – and frankly, more than just a little amazed – that I’m in
good health (knock on wood) despite 55 years of hard living, hard work …
and hard partying!

And I remain ever-thankful for my clients – the nice folks who let me make
them richer and never, ever complain that I keep a little of what I make them
for myself.

Plus, I’m especially thankful this year for the friendship, hard work and
inspired ideas every member of our little team brings us every day.

So thank YOU, Tony Flores … Martha Shelton … Deanna Blanchard …

John Newtson … David Dittman … Graham & Forrest Livengood … Pete
Schissel … Tanya Lopez … Tim Jones … and Margaret Ruff!

Then there are the wonderful Total Package

who bring so much value to these pages six days
a week:
Troy White – our business growth specialist – for sharing his business-
building wisdom with us each week …

Daniel Levis – a great personal friend, true marketing genius and world-
class online copywriter in his own right …

Julie McManus, – our Web Media Babe and another great personal friend –
who not only shares her web-based promos brainstorms with you every
Friday, but also makes my Response Ink clients and me a ton of money
every month …

John Newtson – the Grand Champion of our Power Marketing Summit

copywriting contest – who shares the lessons he’s learning with you every
other Saturday …

David Dittman – the manager of our web design department who could
probably design a website that would wash your socks for you if I asked him
to – and shows you how you can do it, too in his semi-monthly Saturday
issues …

Tony Flores – the editor of our EasyWriters Marketing Club’s monthly 20-
page print newsletter, The Screamin’ Eagle and ace product developer –[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

whose amazing analysis of effective copywriting techniques each month gets

as many or more “Thank-Yous” from readers than I do …

All the guest editors who bring even more value to our pages each week:
Luminaries like “The Legendary Gary” (Gary Bencivenga) … Bob Bly …
Carline Anglade-Cole … Doug D’Anna … Michael Masterson … Drayton Bird
… Boardroom VP and Target Marketing’s “Marketer of the Year” Brian Kurtz
… and too many others to name here.

And this year more than any other in memory,

I have something new to be thankful for:
New friends …
… like the legendary, notorious oft-infamous and sometimes, downright
scandalous DRAYTON BIRD – the genius behind the success of David
Ogilvy’s direct response division – who has earned a warm spot in my heart
through our daily e-mail and phone conversations.

Then, there are all the new friends I’ve made after interviewing them for our
EasyWriters – like Joe Sugarman … Ted Nicholas … Perry Marshall …
Michel Fortin … and Yanik Silver.

And most recently, I’m thankful for Rich Schefren – without a doubt one of
the most brilliant and principled people and innovative marketers I have ever
had the privilege to meet.

Finally – and I don’t want to get all mushy on you here – I’m thankful for
YOU, dear reader.

Your friendship, your accolades in our feedback box and at the end of each
issue and most importantly, your trust means the world to me and to
everyone else here at The Total Package.

We believe in you, too. Your dreams are what inspire us to work overtime to
deliver proven, actionable information, ideas and advice in every issue.

So Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. Congratulations for all you’ve achieved in

2007 … and here’s to 2008 turning out to be your most successful year ever!

– Clayton

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wendy, aka: The Redhead here …

The things I’m most thankful for …

Being Red! It seems to give me permission to be a little hot headed and[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

everyone around me just takes it in stride … because, I’m The Redhead!

Those who are around me all the time know I’m a bit on the hyper side and
much like a bull in a china shop. You know, my Mom always called me that
when I was young. I guess some things you just don’t grow out of. So, I’m
thankful for all of those who just step aside and let me go without (hopefully)
taking it personally.

I’m thankful for Clayton. The one and only person that truly understands me
and loves me anyway. I’ve never known unconditional love until Clayton, and
it’s truly amazing and wonderful. So, thank you sweetie, for loving me and all
my eccentricities…of which there are many!

I’m thankful for my children. The two best children in the world. And, I know
everyone thinks that about their kids, but, in this case it’s really true!

My daughter is super smart, beautiful and very sweet. She is always thinking
about everyone else. She would rather take any consequences than have
someone else’s feelings get hurt. She is definitely one of those “deep
thinkers” much like her dad. And, if you saw some of the things she writes,
well, let’s just say you would be very jealous. Keep an eye out for her,
someday you will see her book on the New York Times Best Seller list.

Then there’s my son. What a wonderful, sweet boy. He’s going to be a

fabulous family man some day. I know, because of the way he loves his
family now. He’s a whiz with all things technical. If we need something fixed,
we call on him. He thinks the Geek Squad – I mean the Web Team here at
our office – is hallow ground. He would love every one of our Web guys to be
his older brother because they are the coolest of the cool! And, Halo …
forgetaboutit … most people won’t even consider trying to play against him.
And, watch out, he’ll negotiate so cleverly that in the long run he ends up
getting what he wants … now that he got from me!

Speaking of the Web Team …

I’m very thankful for the guys who make up our Web Team …

David, who is one of the hardest working guys I know and keeps everything
so calm during the storm. And, everyday here is like a storm!

Graham, who’s a great resource because he knows just about everything

about anything … and, who I can always count on to say, “You got it!” every
time I ask him to do something for me.

Forrest, whose creativity shows in both his work and his jokes!

Pete, who never gives up. I actually interviewed him last year and although it
was a tough decision, ended up hiring David. Then, Pete sent me an e-mail
about a year later and asked if we needed anymore help. I was working on
the ad for a new web designer that very day! So, we hired him right away and
are very thankful we did![11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

Then there’s the rest of our staff …

John, whose passion as an Internet Information Junkie helps me understand

this crazy world of Internet Marketing.

Martha, who is the best and sweetest customer service representative

anyone could ever have and is like the energizer bunny … she keeps going
and going and going …

Deanna, whose talents are very apparent because many of our readers
actually think I write this good!

Tanya, who is our longest employee and jack-of-all-trades. She keeps me

and our money in check and makes sure the IRS doesn’t come knocking on
our door. And, I have to say this … CONGRATULATIONS on being pregnant
with TWINS! Good luck! I know from personal experience that she has had
with my kids, that she will be a fantastic mom!

Tim, who’s my honey … my “honeydewer”! He keeps the house, yard, office

and equestrian center running … and is one of the most loyal workers I’ve
ever been fortunate to have working for me. There isn’t anything you could
ask him that he wouldn’t do.

Margaret, who is becoming my kids adopted “Nanna” … that’s a North

Carolina thing …

My Mom, Step-Dad, Sisters – Debbie and Karen, and Brother Richard … as

unique as we are all, we somehow manage to keep it together as a family.
We are all over the country now, but, always together in spirit.

And, last but not least, our Total Package Readers. The emails I get with
your kind words, inspiration and creative feedback are wonderful, and I
appreciate all of you more than you can know.

I am thankful for …

This U.S. Thanksgiving I first wanted to share my gratitude for

you. This has been an amazing year for me in business, and
in my personal life – and you are to thank.

Only 6 short years ago I was in a career I loathed (computer sales to big
corporations) – today I absolutely love what I do and who I get to work with.

Working with Team Makepeace has been an incredible experience, and I am

sure by now you see all that they do to give you solid usable ideas to grow
any size of business quickly. Seriously, the daily content here is much more
valuable than many paid services out there today![11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

So thank you dear reader, it has been a pleasure writing these for you every
week, I hope that you are enjoying them, and please have a very safe and
happy holiday.

Next, I want to thank my wife Kari, and twin daughters Katrina and
Hailey. These 3 are the ones who keep me somewhat sane and grounded.
They keep me from working 23.5 hours a day (hey – I love what I do!) – and
they keep me laughing ALL the time. Kari is my business partner, and has
the rare ability to figure out what my next crazy promotional idea is, how it
works … then she helps me get it out there. Without them, it just wouldn’t be
fun at all. My daughters keep me young, keep me laughing, and help me
remember what is TRULY important. Money without family, fun and laughter
is just not the same.

May you have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday!

– Troy White, Editor, Small Business Mastery

I am thankful for life, pure and simple, and everything that

goes with it – in particular the readers of THE TOTAL

– Daniel Levis, Editor, The Web Marketing Advisor

Today is Thanksgiving, and I hope you have a peaceful day

free of familial conflict. When considering what I’m thankful for
this time of year, I tend to look at the day-to-day. Anyone who
knows me well knows I’m neither too mushy nor too serious.
In fact, today I’m thankful the world’s two most annoying cats
used the litter box instead of the potted plant behind the sofa.
I’m thankful to the grumpy grocery cashier that rang up my groceries last
night. I’m even more thankful I’m not her (no offense to grocery cashiers). I’m
thankful for 1st Wave on Sirius satellite radio so I can listen to the music I
loved in high school. I’m even more thankful there a very few pictures of me
from high school. And I’m especially thankful none can be found on the

But in all seriousness folks… let’s move on to the big stuff:

I’m thankful for Brian, the most wonderful, caring, handsome and wicked
funny husband in the world. I’m even more thankful for the back rubs he
gives me and the silly jokes he makes at the end of a stressful day. I’m
especially thankful when he bars our three year-old from the bathroom while[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

I’m taking a bath. I’m eternally thankful for the recent 20 year anniversary of
our first date and 15 year anniversary of our wedding.

I’m thankful for my eight year old daughter Rowan. When people ask me how
old she is I immediately want to say six … she’s growing up so fast and
exactly where the last two years went I’m not sure. I’m even more thankful
that my smart little cookie got a perfect 100 on 12 consecutive spelling tests
she’s taken this year. I’m especially thankful when she shares her toys with
what she considers to be the most annoying little sister in the world. And I’m
eternally thankful when she wants to sit in my lap and cuddle with me
because I know those days are numbered.

I’m thankful for my three year-old daughter Bridget. Bridget is a fireball and I
know she’s going to grow up to be an extremely driven woman … so watch
out. I’m even more thankful that she pooped on the potty for the first time this
past weekend. I’m especially thankful when she looks me in the eyes and
says “you’re my best friend” and then cocks her head to the side and gives
me a smile that would melt even the most frozen heart. I’m eternally thankful
when she finally falls asleep at the end of her always busy day.

I’m thankful for my Mother. I’m eternally thankful she enjoys babysitting her
two amazing granddaughters.

I’m thankful for my Brother. I’m eternally thankful that he’s extremely handy
and always willing to help me out in a pinch.

I’m thankful for my good friends. I’m eternally thankful they always forgive me
for not calling often enough.

I’m thankful for my assistant Christine. I’m eternally thankful her strengths are
my weakness.

I’m thankful for my clients. I’m eternally thankful they trust me with the growth
of their business and send me money!

And last but certainly not least …

I’m thankful to Clayton and Wendy Makepeace who have given me so many
opportunities including writing In the ‘Net Trenches for The Total Package.
I’m even more thankful that Deanna, John, David, Graham, Forrest, Pete and
Martha don’t yell at me when my issues are late every week … you guys are
awesome. I’m especially grateful to you, dear reader, for reading my issues

And I’m eternally grateful for the kind comments and words of thanks I
receive from you on a near weekly basis. That makes it all worthwhile.
Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season!

– Julie McManus, Editor, In the ‘Net Trenches[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

Although I have a lot to be thankful for …

Work I’m passionate about (annoyingly passionate

depending on who you ask) …
I’m surrounded daily by extremely intelligent, dedicated
people who are actually fun to work with …
Clayton and Wendy for bringing me into this business (and
letting me tinker with theirs) …
I live in a vacation spot and drive through gorgeous
mountain views everyday to get to the office (a big corner
one with giant windows looking out on said gorgeous
mountain views) …

… I’m most thankful because I spend every day with the love of my life. No,
not Clayton. Don’t be weird. I’m talking about my wife Katrina who, besides
being brilliant, beautiful and funny, is crazy enough to pick up and move to a
remote region of NC because her husband wanted to write junk mail.

Oh, and for Starbucks. Seriously, when local coffee shops are only open from
8am – 5pm you really start to appreciate a coffee shop that’s open when you
actually need caffeine (like on either end of an 8-hour drive to visit family). So
Starbucks – I love you, corporate giant.

– John Newtson, Copywriter and Editor, Life in the Fast Lane

Let’s face it, life is crazy. We work our knuckles to the bone
day in and day out. Constantly learning, and working towards
our goals and dreams. Now, it’s time to sit back and try and
remember just who and what you’re working for.

I think it’s easy to get so caught up with your daily grind that
you forget about all the things that are great in life and worth working hard

Such as Football, 3-day work weeks and Chuck Norris … Oh yeah, family
and all that other stuff too.

In truth, I have a great job and I’m most thankful of that.

The people I work with are great. You guys know all about Clayton and
Wendy, and, yes, as you expected they are great to work with. You have also
heard about John Newtson and Tony Flores – they are great strategists,
copywriters and friends. My knowledge has increased 100-fold from getting
the opportunity to work with all of them on a daily basis.

Here are some of the unsung heroes that you may not know as much
about …[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

Martha Shelton – she is the greatest. She’s extremely fun to work with and so
patient with our needs, yet such an incredible worker in both knowledge and
production. She gets more done in a day than any of us and she does it all
while also catering to our constant interruptions. I am truly impressed and
honored to get to work with her and thankful of her and her helpful
suggestions for renting movies.

Deanna Blanchard, she is a wonderful copywriter and instrumental in our

success. She is one of the newer members of the team, but she puts up with
more than you know …

She puts up with this …

Graham Livengood, Forrest Livengood and Pete Schissel, what to say about
these guys … I’ll start by letting you know that we are all children. We can
amuse ourselves for hours on end, talking about Chuck Norris and listening
to “One Night Bangkok” by Murray Head. 90 to 95 percent of conversations
are nonsensical and drive the rest of the office crazy when they are forced to
be in our company.

Let me tell what a joy it is to come to work and be able to enjoy the people
around you. All three of them are tireless workers with a great sense of
humor. If I need a laugh, I have two professional comedians on staff –
seriously Graham and Forrest are both improv comics. And while Pete might
not be a professional comedian, he probably could be.

These guys are very unique, and, of course, by unique I mean slightly crazy
and mostly disturbing. A few cards short of a full deck so to speak. We have
conversations that would confound and frustrate most normal people. Now
you should understand why I give so much credit to the rest of the staff for
putting up with us … Thanks, John and Deanna!

And if all that wasn’t enough, they are three of the most knowledgeable guys,
not just great web designers. Seriously, just ask them and they’ll tell you over
and over just how smart they are … over and over …

Frankly, it’s unfair to the rest of the world that I get to work with these guys
and I’m truly thankful. The team here is like no other I’ve had the privilege of
working with and I know how lucky I am to be a part of it.

I could write pages on how important my family is in my life, my Mom and

Dad are truly giving and an example for me to follow, and my sisters define
work ethic and success. Or what a great friend John Newtson has been, but I
have to keep this brief.

To recap, thanks Clayton and Wendy for the opportunities and friendship that
you have given me and continue to give. Because of you both I have a lot to
be thankful of.

I hope everyone out there has a great Thanksgiving![11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

– David Dittman, Web Designer and Editor, Working IT Out

I’m Clayton’s newest copy cub, so I’m just happy to be here!

Fortunately, that ties in nicely with this whole Thanksgiving


I’m grateful to Clayton and Wendy for believing in me and

giving me a chance, despite my lack of experience. I can’t imagine a better
place to improve my skills as a copywriter and learn the direct response

I’m also thankful for …

My quirky co-workers who make this such a fun place to work …

Company lunch days …

My cozy office with the breathtaking mountain views …

And Mollie, the office dog, who plays a mean game of fetch.

And I would like to give special thanks to my family who supported me

through this career change and encouraged me to pursue the work I love.

– Deanna Blanchard, Copywriter

I know, I know, everyone is expecting to hear that “families”

are what everyone is most thankful for, and when it comes
right down to it, families are what most people really are
thankful for – myself included.

But the reason that I feel very thankful for my family, is

because throughout the years, my family has been held together by love and
concern with numerous hospital room visits.

To name a few, my brother has had Spinal Meningitis, two kidney transplants,
a brain aneurism and various car accidents … my father has been admitted to
the hospital with numerous bouts of Pneumonia, due to his emphysema …
and my mother has had both legs amputated, numerous heart related
surgeries and a stroke.

Throughout it all, my family has always banded together for each other. My
brother is now doing well, and my parents are both in a nursing home.
Although they have dwindling health, they thankfully have their minds. This
may be the first Thanksgiving that we have had without everyone being
home. But if so, we will be together at the rest home. It’s not the meal that
counts – it’s the family time that you spend, and we want to cherish all the[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

time that we have together.

Although I do not have any children, I have four cats which I dearly love. A
14-pounder, a 20-pounder, and two strays that I adopted. I’m thankful for my
husband, who means the world to me. I could not have found a nicer guy.

I am thankful for my job – hey, working for Clayton and Wendy Makepeace,
could you get any better? Trust me on this one, anyone who works for them
would NEVER want to leave.

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and ask anyone that has
relatives in a nursing home to please visit. When my mother was moved to a
different nursing home, I couldn’t find it. I stopped and asked at five different
places (in a small town) where it was and no one had ever heard of it. I finally
found it after calling the nursing home and getting directions. I told the guy I
spoke with that I had made five stops to ask people where the nursing home
was and no one knew. He said “What does that tell you?”

Think about it …

Oh yeah! I could not have hand picked a better team to work with.

Happy Thanksgiving All!

– Martha Shelton, Customer Service

Now it’s your turn. What about The Total Package are YOU thankful for? We
would love to hear your comments.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Clayton, Wendy, The Total Package editors and staff


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← Why Your Snail Mail Fails Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! →

Why Your Web Stuff Stinks
And A Guy Who Really Can[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

Turn It All Around For You

And Make You More Money Faster
Than You Now Believe Possible

13 Responses to Talking Turkey

Ron says:
November 22, 2007 at 8:19 am

Thanks Be To Our Creator. Help At 4:00AM In The Morning Without

A Whimper. Assistance With Our Brother\’s Needs. Nice To Be
Around. Kind To Even Our Enemies. Service To Others.
I\’m giving thanks to everyone, even my enemies, without all of us
here on earth, life wouldn\’t be as worthwhile as it is.


Joe says:
November 22, 2007 at 8:32 am

Thank you, Clayton and company for steadfastly sending out a

newsletter with solid, usable content and amazingly devoid of fluff. It
says a lot about who you are.


Tammy says:
November 22, 2007 at 9:17 am

Dear Clayton, Wendy and Everyone,

Just taking a second on Thanksgiving morning to tell you all how

grateful I am for you.
I am so thankful I signed up for your newsletter, I enjoy it so much.
I hope this day of thanks and gratitude is a great one for all of you.

Have a safe, wonderful and blessed Day,



Chris Lake says:

November 22, 2007 at 10:05 am

I also want to echo the comments about the quality and quantity of
information I receive each day. The Total Package is really one of the
best sources of instruction, ideas and inspiration.[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

I am also thankful that we live in a country where we can choose our

destinies. With a firm goal, determination, enthusiasm, and hard
work, anyone can become whatever he wants in America. I might not
agree with our government sometimes, but this country is still the
best deal going.

Cheers to one and all.


Jim Ehle says:

November 22, 2007 at 10:39 am

Thanks to all of you. I have used the information and motivaltion you
have provided to keep this small publishing house humming. My Son-
in-law will be recieving this issue and I am sure that you will have a
new subcrober shortly. Happy Holiday.


Chris McMorrow says:

November 22, 2007 at 11:26 am

While I am thankful for my family, and my friends, and the privilege of

living in America, today, on Thanksgiving, I would like to say that I\’m
thankful to God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Nothing is
more important in life than truth, and I am thankful that God, by His
pure unmerited grace, has revealed that Truth to me through His
Word, the Holy Bible.
I am also thankful for Ben Settle, who steered me toward this site,
where I have learned many useful things about the art of writing
powerful, persuasive, integrity-based copy. To the many fine folks at
The Total Package: Thank You!
Chris McMorrow
Glen Cove, New York


Denny Koska says:

November 22, 2007 at 12:19 pm

This is Denny, Clayton\’s friend from way back. I\’m thankful for many
things, one being that I finally got face-to-face caught up with my old
friend Clayton from 100 years ago. Getting to meet his new-to-me
family as well as seeing his kids from way back.

Also thankful for my wife Sue, and our grandchild Jacob who lives
with us. Adult children and other grandkids, other friends, our church
and the fact that\’s lots of people buy things off of the silly[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

infomercials Script to Screen makes.

Wendy, Clayton has a soft side I\’ve never seen before!!! Way to go!



Irene says:
November 22, 2007 at 4:45 pm

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving from Canada. Thanks to all of

you for putting together & sending out the amazing Total Package
every day. Whatever you use your copywriting skills for, you won\’t go
wrong making the \’Package\’ part of your essential daily read. I know
I do.


Bob says:
November 22, 2007 at 8:58 pm

Happy Thanksgiving to all the staff at The Total Package! Your site
has been a constant source of great inspiration and profits. I look
forward to reading every edition . I am so thankful that I found you.
Keep up the great work….[I]please![/I]


Duane says:
November 23, 2007 at 12:26 pm

I didn\’t even read my email yesterday so this is a belated thank-you

to You Clayton, Wendy and all your staff and contributors. I have a
very long list of things I\’m grateful for this year and Y\’all are
definitely on it.
I always pass by the Total Package when going through my morning
email to come back when I have time to concentrate on the valuable
information it almost always contains.
Thanks,and Happy Holidays


Linda Byam says:

November 26, 2007 at 7:17 am[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Talking Turkey |

Hi, folks! So many thanks to all of you for the great information,
insight and inspiration you provide in such an entertaining, down-to-
earth way. I believe Clayton when he says \”Wishing you every
success\” and then proceeds to help you achieve it. With my best
regards, Linda


Lara Loest says:

November 26, 2007 at 10:12 am

Many thanks to all of you for providing and sharing such valuable
information with me (and the rest of your readers). You are one of
the many blessings in my life and I am grateful for you! Thank you
thank you thank you.


Shane Arthur says:

August 31, 2009 at 11:09 am

Very nice learning more personal information about the team.

Thanks for that.



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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:48:29 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

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← Talking Turkey 2008 Web Marketing Predictions Free E-Letter

Part One → Sign-up Here!

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! Subscribe to RSS

Posted on December 3, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
The answer to your most pressing question now: “What do I give He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Clayton for Christmas?” We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
The ultimate object lesson: Why you have far more power to
succeed online than you ever dreamed … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Two timeless principles and two inspired ideas for creating a Do You Believe?
stampede of new prospects and customers online …

And much, much more!

Dear Business Builder,

My ears have been burning a lot lately. Either my blood pressure’s up, or
you’ve been talking about me.

OK – maybe not me; maybe you’ve been talking about one of our other
contributing editors.

Or maybe you’ve been talking about how The Total Package has inspired
you … deepened and broadened your grasp of direct response marketing
and copywriting … and given you tons of insights, ideas and advice to boost
your response – all for free.

So, since it’s the holiday season, and since you’re a caring, sensitive,
principled individual, it’s only logical to assume that you’ve also been
obsessing over what I – Clayton Makepeace – want for Christmas: The
perfect gift to say, “Thanks, guys!” for the many hours of skull sweat and toil
we expend in our relentless efforts to put money into your pocket.

And to prove that I, too, am a caring, sensitive, principled individual, I’m going
to make it easy for you.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

I’m going to name the two most valuable gifts you could possibly give The
Total Package team this holiday season – and they won’t cost you a red cent.

But before I do, let me give you a heads-up: This is more than just my
Christmas wishlist. Much more.

It’s also one of the most valuable object lessons anyone ever gave you. It has
the power to open the floodgates and unleash a tidal wave of new prospects
and customers in 2008 – and to help you make more money faster than you
may now believe possible.

We clear? This is more than just my wishlist – it’s a valuable marketing



So here’s my Christmas wishlist – the two “Thank-You” gifts that will pretty
much guarantee that this will be this my happiest holiday season ever …

GIFT #1: Send an e-mail to every family member, friend and

business contact you believe would benefit from the
valuable response-rocketing info we share here in THE

Just say why you think they should be a subscriber. Maybe tell
them about our mind-blowing daily e-letters and the nearly 300
equally mind-blowing, response-boosting articles in our

Then, suggest that they point their browsers to this page – – to sign up and to snag the four
valuable “Welcome Aboard” bonuses described at the top of
this page in the bargain.

If the more than 1,500 “Thank-You” letters in our files are any
indication, your friends will think your recommendation is one of
the best gifts they’ll get this year, too.

GIFT #2: Talk us up online this week. Go to business, small

business, home-based business, advertising, marketing and
copywriting blogs and forums and start new threads based on
ideas you’ve gleaned from us. Feel free to reprint or link to any
of the content on this site, along with the link to this page.

Here’s a list of some relevant forums:

Warrior Forum[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

Copywriters Board

David Frey’s Marketing Best Practices Forum

Small Business Forums

Business Know How forum

Yahoo Message Boards:

Business Opportunity Board

Home Based Business

Legitimate Home Business Opportunities

Online Advertising Discussion List

Small Business Ideas Forum

If you have a website, a blog or a forum of your own, pick any

article from our archives and republish it on your site with
recommendation that your readers subscribe to The Total
Package and a link to this page.

And if you frequent social networking sites (MySpace,

FaceBook, Friendster, AOL, MSN etc.) consider adding a
recommendation for The Total Package to your page or to the
discussion boards with a link to this page.

Heck. You could even do a YouTube video featuring you

reading one of our best issues!

So what do you say? I’ve been a very good boy all year (just ask The
Redhead!). Want to be my Santa?

It’ll only take a couple of minutes and it’ll go a long way towards helping us
improve our site, give you more free tools, develop even more valuable
products to accelerate your success and ultimately, to help us add dollars to
YOUR bottom line.

Then, after you’re done, click here to send me an e-mail telling me what you
did, and The Redhead and I will send you a “Thank-You” gift worth $100.

OK … now that we’ve got my Christmas gift handled – let me give you what
YOU want most this holiday season:

A secret that can make you tons more money next[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

than you made this year
Whether you’re a business owner, a marketing consultant or a copywriter,
what I’m about to give you (did I mention it’s for free?) could easily bring you
enough money next year to pay cash for a shiny new Porsche 911 Turbo. Or,
if you have a substantial list of prospects’ e-mail addresses, maybe a million-
dollar yacht.

Because as I just said, my Christmas wishlist above is more than just a

friendly request. It’s also an extremely valuable object lesson.

Think about what just happened here …

I figure that maybe 5 percent of the people who read this will give me what I
want for Christmas: First, they’ll take a minute to send an e-mail
recommending THE TOTAL PACKAGE to their friends and business

Some will do it because they genuinely love us and know their friends will
love them more once they tell them about the great free content in this e-

Others will do it out of a sense of obligation: After all – we bust our humps
every day to help them put more cash into the till; why not take a few minutes
to give us a helping hand? I mean, that’s what any fair person would do, isn’t

And still others will send that e-mail just because they want the free C-note.
After all: Them’s pretty darned good wages for a few minutes’ work!

Of course, that means that 95 percent won’t do it. They won’t take the time.
Or they’ll mean to do it but never quite get around to it.

But that’s OK – because you and the rest of the 5 percent will more than
make up for them.

See, I figure that each of you “five-percenters” will send an average of ten e-
mails recommending us to qualified prospects for our services – some will
send scores, some only one or two – and that maybe three of every ten of
those qualified people will take your advice and sign up.
If I’m right, those e-mails will increase The Total Package’s circulation 15

Plus, I figure you and the rest of our five-percenters will talk us up online this
week – on forums, blogs and the social networking sites – and each one of
you will send at least three new subscribers our way.

That will grow our subscription list by another 15 percent.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

So if I’m right, telling you what I really want for Christmas could grow our
subscription list by 30 percent.

Now, if I know you, you’re probably looking at those numbers and wondering
if I’m smoking funny cigarettes …

“A 5 percent response?
"Has Makepeace lost his freaking mind?”
Depends on who you ask, I guess. But please hear me out …

See, if I sent that e-mail to your contacts, most wouldn’t even bother to open
it. They don’t know me from Adam. Of the small number who did open it –
and read my reasons why they’d be certifiably insane to decline my generous
free offer – most would figure the e-mail was just spam and ignore it. It would
be a miracle if one in 100 – a measly 1 percent – signed up.

But I’m not sending those e-mails. You are. And you’re sending them to
people who know you and who look forward to hearing from you, so they’re
far more likely to open and read your e-mail. What’s more, they trust you, so
they’re far more likely to take your advice.

Ditto for the threads and posts you’ll be putting on business, marketing and
copywriting blogs and forums and on social networking sites this week …

If I make those posts, they’ll just be perceived as another marketer talking up

his product. But since you recommend us – a fellow business owner,
marketing exec or copywriter who’s just there to share helpful information and
who has no ulterior motive – you’ve got credibility out the wazzoo.

How much credibility do you have? Well, with your friends, associates and
peers, I’m figuring you have at least five times more influence than I do.
Probably more.

So when you tell them how much The Total Package is helping you … how
much money it’s making you … and how it really is completely free – no
strings attached – you’ll bring us many times more new subscribers than
even the hottest online sales copy ever could.

And, of course, once your friends become our friends – once they experience
the value they get from reading our e-letters each week – they’ll learn to trust
and even depend on us, too.

When that happens, it’s only a matter of time before they decide to try one of
the products in our Online Store. And the revenue from those purchases is
what we use to create even more helpful response-boosting tools for you.

So that’s the first part of the object lesson I have for you today: You have far,
far more impact and influence online than you ever dreamed you did.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

Not only that: Every prospect and customer you have now has far more
influence online than you do.

So why not ask them to tell their family, friends and associates about you?

And while you’re at it, why not add a simple script to your opt-in pages that
gives them the opportunity to do it at the precise moment when they’re most
excited about you – when they’re signing up for your free e-letter

There are two even more crucial principles here for every online marketer,
consultant and copywriter. And while I’ve been using each of these principles
to make scads of money for my clients and myself for decades, each of them
has been brought into sharper focus for me over the last two weeks by my
pal Rich Schefren (more on that in a moment) …

Principle #1:
Bring Value to Prospects’ Lives
And They’ll Beat a Path to Your Door
Last Friday, my EasyWriters Marketing Club members and I met online to
examine the web-based marketing model we’ve used to boost a financial
client’s sales by more than 80% in the last 12 months: This
philosophy/contact/messaging strategy is producing revenues of $4 million
per month (often more) from a relatively small list of prospects and

Ironically, we spend two weeks at the beginning of each campaign NOT

asking a soul to buy a single thing. For fourteen days, prospects and
customers get about a dozen e-mails and twelve issues of my client’s free e-
letter all urging them to accept a valuable gift completely free of charge.

More than 80 percent of the content in these free gifts – reports,

teleconferences, webinars and videos – is timely, valuable information and
advice to help investors avoid losses and harness major trends in the
investment markets to grab huge profit potential.

You could protect your investments from loss or harness a red-hot profit
opportunity without buying a single thing.

Less than 20 percent of the content addresses the product my client is

selling. And we make sure that the copy about the product is low-key, low-
pressure, downright friendly. No superlatives and none of the other hyperbole
many people believe makes for compelling sales copy.

And yet these free gifts create sales like crazy.


Trust, pure and simple.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

The principle behind this kind of selling is as old as the hills (Well, at least as
old as I am, and I AM definitely older than the hills!).

To see this principle in action in direct mail, all you have to do is take a look
at the advertorials – special report mailings, magalogs and bookalogs – I’ve
written over the years to promote health and wealth newsletters.

Nearly all of them …

Posed as a thing of value – a report, a magazine or a book …

Began by promising urgent, valuable, actionable information and advice

inside …

Delivered the promised value in spades …

Proceeded to offer more value through additional free reports (premiums)

that the prospect could send for …

All before breathing a word about the product itself.

In fact, these promotions were so effective at delivering value to our

prospects, we actually got letters from people who thought they had already
subscribed to our newsletters. They hadn’t; they’d just been getting our

Now, if delivering valuable content before asking for a sale creates massive
winners in offline promotions, you gotta ask yourself, “How much more
effective would that same technique be in today’s highly skeptical, spam-rich
web environment?”

Answer: A LOT more effective!

So instead of driving traffic to a squeeze page promising a free report and

then delivering a landing page packed with power words, hyperbole and a
sales pitch – and not a shred of real value that makes your prospects’ lives
better – why not try exercising a little patience?

Load up your prospects with tons of value first. Improve their lives. Let them
experience the real, tangible, measurable value that comes along with
trusting you and relying on you. I predict you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the
boost in response you get when you give those prospects the opportunity to
buy something from you later on.

Come to think about it, I’m kind of doing it right now; right here, in today’s
issue – aren’t I?

Sure I am! For more than two years, we’ve dutifully delivered amazingly
valuable content – 297 issues so far, each containing response-rocketing
advice others charge a not-so-small fortune for – completely free of charge.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

Now, I’m asking you to return the favor – to talk us up this week in e-mails to
your friends and associates, on forums and blogs and on social networking

Sure – I’m offering you a reward for helping out. You get a $100 gift. You get
street credit for giving your friends a tool that will help them. And as we grow,
the quality of our content and the tools we create for you will naturally help

But because we prove every week that our #1 mandate really is to get you to
the top faster … and because you know that your friends and associates will
thank you for recommending The Total Package … I’m willing to bet dollars
to donuts that you’ll help us out.

Principle #2:
Get a Viral Buzz – It’s By Far
the Most Cost-Effective Way to Market
When you and other readers talk about us online, it creates buzz. Buzz
creates curiosity. Curious people will check out our site. And many will love
what they see and join us as a result.

There are, of course, tons of other great ways to create buzz online …

For the last three months, for example, we’ve been busy creating a series of
short, simple videos to introduce The Total Package to more people online.
Nothing fancy, mind you; merely PowerPoint presentations with sound tracks
that we’ve converted into FlashMedia files and that we’re almost ready to
post online.

We’ve carefully crafted these quickie, cheap-o videos to deliver tremendous

value to the people who should be reading The Total Package every day:
Owners of small and home-based businesses, marketing executives and
consultants and copywriters.

Each one of these little videos …

1. Addresses one of the most pressing questions our prospects have about
attracting new customers and selling more to each one of them …

2. Shows how many businesses are doing it all wrong; cheating themselves
out of the explosive growth they deserve, and …

3. Demonstrates a better way to create quantum revenue growth for much,

much less money than they’re spending on their advertising and
marketing programs now.

… All in ten minutes or even less.

And all without a whiff of the aggressive, in-your-face sales copy that I still[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

see so many poor, lost souls using in these marketing-averse times.

We’ll be posting these videos on every video blog on the Web.

We’ll be posting links to them on every business, marketing and copywriting

blog and forum we can find.

We’ll be using pay-per-click, banner ads and affiliate and joint venture
partners to drive traffic to the pages on this site where they can watch them.

And every viewer will be cordially invited to grab a free subscription to The
Total Package for regular updates. Many of them will accept that invitation …
will come to covet the valuable information we send them … and will
ultimately make a purchase from us.

Bottom line: There’s no question that giving away enormous value online
creates buzz. The only question is, “What kind of free value-added
information can YOU offer – and by doing so, trigger a stampede of eager
prospects to your opt-in pages?

“Wow. Those are some mighty powerful ideas

to pack into one issue, Clayton!”
Think so? Thanks!

And while I’ve been using these principles for decades, I’ve got to give credit
where it’s due. The fact is, I’d probably be writing about something else today
if it wasn’t for Rich Schefren.

You know Rich: People call him “The Guru’s Guru” because he’s helped so
many of today’s most successful online marketers – including Agora and
many others – to ignite explosive growth in their companies.

Well, Rich and I have been talking a lot lately. And of course, the minute his
new e-book – The Attention Age Doctrine Volume Two: Web Marketing 2.0 –
was released at noon last Wednesday, I snagged a copy and devoured all 93
pages faster than my dog Sparks can gulp down a chunk of filet mignon.

Both in our conversations and in his new e-book, Rich has reminded me of
lots of stuff I already knew but haven’t been doing right online. Plus, he’s
opened my eyes to many more powerful ways to get attention online and to
grow my companies and my clients’ companies faster – ideas I wouldn’t have
thought of in a bazillion years.

So here’s one last gift for you today: Just click here and you can claim a
FREE copy of The Attention Age Doctrine Volume Two.

But pay close attention to what happens when you do and you’ll see The
Master at work. See that “tell-a-friend” script that pops up when you submit
your e-mail addy? Notice how he immediately sends you to his blog to see[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

what others are saying about the book and to add your comments?

Buzz, baby, BUZZ!

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

P.S. Full disclosure: I am not one of Rich Schefren’s affiliates. I don’t get
beans for recommending him or his new book.

This recommendation is made completely without conflict of interest or

ulterior motive of any kind. You should treasure Rich’s insights for the same
reason I do: They’ll help you make money. Period.

See you next week!

P.P.S. Hmmm … wasn’t there something you were supposed to be

doing now? Lessee … what was it? This senile dimentia is really starting to
tick me off.

OH YEAH! You were going to send those e-mails telling your friends about
us and recommend us on those forums, blogs and social sites – and then
you’re going to e-mail me to say you did so I can get your free $100 gift to

Thanks in advance …

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton’s articles? Check these out.

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! |

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free.

Just give us full attribution and a link to our
Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

This entry was posted in Archives. Bookmark the permalink.

← Talking Turkey 2008 Web Marketing Predictions

Part One →

One Response to Buzz, Baby … BUZZ!

Ria says:
December 4, 2007 at 1:30 am

I downloaded all 4 books but \’lost\’ the last two. Could you please
unblock my name so that I can redownload the last 4. It will be very
sad if I cannot save them unto my desktop or cannot read them.

Kind regards.

Ria Brink.


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:48:41 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

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2008 Web Marketing Predictions
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Part One
Posted on December 10, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Recent Posts
Two ugly little secrets online businesses won’t tell He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
The three reasons why most online advertising fails
Before you take the copywriting
Why all of this is the best news for savvy entrepreneurs and by storm, there’s something
copywriters ever you should know …
Do You Believe?
And more

Dear Business Builder,

But before we crack out our tarot cards and take a peek into the future of
web marketing, let’s take a moment to see where this online thing has been
so far …

1969 – Genesis: Al Gore singlehandedly invents the Internet.

(Actually, it was called “ARPANET” and – surprise, surprise –
Gore had nothing to do with it.)

The year we landed on the moon – and while Gore was busy
graduating Harvard and enlisting in the Army – computers at
UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford and the University of Utah
were connected over conventional telephone lines. Harvard,
MIT, Carnegie-Mellon and Case-Western Reserve joined in

1974-1983 – Web made Bombproof: U.S. Defense

Department uses endlessly redundant networks and the[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

technique of breaking messages into small packets to make the

World Wide Web reliable.

1984-1988 – Civilian Experimentation: Dow Jones News

Service, a few other civilian companies and a handful of
educational institutions experiment; disseminating news and
other information on the Web.

1989-93 – AOL years: The development of

HTML code makes hyperlinking possible. The
magic of linked pages makes the unlimited
sharing of data easy. Massive numbers of new consumer-
oriented sites begin to open their doors on the ‘net.
AmericaOnline appears on the scene in 1989.

1994-2000 – The Yahoo!

years: Yahoo appears in ’94
… Amazon and eBay in ’95
… Google in ’96.

Despite the fact that almost

nobody’s making money online (Amazon reputed to be losing
$5 per order shipped), Web mavens announce that the Internet
has ended the business cycle. Recessions are declared “a thing
of the past.”

Investors buy it; irrational exuberance, popular mania and the

madness of crowds drives the tech-heavy Nasdaq from 500 to
over 5000.

2000-2003 – Rude awakening: After seven years and

hundreds of billions in private investment and little or no profits,
investors begin to ask, “Where’s the beef?” Funding dries up …
thousands of huge but stupid sites go broke. Nasdaq plunges
nearly 80%.

2004-2006 – A new beginning: Survivors, new Internet

companies and entrepreneurs develop new, profit-driven online
models … iTunes and other profitable entertainment sites
appear … social networking sites and Web 2.0 burst upon the

Which brings us to 2007 …

Today, 70 percent of Americans – a whopping 211 million of us – use the
Web on a regular basis. More than 19 percent of our homes, businesses and
institutions (about 58 million locations) have broadband access which makes
downloading huge files – music and movies, for example – quick and easy.
American consumers will spend an estimated $98 billion online this year.[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

Plus …

China has become the world’s

Most Common Online
second largest online market
Consumer Activities
after the U.S., with more than
162 million Internet users. (Huge
Send & receive e-mail
growth potential here: When the
Read the news
same percent of China’s 1.3
Banking and investment
billion people use the web as
General shopping
Americans do, it will have 910
Participate in auctions
million users!)
Make travel reservations

Globally, nearly 1.2 billion people General research

are online – about 20 percent of Access expert business & career info &

all the living souls on the planet – advice

and another 150 million or so Research health issues

gain Internet access every year. Participate in Social Networking sites

(MySpace, FaceBook, Friendster, etc.)
Around the world, web usage is Read, post and host blogs & forums
now doubling every four years or Share/watch videos (YouTube, etc.)
so. Listen to radio stations and podcasts
Purchase audio and video products
In 2007, the amount spent on
online banner, PPC and Adwords
advertising jumped 46% to an
Research Automobiles
estimated $19 billion.
Purchase Information

Web 2.0 – where every web user Instant Message

now has the power to easily Job Search

disseminate his or her Mortgage Information and Application

information, opinions, photos, Play Games

videos and other information Read Product or Entertainment Reviews

online – is revolutionizing the Shop/Check Product Prices and Features

wired world Look at/watch naked people

The number of message boards, Gamble

forums, blogs and video blogs is

doubling every five months; more than quadrupling each year.

The rise of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) through Vonage, Skype
and others makes audio and video communications cheap and even free
(a very, very bad omen for Ma Bell and her babies – more on that in a


1. Even now – 18 years since the advent of HTML – Web access and usage
are still exploding worldwide.

2. It’s only beginning. Only about 18% of the world is connected.

3. The ways in which we use the Internet are changing – fast. The explosion
of social networking sites, message boards, blogs & forums is consuming
much of the time that was previously being spent in other ways online –[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

including shopping.

OK – so the Internet is huge

and getting huger by the day.

And the ways we use the Web are changing.

But does anyone else notice something curious

about these statistics?

Now, I’d hazard a guess that this isn’t the first time you’ve seen these kinds of
numbers. The media is lousy with breathless accounts of how massive the
web is … how fast it’s growing … and even with predictions that the Internet
will completely revolutionize the way we shop – or even put the brick and
mortar world out of business entirely.

But let’s think some of these numbers through for a minute …

According to the U.S. government, about 211 million Americans are now
online and spend $98 billion (ninety-eight thousand million dollars) a year to
buy things (retail purchases) on the Web.

Sounds impressive when you say it fast – right?

But let’s take a moment to put some of those numbers into perspective …

First, divide the total amount of online retail sales by the number of U.S. web
users and you’ll see: The average web denizen spends only $38.71 online
per month – less than the cost of a single tank of gas. And that money is
being spread out over millions of websites.

And second, for every retail dollar we consumers spend, only about two-and-
one-half cents is spent online. The other 97.5 cents is spent in the real world.

We’re still talking chump change, here.

And frankly, as a person who has found and purchased a home … three or
four flat-panel TVs … four or five cars … a garage-full of motorcycles … plus
thousands of dollars-worth of computers, books, software, personal
electronics, iTunes music and videos, clothing – and just about everything
else you can name – online, I’m mystified.

After all – the Web is the world’s largest shopping mall. It offers infinite
choice. It offers you what you want for far less than stores in the real world
charge. You can buy everything you need easily. Instantly. Without leaving
the comfort of your own home, fighting traffic snarls or fighting over a parking

But when I look at these numbers, I can’t help but think that if the Internet[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

was a real mall in the real world, it would probably be that kind of seedy,
depressing one across town that’s always so empty, you could shoot a
cannon through it and not worry about hitting a single soul.

… So why aren’t we doing more

of our shopping online?
Hmmm – well, let’s see …

1. There’s still lots of stuff you can’t get online. Like a tank of gas … or a
carwash … or a Christmas tree … or a haircut … or dinner at a nice
restaurant … or that gallon of milk, loaf of bread, dozen eggs, carton of
smokes or bottle of Belvedere the wife asked you bring home with you

2. There’s more stuff the web can’t deliver fast enough. Most things you
buy online take a minimum of 24 hours to get to you. So if you want that
wrapping paper and scotch tape so you can wrap your presents today,
you’ll still have to hop in the car and zip on over to Wal-Mart.

3. Some folks are still afraid to order online. They’re so spooked by

stories of identity theft, there’s no way they’re going to give anyone their
credit card numbers online.

4. The Joy of Shopping. This is a huge one … in my humble opinion, the

major reason why we still spend forty times more at brick-and-mortar
establishments than we do online … and why I’m willing to bet dollars to
donuts that the Internet will never, ever put stores in the real world out of
The fact is, a lot of people (not me!) enjoy, even savor the experience of
walking into a store … browsing through the racks … touching the
products … maybe trying on a thing or two … and handing their cash,
check or credit card to a real human being.

And then there’s the whole mall experience – going with friends or family
… seeing and being seen … stopping at a kiosk for a Latte’ or in the food
court for a quick lunch … maybe taking in a movie … and winding up
buying stuff you never intended to – just because it’s there and buying it
made you feel good.

For many consumers, no Internet store or mall will ever be able to rival
that experience.

5. Most online advertising sucks. Here’s another little tidbit to chew on …

While the dollar value of retail purchases made online is rising by
22.5 percent a year …

Internet companies are increasing their online advertising budgets

more than twice that fast; by a whopping 46.5 percent per year. (And
that doesn’t begin to include all the money that’s spent offline to
advertise websites on TV, radio and the other media.)[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

Last year for example, online marketers spent about $13 billion on banner
ads, float-ins, pop-ups and -unders, pay-per-click, AdSense and to rent e-
mail lists. This year, they spent an estimated $19 billion – a $6 billion

But that extra $6 billion yielded only $22 billion in additional revenues. Deduct
product and operating costs and, for many companies, that’s pretty much a
wash. In most cases, worse.

Needless to say, this situation cannot continue indefinitely. Either online

marketers learn how to advertise in ways that produce a much, much greater
return on investment, or the growth in online ad expenditures is going to slow
to a halt; or even reverse itself.

That, of course, would be catastrophic for the Internet – not to mention for
investors who own stock in online companies that rely on ad revenue to turn
a profit.

Now, let me ask you a question: Do you think online marketers know their
advertising is failing them? Do you think they’re aware that the dollars they’re
spending to advertise their sites are not coming back to them in increased
bottom-line profits?

You’re darn-tootin’ they do. Are they telling this ugly little secret publicly?
Nope. But you can bet it’s about all they’re talking about at their weekly “Why
aren’t we growing our online profits?” meetings.

And don’t you think they’d be willing to pay some smart person (like you) a
king’s ransom if you could solve that not-so-little problem for them?

Heck, yeah!

So why does most Internet advertising do so poorly?

Well for one thing, the strategy most online marketers are using is all wrong.
So the cost of driving a single prospect to a website is sky-high and rising.

Worse, most websites utterly fail to cause prospects to stick around long
enough to come to trust, depend on and buy from them.

And worst of all, the copy on the vast majority of today’s websites is so brain-
dead awful, only a tiny fraction of the handful who do stick – who return to the
website often – spend anywhere near the amount of money they otherwise

This of course, is terrible news for legions of sites. And it’s the best news
possible for marketing consultants, copywriters and entrepreneurs who learn
how to do it right.

And that’s precisely what next week’s issue is all about.[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

And over the next few weeks, we’ll take a look at even more phenomenal
new opportunities you’ll see online in 2008 – so stay tuned …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

P.S. Want a job? My agency is expanding again – and we are in

desperate need of a production manager, copywriters and web
designers. To check out our job listings, click here.

Don’t want to work for The Redhead? I feel your pain. Health Resources
is also looking for help. Click here for info.

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton’s articles? Check these out.

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free.

Just give us full attribution and a link to our
Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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← Buzz, Baby … BUZZ! Happy Holidays →[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

10 Responses to 2008 Web Marketing Predictions

Part One


December 10, 2007 at 2:42 pm


MEANS :cry


Tammy says:
December 10, 2007 at 5:26 pm

Hey Clayton,

Your article had my eyeballs glued to the screen a usual.

Looking forward to the next part.
Merry Christmas,


Robert says:
December 10, 2007 at 10:28 pm

Clayton, lot\’s of great, useful information in your article…as always!

I\’m looking forward to your insight regarding the phenomenal new
opportunities coming online for 2008.


Sherry says:
December 11, 2007 at 5:55 am




Shobha Varkey says:

December 13, 2007 at 8:45 pm

DEAR ALL[11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |






AUSTRALIA :cry :upset :zzz :sigh


DK Fynn says:
December 30, 2007 at 11:09 pm

Clayton, Michel Fortin agrees with you. Check out

for/]Three Hot Trends For 2008[/URL]

Great! I\’m on the right track with good copywriting.

Michel\’s post talked about the rising Asian and newbie markets.

If you want to see an informational video about thrid world trends,



DK Fynn says:
December 30, 2007 at 11:11 pm

Woops. Sorry for the erroneous title of that last post. I thought the
form asked for the title of my site.


Franck says:
January 8, 2008 at 6:59 am

Hi Clayton,

I visited your blog through a link an Michels\\\’ blog, and I\\\’m glad I
did![11/29/2012 7:48:53 PM]

2008 Web Marketing Predictions Part One |

This is one of the best articles (or the best) I\\\’ve read on 2008 – We
are just getting started -

Wow! I like this blog, I add you to my list of the 5 best blogs of the
net…. now 6.

Waiting for your next article.


joycelorenza says:
November 1, 2008 at 7:38 am

Eight predictions for marketing in 2008

        There will be an ongoing emphasis on "engagement" measures.

        More "brands" will become "Category Placeholders."
        Companies will have to move from saying they’re"Green" to
actually being"Emerald City Green."
        Media planning will become more touch point focused and
        Behavior will (finally) trump attitude.
        Consumer expectations will once more grow.
        Personal health management will impact brand engagement and
        Innovation and loyalty will matter more.

<a href="" rel="dofollow">Email



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Happy Holidays |

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← 2008 Web Marketing Predictions How to Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever → Free E-Letter
Part One Sign-up Here!

Happy Holidays Subscribe to RSS

Posted on December 17, 2007 by Clayton Makepeace

Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Recent Posts
Dear Business Builder, He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
I have an extra special issue for you today – you are gonna LOVE this …
Before you take the copywriting
It’s a 20-page issue of our Screaming Eagle newsletter – a comprehensive by storm, there’s something
you should know …
tutorial on how to master one of the most crucial skills any copywriter (or
Do You Believe?
copychief) could possibly develop:

The art and science of writing

bullet and fascination copy!
In this highly acclaimed issue – until now, seen ONLY by members of my
EasyWriters Marketing Club – Tony Flores leads you through the process of
creating these little one-paragraph wonders that catch the eye, promote
readership, billboard your most compelling benefits and drive readership
rates and response through the roof!

Plus, in our companion issue – The Ride-Along – Tony actually shows you
these techniques in action with swipes from some of the hottest copywriters
alive today!

DO NOT miss these special gift issues:

Click here to download the Screaming Eagle PDF now!

Click here to download The Ride-Along PDF now!

Happy Holidays![11/29/2012 7:49:05 PM]

Happy Holidays |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

P.S. Want a job? My agency is expanding again – and we are in

desperate need of a production manager, copywriters and web
designers. To check out our job listings, click here.

Don’t want to work for The Redhead? I feel your pain. Health Resources
is also looking for help. Click here for info.

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton’s articles? Check these out.

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free.

Just give us full attribution and a link to our
Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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← 2008 Web Marketing Predictions How to Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever →
Part One

16 Responses to Happy Holidays

Mr. Subtle says:

December 17, 2007 at 1:51 pm


Thank you Mr. Makepeace!

There is a Santa!

Reply[11/29/2012 7:49:05 PM]

Happy Holidays |

Carl Burt says:

December 17, 2007 at 5:35 pm

Thank you very much!

You are so generous sharing your resources with hopefuls and

Clayton wannabe\’s!

You deserve all your hard earned success!

Wishing you all a very Happy and Peace Full Holiday!


Carolyn Warren says:

December 17, 2007 at 9:06 pm

What a wonderful gift! Thank you, Clayton.


Jan Ekkelenkamp says:

December 18, 2007 at 2:22 am




Geoff Dodd says:

December 18, 2007 at 3:48 am

Clayton, :cry I feel your pain in giving – such a darn top knotch gift!
These bullets and fascinations I\’d classify as acute psych triggers, so
I\’m listening to ya. Focused on ya. Thanks and Merry Christmas.


Stephan Nijhof says:

December 18, 2007 at 5:23 am

Thank you Clayton.

And thank you Total Package Team. You people rock!

The Total Package is an awesome read, a treasure trove of powerful,[11/29/2012 7:49:05 PM]

Happy Holidays |

effective and must have information.

Being a hard-core sucker for written information, I find it very easy to

read, understand and absorb.

I never miss an issue, and make it a point to set aside some time to
read it.

It\’s fun… AND a great investment.

But if I was to mention one highlight – only one – it would be a


Your interview with Drayton Bird.

Great subjects, fascinating insights, love the humor, even your voices
are a perfect fit.

And now another gift.

A copy of the Screaming Eagle newsletter… Featuring Tony Flores…

Teaching one of the most powerful skills in copywriting… In the most
effective way ever!

Even after reading, studying and analyzing 57 \”real\” books on

advertising, copywriting and marketing… I\’ve never seen the art and
science of writing bullets and fascinations laid out so clear, concise,
and to-the-point.

A fascinating read, and a magnificent gift.

Thank you so much.

Wishing you, Clayton, Wendy, Tony, Daniel, Drayton, Troy, Julie,

Carline, David… EVERY member of the Total Package Team… and
all of your loved ones a very happy and peace full holiday.

Stephan Nijhof


Len Bailey says:

December 18, 2007 at 6:10 am

Thanks for the super gift – and Merry Christmas right back at you!


James Palmer says:[11/29/2012 7:49:05 PM]

Happy Holidays |

December 18, 2007 at 6:31 am

Thanks Clayton!

This will really help me with a sales letter I\’m working on right now!

There\’s just one problem. When I tried to download them my Adobe

Reader told me the files are damaged. Anyone else having any


James Palmer


David Dittman says:

December 18, 2007 at 7:23 am


You might want to try and download them again. We had a period of
extreme traffic shortly after they were posted. It is possible that you
tried to download them during that period.

If that doesn\’t work send us an email to and we will send it to you

David Dittman


Carolyn Warren says:

December 18, 2007 at 12:38 pm

Thank you very much, Clayton. This is an awesome gift. Merry

Christmas to you and your family and staff.


Pingback: Clayton Makepeace- Desktop copy

Pingback: Book on Writing Bullets

Mark Andrews says:[11/29/2012 7:49:05 PM]

Happy Holidays |

September 7, 2009 at 4:43 pm

Dear Clayton

Sincerely I wish to entend to you my sincerest gratitude for making

these available – thank you ever so much.

These copywriting tips are just what the doctor ordered.

Excellent stuff.

Best regards

Mark Andrews
Internet Marketing Copywriting


Pingback: All-In-One: The Copywriting Swipe File

Michael says:
January 1, 2010 at 4:52 pm

I swear… this is the GREATEST copywriting site on the internet. The

amount of free, high quality resources available here boggles my
mind sometimes. I am SO tempted to move from Los Angeles and
study under you, Clayton. Thanks for sharing so much knowledge
with us!


Rob says:
October 11, 2010 at 9:12 pm

Is this PDF still available? The download link doesn’t work..


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A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

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the Legendary Copywriter Sign-up Here!
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A Conspiracy of Imbeciles
Posted on September 26, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

Like 4 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?

Washington is playing you for a sucker

— shamelessly robbing you blind —
and they’re not just getting away with it;
they’re actually being rewarded for it

Here’s what you must do now

to hit them where it hurts
and quite possibly, to save your financial future

Dear Business-Builder,

I sincerely hope that by now, you fully understand how deeply all of us here
at The Total Package are committed to your success.

That’s why our team spends hundreds of hours every week and well over
one-hundred thousand dollars each year to bring you all the business-
building, response-boosting secrets this blog has become known for. All for

But this issue isn’t about any of that. Because the fact is, there’s an 800-
pound gorilla in the room — a crisis that overshadows and dwarfs the
importance of our individual careers and businesses.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

I’ve avoided writing about this situation here for months. But now, it’s getting
to the point where it could hurt you. I can’t, in all good conscience, stay silent
and let that happen.

Now, I’m well aware that what I’m going to say will be controversial. The
truths I’m about to present will be welcomed by many of my readers. Many
others will be offended by these facts. For that, I can only apologize in
advance — and humbly suggest that if the truth offends you, it just might be a
hint that your point of view could benefit from an honest re-examination.

I’m also aware that a few readers will complain that this is another “political”
article — and that I should shut the hell up and stick to what I know.

Fair enough: I know this stuff. True, I’m only a high-school drop-out; self-
taught in the ways of the world. But had my first immersion in this very early
in life.

At the age of 12, I could tell you all about the Hegelian dialectic, the
foundations of Fabian socialism and the tenets of free market capitalism.
Since then, I’ve devoured the works of Keynes, von Mises, Friedman and
many other legendary economists.

Plus, to create the promotions I do every day for financial clients, I’ve spent
my life studying and writing about how the economy and the financial markets
work. I have to eat, sleep and breathe politics and economics just to do my

And although I have, by any measure, passed this 37-year long college-level
course in politics and economics with flying colors, I don’t mind telling you
that I spent several additional weeks researching and documenting the
particulars in this article.

Nevertheless, if it helps, you might try not thinking of this as a political article
or even an economic one. Think of it as an example of how a veteran
copywriter tackles a complex subject and makes it simple enough and
entertaining enough to engage the man on the street.

And no matter who you are, you would do well to heed the suggestions to
help you through this at the end of this article.

That said, let’s dive in …

They call this 800-pound gorilla the “Credit

— and whether you realize it yet or not,
it is the single greatest financial catastrophe[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

of your lifetime …
It has probably already cost you tens of thousands of dollars and
crippled your retirement – whether you know it or not: Depending on
where you live, this crisis has already slashed as much as 35% off the
value of your home. And since home equity is the #1 source of retirement
savings for most Americans, it is destroying the retirement dreams of

It has cost investors and retirees and pension funds hundreds of

billions more: Skyrocketing mortgage defaults have killed great
American institutions like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG,
Washington Mutual and more … caused Washington to take control of
mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac … and gutted the share
value of nearly every U.S. bank and brokerage. Millions of people who
owned those stocks are now hundreds of billions; perhaps trillions of
dollars poorer.

It has launched U.S federal deficits through the roof: The attempt to
save our dying institutions has caused the U.S. government to spend $25
billion to rescue Bear Stearns … another $80 billion to save American
Insurance Group (AIG) … $200 billion to save Fannie and Freddie …
$165 billion on last spring’s stimulus package for consumers … and in the
next few hours — a few days at the most — Washington will blow another
$700 billion attempting to prevent a financial meltdown that could surpass
the Great Depression.
Altogether, that’s more than $1 trillion (one thousand billion dollars!) spent
so far in an attempt to fight this crisis … an attempt that may — or may
not — prevent, as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson phrased it recently,
“The total meltdown of the entire U.S. financial system.”

It is crushing the dollar and killing jobs: A global loss of confidence in

Washington’s ability to manage the U.S. economy combined with the tidal
wave of paper dollars Washington has created to fight this crisis have
contributed to the greatest crash in the value of the U.S. dollar in ages
and raised the specter of hyper-inflation.
Plus, as banks get stingier with borrowers out of sheer self-defense, this
crisis is crushing corporate earnings and share prices. Private investors,
retirees, pension funds and institutions have lost more than $3 trillion in
the past 12 months alone.

And it has stalled the U.S. economy in its tracks. America’s three largest
automakers are now begging Congress for $25 billion to help them
survive. Unemployment is careening higher; costing legions of Americans
the ability to provide for their families.

It’s pushing the U.S. economy relentlessly towards what may well be
a new Dark Age: With that $1 trillion plus, plus, PLUS being added to
America’s skyrocketing budget deficits for 2008 and 2009, there’s a real
danger this crisis will also crush the bond market … send interest rates
exploding through the roof … and trigger yet another, more intense phase[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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of business failures, stock market losses and soaring unemployment in

the months ahead.

And make no mistake:

It’s not over yet. Not by a long shot.
Compared to the losses now being suffered in every part of America’s $13
trillion economy, the $700 billion bank bailout that’s being rammed through
Congress is like putting a Band-Aid on a sucking chest wound.

And remember: That money is just to save the banks that have already
suffered huge losses from past mortgage defaults. Not even Washington
could print enough money to stop the massive NEW tidal wave of mortgage
defaults that’s taking shape now.

The monthly payments on more than six million adjustable rate mortgages
with an estimated face value of $1.2 trillion are poised to reset in the months
ahead. Some of the payments on these loans are expected to more than
double. And many of them on homes that are no longer worth anywhere
near what buyers owe on them.

That means millions more mortgage defaults are dead ahead no matter what
Congress does. Millions more repossessed homes will flood onto the market
and homeowners will suffer even more dramatic losses of home equity as the
glut of unsold properties hammers the value of our homes into the ground.

And it means even greater pain for those who had counted on that equity to
see them through retirement.

It also means that lenders who are fighting for their companies’ lives will have
no choice but to continue raising credit requirements … slashing credit
limits … and denying loans to all but the most supremely qualified applicants.

And that, in turn, means that every manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer and
service business in America is now facing the specter of plunging sales,
profits, share prices and in all too many cases, bankruptcy.

As those companies slash jobs or vanish altogether, millions of family

paychecks will vanish, too. Nearly every American family is now a candidate
for having to live off their savings; many are sitting ducks for bankruptcy and
poverty. And every American child and even the as-yet unborn will suffer the
consequences and pay the price for decades to come.

But that’s not what really scares me …

What terrifies me … what wakes me in a cold sweat … is that the single most
corrupt, inefficient, incompetent and idiotic institution on face of the planet is
now trying to “fix” the problem.

And that especially frightens me because, the closer I examine the roots of[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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this crisis, the clearer it becomes that it was engineered almost entirely by the
very bumbling buffoons who are now charged with ending it: The U.S.

And yet nowhere in the media do I see anyone even trying to uncover the
roots of this crisis. What caused it? How can we make sure it will never
happen again?

Instead, they simply report that …

Banks and mortgage companies made loans to unqualified borrowers.

Banks then sold those loans to Fannie, Freddie and other financial

Fannie, Freddie and others then turned those loans into investment
vehicles — and sold them to governments, banks and investors both here
in the U.S. and worldwide.

When all those unqualified borrowers inevitably defaulted on their

mortgages, these investments crashed in value.

And when their investments crashed, they pushed institutions and

investors who had bought them to the brink – or in the case of Bear
Stearns, Lehman, Fannie, Freddie, IndyMac, AIG and many other banks
and investment banks, over the cliff.

But nobody I know is asking the obvious question …

“Why did so many smart lenders

make so many stupid loans
to so many people who couldn’t pay?”
It’s clear that lenders granted mortgages to millions of people with no savings
or down payment … no proof of income, too little income to qualify and even
no income at all … with no assets and with a record for welching on every
debt they’d ever incurred; who’d had flaked out on credit cards, auto loans
and pretty much every other loan they had ever been granted.

But why?

Why did lenders begin saying “YES” to these abysmal credit risks instead of
their standard, resounding “NO”?

Were the CEOs at the helm of these lending institutions merely overpaid
idiots who had no idea that loaning money to unqualified borrowers — and
worse; to borrowers who had proven time and time again that they would
NOT repay — would come back to bite them on the arse?

Or were they simply financial masochists; intentionally bankrupting their

institutions and destroying their shareholders’ wealth just to get a cheap[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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The answer, of course, is neither. They were simply doing what they were
told to do: What Washington forced them to do — under penalty of law.

Here’s the simple, frank truth about this crisis

the mainstream media will never tell you …
Here’s a quick timeline — all easily checkable online:

1977: Jimmy Carter rams the Community

Reinvestment Act through Congress. It all
began 31 years ago when Billy Carter’s brother
Jimmy heard that some lenders were
“discriminating” against low-income borrowers

Now, nobody I know has ever accused Mr.

Carter of being the sharpest crayon in the box
… But he did know one thing: He was by-god
incensed — incensed, I tell you — at
discrimination of any kind! Gee, thanks, Mr. Carter …

Make no mistake here: Oprah was NOT having

problems getting loans; nor were most of the millions of other hard-working,
responsible minority wage-earners in America.

And it’s not like credit was available to low-income white people with no
savings, no down payment and lousy credit histories.

But the facts, of course, didn’t matter to Carter. All that mattered was that
someone had used the “D” word, so something had to be done. Political
correctness demanded it.

And so, unfazed by the fact that lenders are supposed to be discriminating
when deciding who’s a good credit risk — and blissfully unburdened by even
the glimmer of an understanding of the catastrophic long-term impact of his
actions — Mr. Carter sprang into action.

And in no time flat, Jimmy’s Community Reinvestment Act – “CRA” for short
— had sailed through the Democratic Congress.

Suddenly, any lender caught denying mortgages and other loans to low-
income people faced serious penalties — including denial of applications to
open new branches, to do mergers and acquisitions and other draconian

1992: The Fed drops a bombshell. In what was then heralded as a

"landmark study,” the Boston branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve announced
that, despite the many pounds of flesh the CRA exacted from lenders who[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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turned down low-income loan applicants, mortgage discrimination was still

pandemic in the financial system.

So in a matter of days, the Boston Fed produced a manual for mortgage

lenders nation-wide stating, "Discrimination may be observed when a
lender’s underwriting policies contain arbitrary or outdated criteria that
effectively disqualify many urban or lower-income minority applicants."

So what were these "arbitrary” and

“outdated" criteria?

“Oh, little things,” said the Fed. “Like the

size of the mortgage payment relative to
income. And the prospective borrower’s
savings or credit history.

“And don’t even bother checking to see if

the borrower has any income at all,” said
“Hey buddy – forget the beer.
the Fed. “If you do … and he doesn’t …
You want a HOUSE?”
and you deny the loan … you’re a dirty,
no good discriminator!”

“In fact, come to think of it,” the Fed mused, “if the applicant has participated
in a credit-counseling program, that means he’s now a responsible borrower.
Better grant him the loan or you’re toast!”

“Oh. And also? Welfare payments and unemployment benefits are valid
income so you’d better include them when qualifying loan applicants.”

And so lenders did what they were told under penalty of law and the surge of
bad loans accelerated.

1995: Bill Clinton cranks it up a notch. Thirty-six months later, still alarmed
at the “discrimination” the Fed had uncovered and eager to reward low-
income voters for sending Bubba to the White House, Andrew Cuomo —
Clinton’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development — investigated
Fannie Mae for racial discrimination.

He “found” it of course — and quickly proposed that fully HALF of Fannie

Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s portfolio be made up of loans to low-income
borrowers by the year 2001.

Next, Clinton introduced significant revisions to the Community Reinvestment

Act. In testimony prior to the new bill’s passage, Gene Ludwig — Clinton’s
Comptroller of the Currency — explained why reform was so desperately

“Fifteen years ago,” said Ludwig, “Congress passed the Community

Reinvestment Act. But the CRA has never achieved its full promise.

“The proposed reform package will channel billions of dollars a year in new[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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credit into America’s distressed communities.”

PLAIN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Hey, lenders! You’re still not giving

enough money to people who can’t — or won’t — pay it back. This law
ensures that you will!

Staggeringly idiotic. Right? But wait — the

Clinton administration was only getting warmed

According to the Los Angeles Times, the

president and his Democratic majority in
Congress "… mandated that Fannie and
Freddie increase their purchases of mortgages
for low-income and medium-income borrowers.
Operating under that requirement, Fannie Mae,
in particular, has been aggressive and creative “Don’t want to give loans to
in stimulating minority gains." lousy credit risks?

Then, the Clinton administration added the final “I’ll fix you!”
kicker: Fannie, Freddie and the nation’s
lenders would be allowed to turn these
subprime loans into securities and sell them to financial institutions and
investors world-wide!

Given the fact that Clinton enjoyed a Democratic majority in Congress at the
time, it should come no surprise that the revisions sailed through Congress in
no time flat.

1999:   It’s working! Four years later, with low-income borrowing

skyrocketing, an enthusiastic Fannie Mae could be heard publicly bragging
about “the end of discriminatory lending in America.”

It even singled out its most shining example: A lender, it said, that worked
with community organizers and followed "the most flexible underwriting
criteria permitted."

Previously, this lender had made only $1 billion in low-income loans. By

1992, under the provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act, it had loaned
$80 billion to low-income borrowers. And thanks to Clinton’s “refinements,”
that firm’s loans to low-income borrowers were well on their way to surging to
over $600 billion.

So, one might ask, “Who was this virtuous

lender that had increased its loans to low-
income people a whopping 59,900% in just
over one decade?”

You guessed it: It was the very lender whose

demise in 2007 turned out to be the first domino
to fall in the subprime lending mess:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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Countrywide Financial.

2001: Bush administration warns of

impending doom. In Bush’s first year in office,
the White House’s chief economist, N. Gregory
“We just did what Congress
Mankiw, warned Fannie and Freddie’s loans to
told us to do. ”
unqualified borrowers and other complications
at the two institutions were creating a huge risk
– Angelo Mozilo, CEO
for the entire financial system.
Countrywide Financial

Representative Barney Frank (D-MA)

denounced Mankiw, accusing him of having no "concern about housing."

The New York Times fell into lockstep with its Democratic masters in
Congress, reporting that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were "under heavy
assault by the Republicans," but that it was O.K. — because these entities
still had "important political allies" in the Democrats.

Congressional Democrats dug in their heels and made absolutely sure

nothing was done to address the impending crisis.

2003: The Bush administration tries to avert catastrophe a second time.

Alarmed by fraud and abuses that had been discovered at Fannie and
Freddie, President Bush repeatedly urged Congress to pass a bill increasing
oversight on the two companies.

The Bush administration had every reason to be worried: A report by outside

investigators had concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to
mislead investors. Experts were warning that Fannie Mae was not
adequately hedging against rising interest rates.

Bush’s Treasury Secretary, John

Snow, told the House Financial
Services Committee, ”There is a
general recognition that the
supervisory system for housing-
related government-sponsored
enterprises neither has the tools,
nor the stature, to deal effectively
with the current size, complexity
and importance of these
enterprises.” “These two entities — Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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After the hearing, two Republican of financial crisis.”

congressmen — Representative
Representative Barney Frank (D-MA)
Michael G. Oxley of Ohio,
Arguing against Republican attempts to reform
chairman of the Financial
the two corrupt mortgage lenders in 2003.
Services Committee, and Senator
Richard Shelby of Alabama,
chairman of the Senate Banking
Committee — announced their intention to draft legislation based on the
administration’s proposal.

”We have seen in recent months that mismanagement and questionable

accounting practices went largely unnoticed” by the independent agency that
regulated Fannie and Freddie, said Oxley.

But once again, congressional Democrats and their lackeys in the media
scoffed at the Bush plan to save Fannie and Freddie. Some went so far as to
point at the plan as proof that Republicans hate minorities and poor people.

And Barney Frank (D-MA) now the Chairman of the powerful House
Financial Services Committee — the sack of excrement in a suit you see
grandstanding on TV as Congress mulls this newest bail-out — denied there
was any crisis at all.

“These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,” declared Frank, “are
not facing any kind of financial crisis.”

And so, yet another opportunity to avert the crisis that now is — according to
Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson — threatening to “completely destroy the
entire U.S. financial system” was lost.

The simple truth

Despite everything the Democrats in Congress are telling you now …

Despite all the mindless spin the mainstream media is trying to shove down
your throat on the six-o’clock news …

Despite all the talk about how “greedy lenders and incompetent CEOs and
lax government regulation” caused this crisis …

Despite the ridiculous claims that only increased government regulation and
intensified congressional oversight can end the crisis (regardless of the fact
that political regulation and oversight caused it) …[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

“The Government Did It”

“Through the stick of the CRA and the carrot of

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Fed created
the mortgage market debacle.”

– Economist Yaron Brook

And despite the lies congressional Democrats and their presidential

candidate are telling in an unbelievably hypocritical attempt to hang this crisis
on the Bush administration (and by extension, on John McCain) …

The simple truth is, this crisis was engineered and implemented almost
entirely by Democrats.

The more frightening truth is, they once again control Congress — just like
they did when the laws were passed that created this crisis.

And the terrifying truth to anyone who cares about his family’s financial
security is that they will probably also control the White House, come next

“Why is that so terrifying?” you ask …

Consider this: According to his autobiography,

Obama spent his years after college and before
he ran for the Illinois Senate becoming an
expert in real estate law and fair housing while
working as a “community organizer.”

What he was really doing was blackmailing

Chicago lenders into throwing money at his
The CRA — the idiotic law that
low-income constituents. And the club Obama
created this crisis — also made
used to bludgeon banks into submission — into
Obama who he is today.
granting loans to people with no down payment,
no job, no income and lousy credit histories —
was called … you guessed it … “The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.”

Now, to anyone who has even the glimmer of an understanding of how

Washington works, it should come as no surprise that Mr. Obama was well-
rewarded for his untiring efforts to force banks to throw money at unqualified
borrowers — and it should also come as no surprise that those rewards
flowed from the two quasi-private companies that benefited most from the
explosion in subprime mortgages: Fannie and Freddie.

Recently, we learned that of the hundreds of political contributions made by

Fannie Mae over the last couple of years, Obama received the second
highest amount — second only to the Chairman of the Senate Banking
Committee, Christopher Dodd (D-CT).[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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Other Democrats were also well-rewarded for this catastrophic explosion in

subprime lending with lucrative jobs at Fannie and Freddie. And four of these
former Fannie and Freddie big shots — former CEOs and a board member of
these corrupt institutions — have been on the Obama bandwagon since Day

1. Franklin Raines, former Clinton administration budget director

who earned $90 million in his five years as Fannie Mae CEO, from
1999 to 2004 — has been called by the Obama campaign several
times for advice on (believe it or not) housing and the economy
according to The Washington Post …

2. James Johnson, former aide to Democratic Vice President

Walter Mondale, who earned $21 million in his last year alone
serving as Fannie Mae CEO from 1991 to 1998 — was appointed
to head Obama’s vice presidential selection committee …

3. Jamie Gorelick, former Clinton administration deputy attorney

general, who earned $26 million as vice chair of Fannie Mae from
1998 to 2003 — has been mentioned as a prime candidate for a
possible cabinet position in an Obama administration by insiders, and …

4. Rahm Emanuel, former Senior Advisor in the Clinton White

House served on the Board of Directors for Freddie Mac where he
is said to have opposed every reform proposed by the Bush
Administration. Emanuel is credited with being the one man
responsible for rallying support for Obama early on among Congressional

Take a good, long look at those names and faces: These, along with the
aforementioned Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Christopher
Dodd, are the eight people who created this crisis and who profited the most
from it — both politically and financially.

Now, their abysmal economic ignorance, political ambition and mindless

greed are killing great American companies … robbing millions of their home
equity and their paychecks … driving the federal deficit through the roof …
and pushing us to the brink of the greatest financial catastrophe in U.S.

Plenty more blame to go around

Now, I make it no secret that I’m no fan of either one of the major political

Like Reagan, I believe that government isn’t the solution; it’s the problem.
And by studying history, I’ve learned that whenever Washington attempts to
solve any problem, it’s a slam-dunk it will only wind up creating two, three or
even more far more serious ones.

Even the most casual observer would conclude that as a class, politicians in[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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both parties are notorious for their inability to locate their own arses — even if
allowed to use both hands. Until now, we have tolerated them because they
— and the massive, bloated, abusive, oppressive government they have
created — have been merely a dead weight on us.

Not now. Now, there’s a very real risk that their lust for power, political
ambition, corruption and cowardice will cost you your job, your home, and
any prospects for a prosperous life.

The ONLY way to limit the damage they do to you, to me and to every other
American is to keep Washington on a short leash … prohibit them from
dabbling in matters they have no business fooling with … and to strictly limit
the size and scope of the government.

“A pox on both their houses,” is my studied philosophy.

So I don’t mind telling you that plenty of Republicans bear guilt for this crisis
as well.

Many are guilty of not having the guts to scream bloody murder while these
mindless laws were being passed …

Of not taking a stand when Bush tried not once but twice to head off this
crisis at the pass …

Or worse; voting with the Democratic majority for laws that elevated populism
and political correctness above financial prudence.

And sure: Many CEOs at our distressed or defunct financial institutions are
guilty of the same things.

And of extending the same courtesies the government demanded for low-
income borrowers to the middle class; luring millions of others into more
house than they could afford with no-down-payment loans and adjustable
rate mortgages with irresistibly low interest rates.

Plus, the way I see it, there’s no reason why anyone with an IQ larger than
my shoe size (11) would invest a penny in mortgages signed by people who
had no means or no intent of repaying them.

And of course, millions of Americans are also complicit for allowing

themselves to be seduced into taking on more debt than they could ever

But make no mistake: It took two Democratic presidents working with

Democratic majorities in Congress to engineer this crisis. Without the
disastrous “fair housing” legislation imposed on this country by Carter,
Clinton, Frank, Dodd and other Democratic lawmakers, this crisis would
never have happened.

And never forget; it was the Democratic Party that killed not one but two[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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attempts by the Bush administration to stop this credit catastrophe before the
first subprime lender bit the dust.

This is what happens when hysterical race-baiting and populist politics are
allowed to subvert prudent business practices.

This is what happens when despicable politicians are allowed to buy votes
from low-income people with laws that endanger your financial survival.

This is what happens when imbeciles — most of whom have never held a
real job or have had to make payroll in a company of their own — are allowed
to tamper with the economy.

And now, these same clowns

are about to make matters worse
Unbelievably, these same drooling morons — the very people who caused
this mess in the first place — are now charged with saving our economic
system from certain destruction.

Because they are the majority party in Congress, the very Democrats who
engineered this crisis — most notably Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Christopher Dodd (Fannie Mae’s fair-haired boy and #1 beneficiary of its
political contributions) and House Financial Services Committee Chairman
Barney Frank (who blocked every early attempt to avoid this crisis) — are
running the show.

And if the current state of the presidential polls are any

indication, our next vice president — Obama’s running
mate, Joe Biden, a loyal Democrat while this disaster
was being created in Congress — will be available to
break any ties on future Senate votes.

And of course, Obama himself — the self-proclaimed

“Candidate of Change” — who has never attempted to
change or reform one, blessed thing in his entire life …

Who, much to the contrary, shamelessly exploited Chicago’s notoriously

corrupt “pay-to-play” political system for all it’s worth and also built his entire
political base on the very law that created this crisis …

… Will soon be lighting up his beloved

Marlboros in the Oval Office.

So …

The next time you hear that your home

equity has vanished into thin air and that[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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your house is now worth less than you paid

for it; maybe even less than you OWE on
it …

Or find that your credit limit has just been

slashed or you get rejected when you apply for a loan …

Or check your stock portfolio or retirement plan only to find that it’s a mere
shadow of what it once was …

Or discover to your horror that our massive federal deficit has gutted your
buying power and driven the price you pay at the supermarket or gas
station sky high …

The next time you hear that a friend or family member has been laid-off, is
teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and in danger of losing everything he
or she has ever worked for …

The next time you want to kick the dog because your newly nationalized
mortgage or insurance company is suddenly exhibiting all the
competence of the U.S. Post Office and the sensitivity of an IRS collection
agent …

And the next time Barney Frank or Charlie Rangel or Joe Biden or any
other one of these unrepentant, hypocritical scoundrels tells you he’s
raising your taxes because you’re not shouldering “your fair share” of the
$1 trillion burden his blundering has saddled you with …

You know who to thank.

The moral of the story:

If you trust Washington to save you; you’re screwed.

If this crisis proves anything, it’s that these people don’t give a good goldarn
about you. You’re not rich enough to bail out or poor enough to be given a

So you, my friend, are on your own.

There are certain things you can do to protect yourself, though. And with this
crisis unraveling at a breakneck pace, there’s no time to waste.

Here’s a checklist I hope will come in handy …

1. Rake in every dollar you can. First and foremost, it is absolutely critical
that you do everything in your power to increase your income while you still[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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can. Pull out all the stops in your business. If you work for someone else,
work overtime or even multiple jobs if you have to. Sell stuff you don’t need
or don’t use. Scrape together all the dollars you can.

2. Save every dollar you can. Guard every one of them like a junkyard
dog. You’re going to need them. Go through your family budget with a fine-
toothed comb and ruthlessly, unapologetically slash every unnecessary
expense. The more you save now, the more you’ll have to see you through
when the ca-ca hits the air conditioner.

You might also want to check with a financial advisor to explore ways to cut
every payment you have to the bone. Because when the trillions of
counterfeit paper dollars Washington’s now creating out of thin air begin
working their way through the economy, you’ll probably be able to repay
every debt you owe with dollars that are worth a fraction of what they’re
worth today.

Also — whether you realize it or not, your single largest monthly expense is
NOT your mortgage or your car or your health insurance or anything else.
Your largest financial burden by far is the government — the federal, state
and local taxes you pay dwarf every other expense you have.

So seeing a qualified tax advisor about ways to make absolutely sure you’re
paying the absolute minimum required by law would be a stellar idea. Be
sure not to forget your property taxes. If your home is declining in value, you
may be able to appeal for a downward adjustment that could save you

3. Watch your bank accounts like a hawk. Whatever you do, do NOT
assume that your bank is safe just because this most recent bail-out proposal
is likely to become law.

Most banks have already suffered massive losses. Many are wounded;
bleeding; struggling to survive. And many still have huge amounts of toxic
loans in their portfolios that are steadily eroding their asset bases even

The bail-out is NOT going to replace the money they originally paid to buy
those investments — and that means they’ll be booking even more losses as
they dump those investments into the U.S. Treasury in the months ahead.

If you have more than $100,000 in a bank, make absolutely sure that no
single account at any one bank contains even a single dollar more than the
limit that’s insured by the FDIC. If you’re not clear on the rules, check out the
FDIC website at WWW.FDIC.GOV

4. Program your business for success in this tough environment. If you

are starting a business or are considering expanding your business’ product
line, carefully consider this new economic environment when setting your
strategy.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Think especially hard about recession-proof products and services — the

things people can’t live without. Seriously consider products and services
that cater to the very wealthy who are likely to be least affected as this crisis
unfolds. Also consider things that might help beleaguered wage-earners,
consumers, taxpayers, and other business owners get through this alive.

5. Expect stocks and mutual funds to plunge. If you own stocks — either
directly, in a mutual fund or ETF or through a retirement or pension plan —
you should seriously consider the risk you’re taking with that money.

Some analysts, including the ones who have been the most accurate in their
warnings about this crisis from the get-go, are warning that, with the
economy and stock market now as nervous as a hooker at a snake-handler
convention, the next chunk of bad news that hits the wires could be the straw
that breaks the market’s back.

And please — for all our sakes:

Send this article — in its entirety — to everyone you know. Post it or link to it
on every blog, every forum you can think of. Send more links to everyone on
your Contacts List and to reporters at the newspapers you read and the TV
networks you watch.

Write letters to both of your Senators and Congressperson and urge

everyone you know to do the same.

Demand that they repeal the Community Reinvestment Act that caused this
crisis (yes, it’s still on the books and still being enforced!).

Tell them you know what they did to cause this crisis.

Demand that criminals in Congress who actually DID cause this crisis suffer
at least as distressing a fate as the corporate CEOs they’re scapegoating.

The sooner Washington gets the message that we’re on to them and that
we’re not going to take it any more, the sooner things can begin to change.

This is YOUR financial future we’re talking about here. If Washington’s

power brokers have proven anything, it’s that they can NOT be trusted to do
the right thing until millions of us rise as one and shout “Enough!”

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor
THE TOTAL PACKAGE[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

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← Lessons Learned A Conversation With

the Legendary Copywriter
Part 1 of 6 →

311 Responses to A Conspiracy of Imbeciles[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Daniel Levis says:

September 26, 2008 at 3:46 pm

Thanks for having the stones to call a spade a spade old man.


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and economist says:

September 26, 2008 at 3:50 pm


You’re understating the problem.

I retired from 30 years of corporate employment and rolled my $313K

retirement fund into an IRA to keep Uncle from taking half in taxes.
Six months later the balance was $580,000.

When I saw one company drop from $150 to $145/share I called my

broker to dump my 1000 shares. He told me the analysts at his
company in NY (Paine Weber) had the stock target price still at $170
and I should hang on. It was "temporary".   When the company went
belly up, I got $350 instead of $145,000. The SEC fined P-W $200M
for investor fraud. They nailed Morgan Stanley $3B for the same
thing, if my info is correct. In two years my $580,000 was dead zero.

The problem is caused by morons named Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd,

Obama, and a host of others constantly on the take who have never
done an honest day’s work in their puny, parasitic lives. It started
with Carter and was exacerbated in the Clinton years. And the ones
responsible walk away with $millions in their pockets with the
wreckage to their backs. Carly Fiorina was hired by HP and I left. A
few years later they paid her a pile to leave after wrecking the
company, just as I expected.

AlBore gets filthy rich playing global warming idiots for suckers.
They’re just like Nero, fiddling away while Rome burned. Society
would be well served if they were tried on various offenses, then shot
in the public square for malfeasance. Pelosi likes high gas prices
because she wants to "save the earth " (her words, not mine). She
would be of greater worth if she donated her carcass to fuel a coal-
fired power plant.

The Republicans have plenty of egg on their face too. If they’d stand
up and show some INTEGRITY before they go into office, then KEEP
it while there, they’d have held control 2 years ago.

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said if the banks ever got control
of the economy, it would be worse than a standing army.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

But this I *know*: There is a God in Heaven who’s keeping score and
knows where the skeletons are hidden (hiding?). They are mortal.
They will die. Judgment Day is not a fable. They will be held to
account, and those wronged will be compensated. They would be
wiser to recognize that reality and conduct themselves accordingly
now, while they can benefit. But if they don’t, they will reap what they
deserve, as will all others.

Right is right because it is right. Not because it’s someone’s opinion.

And when a majority of the population chooses what is wrong, that

brings destruction on society. It happened in Rome, Greece,
Babylon, Egypt, and in the ancient Americas as well as Asia. History
repeats. Those who fail to learn its lessons are doomed to repeat

And the thumb-sucking pin-heads who avoid political confrontation

and productive confrontation with the facts, who hide behind some
professed "disinterest" in "organized religion" will meet the same
inevitable accountability for their pathetic lives and what they did with

Everyone is given the power to choose between good and evil, right
and wrong. And those who choose incorrectly cannot escape the
consequences, eventual though they may be and later than sooner.
But also those who choose right cannot escape the inevitable
rewards that come from doing and being right.

Spot-on Clayton.

Let the dogs bark. The caravan moves on. And the seedy, seamy,
corrupt, self-serving, self-deluding, self-destructive morons behind
the mess will eventually rue the day.

And may those who don’t want anything out of life have fond
memories of never having anything…



Joe says:
September 26, 2008 at 3:51 pm

Nice sales letter Clayton, especially the bullet points midway

through. If you had a newsletter or product that you were selling at
the end of it, I would have bought it in an instant.

A couple contrarian questions for you:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

1. Would the millions of Adjustable Rate Mortgages that were dished

out to anyone with a pulse — even if they didn’t have a snowballs
chance of meeting the adjusted payments later on — add to the
problem? How about creating mortgages like an interest only
mortgage payment for the first 5 years (or more?)

2. Would borrowing massive amounts of money from foreign

countries to finance the ongoing war in Iraq negatively deflated the
value of the dollar?

3. Would the skyrocketing price of oil and gasoline for a country is

heavily dependent on them caused a massive spike in the cost of
living, delivery of products and services to the marketplace? Maybe
even depress the economy downward towards a recession?

4. Would re-electing a president who took the country from a cash

surplus to a cash deficient come back and bite the country in the
collective arse? (Think about it: Would you let someone keep
running your business who cleaned out the bank accounts and
maxed out all of your credit lines within a year or two of starting? Not

The answer to all four of these questions is a bittersweet Yes.

I agree with Clayton on one thing: we haven’t seen the worst yet.
This upcoming election result doesn’t matter much to me anymore:
Whoever wins is inheriting the Titantic after it hit the iceberg and has
taken on 3 feet of water. Worse, we’re handing them a single leaky
bucket to try to bail the ship out with.

McCain and Obama are the best candidates that both parties could
come up with to solve the problems of this country? Pretty sad news
if you ask me.

As for your arguments about Carter and Clinton messing things up…
didn’t Reagan, Bush, and the current President have multiple
opportunities to remedy the problem before it started collapsing $700
billion dollar banks like Washington Mutual?

Yep, they did and they didn’t fix the problems either.

Take care,



John Deck says:

September 26, 2008 at 4:09 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

This is a must read. I just put it on The least I can do.

This is not a bailout but a liquidity crisis brought on by government

management. Once these programs start rolling they are almost
impossible to stop becuase of the Obama’ s out there. It steps on
their vested interest.

Great piece Clayton



Mike says:
September 26, 2008 at 4:10 pm

Thank you for the info. I didn’t know this.


Sam McMillan says:

September 26, 2008 at 4:11 pm

Bravo! Neal Boortz (mothership Atlanta WSB) has also been trying to
get the word out. Not near as detailed as you. Thank you.


Christopher Tomasulo says:

September 26, 2008 at 4:24 pm

Great article.  

It’s unfortunate that money and law are not elementary education
requirements. It would make for a better world.

People intersested in catching up should check out the BAILOUT



Steve says:
September 26, 2008 at 4:33 pm


You had me at hello… but lost me when you got obviously partisan[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

and your personal agenda came screaming into the equation.

You are looked to as a highly intelligent and obviously literate voice

and counselor. I’ve benefited from, and greatly appreciate, all you’ve
given back to us "little folk." Yet.. we’ve also given much to you as
well.. patronage and paychecks included.

The current financial debacle is no more a partisan issue than the

price of oil. There is much more at the core of this than Democrat or

You eluded to one of the little publicised or discussed Fabian

Socialists and when I read that – I thought to myself "Finally!
Someone is going to expose the truth who has an audience that
might really be able to give it some momentum." Then…

You dropped the ball and had to go politics. Why?

The current debacle is not Bush, Clinton, Reagan, or Carter..

although they are all part of the problem BECAUSE they never chose
to be part of a real solution.

This problem is rooted in greed, power, control, and the center of the
entire issue is a fiat system, fractional reserve structure, central
banking ponzy scam of macro-global proportions that has spanned

One of the absolute best, although admittedly controversial, books

ever written on this topic was "The Creature From Jekyl Island" by G.
Edward Griffin. If you really want to get a core understanding of
what’s happening, why it is, and where its all headed… at least for a
character building and contrarian perspective, not associated with
any agenda other than apparently trying to understand the history of
the cabal, syndicate and conspiracy that Americans, and indeed the
world, have swallowed – hook, line, and sinker.. without questions,
then you need to seriously consider this, and several other viable
publications, in your arsenal of material helping you to make a non-
biased, supremely educated opinion and better, less obviously
agenda’d conclusion.

Your advice is highly appreciated.. including the end actions you

recommend in your article, thank you very much for taking the time to
make these honest, and potentially unfavorable but necessary and
accurate recommendations Clayton.

I just can’t see why you took this devastatingly important issue… and
added further spin and politics to it, when that is exactly the kind of
distraction we do not need in this country at this time.

I’m no fan of the policies or socialist agendas you mentioned in your

article or those like them created by any political party myself… it[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

wouldn’t be too hard to put a similarly ugly post together about the
irresponsible policies of Republicans that have also contributed to
this nations current debacle (looking no further than last weekend;
let’s discuss the bailouts and bonuses on Wall Street and whose
agendas Paulson or Bernanke, neither of whom are elected officials
or representatives having anything to do with Consitutional
government, are promoting…) to what end though?

In fact, let’s face it… it has taken ALL of government to ignore the
people and allow this, and much worse, to come to pass. It has also
taken the peoples, our, acquiescence to allow them to do this
damage. In fact, if anyone can be blamed, its "We The People" for
being lulled into a hypnotic state of "Duh!"

Still respecting you… and still much more to say, but I’ve got to get
back to work… I’m a real estate investor/copywriter who is holding on
tight… planning my next move, watching… listening… calculating…

Just wanted to ask you to consider possibly digging deeper and

maybe being more centrist in your arguments… because the
obvious, not subtle, agenda of this article you’ve written, what could
have been a great service to many, has tainted the value, at least to
me, and left a really nasty taste in my mouth Clayton.

With my deepest respect…


Stewart says:
September 26, 2008 at 4:34 pm

Hey Clayton, I am sure glad you went easy on the fools in the
government. If I were you I would have been tougher.

I’m afraid this country is led by a high functioning moron, and no one
in congress has the intelligence or presence of mind to out-think him.
As for your comments about the Fourth estate, well they’d sell their
younger daughter for a place at the table.

This election promises to be an unplatble choice between donkey

dung and elephant dung. The reality is both these presidental
candidates and the dimwits they have chosen as VP candidated are
not qualified to be dog catcher, let alone the leader of this country.

I hear the strains of a violin playing in the background as my nose

crinkles from the acrid smoke of the American empire burning. I
suppose the one bright spot, if you will, is that foreigners are
repatriating their dollars as they snap up American infrastructure,
buildings, farmland, and other tangible assets at fire sale prices.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Colin Noden says:

September 26, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Thanks Clayton,
I saw this coming over two years ago using technical analysis, but I
am shocked at the depth of the problem. I’ve twittered the link and
hope that all who visit here do the same. It has to get out fast.

Not only USA but the world is tilting. This is NOT a crisis, it is a
profound shift. And the thing that bothers me is that CNN and other
"respected" news sources are ignorant, or intentionally misleading
America. Trust me, the international news people know what is going

How is it that the Country which stands for freedom and individual
autonomy is the country whose Government ( and media) feels that
the truth must be hidden from the masses? Bewildering….


Kalidasa says:
September 26, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Thanks for this Clayton. I had been wondering what the cause of all
this was beyond the great adjustable mortgage scam. Wouldn’t it be
great if the country could be run like a business?


John says:
September 26, 2008 at 5:03 pm

Hi Clayton,

Thank you for posting this article; it needed to be said.

A related youtube video:–o



David says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

September 26, 2008 at 5:06 pm


Glad you put the effort into this and what you said is the truth as I can
say I saw it first hand. It always amazes me that some people can,
even after you offer irrefutable facts, still want to blame the people
who had their hands tied by others who didn’t agree with the end
As a builder of more than 550 homes, I saw first hand this
irresponsible lending practice take hold. In 1998, the FHA allowed the
down payment assistance programs to be started and they quickly
took hold of the mortgage lending industry. The Nehemiah program
as it was called, suddenly took all the "A" credit people out of the
marketplace because most people wanted to pay nothing down (who
wouldn’t!), which left the "B" credit worthy people. Once they were
gone, about 1 1/2 to 2 years into the program, we were left with "C"
credit people. To my amazement they were qualifying with credit
scores of 520, missed payments within the last 12 months, no money
in the bank, and I had to even give them money back at closing!
Before this people always found money for the down payment, or
they could do sweat equity to get into a house. I never saw one of
those people get into a foreclosure situation. When the government
took the incentive away from people having to earn a home, that was
when the fuel was added to the fire and it became the beginning of
the end.


Malcolm Smith says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:10 pm

It’s a well-written article, but I have to disagree with you. The CRA is
really much less to blame than you state.As Robert Gordon, an
economics prof at Northwestern points out, about half of the defaults
in question here are on loans made by mortgage companies not
regulated by the CRA.And Countrywide – the first big domino in the
chain – has a history of avoiding the CRA. As the California
Reinvestment Coalition points out on its website, "Countrywide
accepts NO CRA responsibility to engage in community reinvestment
activity in California. None."Finally, in their January, 2008 report, NY
law firm Traiger & Hinckley LLP flatly states the CRA was a mitigating
factor – not a contributing one to the crisis: "Compared to other
lenders in their assessment areas, CRA Banks were less likely to
make a high cost loan, charged less for the high cost loans that were
made, and were substantially more likely to eschew the secondary
market and hold high cost and other loans in portfolio."So blaming
the mess on previous Democratic administrations and the CRA just
doesn’t ring true.If we want to point fingers, I think we’d be more[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

accurate aiming them at the consistent Republican policy of

deregulation that began under Ronald Reagan. That’s what enabled
all the institutional money to pour into risky investments.I don’t
usually disagree with you, but I think you’ve missed the mark on this


Jim Furr says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:14 pm

Hi All,

This "situation" is orchestrated and managed by the Treasury

Secretary and the Federal Reserve Head along with entrenched
bureaucrats and shoved down congresses thought with a
meaningless front of "Debate" that will always result in the Treasury
and Fed getting exactly what they want.

Be not decieved into thinking that the congress or president or

political party had ANYTHING to do with this.

The Fed and Treasury are Pro the Big Money Interests. That is who
is behind all of it.

All else is smoke and mirrors – red herrings.

Jim Furr ><>


Brian Ridgway says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:22 pm


I’ve been reading your stuff for a while, and I have huge respect for
you as a writer, businessman and as a person.

This is a brilliant article, extremely well-written and very cojone-rich.

An earlier responder to your article noted G. Edward Griffin and "The

Creature From Jekyll Island". Perhaps you are familiar and are too
wise to stir the waters into mud for the uninitiated, or perhaps you are
not familiar, but here is the deeper view, as I understand it:

NONE of this is due to incompetence, and most of it is not the ‘simple

greed’ it appears to be on the surface. This is a multi-year, long-term,
master strategy to ruin the nation, drive us into third-world status and[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

eliminate U.S. sovereignty.

We (the FREE American sheeple) are the only thing standing

between the most hard-core internationalists/globalists and their
ultimate intent: Their publicly stated goal to wipe out national
sovereignty, ‘reduce’ the world population to a few hundred thousand
and then give themselves the planet for a personal playground.

The wealth of the American people was a HUGE obstacle to their

plan, and -come on, you know this- the central plank of socialism is
‘redistribution of wealth’. Take a GOOD look at where ‘Amerika’s’
money has gone— a really good look. This is an incredibly brilliant,
ultra-strategic master-plan to slide the wealth of the American dream
right out from under us, as we prepare to usher in the North
American Union (which they all publicly deny, but it easily

Join the Campaign For Liberty NOW. Just google it. Join and DO IT NOW. Start taking action – or, mark my
words- you will soon find yourelf unable to take ANY action.

Not doom and gloom, but ‘keepin it real’.

Brian D. Ridgway


Michael says:
September 26, 2008 at 5:24 pm

Great summation Clayton!

I think the "blood in the streets" scenarion described by Baron
Rothschild has finally arrived, so it must be a good time to invest,
huh? If this were the USA in 1973 or 1987, I probably would never
hesitate since the fundamentals were still sound.

Unfortunately, theses times are more like St. Petersburg in October

of 1917. Fundamental shifts are happening in the economy, social
security, and government simultaneously . . . a perfect storm that
threatens our very way of life!


Bruce NC says:
September 26, 2008 at 5:27 pm

The new political gospel: public office is private graft.

Mark Twain – More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

It seems that the least capable and most delusional are drawn to[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

politics…where their condition worsens.

When things get bad enough, I sincerely hope that We the People
will kick these pigs out of the public trough.

Thanks Clayton


George Paukert says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:33 pm


I agree with every word you’ve said. And, believe it or not, I’ve
been talking about a Depression in 2008 for years.

I am in the process of posting articles about how the real estate

bubble started and how and why it ended.   I’ll have them up on my website over the weekend.

The next president has his work cut out for him. Unfortunately, we
have two weak candidates who cannot resolve today’s problems.
That tells me we are in trouble.

What can save us? We need to replace all the people in the
Congress and Senate. We cannot afford to have politicians with a
7% – 18% approval rating!
But it’s the voters’ own fault. We cannot keep electing the same
people as Congressmen and Senators. some of them have been in
office 30 – 40 years!

Until we change ourselves and throw the crooks out, nothing will
change. We’ll just have more of the same.


Greg Hughes says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:46 pm

Yours is the best commentary on this issue I have read. I hope the
entire country finds this article.

Greg Hughes

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Ron Carmichael says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:49 pm

Clayton & to everyone reading this article…

Clayton this is extremely powerful stuff and needs to be said…the

problem is…this is not time to review the history (as interesting and
factual as I found it).

I will leave the strong political stuff aside as I am not an American

citizen. I am a soon to be extremely impoverished Brit. We too have
been massivley sold ‘down the line’ and with absolutely nothing left in
the cupboard. This is after many benign years.
All the political posturing is crap & we have been fooled & robbed

Let’s get to the point.

The message you so clearly spell out is absolutely right…I have been
staggered that people could not see the train coming.

I thought I was extremely pessimistic on the outlook, but this is

nothing compared to the real situation.

I also urge your readers to TAKE ACTION NOW! This is not a $1

trillion dollar problem. The bailout is not going to work!

This is a calamitous environment and requires immediate action. Try

and get your assets out of dollars, avoid TBonds. Go for the safest,
most liquid assets you can.

Where that is not possible – HEDGE NOW AT ALL COSTS.

For those of your readers who are more financially active, I would
encourage them to look to start trading, there has actually never
been a better time. But you need a disciplined, structured approach.

There are ways out of this crisis and great opportunities are already
presenting themselves, as I am seeing in the markets.

For instance, the FX markets last week presented some of the

greatest trading opportunities I have seen. You may think I am telling
you to jump in the fire but I can assure you, this is not the case.

IBy way of backround, I have been involved in the financial markets

for 25 years and have been through some pretty hairy moments, but
never anything like this.

So, Clayton, good on you for saying what needs to be said. I know
you work closely with the guys at Weiss Research. Again, leaving the
politics aside, you’re absolutely on the button.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

To your readers, I would also urge you to personally take action

NOW and tell all your family and friends that they MUST SECURE
THEIR FINANCIAL FUTURE. I am not saying this to suddenly join
the growing band. I have been warning people since prior to the ‘start
of the crisis’ last Summer.

There has never been a more important time. This means helping
family and friends survive and if possible (which it is) prosper in these
catastrophic times.

Watch your money & watch liquidity.

Kind regards & good luck.

Ron Carmichael


Rick Rakauskas says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Thanks Clayton for filling in some gaps. I can’t imagine Australian

lenders would accept orders to "lend to anyone with a pulse".

Y’all must be subconsciously thinking of moving down here to Oz too

– nice to finally see "arse" being spelled correctly …

Live long. Live well.


Roberto, from Chile says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Bravo! I like dots over ‘I’s.

Many of us in this corner of the world feel politicians should be

banned from sunlight altogether, yet the mass keeps electing them to
run our countries and run away with more than their fair share.

There’s an old adage stating "people get the ruler they deserve", so
any and all efforts aimed at changing the awareness of people so
inept, ill-intentioned ones don’t make it to government are welcomed.

Good job.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Nisha says:
September 26, 2008 at 5:52 pm

I just love how one-sided this entire letter is. I guess Republicans had
nothing to do with this crisis and it’s all Barack Obama’s fault and
President Bush, John McCain and the rest of their cronies, who have
been running Washington & Wall Street for the past 8 years or more
had nothing to do with it. Yes, McCain postponed (not really) his
campaign to go save the country. Well if you believe that, I got some
Lehman Brothers stock I’d like to sell you. It’s funny Republicans (of
which you are obviously) are always complaining that Obama hasn’t
held office long enough but when the crap hits the fan he’s the first
one all of you point the finger at. Everyone, Republican and
Democrat alike are responsible for this mess. It’s obvious which side
you’re on. I just think it’s lame that you use this space to voice such a
one sided opinion, but it’s your blog. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it
again, white folks are scared to death of a African American man
running this country and will come up with anything to keep it from
happening. When we get past all the smoke and mirrors that’s what’s
really at heart.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 26, 2008 at 5:55 pm

Thanks for the comments, guys …

Hey, Joe …

In answer to your point #1, ABSOLUTELY! You’re right.

But as I point out, these "creative" financing techniques were born to

draw low-income people into the market. And as I think I pointed out
later in the article, lenders DID screw up by extending these schemes
to the general public.

And what nobody else wants to say out loud is that intellegent,
educated middle class people allowed themselves to be seduced by
these kinds of loans and they also bear part of the guilt for this.

Point #2: Yes, I agree again. The trade deficit did damage the value
of the dollar. Mindless Democrats and gutless Republicans spent too
much and had to borrow the rest of the money that our bloated,
staggeringly corrupt government needed to pay its bills from "we the
people" and from foreigners. So, while the American people were
sinking into a debt sinkhole, so was our government.

That said, though, take a look at a chart of the U.S. dollar index and
you’ll see that the greatest damage to the value of the dollar — by far[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

— began in August of last year when Washington began throwing

money at this crisis.

#3. Yes, again. And someday, when I write an article about energy,
I’ll be more than happy to address that point.

But although higher energy prices can slow our economy and even
push us into recession as it did in the early ’70s, it’s a stretch to think
that they could trigger anything even approaching the massive
financial meltdown we’re seeing now.

#4 Rhetorical question. Bush is not running for office.

Clinton had the dumb luck to be elected at a time when the rise of
computer technology, wireless technology and the Internet were
creating the greatest economic boom since the Industrial Revolution.

Bush was UNfortunate enough to be president when that boom went

bust and when terrorists took $3 trillion out of the economy on 9/11.

If you can name one thing Clinton did to create that technology boom
(other than choosing Al Gore; the guy who says he invented the
internet as VP), I’ll agree that he was an economic genius.

Otherwise, his greatest economic legacy will be signing the

international trade agreements that resulted in the dismantling of
America’s industrial base and sending millions of American jobs

Finally, if you’ll check the article again, you’ll see that I mention that
Bush DID try to reform Fannie and Freddie in 2001 and again in 2003
— but the Democrats in Congress and the media demagogued the
issue and killed the administration’s freform bill.

And Steve, life is politics. If you’ll re-read the article, though I think
you’ll notice that, while I do my best to give the lie to Democratic
attempts to lay this crisis on the Republicans, I skewer the GOPers
as well.

A point I didn’t make that I think is important: These two political

parties are only a symptom of the real problem. The real problem
began when they figured out they could "buy" power and public office
by confiscating liberty and money from groups that wouldn’t vote for
them and gave it to groups that would.

That’s why the Democrats passed CRA and that’s the root of most of
the corruption and incompetence we see today.

I would take issue with your suggestion that this article is "partisan"
simply because it asks congressional Democrats to take
responsibility for creating this crisis and blocking Republican efforts to[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

prevent it. I also skewer the Republicans for not having the balls to
stop this idiocy before the crisis got out of control.

The crowning riony is that, while Democrats are trying to add MORE
money for ACORN to the $700 billion bailout … and as Republicans
are finally digging in their heels, the CRA that created this crisis is still
on the books and NOBODY has said a word about reforming or
repealing it!

Why? Because if any politician suggested such a thing, he’d

immediately be labeled a "racist."

As far as me becoming "centrist," I’m far to the left of the Democratic

party on issues of personal liberty and far to the right of the
Republicans on fiscal issues. I guess maybe, on average, that kind
of puts me in the middle. Right?

In the meantime, though, I’m left with voting for the lesser of two
evils, or wasting my vote by going with a righteous candidate with no
chance of winning.

Is this what the founding fathers had in mind? I doubt it.

Malcom: You miss the point. CRA loans were the first domino: The
primer in the cartridge that ignited the powder, propelling the bullet
into the brains of these now-defunct financial institutions.

And you’re dead wrong about Countrywide. The company was held
up as a paragon of "non-discriminatory lending" as it used the most
"flexible" terms possible to increase its CRA lending from $1 billion to
over $600 billion. Quoting California fair housing activists and New
York law firms can’t change that fact.

As far as regulation is concerned, it’s based on what I think is a silly

assumption: That politicians and bureaucrats are somehow better
people and more honest than the rest of us are.

I reject that notion entirely. Businesspeople never gassed 6 million

jews; politicians and bureaucrats did. Power corrupts; absolute
power corrupts absolutely.

Oh — and did you notice that the 200 regulators charged with
overseeing Fannie and Freddie never lifted a finger to prevent this

Regulation is not the answer. More government is not the answer.

Getting government out of our lives and out of our businesses is the

Cheers![11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 26, 2008 at 6:08 pm

Hi, Roberto! My first wife is a Chilena. Where are you? Santiago?

Vina? Valparaiso? Gorgeous place!

Nisha. Read the article. I’m not a Republican. I’m a Libertarian.

Socially liberal; fiscally conservative. This article takes both parties
to task. It just lays the blame for THIS particular crisis where the facts
say it belongs.

Like you, I’m disgusted with both parties and say so — explicitly — in
the article.

And you know what? I would LOVE to see an afro-American man or

WOMAN run this country — so long as he or she has integrity and is
fiercely committed to preserving our liberties, our right to run our
businesses as we see fit, and to keeping government off our backs.

Martin Luther King was right: We should judge people — including

candidates — on the content of their character. Period.

So wouldn’t that mean that voting FOR a candidate solely because of

the color of their skin … on the basis of race … is also racist?

– Clayton


Sacramento Steve says:

September 26, 2008 at 6:17 pm

Thanks for taking your valuable time to research and present this
information. Most of us agree that while what you’ve presented is
correct, it’s only the tip of the gigantic iceberg. Allowing Barney Frank
and Christopher Dodd to be involved in the solution is a travesty.
One of the worst financial decisions ever made in this country was to
securitize debt which began with credit card receivables and worked
its way to mortgages. Another really bad decision was made when
Wall Street started hiring all those PhDs in statistics and mathmatics
to create computer models used to slice and dice these securitized
loans. And perhaps the absolute dumbest decision was believing
that all these s0-called geniuses could eliminate the business cycle
and minimize risk with their software programs. The entire financial
system has been corrupted by ego and greed. And you are correct . .[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

. we ain’t seen the worst. Keep your informed rants coming. We

need more people like you getting on their horses and riding through
the streets sounding the alarm.


Stephen Goodell says:

September 26, 2008 at 6:18 pm

I admire your passion on this economic and political calamity. To a
great extent I share your concern and point of view. However, I
believe our consumer excesses and greed are more widespread than
you suggest. I’m extremely concerned. Over the past two years, I
became conscious of the number of times I heard, “We haven’t seen
this since the Depression,” from top officials in both public and private
sectors. Thanks for taking scarce time to bring this treatise to the
table. I will circulate it. And thanks for all you’ve taught me about
marketing. Stephen Goodell


Analía says:
September 26, 2008 at 6:30 pm

Great you decided to post this. I already emailed it


karen says:
September 26, 2008 at 6:42 pm

Reading and watching the news as well as posts like this remind me
of days we all had to practice hiding under our desks in case of
nuclear fallout. I remember keeping a box of my favorite things, like
that 3 ft. doll I really loved, pajamas, clean underwear, some clothes
– all kept by my bedroom door – just in case we all had to retreat to
the basement "fallout" shelter. The doll is long gone but I can’t help
feel I wish it were simple enough to pack a box and think I’d be safe
down in the basement. Yet, the bottom line is we are all in this
together – here as well as the rest of the world and somehow it’s up
to us – yes, the "WE the People" of the USA and the World to get us
out of this. We have been shown by example of all our "leaders" that
they aren’t particularly concerned about us, any of us. Wait, I think
my "golden parachute" might be on its way -

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Gerold Bigorajski says:

September 26, 2008 at 6:43 pm

The current sit is described mostly right, however the analysis is

missing a crucial point.

The FED — a consortium of private banks — is printing dollars and

lending them to the US government since about 1929, when these
same banks manufactured what is known as the 20th century big
economic crises. And don’t believe they’re doing so (printing and
lending dollars) for philantropic reasons — The US government has
to pay high interests for every single buck the FED prints and hands

These interests in the past decades have created debts that by basic
economical laws can never be paid back as their grand total including
compound interests way exceeds the quantity of Dollars out there
anywhere on our planet.

You could also state that these guys are owning America — and not
only America, as basically every nation on Earth owes them trillions
of Dollars, Euros, Yen, Pound or whatever currency in the meantime.

And be sure they decided who was elected for president in the past.
And thus they were the guys BEHIND every president since at least 7

So guess who manufactured the current crises? I know it sounds a lot

like conspiracy theory, so just check the facts about the FED given
above, call your local representative and ask him whether the above
is true or not. Look up the level of governmental indebtedness for any
industrial country at Wikipedia or whereever you like and ask the
question not answered there: ‘Who borrows all that money?’

Sorry Clayton — it won’t matter very much who will be elected

beginning of next year. The decision is to let the economy crash on a
worldwide basis, and as the guys having made that decision already
own quadrillions they surely have the economic power to push it
through. So get ready to meet the probably greatest depression and
inflation mankind has ever seen.

Maybe there is an answer to this misery. But I doubt it will be a

political one. And it surely will not depend on who’s going to be the
next president.


Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Matthew says:
September 26, 2008 at 6:46 pm


Please read, and then re-read response #8. Until you are up to
speed about the federal reserve and their complete control of our
money, you will not be able to understand the real problem.

We do not have a two party system – that disappeared in 1913. The

Reps and the Dems are just a diversion for the real power, which is
the monopoly, private, for profit corporation called the federal
reserve. It’s not a federal agency nor does it have any reserves, but it
is allowed to regulate money supply and set interest rates without
ANY Congressional oversight.

They are, and have been responsible for every boom-bust cycle
since the panic of 1907. All the while making many trillions of dollars,
whether boom or bust, off the backs of us little guys.

In a recent email, Ron Paul so elegantly stated, "F.A. Hayek won the
Nobel Prize for showing how central banks’ manipulation of interest
rates creates the boom-bust cycle with which we are sadly familiar.
In 1932, in the depths of the Great Depression, he described the
foolish policies being pursued in his day – and which are being
proposed, just as destructively, in our own."


Steve says:
September 26, 2008 at 6:50 pm


Thank you for responding to my comments with well thought out

and appropriate rebuttal, none of which sounded in the least bit like
the overall tone of your article.

But, instead leaves me feeling like you may not have intended a one
sided sales pitch for the GOP, but that you do have valid points
concerning the specific events, in particular related real estate and
lenders, of late and that these events may have been postponed… or
possibly mitigated, if our elected officials had been more intelligent
and long-sighted.

There is much more than is being discussed or seen here

though, and what we are feeling now is only the tip of the iceberg, if
what I understand is correct.

The current events are symptoms… not causes. They are the[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

crop, not the seeds.

What I feel personally, what is so desperately needed, is an

understanding of the core reasons for why this, not just the banks
and lenders of today sticking their hands into our already drained
pockets, not just the social democrats giving away America to the
poor and contributing to the systematic elimination of the middle
class… but the entire enchalada, the whole house of crumbling
cards… happened in the first place…and an intelligent discussion
of potential solutions.

"Define the problem… discuss the solutions… shoot the


Solutions… that obviously do not include a two party system of

obvious lackeys and stooges who have their collective puppet strings
being yanked by someone else.

Wasn’t it Rothschild who said something to the effect of…

‘I could care less whether Democrats or Republicans are in control,

whether the governments are Republics, Democracies, or total
Communist Dictatorships… give me the power to print and control
the money, and I’ll control them all.’ (paraphrased, not quoted)

Fiat systems… fractional reserve standards… cartels and cabals of

government and private businesses disguised as politically opposed
but in truth in bed whoring with each other… are at the very seed of
this mess.

Democrats or Republicans… two sides of the same coin.. which

is being tossed in the air and flipped by the real powers holding them.

Not only here in America either… there is a much bigger play

being perpetrated here.

I’d really like to hear others who understand it from it broader

perspective, perhaps you Clayton, help us to see what’s really going
on… REALLY… and how we, the most free and, when pissed off,
perhaps the most powerful, force in our government, can prevent this
"evil plan" from coming to full fruition on our watch anyway.

Anyone else for putting personal agendas aside and getting down to
the real ogre’s who need to be run out of town at the end of a


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 26, 2008 at 7:21 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Steve, I get the sense that you didn’t read the entire article. I think
the two of us agree on most things.

Scroll up and find the subhead "Plenty of blame to go around." You’ll

see that I place the blame squarely on both parties … on the use of
populist politics to steal from one group and buy votes from another.
You’ll see that I am NOT a Republican, but a hapless Libertarian who
understands that both of the majors are beyond salvation.

And yes, I could go deeper.

I could rant about fiat money and the abandonment of the gold

I could rail against Keynsian economic policies and extol the virtues
of Austrian economics.

I could scream about a system that has abandoned the founding

fathers’ intent that only taxpayers should be allowed to vote, thus
empowering the uneducated and ignorant to vote for politicians who
give them money from the public till and who pass measures that
force US businesses to shower them with still more.

I could demonstrate how all of these things have contributed to the

cancer that’s killing our society, our economy and our nation today.

I could make my case that when the history books are written about
the Rise and Fall of the American Empire, future historians will point
to these things as the seeds of our demise.

But that would take 1,400 pages. This article is only 13. So gimme a


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 26, 2008 at 7:25 pm

Oh — Matthew and Gerold? Same response: Great topics for

another day!


Michael says:
September 26, 2008 at 7:28 pm

Hi Clayton,

Great stuff. I really love the line about Jimmy Carter,[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

"Now, nobody I know has ever accused Mr. Carter of being the
sharpest crayon in the box … "

I laughed out loud…

I live in the Seattle area (a.k.a. WAMU Ground Zero)

Come to think of it… about 3,500 people here are about to lose their
lives… So now we have ground zero in NY and Seattle.

… I’ve already heard office chatter that foreign short selling has
caused this mess…

… but I think this time we only have U.S. government terrorists to




Steve says:
September 26, 2008 at 7:29 pm

ROFLMO… Too true Clayton, too true.

You Rock and your perspectives are spot on… thank you for helping
me to see the deeper you and showing that you had taken into
consideration these important facts.

I think I just went from Independent to Libertarian.

My big mouth didn’t ruin any hopes of ever working with you did it?

Steve Odette


emv says:
September 26, 2008 at 7:30 pm

A brilliant read, Clayton – beautifully written and argued even though I

feel you are way too soft on Bush and his entourage. Underwriting
the seemingly endless "war on terror" has also played a major role
here, surely?

Looking on from the UK, where we’re catching a huge and potentially
lethal chunk of highly toxic fallout from your side of the Pond, I have[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

to say that it’s truly gobsmacking – not to say terrifying – that your
country is led by such corrupt, greedy and incompetent fools. And it’s
also pretty galling to have these people ram down our throats at
regular intervals the patronising message that the US is the world’s
beacon of "freedom" and "democracy" and the "land of opportunity".
Yeah, right.

I’ll concede immediately that our own politicians are nothing much to
write home about either, but how can it be that Obama and McCain
have emerged as the "best" your huge and wonderful country can
come up with to take over from the totally discredited and deadly
Dubya? And let’s face it, how on earth did he ever get elected – and
not once, but TWICE? (Though come to think of it, perhaps the first
time doesn’t quite count…)

We in Britain watch what’s happening to your financial system with

horror and disbelief while bits of our own follow Wall Street’s lead and
unravel at break-neck speed. Many of us are angry that our own
politicians also chose to allow an inflated housing market to fuel an
era of unregulated and irresponsible lending and cheap credit. I’m
among those who have been saying for at least five years that this
was clearly unsustainable but my observations generally fell on deaf
ears as folk flashed the cash and boasted about the latest "worth" of
their homes. It’s no consolation to be proved right.

The frantic wheeling and dealing in Washington this weekend is akin

to fiddling while Rome burns, and it may be that this version of
capitalism is now very close to its sell-by date. Maybe that’s no bad
thing, and out of all this chaos – and whatever the short-term cost –
there will emerge a better way for all of us to do business and with it a
more equitable world for our children.

Thanks again, Clayton, for opening up the debate.


Michael says:
September 26, 2008 at 7:49 pm

Although as always Clayton, you make strong points very eloquently

and even as persuasively as you’re famous for, I too have to take the
somewhat contrarian position and point out that your well intentioned
"passionate discourse" appears to me to be somewhat akin to trying
to take down a diseased tree by hacking at the leaves and limbs,
instead of yanking it out by its roots.

I agree with Steve above who pointed out that the real greed and
corruption started a long time ago on Jeckyll Island when the
unthinkable happened. A private group of rich, powerful and
extremely greedy men was given total control of this nation’s[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

currency when the Federal Reserve was created. Of course the

Federal Reserve is no more "federal" than Federal Express is.

That was the beginning of the end, and President Wilson knew it
when he signed it into law after it was voted through during a rush
session of Congress when most members were away on Christmas

This ominous quote sums it up:

"Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its
laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

This of course also ultimately ushered in the illegal personal federal

income tax system to begin to enslave every worker in the United

Clayton, please turn your very apt attention and concern on the real
causes and the real culprits of where we are today. Take a look at
who really runs "the show" and controls everything. Look deeper into
the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the members of the Federal Reserve and
the like. That’s the cartel of puppet masters that those "in power" take
their marching orders from.

Take a deep look at the way the mainstream media (MSM) is also
now owned and controlled by members of these groups. Notice how
public perception is shaped, swayed and even yes, distracted by the
endless barrage of spin intended to keep the masses’
minds occupied with things that don’t really matter, so that the things
that do really matter aren’t recognized, let alone acted on.

This whole "meltdown" is more likely the largest intentional transfer of

wealth in history, theft by deception perpetrated while hiding in plain
sight by the most clever of criminals.

When more people awaken to how they’ve been duped into financial
enslavement under the guise of "freedom", perhaps there will be a
possibility of a real correction and a rebuilding of the kind of system
of government and representation that is truly of the people, for the
people and by the people.


Georjina says:
September 26, 2008 at 8:11 pm

Thank God! Finally, someone else who has been watching this fiasco
besides me!    Least we forget, the’70′s had its own recession (I’m
old enough to remember odd and even days to buy gas), as did the
80′s when the middle class all but disappeared because their income[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

level dropped by over 52%. Lucky them, they became the politically
correct ‘working poor’.

Don’t forget the ‘Fantasy Island’ of the 90′s, when the dot coms also
created a feeding frenzy at the IRS for those dumb enough to take
stock options from companies that went bust…some are still paying
off liens on ‘stock income’ they never received.

It seemed everyone looked the other way as long as it wasn’t

happening to them personally. The current crop of Bucket Heads are
doing just as those from the past, promise whatever you want but
keep looking for a way to get yours before it all goes to hell.



Mark Hendricks says:

September 26, 2008 at 8:16 pm

Excellent Clayton!

I’ve sent this out to all my friends, family, and congressional reps too.

Mark Hendricks


Joe Derer says:

September 26, 2008 at 8:31 pm

"Well done Clayton… you hit the nail on the head.

Fascist Capitalism is what we’ve had for some time.
Clayton do you recall what the Fabian Society logo used to be?
It was one guy holding a globe over an anvel and another guy holding
a raised sledge hammer over his head–they would beat the world
into submission… and yes Clinton is a member.
Tavistock Institute is another dark place.
Thanks Clayton for your excellent piece.
Joe at


Alasdair Morgan says:

September 26, 2008 at 8:40 pm

Interesting article and lots of info that the media doesn’t talk about as
you say. Highly biased though. You can hardly pin the current
situation entirely on the Dems.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

The vast amounts of money that the Bush Administration has

pumped into the economy in the last 8 years to fight wars, etc., plus
keeping interest rates artificially low during that period is what caused
the housing bubble in the first place.

The Dems may have laid the foundation for this mess, but the
Republicans have repeatedly stoked the fire.

IMO, they’re equally as useless and greedy as each other.


Tim says:
September 26, 2008 at 8:56 pm

I look at it this way: I don’t like gun control. The criminals will always
have major weapons, and I want to be able to defend myself if
someone breaks in to my home, even if it is only a sawed-off .12
gauge. I might die, but I’m taking someone with me.


James says:
September 26, 2008 at 9:15 pm

Clayton as always I enjoy you. I have learned a little more than

copywriting and marketing reading your material and those who
contribute. There is one fatal flaw in the time line. Bush has had a
republican congress up until last year 2007 that contributed to the ills
we face today. Which leads me to the same ole conclusions… The
Democrats may have opened the door to the sub prime mess but the
Republicans profited from it and did not close the door. The
Republicans controlled Congress up until 2007 and had the worst
President America has ever had. So your time line is not complete
accurate or honest.


John C. A. Manley says:

September 26, 2008 at 11:22 pm

This is the BEST big picture description I’ve read — by anyone —

summing this all up.

Sadly, this may be the big reason why it’s all spiraling downward, but
there are thousands of little reasons, too. I’m not expert, but it seems
every time I turn around I read something stupid the US government[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

has done.

Real stupid.

Like GMO crops. Just read how the government had to subsidize
farmers $9+ billion dollars, because they were growing FDA
approved food that suddenly no one outside of Canada was willing to
buy. Third world countries wouldn’t even accept it as a donation.

Or how about how the FDA continually suppresses effective natural

products, and strives to keep the population sick and dependent on
drugs — a "disease maintenance program."

Right now we are looking at an economically melt down.

I suspect we should be grateful.

The drug companies will fall next.

Otherwise, what kind of country will the US and Canada have, when
80% of it’s population is sick. Already diseases that were rare
amongst children, like diabetes and brain tumors are epidemic.

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that society can survive if most it’s
population is sick, dying, or dead.

Or maybe it does take genius.

Anyways, difficult times ahead, leading to a purging that will bring a

much more balanced future. Let the current system collapse… take
the government and all it’s sold-out departments with it.

Time to reboot.


John C. A. Manley says:

September 26, 2008 at 11:24 pm

"It doesn’t take a genius to realize that society can survive if most it’s
population is sick, dying, or dead." — Sorry, I meant "can not


Roy Primm says:

September 27, 2008 at 12:23 am

It’s interesting how you left out our current President for the last 8[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Years – And a Republican Majority congress for the last 6 years …

Isn’t it enough blame to go around or is this just an all or your guys
are wrong – and all of my guys are perfect! Hmm?


Cathy Sutter says:

September 27, 2008 at 2:32 am

Clayton, great post. You know where I stand since we talked about
this stuff last weekend at Carline’s…

A few comments: Clarke, loved your post. Jefferson’s quote is: "I
believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies."

Steve: What do you mean by we don’t need this distraction? From

what? According to Judge Napolitano’s book, "A Nation of Sheep,"
the government is doing a good job of distracting everyone with the
video games, celebrity gossip, and sports…well, there’s a lot more.
However, I do agree with you regarding the Fed. Creature from
Jekyll Island…I’ve read excerpts but not the entire book.

Malcolm: hahahahaha…apparently you did not like the "partisan"

views, i.e., cutting down the Democrats, assuming that Clayton is a
Republican. His later post reveals that he is not affiliated with either
of the two major parties (which we should just eliminate, in my

Earlier today, I had a lively "debate" with my stockbroker in

Pittsburgh, who is a liberal Dem. He informed me that it was the
Bush Administration that caused the housing crisis. He got all pissed
when I said something about Clinton. Whoops, I was wrong….it goes
all the way back to Carter. I’ll be on the phone on Monday and will be
directing him to this site.

Back to comments…

Jim: Completely agree with you about the Fed and the Treasury…

Brian: Right on! You are sooo right. It’s a plan to make the U.S. a
third world country.

George: You took the words right outta my mouth. We need to

replace all the members of Congress…get ‘em outta there. I’ve
been saying this for sooo long…it’s the stupid people who keep
electing the same imbeciles over and over again. What’s up with
that? I, myself, am ashamed of Harry Reid, the idiot from Nevada.
Uh, that’s where I live…same thing, people keep voting him back in.
Grrr….[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Or should I remember "Two things are infinite: The Universe and

Human Stupidity. And I’m not sure about the Universe." Albert

And right: Why are they in there for years and years??? What a
cushy job these idiots have. If it were a real job, they would have
been fired a long time ago.

Nisha: Why would you think Clayton is a Republican? That got a

laugh outta me…

Your statement that white people are scared to death of having an

African American running this country…uh, don’t think so. I don’t like
this man’s past associations. I don’t really give a darn if he is black,
blue, or purple. "Be careful the friends you choose for you will
become like them." W. Clement Stone

And while I’m on the subject…He would NOT be the first black
president. I am fed up hearing this misstatement. He is not black.
He is half-black. We called them mulattos when I was growing up.
But this half-black stuff is never mentioned by anyone anywhere on
the news or any other program for that matter. Duh…

In addition, there have been five presidents with just as much black in
them: Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln,
Warren Harding, and Calvin Coolidge.

Don’t believe me? Do some research…you will find it to be true.

Ron: Agree with you…get your assets out of the dollar. I bought
silver and am now buying some gold. Although Clayton mentions
that the FDIC insures your money, I really can’t trust that. I mean, it’s
the government...

You have to have gold, grub, and guns…there you go. Be prepared.

EMV: I agree. Really, McCain and Obama…this is the best we can

come up with out of 300 million people? Geez… We would do better
randomly selecting names from the telephone books.

David: Interesting story about your homebuilding days. Have to say

that owning a home is a privilege, not a right…as so many
entitlement mentalities think

I am not voting for the lesser of two evils simply because you will still
have evil in the end. I’ll be there with Clayton, voting from my heart,
maybe wasting my vote but at least not compromising myself. You
see, I’m not a sheep…I’m a wolf. I wonder if I can write in my
candidate? Dr. Ron Paul[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



Robert Lehrer says:

September 27, 2008 at 3:46 am

Clayton, you wrote a brilliant piece that’ll certainly go in my swipe

files. But you sound more like a die-hard Republican than a

As you stated, Ronald Reagan certainly did say that government is

the problem, not the solution.   His statement wasn’t wrong, but it
sure was hypocritical.   President Reagan grew the Federal budget
much greater than any "big-spending" liberal before him did.

Senator McCain , another Republican, shovels up the same B.S.

today. He talks about cutting spending in Washington…..after he’s
supported around $600 Billion of funding to pay for our train wreck in

Republican Senator Phil Gramm was another large contributor to

today’s economic predicament   Political blogger James Moore
explains it this way:
"A few days after the Supreme Court made George W. Bush
president in 2000, Gramm stuck something called the Commodity
Futures Modernization Act into the budget bill. Nobody knew
that the Texas senator was slipping America a 262 page poison pill.
The Gramm Guts America Act was designed to keep
regulators from controlling new financial tools described as credit

These are instruments like subprime mortgages

bundled up and sold as securities. Under the Gramm law, neither the
SEC nor the Commodities Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC) were able to examine financial institutions like hedge funds
or investment banks to guarantee they had the assets
necessary to cover losses they were guaranteeing.

This isn’t small beer we are talking about here. The market for these
fancy financial instruments they don’t expect us little
people to understand is estimated at $60 trillion annually, which
amounts to almost four times the entire US stock market.
And Senator Phil Gramm wanted it completely unregulated.

So did Alan Greenspan, who supported the legislation and is now

running around to the talk shows jabbering about the horror of it all.
Before the highly paid lobbyists were done slinging their
gold card guts about the halls of congress, every one from hedge
funds to banks were playing with fire for fun and profit.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Gramm didn’t just make a fairy tale world for Wall Street, though. He
included in his bill a provision that prevented the
regulation of energy trading markets, which led us to the Enron

There was no collapse of the house of Gramm,

however, because his wife Wendy, who once headed up the
Commodities Futures Trading Commission, took a job on the
Enron board that provided almost $2 million to their household kitty.
And why not? Wendy got a CFTC rule passed that kept the
federal government from regulating energy futures contracts at

The point I’m making is that there’s plenty of blame to go around.

The Democrats are no more responsible than the Republicans for
where we are today.   We, not just our leaders our just as

Until election laws change so that lobbyists can’t buy influence as

easily as they can today, our government will be run by officials that
obey the largest contributors, not the general populace.


Dale says:
September 27, 2008 at 3:53 am

King Solomon accurately summed up the situation centuries ago.

"Man has dominated man to his injury." Ecclesiastes 8:9 Humans
have demonstrated over and over their inate ability to make a mess
out of government and ruin businesses and individuals in the


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 4:19 am

Isn’t it interesting how the Democrats who say they "read" this post
never saw the fact that I DID mention Bush’s role in this crisis?

Isn’t it interesting that the minute they realized that I was criticizing
Democrats, they assume I’m a Republican?

And isn’t it interesting that the Democrats who read this article don’t
seem to care about the facts — only about rushing to their party’s

Isn’t human nature fascinating?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Steve says:
September 27, 2008 at 4:45 am


What I meant by "We don’t need this distraction…" was a direct

comment on my initially perceived, and since cleared up, intent of
Claytons commentary.

Reading through it the first time left me feeling like it was a partisan
attack on Democrats by a GOP propagandist. Which, I’m sick of
listening to from either party, because, as you so aptly qualified…

All of the rhetoric and distraction, the name calling and character
attacks, the blame and mis-direction… are tools of those idiots
engineering the Spin Game…

All of that crap makes me want to puke and is of no value to anyone

accept those doing the distracting.

Once Clayton helped me to understand that this was NOT his

intention or purpose and after re-reading the post based on
Claytons clarifications, I see that what he was commenting on was
only one piece of the puzzle… not the whole puzzle, and that it
appropriately points the finger at the correct targets… for what he
was addressing.

"Life is politics" as Clayton said… I am just glad that the real truth is
getting revealed here about the deeper issues that the major parties
are just puppets in.

I personally feel that the post by Clayton might have served a greater
good by feeling less partisan and more in line with what he
subsequently explained his position is… American and Libertarian…
and absolutely NOT pro/anti Dem or GOP…

Regardless, I applaud his well written and appropriate post and more
than that, his allowing this conversation and even continued
participation with us in it.

If there were more Americans… or others for that matter… who were
willing to put it out there like this, maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess
we are in… as a nation, it’s time to stop the ignorance and start
taking action, what better way than to put it out there like Clayton
has… cudo’s and bravo Clayton… way to go.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 6:07 am

Great discussion, guys! I could hardly wait to wake up this morning

to jump back in!

Hey, Robert Lechter — a few comments on your comment …

1. Regarding Reagan’s "hypocrisy" re: Deficits — I’ve heard this

argument many times of course, and have always found it curious.

The fact is, beginning with the Revolutionary War, wartime deficits
have always been considered acceptable. Reagan’s huge military
build-up is widely credited with ending the cold war without having to
fire a single shot.

Plus, if you check, I think you’ll find it was FDR — not Reagan — who
ran up the largest deficits relative to GDP. Plus, I don’t really think
it’s fair to debit Reagan for the deficits unless you also credit him with
the massive "Peace Dividend" that followed.

2. Regarding the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000:

You mean the bill that was co-sponsored by not one, not two but
three Democrats and signed by Bill Clinton on December 21, 2000 –
just before he left office?

Kinda looks like that James Moore fella forgot to mention those
inconvenient little truths — right? Or the fact that Enron happened on
Clinton’s watch too — right?

Hey — I don’t mind blaming Gramm or any other Republican for

boneheaded moves. And lord knows they’ve made plenty of them.
But calling Gramm "Foreclosure Phil" while failing to mention the fact
that this was a bi-partisan bill is less than honest.

Besides: Think about CDOs for a second. Are they really the
problem? Or is the problem that they’re backed by brain-dead
mortgages mandated by the CRA?

– Clayton


Larry says:
September 27, 2008 at 6:09 am

If one has a substantial amount in IRA’s and 401′s, would it be wise

to now remove the funds, close the accounts, take the tax hits and
early withdrawal penalties, and at least end up with something. Or is it[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

best to just ride it out – any comments or advice from anyone?


Brendan says:
September 27, 2008 at 6:16 am

Wow! If there is any motivation I needed to study copywriting, this is

it. I am totally undone… the power of persuasion at its level best.I just
wonder how much the Republicans would pay for such a copy
master… Well! I am from Botswana, the peaceful diamond and what
happens in America affects us too…So I better go and delve into my
AWAI programs and The Ultimate Desktop Coach Course…By the
way am based in the UK now, which means I am watching to see
where the coin falls…Clayton… you’re a star. Hands down.Better go
now… my copywriting juices are warmed up now.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 6:33 am

Here’s a thought …

Because of the way our government is treating us (like a baby treats

a diaper), isn’t it time we the people demanded radical changes in
how Congress and the White House are allowed to operate?

I believe that the American people — conscientious people in both

major political parties as well as independents — are quickly
approaching the point at which some wonderful improvements in our
government may be possible.

More and more, I’m coming to the view that we need a new
Constitution for the 21st Century.

My dream Constitution would be one that affirms the principles of

personal liberty and property ownership (including the money you
earn) and privacy and that makes it a crime for any politician or
bureaucrat to propose a law that would abrogate those rights.

One that bars Congress from enacting any law regarding anything
you say, believe, own or do — and restricts the government to
enacting laws that prescribe penalties ONLY for actions a citizen or
company takes that overtly harm others.

One that institutionalizes personal responsibility — and makes it

illegal for Congress to pass any law that protects any person,
organization or company from the natural consequences of their ill-[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

advised or destructive actions … and that that also allows the citizens
to benefit fully from their prudent actions.

One that requires Congress to balance the budget every year and
that prohibits the mindless federal borrowing and counterfeiting that
are destroying the value of our money, our buying power, our quality
of life and our children’s futures.

One that states clearly that the government derives its powers from
the people and therefore may not engage in any activity that is illegal
for the people to engage in.

And certainly, one that institutionalizes patronage of all types —

robbing the taxpayers to reward constituents — as a crime
punishable by tarring and feathering.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

What would your "dream Constitution" look like?


mark says:
September 27, 2008 at 7:06 am

Thanks for  a well written piece Clayton.

If this investment by the govt goes as planned most of, if not more
than the money invested should be recouped as 94% of Americans
repay their mortgages. The Republicans are asking for legislation
included in the bill that would create a default insurance plan that
would prevent this from happening again.

The final bill should be announced by Sunday to ease tension

on overseas markets which start trading Sunday night.

As usual, we’ll get it right and move on to correcting the problem.

I just recently found your site and enjoy reading your articles.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 7:56 am

Mark: Welcome aboard![11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

From your lips to God’s ears …

I love your optimism. But to my way of thinking, this bill is no

panacea. All it does is allow institutions to offload toxic mortgage-
backed investments at massive losses.

That may help prevent some of the failures of banks, brokerages and
insurance firms that otherwise might have occurred.

It doesn’t address the fact that those institutions have already

suffered massive losses and are on life support — and that the
additional losses they’ll book when they sell their toxic investments to
the Treasury could still be a straw that breaks their backs.

It doesn’t address the fact that GM, Ford and Chrysler are begging for
$25 billion more or that many are calling for Washington to save the
U.S. airline industry as well.

It doesn’t address the six million ARMs that are about to reset (some
of the monthly payments on them will double or more) and that a ton
of them are on houses with no equity that are no longer worth what
homeowners owe on them and can these distressed homeowners
can now rent better homes for less.

It doesn’t address the fact that the growing glut of homes on the
market will continue to depress prices and continue to push
developers, construction companies, and real estate sales companies
to the brink.

It doesn’t address the fact that banks have shut down the credit
spigot for millions and that companies that need consumers to have
ample available credit are suffering massive declines in sales and

It doesn’t address the impact all this new deficit spending and the
likely $2 trillion deficit we’ll see in in 2009 will have on the economy.

And it doesn’t repeal the dumb law that created this mess in the first
place. Lenders are STILL required by law to loan money to grossly
unqualified borrowers!

My prediction: We’re about to have the blackest Black October ever

in stocks and Washington will soon be bailing out Main Street as well
as Wall Street in order to save voters’ jobs.

Here’s something else I find fascinating; although I haven’t looked

deeply into it. Has anyone here heard of the Kondratiev Wave? A
Soviet economist noticed in 1925 that capitalist economies tend to
run in grand super-cycles lasting anywhere from 50 to 54 years.
Later researchers pegged the average number of years as being
closer to about 72.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Our last Great Depression began in 1929 — 79 years ago.

BTW: Did I mess a memo? When did recessions become illegal?

What new law mandated that the government borrow and print
money like it’s going out of style and destroy our buying power in a
futile attempt to eliminate a natural phase of every business cycle?

And has trying that ever worked anywhere?

Just thinkin’ here …

Cheers, Mark … glad you’re here!

– Clayton


Mark Hendricks says:

September 27, 2008 at 8:08 am


Regarding your post #57 –

I would be happy if we just used the Constitution that we began using

as our guiding principles on March 4, 1789…just following it would
cover most of your dream Constitution points.

To everyone: Get involved, contact your congressional reps and let

them know your feelings — and be sure to watch how they vote, if
they don’t vote how you feel, vote them out by supporting someone
else. This is how the People can get real change — not the
(n)Obama type of "change".

And remember, it’s the "THEY" that have taught you not to discuss
politics and religion (hmmm, I wonder why).

And isn’t it interesting that the USA was founded by a bunch of guys
who loved discussing politics and religion so much that they even
mixed the two into our most treasured documents. You can learn a lot
about how the USA was really put together at

Best to all –


Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 8:16 am

BTW #2: I have the perfect replacement law that would fulfill the
stated intention of CRA — ending discretionary lending — but that
would not allow more disasters like this one to occur in the future.

It’s only one sentence long:

Any lender caught denying a loan to any member of a racial, ethnic,

religious or sexual minority group while granting a loan to a non-
minority person with a similar savings history, down payment, credit
history and income will be given a fair trial and then hung on national

That oughta do it.


Rudi says:
September 27, 2008 at 8:49 am

an excellent expose of the beginnings of current mortgage crisis in
the US. I do not believe in conspiracy theories, nor do I believe that
the intent by any of the players involved was the actual destruction of
what used to be the US (or is it now the global) financial system. This
we can lay squarely at the feet of the law of unintended
consequences. In the end it all boils down to two things. Firstly,
power grabbing politicians who bribed voters through legalised
access to money the voters should never have had access to in the
first place. And secondly, greedy bankers who took advantage of the
laws to make as much money as quickly as they could because that’s
what their incentive systems motivated them to do. Mix the two and
you have an explosive situation.
There have been some references to history, and I think this is
important. Empires, and the US has turned itself into one over the
last 60 years, self destruct. And this tends to generally happen at the
height of its military power, and there is no denying that the US is
now the dominant military power in the world.This financial crisis
simply confirms to me that the US is on a very slippery slope. Be


Mark Hendricks says:

September 27, 2008 at 9:24 am[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Here’s some interesting comments in a letter sent to Congress from

the CEO of a well-run bank, it’s very worth reading:

Best to you all —



Maribel says:
September 27, 2008 at 9:55 am


I am so glad I never spent a dime on any of your stuff.

I do enjoy reading your tips so keep that up – stay out of politics.

Maribel Arce


John Peters says:

September 27, 2008 at 10:05 am

Clayton – thanks for a good article!

Its good to read your straight talk, as I myself have been warning
people about this coming global financial meltdown for the last 15
years plus. Now, for anyone having researched these issues deeply,
it is plain and simple – evident – that the US as a sovereign nation
has to be taken out for the new world (dis)order to be ushered in. And
as you so brilliantly point out, Clayton, this financial chaos has been in
the making for quite a while, setting the stage.

So let us be honest: No bailout is going to fix this. It is bound to

happen, and is happening before our very eyes: the US is being
taken down. It is a sad thing, but this financial meltdown is the LAST
phase in a national hijacking having global consequences. We just
can’t turn this tide: There will be no bills to fix this, no new
constitutions possible, nothing at all that can avert this development.
People, please stick your fingers into the ground and take a long hard
look at things, and you will know that we are in for quite a ride in the
years to come.

”Ordo ab chaos” is the slogan for the mega-bankers and the occult
megalomaniacs now having their long-planned ultimate dream come[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

true: destruction of all private property and all personal freedom, and
the merging of the whole world into one giant melting-pot, over which
they will rule, with the devil himself at the top. And praise the Lord,
even this dark leader will be taken out, after having been given a
short while to rule this world under one central government, as he
always wanted to.

And after this short criminal dictatorship posing as the best thing that
ever happened to man, the people of this world will finally see who
really rules this world, but then it will be too late for most of them.

So our focus today should not be mainly on acquiring financial

freedom. No, we are talking about spiritual survival here, thats the
real issue for the next years to come. In the coming 2-3 years, the
world will be thrown into the greatest chaos imaginable as a
consequence of the US meltdown triggering a global financial crisis of
staggering proportions. And this chaos is all planned and part of the
total package, for restructuring of the global order. Then finally a new
apparently beneficial order will emerge, but do not be fooled: it will be
nothing but smoke and mirrors everywhere, and will be the greatest
spiritual chaos ever to haunt this world, portrayed as the new age of
freedom and liberty. And when people all over the planet rejoice over
this apparently peaceful state of affairs, the end will come, sure as
night follows day.

This is what we have before us the next 4-5 years. It is not going to
be funny at all. Mark my words: if you focus exclusively on economics
now, it will be too late to focus on spiritual things later on. Many will
lack this extremely important spiritual preparation, and will be swept
away. So people, please keep your priorities straight, as the day of
accounting is hastily closing in on us.

Stay safe, stay free.


Dan Gallapoo says:

September 27, 2008 at 11:00 am

Thanks for having the brass balls to publish this info. I would LOVE
for you to write an article like this about the founding of the Federal
Reserve and it’s effect on this country.Dan


karen says:
September 27, 2008 at 11:22 am

I found this information on Economist Greg Mankiw’s Blog this[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

morning – I thought it would be interesting to check Mr. Mankiw’s

insights since Clayton mentioned him in his informative post that
certainly has everyone talking as well as thinking:

"The main problem, we are led to believe, was a Republican ideology of unfettered
capitalism that led to insufficient government involvement in the financial system.

"Senator Obama might want to read this NY Times article from 1999:

In a move that could help increase home ownership rates among

minorities and low-income consumers, the Fannie Mae Corporation is
easing the credit requirements on loans that it will purchase from
banks and other lenders….Fannie Mae, the nation’s biggest
underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure
from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among
low and moderate income people.

"I am not suggesting that the entire crisis should be put in the lap of the Clinton
team. There is plenty of blame to go around. Indeed, the problem goes back at least
as far as the Johnson administration, which helped set up a housing finance system
that was always fundamentally problematic.

"If Senator Obama really wants to transcend partisan politics, as he would sometimes
have us believe, he might want to give a slightly more balanced view of the history of
how this all started. He also might want to take note that the Bush administration
warned about some of these problems five years ago and had its reform efforts
stymied by prominent members of Senator Obama’s own party."


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 11:24 am

Thanks for the advice, Maribel. I don’t think I’ll take it. Feel free to
keep enjoying all the free stuff, though …


Betsy says:
September 27, 2008 at 11:43 am

I have to admit, when I first read this article, I thought it to be

another Republican rant and in some respect I still think it is (
the unflattering photos of the Dems , you hardly trashed the
Republicans and you defended George Bush), but I went on to
read all of the comments. I want to thank everyone for the
education. I had little to no understanding of this crisis, but[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

thanks to all of you I now know that it is time to sell the house,
buy the farm and go back to the land. And preferably in another


Larry Jacobs says:

September 27, 2008 at 12:03 pm

Dear Clayton,

You wrote an excellent piece. You are one of the finest copywriter I
know of. Your words flow nicely.
You have summarized what media is basically saying and added
some more details and pictures. You have really wrote what media
wanted you to write, even though you did not realize it. Media
generally guides the public in what they want them to think. The mass
public is usually always wrong because the media guides them in the
direction they what them to go. The media always puts a story on an
event of what has happened and tries to explain it.

The media and you have missed the underlying cause of the entire
disaster. Something the press has not picked up on.

For one to understand what is happening one just needs to study

history. Nothing ever changes. History repeats itself over and over
again. Yes, the secrets of what is going to happen in the future is in
the history books.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 12:04 pm

Hey Betsy — wait ’till you see what I do to Bush and McCain in a
couple weeks!


Betsy says:
September 27, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Thanks, I’ll keep watching and reading. I’ve added you to my

favorites. I hope you won’t leave Palin out of the discussion. Is
she the not the biggest punch line?

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Adam says:
September 27, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Maribel, you make me laugh. You’re so glad you never bought any of
Clayton’s stuff. Yet, you don’t mind reading the free stuff he gives?!!!



Dick Robinson says:

September 27, 2008 at 12:39 pm


Here is a new comment. . . and it comes from my wife!

After reading your thought-provoking piece, she said to me,

"How come he doesn’t have a TV show?"




Robert Lehrer says:

September 27, 2008 at 1:20 pm

Thanks for your input, Clayton. I’m NOT a Democrat, so my

comments stem from my impression that you were pinning the tail on
the ‘donkey’ and not the ‘elephant’, as well.

Regarding your statement "calling Gramm "Foreclosure Phil" while

failing to mention the fact that this was a bi-partisan bill is less than
honest:"    Where in my comment do you see the phrase "Foreclosure
Phil?" That came from somebody else’s keyboard, not mine.

It’s my understanding that Phil Gramm was the architect of that bill,
but he may well have Democratic co-sponsors. Again, I’m not
pointing fingers at the Republicans any more than I am, the
Democrats for this mess. I added the Republicans in my comments
only because your post appeared directed principally at the
Democrats and not at both major parties in Congress.

Best,[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



Fernando says:
September 27, 2008 at 1:34 pm

#1: Clayton, awesome as always!#2: For everyone saying "Oh no

Clayton’s a Republican", please, do yourself a favor, stop looking like
asses and read the article.#3: You titled your article "A Conspiracy of
Imbeciles". However, the biggest imbecile was not mentioned in your
post. No, the biggest imbecile showed up all on her own in the
comments section. Her name?…



Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Once again, everyone, my comments in this article are aimed

primarily at congressional Democrats ONLY because the article is
about the credit crisis and the Democratic politicians mentioned in the
article are responsible for for the legislation that caused it.

I’m sure that when I take the Republicans to task in coming weeks,
I’ll get a lot of notes accusing me of being a "dirty Democrat."

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could simply process the truth and come to

logical conclusions that are uncolored by our party affiliation — and
without feeling the need to attach a label to the bearer of the bad

Y’know, we hate Congress (approval rating roughly HALF that of

Bush’s) because they are so partisan. Maybe THEY’RE so partisan
because WE are. After all — who put them there in the first place?
Ever think of that?

Nobody’s fault — just the way the human brain works, I guess.

My concern is that we’ll never be able to extract ourselves from this

morass as long as we’re locked in this adversarial mode of thinking.

The truth no party affiliation. But they have a funny way of raising
blood pressure on both sides of the aisle.

Cheers, y’all![11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 27, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Correction: That last paragraph should read, "The truth HAS no party
affiliation. But it has a funny way of raising blood pressure on both
sides of the aisle.

– sheesh.


Lynn Nicho says:

September 27, 2008 at 2:52 pm

Ditto to the Echols comment for me. Famous last words of my

broker: " Just hang in there."


Gabrielle Guichard says:

September 27, 2008 at 3:05 pm

You summarize the warnings I’ve been reading for years in the Agora
financial newsletter. You make the whole story easy to understand for
people who do not follow it from start. Something is missing (from my
point of view): what are the "recession-proof products and services"?
I’m sure that most readers would like to make the right choices.
Thank you.


Cathy Sutter says:

September 27, 2008 at 3:29 pm

Clayton –
This has got to be one of the most interesting topics ever posted on
your site! I am really looking forward to your take on the

As I told you last week, I think they all suck!

To Maribel, you obviously are not very serious about your career
because you refuse to invest in your education. I am SO glad I
bought the UDCC. If I am not able to write decent copy…with this by
my side…it is no one’s fault but my own. ):[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



karen says:
September 27, 2008 at 3:45 pm

Re: Comment #80 – on June 23, 2008 – Issue 443 – Clayton

addresses: Five Ways to Grow (very) Rich in Tough Economic Times
- I recalled reading it and you might find some insight too -
Hope this helps – here’s the link -


Gerard LeBlond says:

September 27, 2008 at 3:47 pm

Clayton: Thanks for the economics 101 lesson. It confirms what

serious observers of the lunatic asylum have been noticing for most
of their lives. Comments by Christopher Tomasulo with his
link to valuable background info on this fiscal mess plus… the
commentary by Clarke Echols are both substantive and informative.


Roy Hotubb says:

September 27, 2008 at 3:48 pm

Thanks Clayton. I’ve been closely following this since stuff since first
turning on to Bill Bonner, Ron Paul, Libertarian and constitutional
principles etc.. through my discovery of copywriting and AWAI. I did
not realize Carter was the genesis of the CRA. That explains why
housing prices started taking off in ’97 as the Clinton team juiced it.
And then went rampant with the malinvestment spurred by the Fed.

A few things:

1) Just like Clinton had nothing to do with the productivity boom of

the 90′s, I believe Reagan is "miscredited" with the downfall of the
Soviet Union. It was internal rot caused by the inevitable failure of
"central economic planning". The Soviets didn’t publicly release
precise military expenditures so there’s no reason to be certain about
the cause or timing of their demise. That’s just the coventional[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

wisdom, IMO.

2) @ Marcel Arse – Clayton’s not "in politics", he’s "in marketing" ya


3) My personal constitution would burn with hell-fire the Witch Judge

Of Taliban County, TX who put me in jail for three days, on probation
for 9 months, made me attend 6 weeks of victim impact classes, cost
me about $2k in legal fees and fines, gave me 80 hours of
community service and luckily just missed 6 months of drug /alcohol
awareness class because my probation ran out before they
scheduled me for it. All this due for a dollars worth of reefer
discovered after the cop drove by and then turned around to ask me
what I was doing as I prepared to leave my friend’s rural driveway.
Uhhh…leaving it to go home was all. But, alas, it wasn’t.

God Bless America. Vietnam was a great idea.


Steve says:
September 27, 2008 at 4:11 pm


I am awestruck by the intelligence of the people posting here… in

fact, it gives me a sense of faith in the possibility real change CAN
happen (many of the folks I try to discuss these things with just stare
back at me with a glazed over look, somewhat like my 21 year old
son when I’m trying to teach him something… .

If people will (and are allowed to) wake up from our hypnotic state of
"duh!" and take responsibility, unify, and quit sitting idly by the
wayside… we can make a difference.

#57: I believe the existing Constitution is a sound foundation…

principles do not need to be changed. It’s when we start to prescribe
chapter and verse that things get manipulated… just ask any lawyer!

Speaking of lawyers… there is one big change to our Constitution

that I think would be of benefit; A "Loser Pays" court system.

Make frivolous lawsuits and court cramming crap disappear by

holding anyone who wants to duke it out in court… loser pays liable.

Also… streamline the court system to get criminals to trial earlier…

and then, make prison… PRISON or ship them out of the country.

Now… watch the slamming I get for the following… lol :[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Also… I suppose…
America is English… if you want to live here, learn English. America
has laws… if you want to live here, follow them.
America is for Americans… if you want to live here, become one
(we’ll gladly accept you).
America is a SECULAR government… and allows/promotes personal
rights – honor them and keep government out of them.
As Constitutionally Established… keep church and state separate –
forever. The Constitution protects the right of ALL faiths, but is not a
mandate to PROMOTE the agenda of any one in particular.

And… your new Constitution should establish this;

As Americans we have the obligation and freedom to be responsible
and accountable for our own well being and actions. Its time for a
nation of personally responsible individuals to start being… uhm…
personally responsible!


Steve says:
September 27, 2008 at 4:14 pm

Oh… and remove, as Jefferson wished he had, the provision that

allows government to borrow money.


Steve says:
September 27, 2008 at 4:28 pm

Err.. and one more, one more thing: I feel for Roy… and think that
any law enforcement left after we re-do the Constitution should be
there to focus on real crime… not on sticking it to a person who is in
possession of one of the most benign substances backing out of his
friends driveway, minding his own business.

Marijuana is an industry… for the legal system – more than the


Ok… my face is covered now, start swingin’!


Betty says:
September 27, 2008 at 4:42 pm

Great article… I encourage everyone to send this to everyone in your

e-mail database. People need to know the truth![11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Amy says:
September 27, 2008 at 5:05 pm

Clayton your advise at the conclusion of your article is sound.   What

precedes it is missing the mark, you are missing most of the story.
You are pointing the finger at completely the wrong people and even
the wrong government. The truth is the U.S. Government doesn’t
control itself, it is controlled. If you look and dig hard enough, you will
see this. It’s too easy to point at Washington and NOT see who is
pulling the strings.   Dig.

This started well before Carter. Examine FDR’s term and the
repercussions of the plans put into effect then, examine the later
Constitutional ammendments, examine the creation of the Federal
Reserve.   (Dig to uncover WHO was behind the creation of the
Federal Reserve and the "Great Depression")   And it was going on
well before FDR.   Examine what was REALLY going on during
Lincoln’s term and what preceded his assassination. Not what you
have been told as a matter of history – but the truth.

The US Government is not making these decisions now (and did not
make them in the past), they are and were manipulated into making
them because the WHOLE financial security of the US economy is
being manipulated by "forces" outside of this country. (Sure there are
links within the country, there has to be for things to happen as a
matter of ‘government’) This has been going on for centuries. It is
the reason behind the Revolutionary – not Tea tax!! Money control.

The White House and Capitol Hill are manipulated and controlled.
They have no power, really. Those who control the MONEY have the
power. Those who control the MONEY supply, the printing of money
and those who manipulate the U.S. Debt have the power.  

And "those with the power" are not within the borders of the United

The war in Iraq, the mess during the first Bush’s administration –
manipulated. Iraq and Iran are non-OPEC nations. The lions share
of the U.S. Debt is held by the Arab Oil nations. OPEC.   Why do
you think we can’t reduce our dependence on Arab oil? Why can’t we
drill in Alaska which has the world’s 3rd largest crude oil reserve?
What was really going on with the Iran-Iraq war during the Bush Sr.’s
term and why did the U.S. manipulate that war into being?   And why
did the U.S. fuel it by giving financial and military support to BOTH
sides?   Who was profiting? The U.S. certainly did not to "look good"
… the U.S. looked anything but.   What ties did Prescott Bush have?
To whom?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

When a country is desperate enough, low enough on it’s knees, on

the brink of total financial ruin, it’s currency on the edge of becoming
totally worthless – that country will accept anything/any proposal to
save itself … even the demise of it’s own borders and sovereignty.  
But it has to desperate enough. The Constitution of the United States
will be merely a piece of paper with the planned formation of of North
American Union.   And when the U.S. and all her people are
desperate enough the North American Union will look like a
godsend. Who needs sovereignty? Who needs the Constitution –
the doctrine that protects and grants us all our rights and freedoms?

I would ask that before you conclude that the current and former
inhabitants of the White House and Capital Hill came up with these
"brilliant ideas" which resulted in the "fine mess" we see today… you
REALLY look into who and what is and was controlling Washington.

The White House and the occupants of Capital Hill are not that
smart.    If the U.S. as a nation is anything – it’s naive and starry
eyed. A recipe for easy manipulation.

It’s TOO EASY to assume that all this came from the former and
current inhabitants of the White House and Capital Hill.

Too easy.

So I invite everyone so ready to point fingers at our Government

(regardless of party) really do some digging and Googling. You
might just stumnble upon the truth.

P.S. … Ultimately it really doesn’t matter who is in the White House.

They only follow orders. Cleverly disguised as "help" or salvation.  

Enjoy the search!




Markus Trauernicht says:

September 27, 2008 at 6:34 pm

I sometimes wonder if it would be best if your government makes all

that bailout-money available to QUALIFIED borrowers at fair rates:
Small and medium sized proven businesses wanting and being able
to expand but not getting credit at the banks. That is where the
source of the real money is. And the bailout money would not be
wasted – it is not enough anyway no matter how high….
It’s not possible to buy a solution off the rack just by being willing to[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

pay a lot of money for it.

Markus Trauernicht from Germany
PS: Having a credit card over here in Germany means paying the full
amount outstanding at the end of each month. Some legislation of
that kind would make sense too. PPS: My wife and me wanted to
open a debit account with Citibank here in Berlin by paying in 4000
Deutsche Mark (about 1500 Dollar) nine years ago. Not possible
without showing regular proof of income. Things must have


John Ritz says:

September 27, 2008 at 6:42 pm


Like the world-class copywriter you are, you definitely have a way
with taking a complex situation and boiling it down for us common

Personally I would’ve went after the govt even harder, hehe.

Unfortunately when the only choice for dinner is a liver and Lima
bean casserole, you have little choice but to take it.

Hard to believe that with 300+ million people in this country, the best
we have is Obama and McCain. (OR ____ and _____, fill that in for
practically any election).

Originally I thought Hillary was going to be the nominee, with Jeb

Bush on her heels. Then we could’ve had Bush-Clinton-Bush-
Clinton-Bush as presidents!

But the grass always looks greener on one side of the political fence–
until you catch that whiff of manure that’s responsible for the
greenness. Then you realize both sides really stink.

As long as the people as a whole have little interest in government

and let these goons run the show, govt is only going to continue to
run out of control.

Something will happen at some point (maybe this crisis is that time)
where the people will finally say "enough!" But it has to affect them in
a deep and profound way for that to occur.

Nice article!

John[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


James says:
September 27, 2008 at 6:52 pm

Hi Clayton

What I’m seeing a lot of right now is people trying to place the
blame. I think  coming up with a solution to this crises is the most
Important thing we face. The thing that worries me the most is there
is no easy fix and if we believe the doom and gloom that our
government says is soon to follow time is not on our side. Bottom
line the American people have been delt a hard blow and the future
of this country depends on the way this crises is handled by our so
called government. It’s almost like the bomb squade coming in and if
they don’t cut the right wire well you know Ka Boom.
One thing I do agree with you on is the government needs to be put
on a shorter leash and has to be more accountable to the American

"Men who hold high places must be the one’s to start to mold a new
realty closer to the heart."

As always


Jonathan says:
September 27, 2008 at 9:33 pm


US Moms who lost their children as ‘soldiers’ in Iraq will not want to
hear this, but the US military is used purely a department of the
Illuminati BUSINESS machine.

Sadly, there is no glory. It is the well intentioned patriotism of 300

million people I admire from afar that allows this damnable Illuminati
to stay in position.

I hope that open letters like the one you have just written may cause
cracks to appear in their safe haven.

Jonathan[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Jonathan says:
September 27, 2008 at 10:23 pm

Clayton …

The following list might help a few folks with their money in certain

Keep an eagle eye on these:

Citibank NA
Wachovia Bk
E*Trade Bk
Sovereign Bk
National City Bk
Huntington NB
First Tennessee Bk NA



Steve says:
September 28, 2008 at 2:15 am


Want a good laugh (English Humor) about the mortgage markets?

A little lighter side that I think you, in particular, will appreciate in light
of the CFR you understand so well…

Also… this will clearly explain the current fiasco to even the most

Too funny…


John Michael says:

September 28, 2008 at 2:41 am[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

As AJ pointed out, the financial issues facing us today go far beyond

the Carter Administration, and in fact has nothing to do with partisan
politics whatsoever. If you were to look at it strictly from a partisan
perspective however, Bush has done more to bankrupt this country
than any other president in history. He has been responsible for an
increase in the national debt from an already astronomical 5.6
TRILLION dollars when he took office to over $11.3 trillion with the
$700 billion bailout factored in.

But as I said, the real issue has nothing to do with partisan politics. It
is the responsibility of the people who are pulling the financial strings
and who control policy making. Those people are the folks behind
the World Bank and the Federal Reserve.

In the big picture it actually goes back hundreds of years, but for this
discussion our current fiscal crisis began during a private meeting on
Jeckyl Island in the early 1900′s when several powerful men
gathered, and with Congressional backers set forth a plan to allow
THEM to print money and take the control of printing it out of the
hands of the government. From this meeting Congress eventually
passed a bill allowing what is now known as the Federal Reserve to
print money, and our current monetary system was born.  

This was unconstitutional, as the Constitution clearly states that the

printing of money is to not only be controlled by Congress, but that
"No State shall … make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in
payment of debts; …" .   The founding fathers had already seen fiat
currencies in action, and were trying to prevent what is now
happening from happening again.

It’s interesting to note here that GW is on video saying that "The

Constitution is nothing but a G–D— piece of paper!" (I’ve seen it
personally). The fact that he has done this and has not been
convicted of treason speaks loudly to how irrevant he is regarding this
issue and deeply the river runs.

But back to money. Because we were taken off the gold standard,
we now have what is called a Fiat currency.. one which has no
backing by anything of value. Also, money can be printed at will, and
with each dollar put into circulation the dollar loses value, and prices
go higher.

This is why printing up an additional $700 billion won’t help in the

long run. It only adds to the national debt, increasing the amount of
payback that American taxpayers will be expected to shoulder, and
will devalue the dollar even further.

The answer? Give the power to print money back to Congress, shut
down the Fed, and go back on the Gold Standard or some other form
of valuation to support our currency.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

But it’s unlikely that this will happen. I believe the best thing we can
do at this point is to take whatever money you might have in savings
and invest in gold and silver coins and bullion, because they will
always have value.   The dollar IS going to crash, it’s just a matter of
when. It happened in Russia at one point and after all was said and
done it took something like 10,000 rubles to purchase one loaf of
bread, when before that a person could retire comfortably on 50,000.
That’s a rather poignant example of what can happen when a fiat
currency looses it’s value.

In addition I think it’s important to note that not only is the current
monetary system unconstitutional, it’s also illegal and fraudulent for
several reasons. For example, whenever a credit card or "loan" is
issued, the amount of the card or alleged loan is entered into a
computer as a CREDIT to the person receiving the card or loan.  
Take special note to the fact that I said it was entered into the
computer as a credit to the person receiving it and not a DEBIT.

This means that the money is ours from the start, but this is never
disclosed to us. Not only that, but we are expected to pay back
monies that were given to us as a credit in the first place. Sounds
crazy I know, but it’s true.

For that reason (among several others), the so called "lending

institutions" are committing fraud. Banks don’t actually make loans
because it’s ILLEGAL for them to do so.. they are prohibited from
lending their assets.

The bottom line here is that the Fed and the World Bank are corrupt
institutions, and ultimately it is THEY who are responsible for this
mess we’re in. They control the policies of our government, and they
inevitably control us by keeping us poor and indebted.

If you’d like more information on the monetary system and the things
I’ve presented here you can watch the movie "The Money Masters"
online for free. It’s available on YouTube, or you can purchase it at
their website. Another good one is a short (45min) movie created in
a cartoon format called "Money As Debt" which is also available on
The best,


Alan Stone says:

September 28, 2008 at 8:12 am

Politicians say they’re beefing up our economy. Most don’t know

beef from pork. ~Harold Lowman[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Judy Jones says:

September 28, 2008 at 9:02 am

Wow, thanks for a very insightful aritcle. I had no idea this problem
started over 25 years ago. It’s sad that most americans are so
complacent when it comes to the truth. We should be protesting in
the streets across this great nation. And like John Mc Cain calling for
those responsible to be held accountable. He was nice by suggesting
they be fired. I would perfer a tar and feathering.


Deb Wright says:

September 28, 2008 at 11:40 am

Thanks for a very interesting read and some sound advice.
I’m amazed that so many comments are either argumentative “No,
you’re wrong! This is what really caused it!” or whining that “Clayton’s
a Republic/Bush lover/ Dem hater/ prejudiced troublemaker.”
Just listen to the man’s advice and thank him. He’s doing you a favor!
Yes, heads should roll. But you know what? I’m far more concerned
about protecting my own financial future–and that’s what the Big Dog
is trying to do for all of his readers.
Oh–and FYI–anyone who’s been paying attention to what Clayton
has said in the past knows his distaste for politicians has no bounds.


mark says:
September 28, 2008 at 11:52 am

All the top copywriters agree that MY approach to writing copy

produces the best response anyone  has ever used.

A funny thing happened to my thoughts while watching the

presidential debate the other night.

Even though he has no experience, Obama seemed to know what he

was talking about.

I can sometimes  easily be led astray.

I run a lot and recently had a pain in my groin area. I logged onto a
medical website to try and diagnose my problem.

By the time I was done with my search (about 2 hours later) I[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

determined I had about every ailment described. Some since birth.

Except tennis elbow…

But as the debate went on I realized Obama had a political swipe file.

Obama swipes the political ideas of others, than when quizzed about
it states: So and so and so and so and so and so agrees that the
solution I  have put forward  is the best remedy for the problem.


What the true response should be is: I agree with so and so.

But wait, that doesn’t sound like a leader who changes things.

I’ve never written a sales piece that garnered 100% response. I’ve
never wrote a copy that earned a trillion dollars in revenue.

But my opening statement is still true.

I follow all the top copywriters suggestions.

Thanks Clayton, you’re one of the best.


mark says:
September 28, 2008 at 2:17 pm

Tuesday as usual I had another get together with my mom.

She wanted to go to the antique store in clyde.

A short drive from my house.

It was an antique store in an old railroad station along an

abondonded rail.

A little bell rang when we walked in and immediately the smell of old
hit my nostrils.

Old chairs, desks, books, toys, gas pump, knick knacks,

dolls, hardwood floors, old pictures…

Suddenly like a jolt I realized:  This was the stuff the copywriters of

old had spent countless hours writing sales ads to sell.

Modern day copywriters study their ads.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

What will the next generation of copywriters study.

Will there be an antique store with a table with ebooks spread on it

about weight loss, how to make a million with lists, how to increase
your google placing?

Will you be remembered as a copywriter that broke new ground?

Study the past but create the future.


Cathy Sutter says:

September 28, 2008 at 3:19 pm

Mark: You are soooo right. Obama’s answers are all rehearsed.
That’s why he sounds so eloquent. He could have been a movie star
since he memorizes scripts so well. What’s he gonna do without that
script? Your reference to a "political swipe file" was right on.

Steve: The reason English is not the official language is because of

the blasted senators who voted it down. If memory serves me right…
and that’s a big IF…I believe those who voted it down were, to name
a few, Obama, Clinton, Biden, and McCain. Duh…This was in 2007.
Sorry, need to check that to be sure but isn’t that enough to piss
everyone off?

And I also agree that marijuana is an industry, for the legal system.
Nevada votes have twice voted against the legalization of marijuana.
That’s because they are clueless and really believe it is a "gateway
drug." Probably the liquor industry lobbyists have some involvement
in this, doncha think?

Amy: You are soooo right: It really doesn’t matter who is in the
White House. They only follow orders. The president on down are
only puppets.

Steve: One more thing…I know the feeling when you are trying to
talk to someone about this…I get the same blank stares. That’s
cause the government does an excellent job of diverting the citizens’
attention with video games, celebrity gossip, and sports, as stated in
"A Nation of Sheep." Heck, my own family members think I’m
crazy when I start talking about this stuff.

Sorry, I don’t know who stated that we should be protesting in the

streets, but I fully agree. So do Europeans, who I talked with
frequently when I drove a cab in my last lifetime. Oh, they’d find a
way to arrest us, as they did around six or more months ago when[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

they arrested people for reading the Constitution out loud!

"A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of

government is tyranny!" – Thomas Jefferson ––Cathy


Mark Hendricks says:

September 28, 2008 at 5:11 pm

A video to share:

Best to you all –

Mark Hendricks


Ron Carmichael says:

September 28, 2008 at 7:47 pm

Hey Mark, that video is awesome!

What are you guys smoking over there?

Look at it, who and what are you voting for. You guys must have had
it to death anyway, just get rid of the whole bloody lot.

But following the flow of comments, I am so pleased that you actually

might be waking up and wresting back control.

Haven’t we all been asleep at the wheel and complacent about what
all our politicians have been up to. We have been led a merry dance
& ‘sold the party line’

Born & bred in the UK but with a lot of dealings in the US, we got
used to tolerating politicians, because ‘someone had to do it’. The
trouble is the quality has become poorer and poorer as we all got on
with our jobs – what a mistake!

But I take heart. I like the sentiment & there appears to be a sea
change going on. People everywhere are starting to wake up & now
starting to rise up against politics & politicians in general.

‘Man on the street’ is starting to vent his anger & this will grow as the
full realization and severity of the current financial catatrophe hits.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton as you say, forget the politics or political parties, they are all
inept. Having got you into this mess, they aren’t going to get you out
of it.

Also forget the history for now, there will be plenty of time for that
later. It will not help you resolve this mess. And remember, all those
guys will be going back to explain how fantastic the bailout package
is & how necessary etc etc – just remember, they like everyone
else, are fighting to save their jobs and these guys are masters at it!

So yes, a new order is being created. Yes, there is a massive

balance of power shift playing out.

I think one of your readers commented that the US was a military

power on the wain. No, the US was formerly a military power, which
became an economic power, which is now in decline. One way of
trying to maintain this economic might is through military aggresssion.

This has played out through history. Look at the UK. As Great Britain
(some tiny island) became a miltary force to be reckoned with and
built an empire. Through the Induistrial Revolution became an
economic force, then to slip away as the US took over. The Roman
Empire is probbaly the best case.

Oh, while on the very canned history lessons. Did you know that
Kondratiev was executed by the state for his discovery of economic
cycles. They considered him dangerous & that his discoveries should
not be publicised.

So be careful about what solutions you put forward to the problem.

Bottom line & as I think Clayton has made very clear, get the hell out
of the markets. Don’t believe what everyone is telling you about the
problem being over, ‘buying dips’ or riding this out.
Please just look at their motivation for saying this.

Yes, throw them in that category with the politicians – they just want
to keep their jobs, even if it means stealing your money.

Go for safety first. If you can’t liqidate your portfolio quickly, then
atleast hedge it (a very poor substitute but better than complacency).
Better to over hedge.

If buying ETFs, like gold ETFs, beware who issued these

instruments. Outfits like AIG and other potentially unsafe
organisations are the originators of many of these intruments.

Much as ETFs & ETCs are great, just be cautious.

Liquidity and security at this point are your greatest concern, there
will be terrific opportunities when you can ascertain what is the likely[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

outcome of all this. If you are trading, then that is completely different
and I will reserve my comments on that.

So when you hear all the ‘nice words’ remember the salient facts.
Banks are continuing to go out of business. This contagion is
spreading extremely rapidly now and it will be difficult to predict
exactly where it strikes next.

Interbank money market rates continue to soar and most banks will
not even do business with each other, let alone credit worthy
businesses and consumers.

The impact of this is being felt across the board.

To you all,

PS Sorry if this is a bit woolly, late at night here in the UK. Might try
and put something a bit more cogent together that would help.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 29, 2008 at 5:40 am



Trying to extinguish the fire without addressing the blazing gas pipe
that caused it is idiotic.

Claims by Bush, Congress, Obama and McCain that they are trying
to stop this crisis will have no credibility until they repeal the
Community Reinvestment Act.

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 29, 2008 at 6:07 am

Let’s not just sit here and shake our heads while this bill gets rammed
through Congress without addressing the root cause of this crisis!

Write your Senators and congressperson and demand that any bail-
out bill include a repeal of the Community Reinvestment Act.

You can find contact information here:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Sample text:

Please do NOT approve any bail-out bill that doesn’t include a repeal
of the law that caused this crisis: The Community Reinvestment Act
of 1977.

Addressing the symptoms of this crisis but not the cause would be


Wanda says:
September 29, 2008 at 8:59 am

I appreciate your expertise on copy writing, however I must question

your foray into utilizing your website for a political agenda and
bipartisan political commentary. I understand the value of a captive
audience but I doubt that I’m alone in my opinion that when I visit the
site I do so for copy writing purposes and not to be presented
with politics.

And, since this is still a free country in which people can post
whatever they want on a website, and people can still make choices, I
choose to unsubscribe. Thank you.


Michael says:
September 29, 2008 at 10:10 am

Like many have already said before … A great article, and partisan
through and through…

You just forgot one important part of any sales letter, Clayton: The
PS! Something unbiased like ‘PS – Oh, and vote McCain!’ would
have done it!

As an international observer (from the UK), the credit crunch is a

great example of greed wrapped up in fake altruism. "Everyone
deserves credit, just so long as we can get rich in the mean time".
The cruel and harsh truth of course is that the fat cats still get to
enjoy their cream while the rest of us get thrown to the dogs…

As for the Bush administration – they were no better… 1) they could

have tried to do something REAL about it, and 2) this may not have
been their direct fault, but what’s it matter as they just chose to profit
in a different way… oil, weapons and war.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

McCain is the same old thing… whereas (speaking as an outside

observer) Obama seems different. Could it be all soundbite and spin?
…perhaps. But, with Russia once again rattling the saber, at least the
rest of us non-Americans will feel a lot safer knowing Obama’s finger
is on the ‘red button’ rather than Senator ‘Angry’ McCain.


Mark Hendricks says:

September 29, 2008 at 10:24 am

Read the proposed bill here, and look closely at pages 21-22:

Amazing what the Democrats want to put 20% of it to, look up that bill
and the Capital Magnet Fund in Google.


19 ¿
20 ø(1) DEPOSITS.—Not less than 20 percent of
21 any profit realized on the sale of each troubled asset
22 purchased under this Act shall be deposited as pro23
vided in paragraph (2).¿
24 ø(2) USE OF DEPOSITS.—Of the amount re25
ferred to in paragraph (1)—¿
O:\AYO\AYO08B94.xml [Discussion Draft]
1 ø(A) 65 percent shall be deposited into the
2 Housing Trust Fund established under section
3 1338 of the Federal Housing Enterprises Regu4
latory Reform Act of 1992 (12 U.S.C. 4568);
5 and¿
6 ø(B) 35 percent shall be deposited into the
7 Capital Magnet Fund established under section
8 1339 of that Act (12 U.S.C. 4569).¿
9 ø(3) TRANSFER TO TREASURY.—Revenues of,
10 and proceeds from the sale of troubled assets pur11
chased under this Act, øor from¿ the sale, exercise,
12 or surrender of warrants or senior debt acquired
13 under section ø113¿ shall be paid into the general
14 fund of the Treasury for reduction of the public
15 debt.¿


Mark Hendricks says:

September 29, 2008 at 10:48 am[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Update on post 109 –

The newest emailed to me by my House Rep’s office shows that the

pp 21-22 items mentioned above had been deleted. Contact your
Congress Reps office to get the most recent updates emailed to you.

Mark Hendricks


John Gilger says:

September 29, 2008 at 1:02 pm

I’m tired of waiting for the revolution against these dolts.

Any suggestions for a reasonably peaceful, free, and prosperous

place to emigrate to? Must have good communications — high speed
Internet access.



Marvin says:
September 29, 2008 at 1:09 pm

Clayton, you certainly have laid out your argument with the polish and
precision. There’s little left to argue with the points you make. Who
could take exception with your assertion that Government is indeed
corrupt and I might argue that’s also true if you’re red or blue. There
are some of us who think that the time has come for a revolution in
thinking about how government should work, for the people and by
he people. It may be that this recent financial crisis and the long term
damage it will do will stimulate debate on this very point. Perhaps
neither democrats or republicans can be trusted to hold the reigns of
power or the purse strings of the nation. Perhaps real change can
only come from the grass roots, from those whose might be classified
as collateral damage in the political wars.  


Dave Alston says:

September 29, 2008 at 1:40 pm


Someone who says what he really thinks – like it or not.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton for Pres I reckon, and that’s from a Brit.

All the best,

Dave Alston


Lara says:
September 29, 2008 at 2:30 pm

Agreed! Clayton for Pres.

Clayton I agree with your article and your comments. I think I’m
joining the Lib party.

Thank you for the illuminating information. I was just a babe during
the 70s crisis so this is my first experience with true economic
meltdown. It’s a bit scary I must admit. My bank was WaMu and my
current IRA-holder is Wachovia. It was just announced today that
Citigroup will probably be buying Wachovia thanks to their poor
lending habits.

Despite my fear I am encouraged by the discussion on this board and

similar in other online communities (along with real life communities
and homes). Thank you for opening the door and giving us the space
to vent.

And BTW, I am a registered Dem but I didn’t interpret your article as

being bias. I’ve read enough of your writing to know you hit both
sides hard.


Susan Connors says:

September 29, 2008 at 2:50 pm

Hi Clayton

Its 4:30am here and I have just read your article and responses from
readers! It is indeed an eye opener.

I don’t live in USA, Australia is where I come from.

There is no easy way to patch up mistakes of prior governments. I

am basically illiterate when it comes to USA politics. I remember back
in 2003 when word was leaking around of the possible credit crisis.

Discrimination can be a catch phrase and what was meant to be a[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

good thing, has gone very wrong.

Here, in Aus, we have rigid laws for financial institutions when

borrowing money for a home or other reasons. Low income families
can get a home, however, that is hard as prices in areas throughout
Aus are beyond most Australian families reach.

I learnt a lesson in 1995. I was 25, young, successful, good career,

home etc and living above my means. I was relying on existing
contracts $250,000 to keep the business afloat. When all is said and
done, business partner, bad decision, I lost everything. Had to hand
the existing contracts over to colleagues and went bankrupt for a very
small sum. It was a time I remember and a valuable lesson. Don’t live
so much on credit or you may get into trouble!

Many people are struggling to stay ahead and just pay there
mortgage. This year alone there has been two increases in interest
rates. Reality, people are losing their homes for sometimes $25 per
week. You cannot get blood from stone!

I dont envy the USA and the predicament that is affecting everyone.
The effects of the financial blowout will be felt on a global scale.

I think find a workable solution and see what can be done to stop a
financial catastrophe from happening.

Sue in Aus


don fowler says:

September 29, 2008 at 2:51 pm

The REAL problem is GREED. How did these clowns on Wall Street
get million dollar paychecks?
Give a mortgage to anyone as long as we get a commission. We
don’t care if it’s paid back or not. We’ll sell it to someome


Steve says:
September 29, 2008 at 3:22 pm


With regard to #105 and #106 above; your correct that the CRA was
a cause, but that it was THE cause I think may be a bigger question.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Does the Act need to be repealed? Abso-freakin’ lutely (a Southern


Should it be repealed as a part of ANY plan? No doubt about it.

Is it going to fix anything or stop this problem from ever happening

again? Not even close.

The problem, as well presented in the comments above by many of

your astute readers… is not one bill, but an entire system controlled
by International Bankers who hold the purse strings of the world and
who expand or contract the money supply at will to suit their own

Could real estate markets really have thrown the US, and indeed the
World into this kind of financial crisis alone? Not even close… in fact,
statistically I’ve read that only about 2% of ALL U.S. real estate paper
is sub-prime…

In other words, the majority of bank notes are secured by good,

grade A paper.

The ONLY way a small element of the larger whole could possibly
have been blamed for an entire meltdown of histories greatest
economic power… is if it’s being spun as the root cause and if other
real elements are hiding in the background.

Your case is well presented and your arguments are sound… your
call to action is appropriate, however…

It’s like painting the scratches on the side of the Titanic while the ship
is sinking… because the significance of repealing this bill, on the
whole problem, will be so nominal in light of the sinking ship, that it
really pales in contrast to the conversation that you opened up here
(thank you, by the way… it’s about time someone opened this up for
the larger community to see).

As for "Wanda" or others who feel this is not a copywriting issue… or

that this is politics and not business…

I think you miss the entire point.

A. When was the last time a piece of copywriting anywhere made you
feel so compelled to comment on it like this one has? Like it or not…
good or bad… this page and post has gotten momentum and if there
was ever an example of how "The power of the pen is far greater
than the power of the sword" – I think that this one is an exemplary

Whether it’s about politics or pig pickin’s… the words have definately
got the attention of your audience Clayton… thank you for the great[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

copywriting role model you are.

B. If you feel that this particular political issue has nothing to do with
your businesses and that politics belongs the to politicians to discuss.
Move. This is the US baby… and it’s about time some of us
complacent sheeple get off of our collective arses and say
something, do something, take action.

Oh… and seeing that you don’t feel this is an appropriate business
topic… or copywriting topic… I feel you should not take any of
Clayton, or anyone elses here, advice on what to do to prepare for
the coming storm… you don’t deserve it.

Go ahead… stand outside of the ark if you like, but as for me and my
family… we are heading to the on ramp.

If you feel that the end result of this or ignoring this issue will be
"business as usual" and that it’s more important to discuss your
Mothers family cookie recipe… and how to sell it. As a copywriter
you’ve missed the mark altogether.

Look deeper… think clearer… separate yourself from the emotional

response that Clayton post, the comments, and your own brain have
stirred up (using sound copywriting tactics you should be looking for,
btw) and stand back to benefit yourself in more ways than one.

Thats my take… again.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

September 29, 2008 at 3:47 pm

Clayton great post as always and thanks for stirring it up a bit. I can’t
wait for the bailout to get done.

I was talking to my brother from Ohio about your post. He said in the
peanut years do you remember out interest in our floor plan was

By the way we were in the manufactured home business back then

and when manufactures and banks were dropping like flies to the
RTC back then we were buying completed mobile homes for 10 cents
on the dollar.

They were flying us around the country buying up all the bankrupt
dealers that were sending in boxes of keys to there homes. We made
a fortune back then.

We shipped all the new homes to Canada where we had a dealer up[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

there selling them as fast as we could get them to him. He did well!

So we have no love for the greedy banks and we look forward to

buying real houses here in Florida for 30 cents on the dollar.

I love the American dream.

Thanks Clayton!


Gary Long says:

September 29, 2008 at 3:53 pm

Hi Clayton!

As usual you are showing your right-wing, republican bias.

I am embarrassed for anyone who would write this nonsense. This

looks like it was written by someone who doesn’t understand the

Is your middle name Palin by any chance?


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 29, 2008 at 4:00 pm

Hey Gary — give me one fact in this article that’s inaccurate. If you
can’t, consider the fact that it might be your left-wing Democrat bias
that’s keeping you from seeing the truth.


Bart says:
September 29, 2008 at 4:01 pm

What would you rather have 50 more years of a slow drift into
socialism and mediocrity as both the Democrats and Republicans
continue their drift left?

Or a massive shock to the American system that will finally cause

people to say enough is enough and vote for something else?

I have been a libertarian for years and have constantly told my family
and friends,

"Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better."[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Looks like that may be upon us.

The amazing thing is this: With the technology and worldwide

communication available today, a switch back to the libertarian ideals
this country was founded on would see almost immediate results.
The change would happen lightning fast.

For my kids sake, I would just assume take the shock to the system
now.   By the time my kids graduate high school, we could be a free
market, land of opportunity superpower again.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 29, 2008 at 4:54 pm

Hey, you know what, Bart? A LOT of Americans agree with you.
CNBC just reported that a Democratic Congressman who voted
against the bill says his mail was running 100-to-one AGAINST the
bail-out. Other polls I’ve seen say Americans are against in 22 to

Seems like most people feel that it would be better to have a

recession than to blow $1 trillion rewarding Wall Street for making
stupid decisions.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 29, 2008 at 4:58 pm

BTW: For anyone who still thinks I’m a Republican or that I’m
stumping for McCain, check this out: My only political contribution in
years …


Ron Carmichael says:

September 29, 2008 at 5:04 pm

Folks, you are seeing that massive shock to the system now..!

The politicians have baulked and decided that they cannot take this
massive bailout back to their States and voters and just explain it[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


I am staggered that this has actually happened but as a commentator

and participant in the financial markets, did raise the question of the
bailout failing a few days ago in my blog.

I hope you all have your steel undergarments on & hard hats!
The reaction will be extremely severe and sharp on everyone and will
cause massive fallout but this will not be death by a ‘thousand cuts’,
which the bailout would have meant.

As Clayton and so many other people have been commenting on –

the time & need for change – looks as though it may actually be

I also hope those people reading Clayton’s words or the comments I

added, have taken the appropriate action to protect their investments
& life savings.

Markets will become unhinged now, which makes them a very

dangerous place.

Forget the politics and protect your wealth and even prosper.

Good luck,



Bill Whetstone says:

September 29, 2008 at 6:01 pm

Irrational Exuberance? Or Neurotic Paranoia? Take your pick. We

have both in spades. Adam Smith got it right in Wealth of Nations.
When government no longer operates as an invisible hand but as a
900 pound gorilla stealing our lunch money, we are overdue for
corrective action and that’s exactly what we are getting much to
everyone’s dismay.
We will survive and prosper as long as clear headed thinking
becomes a chorus of voices withstanding the temptations for a quick
God Bless You, Clayton. God Save our beloved Nation.
Bill Whetstone


Allen says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

September 29, 2008 at 6:42 pm

New Constitution?
Clayton, now you are talking fantasy. None of us will be alive after
the dictatorship that takes over after the revolution in the USA that is
coming. It will take decades perhaps centuries until this country IF it
continues to exist to once again become what it was supposed to be
as outlined by the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution.

As bad as some people criticize China, a mess like this would never
happen there. The corrupt thieving politicians who are only interested
in power for themselves and fattening themselves up like pigs at a
trough, would get the fate of pigs… they would be killed. (But not

We the people need to learn from that, or be reminded of that.

We had the most perfect form of government there was. For those
who don’t believe it, read the Constitution. Read the Articles of
Confederation. It will make you long for those days. That freedom.

The only major changes should be a strict enforcement of the press.

The mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York
Time, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles
Times, Washington (Post?) etc.,) have become nothing but
propaganda mouthpieces for the socialist wing of the democrat party.
As a student of propaganda they constantly practice one of the most
basic propaganda devices as defined by the Institute for Propaganda
Analysis — Card Stacking — which is defined as "involves the
selection and use of facts of falsehoods, illustrations or distractions,
and logical or illogical statements in order to give the best or worst
possible case for an idea, program, person or product." To that I
would only add "agenda" after product.

I think Card Stacking defines the modern mainstream media, as well

as the political bloggers of both the Right and Left.

Me, I’m also a Libertarian in belief and for the first time will vote my
conscious though I am not entirely thrilled by Bob Barr (Libertarian
candidate for president). He is far, far, better than either wing of the
demopublican party… or as I like to call them demorat and
republicant. A pox on both their houses.

Go back to the original Constitution and bring some modern

sensibilities to it.
Men, women, any race any religion have the right and duty to vote…
in fact mandate it. And keep the electoral college so big states like
New York and California do not have sole control over the people.
Go back to the State Governors deciding on the Senators in the US
Senate.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Get the government out of schools. Let the parents become

responsible for educating their children. It’s not the job of the
government local or federal.
Go back to only those who own property can vote.
Get rid of the Fed.
Go back to the gold standard.
Stop being the world’s policeman, and giving our money to countries
all over the world who end up hating us anyway.
Use the military to protect and defend the USA and it’s citizens
wherever they may be… but don’t start foreign excursions… live
peacefully,but be prepared to defend ourselves… and use common
sense — NOT political correctness in our actions.

These wishes will never come about

Great Post Clayton. And I especially love how you took your "lack of
education" that some people would see as a weakness, and turned it
on it’s head dripping with credibility for you. It’s a lesson we all can



Chick J says:
September 29, 2008 at 6:47 pm

When it comes to ranting and tell like it is. You have no equal. This
is why I love reading your articles. Keep it up!

A long time reader.

Chick J.


JD says:
September 29, 2008 at 6:59 pm

I was a kid when Carter was Prez., caused interest rates to skyrocket
over night. My dad’s biz was affected he could not make the
payments due to the double-digit interest rate jump and the
restaurant folded. Now nearly 3 decades later because of peanut
policies to make it "fair" for people to purchase homes the economy
is crumbling. Hey get over it, life ain’t fair. It is only fair for those who
pull themselves up and make a name/biz for themselves. There is
plenty of opportunity.Big Businesses needs to stand up and tell the
G’vment to stay out! Oh-oh! Now I’ve been tagged as a conspirator
(or should I say patriot.)[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



Dave says:
September 29, 2008 at 7:27 pm


An extremely cogent, potent, and thoughtful essay. The carefully

chosen photographs are wonderful icing on the cake:

Jimmy Carter looks like "Opie" from the Andy Griffith show after 40
hard years of excess in drink, drugs, and chasing good-time women.

Bill Clinton was caught some years ago practicing his Elvis smirk in
the mirror of his single-wide.

Barney Frank is angry that the Concorde has been discontinued: he

wanted to have a look at George Michael’s favorite Hampstead
convenience station and still be back in time for the big vote.

Chris Dodd is shown auditioning for the title role in the live-action
version of "Foghorn Leghorn.

Barack Obama, smoking a cig, look exactly like a guy who attempted
to mug my aunt last year–thank God for carry laws!!


Gw says:
September 29, 2008 at 9:22 pm

Me and Dick were here sittin’ round and we’re hopin’ you swallow this
whole load of shit this website has to offer so’s we can live happily
ever after at your expense. Thanks suckers…er, true Americans.

GW & Dick


Gw says:
September 29, 2008 at 9:22 pm


Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Frank O'Leary says:

September 29, 2008 at 11:52 pm

re: Comment #52, by Clayton, Sept. 27 at 4:19 am (See?! Clayton

really DOES get up really early!)

Clayton wrote :
" Isn’t it interesting how the Democrats who say they "read" this post
never saw the fact that I DID mention Bush’s role in this crisis?

Isn’t it interesting that the minute they realized that I was criticizing
Democrats, they assume I’m a Republican?

And isn’t it interesting that the Democrats who read this article don’t
seem to care about the facts – only about rushing to their party’s

Isn’t human nature fascinating?"

Yes, Clayton … fascinating, and infuriating! But that’s what makes

the game so interesting, isn’t it?

Despite your essay being written by a master copywriter (you!), a

surprising proportion of commenters missed your message. Or rather
reacted to subsidiary points, rather than the central issue. That
suggests reason, logic and evidence – proofs – are secondary factors
in copywriting. Readers believe what they WANT to believe, and SEE
what they want to see … even if it isn’t there.

If we miss the ‘dominant resident emotion’ – the subtler, deeper

benefits – we’ve missed it all. From the first few words we put on
paper, readers start ‘filtering’ what we’re saying through the prism of
their own experiences.

Dealing with that ‘filtering’ process is manageable for copywriters … if

we’re peddling a service/product likely to be of interest to a qualified

Take on issues like religion or politics (or economics) and people

have such life-long vested interests to defend that changing their
minds is nigh impossible. (Forget about ‘changing their minds’ …
getting them to recognize the central issue, rather than the side-
arguments, is a monumental challenge.)

Interesting to see that some folks who are your regular readers are
WAY out-of-sync with you on this one. Curious that one such was so
incensed as to unsubscribe. Isn’t that called ‘cutting off your nose to
spite your face’? As you said, human nature is fascinating!

What does THAT tell us about how vested people are in defending /
justifying their existing dominant resident emotion / world-view?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Progress and growth can’t be achieved without change, which can be

uncomfortable, but some folks are too glued to their comfort-zones to
be able to change. Changing one’s mind – admitting that one has
been wrong about some long-held conviction – can be near-
impossible for the average person. And appealing to their material
survival – their economic situation – can often be futile; there was no
material benefit for the Christian martyrs in the Roman forum for
holding fast to their convictions, yet they did hold fast, at the cost of
their lives. I admire them, agree with their convictions, hope I could
emulate them … but that’s not the point. The point is : how would
anyone have persuaded them to do otherwise?

As you said, friend Clayton … telling the whole story would require
1,400 pages, not 13 !

As to your remark about the Democrat readers being more

concerned to rush to their party’s defense … just proves what I’ve
always believed: liberalism is not a political philosophy, it’s a species
of mental illness. Rushing to the defense of those who steal from you,
all the while calling it ‘moral,’ and who would throw you overboard in
a heartbeat, can only be called insane.


Alan Stone says:

September 30, 2008 at 12:57 am

re. post #116

>The REAL problem is GREED. How did these clowns on Wall

>Street get million dollar paychecks?

Although I’m not American, neither live in the U.S., the PRIMARY,
REAL problem and question seems to me to be…

How did (and apparently still does) the American people allow these
( republican or democrat ) clowns in the oval office ? And to begin
with, to even run for office ? ;O)

I woke up early this morning with the following tune playing in my


Back in the U.S.S.R.

You don’t know how lucky you are boys
Back in the U.S.S.R.
( The Beatles )

and the question…

U.S.A -> U.S.S.A -> U.S.S.R ?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Not funny I know, intriguing at least.

All the best,


P.S. It isn’t better over here on the other side of the Atlantic.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 3:29 am

Regarding comment #130: Is this the best defense you guys have to
offer? No facts? No logic? Nothing?

Doesn’t that make you wonder if you could be WRONG?


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 3:35 am



Jeff says:
September 30, 2008 at 4:13 am


Absolutely eye opening article. Prior to receiving Wendy’s e-mail I

was cursing the ignorant bankers who could employ such unwise
lending practices to destroy our economy. Then to learn that this
insideous crime on the American people was perpetrated by short
sighted politicians for the sole purpose buying votes… I am
outraged. Tarring and feathering is far too light a penalty.

The soy milk chugging, Berkenstock wearing PETA members who

are posting their moronic comments on here are simply
demonstrating the abismal failure of our public education system that
no longer focusses on teaching our children how to think, but rather
on how to think "correctly".

Thanks for your consistant "shoot from the hip" style, honesty, and
willingness to put controversial opinions and information out there. I
love the politically themed atricles… more please![11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 4:54 am

My thoughts about Congress’ failure

to pass Bush’s bailout bill …

Interesting how the media immediately began blaming the

Republicans for the bill’s failure to pass — especially since 95
Democrats voted against the bill and that those votes would have
easily put it over the top.

Especially interesting that despite the fact that the bill was rammed
down Congress’ throat by the Bush Administration, 133 Republicans
revolted, voting against it. Only 65 GOPers sided with their
president. About one in three.

Why did 228 representatives from both parties reject the measure?
Have they suddenly found fiscal principles and the stones to vote
their conscience?

Unlikely. The fact is, the American people have been flooding their
representatives’ offices with mail, e-mail and telephone calls ever
since Paulson announced the bail-out — and between 95% and 99%
of those messages demanded that this bill be defeated.

Why are the majority of the American people so dead-set against this

Lousy marketing!

The bill was referred to — by politicians and the media alike — as a

"Wall Street bail-out." That was the kiss of death. In our simplistic,
class-warfare, populist way of thinking, the thought of spending $700
billion to save a bunch of greedy bankers infuriated millions.

If instead, the bill had been promoted as a "jobs bill," the result of
yesterday’s vote would have surely been much, much different.

The truth is, this vote WAS bout jobs: It was an attempt to save
millions of them.

Because right now, the damage and fear in the financial sector has
shut down the short-term paper market. Hundreds of companies that
need short-term financing for operations can’t get it. If something
isn’t done, they’ll have no choice but to curtail operations and lay off
hundreds of thousands of workers.

And because the suffering among banks has compelled them to raise[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

credit requirements for mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and

revolving charges. This, plus consumer concerns about job security,
are killing sales of autos, big-screen TVs, appliances and other home
improvement items as well as high-end products sold by boutiques
and department stores.

Now, the companies that manufacture, wholesale and retail those

high-price items are bleeding red ink. And as they lose more and
more money, they’ll have no choice but to cut hundreds of thousands
of jobs.

If the Bush administration and Congress had done a better job of

making these facts clear to the American people, we would probably
have demanded that they vote "YES!"

Instead, they counted us to go along like sheep, supporting the bill

simply because Bush, Paulson, Berananke, Pelosi and Dodd had
shouted the "Crisis!" word.

So what does the failure of the bail-out mean to you?

Anybody who tells you he knows is full of beans.

For one thing, nobody knows if the bill would have done anything to
slow — let alone solve — this crisis. Long before the vote, investors
in Asia and Europe were already betting that it was "too little, too

For another, you can bet your bottom dollar that Congress will be
back with another bill in a matter of days — and that they will NOT
make the same mistakes this time.

And for another, if Congress fails to act, the Bush Administration can
always declare a national emergency and rule by executive order as
FDR did in WWII when he imprisoned millions of Japanese citizens.
That would effectively give Bush dictatorial powers until revoked by a
two-thirds vote in Congress.

But what if Congress does not act, if Bush does not use the power of
the executive order and there’s no bail-out?

Will the world end?

No. We will have a recession. Millions of Americans will lose their

jobs. Millions more will lose their homes. Some say, it could be as
bad — or worse — than the Great Depression, when about one in
four of us was unemployed.

We’ll get through it, just like we’ve muddled through every recession
in the past. But it won’t be easy; and you’ll be far better off if you
heed the advice at the end of the above article beginning right now;[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Good luck,

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 5:14 am

Please view this ONLY if you’re interested in the truth …


Sylvia says:
September 30, 2008 at 10:15 am

OMG, a right wing diatribe! Reaching all the way back to 1977 to
blame the democrats? What happened to all the years in between,
particularly when Republicans had control of the house? Certainly no
"stones" there. There’s enough "lavish" blame for all


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 10:18 am



Lucid Lucy says:

September 30, 2008 at 11:11 am

Malcom Smith,

Your comment – "I think we’d be more accurate aiming them at the
consistent Republican policy of deregulation that began under Ronald
Reagan. That’s what enabled all the institutional money to pour into
risky investments."

Would you name the regulatory or nonregulatory legislation that you

claim caused risky investment over sound?

I think we all will be interested.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Steve says:
September 30, 2008 at 11:14 am

It sickens me to see the partisan nature of this conversation.

I’m neither Democrat or Republican… but Independent. I vote for the

individuals on each ballot who I feel will best handle the
responsibilities of the job at hand – right now, the only person who I
see that seems to "Get It" is Ron Paul, and he gets about as much
press time as… err… uhm… wait… no one gives this guy any press
time… so I can’t even be sure he has it right, but he does have some
of it right, to be sure.

Unfortunately, when issues become partisan instead of American,

everyone suffers and is manipulated.

Clayton… I’m not biased, but open minded, but even my defenses
have gone up here from the first read of the initial article because of
the presentation of an obviously one sided argument. Which your
topic may be… but by making it a hammer against those who
perpetrated the crime instead of a plea to eliminate the bad
legislation… you’ve instigated defense alarms that I can’t see will
help you make your case.

"This legislation is bad, here’s why… here’s what we need to do

about it." Great

"The Democrats are bad, because they drafted this bad legislation,
which needs to be fixed, but not by the Democrats who defend it, by
the Republicans who allowed it, here’s what we need to do about

See how your approach, the second one above, actually serves to
defeat your purpose of rallying folks to a solution/cause? It is partisan
distraction and can be discussed all day… after you get the results
from the first approach above, in my opinion.

I hate the partisan crap here… makes me sick because it serves NO

purpose accept to divide. Its the issues that are important, not the
parties, dangit. Am I the only one who sees this?

It took the entire Congress… House and Senate… to ALLOW

everything in the US to be what and how it is. And to fix the mess
now, will take a Congress with the Cahones to make difficult

Andrew Jackson was the last president to fight the real monster, the[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

true "800 lb Gorilla in the Room" by replacing fiat currency with true
currency (for lack of a better term). It worked and although a short
term mess, the long term (over 70 years) results of a real Free Market
Economy adjusted quickly and prospered.

Lincoln, by creating Greenbacks, accomplished the same thing…

interest free AMERICAN notes… not fractional reserve mirages…
were a brilliant and masterful solution to eliminate, again, the
International bankers who wanted to control the purse strings of the

I am all for a "bailout" – with real American Dollars (Gold will no

longer work… and didn’t the last time it was tried either) sans the
Federal Reserve, fiat, and a fractional reserve system that is
controlled by private interests.

Or any other REAL solution to the real problem.

But stoking the Dem or Rep fires serves no end.. none. Division is
not a solution to unity, it never was and cannot ever be.

If there was a way to take the labels off and just look at the facts… if
we could discuss the issues and focus on the solution without trying
to appoint blame, maybe we could get somewhere as a country.

But, then again… most people just don’t get it. Which is fine… our
President and Congress however… should.

I also think it’s sad that you are correct… if the "Bailout" had been
SOLD better, it would have passed… and the devastating, long term
inflation and other detrimental results will be upon us even sooner.

Discouraging that "getting a bill passed" is more important than really

looking at the problem and getting past the "who-dunnit" and look at
the "fix it and prevent it from happening again" as a country… not
representatives of special interests or party affiliations.

Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian… this is the kind of

thing that needs to stop. I’m an American and I vote for America… I
sure as hell am not voting for a person just because of a lable any

Sheesh people… step back from the partisan B.S. – don’t let ‘em
drag you into the distraction, and get educated about the core
problems here… and the real potential results. Our very lives and
freedoms depend on it.

You know… I’ve not heard one politician discuss the real problem
other than Ron Paul… who gets laughed off or boo’d for knowing the
facts… well, at least some of them anyway… I don’t know his whole
platform, he wasn’t given one, so I can’t be for or against the guy – he[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

was squelched before he could speak.

What all of this tells me… and what will, I believe, happen with a
"new" bill… is that it’s gone too far and regretably, may take real
consequences for people to wake up.

It’s this kind of mass ignorance and the overwhelming frustration of

trying to help people at least do their own research and come to a
real conclusion, that breeds apathy and empowers the crooks to keep

It’s kinda like trying to discuss religeon with a dogmatic… it aint

gonna happen, because facts are irrelevant… the defense of dogma
is set firm, right or wrong.

Clayton – you will understand this better than many here… you ride,

Here is what we motorcycle enthusiasts have known forever about a

subject as simple and benign as motorcycles, yet as emotionally
opinionated among the pupulace as politics or religeon, for

"For those who understand, no explanation is necessary, for

those who do not understand, no explanation is possible."

Why people want to defend a position instead of find the facts and the
truths, is beyond me… no matter though. The ignorant and the
intelligent will pay this time… maybe, the consequences are what is
needed to wake people up – maybe, they never will.


OneForTheTruth says:
September 30, 2008 at 12:01 pm

Very good piece Clayton, but most people are to ate up to

understand anything except what the blow hards on TV tell them to.
America is going down the tubes and not very many people seem to
give a damn, they are afraid to get evolved, or are so in love with
what people look like instead of what they have done in the past. I’ve
heard people say I’m voting for so and so because they look good
and can make wonderful speeches, what a crock. Good Luck in the
Future maybe I’ll see yopu at the soup kitchen sometime.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 12:16 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

You’re right Steve; I did let my frustration shine through. Doing so

was cathartic for me. It also helped engender much of the positive
emotion you see in the 142 posts above. If this had been a straight-
faced, academic article, almost nobody would have read it.

Plus, even without the invective, I knew that anyone who loves
congressional Democrats is going to hate the article simply because
it documents how their beloved party caused this mess.

And I knew that anybody who hates Bush is also going to hate the
fact that he tried twice to increase oversight of Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac in order to head off this crisis but in both cases, was
blocked by the very congressional Democrats who now blame the
crisis on the Bush administration’s "lax oversight."

So once I decided to write this article, it was inevitable that no matter

how I presented these facts, there would be people who would attack
me as a "right wing loon."

(NOTE: While a few have railed against this article, nobody — not
one living soul — has offered a solitary fact to refute anything said

And so, to make this otherwise dry subject come alive for those with
open minds as well as for those who are predisposed to be distrustful
of the Democrat agenda and Congress as a whole, I chose to have
some fun with it.

In short, I knew my audience and was keenly aware of how would

probably receive this article before I wrote Word One.

I also knew that a tiny handful of readers would unsubscribe because

I told the truth and took a stand. A small price to pay in order to feel
that the folks who heed my advice will be much better off for it.

In reality, though, my objectives in writing this were really much larger

than simply to scream, "The Democrats Did It!."

I hoped …

1. To counter the mindless anti-Republican babble being plastered

all over the media by Frank, Pelosi, Obama — the very people who
did, indeed cause this crisis and who did, as the record shows, block
every attempt to head it off at the pass.

2. To point out that this crisis is the result of social engineering and
that historically, all such attempts end in similar failure. (Remember
LBJ’s $2 trillion War on Poverty? Poverty won.)

3. To also nail Republican lawmakers for being cowardly; allowing[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

themselves to be intimidated by accusations of racism that attached

themselves to those who tried to warn that this was coming two years

4. To shock people into realizing that it would be the height of folly to

trust the institution and the political parties that — whether by
commission or omission — caused this disaster to now solve it.

5. To offer concrete steps my readers should be taking right now,

today, to help insulate their families from the worst effects of this
crisis going forward.

So, mission accomplished …

– Clayton


Dave says:
September 30, 2008 at 12:35 pm

It will be interesting to see how this all pans out. Not being a fortune
teller I would suggest everyone prepare for the worst and hope for
the best. Take your lessons from previous history…we may be about
to repeat it.


David Blaise says:

September 30, 2008 at 12:35 pm

Hey Clayton, the marketing of this program was certainly a problem.

But I don’t think it’s the main marketing problem…

The main marketing problem is that there’s no risk-reversal or

money-back guarantee on either this plan or our politicians!

Both parties attempt to market themselves as the solution, but record

low poll numbers for both the President and the Congress indicate it’s
not a Democrat or Republican problem.

It’s a trust problem.

We just don’t trust either of the political parties with our tax dollars
any more, because the government seems to mismanage everything
it touches, regardless of who’s in power. Social security ring any

We all know that marketing can get people to buy things (even poor[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

political candidates.) But it can’t make a bad product good… and

that’s what we’re dealing with today.

We have a lot of inadequate (or at best, average) politicians

marketing themselves as brilliant…

But there’s no risk-reversal! When they fail to perform, we can’t

send them back for a full refund! All we can do it take our losses and
hope for the best next time.

You can call the package anything you want. But until we get to the
point where we feel we can trust any of them with our money, it’s
going to be an uphill battle.

David Blaise


Mike says:
September 30, 2008 at 12:39 pm

To the "sensitive" people: Is there a problem or not? If so, was its

origin Main Street? Wall Street? Or DC? (Note: it didn’t originate in
three places at once!) The markets lack trust in the current system. Is
that because they are partisan?Thanks Clayton. It’s plenty clear to
those willing to see beyond the parties and personalities that those
parties and personalities screwed up and that they aren’t the best
people to fix things given their blindness, loyalties, and campaign


David Henry says:

September 30, 2008 at 12:43 pm

Clayton – you’re a marvel! I mean that seriously. I thoroughly enjoy

your blog and marketing. I agree with you – Congress, as usual, blew
it big time. Now, it’s not Wall Street, but Main Street USA that will be
suffering the consequences.


PS – #133, get real!! I read in USA Today of how many

AMERICANS have defected across the Atlantic to live "your" brand of
Utopia! We’ve succeeded before, we’ll do it again – just like the
time(S) we have saved your ass!

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Cathy Sutter says:

September 30, 2008 at 1:13 pm

Jeff: I guess I missed the PETA members posting moronic

comments…I am a PETA member. Uh, what’s Berkenstock? Guess
I don’t own any.

And if you knew me, you would see that I am not in any way
interested in being "politically correct." Ever hear Bill Maher speak?
He doesn’t care what he says or who he says it to, and neither do I.

Steve: Yes, Ron Paul is the only candidate that made sense but the
media would not hear of it! Oh, now they are bringing him on their
programs (Fox, CNN, etc.) and asking him questions, what he
thinks…and so on.

It is a crime that most of the American people paid no attention to

him. They were instead mesmerized by the media, who in reality,
controls every election.

Ron Paul wanted to eliminate the IRS and the FED…bring our troops
home, close US bases around the world (700 bases in 130
countries–ridiculous), in other words, quit policing the world. And
bring back the gold standard. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Hmmm…
oh well, wishful thinking.

Oh, he is now officially endorsing Chuck Baldwin, who is running on

the Constitutional ticket. So I’ll "waste my vote" but at least I won’t be
voting for the lesser of two evils because, after all, it would still be

Oh, BTW, I love your quote "For those who understand…" I need to
keep that in mind when talking to Obama supporters who think it’s
OK to tax the rich and give to the poor. Uh, I think that’s called
"redistribution of wealth" or, in other words, Socialism. I have come
to the conclusion that his supporters have that entitlement mentality.
Whoops, I’m sure I’ll get some hell about that statement. Just

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong
enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson


Spa Marketing Guy! says:

September 30, 2008 at 1:22 pm

Clayton… great research, great writing great info! Fabulous summary

on the current state of affairs! John[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Gary Fisher says:

September 30, 2008 at 1:37 pm

Absolutely out of the park, Clayton! It’s sad to see the poor blind
partisans scattered among the comments above trying to pin the
blame on the current President and his Party, but at least it proves
there may actually be a few live Democrat voters …


Elleyne Kase says:

September 30, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Highly, highly, highly recommend you read, "The Creature from Jekyll
Island." Get the full story… it’s about the "fiat" monetary system that
POLITICIAN that has adopted it. You think you have delicious
decaying matter to create a declaration of outrage now, wait till you
read that. Also recommend go to Bill Moyer and his interview with
Andrew Bacevich. It has two parts, make sure you go to the second
one because it has the comments about both candidates. Evidently
Moyer came out of retirement to bring this kind of reporting out
because no one was doing it.
If you are able to get the book mentioned above (it’s out of print now
but I got mine on Amazon) go to page 307. It starts, "It is said that
those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
It may come as a surprise to learn that the Federal Reserve system is
America’s fourth central bank, not its first. We have been through all
this before and, each time, the result has been the same. Interested
in what happened? Then let’s set the coordinates to our time
machine to the colony of Massachusetts and the year 1690."
If you want me to send you some copies from pages of this book, like
the pages that follow that chapter opener, I will be happy to do so.
There is an invitation to do this by the author, who gives permission in
the book. Send me a PO Box # and I’ll send some pages. The
author, Edward Griffin, has done a lot of research, its well annotated
and weighs in at 600 pages. BUY IT.


Brian Brzoznowski says:

September 30, 2008 at 2:00 pm

Dear Clayton, Thank you for a very informative article. I am a

custom home builder located in the Upper Penninsula of
Michigan. This area is somewhat insulated from the big swings[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

of economy. Since the mines closed in the 60′s it has been

pretty much a depressed economy until the 90′s when the 2nd
home market exploded. I have always believed we would stay
insulated until this year and be at the end of the whip. In addition
to all of your recommendations I endeavor to keep a great
positive mental attitude, look for every opportunity -cleverly
disguised as adversity, help others get through this, think "out
of the box", work harder and smarter than ever, and simply be
happy with what God has given me. I will, however, ask Him for
more and more.
Brian Brzoznowski


Scott Stroud says:

September 30, 2008 at 2:23 pm

Clayton – At the beginning of your article you asked us to read this as

a copywriting/marketing exercise. In that light, it’s a brilliant piece of
craftmanship. I don’t align myself with either political group, so
couldn’t take offense at a single word, and you’re absolutely right that
the entire ‘fix’ was so poorly marketed that the masses would rather
languish in poverty than accept it. It will be interesting, if painful, to
see how this all plays out. Thanks for your even keel and your
Scott stroud


Nancy Webster says:

September 30, 2008 at 2:40 pm

Last night on Jay Leno, Russel Crowe suggested that the economic
crisis in America could be relieved by giving every US citizen a million
dollars. It would save a lot of money and would put the money where
it will do the most good. People would first of all pay off their
mortgages and credit cards. Then they would buy goods and
stimulate the economy. Many would start businesses and send their
children to good schools. I think it’s an excellent plan.


Apryl Parcher says:

September 30, 2008 at 3:18 pm

*sigh*[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton’s absolutely right to hit Carter’s 1977 nail on the head–I don’t
care how partisan it sounds–because government intervention in the
market system is EXACTLY how we got into this mess in the first

If left-brained presidents and a socialist congress hell-bent on selling

us down the river hadn’t bullied their way into the financial markets to
begin with, threatening lending institutions with investigations if they
didn’t give away housing loans to every Tom, Dick and Susan who
wanted one regardless of ability to pay, we wouldn’t be here.

The free market system isn’t "fair," folks, and not everyone is
"entitled" to a house with a picket fence. The traditional vetting of
individuals applying for loans that required assets, down payment and
proof of income that has served the market for decades was
suddenly thrown under the bus by worthless politicians out to buy
themselves a legacy and a huge block of voters.

I blame our gutless-wonder Republicans for not screaming loud

enough and long enough to bring this to anyone’s attention. Oh no,
let’s not make waves, let’s stick our heads in the sand and pretend it
will go away. SHEESH!

So while most of Congress preens with righteosness about how

they’re giving Everyman the chance to own a home, and poisons the
market with bad paper (after raking in millions for themselves in the
process), they then have the audacity to point fingers at everyone

Even when the crooks are thrown out of Fanny and Freddie for
cookin’ the books, guess who hires them to manage their campaign
and advise them on economics?

The scary thing is, that all this poison paper has seeped into every
corner of the market, even overseas, so Clayton’s analogy of a
bandaid on a sucking chest wound is pretty accurate.

In the name of Almighty Fairness, Democrats have stuck their fingers

where they don’t belong, and the result is akin to letting a 5-year-old
play with the operating instruments during neurosurgery.

The only way I can see us getting out of this without brain damage is
to clean house completely come November, and instead of spending
another $700 Billion on stopgaps, cut corporate taxes and eliminate
capital gains taxes, which are crippling the very sector that creates all
the jobs. EVERY time taxes are cut, and this has been proven
throughout our history, the economy rallies.

We need to get Government off our backs and out of our markets,
period. That’s not partisan, it’s just common sense.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



David says:
September 30, 2008 at 3:20 pm

Clayton, You are wrong – The Community Reinvestment Act of

1977 has NOTHING to do with this crisis!

You say: " These "creative" financing techniques were born to draw
low-income people into the market." Not so – there was another
incentive driving the train. The paper was sold and they were out of
the deal before the loans were done – so why would banks / lenders
care whether a dog or cat’s paw was on the dotted line – let alone
unqualified minorities?

You say "in 2001Bush administration warns of impending doom."

With control of both houses and chairs on the banking committees for
6 years, what stopped him from doing something about it – while
Greenspan flooded the markets with cheap money? It couldn’t be
payoffs from his Wall Street & K-Street paymasters, could it?

Having spent 25 years in the gambling business on the Vegas strip –

here’s a lesson about money and human nature that never occurred
to the dumb asses elected and appointed to prevent this – Bush,
Paulson, Berananke. Vegas casinos know that if money can be
stolen, it will be, 100% of the time. If a system can be gamed, it will
be, 100% of the time. And their regulations and systems of handling
money reflect this understanding. If there are no cops on the
monetary streets, this will happen forever – it’s just human nature.

Your title: "A Conspiracy of Imbeciles" can apply to the people that
let this happen on their watch – Bush, Paulson, Berananke. And in
my opinion it applies to anyone who voted for Bush and his K-Street
talking parrots in the house and senate. No buck ever stopped at this
moron’s desk and the damage he created on all fronts is beyond any
measure in American history. The dems offer no alternative either –
but at least their last president had a 3 digit IQ.  

Other posts have covered it well (39-89-96 & "39 brilliant post") but
you really have to go back to Jeckyll Island and come forward to
understand why our political and monetary system is a total FRAUD.


Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

David says:
September 30, 2008 at 4:04 pm

This from any e-mail right after AIG collapsed, and it’s interesting to
note that the government was going to bail out AIG for $85 billion.
Here’s where the bailout can be very profitable to each and every
working American. Our population is about 301,000,000 +/-and out
of that 301,000,000 approximately 200,000,000 are 18+ and working
these figures might not be totally accurate, but you can get the gist of
the situation.If we take 85 billion and divided by 200 million. That’s
approximately $425,000 for every person 18 years and older.Now all
that money would not be tax-free. So let’s assume a tax rate of
30%.Every individual 18 years or older has to pay $127,500 in
taxes.That’s sends $25,500,000,000 right back to the
government.But it also means that every adult 18 years and older as
$297,500 in their pocket.A husband and wife have $595,000.And
that’s with just $85 billion.What would that equation be like if we
added another $615 billion.Now wouldn’t that be fundamentally sound
for our economy.And all that with no partisan or bipartisan challenges
or arguments.We can call this the We Deserve It bailout plan for the
American worker. Dave
PS. This does however open a whole new CAN of worms.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 4:08 pm

Thanks, Apryl … seems the truth is "partisan" when it challenges a

person’s political affiliation.

David, I painstakingly documented how the CRA did, indeed create

the crisis. Saying "it ain’t so" doesn’t invalidate a single one of the
facts presented.  

As far as selling paper is concerned, do you remember the S&L crisis

of the late 1980s and early 1990s when 747 Savings and Loans

That happened because S&Ls didn’t sell the loans they’d made.
Selling the paper was a prudent strategy financials used to reduce
loan risk. The explosion in sub-prime loans didn’t occur until after
1992 with the Clinton changes to "fair housing" regulation.

Bush tried repeatedly as the article says to stop it and he and his
fellow Republicans were called racist and accused of hating poor
people for their trouble.

If they bear guilt, it’s for not braving the political fallout and repealing
the law — as I say in the article.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Show me where I’m wrong and you’ll have a convert.


Ron Ellis says:

September 30, 2008 at 4:17 pm

Clayton, Lindbaugh had a similar analysis that i did not pay attention
to because he is a partisan. Your conclusion (mainly democrats who
forced banks to lend to unqualified borrowers is responsible) is also a
little hard to swallow. I know you mentioned republicans but naming
them as you did the democrats would lend a measure of fair analysis.

The mortgage default rate is say 10% and if all 10% were unqualified
that still would leave 90% paying their mortgage. I own some real
estate, and if the 10% dead-beats that I rent to bring me down
then there would most definately be other "fish to fry". Carter was the
president over 28 years ago. Were the deadbeats that his policies
helped to buy homes waiting until the end of Bush’s presidency to
default? Until the majority of voters kick the party affiliations and
become independent, then the system will continue to game us.
The monied folks (world citizens)realize that as long as the majority
from either party seek blame in the other party they (world citizens)
will continue to rake it in at the expense of us all.

Ron- a fan and customer.


Barbara says:
September 30, 2008 at 4:41 pm

Clayton, Couple things come to mind.

* First of all I have to agree, your mostly one-sided political

rant turned what could have been an informative piece into just that, a

*The Republicans have been in control of the House and Senate for
the majority of the last 20 years, including the time when you say that
Bush tried to fix Fannie and Freddie, yet you blame the Democrats
for shooting down his efforts. If the Republicans had really been on
top of things, they could have passed it anyway. Clinton had 8 years
of a Republican Congress, so he couldn’t have rammed anything
through without some help from your boys. So, to blame this as
heavily on the Dem’s as you tried is not quite accurate.

* The CRA is NOT the only reason for failed mortgages etc. Many of
the foreclosures are on million dollar properties and second or third[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

homes.   The "poor" didn’t create this problem. A lot of RICH guys
who wanted to get even richer did. Poor people didn’t create credit
derivitives, over leverage, and purposely overrate securities, or sell
fraudulant mortgages. Rich people (Dem’s and Repub’s alike.)

* I’m certain that Washington has had plenty to do with creating this
mess, but why is it you and most everyone who has commented here
are not blaming the multi million dollar Best and Brightest on Wall
Street? Did the excuse that "Jimmy or Billy or Barney thought it up"
ever fly in your house? It never did in mine. If I did it, then I paid the
piper – and so did my kids. If we don’t hold the Wall Street Masters
accountable, then we get what we deserve. Has anyone seen a
single Financial CEO coming to the table with a sugestion on how to
fix this mess? Has any one of them come forward to make their plea
for what kind of help they think they need, or how they plan to pull
themselves (company) out of disaster? No one on Main Street can
screw up this badly and then sit back and just wait to be rescued.  
So, let’s have some very public meetings with the Brain Trusts that
created credit derivitives and leveraged the dolloar at 30-1, and
make them earn their keep. I say, if they want any of our money,
have them come to the American people one by one on prime time,
and tell us how it is THEY screwed up and what they are going to do
to help fix it.

If our kids screw up, we don’t just ride to their rescue and make
everything better. We make them take some of the heat, try to figure
out how to fix their problems, and pay the price of their poor choices.
You seem awfully willing to give Wall Street a very big excuse to be
pointing the finger at Washington, and Democrats in particular. I’m
not so willing. I want those who were being paid millions to care for
their investors best interest to be accountable. We are surely fools if
we make this a political problem and ignore what was allowed to
happen by people who should have known better.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

September 30, 2008 at 5:03 pm

Wow ! Clayton you opened a can of worms and I like the slug fest.

The one thing everybody forgets it’s all about the MONEY!

Man the housing market that is in crisis is only 5% to 8%. That

means that 92 to 95% of us are making our payments.

So today it’s about the banks, last month was about the oil prices.

Crude is below $100 but how much you still paying for gas?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

How about corn for ethanol now look at food cost. Hell they used to
dump it on the ground because they couldn’t give it away.

Why did you think they lowered production on oil? Simple we are not
using as much. Cut production raise the price.

Do you think we are done with oil prices? Not hardly!

When you can bring done companies that have been around for over
150 years how do you think the little guy can make it.

The largest Chevrolet dealer in the USA just filed for bankruptcy and
closed 14 dealerships in 12 states. They were bleeding cash of $2-5
million a month since early 2007.

All I am saying is do not point fingers because this does not get the
job done. You as an American have the right to vote. Just take the
time to do your homework and vote with your head not your heart.

This will take years to get through and we will all survive as always.

Thanks Clayton.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 5:37 pm

Glen — regarding oil and gas prices; something I can’t help noticing

In 2002, oil was $27 a barrel and gas was around $2.30 a gallon.

So when oil sextupled in price to around $150, why didn’t those

greedy oil companies jack up gas prices by a factor of six — to
$13.80 a gallon?

And if we didn’t complain then, is it really fair to complain now?

Hmmmmm ….

Actually, most the gas stations here and in Georgia and other places
are out of gas — most people hare having trouble getting the stuff at
any price. And when stations get a delivery of petrol, the lines are
around the block.

Seems we get most of our gas from the refineries that just got hit by

As far as pointing fingers is concerned, IT IS ABSOLUTELY[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Because in reality, neither Washington Democrats nor Republicans

are responsible for this disaster. We the voters are.

Unless and until we learn from history, we are condemned to repeat


Unless we learn to stop responding to class-warfare populist rhetoric

and actually THINK through the legislation they try to sneak through
on us …

Until we pay attention to the FACTS and not merely political spin as
reported in unashamedly biased media outlets …

Until we are fully educated and engaged and ready and willing to
scream from the rooftops when these miscreants unveil their latest
scheme to rob Peter to pay Paul …

… We’ll be destined to continue paying the price for Washington’s

fraud, abuse, corruption and cowardice.

If there is a silver lining in all this, maybe it’s that with this crisis about
to hit each and every one of us on a very personal level …

More people will begin to fully grasp how directly and deeply
Washington impacts the value of our money, our job security and our
ability to hang on to the things we work so hard to earn.

And if that realization causes many of us to stop this silly knee-jerk

defense of a corrupt political party and instead, defend our families
first, that would be a really nice side benefit.

Cheers, buddy!


Robert says:
September 30, 2008 at 6:07 pm

Let me see if I can get this straight. We’re in crisis because lenders
made loans to high risk borrowers.Subprime loans were made
because the loan would be sold to some other entity leaving the
original lender to enjoy the profit without the risk. The institutions that
bought the loans did so with the belief that in the end they were "too
big to fail." I can’t believe that I am hearing this nonsense phrase
again and again by the media. Too big to fail? Really? Please direct
me to the Roman Empire.Now that we’re in the soup we have to raid
the assets of taxpayers because otherwise there won’t be any cash
to make more high-risk loans.Am I missing something?PS We tried[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

this before in the Great Depression. Instead of allowing the

liquidation of insolvent institutions and biting the bullet for a period of
time, we headed off liquidation and ended up swallowing many
bullets for more than a decade. Wake up.


Terry Moore says:

September 30, 2008 at 6:09 pm

While it’s obvious you or some intern took a great deal of time and
effort to write your rant, it still strikes me as typical neocon drivel.


Judy says:
September 30, 2008 at 6:33 pm

Clayton, Thanks for having the courage to detail the origins of the
current financial mess. In looking at the historical threads that have
brought this about it seems that since Hoover and FDR there has
been a creep toward socialism that always begins with the word
Then it becomes quite easy for people to trade individual freedom for
the promise of security. The mindset shifts gradually–the old frog in
the pot analogy–until the original guarantees of liberty based on
personal responsibility ensconsed in our founding documents are
discarded for a nanny state that provides security womb to tomb. A
chicken in every pot became a home, a car, and now some are
pushing for a digital tv for every one. I hope you will continue this
conversation as it is non-partisan and requires the best minds of our
collective generations to redirect societal decay.


Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 7:48 pm

Now, I want all of you to look at post #166. Don’t be too obvious; it’s
not polite to stare.

Notice: While exactly ZERO Republicans rushed to the defense of

THEIR guys in Congress when I said they were gutless and failed us
by not violently opposing CRA and these other idiotic laws …

THIS is the quality of critique I’ve gotten from partisan Democrats

ever since I posted this article last Friday.

Without a single fact to bolster their case, they have no choice but[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

resort to name-calling.

"Don’t confuse me with the facts," they’ve essentially said, "you’re

just a partisan Republican. A dirty … a filthy … uh … NEOCON!
Yeah, that’s it, you’re a NEOCON!"

OK. That really hurt. Ouch. That’ll leave a mark.

Terry, since you evidently have no actual facts to support your views,
all I can do is repeat what I said at the beginning of this article: "I
humbly suggest that if the truth offends you, it just might be a hint that
your point of view could benefit from an honest re-examination."

Now, here at The Total Package, we believe that words actually have
meaning. So let’s take a look at what "Neocon" means.

The term was coined in 1973 by a socialist, Michael Harrington in

1973 to describe OTHER LIBERALS who had come to believe that
leftist policies had failed — and who had subsequently shifted to the

Now, since I am only half-liberal (the social half) and have not
changed those views since the 1970s when I first became a
Libertarian …

And since my ultra-conservative views on fiscal policy (far to the right

of most Republicans) have also not changed since then …

Using the term "neocon" to describe me misses the mark by a country


Call me an "unrepentant, unreconstructed Libertarian bastard" if you

like. That would be absolutely accurate. And I wear that moniker like
a badge of honor. Hell. I may even have a tee-shirt made with that
emblazoned across the front!

Finally, Terry, I can only say that if, instead of defending your family
… and instead of demanding legislation that would strengthen our
country and our economy …

If instead of doing those things, you insist on rushing to defend

corrupt, failed politicians who tax you, confiscate your liberties, who
have destroyed your home equity and the buying power of your
money and who are about to cost you your livelihood …

Then all I can say is, you’re about to get what you deserve.

– Clayton

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 8:18 pm

Yeah, Robert, I’d say you got it almost right.

You forgot the part about Congress forcing banks to make those bad
loans by imposing draconian penalties on those who didn’t …

And the part about Congress telling Fannie and Freddie they had to
buy those loans …

And the part of Congress refusing to regulate fraud at Fannie and

Freddie when it hit the headlines in 2003.

Otherwise, you got it straight.

And I must also agree that bailing out these failing institutions would
be a monumental blunder.

Just remember, though: When those institutions fail, your access to

credit dries up. So does your employer’s. So does, if you own a
business, your customers’.

And of course, when that happens, thousands of "innocent"

companies that never touched any of these lousy mortgage
investments will go bust and millions of workers will lose their jobs —
their ability to support their families.

That means NOT bailing out the guilty institutions is going to cause
tremendous pain for all of us.

OK by me — I’d much rather deal with a multi-year recession than to

come out of this with a country and an economy in which anyone can
make any stupid mistake they want and expect the rest of us to bail
them out.

I mean — we’ve done that for the lowest levels of the economy since
LBJ’s War on Poverty, and just look what that got us: Millions who
now believe they can forgo an education, get knocked up at 14,
smoke crack — anything — and the taxpayers will bail them out.

They’ve learned that there are no consequences for their actions. I

say let’s NOT teach CEOs the same lesson.

Plus, I’d rather endure even a recession that lasts up to a decade

than to have several trillion more fiat dollars killing the value of
everything I earn and everything my children earn and everything my
grandchildren earn for decades to come.

So let’s learn our lesson … eliminate the laws that allowed this to[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

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happen in the first place to make sure this never happens again …
and brace for the consequences we all must now endure.

Batten down the hatches, my friend; I hope you’ve got a LOT of

money saved up. You’re going to need it!


Rick says:
September 30, 2008 at 8:24 pm

Well done! You have managed to aggregate most, if not all, of the
salient points relative to this issue into a very readable text. Your
conservative credentials are fully validated.

Those who decry you for bias are simply burying their heads in the
sand. Shame on you folks. The facts remain the facts, from Carter’s
magnificent ignorance to Clinton’s knowing complicity, all occurred. It
is very true that Ronaldus Magnus, and #41, were not able (or maybe
unwilling) to upset that apple cart; but don’t forget that congress was
controlled by the democrats during those years, and there was not a
snowball’s chance in hell they were going to put real controls on what
was effectively their personal cash cow.

I did notice one factual error (I may be wrong), and one omission. If
memory serves, in 1994, Newt and the "contract with America" gave
control of the house to the Republicans, which they maintained until
2006. However, since the election of Arlen Spector (back when
Hector was still a pup), the RINO’s (i.e. John McCain, Lindsey
Graham) have been able to slowly wrestle away much control of the
party from the conservative wing. Ergo the problem the party faces
today, and a contributing factor to this debacle.

To his credit though (which is difficult for me to admit), John McCain

warned of this collapse, of the Freddie and Fannie crash, and its
ripple effect on the market back in 2005.

Finally, to those of you who choose to claim political bias to justify

your contrarian positions to this post, PULL YOUR HEADS OUT!

To your success,


If you’re 20 years old, and not liberal, you have no heart.

        If you’re 40 years old, and not conservative, you have no brain…

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

September 30, 2008 at 8:36 pm

Uh … that’s fiscally conservative and socially liberal, Rick.

Oh — do any of you use Twitter? I’m posting on there several times

each day.

Great way to see the copy I’m working on while I’m working on it and
to get a sneak peek at how I spend my day.

Just point your browser to and look for me:


Cheers, y’all!


Kelley Eidem says:

September 30, 2008 at 8:36 pm

Although I’ll admit I didn’t read the whole thing, what I read was right

The other night a professor who was an expert on this stuff dropped a
bombshell. Paulson and the Democrats cry that the housing crisis
totals $100 billion. Well, they are lying through their teeth.

If one adds up all the homes in that have been foreclosed and
added in the homes that are more than 90 days late, the only
way it reaches $100 billion is to include the entire mortgage
balances due, not just the PAST DUE amounts.

So at most it’s $100 Billion for the homes, which leaves $600 billion
for WHAT! For hedge funds losses and the like.

Would someone please tell me where in the Constitution it is

enumerated that taxpayers are required to become after the fact
cosigners to bad business deals?

Each time one of those bad transactions took place, a commission or

fee was paid to someone. Now they want us to pay them a
commission a second time!

When the story of the rise and fall of the US is written, an entire
volume will need to be devoted to this gargantuan cover-up
masquerading as a bailout.

The economy can take care of itself. The Founding Fathers were
wise enough to include bankruptcy in the Constitution. It’s the[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

fertilizer that allows the economy to re-bloom after an economic


Right this minute, there are people toiling in anonymity whose ideas
and products will be the engines for future economic boons. For
instance, my own blog and book could put $2 trillion in savings
to the consumer economy.


By providing a cure for cancer that costs about $20! In the area of
cancer, it’ll save $100 billion a year. In 20 years, that’s TWO

That, my friend, is how the economy will be restored…by allowing the

market to work itself out.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


David says:
September 30, 2008 at 8:43 pm

OK Clayton, about the CRA (159) – you said:

"Show me where I’m wrong and you’ll have a convert."

I tracked down a little help from Business Week to illustrate my point

that the CRA had nothing to do with this crisis. Here’s some facts
that show – blaming the CRA is just more right-wing propaganda.

Business Week:

CRA applies only to banks and thrifts that are federally insured –
meaning the law doesn’t apply to independent mortgage companies.
The worst offenders, the independent mortgage companies, were
never subject to CRA — or any federal regulator. Law didn’t make
them lend. The profit motive did.

50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies

not subject comprehensive federal supervision and another 30%
were made by affiliates of banks or thrifts which are not subject to
routine supervision or examinations.

——————-[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton, the CRA is a moot point in all this. Why would Lenders give
a hoot about the CRA or whoever was filling out a loan app when
they are selling the paper and "bailing out of the deal?" The real
questions lie in how commercial and investment banks can do
business like this with no oversight. This is about greed, fraud and
payoffs to congress by de-reg lobbyists like Phil Gramm.

Oil is also being gamed by de-reg – notice how fast it went to $147 –
followed by a $40 billion selloff in July – and back down to the $90′s.
That’s because investment banks and others can take unlimited
future positions on the London exchange without disclosure or

Ripping off the people and stealing is as easy as shooting fish in a



John Barber says:

September 30, 2008 at 9:36 pm

Geez Clayton who can you blame for AIG’s demise? Put down the
Scotch and check out some of the facts. Nearly two-thirds of the
loans that were made were refi’s. The other problem is a TOTAL
failure by this Republican administration to take the responsibility for
anything. They started with 9/11 and are ending with fiscal chaos.
What caused most of this was the rubber stamp Republican
Congress that was led by, oh never mind their in jail on trumped up
charges, right!
Only in America can we blame a 4 trillion dollar disaster on the poor.
Stick to writing copy Clayton.


Recoil says:
September 30, 2008 at 9:45 pm

Great article by the way. You mention that the marketing of the bail
out plan was horrendous… maybe that was intentional… maybe
not… Perhaps, if you want to look like you’re trying to fix the problem,
when you really believe the problem should fix itself, you market a fix
with intentionally poor marketing… that way your public perception is
better than if you did nothing, yet you may get the strong fix you

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Rick says:
September 30, 2008 at 9:47 pm

Clayton: I stand corrected.

Although, I must point out, in my lexicon, [LIBERAL], even socially

liberal, has become a dirty word and come to mean anything but

Today, I perceive liberal to mean "government regulation", intended

to legislate equal poverty for all; except for those who are in a
position to leverage circumstances to their advantage, of course.

I trust (and hope) you are referring to its original meaning as our
founding fathers intended: as in the LIBERTY and FREEDOM to live
your life as you see fit without the government’s tentacles attached.

So there’s my two and a half cents, for what they’re worth.

Thanks for the attention.



Jeff says:
October 1, 2008 at 1:20 am

Response to Cathy 149. As I was driving to work this morning, I

realized the folly of my comment – PETA members would of course
not wear Berkenstocks (cork soled leather sandles and clogs that
were highly fashionable with most of the stuck inthe 60′s Boomers I
know). And you are right that you certainlyhave no problem stating
your opinions. Neither does Bill Maher, I just happen to disagree with
90% of his opinions.

One of the other commentors ont his forum said that the true casue
of this debaucle can be traced back to Jekyl Island… I think there is a
lot of truth to that comment. The Federal Reserve Act was the single
biggest crime ever committed against the American people. Ron Paul
has the right idea in going back to teh gold standard. Unfortunately,
those in political office who try to accomplish this usually end up
being martyred for their cause… Lincoln and Kennedy both come to


Dave says:
October 1, 2008 at 2:12 am[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

When did John Barber get out of rehab?


Martin says:
October 1, 2008 at 3:16 am

Dear Clayton,

Once you believe that the politicians from one political party are all
good and those from the other are all evil, then all your fancy
economic theory footwork becomes irrelevant. Dogma of any kind
makes a very poor foundation for intelligent analysis of any problem,
including this one.   

It is your blog. However, I would highly recommend you stick to

copywriting sir.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 5:04 am

David, I can’t find the quote you mention anywhere in the Business
Week archive. Send it, please?


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 6:20 am


Our first post from the left side of the aisle that actually contains
citable facts!

Congratulations, my friend!

YOU ARE RIGHT: CRA did NOT require non-depository lenders like
Countrywide to make loans to unqualified borrowers. It applied "only"
to tens of thousands of banks and S&Ls and their branch offices
across the country.

YOU ARE ALSO RIGHT when you say that one article in Business
Week maintains that CRA had nothing to do with the mortgage crisis.
However several other articles in that same publication take a
decidedly different opinion — including this one:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

"Governments, observed the authors of the Declaration

of Independence, exist to secure the rights of
individuals to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"Earlier this decade, however, Washington decided that

these inalienable rights included home ownership —
and not merely home ownership, but "affordable
housing." One could argue that the seeds of the crisis
were planted in 1977, after the well-intentioned
Community Reinvestment Act passed."

It is also worth mentioning that the article you cite defending CRA is
based on testimony given by economics professor Michael S. Barr, a
"fair housing" activist in Detroit and former special assistant to
Clinton’s Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin. Not exactly what you’d
call an "objective source," so any data presented by him should be

Meanwhile, however …

** It is a fact that CRA was responsible for hundreds of billions of

dollars in loans to unqualified buyers. That was the entire purpose of
the law.

** It is a fact that the Clinton "refinements" to CRA were responsible

for a huge surge in subprime lending among banks and S&Ls, and
that others — including Countrywide — used CRA as cover for
imprudent loan practices.

** It is a fact that other Clinton administration fair housing measures

— including a further lowering of lending standards and the mandate
that Freddie Mac buy every subprime loan it could get its hands on —
did, in fact, apply to every lender, including Countrywide.

** It is a fact that in 1999, Fannie Mae itself praised Countrywide for

using the Clinton administration’s mandates in the most aggressive
ways possible to grow its subprime portfolio from $1 billion B.C.
(before Clinton) to a level that eventually reached $600 billion.

** It is a fact that Countrywide was the first domino to fall in the

subprime lending debacle and that the subprime mess was the
lighted fuse that ultimately detonated the broader credit crisis.

See? Tinkers to Evers to Chance.

Thanks for your post.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


October 1, 2008 at 7:13 am




Richard Nuetzel says:

October 1, 2008 at 9:24 am

Great Article.  Since newspapers and TV aren’t going to tell this

story, why can’t a number of conservative organizations band
together to pay to run full page ads in newspapers around the country
to get the word out? I would be willing to contribute to that.


Allen says:
October 1, 2008 at 9:34 am

Regardless of the source…

Facts ARE Facts.

He is another expose’ on what led up to this mess

It’s entitled:
Your scorecard for understanding mortgage scandal
Find out who’s who in the ‘Rogues Gallery’ of economic crisis

and you can find it at:

It’s quite interesting, and points just who got preferential loan terms,
who benefited and got millions in salary, who was and is benefiting
from campaign donations.


ms. rancier says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

October 1, 2008 at 11:51 am

Well Clayton, I just lost all respect for you.

Though with this post you certainly do show your skills – you can
spin any topic in your favor.


Drayton Bird says:

October 1, 2008 at 12:25 pm

I would recommend that anyone reading this glorious series of

exchanges takes a look at the latest from Denny Hatch’s Business
Common Sense about AIG.

This wonderfully sums up what I increasingly tend to think are the

great problems of both democracy and capitalism: the scum rise to
the top, which is bad; but the scum are laughably incompetent, which
is worse.

We (I say "we" because the rest of the world is affected) now have
had the full benefit of the bizarre decisions of Mr. Bush for a few
years, and now face the likelihood that either one of two people
without any significant experience of running anything will have the
fate of the world in their hands.

Meanwhile great financial institutions have been run for years by

criminal kleptomaniacs who – in the case of the head of AIG – are so
bad at numbers they can get their sums wrong by some $60 billion.
Interesting times.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Thanks, Drayton!

Hey — I hear you’re planning a grand event over there in Jolly old

Where can we learn more about it?


Steve Lanning says:

October 1, 2008 at 12:36 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Thanks for making Clayton’s point, Ms. Rancier,

Good grief, Madame, can you not see that facts are not spin? But
let’s chuck all the facts out the window and forget Clayton
Makepeace McCain and Obama et al for a moment, shall we?

I, personally, know a ‘community organizer’ who was trained in

Chicago. (She is currently home ‘raising babies’ as she says, while
her husband is bringing home the bacon for the family.) She, now,
says she will certainly be voting ‘against’ Obama, because she knows
‘the game’ and doesn’t want her kids to grow up in an Obama world
putting the muscle (via cries of racism, etc) on banks and savings and
loans to make fabulous ‘loans’ to people who could never repay
them. (That is what a ‘community organizer’ does.)
Now, just a simple question, Ms. Rancier, and lets put politics out the
window in this case, too: How would you expect the world or even
simple commerce to be benefited by banks being forced to make
loans to people who cannot repay them?
Please answer. I would sincerely like to learn from you, OK?


MattV says:
October 1, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Thanks Clayton!

The truth hurts… and as evidenced by the liberal posts above, it

REALLY hurts.

Great piece – that’s one for the eternal swipe file.


Malcolm Smith says:

October 1, 2008 at 12:58 pm

Oh, dear! David is the first poster to offer "citable facts?" Guess my
references were chopped liver.As to the question posed in your e-
mail today… No, you weren’t able to defend your original article
against David’s comments. There’s no proof offered to back up your
so-called "facts" at all.Deregulation allowed the banking industry to
go insane with high-risk debt. Cronyism and outright fraud and
deception by the ratings firms turned that debt into attractive
investments.The CRA? Let’s allow the Federal Reserve to speak for
me here:"Neither the CRA nor its implementing regulation gives
specific criteria for rating the performance of depository institutions.
Rather, the law indicates that the evaluation process should
accommodate an institution’s individual circumstances. Nor does the[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

law require institutions to make high-risk loans that jeopardize their

safety. To the contrary, the law makes it clear that an institution’s
CRA activities should be undertaken in a safe and sound manner."


Drayton Bird says:

October 1, 2008 at 1:34 pm

Never mind the economy and the politicians – I’m so confused at the
moment it’s a disgrace, Clayton.

I’ve just recovered from doing our week in Brussels which had people
flying in from Australia – plus the funniest comment from the head of
the Latvian Direct Marketing Association who called it "the most
valuable week since I learnt to read and count."

We’ve already got bookings for next year – 40 places only.

In November I’m joining Ken McCarthy here in London … but I doubt

if anyone reading this is interested in my gala performance in
Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan?? Yes. Would I lie to you?) later this month.

Liverpool anyone? It’s where I was born – and that’s the plan for the
Spring … after Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. It may be exhausting,
but it keeps the creditors guessing.

Which brings us neatly back to the banks – and one more point. A lot
of this stuff is driven by media hysteria. Yesterday I saw a headline in
a paper here: "FT Index in free fall." What was it? 5.3%.


Jonathan says:
October 1, 2008 at 1:54 pm

"Facts are facts."

How naive.

Clayton – you just lost a customer.

Although I have voted along Republican lines before and voted for
Bush the first time around, the Republican Party has done nothing
but hijack our values and taken them so far to the right with their
catering to the evangelical Christian sect and their way-too-cozy
relationship with big corporate America.

Obama is the only candidate I trust who will restore balance and look[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

out for the middle class. Enough is enough.

Everyone sees "facts" through the prism of their own personal


Did you really think this posting was really going to change
someone’s mind? Or was your intent to lose sales?

One out of two isn’t bad.

"There is a God in Heaven who’s keeping score…"

Yeah, right.

Maybe His math is a little rusty.



David says:
October 1, 2008 at 2:03 pm

Hey Clayton – thanks for your response. I just want to add a few
comments and bail out – as I don’t want to take more response time
from "my favorite marketer."

Suffice to say that ascertaining what weight or % of the problem to

apply to the CRA is very complex – the right says this – the left says
that. But here is something that makes the CRA argument a stretch:

The CRA came in 1977, so why did massive foreclosures start 27

years later in 2004? OK, Clinton got his hands on it in 1999 – so
people who got mortgages under CRA were making payments for 5
years and suddenly couldn’t afford their houses? … hmmmm

Here in Vegas, many thousands of homes were dumped by

speculators and I assume that’s the case across the country – so that
has to be factored into the mess.

I’m not a lefty or righty – I’m just a casino guy that followed the
money and concluded from research that our gov has become a total
fraud. I understand human nature and how money, inside influence
and "juice" work.   

I agree with Ron Paul & Nadar on many of the issues. It’s hard to
imagine that politicians who want to dump the Fed & IRS can’t get a
vote. Goes to show that Bill Mayer is right on when calling voters
total morons. That’s a huge problem because nothing short of a
national uprising and petition to amend the Constitution is going to[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

restore a gov for the people. Until then, we are being gamed to



Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 2:13 pm

The tally so far …

By my rough count, we’ve had about 71 unique posts generally

agreeing or strongly agreeing with the conclusions in the above
article …

25 who generally or vehemently disagreeed without presenting a

single fact to refute the article (many of them accusing me of being a
partisan Republican, a McCain supporter or <gasp> a "neocon") …

These posts included …

Two posts suggesting that because they disagree with me, my

Constitutional right to free expression should be revoked and that I
should be confined to writing ONLY about marketing issues …

And of course, there was Maribel, who is thankful that she has never
bought any of our products but just can’t find it in her heart to stop
scooping up all the free stuff we offer …

Ms. Rancier who has "lost all respect" for me because I voiced an
opinion with which she disagrees (again no particular reason; she just
disagrees) …

And one lady — Wanda — who has canceled her free subscription.

Plus, we enjoyed two posts from one gentleman and scholar named
David — who, bless his soul, actually presented A FACT in defense
of his position that CRA had nothing to do with this crisis and that
therefore the Democrats were not culpable. (Yay, David! )

All in all, a productive, invigorating exercise, don’t you all think?

So what marketing lessons can we learn from all this?

Here are a few for your consideration …

1. If you address a complex issue with simplicity and humor, it will be

read.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

2. If you personalize a problem by eviscerating "the enemy" — the

people your prospects believe are the cause of their misery — you
will win those readers’ gratitude and trust.

3. Giving your prime prospects release by expressing their fears,

frustrations and desires in ways they haven’t — and then validating
those dominant emotions — is ample compensation to convince a
majority of them to read what you have to say.

4. Using as many specifics as possible to make your case — dates,

names, quotations and third-party sources — is a powerful way to
diffuse objections before they have the chance to arise and to
establish iron-clad credibility.

5. Moving through your material linearly — either chronologically or

by presenting benefits in descending order of their value to readers
(or leading with your most valuable benefit and closing with your most
surprising one) — creates a sense of momentum that makes reading
seem effortless.

6. Providing a new or different perspective on a problem and

delivering actual value — like the personal action plan at the end of
the above article — can cause readers to send your copy to friends
and family and to post links to your copy on Twitter and other social
networking sites, giving you far more eyeballs than you’d otherwise

7. If you really want to crank up your reader’s temperature, include

unflattering pictures of your common enemy.

8. People who are offended by unflattering photos of their heroes

and/or disagree with any point made in your copy are unlikely to read
the rest of what you say. So KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE!

9. No matter what you do, you will offend someone. The more you
craft a message to appeal to a particular group, the more complaints
you will draw from other groups. But that’s really OK — you can’t
make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. And besides; with real
promotions, most complaints are made while people are

10. THE MOST VALUABLE LESSON OF ALL: When you find ways
to connect your copy to a major news event, readership goes through
the roof.

Because whatever is in the headlines is at the top of your prospects’

minds. And whatever they’re thinking about, they also have strong
curiosity and strong feelings about.

And when you connect with your prospects’ most powerful resident
emotions, your response soars.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Class dismissed.

Your Loyal but Unrepentant, Unreconstructed, Libertarian Bastard,

– Clayton Makepeace


Brian Duvall says:

October 1, 2008 at 2:16 pm

RE: Comment #107 by Wanda…

I recommend that you and all the other readers on here reconsider
your emotional response.

If you want to unsubscribe… ignore the message and simply learn

from the content and approach. Look at the magnitude of the
response Clayton has created… with just the written word.

Clayton’s Website is about teaching us HOW to engage people so

that they take action. Boy, are they taking action!

He has hit upon a topic SO deeply rooted in our emotions that people
are wanting to take actions of all kinds… to the point that without
specific direction or a product to buy, they will offer their own

Consider how people have even ready every single comment that
followed. How readers are coming back to this post to keep reading.
How people are spreading the article to others, taking it viral.

Consider the impact this will have on Clayton’s search engine results
as it gets posted everywhere and linked to all over the net. Expect to
see him on page one of Google when people search on the topic.

He could easily launch a new product on the subject (I doubt that he

is, I’m just saying). Tactics like this are pure genius. This is what we
should ALL be learning to do.

Find a niche you know something about and that has an audience.
Hit their emotional hot buttons and offer a solution. It’s what he
teaches in the Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach program.

Clayton whacked our emotional hot buttons with this one like a kid
with a stick whacking a hornet’s nest. Now we’re all buzzing exactly
the way he wanted us to.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

This has been an interactive lesson on the very essence of Direct

Response Marketing. In the words of one of my favorite movies…
"Thank you for smoking."
Way to go Clayton!


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 2:36 pm

P.S. Watch this. I promise it won’t make you mad; it’s hilarious.


Kevin says:
October 1, 2008 at 2:44 pm

Clayton…..your history of what happened is fairly complete, but you

failed to mention a very significant piece of legislation that passed in
1989 – the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement

This Act did, among other things, substantially change the Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). HMDA was enacted by Congress
in 1975, and originally only applied to banks and savings and loans.
Under HMDA, banks and savings and loans were required annually
to report their mortgage lending activities to the federal government.

The intent was to have a way to see how well the financial institutions
were complying with the Community Reivestment Act. The only
information required to be reported was the number and dollar
amount of loans, by census tract. Initially, HMDA data simply helped
the public and regulators track where an institution was lending and,
more important, where it was not.

FIRREA contained 2 very important changes to HMDA.

First, FIRREA expanded the coverage of HMDA to include ALL

mortgage lenders, not just banks and savings and loans.

Second, data collection expanded to include race, sex, and income

levels for each loan application, along with whether the application
was approved or denied.This new, expanded HMDA data was first
released in 1991 (lending data from 1990).

The key piece of information from this data was that African-
Americans and Hispanic borrowers were denied loans at 3 times the
rate as white borrowers. Some community advocates immediately[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

equated these disparities with discrimination, although the HMDA

data still omitted much of the information considered in mortgage
underwriting, including such critical factors as the applicant’s credit
history and current debt load.

Then came the Boston Fed Study. The conclusion of this study was
that there was a smaller but still real disparity between white and
minority rejection rates even after controlling for legitimate
underwriting factors. Both scholars and the lending industry
vigorously disputed that finding, criticizing both the design and the
execution of the Boston Fed Study.

Bank regulators began to use HMDA data, especially denial-disparity

ratios, to identify institutions on which they would focus fair lending
examination efforts. These efforts led to several Department of
Justice investigations and enforcement actions.

Community activists used analyses of individual institutions’ HMDA

data in attempts to stall bank mergers, bring negative publicity to
those institutions, or obtain lending commitments from the

Lenders, under pressure from regulators, responded to the findings

by making their underwriting criteria more flexible and convincing
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to do the same.

Lenders also created new products that were tailored to lower-

income borrowers and increased their outreach efforts.

It is also interesting to note that FIRREA required Fannie Mae and

Freddie Mac to provide more loans to low and moderate income
borrowers. And it formally required “CRA ratings” of federally
chartered banks.


MattV says:
October 1, 2008 at 2:48 pm

RE #193 (Clayton)

Well said -

The saddest point, which you neglected to mention, is how

unfortunate it is that Maribel, Ms. Rancier, and Wanda are allowed to
vote in the upcoming election… and there are millions of others who
think like them who will be voting, too.

I tremble at the thought.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton, I pray they all cancel their subscriptions, memberships, and

return all products they’ve bought from you – because that way,
there’s fewer people out there learning what valuable
information you teach – thus giving me a bigger advantage over

After all… if Obama gets in office, I’ll need that advantage to afford to
pay my increased taxes and bail out the rest of middle and lower
class America.



Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 3:09 pm

Funny you should mention this, Matt … Wendy and I were just joking
about it this morning.

See, when the Democrats are in control, investors are desperate for
help protecting and growing their money. The market for investment
newsletters grows and they buy other investment products, too.

In fact, the investment newsletter industry saw its greatest growth

when Carter and Clinton were in the White House. By contrast, the
’80s saw slow growth and the 2,000s have seen a dramatic
shrinkage of our market.

Now, I’m thinking, although Obama will surely raise my taxes by —

what? — 33% or so, the simple fact that the Democrats are in charge
will probably double or triple my income next year.

So this morning, I suggested that The Redhead — a die-hard

Republican — vote for Obama so we can make a bundle next year.
She said, "I’d cut off my right hand first."

Always fun to get the Redhead’s motor running …

Me? I think McCain is toast. He screwed up royally by endorsing

that brain-dead $700 billion bailout Bush proposed. Depending on
which poll you study, the population was 95% to 99% dead-set
against it.

If instead, "Mr. Reform" had presented an innovative bill that included

provisions designed to sell the middle class on the plan — that
appealed to homeowners and taxpayers and not merely rubber
stamped Bush, Paulson and Bernanke’s lame brained "bail out the
Wall Street idiots and crooks" idea — I’ll bet he would have taken the
lead in the polls instead of falling farther and farther behind.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

So buck up, my friend … find a product or a client that will thrive

thanks to Obama and the Dems and turn lemons into lemonade.

Me? I’m voting Libertarian. We won’t win, but maybe we can at least
inject a little of the fear of God into those bastards in Congress …



Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 3:12 pm

Right on with your bad self, Kevin!

I came across that story when I (NOT an "intern") was researching

this article and chose to skip over it as it is a bit technical.

Thanks for posting this important information here!

– Clayton


Brett Owens says:

October 1, 2008 at 3:39 pm


As you encouraged, I’ve posted your article in its entirety on my blog,

with links back to your site. I am honored to be able to post this gem.

I also plan to vote Libertarian, as a protest vote against these clowns.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 1, 2008 at 3:44 pm

Hey, Dave — this might help with your comments blaming Gramm for
“deregulating” the sale of mortgage backed securities …

According to Business Week, Clinton was asked in an interview if he

regretted signing legislation in 1999 that repealed the Glass-Steagall
Act of 1933, which had separated commercial and investment

“No, because it wasn’t a complete deregulation at all. We still have[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

heavy regulations and insurance on bank deposits, requirements on

banks for capital and for disclosure,” Clinton said emphatically in the
Business Week interview.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act passed the Senate on a 90-8 vote,

among them 38 Democrats, some of them quite vocal supporters of
the deregulation bill, including Sens. Chuck Schumer, John Kerry,
Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Dick Durbin, Tom Daschle, and Joe

“Schumer was especially fulsome in his endorsement,” observes The

Wall Street Journal.

Now, according to The Journal, these facts will likely come as news
to many, including the national press corps and presidential
candidate Barack Obama, who are promoting the idea that
deregulation is to blame for the mortgage market meltdown.

In the interview, Clinton provides extensive insight into his thinking

then about financial deregulation.

“I thought at the time that it might lead to more stable investments

and a reduced pressure on Wall Street to produce quarterly profits
that were always bigger than the previous quarter,” said Clinton.

“I have really thought about this a lot. I don’t see that signing that bill
had anything to do with the current crisis. Indeed, one of the things
that has helped stabilize the current situation as much as it has is the
purchase of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America, which was much
smoother than it would have been if I hadn’t signed that bill.”

One of the writers of that landmark legislation was McCain adviser

and former senator Phil Gramm, a man Obama described last week
as “the architect in the United States Senate of the deregulatory
steps that helped cause this mess.”

Clinton was asked if he believed Gramm had sold him “a bill of

goods” on deregulation.

“Not on this bill, I don’t think he did. You know, Phil Gramm and I
disagreed on a lot of things, but he can’t possibly be wrong about
everything,” Clinton said.

“On the Glass-Steagall thing, like I said, if you could demonstrate to

me that it was a mistake, I’d be glad to look at the evidence. I can’t
blame (the Republicans). This wasn’t something they forced me into.”


Stewart says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

October 1, 2008 at 4:27 pm

Hi Clayton,
Wow, I am sure amused by the animosity and intolerance you have
surfaced in some people. Probably the same people joining the kum-
by- ya club for a group hug later on.

I for one appreciate your insights on such a complex issue:)

Personally, I feel both political parties and the so-called
"independent" media are playing us all for suckers.

Their idea of a level playing field is to get rid of the middle class and
just have a tremendous under-class. I fear we will have a feudal state
run by multinational corporations enforced by the lap-dogs in
Congress soon if Americans don’t take back their government from
the lobbiests.


Paul says:
October 1, 2008 at 4:45 pm

An interesting thing being said by politicians is that the "Market is


Not at all, it is adjusting based on past events, including regulations

and law based on politics, not economics. The thing that scares me
the most is the group of people (Congress) who are crafting the
"rescue plan."

One of the quotes I remember from my first micro-economics

professor was that it’s a pretty good job because you can be wrong
nearly all the time and still make a good living

This entire mess is an obvious cluster *($^"&*$%, magnified by many

forces and incompetent "leaders." Another big crock is them acting
like "bipartisanship" is such a lofty ideal. We send them there to
lead. If they get along great, if not, too bad. What we need are
results. I’m just worried about the results we’ll get from the current
band aid



Alan Stone says:

October 1, 2008 at 5:30 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

@ David Henry (post #148)

>PS – #133, get real!!

Sure David. It was a real question. Out of concern. And a "bit"

provocative too I must admit.

>I read in USA Today of how many AMERICANS have defected

>across the Atlantic

Hmmm… Have you noticed how people and the media adore putting
labels on others – and even more in turbulent times ?

>to live "your" brand of Utopia!

Thank you for putting the word -your- in quotes.

>We’ve succeeded before, we’ll do it again

Sure, I’ve no doubt about it. But please note: regarding these issues,
the world we live in means we = everybody, not only Americans.  It
will inevitably be tougher where it all began though.

>- just like the time(S)

>we have saved your ass!

Sure David. And although I didn’t lived then, I’m forever grateful for
that to the U.S. and Americans.

However, to keep things in balance…

Who do you think saved yours so far since Americans started living
"rather" exclusively on credit ? Think Chinese, Arabs, Europeans,
etc… Of course, they’re not doing it without self-interest. Just like
Americans did in the past with regard to Europe. ;O)



Eldo Barkhuizen says:

October 1, 2008 at 5:36 pm


Thanks for a BRILLIANT exposé.

And Brian Ridgway’s comment (no. 16) is spot on. As Shakespeare

said, "All the world’s a stage . . ."[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Eldo Barkhuizen


Kurt says:
October 1, 2008 at 10:24 pm


Fantastic work. I used to work at Fannie Mae as part of a dozen

years in the mortgage business. I worked both as an investment
banker and in politics as Legislative Staff in the US House. Your
analysis is spot on.

I’ve been sending this page to many of my old friends in politics and
the smoking crater that was the mortgage industry.

This page is getting enough links so that you are #1 for the broad
match search: conspiracy imbeciles. Who could ask for more?



Sharon Quinn says:

October 2, 2008 at 2:05 am

Thank you for speaking out. I often feel like a lone wolf howling at a
vacant moon when it come to inspiring people to act like free people
and insist upon political integrity. We need some other political
parties, but that moves too far from the point I need to make NOW.

I find all your presentations to be of quality, and that has my respect,

and thus, has moved me to comment.

We must ask ourselves why we sat en mass silent about the three
ring circus that we call our "political process."

When candidates were not allowed to freely and equally participate

in debates
( and a there WERE a FEW worthwhile honest ones worthy of high
office of President, etc.) receiving equal and fair reporting by the
and we en masse did not demand that we get equal access to the
candidtates and their viewpoints, WE SCREWED UP.

Now, we have only the troublemakers as our choice on election[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

day…what a shame, and we permitted it with our passiveness.

I wonder will we stop this nonsense and start making this election
process other than a sham?

I know we are "tired" and "busy" and the like, but, this is simply not a
good enough response when our "leaders" make the term, leader, a
variation of the oxymoron theme, and we do know it.

This crisis is so dangerous, and we still act like it is "just another

pissy thing". It is cutting at the heart of how we live, move and have
our being. YIKES!

Do we know it? Of course we do, we complain, we rant and rave, we

get upset, we call in on radio shows/or NOT, we write letters to the
editors/or NOT, ad naseum.

I mention this because it’s a vital part of the accountability equation

we are participating in, as well as something we COULD change IF
we had the WILL to do so, (that is the ouch of the Achilles Heel, is it

But I am putting this aside for a moment, so as to make a point that I

feel is more cogent to
If and only IF
WE insist
upon the morons in office
(we keep electing, thus, choosing)
Complying to OUR WILL
to be free and safe in daily living, not their will, which is likely greed or
ignorance based.

Other than the important points of action you outlined in this

article, there IS another action we could take that would stabilize
the current mess - mortgage defaults, loan defaults, rapidly
declining dollar value, job losses, yada yada…

It is such an obvious, rational, and reasonable action to take, that I

amazed that everyone isn’t buzzing about already.

I posit this strategy for our stability because it is DOABLE, and the
wins are multi-valent, and the losses, are shouldered by the
creators of the losses, as is moral and just, and simply right.

Common sense, a woefully lacking gift of clarity that SHOULD be a

prerequisite for leadership, dictates this as a step in the right direction
of regaining balance without rewarding the wrong doers.

1. Repeal the legislative act you cast a light of awareness upon

herein.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

2. INSIST the government NOT bailout the intentional errors of

"judgment" of lenders lending to those of bad credit risk, with
the added inanity of doing so with the inevitable financial time-bomb
of a variable interest rate attached, that
from a no-brainer point of view,
was going to explode into defaults and
crescendo into an economic collapse benefiting the Machiavellian
contrivers who were orchestrating this mess for their own selfish gain.

Since this much is obvious, here’s a path to restoring sanity, balance,

and enforcing consequences.

3. The lenders need to reissue the mortgages

at the rate they originally approved them at
to those who
"defaulted" /forced into payments beyond their income ability
to meet ballooned-up payments.

Borrowers were making the payments, they need the house to live
in, the bank needs some money coming in accord with the contracted
expectation, etc.

Think about it>>

This would re-up declining home values as the homes would be
lived-in as mortgage payments would be resumed "covering the debt"
againmaking good on the investment sales,as a domino effect of
stability would resume, etc. Restoring economic movement
againmore like it was before the greedsters raised the variable rates
making payments impossible while dynamiting our economic
structures into poverty, inflation, ad naseum. Any business owner
would consider working out an arrangement to keep payments
coming in rather than having nothing come in on a debt.Who bails us
out when we make really ignorant business choices? Yeah, you do
get my gist!
Besides, have you noticed the raping profits made on a mortgage?

They won’t lose like they wail they will, and NO ONE has the RIGHT
to crash an economy for their greed.

IT is a matter of ill-WILL; let us demand that they absorb their cocky
stance, and make them reissue "those forced-default mortgages"
at the rates they approved, lock the rate at the rate they
approved the buyer for, and allow the borrowers/people to pay
as they have income to do so…

There are creative ways to resolve this without TAXING YOU AND
ME.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Besides, we didn’t create the dibacle, and we need the WILL to

refuse to bear the brunt end of it.

Our apathy, hand-wringing, acting powerless to this, our refusal to

‘get off our whatever" that has us stuck in SILENCE, or our simply
griping while sucking up will be the way we enslave and destroy our

NOW, our passiveness is our greatest enemy.

Can we afford to be idle, to hope they will do what is best?

Our hearts know better, like it or not we MUST SPEAK UP and NOT

This whole "thing" is a matter of WILL. It is a situation that can be


Lay the ax for rectification at causal actions, not the outcome, and
restore a balance.

Fragile? Maybe… yet, like any balance beam, IF you "pull in the
extremes" closer to the pivotal center point, the tipping action is
minimized, and in this case, that would be a very good thing,
indeed–for America and the world market!

We MUST insist upon solutions that restore equilibrium, and bailout

is the farthest thing I can thing of restoring stability; it rewards
the irresponsible and it WILL encourage more abuses since the
consequences will not endured by its perpeTRAITORS*.

Consequences are powerful because they experientially instruct us

to self correct our errors.

We know this "stuff", we just act like/pretend that we don’t. How silly
of us, eh?!

I encourage us to not act like puppets, fools, imbeciles, rather as the

LEADERS our "leaders" seem remiss to do and be.

Seize the moment before it is gone, robbed…

All to Love, Sharon

*PS> I spell perpetraitors as I see the word communicating better.

PPS> I apologize IF this sounds preachy, my intention is to wake up

and take action. Thank you for the honor of your time. I hope to
have stirred some juicy thoughts in your wonderous mind, and some
forthright action from your insightful heart.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:10 am

Senate Bill details …

1. New debt ceiling: Federal debt ceiling raised from $10 to $11.3
trillion — $37,666.66 for every man, woman and child in the US.

2. $700 billion for Wall Street: Authorizes the Secretary to establish

a Troubled Asset Relief Program (“TARP”) to purchase troubled
assets from financial institutions.

Authorizes the full $700 billion as requested by the Treasury

Secretary for implementation of TARP.

Allows the Secretary to immediately use up to $250 billion in authority

under this Act.

Upon a Presidential certification of need, the Secretary may access

an additional $100 billion.

The final $350 billion may be accessed if the President transmits a

written report to Congress requesting such authority.

3. Troubled Asset Insurance for institutions: Requires the

Secretary to establish a program to guarantee troubled assets of
financial institutions.

The Secretary is required to establish risk-based premiums for such

guarantees sufficient to cover anticipated claims.

4. FDIC Insurance upped to a quarter-million: Temporarily raises

FDIC insurance to $250,000 per account until December 31, 2009.

5. Oversight out the wazzoo: Establishes the Financial Stability

Oversight Board to review and make recommendations regarding the
exercise of authority under this Act. In addition, the Board must
ensure that the policies implemented by the Secretary protect
taxpayers, are in the economic interests of the United States, and are
in accordance with the Act.

The Board is comprised of the Chairman of the Board of Governors

of the Federal Reserve System, the Secretary of the Treasury, the
Director of the Federal Home Finance Agency, the Chairman of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the Secretary of the
Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Tons of additional investigative and oversight reports required from

everyone from just about every federal agency and executive you can
name.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

FBI empowered to investigate fraud in the development and

advertising of financial products.

6. Anti-Foreclosure Measures: For mortgages and mortgage-

backed securities acquired through TARP, the Secretary must
implement a plan to mitigate foreclosures and to encourage servicers
of mortgages to modify loans through Hope for Homeowners and
other programs.

Strengthens the Hope for Homeowners program to increase eligibility

and improve the tools available to prevent foreclosures.

Extends current law’s tax forgiveness on the cancellation of mortgage


Allows the Secretary to use loan guarantees and credit enhancement

to avoid foreclosures. Requires the Secretary to coordinate with other
federal entities that hold troubled assets in order to identify
opportunities to modify loans, considering net present value to the

Requires federal entities that hold mortgages and mortgage-backed

securities, including the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the FDIC,
and the Federal Reserve to develop plans to minimize foreclosures.
Requires federal entities to work with servicers to encourage loan
modifications, considering net present value to the taxpayer.

7. Taxpayer protections: When Treasury buys assets at auction, an

institution that has sold more than $300 million in assets is subject to
additional taxes, including a 20% excise tax on golden parachute
payments triggered by events other than retirement, and tax
deduction limits for compensation limits above $500,000.

In order to cover losses and administrative costs, as well as to allow

taxpayers to share in equity appreciation, requires that the Treasury
receive non-voting warrants from participating financial institutions.

Requires that in 5 years, the President submit to the Congress a

proposal that recoups from the financial industry any projected losses
to the taxpayer.

8. Expires in 15 to 27 months: Effective until December 31, 2009,

may be extended for one additional year.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:14 am

For more detail, point your browser to: SECTION-BY-SECTION[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |



Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:15 am

A second bail-out program kicked in today. See below for details on

the FHA’s new “Hope for Homeowners” program.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:25 am

My opinion?

The Bush/Paulson bill was crap: No oversight to speak of, no

provisions to recoup the taxpayer money from the insitutions that
would benefit.

The House bill stunk; but not so much. More oversight, but the
taxpayers were still 100% on the hook.

This Senate bill ramps up oversight to monumental levels and

requires that the institutions that benefit will ultimately pay for the

We’re kind of giving the banks a $700 billion advance so they’re less
likely to fail now, then requiring that they repay the loan beginning
five years from now.

There are some time bombs in here, though … can you find them?

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:37 am

Details on the FHAs “Hope for Homeowners” program (the “other”


Eligible borrowers must:

have taken out their mortgages on or before Jan. 1, 2008 and have
made at least six payments.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

be unable to afford their current loan, but did not intentionally miss

have a debt-to-income ratio of at least 31%.

live in the house and not own other homes.

have provided accurate information on their loan documents and not

been convicted of fraud in the past decade.

Under the program, borrowers will get:

a 30-year, fixed rate mortgage of up to $550,440.

a new appraisal and loan for no more than 90% of the home’s value.

released from second mortgages and prepayment penalties.

But homeowners must pay a premium of 3% of the loan’s value

upfront, and 1.5% of the outstanding mortgage amount annually.
Also, they must share any appreciation in the home’s value with the
FHA when they sell.

The law allows the FHA to insure up to $300 billion in new loans.


Rezbi says:
October 2, 2008 at 7:07 am

The one thing I agree with you on is the fact that all politicians are
scum ad not to be trusted.

I’m not into US politics but, as for blaming just democrats for what has
happened is going a little too far.

Being a Muslim, I’m sure you can understand how I feel about the
trillions spent killing Muslims, making thousands homeless and
leaving hundreds of thousand under constant fear for their lives, isn’t
exactly something to be ignored.

How much worse the economy of the US has become due to all of
these costs.

Maybe if the Bush administration had concentrated on using all that

money to save lives in the US, instead of ending lives in other parts
of the world, this situation may not have been as bad as it is.

Essentially, while I’m sympathetic to the ordinary men and women of[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

the US, it’s your government that has placed you in the position you
are in… and it’s not just because of what the democrats did.

You’re screwed either way, even with the next lot coming in.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 7:38 am

OK — I have a full schedule today, so I’m going to give you my

analysis of the Senate bill:

1. It’s going to launch inflation and interest rates into the

stratosphere: With the loan guarantees and other provisions in the
Senate bill, it will cost taxpayers well over $1 trillion. Throw in
another half-trillion or so that has already been spent by Washington
to fight this crisis, plus the $300 billion for the “Hope for Homeowners”
program that opens its doors today, and given the fact that the 2009
budget deficit was already projected to be nearly a half-trillion, this is
hugely inflationary.

That means:

A) Washington will have to unleash a tidal wave of treasuries to pay

for these massive new deficits, which will drive interest rates sky-high
and …

B) When it runs out of buyers for its debt offerings or awakes to find
interest rates sky-high, print the rest — which will be hugely

Bottom line: Prepare yourself for soaring interest rates and inflation
as far as the eye can see. Every dollar you earn and spend will be
gutted of its value, so everything from energy to groceries and many
other essential things you buy will soar in price.

HOWEVER, our dying corporations will cut many prices to the bone
just to attract customers for their autos, electronics, computers and
other discretionary items — so the “official inflation rate” will not fully
reflect the actual rise in your cost of living. Gas and groceries and
other essentials will soar while the price of many other items will sink.

2. This bill will trigger a whole new avalanche of mortgage

defaults and foreclosures: Exploding interest rates will cause
monthly payments on six million adjustable rate mortgages to soar
over the next few months, making it impossible for millions of
homeowners to make their payments.

Banks and other institutions that own those mortgages will get[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

creamed. The value of the mortgages in the Treasury’s portfolio will


Bottom line: There is absolutely no hope that the mortgages the

Treasury uses your tax money to buy will ever produce a profit; no
hope the $700 billion will ever be recovered.

3. It is still a “free pass” for the lending industry: Legislation

delayed is never money in the bank. There’s no guarantee that
between now and 2013, Congress won’t cancel or postpone the
provision requiring that financial institutions repay the taxpayers for
this bailout.

In fact, if the financial sector is still reeling from the impact of sky-high
inflation and interest rates, you can bet your bottom dollar this
provision will never be enforced.

Bottom line: You — not Wall Street — are paying for this.

4. It still may not pass: Nearly all of the Senators who voted
against the bill last night are up for election. That means they’re
listening to their constitutents. But ALL of the representatives that
will vote on this bill tomorrow are up for election.

The latest polls still show that the American people absolutely,
positively hate this bill. Any House member who votes for it is taking
his political life in his hands.

Bottom line: If this bill fails on Friday, look for a bloodbath on Wall
Street and possibly the “weekend massacre” of one or more major
U.S. financial institutions.  


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 7:47 am

Rezbi, I agree completely.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 8:27 am

Credit Crisis is spreading to Main Street … watch for a tidal wave of

business consolidations in coming months:

1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and
W R. Grace Co. Will merge and become:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.

2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta C rackers join forces and become:

Poly, Warner Cracker.

3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become:


4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and

ZipAudiDoDa .

5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become:


6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become:

Fairwell Honeychild.

7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become:


8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will


Knott NOW!

And finally…

9. Victoria ‘s Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name:

TittyTittyBangBang[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

(OK — I didn’t make these up; our graphic designer Craig Burgwardt
sent them to me. But hey — we need a little levity today; right?)


Rezbi says:
October 2, 2008 at 9:32 am

Thanks, Clayton, I’m glad there are a few people who understand
how we feel.

I constantly say this, and I know I speak for the majority of Muslims
throughout the world, we don’t blame the American people for

As with all countries, the atrocities are committed by governments,

and that includes the so-called Muslim countries nowadays: Take a
look at Pakistan for a perfect example.

Unfortunately, because I’m a Muslim, almost everything I say seems

to be taken the wrong way.

Yet, if a non-Muslim person said the exact same thing no-one would
bat an eyelid.


Peter Black says:

October 2, 2008 at 3:27 pm

Clayton…for what it’s worth…I don’t think you answered Malcom.

For example, his claim that CRA MITIGATED the problem instead of
triggering.As to Libertarianism…that’s a long discussion. However, I
think we can point to a long list of "private sector" problems for which
Libertarianism offers or offered no solution: slavery and racism in
America…child labor… poor sanitation and public health…the
pollution choking our lungs and destroying water sources…the ills
associated with poverty…40 million Americans without health
insurance.Great read, as always, though.


Peter Black says:

October 2, 2008 at 3:28 pm

I would have to say that the pictures you used were unflattering. So[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

does that mean you think you’re writing to a conservative/Libertian



Peter Black says:

October 2, 2008 at 3:40 pm

"(NOTE: While a few have railed against this article, nobody – not
one living soul – has offered a solitary fact to refute anything said
here.)"Not true. Malcolm did, but you dismissed him and certainly
didn’t disprove what he had to say.Moving on…Where is your ire
about Iraq and the $1-3 trillion washed down the drain…the $1
million innocent lives lost…and the U.S.’s shredded standing in the
world?Hopefully, you’ll move on, too, to our shredded Constitution
(spying on Americans anyone?) and our new torture policies.Looking
forward to it…


David says:
October 2, 2008 at 4:02 pm

Hey Clayton & you brilliant readers of the Total Package:


There is another Bill in the Senate that is so ominous that it

transcends the bailout scam. As copywriters and citizens, you can
kiss your right to free speech and expression goodbye when it
passes. It has already passed the House 405 to 6.

If fact, when you study this, you’ll see that many of the posts in this
thread could be used to label the writer a terrorist and put them in

Watch out Clayton – your article could land you in the crowbar hotel!

Senate Bill 1959

Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

Just look at this language in this damn Bill:

" ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or

threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to
promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social
beliefs "

So how are they going to use the definition or meaning of force?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Here are some definitions – FORCE:

A person or thing regarded as exerting power or influence.

The powerful effect of something.

A group of people brought together and organized for a

particular activity.

Under the guise of fighting terrorism, they are diabolically crafting

wording in a law that can be selectively used against anyone who
criticizes or advocates a cause ‘determined’ to be against the Gov!

In my opinion, the Fed and IRS are behind this Bill. The internet is
exposing the legality of the IRS – as an illegal de-facto collection
agency for a private cartel of bankers known as the Fed. Currently,
they are using the Justice Dept to go after people who are exposing
this fraud. Ex-IRS Senior Official Shella Jackson was put in prison
while giving seminars on the illegality of the IRS.

Bill Benson, painstakingly researched the 16th Amendment over

several years and "PROVED" it was never legally ratified. On
January 10, 2008, the Federal District Court in Chicago issued a
permanent injunction against him on the grounds that he was falsely
telling people the 16th Amendment was not ratified.

See where this is going? I believe Senate Bill 1959 will give them all
the teeth they need to bring down websites, label protesters as
terrorists or go after anyone they want to.



James Yuille says:

October 2, 2008 at 6:20 pm

Clayton, as a committed 35 year + Libertarian, having grown up with

Austrian School of Economics; Von Mises, Hayak and Friedman, I
am delighted
to see someone with similar beliefs come out of the closet and stating
what to me is
is obvious.

My late father founded a Libertarian political party here in Australia

nearly 30
years and was laughed at and pilloried in the media for daring to be[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


The current financial situation was inevitable. Governments around

the world
should be ashamed of themselves for letting it happen.

Migrate to Australia, Clayton; you’d be welcome here!


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 2, 2008 at 7:34 pm

Yes, Peter, you’re right. I did miss Malcom’s posts. I’m toast now,
but I’ll address his comments and yours first thing in the morning.



Brian says:
October 2, 2008 at 8:16 pm

"Suddenly, any lender caught denying mortgages and other loans to

low-income people faced serious penalties — including denial of
applications to open new branches, to do mergers and acquisitions
and other draconian measures."

CRA did not compel lenders to lend to unfit borrowers. In fact, the
Act explicitly said loans should be granted "consistent with safe and
sound operation". Banks making unsafe and unsound loans are in
violation of CRA, not a victim of it. Lenders only faced "serious
penalties" if their reasons for denial were unreasonable.

Your rhetorical trick of blurring the two meanings of "discrimination"

here should be exposed to daylight: bankers are expected to
discriminate between applicants’ objective measures of financial
stability, and CRA does not ban that, it requires it. CRA prohibits
banks from engaging in racial discrimination. In fact, it doesn’t even
prohibit racial discrimination — it just says that banks will be judged
on their performance in this area, and that judgement will be taken
into account when they ask permission to open new branches, etc.

I honestly don’t know how color-blind banks were in 1977. It’s

possible that this law was a complete waste, that every bank granted
mortgages strictly based on objective financial data from the
applicant, and that loan denials were completely independent of skin
color. In that case, CRA would be useless, but not harmful (except
for the wasted money in implementation), since it would just legally[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

codify existing practice.

But CRA didn’t require banks to lend to unfit borrowers. It required

them to refrain from denying loans to fit borrowers, which is quite


doug says:
October 2, 2008 at 8:56 pm

That is a lot of BS to fit on one page . . .


Peter Black says:

October 2, 2008 at 9:19 pm

From the Providence Journal…Accomplished Googlers can probably

find the original talking points off which dozens of conservatives
made essentially the same case: The Community Reinvestment Act
of 1977 caused the financial crisis.For example, a Wall Street
Journal editorial lumped CRA together with far more plausible causes
of the meltdown. This liberal-inspired law, it complained, "compels
banks to make loans to poor borrowers who often cannot repay
them."In fact, the CRA had about zero to do with today’s problems.
Its accusers are "know-nothings," Aaron Pressman writes on He says the law "was actually weakened by the
Bush administration just as the worst lending wave began."The
Community Reinvestment Act requires federally insured banks and
thrifts to lend in the low-income neighborhoods where they take
deposits, but consistent with safe banking practices. It was created to
stop redlining, the practice whereby banks refused to lend money in
certain areas – read minority neighborhoods – regardless of their
residents’ credit histories.The most obvious clue that CRA did not
cause the mess is its date. The musical Annie opened in 1977, and
the Eagles’ Hotel California was the No. 1 song. That was a long time
ago, 31 years to be precise. If the CRA created this time bomb of
lousy loans, why didn’t it go off in 1980 or 1996?The writing of crazy
mortgages for low-income people – loans with exploding interest
rates, brutal fees and no demands for documentation – was a post-
2003 phenomenon. In 2004, the Bush administration actually slashed
CRA regulation, freeing small banks and thrifts from its toughest
standards."These institutions no longer had to make subprime loans
to low-income people," Mark Thoma, an economist at the University
of Oregon told me. "That should have reduced the volume if the CRA
was driving it." On the contrary, subprime lending increased.CRA
was a minor player in the mortgage orgy. Since the late ’90s, half of
subprime loans have been made by independent mortgage[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

companies not subject to CRA rules, University of Michigan Law

School professor Michael Barr told Congress in February. Another 30
percent came from affiliates of banks or thrifts with little CRA
supervision. That left only one in five subprime loans fully governed
by CRA.Furthermore, companies not covered by CRA made
subprime loans at more than twice the rate of lenders that were,
according to Janet Yellin, president of the San Francisco Federal
Reserve Bank. The idea that CRA brought the banks down is "just
ridiculous," Mr. Thoma said.The ugly truth is this: The redlining that
led to the passage of CRA has been replaced by reverse-redlining.
Lenders didn’t have to be dragged into low-income neighborhoods.
They rushed in. It was there that they could push their complicated
mortgages onto the elderly, blacks and Hispanics, and then sell the
loans to somebody else. At least 40 percent of the holders of
subprime mortgages could have qualified for cheaper prime
mortgages, according to one study.Far from being spurned by
financiers, low-income Americans have become their cash cow.
Payday lenders are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Operators go into poor neighborhoods pretending to be retailers. The
product they "sell" – be it a used car or new sofa – is just a hook to
saddle the trusting buyer with a loan that eventually costs them
several times the ticketed price.Yes, low-income people can be credit
risks. That cannot be ignored. But this financial scandal is the work of
fat cats, enabled by a permissive government. There’s something
highly indecent about blaming it on an innocuous law meant to
remove some of the unfairness in the lives of the working poor.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 3, 2008 at 6:40 am

OK … first, let me say that I owe Malcom an apology for not

addressing his posts sooner and for failing to mention him among the
other ONE posters who eschewed name-calling and presented an
actual defense of Washington Democrats.

Please forgive me, Malcom — there are just so many here, I honestly
missed a couple of your comments.

Now, Peter, this article is about how government — particularly

Democrats in Congress and the White House — planted the seeds of
this credit crisis and blocked early attempts by Bush and McCain to
reform Fannie and Freddie. It is not about slavery, racism, child labor,
poor sanitation, public health, pollution, poverty, 40 million Americans
without health insurance, the war in Iraq or the treatment of military

However, it is my belief that not only does libertarianism address all

these issues, its solutions are far superior to anything now being[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

floated by either major party. Why don’t you check out the party
platform at LP.ORG? For more insight, I’d suggest you read The Law
by Frederic Bastiat.

Secondly, I explained why I chose these unflattering pictures. Yes,

the U.S. alternative health market is largely made up of people who
already despise these Democratic politicians. They tend to be
distrustful of the political establishment and fiercely independent,
preferring to take responsibility for their own health and lives rather
than trusting the government or the health industry to do it for them.
And judging from the overall response to the article, it seems that
most of our Total Package readers agree with them. That is the
audience I’ve written to for 37 years.

Now, to Malcom’s comments …

MALCOM: “As Robert Gordon, an economics prof at Northwestern

points out, about half of the defaults in question here are on loans
made by mortgage companies not regulated by the CRA.”

CLAYTON: Gordon is correct — and that half got the ball rolling.
Then, mortgage companies responded to Clinton’s heightened
mandate — and of course, seeing how much money CRA lenders
were making — followed suit. Meawhile, again under a Clinton
mandate, Fannie and Freddie ramped up their buying and
securitizing of CRA loans. The rest is history.

MALCOM: “Countrywide – the first big domino in the chain – has a

history of avoiding the CRA. As the California Reinvestment Coalition
points out on its website, “Countrywide accepts NO CRA
responsibility to engage in community reinvestment activity in
California. None.”

CLAYTON: Again, true. CRA applies only to depository institutions

(banks and S&Ls) and not to other mortgage lenders. Countrywide
used CRA guidelines and was praised for it by Fannie. Countrywide
sold $600 billion in subprime loans to Fannie – and Fannie bought
them because the Clinton administration demanded it.

MALCOM: In their January, 2008 report, NY law firm Traiger &

Hinckley LLP flatly states the CRA was a mitigating factor – not a
contributing one to the crisis: “Compared to other lenders in their
assessment areas, CRA Banks were less likely to make a high cost
loan, charged less for the high cost loans that were made, and were
substantially more likely to eschew the secondary market and hold
high cost and other loans in portfolio.”

CLAYTON: You’re quoting a law firm that has a vested interest in the
CRA. Traiger & Hinckly makes a bundle due to the CRA. No
credibility. Moot point.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

MALCOM: “If we want to point fingers, I think we’d be more accurate

aiming them at the consistent Republican policy of deregulation that
began under Ronald Reagan. That’s what enabled all the institutional
money to pour into risky investments. Deregulation allowed the
banking industry to go insane with high-risk debt.”

CLAYTON: You place far to much faith in regulation, my friend.

Fannie and Freddie had more than 200 regulators overseeing them.
Those regulators’ reports said “Everything’s fine” — right up until
these GSEs failed.

CRA and these other “fair housing” bills created an environment that
encouraged destructive business practices … punished any lender
who didn’t want to make bad loans … provided a market for these
toxic loans at Fannie and Freddie. Paying millions of dollars to
thousands of regulators did nothing to stop or mitigate this crisis.

MALCOM: “Cronyism and outright fraud and deception by the ratings

firms turned that debt into attractive investments.”

CLAYTON: Agreed. But again: The CRA and Clinton fair housing
mandates came first. Had they not existed, there would have been no
toxic loans or mortgage instruments and therefore no need to rate

MALCOM: “Let’s allow the Federal Reserve to speak for me here:

‘Neither the CRA nor its implementing regulation gives specific
criteria for rating the performance of depository institutions. Rather,
the law indicates that the evaluation process should accommodate
an institution’s individual circumstances. Nor does the law require
institutions to make high-risk loans that jeopardize their safety. To the
contrary, the law makes it clear that an institution’s CRA activities
should be undertaken in a safe and sound manner.’”

CLAYTON: As I point out in the article, the Fed has no credibility in

this. The Clinton Fed’s mandate to lower lending requirements are a
major reason why our economy is tanking right now. This quote
reads more like a dress-rehearsal for a defense witness than a
statement of objective fact.

Besides — the Fed’s defense of the CRA is specious. The law

punished lenders accused of denying low-income loans — but NOT
lenders who, to satisfy the law had little choice but to engage in
unsafe and unsound business practices.

Hope this helps …


Clayton Makepeace says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

October 3, 2008 at 6:53 am

Brian, I think I address your point in my post to Peter and Malcom


The good news is, we now have THREE dissenting voices presenting
intelligent opinions. YAY!


Caleb Osborne says:

October 3, 2008 at 10:50 am


You’re a master communicator. This post was so good I told my

friend about it (in a bar), he went home, googled you (because I forgot
to email him the link) found the article and read it… then told me
about how good, clear and on point it was when he saw me next (at
the bar of course) haha.

And your marketing lessons are worth their weight in Gold. I’m
constantly amazed… in short… you’re the man!



Brian says:
October 3, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Brian, I think I address your point in my post to Peter and Malcom


No, you just repeat the unsupported claim that CRA required banks to
write bad loans. I (and Malcolm) have quoted the text of the law, and
it requires exactly the opposite.

If you have a list of banks that were punished under this legislation for
refusing to make bad loans, I’d be happy to read it. I admit I don’t
know a lot about this matter, and it’s possible that the enforcement
was not in line with the very clear text of the law. But if that’s the
case, you should be able to produce examples.


PJ says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

October 3, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Unfortunately, this astounding jerk has drowned some very salient

points in a swamp of vitriol, senationalism, and racism.
I don’t agree with the bailout. But this guy has such an insulting
manner that he’ll probably turn more people against his postion than
he could ever hope to gain. Lowest common denomonator.
Perhaps had he not dropped out of high school and attended
university, he would have learned better persuasive techniques. He
should be sentenced to read and re-read Plato’s dialogues for the
next ten years before he attempts to write anything ever again.


Obama Supporter says:

October 4, 2008 at 12:15 am

When Rich Schefren mentioned during his Ustream yesterday that he

talks to Clayton Makepeace every day, I was prepared to come to
this blog and be dazzled by his brilliance. What a huge
disappointment this turned out to be that I would be subjected to
Right wing revisionist history!

Because the fact is, it was greed, plain and simple, that got us into
this mess – plus a bunch of deregulations by the Republican-
controlled Congress.

There’s a brilliant radio program on NPR called This American Life,

hosted by fellow Chicagoan Ira Glass. He brought on a professional
financial journalist who gets paid to cover financial markets to explain
the roots of the subprime mortgage debacle, and not ONE of them
mentioned ANYTHING about Clinton policies or "forcing" Freddie and
Fannie to make loans to people on welfare. No offense, Clayton, but
you must be smoking rock. I encourage EVERYBODY to listen to this
program. It’s actually pretty entertaining and well done:

No, they described the subprime mortgage mess in simple economic

terms called supply and demand. As developing countries got richer,
the global pool of money got bigger (fixed income securities, valued
at about $70 TRILLION and which took the entire history of
civilization to amass, doubled in only 6 years). And that global pool of
money went looking for a home. According to the college-educated
experts who are paid to report on the financial industry, if anyone was
to blame for this mess (and there’s plenty to go around – on both
sides of the aisle) it was Alan Greenspan. According to the experts,
he kept T-bills low – too low. The trillions of international dollars out
there wanted a better return, so they started turning to something
called mortgage-backed securities. Basically mortgages were[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

bundled into these huge packages that were traded on The Street.

At first, it was a huge boon. International funds began gobbling up

these securities, hungry for more. The problem was, there was a finite
amount of qualified mortgages out there (supply). When that pool
dried up, mortgage brokers started creating all kinds of creative loan
packages, such as no income, no asset (NINA) loans to satisfy the
international clamor for more (demand).

Hence, the birth of subprime mortgages. Hell, I had one, a stated

income loan. Fortunately, I got out before my ARM adjusted up 2%.

I do not do justice to the NPR story. Please do yourself a favor and

listen for yourself:

What I’m REALLY disappointed about is when a copywriting genius

like Clayton Makepeace, who has real power to influence the thinking
of thousands of people, would behave so irresponsibly by spewing
partisan misinformation without a fair analysis. And it’s not just
Makepeace. These kinds of misinformation campaigns run rampant
on the internet. As a professional journalist, I am dismayed by the
number of people out there who blog as "experts" on stuff they really
know nothing about.

Clayton, I strongly urge you to take your own sage advice and "stick
with what you know."


Andy Bacon says:

October 4, 2008 at 12:33 am

Thank you for the information Clayton. I didn’t realize the

Republicans (who have been in charge of the congress for the last 14
years) were so scared of the evil Democrats that they couldn’t make
any changes to lending laws. I am a registered Republican and have
been for 30 years. I am absolutely disgusted with what Bush,
Cheney and their buddies in the congress have done to this
wonderful country. The goal for the last 8 years has been to
dismantle the middle class and fill their rich friends pockets by
bankrupting our government.
But they couldn’t have done it without help from media people like
you and Fox news. I used to watch Fox daily until there outright
blatant twisting of the facts became too much for me to stomach.
Bush and Cheney took a budget surplus and turned it into the biggest
deficits in history with help of their friends in congress.
Your Red Herrings were good but the only stink is with Bush and the
Republicans. And if anyone thinks McCain is going to be any better
for this country I have a nice bridge or two for sale.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

I enjoy your blog because it makes me think. Thanks for the rant.


Markus Trauernicht says:

October 4, 2008 at 4:57 am

Hey PJ – that is cheap….

Time to wake up and get out of PJs…

Not sure about your spelling – is that lowest common denominator or



Simon says:
October 4, 2008 at 9:03 am

I wonder what Warren Buffet would think of this thread?


Peter Black says:

October 4, 2008 at 10:09 am

Dear Clayton…first apologies for my abysmal, unreadable non-

formatting here. Everyone seems to know how to create paragraphs,
but I haven’t learned the trick. Return-return doesn’t to work. So
please bear with me…as I object to this: "See, when the Democrats
are in control, investors are desperate for help protecting and
growing their money. The market for investment newsletters grows
and they buy other investment products, too.In fact, the investment
newsletter industry saw its greatest growth when Carter and Clinton
were in the White House. By contrast, the ’80s saw slow growth and
the 2,000s have seen a dramatic shrinkage of our market." First of
all, the 1970s were the beginning of this industry as we know it.
Moreover the 1970s were terrible times for investors, period. It’s
well-known and (and here’s the key point) these terrible times started
well BEFORE Carter. Carter was simply the last man to step back
and got the butt end of everyone’s fury. He’s not blameless, but we
had Ford (remember Whip Inflation Now? and price controls before
that?) and Nixon prior to him and we also had the oil shock. The
market was in a funk throughout. But here’s the other key point,
individuals had not yet started investing in huge numbers in the
1970s and they were only beginning in the 1980s. After all, there
were no personal computers throughout these decades, the reality of
SS’s inadequacy hadn’t sunken in broadly, and tales of instant
stockmarket millionaires "next door" were not yet water cooler[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

talk. This all changed in the 1990s with the explosive growth of the
Internet investing and Internet companies, the boom and
highly publicized stocks, e.g., AOL, that made investors and
entrepreneurs multi-millionaires overnight. I myself could have put
50K down on the AOL IPO and am still kicking myself. My point is
this: The newsletter business went through the roof in the 1990s
because folks WERE making a fortune in stocks. Any stock. And
they were becoming increasingly sophisticated about the ways
individual investors could make EVEN MORE with hardly ANY RISK.
After all, there was no downside. Everything was going up and big
time. So readers were willing to plunk down a couple thou’ on a
newsletter, because they knew they were going to make it back on
their first trade. Since 2002, needless to say, this has not been the
case and newsletters have seen their readership shrink. In fact,
Clayton, because I’m a long-time reader, I remember YOU saying the
very same thing back when no one was looking. Response rates
have gone WAY down, and it’s not because Bush is doing such a
great job and investors are making so much money and no one is
worried about their retirement or their stocks or their healthcare. No.
It’s because folks no see that stocks go up…but they also go down.
Sometimes very quickly. And no one REALLY knows when they are
going to do either or for how long.


Peter Black says:

October 4, 2008 at 10:49 am

Okay, back to my main point here and a little explanation of why I

introduced topics such as slavery when, you’re right, they were NOT
the topic of your article. Here’s the key quote from your
piece: CLAYTON: "Now, nobody I know has ever accused Mr. Carter
of being the sharpest crayon in the box … But he did know one
thing: He was by-god incensed — incensed, I tell you — at
discrimination of any kind!PB: This is a nice rhetorical trick, but a trick
it is. Carter was NOT incensed at "discrimination of ANY kind." And
as a successful businessperson (perhaps the ONLY president in
recent memory who had been a successful businessperson and was
hardly agin’ the free market system), he certainly didn’t want banks
giving out bad loans to folks who couldn’t pay them back. He was
incensed at the well-documented and indeed centuries-old
discrimination against blacks in this country, starting with slavery,
moving through the century of lynchings and Jim Crow and persisting
to his day in the form of "redlining." This practice was WELL-
documented and you can find all sorts of information about it in about
two minutes using all the tools you used to research your
article. CLAYTON: Make no mistake here: Oprah was NOT having
problems getting loans; nor were most of the millions of other hard-
working, responsible minority wage-earners in America."PB:
Perhaps not after she became rich–money talks in this country, at[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

least now–but if you listen to her tell the story of her beginnings, you
would hear a very different, and well-known story. But Oprah, as you
use her here, is simply a strawman. OF COURSE, Oprah doesn’t
have trouble buying ANYTHING. Oprah doesn’t need credit for even
the biggest items that most people buy. Oprah needs credit when
she wants to buy NBC, a Caribbean archipelago (maybe), Paramount
Pictures, or one third of Manhattan. You’re simply playing to your
audience’s most salient symbol of "black America" when you bring up
Oprah. And then you slip in the line about other "hard working,
responsible, minority wage-earners." But you ignore the well-
documented history of "redlining." You don’t even bring up the
controversy. You certainly don’t state any facts that might support
this statement. You simply play to your audience’s prejudices by
making what seems to THEM an obvious statement requiring no back
up. That’s smart copywriting, but poor truth-telling.CLAYTON: And
it’s not like credit was available to low-income white people with no
savings, no down payment and lousy credit histories. PB: Here again,
you play on your audience’s perception that they are the victims of
reverse discrimination (without getting into the issue). Of course,
these white folk were turned away. But that’s not the point. Lots of
black folk with good credit histories, etc., WERE being turned away,
and that’s why CRA came into existence. White folks, worthy or
unworthy, by and large never had to deal with the obstacle of
redlining. (And if, for some reason, they did, they should have been
brought within the guidelines as well.) Again, this is a fact-less, purely
emotional appeal to your audience’s pre-existing
perceptions/prejudices. No proof. Clayton, I come to your site for
copywriting wisdom and help, and I get it in spades. But copywriting
is not really truth-telling. It is partial truth-telling. If it were about "the
truth," a copywriter selling Ford would be obligated to list all the ways
in which Chevies were superior to, or just as good as, Fords. The
only time we do that is when those comparisons help us sell Fords
better. That’s just the name of the game, and I have no real
complaints about it. You/I get paid to sell our clients’ products, not to
tell the customer "the whole truth" unless that will help sell the
product. (Of course, if you can’t feel pretty good about the product,
you have no business selling it.) So, as a piece of copywriting, I give
your piece an A. As a truthful and unbiased analysis of what really
happened to our financial system and its root causes, I have to give
you a D. That’s not a slam; it’s just the truth. When you wrote your
piece on Gore and global warming, you had to remind us that your
real purpose was to give us a copywriting lesson, not to set off a
political discussion. I believe your purpose here is the same.  (I will
say this, though. If you, personally, believe that what you wrote here
is the real, unbiased truth, then I think you have, at the very least,
some more research to do. And perhaps some soul-searching.)  


Mike says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

October 4, 2008 at 1:26 pm

Hey Peter,Are you a MAC user? I can’t get paragraphs to show here
either. Think there is a bug in this blog software…


Dave says:
October 4, 2008 at 3:03 pm

In support of Clinton’s thesis, here’s an apropos article from London’s



Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 6:45 pm

Clayton,What do you consider to be the most libertarian society on

earth? It seems to me that most US libertarians are more concerned
with economic issues rather than social ones. Is the Netherlands not
the most libertarian? Also, perhaps there isn’t as many opportunities
to get rich there as there are here, but people can surely do as they
wish more than any other Western country.


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 6:47 pm

What is your opinion of Bush? What is your opinion of Palin?


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 6:57 pm

Here is a few facts for you:In the last 75 years GDP has grown more
under Democratic presidents than Republican. Also, in the last 40
years budget deficits have grown under Republicans. And,
Republicans have been much more imperialistic than Democrats –
something that libertarians hate. You say you are a libertarian, what
is attractive to you about the Republicans other than low taxes?
They increase deficits, they spread the empire too thin, they spend[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

too much money on defense, and they are for curbing civil liberties.
Socially, democrats are more liberal.


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 7:01 pm

Why not put up a dumb picture of Bush. You put up one of Obama.
Clearly you dislike Democrats as a whole. How could you not be
insulted by the likes of Sarah Palin? Why not put up a dumb picture
of her. If it wasn’t for liberals equal rights and civil liberties would be
much worse today. As a libertarian, you should appreciate that.


Peter Black says:

October 4, 2008 at 7:35 pm

Yes, Mike, I am a Mac user. I had thought of that, but then rejected
it. But given what you say, maybe that’s the problem.


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 8:14 pm

Your entire argument is predicated on the CRA. You might as well

simply tell readers to go read the CRA listing on Wikipedia. You have
offered nothing substantial in this posting. Just go to the wikipedia
page that you got all this from and you will see arguments against
what you are advocating. Also, if you read Empire of Debt, by
libertarian followers of the Austrian School of Economics, you will
understand that the major cause of this was Greenspan, who kept
interest rates artificially low.And in 2001 we were supposed to go into
a recession after 9 bull years but we didn’t. We pushed that off.
Everybody started spending and spending and a huge housing
bubble was created due to low interest rates, people taking out equity
lines on their homes, speculators, and lax lending practices. To
blame this solely on the CRA is childish.And if you want to talk about
libertarian economic stances and warnings made by the Bush
economic advisor, how about the warnings made by Bush’s Treasury
Secretary at the same time! Read this excerpt: O’Neill was appointed
Secretary of the Treasury by George W. Bush. O’Neill was a
somewhat outspoken member of the administration, often saying
things to the press that went against the administration’s party line,
and doing unusual things like taking a tour of Africa with
singer Bono.A report commissioned in 2002 by O’Neill, while he was
Treasury Secretary, suggested the United States faced future federal[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

budget deficits of more than US$ 500 billion. The report also
suggested that sharp taxincreases, massive spending cuts, or both
would be unavoidable if the United States were to meet benefit
promises to its future generations. The study estimated that closing
the budget gap would require the equivalent of an immediate and
permanent 66 percent across-the-board income tax increase. The
Bush administration left the findings out of the 2004 annual budget
report published in February 2003.O’Neill’s private feuds with Bush’s
tax cut policies and his push to further investigate alleged al-
Qaeda funding from some USA-allied countries, as well as his
objection to the invasion of Iraq in the name of the war on terror - that
he considered as nothing but a simple excuse for a war decided long
before by Neoconservative elements of the first Bush
Administration (2)- led to his resignation in 2002 and replacement
with John W. Snow. The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White
House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill (ISBN 0-7432-5545-3), a
2004 book, described the Bush administration during O’Neill’s tenure.
Written by former Wall Street Journal reporter and Pulitzer Prize-
winning journalist Ron Suskind, the book says Bush’s economic
policies were irresponsible, Bush was unquestioning and uncurious,
and the war in Iraq was planned from the first National Security
Council meeting, soon after the administration took office, even
though Bush had promised not to engage in nation building during his
campaign.[1][2]Also, let’s look at the major problem: the national
debt! How do Republicans stand on that? When Reagan took office
the US was the largest creditor in the world. When he left office it
was the largest debtor in the world. When he took office the debt
was at 930 million, 33% of GDP. When he left it was hovering over
50% of GDP? That’s a 50% increase! During Clinton’s time period it
went down as a % of GDP. And when Bush took over it was at
around $6MIL, now it is around $10MIL! You said that it is ok that
Reagan took the debt up because of the Cold War. Well, I would
argue then that if you feel that was OK then we needed to pay for it
with taxes! Not with debt. The facts just aren’t there for Republican
spending. They do what no business should do. They decrease
revenues and increase spending. How is that intelligent. And how is
that libertarian? Furthermore, nation building, imperialism, and such
acts are not approved of by libertarians.


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 4, 2008 at 8:27 pm

Clayton,Most liberals just find social issues and issues like the
environment more important than the small economic differences
between Republicans and democrats. Both parties absolutely suck
on economics according to libertarian standards.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Alan Stone says:

October 5, 2008 at 1:33 am

If/When this comes true

the Treasury will issue new Dollar bills


Peter Black says:

October 5, 2008 at 11:14 am

Just one more point, and then I’ll stop, because this is not a political
blog. When you say…"CLAYTON: Again, true. CRA applies only to
depository institutions (banks and S&Ls) and not to other mortgage
lenders. Countrywide used CRA guidelines and was praised for it by
Fannie. Countrywide sold $600 billion in subprime loans to Fannie –
and Fannie bought them because the Clinton administration
demanded it."…you are not making a clear argument. As Brian
points out, the GUIDELINES prohibit unsound loans. What you’re
saying here, by induction, is the CRA guidelines REQUIRED
Countrywide to make UNSOUND loans to people who clearly
couldn’t pay them back. But this is not true on the face of it. All one
has to do is read the guidelines to know that. And there is no
evidence (at least none you’ve produced) they were enforced this
way, and even less-than-no-evidence they were enforced this way to
an extent capable of bringing down all of Wall Street. I sorry, but you
just haven’t made your case. "Obama Supporter" quotes the npr
story, which, frankly, makes a lot more sense. (Course an Obama
Supporter WOULD be listening to npr and thus has no credibility,
yes? But can’t we say the same thing about a Libertarian bashing
Democrats? No credibility if one is looking for an unbiased analysis.)
There was a similar story on Moyers or Now and maybe in The
Atlantic on how the lending industry discovered "the gold in them thar
hills" known as the poor of this country. Take used car dealers.
Sure; the poor were bad risks, but they could be charged usurious
rates; if they managed to make super-high payments, all the better;
and if they defaulted, the lender got to keep the down payment, the
fees, and the repo-ed property simply bounced back into inventory.
And the poor, who are stuck spending hours on public transportation
to get to jobs paying the minimum wage, are STARVING for the
freedom and sense of respect they get from owning a basic symbol of
Americanhood: the car. So they sign anything and understand
nothing of what they sign. (Do most well off or even middle-class
Americans read or understand the fine print on a loan?) They end up
paying 2/3 of their income to make car payments–a fact they have[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

trouble calculating beforehand–and when the realization dawns, they

have to give up the car, but still lose the down payment and the loan
fees they paid. The car’s been used for, say, seven months, and it’s
back on the lot ready to be resold. Nice scam! Now, Clayton, if you
tell me that your article was about mortgages, not car loans, I will say
that many experts believe this rot is spreading throughout the credit
industry. But again, thanks for the great copywriting lesson.


Elleyne Kase says:

October 5, 2008 at 2:00 pm

Exerpts from "Creature from Jekyll Island." Page 311… the colonies
turned to printing presses when the colonial war started. At the
beginning of the war in 1775, the total money supply for the
federated colonies stood at $12 million.
• At June of that year, the Continental Congress issued another $2
million. Before the notes were printed, another $1 million was
• By the end of the year, another $3 million.
• $19 million in 1776
• $13 million in 1777
• $64 million in 1778
• $125 million in 1779
• A total of $227 million in five years on top of a base of $12 million is
an increase of about $2000%
• On top of this "federal" money, the states were doing the same in
an approximately equal amount.
• And still more: the Continental Army, unable to get enough money
from Congress, issued "certificates" for the purchase of supplies
totaling $200 million.
• $650 million created in five years on top of a base of $12 million is
an expansion of the money supply of over 5000%
    Although the economy was devastated by this flood of fiat money,
most victims were unaware of the cause. In 1777, the sentiment of a
large segment of the population was expressed by the words of one
patriotic old lady who said: "What a shame it is that Congress should
let the poor soldiers suffer when they have the power to make as
much money as they choose."
    The immediate result of this money infusion was the appearance of
prosperity. After all, everyone had more money and that was
perceived as a good thing. But this was quickly followed by inflation
as the self- destruct mechanism began to roll. In 1775, the colonial
monetary unit called the Continental, was valued at one-dollar in
gold. By 1779, just four years from its issue, it was worth less than a
penny and ceased to circulate as money at all. It was in that year that
George Washington wrote: "A wagon-load of money will scarcely
purchase a wagon-load of provisions."
    Then, as now, those who suffered the most from fiat money were[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

those who held the most trust in government. In 1777 these were
mostly the Whigs, for it was they who patriotically held paper money
and, as a result, lost their livelihoods and their life savings. The
Tories, on the other hand, mistrusting both government and its paper
money, passed the bills as quickly as possible in trade for real assets,
especially gold. Consequently as a group, they weathered the storm
fairly well.
    All of this was painfully fresh in the memories of the delegates to
the Constitutional Convention and, as the opening session convened
in Philadelphia in 1787, there were angry mobs in the streets
threatening the legislators. Looting was rampant. Businesses were
bankrupt. Drunkenness and lawlessness were everywhere to be
seen. The fruit of fiat money had ripened and the delegates did not
enjoy its taste …
    In 1786 George Washington wrote to James Madison, "No day was
ever more clouded than the present. We are fast verging on
    In February of 1787, Washington wrote to Henry Knox:"If any
person had told me there would have been such a formidable
rebellion as exists, I would have thought him fit for a madhouse."
    Just three months prior to the opening of the convention,
Washington voiced his reasons of rejecting the notion of fiat money.
In answer to the complaint that there was not enough gold coin
(specie) to to satisfy the needs of commerce he replied:
   "The necessity arising from want of specie is represented as greater
than it really is. I contend it is by the substance, not the shadow of the
thing, we are to be benefited. The wisdom of man, in my humble
opinion, cannot devise a plan by which credit of paper money would
be long supported; consequently, depreciation keeps pace with
quantity of the emission, and articles for which it is exchanged rise in
a greater ratio than the sinking value of the money. Where in, then, is
the farmer, the planter, the artisan benefited? an evil equally great is
the door it immediately opens for speculation, by which the least
designing and most valuable part of the community are preyed upon
by the more knowing and crafty speculators."
    The Constitutional Convention
    This was the prevailing view held by the great majority of the
delegates to the Convention. They were adamant in their resolve to
create a constitution which would prevent any state, and especially
the federal government itself, from ever again issuing fiat money.
    The Spanish silver dollar was adopted by the Congress in 1785, as
the official monetary unit of the United States. It was by unanimous
vote. By December 16, 1789 (two years after the Constitutional
Convention) edition of the Pennsylvania Gazette declared: "Since the
federal constitution has removed all danger of us having a paper
tender, or trade has advanced fifty percent. But that was just the
beginning. Historian Douglass North says that "the years 1793-1808,
were years of unparalleled prosperity." The federal deficit which
amounted to 28% of the expenditures in 1792, dropped to 21% in
1795. By 1802 the deficit had disappeared al together and had been
replaced by a surplus that was almost as large as the government’s[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

total spending."
    On the specific subject of paper money without backing by gold or
silver, George Washington wrote: "We may one day become a great
commercial and flourishing nation. But if in the pursuit of the means
we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or
any other similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab
to our national credit in its infancy."

My suggestion: The US went totally off the gold standard in 1971.

Just 6 years later Carter made his "Reinvestment Act." Inflation had
put the purchase of a home out of reach of the lower income families.
This was a do-good, knee jerk reaction to inflation caused by us
going into the free-fall fiat money system. The do-gooders, in concert
with speculators, compounded the fiasco by creating mortgage based
securities (Misnomer, a security is not "secure" it is an IOU) which
were then put in the international casino. Real estate speculators
drove the price of property up. The Federal Reserve made getting
money less expensive which helped real estate buy/build even more.
Our standard of living went down, the cost of maintaining a living
wage went up. Businesses forced to survive went elsewhere for
cheaper labor and manufacture of goods. Put a few wars in the mix.
Add the the Federal Reserve factor in, remember its not just the
$700+ billion that the "bailout bill" is putting into the system, the FRB
has been printing its own $100s of billions to prop up the system.
AND WALAHHH. We are now bankrupt. We have to BORROW
when the dollar is so devalued, as in "A wagon-load of money will
scarcely purchase a wagon-load of provisions," that those foreign
countries decide not to float us any more loans?


Peter Black says:

October 5, 2008 at 3:43 pm

Elleyne writes: "My suggestion: The US went totally off the gold
standard in 1971. Just 6 years later Carter made his "Reinvestment
Act." Inflation had put the purchase of a home out of reach of the
lower income families. This was a do-good, knee jerk reaction to
inflation caused by us going into the free-fall fiat money system." No;
I would have to say it was a do-good reaction to the racism inherent
the practice of redlining. Gold and its standard are a loooong
discussion, but I think its proposed beneficial effects are, at best,
speculative. I mean the fact that we went completely off the gold
standard as LATE as 1971, and North has to point to "the years
1793-1808…years of unparalleled prosperity" as the good old days
makes this argument laughable on its face. Beside which, them days
weren’t so hot for black folk, Indians, and women. Nor for folks who
didn’t own property. Why not turn the clock back to the days of the[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Roman Republic …things were pretty good then, too (if you weren’t a


Wayne says:
October 5, 2008 at 6:46 pm

Just a note to add to the flurry:

First of all I worked for a firm called TRW.

You might have heard of them if you are old enough.

(I was born in 45 and am 39 years old–If they can do it so can I)

I worked for that corp for 23 years.

I went through 5 name changes wage cuts and made it through

several lay-offs.

My boss was a friend and called me on Friday at 3:30 PM. He said

Wayne you are terminated. Since he was my friend and I was used
to these things from him. I stated that I was proud of him for using a
3 syllable word and I would get back with him after washing the car.
He immediated responded Wayne, we are all terminated.

5000 folks nation-wide were terminated at 3:30 pm.  They gave us

an 800 number to call which was a recorded message saying we
were immediately terminated. I called it 1 800 U R FIRED.

By the way, this was 2 years before the Enron fiasco.

Fast forward to the end of this my 401K plan was worth $1700.00
before tax and penalties.

I got another job that lasted 2 years before they (and I) suffered from

I was unemployed for a year after that. Yes, age discrimination is

alive and well.

I finally took an out of state job for much less than I should have and
have had that job for over 5 years.


I agree I was dumb for not working for myself. We are where we are
today by the actions we took yesterday. I do not have any retirement
or health insurance.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Two points here:

The situation we are in now is not new or just caused by the recent
"loan crises". It has been advancing ever so slowly over a long time.

Here I think is the most important point and I am sure I also will get
resistance from this.

Although you say to collect as many dollars as we can please

understand that I respectfully disagree.

Collect the dollars as you suggest and convert ASAP to something

more liquid. Although our "economic experts" (who never seem to
agree on anything) have stated in no uncertain terms that we are
absolutely NOT going to repeat the environment of the 1930 era, I
think we are.

Be an expert at barter.

By the way you alluded to this in your warning: Useless paper (you
called it counterfeit) is what we got. It is no longer backed by
anything. It used to be a silver certificate but now it is useless.

Point 2 (I bet you are glad):

Find a way to play the system. Millionaires were made in the 30′s
and they weill be made again by folks with a great wealth in these
hard times to come.



Wayne says:
October 5, 2008 at 7:46 pm

To David, msg 221.

In my opinion it is much worse than you have pictured. Americans

have been losing (relinquishing) our rights for a long time.

We have been thrown –gently in the slowly heated pot of water.

We want the government to do what we should do.

In Houston TX some wanted to throw the book at someone who shot

some robbers (proven) who were robbing his neighbors house. They
had been thrown out of the country and made it back in. His mistake
was running his mouth on 911. They could have cooked him.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

The real issue here is that an off duty was already on site and took no
action. I have seen many a case when the police was called and
they responded longer than 30 minutes out. They were in city limits.
Police these days are forced to be over glorified report takers. Even
worse is that it is not even their choice.

Still we want the government to fix it. Lets put up more cameras.
That’ll fix things.

In the early days of America there were carpenters, blacksmiths, and

the like. Today we want to work for another company and then
demand that they supply us with health care, lots of holiday and
vacation days and the like.

Even though it isn’t 100% correct in my view I feel that along with the
meager food stamp and welfare payments that are given out there
should also be a book given. Rich Dad Poor Dad. If 1 out of a
hundred would take the wealth of information in there and build
personal wealth the government would actually get richer.

A broader tax base.

Just to let you know I have absolutely no affilliation with Robert or the
company in any way. (although I wouldn’t mind a reward) :>)

Again we would rather let the government fix it.

We the lobsters will be cooked unless we start floundering around in

defense of ourselves.

Unfortunately the folks who should be observing this sort of

information aren’t reading these comments. They are watching some
garbage on TV and complaining about the lack of government
subsistance. The sad part is that many of them won’t even be able to
watch TV after the first quarter of next year when the signal goes
from analog to digital. Even though the stations have repeatedly
informed them that the TV won’t work there will be no action taken by
those folks.

Now if only the government had taken the action to GIVE all who
might watch TV an analog to digital converter……..



Saige says:
October 6, 2008 at 12:32 am

Wow PJ… that was pretty classless statement to make about[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Considering you chose to come to this site, read an entire article

about something you are obviously dead against… AND… got
worked up enough to post a comment, Clayton once again
accomplished what he’s a master at doing: getting a RESPONSE.

How do you think it makes you look to suggest to someone who is

solely responsible for pulling in multi-millions of dollars in profits (in
numerous industries) over the past almost 40 years… that he should
learn ‘better persuasive techniques’???

I sure wouldn’t want to be an employee of yours… or your employer,

for that matter.

I don’t know what you do for a living, but someone gave me great
advice once in the workplace that I think you could benefit from: don’t
play with the pit-bulls when you’re a Chihuahua.



Eldo Barkhuizen says:

October 6, 2008 at 6:12 am


Have you seen this shocking video? Fills in more of the background
to the current crisis.




Brian says:
October 6, 2008 at 2:57 pm

According to the college-educated experts who are paid to report on

the financial industry, if anyone was to blame for this mess (and
there’s plenty to go around – on both sides of the aisle) it was Alan
Greenspan. According to the experts, he kept T-bills low – too low.
The trillions of international dollars out there wanted a better return,
so they started turning to something called mortgage-backed
securities.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

The alternative to keeping T-bills low is to raise their rates to make

them more attractive to buyers. If the Treasury Bill rate was more like
5% (like it was ten years ago), and (say) twenty trillion of that global
pool of money had been sunk into T-bills, that puts the federal
government on the hook to pay out a trillion a year in interest
payments (2008 federal budget is on the order of three trillion).

So while it’s true that a higher T-bill rate would have driven more of
that investment money into T-bills, and there would have been less
pressure to create these exotic and rickety mortgage-backed
securities, the net effect probably would have been a different
problem rather than no problem.


richard says:
October 6, 2008 at 5:40 pm

wow this is great stuff I have read every last comment and the entire
article to boil it all down We are all in alot of trouble unless we are
wise and prudent now is the time for action I read Claytons
recomendations, would be interested in more specific things of what
we should do


Fiscal Conservative says:

October 6, 2008 at 6:52 pm

Thanks for the lesson on spin city. This is clearly partisan and not to
be taken as any sort of inpartial examination of the truth. People can
tell when it is. Also, it looks as if you got all your information straight
from Wikipedia by just looking up the CRA. You mention the
criticisms from one side but fail to mention the criticisms from the
other. And you have absolutely no proof of what you say. You make
deductions offering facts. Others can make deductions offering other
facts. This is called selective reasoning. The truth is out there
somewhere, but is definitely much deeper than the one you offer.
Furthermore, the greatest investor in American history is for Obama.
How do you argue with that?


Andy Iskandar says:

October 7, 2008 at 12:33 am

Hi Clayton,[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Do not stop your political rantings… errrr, analyses.

I am not from the US and neither am I a citizen. However, I am an

ardent student of history and economics and I have always been a
huge fan of the ideals & principles on which the US was founded.

I have read, with great interest (and amusement), your article and the
ensuing comments. First of all, I do not claim to be an expert on US
history, especially its political and economic history, but let me just
say this… my whole-hearted sympathies go out to you.

I’m surprised you have been able to survive some of the scathing
comments on this post.

Maybe it’s because I am able to view your article with a neutral &
unbiased eye, but honestly, I do not get the impression (from reading
the article) that you are a hard-core Republican, or even trying to
defend the Republicans, as many of the comment-posters have so
vehemently expressed.

I sincerely thought that it was quite a well-balanced, well-considered

and well-researched piece. I guess it is a great universal truth that
human beings (you and me included I guess) are rarely able to see
almost anything without our rose-colored (or any other color for that
matter) glasses on.

And that is why one of the most important rules in copywriting is to

always express our services or products in terms of the
prospect/customer/end-user. We are all too entrenched in our own
lives to bother taking the trouble to see the world from others’

Anyway, my point here is to really express my continued support for

you (or at the very least, your writings ). I have been a subscriber
of yours for quite a while now and I must say that I appreciate ALL
your articles… really.

I may not agree with some of your views sometimes but hey, that’s
why we are on the Internet in the first place right? To learn and be
exposed to other ways of thinking, no matter how warped.

Besides, I love the way you write and how you structure your articles.

So, keep it up Mr. Clayton Makepeace and may you never stop
ranting…. I mean writing (I have got to stop my freudian slips… ).
As things stand now, you will always have a reader (and a fan) in me.

Andy Iskandar

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Gene says:
October 7, 2008 at 5:28 am

Clayton Makepeace-what an eloquent name!

For your truth and honesty, I applaud you. It’s great to know
that there are a few of us that have more than ‘ two miniature-
marshmallows and one Lil’ Smokie’ between our legs. [ No
offense Wendy! ] AT ANY RATE… the most important action we
can do, as all children of a bad inheritance must do, is to awake
from the bad dream – learn what created that bad dream – and
through enlightened awareness put that Bogeyman back into the
dark pit from which he came! Thank you Clayton for the sharp
knife in a very dense fog.. also thanks to and to our
Founding Fathers. It took many decades of corruption by those
who had our trust -under oath – to adhere to the Constitution
yet they did not… and I suspect many more decades will come
to pass before things are set right.   ’Time is the Fire in which
we burn….   ‘     Now is the time to burn the bastages that created the
fire!!      Respectfully.


Peter Black says:

October 7, 2008 at 10:19 am

Andy Iskandar writes: "I sincerely thought that it was quite a well-
balanced, well-considered and well-researched piece." Hmmm. I
guess only if you don’t know anything about the topic under
discussion. But I agree: Clayton is a great writer and copywriter in


Edward says:
October 7, 2008 at 11:24 am

What you are saying is the Foxes are in charge of the hen


HowDyd says:
October 7, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Bravo, Prefessor Makepeace!

We can only hope Sen McCain finds a talking point or two here
for tonight’s festivities in Nashville.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


HowDyd says:
October 7, 2008 at 12:31 pm

Bravo, Professor Makepeace! We can only hope Sen McCain finds a

talking point or two here for tonight’s festivities in Nashville.


Ryan Healy says:

October 7, 2008 at 1:07 pm

Here’s an interesting turn of events. Looks like martial law may

already be in place as of Oct 1, 2008.

Are the markets being manipulated intentionally to cause fear? Will

there even be an election?


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 7, 2008 at 6:23 pm

Thanks everyone — sorry I haven’t weighed in for a while — I was

out of town over the weekend for a wedding. (Yeah. I hadda wear a

Great to see you all still engaging each other on this. I really want to
write about "those zany Republicans" next week (replete with
unflattering pics), but I think I’ll wait a week or so and return to a
marketing theme first.

Here’s a thought, though … with Obama enjoying a six- to eight- point

lead in the polls, he doesn’t need more votes … and barring an
unforseen event, our votes won’t do McCain much good either.

So I’m thinking … will there EVER be a better time to vote your


Instead of holding your nose and voting for either major candidate,
why not cast a protest vote for a third party candidate whose
convictions are more in line with your own?

Better believe that if enough of us do it, it’ll send a resounding

message to these bozos in both parties.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

What do you all think?


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 7, 2008 at 8:12 pm

BTW: Anybody notice that the Dow has plunged about 15% since
this article was first published? DESPITE the passage of the $1
trillion-plus bailout package?

Hope you heeded my warning!


Peter Black says:

October 7, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Clayton writes: "Here’s a thought, though … with Obama enjoying a

six- to eight- point lead in the polls, he doesn’t need more votes…"
Oh, but he does IF you support him. A bigger victory means the
perception of a true mandate to do something. A narrow victory
means no mandate. That would please the non-Obama supporters,
but shouldn’t please the Obama supporters. So Clayton is asking us
to support a candidate who has a 100% chance of NOT winning (and
therefore of not having the opportunity to effectuate change) and
depriving a candidate who could win from getting the show of support
he needs to govern effectively. Nice rhetorical trick, though.


Clayton Makepeace says:

October 8, 2008 at 6:35 am

To Peter Black & Fiscal Conservative: I’ve said my piece and

presented my evidence and you’ve done the same. The folks here
are entirely capable of drawing their own conclusions.

As far as a "mandate" for Obama is concerned, that — and the fact

that he’d have a Democratic Congress — wake me in a cold sweat.
But only every other day. The other half the time, I’m equally worried
about what McCain would do to us.

Historically, the cry of "Crisis!" is the last thing we hear before

Washington smashes our liberties, invades our privacy, tramples our
constitutional rights, sends our sons and daughters off to die in
foreign wars and steals our money.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

And thanks to Bush and the U.S. Congress, we are up to our

collective arse in crises — including but NOT limited to …

** Nuclear Russia and Pakistan spinning out of control and soon-to-

be nuclear North Korea and Iran likely to hand city-busters to

** Sky-high energy and food prices, crashing home equity and more
than $3 trillion in retirement plans wiped out since the subprime mess
began and 750,000 U.S. jobs lost this year alone.

** The average NYSE stock down 38% since last October and U.S.
bankruptcy rates surging nearly 30% in the 12 months ending in June
2008 (and they’re barely getting warmed up!).

** The collapse of the credit markets and the slowing economy

endangering the very survival of GM, Ford, Chrysler and many other
huge employers and the specter of a nationalized airline industry just
over the horizon.

** The projected federal budget deficit for 2008 up 66% — from $246
billion to $407 billion — BEFORE adding the cost of bailing out
Fannie, Freddie, AIG … or the $1 trillion “rescue” bill … or the
additional $1 trillion or so spent by Congress, the Fed and the
Treasury to fight this crisis so far.

** Off-budget obligations for Social Security and Medicare that will

have to be paid already between $30 and $50 trillion (depending on
whom you believe) — and both candidates proposing massive new
spending plans including (unbelievably!) a national health insurance
plan that will ultimately make the tens of trillions we owe to Medicare
recipients seem like a drop in the ocean.

And now, the same idiots who created this unmitigated disaster —
Washington politicians in BOTH parties — are busy USING IT to
justify new legislation that, if history is any indication, will inevitably
make matters worse.

All I can hope is that enough Blue Dog Democrats and fiscally
conservative Republicans will remain in Congress to block every
economic measure the new president tries to ram down our throats.

Or better yet: That since it looks for all the world as though Obama
will be our next president, we can pray he’ll do no better fulfilling his
promises as president than he did as an Illinois state senator.

While I dread an Obama administration with Barak’s scum-of-the-

Earth buddies like slumlord Tony Rezko as Housing Secretary,
terrorist Bill Ayers as chief of Homeland Security and Jeremiah
"Goddamn America!" Wright as White House Chaplain and our new[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

“spiritual leader” …

McCain, while seemingly an honorable human being, clearly has no

idealogical compass — no understaning of economic issues or core
beliefs other than, of course, the belief that he should be president.

So once again, I repeat my conclusion at the end of this article: "If

you’re trusting Washington to save you, you’re screwed."


Len says:
October 8, 2008 at 11:38 am

Nicely put, Clayton. Thanks for summarizing the events leading up to

this mess — and another outstanding copywriting lesson, of course.
Looking forward to seeing the other side of the coin!


Irene says:
October 9, 2008 at 9:37 am

I just wanted to say I have found this whole series of posts fascinating
& very educational. And we should thank our lucky stars we live in 2
countries (Canada & the US) where this whole dialogue is possible.
Now I have a couple of questions for the Americans on board.
Recently taked about the "magic 60" & the "Lieberman
effect". Having a multi-party system here in Canada, anyone of whom
potentially could become Prime Minister, & Senators (not referring to
the Ottawa Senators ) who are appointed rather than elected, could
some one please explain "magic 60" & " the Leiberman effect" & what
impact it could have on the whole financial situation. Thanks.


Peter Black says:

October 10, 2008 at 12:38 am

Clayton writes: "While I dread an Obama administration with Barak’s

scum-of-the-Earth buddies like slumlord Tony Rezko as Housing
Secretary, terrorist Bill Ayers as chief of Homeland Security and
Jeremiah "Goddamn America!" Wright as White House Chaplain and
our new “spiritual leader” … Hehe! You’ve GOT to be kidding,
Clayton. Are you REALLY going to traffick in this nonsense?

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

October 10, 2008 at 4:11 am

It was a joke, Peter. Get a grip.


Peter Black says:

October 10, 2008 at 9:59 am

I figured it was a joke, Clayton. But your audience doesn’t think it’s a
joke. That’s why the McCain-Palin ticket is pushing this stuff non-
stop. Just be aware, guy.


David says:
October 10, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Clayton’s CRA argument: "Nailed!"

Clayton, with a little help from the WSJ and last Sunday’s 60 Minutes
reporting; I believe that I can put the final fork in your argument that
"those dirty dems and their CRA caused this crisis.

When getting at the root cause of all this, even the Wall Street
Journal has the CRA as the last to blame. Their primary villains are
Banking Regulators and the FED’s actions of flooding the world with
cheap money that found it’s way back into our housing markets.

But the real question that addresses your argument is: "What % of
the toxic loans were CRA?" If that number has no weight, you are
going up against an irrefutable argument. You were presented with
those #’s from Michigan law professor Michael Barr. "Under the
penalty of perjury" he testified before the House Committee on
Financial Services – that 50% of subprime loans were made by
mortgage service companies not subject comprehensive federal
supervision and another 30% were made by affiliates of banks or
thrifts which are not subject to routine supervision or examinations.

Your response was:

"Not exactly what you’d call an "objective source," so any data

presented by him should be double-checked."

So even someone presenting data "under the penalty of perjury" can’t

be trusted because he worked for Robert Rubin! Clearly, all your
research is coming from right-wing publications with a hell-bent
mission to hang this on the CRA and Dems.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

But as you say, let’s double check or look at Michael Barr’s research
from another angle.

60 Minutes – last Sunday:

The real reason why the banks lost all the money was selling " Credit
Default Swaps!" Essentially, they were insuring the mortgage
investments "without the capital to back it up." The investments were
sold like "if you bet black on a roulette wheel, you win when it shows
– but if red came up, you got a push!" Bear Stearns, Lehman
Brothers, Merrill Lynch , Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and AIG
were all making $Billions just selling the Credit Default Swaps – let
alone the bogus rated investments that they insured.

These scum bags also had their own sub-prime lending farms that
cranked out $Trillions in toxic loans – including commercial

BUT, the Credit Default Swap market is estimated at $60 TRILLION

DOLLARS of bad mortgages. You argued that $600 BILLION in CPA
paper went to Fannie & Freddie. What weight does that have in a
$60 TRILLION DOLLAR market – even if ALL those loans were bad?

So there you have it Clayton, the CRA was just a little pea in a huge



Peter Black says:

October 10, 2008 at 5:50 pm

David…good work. Of course, it should be obvious to anyone just

eye-balling this that the CRA could NOT be responsible for bringing
down the stock markets and arguably all the economies in the world.
With all due respect to butterfly wings, this just ain’t gonna happen.
It’s just that the CRA-type of argument appeals to the
preconceptions of Libertarians and right wing Republicans because it
places the blame on "government" and "the party that likes
government"–the Democrats. We will see if Clayton can write an
anti-Republican piece with the same emotional oomph that he gave
to this one. If he does, then he’s a true master. But I predict he
cannot. One telltale sign? He’s up in arms about a trillion here and a
trillion there for this and that bailout, but not a mention of the $1-3
trillion we will be spending on the war in Iraq to kill people.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Clayton Makepeace says:

October 10, 2008 at 6:32 pm

Peter, David, you guys are from Central Casting — right?

Someone from our list called CC and asked to send over a couple of
the most partisan "don’t confuse me with the facts" guys they could
find. Right?

At any rate, I’m bored with making the same points over and over
again. I’ve said all I’m going to on the subject. Enjoy President
Obama, guys. I just know you’ll be happier than a couple of pigs in



Peter Black says:

October 10, 2008 at 7:02 pm

No, Clayton, we’re from the "we’re still waiting for you to provide us
with some actual facts and a plausible explanation" crowd!


David says:
October 10, 2008 at 7:04 pm

Thanks Peter, you’ve made some great points as well. I’m still a big
fan of Clayton’s but I think he’s wrong about the CRA’s impact on this
crisis. But he’s made a lot of other points throughout that are right on
the money. All considered, you can’t beat the quality of marketing
and insight he comes up with – just look at the TP issue he came up
with today.

I’m neither a righty or lefty – to me, both parties are opposite wings of
the same K-Street bird. When you apply the standards of what our
gov is supposed to be: "A gov of, by and for the people," We
have a gov that has become a total fraud – be it the political,
legislative or monetary system – the people are being scammed and
robbed from birth to grave while our freedoms are being stripped
away. And most don’t even know it.

Just went to post this and noticed that Clayton bailed out. I guess we
are left with:

"How did $600 Billion in CPA loans (most of which are good)[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

bring a $60 Trillion market down?"

I’ll bet Clayton will double down on the Grey Goose before starting
another political post. LOL! All said, he’s a great guy!



Peter Black says:

October 11, 2008 at 12:11 pm

I totally agree with you about Clayton. That’s why, as a copywriter

myself, I come here. I said that in one of my earlier posts. He’s the
tops. I may have bigger political disagreements with him than you
do–for example, I’m in no ways a Libertarian–and I did read Bastiat,
Clayton–but politics isn’t why I come here. BTW, Clayton bailed
because the facts and solid argument turned against him -:)
Fortunately, he has readers willing to go to the trouble of keeping
him honest -:)-:)


Eldo Barkhuizen says:

October 11, 2008 at 3:26 pm

Hi Clayton,

Came across this streaming audio yesterday — gives even more

startling facts and shocking behind-the-scenes details about WHO’s
responsible for the money crash and WHY they’ve engineered it.

It will be on the website for just a few more days, so please listen to it
asap. (Any fellow Christians reading these posts MUST hear what
Mr. Marrs says.)

It’s on this website, on the right-hand side under "Streaming Audio

24/7," and is entitled "Dollars for Moloch":



Dr. Michael Beck | Chiropractic Marketing says:

October 13, 2008 at 10:30 am

Reminds me of the saying "If it’s to be, it’s up to me." You can’t rely[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

on these nitwits build your business for you. At best they might just
leave us alone so we can keep some of our money.


Angela DeVera says:

October 18, 2008 at 1:58 am

Wow! And I thought you were just a marketing/copywriting guru.

Go Clayton….you’ve got it. Unfortunately, the people don’t want to
hear the truth.

God Bless.


paul says:
October 20, 2008 at 5:25 am

well you ve just lost me. maybe you should have kept your mouth
shut. if you want to inform people the least you can do is have some
respect, and avoid to be partisan in any shape or form. I know
waynesville, nc. I used to go to western carolina university so I know
how that region is higly pro republican. In my opinion and i will
probably shoke a lot of people Clayton your attitude right now is what
drove this country to its bad situation. Politic of pointing fingers,
leaving in complete state of virtual reality , refusal of taking its own
responsability. and EGO I don’t know if I can still follow your blog. As
they say in the bible don’t follow a tainted preacher. this article just
tainted you. How many of your stuff will be bias instead of oure truth?


Rabbi of Response says:

October 20, 2008 at 8:48 am


Thanks fo the education. You filled in a lot of the blanks and

answered a lot of the question marks I had on this subject.

Fractional banking, and a privately owned banking system, are

certainly cogs in the overall problem that has brought this country to
its knees.

But your insights regarding the credit crisis, really pin pointed the
problem and hammered the nail right on the head.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

I especially appreciated your ability to write about a very complex

subject matter and explain it with such simplicity!

Great article!

The Rabbi of Response


Jay Peters says:

October 26, 2008 at 12:39 pm

The only thing I’ve found GREATER than this article is – all the

Thank you Clayton for having the GUTS to start this (by writing and
posting) and thank you to EVERYONE who is posting their


Jay Peters


Morgan says:
October 28, 2008 at 9:13 am

I have not had time to read all the posts here, but it seems we’re
missing the core issue: our monetary system. Forget all the other
stuff. Yes, there are people building their empires, but we have to
get to the core of this all and not get caught up in all the distractions
we might think are more important, which are just symptoms. Our
monetary system is screwed. It’s the same old model and it only
leads to one thing: debt and inflation. We need a better model. Any


Yo Momma says:
November 5, 2008 at 3:41 pm

Well, What can I say…Some of the most interesting reading I have

dug into in a long long time.

It is unfortunate that we are this far up &*%# creek, but I think its
been more than one party paddling in the wrong direction.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Obama is clearly NOT the answer however. I mourn McCains loss,

and although he clearly "manned" up and said the blame was his
own, I personally know people who voted for Obama, so I can blame
them as well. Unfortunately I know them well, I work with them, I
care about them…and they are dead wrong.

What I am going to enjoy watching is these hopeful Obama

supporters that are expecting the economy to do a quick U turn in
January. They are HONESTLY expecting this! I watched them this
morning! So the reporter asked them respectfully, "what do you think
will happen if things do not turn around as quickly as people are
hoping?" Their responses?…"Well, people just need to be patient"
….Oh I see…now we have to be patient…why is that, because he is
a newbie? Because he has no experience? Because his ideas

Maybe you should have thought about that PRIOR to voting for


ANYWHO….I love the USA…where we can all just let it all hang out
and say what we think. Let ‘er rip!


Han Poelstra says:

November 7, 2008 at 3:16 am

(270 Irene) "And we should thank our lucky stars we live in 2

countries (Canada & the US) where this whole dialogue is possible."
What planet are you from? At a time like
this discussions like these are going on all over the world!


Tia Dobi says:

November 26, 2008 at 2:09 am

I’ve always wondered why direct response copywriters haven’t

created campaigns to sway on political/reform/socio-economic
issues…for many years I’ve thought of them banding together and
causing change. (nice spoof NY Times to come out recently…great
effort of thinking + words + distribution.)

Could they help create world peace? What could they do?

How would the world’s top dr writers make this happen?[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

We need a new Constitution for the 21st Century.

My dream Constitution would be one that affirms the principles of
personal liberty and property ownership (including the money you
earn) and privacy and that makes it a crime for any politician or
bureaucrat to propose a law that would abrogate those rights.One
that bars Congress from enacting any law regarding anything you
say, believe, own or do – and restricts the government to enacting
laws that prescribe penalties ONLY for actions a citizen or company
takes that overtly harm others.
One that institutionalizes personal responsibility – and makes it illegal
for Congress to pass any law that protects any person, organization
or company from the natural consequences of their ill-advised or
destructive actions … and that that also allows the citizens to benefit
fully from their prudent actions.
One that requires Congress to balance the budget every year and
that prohibits the mindless federal borrowing and counterfeiting that
are destroying the value of our money, our buying power, our quality
of life and our children’s futures.
One that states clearly that the government derives its powers from
the people and therefore may not engage in any activity that is illegal
for the people to engage in.
And certainly, one that institutionalizes patronage of all types –
robbing the taxpayers to reward constituents – as a crime punishable
by tarring and feathering.

Oh wait a minute, mistakes never call for punishment–merely



4234234 says:
December 14, 2008 at 11:47 am


Taylor says:
January 1, 2009 at 12:14 am

Clayton’s website, Clayton’s rules. I am so thankful we live in a

country where we can express our views openly and engage in
conversations like these.

Little ole me? My New Year’s resolution is to quit my high paying job
and work for myself so I can keep more of my hard earned money.
Regardless of political leanings I don’t want to ante-up for other
people’s mistakes…I don’t care who or what is behind them.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Kenneth Rearden says:

January 9, 2009 at 8:58 pm

A brilliant article. Wonderful.

The only thing I can say is that Atlas Shrugged has never been more
true or relevant than it is today.

Who is John Galt? I wish he was here.



james abugah says:

January 13, 2009 at 11:45 pm

Brilliant research.

You know what?

People are lazy and want free stuff.

Politicians know this too well and will promise anything just to remain
in power.

If unqualified people want loans they will get.

If they want the education system changed they will get.

I think the best thing is to stop any form of bailout.

Let every company or institution that can not stand on its own go

Bailouts are not anyway addressing the real issues and reasons why.


Will Washington allow this?

James Abugah


Glenn Sargent says:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

January 31, 2009 at 7:09 am

Agree with everything said accept!!!! The problem is much deeper, its
the democracy itself, after all these people were voted to their

Can this be fixed? The issue is not as bad in my country but getting
that way as media appeal is becoming more influential on voters, spin
not substance is determining results, but ir’s still appears to better in
AUS than the US.

Could it be because Australia has compulsory voting?

Could it be that people who were happy with their lot are forced to

Would it be good law to enforce a law bans political donations in any

form, and instead allocate public funds evenly, who knows?

Is better economic education needed? Should all political information

only be allowed to be published in print (web news papers, and print
only on television)?

I don’t know what the answer is, but it seems US democracy has
been busted for thirty years. And because of this the politicians have
been able to bust the free enterprise system.

The problems are deeper than they appear.



james says:
May 4, 2009 at 2:34 am

Hi Clayton,
Brilliant research, wonderful writing and exceptional unbiasness.

I just wonder why wouldn’t the Bank CEO refuse to lend to

unqualified borrowers despite laws prohibiting the same?

What better to lend to please Washington or face penalties and save

you bank?

James Abugah

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

dterth says:
June 11, 2009 at 1:02 pm

dsfsdfs67877 test test


greg says:
July 8, 2009 at 12:52 pm

It’s too bad you are an idiot.


Joe says:
July 12, 2009 at 5:32 pm


The root cause for all this may be just a little different.
It may be a plan…

History repeats itself. True saying, proven throughout history.

Those who do not heed the lessons of history are bound to repeat
them. Also true. We just don’t study history, most of it is seen as a
series of happenings, like a TV series.

Remember and realize that our human nature and all it good and bad
has not changed since Adam. The Bible, all relegious and historical
writings confirm it. This is key.

When Socrates (500 BC)and Cicero (50 AD) lament about the
bad state and corruption of government, they were just as serious as
we are today.

Remember also Solomon who said: “There is no news under the sun”
It means that whatever WE think today is news
(for us), in reality it has happened many times over throughout

Study history to understand today, such as:

The depression of 1929 was a set-up in the markets and

was carefully plannned by some very big people, in the USA
and overseas. Greed, greed and more greed. I-WE want it all.

The purpose was to create the biggest bargain opportunity

of a lifetime, so those with money – the planners – could
get even richer… Greed has no end, no limit, no brakes.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

See movie Wall Street fo example: “Greed is good”

Study who owned what before and after the depression in stocks,
property, farms, factories, land, real estate etc.

The Fed is NOT part of the (US) government. They are a private
corporation. Don’t believe it?

Check any telephone directory. They are NOT in the blue

government section. NOT listed with the Dept. of the Treasury, or
Interior or FBI or CIA. Never have been. Why not?

They are not listed because they areservice providers to the US

government, not part of the government.

The Fed is a private group of international bankers, not only US


The Fed was licensed by congressional vote on December 23, 1913

with just four members of congress presenT; day before Christmas,
everyine out of town.

Wonder why? One of the sponsors was a US banker with a big nose,
who in turn was the US agent for one of the real big names in money
– from Europe! They arranged this. They wanted control of the US
money supply and got it.

This family’s motto is: “He who has the license to print-issue money
has real power” That is what ALL Feds around the wold have. They
are commonly called Central Banks.

They create money out of thin air, without real value backing the new
money supply.(such as the gold standard long abandoned in this

Better still, for the Fed, they release this money supply on behalf of
the government with an interest rate attached, so that each dollar
“created” is under debt from its creation.

One dollar plus the going interest rate Libor-govt, whatever

now cost us, the people, the country, say $1.05.
This is autmatic debt creation for us and automatic income for the

Ever wonder why a US dollar bill shows “Federal Reserve Note” and
not U.S. Currency Note? That’s why, that is the automatic way how
the Fed makes its money.

JFK released a US Dollar, which by defenition is the legal tender of a

souvereign country and therefore released without interest or debt. It
did not last long.[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

This is by design, no accident or the work of a few crooks.

As pointed out above, no sane person, let alone government official

would pass the insane laws and regulations that
could – and did – break our economy. Unless it was planned.

There are several other schemes in operation today.

The public does not know and the congress does not know or care.


J.S says:
July 22, 2009 at 3:27 pm

We live as mice trapped in mousetraps. controlled by figures in dark

suites and unkowns to us as voters, I do have documents that
provides certain evidence that WW11 was in works in the early
beginning of the 21st century.

To Makepeace; To research back further, and not in history of

politics, but the signs we see of the underline motives of why and
how certain things takes place at certain dates.

Coincidences are rather less mysterious.

I can print, if anybody want to open pandoras box. And bear with me,
every good, ugly and bad are in every field. I am not into aliens,
UFO’s, witchcraft and bigfooties.

I team up with anybody that has two cents to spare and a message
along with a will to fight, to be that leader and speaker the world is in
search and need of.

We has to do things,too.

As 500 letters, would do it, mysteriously to dissapear on their way up

to correct instances. And if not, then went caught in “spam filters”.

Be the change you hope for Clayton Makepeace. You has it in your
later name written in stone.


The Swdish Meatballer(J.S) says:

July 22, 2009 at 3:36 pm

NOTE’[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

^^^I Hope my language passed somebodies copywriting

prejudgement, somehow I get teased for my lack in this wonderful
language, on copywriting forums~.~~


John says:
August 17, 2009 at 12:47 pm


You have — once again — exposed yourself as little more than a

republican party shill. Stick to copywriting.



Tony Longo says:

September 2, 2009 at 11:48 pm

Why not revisit this and see where we are now…

You say Washington did this, but they are owned by the same banks
and businesses that failed… so I suggest you look into who made
money and see if they were involved… Like The Skulls from Yale…
we will never know what is really happening behind closed doors.



Pingback: where do I find the Foreclosure Timeline

Bucktowndusty says:
September 23, 2009 at 7:17 am


Like you, I hate Democrats. But as a conservative unaffiliated voter

who votes Constitution party, I have to tell you HOW UTTERLY

You did a great job researching the Democrats, but YOU MUST

Again, I’m more conservative that you, trust me. You will have to
rewrite this post after you see this video:[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |


Pingback: business credit cards instant approval

robert says:
October 15, 2009 at 10:52 pm

Joe is right.

We don’t learn from history and there are bigger powers at play than
repubs vs dems (That is a mugs game and mr makepeace or
whatever … is a mug).


Jim J says:
January 29, 2010 at 12:27 pm

What a masterfully crafted plan! One year into Obama’s presidency

and his 1st State of the Union speech. As a country, I did not think it
possible that those we meager citizens elect to office could do such a
horrific “job”, that being to represent their constituency.

Yet another part of the Master Plan is to feed the masses so much
information that A) they will never be able to keep anything straight,
and B) it will have a numbing effect on the general populous. This
once great country used to have a national pastime, that being
baseball. Today this is hugely overshadowed by the almighty
computer (chip), the internet (created by Al Gore), video games and
television. Much of what is available is absolute garbage. Joe Public
just sits back and eats this stuff up. I equate this to the movie
“Idiocracy”, a comedy about a couple of average intelligence who
land in the future (United States of America) where everyone is
dumber than a box of hammers. This is, in today’s reality, not very

I have no statistics to support this claim, but I would wager that IQ’s
overall have dropped sharply from generation to generation. This
must also be a part of the Master Plan- to provide education through
public schools, and to make absolutely sure that the education given
consistently erodes year over year. This has turned out to be nothing
more than a babysitting service for most working couples with
children. A decent education is still available in this country, but at a
price (that has gone up every year for many years). Most young
adults (I affectionately call them the “what’s-in-it-for-me now?”
generation) are not capable of doing simple math in their heads- I[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

recently gave a $100 bill, 2 one-dollar bills and 2 quarters to a kid for
a $12.50 bill. He could not do the math, and went into meltdown
mode. He refused any logical help from me, of course, and instead
had to physically go and get his manager. She was confused also,
but did manage to sort it out. This took roughly 5 minutes, and the
people that were standing in line behind me? They appeared to be
very dissatisfied WITH ME for causing this delay. I guess that’s why
Stupid America just uses the VISA card- nobody has to do any math.
And something else about this that bothers me- 9 out of 10 people
who use “the card” say they do not need a receipt when asked. I
guess they can do this type of math in their heads with no problem…

Regarding the housing and banking mess we find ourselves in, my

feeling is that we are nowhere near the end of this debacle. ARM’s
are still out there for some more hurt down the road. I think the banks
are paying out those ridiculous bonuses now while they still can. The
next freight train to more financial ruin lies in the commercial real
estate market. One in every four square feet of rental space in
America is currently vacant! You think the housing crisis was bad?
This ought to be a really fun ride in the coming months and years for

Here’s a simple test for what side of the fence you happen to be on-

If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.

If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he simply switches

Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down. (Pelosi/Reid
banning CSPAN from televising the healthcare debate on the floor of
the house? C’mon!)

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion
silenced. (Unless it’s a foreign religion, of course!)

Recently, I invited over 100 of my friends who are online to join

Numbers USA to at least let those in Washington know how they feel
about important issues. I am completely mortified that NOT ONE of[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

these people that I invited has joined. It’s free, and I believe, a good
cause run by real people who really do care about the shenanigans
and Tom Foolery that is going on in our capital, and state
Governments as well. I am further disturbed that NOT ONE of these
people who I invited through my own email has responded AT ALL.
This clearly shows one the indifference that mainstream America has
when it comes to politics (the numbing effect).

I wish this country well, but I do not have a good feeling for what is
coming down the pipe.

For what it’s worth…

Jim J.
Tempe, AZ


Chris says:
February 3, 2010 at 11:47 am

“If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.”

Just one example of all the idiocy exemplified by Americans who

believe that they have enough knowledge to form an opinion about
politics and policy. The scourge of this country is the tendency toward
thinking with emotion and not after analysis and education. Only an
authortarian “conservative” (the modern republican) would think along
the lines of the above statement. A true conservative (libertarian)
realizes that limited rights for one group of people endangers the
rights of all. Lack of thought, and too much emotion, is why we are so
easily coached on how and what to think by the media. Most middle
calss conservatives only support the modern republican party
because they are too uneducated to know the difference, or are just
happy to belong to a club. Idiots.

If you are thinking in terms of democrats vs republicans, then you’ve

already lost. You are playing the game as it was designed for you to
play it, and your power is completely removed in the process. Do you
think the super wealthy care about democrats vs republicans? They
win no matter who is in office. They only care that the majority of
people in this country have no real democratic power. Without a
powerful third party to compete with the dems and the republicans,
we don’t. The two parties are more similar than different, talking
points and propaganda aside.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

Eddie says:
February 17, 2010 at 12:58 am

I beg to differ Mr Clayton.We are the imbeciles here for electing those
lunatics to power-or letting them remain there.

They are way more smart and crafty than we will ever know,hence
they are up and we are down in the gutter.

We are stupid asses for silently agreeing to carry their ever

increasing burdens while whinging like little girls.

Thank you


Darren says:
January 9, 2011 at 5:04 pm


I am glad you responded to Jim in his denial of partisan politics

having anything to do with our current situation. My world has been
turned upside-down from the time the ink dried on Mr. Clinton’s
FREE TRADE AGREEMENT. I worked for 22 years for a company
that I planned on retiring from. My father worked for that company for
45 years. As son as these acts were implemented all of the West
Coast plants I worked for were CLOSED. They relocated in places
like Mexico and Vietnam (yes Vietnam?). Millions of jobs disappeared
overnight, never to return. I retrained and have not been able to keep
a job more than 2 years because of economic failure. At age 51 I
need to be working my hardest. I have been unemployed for more
than 6 months now. My father managed to squeeze in one of the last
decent retirements to be had. My Mother did not fair so well. Her
800k retirement, all invested in stocks; is now worth virtually nothing.
That is exactly why I am on Clayton’s site, trying to create a
formidable business plan to try to salvage my future and
retirement….if that is possible.

Thank you



tłumacz przysięgły opole says:

April 14, 2012 at 3:57 am

My brother recommended I would possibly like this blog. He used to

be totally right. This submit truly made my day. You can not consider[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

A Conspiracy of Imbeciles |

just how a lot time I had spent for this info! Thank you!


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:53:05 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

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Emergency Issue
Wake-Up Call!
Posted on October 10, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
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We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Dear Business-Builder, Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
On January 21 of this year and again on March 17, I warned you that the you should know …
Do You Believe?
economy was about to get extremely tough and urged you to prepare.

I pointed out that trillions of dollars in subprime mortgages granted to

unqualified low-income people — and then securitized and sold to major
institutions and investors by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and others — had lit
the fuse on a keg of dynamite that would blow the economy to smithereens.

Since then, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has plunged about 30% and
we’ve seen two of the three largest point declines and the worst week in Dow
history. The S&P 500 and NYSE indices have plunged about 32% and 35%

This morning, CNBC reported that the Wilshire 5000 has lost $8 trillion of its
value this year.

I’ve been studying and writing about this crisis since 2006 — long before
anybody in Washington or Wall Street was saying a word about it. Nine
months ago — when it became clear that this crisis would have a major
impact on your career and/or business, I began writing about it in this
marketing blog, too.

In the nine, short months since then, many of our oldest and most venerable
financial institutions have failed, been seized by Washington or swallowed
whole by competitors:[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

Major Wall Street brokers Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers … banks and
thrifts like IndyMac, Wachovia and Washington Mutual … our largest
insurance company, AIG … and of course our two largest mortgage
companies, Fannie and Freddie. All gone.

Today, despite more than $2 trillion in congressional, Fed and Treasury

Department intervention, the crisis is now spreading beyond Wall Street …
beyond Main Street … to YOUR street.

And even worse, it’s spreading beyond our shores and burning through Asia
and Europe. In overnight trading, India’s stock market fell 6.86% … Hong
Kong stocks dropped 7.2% … Singapore plunged 7.3% … Australia cratered
8.2% … and Japan’s Nikkei 225 index crashed 9.62%.

The bloodbath was repeated throughout Europe. Belgium: down 6.23%. The
Netherlands: Down 7.9%. Spain: Down 7.91%. The UK: Down 7.62%.
France: Down 8.7%. All in a single trading session.

There was not a single major stock exchange in Asia or in Europe that rose
in value.

This subprime crisis that devastated the U.S. financial sector and that is now
slamming every other sector has now infected the entire world.

The next shoes to drop, in my opinion:

1. A Tidal Wave of Business Failures: With raw materials prices still high
and with terrified consumers slamming their wallets shut, many companies
are now living on borrowed time.

They’re frantically cutting costs, firing workers and still burning through what
little cash they have. Now, with little or no credit available to them, the
writing’s on the wall:

Expect to see huge numbers of U.S. firms go bust in the weeks ahead.

2. Exploding Unemployment: Since January, three-quarters of a million

Americans have lost their jobs. That number could easily double before the
end of the year.

This week, many began to believe that General Motors, once the world’s
largest auto manufacturer, now could be a heartbeat away from bankruptcy.
Ford and Chrysler also seem to be hanging by a thread.

Between them, more than 600,000 jobs are on the line. And thousands of
other companies are now contemplating new layoffs in a desperate attempt
to survive.

Expect to see unemployment surge from today’s 6.1% to well over 8%;[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

perhaps higher.

3. The End of Retirement: Americans in retirement and those approaching

retirement are getting creamed. The massive stock market losses of the last
year have devastated their 401k and IRA retirement accounts. Many — if not
most — pension plans are smoking ruins.

Expect to see news stories about an epidemic of retirees searching for work
and even homeless seniors in the weeks ahead.

4. Local Governments On the Skids: States, counties and cities from coast
to coast are starving for cash. With the economy slowing and tax revenues
dwindling — and with their budgets at or near all-time highs — many are now
staring down the barrel at bankruptcy.

Expect to see several U.S. states, counties and cities go bust and, failing a
federal bail-out, default on their bonds well into 2009.

So please — if you haven’t already, be sure to take the defensive steps I

outlined in my September 26 issue. Since I wrote “Expect stocks to plunge”
in that article just ten trading days ago, the average NYSE stock has cratered
nearly 27%.

That said, while it’s wise to acknowledge the dangers out there and to take
reasonable steps to protect your money, yourself and your family, this is not
the end of the world.

The Glass: Half Full

Even in the depths of The Great Depression, 75% of all American workers
had a job and some money to spend. And businesses that offered products
they needed did just fine.

More good news for you: Small businesses have a huge advantage in times
like these. We tend to be far less encumbered by debt, far less dependent on
financing and far more nimble — able to quickly shift our product lines in
ways that keep our companies growing.

If you’re a business owner or marketing pro in a small business, nothing you

do now could possibly be more crucial than to find ways to become
indispensible to your prospects as the economy weakens.

If you’re a marketing consultant or copywriter, nothing is more important than

finding those kinds of companies and partnering with them.

And in either case, nothing could be more valuable to you now than to find
new tools capable of actually increasing your response, revenues and profits
in this environment.

Despite everything that’s going on in the economy and investment markets[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

now, I’ve just created an e-mail campaign that persuaded nearly 40,000
investors to register for an online crisis briefing that took place at noon today.

And I created a sales page offering them a service designed to leverage this
crisis with investments that soar when stocks plunge. I fully expect the
response to be enormous for my client and my royalties to be well into six

Knowing how to create those kinds of online campaigns at a time like this —
how to write e-mails that get opened, read and responded to … to craft online
events that your prospects can’t resist … and sales pages that convert huge
numbers of prospects into high-paying customers — is like money in the

And I’m going to show you how I do it — FREE

on Thursday, October 16th
At high noon Eastern time next Thursday, I’m going to show you the online
campaigns I’m using right now to make millions for a client and hundreds of
thousands dollars a month for myself.

I’m going to show you the marketing strategy I use …

The subject lines and e-mail copy that persuade an average of

33,000 prospects to view an online marketing event …

The sales page copy that pulls in as much as $2.5 million in

revenue immediately after the event and millions more the days
following …

The follow-up campaign that keeps bringing thousands more

prospects to the recording of the event and to my sales pages
for weeks …

In short, I’m going to give you the entire formula — completely


And I’m even going to answer any questions you may have …

All online.

All I ask is that you register so I know you’re coming and to make sure you
receive instructions for attending before close of business next Wednesday.

Frankly, if you miss this event, you should have your head examined.

This will not be old, tired, re-chewed pre-digested pap some gurus pass off[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

as “valuable knowledge.” There will be no fluff. No B.S.

These techniques and strategies are real. They’re what I use to get more in
sales from each prospect and customer on a list than anyone does today.
They’re proprietary tools so effective, my client gleefully pays me hundreds of
thousands of dollars a month for them.

These are the crown jewels, my friend.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or marketing pro, this is precisely

the knowledge that can help keep your company growing and get you
through this.

If you’re a marketing consultant or a copywriter, this is the skill you need to

pile up huge fees and royalties no matter how bad things get.

This will be THE FIRST, LAST AND ONLY TIME I teach this and answer your
questions live and in person. There’s a limit to how many attendees we can
accommodate. The event is free — no strings attached — but you must
register to receive attendance instructions.

So if you’re serious about discovering a way to make more money as the

economy continues to worsen, claim your free registration now: Just click
this link to register while space is still available.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← A Conversation With Whatever you do,

the Legendary Copywriter DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive
GARY BENCIVENGA in this sinking economy! →
Part 1 of 6

11 Responses to Emergency Issue

Wake-Up Call![11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

lawton chiles says:

October 10, 2008 at 5:11 pm

Clayton, as I am the only Democrat on your list, I wish you luck in this
crazy financial wave.

Rock on and talk soon!

Lawton Chiles


Jim Furr says:

October 10, 2008 at 5:47 pm

Hi Clayton!

Great to know you are giving us soooo much free stuff.

It will help us and You by keeping us "in the game" and keeping us
flush with cash to buy your products

Very smart indeed,


Jim Furr ><>


Susan Connors says:

October 10, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Hi Clayton

Thank you for this and looking forward to the webinar.

Sue in Aus


Joyce Ozier says:

October 10, 2008 at 5:52 pm

Hi Clayton,
I have been on your mailing list for a while now and always
appreciate what all of you share. I would love to be on your call on[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

the 16th, but unfortunately, I’ll be in transit. Will you be recording the
session? If so, would it be possible to be notified?
Joyce Ozier


Chris Lake says:

October 10, 2008 at 6:44 pm

Thanks Clayton, for leading by example: he who keeps his head while
those around him are losing theirs has an unparalleled opportunity. I
wouldn’t miss the event for anything.


Chris Lake


sheila says:
October 11, 2008 at 2:37 am

Hi from the UK.

Like Joyce, I too will be in transit, is there any other way we can be
part of this. AND, thanks for all your E mails.



Paul Simister says:

October 11, 2008 at 7:11 am

Hi Clayton

Like you I have been warning that the good times have to come to an
end because so much of the economy was built on weak foundations.

But it is scary the way the contagion is spreading and one word
dominates the newspaper headlines in the UK today


To paraphrase the old Chinese proverb " we live in interesting times"

Reply[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

Marcelino Latorre says:

October 11, 2008 at 8:12 am

Thanks for the opportunity Clayton!!This is the stuff I live for.


AZMike says:
October 11, 2008 at 7:42 pm

I don’t know if any of you can take comfort in any of these quotes but
you should be encouraged by the fact that just having read the above
post means you or the friends that sent you here are MILES ahead of
the rest of the world. So being in good company what are you going
to do with your knowledge, your addvantage?

I can imagine the 1 percenter’s will be listening to the webinar, then

applying the secrets they there-in learn.

Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. It’s just a

matter of how you view them. –Unknown Every problem has in it the
seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t
get any seeds.–Norman Vincent Peale If you don’t have something to
overcome, you’ll be overcome by complacency. –Randall D. Worley
In every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. –
Robert Collier It is not because things are difficult that we do not
dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. –Seneca
Look at every obstacle as an opportunity. –Dr. Wayne Dyer
Obstacles across our path can be spiritual flat tires–disruptions in our
lives seem to be disastrous at the time, but end by redirecting our
lives in a meaningful way. –Bernie Siegal Others can stop you
temporarily – you are the only one who can do it permanently. –Zig
Ziglar People who take risks are the people you’ll lose against. –
John Scully Search for the seed of good in every adversity. –Og
Mandino Show me someone who has done something worthwhile,
and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity. –Lou Holtz
The boy who is going to make a great man… must not make up his
mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in
spite of a thousand defeats. –Theodore Roosevelt The people who
are really failures are the people who set their standards so low,
keep the bar at such a safe level, that they never run the risk of
failure. –Robert Schuller We grow because we struggle, we learn and
overcome. –R. C. Allen Welcome every problem as an opportunity.
Each moment is the greatest challenge. The more difficult the
problem, the greater the challenge in working it out. –Grace Speare
What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our
attitude towards it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every
difficulty has an opportunity. –J. Sidlo Baxter You measure the size
of the accomplishment by the obstacle you had to overcome to reach[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

your goals.
–Unknown Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the
exhilaration of victory. –George S. Patton

Well if you read this far go get to work on helping yourself, and most
likely your fellowman for how can you enrich yourself without
enriching others?



Steve Weber says:

October 11, 2008 at 10:06 pm

Clayton … You DEFINITELY "Hit the Nail on the Head" on this One!

Interesting enough, Many in the Middle Class WILL Be WIPED Out

while those that INVEST In REAL ASSETS Stand to MAKE Millions!

Fortunately, for years now, we’ve been showing Regular Folks "How
to Reduce their Tax-Bite while Investing in Hard Assets" by using the
Tax Code to their Fullest Advantage. What we’ve Done is NO Real
Secret … but the Vested Interests of the Banks and The Wall Street
"Expensive Suits" have done a great job of hiding this "Secret" with
False and Misleading Information.

The "Secret" IS simply a Self-Directed Roth IRA where Individual

Account Holder CAN Choose for themselves What they Invest in !

Much to their surprise, our clients have Discovered that they Are
MORE Qualified than they Ever realized at making Smart decisions
on their Own with our help and guidance.

It IS Time for each of us to Take Responsibility, Meaning Control,

over Our OWN Financial Security and Destinies without Expecting
our Government Officials and the Wall Street "Professionals" to do
this for us.

And … that’s our Story and We’re Sticking to It !

Steve Weber


larry davis says:

October 14, 2008 at 12:50 am[11/29/2012 7:53:35 PM]

Emergency Issue Wake-Up Call! |

Hi Clayton…
hope i won’t be too late for seminar…
Many things I can learn-as-a-marketer ;
Hope am not too-late to find out M-ore…

Yet ; only as a matter of FACT __I gotta say :

I’m Not an economist__And their are many with
different views__BUT :

As a student of history__
I kinda disagree with some comparisons to 1929-Depression ;
To NOW___

We’ll in better shape than -That __

a.] in 1929 …joblessness was UP-To 25-29% ;

currently unemployment is 6-7%….

b.] in 1929…Depression… 9000 banks failed + bank-runs..

The bi-patisan ‘Rescue-Plan’…is saving world economy from

I AGREE : we as online-marketers can learn…

from You "How-To-Make-A-Difference….
Yet , my ‘OPINION’ is :
to keep Cool-Heads & Not Be ALARMED..

I kinda’ disagree with "economist" who suggest we’re …

comin’ close to __Historical-FACTS of 1929s’ Depression…

And I Agree with you ….Online-marketers should lOOk-Forward…

Hope I’m not too Late to get IMPORTANT ___Upcoming-Call__



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Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

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DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive

in this sinking economy! Search

Posted on October 13, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

Recent Posts
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Dear Business-Builder, Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Did you know I can read your mind?
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Yeah, I can.

Right now, for instance, you’re doing exactly what the headline above says
you shouldn’t be doing.

You’re thinking worst case scenarios …

You’re thinking, “What will I do if this economy kills my job … or

my client’s company? How will I pay the phone and utility bills?
My mortgage, car and credit card payments? Will I wind up
broke and homeless? What will I do then?”

Or if you own a business, you’re thinking “What if sales get so

bad, I have to begin laying off my friends?” And worse: “What
if I have to fire myself and close my doors for good? What will
become of my family then?”

OK — so I can’t really read your mind. It’s just that I know that millions of
other Americans are thinking about and worrying about the very same things
right now.

And you’re right to. This economy stinks. It stinks more with every passing[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

week. And tragically, millions of Americans — and millions of others around

the globe — are already living your worst nightmare.

But there is a solution. And that solution is to pile up as much cash as you
can as quickly as you can, beginning right now.

Because at a time like this, cash is KING.

At a time like this, having many months or even years of money in your
mattress is the best cure for insomnia. Money to make sure you’ll never
have a moment’s worry no matter how bad things get.

Don’t have enough cash to see you through a couple of years of hard times?
Then you need a skill that guarantees you’ll be able to keep on raking in good
money no matter what.

And guess what? You do. Or at least, you’re off to a darned great start.

Because as I said last Friday, even in The Great Depression, 75% of all
Americans still had a job, and income and good money to spend.

And companies that offered them things that helped them cope got richer
than Croesus.

Did you know the entire cosmetics industry was born in the depths of The
Great Depression? It’s true! Seems that offering the ladies a little
inexpensive luxury — a small guilty pleasure — made the people who made
and sold lipstick and rouge and eye makeup filthy, stinking rich.

Other products that provided entertainment value or any respite from the
daily deluge of bad news did great, too.

So did products that helped people’s food money or gas money or health
dollar go farther. Because even in the worst of times, people still have to eat
and move around.

And anything that can help folks miss fewer days of work, be more productive
or save money at the doctor’s office or drug store is a god-send.

Plus of course, things that helped them find work, add an extra stream of
income, or start their own depression-sensitive business did gangbusters.

And whatever you do, don’t forget that no matter what, there will still be rich
and even super-rich people out there. High priced and luxury products that
cater to them will still do well.

So don’t despair my friend; and whatever you do, do NOT panic. At times
like this, you need a clear head. And you need to NOT be one of those guys
who wants to surrender five minutes after the war begins.[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

If you own a company or work for one, make sure you have the kinds of
products described above in your inventory.

If you’re a marketing consultant or copywriter, seek out clients that offer them
and challenge them to let you clobber their controls.

These companies need you now more than ever before.

Plus, you’re a marketer. That means you have skills that create desire in
prospects. You have the knack for persuasion. You could sell veal to
vegetarians or iceboxes to Icelanders if you so desired.

And lucky for you, you also have the Internet — the marketer’s dream that
lets you send your winged words to thousands or even millions of prospects
and customers free.

You also have a secret weapon that 300 million Americans do not. You’re
reading it right now. And you have my word that the entire Total Package
team and I are NOT going to leave you on your own.

That’s no idle promise. In fact, we’re starting this very Thursday with a FREE
webinar with the unassuming title, “My Multi-Million-Dollar Secret Revealed.”

It’s free, it takes only seconds to register, and I promise you’ll come away
with a ton of ideas you can use to make more money in less time than you
may now believe possible — no matter how bad this economy gets.

No hype, no fluff: I’m going to deliver the goods: The specific strategies and
tactics I I use to persude an average of 33,000 prospects to attend an online
event for a client every month … and the follow-up campaigns I use to
generate millions of dollars in sales and hundreds of thousands of dollars in
royalties for myself.

We’re going to cover it all: The grand strategy … list segmentation … subject
lines … e-mail copy … sales page copy … follow-up strategy … the works.
And if you want even more help, I’ll even show you how to get it.

But you must register to attend and there’s a limit to how many people we
can accommodate — so a smart person would be registering right now …
wouldn’t one?

In the meantime, keep that chin up, Sparky![11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

There will be tons of opportunities for you to make a bundle in this great
crisis. I’d even go so far as to say that it has the potential to create more
millionaires than the five-year bull market did … IF you make the right moves

And you can count on all of us here at The Total Package to point out every
single one we find every day, every week until this crisis is past. And
hopefully, beyond.

You have my word on it. I Promise!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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Wake-Up Call!

17 Responses to Whatever you do,

DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive
in this sinking economy!

Susan says:
October 13, 2008 at 10:37 am

Thanks Clayton for your words of wisdom. Every time I get

down about the economy I read one of your blogs and feel hopeful
again. Keep up the good work.


Sparky! says:
October 13, 2008 at 10:53 am[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

Oh Boy! I feel like This Letter Was WrittenJust for Me! By Gosh I’m
Gonna Do My BestTo Be On That Call!


Susan Connors says:

October 13, 2008 at 11:35 am

Hi Clayton

Its 2:30am here in Australia and I am feeling more optimistic than

before. Through crisis come opportunities and there are plenty on the
playing field.

Looking forward to the call

Thanks again

Sue In Aus


Terry Dickson says:

October 13, 2008 at 11:37 am

Is this a dream? Better wake me up! I really will be in the webinar this
coming Thursday at noon. Before I watch it I just am asking if the
webinar also has text message? Remember I am DEAF and would
also love to benefit from your speech.

Thank You,



Kelley Eidem says:

October 13, 2008 at 11:45 am

You’re so right, Clayton!

My sales have done nothing but steadily climb for the last nine
weeks. I’m actually going to retire from my day job next month.

What’s been working for me is to send readers to my understated

blog entry with links to a free page. What seems to be happening is
that when you offer something worthwhile and give complete freedom
to the reader…not requiring their email address… they like it.[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

One of my products is an eBook for erectile dysfunction (with many

peer review journal references). For three years, almost all the sales
were to men. Since creating that page, which merely contains a
byline reference to the eBook, a bunch of sales to women have

Go take a look if you feel so moved.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


Chris Ferrell says:

October 13, 2008 at 1:45 pm

I registered for the webinar. Am I supposed to receive some type of

"opt-in" or "confirmation" email?


pete says:
October 13, 2008 at 3:17 pm

Hi Chris –

Yes, you should have received a confirmation e-mail. However, I

checked our database, and you’re in there. Make sure to whitelist
our e-mail address so you don’t miss the attendance instructions.


Mike says:
October 13, 2008 at 3:26 pm

I’ve signed up 2x for the seminar and I didn’t receive any emails
either. What should be whitelisted? I get the newsletter everyday
without incident.Thanks.


pete says:
October 13, 2008 at 5:38 pm[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

Mike, you’re on the list as well.

These are the addresses to whitelist:

I’ll do some troubleshooting to see if there’s another reason people

aren’t getting their e-mails. I’ll post back here if I find anything.


Marcelino Latorre says:

October 13, 2008 at 6:58 pm

Thanks big


Jeremy Reeves says:

October 14, 2008 at 8:25 am

I can’t wait for the call on Thursday…I’m sure you’ll blow our minds
once again like you do with every post

I’m sick of hearing about the economy. There’s nothing we can

individually do to change it, so why fuss over it?

I’m focused on what I’m going to personally do to build my business

faster to get through it – not what bad could possibly happen.

Jeremy Reeves


Carline says:
October 14, 2008 at 9:27 am

Just signed up — I’ll be there with my notepad and pen in hand. Can’t
wait! Thanks for doing this, Clayton!


Sarah clachar says:[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

October 14, 2008 at 10:52 am


Thank you again for your post. Which brings to mind something I’ve
been thinking a lot about as a health copywriter – giving your
prospects lots of valuable information as part of the selling process
(something you do beautifully).

With people pinching pennies, now is the time to convince them that
you have their best interests at heart. And one way to do that is to
provide information-rich (no fluff) sales copy and good content.

And Clayton, what you mentioned about the kinds of things that
people will continue to buy – if not buy even more of – is definitely
true. I drew from interviews with a few health market analysts to note
this in a free report I just put out – "Health Copywriting Strategies for
a Tough Economy".   Natural/DIY health products and modest
indulgences will be more in demand as this economy splutters.

Sarah Clachar
health copywriter


Martin says:
October 14, 2008 at 9:51 pm

Will there be a replay for those of us who can not make the live



Kevin Lam says:

October 15, 2008 at 10:28 am

Well, I’m signed up and waiting to hear you on the webinar tomorrow.
I even put it on my calender that’s hanging up right beside me. I’m
sure there’s going to be a wealth of information to be heard and a
wealth of income for me to make from it.


DK Fynn | Direct-Response Copywriter says:[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

October 15, 2008 at 2:54 pm

I definitely agree with the key message of this post.

Abundance is everywhere, as is opportunity.

In this recession and poor spirits, we have the opportunity to use our
products and services to lift people’s spirits.

Another way of looking at this situation is to see it as a transfer of

wealth from the few, wealthy elite to the small, but larger-in-number
business owners, like us. Frank Kern taught me that.

If you have a product or service, my advice would be to reframe it or

reposition it to match people’s moods at this time. That is, show them
how it helps them to save money in the long run. Offer added
incentives to maximize the value of what you have to offer.

That’s what I’m doing.

Also, someone on some blog (I think PPC Classroom), said that

because of this, companies will be cutting back on their advertising.

As a reader of this blog, you know how we feel about that, so there’s
your advantage…

There’s so much opportunity…

In fact, for me, there’s too much opportunity, quite frankly.

Most people are thinking, "What will I do?" I’m thinking, "Man…
there’s so much I can do, but I have to stick with being a direct-
response copywriter and business strategist."

DK Fynn,
Direct-Response Copywriter and business strategist


Lois says:
October 16, 2008 at 12:50 pm

I am making this comment now before the webcast is finished

because I have just wasted a whole lot of time attempting to join it. I
read a comment from a person who had visited the experience in the
dark in Atlanta recently as something different for her 25th wedding
anaversory . She had an "eye opening" experience. As a blind person
I am having an unusually hard time on this website. at the moment I
am hoping that there is not one of those visual security codes at the[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

Whatever you do, DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive in this sinking economy! |

end of this process to post a message as well. Unfortunately a lot of

websites are not useable by blind people. A new organisation is
starting soon to allow people to create accessible websites so as the
increasing millions of visually impaired people are not seriously
disadvantaged. It is all about the design of the website. and using
both text and visual information to include everybody. A movement
that presents the business case for full accessibility for everyone is
going to be launched soon. Keep an eye out for how your business is
able to connect to more people soon.


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:53:50 PM]

We’re Gonna Get You Through This! |

Home Archives About Us Copywriter Tools Testimonials Readers Rave Contact

← Whatever you do, A Conversation With Free E-Letter

DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive the Legendary Copywriter Sign-up Here!
in this sinking economy! GARY BENCIVENGA
Part 2 of 6 → Subscribe to RSS

We’re Gonna Get You Through This!

Posted on October 16, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. Recent Posts

He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Dear Business-Builder, Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
More than four thousand folks signed up to attend today’s webcast; “My
by storm, there’s something
Multi-Million-Dollar Secret REVEALED” … you should know …
Do You Believe?

Nearly two thousand entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing execs,

consultants and copywriters attended live …

And I got to answer tons of questions about the online strategy I’m using to
generate millions of dollars in sales every month online.

Now — in case you missed it or want to watch it again, I’ve posted the video
of the event online: Just click here to watch it now.

And when you’re done, I’ll meet you over at our new OPM Blog and answer
any questions you have about USING the strategies I present to crank up
your response and profits online!

So come on — what are you waiting for? We’re here to help you through this
great crisis any way we can!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.[11/29/2012 7:54:01 PM]

We’re Gonna Get You Through This! |

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

This entry was posted in Archives. Bookmark the permalink.

← Whatever you do, A Conversation With

DO NOT worry about how you’ll survive the Legendary Copywriter
in this sinking economy! GARY BENCIVENGA
Part 2 of 6 →

2 Responses to We’re Gonna Get You Through This!

Jean Gogolin says:

October 19, 2008 at 12:31 pm

Hi Clayton,
I enjoyed your webcast very much, but as a speechwriter I do have
one comment: There was too much preamble before you got to the
point. Everyone listening knew the economy is in a tailspin; there was
no need to go into that at length. We wanted to hear what to do about
Otherwise, many thanks.


ChabrellIgaN says:
March 31, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Zdraste! Vot takoi vot u vas horoshiy sait. Spasibki.


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A Conversation With Subscribe to RSS

the Legendary Copywriter


Part 1 of 6
Recent Posts
Posted on October 9, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Like One person likes this. Sign Up to see what your friends like.
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder,
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
If the thought of an extended interview with Gary Bencivenga doesn’t already Do You Believe?

have you quivering with anticipation, you are obviously in desperate need of a
quick course in direct response marketing lore.

Over three decades ago, when I was just beginning my journey in this
fascinating business, eagerly devouring everything by John Caples, David
Ogilvy, and Dan Rosenthal I could lay my hands on, Gary Bencivenga had
already served a personal internship with each one of them.

When I was barely scraping by as a freelancer – writing ads for water heaters
and local banks and dreaming about breaking into the super-lucrative
financial publishing business – Gary ruled the roost, writing one blindingly
brilliant control after another for the biggest mailers in the industry.

Gary doesn’t know it, of course, but in a very real way, he was my mentor. I
spent a fortune I didn’t have at the time subscribing to every publication he
promoted just to make sure I got samples of his promotion packages.

Whenever one of Gary’s inspired promotions arrived in my mailbox, it was a

red-letter day: Like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Year’s Day all rolled into one. Studying those Bencivenga controls taught me
more – and made me more money – than all the books by all the great
masters who had gone before combined!

So let’s dispense with hype and horsesh*t: Right now, the Internet is crawling
with charlatans claiming to be the greatest copywriter alive – and then urging[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

you to pay them a fortune for their books and courses. Many are complete
frauds – scam artists who have never had a single hot control for a major
mailer – looking to make a quick buck off of you.

Other self-proclaimed experts really have made millions writing copy – most
of it aimed at selling their own books, courses and conferences, but rarely if
ever competing against top writers in the real world.

Only a handful of copywriters in our generation have ever competed at

anywhere near Gary Bencivenga’s level over the long haul. And if our little
fraternity held an election today, Gary would be unanimously elected King.
Gary showed us the way and we worship the ground he walks on.

And as a bonus, Gary is the nicest, sweetest, most humble, and the most
generous guy you could ever hope to meet.

Yeah, I admit it: I genuinely love Gary. I want to marry him and have ALL his

… So as you can imagine, it was an absolute thrill to spend a full 90 minutes

picking his massive brain for ways to help you get bigger winners more often.

Here’s how it went …

Clayton: Hi Gary, I really appreciate you doing this.

Gary: I like doing this. Especially with somebody as

knowledgeable and somebody I respect as much as
you. So this should be fun.

Clayton: That’s awfully nice. I spent some time on the phone

this morning with Carline. Did she send you the picture
of the two of you?

Gary: Yes, I looked at it about a half hour ago. What a

beautiful picture. I just wrote her a little note back. I
said, “Thanks for the photo,” and I just wondered how
you came by it because you weren’t at the meeting.

Clayton: No. Carline is, or was, one of my copy cubs. I kind of

got her started in the business.

Gary: She’s fantastic.

Clayton: She is – I have her booked up for the next two years
with one of my clients.

You were doing mostly freelance when you were really[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

active. What I’ve done more of lately is to pick up a

client and get involved in all aspects of his marketing
and then bring in other copywriters to get both
acquisition packages done for them and also back-end

Gary: That makes a lot of sense, Clayton. I know that some

major clients now are starting to pay royalties just for
those who do the copy chiefing.

Clayton: Right. It’s cool because I get to bring in more

copywriters and bring in more people and do less of
that opening the vein and bleeding on the page.

Gary: I wish I had thought of this idea. I’d have more blood in
my veins. That’s really a smart way to go. I guess you
have to be very careful, Clayton, about who you decide
to bring in on a project because you don’t want extra
work trying to untangle a mess rather than fine tuning a
few things.

Clayton: That’s true. Quite often, you find a writer doesn’t work
out and so you don’t return to that writer and end up
writing it yourself. But other times, you wind up finding
these little gems. It’s how I found Parris Lampropoulos
and Carline and Bob Hutchinson and Kent Komae.

Gary: Oh my goodness, you have a better farm system than

the Yankees.

Clayton: Well, I’ve struck out a few times, too.

Gary: The names you’ve mentioned are stars.

Clayton: They’re all doing quite well. That’s gratifying. As you

know — and I think we’re of one mind about this — one
of the most rewarding things you can do is to help
younger writers get going.

What are you doing now? I know that you’re semi-

retired but I suspect you still have lots of irons in the

Gary: Yes I do. I really don’t take any client work anymore,
with the one exception of a food and wine newsletter
that I’ve become a partner in. That’s just been a lot of
fun. My wife and I are active in helping a charity for
disabled children and we throw a big Hamptons food
and wine party every year.[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

During that first event, we met somebody named David

Rosengarten who is a TV chef and has a newsletter.
And he said, “Gee, well, I’ve helped you with your
charity event, can you just take a look at my
newsletter?” And I said to myself, “Oh, another guy
with another newsletter. They all think it’s so easy.”

But I read the newsletter and just fell in love with it.
David is a brilliant writer. In my view, he’s the world’s
best food and wine writer. He’s so colorful and just
makes the subject come alive.

As things wound up, I became a partner in the

marketing part of his business and that’s one thing I’m
doing now. So we’re having a lot of fun hanging out
with great chefs at their restaurants, having a lot of
wine and traveling and eating a lot of great food and it’s
all part of business research. So it’s a lot of fun.

Clayton: Cool! Why don’t we go ahead and get started with the
“official” part of our interview? Let’s begin by having
you tell us a little bit about your background, your
family life, childhood, growing up.

Gary: I was born in 1946 in Brooklyn. It was a very

fascinating time and interesting place to be because
Brooklyn really had been a bedroom community to
New York City — Manhattan. Just on my street, for
example, I’d say, counting both sides of the street, one
block, there were maybe 12 apartment houses at least
six stories high with anywhere from 50 to 100 families
in each one.

As the baby boom really exploded, just on my one little

block, there were literally hundreds of kids and every
block for miles in each direction had the same
situation. So Brooklyn was just teeming with kids my
own age of every kind of background you could
imagine. From hoodlums and gangs to kids who would
ace a perfect score on their SAT when they grew up,
and everybody in between. You got to know and
interact with just about every personality imaginable.

On our floor in my apartment building, next door to us

there was a rabbi with his family. On the other side of
us was a man who was an investigative journalist for
the New York Herald Tribune newspaper. In an
apartment on the same floor was a gypsy woman who
always wore a kerchief and would bring us strange
concoctions when one of the children was sick.[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

It wasn’t a melting pot — it was a melting vat. And

when you were swimming around in this great soup,
you couldn’t help but pick up the flavors and
seasonings of many other people and cultures and
backgrounds. It made me tremendously curious about
life, and I think that’s a trait that any writer really
benefits from, being curious. I think it was Ezra Pound,
the poet, who penned the line, “Curiosity. Advice to the
young, curiosity.”

Larry King grew up in that same environment, not too

many blocks away from where I lived. Living among so
many people instills in you a curiosity about anybody
that you meet. Like Larry King does on his show, he
can be interested in a person from any type of
background and find very interesting questions to ask.
That’s a great trait to have as a copywriter.

Clayton: It sounds too like you were fairly outgoing to have met
and spent time and actually experienced all of these
different people.

Gary: Yes, I guess so. You could not help but be outgoing
when there are so many people around you. During
World War II, not many apartments were built in New
York City — which was also true of most of the country
because of the war effort.

My parents were very lucky to have landed our

apartment when they got married. It was a two-room
apartment, just a kitchen and a bedroom for four

So you had to be outgoing because you couldn’t spend

much time inside, in such a tiny apartment. We were
out on the sidewalks and on the stoops and playing in
parks most of our young lives.

Clayton: What did your dad do?

Gary: He worked for the New York City Parks Department.

He came of age in the Great Depression and felt there
was nothing better than a secure city job. So he took a
job at the New York City Parks Department. He loved
working with flowers and bringing beautiful greenery to
the city.

But he also had a great knack with words and he was

an amateur copywriter. And one of the things that led
me into becoming a copywriter was just seeing how my[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

dad would always enter these contests — 50 words or

less on why you like a particular product. He got really
good at winning these contests. He created some
great slogans. For example, he penned, “If it’s
Borden’s, it’s got to be good.” For Gimbel’s Department
Store, he wrote, “From pianos to thimbles, you’ll find it
at Gimbel’s.” The most famous one that he ever wrote
was for Rice Krispies, “The cereal with that snap,
crackle and pop.”

Now, he wouldn’t win much for these prizes. There was

one contest that he won when he was young, in the
Great Depression. He won $5,000 during the depths of
the Great Depression, which really helped his family
stay afloat for a while. But for these much more famous
slogans he would win relatively minor prizes. This was
his hobby. He would collect all the box tops and send
them in with his 50 words or less slogan and very often
would win.

He didn’t create the cartoons for Snap, Crackle and

Pop; that came later from Kellogg’s ad agency, Leo
Burnett. But he did write those words for one of these
50 words or less contests.

Clayton: Amazing! It sounds like your future was pretty much


Gary: In an odd way it was. TV started becoming available in

households in the 1950s and I started watching
commercials. I was just attuned to them because my
dad was always talking about advertising and his latest

Now when I tried to get into copywriting, my first job

was in direct response. I really wanted to wind up
doing TV advertising, but the only opening I could get
into was in the direct response department at Prentice
Hall. And I thought, “Well that’s a start and I’ll get my
feet wet here and eventually migrate over to the more
glamorous world of TV advertising” — which still has
never happened, after 40 years.

It was funny when you mentioned that my future was

set. The first assignment I got from my copy chief, he
said, “Write a letter about this book.” It was a biology
teachers’ guide. They would sell these books by mail
order to the educational market, to the self-
improvement market, and so on and this was my first
assignment. For each chapter I wrote a slogan. Not[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

knowing any better, I just imitated what my father might

do. And the copy chief said, “What’s with these
slogans? This is not how you sell.” He had to educate
me about the difference between sloganeering and
writing direct marketing copy, which was my start.
Since then, I’ve never gotten out of the direct response

Actually, there is a big difference in the different worlds

of advertising. Most people don’t understand the
reason why much TV advertising is like it is. Or the
reasons why slogans and brand image advertising are
more important. Or even the theory of the USP, the
Unique Selling Proposition, which was initially created
to create better TV advertising.

With TV advertising, the point of sale is far removed

from the exposure of the advertising to the audience.
So if you’re watching a commercial on “60 Minutes” on
a Sunday evening, you might not get to the store until
Thursday, so you have to have a mnemonic device or
something very powerful embedded in your mind so
when you do see that product on the shelf, you’ll
remember the commercial.

We in direct marketing don’t have such a heavy burden

of having the sales separated by time and place. We
can close the sale right on the spot. So much of what
works in TV advertising — namely mnemonic devices,
or USP, which focuses on one reason to buy — really
doesn’t apply to direct marketing.

I know this sounds like heresy, but I’d much rather

have in a good direct mail package three or four or 10
good reasons to buy, than to have to sacrifice nine of
them in favor of the one USP. The USP really can be
misapplied to direct marketing where you have the
luxury of closing the sale on the spot and can give one
dominant reason to buy but also seven or eight other
reasons. You don’t have to abide so religiously to a
single Unique Selling Proposition.

Clayton: Our 24-page magalogs would be pretty short if we

focused on just one selling proposition.

Watch for Part 2 next week …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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8 Responses to A Conversation With

the Legendary Copywriter
Part 1 of 6

victor nazaire says:

June 7, 2008 at 1:05 am

Clayton Makepeace,
What a revealing interview !
On Headlines, on credibility and on bonding with your copyreader!
How do I find more on Rosser Reeves ?


emv says:
October 9, 2008 at 10:57 am

So that’s where Snap, Crackle and Pop originated! That’s amazing.

And it’s STILL a Kellogg staple, here in the UK as well – in fact,

there’s a new Rice Krispies TV ad series running just now.

Great interview – looking forward to the next installment.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

October 9, 2008 at 10:58 am

Amen, brother Clayton…

I was on the phone for a couple of hours last night with a client when
he mentioned how much he appreciates not only the breadth of my
knowledge of many subjects, but also the depth.

I had been thinking about that this morning before opening your
always welcome daily email, and concluded the secret to broad, deep
knowledge is when you see something, don’t say "look at that" or
"what?". Rather: Ask "why did they do it that way?" or "how does
that work?" It is when you ask "what" and "why" that learning occurs.

And those are rooted in a deeper base: Curiosity. That’s why I have
always loved Gary’s quote from Ezra Pound.

And for anyone home-schooling or teaching their children to

compensate for what schools aren’t getting done, my advice is the
same as I tell my clients: Feed their curiousity. Help them gain more

I suspect the same applies in copy work. Curiosity gets the letter
opened. Curiosity gets them to the next page by the cliff-hanger
sentence at the end of the page that makes them want the rest of it
on the next page.

But to be truly effective, stick to the truth too. One of the things I’ve
always respected about the top writers is their humility and honesty.
I’ve never heard them caught in the "How Great I Art" syndrome like
so many celebs.

Now I"m dying to read the coming installments!



Susan Connors says:

October 9, 2008 at 11:04 am

Hi Clayton

Thank you for taking the time to share this interview with us!

There are a lot of differences in advertising and I have noticed this

over the years. Brand creation and images, have evolved and stay
with the person. Association with images eg Coca-Cola, McWilliams
Wines in Australia..from clothes to medicines – psychologists to[11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |

alternative medicine – each advertisement presents a different brand

and something unique to that product/person. Something memorable
that will stay with the viewer long after the advert is over.
"Actually, there is a big difference in the different worlds of
advertising. Most people don’t understand the reason why much TV
advertising is like it is. Or the reasons why slogans and brand image
advertising are more important. Or even the theory of the USP, the
Unique Selling Proposition, which was initially created to create better
TV advertising.

With TV advertising, the point of sale is far removed from the

exposure of the advertising to the audience. So if you’re watching a
commercial on “60 Minutes” on a Sunday evening, you might not get
to the store until Thursday, so you have to have a mnemonic device
or something very powerful embedded in your mind so when you do
see that product on the shelf, you’ll remember the commercial. We in
direct marketing don’t have such a heavy burden of having the sales
separated by time and place. We can close the sale right on the spot.
So much of what works in TV advertising — namely mnemonic
devices, or USP, which focuses on one reason to buy — really
doesn’t apply to direct marketing."
_________________________________________Thank you for this
eye opener and continued inspiration!Wishing everyone continued
success,Sue in Aus &nbsp;


Alex Newell says:

October 9, 2008 at 11:06 am

that stuff on USP is GOLDEN!

Thank you so much – this has been eating at me for months.

Ahhh to relax



Marcelino Latorre says:

October 9, 2008 at 12:29 pm

Charlatans?? lol That means goofballs in Spanish!!This was

awesome Clayton, you guys are amazing![11/29/2012 7:54:13 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 1 of 6 |


John Anderson says:

October 9, 2008 at 5:55 pm

Clayton, anything you can bring us by ‘Legendary Gary’ is a ‘stop

work for 15 minutes and read’ thats for sure.

Thanks heaps, great start to the day for me in Australia.



Rogério Madureira says:

May 12, 2010 at 11:14 am

Very Good, Mr. Bencivenga!


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A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

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the Legendary Copywriter
Part 2 of 6
Posted on October 23, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
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In this special interview issue … Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Winning the Mind Game: How to quickly and easily program your mind you should know …
to automatically create grand-slam ads for you … Do You Believe?

No Mentor? No problem! The best way to learn to write killer sales

copy on your own …

The Big Secret: How to keep ‘em reading for 24 pages or more …

And much more!

Dear Business-Builder:

Wendy here.

Two weeks ago, you read the first part of Clayton’s exclusive interview with
the great Gary Bencivenga.

Good stuff, right?

Oh yeah!

So let’s dispense with any more opening remarks from me and get back to
the interview …

Clayton: Going back just a little bit, tell me about school. Did you
have the experience of others recognizing writing[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

ability or salesmanship in you at a young age?

Gary: No, not really. I didn’t seem to excel much in school. I

did go to Catholic school for most of my school years.
My Catholic school was very good about drumming in
the basics. We didn’t have music appreciation or
drama appreciation. What we did have, though, was a
constant focus on what makes good sentence structure
and basic arithmetic and later algebra. So it was those
basics — how to construct a sentence, how to diagram
a sentence — which, at least in my experience, gave
great understanding of how sentences should be built
and how paragraphs should be built on strong
sentences and how whole essays eventually could be
built on the same very rational and logical structure. So
that did help a lot.

My dad and mom really couldn’t afford to send me to

college after high school. So I had the choice of finding
some blue collar work, like most of the other relatives
who had come in generations before. And I really
wasn’t sure. I knew I wanted to do something with
writing because I seemed to have an aptitude for it and,
as you pointed out, an exposure to advertising because
of my dad’s involvement with it.

I got a job writing copy during the day and I went to

college at night. It took me eight long years to get
through college at night, but I did. The thing I’m most
proud of my whole life is just hanging in there for eight
years of college at night, though the degree never
really did much for me at all. It really didn’t count
because eight years into a copywriting career I really
knew what I wanted to do with my life. But I’m proud of
just having had that persistence. Maybe a thousand
times during those eight years of going to night school,
I would say, “Why am I doing this? I’m not even
interested in these courses. I’ve got a term paper, I’ve
got exams to study for, I have a young family and they
need attention, I have a full-time job and I’m taking
work home from that. What am I doing this for?”

But I just kept hanging in, saying, “I committed myself

to that and I’m going to do it and I’m going to see it
through.” That habit has stood me very well through
the years. Once I know I make a commitment to
something, it’s going to be very hard to stop me. I
attribute it to that experience of just developing enough
persistence to get a college degree in eight years of
night school.[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

From that I really am a believer in that old aphorism

that your thought becomes your action —your action
becomes your habit, your habit becomes your
character, and your character becomes your destiny.

I had found that whenever I wanted to develop

something, whether it’s a habit of becoming a better
copywriter in some way or just some other type of self-
improvement, this line of thinking really helps.

Maybe I’m jumping ahead here, but I had really a great

leap in my development as a copywriter when a
famous writer whom you know, Daniel Rosenthal — I
worked with Dan for a while — introduced me to the
book Think and Grow Rich. I was learning my craft
very well until then, but I had never really been opened
up to these ideas about how to enhance your own
mind power for any reason including making your own
mind work better. So that book was really a turning
point in my life as well because it opened me up to
many other self-improvement books.

The secret’s right there in the title, Think and Grow

Rich. It starts with your thoughts, and then your
thoughts become actions, and your actions become
habits, and your habits become character, and
character becomes destiny. So that line of reasoning
really has helped me throughout my life.

Clayton: What subject was your degree in?

Gary: I have a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.

Clayton: Great. How did you come into contact with the great
David Ogilvy?

Gary: I have had the privilege of working with some really top
people in advertising. But I probably learned the most
from John Caples. After Caples, I probably learned the
most from my first of several copy chiefs — names that
nobody would ever know. They were really wizened
copy chiefs who had seen thousands of split run tests
and could save you a lifetime of learning.

The very first one gave me probably the best advice I

have ever gotten. He said, “You’re new to this field,
here’s how you’re going to learn. On each assignment,
I’m going to tell you to go to the files. I’m going to tell[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

you to bring out one handful of ads that have worked

like gangbusters. Then I’m going to tell you the book
titles and files of ads that have bombed. I want you to
look at the ones that bombed and don’t do anything
that they’re doing. I want you to look at the ones that
were blockbusters and try to assimilate much of what
they do into your new piece, and that’s how we’re
going to take every assignment.”

It was great advice and even to this day when I have a

young writer or somebody who wants to get into the
field and wants to know the best thing they can do, I
tell them to do pretty much the same thing. I also
recommend that they get themselves a great mentor
who will review their work, such as I imagine you would
do with the copywriters you work with.

Other than that, the best way to learn is by just going

to the files or, if you don’t work at an ad agency yet,
signing up to receive the publications and offers of
great direct marketers like Agora Publishing, Phillips,
Healthy Directions, Rodale, Boardroom, KCI — the
usual gang of suspects. And before you know it, you’ll
be getting a free course in the best advertisements that
are being written today.

That was what my first copy chief taught me. I

eventually wound up at BBD&O — Batten, Barton,
Durstine and Osborn. Somebody once said that
agency’s name sounded like a man with a suitcase
falling down a flight of stairs. BBD&O is where John
Caples worked for most of his life. I worked in the direct
marketing department there and got to know him.

He was a great teacher and a very congenial, kindly

man. And you can pick up so much from reading his
books. Even today I like to reread his scriptures of
direct marketing. It’s like the Old Testament. You just
read it. It never gets tired. It’s just so fresh and

In fact, I was having lunch with David Deutsch once —

great copywriter — and he said, “You know, I try to
keep up on my craft and instead of reading maybe 100
books, Gary, what I think I should have done with
much of my learning time is read 10 great books 10
times each.” I thought that was a very trenchant
observation because books by Caples and Ogilvy and
Claude Hopkins, those are the ones you really need to
read more than anybody else.[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

After working with John Caples, I got to work at David

Ogilvy’s company, Ogilvy & Mather, in their direct
marketing division. And that’s your original question:
how I got to work with David. I never really worked with
him. It wasn’t like John Caples, where I knew him

David was the head of a giant agency, probably one of

the biggest four or five agencies in the world and was
very fond of direct marketing. He would gather all the
copywriters in big groups and teach us the principles.
Or we’d have big assemblies around the holidays, and
he would tell us what campaigns he thought were great
from the various departments at the agency.

In that way I learned from him. But it wasn’t like he

would come into my cubicle and put his arm around me
and go over my copy sentence by sentence with me. It
was much more being in the army with a great general
at its command and learning all you can because you
never knew when he would pounce upon your ad as
one of those he was going to analyze in front of the
group. You had to always be on your toes.

Clayton: What were the lessons that you learned from Ogilvy?

Gary: Ogilvy said that he and Rosser Reeves, who were two
of the greatest copywriters in general advertising of the
20th century, learned more from John Caples than
anyone else. More people know David Ogilvy than
Rosser Reeves today because of his books. But both
Ogilvy and Reeves said that they learned more from
John Caples than anyone else and they shamelessly
stole from him and most of what they espoused came
indirectly or directly from him. So there is that lineage
of masters teaching other masters.

Many of the lessons that Ogilvy would preach came

directly from John Caples — mainly that your headline
is 80% of the sale in space ads. And I make that
distinction because sometimes people mistakenly
apply that to direct mail. In direct mail, Ogilvy said, your
format is even more important than your headline. And
I have certainly found that to be true as a magalog
almost always outpulls an envelope with the same
headline on it.

So that was one great lesson in space advertising: your

headline is 80% of the sale. And your format is equally
as important in direct mail.[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

Other lessons — Ogilvy loved to write with charm. He

said, “You’ll never bore somebody into buying
something,” so he would fill his copy with charm. He
taught this mostly by example. If you ever read any of
the great ads written by David Ogilvy, you’ll see they’re
very tightly written. He wrote a whole series of ads to
help sell clients on joining his ad agency — “How to
Write Advertising that Sells,” “How to Write Food
Advertising that Sells,” “How to Write Travel
Advertising that Sells,” and so forth. He loved, as did
the nuns in my Catholic school, nouns and verbs. He
wasn’t big on adjectives and fairly despised adverbs,
such as “very.” Almost always you can dispense with
the word “very.”

He wrote tightly written ads that were charming and

very interesting. He would do great research on
whatever product he was selling and come up with
fascinating facts about it. He wanted his ads as
interesting as articles and he wrote them that way and
expected his copywriters to do the same.

Clayton: Arthur Johnson told me that one of his biggest secrets

is understanding that the ad needs to be entertaining to
a degree. To keep a person reading for 24 pages.

Gary: Yes, that’s true. However, it can also be a trap. Rosser

Reeves, who wrote and theorized about TV
commercials, warned about “vampire video,” where
sometimes the entertaining element can run away with
the ad and you come away from the commercial
remembering the joke, but not the product. For
example, take the famous campaign for Alka-Seltzer, “I
can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” It was one of the
most entertaining campaigns, but it turned out to be
one of the worst campaigns ever for Alka-Seltzer
because after they really went gung ho with it, sales

As you know, we have a much stronger discipline in

our work, so entertainment has to be used carefully.
You have to leaven in just the right amount because
you can’t let it run away with itself. While a touch of
entertainment, like a pinch of salt, can add flavor, the
main meal in advertising is well-targeted information of
great interest to your prospect, which has a natural
connection to what you’re trying to sell. Many ads try to
be entertaining with extraneous elements, which really
don’t lead to a closed sale. But if you can make your[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

copy interesting with thoughts and facts that not only

are extremely curiosity provoking and interesting but
also help you close the sale, that’s really getting good.

Clayton: Tell me a little bit about how you became a freelancer.

Gary: After working at the Ogilvy agency, I was ready to go

out on my own and try to make some big bucks as a
freelancer. I had heard of other copywriters doing very
well, and I received a call from an executive
headhunter who said, “Gary, I know you’re thinking
about going out on freelance, but there’s this little ad
agency up in New Rochelle, New York” — which is a
suburb of New York City, about 45 minutes northeast
— “that is looking for somebody just like yourself.
Somebody who knows direct marketing and worked at
Ogilvy, or knows the Ogilvy style of advertising. Why
don’t you go see them, even though you’re thinking of
going out and doing freelance?”

So I went to see them mainly because of a letter that

Dan Rosenthal, the agency’s owner, had written to this
headhunter. It said, to “try and persuade somebody
who really knows how to write salesmanship in print
because if they do, we treat the copywriters at our
agency like salespeople. In fact, our top copywriter
here this past year has made” — this is in today’s
money — “$750,000 a year.”

It wasn’t that high, it was about one tenth of that, but

that’s what inflation has done. This was in the early
1970s. So at that time a salary of $75,000 was equal to
about $750,000 today. That’s what Dan Rosenthal was
making just from commissions on his advertising.

I wasn’t making anywhere near that, so I thought

maybe I should see these folks. If nothing else, maybe
I could freelance for them. But Dan convinced me to
join him by saying, “No, it’s not really in your best
interest to go into a freelance career yet. Why don’t you
hang out with us? We are applying methods of
salesmanship in advertising that’ll go way beyond what
most people have even discovered yet and you’ll have
a chance to make some really good money.”

So I did go with Dan and I lasted there for about five

years. I became a copy chief and a creative director
and then he wanted to have a whole new path in his
life. He wanted to move to California. But our copy
department was in New Rochelle, and he tried to make
that work for a while but it was very cumbersome to get[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

copy through a department that was half in New York

and half on the west coast. We didn’t have e-mail then,
I don’t even think we had fax machines. We had a very
rough form of a fax machine …

Clayton: The old Qwip machines?

Gary: Yeah that’s what it was. I couldn’t remember the name.

One page, long time to send, and for some reason a
horrendous garlic smell oozed from the machine.

Dan and I, along with several other good copywriters,

worked together for about five years. It was sort of like
the Beatles. We had a great team for about five years,
and then it was just time to go out on our own, in our
own direction. So that’s when I went out on my own.

It was about 1977 and by then I really knew what I was

doing. I had spent about 10 years, prior to teaming up
with Dan, learning from these great copy chiefs at
Ogilvy & Mather and a lot from John Caples so I had a
lot of street-smart copywriting tips.

And with Dan, we formulated a system that was really

very powerful, and with those two things together — we
virtually could not be beaten. We took out an ad that
said, “Announcing an ad agency that guarantees to
beat your best ad by at least 10% or you pay us

We were so cocky that we even said, “You test us and

if we don’t win, not only won’t you have to pay us
anything, we will pay for whatever you spent to test us.
In other words, if you take out an ad in the Wall Street
Journal and you spend $10,000 testing our half of the
test — and our half loses — we’ll give you $10,000.
That’s how sure we are we’re going to win.” We got a
lot of clients that way. Mainly it was due to our
methodology of focusing on the key points that make
direct marketing copy work.

So after that, I went out on my own and I did very well

with what I learned at the agency.

Watch for Part 3 next week …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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4 Responses to A Conversation With

the Legendary Copywriter
Part 2 of 6

John Anderson says:

October 23, 2008 at 7:53 pm

Another gem from Gary and Clayton. Thank you.

It’s interesting about the format thing that Gary said (magalogs
converting better than letters and formatbeing the most importnat

I wonder what sort of new formats could potentially work better online
than long sales latter (contreversial I know .

With the event of videos, and Claytons webinar launches, etc. and
Frank Kern selling out programs based on video only etc. perhaps we
could see a more ‘engage your reader with multimedia’ then close em
with shorter sales copy emails and order pages.

Nothing against long sales letter but I feel that sometimes people see
it and go ‘oh that again’.[11/29/2012 7:54:26 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 2 of 6 |


Bill F says:
October 24, 2008 at 1:17 am

This was really loaded with info. Great stuff!


STeve Newdell says:

October 27, 2008 at 8:53 pm

Yes, I’m one of the guys who appreciates shorter copy. I like to read
and write but I am finding that the multi-media "entertainment" idea
does get my attention better, IF it’s well done. If it’s amateurish I just
hate it — doubly so because I have a 2-year degree in TV Production
and I see and hear everything wrong.


STeve Newdell says:

October 27, 2008 at 9:54 pm

I’d better add this before I appear a complete idiot. As Clayton wrote,
[We] have no right to success. We’ve got to earn it. Gary must be
close to age 70 now and look at all he’s done, learned and — he’s
still curious and learning. And new people like me never heard his
name and know nothing of him. I’m a bit distressed by ads that say
something like "write better ads by Joe Vitale" and I think, "Who’s Joe
Vitale? Some 20-year-old with a goatee, and a ring in his ear
standing in front of a new car? Damn it, it is Professor Joe Vitale,
Ph.D. and he knows what he’s about so shut up, sit up and take
notes! So now we have Clayton and Gary just two "regular guys" who
happen to know more about how to motivate people than the evil
creatures that launched the second World War! So, my comment
about entertainment — like I’m entertained by the Martin Weiss
discussions — are tempered with lots of good info that makes me sit
through all of it and download it for reference. This FREE information
is worth a fortune. Thank you gentlemen for your generosity. It’s just
(wow) fantastic. sn


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the Legendary Copywriter
Part 3 of 6
Posted on October 30, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
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We’re still here…
Time for a Change
In this special interview issue … Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
No Pain, No Gain! The painful (and enormously profitable) secret for you should know …
honing your sales copy to razor sharpness – and driving response rates Do You Believe?

through the ever-lovin’ roof!

"Yeah, Sure!" The two most dangerous words in your prospect’s mind –
and the single best way to neutralize them …

Hype Doesn’t Work! How to increase the power of your headline without
triggering disbelief …

And much more!

Dear Business-Builder:

Wendy here.

I hope you’ve been enjoying Clayton’s interview with Gary Bencivenga.

At the end of Part 2, Gary was discussing what it was like to work with
copywriter Dan Rosenthal – and he hinted at their powerful system for
copywriting that just could not be beat.

He’s going to reveal what that system is today.

So, without further ado, let’s get back to the interview …[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

Clayton: Did Dan have Silver and Gold Report at that time?

Gary: Yes, yes. In fact, Dan was the owner of that company
because we also would launch our own products as
well as do work for other clients. So, sure, yes, he was
the publisher of that newsletter.

We had so much success and so many opportunities

because we were among the few people who knew
what we were doing. We were like alchemists who
could turn products into very successful businesses
because of the direct marketing knowledge that we
had. It wasn’t widely known, not nearly as well known
as it is today.

Clayton: Can you tell me a little bit about the approach or the
template that you and Dan used?

Gary: It wasn’t so much a template, it was just applying

everything very religiously that we had learned from
studying Claude Hopkins and Rosser Reeves and
David Ogilvy and John Caples and several other great
masters of selling in print. More than anything else it
was what Dan would call the “CRIT” system, which was
short for Critique System.

I think you’ve worked with Dan, haven’t you, Clayton?

Clayton: Sure have.

Gary: I’m sure you’ve heard that word, that odious little word,

Clayton: Were his crits as ruthless back then as they are now?

Gary: Yes, yes.

Clayton: He’s sadistic. He takes joy in making his crits as

insulting and negative as possible just for the fun of it.

Gary: I know. I have the scars, believe me. But it was a great
system. You had to be on your toes. For those who
don’t know what we’re talking about, it was a system by
which the writer would distribute his copy to everybody
working in the ad agency — the receptionist, the
account executives, the art director — anybody else[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

who could be persuaded to read it.

Everybody would take their best crack at ripping the ad

apart. Now this sounds like a devastating experience,
but you develop a thick skin after a while. Most of the
time, it would be up to you to accept or reject the
criticisms that were coming back at you. All the people
involved in the process would do their best to rip the
copy apart, to point out holes in the argument, to say,
“You’re not convincing me here, I don’t believe this for
a second, this offer makes no sense,” and so forth.

Every possible mistake from grammar and spelling to

psychological missteps or paragraphs that didn’t
connect well, paragraphs that went on without
subheads, all of it noted. Everything that could make
something less readable or just annoyed anybody for
any reason or just made them not want to read any
more. They’d say things like, “You’re boring me here”
— and that would be a comment in the middle of one
paragraph. You’d distribute the work this way in the
copy department which is itching to vent some of the
fury that they have just been put through because they
recently went through the same process.

Clayton: You nailed them last week.

Gary: Exactly. It’s payback time. As weird and as sadistic as

it sounds, it produced fantastic copy. It didn’t produce
fast copy by any means, because you would go
through many, many drafts this way until almost
everybody in the place said, “Wow, this is singing now.
I’m ready to sign up for this myself.”

So it was a very cumbersome, lengthy process.

Sometimes clients would be on the phone month after
month yelling, cajoling, begging, “When is my copy
going to be ready?” And we’d say, “It’s being worked
on, it’s being worked on.” When it was finally finished,
they’d have a campaign that they could run for years
and out-pull virtually anything else they’ve ever run
unless they were very lucky beforehand.

This was the system we followed. We had a lot of

knowledgeable people take out their blue pencils and
just scratch out or question anything that they didn’t
like. But then after a time you learned to internalize that
process. You probably do it in a nicer way, Clayton —
but I’m sure with the people that you mentor that you
point out weak spots and shore up areas that need[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

more proof or persuasive arguments or whatever. I’m

sure you do that.

Clayton: Absolutely, and it really honestly just depends on what

kind of mood I’m in.

Gary: I’m sure that’s not true. For the process to work, you
have to be intellectually honest. Evaluations should not
change with your mood.

Clayton: Well sometimes I look at it as a creative writing

assignment, especially when the copy’s boring. Then
I’ll dive in and get rather verbose with my crits. Other
times, you’re right, you’re looking for credibility, you’re
looking for persuasiveness, and you’re looking for

Gary: I think the biggest enemy we face today is not weak

headlines or artwork. It’s the tremendous amount of
clutter that you have to compete against. When you
look at your e-mail this evening, you’ve got maybe 100
e-mails that need attention and each one was crafted
lovingly and with lots and lots of care — and you
couldn’t care less. You’re just deleting each one with a
very quick trigger finger. That’s an enemy that we have
to face rather than going to a very receptive audience
and having them judge us paragraph by paragraph.
You don’t even get a hearing much of the time these

Clayton: You had a fantastic article in one of the early issues of

Bencivenga Bullets on, if I remember correctly, the two
most important words in advertising. You said, it’s not
“you,” it’s not “free,” it’s “yeah, sure.”

Gary: I gave a seminar at Rodale once. I had the good

fortune to never have lost a split run test at Rodale
against some very tough competition selling books for
the book division. I competed against Gene Schwartz
and most of the top names out there, and I never lost.

So they called me in to ask, “How are you doing this?

Tell us the approach that you’re following.” So I ran
through a whole list of headlines from their advertising,
as well as many other examples from our daily lives.
For example, what politicians promise every November
— “I’m never going to raise your taxes and I’m going to
give you universal health care” … “I’m going to get rid
of crime in our schools.” And what does everybody say
once that’s out of their mouths? They say, “Yeah,
sure.”[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

That’s the biggest problem that most B-level

copywriters face. They’re always looking for ways to
increase the strength of their headline, and the easiest
way, apparently, is to increase the hype or ratchet up
the promise. But usually that’s going on in the wrong
direction because you’re sounding more like the
politician who is promising an even more undeliverable
promise. Since everybody out there is looking for a way
to dismiss you as quickly as they can because they’ve
got 100 other messages to get through, as soon as
they see an over-promising headline, that is the first
permission that they have to just blow you off.

You’re usually much better with an under-promising

headline. A great example that I learned in the days
that I was working with Dan Rosenthal was for one of
our clients who sold gold and silver coins and bullion.
In this case it was an ad for silver. The headline was a
famous headline that ran for many years, “Why the
price of silver may rise steeply.” Thinking I was such a
hot-shot copywriter, I said to Dan Rosenthal, who I
believe was the author of that headline and the great,
great ad that followed it, I said, “Why are you saying,
‘may rise’? You should test a headline that sounds a
little stronger, a little bolder, such as ‘Why the price of
silver will rise steeply.’ That way it sounds, Dan, like
you believe what you’re predicting.”

So we tested my version and, of course, it bombed. It’s

counterintuitive, but “Why the price of silver may rise
steeply” outperformed “Why the price of silver will rise
steeply” maybe by 200%. And the body copy was
exactly the same for both versions. It went into why
inflation and why a silver shortage is about to exert
irresistible pressure under the price of silver to cause
silver prices to go higher. It gave every reason why
silver was going up. It was full of proof and full of facts
and full of figures, plus an opportunity to send for a
booklet on how you can profit on the coming rise in
silver prices. As I say, it created land office business
on the strength of that ad but I could never understand
why “may rise” pulled so much better than the more
forceful “will rise.”

But it’s because of that disbelief factor. Most investors

are savvy. So as soon as you promise something that
really is unknowable such as “will rise,” they know that
you can’t predict the future. But when you build in a
little bit of understatement, you suck them right in.[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

So I’ve learned to apply that principle in many, many

headlines. One of my best headlines for Hume
Publishing was “Get Rich Slowly.” I created an enemy
out of all of the get rich quick investment courses and
opportunities out there by saying, “Look, if you’re tired
of all the hype, this is the course that you should be
buying because if you got $2,000 to $3,000 to put
aside each year, this is a course that could easily get
you to the $1 million mark. It’s not going to happen in
three, four or even five years, but if you want to retire
with $1 million and can only put $2,000 aside in an IRA
each year, this is how it’s done.”

That ad was virtually unbeatable for several years with

a headline that the client didn’t even want to test, “Get
Rich Slowly.” They said, “Gary, have you lost your
mind? Who wants to get rich slowly?” So I said, “Look,
people are so tired of ‘get rich quick,’ it’s not believable
anymore.” Nobody buys without belief, so if you
advertise something that can be believed, then most of
the battle is already won.

Clayton: I think that’s fascinating, and I think it kind of ties into

that the “Lies, Lies, Lies” package you did for Mark
Skousen’s Forecasts & Strategies, which you must be
tired of talking about.

Gary: No, no, not at all. Most people probably don’t even
know that package but yes, you’re right …

Clayton: That is the classic of financial newsletter promotion.

Gary: Oh thank you. That was extremely successful and ran

for many years.

Clayton: And it was really wonderful because there’s not even a

hint of a benefit in your main headline. It simply seized
on a resident emotion — the skepticism and frustration
of investors who had heard it all, tried it all and were
continually disappointed. And then in the deck copy,
you came on with “Why we investors are sick and tired
of these things that are happening to us.” And then the
real payoff was, “How getting richer is the best
revenge.” I’m doing that just from memory — that’s how
powerful it was.

Gary: You remember it better than I do.

Clayton: My goodness, when was that?[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

Gary: It was the early 1990s.

Clayton: Yeah, and I still remember that headline. I can still

visualize the package and the wonderful cartoons they

Gary: That was an example of humor actually working in

copy. We took every target of anger that an investor
can have — lying politicians, with a cartoon of a classic
looking politician, taking an oath to the flag, and if you
look closely, his fingers are crossed. And he says, “I
promise never again to raise taxes.”

Clayton: And the broker in a pinstriped suit behind a desk,

smoking a cigar.

Gary: And the guy from the IRS was Darth Vader. The
cartoons were just wonderful and that added a little bit
of that entertainment factor you were talking about
before but in an appropriate way. It was part and parcel
of the sale.

Clayton: There were a couple of things that I loved about that.

One was the little phrase, “we investors” in the deck
copy. Because it immediately got Skousen on the side
of the reader, it immediately made us friends.

Gary: That’s so true. I’m so glad you picked up on that,

Clayton, because that is a great technique to use.
Instead of the usual “I’m trying to sell you something,”
which sort of sets up immediately in the reader’s mind
a you-versus-me mentality, I found a way to shift gears
by saying, “it’s you and me against these other guys.”
And if you can create an enemy in your copy, that’s
what happens. You set up a three-point discussion and
you come around from your side of the desk to be on
the reader’s side of the desk and then it’s you and the
reader against the enemy that you’re railing against.

It’s a very effective psychological and copy technique

to use because it takes the copywriter out of the role of
trying to sell the prospect something and puts them
both on the same side, as if the copywriter were a
friend, consumer advisor, and helper.[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

Clayton: There’s another thing about that headline that’s very

instructive, especially as I look back on it now. People
often wonder why Rush Limbaugh, for example, is so
successful. He has no real product to sell. He doesn’t
make your life better in any way. There are no benefits,
really, for buying his books. But the service he provides
for you is that he puts your thoughts and your feelings
— assuming you’re in agreement with his politics —
into words. He gives you an outlet for the emotions that
you’re feeling about the things that are happening in
the country. That emotional release is valuable to
people, and as a result, 20 million people listen to him
every week on the radio and buy his books and
newsletters and so forth.

I felt that the “Lies, Lies, Lies” package did something

very similar and it did it beautifully. It was one of the
first-rate resident emotion packages that simply went to
a group of people who had strong feelings about the
subject at hand and spoke to those feelings, and by
doing so, validated them. But they were actionable
feelings and you were able to come back with a
solution, a way to assuage that frustration in those
people. I felt that was so much more powerful than
simply going back to them as one more direct mail
package promising huge profits.

It was wonderful and it opened the way for me and also

for every other copywriter I’ve talked to, to begin
thinking about how much more powerful emotions are
than a mere intellectual argument in terms of making a

Gary: That’s a very astute analysis, Clayton. I think what

helped me to create that package — and this is
something I do before I start any assignment — was to
ask, “What are we really selling?” And you try to come
up with different answers to that question. We’re not
really just selling a newsletter, which is 12 sheets or
eight sheets of paper a month. What are we really
selling? If it’s just a newsletter, everybody had always
answered, “We’re selling investment tips.” But since
there was so much competition from other copywriters
and other publishers selling the same kind of
investment tips, I reasoned if we change the answer to
the question “what are we really selling?” we can open
a whole new way to talk to our market.

Let’s think about it. What are we really selling when we

sell a newsletter from an investment advisor who wants[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

to advise you on the most important financial decisions

of your life? Well you’re really selling a set of values, a
partnership with somebody that you have to trust. The
best way to come to trust somebody is to see that they
do share your same values.

I call this the “Credo Technique of Copywriting.” The

first issue of Bencivenga Bullets is about this
technique. In fact, in that bullet I say what I believe
about advertising. I believe advertising is designed to
sell and not to win awards and applause. I believe you
can always sell with integrity. I give the other beliefs,
very strongly held beliefs that I have about advertising
and that accomplishes a couple of things.

Number one, it tells what I’m about and if you have the
same values, then we’re a match. So I sell you on me
before I try to sell anything else. If you sell not only the
end product that the advisor or the person behind the
product of service is offering — whether it’s the
chiropractor who’s selling his services or attorney or
whoever it is — but also mention the person’s values
that you also feel very strongly about, you sort of bond
with them in a way that’s much more powerful than any
list of how-tos or other types of bullets purely based on
information. You’re bonding with them on a level of
trust, which makes you different from every other
person out there who is just trying to sell something
because they want to sell it.

Clayton: You probably don’t remember, but in the early 1980s,

you and I had a telephone conversation. I was with a
company called Security Rare Coin.

Gary: Oh yeah, that’s coming back to me now, yes.

Clayton: You are my mentor, by the way.

Gary: Oh, I didn’t know. Well thank you, what an honor.

Watch for Part 4 next week …

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7 Responses to A Conversation With

the Legendary Copywriter[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

Part 3 of 6

John Anderson says:

October 30, 2008 at 6:33 pm

Thanks Clayton and Gary. Hmm…I can go ‘back to the drawing

board’ on my latest copy piece, and 1. Look at whether my headline
is actually believable…and 2. Get on the otherside of the table so I
am with my target market. Great post…again!



Gary Fisher says:

October 30, 2008 at 6:50 pm

“What are we really selling?”

That is so fundamental, and so easy to miss! Thanks to Mr.

Bencivenga for sharing some of his tremendous experience and
intuition, and thank you Clayton for providing this venue and for your
excellent interview questions.


Web Guru Live says:

October 30, 2008 at 8:09 pm

I have been selling online for more than ten years.

I have seen every course out there and bought most of them…

First let me say the Clayton is my mentor…

I love his work…

This is the single most important thing I have ever read online. Bar

All the experts can learn a thing or two from these guys.


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

October 30, 2008 at 10:03 pm[11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |

Two of my favorite marketing mentors, together. Brilliant stuff.

I feel like I’m a kid again, at the top of the stairs, listening to the
adults talk down below. Back then I just picked up a few bad words
that would get me into trouble later. Here I pick up GOLD! Thanks
Clayton and Gary for sharing your wisdom…FREE. It is priceless.


Andrew Ikeda says:

October 30, 2008 at 11:25 pm

Greetings Clayton and Gary,

Thank you so much for this article and sharing some gold nuggets on
copywriting for the stock and financial markets. I’m going to use this
information in this article to rework the copy for my website.

Keep up the great work!

All the best,



peter webb says:

November 1, 2008 at 5:11 pm

Hi Clayton

I live in Australia

and really appreciate all the effort you and the ‘Redhead’ go to in
providing such excellent information

You definitely ‘leave a footprint’ on so many people you will never

meet like me but who regard you so highly

Take care & stay Well both of you



Rogério Madureira says:

May 12, 2010 at 10:52 am

Bencivenga is a genius![11/29/2012 7:54:38 PM]

A Conversation With the Legendary Copywriter GARY BENCIVENGA Part 3 of 6 |


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Gary Bencivenga Recent Posts
Part 4 of 6 He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Posted on November 6, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?

Wendy here.

Ready to do a little more eavesdropping on Clayton’s interview with Gary


I know I am.

Today, Gary reveals an important principle that’s ignored by most marketing

people. It’s something you can put in action for yourself – and rocket your
response and sales.

But enough chatter from me. Let’s get back to the interview …

Clayton: I read Rosser Reeves and Ogilvy and Caples and

the rest, but without a doubt, the greatest advances
in my career have come from reading you.

Gary: Thank you, Clayton. What a compliment. You have

just made my day. Thank you. Considering how high
you’ve carried the banner, that’s quite a compliment.
Thank you.[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

Clayton: Well, studying every one of your packages has been

just eye opening for me, and I remember telling you
in that conversation that one of the things that struck
me was that you consistently made a friend before
you asked for the sale.

Gary: I think you have to do that because people don’t buy

from other people unless they believe them and
unless they trust them. If you don’t sell yourself first,
you’re trying to short circuit the process by just
rushing to the bottom line, rushing to the close of the
sale too early.

Salesmanship has changed over the years. It used

to be, in the days of Elmer Wheeler and “Sell the
Sizzle and Not the Steak,” the life insurance agent or
the real estate broker would try to corner you and
answer every objection you could raise and just out
of exhaustion, the hapless prospect would buy the
policy or agree to do whatever the salesman wants –
buy the encyclopedias or the pots and pans that the
door-to-door salesman was selling.

But you know something? You don’t see door-to-

door salesmen much anymore. I haven’t seen one in
years. You don’t see the Avon Ladies anymore. You
don’t see life insurance agents going around door-
to-door anymore. Why is that? It’s because
salesmanship has changed. We’ve all been
marketed to so much, we won’t stand for being
manipulated that way anymore. As a prospect, you
just won’t put up with it. People don’t like to have to
buy because they can’t come up with a clever
answer to the life insurance agent’s comeback.
We’ve evolved because we’ve been marketed to so
much over the last several decades. We’ve evolved
from a nation of much more manipulatable prospects
to tough customers and the whole nation is like that.

So if you just try to come onto people with the same

old forms of salesmanship that used to work 10 to 20
years ago, they just don’t work anymore because a)
you don’t have my trust; b) you don’t have my
values; and c) you’re not my friend – and I’m not
going to buy from you unless I first have those
feelings. So you’re not going to just trick me into
buying with snappy comebacks to my three or four
reasons I’m not sure that I want to buy.

There’s a great movie about this called "Boiler[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

Room," where they show how these people who

used to do telephone marketing from the boiler room
would have scripts with the snappiest comebacks to
anything that the person might say about why they
may not buy. They would try to embarrass people
into making an investment over the phone. That way
of selling, in most cases, has gone by the boards. It’s

This is especially true in our field, where we try to

sell to 1,000 or a million people at once. They could
blow us off without us even knowing about it just by
tossing our mail or clicking “delete.” Given that, I
think that the best way to be selling anybody in the
marketplace now is to win a friend first and the best
way to do that is through an e-zine.

More and more, ice cold direct mail packages sent to

ice cold prospects are going to fare poorly compared
to promotions sent by people who have an e-zine
relationship with somebody. And by that I mean an
e-zine that really gives very high value as opposed
to selling so much. I counsel people in all markets of
goods and services to really develop a relationship
with their prospects through a very valuable e-zine.
Hold back on the selling. Just resist. Rein the selling
in for a while. Establish a relationship of giving very
valuable helpful information first and then introduce
the sales later.

Even with e-zines, I get so many of them now, and I

don’t even open them much anymore. I send most of
them to an e-mail address I have at a place called
Spam Arrest. And at Spam Arrest, I go through all
my marketing-oriented e-zines and I’m sure I’m not
untypical in this way. They’ll give me a listing of the
latest e-mails that I have – 25 at a time – whether
they’re e-zines or personal messages or whatever.
And I’ll just go down and I’ll check them all to be
deleted. And then I’ll uncheck maybe three that I’ll
want to read, out of 25. And the others get
automatically deleted when I hit the return key. I
delete them all just based on the subject lines. And
we all do this.

Even very top marketers have entered a place in my

mind, and I’m sure in the minds of lots of others,
where I automatically don’t open their e-mail
anymore because I know I’m just going to be pitched
something. I only open those e-zines where there’s
going to be honest to goodness nuggets of[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

information, not just another sales pitch. So most of

the people out there, even with e-zine marketing,
they’ve gotten the technology right but they don’t
have the psychology right.

Just as you say, win a friend first and then try to sell
later. It’s so much easier to sell something to
somebody who you have a relationship with. So the
first sale that you have to make is that relationship,
not the product. You just put it so well before, you
first want to make a salesperson a trusted friend
rather than somebody who is just selling you a

Clayton: And that’s what I feel that you’ve done whether by

design or just intuitively in so many of your
packages. In the Skousen package, the line “We
investors are fed up” was that way because
friendship is quite often based on commonality.
Instead of the vaunted expert touting his past
successes, you just climb in the boat with the
prospect. “What are we going to do with this
problem?” And that’s wonderful.

Gary: And I feel that’s so much easier to do once you’ve

established an e-zine relationship with your
prospects. You can capture names very easily with
an e-zine if you give good information and use that
as a basis for growing your own list.

You’ve seen this, I’m sure, Clayton, in your work.

Who do you get most of your business from? It’s not
from people who are just walking in the door for the
first time. It’s from clients that you have a relationship
with. When they think of a new assignment, you’re
probably booked up for 10 years but whether it’s you
as a writer or you as the copy chief or creative
director on the assignment, they don’t even have to
think twice. Because they know you, they like you,
they trust you, and you’ve gotten great results for
them. So it’s not even a question of, “Should we use
Clayton for this?” It’s, “Gee, can we get on Clayton’s

I’m sure you’ve had that experience. And it’s the

same for everybody who has sold anything over a
period of time. We’ve all found that it’s much easier
to sell something to somebody who’s satisfied with
the relationship with you and with your past
performance. And that’s one of the most important
principles of marketing and yet so many people just[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

ignore it.

So many people in the Internet marketing world just

want to find that one hot product to sell, make a
fortune, then find another hot product to sell in a
totally different market. But business just doesn’t
work that way. You really need to find a product or
service from which you can get lots of repeat
business because that’s the most profitable and
easiest business – when people are coming back to
you again and again. I’m sure that’s worked for you
in your business. It has worked for me in my
business. For 25 years, the same people were
keeping me as busy as I could be.

Clayton: Gary, I would be fascinated to hear about your

process when you’re approaching a package.
Everything from the ways you identify themes or the
approaches you want to address to one of the things
that you just said that I think you could probably do a
500-page book on – the concept of “What are they
really buying?” What are you really selling?

Gary: Right. You’re not selling grass seeds, you’re selling

a greener lawn.

Clayton: You’re not selling drill bits, you’re selling holes.

Gary: Exactly right. But you can really expand that. As I

was saying before, you’re not just buying a
newsletter. I want to buy a relationship with
somebody, one person I can trust in this investment
world, where everybody else is on commission trying
to sell me something. Boy, I would really appreciate
a relationship with somebody who is truly objective
and doesn’t have any product they’re going to sell
me except their advice. That’s what I realized we
were really selling with Skousen, and it’s why that
package was so successful.

So if you dwell on that question more deeply than

the next copywriter might, “What are we really
selling?” you’d be surprised at the answers you can
come up with. Major, blockbuster breakthroughs.

Clayton: I notice in a lot of your financial packages for Phillips,

for example, you were selling things like simplicity or
reliability, consistency, growing reliably richer and
those kinds of things instead of just selling the
obvious, which was the big profit.

Gary: Right, exactly. Because most people don’t put their[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

serious money into risky, “ten bagger” opportunities.

Again it gets back to knowing your market – and
some of this I can elaborate on as I answer your
question about the process. But it really comes from
knowing your market well, as to what most people in
that market believe, and if you try to exceed their
level of belief, you’re going to lose them. I learned
long ago that the only people who invest and who
therefore are going to buy an investment newsletter
are people with money.

Most people with money are probably over 50 years

old because you usually need that much time to
accumulate a substantial amount of money.
Furthermore, they really don’t want to lose it. So
they’re very risk averse, though they may like to
hear about the occasional investment that goes
through the roof.

Sure, there is a sub-market of people who really are

into that – the way casino gamblers are red hot for
that kind of information. But most investors, by and
large, want a safe way to invest their nest egg, their
retirement money, and they’re not going to bet it on
a penny stock. They might take a flyer on a penny
stock, but if you could address the main portion of
their wealth, they will really reward you handsomely.

To get back to your question about my process – it’s

probably a little bit unusual, but it is more
encompassing than you might at first think you would
hear from a copywriter.

I mentioned before about how Think and Grow Rich

and similar books and tapes have influenced me. I’m
probably Nightingale-Conant’s biggest customer.
But I think every great achievement begins in the
mind first, before it manifests itself in the material
world. Think and Grow Rich – well, how do you grow
rich? At first you have to start with a thought that you
want and intend to grow rich, and the same holds
true for a great breakthrough in a package. But let
me back up for a moment to the very start of the

This doesn’t happen anymore because I’m not

taking clients anymore, but when I was taking
clients, the phone would ring and somebody would
ask if I’d like to do this assignment. And I’d say,
“Sounds interesting, send me everything you can on
it. Let me get to know it.” And I would receive[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

everything and go through it very carefully. I

especially wanted to see the advertising that’s being
used for it. In terms of the advertising, I will call upon
my knowledge of the craft that I’ve developed over
all these years.

What I really want to know about the advertising is

whether or not I see an easy way for me to beat it. If
the advertising was created by somebody like
Clayton Makepeace, it’s an immediate turnoff. In
fact, there are about five or six writers who I would
feel that way about, and you’re certainly at the top of
that list.

If Clayton Makepeace has written the advertising,

and you’ve done a bang up job, but this client is just
getting greedy and curious to see what somebody
else can do, I’m not very interested. I’ll know right
away if it’s your work, Clayton, even if you didn’t tell
me you wrote it. I could usually tell. I can certainly
tell if a great writer has written it and if a piece is a
great piece. And if it is a great piece, I’m much less
interested in competing against it. After all, why
should I waste my time with a much lower likelihood
of success? We’re not in this to prove how macho
we are by taking on all comers. We’re in it to
maximize our return on investment.

That’s like Warren Buffett. He doesn’t try to turn

every wacky investment into a superstar performer.
He says, “You don’t have to swing at every pitch. I’d
sooner let 1,000 bad pitches pass me by at the plate
– there are no balls or strikes – than swing at every
pitch. I just want to swing at the one I think I can
whack out of the park.”

I’m the same way. I like to see a great product

suffering from really weak advertising. That’s my
perfect scenario. It’s just as Warren Buffett wants to
see a great investment that the rest of the world
doesn’t realize is a great investment yet.

At first I would look at the advertising and the

product to see how strong the product was and how
strong the advertising was. In terms of the
advertising, I can tell if it’s strong based on my
knowledge of the craft, just all the things that we
copywriters learn over time. You learn to recognize
good headlines and good offers and good
guarantees.[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

So I apply that screen to the assignment and see if I

can find a toe hold somewhere. If it’s fairly well
written, do I see a toe hold? Do I see someplace
where I can beat it? So I’ll analyze every part of the
package. Is the headline very strong or is it just fair
to middling? If I can find myself coming up with
something that I could pretty much realize is going to
be stronger in that department, well that’s a plus.

Then I’ll look at the body copy, the bullets, the offer,
the guarantee, the premium, every component in
there and if I can come up with a good feeling that I
can beat each one of those components, then it’s a
slam dunk. Then I can beat the overall response rate
because the package is nothing more than the sum
of its components and if I can see my way clear to
improving upon each component, then it’s a slam
dunk that I’ll beat the whole thing.

So I’ll look at the advertising through that screen. I’ll

also – and this is where a lot of copywriters go astray
– look at the product from the point of view of my
product knowledge. And this is why I think it’s so
important that copywriters should specialize in
certain parts of the marketplace. I don’t think there
are many copywriters who can be equally successful
in all areas of the market, with all different products.
Especially not when there are other very well trained
copywriters in every other market that they’re
thinking of entering.

I’ve always been very knowledgeable about health.

I’ve been a health nut for about 30 to 40 years. And,
just because that’s where most of the work was, I
was always into financial products. So I know those
two marketplaces very well. I know what will
generally sell. I know lots of tests that didn’t perform
well – and that knowledge is very valuable in
knowing whether this product is valuable or not. This
marketplace is always changing so you have to keep
up on what investors are reading now. You’ve got to
know the books and newspapers that they’re reading
and understand what’s on their minds now. You’ve
got to keep up with what’s happening in the
economy and what they’re worried about. Once you
reach a certain level of knowledge, it’s fairly easy to
keep up with the marketplace.

If I’m really comfortable with those two things: 1) that

I can beat the advertising that I see in front of me or
at least have a reasonable chance of doing so after[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

doing a lot of research; and 2) the product is a strong

one with great credibility elements to it and some
great reasons why the prospect can benefit from
this, then I feel very confident about it and I’d be
willing to take the assignment.

Watch for Part 5 Next Week.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← For Men and Women Who Still Dream A Conversation with

the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga
Part 5 of 6 →

6 Responses to A Conversation with

the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga
Part 4 of 6

Sebastian says:
October 31, 2008 at 9:54 am

Greatpost-Thank You!!!

I got a Headline for my industry[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

Why Home prices MAY go up in 2009!



Jean-Francois Guilbert says:

November 6, 2008 at 6:45 pm







Jon Weston says:

November 6, 2008 at 8:19 pm

Its funny you should say that you delete a lot of the top marketers
emails Gary, because I *always* find myself reading yours, for the
very reason you cite during your chat with Clayton — you’re actually
providing useful nuggets of information, and you’re not selling me
every… single… day!

Thanks a million.



November 6, 2008 at 8:20 pm[11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |

Good conversation, guys. Good lessons. Did you ever watch a

group of people look at a person blow up a balloon? First you have a
colorful piece of rubber. It’s usually sitting on a table. The person
picks it up. It dangles from his thumb and index finger like a slippery
worm. There’s a hush in the room as he puts it to his mouth.
Everyone knows this red balloon can defeat this person if he can’t get
it right. Like blowing the candles on a cake. You gotta get it right.
Pace yourself. And everyone knows he could turn this slippery piece
of rubber into a delightful experience as it grows larger and prettier
and will bounce around the room from the gentile nudges from the
smiling group. The balloon always succeeds. If he can’t blow it up,
there’s always that guy who says, “Here, let me try it.” Three cheers,
some chest pounding, and a living room volleyball game ensues.
Have you noticed the copywriting progression here? Amateurs
usually start the way this story ended. They are ready to begin their
copy, all puffed up and pontificating. Beating their chest and
eventually the copy fizzles out with a message that feels like a vague
slippery worm. –Rohn Engh    


Diana 'SexyFemale' Sabrain says:

November 6, 2008 at 11:41 pm

I totally agree with Internet Marketers wanting to sell one hot product
after another.

I’m so lucky to have had run an offline business that use direct
response marketing and understand the need to HAVE a business
instead of just SELLING products/services.

Crossing over to internet marketing, i can see the big picture clearly
and am glad to not have the get-rich-quick mentality that a lot of
IMers adopt.

Great blog!


Marcelino Latorre says:

November 7, 2008 at 4:25 pm

This article was the bomb! I have to confess, I LOVE SELLING

CLOSE THE SALE AT WILL.. It’s all about telling the homeowner a
killer story. Damn this article lit a fire under my ass, thanks guys![11/29/2012 7:54:59 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 4 of 6 |


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Gary Bencivenga Recent Posts
Part 5 of 6 He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Posted on November 13, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?

Wendy here with another piece of the interview Clayton did with Gary

Today they both reveal their secret for writing blockbuster copy. (Hint:
Knowing your craft and your marketplace is only part of the equation for

If you follow their advice, you’ll be practically invincible.

So without further delay, let’s get back to that interview …

Gary: Like you, I imagine, I always have an incentive in my

compensation agreement where the better I do for the
client, the more money I could make myself. I really
want a very strong likelihood of long-term success with
it. Assuming all of those factors are positive, the next
step I would take is to envision a blockbuster success.
As I said before, every achievement begins in the
mind before it manifests itself in the material world, so
I would envision a great success.

In my mind, I would hear my client calling me in two

months saying, “Gary, you did it again. This is[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

unbelievable. The phones are ringing off the hook.

The postal trucks are lining up, bringing these bags of
orders in. Oh man, the next time you’re in town you
have to let me take you to dinner.” I would envision the
entire phone call with a thrilled client absolutely
jumping up and down with how thrilled he was that I
wrote the package and how the responses are just
pouring in, burying his mailroom with checks and

I would see this whole vision in my mind. I would taste

the celebratory dinner that I was going to experience
with my wife, Pauline, to celebrate this latest triumph.
Your subconscious mind wants to manifest the images
you place before it with great emotion. So indulge your
fantasy about success.

See the accomplishment in the rehearsal studio of

your own mind. Tell your subconscious, “This is what I
like to experience, help me do it!” So if you start
celebrating before you’ve even put pen to paper or
fingers to keyboard, just getting that very exciting
vision of how you’re going to experience success, it
frees up tremendous subconscious resources for you
to achieve that success and very effortlessly also.

You’re effortlessly teaching your mind what’s going to

be happening. Your subconscious mind, as Maxwell
Maltz taught in Psycho-Cybernetics, is a goal-striving
mechanism. When you give your subconscious a
target that you want to hit, it will pull into itself and
eventually share with your conscious mind all kinds of
resources that you never knew you had within you to
make that happen.

This is the goal that you’re telling your subconscious

mind that will be enjoyed and experienced in a month
or two, six months, or whatever your time schedule is
for completing the job and having it tested. This is
what’s going to happen. Most writers don’t go through
any preliminary stage like this. There are lots of ways
to do it, but whatever methodology or ritual you have
for doing this, the key is envisioning the success even
before it unfolds. That very process helps the steps
unfold and you want to make it very vivid to your
senses because that will make it real to your
subconscious mind.

You want to feel the emotion especially. You just want

to close your eyes and feel how great it’s going to feel
that you’ve chalked up another big winner and that the[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

word is getting around in the industry that “Wow, this

guy is almost unbeatable. Almost everything we’ve
given him, he hits a homerun for us. He’s
unbelievable.” You just fantasize about all of these
things. You combine that with your knowledge of the
craft that you’ve accumulated throughout the years
and you combine that with the specialized knowledge
of the marketplace. If you combine those three things,
I can guarantee you’ll almost be invincible.

How can anybody else beat you when you have all
that going for you? We’re not like athletes where,
mentally, they reach the peak of their knowledge just
at the very time when their physical skills are going
into decline. The quarterback at age 35 knows so
much more than the young rookie about how to read a
defense and how to craftily send a receiver downfield
for a touchdown pass. His mind is so much further
ahead and educated than a rookie quarterback just out
of college. Unfortunately for people who earn livings
from physical skills, their physical skills deteriorate at
the very time when their mental powers are at their

In copywriting that doesn’t happen. We need to always

build on our knowledge base. Over time you must
build these three key areas of knowledge.

First the knowledge of what works in direct marketing,

your knowledge of the craft.

Second, your knowledge of a given marketplace –

whether it’s health or finance or chiropractic, or
whatever interests you or wherever you’re getting your
current work from.

And third, the knowledge of how to unleash the

competitive and great instincts that you have within
you that you don’t even know about. It’s the 90% of
your mind that you don’t normally use. Once you
unlock that 90%, if you add that to the mix of knowing
your craft and market, you will be virtually invincible in
whatever you chose to do.

Clayton: That’s wonderful.

Gary: I’m sure, Clayton, that I’m not telling you anything you
don’t know because when I look at words that you
write for your clients, there’s no way I want to tangle
with that stuff. I’m sure there are a lot of other[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

copywriters who feel the same way.

Clayton: That’s very kind. Psycho-Cybernetics is one of my

favorite reads.

Gary: You’ve never told me that, but in a way I knew it. I

knew it because you couldn’t produce at such a high
level without the tailwind from your subconscious
mind. You’re at an emotional level when you write.
And that can only be achieved through your
subconscious mind, which is, in effect, channeling the
desires, hopes and dreams of a lot of other
subconscious minds. It’s only when your subconscious
mind is engaged that way that you can produce work
of the compelling power that I see you produce. Not
having ever known that about you, I knew that you
must have been somehow harnessing your
subconscious mind in a way that most copywriters

Clayton: I have my entire life. I think part of the process for me

too is envisioning early in the process the client being
completely blown away by the first draft.
Understanding the purpose of the first draft is to have
a second draft and a third. The purpose of the final
draft is to accomplish all of the other things – career
growth and the out-of-the park homerun and all of

I also spend time thinking about under-promising and

over-delivering to the clients as well as the longer
effects. I’ve also found that one of the little ideas in
Psycho-Cybernetics that’s extremely valuable in terms
of allowing your subconscious to work, is getting away
from the work in one way or another. Napping, for

Gary: That’s very true. That’s when your subconscious gets

the chance to connect with the conscious as Gene
Schwartz put it. He used to talk about that all the time
in his methodology where he would put himself in front
of his typewriter or computer and not put any pressure
on himself to do anything. He used a little time clock
and he would punch in 33 minutes, 33 seconds on it,
just so he wouldn’t have to punch in more than one
button on his timer. And every 33 minutes and 33
seconds he would get up and go for a stretch and
when he came back for his next 33 minutes and 33[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

seconds, somehow the answers were ready for him.

To relieve the stress and pressure of having to write
great copy, Schwartz had only one requirement. He
had to stay in his chair for the entire 33 minutes. He
didn’t have to work on the copy if he didn’t want to, but
he didn’t allow himself to work on anything else or to
answer the phone or to read the mail.

That’s the same process. You have to get away from it

so the subconscious can give you the answer it’s just
dying to give you but can’t because your conscious
mind is so rigidly trying to force the issue. So when
you open those channels by napping or getting away
from it, the subconscious at that point can whisper the
answer in your ear and it just bubbles right up to the
conscious mind.

Clayton: I wrote the Health & Healing launch package in one

day by a swimming pool in Huntington Beach and I did
it just that way. I wrote for an hour and I swam for an
hour. I wrote for an hour and I swam for an hour. By
the end of the day I had a complete first draft.

Gary: Isn’t that amazing? Oh, Gene Schwartz, in

recommending that very methodology, said that’s how
Mozart used to compose his concertos and
symphonies. It’s obvious, of course, that Mozart was a
genius, but people were amazed at the process he
used. He would play billiards – I think billiards is what
they called it then. And Gene Schwartz said that
Mozart would hit the billiard ball with his pool cue and
then write some notes. It was an activity that got his
conscious mind off of what he was working on and
then by the time he went back to the music notation,
the next phrases were all right there, he didn’t
consciously have
to think about it.

Clayton: How many hours a day would you write? Is there a

hard and fast rule?

Gary: It’s hard and fast. I always believed that if I can get
three hours of quiet time, I can achieve anything in the
morning. And those three hours includes researching.
In the research phase – once I’ve agreed to take
something on – I’ll devote about 40% of my time on
the project to research, maybe 40% to writing the first
draft, and then 20% for polishing and rewriting after
that.[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

I love to write. I guess I’ve had an aptitude from an

early age. And once you get successful at something,
you really feel like you have the aptitude to do it. I
really do like the writing process. Winston Churchill
said that he hated writing but loved having written. A
lot of people are that way; they hate the process of
writing. But I enjoy it.

Once you get into a rhythm and a groove, as I’m sure

you have over the years for approaching your
assignments, it’s not that hard. If you do enough
research, the writing comes fairly easily.

To answer your question, I would usually like to do

three hours in the morning, and I still try to do that. I
still get a little antsy if I don’t. I wake up and get three
hours in on something, like a major project that I want
to work on.

Those early morning hours are, to me, the most

productive time, especially if you can harness in the
subconscious before you go to bed. You just go to bed
reading something over and posing a question you’d
like to have solved by the morning. Your subconscious
mind tends to millions of cellular and biological
transactions every night. You’re breathing and
swallowing and goodness knows what else, literally
millions of other activities. It’s nothing to give you a
headline by the morning if you just say, “I’d like a good
headline on this in the morning. I’ve just read it over
and I have no idea, so you come up with it. You’re the
power behind whatever my conscious mind does, so
give me a good headline or ten or twenty in the
morning and I’ll just be ready with my notepad.” And
that’s pretty much what happens.

I know Dan Kennedy has said that’s how he is so

productive. He’ll tell his mind what he wants to have
written when he wakes up in the morning and it all
flows out like a computer dump. It’s not like you’re
sleeping fitfully – it’s totally subconscious. If you let too
much time go by, however, if you don’t get to your
writing until the afternoon, you might have lost it.
That’s why I like to do my writing first thing in the
morning because my mental computer’s been running
all night with whatever I wanted to write about and it
just pours out almost word for word.

Clayton: Absolutely. It’s amazing because I do the same thing.[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

Gary: Do you really? Wow.

Clayton: Years ago I got into the habit of going to bed very
early around eight o’clock and getting up at four in the
morning when there would be no sounds in the house,
no distractions, no phones ringing and be able to just
totally engage in the work without interruption for
several hours.

Gary: Yeah that’s what I like. I still wake up naturally, no

alarm clock. I wake up with the morning light and
sometimes I wake up 4:30 or 5:00. We’re on the east
coast out in the Hamptons – the sun comes over the
ocean really early.

I used to stay up late. I used to do very well being a

night owl but Pauline wakes up really early. She bolts
out of bed at 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning. When she
does, I find it hard getting back to sleep so I had to get
in sync with her rhythm. And once I did, I found it
much more productive for me to wake up at that time
anyway, using the night as a time when I just sleep
soundly and let my mind review whatever it’s
reviewing to give me my answers in the morning.

Early in the morning too, as you say, there’s no phone

ringing. But you’ve got to train yourself not to get into
your e-mails and see what’s happening. There are so
many things that tug at your attention. Try to get into
the discipline of – and I’m saying this obviously for
your listeners or readers who don’t do this, because I
know you must already do it – training yourself to
focus on one major task at that precious, most
productive time of the day.

That’s really the 10% of the day that’ll give you 80% of
your results. So you should really save it for that most
important assignment that you’re working on at that
moment. Then the rest of the day will be phone calls
and e-mails and meetings and things that come up or
people coming to the door. You know a million things
that distract you, but at least you will feel very
productive for that day because you’ve logged your
two to three hours first thing in the morning, and
you’ve got something to show for that day. And if you
could do that pretty much every day, it’s amazing how
much you’ll write, how much you’ll produce.[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

Clayton: I also find that the work we do on each package is

easily divided into two camps: 1) the creative work;
and 2) the detail-oriented work. And quite often they
require two very different aptitudes. I’ll tend to focus
on creative issues very early in the morning. Then,
when I feel my creative energy flagging, I move to
more detail-oriented tasks such as research and other
things like that.

Gary: I couldn’t agree with you more, Clayton. In my mind

the tasks break down the same way. I like to reserve
the really tough problems for that high energy period
in the morning. And I find they usually get worked out
right away. But you have to have that focus, that clarity
– almost like a still lake – to follow the thread of a new
creative line of thought. And then there’ll be many
parts of a package that are just much more mundane
things, but are just as important in the long run
because you need the foundation for the brilliant,
creative idea that leads off the package.

I call that “grinding out the yardage.” Instead of a

beautiful Hail Mary pass that covers 70 yards at once
– which I toss in the morning – this is just three feet
and a cloud of dust … three feet and another cloud of
dust. For the rest of the day it’s a series of small gains.
It’s just grinding out the yardage, reading the stuff
that’s got to be read, capturing a little bullet from this
paragraph and the next one and the next one after
that. It’s rote mechanical work and it’s time consuming,
but it’s got to be done. But if you put those two halves
together, that’s where the power is.

Watch for Part 6 Next Week.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |

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← A Conversation with A Conversation with

the Legendary Copywriter the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga Gary Bencivenga
Part 4 of 6 Part 6 of 6 →

5 Responses to A Conversation with

the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga
Part 5 of 6

Cathy Sutter says:

November 13, 2008 at 5:10 pm

Clayton –
I’m thinking that you and I are on the same wavelength since this
segment is exactly what I needed to read. I have Maxwell Maltz’s
book just lying on my dresser. Hate to admit it…I’ve had it for awhile
but have only read a few pages. Now this is a gentle reminder to
read and apply the knowledge.

I’m a long-time believer in the power of the subconscious mind. Just

the kick in the pants that I needed. Thanks so much for this one!



Dave Weber says:

November 13, 2008 at 7:25 pm

We are like the Carpenter who never learned to use his tools
correctly, our most important one is us yet we fail to fully understand
our complex human equation and how it really works,
when we do we will be a lot better off.

Thanks for this it was terrific.

DAW[11/29/2012 7:55:12 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 5 of 6 |


James Nailen-Smith says:

November 13, 2008 at 9:31 pm

I have known about the power of the subconcious mind since I was
about 8 years old but it is strange how we forget to use it. I have
always been a believer after my father, (God rest his soul), gave me
some advice when I wanted to learn more about the worlds different
countries for a school geography project. He bought me a book with
all the information that I needed and told me to read a couple of
pages evrynight as I was going to sleep. I would read the same 2
pages over and over, eventually closing my eyes and almost reciting
the information. Then I would fall asleep and have total recall the next

I ended up being able to list the capital of any country asked, plus
that country’s population, its capital’s population, chief import, chief
export, currency and local attractions. Part 5 is a reminder of exactly
what we can achieve when we set our mind to it and when we do not
forget what we have learned in the past. Keep up the brilliant work.



Marcelino Latorre says:

November 14, 2008 at 1:42 pm

Reading this was like adding another ruby to my crown. It

makes persistent in the paper chase.


Phil says:
November 19, 2008 at 5:29 pm

I’m printing this stuff out and keeping it in my most important folder

thanks again


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A Conversation with
the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga Recent Posts
Part 6 of 6 He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Posted on November 20, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.
by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?

Wendy here with the final part of the interview Clayton did with legendary
copywriter, Gary Bencivenga.

In this segment, Clayton gets Gary to reveal secrets of client relationship

management and more.

Whether you’re a copywriter or a marketing director who hires and works with
copywriters, you’ll find these secrets invaluable to your business.

So let’s jump right on in!

Clayton: We’ve already taken a half-hour longer than I

promised but I would like to ask you one final question.
Let’s discuss the client relationship. A lot of the people
who will be reading this are people who hire
copywriters and work with them. What are the things
the client can do to help you produce stronger copy,
and do it more quickly?

Gary: That’s a very good question. Over the years I

developed a “please don’t do this” list. Here’s an
example:[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

“Suppose I work my tail off to produce a breakthrough

package for my client and it becomes the control.
Eventually, that new control starts to weaken. At that
point, they will often invite some other writers to take
their best shot at beating me.”

What would gall me is when another writer would look

at my package and then capture every essential
concept almost in the same sequence of
conceptualization and put it into “his” package. He’d
put different words around it of course, perhaps add a
different premium or two, but his package is really just
a mirror image of what I’ve done, with just enough
changes that he, under some guise of fairness, could
call it his package and not mine anymore. In other
words, the words have changed, but the concepts
really haven’t. Or if he did add a concept or two, they
probably didn’t help or hurt that much. I call this
“barely legal plagiarism.”

Basically, in effect, the writer does a mirror image of

my package under his name. That would drive me
crazy. The point is – and this goes back to my “please
don’t do this list” – I would tell clients, “Look, if you
want me to reserve my best ideas for you, don’t let this
happen. It’s for your benefit as well as mine.”

How does this hurt the client? Well, there are many
writers out there who, if you let them be lazy, will be
bone-lazy. If you let them get away with just mirroring
what somebody else has done without breaking new
ground, you’ll never get anything else out of them –
even when you demand it. They’re always going to
take the path of least resistance because everybody in
life seems to have more work than they can handle.
And if you’re a client who settles for somebody merely
imitating somebody else’s package, that’s the only
thing you’re going to get from that writer. If you spoil
each writer you work with that way, you’re never going
to get original breakthrough packages.

It also de-motivates your best writers. It de-motivates

me to give you my best ideas. After all, if I have a
breakthrough concept, why would I give it to a client
who would allow it to be swiped, when I have other
clients who will protect my ideas?

This isn’t a legal issue, by the way, where the imitative

writer violates the rule of copyright. The person does
change the words but the melody is pretty much the[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

same. So I have no legal recourse – and really have

no desire to go after the client or the writer legally
anyway. I have better things to do with my time.

So, it’s not a legal issue, it’s an incentive issue. I say

to my clients, “When you let other writer’s swipe my
ideas, what have you done for my incentive to give
you the next blockbuster idea? You’ve just trained me
to give it to somebody else who will protect me – and I
don’t want to do that. I don’t think you want me to do it
to you either. You don’t want me to go elsewhere with
my best ideas. If you want to protect the flow of great
ideas, by all means test other people but don’t let
them get off easy by taking either half or two-thirds of
my package and just rewording it and cheating
everybody in the process, including the lazy writer
himself. The writer shouldn’t, for his or her sake, be
allowed to do that because then they’re not being
forced to come up to their best level of originality and

That was a bugaboo and I’m sure you’ve seen that

too, Clayton. You have a great control package and all
of the sudden arriving in the mail is a package that
sort of looks like yours, all the same ideas…

Clayton: It’s paraphrased. They just sat down and paraphrased

your copy.

Gary: Some hot new writer! The client may even say, “Wow
Clayton, you’ve got to meet this guy, he’s really good.”
Meanwhile you’re thinking, “Yeah he must be my kind
of guy, he sounds so much like me!”

That’s one. And I have another. I didn’t have this so

much after I got a reputation and people would learn
to trust me. But earlier in my career, people would
retain me and then want to tell me what to write.
Ogilvy had a great saying for that. Whenever a client
would try to dictate the copy or come up with some
cockamamie headline that Ogilvy knew wasn’t going
to work, he would say, “Look, why keep a dog and
bark yourself?” I look at it the same way: “If you hired
me to do this, just let me do it and then judge me on
that basis. Don’t try to dictate to me what I should
write and judge me on whether I succeeded or failed.
At the very least, let me have my own test. I can try to
work with what you have your heart set on working,
unless it’s really atrocious.” I don’t want my name on a
package that’s atrocious.[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

Of course, very often a client has a really great idea

and you shouldn’t resist that. You should run with it.
Sometimes they’ll have an idea that’s not so great and
you think it’s not going to work, but who knows?
Maybe he’s onto something, but give me another shot
at something [else], which I feel has a much higher
probability of working.

That’s another thing that I’ve always done through my

career is take at least two swings at the ball. I would
tell a client, “Look, in researching this, I’ve come up
with several ideas, any one of which could work. My
favorite is a very high-probability concept, but I have
others I’d like to test, as well.” You want to always put
your best efforts forward. You always want to have
house odds. It’s like casinos and gamblers are both
participating in the same activity. They’re both
gambling but the casinos always make money and
gamblers almost always lose. Casinos always rake in
good fortunes just by slanting the probabilities in their
direction ever so slightly.

So I say to the client, “Let’s do that on your package.

For Package A I’m going to employ every high
probability technique I know that has created
breakthroughs for other people over my career in this
business. And I’m going to take certain powerful
techniques from other peoples’ packages that I see
working. Everything that I can bring to the table to
raise your probability of having a homerun, I’m going
to put in this package. That’s Package A.

“But over here in the second package, Package B, I’m

going to break a rule or two. We’re going to really get
original. I’m going to use most of the same high
probability bullets and offers and premiums and
subheads but maybe I’m going to try a headline that
has never been done before to give you that element
of freshness. So grant me two test panels and I will
double your chances of succeeding.”

The smart clients say, “Sure, it’s not going to cost me

that much more to test the second panel, and the
benefit I gain is that I’ve virtually doubled my chances
of success.” The point is, every now and then, that
second package will win.

Now, most of the time the high probability tests will

win. That’s the one with the big benefit headline, an
expanded subhead – I’m telling you the formula that[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

I’m sure you probably follow, Clayton – curiosity-

provoking bullets, a great credential up front, and so
forth. Following all the way through, it looks very
interesting to read, under a hot subject, emotional
language all the way through – all the things that we
pack into our magalogs and other formats. So that will
be the high probability one.

Also, I love to test something that is really different,

something radically different. Even in the offer, the
back-end, maybe instead of charging $200, let’s test
$3,000 for this. Who knows? It might just work. It could
be anything that could, if it works, gives you a whole
new business. Sometimes, not as often as the high
probability one, but every now and then you hit on one
of those and it really is a blockbuster. So I call that my
package insurance.

I never want to go naked into a test without my high

probability version because, for everybody, that
usually will be the winner. But you don’t want to cut
yourself off from those riskier packages that every now
and then open up a success unlike anything that
anybody has ever seen before.

Clayton: That’s wonderful. I wish I had thought about that in the

early going because whenever I was going up against
the control, I was always torn by that question. It was
always an either/or for me. It was, “Do I try something
radically new and different and pick the smaller odds,
or do I go with a high probability concept that is more
of a sure thing?”

Gary: Yes, that’s exactly the choice you face. Most

packages that are working utilize concepts that have
come before. So if you’ve come up with a concept that
you’ve never seen, it’s probably not a good sign but it
could be a great sign, we just don’t know. The odds
are small but the payoffs could be much greater.

Clayton: Just a bonus question: as far as I know you were the

first to really exploit magalogs.

Gary: No, actually not. That honor belongs to Jim Rutz, the
copywriter, and Ed Elliott, the designer. They did the
first magalog for Personal Finance. I did the second
one for Personal Finance, which beat theirs. But as
soon as I saw that format, my eyes lit up. These guys
discovered a format so powerful I don’t even think at[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

first they knew how powerful it was even though it did

become a control. I had a standard number 10-
package control for Personal Finance for KCI. They
came in with a magalog. On the front was a cartoon of
an investor with a dartboard and he was picking his
teeth with one of the darts and on the dartboard were
the various investments.

I had the background from Ogilvy and Caples who

said to never make your space ad look like an ad –
always make it look like an article. Ogilvy had tested
this and when a space ad looks like an article, his very
scientific readership study showed that 500% more
people read the ad than if it looked just like an ad. In
other words, headline, body copy, call to action ––
every word is identical except the layout. If you run in
The Wall Street Journal and you make it look pretty
much like a Wall Street Journal article, even if they
slap that slug on there that says “Advertisement,”
you’ll get a 500% boost in readership for that ad.

And that was pretty consistent across all the space

ads that he tested. That means right out of the gate
you get a 500% increase in readership by making your
ad look like an editorial article. Caples has always
preached the same thing. As a matter of fact, in one of
his books, he tells about a test in Reader’s Digest. I
think it was an 81% increase in actual orders for
Reader’s Digest when it looked like an article instead
of a typical ad.

There’s lots of evidence for space ads but I could

never think of a way to harness that same principle
with a direct mail letter. As soon as I saw that first
magalog, I knew these guys had done it. And they
didn’t realize they had done it because very few
magazines have a cartoon on the cover. So they
found a very entertaining and informative format but
most magazines really look like magazines with a
photo on the cover, like Business Week or Forbes or

Magazines aren’t cutesy with a cartoon – so I saw my

opening, my toehold. I went back to Personal Finance
and said, “Look, I know you’ve got a new format and I
can do that format too. I’ll make mine totally different
with different copy. I believe my existing copy is still
very strong actually but there’s this great new format.”
And they asked, “What do we even call this format?” I
said “Well, it looks something like a magazine but it
sells like a catalog, so let’s call it a ‘magalog.’” So I[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

named it, but it was Jim Rutz and Ed Elliott who

invented it.

Now, what I did for mine – having had that training

from Ogilvy and Caples saying to camouflage your ad
and make it look like an article – was to make our
magalog look just like Time magazine. We gave it a
red border. We used a real photograph – not a cartoon
of an investor. It looked just the way Time magazine
might. We put a real photograph of a headshot of
Richard Band. He looked like the “Man of the Year” on
the cover of Time. We said something like, “Hottest
investment opportunities of the next year,” and the
bullets said “Great opportunities in treasuries, page 5;
Once in a lifetime real estate opportunity coming up
next year, see page 7,” and so forth.

We had all the same body/copy articles on the inside

as my previous direct mail package, but we made
them look like real articles with photographs. And then
the copy read like an article written by Richard Band,
the editor. Let’s say we’re talking about real estate.
We talked about which forms of real estate are hottest
right now and said, “By the way, we have a special
report on how to make money in single-family homes.
They’re great investments for the small investor. You’ll
get that report free for signing up with Personal

For every article, whether it was on bonds or stocks or

whatever, we had a little tie-in to a premium. But the
article was a real article, it gave a lot of good
information. This new venue, called a magalog, was
very valuable to read itself.

When I asked myself, “Can I beat Jim Rutz’s

package?” I saw that I had a much better cover. We
had a bigger, broader table of contents just the way a
magazine does. And we had lots of photographs
throughout that looked more like a magazine. So when
I analyzed all the components of my package versus
Jim’s, I felt pretty confident that I was going to win,
and I did.

When we started rolling out, Time called up and said,

“You’re using our red color on your cover.” And we
said, “What do you mean your color? How can you
copyright a color? You can’t copyright a color.” And
they said, “We have a lot of lawyers who say we can.”
Vickie Moffett at KCI didn’t want to get involved in a
big legal tangle so when they mentioned their lawyers,[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

she said, “Well, how do you feel about blue?” They

said, “Blue’s okay, that’s not our color.” So we went
with blue, and it went almost as well, not quite as well
but still it was a giant hit for several years.

Clayton: All of us remember what a huge lift we got when we

started testing magalogs. I was in 6 x 9s at the time
and was running very long copy, up to 24-page sales
letters. But going with magalogs really radically
changed how I wrote my copy as well. Instead of
being a sales letter, I was now writing value-added
copy that rewarded the reader for plowing through my
24 pages by giving him practical things that he could
use now.

Gary: That’s very true. That immediate gratification is very


Clayton: Yeah. Everyone’s looking for the next big format

breakthrough though.

Gary: I really think it’s here already. I think it’s the e-zine. I’m
finding that with the clients that I’m a partner with, I
almost don’t want to do direct mail anymore. It’s too
tough to send a 24-page magalog to a prospect who
doesn’t know you. I don’t think direct mail will ever be
dead, but rising paper costs, rising printing, and rising
skepticism argue against people responding to cold
mailings that are trying to sell them something right on
the spot. I think these factors argue instead for an
elongated courtship of an e-zine that is of great value
– where the selling process starts more subtly, a lot
more softly. Perhaps in the future the most profitable
use of much direct mail will be to drive people into an
e-zine relationship.

Direct mail is also destined, inevitably, to become the

province of higher-cost products. When I started, you
could sell a $12 book by direct mail and make a lot of
money. You can’t do that anymore. My first freelance
client was a little company called Farnsworth
Publishing and we sold a lot of books. I would write a
space ad that would run in The Wall Street Journal on
estate planning or some form of investing or how to
buy a small company or other very esoteric subjects.
We also had an active direct mail campaign for the
same book, a #10 package and a letter selling a book
for $12 or $19. You couldn’t possibly cover that cost
today, you’d go in the hole.[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

That bar is constantly being raised. I think pretty soon

it’ll be very hard to make money on a $39 offer unless
you’ve got a very healthy back-end and are willing to
break even or even lose a little money up front. Again,
it depends on what you’re selling.

I think one of the great things that you did, Clayton, for
Phillips Publishing was your package for Health &
Healing. It wasn’t just a homerun, it was a grand slam
World Series winning blast in the bottom of the ninth
inning. That’s how memorable your Health & Healing
launch package was for Phillips.

That package built that newsletter to astronomical

heights. I don’t think anybody could’ve ever envisioned
that. I’m sure that Tom Phillips never thought that this
little newsletter on health that he just launched as an
additional product to have, would become the towering
profit maker of Phillips Publishing.

But not only that, it was such a perfectly natural

vehicle for selling vitamins and supplements to those
who are signing up for the newsletter. So the
newsletter in effect became a paid advertisement. The
prospects would literally pay to receive additional
offers for supplements and cruises and everything else
that you would want to sell associated with Dr.
Whitaker, who is the editor of the newsletter.

So you had 500,000, or however many subscribers

they had in time, each one paying $50 a year to start
with, and I guess those prices ratcheted up over the
renewal period. I can’t even do the arithmetic. I think
that would break my calculator just to figure out the
money they were making on the subscriptions. And
then there’s all the money coming in from
supplements and vitamins and all kinds of arthritis
remedies and water filters and all the other back-end
products. That was just a gigantically profitable
business that you helped them create.

Clayton: They only thought I wrote that package. That was a

Bencivenga package from beginning to end.

Gary: Is it too late to tell Tom this because I understand he

was just made extremely wealthy by the sale of that
company? Maybe somehow you can finagle for me a
slice of what he just received.[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

Clayton: We sold between one and two million subscriptions in

three years.

Gary: Wow. Clayton, I had nothing to do with that. We all

learn from each other and I learn from you and that
was your homerun totally unaided by me.

Clayton: I think this interview should be absolute must-reading

for every soul in the direct response industry, Gary.
Your insights are staggeringly brilliant. Is there
anything else that you’d like to add before we close?

Gary: No, that’s it, Clayton. When I was coming up through

the ranks of the direct marketing agencies in
Manhattan – Ogilvy & Mather, BBDO and a couple of
others – my favorite time of the week was on Friday
afternoons when most writers would kick back and just
meet in the copy chief’s office and shoot the breeze
about great campaigns and funny art directors and
neurotic account executives and other comical gossip.
We’d just tell jokes and learn from each other about

Mostly we young guys just shut up and listened

because the old timers had so many great war stories
of campaigns that were breakthroughs and how they
were developed and funny characters they met along
the way, like the art director who slept in his cubicle
because his girlfriend threw him out and he had no
place to go and that’s the real reason why he was so
early for work in the morning – he lived in his cubicle.

Those sessions were just so instructive and I think this

is sort of the modern day equivalent of that – where
two guys just talk shop on the phone and if we can
help others save some time by avoiding the mistakes
we made, so much the better.

Clayton: I just want you to know, Gary, that if there’s ever

anything at all that I can do for you all you have to do
is ask. I don’t know what plans you have for
Bencivenga Bullets or future products or services or
educational tools or whatever, but just count me in.

Gary: The Bullets are free and I offer them to anybody who
wants to learn what I know. Just go to I want to leave
something of a legacy, partly to carry on in the same
tradition of those great old copy chiefs who taught me.[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |

You don’t have to know thousands of things to be a

really good copywriter.

A relatively small handful of insights as your

guideposts will save you years of effort and save
clients perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in
their testing. Those are the secrets I share for free in
the Bullets.

Clayton: Gary, thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

Gary: Okay, Clayton, it’s been great. Take care.

Clayton: Take care. Bye.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Gary Bencivenga
Part 5 of 6

5 Responses to A Conversation with

the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga
Part 6 of 6

Debra Sale Wendler says:

November 20, 2008 at 7:05 pm

Clayton and Gary,

Thank you for sharing these gold nuggets of wisdom with us. Now,
how do I get you two to write for me?

Sincerely yours in parenting success,

Debra Sale Wendler


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

November 21, 2008 at 2:21 am

Thank you Clayton and Gary!

Just listening to you guys shoot the breeze about copywriting has
been so informative over the past 6 sessions. I hope you might do
it again! Total Package and Bencivenga Bullets are must reads…
right up there with the classics you always recommend. Thank you
both for your generosity in sharing these brilliant insights.


Jean-Francois Guilbert says:

November 22, 2008 at 6:46 pm

OF YUR STRATEGY FOR US.[11/29/2012 7:55:25 PM]

A Conversation with the Legendary Copywriter Gary Bencivenga Part 6 of 6 |



ME I WORK WITH French-speaking one, AS MY PROJECTS




THE Brainstars
jean-francois Guilbert


Pingback: Did you know Gary was once arrested for fornicating with a Cow?

Rogério Madureira says:

May 12, 2010 at 10:50 am

It would be nice to have links to the other interviews in the own


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Fair Warning:
Posted on October 27, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
The Recording of last week’s webcast Time for a Change
— “My Multi-Million-Dollar Secret Revealed” — Before you take the copywriting
Goes OFF-LINE In Less Than 48 Hours! by storm, there’s something
you should know …

Watch it now, or you could miss it Do You Believe?

Dear Business-Builder,

OK, I’m a nag. So sue me!

But the truth is, I delivered more solid response-rocketing strategies and
tactics on that free webcast than I could EVER give you in a regular issue of
The Total Package.

Plus, in the posts that followed on my OPM Blog, I answered dozens of

questions to help you drive your response and profits through the everlovin’

So I’ll be back with a regular Total Package article next week. For now, I
have just two words for you:

Click Here.

Do it to discover the strategy and tactics I use online to sell tens of millions of
dollars in sales for clients — and to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in
royalties for myself every single month.

Do it to grab a free tool that can keep your company or your clients’
companies growing no matter how devastating this economic crisis becomes.[11/29/2012 7:55:45 PM]

Fair Warning: |

Do it because you want to see the amazement on the teller’s face when you
make your next deposit.

Do it because you want a better life for your family and yourself.

Or, do it in self-defense; to grab a tool that has the power to generate more
than enough money to see your company and your family through this crisis.

Do it because if you don’t watch it now, you’ll be at the mercy of every

competitor who did.

Just DO IT!

There’s no cost. There’s no sales pitch; I don’t ask you to buy anything. Just
practical, actionable, profitable strategies that could make you more money in
less time than you may now believe possible.

Do it now; because if you wait, it’ll be gone for good.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:55:45 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

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For Men and Women Who Still Dream

Posted on November 3, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Dear Business-Builder, Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
A few weeks back, I asked you to tell me what you’d like to see me write
by storm, there’s something
about on this blog. The #1 answer was, “Whatever’s on your mind.” you should know …
Do You Believe?

So here goes …

This is not a happy time for any American who still harbors dreams of
becoming rich.

Barring a miracle, we are about to make Barack Hussein Obama the next
president of the United States. And, to ensure that he is given full reign to
have his way with us, we’re about to give him a huge majority in both houses
of Congress.

That means, if you believe Senator Obama’s campaign promises …

He will soon add other people’s names to your paycheck if you earn
$250,000 or more per year.

He will use confiscatory taxes to punish small businesses — America’s #1

source of new job creation — and by doing so, he will send
unemployment skyrocketing.

He will raise taxes on investment; which can only diminish demand for
stocks and wipe out trillions more dollars that we’ve invested in our
retirement and college savings plans.

And if he makes good on even half the new spending promises he’s made
in his campaign, we’re likely to see a federal deficit approaching $2 trillion
in 2009 and skyrocketing interest rates as far as the eye can see.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Make no mistake: Despite Obama’s populist tirades, none of this will cause
the super-rich so much as a single twinge of pain. Billionaires and multi-
millionaires have all the cash they need; they don’t need to have an income
or to pay income taxes.

Nor is Obama declaring war on CEOs who have earned hundreds of millions
per year … or on billionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet … or trust fund
babies who have millions in inherited wealth. They already have more
money than they could possibly spend in many lifetimes.

Obama is declaring war on you, me and everyone else who hopes to become
rich; on your dreams of wealth, independence and a better life for your kids
and grandkids.

And he is declaring war on the millions who work for small businesses whose
bosses are about to be faced with the dilemma of whether to pay their taxes
or their employees.

A lot has been made, lately, of accusations that Obama’s redistributionist

fiscal policies are “socialistic.” Obama and his spinmeisters address these
claims not by debunking them, but simply by scoffing at them.

But cynicism is no argument. The simple truth is, Obama has made no
secret of the fact that his mission is to “spread the wealth” by confiscating
money from people who earned it; then giving that money to people who
didn’t. And that is, by definition, the very essence of socialism.

I must also admit that Obama’s selection of, 20-year friendship with and
praise of Jeremiah Wright makes me wonder if, like his pastor, Obama may
also harbor extreme racist tendencies. And if this deadly combination —
racism plus socialism — reminds you of another charismatic leader, a great
speech-maker and National Socialist who swayed the proletariat with
promises of “change” some 70 years ago, so be it.

The fact that Obama is telegenic and charismatic only makes him more
dangerous — a far deadlier enemy of capitalism, free enterprise, of your right
to possess the fruits of your labor and ultimately, of your personal liberty.

Mark my words: When Obama and his cronies in Congress — Nancy Pelosi,
Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Charlie Rangel — are
through with us, we’ll hardly recognize this country.

Frankly, I blame George Bush for this. His idiotic “compassionate

conservatism” — huge spending increases without a single effort to eliminate
government waste — blew the federal budget to smithereens.

His failure to rein in Fed chief Alan Greenspan who slashed interest rates
from 6.5% in 2000 to 1% in 2003 — and his failure to reform Fannie Mae and[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Freddie Mac — created the greatest asset bubble of all time … and of
course, the greatest economic bust of our lifetimes.

And it was on Bush’s watch that Washington began seizing U.S. corporations
— our largest insurer, our two largest mortgage brokers and buying the stock
of scores of other corporations.

In short, George W. Bush’s abject incompetence set the stage for the Obama
phenomenon that is about to change our nation and our lives forever.

For people like us — people who believe that adversity must be met with
intensified resolve — only one response to these new headwinds of punitive
taxation and regulation is worthy:

To cling to our dreams with our last ounce of strength … to refuse to allow
ourselves to be made ordinary … to redouble our determination and our
efforts to provide better lives for our employees, our families and ourselves.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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176 Responses to For Men and Women Who Still Dream

JudyAnn Lorenz says:

November 3, 2008 at 1:43 pm

They can try to inflict a lot of damage and maybe get it done, but I
don’t believe they can really beat US. Meanwhile, I plan to make my
voting statement against them.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

John Hernan says:

November 3, 2008 at 1:48 pm

Clayton, are your political posts supposed to create FEAR in the

minds of readers? The Republican Machine has used FEAR to get
our country into the mess we are in. With the new President Barry,
we can’t be any worse off than we are today… bailing out capitalistic
tycoons who love capitalism until they need to be bailed out by the
PEOPLE, killing millions of people costing trillions of dollars to
position ourselves in the Middle East….. instead of using that
massive amount of money to do R&D on alternative energy. Think
POSITIVE! Someone in the oval office who can THINK will be a boon
to our country!


Bill Barger says:

November 3, 2008 at 1:49 pm

A well balanced summary, giving credit where credit was due, and
blame in equal apportionment. It indeed is a long dark night that we
are facing.

What I cannot understand is why Obama has not sought out the
broadest support basis that any wanna-be could ever claim. As a
50% White, 42% Arabic and 7% Black individual, he could rightfully
claim to represent all of us. But he singularly aligns with his 7% side,
which bodes very poorly for the rest of us.

What will happen if the legal efforts to cause Obama to substantiate

his citizenship bear fruit, and we find that he is either a non citizen or
a naturalized citizen, and incabable of holding office? Will social
order prevail, or will social discentent be the form of backlash we
see? It indeed is a repeat of history when carisma overbears actual
performance in deciding a person’s
worthiness to lead.


Harvey McKinnon says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:01 pm

The Republican neo-cons have seriously damaged the US

economy. Run up an enormous deficit. Got into an unwinnable
war — based on lies. Chose a president who will go down as
possibly the worst president in US history. Selected a candidate
this time who thinks that a pretty, pretty inexperienced, and[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

pretty dumb woman, would make a great vice president. This is

the choice of a man who has a statistically reasonable chance to
die in office.Plus the Republicans have all but destroyed the US
brand, globally. Your readers know how important a brand is. If
a president of the company damaged a brand as much as Bush
has, they would be long gone. Electing Obama would give an
enormous boost to the US globally. Plus he can’t do any worse
than the clowns who have been running the country for the last
eight years. Harvey McKinnon


STeve Newdell says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:01 pm


Clayton, you’re right about The Bush administration’s mistakes and to

blame George is correct.

There’s more. The Republican Party has a long history of choosing

someone who can raise money instead of choosing a candidate who
would be best qualified to do the job.

We can both name several reasons why Condi Rice would have been
a GRAND V.P. choice.

By nature she’s a diligent worker since adolescence

Holds a Ph.d
A professor of Geo Politics
A highly regarded Secretary of State world wide
Afro-American, Female, 8-years in the Oval Office
Well Spoken
Looks good on Television
Likely to live many more years
Smart enough to surround herself with War College people if
A unquestioned Christian believer

Who is Sarah Palin? What qualifications does she have? There’s

enough dust in her closet to make her unqualified from the
outset. McCain, in one choice, told the nation he can’t make far
sighted decisions. What a mistake to choose Sarah!

Do you think for a moment that Condi Rice would say "no" to a
request from the Republican Party to run for Vice President?

The Top Dogs running the Republican Party need to be replaced by

smart people like YOU — so you could Make some Peace in the
world. Uhhh, I’m disgusted[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

If we come out of this with the Republicans in tact it will be only

because of what Gingrich found with his surveys. The majority of the
Mid West wants a conservative God Fearing Free Enterprise man for
President. So do I. I seldom get what I want, but perhaps this time….

Respectful regards,


Ron says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:02 pm


Right on Brother!

It’s about time someone like yourself explained to most of the country
what folks like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid really want – a socialistic
country where there’s no incentive to exceed or perform, where the
government determines what you can earn

Make no mistake about it, Obama’s past associations with people

like Bill Ayers who wanted to destroy the government by blowing it
up, to Reverend Wright who wants to curse America to the convicted
felon who got Obama his property to the folks at Acorn who want to
enlist every able bodied illegal who walks talks or hasn’t been dead
too long to vote for the Democrats.

Even the liberals from Canada are coming down from Canada to help
steal this election!

Unchecked power in the Congress, who have done nothing, and the
Presidency will only lead us down the same road we’ve been before
with untested liberals like Jimmy Carter who when he was President
we had 19% interest rates, heavy duty unemployment, and no
respect throughout the world.

Change for change sake is not what we need!

One thing we must forget about the last 8 years with George Bush is

This country has been kept safe from an unrelentant enemy who
would seek to destroy all of the democracy that has made this
country the greatest country in the world.

Better think twice about how you view George Bush’s tenure. Streets
are still safe, we have a rule of law, and are least threatened by the[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Muslim right who would seek to turn this country into a Muslim nation.

Better think twice about the Obama rhetoric folks. You may very be
like the people who voted for Jimmy Carter who once things didn’t
turn out the way they thought it was going to turn out, completely
disavowed themselves about voting for another liberal with NO


Peter says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:03 pm

Although I understand where you’re coming from, there is much fear

in this post. We individually create our own reality (including our
wealth), so whoever occupies the Oval Office matters little. To believe
otherwise, is to relinquish our power over our own destiny.


Dan says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:04 pm

Well written and to the point. One comment so far says the money
spent on the war in the Middle East could be spent elsewhere for
other purposes. The money spent has been borrowed money, that is
why the deficit has been so large up to this point. Besides, Obama
stated that money was going to pay for health care. So we are going
to continue borrowing money to pay for programs? Government
programs do not create jobs. Government taxes kill jobs. Unless of
course the government is the hiring agency. Think about this.
Congress is currently considering another stimulus package. Part of
that package would pay for infrastructure rebuilding. In other words
create jobs. The jobs created will be in road and bridge construction
and repair. With the unemployment rate so low and yes, 6% is low,
where are all those laborers going to come from? Illegal immigrants
that is exactly where. All the contractors bidding on those jobs can
underbid each other by the number of illegal workers they can hire
and get away with. Just look at all the road crews around you now.
We might as well put a sign up at our boarders stating we are now
hiring, come on it.


STeve Newdell says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:07 pm

The Red Head for[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |



Paul says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:10 pm

Thank you, Clayton, for adding to the truth that needed to be told.

I have been spreading WORD around to everyone, not wealth re-

distribution, in the hopes that the truth about what lies inside this
"candidate" will be scrutinized by Americans BEFORE they enter the
voting booth.

I am not swayed by the "public opinion" polls manipulated by a liberal

media. I believe no matter what, that I know WHO is in control over
all affairs, and whether the liberals attempt to mess with consitutional
rights and other liberties, that the proper balances will weigh out in
the long term. It just may take some re-designing of Washington long
past tomorrow.

Kind regards,


Sam Brobek says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:15 pm

Goodwin’s Law! LOL! You lose Clayton. Isn’t this supposed to be a

marketing e-zine?


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:16 pm

Harvey … other than cutting taxes, thereby ending the post-9/11

recession in record time and doubling federal revenues, what has
Bush done for you to label him a conservative? He is a fiscal liberal
through and through.

Bush’s profligate spending and populist policies caused this mess.

Electing a man who promises even greater spending PLUS higher
taxation is a recipe for disaster.

We’re simply jumping out of the "borrow and spend" frying pan and
into the "tax and spend" fire.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

– Clayton


Timothy Millar says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:24 pm

Great post Clayton,

                                   If Obama’s own people are shooting him down in
the religious arena and calling him the Anti-Christ, who are we to
disagree. The United States of Mexico are in deep trouble.


Jason says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:28 pm

‘And if this deadly combination — racism plus socialism — reminds

you of another charismatic leader, a great speech-maker and
National Socialist’???

I’ve never commented on a blog before, but come on.

I recently read a great book on Rhetoric by an English Professor who

was very funny and talked about the ‘Argumentum Ad Hitlerum’…
basically, when you have nothing to say, compare the other guy to

Hitler was a real guy with real policies, none of which bare any
similarity, that I’m aware of, to Obama’s.

Grow up, please.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:34 pm

Jason, Sam … I didn’t say "Hitler" — but if you connected Obama’s

racist associations and socialist convictions to another demagogue,
who am I to disagree?


Leon says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:41 pm[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

"— reminds you of another charismatic leader, a great speech-maker

and National Socialist who swayed the proletariat with promises of
“change” some 70 years ago, so be it. "

You’re comparing Obama to Hitler?!

This is not a direct mail product where you build up a common enemy
and drum up rallying points so the reader will buy a product.

The fear-mongering against Obama has been tried – and doesn’t



seamus says:
November 3, 2008 at 2:48 pm

I hate when someone I respect(ed) throws it out the window with poor
judgement. You’ve become a hack over this.



Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:52 pm


Hitler was a socialist.

Obama is a socialist.

Hitler was a racist.

Obama pleged his allegiance to a racist.

Hitler was a great orator who deceived good people.

Obama is a great orator who has deceived good people.

I’m not saying Obama will murder six million Jews or start World War

I am saying, however, that he will be elected despite his abject lack of

experience … despite his past associations … despite his
destructive policies …

That he will be elected entirely because of his populist rhetoric,

speech-making and charisma makes him an extremely dangerous
character indeed.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:54 pm

Now, Seth … no need to be rude. Follow the rules or you’re outta



David Neale says:

November 3, 2008 at 2:58 pm

Just for the record Ron.

Canada has a strong and intelligent CONSERVATIVE government

that will be re-elected again shortly.

There are more conservatives in Canada than Liberals.

This is 2008, not 1998.


chrislrob says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:01 pm


I always enjoy this newsletter despite just how awfully wrong you are
on the political issues. My motto is: "Absorb what is useful and
discard what is useless".

But I gotta say that I’m shocked to see you throw in with those that
claim that a progressive tax structure is "socialist". If it is, America
has been a socialist country for a very long time, since we have had a
progressive tax for a very long time. At least since the early 1900′s.

So while you may not be a fan of FDR , how do you feel about
Reagan? What do you consider his Earned Income Tax Credit to be
other than a redistribution of wealth? In short, The right-wing is
attacking an American for supporting American policies going back to
before the Greatest Generation and clear up to that right-wing
paragon of virtue, Ronald Reagan.  

To say different is to ignore history.

Please keep up the good work on this site. I appreciate it.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


P.S. If North Carolina even makes a good showing for Obama, I am

just gonna be fit to bust!


Alan Northcott says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:02 pm

What a sad statement. This represents why Obama may really make
a change – by not pursuing such divisiveness in a "United" States. I
personally don’t want a President bordering on Alzheimer’s, whose
campaign speeches only seek to misrepresent the opponent’s
position, and do not even say what he plans to do.

Some issues may not be great, but the possibility that the populace
can be inspired is worth that chance – the Mac cannot do that.

As for controlling government – how paralyzed do you think

government has been in the last couple of years by Bush refusing to
sign laws debated and agreed in the House? Let’s at least get a
government that is allowed to govern – if it’s that bad, it will be
pushed out in four years.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:08 pm

Chrislrob: Reagan didn’t invent the EIC — it was passed in 1975,

although changed several times since then.

And yes, I’m unalterably opposed to all forms of income

redistribution, no matter which party is responsible.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:09 pm

I agree Alan … McCain isn’t the answer, either. There were no fiscal
conservatives running this time around.


Clayton Makepeace says:[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

November 3, 2008 at 3:14 pm

Alan makes another excellent point: The mind-numbing number of

lies told by both sides during this campaign.

For a complete list, check out


Johnny says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:17 pm

For the record David Neale, the Canadian election was October
14th. The Conservatives were elected to another minority
government. This in no way proves that there are more
conservatives in Canada than liberals. In fact, the opposite is true.
The Conservatives received 37% of the vote, the Liberals and the
NDP party (both left wing parties) together received 45.4% with the
remainder going to the Bloc and independents.

Regarding Obama being a socialist, even McCain when pressed (by

Larry King of all people) admitted Obama was not a socialist.
Perhaps, Clayton if you avoided alienating 50%+ of your audience
with your far-right rants, you could make up for the 3.6% increase in
tax you’ll be paying on your income over $250,000, once – God
willing – Obama is elected POTUS.


Ron says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:21 pm

To David Neale:

Just for the record David, the Canadian TV news station that I
receive in northern New York, CTC, Channels 4 and 8 reported and
interviewed these interlopers. They also reported that no one for
McCain was coming south to “help out.”

I’m not making the story up, the Canadian media is talking with and
reporting that Liberals in Canada are putting their sweet little back
packs on and coming to the U.S. Florida, in specific, according to the

I don’t make the news, David, just report what the Canadian media is

I can just imagine that that isn’t the tip of the iceberg in terms of
foreign intervention in our elections.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

If folks in the U.S. were coming to Canada to “help out” with the
election, you and your Canadian media folks would be screaming
blood murder, I should think.

Just goes to show you to what length the Democrats will go to “steal
an election”.

If you’ve ever paid any attention to Chicago politics, from whence BO

comes from, people actually vote there to keep their jobs.

What a novel political approach by the Demon crats, who have lorded
over Chicago and it’s people for years and years and years of
Democrat Mayor Daley and his political cronies.

Wasn’t BO a community organizer in Chicago? Didn’t he earn his

political tactics from the Chicago political machine?

Hmmmmmmmm! What else that is being widely reported are we

willing to ignore just because someone can utter a speech?

Perhaps it’s time to move to the Caymans or Belize and not have to
worry about outsiders, including BO, trying to undermine this
country’s values.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:23 pm

Johnny — I don’t make a plug nickel on this blog, so even if 100% of

the audience stopped reading, it would cost me less than Obama’s
tax increase.


Brittni says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:24 pm


Shame on you. We all know that there is two things you don’t discuss
with your co-workers, clients or business in general and that is
RELIGION and POLITICS. I’m pretty sure you lost a significant
portion of your fan base even if they didn’t comment on this post.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Nick Burns says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:24 pm

Sorry Clayton, but Obama’s sense of good American government is

not to spread the wealth (it’s too bad he said that in his offhand
remark to Joe the Plumber). It’s to pay for, not borrow for, the
services that Americans want from their government. When did it
become unpatriotic, even socialist, to pay taxes?

You know who’s going to pay for the republican party’s borrowing and
incompetence? My kids…talk about destoying dreams.

I’ll bet the stock market will agree. Obama wins…adults in charge…
stocks surge.
Nick Burns, Copywriter


DTOM says:
July 23, 2012 at 3:40 pm

Well, here we are, three and a half years into an Obama

presidency. How’s that workin’ out for ya, Nick?


seamus says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:28 pm

Rude is abusing my inbox with a link to this whimpering vomit. No

need to toss me, RUB. I’m already gone.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:39 pm

I pray you’re right, Nick — bet you a sushi dinner you’re not.


Johnny says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:42 pm

Clayton, I’m not talking about the money you make from your blog.
I’m referring to the income you make from your e-letter.

People like to buy from people they like. Now I’m not saying I don’t[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

like you, I’m just saying I prefer to buy from people who are "more
open-minded" (to put it lightly).


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:45 pm

Brittini … you’re prolly right. But frankly, I’m sincere when I say I’m
convinced that ultimately, the environment in which we entrepreneurs
will be operating is a marketing issue.

At any rate, this is my last political post on this site. I’m setting up a
new blog for these purposes. That way, I get to exercise my first
amendment rights there AND focus on marketing issues here.

See? Win-win.



Bill says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:50 pm

It’s not unpatriotic, even socialist, to pay taxes.

It’s unpatriotic, even socialist, to expect that others should share our
personal responsibilities- particularly at the cost of our freedoms.
Government’s sole purpose is to uphold the constitution. It wasn’t
created to secure anything other than the framework for people to
pursue their life, liberty, and happiness.
Even the current tax code is structured to benefit job creation over
charitable donation. The entitlement mentality gets us nowhere
as individuals and as a group. If it takes educating people on the
importance of creating value for others, then so be it. Regardless, it
needs to end.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 3:50 pm

Johnny: Just to be clear … 100% of my family’s income is derived

from clients who pay me royalties in return for the promotions I create
for them.

All revenues generated The Total Package e-zine, this site and all the
products on this site are re-invested in an effort to help more people.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Cheers …


Dave C says:
November 3, 2008 at 3:52 pm

Nick Burns asked: “When did it become unpatriotic, even socialist, to

pay taxes?”

Taking money at gunpoint is always wrong… as is punishing people

for being productive. It’s always been unpatriotic and socialist to steal
money by taxing. Always.

Clayton wrote: “I’m not saying Obama will murder six million Jews or
start World War III.”

To know what Obamanation will do – listen to him.

The 3% of those who will refuse to relinquish their money and guns
will get exactly what they did the last time America elected an
inexperienced lawyer from Illinois – 600,000 dead in a civil war.

And don’t give me that historical revisionist Bravos Sierra about the
Civil War being fought for slavery. Southern boys who couldn’t afford
shoes did not march 100 miles barefoot to kill Yankees for their right
to own slaves. The Civil War was about taxes.

Sadly, this time Federal aggression won’t be aimed geographically.

There are also databases and gun controls… so it’ll be easier for the
Feds to win.


Steve Odette says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:00 pm


I only disagree with you in that you imply that McCain/Palin would
possibly be a better choice and that they would not be socialist

The saddest truth of all is that the real puppeteers holding the string
of these puppets is, as very well planned out, hidden in the
background and ignored.

Do you really feel that either of these candidates will be any different
in the long run?[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Can you, with all of your intelligence and education, honestly look
back at the last 200 plus years and say that any president or party
really made a significant change in direction from that which the
machine keeps moving?

Frankly, give the Presidency to one or the other… then, give them
Congress also, if we are going to elect either of them. Let’s get the
ball really moving down that mountain and get the truth out in the
open faster… so we can then see what is really going on right before
our eyes. Why prolong the monster from showing itself any longer?

Bring the puppeteers out in the open… bring on revolution… get it

over with so our children and our childrens children are at least
aware of this beast.

Maybe they have not been too dumbed down yet to do something
about it… maybe it’s too late? In any event, it’s time for the
masqeurade to go public.

Tell the Federal Reserve to stick it… kick ‘em out, along with any
other fiat creating, fractional reserve functioning institutions (like the
IMF) and let them know we are no longer going to allow the
blackmail. It’s done.

Short of that, do you really think that a policy here or a policy there is
going to truly make that much difference in the direction of this fast
rolling, momentum gaining train?

Also, the rhetoric is the same on both sides. The only real problem is
that the Republicans haven’t figured out how to leverage what they
fully capitalize on only in times of need… character elects the
President… it’s a popularity contest, and the most eloquent
spinner with the prettiest message wins… every time. (well… in
Bush’s case, it was because he was better than the Democratic
challengers in this regard… like the "lesser of two evils"
kinda… though, I will never know how a president that can’t properly
say "nuclear" has still failed to correct the problem).

Who can hypnotize the audience best with their verbal copy? Right?

Republicans use this well when they claim a person is not fit to be
President because of fooling around… regardless of the mans
qualifications or results.

Then… like always with the fundamentalist argument… they end up

getting the same egg on their own faces trying to hold the moral high
ground… get religeon and morals out of politics… focus on ethics and
qualifications… it’s a secular job.

I’m interested in the person who can do the job for ALL Americans,[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

not just for one demographic, personally.

But, I digress… back to the issue.

Your accurate and true, in that Obama is propagandized as a

socialist… but I’ve NEVER heard any public official say to the
public… "It’s your job as parents to set the example for your children,
to read with them, to ensure they are educated…" (paraphrased) and
THAT is certainly the least socialist thing I’ve ever heard from a

In Obama’s infomercial he also stated that he would "… Create an

environment for small business to thrive… because that is where the
strength of our country has always been… in the creative, thriving,
hands of the entrepreneurs…" (paraphrased).

Again… to me, not too socialist.

Regardless… I would LOVE to hear something besides slamming

and character attacks from the Republicans. "Tell me what you are
going to do that is so much different from the Democrats…"

Hell, at least spin it so I believe you are looking out for me anyway…
like Obama so eloquently does!

We are moving into the Bermuda Triangle of our free market world,
here in America. Neither of these puppets is the solution, and neither
is really that different from the other if you look at their policies

100 Senators
435 Congressman

= 535 people who have governed this country the same way since
the drafting of the Constitution… in a manner that stretches the rules
to their very limits or outright breaks them to the detriment of
America, our people, and certainly our way of life…. or the "pursuit of
it" so to speak.

To me… this argument is about as useful anymore as trying to

discuss religeon with a fundamentalist, dogmatic… they have
probably never read their own bibles, but they can sure quote what
their minister spoon feeds them as the truth on Sunday.

I’m not too sure all of my studying of the Constitution, the Federal
Reserve system, the laws, or the workings of our government have
been to any advantage to me… in fact, they are painfully open
wounds sometimes because seeing what others never take the time
to even look at – especially when the facts are contrary to pupular
sentiment or publicly held beliefs – only reminds me of the
conversation I had one time with a religeous "fruitcake" whack job…[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

After trying to PROVE to me his perspectives and arguments, quoting

several scriptures out of context… I simply asked him…

"So, it seems that you are actively studying your Bible, yes?" to which
he replied "Why yes, I am and I can quote it on this issue fairly
clearly…" And when I asked him further… "and, have you gotten to
the book of Genesis yet?" He replied… "well, no I haven’t gotten that
far yet…" I just smiled at him and told him I was so fortunate to have
met him and to have spoken to such a scholar about matters of such
consequence. Duh.

Most political discussions I have go about the same… "Have you

read the constition yet? The policies of each canditate? Do you
understand where money comes from? Can you tell me what
Senators do and what Congressman do? (How ’bout this one… can
you tell me what the role of the Vice President is?), blah, blah,

To which the reply is universally… well… I believe or I know or so

and so says… in other words.


People who have no knowledge of the facts, should not try to argue
them. I am by no means a mental giant in this regard myself. Sadly, I
only started to look into these matters about 4 or 5 years ago… so I
am but a middle-schooler too. But at least I’m doing my homework
sometimes, and not copying off of others!

It’s the age of "Sheeple" and all I have to say when we get what we
end up with is… "Baaaaaa"… that way, the masses can understand



Johnny says:
November 3, 2008 at 4:01 pm

Clayton thanks for clarifying, but it makes little difference whether

you’re "making less money" or "helping less people".


Peter Black says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:04 pm[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Dear Clayton…no surprises in this post. Don’t have time to respond

much, but I’m glad a lot of folks aren’t buying what you’re selling.
Here’s what I’d say in brief: Some lawsuits are thrown out because
they’re called frivolous. The judge isn’t willing to sit through a lot of
nonsense just to disprove arguments that, prima facia, have no real
merit. It wastes the court’s time. In this case, of course, you are the
court and waste your time as you wish. But I’m afraid a number of
your points fall into the frivolous category and deserve a scoffing
rather than a well- argued rebuttal. But I will say this about so-called
libertarians: They are almost always up in arms about the trillions
being spent on domestic spending, but never raise a peep about the
$1-$3 trillion we will probably end up spending in Iraq…not to
mention Afghanistan. Leaving aside all of the humanitarian issues
involved…leaving aside the criminality of our country’s behavior…
somehow that sort of spending never catches the conscience of the
libertarian when we get to arguing actual examples. Sure, Paul
complained about Iraq. But it never really got his (or his followers’)
dander up like, say, the gold standard. And the same thing here.
You’re worried about the trillions Obama is going to spend on …
what?…getting people health care. But you are apparently unfazed
by the trillions we’re spending to arrive at 4,000 dead soldiers, tens of
thousands of maimed soldiers, and millions of dead Iraqis. Don’t get
me wrong, Clayton. I’m not calling you a bad guy or immoral. But a
trillion is a trillion. You seem more concerned about "the war" Obama
may wage against those making $250,000 (they must be sweating to
get by) than the actual, and hugely costly, real war we’ve been
waging since 2001…seven bloody years. Where is your sense of


Todd Herman says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:10 pm

To Johnny and Ron in particular…

Think about something… if American’s (I’m Canadian) have learned

anything from this election, it’s that the majority of your media can’t
be trusted. I find it reprehensible that ‘news’papers actually
announce who they’re supporting i.e. NY Times for Obama

I find it funny that a person living in upstate NY wants to cite the

media of Canada for being the voice of a nation… if you think your
media is liberal… try ours. So your facts are terribly wrong…

There are few things in the world view that has become endearing
about a lot of America at this point… America used to be a
glimmering light – but it lost it’s wattage a looongg time ago and it’s
only now becoming glaringly apparent. So it’s easy to lay the blame
on the current sitting president.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

But think about it… is it the final swing of the axe which topples the
tree… or is it the hundred previous whacks?? Obviously rhetorical…

I live in NYC and have been travelling around the area (Ohio, PA and
NY) speaking on the importance from a CDN perspective on electing

Obama’s protectionist stance is a foghorn for just how out of touch he

is with global economic policies… the guy is drastically immature with
his policies.

If he honestly thinks protectionism is the answer in a global

marketplace… than just watch how ineffective America’s other global
policies will be… if the image of someone falling flat on their face
springs to mind – than you’re onto something.

This only shows his lack of belief in the American people and their
ability to adapt to an ever changing world… yeah, that’s the type of
leader I want for my country. (dripping with sarcasm)

Do everyone a favor and vote for McCain… educated Canadians will

cheer you on. We’d really like to see our friend and brother to the
south… rise again after taking a bit of a beating.


Andy says:
November 3, 2008 at 4:11 pm

Great Post Clayton, but think about this for a second. We needed
Jimmy Carter to get Ronald Reagan. If and unfortunately when
Obama is elected, who is the left going to complain about and point
their finger at when the economy is worse, unemployment goes up,
and inflation skyrockets? If you are a glass half full guy like myself
you might look at this as the launching pad for the greatest
conservative movement ever. It might be wishful thinking, but
positive thinking is going to be needed to get through the next four
years if Obama is elected.


chrislrob says:
November 3, 2008 at 4:11 pm

Dave C. wrote:

"To know what Obamanation will do – listen to him. The 3% of those

who will refuse to relinquish their money and guns will get exactly
what they did the last time America elected an inexperienced lawyer[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

from Illinois…"

Wow. I’m a big-time Obama fan and never would I have been so
bold as to declare him the next Lincoln! I can only pray you’re right.

As for your argument that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery because
many of the southern soldiers did not own slaves, I cannot offer a
more perfect analogy than this: Joe the Plumber is barely named
Joe, is an unlicensed plumber, owes on his taxes, and does not make
anywhere near $250,000 a year. He doesn’t even make one-quarter
of that.

And under Obama’s tax plan, he would see a tax cut. And yet, and
yet, he supports McCain because he says that if he ever DOES one
day maybe make $250,000, he doesn’t want Obama overtaxing him
on it.

Which is precisely what Clayton is arguing to all of the Joes reading

this blog .

The slaveowners told those shoeless, slaveless Rebs the exact

same thing.


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:13 pm

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat

I have a good friend who survived five years in a Soviet prison camp
after World War II. He was a tank commander in Hitler’s army when
they invaded Russia. He was a platoon leader during the invasion of
Poland and France. We have conversed many times on the evils of
communism, fascism, and socialism.

I have lived in a foreign country ruled by socialism. I sat in the home

of a young couple, no children, both attempting to work and earn
enough to save so they could buy a home. But income tax took it all
away. I had a friend who was a building contractor. He showed me
his income tax instructions where if he made more than $65,000 per
year in that country’s currency, his income tax on any amount over
that was 110%. In other words, if he made $75,000, he’d pay
$11,000 tax on the last $10,000 he earned.

That was 1964. The country has been touted by some Americans as
a model for U.S. healthcare and "high standard of living". I was very
thankful to return to the US and stand on American soil. I have seen
the evils of socialism — the destruction of incentive, the people who[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

claim various maladies to avoid having to work (I caught one

"bedridden" woman walking around in her home one day — perfectly

There are too many young people who lack exposure to the real
world, whose minds have been permanently poisoned by "professors"
no better than the Marxist-socialist utopianists infesting what should
be our best institutions of higher learning.
One, a friend of Ayers and Obama is involved directly with the PLO!
What’s a clown like that doing in a US university?!!!

Then they grow up and vote for some Pied Piper promising prosperity
without effort. Unfortunately some think they’ll make it as
copywriters. But what will they say when they hit the coveted six-
figures and discover Uncle Sam has his hand out for 80% of their
effort — a silent partner with zero invested in their "business".

Most of what is wrong in this country can be traced to the fact that we,
as a people have become much too tolerant of what should never be
tolerated. [I won't go further on that rant because I don't want Clayton
kicking me off. ] But when people think certain personal issues
are genetic rather than matters of environment and choice, we have a
problem. And when we have blow-hard enviros led by the pockets-
laden-with-cash Reverend Mister AlBore telling us we must quit using
energy, we have only ourselves to blame when we don’t solve the
global warming problem by simply plugging their pie holes with
inpenetrable blockage and send them to another planet. Let them
solve global warming on Mars first.

As for those responding on this blog who object to what Clayton is

saying about "taboo" subjects of politics or religion,
their problem is apparent. They may be copywriters — even good
ones. But until you’ve been an employer, or paid self-employment
taxes, and understand overhead, cost of goods sold, and the
*realities* of trying to make it in business, you can’t have a clue just
how incredibly DANGEROUS Obama clown and his ilk are to society.

I suggest you quit looking at your own miserable little life, and
consider the consequences for the next several generations if the
people don’t exercise wisdom in choosing leaders. For proof, study
history: Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the ancient Americas for

Just because someone makes a lot of money (Donald Trump, for

example, or others seemingly incapable of staying married to the
same spouse) or is a famous celebrity is no reason to consider them
wise.   When fools follow fools, all you get is fools engaged in
mindless foolishness.

I rank Michael Moore an obese, ignorant, clueless moron. A rake

with an IQ south of the freezing temperature of water (in degrees[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Celcius, not Kelvin. Most other celebs are little better.

How people can consider People or Us magazine worthwhile reading
is beyond my comprehension.

Yet these subjects of public adoration, along with their adorers,

willingly rant and rail against others who are laboring with great effort
to preserve the greatest nation on earth, and pass a legacy of
freedom and opportunity to generations that follow.

Would that we could create an *identical* nation in the midst of the

great deep — perhaps the Pacific, then populate it with all those who
think the socialist way is superior, leaving the current US as a land for
freedom lovers who understand responsibility.

Then let them prove over 40 years that their system is really better,
as they slowly starve to death, as has every other nation or society in
world history that gave in to the siren song of socialism and

I’m with Nathan Hale — Give me LIBERTY or give me death.



Michael Angier says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:13 pm

I applaud your courage, Clayton. And agree that Obama is far too
risky and untested–especially with a Democratic Congress.

You will lose some subscribers over this, but you spoke your peace.
No pun intended. Hats off.

Let’s hope common sense prevails.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:14 pm

Steve, my own feeling is that no matter who’s elected tomorrow, we

the people are screwed.

The next president will have no choice but to borrow every penny
possible and print dollars like there’s no tomorrow.

I’d be willing to bet that Obama’s middle-class tax cut will never
happen — just like the middle-class tax cut he promised Illinois[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

voters when he first ran for office never happened.

And if by some fluke McCain is elected, there’s no way he’s going to

get any kind of tax cut through Congress, either.

George H.W. Bush promised "no new taxes," then raised taxes.   Bill
Clinton promised a middle-class tax cut, then raised taxes.

And neither of them faced anywhere near the economic crisis we’re
facing now.


Susan Connors says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:25 pm

Hi there Clayton and everyone

This is not an easy vote for anyone in the USA as there is so much to

Me – I don’t have to vote as I live in Australia.

Know that I wish everyone well and pray that whatever decision is
made tomorrow, that it will be the one that is best for your wonderful

The people make the country, not the rulers. The people vote rulers
and leaders into power. So whichever way the votes go, the people
will make the decision in the end.

I enjoy reading different points of view Clayton as it keeps the

information fresh. Gives a person a different way of looking at things
and people.

Here in Aus, we have had a change of government with a huge swing

in the favor of the working class. Yes, even the wealthy and the ones
in the middle to higher end are being looked after. We are
different and its a better kind of different.

I read horror stories in the media – equal to horror movies as this

voting day approaches. I also see good, the bad, the ugly and things
in between.

Its gotto be tough for everyone given what your people and country
have and are going through. I am not giving opinions on either of the
candidates or parties.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

All I can say Clayton and everyone is think. Think deep, long and
hard on what you want for you, your family, friends and country.
Think about and consider what each candidate has to offer. Keep an
open mind and listen to what people have to say.

Make up your own mind – no one else can.

It is your future you are thinking of and your families. This decision
may seem like an easy one – its not so simple.

Make your vote count as you are important!

Wishing you all well,

Sue in Aus


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:31 pm

<Hit "Submit" too soon>

That means that the smart money is on tax increases across the
board — with those of us who create jobs and invest being hit hardest
and as a result, able to create fewer jobs and invest less.


James says:
November 3, 2008 at 4:38 pm

Clayton, you have become quite the cry baby spreading your fear
doom and gloom garbage. This is pretty much the second piece you
have done regarding the election. The first like this piece is pretty
much filled with inaccuracies in the time line and your historical
recounts. It was funny that you never mentioned how the republican
congress passed a law that allowed the side betting on the market
that was once outlawed by congress after the great depression you
instead blamed Carter and the CRA. You are attempting to use the
fear and lies to drive people into your latest copy writing course
offerings. John McCain is no better maybe even worst than Bush. His
campaign as been all about attacking his opponent most people do
not know what McCain’s game plan is all they know is the bullsh*t
and lies… about Obama just like you’re sharing here. Look at
Obama’s team to turn things around and look at McCains. It’s always
amazing the few self serving people always cry the sky is falling when
things are not going their way. You’re too old for that Clayton![11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


Steve Odette says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:38 pm


Now you are speaking my language… a clearer truth has not been

"Da**ned if you do, Da**ned if you don’t"…

Curtain #1 or Curtain #2 – the problem is… behind those curtains,

sits the same prize!

Still an avid follower and even more so because you speak your
mind… even if I don’t always agree.


P.S. sent you a couple of personal notes… did you get them?


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:55 pm

Not crying, James — although no matter which way it goes, we

probably should all be weeping for our kids and grandkids.

Oh — and James: If I was trying to use my views to sell a product,

why would I state views that I knew would be unpopular with roughly
half of our readers?

I wrote about this today because I know that the other half of our
readers are deeply concerned about a what a fiscally liberal
Congress and White House will do to our wealth and liberties in 2009
and beyond — and to offer them a few words of encouragment in the
last two paragraphs of the article.

And unlike those on this blog who object to my voicing my own

sincere opinion — I invite you and anyone who disagrees with me to
air your views here …

In a forum that I’ve provided for you, for free.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Joe Derer says:

November 3, 2008 at 4:57 pm

B.O. in the white house – who would have thunk it. Would it bother
most people if they invited someone over to their home w/small
children… if they knew that person hung out with child-molesters?
Our next president hung out with former Weather-men and SDS
supporters… ah but they were just sewing their oats… America will
get the Commander in Cheif they deserve… Fascist Capitalism is
alive and well in America and has been for some time.
Its as if the republic-rats ran McCain because they wanted to lose…
Lets face it – George Sorros has money on both horses… it makes
little difference who is in the Out House… the President does not run
this country anyway… Wall Street does and the foreign bankers –
they have destoryed this country… Whay will the sheeple say when
NATU is official… "How could this have happened"… bahaa
bahaa… good news is tough times don’t last forever – tough people
will servive… buy ammo…
My name is Joseph Derer… and i approve of this message.


faz says:
November 3, 2008 at 5:03 pm

"Hitler was a socialist"

This is very insulting to all socialist that died fighting Hitler and

Hitler killed many socialists in concentration camp, FYI.

Many resistant here in france were socialist or communist. Spanish

socialists, french jewish socialists, etc.

Yes, I know what Nazi mean. It’s not because you label an orange
with an apple sign that it’s an apple.

Word have historically constructed meanings.

I understand that you like controversies. But here you are clearly
spitting on the grave of thousand of people that died in concentration
camp or fighting Hitler — and were socialist.

Understatement : it’s NOT ok.

"Obama is a socialist."

This one is more fun ! From an european point of view, Obama is a[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

moderate conservator, and feel very, very american. All of the right
wing love him here !

Again, I understand it’s just for controversy.

But from here, I can reassure you : Obama really seems to embrace
core american values that we don’t really understand here. (not
saying that these values are bad or something. We are just a little bit
different, that’s all.)


Sylvia says:
November 3, 2008 at 5:13 pm


You are soooo sneaky! Talk about writing and "speaking" to the
dominant emotions! The blog’s on fire again!

You have got it down to the finest of sciences. Can’t wait for the
OPM course.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 5:15 pm

Faz: What do you think "Nazi" means? It’s short for "National
SOCIALIST German Worker’s Party."

Sure: Socialists kill socialists who don’t agree with their interpretation
of socialist thinking. The army of the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST
Republics, for instance. So what? Does that contradict either side’s
proud assertion that it ascribes to socialist principles?

I appreciate your Continental view of leftist thought, but there’s no

spitting going on here.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 5:40 pm

BULLSEYE, Sylvia! Nothing like stirring up the troops every once in

a while …

I must admit that it’s intriguing — and more than a little unsettling —
to see how much angrier the political discourse becomes here with[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

each new political cycle.

As an observer, I’m also fascinated that while Obama’s supporters

seem to be personally invested in his victory on a very deep
emotional level …

Most McCain supporters I talk to seem to be less interested in

electing McCain than they are in trying to avoid having Congress and
the White House all in liberal hands.

While Obama enjoys an almost cult-like following, McCain is seen by

many of his own supporters as little more than "the lesser of two

And judging by the response on this blog so far, most ideological

fiscal conservatives have pretty much given up on the Republicans

Interesting, no?


James says:
November 3, 2008 at 5:41 pm

Wow. Quite a post, Clayton.

And quite a shot at Obama.

Don’t suppose this was one of your tests to show us how stoking
certain emotions elicit strong reactions?

Regardless, I know Bush was never a true conservative, that’s clear

from the results of his administration. But does that necessarily mean
that we don’t give Barack Obama a chance to try something different?

I realize that his plan to increase taxes on those earning over

$250,000 a year has struck fear in the hearts of those in that
demographic, as well as those who aspire to it.

And fears that socialism will run amuck under his administration also
are stoking the emotions of many conservatives.

But what has gone on the past eight years clearly didn’t work. And
we’ve been saddled with an unbelieveable amount of debt as a result.

If we don’t want to pass off responsibility for these debts to our

children and grandchildren, we’ve got to do something different,
right?[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

So why can’t the current generation of entrepreneurs, business

owners and wage earners step up to the plate and agree to pay more
to see to it that future generations don’t have to solve all of this mess

I don’t like paying taxes, and I’m certainly not in the $250k+ tax
bracket…yet. But if I want this country to continue to stand head-and-
shoulders above the rest of the world as the greatest nation on earth,
I’ve got to be willing to pay.

I have two young daughters and I don’t want part of the legacy I hand
to them to be that they, and others 0f their generation, have to pay for
the sins of their elders.

I think fears of socialism under Obama are overblown, but none of us

will know for certain until after he is on office.

I’m actually not sure why anyone would want to inherit this mess. But
both he and McCain want to take it on. So whoever wins, and it will
probably be Obama, I wish them luck and pray that whatever course
they steer us down starts to repair the harm done to this country.


Nick Burns says:

November 3, 2008 at 5:43 pm

I’ll take that bet (comment #32), though I’d prefer steak to sushi. A
good old American dinner celebrating Barack Obama, a good old
American story.

Here it is: Barack wins, the stock market surges, I celebrate with
steak. Anything else, you go out for sushi and send me the bill.

I really hope I’m right too. Our country can’t afford to keep tanking
under incompetent republican leadership, either in the administration
or congress.
Thanks, Clayton, for the forum on this election eve.
Nick Burns


Peter Black says:

November 3, 2008 at 5:57 pm

Clayton: "Faz: What do you think "Nazi" means? It’s short for
"National SOCIALIST German Worker’s Party." Sure, and "pig iron"
comes from pigs. Makes sense, no?[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


John Klein says:

November 3, 2008 at 6:04 pm

As I read all of the rants above and many other political blogs I am
blown away by how seemingly smart individuals become totally one
sided once they have taken a position! It seems (to me)that most
of the opinions I read are one sided — their candidate is God and the
opposite site is always totally bad, totally inept, and totally evil. Where
is thoughtful consideration and anlysis taking into account the good
and the bad for each candidate. What is it about politics and political
blogs that bring out the one-sided worst in all of us! Somewhere
there is a marketing lesson in this - but I’ll let Clayton figure out what
it is.


Harvey McKinnon says:

November 3, 2008 at 6:15 pm

Re:Todd herman“Do everyone a favor and vote for McCain…

educated Canadians will cheer you on.” Actually, the vast
majority of educated Canadians strongly support Obama.
Today, an online poll for Canada’s leading newspaper shows
that 82% of Canadians would vote for Obama — and only 18%
for McCain. Harper’s Magazine ran an article after the last US
election that showed that all of the states with an average IQ
above 100 voted Democrat, and all the states where the average
IQ is below 100 — with one exception at 101 — voted
Republican. There is, of course, a core of very smart people
who vote conservative, but the majority of conservative voters
have lower than average IQs, education, and live with a “fear
based mental attitude.” Just to throw some fire on the
coals..Harvey McKinnon


Jeanne says:
November 3, 2008 at 6:17 pm

I am not on your mailing list to read more political distortions of the

truth, Clayton. I understand this election has passionate debate
bubbling out of us all, but I turn to your website to focus on your
superb advice, in your area of expertise, not for "more of the same"
that I’m being inundated with on television. If you set aside the GOP
spins and look at the truth, you just might get a glimmer of the real
Obama and his honest vision for this country. If I was making at least[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

$250,000 a year, I would gladly pay higher taxes to help out my fellow
men, women and children who are less fortunate. Everyone should
have a chance to grab the American Dream, but to turn a cold
shoulder to those struggling, is beyond the ugly American. I’m not
suggesting a free lunch, but our society could not remain civil without
some socially consciencious programs. Would you have us eliminate
social security, welfare, unemployment, banruptcy, grants, etc. and
never offer assistance to companies in trouble?  The result would be
chaos. Helping our citizens does not make us a "socialistic" country.
Spouting fear about socialism is not going to help repair the damage
done by GWB to our country, our allies, our economic climate nor
our peace of mind. We all need to work together and do what is best
to rebuild our country and our standing on this planet. With all due
respect, Clayton, I pray most of your readers have already voted their
conscience early and will not be swayed by the eloquent use of your
craft. And if they have not voted, will personally research both sides
of the race, and vote from the heart.


Lorraine says:
November 3, 2008 at 6:21 pm

How audacious to call Barack–a man of mixed race–a racist.I will

thank God tomorrow when Barack is elected the first African
American president of our country.I’ll keep this short as I must hurry
back and unsubscribe from your email list.


Dave C says:
November 3, 2008 at 6:24 pm

chrislrob wrote:
"The slaveowners told those shoeless, slaveless Rebs the exact
same thing."

Maybe they did… altho I don’t believe the Federally-written history.

Regardless, it’s NOT ENOUGH to get anyone to fight to the death.

Bitch on TV or a blog, maybe. But not fight to the death.

Taxation, however, IS enough reason.

Fort Sumter was fired upon because it was the Union fort in
Charleston Harbor where the hated federal tariffs were collected. The
Southern economy was based on export… the North on
manufacturing. To pay back his Northern financiers, Lincoln passed
the Morill Tarriff in 1857, doubling the rates on imported goods. This[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

sucked money out of the South for the benefit of the north. So the
South seceded.

Had the inexperienced lawyer from Illinois simply let the Confederacy
go, there’s no telling how things would have turned out. Instead, he
killed hundreds of thousands and re-wrote history.

Now what can we expect from they latest inexperienced backed by

the criminal PRD (People’s Republic of Daley) dynasty?

Obamanation knows he’ll have to order the killings of those who will
never kneel to him.

He knows every Marxist has had to kill the hardcore libertarians who
will never be bullied or reprogrammed.

And he’s okay with it. That’s the scary part.


Michael says:
November 3, 2008 at 6:43 pm

Does anyone else see what happens when Claytons makes a post
like this (or anyone says something about Obama.) The Obama
lovers go off and attack Bush, Palin, Joe the plumber, Republicans,
everyone…but one thing they do not do is argue against the points
Clayton makes.

Because you can’t argue that fact that raising taxes hurts jobs, hurts
families, and hurts the economy.

It’s funny how the democrats love socialism, but they don’t want to
call it that.

Clayton, you missed one point…after Obama fails miserably to do

anything for the economy, his loyal followers will simply say "Well,
what could he do, Bushed messed up so bad Obama couldn’t fix it in
four years!"


David Lee says:

November 3, 2008 at 6:55 pm

Dead on, Clayton. I couldn’t agree more.

It’s surprising how many people have fallen for this fraud called
Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Barry Soetoro, or one of the other[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

four names this identity-challenged individual has gone by?

Personally, I’m voting based on character, not the economy.

Let’s see, a war veteran/hero descended from two generations of

Navy admirals and who has a proven 20+ year track record in
government vs. a community "organizer" who descended from atheist
socialists (yes, mother, father, and grandparents, et al) and who’s
only experience is a few years immersed in Chicago racial politics.

Wow, tough choice. He’s even a fraud as a black man. He’s bi-
racial, and was predominantly raised in white America. He’s only
using the black community as a stepping stone for political gain. Very
sad. Just look at how he diss’ed his "spiritual advisor" for
convenience, even after pronouncing on national TV that he could
never do it! Pathetic.

My guess is most of the whiners on this blog couldn’t write their way
out of a paper bag, because they talk like they’ve never sold anything
in their life for a serious living. Anyone who has would not be on
board with this spreading the wealth BS.

And no, in spite of what the Klingon plagiarist Biden would have us
believe, it is NOT patriotic to pay taxes. They are a necessary evil to
pay for government functions, NOT to equalize wealth.

In a capitalist society, "spreading the wealth" is done by charitable

giving. So, let’s compare candidates on that issue:

Barak Hussein Obama – gave little more than 2% while making 250k,
and only a measly 4.5% after making 7 figures.

John McCain - 27% to charity; 100% of book royalties to charity.

Nuff said.  The McCains are the true wealth spreaders. I dare say
that 27% would make most of us crap our pants, no matter how much
you are making.

This election will be as close as 2000. McCain is damn sure still

in it. Anyone who says this guy is too old is not paying attention.
He’s a freakin’ mad man right now. Looks like he’s on crack. Obama
looks tired and angry.

I predict a gutter ball for Obama, just like the four in a row he bowled
on the campaign trail. Polling is changing by the minute. We live in
an instant info society now, and Obama has stepped on his weanie
yet again with this latest tape unmasking his true energy policy.
"Skyrocketing electricity"… just what we need as we transition to
electric autos. What a pathetic moron!

Wake up people.   This idiot is a farce.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Clayton, you have a lot of balls for speaking out. You and Mike Long
are the only gurus with balls.


Todd Herman says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:30 pm

Hey Harvey ‘Bold-type’.

Thanks for proving the Pareto principle for me… I love it when others
do the research to prove your own point.

The 80-20 rule…

The sheeple of society follow without knowing why… they don’t

educate themselves on issues… they don’t strive for something more
out of life… they don’t take responsibility for their own actions and
love to blame others for their ‘circumstance’… in the immortal words
of Shaw – ‘Circumstance. Hell I make it!’

And as far as stats go… more than a boatload of polling and research
shows the following:

Liberals have less sex,

Liberals enjoy sex less,
Liberals are more likely to be on welfare,
Liberals give less to others,

Looks like your putting that IQ to a real good use…


Jason says:
November 3, 2008 at 7:33 pm

It’s big of you to stop short of saying he’ll kill 6 million…

But did anyone else hear Obama say in the final debate that he’ll
stop permitting Health Insurance Companies to ‘Discriminate’ based
on pre-existing medical conditions?

I’m not sure how he expects them to do business, but Mcain didn’t
even ask for clarification.

So it’s tough to say who’s dumber.

And Clayton, if you could answer me one question:[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

How do you rationalize using Obama’s contentious middle name in

the opening lines of an article?

It seems to me like the only purpose would be to insight irrational fear

and racial prejudice. I’m asking because I’d like to know, please don’t
just say "it’s his name, isn’t it?’…because no one else (including you)
refers to presidential candidates by their whole name.

Just curious…thanks.


Peter Black says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:40 pm

John Klein writes: "What is it about politics and political blogs that
bring out the one-sided worst in all of us! Somewhere there is a
marketing lesson in this - but I’ll let Clayton figure out what it is."
Here is the marketing lesson: The point of marketing is NOT to
present a balanced view of one’s product vis a vis your competitors’
products, but rather to stir the emotions of your audience in favor of
your product so they go out and buy it. Clayton writes these posts to
show us how to stir the emotions in our copy. The "politics" in these
posts is determined by the fact that Clayton’s primary audience (in his
own work) is right wing and conservative…Libertarian…Republican.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:42 pm

James: What a nice, well-thought-out post!

My only concern is that we abandon "the failed Bush economic

policies" only to embrace failed socialist ones. At this point, with this
economic crisis deepening, the last thing we can afford to do is to
exacerbate it.

Nick: The stock market always surges for 60 days or so following a

presidential election (except in 2000 when the results were in doubt)
— but NOT necessarily because we elected the right guy. Wall
Street hates uncertainty. When the election is over and uncertainty is
removed, stocks go up.

I’m far more concerned about the 24 months that will follow that
fleeting relief rally.

Oh — and steak it is, my friend![11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

John Klein: Smart man … stay tuned.

No GOP spins here, Jeanne … I’m a Libertarian. In the article, I

make it very clear that Bush’s bears tremendous responsibility for
this economic mess and that while I’m convinced that Obama’s
policies are clearly not the solution, neither is McCain.

I agree that everyone should have the opportunity to realize the

American Dream. To me, that means that those who so their best to
make wise choices, who work hard, who risk their own money and
who create jobs in their efforts to succeed should be encouraged and
rewarded. And I believe that those who do NOT do these things
should suffer the consequences without compaint.

To do it bass-ackwards — to punish good choices with taxes and to

reward bad ones with give-aways — is to create a dysfunctional
society that spanks kids for good behavior and gives candy to them
when they’re naughty.

And yes, I would love it if we eliminated ALL forms of welfare —

regardless of whether it’s for individuals or corporations. Charity
should be the work of churches and families. It should not be
exacted at the point of a gun by government.

Lorraine: I must admit, a part of me will also thrill at the sight of a

black man in the Oval Office. I would much rather it be a black man
of more rational economic views, of course — but there is something
wonderful about how far America has come in terms of racial
tolerance since I was a kid.

David Lee: You forgot to mention that your candidate’s wife owns a


Markus Trauernicht says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:43 pm

Hockey-Mom with nuclear codes and Obama spending like Bush are
both scary.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:49 pm

Wow, Peter … great observation!

And also to craft your message for the portion of your audience that[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

is most likely to respond while ignoring those who are least likely to.

Too many writers forget this basic tenet of marketing … try to do the
impossible: Create promotions that appeal to everybody … and by
doing so, wind up with namby-pamby milquetoast copy that doesn’t
touch or motivate anyone.

Plus, it is fascinating to observe all the colors of emotion being

poured out on this blog — right?

Cheers, y’all!


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:49 pm

LOL, Markus! Couldn’t agree more!


Ron says:
November 3, 2008 at 7:50 pm

Isn’t it interesting that all of these "liberal thinking BO supporters"
who want "change" and "to bring the country together" are so angry
with you for stating your own hard-fought-American right to your
opinion that "they’re willing to cut off their nose to spite their face" and
"unsubscribe" from a FREE FORUM and FREE INFORMATION AND

It just goes to show you how ignorance can run rampant and how lost
these lost souls really are.  

Clayton, keep up the great work!

Don’t be dissuaded by their child-like actions, you’re STILL THE

MAN, my friend.

All the best to you, Wendy and your entire staff Clayton.

Ron Schmidt

PS And for those of you too ignorant and naive to think that your not
being subscribed to this good man’s life’s work and willingness to
give of himself will influence those of us who support THE TOTAL

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

a life and good riddens!


Rodney Trotter says:

November 3, 2008 at 7:56 pm

Lorraine, we must be very careful about calling anyone a racist, but

your thinking is incorrect. Just being of mixed race does not eliminate
the ability to be racist. That is determined by a person’s character and
how they regard others.

As long as we allow discrimination in any form, we will have racist,

because discrimination favors one person over another. You cannot
justify discrimination based on one criteria and then turn around and
say it is wrong based some other criteria. Point being, you cannot
justify discrimination against the wealthy, and then claim
discrimination against a person of a different race is wrong.
Discrimination against any person based on race, sex, religion,
country of origin or financial status is wrong. Justify any of these and
you justify them all.

Who is John Galt?


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 8:04 pm

Jason — in a previous article, I referred to McCain as John Sydney

McCain. Didn’t hear any complaints from you then …

But if it’ll make you happier, we’ll just call the next president Barak
"Steve" Obama from now on.


Sammy says:
November 3, 2008 at 8:04 pm

To the uninformed who state "If I was making $250,000 or more I

would gladly pay more taxes for the less fortunate", you truly have
your hands over your ears and your eyes shut.

When taxes go up on small businesses making $250K or more, YOU

will pay more for the goods and services. YOU. Doesn’t matter
WHAT you earn.

Obama stated himself that he wants to skyrocket electricity prices, oil[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

and natural gas prices follow as well. Only making $30,000 a year?
To damn bad. You will pay these "hidden" taxes. You have been lied
to and you eat it up.

EVERYONE is going to get soaked. Even people on SSI living on

15K a year via "skyrocketing electricity prices" and gasoline prices
going far beyond the $4 a gallon they were last summer. Food goes
through the roof. Small businesses close. Job losses and more job
Wake up to reality. You will pay more no matter how little income you
make under Obama. Wake up.


Jason says:
November 3, 2008 at 8:13 pm

Wow Clayton. You pegged me, nothing could make me happier. Not
the fleeting kind…I’m talking deep, lasting, spiritual happiness.

I’m going to hold you to it, though, so don’t slip up!

On a more productive note, what do you hope for from the coming
elections? My personal best-case (i’m canadian, so what the hell do I
know?) would be Obama as President–if only because there seems
to be a lower chance that he’ll invent a war–with a republican

that way, as I understand, nothing would get done in gov’t. which

sounds like good news to me.


Dean Kennedy says:

November 3, 2008 at 8:13 pm

Love your post Clayton.

As an Aussie who plays no part in tomorrow’s poll, it still scares me

to hear and read Obama supporters say things like "he can’t do any
worse" — he sure can.

Please also don’t think all Australians agree last year’s change of
government here was for the better. Having socialist-leaning, two-
faced incompetent loonies in charge at the federal and state level is
really showing how scary it can get — suddenly with majorities, the
socialists are foisting their ban-this, ban-that (or make it compulsory)[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

liberty-destroying policies on the entire country.

The worst thing is to have a government that takes no responsibility

(everything bad is everyone else’s fault) and — like you point out —
incorrectly thinking their problems will be solved if they take more
money off those who have it — the more the government has, the
less likely they’ll do any good with it.

I think we all need governments who foster providing opportunities for

success, not governments who want equal (dismal) outcomes.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 3, 2008 at 8:16 pm

Great post, Dean … thanks!

Jason: Tell you what — from now on, we’ll just call him "President

‘night, all …

– Clayton


Harvey McKinnon says:

November 3, 2008 at 8:23 pm

Dear Mr. Todd HermanYou should try reading Clayton more

often. And then practice writing for clarity. You completely
ignored the research that shows that people with IQs below 100
vote Republican and that people with IQs over 100 vote
Democrat. Now that I think about it, perhaps that explains your
writing style.And who said I was a liberal? Not me.And anyone
who thinks that Obama is a socialist, knows little about history,
or political movements around the world.


Robert says:
November 3, 2008 at 8:23 pm


I know you’re a great copywriter, but do you think you could be a little
more concise here?[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Stop mincing words and tell us how you really feel.


Robert says:
November 3, 2008 at 8:25 pm


You just may be right… and if you are, that might explain why the A
students work for the C students.


Harvey McKinnon says:

November 3, 2008 at 8:38 pm


Just because a student gets an A average does not NECESSARILY

mean she or he has a higher IQ than a C student. It could mean they
just spend less time in the student pub.


Todd Herman says:

November 3, 2008 at 9:01 pm

Sorry Harvey, I didn’t realize I had to be sooo explicit with my ‘poor

writing style’ for you…


Susan Connors says:

November 3, 2008 at 9:11 pm

Hi all

Wow, I disappear for a couple of hours and look what happens.

Now I could add more fat to the fire and cant be bothered.
Welfare etc theres a time and place to discuss them.

I didn’t say it was all good for the Australian government. Really, I
cannot be bothered with the bullshift that gets thrown around. You
watch the ABC question time on the ABC and its just like watching
chickens scratching and fighting over the feed as its scattered across
the ground[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Right hand – left hand, still dont get it and dont care. I am
passionate about the people. Let the people of that country decide.
Let them make the decisions and go from there. Anyways, I dont
know enough to make an educated decision on either of the USA

I wish them well and may the best person be the winner or come out
bashed and bruised from trying. May the best person and their party
win to help the USA continue to grow and be the best it can!

Sue in Aus


Steve Odette says:

November 3, 2008 at 10:13 pm


When this debacle called an election is over… will you spend any
more time political blogging?

You had mentioned that you were setting up a new, different blog for
this conversation, yes?

One additional point on this topic that really crawls in my underwear

and bites my butt….

It seems that the Conservatives are fighting the fight for an ideal that
no longer exists against a Liberal constituent that is no longer

Give me a break.

What DO the Conservatives stand for anymore? I mean… really?

It used to be they were FOR businesses… FOR entrepreneurs…

FOR smaller Government… FOR fiscal responsibility… FOR a
Capitalist, Free Market economy… and FOR a balanced MORAL

Now…. all I see the single biggest SOCIAL SERVICE in history,

given to banks and businesses at the expense of the taxpayers… the
greatest expanse of the money supply in WORLD history (In just the
last roughly 6 years… the total money supply in the world went from
35 Trillion to over 70 Trillion dollars….) DOUBLED on the Republican
watch! If that’s not socialistic policy.. what the heck is, I ask?
(Though, to be fair… it’s not socialistic to an unpopular minority… but
to a very elite one instead).[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

All of which will be paid for through Inflation… the single most
insidious tax known to mankind… AND combined with, as Clayton
mentioned, higher taxes across the board as well… regardless what
the canditates promise from the platform.

The Liberals are no better… what the hell IS a liberal anyway? Define
it? It sure as heck isn’t a social communist… it used to be a party that
ensured the RIGHTS of the people – of all people… Constitutionally,
but it was never, well, not in my estimation anyway, intended to be
viewed or enacted to be the "Spread the Wealth" party, to be sure.

Rights, after all, are NOT guarantees. Having the same rights does
not mean you are entitled… it just means you are supposed to be
held to the same standards with the same opportunities.

Prejudice will always exist… fat people against thin, beautiful against
ugly, smart against Republican (oops… slipped there), Rich against
poor, black against white, woman against man… and visa versa, etc.
etc. etc. Won’t it?

I’ve began to see the Republican party, for instance, as the party of
biggots… because they just don’t seem to have anything else to talk
about or enlighten us with… god, axis’ of evil, terrorism, prejudice,
blah, blah, blah… oh, wait…. I meant to type God.. capital "G" as in
GOP… God’s Own Party…

And the Democrats as more and more socialist, "spread the wealth"
"government take care of me" entitlement perpetuating, whiners.

Neither of these has my vote… it’s actually pretty disgusting… would

the REAL Republicans stand up and the Constitution Enforcing
Democrats please come back, please?

Neither of these groups, unrecognizable for many years, in

comparison to the parties of old, are the solution to the coming storm,
that is for certain.

The obvious Republican conservatives posting here have offered

nothing more than I can get on the evening news… especially FOX
news of course… and simply perpetuate the same hate talk and
negativity that lost them this election in the first place. Folks… your
party is not the solution and McCain is definately not the man if it
were… coming from me… a man who voted Republican much of my
life and who used to belong to the Young Republicans – that is
saying something of substance.

Democrats… If the Republicans weren’t such easy targets, face it…

about the only thing any of you have brought to the conversation is
the race card or how Obama is not a socialist leaning liberal…. nah,
nah.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Sheeze… I’ll be glad when the election is over so Americans can

crawl back into their ignorance holes and complain about the results.

In the mean time… I’ll be watching my taxes go up… most

assuredly… regardless, and the inflation of unfounded, unnecessary
wars and irresponsible fiscal policy of ALL 535 folks in government…
no party excluded… Libertarian officials included…, eroding my
dollars into nothing, soon to be replaced by the Amero under the new
North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

Of course… what do I know… I’m a Ron Paul kinda guy for this
election… but he was shut down and out long before even given a
chance to be heard. Maybe whoever is elected will ask for his input
once the storm get’s too bad to deal with?

As for giving more taxes if you make more… sure… so long as it

goes to things that will benefit America… and not one penny goes to
any social program for anyone (large corporate bailouts included,
thank you). Things like infrastructure, technology, programs to
promote business growth and opportunity, even, though
controversial, protection of OUR boarders… not preemptive strikes
on others…. yeah, maybe I’d be willing to pay more… but truthfully…
I don’t see why I should be punished for being successful… seems a
bit backwards to me.

Create a free market economy that can compete in the world… and
there will be jobs and opportunities for everyone who is willing to work
for whatever they want… I agree with Clayton… let the churches,
charities and families (who will probably also thrive in a true free
market economy) take care of the less fortunate. It simply isn’t the
governments (i.e. the taxpayers) job to do.

Also.. I know quite a few LIBERAL Republicans… and even a few

CONSERVATIVE Democrats (even gays!) – reconcile that statistic
why don’t you! How do they fit into Mr. Hermans statistics, I wonder?

Baaaaaaa…… Baaaaaa…



Oritseyemi says:
November 3, 2008 at 11:15 pm

Re: The #1 answer was, “Whatever’s on your mind.”

I am sure the respondents of that survey were referring to marketing[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

issues. That is more educational than the "hullabaloo" that post has

Personally, I think we should stick to marketing issues. I enjoyed that

more compared this!

Good for a change of pace though!

May God help who ever win tomorrow.


chrislrob says:
November 3, 2008 at 11:27 pm

Dave C.

Your understanding of Civil War history is wrong.

Further, it is the kind of overheated rhetoric that you are posting that
is going to help lead to an Obama victory. That kind of baseless
attack is the relic of a bygone era in which, as someone said, “a lie
can get halfway around the world before the truth even gets its boots

Lies still travel fast these days, but thanks to the internet, cell
phones, and 1,000 TV channels, the truth need not be so far behind.

This truth has doomed your side as they ridiculously insisted that
Obama is a Kenyan-born, Islamic Marxo-terrorist, until time has run
out, instead of focusing on the issues.  


P.S. The above applies doubly to you, David Lee. The "community
organizer" (that most vile and evil of things) is about to hand you the
loss you so richly deserve.


BoneDaddy says:
November 3, 2008 at 11:40 pm

Regardless of who wins tomorrow… anyone who thinks that the

winner will single handedly ruin this country… is an absolute moron.

You do realize some of you are comparing a current day USA[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Presidential Candidate to Adolf Hitler? You have GOT to be kidding.

Vote for whoever the heck you want to.

The electoral’s decide – not us.


Louis Burns says:

November 3, 2008 at 11:49 pm

How do you decided when enough is enough? And when you reach
that point, what then?

Many people fled the fascist regimes of the 30s and 40s. Is that our
only option left… get out from under it and let the empire fall? Nothing
else seems like a viable long term solution.

End then Fed? Then what? Go back on the gold standard? How’s
that going to happen? Reign in all the abuses of our civil liberties?
End the IRS? End welfare programs? We can’t very well bring back
all the dead soldiers and Iraqis.

Assuming any of that were possible, where do we go from there?

There aren’t any mechanisms for going back to smaller government.
What could accomplish that?

I think I’d prefer to watch from the relative safety of another country
before this government machine eats us… for our own good of


Andy says:
November 4, 2008 at 12:04 am

Bonedaddy – The electoral voters vote for whoever wins the popular
vote in their states except for in Maine and Nebraska. Your vote
does matter.


Andy says:
November 4, 2008 at 12:11 am

Big government creates bigger government. The more government

programs the more government employees, the more government
employees the more votes for candidates that support bigger
government.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

I don’t know about your state, but here in Minnesota the largest
employer in Minnesota is the State of Minnesota. I would venture to
guess that is true in most "blue" states.


BoneDaddy says:
November 4, 2008 at 12:35 am

Thanks for the clarification Andy – I honestly did not know that.

On another note: While I agree with Clayton (and Dan Kennedy, too)
about the financial issues of this election, there are other deciding
reasons for whom people should vote for or against.

Clayton, I have to ask you this: Why is it that someone with as

much skill and talent for making money as you and Dan Kennedy
have… are you so scared of what’s about to occur?

Why the abysmal attitude?

Is this time around the financial marry-go-round really going to be the

end for you?

Regardless of who gets elected… are you NOT going to adapt?


mikie says:
November 4, 2008 at 1:00 am

there is only one absolute fact clayton and that is that you have an
incredible amount of idiots on your mailing list.


Rex Deissart says:

November 4, 2008 at 1:01 am

Once and for all, IF Obama can add new wealth to the country and
help the poor and needy, IF he can spur and create NEW jobs-
producing enterprises, without adding to tax burdens, without steering
America into economic sinkholes, then he’s THE MAN.

Otherwise…[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

It’s time America meet its fate. If Obama turned out to be another
fatalistic leader, then let him sock it to the Americans. Who are not
able to see consequences, only their immediate selfish interests (aka
healthcare, taxes, employment, etc).

When Reagan started the big financial slide, Americans were none
the wiser

When Cliton was helming, they only slapped his hand for sexual

When the George Bushes took reins, Americans applauded them for

When Obama rules, the unaffected rich might quietly cringe. But the
befuddled masses will keep threading waters harder to keep their
masters richer.

Whether capitalism will heal or go to the dogs can be left unsaid. You
know the answer. Good luck people of America.


Andy says:
November 4, 2008 at 1:11 am

Bonedaddy- No problem, and as to your question to Clayton, I of

course can not answer for him, but I think no matter what, all of us
will adapt, but this election isn’t about what’s right for me, you, or
even Clayton, it is about what is right for our country. Please listen to
this speech by Ronald Reagan from 1964. It is amazing how much of
what he says is still relevant today.


Kirsten Paris says:

November 4, 2008 at 1:50 am

I thought this was a business post rather than a politics post! When I
started reading, I really for a moment thought I had come to the
wrong website, and then it occurred to me as I continued reading that
that’s exactly what I did — I came to the WRONG website. Political
preferences should be posted elsewhere!!

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Erik says:
November 4, 2008 at 2:56 am

Obama will make history… as the first socialist muslim terrorist,

rucola eating black man… to reform and restore America.

Well, we don’t know about that last part yet.

Kudos on sharing your thoughts Makepeace, but let’s all join in

hoping that Obama will be for the collective good of America and the
world. Since the world economy floats on the dollar, there’s a lot at
stake here.


Mannix Giordanno says:

November 4, 2008 at 3:27 am

America, sadly, is almost dead. Or in perpetual trance, as reflected by

its majority, who can only be swayed by charisma. Not by the FACT
that its government cannot dig itself out of a glaring and deepening
debt hole. Not even one of its presidents has been made accountable
for that, imagine…

Are their minds so diminished? Or is this still a mirror trick that cannot
be talked about and actioned upon? The King is NAKED!

We should be seeing a temporary mass migration of better middle

class professionals away from this country, and to tested pro-
business countries like Panama, Vietnam, Sweden, Hungary, or
China, where the free enterprise spirit is not currently being curbed.
Where redistributory regimes have been proven as economic
roadblocks… Where foreign investments and massive job creations
are still the order of the day. Not "confiscatory" healthcare or welfare.

To these countries JOBS are UNO NUMERO, certainly not Just Over
Broke. Jobs are blessings. But Americans are brainwashed into get
rich quick mentalities, thinking that jobs are necessary evils, in the
name of "freedom".

Obama is Socialist?

Socialistic is, when you know how to get BIG in your earnings, then
your taxman must make you feel some pinch on your wallet, lest you
feel you are better than your fellows, and start acting like the rich jerk.
Much to the chagrin to your less successful brethren.

Socialistic is, when feeling helpless to improve, your brethren will

lobby the taxman to breath down on your neck hard and fast. That’ll
put you in your place, you jerk.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Socialistic is curbing the pride of your so-called accomplishments. If

we ever needed another high tax system to teach these rich jerks a
lesson, give them Socialism.

Oh, Usually the super rich have other great social responsibilities. So
they are not heavily taxed. Unlike the so-called newly arrived rich
jerks. Big headed bozos.

Capitalistic is acting like a jerk and being derisive when you are
successful, which in turn sparks its socialistic response. Action and
reaction goes hand in hand; and the cycle prolongs. Unless there’s a
socialistic capitalism huh. Here we find an uneasy balance, with all
the redistributory regimes.

We don’t need an economic class division to determine on an

individual’s worth. Every human being is worthy. Every individual is
valuable. Full of intrinsic value. The originators of all other material

We don’t need another modern day version of the caste system.

People need to come together, not separated into financial classes,

skin colors, religious beliefs. If how much respect you get depends on
how much you earn, then how much you earn depends on the
intelligent efforts and values you pump out into society.

And when we are wealthy and are in much better position to help out
some less fortunate few, then we wouldn’t need redistributory

And do-good politicians may be out of work.


George Scott says:

November 4, 2008 at 4:51 am

Fact. The country has traditionally done better economically under the
Dems. The smug Repugs try to tar their opponents with the dreaded
cliche "tax and spend", but the reality is that their solution is to borrow
and spend. These last eight years have been a kleptocracy, with the
Halliburtons simply systematically fleecing all of us not in the top 2%
of of the income pile. The people finally seem to be waking up and
are about to throw the bums out. At long last. But no, it won’t last
unless Obama can keep the country informed and fired up enough
not to lapse back into the somnolence that is the usual state of the
public mind. We need this change, and I can only hope it lasts.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Jonathan says:
November 4, 2008 at 5:54 am

I suspect that with or without Obama, companies like GM and Boeing

are going to default shortly and end up owned by the Chinese who
are espacially interested in the Boeing technology.

Dilemma: Does congress allow Boeing to crash, or accept the

Eastern investor and lose her forever?

Let’s see how this tale unwinds.



Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 7:05 am

I love reading all the various points of view, here!

Me, personally? I can’t get past the fact that with the greatest crisis
of confidence in government I’ve ever seen — and with the greatest
economic meltdown in our lifetimes bearing down on us …

1. We need a president with leadership experience. But Obama

has never accomplished anything meaningful or reformed anything in
his entire political life. To the contrary: He USED the notoriously
corrupt Chicago political machine to build his career.

2. We need a leader whose judgement we can trust. But

Obama’s associations with radicals, racists and convicted slumlords
(Ayers, Wright, Rezko and others) causes me great concern about
his judgement. Birds of a feather do flock together.

3. We need a leader whose promises we can believe. But Obama

welched on his promise to cut middle-class taxes during his
campaign for the Illinois State Senate.

4. We need a leader who will create jobs. But higher taxes on

business and investment kill jobs — and that is precisely what
Obama is proposing.

5. We need a leader who will ruthlessly cut government waste

and pork barrel spending. But Obama has not proposed a single
significant measure to do so.

6. We need a leader who will be a check on a Congress that now

enjoys only about one-third the approval rating George Bush[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

does. But Obama has made it clear that he will rubber stamp pretty
much everything his liberal pals in Congress send him.

Given these facts, I am amazed that anyone supports the man. He’s
an empty suit. But hey — he looks good on TV and he’s not a
Republican. For millions of voters, I guess that’s enough.


Jeanne says:
November 4, 2008 at 9:46 am

Clayton, I understand and agree with your comment that "…those

who do their best to make wise choices, who work hard, who risk
their own money and who create jobs in their efforts to succeed
should be encouraged and rewarded", however to say "And I believe
that those who do NOT do these things should suffer the
consequences without compaint" is not coming from understanding or
empathy for the situtation of those who have not had resources,
opportunity or education to make wise choices, nevermind money to
risk. Many people are just dealt a bad hand, and are buried before
they begin. Too many are struggling with two and three jobs just to
make basic ends meet. To suggest they should suffer in silence
without complaint is out of touch with the reality facing millions of
Americans, and widens the gap between the rich and poor. I’m not
suggesting a free lunch or "givaways", just a helping hand of
opportunity and a little warm understanding. It goes a long way to
improve the climate of our dysfunctional society, and keeps us from
the perils of a third world country.Yes, charity should be a function of
churches and family, but to put the entire burden on their shoulders is
putting them at the point of a gun. Our top heavy tax structure has
given advantage to those with the highest income for way too long,
and is clearly not working. Obama’s tax plan is not so much
"spreading the wealth" as spreading equal advantage. Elitism is no
more acceptable than racism. It’s time to open our minds to a new
future. "According to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy
Center, a joint venture between the Urban Institute and the Brookings
Institution, two Washington think tanks, this round goes to Obama.
The TPC took a look at the various tax proposals put forth by the two
candidates and estimated that Obama’s plan would lead to a boost in
aftertax income for all but the [very] highest earners, while taking a
smaller bite out of government tax revenues than would McCain’s
plans." – Business Week, June 12, 2008.


Jim says:
November 4, 2008 at 10:16 am[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Only time will tell how an Obama presidency will turn out.   Personally
I think Clayton hit the nail directly on the head.  

People need to read his two books (in his own words) and they will
see just how racist his views really are. There is absolutely no
denying this fact being that he wrote the books himself. You can’t
spin that!

When one looks back on another racist book written by another

"great orator" before he came to full power, you can only ask yourself
"how could people not see it coming?". In "Mein Kampf" Adolph
Hitler revealed his hatred for the Jews while Barack Obama reveals
his hatred for white people and the USA in "Dreams From My Father"
and "The Audicity Of Hope". Open your eyes people; this man is
corrupt, phony and dangerous!!!!!

Ask yourself this, would I highly recommend this man for a job at my
company and put my reputation and family’s future on the line
in doing so? If you can’t honestly answer yes to that simple question
then how can you possibly put your family and country’s future on the
line by giving him complete power as the next president of the United
States of America?!  

Think clearly and rationally before you vote.


BoneDaddy says:
November 4, 2008 at 10:50 am

Clayton – will Obama winning change the immutable Laws of

Success? You make it sound like once he is elected, it becomes
impossible for an up-and-comer to achieve their dreams, goals,

But isn’t it true that during every crisis & downfall, there are people
(marketers like you and I) who still make things happen?

Yes there may be more obstacles now, but won’t we still be able to
move forward?


Walter Thurston says:

November 4, 2008 at 11:00 am

There was recently an American Indian on The Daily Show promoting

his new book. And he was asked: "McCain has always been a big
supporter of Indian’s, why would you vote against him?"[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

And the author replied: "Unlike other minority groups, we vote for the
greater good of everyone, not just ourselves."

Mr. Makepeace’s comments seem to put himself in the minority

group of $250,000+ who are looking out only for themselves.

Remember friends: Obama won’t be permanent. If he screws up he

country like Bush already has, he’ll be gone one day, too.


Larry Foster says:

November 4, 2008 at 12:44 pm

Clayton, thank you for sharing the information in this thread.

Unlike some, I find it appropriate and think it’s our duty as citizens to
have healthy debates.
Unfortunately, we have a very uninformed electorate and that may be
the downfall of this great country. You can see that from some of the
posts. From both viewpoints.
I believe America is facing many dangers, economic being only one.
I regret that the choices we’re given are the best we have.When I
voted today, I found myself with familiar thoughts. I’m voting against
rather than for candidates.
To clarify someone’s post above. Republican does not equal
Conservative and should not be used interchangeably.
Larry Foster


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 12:56 pm

Jeanne: You’re talking to the intensely unwanted bastard son of a

poverty-stricken single mother of five and a married man.

At birth, I was adopted by a dirt-poor Methodist minister who insisted

that I the family couldn’t afford for me to have more than one change
of clothes for each school year.

At 15, I held down two jobs — after school in a donut shop and nights
as a gas station attendant. At 16, I was forced to drop out of high
school to help support my mom and brother.

Please don’t even try to lecture me on starting life upside down.

In our "tax-heavy" tax structure, the top 5% — of which I am proud to

say I now belong (without ever taking a single government hand-out)
— pay between 80% and 90% of all income taxes. How much more[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

would you like us to pay? Maybe we should just say "100%" and be
done with all this populist nonsense.

If you let risk-takers and employers keep more of what they earn,
you’ll get more employment and more investment. If you give money
to everyone else, they spend it once to buy the big-screen TV. Tax
cuts on the middle class make China rich; NOT America.

But hey — it’s a useless discussion because Obama’s not going to

cut ANYONE’s taxes. He can’t. In fact, this economic crisis — and
our $1 trillion 2009 deficit will give him every excuse he needs to hold
us all up at gunpoint. And like Bush Sr. and Clinton before him, he
will do just that.

BoneDaddy: To the contrary. An Obama victory will create greater

obstacles for those who dream of becoming rich — but my article is
an admonition to not let the bastards grind you down; to never give

Walter Thurston: You think Obama’s tax hike will hurt me? HAH!

I’ve already got tons of cash and my personal living expenses can be
easily cut to $249,999 per year. My CPA will then play the tax code
like a Stradivarius — shamelessly exploiting every legal means to
shelter every penny of that quarter mill as well as the money I leave
in my companies.

I don’t have a dog in this fight — but thousands of our readers do.
Becoming successful and amassing enough wealth to get your kids
through college and still retire comfortably is enough of a challenge.
Having your own government dropping landmines on the way only
makes it harder.


Dean says:
November 4, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Hi Clayton,

Frankly I shocked, that you could write such hatred. I always took you
for a sensible man. If you actually bothered to go to Obama’s website
and read his policies, you will see that ultimately they are for the best
for all American’s and the world.

Under Bush the rich got richer and the middle-class poorer. You
being the rich, will obviously like Bush/Republican. Short-sighted
though, as the middle-class ultimately drive the economy, and create
national wealth — which means more $$ to you.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Stop being so selfish with your money, and allow other American’s
less fortunate than you to also have a chance at a better life.

Viva Obama!



Brett says:
November 4, 2008 at 12:59 pm

For all the ignorant,… here’s Obama’s Tax Policy… Read it and then
you’ll understand why Clayton’s post, may have missed a few key

Plan to Strengthen the Economy The Problem Wages are Stagnant

as Prices Rise: While wages remain flat, the costs of basic
necessities are increasing. The cost of in-state college tuition has
grown 35 percent over the past five years. Health care costs have
risen four times faster than wages over the past six years. And the
personal savings rate is now the lowest it’s been since the Great
Depression. Tax Cuts for Wealthy Instead of Middle Class: The
Bush tax cuts give those who earn over $1 million dollars a tax cut
nearly 160 times greater than that received by middle-income
Americans. At the same time, this administration has refused to
tackle health care, education and housing in a manner that benefits
the middle class. Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s Plan Jumpstart the
Economy Enact a Windfall Profits Tax to Provide a $1,000
Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families:Barack Obama
and Joe Biden will enact a windfall profits tax on excessive oil
company profits to give American families an immediate $1,000
emergency energy rebate to help families pay rising bills. This relief
would be a down payment on the Obama-Biden long-term plan to
provide middle-class families with at least $1,000 per year in
permanent tax relief.Provide $50 billion to Jumpstart the
Economy and Prevent 1 Million Americans from Losing Their
Jobs: This relief would include a $25 billion State Growth Fund to
prevent state and local cuts in health, education, housing, and
heating assistance or counterproductive increases in property taxes,
tolls or fees. The Obama-Biden relief plan will also include $25 billion
in a Jobs and Growth Fund to prevent cutbacks in road and bridge
maintenance and fund school repair – all to save more than 1 million
jobs in danger of being cut. Provide Middle Class Americans Tax
Relief Obama and Biden will cut income taxes by $1,000 for working
families to offset the payroll tax they pay. Provide a Tax Cut for
Working Families: Obama and Biden will restore fairness to the tax
code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. Obama
and Biden will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to
$500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. The "Making Work[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Pay" tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million
Americans.Eliminate Income Taxes for Seniors Making Less than
$50,000: Barack Obama will eliminate all income taxation of seniors
making less than $50,000 per year. This proposal will eliminate
income taxes for 7 million seniors and provide these seniors with an
average savings of $1,400 each year. Under the Obama-Biden plan,
27 million American seniors will also not need to file an income tax
return.Simplify Tax Filings for Middle Class Americans: Obama
and Biden will dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of
Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes.
Obama and Biden will ensure that the IRS uses the information it
already gets from banks and employers to give taxpayers the option
of pre-filled tax forms to verify, sign and return. Experts estimate that
the Obama-Biden proposal will save Americans up to 200 million total
hours of work and aggravation and up to $2 billion in tax preparer
fees. Trade Obama and Biden believe that trade with foreign nations
should strengthen the American economy and create more American
jobs. He will stand firm against agreements that undermine our
economic security. Fight for Fair Trade: Obama and Biden will fight
for a trade policy that opens up foreign markets to support good
American jobs. They will use trade agreements to spread good labor
and environmental standards around the world and stand firm against
agreements like the Central American Free Trade Agreement that fail
to live up to those important benchmarks. Obama and Biden will also
pressure the World Trade Organization to enforce trade agreements
and stop countries from continuing unfair government subsidies to
foreign exporters and nontariff barriers on U.S. exports.Amend the
North American Free Trade Agreement: Obama and Biden believe
that NAFTA and its potential were oversold to the American people.
They will work with the leaders of Canada and Mexico to fix NAFTA
so that it works for American workers.Improve Transition
Assistance: To help all workers adapt to a rapidly changing
economy, Obama and Biden will update the existing system of Trade
Adjustment Assistance by extending it to service industries, creating
flexible education accounts to help workers retrain, and providing
retraining assistance for workers in sectors of the economy
vulnerable to dislocation before they lose their jobs. End Tax Breaks
for Companies that Send Jobs Overseas: Barack Obama and Joe
Biden believe that companies should not get billions of dollars in tax
deductions for moving their operations overseas. Obama and Biden
will also fight to ensure that public contracts are awarded to
companies that are committed to American workers. Reward
Companies that Support American Workers: Barack Obama
introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 with Senators Richard
Durbin (D-IL) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) to reward companies that
create good jobs with good benefits for American workers. The
legislation would provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or
increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those
outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America if it
has ever been in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for
retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

serve in the military. Invest in the Manufacturing Sector and Create 5

Million New Green Jobs Invest in our Next Generation Innovators
and Job Creators: Obama and Biden will create an Advanced
Manufacturing Fund to identify and invest in the most compelling
advanced manufacturing strategies. The Fund will have a peer-
review selection and award process based on the Michigan 21st
Century Jobs Fund, a state-level initiative that has awarded over
$125 million to Michigan businesses with the most innovative
proposals to create new products and new jobs in the state.Double
Funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership: The
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) works with
manufacturers across the country to improve efficiency, implement
new technology and strengthen company growth. This highly-
successful program has engaged in more than 350,000 projects
across the country and in 2006 alone, helped create and protect over
50,000 jobs. But despite this success, funding for MEP has been
slashed by the Bush administration. Barack Obama and Joe Biden
will double funding for the MEP so its training centers can continue to
bolster the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers.Invest In A Clean
Energy Economy And Create 5 Million New Green Jobs: Obama
and Biden will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next
generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the
commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of
commercial scale renewable energy, invest in low emissions coal
plants, and begin transition to a new digital electricity grid. The plan
will also invest in America’s highly-skilled manufacturing workforce
and manufacturing centers to ensure that American workers have the
skills and tools they need to pioneer the first wave of green
technologies that will be in high demand throughout the world.Create
New Job Training Programs for Clean Technologies: The
Obama-Biden plan will increase funding for federal workforce training
programs and direct these programs to incorporate green
technologies training, such as advanced manufacturing and
weatherization training, into their efforts to help Americans find and
retain stable, high-paying jobs. Obama and Biden will also create an
energy-focused youth jobs program to invest in disconnected and
disadvantaged youth.Boost the Renewable Energy Sector and
Create New Jobs: The Obama-Biden plan will create new federal
policies, and expand existing ones, that have been proven to create
new American jobs. Obama and Biden will create a federal
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that will require 25 percent of
American electricity be derived from renewable sources by 2025,
which has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs
on its own. Obama and Biden will also extend the Production Tax
Credit, a credit used successfully by American farmers and investors
to increase renewable energy production and create new local jobs.
New Jobs Through National Infrastructure Investment Barack Obama
and Joe Biden believe that it is critically important for the United
States to rebuild its national transportation infrastructure – its
highways, bridges, roads, ports, air, and train systems – to
strengthen user safety, bolster our long-term competitiveness and[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

ensure our economy continues to grow. Create a National

Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank: Barack Obama and Joe Biden
will address the infrastructure challenge by creating a National
Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not
supplant, existing federal transportation investments. This
independent entity will be directed to invest in our nation’s most
challenging transportation infrastructure needs. The Bank will receive
an infusion of federal money, $60 billion over 10 years, to provide
financing to transportation infrastructure projects across the nation.
These projects will create up to two million new direct and indirect
jobs and stimulate approximately $35 billion per year in new
economic activity. Technology, Innovation and Creating Jobs Barack
Obama and Joe Biden will increase federal support for research,
technology and innovation for companies and universities so that
American families can lead the world in creating new advanced jobs
and products. Invest in the Sciences: Barack Obama and Joe Biden
support doubling federal funding for basic research and changing the
posture of our federal government from being one of the most anti-
science administrations in American history to one that embraces
science and technology. This will foster home-grown innovation, help
ensure the competitiveness of US technology-based businesses, and
ensure that 21st century jobs can and will grow in America.Make the
Research and Development Tax Credit Permanent: Barack
Obama and Joe Biden want investments in a skilled research and
development workforce and technology infrastructure to be supported
here in America so that American workers and communities will
benefit. Obama and Biden want to make the Research and
Development tax credit permanent so that firms can rely on it when
making decisions to invest in domestic R&D over multi-year
timeframes.Deploy Next-Generation Broadband: Barack Obama
and Joe Biden believe we can get broadband to every community in
America through a combination of reform of the Universal Service
Fund, better use of the nation’s wireless spectrum, promotion of next-
generation facilities, technologies and applications, and new tax and
loan incentives. Support Small Business Provide Tax Relief for
Small Businesses and Start Up Companies: Barack Obama and
Joe Biden will eliminate all capital gains taxes on start-up and small
businesses to encourage innovation and job creation. Obama and
Biden will also support small business owners by providing a $500
“Making Work Pay” tax credit to almost every worker in America.
Self-employed small business owners pay both the employee and
the employer side of the payroll tax, and this measure will reduce the
burdens of this double taxation.Create a National Network of
Public-Private Business Incubators: Barack Obama and Joe Biden
will support entrepreneurship and spur job growth by creating a
national network of public-private business incubators. Business
incubators facilitate the critical work of entrepreneurs in creating start-
up companies. Obama and Biden will invest $250 million per year to
increase the number and size of incubators in disadvantaged
communities throughout the country. Labor Obama and Biden will
strengthen the ability of workers to organize unions. He will fight for[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Obama and Biden will
ensure that his labor appointees support workers’ rights and will work
to ban the permanent replacement of striking workers. Obama and
Biden will also increase the minimum wage and index it to inflation to
ensure it rises every year. Ensure Freedom to Unionize: Obama
and Biden believe that workers should have the freedom to choose
whether to join a union without harassment or intimidation from their
employers. Obama cosponsored and is strong advocate for the
Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to assure that workers
can exercise their right to organize. He will continue to fight for
EFCA’s passage and sign it into law.Fight Attacks on Workers’
Right to Organize: Obama has fought the Bush National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) efforts to strip workers of their right to
organize. He is a cosponsor of legislation to overturn the NLRB’s
"Kentucky River" decisions classifying hundreds of thousands of
nurses, construction, and professional workers as "supervisors" who
are not protected by federal labor laws.Protect Striking Workers:
Obama and Biden support the right of workers to bargain collectively
and strike if necessary. They will work to ban the permanent
replacement of striking workers, so workers can stand up for
themselves without worrying about losing their livelihoods.Raise the
Minimum Wage: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will raise the
minimum wage, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income
Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers earn a living wage that
allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs. Protect
Homeownership and Crack Down on Mortgage Fraud Obama and
Biden will crack down on fraudulent brokers and lenders. They will
also make sure homebuyers have honest and complete information
about their mortgage options, and they will give a tax credit to all
middle-class homeowners. Create a Universal Mortgage Credit:
Obama and Biden will create a 10 percent universal mortgage credit
to provide homeowners who do not itemize tax relief. This credit will
provide an average of $500 to 10 million homeowners, the majority of
whom earn less than $50,000 per year.Ensure More Accountability
in the Subprime Mortgage Industry: Obama has been closely
monitoring the subprime mortgage situation for years, and introduced
comprehensive legislation over a year ago to fight mortgage fraud
and protect consumers against abusive lending practices. Obama’s
STOP FRAUD Act provides the first federal definition of mortgage
fraud, increases funding for federal and state law enforcement
programs, creates new criminal penalties for mortgage professionals
found guilty of fraud, and requires industry insiders to report
suspicious activity.Mandate Accurate Loan Disclosure: Obama and
Biden will create a Homeowner Obligation Made Explicit (HOME)
score, which will provide potential borrowers with a simplified,
standardized borrower metric (similar to APR) for home mortgages.
The HOME score will allow individuals to easily compare various
mortgage products and understand the full cost of the loan.Close
Bankruptcy Loophole for Mortgage Companies: Obama and
Biden will work to eliminate the provision that prevents bankruptcy
courts from modifying an individual’s mortgage payments. They[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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believe that the subprime mortgage industry, which has engaged in

dangerous and sometimes unscrupulous business practices, should
not be shielded by outdated federal law. Address Predatory Credit
Card Practices Obama and Biden will establish a five-star rating
system so that every consumer knows the risk involved in every
credit card. They also will establish a Credit Card Bill of Rights to
stop credit card companies from exploiting consumers with unfair
practices. Create a Credit Card Rating System to Improve
Disclosure: Obama and Biden will create a credit card rating
system, modeled on five-star systems used for other consumer
products, to provide consumers an easily identifiable ranking of credit
cards, based on the card’s features. Credit card companies will be
required to display the rating on all application and contract materials,
enabling consumers to quickly understand all of the major provisions
of a credit card without having to rely exclusively on fine print in
lengthy documents.Establish a Credit Card Bill of Rights to
Protect Consumers: Obama and Biden will create a Credit Card Bill
of Rights to protect consumers. The Obama-Biden plan will: Ban
Unilateral ChangesApply Interest Rate Increases Only to Future
DebtProhibit Interest on FeesProhibit "Universal Defaults"Require
Prompt and Fair Crediting of Cardholder Payments Reform
Bankruptcy Laws Obama and Biden will reform our bankruptcy laws
to protect working people, ban executive bonuses for bankrupt
companies, and require disclosure of all pension investments. Cap
Outlandish Interest Rates on Payday Loans and Improve
Disclosure: Obama and Biden will extend a 36 percent interest cap
to all Americans. They will require lenders to provide clear and
simplified information about loan fees, payments and penalties, which
is why they’ll require lenders to provide this information during the
application process.Encourage Responsible Lending Institutions
to Make Small Consumer Loans: Obama and Biden will encourage
banks, credit unions and Community Development Financial
Institutions to provide affordable short-term and small-dollar loans
and to drive unscrupulous lenders out of business.Reform
Bankruptcy Laws to Protect Families Facing a Medical Crisis:
Obama and Biden will create an exemption in bankruptcy law for
individuals who can prove they filed for bankruptcy because of
medical expenses. This exemption will create a process that forgives
the debt and lets the individuals get back on their feet. Work/Family
Balance Obama and Biden will double funding for after-school
programs, expand the Family Medical Leave Act, provide low-income
families with a refundable tax credit to help with their child-care
expenses, and encourage flexible work schedules. Expand the
Family and Medical Leave Act: The FMLA covers only certain
employees of employers with 50 or more employees. Obama and
Biden will expand it to cover businesses with 25 or more employees.
They will expand the FMLA to cover more purposes as well, including
allowing workers to take leave for elder care needs; allowing parents
up to 24 hours of leave each year to participate in their children’s
academic activities; and expanding FMLA to cover leave for
employees to address domestic violence.Encourage States to[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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Adopt Paid Leave: As president, Obama will initiate a strategy to

encourage all 50 states to adopt paid-leave systems. Obama and
Biden will provide a $1.5 billion fund to assist states with start-up
costs and to help states offset the costs for employees and
employers.Expand High-Quality Afterschool Opportunities:
Obama and Biden will double funding for the main federal support for
afterschool programs, the 21st Century Learning Centers program, to
serve a million more children. Obama and Biden will include
measures to maximize performance and effectiveness across
grantees nationwide.Expand the Child and Dependent Care Tax
Credit: The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit provides too little
relief to families that struggle to afford child care expenses. Obama
and Biden will reform the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit by
making it refundable and allowing low-income families to receive up
to a 50 percent credit for their child care expenses.Protect Against
Caregiver Discrimination: Workers with family obligations often are
discriminated against in the workplace. Obama and Biden will enforce
the recently-enacted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
guidelines on caregiver discrimination.Expand Flexible Work
Arrangements: Obama and Biden will create a program to inform
businesses about the benefits of flexible work schedules; help
businesses create flexible work opportunities; and increase federal
incentives for telecommuting. Obama and Biden will also make the
federal government a model employer in terms of adopting flexible
work schedules and permitting employees to request flexible
arrangements. Barack Obama’s Record Housing: In the U.S.
Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase
penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-
income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis
began.Predatory Lending: In the Illinois State Senate, Obama
called attention to predatory lending issues. Obama sponsored
legislation to combat predatory payday loans, and he also was
credited with lobbying the state to more closely regulate some of the
most egregious predatory lending practices.American Jobs: Barack
Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax
credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time
workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their
corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare
workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support
employees who serve in the military.


Tommy says:
November 4, 2008 at 1:01 pm

I am so glad that we are not the only country (South Africa) stuck
with dribbling fools in government. Zuma (the leader of the ruling
ANC) is still trying to get out of his (alleged)corruption charges, they[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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fire Mbeki (the previous president in his last term), a municipality

(Vryheid) is bankrupt and all their property is being auctioned off
soon. They also seem to be leaning to taking from the deserving
earners and giving to the drooling masses. And those are just the
short headlines. Read Animal Farm for the full news bulletin.

It is said that the country gets the government it deserves.

I know what happened here but,

What on earth did you lot do to deserve this?

I told you Clayton for Prez, but you didn’t listen!! Maybe if you run for
the next election, you may just be able to save something.
I honestly wish all you US citizens well. From what I have read and
seen about these two candidates, it don’t look so good.


Deb Wright says:

November 4, 2008 at 1:25 pm

Conservative has not meant Republican or Democrat for many a

year.  This election boils down to choosing what you see as the
lesser of two evils. Our next president will nominate at least one, and
maybe two Supreme Court Justices. Obama is far more likely to
saddle us with liberals interested in rewriting the Constitution and
then what? I know this will throw a little more gas on the fire but if we
don’t get this right, our First and Second Amendment rights are in
REAL danger. We all have strong FEELINGS about the current state
of affairs and that’s what scares me the most. I’m sincerely hoping
that at least some of you hotheads don’t vote!


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 2:12 pm

Thanks for the Obama propaganda, Brett … I’m sure it’s just what we
were all hoping for on this last day of the longest and most deceptive
presidential campaign in history.

I would suggest that anyone who actually believes any campaign

promise made by either candidate is worse than ignorant; he’s
woefully naive.

I would also suggest that destroying jobs with higher taxes on

employers — in the middle of the greatest economic debacle in
generations, no less — is no way to help the middle class.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


chrislrob says:
November 4, 2008 at 2:15 pm

(Without taking a stance as to whether raising taxeson the rich is

always the answer)Clayton wrote:"Walter Thurston: You think
Obama’s tax hike will hurt me? HAH! I’ve already got tons of cash
and my personal living expenses can be easily cut to $249,999 per
year. My CPA will then play the tax code like a Stradivarius –
shamelessly exploiting every legal means to shelter every penny
of that quarter mill as well as the money I leave in my
companies."This is your right. And much as we suspected. It’s a
very good argument for not worrying about higher taxes causing the
rich to cut jobs or wages or to not invest. You”ll just figure out a way
to beat the system, whether your rate is raised or not. You’re not
paying 36% now and you won’t be paying 39% a year from now.    


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 2:17 pm

Dean, my friend, this is only hatred for those who would oppress us
by destroying jobs and rendering more middle-classers unemployed.

The best solution for the middle class is not more hand-outs at the
expense of their employers.

It’s a tax structure that helps them LEAVE the middle class, join the
top 5% and assume their place helping us pay the 80% to 90% of
total tax revenues.


Robert says:
November 4, 2008 at 2:22 pm

Hey Brett,

You should consider investing in one of Clayton’s products.

If you want someone to read your points, it’s important to structure

them in a way that’s makes it EASY for someone to consume them.

Your jumbled, long winded regurgitation of Obama’s website hardly

accomplishes that.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 2:27 pm

Chinalrob: Unfortunately, relatively few Americans are savers.

Equally unfortunately, many small business owners are just getting

started and don’t have the luxury of a cash pad to fall back on.

And even worse, many have personal financial commitments that

force them to take more than $249,999.99 out of their companies
each year.

For many of them, tax increases will translate directly to layoffs.

And many of those newly unemployed will be Obama voters.

Kind of ironic, don’t you think?


Jason says:
November 4, 2008 at 2:50 pm

Clayton, you’ve made me very unhappy. you promised to call him


For shame, sir, for shame.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 3:16 pm

Jason: Damn! I forgot.

OK everybody, let’s all pretend that instead of referring to the next

president by his real name — which Jason believes is inflammatory in
some way — I’ve referred to The Obaminator as "President Steve" as
I promised.


Jason says:
November 4, 2008 at 4:06 pm[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Or Barack the Impaler.

The important part is we’re finally discussing the issues that matter to
the American People.


Vanessa says:
November 4, 2008 at 5:01 pm

Personally, I’m just glad the whole damn thing is over today. I find it
hard to believe that as big, diverse, and rich with talent as America is,
these four are the best we could come up with. It’s really pitiful. And
not a little depressing.

Also, as a (formally) die-hard liberal, I am sick. to. death. of the

complete intolerance and disrespect for the opposing viewpoint
shown by the supporters of "Hope and Change". (Newsflash: It IS
possible to have liberal leanings and not like Obama. Get over it,

Somehow, it seems that, in The Land of Hope and Change, we live in

a democracy only if we all agree to never, ever, criticize Obama.

We’re not allowed to point out that he has backtracked on every

campaign promise he made before his nomination, or express any
reservations at all about his candidacy. (hmmm… having a flashback
to …. 2003 or so… only… I got it!! Different guy, different
party, different name: Same deal.)

All we have to do now is brace ourselves for the cacaphony

of distressed howling that will shortly arise when The Great One and
The-Great-Uselessness-That-Is-The-Democratic-Congress fails to
live up to all this overheated hype.


Terry Moore says:

November 4, 2008 at 5:26 pm

Clayton – it appears to me you’ve become completely delusional with

regard to your observations of potential results of an Obama
presidential victory. I find that rather sad. My condolences.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Nick says:
November 4, 2008 at 6:05 pm

Call me pessimistic but I think Americas best days are behind it. The
public school system and a 6 hour a day TV diet has ensured the
majority of voters from here on out will be brain dead stupid.

Can you realistically imagine someone coming along and restoring

the liberties that have been stolen from us, and letting us keep the
money we earned?

The fat worthless idiots will protest in mass over a few pennies
increase in minimum wage, but don’t blink over big chunks of their
money being taken from them in taxes.

I hear there’s some thriving upstart Democracies springing up around

the world – for those of us looking for the ideal conditions for our
business (especially online business) to flourish it’s time to pack up
and leave while you still can.


Jeanne says:
November 4, 2008 at 8:26 pm

Clayton, it was not my intention to “lecture” you. I admire you for

overcoming the obstacles and reaching success. However, it disturbs
me that you seem to have missed something, while pulling yourself
up, that would give you empathy for those who have not had fortune
smile on them. Somehow you think that anyone who has not
achieved your level of success must be lazy or stupid, and deserve
what they get.The basic math supports your contention that the top
5% pay between 80% and 90% of all income taxes. In fact, I believe I
read it’s more like 96%. The flaw in your argument overlooks that
bigger taxable income will generate a larger percentage of taxes. I
venture to say that individuals and corporations in the top 5% don’t
end up paying a larger percentage of their income than those in the
bottom 50%. Not to mention available loopholes and those who “…
play the tax code like a Stradivarius – shamelessly exploiting every
legal means to shelter every penny…” – and that is your right. Please
don’t lecture me about the tax burden you bear, when clearly we both
pay the same for milk and gas, and a dollar stretches much farther for
the top 5% than it does for the bottom 50%.Even Warren Buffett
blasts the tax system because he pays 17% tax, without loopholes,
while his secretary pays 30%. If the tax structure gives employers
and risk-takers more incentive to keep from sending jobs out of the
country, and allows the bottom 50% to keep more of what they do
earn, there will be less unemployment and a more productive society
that will stimulate the economy. I assure you the bottom 50% is more
concerned with paying the bills than spending any funds on a big-[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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screen TV. And if jobs stay in the U.S., purchases in the U.S. would
not benefit the Chinese economy. Narrowing the gap between the
rich and poor will ultimately benefit the top 5%.


Dave C says:
November 4, 2008 at 8:39 pm

No chrislrob … it’s YOUR understanding of Civil War history that is

wrong. But don’t feel bad for believing the nonsense spewed out by
the victorious history writers. Besides, you’re in the majority, which
I’m sure is more important to you… after all, might makes right…
safety in numbers… and numbers don’t lie. And don’t insult me by
saying "my side".

I don’t have a side in this election because I acknowledge the

American vote — like the Steppenwolf song said — "is a meaningless
joke". Events of the last two months has seen proof that the USA is
run by the NYC banks — your vote is symbolic only. Both candidates
are from the same party.


Dave C says:
November 4, 2008 at 9:08 pm

chrislrob wrote: “Wow. I’m a big-time Obama fan and never would I
have been so bold as to declare him the next Lincoln! I can only pray
you’re right.” Go ahead and pray that I’m right and the next US
president will order the deaths of 600,000 Americans who disagree
with him. When you’re done praying to your God to smite the
disagree-ers, then you can tell us how communism would have
worked if only the "right" people would have been in charge.


Blue Makepeace says:

November 4, 2008 at 9:19 pm

Hey Padre! It’s Ol’ Blue Eyes.

After many years of listening to Madre and yourself discuss various

issues over weeknight television game-shows and dinner, I’ve only
recently began paying attention to you guys. Paying attention to
current events, I mean. Oh, come on… I always pay attention to you.
I look up to you. You know I always gave your explanations of
quantum theory my undivided attention on the way to school every
morning in the fourth grade. I was just staring agape and astonished[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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out the car window, taken aback by how the laws of physics affect us

…And not listening to my walkman.

All of that fluff and nonsense aside, I wanted to express what little
political viewpoint I’ve acquired through hearing both sides of every
argument. Really, I have no political opinions (yet), except for a few
very, very basic ones:

1. I hate politics. And politicians (all liars, IMHO). I hate how the
American people continue to segregate themselves into smaller and
smaller groups. I hate watching proud people become so angry and
demeaning towards one another over opinions that cannot be
swayed by another’s redundant, monotonous mental list of why this
policy bombs and why that policy will fix everything. I understand that
this is human nature,and it’s a little necessary, and that it will always
continue on forever and ever. I think that’s fine. I just think it’s sucky.

2. I hate the government. For reasons that you and I have already
discussed many times.

Yes. I’m very very new to this whole "real world" thing. Actually, I
haven’t made it that far yet. I’m still kinda at the little window next to
the door that opens to the real world, so I don’t know much at all. I
know. It’s just…Why can’t everybody be smart and sweet? I’d like to
think I’m not being naive when I say that. I think I’ll be asking this
question for the rest of my life, as I’m paying for the mistakes of
today’s leaders. Mmmm can’t wait.

What am I talking about? I forget sometimes that I’m going to be a

simple Spanish sunflower farmer when I grow up. Hah! Silly me.

Anyways. That’s my rather long bit you’ve been asking for for about a
year now. I toiled over this thing, sir. Toiled.

Man. I wasn’t prepared for such an election! What a ride it’s been.
So glad the campaigning is almost over.

Love you!
Ich liebe dicht!
- Blue


Sara says:
November 5, 2008 at 12:15 am

Well.Political events sure have a way of raising the ire of passionate

folk, eh?And passion is, after all, THE key ingredient to successful[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

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copywriting. Am I right? Or successful anything, for that matter.Me, I

just read the LA Times post confirming what I have known for months
would happen. I got tears of joy in my eyes. (Scoff all you want. No
blame here.)Now, I know it is the loudly expressed prevailing opinion
of the moderator of this board that we’re all in for a doozy of a ride,
economically speaking. (By the way, whatever "doozy" we’re in for…
we’ve proposedly been in for it regardless. It’s been predicted for
longer than Makepeace, or any of us, have been on the planet. And
I’m not into thumping, gang. I’m talking something much bigger
here.)Here’s the deal. There is more to life than the economy.
There’s more to life than financial success. There is more to life than
your current income-generating project. And there is more to life
than figuring out "the secret to having it all."There’s even more to life
than making $250,000+++ per year, as much as I dearly look forward
to such a thing, whatever taxes I may choose to pay. Who cares, as
far as I’m concerned. (I happen to believe the IRS is illegal to begin
with, but oh well… I don’t think I’m up for fighting that particular battle
just yet.)Believe it or not, Clayton, my man, there’s even more to life
than zipping swift on an expensive hog under the Carolina moon. I
know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.And, another thing…the real
goods sure as &*@# ain’t gonna come to those who think the
government or any body else owes them anything. Nor are they
going to come to those who think success is about learning some
magic tricks to get other people to do what you want them to do.See,
no matter WHAT happens out in the world, it is WE who create our
reality. It is WE who choose what we put our attention to. It is WE
who rise above any and all struggle (or not), and thrive (or not) no
matter what.I once walked the streets of pre-911 New York City late
at night with a man who told me something I’ll never forget.When he
said what he did to me, something in me KNEW he was right. I can’t
tell you how I knew, but I did. He said to me, "It doesn’t matter what
happens in the world. It matters what you give your attention to.
Even if your world is destroyed, it doesn’t really matter. You’ll just
create another."Do you get it?Do you get that all this habberdash
about tax cuts and rising prices and unemployment means squat to
your actual success in life?Do you?Maybe you prefer to rant and
rave. I can appreciate that. I’ve done my share of such myself. And
I might get tripped up there again. Might even go there on purpose.
Seems more trouble than it’s worth, but….As for now, I’m going to put
my beloved passion into something more profitable.That being said, I
wish you well.Good night and good luck.yours truly,sara jane


Horatio says:
November 5, 2008 at 1:03 am

Is Blue Makepeace Clayton’s genius 16-yo Oxford-bound daughter?[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Well, I’ll be….

Nice place for you to make a debut appearance, a tentative step

through the window into a fake political world you have every reason
not to love…

Stay smart, stay innocent, and yes stay sweet…


chrislrob says:
November 5, 2008 at 1:12 am

Dave C.,

Don’t know anything about any communists, but thanks for the
encouragement. Looks like my side won–and lost. So nothing’s
changed except everything!

The majority is pretty important in a democracy and I’m pretty sure

that President-Elect Obama will do his best to spare American lives.
That’s why I voted for him.

Thanks for your support! Obama/Biden 2012!


Markus Trauernicht says:

November 5, 2008 at 3:47 am

All Obama has to do now is spend less than Bush and that nearly
makes him more Republican than Bush. Freaky…


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 5, 2008 at 4:07 am

I love you too, Blue Eyes!

And I love your post. You have wisdom well beyond your years.
You’re right to fear government. It’s the only organization on Earth
that can impoverish, enslave and murder millions with impunity. Any
organization with that kind of power bears watching closely.

For those of you who supported Obama, congratulations on your

win. All we can do now is pray that our new president surrounds
himself with advisors who possess the knowledge, experience,[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

tolerance and judgment that his own history demonstrates that he

clearly lacks.


Susan Connors says:

November 5, 2008 at 6:09 am

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone. May the USA thrive and
a new and better era come through for all! The people make the
nation and the nation a country. I enjoyed listening to the speeches
by both of the presidential candidates. Congratz to you all as what
really matters is your country – the heart and soul, your people!.
My few cents worth…

Sue in Aus


Nick Burns says:

November 5, 2008 at 8:59 am

I’m 30% closer to winning our bet, Clayton. Steak for me if Obama
wins and the stock market surges…sushi for you if both don’t
happen. Why am I only 30% closer to victory? Obama’s win was
easy compared to the tidal wave McCain faced with a decimated
economy, the betrayal of trust that is Iraq, and the incompetence that
was Katrina.

Now the hard part, a surge in the New York Stock Exchange today.
You’re right, no matter who won, the market has in the past gone up.
These aren’t normal economic times, though, so I’m worried that I
might be a loser here.

We’ll see soon enough.

Take care,
Nick Burns


Ross says:
November 5, 2008 at 11:05 am

Hmmm… Obama wins.

I see Mat Damon slamming a girl’s phone number against a bar

window and saying a sweet ‘How ’bout them apples?’[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


Oritseyemi says:
November 5, 2008 at 1:35 pm


Re: For those of you who supported Obama, congratulations on your
win. All we can do now is pray that our new president surrounds
himself with advisors who possess the knowledge, experience,
tolerance and judgment that his own history demonstrates that he
clearly lacks.

With all due respect.

Bush had all the experience/qualities and look at all the mess he has
gotten America into.

God help us all.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 5, 2008 at 2:58 pm

Nick: Sorry … you get zero points for the Obama win. I predicted it
myself in the article — remember? In fact, I predicted it in January
when he was still duking it out with Hillary.

As for the Obama rally you predicted: It’s 2:47 PM the day after the
election results became known. Europe sold off this morning. The
Dow is DOWN more than 300 POINTS.

I’m pretty sure that’s the first time the market has fallen after any
election in the past 20 years or so — except for in 2000, when the
results were delayed.

Some "surge!"

Another reason why I’m already mixing my wasabi and ginger: This
crisis is bigger than Obama — bigger than any mere mortal, for that

My predictions for the next 12 months:

A $1 trillion-plus federal deficit for FY 2009.

More than $2 trillion in new Treasury offerings crush the bond

market, driving interest rates to over 15%.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

U.S. stocks crash at least another 40% — the Dow falls 3,700 points
from today’s levels to 5,580 or below. Asian and European stocks
fare worse. Eastern European stocks virtually cease to exist.

Obama cites the crisis, cancels his middle-class tax cut and instead,
RAISES income taxes for all but the very poorest workers.

… Unless of course, the Obaminator actually sneaks his anti-

business strategies past the Republicans and Blue-Dog Democrats
in Congress … in which case, things will get REALLY bad.

Ross: Go ahead and gloat, my friend … let’s see how you feel this
time next year.

Oritseyemi: Hey — you never heard ME defending Bush. But have

you ever heard the phrase, "Jumping out of the frying pan and into
the fire?"

On a positive note, though, isn’t it marvelous how far we’ve come in

racial terms in this country? Despite the fact that I despise everything
Obama stands for, I am extremely proud of my country on that score.

Cheers, y’all!


Nick Burns says:

November 5, 2008 at 3:30 pm

Yup, Clayton, you predicted the Obama win…and it looks like you
might want to send me the bill for that wasabi and ginger. Let’s at
least wait for the Exchange to close though. A miracle from the
anointed one? (As Rush Limbaugh calls him.)

My calculation was that Wall Street would figure that with an Obama
win, the adults would be in charge…and that would fuel a rally.

Guess not.
Nick Burns


David Lee says:

November 5, 2008 at 4:01 pm

Comment by chrislrob — November 3, 2008 @ 11:27 pm

This truth has doomed your side as they ridiculously insisted that
Obama is a Kenyan-born, Islamic Marxo-terrorist, until time has run
out, instead of focusing on the issues.   ChrisP.S. The above applies[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

doubly to you, David Lee. The "community organizer" (that most vile
and evil of things) is about to hand you the loss you so richly
Chrislrob: Well, your sacred Messiah has won. However, the loss
that you think I doubly "so richly deserve" is having zero impact on
my life and attitude, as do your unfounded rantings. I’m still the same
successful capitalist pig I was yesterday and the 15 years before.

Today is my birthday, and I’m headed out to the golf course in my

gas guzzling SUV to carouse with my cronies and exchange politically
incorrect Obama jokes. Like Clayton, I’m not sweating Obama’s plan
to steal from the rich and give to his favorite radical black causes. My
internet marketing income will flow from my IRA owned business right
into my IRA owned currency trading account, free from the clutches
of the redistributors to squander.

In fact, trading has been phenominal since the weak liberal politicians
and the socialist press have created massive swing trade
opportunities in the major currency pairs. Of course, someone will
lose on the other side of many of my trades, a necessary function
which you are certain to never grasp.

I never stated that a community organizer was vile and evil. Most
probably think they’re justified in shaking down companies with bully
tactics and trumped up cries of racism where it doesn’t exist. I just
think it’s a joke to use that as filler for a presidential candidate’s
resume, particularly when you state that you’re the "post racial"

If you’d ever worked in the mortgage industry for a large lender who’s
fallen prey to these tactics, you would understand the destruction
their immoral behaviour has caused all of us. Clayton is right,
treasury rates (and thus mortgage rates) are soon to soar, causing
deeper pain in real estate and the entire economy. Printing more
money is the only hope that will be brought to the table.

Clayton: I would’ve mentioned that McCain’s wife owned a beer

distributorship in my rant yesterday, but since I’m strickly a German
beer man, I can’t in good faith endorse the stock they brew. FYI, I
lean libertarian as well, but one had to choose hamburger A or B this
time around.


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 5, 2008 at 5:05 pm

Nick Burns: HAH! Obama gets hisself elected and the Dow closes
DOWN nearly 500 pointeroonies.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Pay up, suckah!


Nick Burns says:

November 5, 2008 at 5:06 pm

Clayton, surge doesn’t mean down does it?

Okay, the NYTimes has the Dow at -486 or so. What’s the tab, I’ve
got your mailing address in the contact info above.

Nice bunch of predicting!

Nick Burns


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 5, 2008 at 5:12 pm

Any other foolhardy souls want to bet against me on economic or

investment matters?

Or maybe about where the Obaminator’s approval ratings will stand

on November 5, 2009?

I’ll take all the free sushi I can get!


Ron says:
November 5, 2008 at 7:07 pm


Now that the election is over, let’s put our heads together a come up
with a comprehensive economic survival plan for staying ocmpletely
out of the economic collapse that is bound to ravage the U.S. and
overwhelming inflation that is sure to come.

Probably the safest position to be in will be to hold hard assets such

as gold and silver (I happen to like silver myself) because the paper
on Wall Street and currency will be virtually worthless.

If anyone really cares about how this turmoil is all going to play out,
read the 2000 Millenium Decree (the U.N. strategic plan as decided
on by 158 world leaders who met at the United Nations in 2000) they
will fully know that plans have already been made to divide the world[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

in to 10 separate kingdoms (according to Biblical prophesy) and

establish a one world government.

The plans are already in place to enslave all of us who don’t go along
with the New World Order and based upon what’s happening in
throughout the world right now, we’re not too far from what has
already been outlined in the 2000 Millenium Decree.

Those of us who already know the U.N.’s plan aren’t surprised that
the real power in this world lies in the hands of the U.N. Secretary
General, not the U.S. and certainly not Barack Obama.

As a matter of fact, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in this country are
more threatening to our democrary than Barack.

And just wait . . . we’ll have more good news from our pals the
Russians, the Chinese, the Syrians, the Iranians, and the Iraqis.

As my brother used to say, better get your helmets on, it’s going to
be one hell of a battle.

Pray for the peace in Jerusalem and that the U.S. government
doesn’t keep trying to force Israel (and the Jewish people) to give up
their covenant land and divide Jerusalem into two states.

Historically, over the past several years, every time the U.S.
government has tried to intervene in forcing Israel to give up land, we
have suffered major disasters, Hurricanes Ike, Katrina, Andrew, Fay,
and the economic collapses all occured when Condi Rice was in
Israel trying to force Israel to give up their land that was given to the
Jewish people by the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

These devastating occurences in the U.S. have ALL occured after

some U.S. intervention to turn Israel into two distinct states – and that
will never work!

So forget about how Obama’s going to affect our nation, be more

concerned about how our U.S. conduct affects the apple of God’s
eye, the nation of Israel and the Jewish people – his original
covenenant people.


Yo Momma says:
November 5, 2008 at 7:12 pm

Hey!!!!-Its the "other Makepeace daughter"

I also blame the Bush administration and Cheney’s insatiable greed

for so many of the problems we face with the economy. I am[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

mourning McCains loss today. What a beautiful speach he gave

though. I was touched by his wise words and graceful way about

Obama has made history…now we must wait to see how shocked his
followers will be when he is unable to magically fix the economy
come January 2009.

I am fearful, but I have hope in the future because I know that my

God is in control of everything, and my daddy is keepin an eye on the
Liars and Cheaters in Washington.

-keep it real!


Peter says:
November 5, 2008 at 11:29 pm

Hi All,
Been really interesting following this discussion the past few days.

Talk about stirred emotions.

My problem… from someone living outside your great country is in

democracy you seem to get the government you deserve. I’ve seen it
happen where I live and watched it happen to you.

Isn’t it time your ellected leaders stopped your financial organisations

performing completely immoral actions… such as selling securities to
banks and governments around the world which they knew were

Just how disgusting an action is that… all in the name of capitalism.

I’m all in favour of a free market but with controls to stop actions like
this which have decimated economies who trusted your institutions to
do the right thing.

Now your election is over… hopefully some sense will return and… I
hope your new leader will actually reign in the perpetrators of this
financial mess (including the politicians who started it)



Clayton Makepeace says:

November 6, 2008 at 1:49 am[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Peter, thanks for your post.

Actually, if you’ll check the facts, I think you’ll find that this crisis was
caused by several groups of people.

First, our leaders caused this problem by:

1. Requiring that lenders grant loans to unqualified borrowers under

penalty of law …

2. Mandating that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase those

loans, thus freeing lenders from the consequences of making them …

3. Empowering Fannie, Freddie and investment banks to turn those

loans into securities and sell them to investors.

4. Failing to investigate and reform Fannie and Freddie in 2001 and

again in 2003 when massive fraud was uncovered and the White
House asked for reform and greater regulation.

We now know that the senators who blocked efforts to reform

F&F were:

a) Engaged in sexual liasons with F&F executives (Barney Frank)

b) Receiving huge campaign contributions from F&F (Christopher


c) Getting sweetheart deals on their own mortgages from F&F

(Christopher Dodd),

d) Rewarding party functionaries with multi-million-dollar salaries as

top executives at F&F (Franklin Raines, James Johnson, Jamie
Gorlick. Plus, although Obama’s new Chief of Staff, Rahm
Emmanuel did not make millions, he did serve on Freddie’s board of
directors and used his “sharp elbows” to viciously attempt at
reforming them.).

5. Alan Greenspan, chief of Bush’s Federal Reserve exacerbated the

crisis by slashing interest rates, thus making mortgages more

But that’s only the history of the beginning of the crisis. So let’s
count ALL the groups who bear guilt:

1. As I point out above, the U.S. government — both parties and both
the executive and legislative branches — bears guilt for creating the
environment that led to this crisis.

2. Hopelessly and blatantly corrupt politicians in Congress are also[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

guilty for blocking early attempts by the White House to head off the
crisis before it struck.

3. Lenders are guilty for taking advantage of the fact that Fannie and
Freddie (F&F) would buy even the lousiest loans from them by
aggressively marketing loans to unqualified buyers.

4. Homebuyers are guilty for allowing themselves to be seduced into

mortgages they couldn’t afford to repay.

5. F&F and the U.S. investment banks are guilty for participating in
what any intelligent person could see was a scam by turning those
lousy loans into investments.

6. And of course, private investors, corporate investors and

governments all over the world are guilty for buying those loans
thinking they were getting a free lunch — that, since Fannie and
Freddie were GSEs, those investments were somehow like
treasuries: Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

So now that we know who really caused the crisis, we can see
how to make sure nothing like it happens again.

Here’s a good start …

A. Congress should be prohibited from tinkering with the economy

and especially from passing laws that push businesses into harmful

B. It should also be made illegal for the government to own any part
of any privately owned or publicly traded company, as such
ownership misleads investors into believing that those companies’
securities are as safe as government bonds.

C. The politicians who blocked F&F reform while profiting personally

from them should be tarred, feathered, ridden out of Washington on a
rail and locked up until this crisis ends (or longer!).

D. Corporate CEOs should be given greater lattitude to oppose idiotic

government mandates and the responsibility to do so under penalty
of law.

E. Consumers who make stupid financial decisions should accept

the inevitable negative consequences of those decisions gracefully …
stop whining and blaming everyone else … learn their lessons … and
resolve not to make the same mistake twice.

F. It should be made illegal for investors who failed to do their due

diligence or who thought they were getting a "free ride" with these
investments to be bailed out with our money.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Oh — and I’d also like to see an end to their bitching. They got what
they deserved.

G. Voters should wise up; recognize that government is the problem

– not the solution …

That historically, when a governmet attempts to solve one problem, it

consistently creates two or more far more serious ones …

And that you can always tell when a politician is lying (because his
lips are moving).

And finally, voters should insist that their government live by the
same time-honored, prudent, conservative fiscal policies that every
company and family in America must follow in order to survive and
thrive. In a nutshell: Spend less than you earn; save the rest.

Of course none of that is going to happen as long as lazy or gullible

or partisan voters continue to buy simplistic governmental and media
finger-pointing that simply blame "those greedy corporations." Or
worse: "Capitalism."

So once again, the guilty will be rewarded with new terms in office
and with government bail outs and hand outs.

And once again, the innocent will pick up the tab as our home equity
vanishes … our tax rates explode … our retirement savings dwindle
… our stocks crash … and our interest rates skyrocket.

And later, we’ll pay yet another price as the trillions of dollars that will
have to be created to fight this crisis render our income, savings and
investments worthless … destroy our buying power … and send our
cost of living through the roof.

Fair enough. After all in a democracy, we get the government we


– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

November 6, 2008 at 1:59 am

Hey, everyone, say "HI" to my older daughter — "YoMama!" (Post

#145, above)

Hiya, sweetie! Didn’t know you even read your old man’s blog. How
nice![11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Well, as you all can tell, I do have a Republican or three in the family
— including, of course, The Redhead.

That’s OK — I’m proud of the fact that they have strong foundations
in political and economic history and are informed and passionately

Plus, I’m working on them. I still have faith that eventually, they too
will embrace my Libertarian convictions.

Love ya, Mimi!


Ron says:
November 6, 2008 at 5:42 am

Hello Mimi,
I believe that you summed this all up beautifully.
1. Your earthly Dad does indeed have a keen eye, watching out for
the liars and cheaters - in 2001 the administration did raise concerns
about Freddy and Fanny, but Congressional leaders failed to act
responibly because of their greed and illicit associations.

2. And our Heavenly Daddy is in control and will not forsake us.



David Lee says:

November 6, 2008 at 9:29 am

Clayton, I think more emphasis should be put on point #5(e) above:

"5. Alan Greenspan, chief of Bush’s Federal Reserve exacerbated
the crisis by slashing interest rates, thus making mortgages more

This did far more than make the mortgages more affordable.

First, it super-heated the market and made speculation run off the
tracks.   Second, after the price bubble was put in place, the Maestro
then ratcheted up rates 16 times in a row, raising the LIBOR index as
much as 4.5% in a mere 18 months.

The LIBOR increase is what snapped the mouse trap down upon
those that took out 2-3 year ARMs tied to this popular index. If your
teaser rate is due to adjust by two points given no index increase, and[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

the index increases 4%, then presto, you just got a 6% increase.
Few can afford such a radical move.

Finally, the consequential price bust caused by the bubble boxed in

those that couldn’t afford the increases by making it impossible to sell
at least for the loan amount.  

Thank you, Meastro! Well done.

I’ve been a mortgage broker for 15 years, and I’m proud to say that I
never sold products that borrowers couldn’t afford, and I’ve sold lots
of no income, zero down, and sub-prime loans. They were very
useful tools when used prudently. I miss them dearly. None of my
customers went into default due to the useage of these products.

Some of us scapegoated brokers actually care a great deal about our

customers, not just the bottom line. That’s why I’m still standing
today. Of course, I’m fortunate to be in the great State of Texas
where the market is holding up.


chrislrob says:
November 6, 2008 at 11:02 am

David Lee,

You’re right to think that I’m feeling pretty good.

And congratulations on your success. I like rich people. And as I said

to Clayton, your post proves that rich folks, such as yourself, are well-
protected against Obama’s nefarious plan to soak up all of your cash.
So I don’t need to worry about you.

But why are you capitalist pigs worrying about the rest of us? You
should leave that to the liberal comm(ie)unity organizing, bleeding-
heart, guilt-ridden, equality-loving scum!

Heck, from your post it even appears that the liberals and Obama are
helping to make you even richer than the conservatives are, so why
do you seem so ungrateful to the Messiah and his disciples for the
bounty that they have placed before you?

Finally, I have no doubt that you are rich, but I doubt that you work in
the mortgage industry. If you did, you’d know that the idea that those
huge "mortgage lenders" fell prey to those mean old community
organizers is a pathetic and totally disproven lie.

Oddly enough, it’s a lie most often told by commissioned mortgage

brokers and Wall Street traders. Some of whom also brazenly brag[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

to have been involved in lots of "no income, zero down, and sub-
prime loans" that somehow never went bad, in a world where billions
of dollars of such loans have, and where, in fact, "no income, zero
down, and sub-prime loans" are virtually the only mortgage loans
that do.


P.S. And because I wish you a happy birthday, here’s a politically

incorrect joke you can tell in your SUV while carousing with your
cronies! :

Q. What do you call a black man with a Harvard law degree?

A. President.
Zing! Man, that’s a real kneeslapper! Your cronies are gonna love it!


Suzy says:
November 6, 2008 at 2:23 pm

First I don’t understand why you internet gurus feel a need to give us
your political opinion. That is not why we signed up to join your
list. But I find your comments are very uninformed and reactive and
yes full of fear… which is how you republicans support all your
agendas.Obama has won! He is intelligent and thoughtful and
capable… all qualities we have not had in power for a very long
time.If you guys on the right are so smart, why are we in such a hell
of a mess?Answer that smarty pants. Your side has done one
‘heckava-job-brownie’ and it is time to go away and let us clean up
your mess again!Suzy


Yo Momma says:
November 6, 2008 at 4:38 pm


I will always be a libertarian! However, I will always vote for the better
man or woman!!!!


Mike says:
November 6, 2008 at 7:34 pm

Obama won, now the the fun begins…….[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

As a small business owner many of my friends here are worried too.I

have 13 employees. My best friend 85 employees. many of his
workers are Obama crazy.

Here is the talk he gives them…….

So, you are excited that Obama may win? Yes…yes….they say. Do
you think he will do great things for you? Yes….yes….they say.

Well, I want you to know honestly and up-front that IF he

wins…….you will probably be out of a job. Why they ask??

Because if he wins…..and if I HAVE to pay your health

benefits….then I will not have enough "profit" left to pay you. I
will be giving all my profit to paying for your heath benefits.

My friend Tom has one of Indiana’s most entrepreneurial company’s.

His company has been around for 23 years and he employees many
black and legal hispanics. They have worked for him in many cases
10-12 years.

But – - when he tells them this "very real" scenario they get silent.
They love their job. But they know that Toms company works on a
low margin. So…………if health care becomes a issue that he is
suppose to pay………his 80 plus workers lose their job. Tom loses
his company and most of these workers had a hard time finding work
before they got hired at Tom’s

If health care is to be picked up by guys like me……….their will be

much more unemployment than any Obama plan can compensate

Obama did win !!!!! Let’s hope his charisma and words are
surrounded by realistic policies that CREATE jobs because this one
issue for the "little manufacturer" is a real BIG concern.

Am I pro Obama or anti Obama ? Neither………..I just want to have

my business here in Indy still thriving in 3 years.I’m for the small
business owner that has to worry about 15-25 (when were busy)
checks and have to cover.

Since Obama DID win……..I’m just hoping and praying and

marketing harder than I ever did. Who Knows. He "may" be the real

Still Dreaming and Hoping


P.S. And this is a forum. Clayton owns it. His own soapbox. His right[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

to voice concerns as he sees them. And one BIG thought….

Would’nt you think that a guy that has spent hundreds and hundreds
(if not thousands) of hours doing RESEARCH and copy for the top
1% of financial minds for their newsletters……might be "clued-in" and
be a little in the know than 99% of this board. For the nay-sayers it’s
sort of like telling Steve Jobs….hey I think you’re ipod thoughts and
design ideas are waaay off track. Just a thought !!


Cathy Sutter says:

November 6, 2008 at 9:05 pm


I just love it when you post this political stuff! You always make so
much sense.

I believe that most (if not all) of "Steve’s" supporters voted for him
because they felt he was the Messiah, walking on the water, who
would save the economy.

Seriously, neither he nor McCain could do what needs to be done.

The US is already heading for bankruptcy if not there already. Don’t
believe me? Spend 30 minutes and watch this video:

But they’re gonna give out another stimulus package, the automakers
might be getting $25B…who’s next? Every time I see Pelosi on TV
I’d like to smack her stupid face. What an idiot! Spend, spend,
spend. She and Reid are both idiots.

And the stupid people keep on voting them back into office. The
ignorance of the American citizens never ceases to amaze me! For
example: I believe that they voted Stevens back in in Alaska. They
actually said on Fox News, "The first time a felon has been
reelected." Wow! Duh…

We need to fire the whole lot of ‘em, doncha think?


Jeremy says:
November 6, 2008 at 10:32 pm

This was a carefully crafted plan. The masses have been so dumbed
down that they actually believe this Obama will bring change. The
truth is the agenda of the ‘puppet masters’ is well underway and this[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

is a dangerous situation we are in. It’s only a matter of time before

‘they’ have total control over the masses. It is time for all Americans
to wake up, get mad, and band together and bring our country back
to what our founder fathers envisioned it to be. Don’t be fooled by the
fear tactics they will use to pass unthinkable policies while they
continue to diminish our freedom. Right now, their tool is the
economy. And they will scare us until we beg them to fix it. I can see
it now, a one world currency is just around the corner as a ‘fix’ to the
global crisis. Again, don’t be fooled. This is all part of the agenda of
the global elite.


Michael Kocis says:

November 8, 2008 at 10:36 am

Love him or hate him – he’s the next President, so when we chisel
through all the emotions and logic we are left with "now what."

He’s going to make it better or he will make it worse, one of those will
be a true fact for each individual. The ONLY thing each of us are in
control of is how we react to any given circumstance. Give me
obstacles or give me a path, it is up to me to move in my direction.

Michael Kocis


David Harrison says:

November 8, 2008 at 3:20 pm

Shame on you Clayton for writing such a politically biased article. You
sound like a bigot with a bad dose of sour grapes.

George Bush has done his best to just about destroy the American
brand all around the world, even here in the United Kingdom and we
are your friends. The Republicans have totally run out of ideas and
quite frankly they have taken a once great nation to the brink. Instead
of taking you into the next decade, the McCain/Palin ticket looked like
it would have taken you back several decades!

Your article epitomizes everything that the rest of the World dislikes
about the USA. It’s greed and arrogance that got you into this trouble
in the first place!

Thankfully, the American public have seen through the desperate

attempts by the Reps to shift to the right and bring in policies which
would have set your country back for years and instead have voted[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

for a fresh start. Making Obama your president has restored most
peoples’ faith in democracy and that the ‘Great American Dream’
lives on.

Give the guy a break and let him get on with repairing all of the
damage done by Bush. John McCain honourably pledged his support
to Obama and surely it is in everyone’s interests to pull together and
do whatever they can to help.

So please Clayton … stick to the marketing.


B Fish says:
November 8, 2008 at 5:35 pm

Well, I should like Obama. All of my assets are safely in Asia, and
yen-based. I hope to return to America someday. The combination of
rock-bottom home prices in a crashed real estate market and a
sackful of yen that will be worth three-times as many dollars as they
are today sounds pretty attractive.

On the other hand, the impact of America’s self-destruction over here

is unknowable. And the America I return to may not be a place I care
to live anymore, with Dem-style totalitarianism.

Regarding the latter, and with all due respect to the UK poster above,
I have lived in the UK, China and the US. The UK is becoming a
totalitarian dystopia, while China is going in the other direction. There
are already many points where the UK is more intrusive than China in
your personal freedom. Now, it seems the US may follow suit, with
the mass media leading the way.

When I look at the trends, it seems almost obvious that Asia, from
India to Japan, will surpass the West. I hate to say it, but Asian
countries generally have three things lacking in the West:

1- A cohesive (not self-loathing) culture

2- A realistic appreciation of money and sacrifice
3- Academic discipline (for the most part)
4- Common sense

Whatever the differences today in affluence, the trend is what

matters. The West is going in the wrong direction, faster every day.
There will be speed bumps along the way, maybe named Reagan or
Thatcher, but they will only slow it for a moment.

Once 60% of the population can vote themselves money from the
other 40%, it’s all over. We’re almost there.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Thanks, Clayton, for the post. I am sure it will cost you more
subscribers that you gain, and get you called a racist, greedy bigot by
many. But, far too few people can even see the truth these days,
much less dare to speak it.


Christina Mellott says:

November 8, 2008 at 5:58 pm

Looks like Nick owes you sushi – markets down over 400 each day
since O took the race. Keep up the good work and let me know
where you go to get good sushi out there. I’ll be in your neck of the
woods in a couple weeks. I love your posts, political or not. You


Undisclosed so I don't get sought out by our new leader like joe
the plumber says:
November 8, 2008 at 8:40 pm

Hey Clayton,
Welcome to the world of liberal hate mongers.

As you already know, most good liberals think with their (bleeding)
hearts and not with their heads. Thus we we now have Obama as

I actually voted for McCain, but only because I was against "the new
change" (whatever that is supposed to mean – we still don’t know,

I’m not a conspiracy nut, nor am I very religious, but I did happen to
watch the "Omen three" movie during the Halloween weekend.

When I watched the acceptance speech on Tuesday night, I totally

freaked as I heard Obama use this phrase (paraphrased as how I
remembered it):

"Now is the time to summons in a new spirit".

This almost floored me as it was very similar to what Damien (the

anti-Christ) said when all the stars aligned and his hypnotized
followers chanted in an open field.

My big question is, why would Obama use the words "summons" and[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

"spirit" in the same sentence… it was very strange.

You would think he had already rehearsed this speech a month in

advance… of course he did.

So, with all the internet chatter from right wingers, why would he
choose to use such words in this speech?

Why would he use words that would put crazed people who believe
he is the anti-Christ on edge?

He could have said "now is the time for change", but using the words
summons and spirit???


Thus far I haven’t heard anyone bring this up, but being a copywriter
and a "wanna-be" speech writer, this got my undivided attention in a
New York minute.

I think it might be time to get back on my knees.

As far as Obama being our new president, I will say, that I think this is
a good thing for people of color, but a bad thing for true Americans.
The ones who believe in freedom as we once knew it.
The ones who believe in the Constitution.

I hope and pray that he has a change of heart or that his recent
intelligence briefing from the Whitehouse wakes him up to the
dangers we are about to face.

Tough times are ahead, indeed.

Something else that we need to be alerted to.

In 2012, we may witness an historic event, but it isn’t the ushering in

of a new president.

According to the many scientists, we will have an astronomical event

where the planets align (yes, similar to the Omen movie that was
made in 2004) and it may result in major global environmental

If you want to see a great "scientific video about this, go to and do a search for: history channel, mayan calendar,
and 2012… you’ll be shocked at what you find.

I believe Obama will use this event as a way to declare the elections
of 2012 be put on hold, while he deals with this major event. Of
course, the libs will probably try to pin this on man-made global
warming.[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Call me a raving lunatic, if you must, but I have predicted many other
things in the past by simply looking into the past, present and future
events. It doesn’t take a genius to see where things are going.

Will Obama become the new world leader or am I just having

delusional thoughts that will soon put me in an institution.

Of course, if Obamas "new police force" finds out I’m revealing this
information to the public, I will be taken out. Mark my words.


Karen Hilstad says:

November 8, 2008 at 9:27 pm

Dear Clayton,

   It is with much sadness shock and horror that I read your diatribe
today. You have not only lost my considerable respect, but lost me as
a paying customer.

   I’m sure you’ve alienated other customers as well through your

misguided attempt at speaking your mind and your unfortunate
choice of topic.

   In wondering if perhaps the Grey Goose got the better of you, I

hoped you would come to your senses and somehow redeem
yourself. But reading through most of the considerable posts, your
accompanying comments failed to show any remorse for your
libelous remarks.

    How you can be so divisive on the eve of an election when your
candidate is truly losing was best described by another poster as
"sour grapes".

   Politics have nothing to do with a blog on marketing.

   Living outside of your country I have even less interest in your

personal politics but still am deeply offended at the mean-spirited,
knife-to-the gut, fear-mongering remarks espoused by someone of
your stature.

   Words cannot do justice to the remorse I feel for you. Suffice it to

say I am embarrassed for you as you obviously don’t have the
gumption to be embarrassed for yourself.

   I wonder how many of your clients would also lose respect if they
could see the "real you".[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

Karen H.


Undisclosed so I don't get sought out by our new leader like joe
the plumber says:
November 8, 2008 at 11:18 pm

[quote]I wonder how many of your clients would also lose respect if
they could see the "real you"./[quote]

Karen, perhaps you don’t understand. Clayton’s clients (I’m sure

many of them) probably feel the same way Clayton does. After all,
who in their right mind would want the government to take more away
from them in order to help "spread the wealth around"?


Laurie says:
November 8, 2008 at 11:42 pm

Congratulations, Clayton.You’ve found out who your REAL

supporters are!


Victor says:
November 9, 2008 at 12:31 am

The irony of Clayton’s post – has anyone else observed this?

His scathing analysis of the Bush administration is dead-on – and

McCain would have been the least likely person person to go in a
different direction, given his record of supporting Bush 90% of the

If you want a different direction than Bush – you need to make a

different choice


Stacie LaFargue says:

November 9, 2008 at 1:55 am

Well…Well…Well… Post election! Boy am I glad I didn’t read your

post pre-election (really poor taste on your choice of timing and
arena Clayton). Now that all the rhetoric, spin-doctors, nay-sayers,[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

uninformed opinions, and fortune-teller wannabees have had their

say – all anyone can do now is hope that Obama runs the country as
swiftly as he ran his campaign. Oh…didn’t realize there were so
many Clairvoyants, can’t make it as a copywriter huh? I am all for
controversy Clayton, but at what cost? I am more turned-off from the
responses than your post itself.   This was very divisive and that I find
appalling. No need to be so insulting to those with differing opinions.
Post 95, comment by Milkie I couldn’t agree with you more. Yes, we
may not contribute to your bottom line where it affects the livelihood
of your family but there is no price you can put on respect.
Additionally, your rebuttal discounts the fact that we contribute to the
jobs of those mandating the Total package. I have spent a
considerable amount on your products whether via your blog, or
ezine. So when your employees think it was the tax increase that
created lay-offs, (that so many predict will prevail), pull out that
spread sheet with decreased sales…heads up, it’s not the economy
or President elect Obama! I post in peace…just saddened by a place
I come to for inspiration.Yours in promotion of Wellness &
Beauty,Stacie L.


John Brandow says:

November 9, 2008 at 2:29 am

I am a businessman in South Africa. Frankly I have never been able

to figure the Americans out. Claytons comments come as a bit of a
surprise to me. I have thought racism is a uniquely South African
phenomenon. But bringing the race angle into argument with Barack
Obama is truly eye opening for me. I have not tried to analise anyone
of the 2 candidates’ policies because frankly my dear I do not give a
damn. It is just political bull anyway. I see any change from the Bush
era as change for the better.

What I do not understand is this   The majority has chosen . That is

democracy. We had to accept a black government for exactly that
reason. What is the problem now? We have a black majority chosing
a black government which is understandable.
You have a white majority chosing a black president and blowing
your head off for chosing him!

Give the man a chance. Maybe the big problem is that for some
reason beyond understanding there is only 2 candidates in your
elections. So you have only 3 choices : one of the candidates or not
to vote at all ? Why does the greatest (?) country in the world only
have these choices? Does no-one else think for themselves

Just observations
John Brandow[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |


Bernie Malonson says:

November 9, 2008 at 6:10 pm

Clayton, interesting blog post. Although I understand your concerns

regarding income redistribution to be honest that is what has driven
the Capitalist system for the last 100 years.

Here is what I mean. Take for example the post World War II era.
America was the most productive it has ever been, factories were
building, housing was plentiful and to the victor goes the spoils.
However Europe and Japan were decimated economically.

In other words, many of America’s traditional trading partners were

no longer able to trade or buy American goods and products.

So what did we do? We passed the Marshall Plan to (redistribute

American wealth) jump-start Europe’s economy, while at the same
time rebuilt Japan (redistributing American wealth) to jump-start Asia-

Henry Ford did the same thing when he raised wages to $5 a day, his
rationale was that he needed his workers able to afford purchasing
his cars.

We may not be fans of the idea, but it is the structure that keeps the
game and the economy going.


K Myers says:
November 10, 2008 at 1:15 am

First, I have a 2-Part Question: Clayton, you mentioned your political

posts would be made on another blog in future. (a) Have you started
it? (b) If yes, can we get the URL for it, please? I would very much
like to follow it.

Next, on to the marketing side of things as they stand now.

I’ve noticed that it is quite impossible to get PEBO followers to even

think he could do anything wrong. It’s a strange phenomenum to
watch from an observer’s p.o.v. — and as a copywriter writing
exclusively for the web, it is quite disconcerting.

Where once I thought I had a pretty good handle on my market, with

PEBO’s majority in this election I now have serious doubts that I can
continue writing to/for that market since I can’t even begin to see[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

what they see in him.

It makes it difficult for me to incorporate any empathy for them into

my copy.

For the first time in my online career I’m experiencing writer’s block. I
keep thinking "can I be so far off base???" to not be able to see what
they see?

I need a copywriting pep talk in the worst way.

And some serious tips on how to relate to the PEBO followers.

PEBO’s Chief of Staff selection almost made me choke. Some of the

other names that have been floating around that may be filling other
key positions have me stunned. PEBO followers don’t even see
anything wrong, which frankly amazes me, since it was my
understanding that they were voting for change — not more of the

NEXT, on to politics… and predictions…

I tend to agree with your predictions, for the most part. Regarding the
stock market, I see it plunging to about 6250, having a brief rally,
then tanking to about 3800 over his term.

There are 10 States already running out of Unemployment Benefits

(Michigan ran out already) …and are expecting their funds to be
bankrupt early next year — that was based on Sept unemployment
levels. October beat them. So, I’m guessing in addition to the other
taxes (including health) businesses are about to be paying under
PEBO’s leadership, Unemployment Benefit Taxes will also be facing
a sharp increase.

I see the increased burdens on business causing a sharp decline in

attracting new business into our country, and several existing
businesses disappearing if he decides to push his tax increases right
off the bat. What’s left of large manufacturing will most likely be the
first to die off. Those remaining will find it difficult to remain
competitive in all markets.

If anyone looked closely at his pro CCS plan for coal power plants,
they’ll see there is a hefty price tag attached (and the method itself
has yet to be proven viable) so his plans for the coal industry will
likely shut down quite a few power plants across the country. Some of
them simply won’t be able to meet the caps in his timeline, they won’t
be able to increase their rates nearly enough to meet the

I see the grid running into a lot of trouble down the road… and if his
CCS plans get pushed through, I see a TON of environmental[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

problems that will have aquifers turning to acid in the long term, when
it’s too late to fix the damage. It probably won’t affect us, but I worry
for our kids and grandkids.

On a sidenote about the power issue, I believe the sharp rise in

electric bills will push another whack of entrepreneurs out of business
as well.

And since I noticed, the day after his election, Russia started lining up
their missiles along all NATO defence lines… I’m guessing the first
big foreign affairs test will come from them. Unlike Kennedy’s day,
this time I don’t think they will back down. Not sure. Hope I’m wrong.

As a final prediction, I’m seeing Israel making first strike on Iran, but
PEBO will be too tied up with the Russia thing to do anything for
Israel… they’ll probably be on their own.

It’s too late to vote the other way. We’re stuck with PEBO now.

I sincerely hope my predictions are wrong.

PS: Would really like that pep talk now.


B Fish says:
November 11, 2008 at 4:43 pm

Last time I heard so many people saying they needed a change, no

matter who it was, was in the Mid-East. They were Iranians, the most
prosperous, cultured and advanced country in the region at the time.
They were offered someone who was 90% like the shah, threw him
out, and brought in the current disaster that we call Iran.

Insanity is trying to get different results by doing the same thing over
and over again.

But, what do you call it when you try to get different results by
throwing yourself off a cliff and hoping you learn to fly before you hit


Dean says:
November 12, 2008 at 3:35 pm

One thing about the posts on here… too much cynacism.

Come on guys. Haven’t you every read about how your thoughts[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

create reality. Americans need to catch a wake, up and start putting

some positive thoughts and energy out there. The world isn’t coming
to an end. Start imagining America as the best country to live in, in
the world, as used to be the case years ago.


Bobby Joe says:

November 13, 2008 at 7:59 am

I hate to burst your bubble, Dean, but I hope you aren’t talking about
the Law of Attraction in your post above.

We all know that the libs are the biggest followers of LOA and do you
think for one second they brought all this economy stuff on by simply
thinking about it?

I’m willing to bet that most of the people following this new neo-
paganistic religion sent out thoughts to the universe that they would
have a million dollars in their bank account by now.

Now look what’s happening to them.

I think this LOA is about to backfire on them and everyone else (if it
hasn’t already).

The new big thing will be the Anti-Law of Attraction. This is where
you think negative thoughts and good things will happen instead.

I’m sure someone will come on Oprah’s show and display a book
cover with this label soon.


Maureen Bruschi says:

November 18, 2008 at 5:46 pm

I couldn’t be happier or prouder that our new president is Barack

Hussein Obama. (And I especially love his middle name.) I think you
might be better off sticking to what you know…copywriting,
marketing, websites, etc.


david says:
November 21, 2008 at 2:39 pm

And down the drain goes another "guru" who stepped outside his
domain. You know not of what you speak, and history will prove you[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

wrong. You can spout off all you want, but your arguments are
juvenile and amateurish – you have betrayed yourself completely as
another non-thinker who for some reason feels threatened by the
concept of "the commonwealth" – a cornerstone, I might remind you,
of the constitution of the United States. What exactly is it that you
WANT, dude? You’ve got it all and you need to keep on barking like
an angry caged dog? I used to have respect for you because you
seemed to be knowledgeable and willing to share that knowledge.
You once offered me a job which I am now THRILLED I didn’t take.
You have tarnished not only your own name with this mindless tirade,
but those of your co-contributers. You’re nothing more than a bad
joke now.


DTOM says:
July 23, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Stepped out of his domain? Electing leaders who represent

our values and who take seriously their oath to uphold the
Constitution is the domain of every American citizen. It’s even
more germane for entrepreneurs, who live and die under the
legal framework shaped by our political leaders.

Since I’m writing this nearly four years into BHO’s presidency,
I must point out that Mr. Makepeace has been proven right
many times over. BHO has broken virtually every one of his
campaign promises. He has launched an unprecedented
assault on civil liberties. He is the first president in history to
murder an American in a foreign country with no authorization
whatsoever. Despite running as an anti-war candidate, he
has continued the Iraq and Afghan occupations at a loss of
hundreds thousands of lives, and has presided over new
military offensives launched without any permission from
congress. He has issued more executive orders than any
other president, many of which have extremely dire
implications for individual liberty in this country. With bailouts
of major financial institutions, (many of which were campaign
contributors) he set a precedent that all of us are liable for
bad bets made on wall street. The economic recovery he
promised is nowhere to be found, and many indicators point
to an even bigger crash in the near future. More and more
disturbing information continues to surface regarding his
shadowy past, including close association with convicted left-
wing terrorists.

I could go on, but the point is this: Even if you disagree with
Makepeace, do not denigrate him for using his own platform
to share his political views. If you don’t like it, leave. At this
critical time in American history, we desperately need men
like Clayton Makepeace to stand up for what they know is[11/29/2012 7:56:00 PM]

For Men and Women Who Still Dream |

right whatever the consequences.


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All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

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All the New, Paying Customers

You Could Ever Want – For Free!
Posted on December 8, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace
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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
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We’re still here…
Time for a Change
What’s that you say? Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
… Your direct mail promos are dragging in the dirt? you should know …
Do You Believe?

… Your Internet promos barely bring in enough new blood to keep body
and soul together?

… Is that what’s worrying you, Sparky?

Well, worry no more! This simple innovation can have you attracting
thousands of new, paying customers every month from now on – FOR

Dear Business-Builder,

OK – so I’m an old bugger.

When I wrote my first direct mail promotion, Nixon was in the White House,
“The Godfather” was shattering box-office records and Elvis was alive,
kicking and skinny.

In those days, nobody had a clue what a personal computer or FedEx was.
Saying “Let me fax you” would have probably gotten your face slapped.

And that lack of technology meant the time, cost and back-breaking effort
involved in creating a direct mail promotion were truly brain-boggling.

No computers meant we had to retype each new draft of every job from
beginning to end.[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

No FedEx or fax machines meant we had to allow weeks on each job just for
sending drafts back and forth between copywriters, artists and clients.

And no graphics software meant every jot and tittle had to be precariously
glued to a layout board by hand – and then re-glued when it inevitably fell off
on the trip to the printer.

Altogether, you could figure a typical #10 envelope promotion (envelope

teaser copy, 8-page sales letter, lift note, flyer and response device) would
take a month to get to final draft … another month to design … and another
month or so to print and mail.

I may be old, but I’m crafty …

… And so in 1980 – when I realized computers meant never having to retype

an entire letter again, I bought an Apple II.

And I was one of the first people I know to own a LISA in 1983 … a Mac in
1984 … a DOS-based PC in 1985 … a series of 286, 386, 486 and finally
Pentium-based Windows machines …

… And in 1991, I launched Health & Healing by a swimming pool in

Huntington Beach, California on a Tandy laptop.

Point is, I have eagerly bought every chunk of hardware or software that I so
much as suspected might be helpful. If it saves time or lets me focus more
intensely on the power of my ad copy, I want it!

Today, in my personal offices here in North Carolina, we have a massive

server, a gaggle of powerful work stations and laptops that connect to our
network from anywhere on the planet.

Where I once hunched and squinted at a 12" monochrome Lisa screen, I can
now spread the work across acres of virtual desktop: A 32" monitor flanked
by two 24-inchers!

Plus, we have peripherals out the wazzoo: Five network printers, two
scanners, a computer-driven fax machine, three high-rez digital cameras, a
complete computerized audio studio, a projector for presentations …

… And all the software needed to write and design direct mail promotions,
print ads, Web pages and HTML e-mails for our clients.

Armed with all this great technology, I can have a moneymaking idea in the
shower … write a promo in the morning … design it in the afternoon … and
upload it to my printer or to the WWW by quitting time …

… And it all cost about HALF of what CompuGraphics charged for a single[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

typesetting system twenty years ago!

Adapt or Die
No doubt about it: Staying on the cutting edge of technology is essential for
every business owner, marketing exec, copywriter and designer in the direct
marketing industry.

And I'm not just talking about getting all the cool new toys that save you time
and money and help us focus more intensely on our work.

Understanding each new marketing channel as it comes along can save your
professional life.

I'm living proof it's true.

See, just four years ago, direct mail was still red-hot for my main client and
me. We expected each new promotion to pull 300% or 400% of cost on its
first outing to rented lists.

As a result, we were mailing up to 18 million pieces per year to promote a

single newsletter and adding as many as 15,000 new subscribers per month.

Meanwhile, our competitors were lucky if they could mail one-tenth as many
promotions for each newsletter in their stables.

At the time, the fact that our competitors weren't doing nearly as well didn't
bother us a bit. But there was a problem …

Since we were the only financial newsletter publishers mailing to the entire
investment newsletter universe – and since our competitors were no longer
bringing significant numbers of new subscribers into our universe – we
eventually saturated our market.

And when we did, our response rates began dropping, too.

Today, I'd throw confetti if I got a 150% to 200% ROI for that client – or for
any investment newsletter publisher for that matter.

And just the other day I learned that a promotion mailed by a friend of mine
only generated 23% of what it cost him to mail it.


Think that's bad? Get this: In 2003, I could expect each financial newsletter I
promoted, to hand me royalties of nearly $1 million a year.

Today, with the very strongest packages out there mailing only a couple
million pieces, the best you could hope for is a $100,000 payday.

That's nearly a 90% pay cut![11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

Fortunately for me (and my creditors), I kept up with technology. When

information publishers began making inroads through Internet and Web
marketing, I watched them like a hawk.

I went to school on every technique I could find that seemed to be generating

new leads and new customers for publishers on the Web.

And every month for the last few years, I’ve been creating fewer and fewer
direct mail promotions …

… And more and more promotions for the World Wide Web.

Three Reasons Why You Can't Afford

NOT to Master Internet Marketing Now
Now, I’m not one of those geeks who claim that the Internet is the solution to
all of our problems.

But for us marketers, I count three reasons why the monster medium some
call the “World Wide Waste of time” truly can be a godsend.

1. It’s as Cheap as All Get-Out: While it costs me up to six cents to put a

direct mail promotion into a prospect’s hands, I can reach the same guy on
the Web for a penny or two – and in many cases, free.

That simple fact delinks risk and reward in ways we could only have dreamed
about in the ‘80s!

While the potential rewards of Internet promotion are every bit as great, the
cost – and therefore the inherent risk – is a fraction of what you assume in
direct mail.

2. Guaranteed Winners, Anyone? When the dust settles after a direct mail
promo, you basically know five facts about your effort:

1. How much you spent …

2. How many folks received your promotion …

3. How many folks responded …

4. How much money they spent with you, and …

5. How much money you made or lost on the mailing.

But wouldn’t it also be nice to know at what point in your promotion the
buyers actually made their purchase decision?

Or even better – to know at precisely what point non-buyers decided to turn

your promotion into a birdcage liner?[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

I would have killed for that kind of info on my direct mail promotions!

In online marketing, you can know all that and more!

This is big stuff: See, if your direct mail package fails to beat the control on its
first outing, you’ve just wasted a month of your life – your package will
probably never be mailed again.

But if you knew precisely at which point in the copy you lost your prospects,
you could simply …

Repair or replace the weak links in your sales copy and offer …

Continue testing until you had a winner …

And then keep on refining your message until you have an out-
of-the-park grand slam!

That’s the stuff dreams are made of!

3. Faster Moolah: Unlike the U.S. Postal Service which takes two to three
weeks to deliver bulk mail, the Internet lets me deliver my sales message and
begin generating sales instantly.

Plus, in direct mail, some 20% to 40% of your orders come back to you by
snail-mail – which means it’ll be another long week before you have that
money to gleefully toss into the air and rub all over your body.

When you promote on the Web, the celebration can commence instantly!

Where Web Marketers Often Go Wrong

For years, I’ve been told that to build a successful online business, you
should spend as little as possible to convince folks to sign up for a free e-
zine, and then wait patiently for some of them to buy something from you.

Put simply …

You spray opt-in forms (or links to your opt-in forms) to a free
e-zine to the greatest number of people possible at the lowest
cost possible …

Sign up as many subscribers as possible for your free e-zine …

Slavishly provide 24-karat content for weeks and months on-[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

end, and …

Pray that some of your free subscribers will eventually buy

something from you and become customers.

But does this "Spray-and-Pray" model really work?

Sure does! I have good friends who have used it to build huge databases and
to sell tens of millions of dollars-worth of stuff into them.

The way I see it though, this spray-and-pray model has major drawbacks for
aggressive, growth-obsessed marketers like me:

1. Spray-and-Pray can't provide detailed results data quickly enough to let

you leverage your successes or cut your failures short.

Sure – you know how many leads (opt-ins) each promotion generates
immediately … you can know how much each lead cost you … and you can
know – generally – how much your average lead will spend with you over

But you can not immediately know how many leads from each new source
will ultimately make a purchase … how large that purchase will be … or when
it will occur.

What’s worse, you won’t know for months – up to a year or even more – after
the initial promotion!

And that's not good – because …

Leads from one campaign or one source may become

customers only 20% as often as leads from another source …

Or they may make purchases that are, on average, 50%

smaller than leads from other sources …

Or they may demand refunds two or three times more often

than leads from another source …

Or once they become customers, they may buy only 20% as


So – with the cost of driving traffic to your landing pages and websites rising
– how do you know which affiliates, e-mail lists, and banner ads will grow
your profits the fastest?

How do you know which promotions and sources deserve your greatest[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

efforts and expenditures?

How do you know which leads aren’t worth your time, trouble or investment?

The honest truth is, you don't!

And that means you wind up wasting enormous amounts of time and money
targeting inferior prospects …

… While spending far too little on promotions to folks who are ready, willing
and eager to spend money with you right now!

2. Spray-and-Pray takes too long to reimburse you for the cost of

driving traffic to your site. In direct mail, your objectives are:

1. To spend as much money as possible to generate new customers at

break-even or better, and …

2. To leverage the higher response rates produced in promotions to your

customers to generate profits.

Spray-and-Pray takes just the opposite track:

Because it doesn't produce immediate revenue to offset the

cost of acquiring e-mail addresses …

… It seeks to spend as little money as possible to generate

non-buying leads …

… And that severely limits the number of new names you can
add to your database each month.

3. Spray-and-Pray equals delayed gratification and profits. In direct mail,

every new name you generate has already made that first purchase with you
– and is ready, willing and able to spend ever-higher amounts of money with

But because 100% of your Spray-and-Pray leads are non-buyers, it will be

weeks before any of them make their first, small purchase with you …

More weeks until they make an intermediate purchase …

And still more months before any of them splurge on your biggest-ticket

This has the unfortunate effect of pushing money you could have made this
year into next year – and lowering your revenues and profits in the process.[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

The Key to Explosive Sales

and Profit Growth
A few months ago, a client asked me to create an online campaign to
generate maximum numbers of subscribers for his free e-zine every month.

Now at the time, the client was driving prospects to a landing page that
simply offered a free subscription to his e-zine.

Once the prospect subscribed, he was directed to a “thank-you” page that

contained a welcome letter and a link to the current issue.

No effort was made to sell the prospect a single thing!

Now I don’t mind telling you: As a “go-for-the-jugular” salesman in print, that

soft-sell approach left me feeling queasy.

As a practical results-oriented marketing guy, the lack of an immediate and

measurable return on investment gave me gas.

And the whole lackadaisical, “strolling down the garden path, sniffing flowers
with our prospects” approach made me want to wretch.

Hell. This was worse than bad marketing. It was downright UNAMERICAN!

As I contemplated the state of the client's Web-based customer acquisition

efforts, three simple facts struck me …

1. To generate huge numbers of new e-zine subscribers, my client would

need to drive truly massive numbers of prospects to his opt-in page.

2. To create that massive traffic, he’d need to spend huge amounts of

money on banner ads, e-mail blasts and even ads in other media.

3. And the only way he could possibly justify that kind of investment would
be if he knew for a fact that every dollar he spent to create traffic came
back to him immediately.

And so I called Daniel Levis – the brilliant copywriter and web marketing
genius I’ve chosen to work with on Internet promotions for my health and
investment clients – and asked …

“What would happen if we created a multi-step web-based experience that

generated both opt-ins and revenues – all in one sitting?”

By the end of the call, we had our plan:

First, we’d create a kick-butt advertorial promotion – a long-copy “online

magalog” on a subject that our best prospects care deeply about …

Second, we’d create a series of hard-selling e-mail blasts, banners and e-[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

zine ads trumpeting all the red-hot life-changing info and advice in our
magalog – all the reasons why readers would benefit from reading it
immediately …

Third, after giving the reader tremendous value in our online magalog –
practical, actionable information and advice that brought real value to his life
– we would offer him a comprehensive free report on the same subject with
even greater value for a nominal price. Say, around $29.95 …

Fourth, we would offer buyers and non-buyers alike a 50%-off subscription

to the client’s $99 print newsletter on the subject …

Fifth, we would qualify buyers and non-buyers for telephone sales of his
high-priced premium services, and …

Sixth, when all else failed, we would offer non-buyers a free subscription to
the client’s daily e-zine on the subject.

Doing it this way, our client would have a shot of recouping every penny he
spent generating traffic to our online magalog.

Plus, he’d know instantly – within 48 hours – which traffic-building promos

were paying their own way and which weren’t. Heck. He might even make a
profit on some of them!

And since anyone who paid $29.95 for his special report … and/or more for
his print newsletter would be a far better prospect for his higher-priced back-
end products, we’d be bringing that revenue forward.

Finally, the fact that prospects got to read his report … see his track record …
and see that others really were paying serious money for the guy’s advice
meant that we’d probably generate far more subs for his free e-zine than his
old model ever did.

And so we wrote the whole thing up for him – and delivered 85 single-spaced
pages of banner and e-zine ads … HTML e-mail blasts … and the 25-page
online magalog selling the report …

We crafted the bump pages selling the newsletter subscription and qualifying
prospects for his high-priced services and the wait pages to handle
attempted escapes …

And we delivered the shopping cart copy … the download center copy … and
even a ten-step e-mail campaign designed to re-sell the newsletter to folks
who had signed up for the free e-zine but had not made a purchase.

Is It Working? Is It EVER!
Of course, contractual obligations forbid me from telling you who the client is
or how well our little brainstorm is working …[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

… But suffice it to say, the client is generating more opt-ins for his e-zine
than ever, AND recouping the money he spends to create traffic within hours
of each expenditure.

Plus, he now has us creating a similar campaign on a different subject each

and every month!

By summer, the client will have SIX of these things all driving tens of
thousands of new report buyers … print newsletter subscribers … and highly
qualified e-zine subs his way – all at break-even or better!

Why Not Have It All?

Food for thought: If you’re a business owner or marketing exec looking for
ways to build your e-list as cheaply as possible, why not take a think about
how you could afford to spend millions to capture huge market share on the
Web at break-even or better?

And if you’re a copywriter, why not have a sit-down with your best clients and
show them how hiring you to combine the best direct mail and Internet
marketing strategies could make them filthy, stinking rich?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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← A Conversation with All I Want for the Holidays … →

the Legendary Copywriter
Gary Bencivenga
Part 6 of 6

11 Responses to All the New, Paying Customers

You Could Ever Want – For Free!

Andrew Cavanagh says:[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

May 1, 2007 at 4:26 pm

I think the most effective system I\’ve seen so far for converting a free
email subscriber into an instant profit stream is Mike Filsaime\’s
butterfly marketing system.

Mike pioneered having a free tightly niched highly valuable gift for
sign ups then an immediate series of one time offers and a downsell
as soon as a prospect turned down a one time offer.

He would also follow up by email with more content and more offers.

The great power in making a sale immediately after your subscriber

signs up is being able to quickly multiply your revenue stream.

If each new subscriber makes you an average of $1 or $2 in net

profits immediately then you can start spending $1 to $2 to acquire a

You barely even need a budget to do it.

Of course the method isn\’t limited to paying for new subscribers to

come to your site.

You can also create a very attractive affiliate program and do joint
ventures with players in your niche who have large email lists or
substantial ongoing traffic (or both).

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh


Caleb Osborne says:

December 8, 2008 at 2:27 pm


This is definitely an all-time favorite of mine… would be interested to

know if you’re following the exact same method now that you’ve had
numerous months MORE of experience online?



mark says:[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

December 8, 2008 at 3:17 pm


I think a lot of the problem is that as more people have become

internet surfers…they slowly but painfully realize there are so many
hyped promises for ebooks etc. that are just rehashes of free info
available on other websites that they have become tired of clicking on
websites or reading email letters that go on for what seems like
In my opinion…the only ones who buy into the long drawn-out sales
letters are the ones who study them in order to create their own…or
order to find a magic secret.
The old days writers wrote ads to sell real products…now so many of
them write ads to sell info on how to write ads…or create mailing
lists…or how to hypnotize buyers, etc.The internet is changing and
the guru’s of the past need to modernize their techniques…and not
complain because their golden parachutes have holes in them.
I write ads (nowhere near as good as yours) but mine sell actual
products (not ebooks or courses).

Oh well, enough of my rants…love your site.


Bo says:
December 8, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Hi Clayton,

I had a quick search for "online magalog". There are no good

examples out there. What did you mean by an online magalog?


Eric says:
December 8, 2008 at 10:14 pm

@Andrew Cavanagh,
Have you ever been to those developing countries like Haiti?. A
commercial bus that is meant is carry 100 passangers end up
transporting 180.

Let’s say 80 were supposed to sit comfortably, and the rest of them
could stand up holding onto something.

But in the case of developing countries, a bus meant to transport 100

passangers end up transporting 180 passangers.[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

Everyone is packed together like "sardine" in a can. Now picture the

weather to be aroung 120 degrees.

Now try to hawk your merchandize in this type of enviroment.

Everyone is sweating like pigs, people don’t have a chance to
breath, little kids are irritable, a few goats are   tied behind the bus,
one or two hens are hanging round, now you are getting the picture?

Hey, at the same time, the conductor is trying to squeeze his way
through as he collects his "fares".

Now can you make any sense out of someone trying to sell you stuff
in this type of enviroment? That is worse than than "getto marketing"

***PBS show these stuff in developing countries. Watch it at times!

That is how mike’s butterfly style of markting is.

Clayton is at least more civilized. You have a breadthing space to

think, make rational decision.

Guess what, clayton is even offering you valuable information for


You probably feel guilty if you don’t buy the product anyway becasue
the guy had already offered you tons of valuable stuff that is even
worth more than the product he is introducing to anyway.

I think people want to be educated before they buy stuff.

You know!

I think magalog is kind of like a mini-catalog. Only in html or pdf
format. Now I am not sure though. I am not really a copywriter yet!

Register with Carline Anglade-Cole , she has some good ones.

Hey, I am sure the experts in this forum can do better. This is just my
own little 1 cent input!


Marcelino Latorre says:

December 9, 2008 at 9:44 am

I love your sense of humor..

Thank you for you generousity, your noble forbearing spirit is OH SO

admirable.[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |



Tony says:
December 12, 2008 at 10:03 pm

A magalog is a magazine/catalog. Basically it’s a magazine with

advertisements for your products all over it. Similar to the ebooks
you get nowadays. You get an ebook and find a million affiliate links
in it, it’s a pretty much a…magalog.


Susan Connors says:

December 13, 2008 at 3:05 pm

Hello Clayton and everyone



Seriously, I have been working on my clients website and copy for

months, writing better copy and so on. Generating leads and getting
great results – when it comes to my sites, they have taken a back
burner. Like the onions on a bar-be-que, you know the ones pushed
to the back of the hotplate to make room for the new meat to be
cooked? Not burnt – lacking the attention they deserve.

To top it off, I have not put up anything to sell. I am a member of

some really cool affiliate sites and have some ideas of my own. Fear
can be a pain in the bottom for stopping ideas and so on. Lets be
truthful here Susan, you know that you can make a fantastic living off
the internet. You were just to "Chicken" to have a proper go..not quite
true. Time for study is over and action into plan

Ok, I am putting my plan into action and by telling you folk, I am also
putting myself out there to stick to it.

I have the excellent product The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach by

Tony Flores, which is a fabulous product and I am learning cool stuff
all the time.

I have taken down the notes as suggested by Clayton and using

them with my action plan.

I threw out my old-to-do list as the stuff on it was time consuming and
never got done! There were always reasons why I didn’t do it and so
on. Yes four young children do keep me very busy, they dont stop[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

me from doing my work that I love.

So no more excuses from me!

Thanks again Clayton!

All the best everyone for a wonderful season and happy New Year!

Sue in Aus
New Blog:


Susan Connors says:

December 21, 2008 at 12:24 pm

Hi Clayton – its me again

Re-reading this article at 4:00am Monday morning, its been an eye


For ages now, I have been getting annoyed with the results I have
been achieving.

Not that they have been bad by any means – for what I have, I am
doing ok. Room for improvement.

Spray and pay – has always urked me – rubbed me the wrong way.
Yes, I know that it has worked for many people and still does.

With my main marketing, I need to figure out specifics and do a re-

haul. Its a new year coming – I have goals I want to achieve and
leaving things as they are won’t get them moving.

People are obviously interested in my products/resources as that is

one of the main areas of interest indicated by the web stats.

My thing is to now – get these online, get off my fear factor and get
something out there. I am not timid by nature and need to develop
some working relationships – joint partners.

Affiliate products are good – working which to use and what not to
use. I am not going to have crappy content for my readers – call me
a snob lol

Well thats enough for me…

Thank you all for interesting reading and ideas throughout the years.[11/29/2012 7:56:19 PM]

All the New, Paying Customers You Could Ever Want – For Free! |

To a creative and prosperous 2009,

Sue in Aus


Tanya says:
January 8, 2009 at 9:41 pm


You said, “Third, after giving the reader tremendous value …we
would offer him a comprehensive free report on the same subject with
even greater value for a nominal price. Say, around $29.95″.

I didn’t understand if the phrase “free report” was a typo. If the report
costs $29.95, it isn’t free. Right?

Is the special report offered through the magalog or is it a later step?

Thanks for clarifying.



Cooper Melville says:

March 17, 2012 at 2:18 am

Really informative post. Excellent.


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All I Want for the Holidays … |

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All I Want for the Holidays …
Posted on December 22, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
(Plus six cool gifts to help make 2009 We’re still here…
YOUR most profitable year ever!) Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
I just figured out what’s been keeping you up nights.

You’ve been waking up in a cold sweat worrying about what you’re going to
give me – Clayton Makepeace – this holiday season.

And why not? After all; I’ve given you nearly 600 zero-baloney articles
packed with money-making insights, ideas and advice on this blog so far –
nearly 300 articles this year alone.

And each one of those articles is jammed with brainstorms other online
coaches charge a freaking fortune for – all for free.

I mean, when you think about how much time and money my staff and I
invest to give you all this great free stuff — and especially about how much
the help you get here will earn you every year for the rest of your natural
life … WHO ELSE would you be shopping for right now?!

In my book, the fact that you’ve recognized the value The Total Package
brings to your life — and that you want to thank me for it with a nice holiday
gift — makes you a good person. (Not like folks who greedily snark up all the
free stuff they can get and then complain when offered something to actually

And since you are obviously a quality individual … since I am NOT an easy
guy to buy presents for … and especially since my mission here is to make
your life easier; not harder … I’m going to solve your problem for you.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Now, if you’ve been reading The Total Package for a while, you probably
already have some gift ideas for me. You know I love Grey Goose and
Cohibas … $30,000 Harley-Davidsons and $130,000 Porsches. And the fact
that you’ve actually considered giving me such thoughtful gifts touches my
heart. Sincerely.

But frankly, I’m good in all those areas. Besides; there’s something I want
from you that will give me more holiday cheer than all of those things
combined – and it won’t cost you a red cent …

I want you to help me help more people.

It’s like a double-karma thing. You’ll help others by introducing them to The
Total Package. And you’ll help me … by helping me help them. How can
you possibly lose on a deal like that?

The best part is, my holiday gift won’t cost you a penny. In fact, I’ll even
reciprocate – with up to six gifts I promise you’ll love (because they’ll make
you money).

So what do I – Clayton Makepeace – want this holiday season? Three things,

actually …

1. Make a video about The Total Package: Put your webcam to good use.
Or, if you prefer, create a PowerPoint, then use Camtasia to record it along
with your narration.

Explain why any entrepreneur, business owner, marketing exec, copywriter

or other consultant who doesn’t read The Total Package is certifiably insane.

Prove your point by showing – as specifically as possible – how an idea or

article has saved you time … saved you effort … made you money.

Then, post your video on and also post the link to your video
in our blog comments below.

I’ll reciprocate by sending you a free copy of Steal These Secrets,

Volumes 1 and 2 just for posting your video …

Packed inside these two volumes are 25 of my slam-dunk promotions –

complete with red-hot headlines … compelling themes … and marketing
strategies that worked like gangbusters to make my clients millions of

PLUS, you get a boatload of bonuses: Makepeace Under the

Microscope … The Intelligence Briefing … an eye-opening "How I Do It"
interview with yours truly … 206-Page Headline Swipe File … Swipe File
Secrets of the Rich and Famous … and my Global MegaTrends E-mail[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Campaign swipe file – a whopping $718 value!

These response exploding volumes go for $394 in our online store, but
they’re all yours, FREE – just for making a simple video.

And if yours is one of the two best, you’ll also get your choice of any
product in our online store (Value: Up to $7,500).

2. Give the gift of The Total Package to everyone you know: I figure
birds of a feather flock together. If direct response marketing is your thing,
you probably know plenty of others in this game, too.

It would make me really, really happy if you’d take a few minutes to write a
nice e-mail about how valuable The Total Package has been to you and
include this sign-up link in your e-mail:

Then, open your contacts list and send your e-mail to everyone you think
would benefit from the help we offer here. They’ll get four valuable reports
just for joining us: 1) Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money … 2) The
Eight Components of Irresistible Direct Response Offers … 3) How to Decide
Where to Advertise and … 4) How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling Sales

(You should have received those reports when you subscribed to The Total
Package. If by some chance you don’t have them, click this link to download
the reports now.)

If you’ll post the text of your e-mail in the blog comments below, I’ll
reciprocate by sending you a free copy of How to Challenge a Strong
Control and Kick It To The Curb! …

Just pop this CD-ROM into your computer and watch over my shoulder
as I transform four lukewarm promos into certified control-killers – and
give you proven response-boosting techniques that’ll set a fire under
your own promotions.

PLUS, you get the special bonus session – The 37 Most Valuable
Marketing and Copywriting Lessons I’ve Ever Learned – a $99 value!

This 7 1/2 hours of video mentoring and the career-exploding bonus

session sell for $346 in our online store, but they’re yours, FREE – and
all you have to do is write an e-mail.

And if yours is one of the two best e-mails I see, you’ll also get your
choice of any product in our online store.

3. Blog your brains out: Visit every home business, small business,
entrepreneurial, copywriting and marketing blog on the Web and start or
contribute to threads about how THEY can get great freebies by reading this[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

issue. Tell your own story about how The Total Package has helped you –
again, with as many specifics as you can.

Give us the link to your posts in our blog comments below and you’ll
get a free copy of Double Your Profits in 12 Months or Less just for
playing …

You’ll be able to instantly download this 234-page e-book which is jam-

packed with practical, nitty-gritty tips, tricks and tactics – including 177
proven business-building secrets that have at least QUADRUPLED
profits for my clients over the past 37 odd years.

PLUS, you’ll be showered with $227-worth of response-rocketing

bonuses: Ad Writers Arsenal … Beat the Blank Page Blues … and 37
Proven Ways to Get Bigger Winners More Often.

You’d have to shell out $79 to get Double Your Profits and the bonuses
from our online store, but they’re yours, FREE – in return for a quick
blog post.

And if yours is judged to be one of the two most persuasive blog posts
we see, you’ll also (you guessed it!) get your choice of any product in
our online store.

Give me all three of these gifts if you can.
That gives you three different free gifts just for trying — plus six chances to
win the product of your choice from our online store!

And by doing so, you’ll help me help thousands more people get their
businesses, employees and families safely through these tough times.

Plus, you get to stop waking up in the middle of the night wondering how to
thank me for The Total Package – not to mention, karma out the wazzoo.

Oh, one more thing: Martha just reminded me that she needs to know where
to send your free gift. So this is what you need to do. When you submit your
entry on The Total Package blog comments, shoot her a quick e-mail at Give her your full name, e-mail
address, mailing address and the number of your Total Package blog
comment post, and she’ll get your gift out to you as soon as possible.

But make sure you get your entries in before the deadline on January 12th.
The big winners for each category will be announced on January 15th.

So what do you say? You in?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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claim four FREE money making e-books go to

P.S. When I say you could win anything in our Online Store, I mean
ANYTHING – including the complete video record of my Power
Marketing Summit – list price: $7,500! This is really worth doing – we
have products that will position your business for huge growth … ramp up
your copywriting skills … have clients lined up around the block to hire you …
and much more.

To check out what you’d pick if you win, click here and window shop your
little heart out!

P.P.S. Wherever you live … regardless of which God you worship … please
accept our sincerest wishes for a joyous holiday season. And may all your
dreams come true in 2009!

Looking for resources related to this article? Try some of these.

Looking for more of Clayton's articles? Check these out.

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

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You Could Ever Want – For Free! Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae →

77 Responses to All I Want for the Holidays …

Susan Connors says:

December 22, 2008 at 2:14 pm

Hi Clayton

Excellent idea – you are on![11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Sue in Aus


Bill says:
December 22, 2008 at 2:41 pm

Yes, Virginia (and Pennsylvania, and Colorado, and,…, well, you get
the point, don’t you?) there IS a Santa Claus, and his “day name” is

As I blow the dust off my digital video recorder, I wish you all a VERY


Adam says:
December 22, 2008 at 4:35 pm

Hey Clayton and everyone else, HAPPY CHRISTMAS and have a


Anyways, here’s the e-mail about the Total Package I wrote to 38 of

my friends, colleagues, clients…
Hi Everyone,

Look, Santa has come a few days early this year. The big guy, AKA
Clayton Makepeace, has agreed to give all of you guys a FR*EE
subscription to his dynamite online newsletter, The Total Package.
I’m sending you all this email with the link to the sign-up page for
your convenience.

Just click on it and go sign up. It’ll easily be the most profitable few
moments you’ll ever spend. To my clients reading this, it’s fair to say
that what I’ve learned from “Santa Makepeace” has already put gobs
of moolah in your bank account through his insanely brilliant
copywriting ideas, tips, tricks and techniques.

A lot of the packages you guys have gotten from me have been
heavily influenced by Clayton’s teachings. So please guys and gals,
give a little back to Clayton and his team by signing up for his rip-
roaring newsletter.

And for friends and colleagues reading this, what I’ve written above
should give you enough incentive to get involved with Clayton.
Wanna make money, boost your skills and land plum new
assignments?[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Well, you know what to do guys. Jump over to:

You’ll be blown away by the content. Do it NOW and Clayton will

send you at least 4 very valuable FR*EE gifts to download in just

All the best guys and Gals,



Frank O'Leary says:

December 22, 2008 at 5:01 pm

Now all us TP readers know who’s REALLY ‘certifiably insane’ … it’s

CLAYTON. Noooobody else is this generous !

What a great Christmas present. What a great idea. (What great


Thanks, Clayton. Merry Christmas to you and Wendy, and all the
folks at TP and ResponseInk.

(Clayton, did you do a stint with Dudley Moore at that institution

featured in the 1990 movie “Crazy People”? Hilarious movie about
advertising. Some of Dudley’s nuttiness must have rubbed off on


Pingback: All I Want for the Holidays … | The Total Package

Greg Thompson says:

December 22, 2008 at 6:26 pm

Hi Clayton,

I’ve posted a video for you here:

And I’ve also included a link on the YouTube page to your holiday
signup page. (Sorry, no friends to email who don’t already know
about you, so I did this instead)[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

I’ve profited over $200,000 from seeing your Summit videos and
reading your articles. I’ve also been on your teleconferences before
where you personally answered my questions and think you’re a
really nice guy to boot, which is kindof a rare thing in the marketing
world. There are a lot of jerks out there who sound great in their
newsletters but you wouldn’t wanna meet ‘em. But Clayton, you really
are who you are in your newsletters and I appreciate that.

I’ll still be using the stuff I learned from you when starting my next
business here in the next 2 months.

The video explains all.

Thank you,


Sean Donahoe says:

December 22, 2008 at 6:32 pm

“Who wants to be a firetruck?” (my favorite quote from that movie…

Clayton, as always a fantastic post and a great marketing idea to

thank you for all these marketing articles you have provided to the
Total Package reader base.

Just wanted to say a big “Merry Christmas” to you and the TP crew
and see you in the new year.


Sean Donahoe
The Manic Marketer


Kevin Puls says:

December 22, 2008 at 7:27 pm

Second Thing. (This was sent to my life insurance agent who already
subscribes to Early to Rise):

Hello, & Happy Holidays!

I wanted to send you this link to a great resource that I have been
subscribed to for a little over a year. I know that you, Rob, are signed
up for the Early to Rise newsletter.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

This one deals with marketing and direct response marketing, and
since you are in the insurance biz, you could always stand to learn
some more- Enjoy!



P.S. By the Way, Clayton is a regular contributor to ETR.


Mark Dresner says:

December 22, 2008 at 9:35 pm

Here’s my referral email….

Dear Friends,

I’d like to give you a very special gift.

And I’m very excited about this gift because it’s something you’ll
treasure each day of the New Year. In fact, my gift so useful and
valuable I know you’ll even want to re-gift it to others.

Sounds nutty, I know – so let me explain.

About two years ago I stumbled upon a unique business resource on

the Web. Though calling this resource a “resource” really doesn’t do it
justice – it’s really much, much more.

What would you call something that combines:

· Team of expert mentors,
· Archive of proven marketing tactics and strategies and
· Daily stream of latest field-tested business ideas.

I think “The Total Package” sums it up nicely.

Wanna know the best part? It’s all absolutely free. No kidding.

Every day I get a new and fresh “lesson” sent directly to my email
box. Of course I can also search the entire archive of past lessons
whenever I want. Topics range from copywriting tips and techniques
to powerful direct marketing strategies to new and profitable business
models.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Okay, I’ve kept you waiting long enough.

My secret resource really is called the “The Total Package”. It’s a

combination newsletter/blog/archive/community created by World-
class copywriter, marketer and businessman Clayton Makepeace and
his talented team.

You can subscribe by signing up at the link below.

But there’s more. You’ll also get a boatload of special holiday gifts
from Clayton just for signing up for The Total Package. Imagine that.

Well, there you have it, a really useful and special gift from me to you.
And as I mention earlier this is something I hope you’ll pass along to
others. It’s THAT good.

Best regards,

Mark Dresner
P.S. Let me know when you get your first “Aha moment” from Clayton
Makepeace and The Total Package. My guess is it won’t take very


Pavel Davydov says:

December 22, 2008 at 10:39 pm

Well, this offer is truly something special. Clayton rules)

I’m taking the 2nd option. I’m the direct-response copywriter in

Russia (and “the” is quite justified as I was the first one who
introduced copywriters over there to the DIRECT RESPONSE))…

…so the text below is a translation from Russian — from the Email
that I sent to the VIP list of my customers and clients.



The New Year is coming. People are receiving gifts (the smartest
actually OFFERING them)…

…So how can I stay aside?

Especially when it comes to my VIP clients and customers.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Thank you all, for being and remaining. It’s the best proof that what I
do for you does work.

The gift I want to offer you is quite special.

It’s the ezine of Clayton Makepeace — probably “the most expensive”

Western copywriter.

In fact — it’s a true “direct-response electronic magazine”. Apart from

Clayton himself, there are about a dozen of other copywriters and
marketers contrubuting. And it is issued every single day (except

If you’re scared of reading so many Emails — no need to worry. Look

for those that say “The Week In Review”. There is a weekly overview
of all new articles.

And the best part: as a gift for subscribing there, you’ll receive four
PDFs on different direct-response advertising matters. And I do
recommend to get them.

Personally I’ll have a gift just for making this recommendation) But it’s
absolutely sincere — otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it.

So do check this out… and I’m not saying bye this year)




Karen P says:
December 23, 2008 at 12:45 am

Some beginning copywriters start down the path to direct mail

copywriting because they bought the hype … just “write a simple
letter like this one,” and your bank accounts will fill up with tens of
thousands of dollars per deposit. And then we try writing one of
“those letters.” That’s when the shock hits: the learning curve
suddenly swings for the skies. If it weren’t for sheer desperation (and
the current ZERO bank balance), we’d go back to college or get a
‘real’ job. And then, in the nick of time, we come across an amazing
e-zine chock full of tips and training, all for free. Such a site is Clayton
Makepeace’s The Total Package. I’ve been stuck on more than one
AWAI assignment, and it seems that just when I need it, a link to The
Total Package will show up in my email in-bin. Sure enough, the post[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

invariably contains a secret or a key that unlocks my problem. One in

particular was an article bemoaning pseudo-, or faux-benefits, you
know, where we take features and reword them to sound like
benefits. I want you to know that his advice was a big help, but I also
want you to know that his style of writing is terrific, so I’ve pasted here
a tiny chunk of the post, which was entitled “Are Faux Benefits Killing
Your Copy”:

“Apply my patented “forehead slap” test to each … headline and

you’ll see what I mean.

* Have you EVER jumped out of a warm bed to holler, “I gotta flush
some deadly toxins out of my colon!”

“No? Me neither! …While “flushing toxins out of my colon” is nowhere

near the top of my personal “to do” list, I WOULD prefer not to be
constipated, or plagued with uncontrollable diarrhea, or have to poop
in a bag for the rest of my life, or die from colon cancer.”

I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the great–FREE–

information at The Total Package, and add yourselves to his mailing
list. Here’s the link again:
signup.html. It might just help you nail that learning curve.

Oh, and by the way, Clayton will give you 4 bonus e-books when you
sign on.

Wishing each of you the best holiday season ever,

Karen Patry

PS to Clayton: Do you have room for any more copy-cubs??


Pingback: Big Marketing For You » Blog Archive » All I Want for the Holidays … | The Total

Julius James says:

December 23, 2008 at 4:33 am

Hi Mr. Makepeace. Here’s a video I made and posted to youtube.

Thanks for all of your great information.

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Julius James says:

December 23, 2008 at 4:46 am

Your stuff is so good I’ve made everyon in Stephen Dean’s blog

community aware.


Chu D. Obii says:

December 23, 2008 at 5:41 am

Clayton, thank you for such a wonderful 2 months of great information

which I have been so blessed with since October. I know I would be
staying connected to the TP for a very long time. I would send the
videos, emails and more as my special thank you gift to you.

Actually, if I had got this idea earlier I would have put out video on
YouTube on your behalf for FREE, because you’ve been a blessing.
However, the FREE gifts you are offering as so-ooo enticing, that I
MUST have them. I would make the videos and write the emails at
ONCE!! You hear from me shortly.

[May I also use this opportunity to wish you, Wendy and all the
wonderful workers and helpers at Total Package a Merry Christmas
and a super properous New Year 2009!!!!!


Chu D. Obii says:

December 23, 2008 at 6:56 am

Dear mastermind,

Its been a wonderful year for me, and you have been a key
to the sparkle I have enjoyed this year, and I’ll like to say thank you!

The Year 2009

I believe the New Year will be beautiful and super prosperous for my
I can say this mainly because of the advanced marketing knowledge I
acquired this year on how to prosper in any market or economic
circumstance –
even in this recession. I am grateful for what I have learned from one
exceptional[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

marketing mentor and coach named Clayton Makepeace of the Total


I have learned a whole lot from Clayton, for FREE – believe it or not.
And I
believe, if you run your own business or are planning on starting one
up you to
would benefit greatly (as I have) from this guy by subscribing to his
newsletter – The Total Package.

I am not being paid to endorse Clayton’s Total Package, however I

believe you
will benefit greatly from this resource, and if you come across any
resource that
would be of benefit to me as well, you would be compelled to
reciprocate and
inform me as well. Click here to subscribe to the Total Package
Today, and prepare
for your prosperous 2009!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Super Prosperous New Year!!

Warmest regards,

Chu D. Obii


Chu D. Obii says:

December 23, 2008 at 6:57 am

I sent the email post above to my mastermind group…


Pingback: Whats up with My wife in bed with Clayton Makepeace the secrets |
worldiwde community

Linda Byam says:

December 23, 2008 at 10:49 am

Clayton, Wendy, Martha and all:

Sometimes simple words say it best. Thank you all for the the
wisdom, the humor, the insight and the good counsel you provide so
generously. You add a profitable – and fun! – factor to every week.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a year
filled with health, happiness and hope.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Best to you,
Linda Byam


Chu D. Obii says:

December 23, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Hello Clayton, here are my blog posts..


Julius says:
December 23, 2008 at 1:09 pm

I first heard the name Clayton Makepeace when

reading bencivenga’s bullets a short while

If you don’t know what that is, it’s a

newsletter written by the titan of all
copywriters Gary Bencivenga. An honorable
mention for Mr. Makepeace by this legend
piqued my interest.

I came across this name again today when

reading a sales letter for Daniel Levis’s
2008 masters of copywriting 2008 course.
I decided I have to check this dude out.
It turns out he rakes in $650,000USD a
month in royaltees and fees.
He’s arguably the highest paid copywriter
in America.

I downloaded an interview that Levis

makes available and I’m glad I did.
In this interview Makepeace describes
How to instantly increase productivity in
writing. Here’s the jist of it:
Every writer has a creative and an
analytical side. You can only be analytical
for so long in a given day. Once your
analytical gas runs out, just switch to your
creative side.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

For example, if you’ve spent 4 hours in

research and feel mentally spent, rather
than calling it a day, you can get several
hours of creative writing in if you drop
the research and spend some time writing
headlines or something.
There are so many other profound strategies
that have been honed over Mr. Makepeace’s
30 year career, which he shares in this

One is the most common and the most diabolical

mistake that every freelance copywriter makes.
Everyone swares this one thing is key to
success, but, the exact opposite is true.
Find out what it is on page 19 of this

I’ve been working on a sales letter for months

now. It’s perfect. At least that’s what I

After reading this entire interview, I decided

to analyze my this letter with the Makepeace eye.
I instantly realized this letter sucks. I’m not
going to spend a dollar getting it out to my
target audience as is.

I’m going to rework the whole thing starting tommorow.

From this article I made I way to and instantly did

Are you kidding me? There are nearly

600 articles written by Mr.
Makepeace himself on his blog.
They’re available to everyone.
I’m going to read every last word on that
website. If you haven’t been yet, you need to go.

Julius James.


Allen W says:
December 23, 2008 at 2:33 pm

Hey ,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

I know you are interested in improving your copy and copy writing

You and I both know there are a ton of wannabee’s out there
professing to be experts who haven’t done sh*t. Except for proclaim
themselves the second coming of Claude Hopkins… As we both
know, at first it’s hard to tell the real deal from the bozo.

I found a real deal. You really should subscribe to Clayton

Makepeace’s ezine. He completely over-delivers, and like the late
great Gary Halbert, he wants to make sure you understand the inside
stuff. He does not charge for his ezine. And it’s not a “pitch fest” with
every email trying to get you to buy into the latest “guru” marketing
scheme. He’s not like that yet, and if he does get like that, I’ll
unsubscribe in a heart beat.

Instead of constantly trying to pitch the next JV deal, Clayton and his
group of excellent writers seem to be in a contest to out do each
other in providing the most useful and actionable information. Now of
course Clayton does not do this for nothing. He does have copy
writing products for sale.

I bought some of Clayton’s stuff and it’s really, really good.

Expensive, but really, really good and worth the price. Let’s face it,
you can get a $29 ebook on improving your copy from some bozo
that’s all re-hash stuff, or you can get better information for free from

He also has several blogs going and he even answers posts to the

Speaking of $29 ebooks. I think you need to go right now to

and subscribe. It costs not even a penny, and you get 4 free reports
just for subscribing.

FREE reports: 1) Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money … 2)

The Eight Components of Irresistible Offers … 3) How to Decide
Where to Advertise and … 4) How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling
Sales Copy.

You can’t lose. And if you decide to take my advice and subscribe,
you will be thanking me. And you and I can also discuss the concepts
and ideas in the zine. Oh yeah, one last thing. There is a ton of
information and his zine comes out every day. All the back issues are
archived and still alive for discussion.

Sincerely,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |



Mike Humphreys says:

December 24, 2008 at 1:53 am


I love what you’re trying to do for other copywriters and want to do my

part to help. I sent an email out to one of my email lists of 100+
copywriters. Here’s the email that was sent out.

Happy holidays to you and the rest of the Total Package staff. Keep
up the great work in 2009 and beyond!

Take care,

Mike Humphreys

Hello {!firstname_fix},

It’s Michael Humphreys from the Copywriters Recession-Proof

Roundtable. If your copywriting business struggled or did poorly in
2008, then this may be one of the most important emails you will ever
get from me.

Please note that in this email I don’t have anything to sell you. I’m
contacting you purely out of holiday good-will and wanting to see you
succeed even more as a professional copywriter. In fact, in just a
moment I’m going to share a few online resources that should be of
great use to you and are 100% completely fr*ee.

It’s almost the end of 2008. Many of us will take a few minutes and
reflect back over the past 12 months. What goals did we achieve?
What goals are we still working on reaching?

For me, 2008 was one of my best years ever. I became a dad for the
second time. I had my first home-run piece for a client that produced
over 6 figures in a month for them. I even ghostwrote for one of the
biggest named copywriters in the industry.

The amazing part is my copywriting business more than doubled in

sales even though I could only work part-time for 5 months mid-year.
That was due to my wife being in a major car accident right before
the birth of our son Gregory in May. Fortunately, my son was born
fine and my wife has made a full health recovery.

Now, I hate to sound like I’m bragging because I’m really not. Despite
my respective accomplishments, I’m actually a pretty down-to-earth[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |


How did I create more success in 2008?

Well, I believe it’s a three-part answer.

First, you need to take ACTION. Without taking action, even the best
ideas will never be launched. Without taking action, your marketing
and networking efforts can’t attract the copywriting clients that you

Second, you need a PLAN. You need to know what direction you
want to take your business. How are you going to market your
copywriting business? Are you just winging it? Or are you using a
proven marketing plan?

Third, you need to working on refining and improving your


Now you can grab a bunch of old ads online and try studying them.
You can find out who might be the hottest online copywriters right
now and swipe their sales letters to study.

Or you can study the most successful copywriter in the industry.

That’s the route that I chose to go: Studying the best. Now for the
longest time, I didn’t reveal this resource that I constantly studied. I
felt like it gave me a real competitive edge. I was able to keep
bumping my rates up every month and my client load never slowed
down. The raving client feedback kept flowing in.

I kept spending every spare moment studying this copywriter’s work.

And his track record over the last 25 years is simply amazing.

His name is Clayton Makepeace and quite simply, I’ve become one of
his biggest fans.

Clayton started a website a few years ago that has become a virtual
priceless resource for copywriters. At first, Clayton wrote every article
on the site… literally hundreds of fr*ee articles on how to write better
sales copy. Eventually, he brought in other guest authors.

That’s how I discovered other great copywriters like Doug D’Anna…

Carline Anglade-Cole… Bob Hutchinson and many others. A-List
copywriters who were also eager to share some of their tricks of the

Here’s my holiday wish for you: Check out Clayton’s site at

That’s a direct, non-affiliate link. I’m recommending this resource[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

because I believe it will help you succeed even more.

Take some time to read some of the past articles by Clayton and the
other authors. If this site were owned by most internet marketers,
they’d charge $500 or more per month for access and yet Clayton
makes it available for fr*ee.

Here are a few of my favorite articles and resources on Clayton’s site

to get you started.

Over 20 different ways to write powerful bullets

How to close the deal with prospective clients

The 3 Unforgivable sins that copywriters make with their body copy

Here’s hoping 2009 is your best year ever.

Happy Holidays,

Mike Humphreys


Idris Arkette says:

December 24, 2008 at 3:33 am

“Set Your Brain To Sponge Mode And Soak Up Money Making Ideas,
Strategies And Tactics From The Billion Dollar Man…
For Free”


This man has built a mammoth library of over 500 issues of

his newsletter.

I like to call it super letter.

It’s mad amounts of information on that baby.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

He calls it “The Total Package”

When you click the link below you’ll get to

download 4 of his reports right away.

Then you’ll need to go down to

and soak up all the info there.

The letter I wrote which I sent to the offline companies

I leared how from that super letter site.

Check it out.


Lisa Marie says:

December 24, 2008 at 3:36 am

And since you are obviously a quality individual … since I am NOT an

easy guy to buy presents for … and especially since my mission here
is to make your life easier; not harder … I’m going to solve your
problem for you.


Alex says:
December 24, 2008 at 5:10 am

This is one of my first, if not fist comment.

What a offer! It made me to get involved

I’ve been your subscriber for few months and not only that I still keep
reading/listening to you guys but I am also studying how you have
craft the text of your every web page.

In fact, my wife is meant to start getting involved and help me with

copy writing. Try to guess from who she is learning copy writing

English language is not my mother language as for her is, another

reason why I do not write so many comments.

Sure, I will take action and create video, send e-mail and make blog
post. Gifts that are given are worth much more than time one needs.

Thank you for this great opportunity![11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |


James Palmer says:

December 24, 2008 at 8:40 am

You’re on, Clayton,

Here’s the text of an email going out to my list:

I hope everyone is enjoying a festive and happy holiday season. I just

wanted to pop in real quick and tell you about a great free copywriting
resource you can use right now to start learning the secrets of
effective copywriting and marketing.

See, when I was just starting to learn about copywriting, I scrounged

around for every resource I could find, and this was one of the
firstBand still the bestBI=ve found.

It=s called The Total Package, a website by super copywriter

extraordinaire Clayton Makepeace. Every day it comes to you jam
packed with copywriting and marketing wisdom.

Clayton and his small army of major league business gurus, including
Daniel Levis, Troy White, Michael Masterson, Bob Bly, and many
more, bring you proven, tried-and-true methods for creating bigger
winners more often. Not only that, but I=ve learned so much about
writing just from reading Clayton=s writing. His style is infectious and
makes you want to read his messages all the way to the end. He is
truly one of the greats, and you can learn everything you need to
know to become a successful, A-level copywriter, create your own
info product business, or market your current products and services
more effectively.

So do yourself a humongous holiday favor and sign up for The Total

Package today. When you do, you’ll get four of Clayton’s best
business-boosting reports absolutely free. So what are you waiting
for? Click this link to sign up now:

You’ll be on your way to bigger winners more often in 2009.

Happy Holidays,

James Palmer

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Kevin Puls says:

December 24, 2008 at 9:45 am

OK, so I posted my e-mail I sent to my life insurance agent

(Comment # 7). So, now, here is my comment I left on Yanik Silver’s


10% of after-tax proceeds goes to military charities!


Susan says:
December 24, 2008 at 4:28 pm

Cool, marketing Clayton. And a great Christmas pressie for your

readers. Can’t see the red suit and whiskers but I’m sure you’re
wearing them as I write this.

Decided on a little, understated blog post. Hope it brings you some

readers. As well as raising my street cred for learning from the likes
of you, of course! lol

Best wishes to you and those you love. Have a wonderful holiday


Dean Kennedy says:

December 24, 2008 at 9:49 pm

I’ve created a blog post about TTP asa Christmas gift resource for
my blog readers … (
must-have-resource/) — video promo and email out tomorrow, after
Christmas Day!

I pointed out what’s obvious to me after reading TTP for the last two
years …[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

“If you were a business owner, and you could marry a website, this
would be THE ONE!”


Tim and Jen says:

December 26, 2008 at 10:33 pm


We intended to write just a quick message & email it to you, to wish

you a merry Christmas for 2008 and happy holidays also to let you
know we are doing well. BUT it turned out too much news so we
broke it into a few videos and posts as well as the below.

We just had to let you know a few new exciting action video blog
posts are ready including our boxing day event at

As you may know is all about helping you, just like the
person we are referring you to, who is Clayton Makepeace. He CAN
really HELP YOU in making a better life for yourself with the MONEY
you make from implementing his strategies.

Check out a short video about Clayton.



a longer video and post about Clayton and the team.

OR read on for the full story in the original intended email below.



Either way please don’t miss out on your total package experience by
signing up FREE at


What does this stock market crash and financial crisis stuff have to do
with me I hear you say.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Well Tim and I have been nose to the grindstone this past year
coming up with ways to help YOU in these tough times. We put up 20
websites Tim has MADE and developed some great software and
courses which are for sale at our sites. We have been studying with
Stompernet, Clayton Makepeace and other marketing Gurus to help
not only help our business but your business and your personal
relationships as well, to help survive these tough times.

We know it is the holiday season but we also know you would have to
have rocks in your head not to invest in your future especially in
these wildly troubling times.

Experts have said this instable climate could go on for many years
maybe 2, 4 or EVEN 10 YEARS or more, causing countless job
losses and business closures. At this point most experts are saying
the traditional business including BIG business will NOT survive in
EXACTLY the same way as the dinosaurs became extinct. This
EXACT type of climate change is what experts believe caused the
extinction not being able to adapt just like MANY BUSINESSES
REFUSE TO CHANGE Starbucks is only one example of this.


HIT business types are non essential products or services, home
shopping, luxuries, amongst the many others.

SO HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? If you haven’t already heard about a

really useful newsletter called the Total Package, or maybe you have
and just have not yet subscribed to it, let me share it with you some.
Several things have happened to us this year, but mostly this year
has been a very positive wake up call for us, to which The Total
Package has played a major role in.

It has opened our eyes wider to the many wonders of writing &
copyrighting that we have been simply overlooking due to not
knowing how valuable it is in our business, based on what we felt was
invalid. Which made us wonder how much of the same you have
done and as a result been MISSING OUT ON. Take for example long
copy, nearly everyone I know either does not know what it is or, like
we used to, thinks it has no place in advertising for their businesses.


WRONG your copy will be remembered. On Christmas eve 2008 I
was out shopping and ran into a friend who had gotten our old
adverts and the new one. She stated it was so much she took quite a
while to read it all. In the past we did articles and more recently one
is posted at our latest specials.

This newsletter will not only tell you that line of thought is wrong but it
actually has an issue that proves it. We have dramatically changed
the way we look at both long & short copy advertising. But the Total[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Package has not only helped with our advertising, it has also worked
well with the teachings from our other Gurus on the internet to greatly
improve our sites & our articles, it has even had an effect on our

We are much more confident now we know how to present ourselves

as we are, people, potential clients and friends just like you. Each
newsletter has either some new thing for us to look at, or a new
perspective to inspect. Funny stories & anecdotes that actually help
remember the lessons are also entertaining.

Clayton has been copyrighting for many years which is often brought
up in a funny way in his copy. We have been subscribers for quite a
while now but only the past year, have we really been studying with
great anticipation. Even so we have learnt SO MUCH which your yet
to see!

Your going to lose your job one day BUT… Did you ever think it
would be like when 1000′s of Starbuck’s people LOST JOBS in 2008.

Don’t miss out YOU CAN ONLY BENEFIT from joining us by signing
up at the link below.

Clayton has informed me that just for signing up you will receive 4
1) Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money
2) The Eight Components of Irresistible Direct Response Offers
3) How to Decide Where to Advertise
4) How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling Sales Copy

If you know us, YOU will know, that we do not recommend things that
are no good or do not work, & we are both recommending it for our
own reasons. Just because Clayton told us he would be happy to
accept our earnest recommendations to others and the heart felt
thanks that we give him, as his Christmas present, ( and he is not an
easy person to think up a gift for) was the icing on this cake. To start
with the 4 reports are his gift to you, RIGHT NOW, so you can see
what I mean by he is difficult to get gifts for, bit like us actually.

To help make the best for your next year onwards, head on over
joining us and benefiting as Total Package subscribers, by signing up
now. We hope to hear that you DID NOT MISS OUT, or sent this on
to someone we don’t yet know that you do, who will benefit from its
income producing wisdom & humour.

DON’T FOGRGET TO GO NOW TO:[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |


AND Have a great holidays

Tim & Jen Short


We are Australian solutions providers.

IF YOU NEED HELP just drop a ticket in at our helpdesk.

or contact us in person below



PHONE 0418 479 768


Have you checked out our latest Video adventures at

We have been so happy with Clayton we have left comments around

the internet including posted at the following external links:

appears deleted


Philip Wong says:

December 28, 2008 at 11:21 am[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Dear Clayton

Thank you for moving the free line again with your tantalizing treats
for us. Here’s my swig with the email:-
Dear Friends,

This holiday season’s got me a bit poetic and so I thought it would be

appropriate to let you in on my secret source of copy as this season is
the Season to be Happy.

It’s titled “Help Yourself to the Store of Copy” and here it goes:

When the weight of this year bears you down,

With little to show for and the hunger to drown,
There’s still one more chance to redeem what’s left,
As the Father of Copy won’t leave you bereft.

As birds of a feather flock together,

There’s only one place left to gather,
To pick clean the mind of this legend,
And plunder his goldmine like a brigand.

Just for walking in you’ll find,

“Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money,”
Look some more and you will learn,
“How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling Sales Copy.”

“The Eight Components of Irresistible Direct Response Offers,”

Is kind of long but packs so much punch,
And “How to Decide Where to Advertise,”
Is certainly very sage advice.

There’s a mountain to steal from his store,

If you linger around and browse some more,
Each week brings forth new seeds to grow,
Steadily coming forth in a row.

The store’s open to those who know,

Exactly where on the ‘net to go,
The Total Package awaits your turn,
Free for all to learn and earn.

Go Forth And Multiply…Your Wealth.


Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Pingback: Copywriting God Goes Crazy, Offers Store For Peanuts « My Inner Diablog

Philip Wong says:

December 30, 2008 at 1:02 am

Dear Clayton

And here’s my blog post about your mission.

I may have stuffed up on the trackback URL – please accept my
apologies. Still new to blogging scene.

Happy 2009!


Martina Roters says:

December 30, 2008 at 2:57 pm

Dear Clayton:

This is a copy from the post in our copywriter forum (in Germany):

Subject line: Warm recommendation in icy times (a valuable


I am NOT sorry to disturb your little End-of-year hiatus (if you have
one) because I have a late holiday “present” for some of you, if…

yes if this sounds familiar to you (I bet it does):

- You kissed your copywriting certificate,

- You jumped into the air when you landed your first copywriting
- Your self-confidence plummeted when you were confronted with the
apparently so simple decision to hit the send button to get your first
promo on the way to your client.
- You perhaps even coped with the devastating experience of having
to hire your first damned lawyer to get good money for good work
from bad clients.

And through all those times you searched the web for valuable
resources (mostly for free, as you did not yet rake in those fabulous
sums of money the copywriting course had promised.)

In the meantime, if you are like me, your most important NEW-YEAR-[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

RITUAL has become to GET RID OF SUBSCRIPTIONS, as you have

the very strong SUSPICION that your daily struggle with your inbox
stands between you and your “really productive work”.

Now, here is my late little present:

Forget about most of those newsletters! There is one to keep – and
your finger will itch in anticipation to doubleclick on the subject line –
DAILY! Yep, I mean it: If you are not a complete moron – and I know
you are definitely not – this single e-mail will make your day, because
you will get one or several impulses for your daily work: whether you
are writing a promo, a press release, even a book, whatever you are
Even the worst case (BAD RESPONSE) is provided for!
I swear: No longer wading through waves of newsletters for fear of
missing a little gem of advice.
In one article, this famous copywriter and his guest bloggers offer you
up to a dozen gems.


FOR AN EXCUSE, waiting for inspiration. The work will not get done
on its own. But it will get easier with a sparkle of inspiration from
these daily articles. You can count on it.

What’s the name of this wonder?

It’s Clayton Makepiece’s “The Total Package” (it’s free!)

Try it yourself. Just now there are welcome gifts for new subscribers,
4 special reports:
1) Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money
2) The 8 Components of Irresistible Direct Response Offers…
3) How to Decide Where to Advertise and …
4) How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling Sales Copy.

Just click this link:

PS: Sorry for all those who are already subscribers!

Here my consolation gift: I will reveal my other favourite blog: Martin

Avis’ “Kickstart Today”. (Not on copywriting but on IM and life in
general. It’s good for your heart and soul).


Heidi says:
December 30, 2008 at 10:32 pm

I really enjoy reading the tips and information you send-not just for
the great information, but because of your great sense of humor.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

(Especially the one about the Harley ride)I literally can’t stop laughing
Just wanted to say thanks!!



December 31, 2008 at 6:00 am

Dear Mr. Clayton,

I am soon joining a website called : Mr. Tom Kulzer,


2865 S. Eagle Road # 338 Newtown, PA 18940

who gave me the opportunity to establish a website free until April 1st
2009 for JUST $197.00 and register my own website

Can I trust this Organization ? As you know I have to set-up and

layout the functions of my website and this takes time.
Please advise and oblige.
Happy New Year to all of you


Steve Newdell says:

December 31, 2008 at 2:44 pm

Good Day Friends, December 31’08

If you were up early and somewhat lucky you saw two articles offered
on the same page by Yahoo. One is the 10 words we must never
never use in 2009 according to a university. The other is the words or
phrases we must never ever use while writing advertising. Never!

I suppose no matter what you write from now on “free” must be

replaced by “gratis”
“no charge”
“For nothing”
“Nyet, nada, zip, zippo, zero, not required”
“we require absolutely no money”
“Keep you wallet in your pocket”

Damn them all. If I’m offered a free look at a book I’m taking it and I[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

don’t care if it means gratis or not!

And finally, the one phrase no one mentioned is given for your
serious consideration here: (and I have seen every one of these, the
first today in a beautifully done graphic full monitor frame ad on line)

For all your South West Florida Fishing Needs

For All you Septic System Needs (written by my boss’s wife who
“studied marketing in college.” Hush, silence! Be Reverent!)
For all your spice needs
For all your painting needs
For all your plumbing needs
Your Cooking needs
Kitchen needs
Car repair
Yacht maintenance
Hurricane protection
Home security

Oh my G_d I’m going to go out of my mind! What has happened to

imagination? Has most of the country turned into a band of blathering
idiots with a 200 word vocabulary?

“(I know how to speak Amerikan therefore I know {all there is to

know} about Advertising and Marketing. — and I know it don’t work!)”

Good tidings for 2009. Let the discussions continue, and THANKS
TO YOU Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace, Daniel Levis, Gary Bencivenga,
Carolyn Cole, Drayton Bird, Larry Chase, H. Gordon Lewis, David
Deutsch, John Carlton, Troy White, Ken McCarthy, John Ford, and so
many other generous gentlemen and ladies for a wonderful, useful
and educational year. Thank you from all of your readers. I look
forward to making this year the year I come out of the office and into
the light.

Steve Newdell


Steve Newdell says:

December 31, 2008 at 2:50 pm

Good Day Friends,

If you were up early and somewhat lucky you saw two articles offered
on the same page by Yahoo. One is the 10 words we must never,
never use in 2009 according to a university. The other is the words
we must never ever use while writing advertising. Never!

I suppose no matter what you write from now on “free” must be[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

replaced by “gratis”
“no charge”
“For nothing”
“Nyet, nada, zip, zippo, zero, not required”
“we require absolutely no money”
“Keep you wallet in your pocket”

Ignore them all. If I’m offered a free look at a book I’m taking it and I
don’t care if it means gratis or not!

And finally, the one phrase no one mentioned is given for your
serious consideration here: (and I have seen ever one of these, the
first today in a beautifully done graphic full monitor frame ad on line)

For all your South West Florida Fishing Needs

For All you Septic System Needs (written by my boss’s wife who
“studied marketing in college.” Hush, silence! Be Reverent!)
For all your spice needs
For all your painting needs
For all your plumbing needs
Your Cooking needs
Kitchen needs
Car repair
Yacht maintenance
Hurricane protection
Home security

Oh my word I’m going to go out of my mind! What has happened to

imagination? Has most of the country turned into a band of blathering
idiots with a 200 word vocabulary?

As in: “I speak Amerikan therefore I know all there is to know about

advertising and marketing, and I know it don’t work!”

Good tidings for 2009. Let the discussions continue, and THANKS
TO YOU Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace, Daniel Levis, Gary Bencivenga,
Carolyn Cole, Drayton Bird, Larry Chase, H. Gordon Lewis, David
Deutsch, John Carlton, Troy White, Ken McCarthy, John Ford, and so
many other generous gentlemen and ladies for a wonderful, useful
and educational year. Thank you from all of your readers. I look
forward to making this year the year I come out of the office and into
the light.

Steve Newdell


Ron Winsor says:

December 31, 2008 at 5:44 pm[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Hello Clayton,

This is a copy of the email I just sent to my whole email list. Thanks
for all that you do.

Hello Everybody,

As most of you know we have a Marketing Business where we

promote items on the internet through websites that we build
ourselves. Normally I don’t give this kind of info to our friends. The
reason is I don’t want you to think I am trying to sell you something.
You guys know what that is like. I give it to our business partners.You
know, I thought this is just to good of info to not let you in on this time.

You can use the info to help you with writing your eBay auctions or to
sell things on Craigs List. This info is just the cat’s meow. This will
help you get the attention that you want for your ads or auctions. You
may be trying to write a book for all I know. It doesn’t make any
difference. If you are writing anything THIS WILL HELP.

Plus this guy will give you four reports just for opting into his email list.
This is just a start. You will have access to all the other reports as
well. I know you think this is just another one of those things that
when they get you to there list it will never stop right? Wrong!!

I ran across this guy the other day from another company that I trust.
He is a fantastic copywriter and has been for more than 30
years.Clayton Makepeace is the mans name. The TOTAL PACKAGE
is his game. When it comes to copywriting he is the best thing since
sliced bread. Just click on this link
signup.html to see what I am talking about.

I am using his ideas and expertise in a new website I am doing now. I

also am changing the copy or text in the existing websites that we
have now. I can already see better results. I know this because of the
number of pages that my visitors are looking at and how long they
are staying on our site. Not to mention the conversion rate. This stuff
really does work.

You have heard the saying “He has a way with words”. Well now,
Clayton gives a whole new meaning to that phrase. Did I mention he
is going to give you four FREE gifts just for opting into his list. The
TOTAL PACKAGE is just what it says. He gives you info on how to
write your headlines as well as the copy.Clayton is a straight shooter.
He won’t try to sell you anything but is very generous at giving you
things. Yea, he has things he can sell you but he doesn’t push it. He
will just keep sending the TOTAL PACKAGE every day. You can opt
out any time you wish. Clayton is really full of it, ideas that is. Go
ahead and check him out. I don’t think you will be disappointed. That
link again is[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

referral-signup.html .

Sorry I got long winded



Julius James says:

December 31, 2008 at 11:16 pm

Mr. Makepeace,

“On Wednesday December 31st 2008 B.C. (before Clayton) I was a

neophyte copywriter,but by Thursday January 1st 2009 I was a battle-
scarred veteran with the savoir-faire of a top professional with 36
years of experience”

How did I do that you ask. Simple. I read Double Your Profits in 12
Months or Less. Your book had me, a hairy-knuckled, stone-cold
emotional cripple on the verge of tears at times with excitement. I too
come from humble beginnings and now I know what life can be like.

Not since 2005, when I was first introduced to direct response

marketing by Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy have I been this
excited. My arse is literally “lit up” right now with what I’ve learned.
This is the best book on marketing I have ever read. And I’ve read

This book made me realize that in order to make it to the top, you
have to be adept at every aspect of client acquisition. Not just writing
solid copy. For example, you need to get more clients, sell more
things to them and charge them more for each product. These are
issues of marketing strategy. Double Your Profits in 12 Months or
Less gives us all the tools to make these three things happen.

Now, for anyone else reading this, I should mention that I’m not being
paid to say these things. Though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t being

Mr. Makepeace has an offer on right now that you can’t refuse. I
know because I myself couldn’t. If you go to
You’ll find out how you too can acquire almost $800 worth of free life
changing marketing information.

Without this information, you have no place being in this line of work.
PERIOD.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Mr. Makepeace, you are the Kosher salt on my brisket.

Yours truly,

Julius James.

PS: I’ve reworked an entire promotion based on your advice and I’m
going to send you specific results as soon as they are available. I’m
expecting big things.

PPS: Have a wonderful 2009. I know I will.

PPPS: Visit

for even more free information.


Carlos Juez says:

January 1, 2009 at 8:33 pm

Clayton, 3 words… You’re the best!!!

Here’s the email I sent:

Hey Everyone!!!

You all know that i don’t write very often (almost never) sorry for

But this is a very special occasion…

First of all, merry Christmas to all of you… and talking about

Christmas, i thought about it and I realized that this is the best gift I
can “send” you..

Check it out:

i know some of you guys want to improve your businesses using

marketing and advertising, specially direct response marketing and
this website is the best place to find FREE direct response marketing
and copywriting advise, directly from one of the best in the industry,
Clayton Makepeace.

If you sign up on that page you’ll instantly receive 4 free reports

written by Clayton himself, and I’m sure you’ll be able to ‘transform
the information inside those reports into cash’ immediately..[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Hope you enjoy them,

Merry Christmas again,


PS: go now, you can thank me later


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

January 2, 2009 at 4:53 am

Happy Holidays Clayton!

Thanks for all your gifts throughout the year!

I posted a video for you on Youtube explaining why folks would be

NUTS not to be getting The Total Package.

Wishing you and all the folks at The Total Package

enormous success in 2009!

Here’s the link, enjoy!


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

January 3, 2009 at 12:33 am


Here’s the email I sent out.

Subject Line: In your opinion, which will sell more?

Hey Guys,

If you could choose just one marketing advantage to add to your

arsenal this year, would you choose: A. a sexy girl, or B. a Blog?[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

O.K., maybe that’s not fair. Need more information?

Check this out. Within minutes the correct answer will become clear.
Just as the fresh clear water reveals itself from the old tap – after the
rust of disuse is allowed to escape.

Clayton has the answer along with some bonus goodies for you.
(Even if you chose the wrong answer!)

Go to:

Wishing you great success in 2009!

Bobby S

Wishing you great success as your ganf gets the word out!


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

January 3, 2009 at 1:04 am


I urged my readers to join you when I wrote this blog post


Increase Your Income in 2009

January 2, 2009 by totalfitnessphotography

Just a short post today, as the new year begins, to remind everyone
that it’s not enough to be great at taking pictures. I have no doubt that
there are great photographers across the planet wondering where
their next dollar will come from.

Great income comes from great marketing.

Here’s a new link to one of my best resources, Clayton Makepeace

and his crew over at The Total Package.
Go here for great money making techniques that will send your
income soaring. (I almost forgot to mention…it’s FREE!)

Best Wishes!

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Barb Johnson says:

January 3, 2009 at 11:54 am

I sent this to 15 of my friends and family, people who are interested

in marketing and writing copy.


Here is a link to your future. This guy really knows marketing inside
and out and you get absolutely FREE emails daily. The emails are
always valuable and a big help.

He is also the most generous fellow in the field. So you will get four
free reports with this.

Clayton makes it fun! Let me know what you think.

Barbara Johnson


Kathy says:
January 3, 2009 at 10:41 pm

Hi, Clayton,

I love your contest idea–it’s terrific! I especially like the way you give
players four options to choose from–1, 2, 3 or all 3 options–and
everyone wins (you, me, and those I touch through telling them about
The Total Package).

I’m in. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year1


Jesse Hull says:

January 4, 2009 at 12:54 pm

Hi Clayton,

Hope my message resonates with all the other engineer

entrepreneurs out there…

Here is my video:

Thank you for all your great content.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Happy New Year!



Denis says:
January 5, 2009 at 4:38 am

Sorry I couldn’t do a video, as I don’t have the hardware.

Text of email sent to friends, promoting The Total Package.

Hi ,

And thanks for thinking of us this Christmas.

Cute card!

We’re still in love with Tassie, and our old guesthouse.

I’m also re-inventing myself as a website architect, specialising in

websites that actually make businesses money! (Now there’s a
revolutionary thought!)

As part of my studies, I stumbled over what must be the best source

of free material from a very successful marketer.

If you have a spare moment, have a look at

I’ve only used a couple of Clayton’s ideas in our business, but they’ve
added significantly to our bottom line!

And there are literally hundreds of ideas in the archives he makes

freely available. I’m busily compiling them into an organised “swipe”
file that I can refer to as I prototype website for clients.

If you have no further interest in marketing, then I apologise. Just

read our Christmas letters, attached, and know that I actually enjoyed
our Amway days (even though nobody but Diamonds ever made any
serious money!) The exposure to Advertising and Marketing skills got
me off on a whole new (and profitable) career!

So Thanks, Evan. And all the best to Judy. She was a very special
lady. Amway widows all were!

Warm regards,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |


PS. Have a look at our “Guide to Stanley” on the website. That

stemmed from one of Clayton’s ideas.

The Guide has resulted in …

(1) People staying longer, when they realise just how much there is to
see and do around the ridges, and …
(2) People returning for a second, longer stay as they couldn’t do it all
first time round, and …
(3) Guests hang on the the hard copy we provide in every room and
use it as a reference for their holiday snaps nights with friends.
And then the friends visit us too!


Trijo Jos says:

January 6, 2009 at 9:52 am


We indians are used to offline world and are really at rookie status
online (online we just check our emails)… however, i have created a
powerpoint telling my story of using makepeacetotalpackage tips and
advice to accumalate Rs 10,00,00,000/- plus in just 15 days.

Have posted the video on youtube and you can find the same at

Hope, it meets the minimum online standard.

Trijo Jos


Trijo Jos says:

January 6, 2009 at 10:17 am


I really do want to confess before you… Do you remember, calling

me the guy born with the golden spoon, because time and again i
would keep performing at high levels in the office outperforming most
of you and thereby grabbing a major hike in every performance
appraisal.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

I need to tell you, most of the ideas and strategies were robbed from

Do you remember, the SQA team leader praising me for the

wonderful script prepared which later pulled in more than
10,00,00,000 Rs in just 15 days (the secret to writing killer benefits
that actually removed the resistance for reviving the policy was
learned from clayton)

You wanted to know how people started immediately calling the

contact centre in large numbers even though you had tried before so
many times in so many ways. ( the secret was in creating value in
calling the contact centre… stealed from claytons posts)

I bet you are wondering, how did i start a business in october’08 and
by december’08 had more clients than i can handle.(Hey sam, visit and you’ll find out all the secrets that i
used and you too can use them for being successful!.. And the best
part it’s free)

Today, i want you to register at and

change your life for the better (best).

I’m attaching a link below for you to sign up… And remember sameer,
you cannot reach even half of what i achieved if you just keep
reading… act on the information and i can promise – you’ll never fail
– it’s experience talking.

Your’s truly



Tian Yan says:

January 7, 2009 at 11:16 am

Hi Clayton,

This is Tian Yan from Malaysia.

I genuinely found The Total Package to be an

excellent resource to me as a copywriter ever
since I stumbled into it a year ago.

So I shared the message below to all my subscribers.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Be Well and belated Happy New Year,

- Tian Yan


I have a gift for you…

A year ago, I discovered a treasure chest

online. I was researching for conversion
tactics to improve my sales, and accidently
stumbled upon this site — that many people
know nothing about.

I don’t blame you if you haven’t heard of it.

Most marketers don’t even dare to share it
because it makes their paid products look like
trash in comparison.

But the other reason why you probably have not

heard about this site is because the URL made
it difficult for it to get high rankings.

Which is really a shame, considering the whole

library of articles by top gun copywriters and free
interviews with some of the legends in the industry
available on the site.

Before I tell you more about this resource, let me

tell you something even more interesting…

I didn’t recommend you to go to this site just

because it has made me money and has every resource
available to help you thrive in these tough economic

It’s also because I’m literally bribed to tell

you about it!

The man behind the site, Clayton Makepeace, a genius

copywriter… gifts every one of his readers a copy of
his best-selling products, just for recommending his site
to others.

Now, that’s ingenious.

And here’s why…

What Clayton has is a very good site to begin with.

But he knows that just because he has a good site,
doesn’t mean people are going to spend every minute
of their life telling others about it.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Does it cost much to incentivise others to spread

the word? Not much. Although he is giving out physical
products, the cost to manufacture them is a mere pittance
compared to the free advertising his site receives.

For a few dollars, he got every one of his loyal readers

to pay attention, make a video about him, recommend him
to other potential customers via email, and give him free
links on blog posts.

I challenge you to name me 1 advertising network that could

do all that. He doesn’t have to pay out affiliate commissions

So if your website needs more traffic, and you do give out

solid content, get creative and make your own incentivised

And if your website needs more sales, print out every article
in Clayton’s site and implement the techniques shared. I
have to warn you, with 600++ articles there, this will keep
you busy the whole year.

Now… go indulge in all the free copywriting/conversion

secrets at his site… and wish the man a Happy New Year
on my behalf.

Be Well,
- Tian Yan

Coming up in the next issue…

I’ll present you with more insights on Clayton’s

marketing move… but also warnings to some of the
long term damages you might inflict to your business
if you do this incorrectly.


Deb says:
January 7, 2009 at 7:55 pm

Happy New Year!

Just when you thought the holiday gift-giving was over…there’s one
more amazing gift I’d like you to have.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

The gift of a Wealth of Words, from one of today’s great word (and
marketing) wizards, Clayton Makepeace.

If you do your own writing for your business, I just know there are
times you stare for hours at a blank page (or blank computer screen),
searching for what you can say to get people to opt in, to buy, or to
take some other form of action.

Or maybe you are wondering if you really understand your

customers. Whether you have identified their needs and wants so
that you are truly serving them through your business.

It never fails that when I am stuck in that vast idea void, I head on
over to Clayton’s blog. Invariably he has written a post or had a guest
blogger in who answers my question and gets me heading in the right
direction. And not only moving forward again, but inspired. Smiling.

To say that all business owners should be reading the

MakepeaceTotalPackage regularly is like saying that everyone
should eat a good breakfast. We know we should do it. We have
better results in our life when we do it. There is a lot of real data out
there that supports our doing it. Facts. Personal stories.

But we are busy, distracted, drawn away from the truly important by
the merely urgent.

Well, today is your day. Go check out this blog post right away –
because for a few more days Clayton is giving away powerful
information that can transform your business.

Just click on over and grab your gifts:

Go for the goodies, and stay for the very real, constant and long-term
value you will receive.

And have a very, merry (and profitable) new year.



Dan Curriden says:

January 7, 2009 at 11:18 pm

Hey Clayton,

Happy New Year! I sincerely appreciate the great content you[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

continue to pump out, it’s been a big help. Hope this campaign
attracts a bunch of new followers. So many people could benefit.

1. Posted the video on YouTube, it’s a Camtasia capture of how I’ve

benefited and what I like best about the site:

2. Here’s the email I sent:

Subject: Cool Free Resource


First, Happy New Year! Time to get re-focused on our businesses!

(Or was it just me that fell off the wagon over the holidays?)

I don’t remember, have I ever shared this site with you guys?

I was there today downloading a winner of a package by Jim Rutz,

one I hadn’t been able to find elsewhere, to copy in my own hand.
They’ve got some deal where they’re giving away 4 great e-books in
addition to the huge archive of stuff. I figured that since you’re also
into studying great copywriting you would want to check it out.

Anyway, go take a look if you haven’t before. Really a ton of useful

info there, not just copywriting.


p.s. Make sure you get the 13 point copy checklist. When I was there
today the link was on the right side, a little ways down. Great time
saver when you need to crit your copy.

p.p.s. If you can’t find the swipe file with Rutz and about 20 other
controls, let me know, I’ll send you the link.

3. Made a couple of blog posts, here are the links to two:
(That’s a PR6 Blog!)
(Also a PR6!)[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Two more were awaiting approval, so maybe, maybe not:
(“only” PR5)


Deb says:
January 8, 2009 at 1:35 am

Oh, yeah. This is fun!

I made a PP video on MakepeaceTotalPackage and uploaded it to

YouTube. It’s called ‘When Good Copy Goes Bad’ and talks about
how to fix it – using Makepeace info, of course!

I have to tell you – this whole idea is brilliant. I think I’ll have to file this
away in my business strategies swipe files! ;-D

Thanks again for this energizing gift-giving opportunity.



Tian Yan says:

January 8, 2009 at 10:32 am

Dear Clayton,

Tian Yan from Malaysia again.

I wrote a blog post about this… and you’re in the first post! Man,
you’re going to get all the Google “link love” from the all future
content I’m put there.

Be Well,
- Tian Yan

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Tian Yan says:

January 9, 2009 at 4:16 am

Hi Clayton,

Tian Yan from Malaysia again.

Just put up a video on YouTube for others to find out about The Total
Package and the free swipe files blog post by John Newtson.

However, there’s another interesting thing I want to talk about.

Remember the email I sent to my list to share your site?

Today, I gotten a reply from a subscriber, someone I didn’t knew, and

he wrote me this:


Hello Tian,

You informed me about The Total Package with Clayton Makepeace.

I went to his site and found all the free info to be absolutely amazing
!! So I am writing you to THANK YOU VERY MUCH !! Tell me more
about yourself and your online marketing. I’m fairly new and still
learning, still putting all the info together from all the Ebooks I bought.
God bless you with a joyful,peaceful and prosperous new year !!

On the success road,

- Bill D.

I’m sure you receive emails like these everyday, but my list is still
new, so this is the first time I get an appreciation email in the inbox. It
really warms my heart and I’m glad I shared your site with every
subscriber in my list.

Karma feels so good.

Be Well,
- Tian Yan


Jeremy Reeves says:

January 9, 2009 at 8:57 am

Hey Clayton,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Thanks for this incredible offer – like others said this is absolutely

Here’s my blog post –


The video I made on Youtube is also on that same page so you can
check them out at the same time

I’ll be sending an email right after I submit this comment.

Thanks again!

Jeremy Reeves


Tom Schmidt says:

January 9, 2009 at 11:20 am

Great idea…this is going to all my local vendors and USA

photographer friends.

Hey Rick,
You and I have been students of Kennedy, Abraham and Halbert for
years and I thought I knew all the big players but I have never heard
of this Makepeace guy. About 5 months ago I discovered his treasure
chest of marketing stuff–things you and I have not seen and it gets
updated everyday!

It’s not the usual “get rich on the internet today” crap that is just a
rehash of what 100 other wannabe gurus have read or concocted to
sell to the blind, stupid or confused. There are tons of real examples,
for real biz like ours and for the web geeks that sit in front of their
computers all day.

You HAVE to check this link here is one of the BEST educations I
have ever seen for differentiating a biz when everyone else sees it as
a commodity. We both have paid s***loads of money for programs
that did not lay it out this simple and better than this and it was
FREE… just like every day of the week you get good stuff worth the
time and effort to read. (Read all three posts… it will make 2009 your
best year ever)

The cool thing is that it’s not just Makepeace with one perspective.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

He has like a dozen other guys all adding to the archives with
different spins and vantage points. (He must have some interesting
blackmail pictures or stories about these guys forcing them to give up
real info and not just blatant pitches for themselves)

Here is the link to get your daily dose of good marketing info. If I am
wrong I owe you dinner anywhere you want!

Tom Schmidt


David Markov says:

January 9, 2009 at 9:18 pm

Hi Clayton,

Below is the email I sent to a mess o’ corporate marketing people,

many of whom had their 2009 budgets slashed. Thanks for the


Subject: Defibrillate 2009 Immediately

Dear Marketing Friends,

Well, I’m scratching my bewildered head….

Consider this: we all know the “powers that be” need MORE
marketing and need it MORE than ever (thanks to these heart-
stopping times). So what did they do? They chainsaw your budgets!
(But my gut tells me they won’t be lowering their marketing
expectations by the same amount.)

Bottom line: some people think 2009 is DOA – but not me. We need
to find new ways to do new things to succeed in ‘09. That’s why I
wanted to point you to a great resource.

Fact is, Clayton Makepeace is one of world’s top copywriters (having

sold a billion dollars in products). He’s Babe Ruth, Ernest
Hemmingway and King Midas all rolled into one.

In short, he knows his stuff – and he’s generous in sharing it. That’s
why I wanted to steer you toward his free newsletter, “The Total

Here’s the deal: every day he emails a few gold nuggets to members[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

of the marketing world. On top of that, other legends (like Gary

Bencivenga, Drayton Bird and Bob Bly) toss their gems into the Total
Package hopper too.

The best part is you can subscribe to this freebie now by visiting

Anyway…. 2009 isn’t going to be a cakewalk; there will be losers in

your industries. We can either try to succeed by doing the same old
thing (but on a slashed budget) and keep our fingers and toes
crossed, hoping for the best — or we can grab new big ideas that will
lift us to success.

My strong hunch is you’d be bonkers not to grab The Total Package

right now. Personally, Clayton’s work is a great help to me as I write
my sales letters. And I believe his ideas will make you more
successful too.

Here’s to a great 2009!


PS: There’s just one more thing…. You also get four free reports
along with your free subscription. (My favorite covers writing killer ads
and copy – his 21 “non-rules” are great.) Grab ‘em while they’re free.


iris says:
January 10, 2009 at 7:07 pm

Hi Clayton,
Thank you for all the marketing articles you have provided to the
Total Package reader base.
I am really impressed by your such a marketing idea. So I wrote a
message to a friend who
would like to start internet marketing business.
Hi Ale,
Happy New Year. Nice to know that you are stepping in internet
marketing business.
I send you her a link to a great resource that I have been subscribed
to for a while.

It is full of valuable marketing and direct response marketing articles

and other resources,
I am sure that you could always some fresh ideas and learn more
things on marketing there. Try to go to have a look at the link below.
You will get some nice free report while you subscribe it (free also).[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Wish you a happy and successful 2009.

Hope I will find time to comment some blogs to introduce your

Wish you a wonderful 2009



Iris says:
January 10, 2009 at 7:18 pm

Hi Clayton,
Thank you for all the marketing articles you have provided to the
Total Package reader base.
I am really impressed by your such a marketing idea. So I wrote a
message to a friend who
would like to start internet marketing business.
Hi Ale,
Happy New Year. Nice to know that you are stepping in internet
marketing business.
I send you her a link to a great resource that I have been subscribed
to for a while.
It is full of valuable marketing and direct response marketing articles
and other resources,
I am sure that you could always some fresh ideas and learn more
things on marketing there.
Wish you a happy and successful 2009.

Hope I would get time to comments on some blogs and will be back
to you.
Wish you a wonderful 2009

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Tom Schmidt says:

January 10, 2009 at 9:29 pm

It ain’t Hollywood but it is my first YouTube and first iSight movie. Be

Thanks for the great Holiday offer and forcing me to try some tech I
know I need to learn fast.
tom s


Beau Smith says:

January 11, 2009 at 1:09 am

Ok Clayton, here we go. I posted my video at:

I’ve been sending emails like this one:

Hi, remember me? I sat next to you at the Rich Dad seminar on
Tuesday. I got your email address from the business card you gave
me. Nice card, by the way.

I mentioned a newsletter I read when you told me you were a

copywriter. You can subscribe for free at
signup.html if you don’t already get it. It’s a great resource for a

I’ve also posted a youtube video about it. It’s a little rough because
it’s my first ever, but you can see it at:

Anyways, I hope business is going well for you.

(end email)

Not to mention, two of my contacts are Libertarian bikers! Small

world, eh? I had to mention that you are too in the emails to them.

Got to go now. I have some ‘blogging to do!

Beau Smith

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Juri Saragih says:

January 11, 2009 at 1:41 am

Hey Clayon,

I’m Juri Saragih from Indonesia.

I wanna give it a try to this contest

Here’s my email for my list


Subject : Special gift from the “ real” Santa, download it now!

Have you even been see the “real” Santa ?

I never…

…as I am live in Indonesia here, the celebration Christmas is not feel

much better. Just a little numerous of people celebrate that kind of it.
But, I feel a little bit taste what its felt like about for real is by
particularly here in every mall transforms its style become so glamour

There are Christmas tree, the light, and it’s all accessories about
Christmas thingy.

Eventhough we have no winter season here.

I still felt what the Christmas likes.

But, Hey…. you see ‘where the santa is?’ , I’m not mention that
person in front.

You could see the ‘ real’ Santa over here.

The ‘real’ Santa a.k.a. Clayton Makepeace now give you special gift
to transform your business in a progress by giving you 4 free ebook
that better than enough impact easily, short (without spending a lot of
time to read it), and step by step that so powerful to be followed.

The excitement here is.

Would you receive this four special gift from the real santa?

Sounds interesting ?


Here is where the real santa gift’s :[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

By downloading this four special gift from him, you may restructure
your unusual irresistible offer to your prospect and email list, you may
can write better ads as using gotta be yourself personality. Many
things may could happen and change, by receiveing this things four
special gift just a easy click by :

You can also checked more than 600 articles found on his site give your business cool a
revolution by printing his article for FREE and this cool things already
has helped me as I’m my hobby is about copywriting and marketing,
all about writing that can make you profit.

Include yourself to participate receive this special gift from Clayton

Makepeace. I’m already has give myself found this cool things, now
its your turn.

Check them the site out now !

Happy holiday season to you all,

Merry Christmas 25 December 2008 and Happy ‘Prosperous’ Year 1

January 2009.

For a better change in this prosperous year,


Juri Saragih


Here’s my blog post :

Have a late merry christmas and happy new year for you Clayton,


Juri Saragih

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Johan says:
January 11, 2009 at 10:57 am

Hey Clayton and Team.

I finished a draft on my home computer. I were going to upload the

draft and work on it here on my gadmas pc. It’s for YouTube.

I totally forgot to upload this document to the internet, so now I feel

dumb. Is the deadline as of January 12 or January 11. You say
before January 12 so I assume it’s Jan 11.

Just send me an email, I really like to participate, if not I use what I

created to sell your products and newsletter through the affiliate




Carlos Juez says:

January 11, 2009 at 4:21 pm

Hi Clayton…

This is the link to my youtube video:




Juri Saragih says:

January 11, 2009 at 8:50 pm

Hey Clayton,

I’m Juri Saragih from Indonesia.

I wanna give it a try to this contest

Here’s my email for my list

==============================================================[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Subject : Special gift from the ” real” Santa, download it now!

Have you even been see the “real” Santa ?

I never…

…as I am live in Indonesia here, the celebration Christmas is not feel

much better. Just a little numerous of people celebrate that kind of it.
But, I feel a little bit taste what its felt like about for real is by
particularly here in every mall transforms its style become so glamour

There are Christmas tree, the light, and it’s all accessories about
Christmas thingy.

Eventhough we have no winter season here.

I still felt what the Christmas likes.

But, Hey…. you see ‘where the santa is?’ , I’m not mention that
person in front.

You could see the ‘ real’ Santa over here.

The ‘real’ Santa a.k.a. Clayton Makepeace now give you special gift
to transform your business in a progress by giving you 4 free ebook
that better than enough impact easily, short (without spending a lot of
time to read it), and step by step that so powerful to be followed.

The excitement here is.

Would you receive this four special gift from the real santa?

Sounds interesting ?


Here is where the real santa gift’s :

By downloading this four special gift from him, you may restructure
your unusual irresistible offer to your prospect and email list, you may
can write better ads as using gotta be yourself personality. Many
things may could happen and change, by receiveing this things four
special gift just a easy click by :

You can also checked more than 600 articles found on his site[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … | give your business cool a

revolution by printing his article for FREE and this cool things already
has helped me as I’m my hobby is about copywriting and marketing,
all about writing that can make you profit.

Include yourself to participate receive this special gift from Clayton

Makepeace. I’m already has give myself found this cool things, now
its your turn.

Check them the site out now !

Happy holiday season to you all,

Merry Christmas 25 December 2008 and Happy ‘Prosperous’ Year 1

January 2009.

For a better change in this prosperous year,


Juri Saragih


Here’s my blog post :

Have a late merry christmas and happy new year for you Clayton,


Juri Saragih


Nick Teetzel says:

January 11, 2009 at 8:58 pm

Hey Clayton,

Here’s my e-mail & post…

Oh my – you have to see this – “NOW”

This site is great! – Easy to read – It keeps you going the ENTIRE

You want to keep reading – I couldn’t stop – I had to keep reading…[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

“The wording is perfect!”

But then again I’m a guy who likes copywriting and loves making
…If you don’t, I’m sure you’ll love this anyway.

I can’t believe no-one found this yet … not one?

If they did – they didn’t tell me … Why!

It’s GREED! Has to be…

DAMN I needed this last year – I could have had so much more by

They better NOT be gone yet – go here…

Download them – SAVE them … “I’ll explain later.”

Hurry before too many people catch on.

More to come real soon…

Nick Teetzel


and my post….

Hey Guys/Gals,

I’d like to share one of my secret resources for copywriting – “and

solid marketing strategies.”

But first, let me say there is a little self-interest itch’n the old greed

You see, most of my posts are off the cuff, while trying to give some
positive feedback on an earlier post …. but this one has been
inspired by a small bribe – however that doesn’t matter … “because
this really does come from the heart anyway.”

OK, back on track – “my not so secret” resource is Clayton

Makepeace & The Total Package.

He has a free offer for you right here

There are four free awesome reports along with a free subscription to[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

The Total Package.

His first issue has been one of my favorites as he digs into some
really cool headlines that I would recommend saving for reference …
and to help generate some killer ideas for your business.

This issue is here

If you study Clayton’s writing style I’m sure you’ll find your own writing
become much more readable … which increases your readership and
also leads to more sales.

Here’s to your success

Nick Teetzel … enjoy “and prosper”


David Markov says:

January 11, 2009 at 10:38 pm


I just uploaded my video to YouTube. You can find it at:

Thanks again for the generous contest!



Frank O'Leary says:

January 12, 2009 at 2:17 am

Hi, Clayton. Happy New Year. To Wendy, too. And all TP readers.

The following email went out to my list of friends and acquaintances,

very few of whom unfortunately are in the field of Sales / Marketing.
About 75 on the list. It’s a personal address book, not a commercial
house-list. Perhaps this time next year it’ll be 7,500 … or 75,000 !

Email Subject Line :

Confirmed : I’m NOT certifiably insane. How ’bout YOU ?

Text :[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

My friend Clayton recently offered me a bribe.

While my sanity may still (in the eyes of some of you, my friends!) be
open to question, I’m not STUPID. I told Clayton “Yes.”

It wasn’t really a bribe. More an exchange, a tit-for-tat. He offered me

gifts of considerable value in return for a small favour. No laws were
contravened. No animals were injured in the composition of this
email. (There … see? I know some of you still question my compos
mentis, and whether it’s non, or not, and here I go and give you
evidence confirming your suspicions!)

Back to our subject :

Clayton Makepeace asked me to explain to my friends why any

entrepreneur, business owner, marketing exec, copywriter or other
consultant who doesn’t read his newsletter (and website), called The
Total Package, is certifiably insane.

Now I DO read his newsletters, regularly, ergo I’m not nuts.

How ’bout YOU?

I wouldn’t go as far as Clayton (who says you’re mad not to read his
free newsletter) but you’d certainly be foolish to pass up all the
benefits he offers … at NO charge.

What benefits? Details on those in a moment.

First let me say … tit-for-tat … I’ve sometimes doubted YOUR sanity,

too! But I also know you’re not stupid. (Eccentric, maybe.) But I know
I’m not the only one who can be bribed.

And Clayton has authorized me to bribe you!

Just give his newsletter a trial, and he’ll give you four valuable reports
that’ll give you tremendous insight into how to be a master

(You can skip the rest of my blather and ramblings if you’d like, and
go now directly to
signup.html to sign up and get those reports.)

Now you might be thinking “What the Hell is Frank on about here?
I’m NOT an entrepreneur, business owner, marketing exec,
copywriter or consultant. Why should I be interested? (Leave aside
for the moment the fact that your friends or relatives might fall into
those categories above, and appreciate learning from you about this
wonderful resource.)[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

But you think YOU’RE not in sales or marketing?


Have you ever written a letter to the editor of a newspaper? To a

school principal? To the membership of your club? Of a non-profit

Have you ever been in a debate / argument with someone, where you
tried to persuade them to accept your point of view? Of course you

How did it go?

In every instance, you were SELLING … whether or not cash

changed hands (immediately, or otherwise) for some product or
perceived benefit.

So, how DID it go? Were you able to get them to come around to
your position? If not, do you know WHY they balked?

Clayton can tell you.

It’s all about the power – the skill, rather – of persuasion.

And THAT is one of the most valuable skills in the world.

And Clayton Makepeace, as one of the world’s highest paid

copywriters and marketing consultants, knows more about
PERSUASION than almost anyone alive.

You may not be a ‘copywriter,’ but you WRITE, don’t you? Reports to
managers, letters to friends, letters of complaint to manufacturers of
shoddy goods, demanding a refund.

Letters to your elected representatives, perhaps? (We should ALL

write THEM, a LOT more frequently!)

You don’t need to be directly employed in sales or marketing, or work

in an advertising agency, to benefit enormously from what Mr.
Makepeace has to offer.

The archive of articles (now over 600) at his website is freely

accessible, and is a pure goldmine.

Are they any good? Clayton didn’t become a multi-millionaire by

offering advice that doesn’t work. His clients pay him a fortune,
because he gets RESULTS for them.

What you’ll learn in just a few weeks of receiving Makepeace’s

newsletter really falls into the category of cross-over skills …[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

transferable skills … continuing education … lifelong education … of

enormous value regardless of your ‘official’ job-title and designation.

Clayton Makepeace (Google him, to confirm what I’m blathering on

about) almost makes a fetish – through ‘prospect/customer research’
– out of knowing what the other person wants.

In essence, he subscribes to the Other Golden Rule, … that you can

get all YOU want by helping others get what THEY want …

He lives by the principle that it’s better to give than to receive … and
boy, does he give, in spades. (It’s one of the best ways to build trust
… which eventually leads to sales, or if not ‘sales,’ then to getting the
other person to come ’round to your way of thinking.)

Clayton’s a giver … take him up on his offer, and see if you like it.
You can always cancel your subscription if it’s not your cup of tea,
and you’ll still have the four free reports.

And they are :

1) Why Your Advertising Never Makes Money (11 pages)

2) The Eight Components of Irresistible Offers (9 pages)
3) How to Decide Where to Advertise (9 pages)
4) How to Write Killer Ads and Compelling Sales Copy (15 pages)

That’s 44 pages of solid, concise, meat-and-potatoes expertise and

advice on how to persuade others to your point of view … and —
most importantly — get them to take the ACTIONS you want. Buy
what you’re offering. Vote the way you encourage them to. Show up
at the meeting you want max attendance for. Write their
representative supporting your argument.

Don’t be put off by the titles of the four free reports, thinking they’re
not for you, because you’re not in the specific fields of sales or
marketing. Let’s change the perspective a bit. The reports could be
re-titled :

1) Why Your Arguments / Appeals Fail to Persuade

2) Eight Hot-buttons to Push, to Persuade your Audience …
3) The Best Vehicles / Media for the Campaign You’re Launching, or
Match Your Medium to Your Message
4) 21 Tips for Crafting Your Message … No Matter Who Your
Audience, or What Your Offer / Argument

There, now. Doesn’t that serve to take these reports a little out of the
hard-core, narrowly defined ‘Sales & Marketing’ field, and give a hint
as to the more broadly-based, cross-discipline applicability of the
lessons Clayton teaches in these reports?

Why should you pay any attention — devote even 20 minutes — to[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

what this guy Makepeace has to say?

Because he’s a thinker, a doer, and has a 35-year track-record few, if

any, can equal. Makepeace is the guy they’re referring to when they
say ‘He could sell ice to Eskimos.” By his mastery of copywriting —
the power of words — he has helped his clients grow their
businesses to stratospheric heights. No-one achieves those levels of
success without being a deep and serious thinker, testing,
experimenting, discovering what truly WORKS, versus what is mere

THAT’S the difference between image/brand advertising, and direct-

response advertising, a.k.a. ‘accountable’ advertising. RESULTS.

But what Clayton has to say is applicable to almost all fields of

endeavour. Give him a test-drive, and if you disagree with me, then
the next time we meet, the beer’s on me. (That’s the best guarantee I
can offer at the moment … but as you know, with me beer is serious
business, so I don’t make the offer lightly! [And I don't endorse so-
called 'light' beer!] )


Do me a small favour, please? If you DO decide to take a look at

Clayton’s site, get the free reports, and take a trial subscription to his
newsletter … please let me know you did so? Thanks.

A reminder : the link to subscribe and get the 4 free reports is

’til next time,



Tian Yan says:

January 12, 2009 at 2:20 am

Dear Clayton,

This is Tian Yan from Malaysia again.

I sent out the following email to my

entire list and featured it on my blog

Inside, I shared a marketing lesson Drayton

Bird taught me and wrote more about using[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

The Total Package to further their copywriting/

marketing education.

It’s a long email. But that’s because I believe

my readers will get a lot of value from it.

Be Well,
- Tian Yan

In the my last email to you, I shared
with you my best, free resource to writing
copy and getting better conversions for
your websites. You also learnt how to get
more targetted traffic by incentivising
your loyal readers with your products, thus
spending pennies on the dollar of what you
would normally pay for advertising.

Today, I’ll explain the dangers of using

incentives wrongly so you know what you
are doing and why you are doing it.

But first, I want to share with you an email

sent to me by Bill…

From: Bill D.
Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 7:44 PM
subject: Re: Here’s My Secret Resource That
I’ve Been Using For A Year.

Hello Tian,

You informed me about The Total Package with

Clayton Makepeace. I went to his site and found
all the free info to be absolutely amazing !!
So I am writing you to THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!

God bless you with a joyful,peaceful and

prosperous new year !!

On the success road,

Bill D.

Bill was refering to Clayton Makepeace’s Total

Package, the website I used to write copy for over
a year. If you haven’t check it out yet, you
should![11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

The site contains more than 600++ articles and

interviews on copywriting, conversion, design,
persuasion, psychological triggers, and much more…

…all written by top-guns in the industry.

These are real experts with real experience,
not some new “Guru” whose wealth is made by
teaching others how to make money.

So click on that link above and consume all the

valuable information, it’s free.

Okay, enough of that. Let’s get back to the

topic of the day.

The big question that you might be asking is…

“What’s the danger of giving away paid products

to people for spreading your word?”

Answer: None.

… in the short term.

But in the long-run, you’ll lose responsiveness,

reduce the perceived value of your products, and
hurt your customer’s loyalty.

That’s right… you’ll hurt your customer’s LOYALTY.

Bargains like these must have an expiry date

to preserve the retail value of the product.
If you think about it, people will become numb
to promotions if they are overused.

Not only will this hurt your response, but you’ll

also cannibalize your product, making it worthless
in the eyes of customers.

After all, if people aren’t paying for your goods,

how valuable can they be? There is no other reason
to personally invest in something people can obtain
easily. On top of that, your early adopters who were
the first to pay for your products will feel cheated,
and are unlikely to support you again.

Most marketers don’t get this by the way… Giving

away products for free after charging a high price[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

for them drives customers insane. Yet, we see it all

the time on the web everyday.

Drayton Bird, one of the 50 most influential people

in direct marketing wrote an article about this.

“Don’t Confuse Bribery With Loyalty”

Drayton was writing about “Loyalty Schemes” used by

companies to fuel sales. When you bribe your customers,
your competitor’s WILL out-bribe you. You end up hurting
your margins, and repeating the fate of companies who
pioneer “Loyalty Schemes”… they go bankrupt.

Victor Ross once suggested that “Loyalty is what’s

left after you remove the bribes.”

If you heard the interview I did with Drayton, you

can tell he knows what he’s talking about, armed by
years of experience in the direct marketing industry.

I still remember one remark he made about marketers

who don’t study copywriting and direct marketing enough.

He said…

“Just as there are junk, junk food, and junk movies…

there are also junk people.”

Remember, we’re in an industry where “junkmail” is a

norm. And to be able to rise above all that, we have
to go back study the basics.

That’s why a resource like The Total Package is important

If you like to read more insights by Drayton, you can study

his articles in The Total Package. Yes, even he is one of
the contributors there.

And… if you search that site closely, you can find a rare
interview of Clayton Makepeace with Drayton Bird himself.
Two direct marketing monsters grilling each other and
revealing gems of wisdom along the way.

They aptly named the interview:

“The Drayton And Clayton Show”

Get it here…
drayton-and-clayton-show-episode-3.html[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

In the next issue… I’m revealing my year-long

commitment to copywriting and hitting the A-List
of copywriters. You’ll be able to apply the same
philosophy I use to get tremendous success in
your online marketing ventures.

It’s called “Jack Of All Trades, Master of ONE.”

Be Well,
- Tian Yan

P.S. Just yesterday, I was compiling The Gary

Halbert Letters to be binded in book for easy
reference. The Gary Halbert Letters is one of
the top 3 resource I use in copywriting… so
is The Total Package.

If you’re like me, you want to start printing

all The Total Package articles on paper, bind
the comb on the RIGHT hand side, and then read
the text out loud, and handcopy the text again
by hand.

I’ll explain why in a moment…

As I was compiling the documents into Microsoft

Word, I was shocked to find that the whole
collection has up to…

1,473 Pages!

And all those are filled with text of font size 9.

That’s a huge amount of information, especially

when it crashed Microsoft Word a few times on
my 1.6GHz laptop.

Now that worries me because The Total Package

has more than 600++ articles. With every article
averaging 5 pages of text, I have a total of
3,000++ pages to print!

Clayton wasn’t kidding when he said he will make

War And Peace look like a comic book.

I’m ramping up a pretty hefty bill from the copiers

printing and binding this baby, which means I have
to give them a whole afternoon before I can pick it up.

But if you want quality information that no other[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

site can give you… this is it. This kind of

information, when applied, can bring money to the bank.

Now, if Clayton can make his site more printer friendly

for “hardcore copywriters” like us…

P.P.S. Here’s why I’m printing everything out

and reading them aloud, if not copying the text
by hand. This is how people learn copywriting…
they model the best in the industry, everything
from the style to the choice of words.

The reason I’m binding the document on the RIGHT

hand side is because I want the blank pages to face
down at my writing hand so I can take quick notes
easily. I’m right-handed.

It sounds tedious. But if you want to really benefit

from this information without having to spend money
on the “next big money making product”, it’s worth
the effort. I’ll tell you more in my next issue.

In fact, I’m using this method of study on all top

3 copywriting resources I use.

You know what? let’s play a little game…

If you’ll go to The Total Package, explore it for
awhile, and give me your honest feedback by replying
to this email…

I’ll let you know my other copywriting resources for

free! You don’t even have to like The Total Package,
just give it a fair chance.



Phil Knaus & Alysan Delaney-Childs says:

January 12, 2009 at 3:13 am

Hi Clayton,
The video is up after some minor hiccups at YouTube.

We’re still in learning mode,and practicing as we go. T

Thanks for the help,[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Phil & Alysan


juri saragih says:

January 12, 2009 at 5:54 am

Here’s my video..

Take a look now.


Juri Saragih


jsulli72 says:
January 13, 2009 at 1:35 am


are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?!?!!!??!!

I sat here and watched and modified and watched and modified for
HOURS and was ale to produce NOTHING!!!! HOURS!!!!

I did 100M+ in business and I can’t post a goddam article in claytons


seriously, are you fucking kidding me?!? I am typing slow to not miss
anything and still here I sit!


Frank O'Leary says:

January 13, 2009 at 11:52 am

Hey, jsulli72 … no need for the profanity. You’re not the only one that
happened to.

I submitted a new post with about 30 minutes to spare before the

deadline on this contest … and it’s gone into the ether, also. No trace
of it.

If you’ve done 100M+ in business then you must be familiar enough

with technology to know that sometimes — it screws up.[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

All I Want for the Holidays … |

Perhaps scores of posters were like me – who always left his

weekend homework until the last minute Sunday night – and tried to
post in the last hour or so before the deadline.

If our posts didn’t get through it was likely a server problem. Don’t
blame Clayton. Serves us all a lesson – don’t procrastinate.


Pavel Davydov says:

January 21, 2009 at 9:48 pm

Yes, Clayton is certifiably INSANE.

The proof arrived just a few hours ago by mail — in the form of the
“How to Challenge a Strong Control…” 2CD-ROM set (value $346, I

…just for PARTICIPATING in this contest.

And I’m already diving into the 1st session.

I wander how many people just pathetically LOST — by not taking

this ride.

Thanks a lot, Clayton. For the coming few days of studying I’m one of
your most dedicated students)))


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 7:56:33 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

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A Conversation With
Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae Recent Posts
Posted on December 25, 2008 by Clayton Makepeace He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Like 2 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Part One by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Welcome, Business-Builder!

Nothing does my heart more good than to see a young copywriter

take root and blossom. And of all the copy cubs I’ve worked with
over the years, NOBODY has blossomed bigger or better than
Kent Komae has!

Kent’s hard-selling direct mail packages are legendary in the health

supplement industry. His fabled controls for Sun Chlorella, Healthy
Directions, Health Resources and many other major mailers have made Kent
one of the top two or three choices for supplement companies looking to
grow – FAST.

I first hooked up with Kent back in the 1990s – when he was an eager
younger writer, looking to make a name for himself (and, of course some truly
obscene royalties). I hired him to help me on several health promotions for a
favorite client – and on his very first draft, it was clear to me that this guy had
what it takes!

Since then, Kent has gone on to fame, fortune and a jamb-packed dance
card as one of the half-dozen or so most in-demand copywriters in the
alternative health industry. I’m proud to count him as one of my closest

A few days ago, Kent took time out of his insane schedule to talk copy with
me – here: Listen in …[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

Clayton: Hey, buddy! I’d like to begin by having you tell me a

little bit about your background growing up, and
school, and that kind of thing.

Kent: Okay. Well, let’s see. I actually grew up in a small

town called Gardena, California. I went to the public
schools there. I have two brothers, and I had a pretty
much normal, all-American childhood. (Laughing)

Clayton: What did your dad do?

Kent: He was a pharmacist. And he had his own drugstore

for 30-something years.

My mother was a homemaker. I was involved in

athletics – baseball and basketball. And had a lot of
fun as a kid, and a teen, and just, a good old normal
childhood I would say.

Clayton: When you were young, were you aware of advertising

in marketing on a level that you feel might have been
more elevated than your friends and other people?

Were there any early clues that you might end up

being one of the top copywriters in the country?

Kent: Well, I wouldn’t say so much writing. But I loved to

read. I remember when I was a kid, we had this
hallway in my house, and I would curl up by the wall
heater and read books.

To this day I love to read, and as we’ll probably talk

about later, this is one of the things that I really enjoy
about what I’m doing right now. I love reading,
researching – just digging into the details.

In fact, when I read books, I love books that have the

rich details that really paint a picture in my mind. I
read a lot of sports biographies. I like stories – one of
my favorite books is Sea Biscuit. When you read that
book, it’s a slice of life. It’s a fantastic book.

I just finished a book called The Perfect Mile, which is

about the breaking of the 4-minute mile barrier in
running. Just a great story about life in England and[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

Australia, and the United States.

I’d say the reading part of it was probably more of a

pull to me when I was younger than advertising in a
sense of knowing about advertising.

Clayton: Tell me a little bit about your education. Did you go to


Kent: Yes. I went to college and I got a BA in English. And I

actually taught English for six or seven years before I
got into advertising.

And so I've had a love for the English language, for

words, for writing. And that passion has helped me
and given me a good feeling for expressing myself.

Clayton: Where did you teach?

Kent: I taught in the public schools, at a junior high school,

high school, and adult school. I taught just about every
course related to English: From basic reading to
remedial classes, and all the way up to the gifted

Clayton: See? I've known you for years; I've never had any

Kent: (Laughing) Well, that’s why I can stand up and speak

in front of people, and give seminars and talk to
people, and I don’t have a problem with that.

Clayton: I see. That’s cool. Okay. Well, so why did you leave

Kent: Well, I was actually just thinking about career choices.

I think I was making something like $24,000 a year.
And I got to thinking about how I might earn more
money for my family.

I got a job one summer as a proofreader, an editor, in

a small direct-response agency here in Southern
California. I worked that all summer, and then was
offered a job as a copy editor, like an editor and
proofreader just working with the copy. And that was
my introduction into advertising.[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

Clayton: And then that evolved in copywriting ultimately?

Kent: Yes. I remember in the old days, typing my copy on a

typewriter, and then having this word processor word
process my copy for me. (Laughing) This goes back,
just a few years.

Clayton: When was this?

Kent: This must have been like in the late ‘80s.

Clayton: Okay, and what was your first copywriting


Kent: Wow. I can’t exactly remember it since I've done so

many pieces. I know back in those days, the one thing
I was involved a lot in, either in editing or beginning to
write copy, was newsletters. Especially at that time, I
was involved in promoting investment newsletters.

And those were the early days when the investment

newsletter market was beginning to take off, and
starting to grow into a real big industry.

I don’t specifically remember individual projects, but

working on projects for gold newsletters, mutual fund
newsletters, stock newsletters. There was a huge
demand for independent, nonbiased information in
these areas.

Clayton: What prepared you to begin writing copy? Was it just

having the experience of working with copywriters?

Kent: I think it was a combination of really working with

copywriters, studying great copy – just learning the

I also read all the classics on copywriting by the

masters The greatest thing about direct marketing is
it’s based on so many principles that still apply today –
that are still true maybe 50 years after they began to
be developed.

It’s a very exciting field because these things work

today across the board. No matter if you’re writing a
space ad, a direct mail piece, or renewal series, or[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

something on the Internet, these tried-and-true

principles still work. So when you internalize them,
they become your skills for the craft.

Writing ads is like working on a puzzle: Carefully

piecing together everything you need to piece
together. And the end result hopefully is a

So I learned by studying hot copy and reading the

masters – and then my own trial and error. There’s
really nothing better than learning from the real results
that real copy produces in the real world.

Clayton: Do you remember the first package you hit a grand-

slam homerun in the mail?

Kent: Well, one package that stands out in my mind in

particular – it must have been back in the mid ’80s
when I wrote this, or maybe in the late ’80s. It was a
package I wrote for Sun Chlorella.

It was probably the first promotion package that really

brought up the problem of toxins, and the dangers
they pose to one’s health. Sun Chlorella is a fantastic
product for detoxifying your body.

This particular piece turned out to be the biggest

winner that was ever mailed for that product.

I remember specifically the client telling me that he

had to hire six telemarketers to help handle all the
orders that promotion produced!

Clayton: That’s the best – isn’t it? How did you deal with the
disappointment early on of working hard on a
package, and then not having it work particularly well?

Kent: Wow, that’s a good question.

I remember on occasion, we would have post-mortem

meetings to try and figure out why our winners won
and why our losers lost. That process really helped
me win more consistently over the years. A lot of
writers can write singles, maybe doubles. A few hit the
occasional homerun. The key is to hone your craft
until you can hit them out of the park with some
consistency.[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

And I think this has helped me shape some of the

things that I’m seeking from the client, and of my own
research and developing the project. Do we have
everything we need to make this package as strong as
it can be? To give it a chance to be a homerun?

Sometimes this is not easy, if you don’t have the right

elements. There’s something missing from the project.
You could be lacking some proof elements. You could
be lacking a voice of authority, or maybe the offer is
not as strong as it should be. You could be lacking
something really unique about the product to really
make it stand out.

I think in some of my earlier days, I didn't push hard

enough, or ask the right questions, or nag enough to
get the information I needed.

I think about a letter that I got from a client after I

wrote a successful control piece for him for a product
he’d been struggling with. My copy was a grand-slam
and he told me that I made him do a LOT of work to
provide what I needed for the piece, but it was well
worth it in the long run. He gave me the ammunition I
needed to write a winning control piece.

Clayton: I’m constantly amazed about the broad range of

personalities among writers who have hit the big time.

On the one hand you have writers like Jim Rutz –

brilliant, unfettered and extremely creative.

I've worked with you on quite a few projects, and I

would put you at the other end of the scale. You’re
very meticulous. And in being meticulous, you’re one
of the few writers who tends to include pretty much
every possible selling element in every package that
you do. Do you work from a checklist, or is this all
internalized at this point?

Kent: I think research is the key. I do extensive research

before I write one word. I might do 50, 60, 70 pages of
notes. Competitive packages. Former packages that
the client has mailed. Interviews with the doctor or the
investment guru or the expert. Research on my own
out of books. Off the Internet. Getting as much
information as I can.

I love this part of it almost as much as I love the actual

writing. I’m looking for what I call the “WOW” factors.[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

And in my notes I write “WOW” next to points that

jump out at me. I also write “Big Idea” when I find
something that could be a theme, headline or USP.

After I do the research, I work on extensive outlines. I

probably write more detailed outlines than most

My outlines are usually eight or nine pages. I identify

the objectives of the piece. I want to make sure I’m
clear, what exactly does the client want to do here? Is
he seeking the highest percentage response? Is he
seeking the highest average order? Is he seeking the
best qualified leads for his project?

You can’t assume that everybody is seeking the same

thing. It depends on what the product is. What the
price is. What the audience is.

Next on the outline, I focus on the audience. I think it’s

critical that I know exactly who I’m writing to. And this
is a challenge because the audience might be a
different audience per project.

And even if I’m writing to the same people, they are a

moving target. By that I mean where they were
mentally and emotionally two years ago or last year
compared to where they are now. You have to
understand where your audience is. If it’s an investor,
he’s changed in his mentality since a year ago. If it’s a
nutritional buyer, a vitamin buyer, he knows a lot more
than he did two years ago.

Clayton: How do you do that? Do you get data cards? Do you

find out what lists they’re going to be mailing to?

Kent: One, I read testimonials. This is a valuable, valuable

way to understand the biggest pains, the biggest
needs, of the buyers. What are they thinking? Why did
they buy the product? Why do they like it?

I think doing surveys is fantastic. In fact, one of the

things now I’m doing is email surveys to current
buyers of products.

Let’s say I’m writing for a project where there already

are customers online, or they have email addresses.
I’m writing a couple of surveys right now to try to see if
I can gain some new insights into customers’
frustrations, worries, problems, and pain.[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

Why did they buy my client’s product? How is it

helping them?

Another idea is to sit in on focus groups. It’s an

excellent way to hear what they have to say.

If I may talk about the audience here, one of the keys

to writing successful homerun-hitting packages is you
want to enter the conversation the client is already
having with himself.

By that, I mean it’s very difficult to be a missionary, to

try to convert somebody to something that maybe they
don’t believe in or haven't heard about, or know
nothing about.

If you can enter the conversation your client is already

having with himself, you’ve got a big jump on reaching
the audience. Because you’re connecting with him
where he’s at.

For example, if it happens to be a health product, and

you can connect with the pains the person is having
on an everyday basis, frustrations he’s having, then
you have a very good chance of winning. If you write
to a prospect with a health product and he or she
doesn’t have any of these problems, you’re not going
to reach this person.

A particular example comes to mind: In 1999, I wrote

a package for Coenzyme Q, a product called Q-Gel:
An advanced scientific formula that was more bio-
available than Co-Q-10 in tablet or dry capsule form.

I tell people that if I had written that package five years

earlier, it probably wouldn’t have worked because
most people in 1995 did not know about Co-Q-10, or
it wasn’t that well known. But since then, more and
more vitamin takers had been reading a lot about Co-
Q-10 in health newsletters and magazines. So they
were aware that this is a very, very vital nutrient you
need to add to your vitamin supply for your heart, for
your energy, or your immunity.

So I wasn’t just selling the benefits of the nutrient – I

was selling a solution to the problem of bio-availability
– a solution that made the nutrient more effective.

Clayton: I've found that myself. You really do want to enter a[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

conversation that the prospect’s already having with


I've seen so many instances over the years where, for

example, an investment advisor spots something
scary that’s about to happen in the economy or the
markets. But a promotional package about that future
event fails because it presents the prospect with a
problem he didn't know he had.

I quite often tell clients, “Imagine that you just had a

hard day at work. You’ve been dealing with problems
all day long. You go home, you check your mailbox –
and here’s some guy trying to give you a NEW
problem you didn't know you had.

Do that, and your promotion will probably go straight

into the nearest trash can.

Kent: That’s a good example. And here’s another thing: If

you can tell the prospect something he thinks he
already knows – but you give it an intriguing little twist
– you’re miles ahead of the game.

And of course, if you tell him something he’s already

suspecting in his mind, then you confirm that, you’re in

Let me give you another example about this on a

successful piece that I wrote for the Bob Livingston

It was a challenge: A newsletter that covers both

health and wealth. How do you promote something
that unfocused?

Well, the main theme behind this piece was telling the
other side of the story. A story you’re not hearing from
the rich drug companies or big government, or the rich
people who are running everything.

So the promotion wasn’t about money or nutrition – it

was about getting the truth that the fat cats are trying
to hide from you.

I think for the first headline that I wrote for that piece
was something like “44% of all coronary bypass
surgeries are unnecessary and useless.” And it got
people thinking about this whole idea that, maybe I
shouldn’t be going under the knife as soon as I am. Or[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

maybe I should get a second opinion. And so I had a

fantastic tie-in in this particular promotion about a
natural bypass.

I also think you want to help prospects by giving them

information of value. That way, you're really not selling
them directly.

As Gary Bencivenga says, “The best kind of selling is

no selling at all.” And that really is a mantra that I like
to use and keep in my mind.

My job is to do the research, connect with the

prospect and give him or her some valuable, valuable
information. If I do that, they’re going to read my sales
message and as they do, they’re going to begin
nodding their heads – thinking, “Yeah, this is what I
thought. Yes. I understand what you’re saying here.
Oh, no wonder. Now I get it!”

Clayton: Gary and I were talking about just this the other day.
When you provide valuable information and confirm a
belief that the prospect already has, it transforms you
from being a sales person to being an ally.

Kent: That’s critical. Everything that I do is “informational

marketing.” And by that I mean putting in value –
added information that can help people with their

Whenever I write a piece, it’s always filled with

information, with news, with some breakthrough, with
something that’s going to help them.

I think that’s critical. It’s been a BIG key to my


Watch for Part Two next week!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← All I Want for the Holidays … A Conversation with

Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae
Part Two →

9 Responses to A Conversation With

Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae

Susan Greene says:

December 25, 2008 at 10:33 am

What stands out in Kent’s description of how he works is his

emphasis on research. He creates his write-ups by using facts, not
fluff. To keep the reader engaged, he provides meaningful
information in an interesting way. Sounds like the definition of
copywriting to me. No wonder he’s so succesful.

Thanks for sharing this interview. Good stuff!


Marcelino Latorre says:

December 25, 2008 at 10:36 am

Thanks for the coool interview Clayton, your the best!


Beth Gott says:

December 25, 2008 at 11:55 am

Hey Clayton,
Thanks for putting the interview in writing.
As a new business owner on the internet I am
trying to figure out how to attract customers,
I carry over 3200 items in my catalog, with
so many different items it is hard for me
to put together an ad that is short on words
but long on attraction from my customer’s[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

viewpoint. Can you give me a clue as to how to

start? How do I start researching this? These
are not information products. I carry some
beautiful tables, lamps, figurines, plaques,
also dishware, candles, novelty items as well.
The list goes on and on, trying to figure out
the right keywords is a challenge. Okay, I get
a bit longwinded, sorry, but I’m in need of
a little help here, oh and no money to work
with isn’t fun either but I have to make this
work somehow. All the stuff I get on internet
marketing is geared toward informational products
and that doesn’t help me, I need ideas on
how to market hard goods. Can you point me in
the right direction ? Please. Thanks for your
time in reading this. Beth Gott


Susan Connors says:

December 25, 2008 at 1:28 pm

H Clayton – thanks for the wonderful article and interview – inpsiring!

As to Beth above, with marketing, the basic concepts can be applied

to hard goods through to information products.

I know it can be challenging when you start something new.

I had a look at your website and have left a message on your contact
us page.

All the best for the new year,

Sue in Aus


Chu D. Obii says:

December 25, 2008 at 2:06 pm

Very insightful interview Clayton,would be extremely helpful to me

over this holiday period, as i write my first full direct mail package…
thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you and Wendy and your entire

Reply[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

Swans Paul says:

December 25, 2008 at 5:26 pm

Dear Gott:

I know you’re seeking Clayton Makepeace’s advice.

I am a totally unknown copywriter/marketer.

But I am working with a few clients and I am helping them make


So I think my experience qualifies me to give you some advice.

Here are my recommendations.

1-Go through your sales figures and try to find the product (s) that
sell(s) the most. I went through your website at: and I saw a few statues
that I could buy. Some of them were funny. Specially the Frogs.

2-Now once you know which products are the biggest sellers, I’d go
back to the buyers of these and try to get to know why they bought
this specific product. Write the a letter to the buyers to get feedback
like :Why they bought this one? What their friends and family say
about their purchase? This way, you get to know what the market is
the most willing to buy. And you also the “Benefit” that the market
gets out of the winning products.

3-I’d look to online to see who are my competitors and how they’re
selling similar products. I would spend time on their websites and see
how they’re trying to sell their products. This way, it will be easier for
you to differentiate your product based on what your prospects
already know and what they really want.

4-This may be the most important part of my recommendations:

Either you or a good copywriter will write copy that sells the specific
winning items. I’d drive Google traffic by buying keywords on Google.
I’d also build specific webpages for the specific products. If your
research shows that the Frogs are the Hot Items, then I’d buy a
domain name like “BayouFrogsGifts.Com” and build one sales letter
to sell the specific frogs.

I am sure that Clayton Makepeace has even better ideas to help you
with this, but as someone who’s benefited from Clayton’s teaching, I
wanted to give back.

Hope that helps.

Swans G Paul[11/29/2012 7:56:49 PM]

A Conversation With Million-Dollar CopywriterKent Komae |

America’s First French-Speaking Copywriter


Marcus Johnson says:

December 30, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Great story thanks for sharing this one! This one story could help me
to be very successful some day identifying the needs, giving a
solution for customers, and entering the conversation your client is
already having with himself, I would get a big jump on reaching the
audience, and connecting with him.

Marcus Johnson


Pingback: Day 4 - Finding Good Products To Sell

försäkringsförmedling says:
November 18, 2011 at 9:39 pm

Just desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clearness in your

put up is just cool and that i can think you are a professional in this
subject. Well together with your permission allow me to grab your
feed to stay updated with approaching post. Thanks 1,000,000 and
please keep up the enjoyable work.


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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Posted on January 1, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
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Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Welcome, Business-Builder! Do You Believe?

Last week we spent some time with my good buddy, and

copywriter extraordinaire – Kent Komae.

And without further fanfare, let’s go ahead and jump right in …

Clayton: You’re talking about the “advertorial” approach:

Bribing prospects to read your promotion – and it
works great.

And it’s not just for information marketers. Throughout

the years, great advertorials have been used to sell
everything from lawn tillers to diet plans. Bringing
value to someone’s life in your promotion by giving
them information they can use is a great device, even
if you’re selling a three-dimensional product.

I want to talk a little bit more about your preparation for

a project. You talked about how you connect with your
audience. How you find out what they’re thinking. And
I think your approach in terms of using testimonials as
a resource, as a way to get clues, is a great one. I
never really thought about it that way. I've always
done more mechanical things like checking data
cards, and things like that.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

You’ve also talked about the time that you spend in

research and how you do extensive outlines of the

How do you select your main themes?

Kent: That’s really a good question. Because that leads me

to the next point in my outline. Picking the big theme,
obviously is a million-dollar question.

What I typically do is go through my notes, and as I

mentioned earlier – I write “big idea” or “main idea” or
a “wow idea” in my notes.

Then, I go through my notes, trying to pick out some

theme I think is going to carry the piece, or could be a
foundation or framework for the whole piece.

This is probably the most challenging, toughest thing

that I do as a writer. How do you come up with a new
theme? Believe me, it’s not easy. You have to do a lot
of sweating.

I might typically write six, or seven, or eight, or nine,

ten big ideas. And try to whittle them down to one or
two. This is even before I write a word of the actual
copy. I’m still working on main themes and ideas, so
this is part of my outline.

Often I’ll boil it down to three or four big ideas, send

those to the client, and we will talk about those. But I
try to write maybe a rough headline or a big idea,
thought, and as you know, Clayton, this is one of the
toughest things to do.

Clayton: A lot of the other things that are involved in writing a

package are fairly easy to do: Making sure that you
have adequate credibility elements … making sure
that you’re speaking to the prospect about things that
he already believes or agrees with … having
“readership sells” on the outside … dimensionalizing
the offer, the premiums, and so forth.

All of those are almost mechanical. The one wild card

in everything that we do is that major theme. Because
there’s no way to know in advance how well any
particular theme will resonate with the market.

Kent: Let me give you a couple of examples if I may.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

Going back to the piece I talked earlier about,

CoEnzyme Q-10. The headline for that particular
piece, which was a big, big, big super winner was “The
surprising truth about CoEnzyme Q-10.” And
the “truth” was that most of the CoEnzyme Q-10 you
take in capsule or dry form is useless or is a big
waste, and you really need to know why and the new
solution for that.

Another piece I’d like to talk briefly about is one that I

wrote for Joint Advantage in early 2000 – one of the
most mailed promotions in the history of the health
supplement industry.

The subhead and headline were “Beyond glucosamine

and chondroitin, the next breakthrough for joint

We found in the research that glucosamine – probably

one of the best-known cutting edge joint nutrients –
didn’t work for about 50% of the people who tried it.
So we offered a solution for that problem for the

“Beyond glucosamine and chondroitin …” really was a

great theme because we were offering readers
something better than the best natural joint remedy on
the market: The next advancement … the new thing.

That message resonated extremely well with the

audience – and if I may say, really launched the
specialty supplement market.

Clayton: I remember that piece. I liked it on a couple of levels. I

liked the lead because you were going to a very
mature market. This is another example of a package
that would have probably bombed if you’d mailed it ten
years earlier. But you timed the market just exactly

You were mailing into a mature, increasingly skeptical

marketplace filled with people who had tried a lot of
things that hadn’t worked over the years. I can see
that kind of lead working for just about any supplement
product that people hadn’t seen before. Like: “Beyond
saw palmetto for prostate problems …”

I often talk about how both Carline Anglade-Cole and

Arthur Johnson have harnessed the growing[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

skepticism in the vitamin marketplace with their

skeptical themes, headlines and leads. Carline’s “Why
lutein and bilberry don’t work for eyesight. And Arthur
Johnson, of course, has his classic lead for Dr.
Douglas where he asks, “Have you had enough of
eating food that you hate? And depriving yourself and
still getting sick. And choking down fistfuls of vitamins
and still getting sick.

All three of you found ways to really break through

that skepticism and reinvigorate a maturing market.

What else do you look for when selecting a main


Kent: Well, you want to have some controversy sometimes. I

think that you want to have some conflict. Something
that flies in the face of what people are reading or

One of the challenges these days is there’s so much

more competition now than maybe there was some
years ago. You have to set yourself apart with
something that really gets people’s attention.

I’m thinking about a theme that I wrote on for a Sun

Chlorella piece that was very, very successful. The
headline was “Doctor’s Shock.”

In the lead, I talked about how this doctor was

shocked to find out that he wasn’t getting all the
nutrients he needed from vitamins, minerals, or herbs.
That he was missing something critical.

Of course, the answer inside the piece was Sun

Chlorella, which is beyond vitamins, minerals, and
herbs – a whole food supplement that brings you a
tremendous array of nutrients that you can’t get from
just any vitamin, mineral, or herb, or anything

“Doctor’s Shock” really got people’s attention. Here’s a

doctor, authority, a guru, saying, “You know what? I’m
missing something. I was missing something in my
vitamin regime that I needed. I needed this.” That
surprised people.

I think, headlines that start off with “The Case Against

(fill in the blank)” can be very powerful and attention-
getting.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

If you take on something that people think is right or

perfect or the best, and you knock it down a little bit
and give them some surprising information, it can
differentiate your product or service in a powerful way.

Clayton: That’s great. I like that a lot. I think there are a lot of
people that shy away from that because it is
controversial. But that’s what it takes to get read

Kent: Exactly.

Clayton: What do you enjoy most about writing, Kent?

Kent: Helping people. I’ve never told you this, but before I
got into direct marketing of newsletters, books and
supplements, I had ambitions to get into fund-raising

I have written packages for fund-raising organizations

– for humanitarian causes. It’s a great joy.

I try to do some of this now, even today. I just wrote a

letter for an organization called Free Wheelchair
Mission. They have designed a cheap wheelchair – it
costs just $41 – and they deliver them to needy people
with mobility problems. I just wrote a letter to help
them raise some funds. If I can help people, or help
organizations with my writing, that’s a great blessing to

Clayton: That’s great. You know, it’s good to be reminded that

there’s more than one kind of compensation in life.
And to be able to use your writing for a good cause is
fantastic. I’ve done the same kind of thing – mostly for
political organizations I’m sympathetic with.

How did copywriting change your life, Kent? You left

the agency for some reason.

Kent: Copywriting has given me a fantastic career which I

love, and I try to tell my own kids or young people,
what you really want to find is something that you have
a passion about. Then you don’t really feel like you're
going to work.

It wasn’t like I hated teaching. But what I really enjoy[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

now is coming down to my office, doing research,

thinking about the challenge of trying to put together a
promotion or a campaign to help the client to present
the product in the best way.

And of course, direct marketing is – let’s put it this

way: You can’t hide behind anything. It’s like being a
professional athlete. Everybody can look in the paper
and see your batting average, or your scoring
average, and how many turnovers or assists you

You do a direct marketing project, 30 days later you

get an e-mail with the initial responses. Can’t hide
behind anything. And in one sense that’s good.
Because you know exactly how the piece did.

Clayton: As you’re writing, are there thoughts or mental images

that you hold in your mind, as you’re actually doing the

In other words, one thing that I constantly kind of hold

in my mind, and I didn't teach myself to do this, it just
kind of happened naturally, but as I’m creating a
package, I’m constantly thinking about how the client
is going to react when he sees this incredible first-draft
copy. Are there images like that that you hold in your

Kent: I’m not sure that there’s anything quite like that. I think
the key here is thinking about the benefit of the

If you have a full understanding of the benefits of the

product or service, it helps you connect with the

At the same time, though, I try to avoid falling too

much in love with the product I’m selling. I could get
so excited about all the technical details of the product
and how it’s so cool – that sometimes I can forget the
end benefits to the reader.

I try to write benefits in two columns after I do all my

research. I have a list of logistical benefits, and then I
have a list of emotional benefits. Essentially, logic and

I have to confess that I’m very strong in writing the

logistical benefits. This is something that I was trained[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

to do in reason-why advertising.

Where I have to work harder on is the emotional

benefits: Define how each benefit makes the prospect

I wrote a project, a successful launch, for a probiotic

supplement. Some logistical, logical benefits would be
that it protects your GI tract and bowels from harmful
and unhealthy bacteria. It coats your intestinal wall
with good bacteria. Et cetera, et cetera. I’m good at
writing all those.

Now what are the emotional benefits? Here we go: No

more embarrassment or inconvenience of gas,
constipation, unpredictable bathroom stops. No more
cramping, bloating, or indigestion. Indulge without
paying the price. Eat all the foods you love. Maintain
freedom and independence. Feel more energetic,
alive. Live without worry or embarrassment. Travel,
dance, cook, enjoy life without worry.

This has forced me, in a very good way, to try to get

both sides of the coin. And what I’m finding now,
Clayton, in writing successful pieces, is I need to have
a good balance of these things to draw people in.

I’m not just hitting the logical benefits, but I’m hitting
the emotional benefits as well. I think that’s very
important. Here’s why: People buy based on emotions.
People justify their buying with logic.

Clayton: On the emotional side, too, it’s a challenge because

there are several layers to it.

Let’s take arthritis for example …

First, there are all kinds of emotions wrapped up in

fear of developing the disease.

If you have it, there are emotions wrapped up in your

experience with arthritis. You have frustrations that
you’re not able to do the things you want to do. You
have guilt that you’re not able to do the things for other
people or with other people that you care about. And
of course, there are many other emotions you can
identify that are wrapped up in actually having the

And there are also emotions tied to the prospect of[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

relief: How it would feel to suddenly be freed from this

pain and stiffness and all the negative emotions I have
about having arthritis.

And when you begin thinking about that, a product

that has eight or ten major logical benefits could spin
off forty or fifty emotional benefits.

Kent: I think that’s a very good point. I do struggle when

trying to use anger in my copy – whether it’s anger at
the big government or, if it’s a health package, anger
at big drug companies. To bring that into the piece is a

And you’re right. Not only do I have to try to get into

the shoes of the prospect as a writer. I have to also
get into the shoes and the voice of the piece, too.

See, we are ghostwriters for the publisher, or the

doctor, or the – whoever we’re the voice of. And I think
to be able to feel that emotion that that person feels is
so critical, and this is really the craft of writing. Being
able to almost be there when you see the scene.

Before I wrote the letter I mentioned earlier for the

Free Wheelchair Mission, I heard the story of when
they showed up in a shantytown in Peru with 100 free
wheelchairs. 6,000 people had dragged themselves
through the dirt in the hope of getting one of the 100
wheelchairs the mission had brought.

What’s it like to be that euphoric because you're going

to help 100 people – but have to turn away 5,900?
What does that do to your heart? How do you infuse
that into your copy as to say we need your help?

Clayton: So true. I told a writer the other day, because we were

writing something on COX-2 inhibitors, and I said what
you have to do is just sit in a darkened room and slip
into character. You have to imagine that your sweet,
sainted mother has just had a fatal heart attack taking
a drug that the company knew caused heart attacks.
But they sold it anyway, just to make a fast buck.

Now go into a room, and put yourself into that position.

See yourself getting the phone call. See yourself
rushing to the hospital late at night only to get the bad
news. See yourself consoling your children. See
yourself going to the funeral. See yourself consoling
your father. See yourself dealing with the grief[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |


And all the time realizing that the men who marketed
that drug, and urged doctors to prescribe it, were
hiding the fact that they had a study proving that the
thing quadrupled your mother’s risk of a heart attack.
While you grieve, they’re laughing all the way to the

And once you’re fully in touch with those emotions and

you feel like you've personally experienced this, then
go to your computer and sit down and just let it flow.

Kent: That’s very good. I think I’d like to use this definition by
Larry Johnson who’s a fund-raising consultant. And
here’s what he says. A good direct mail writer needs
the sensitivities of a poet, and the instincts of an

I love that. Because that gets back to my love for

writing and words. You have to understand how to put
words together in a way that the copy just flows. You
get them on that slippery slope, where they just keep
reading one nugget after another. They’re just on the
big slide going down. They can’t stop reading.

And yet, you have to weave in the power of words.

And the beauty of the language. Yet you have to be
an assassin. You have to know your goal, your
objectives, and really make that sale. And get them to
not only say yes, but answer the question, why now?
And get them to buy right now.

Clayton: That’s great. It’s just a challenge all the way around
isn’t it?

Kent: Yeah. (Laughing) It’s also a challenge to try to beat

your own control packages. You know about that.

Clayton: Yep. (Laughing)

Kent: Oh, wait a second. I thought I gave you my best ideas.

No, you need some more. Okay, let me see what I can

Clayton: (Laughing)

Kent: I think another thing that really helped me – especially

when I went to the Bencivenga seminar – is how
critical it is to have those proof elements.

I love the example he gave of the founder of the[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

Franklin Mint who went looking not for great products,

but for great proof elements. And I think that this has
helped me because it’s helped me push my clients to
say you’ve got to give me the proof I need to make the
claims we need to make to make this a winner.

More and more, advertising is going to be successful if

it’s going to be based on proof elements. And this is so
critical. Especially in writing nutritional sales copy. It
can’t just be a doctor saying it. Give me the proof. Give
me the background. Scientific reports. Clinical studies.
Double-blind, placebo controlled clinical studies. Tell
me what the proof shows. It really helps shape and
make the sale.

Clayton: Absolutely. And the more specific the better.

Kent: Right. That’s so true.

Clayton: Especially in the health market when you’re presenting

proof, you have a three-layer thing going on.

The first one is, there was a double-blind placebo

controlled study on this. The second layer is the
credibility of the institution that conducted the study.
Was it Harvard University? And the third layer is,
where were the study results published? Was it in
JAMA or the New England Journal of Medicine?

When you can tell somebody that a double-blind

placebo controlled study conducted at Harvard and
reported in the New England Journal of Medicine said
that the substance in your product cut risk of heart
attacks by 50%, you’ve done a lot more than simply
create credibility. You’ve just created a tacit
endorsement of your company and your product by
Harvard and the New England Journal of Medicine!

And I also like to show photographs of the actual

publications. Because it takes it out of the realm of just
black ink on white paper, and just somehow makes it
more real when I can see the actual journal in which
the report was published. Or show a picture of the
National Institute of Health or Harvard University, or
some other prestigious university or medical center.

Kent: I've done that. I've shown some magazine covers

where there’s great quotes about the product or the
generic product as necessary, if you don’t have it
specific. But that’s also a good credibility-builder.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

Clayton: I think the use of credibility devices is one of the most

often ignored components of direct mail packages and
Internet promotions I see now.

In skeptical, mature markets like these, going the extra

mile like you do, and drilling down to the real credibility
elements is absolutely essential.

Let me ask you, Kent, what could your clients do to

help you produce better copy faster?

Kent: It’s interesting you ask that. I've worked for some of
the biggest companies in America, direct marketers,
and sometimes they send me a whole notebook of
great background information. But others hardly send
anything at all.

I think the key is providing me with quality information

and research, where I’m not going to sit there and
have to dig through and find it. I don’t mind going
through it, but it takes a lot of time just for me to do
what I do.

I even have some of my clients doing their own clinical

studies to try to show that their products are so much
better. It’s not cheap or easy to do, but it produces
proof elements that make the copy sing!

I think that providing me with some testing

opportunities is important, too. I appreciate clients who
are open to testing.

And another area, that I think is very underutilized, has

to do with offers. I think that if clients are open to my
suggestions in offers, and if we think outside the box,
we can create some really big winners.

But sometimes I hear things like, “The offer’s already

set.” Or, “This is how we’ve always done it, and this is
all our budget allows us to do.” The best kind of clients
are open-minded and want to test.

Clayton, one of the things that I like to think about is

what I call the four greats. When I decide to take on a
new client, I try to think about if these four things
match up, because there’s a good chance we’re going
to get a winner.

First of all, the client has to be great. I think it’s very[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

important that I work with people who I can trust. Who

I can believe their word. Who are good people. Who
have a solid company.

Beyond that, the clients I want have great products.

It’s very hard to sell generic stuff that you can buy at
any corner store. Third, you need great copy — which
is what I bring to the table.

And fourth, I want clients who are willing to

“incentivize” me with a great compensation package.
They have to be willing to compensate me as a
salesman in print or on the Internet. If I’m going to
bring them an extra million dollars in sales, they can’t
be afraid to pay me a small percentage of that.

If those four great things line up, chances are good –

chances are great. We can have a winner.

Clayton: I think that’s fantastic advice. What are the things that
a client does that really get in the way of producing a
great copy for them?

Kent: Wow. That’s a very good question. I’ll give you a

specific example, which is a challenge right now. And
that is I do a lot of supplement marketing, nutritional
marketing, as you know. Between ten years ago and
now, there’s much more legal scrutiny in this area.
And this is why obviously some writers don’t want to
write for these promotions.

I have to write a piece and depending on where the

client’s at, I may have to adjust, tone down, a piece,
depending on the legal risk or where the client is on
the legal scale. This is challenging because different
clients are on different levels, and let’s face it – it does
factor into how aggressive you can be in the copy.

I always tell my clients, I don’t want to do anything that

gets them in trouble, and I think this is why they hire
me. Where I tell them I want to write a piece where
they can sleep well at night and not worry about being
in trouble.

I've had lots of battles with lawyers – not necessarily

directly, but through the clients – where I've got to
tone down the copy, and it’s frustrating at times.
Because a lot of great ideas end up on the cutting
room floor.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

Obviously, if I’m writing a promotion for a book or a

newsletter, or some other product that’s not a nutrient,
I have more freedom. And I don’t have to worry about

Clayton: All right. Well, we need to wrap up here. Is there

anything else you’d like to cover before we close?

Kent: No, I think that’s it. I just want to say that this is a
fantastic field, and business, and market, and I love it.
And it’s just something that’s a joy and a challenge
and great.

Clayton: Thank you very much, Kent. Take care, buddy.

Kent: You’re welcome, Clayton. Bye.

See you next time!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← A Conversation With Dear Mr. President-Elect … →

Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae

4 Responses to A Conversation with

Million-Dollar Copywriter
Kent Komae
Part Two[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

Marcelino Latorre says:

January 1, 2009 at 11:45 am

Wow this was nice..

Growing up around family members that were visually impaired made

helping others second nature.

The best thing about copy-writing to me is that we actually get paid

for it!

Marcelino Latorre


John says:
January 1, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Thanks Kent,

Recently, I was jerked out of my zombie trance while watching an old

episode of Seinfeld. An ad popped on the screen for the supplement
That ad got my attention because, as a marketer, I am fascinated by
this product. It has massive success yet fails on many marketing
levels. The profit margins, for example, are too low. The name is
vague. I remember when I first saw Airborne, I said to myself… what
the f**k is that?
Would anyone who writes for The Total Package please write on the
success of this supplement and supplement marketing and
copywriting in a future issue?
Many of us want to know more. . .
With dietary supplements, think about the force of good marketing
and copy applied to your own supplement. It’s quite easy these days
to put out your own supplement with a private label and your own
blend of ingredients. Many marketers don’t know this.
2009-another year to improve our skills!

I wonder what Clayton is dreaming up for us this year!



Julius James says:

January 2, 2009 at 2:47 am

Coming from a science background, I love the fact that both Mr.
Makepeace and Mr. Komae opt to use the top journal articles, top
studies and top institutions as proof.[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |


You know a lot of people say that you don’t need to have been an A
English student to be a good copywriter. I noticed however, that both
copywriters mentioned above write the same way my English
teachers in high school use to tell me to write.

Provide a proponderance of proof, be clear, be concise, make your

piece flow.

These guys would have definitely gotten an A on their papers at my

high school writing this way.

I suppose one difference between copywriting and academic writing

is that you can use cliches and you can have more fun. Another is
that we focus on the way the reader thinks and we anticipate how
they will react to our words, whereas in academic writing this is not
so critical.

But even the element of persuasion is the same in both styles of



Raymond Merz says:

January 7, 2009 at 12:11 pm


I hope this helps you (and anyone else trying to transition from
academia to sales writing) :

In academic writing, you are trying to prove something, often just to

prove it.

In sales writing, you are trying to coax an action. To do so, you

sometimes need to prove things. So point at the academics, then
move on.

When writing to make a sale, never try to prove your prospect wrong
and prove yourself right. Instead, meld what you need them to believe
into what they already think.

Academics sometimes forget you cannot strong-arm someone into

*believing* you.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

A Conversation with Million-Dollar Copywriter Kent Komae Part Two |

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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:04:02 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

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Part Two Subscribe to RSS

Dear Mr. President-Elect …

Posted on January 19, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
(An open letter to Barack Obama) Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Mr. President-Elect,
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
For anyone who cares about racial equality, these are clearly the best of Do You Believe?

times; a time to celebrate how far we’ve come as a nation.

Today, we honor a man who, in my book, was one of the two greatest
Americans of the 20th Century: Dr. Martin Luther King.

And tomorrow, we will celebrate your inauguration as the first African-

American president in U.S. history … the most powerful man in America …
and by extension, the most powerful man in the entire world.

When you, Michelle, Malia and Sasha move into the White House this week,
you will be living a home that was built by slaves and in which slaves served
for 60 years after its completion.

I must admit: The socially liberal half of my libertarian heart is already

throwing confetti.

To me, this historic event is a testament to the miracle of America and to the
goodness of our generation. It speaks volumes about our obsession with
searching our national soul … with doing what we can to right history’s
wrongs … and with becoming increasingly just.

Being older than dirt, I grew up in a segregated America. I actually remember

my dad insisting I use “Whites-Only” drinking fountains and restrooms when I
was a kid in Minneapolis in the ‘50s and also a teen in Tulsa in the ‘60s.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Later, as I began thinking for myself, I remember being blown away by the
patriotism of generations of black Americans who were denied so many
blessings of liberty here at home — and yet had never hesitated to give their
lives for their country in every war beginning with The American Revolution.

I can’t help but believe that those good men and women will be celebrating in
the heavenly grandstands tomorrow.

And I’d also be willing to bet that many of our founding fathers – many of
whom considered human bondage a great evil but failed to muster the
political courage and resources to oppose slavery and the British
simultaneously — will join the celebration.

Is Mr. Lincoln, The Great Emancipator, flush with pride? Are FDR and
Eleanor applauding? Are Jack, Bobby and LBJ choking back tears? Is Dr.
King spiking the ball in the end zone and giving high-fives all-round?

I’ll bet you a year’s pay they are!

I also wonder how the handful of black radicals, hate-mongers and racists
who get attention, build constituencies and make a living demonizing “Whitey”
– are feeling right now.

How are they rationalizing the fact that the majority of “white devils” happily,
even enthusiastically contributed to and voted for a black candidate?

How can they possibly continue to blame the black community’s ills on White
America when your election proves conclusively that in America, any child –
including any black child — can succeed wildly; even become president?

I can only imagine their bewilderment as they contemplate the official launch
of post-racial America – and as they confront the horrifying prospect of
maybe having to get a real job.

And of course, I’m taking an equal amount of satisfaction knowing that white
supremacist pinheads everywhere are agonizing over this turn of events.

So congrats, prez-elect Obama, for shaking things up! I’ll be thankful that I
lived to see a black man in the White House for the rest of my life.

The fiscally conservative half

of my libertarian heart
is surprisingly pleased, too …
I can’t imagine being more pleased with some of the people you’re bringing
with you to Washington.

You’ve appointed Paul Volcker — Ronald Reagan’s legendary Fed Chief; the[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

man credited with slaying the fearsome inflation dragon of the 70s and early
80s — to head your White House Office of Economic Recovery.

And, you appointed Tim Geithner — George Bush’s chief of the New York
Fed and former associate of Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State, Henry
Kissinger — as your new Treasury Secretary.

And then, just for good measure  …

You appointed Robert Gates — George Bush’s hawkish Secretary of

Defense – to stay on the job as your Secretary of Defense …

You appointed Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano – one of the most

fiercely conservative opponents of illegal immigration in the nation – as
your chief of Homeland Security …

You appointed Hillary – the woman you pilloried for her votes supporting
the invasion of Iraq – as chief architect of your foreign policy in her new
role as Secretary of State, and …

You appointed Leon Panetta as CIA chief – a glaringly obvious, “political

payback” pick due to the man’s abject lack of intelligence experience.
But by doing so, you gave Senator Diane Feinstein an ulcer and that
makes you a great guy in my book!

Not only that; you’re now promising to do things that the hapless Bush II
never did.

Like eliminating earmarks, attacking government waste and cutting spending

on all the useless pork barrel crap that Congress is famous for.

My question is, WHY do you suddenly sound so much more like Ronald
Reagan Republican than Bush or McCain ever did?

Why didn’t you install left-wing doves at the Pentagon and at State? Why
didn’t you appoint left-leaning, collectivist functionaries at Treasury and the

And why, instead of bringing “change” to Washington have you appointed so

many Reagan, Clinton and Bush retreads to your new administration?

Can I take a guess?

I think it’s because you’re smart. You’ve read your history books. You’ve
surrounded yourself with some of the best economic minds on the planet.

You know that, while left-wing populist rhetoric will surely get you votes,
actually implementing many of those policies would be so disastrous as to
render you a one-term president.

I can’t believe it. I’ve been had! I actually bought your campaign rhetoric.
Silly me — at my age, after witnessing some 48 years of presidential[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

campaigns, I should have known better.

Heck: If I’d had any idea that you’d turn out to be this conservative on fiscal
and defense matters, I might even have voted for you. In fact, if you keep this
up, I actually may, next time around!

I can only imagine how left-wing supporters who also bought your campaign
rap feel right now. Instead of the leftist ideologue they expected, they got,
(thank GOD!) a pragmatist: A leader who’s clearly more interested in actual
results than in left-wing political orthodoxy.

I can’t help smiling to myself; reveling in their disillusionment and rage. No

wonder conservatives and neo-cons everywhere are starting to really,
REALLY like you!

Now, if I may be so bold, may I please offer you a word of personal advice?

Have a great time on Inauguration Day.

Party your heart out. Soak up all the adulation.

Then first thing Wednesday morning,

pack your bags and RUN LIKE HELL!

Don’t get me wrong; I think you’ll probably turn out to be a fine president.
And I sure wouldn’t want to see that partisan hack Joe Biden in the White

But on a personal level, this is likely to be the best it’s ever going to be for
you. You’ve made your point. You’ve won and savored your victory. Your
place in the history books is secure.

Sometimes, it just makes sense to go out on top; quit while you’re ahead.

Because it doesn’t get any better than this.

Bright and early Wednesday morning, all the problems Bush caused or failed
to solve are yours; nobody else’s.

You and you alone will bear the sacred responsibility for our physical safety,
our national sovereignty and our economy.

The cheap-shot tactics that served your party so well for the past four years
— constantly sniping and bitching at the people who actually bear these
solemn responsibilities — won’t cut it anymore.

Because come Wednesday, YOU are THEM. It’ll be time for your party to
either put up or SHUT up![11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

These are now YOUR wars. Exiting Iraq in a way that honors the sacrifices
made there and that locks in the democratic progress Iraqis now enjoy is
your responsibility. Returning Bin Laden to room temperature and rendering
Al Qaeda extinct is your responsibility.

It’s now you who must be 100% right, 100% of the time in combating
terrorism. If, God forbid, a terrorist gets it right just once and even a single
civilian is killed or maimed, it’s your responsibility.

If those who rail against us — North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and now, sadly,
Russia — succeed in humbling us, it’s your responsibility.

And as millions more Americans lose their jobs in 2009 and beyond, each lost
paycheck will be – you guessed it: YOUR responsibility.

Beginning at 12:01 AM Wednesday morning, rhetoric won’t matter anymore.

Blaming “the other guy” won’t wash.

The actual results you produce will determine whether you’ll get a second
chance in 2012 or whether you’ll be another … well, another one-term

You want the truth? I wouldn’t be in your shoes 48 hours from now for all the
money or glory in the world.

Because the American people don’t just expect you to do a damn good job;
they expect you to work foreign policy miracles … homeland security
miracles … and especially, economic miracles.

… So what’s your plan,

Mr. President-Elect?
The American people expect you to do something to protect or restore their
jobs and insulate them from bankruptcy.

But – no offense intended — from what I’ve seen so far, it looks like your
economic plan is little more than the Bush plan in hipper clothes.

You’re going to throw trillions more dollars at the problem, just like Bush has.
And maybe cut interest rates – just like Bush has.

Of course, since the Fed Funds rate is already about zero, what are you
going to do? Cut them to less than zero like they did in Japan in the ‘90s?

But, that didn’t work, did it? Japan’s recession has lasted more than a
decade despite sub-zero interest rates.

And despite the trillions Bush has thrown at this crisis, 2.6 million Americans
have still lost their jobs since this time last year and the recession is still only
growing worse.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

I also hear you’re planning to take a few lessons from FDR — create new
programs that put unemployed $70-an-hour auto workers to work digging
ditches, paving roads and building bridges for $10 an hour.

But that didn’t really work either, did it?

Despite everything Roosevelt did, unemployment still hit 25% — more than
three times higher than it is today. And despite the mountains of money he
threw at his Great Depression, it still took ten, long years and a world war
before the economy came back to life.

Do you really believe that repeating these failed policies will somehow
produce better results?

I know – you think you have to do these things anyway. You can always
count on the abysmal economic ignorance of the press and public to give you
credit for trying.

And of course, the New York Times will only intensify its efforts to have you
canonized no matter what you do.

The truth, though, is that not only will the tired old policies you’ve proposed
so far fail to end this crisis …

Following the failed policies of FDR and Bush

will only make matters worse.
Let’s face it, Mr. President-Elect: The shrinking economy, plunging sales and
profits and soaring unemployment are only the symptoms of the lethal
economic disease now afflicting this country.

But the simple truth is, that by continuing these failed, old policies, everyone
that you try to save …

From Fannie and Freddie …

To AIG, Bank of America and Citibank …

To GM, Ford and Chrysler …

And to every other company, taxpayer and voter who gets a handout …

… Will remain firmly attached to the public tit, sucking an endless amount of
money out of the economy but never really getting the cure.

That means, following the failed FDR/Bush policy — giving weak companies
and consumers money to make just a few more payments on debt that will
eventually go bad anyway — only guarantees that this crisis will continue
indefinitely.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

And by prolonging the crisis, you’ll ensure that many companies that might
otherwise have survived will fail – worn down over many years. And as a
result, millions more jobs will be lost than would otherwise be necessary.

Worse: You’ll be replacing the business and consumer debt bubble that
created this crisis …

With a FEDERAL debt bubble that can only trigger a far greater and far more
devastating crisis in the years ahead.

But what if, instead of repeating the FDR policies that gave us ten, long years
of depression … instead of emulating Bush — the man you so vehemently
reviled during your campaign … what if you did the unthinkable?

What if you did something really new … something no other president has
had the courage to do … something that would actually END this crisis in
record time?

Why not treat the true CAUSE of this crisis

– and NOT just the symptoms?
Pretty much everyone agrees that the pathogen – the bug that caused this
great economic infection is the “nimium debitum bacterium.” The “Too much
debt germ.”

Too many mortgages, car loans, credit card balances and even business
loans have been made to marginal and high-risk borrowers. And too much
debt has been piled up even by people who could ordinarily handle it.

But now, as the economy slows, the symptoms caused by this vicious
bacteria are killing us:

More and more of those debts are going bad, nicking banks and investors
who own those loans for massive losses.

So those lenders and investors have stopped loaning and investing.

So companies can’t borrow to finance operations and consumers can’t

borrow to buy stuff.

So corporate profits plunge and companies have to lay off workers to


So consumers, faced with the specter of losing their paychecks, have to

stop spending and instead begin socking away money for the rainy days

And so the vicious downward cycle repeats; intensifying over time.

As we’ve seen, Bush, Bernanke and Paulson have utterly failed to find the
courage to administer the only antibiotic capable of killing the germ that
caused this economic disease in the first place.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

The miracle cure? A bitter but amazingly effective pill called “Tough Love.”

The success of clinical trials on this prescription are conclusive … a 100%

cure ratio: Every case of nimium debitum disease in history has abruptly
ended ONLY when the last shaky debtor defaulted on his loans.

Once all the bad debt has been flushed out of the system, the patient is
quickly stabilized and begins to recover.

My suggestion: Use your formidable gift for persuasion to convince the

American people that the only sensible, prudent, intelligent path is to …

1. Refuse to spend another penny in an attempt to save shaky borrowers …

2. Allow them to quickly break free of their debt through bankruptcy and only
then …

3. If you like, offer these newly cleansed companies and consumers the tax
breaks, loans, loan guarantees and grants they need to help them build
the foundation for an explosive recovery.

Do that, and you’ll carve years off of this crisis.

You’ll restore faith in the system and end your recession in a fraction of the
time it took FDR to end his.

You’ll almost surely wind up spending far less money than you would have by
continuing Bush’s policies — and tax revenues generated by the accelerated
recovery will almost surely help shrink these trillion-dollar federal deficits
before they crush us.

And, you’ll convince me and millions of other business owners, consumers

and investors to begin unlimbering our checkbooks in anticipation of the
So what’s it going to be, Mr. President-Elect?

Are you going to break ranks with Bush and do the courageous thing – the
right thing to get us out of this mess?

Or was “Change We Can Believe In” just another cheap campaign slogan?

I’m counting on you to make what you know in your heart is the best decision
for us.

And you can count on me to scream bloody murder when you don’t.

In the meantime, please be assured that you have our prayers for your
safety, good health and wisdom in the difficult days ahead.

Sincerely,[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor,

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← A Conversation with This Quiet Revolution

Million-Dollar Copywriter Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 →
Kent Komae
Part Two

61 Responses to Dear Mr. President-Elect …

Mike says:
January 19, 2009 at 1:48 pm

Very good again.

Your best lines: “…continuing these failed, old policies, everyone that
you try to save …

* From Fannie and Freddie …

* To AIG, Bank of America and Citibank …
* To GM, Ford and Chrysler …
* And to every other company, taxpayer and voter who gets a
handout …

… Will remain firmly attached to the public tit, sucking an endless

amount of money out of the economy but never really getting the

That’s the scary and too-true reality of most government fixes.

I’m passing your letter around.


Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Marc says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:10 pm


I’ve been thinking about today’s post, and you know what? You might
want to give this writing thing a shot; you just might have what it takes
to do this for a living.

Seriously, well thought out piece and again, nuttin’ but da’ truth.




Leon Altman says:

January 19, 2009 at 4:29 pm

Will you stop saying you’re older than dirt!!

You’re in your fifties. That’s practically
a young gun these days.


Alton Moore says:

January 19, 2009 at 4:38 pm


If Mr. Obama follows your advice AND enacts the Fair Tax, this
country will be back on its feet in a couple of years. With the Fair Tax
in place, hundreds of American companies now operating offshore
would return home, and foreign investment would flower as never



Jim Rosemary says:

January 19, 2009 at 4:42 pm

Logical, common sense, grounded in reality — all characteristics that

seem to escape the liberal elite. I’m amazed at those who attempt to
shove the blame for this onto “Wall Street Fat Cats”. The real problem
originated when government forced the banks to issue loans to[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

people who would not otherwise qualify for them and would likely
default. Business simply did what Business does — it tried to find a
way to deal with the situation and make a profit at the same time. The
whole sub-prime mortgage trading mess was caused by the

My favorite line of all time is one which applies here, and one which it
appears you also believe: “Government isn’t the solution to our
problems. Government IS the problem” — Ronald Reagan

Keep up the good fight and the excellent commentaries. We need

more voices to represent rationality in an irrational world. Thank you!

- Jim


Rick says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:42 pm

Right on the mark – as usual. Perhaps the government should reduce

the number of bureaucrats and replace them with some salty, results-
obsessed, marketing guys. You know, people who at the end of the
day have to measure their success.

Perhaps the real solution is for business people to decide to step-up

their level of promotion, track what works, repeat the winners, drop
the losers, and do well despite the economy.

Thanks Clayton. You are my favorite curmudgeon/sage. OK Copy

Sheriff…shall the posse mount-up and ride?


E Matthew says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:43 pm

You are right – President-Elect Obama being the least insider, old
boy network president we’ve ever had, is in the unique position to
introduce some very bold moves that could actually make a

And you are right also that the old FDR-style stuff just isn’t going to
cut it at all.

Besides spending deficits we also have a TRADE deficit that isn’t

going away but what IS going away is so many of our excellent
- they are locating overseas to get away from the US’s ridiculously[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

high corporate tax rates.

The one thing that Obama could do that would be the fastest way to
turn this nation around would be to push for and get passed the Fair
Tax –

The US would instantly become the worlds’ biggest tax haven and
businesses would start moving INTO the country instead of out,
citizens would stop looking over their shoulders constantly to see
what big brother thinks about every transaction,
and this country would take off like a rocket – and all our enemies
would start shaking in their boots.

Trouble is, the FairTax makes it obvious that there’s a fair amount of
tax for each transaction
- all the abysmally ignorant people who think they “get money back”
from their tax returns would be very upset

- but guess what, they are going to be upset anyway because unless
something radically changes for the good, things are going to get
much worse before they get any better.

Folks, we are in a global economy and we have to compete in a

global economy – right now we aren’t competitive

- do a search for “economic freedom index” and we are down to #6,

barely beating out Canada.
Ireland as you’ll see is at #4 and they are being called the “Celtic
Tiger” – and how did they do it? Simply by cutting taxes.

You are right Clayton – without boldness and a new course of action,
the US is in for a very rough ride. President-Elect Obama, if you start
promoting the FairTax, I’ll be there 110% – I still love this country.


Gary says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:45 pm

Spooky-original idea, Clayton. Virtually universal bankruptcy rises to

about the same level as the Old-Testament “Jubilee Year” in
distributing consequences among all parties to almost every bad debt

I think your history needs a tune-up — the record* shows FDR, Jack,
Bobby and LBJ were all unlikely to have cheered tomorrow’s event —
but your economics is “on the money,” so to speak.

*[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Brian Hayashi says:

January 19, 2009 at 4:48 pm

Thank you for a well-informed, thoughtful suggestion. I can only hope

President Obama reads it.

In today’s New York Times, Thomas Friedman suggested that the

president have a “Come To Jesus” moment with the banks —
because they have problems that they are not making public. These
undisclosed problems are a major reason why banks are more likely
to hold onto funds and NOT make loans…and without credit with
reasonable terms of repayment, small business — the lifeblood of our
country — grinds to a halt.

I’m sure *no one* wants this to happen!

Bankruptcy can be useful if a company in trouble uses it to reorganize

its assets properly. The business is forced to identify less critical
areas that are consuming a disproportionate amount of resources.

Likewise, if the banks were given an opportunity to come forward and

reveal their sins, the worst offenders could “plea bargain” for a
landing that would be safer than one that would inevitably be forced
on them later, given the economic climate.

Most banks would have to reorganize and potentially be acquired by

stronger banks. There will be write downs, and more than a little pain.

But here’s why it would be worth it: at the end of this process, banks
would be better able to trust each other, both domestically and
internationally. At that point, the government can offer American
companies and consumers the tax breaks, loans, loan guarantees
and grants they need to help them build the foundation for an
explosive recovery.

Without the trust in and between banks in America’s financial system,

all of the promises of TARP will look a lot like building a shiny new
mall next to the old mall: a lot of construction, maybe some
interesting headlines, but in a few years, the new mall will be largely
vacant, a modern-day retelling of Ozymandias’ hubris.

No matter what, I pray that Obama will always find the strength to do
what he believes to be right, no matter what the polls have to say.

Best wishes for a successful 2009!!

- Brian[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Mike Estes says:

January 19, 2009 at 4:58 pm

Great letter!! It is truly a historic day and for that I celebrate! But don’t
sweat it Clayton, not that it would ever happen – but if TTP failed I’m
sure the government would be right there to bail you out!



allan says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:58 pm


Your letter makes my hart feel good.

I am not much at wrighting,but you said it all.

Thank you for this open letter.



Bernie Malonson says:

January 19, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Mr. Makepeace, nice article.

I enjoyed reading it and wanted to add my two cents. In order to

really clear out the malaise, government needs to rethink its role.
Luckily Mr. Obama IS a pragmatic person.

One of the key issues facing America is not too much regulation, but
the fact that in many cases their is no regulation of any kind. Like
giving the inmates (or bankers) the keys to the asylum.

I am a market based capitalist as much as the next guy, but the

system we have evolved into is akin to anarchy! Even basketball and
football have referees! The refs didn’t stop Michael Jordan nor did
they stop Jerry Rice. Those two heroes epitomize the traits America
needs most, hard work, determination, self-respect and the will to

Government won’t save us, neither should it be the tool of big[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Obama’s team will hopefully take the long view and begin to act in
America’s interests, not the interests of multi-national business or

B. Malonson

PS: Great writing by the way. (Cheers!)


Skip Nusbaum says:

January 19, 2009 at 5:09 pm

You did it again Clayton! Whether you offer guaranteed seo services
for a living or are an IT technician, being offered a ditch digging job
will NOT become a cure for the vast number of professional white
collared workers out there!


Doug Sowerbutts says:

January 19, 2009 at 5:19 pm

Clayton you have shown us 3 important aspects with your

letter….Guts….Common Sense….How to Write a Letter.

If nothing else, Barack Obama has brought real Hope to multitudes of

people world wide and out of this world-wide economic storm of all
storms Barack Obama may be the catalyst urgently needed to create
and meld the greatness of humanity and break down many outdated
structures that hinder the growth of human greatness. Doug


Kelley Eidem says:

January 19, 2009 at 5:24 pm

I would not be so kind. One of the first things he promises to do is to

make unfettered abortion the law of the land, overruling various state

I hope he fails to institute the policies he has hinted at…such as he

told Joe the plumber. But with the Congress behind him, and
sometimes in front of him, the next four years will doubtlessly be
disastrous because he will succeed.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

You might not realize that Obama was at the center of training
members of ACORN who harassed banks in Chicago that led to the
fiasco at Fannie Mae. So how likely is Obama to to fix the problem
when he was one of the key players responsible for it? Slim and none
and Slim has left town.

Like you, I fully agree that it is private enterprise is the solution. This
nation has solved its financial downturns for 200 years in this way.

When the other way…the government way…was tried, it failed.

The Founding Fathers were brilliant by putting bankruptcy in the

Constitution but did not include bailouts. Bankruptcy works – printing
monopoly money doesn’t.

Here is a prime example of how the private sector can turn the
economy around.

We presently spend in excess of $1.6 TRILLION on illness in the

US…it’s not health care, folks!

I know how half to three-fourths of that can be saved. For example, I

cured my own stage 4 cancer for $10. I heard in the last week of a
man who used the recipe and cured his stomach cancer in one week.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are cures for drug
addiction and alcoholism, and a miriad of other illnesses.

Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


Jim says:
January 19, 2009 at 5:41 pm


Your open letter to President-Elect is excellent.

I have 3 questions:

1) Will / has letter been sent?

2) Has Obama acknowledged receipt and read it?
3) Has Obama indicated whether his planned course of action will
give consideration to your well-stated suggestions?

Keep up the drum beat for common sense, objective changes …to
get our country back on track and moving forward guided by the spirit
/ intent of our founding fathers![11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |



Dan says:
January 19, 2009 at 5:46 pm

All I see right now is the democratic party in cahoots with Obama
wanting to spend another 800 Billion + on more governemt programs.
What is scares me the most is that while the economy has hit the
dumps, illegal immigrants have been returning home. Now, pass this
stimulus pagckage and start building roads and bridges and other
infrastructure and guess what. Who is going to take these jobs? I am
almost willing to bet my retirement that illegal immigrants will return in
big numbers to fill these new jobs. How many individuals today even
know how to do contruction work. How many illegal immigrants lost
their jobs when the housing market collapsed? Quite a few. So they
are poised now to return to work, working for all those contractors
and subcontractors working on infrastruction. I personally think we
need to scream loud and long, no more bailouts, no more stimulus
packages. Quit spending money we don’t have on non solutions.


martin schultz says:

January 19, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Your letter should be required reading for every elected

representative. Could you help that along by having it sent to them by
large numbers of their constituents. That would hit them where they
really live. Worrying about being reelected.

It should also be required reading for every school girl or boy. If they
understand the points you make, we may well end up with a better
class of elected representative.


Geary - Milwaukee says:

January 19, 2009 at 6:19 pm

Hey Clayton,

Thank-you so much – you’re indeed a true U.S. patriot.

God bless you mightily in 2009 and beyond for your words of wisdom
and courage!

May the LORD have mercy on our nation in the days ahead![11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Lydia says:
January 19, 2009 at 6:19 pm


Too bad Obama will probably never read your letter. We do need
someone who will stand up and do what is right instead of trying to
appease the masses. And I agree with the other readers in support of
the Fair Tax.

I would suggest that everyone take a good look at it and see how
much sense it makes. What a relief it would be to get rid of the IRS.

And if you’re older than dirt – may I join the club?


Joe says:
January 19, 2009 at 6:25 pm


Where were you when we needed you. Let’s start a political

campaign for 2010, 2012, and 2018.

I would love to read your take on copywriting and political.



Caleb Osborne says:

January 19, 2009 at 6:40 pm


I would seriously vote for you for president. No lie.

You need to run

– Caleb

P.s. Save a little spot for me somewhere on your cabinet?

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Clayton Makepeace says:

January 19, 2009 at 7:12 pm

Thanks, guys!

Yes, Jim, I sent this letter to the president-elect. Of course, we all

know that it doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of actually being

BTW: Did you all get as far as the P.S.? There’s a link to a swipe that
may help you …



DaveC says:
January 19, 2009 at 7:34 pm

“And why, instead of bringing “change” to Washington have you

appointed so many Reagan, Clinton and Bush retreads to your new

Because Obamanation was vetted by those who actually wield power

— the same folks who vetted previous presidents.

He’s no different.

There will be no change.

The debt and deficits will continue to increase, the US dollar will
continue to lose purchasing power, the federal bureaucracy will grow,
and citizens will continue to lose their rights.


Liz Monte says:

January 19, 2009 at 7:40 pm

Clayton, what you’re saying makes a lot of sense. There’s just one
dot I haven’t quite connected yet. How are we going to keep millions
of people from literally starving to death during this correction? Your
plan will get us out of the crisis faster, but in the meantime, people
will still need to eat (and live somewhere, and get medical attention
when necessary). If that one detail can be worked out, I’d be totally
behind you.

I’m very interested to hear your thoughts on the subject.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Hank says:
January 19, 2009 at 7:43 pm

First of all let me commend you on your writing ability. If I could write
with your eloquence, I would do it for a living also.

Now let me begin with saying when I first started reading this letter,
the further I read the more I had decided to unsubscribe from all of
your emails and everything that I get from you. But being the open
minded man that I am, I decided to read to the end and I am glad I
did. You redeemed yourself with me about 80 to 90%. I agree with
Kelly Eidem on most of his points. But I would go further than he. I
can’t stand behind a man whether he be president or just a someone
I know if he is dishonest. Mr Obama is fundamentally dishonest down
to his every thought and core. The reason I feel this way is because
he will not step up and give any kind of full disclosure on any
questions that he was asked when he was running for president. If he
was honest and had nothing to hide, why not tell every thing and put
it out in the open? He would never had got a tenth of the votes he got
if it wasn’t for the corrupt media and their love affair with him and all
the foreign money from all over the world that poured into his
campaign coffers. It sure wasn’t because we had an informed bunch
of electorate voting for the right person. It was totally because the
media lied and distorted the truth and he went along with them and
preached change, change, change!!! Another reason I believe in his

I could go on but I really don’t know how much space I am allotted

here. I will stay with you Mr. Makepeace because I enjoy most of
your writings and hope to someday have the skills to write as good as
you. Hope your 2009 is more than you hope for and all you wish for is
far exceeded beyond your wildest dreams. God bless you but more
than that GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!


Ken Windley says:

January 19, 2009 at 7:58 pm

I agree with your comments, hope it is actually read by the President

Should be given to other world leaders especially Australia

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Neal Ashley says:

January 19, 2009 at 8:04 pm


You mention Dr. King as one of the two greatest Americans of the
20th century.

Who is the other?

Thanks for such a well written and thought provoking letter.

Neal Ashley, CPA


jim rogers, sydney says:

January 19, 2009 at 8:09 pm

Time will tell whether Barack Obama can always choose the truly
moral path as a US President, at the head of a colossal economic
juggernaut and self-interested Superpower. Hopefully his
background, racial mix and decency will induce him to rise above the
usual US self interest seen in world affairs. I won’t hold my breath

Stephen Kinzer’s book Overthrow (America’s century of regime

change from Hawaii to Iraq) is a great addition to political history,
along with Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine, and the works of
Noam Chomsky. Kinzer discusses the US penchant for selfishly
following aggressive foreign policies that demand foreign countries
open their markets to US corporate raiders, and allow US firms to buy
their major industries, and support US foreign policy initiatives, to the
detriment of the local populace. The alternative to caving in to
economic blackmail has often been US initiated, enacted and/or
supported regime change, by coup or invasion. He discusses many
overthrows since Hawaii at the end of the 19th century, including
Nicaragua, Honduras, The Philippines, Cuba, Costa Rica, Puerto
Rico, Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Grenada, Panama,
Afghanistan, and Iraq. He doesn’t discuss other coups supported by
the US in Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, the Congo, nor its invasions of
Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic or the Balkans, nor the multiple
other acts of international terrorism or blackmail or political
interventions using bribes, misinformation, coercion and worse (as in
Pakistan) over the last century and this one.

US policies have often smacked of paternalism sometimes mixed

with racism. From Kinzer: “Speeches justifying American
expansionism on the grounds of the white race’s presumed
superiority were staples of political discourse in the 1890s. Senator[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Albert Beveridge described expansion as part of a natural process,

“the disappearance of debased civilisations and decaying races
before the higher civilisation of the nobler and more virile types of
man”…Charles Cochrane spoke of “the onward march of the
indomitable race that founded this Republic” and predicted “the
conquest of the world by the Aryan races.” When he finished this
speech, the House burst into applause.

“All that this country desires is that the other republics…shall be

happy and prosperous,” Theodore Roosevelt declared, “and they
cannot be happy and prosperous unless they maintain order within
their boundaries and behave with a just regard for their obligations
toward outsiders.” (That is, towards US business and policy

“You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror,”

stressed U.S. President Bush in November 2001. This sort of black
or white doctrine has been used by the US for over 100 years to
define its allies and enemies. Those in any way opposed to US
imperialism/neocolonialism are thus enemies, so the US politicians
can justify any act against US opponents as part of a justifiable global
policing role, that just happens to also serve US economic interests.
Countries without resources may survive with their government left
largely untouched and in power, for the US may see no benefit in
deep involvement if there are no economic pickings or a market to
snare, but if openly opposed to the US are likely to still be punished
in some way, by economic blockade for example. Regardless of the
negative human cost on the local people, other nations are
graphically made aware that the US must be obeyed, or else.

US control of multiple global regions was and is seen as vital to US

interests and prosperity. Allied to this was and is a sense in US
politicians and their general public that what is good for the US is
good for the world, and that the US is a crucial source of world
goodness. The US sees itself as civilising the world, so any act of
aggression, atrocity, political interference, or destructive mission is
seen with rose-coloured glasses as a necessary unfortunate means
to a greater end, which just happens to also suit US geopolitical
needs. Even if this means actively supporting regimes that are going
to or are known to already be suppressing freedom within a country,
and holding on to power by use of force, torture, murder and
undemocratic processes. So long as the US benefits, then God must
be on their side. Too often they see themselves as the modern
Chosen People.

I’m forever amazed that US politicians have such a self-righteous

religious zeal in their pursuit of collective US self-interest. Dulles in
the post war era and Rumsfeld more recently, along with their
Presidents, highlight the narrow-minded, selfish American approach
to world affairs, with scant regard for innocent casualties and deaths,
nor any regard for the plight of the masses in other nations if US[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

interests are crossed or threatened, actually or possibly.

Would JC really support these politicians in their actions? How do

these two-faced politicians call themselves Christian? Isn’t it an
abuse of the term? I’m sure Jesus would be turning over in his grave.
Oh, sorry, I forgot…….


Rhoda says:
January 19, 2009 at 9:13 pm

Great Writing.

My Questions are:

Did you actually mail this to our President Elect?

Have you received word that he has read it?

Will he apply the information so well written and true to history and
take a stand that is going to offend many but may help our nation
really be the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?

Thanks for your courage to write this. I appreciated your expressing

the Libertarian ideals. Rhoda


Jeff Atherton says:

January 19, 2009 at 9:44 pm

Like I said on twitter today:

Throwing money at a problem that wasn’t caused by a lack of money

is a special kind of stupid.

Blue Skies,


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 19, 2009 at 10:15 pm


Yep, Jim, you got us dead to rights. You caught our leaders red-
handed working to promote their country’s security and prosperity.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

What would you suggest our nation’s leaders do with their time

In your diatribe, you of course, failed to mention that when we

opened other markets for our products, we also opened our market
for other countries’ products — at the cost of thousands of U.S. jobs.

Or the fact that “corporate raiders” from other countries now own
huge chunks of the US economy. Like Mercedes’ acquisition of
Chrysler — or the most notable recent example: Anheuser-Busch. Or
the fact that Nissan and Toyota are eclipsing some American
automakers in U.S. sales.

And of course, you forgot to say anything about the fact that when
250,000 people are killed by a tsunami, the US Navy is there within
hours to begin helping the survivors and saving lives.

Or the billions the Bush administration just spent helping people and
fighting AIDS in Africa.

Or the American lives lost stopping genocide during the Clinton

Administration in Bosnia.

Or the hundreds of billions in foreign aid we send to other countries

every year.

Are these things conveniently ignored in the anti-American

propaganda you seem to prefer? Or do the authors attribute evil
ulterior motives to everything we do simply because we are America?

Paranoia is a disease, Jim. Do yourself a favor. See a shrink.


John Brandow says:

January 19, 2009 at 11:01 pm

It is with amusement that we keep track of the Americans. It is with

amazement that we notice the gullibility of the American people when
it comes to election. It seems to us that they actually believe the
politicians they vote for. The campaigns read like movie scripts.
We will just sit and watch again what your new president is going to
do. Promises are easy to make. You have a terrible economic
problem to solve and we will be watching.

I enjoy every single email that I receive from Clayton. But he must
really make peace with his age. I am actually older than you but in
my mind definitely 20 years younger.
John Brandow[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |



Olga says:
January 19, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Dear Mr. Makepeace,

What a great, truthful and most caring letter it is. Wonderfully written
with a lot of practical applications to be used for the President-Elect.

I admire you. You love your Country and you want to help and you
are free to express your thoughts without fear for your life.

I could not help but draw parallel with the country I came from, which
also had slaves by millions…

Those slaves were not imported and not of a different color of skin –
they were just poor people and they were called “souls”. That country
was old Russia under the rule of Moscow, under the Czar. The slaves
in Czar’s Russia were freed about the same time as the American

Only the Russian slaves had a very difficult time to live on their own
(adjust to a free life) and many returned or remained by their Masters
for quite some time and continued to live in poverty.

This letter is out of context and I am expecting it to be “vaporized”,

but while reading your letter it made me think of the Country I came
from, which was the U.S.S.R. – the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republic, which was considered in the West for quite some time
(because of the false statements by the Communist Party, terrific
propaganda and the secrecy) the Paradise of the Proletariat – the
poor people…

There were many people (the Intelligentsia – the educated people),

who wanted to bring changes, which did not materializes, but
because of the WWI and the Russian Revolution it was thought that
those wishes came true only Russian citizens did find themselves in a
worse situation than before.

For writing an open letter to Stalin you, Mr. Makepeace, would have
been eliminated, shot.

I grew up believing that I lived in the best Country of the whole world,
that we were free. that other countries in the West lived much, much
worse than we did. While we had shortage of so many things, it was
justified because it was a young country, we were told, but we soon[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

will live just as good as the people in America. The slogan was
displayed everywhere: “We Are Going To Catch Up And Overtake
America”, that is, the American Standard of Living, etc. (Dognat’ y
peregnat’ Ameriku)

The U.S.S.R. disintegrated on its own, because the pressure that was
put on its citizens just made burst the country to pieces, yet it’s being
said by the newcomers to the West it’s the doing of the U.S.A.

As everyone knows, after the collapse the “Republics” (they are a

concentration of ethnic groups, who did not want to belong to
Moscow even under the Czar) promptly declared the Independence
and they are doing OK.

My concern is about Ukraine (I am Ukrainian), which was taken under

the Moscow “care” about 400 years ago, because of the River
Dnieper, the only connection by water to the West from Russia and
also because it’s quite a rich “Province” in many ways.

As you know what happened about the gas supply to Europe. It was
mostly to discredit Ukraine to the West, so that they would oppose
the admission of Ukraine (the “trouble maker”) to the UN.

Now Russia is beginning to act up to the United States as well, which

reminds me of the salute we learned in Grade I in the Primary School
and had to repeat it at least twice a day, that the Communism HAS to
spread to all the Continents of the World and we, the young people,
were the ones to bring the “good and happy life we enjoyed” to the
rest of the World. We, the young “Pioneers”, (future
Communists)were looking forward to do just that.

Many people and Statesmen of the West do not understand the

Ukrainian situation, just like the American Soldiers could not
understand why people did not want to return to the Soviet Union
after the WWII.

It’s very difficult to grasp, to understand life in that country.

Another Nation that is not understood is Chechnya – it’s also a very

rich patch of land, that is fighting for its independence.

Your letter gave me a thought to write to Mr. Omaba and explain the
situation of Ukraine. I know he knows all about it, he knows the
history of that country but not in too many details, but perhaps, just
perhaps he gets to read the letter and it may help…

I am a great admirer of the U.S.A., I will never forget the help

American people provided after the WWII to the Displaced Persons
(the DPs as well as the whole population of Europe, that was in ruins)
with clothing, food, coffee, chocolate and even personal grooming
products![11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Great People, Great Country! Thank You American People…

I am more than convinced American People will “dig” themselves out

of the mess they are in now and will continue to be the leading,
democratic and the most powerful country in the World – of this I am

God Bless America and the American People – without their

leadership the future of the World is bleak and uncertain.

Olga O’Mara, Canada


Ron Haley says:

January 19, 2009 at 11:40 pm

I enjoyed your letter and I hope the President will make some of the
needed changes that you spoke about. I doubt it will happen though.

I think the further up the political ladder one climbs, the greater the
pressure from special interest groups and individuals.

Many of us know the ease with which Mr. Obama gave into such
special interests within the Chicago political machine, and the guile
and deceit he used to obtain his senate seat, as well as his
presidential campaign’s questionable fund raising practices.

I don’t care if the man is black, white, or laurentian green, the

machine called government is broken, and it’s probably time to reset.

Also, I don’t understand the whole concept of Obama as a black man.

He had a white mother and a black father. How does that make him
black? Can someone please explain?

Ron Haley


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

January 20, 2009 at 12:29 am

Hell’s Bells, Clayton. You were barely a teenager

when I started my business and professional career

What do you mean, older than dirt?[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

And about the time Obama’s taking his oath, we’re

getting grand-kid #14. A girl. Our oldest daughter’s

But otherwise, it’s a great piece!



Clayton Makepeace says:

January 20, 2009 at 6:25 am

You touched my heart, Olga …

It often takes a person who personally experienced the horrors of

personal and political suppression to fully appreciate the blessings of
liberty — or to be in awe of the courageous men and women who
risked and often lost their lives to give them to us.

Thank you for your comments!


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 20, 2009 at 7:22 am


You asked, “How are we going to keep millions of people from

literally starving to death during this correction?”

Great question!

My answer is that once we allow badly managed companies to go

bankrupt quickly instead of spending trillions in a doomed attempt to
save them …

And once we allow debt-ridden consumers to go bankrupt quickly

instead of spending hundreds of billions that only help them make a
few more payments …

All that money could be used to help these newly debt-free

companies build the foundation of a vigorous recovery …

And also help employed but debt-ridden consumers to save the

money they’re now using to service their debt each month …

And ALSO to help unemployed workers keep body and soul together[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

… acquire new skills for new careers … or even start their own

Right now, the trillions we’re spending to help these companies and
consumers live hand to month for a few more months is money down
a rathole.

It’s not solving the problem; only creating dependency on Washington

— and by doing so, giving the blithering idiots in Congress greater
control over our economy and our lives.

If we focused that money where it will do the most good, we’ll likely
spend less and hasten the recovery — and rising tax revenues from
the recovering economy will help offset a portion of what we spent to
help people rebuild their lives.

See? Easy peasey.


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 20, 2009 at 7:35 am


You’ll enjoy this article:

“At December’s U.N. Global Warming conference in Poznan, Poland,

650 of the world’s top climatologists stood up and said man-made
global warming is a media generated myth without basis.

“Said climatologist Dr. David Gee, Chairman of the International

Geological Congress, ‘For how many years must the planet cool
before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming?’


Bill Haynes says:

January 20, 2009 at 8:03 am

Dear Clayton,
I’m usually a bit left of center politically, but I’m with you on this one.
The worst thing that can happen with this economy is for the
government to continue to try and “bail out” companies that have
been languishing for years – and in some cases decades – under
mountains of debt and moronic mismanagement.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

I mean look, I feel mighty sorry for the local Ford dealer who may not
survive this thing, but I don’t feel giving his company Treasury dollars
is going to help the company avoid bankruptcy anyway. Corporate
bankruptcy forces dillusional executives to finally tell themselves the
truth! And to repent!

Of course, repentance strongly implies corrective action. If we get

that far, I think we’ll be alright.

Happy Inauguration Day, Clayton!

Bill Haynes.


January 20, 2009 at 8:35 am

Thanks Dave C and Hank. Clayton, you are giving osama (oops,
obama) way too much credit. The whole Reverend Wright, Ayers,
Pfleger,Farrokan, Chavez, Soros, etc. etc. etc. connections tell a
story so much greater than the shiny smile, often blind desire for
change, and a seriously perverted media does. Yeah, we need
change but not by this means. Change will indeed come….next time
more freshly awakened Americans with a renewed desire for an oft
forgotten concept called honesty will do a little thing called


Ken Calhoun says:

January 20, 2009 at 10:13 am

Very well written, Clayton! The best political dialogue I’ve seen
published so far, immensely more insightful, specific and valid than
the vapid stuff on cnn etc recently – thanks for contributing some
thoughtful dialogue to current events.

Your piece is evaluative, celebratory, and makes solid responsibility-

focused points that are well worth considering as well. Excellent read.
A+… Let’s hope this year gets us back in shape, that consumer
sentiment goes up and they start spending more, and jobs/economic
recovery start building up sooner rather than later.

And let’s hope that Washington doesn’t become a big socialist robin
hood “raise my taxes and give to the poor” type of pork-barrel
machine that many of us are concerned may happen.

-Ken[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 20, 2009 at 10:33 am

TO MARKEAUX (POST #41) — and the others who say I’m being too
hopeful regarding Obama …

What can I say? I’m an optimist at heart.

I’m hoping the Obama campaign was a massive exercise in “bait and
switch.” Democrats voted for “change” — and sure enough, Obama’s
rhetoric has CHANGED!

Judging from the new prez’s cabinet appointments, his economic and
defense programs may very well be closer to Reagan’s than to
Pelosi’s and Reed’s.

Is “Pro-Business Democrat” an oxymoron? I hope not — at least in

this case!


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 20, 2009 at 11:20 am

Two million at the ceremony; one in every 150 Americans is there.



Sharon B. says:
January 20, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Hi Clayton–
I never could figure out why Washington keeps tossing good money
after bad. Where do they think that’ll get ‘em?
When us “regular” people get into financial trouble, the only one to
get us out is us. As long as the corporations keep getting billions,
they’ll never suffer the consequences of their actions. I say it’s time
to let them suffer! If they can’t manage money, they shouldn’t be in
business anyway.
I think Obama is wise to hire people who know their stuff, regardless
if they’re “recycled” or not. He’s not kissing anyone’s butt. He is smart
enough to know what he doesn’t know, and that stands in his favor.
As to actually fixing things, however–I am withholding my opinion
until he proves himself one way or the other.
Like you, I’m an optimist. I know things will turn around because they[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

always do. I also know that the results I get in my own life will be in
direct proportion to the efforts that I put in. If I should need a bailout, I
will have to create it myself.
Thanks as always for the post–have you ever thought of running for
office yourself? You’d have all those corporate whiners shaking in
their Gucci loafers.


Glen Kersten says:

January 20, 2009 at 11:56 pm

Where were you before the election?

If the voters would have done some careful research instead of
emotionally swept away by the left wing rhetoric, the outcome would
have been vastly different.
But then, that is wishful thinking. Americans have very rarely
exercised good judgement during elections and campaigns.
I was a child during FDR’s administration and saw through his phony
speeches in spite of my youth. why can’t so-called mature voters be
as smart as a child?

Keep following up until you are sure that the new Prez has read and
digested your wisdom.

Good luck !


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 21, 2009 at 3:22 am

TO GLEN (POST #46) …

I was quite vocal before the election. Check our our back issues.


Emre Yuce says:

January 21, 2009 at 12:51 pm

Dear Clayton,

Your suggestions for fast economic recovery sound pretty reasonable

(stilL only with the assumption of rationality and responsibility for the
majority of the population in their economic actions).

Thus, I have a big proviso:[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

The U.S. Government must be very careful in their manners letting

badly managed big companies (big banks, GM, Chrysler etc.) go
bankrupt and allowing investors to restructure their assets, (like
buying up successful brands like Jeep, Corvette etc.) and to build
healthier profitable, sustainable companies.

Too-hard-an-action (i.e. too much tough love) letting big bankruptcies

requires nerves of steel of the general population (including
investors) as a whole. But neither the U.S. nor any country on Earth
has that. Without that, the possibility of inducing general economic
panic is very very HIGH.

So let’s see how hard a too harsh approach can go AWRY (instead of
initiating a quick recovery):

. Out-of-control large corporation bankruptcies (inevitably leading to

tons of small business bankruptcies). Given enough panic and
depression, even the most productive companies will inevitably go

. Those busts initiating huge BANK RUNS and stock-exchange runs

while everyone’s trying to liquidate their plunging assets which makes
the whole economy come to a standstill. (everyone seeking full and
immediate liquidity, no liquidity, no credit whatsoever, no economic

. Leading up to further bankruptcies (starting with banks and large

public corporations), skyrocketing (like 25%) unemployment,
plummeting demand, RAGING DEFLATION

. The Federal Reserve going out of ammunition with interest rates at

0% or lower (Japan in 1990s)

. With prices and incomes falling and the dollar amount of debts
remaining the same, the total DEBT of the nation will MULTIPLY,
making it even harder to handle it without large debt write-offs and
major restructuring.

. With the economy in shambles, the Federal Government now out of

ammunition in turn, with dismal tax revenues, and unable to print
money without risking STAGFLATION.

That is pretty much what happened during the 1929-1933 time frame
(except the fact that the U.S. didn’t even have a decent Central Bank
(Federal Reserve) because of “Regulated-Over-My-Dead-Body
Business Fetishists.”

In all, too much “TOUGH LOVE” could very well induce MASSIVE
PANIC leading to a disaster outlined above.

I think transparency in decision-making and making sure the best bi-[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

partisan economic minds are involved in the making and evaluation of

the policies for economic recovery is a must in defusing a potential

I would suggest these:

1. Let only the few worst companies go bankrupt.

2. Form a bipartisan, very very transparent round-table team of

recovery advisers who will work full time on it for at least a couple of
years (like the 9-11 commission).

3. Appoint the best economic advisers to troubled companies

surviving on public funds.

4. Appoint CEOs like Carlos Ghosn (who turned Nissan from the
brink of collapse to make it excellently profitable again), and Lee
Iacocca (who turned Chrysler around previously) to publicly funded
companies and give them full authority.

5. Apply everything suggested in Business Management Textbooks

to make them profitable once again.

6. Institute a very transparent REFEREEING system for banking and

big businesses which can effectively prevent BAD lending practices
(e.g. subprime mortgage lending during a price bubble) and ABUSE
of BIG corporation POWER.

7. Loosen up the control but leave effective and efficient refereeing

intact once the risk of ECONOMIC PANIC is overcome.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on that.


Emre Yuce from TURKEY


Don McKinnon says:

January 21, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Great letter, great advice.

BTW your photo for this post is far better than the one you use in
your emails. I have to get over your email photo to even read the
email. You appear far more human, friendly, unstuffy and down right
likable in this photo. Just my opinion. BTW Daniel Levis stuff is great.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Capt Phil says:

January 21, 2009 at 5:10 pm

Excellent, balanced letter — too bad its unlikely to be given much

attention by the Obama administration. And there are many
thoughtful comments by other submitters. Taken all together, I’d say
these exchanges represent the political Total Package. I LOVED the
letter from Olga. She represents the real deal, and I’ve also heard
similar thoughts from others who have experienced American
courage and generosity. About all I can add is that if we want to truly
strike at the roots of the problem, we must work to eliminate the
Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor a reserve: it is a private
banking cartel of the sort that Andy Jackson kicked out of
government — only worse, a parasite on the American economy.


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 22, 2009 at 5:30 am


Very well-thought-out and well-written post, Emre!

My thoughts …

1. The longer this crisis lasts, the more mid-sized and smaller
companies — our largest employers by far — will go bust, no matter
what the government does.

Getting the bad blood out of the system quickly will save many
companies and wage-earners that would otherwise have burned
through their cash and gone bust in a longer crisis.

2. Bank runs are unlikely so long as the FDIC continues to guarantee

depositors accounts. In the 1930s, the FDIC failed to do this and
bank runs resulted.

3. Since bankruptcies from bank runs can’t happen under our present
system, bank runs cannot cause new bankruptcies.

4. The Fed can’t run out of money. Unlike companies and

consumers, when it needs more it can simply borrow or print as much
as it needs. And in the event that all that money-printing triggered
inflation, it could simply devalue the dollar which would enable
debtors to repay with cheaper money.

5. Falling prices and income don’t cause debt; let alone multiply it.
They only make debt harder to repay — and bankruptcy is the time-[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

honored remedy for companies and consumers who can’t repay their

6. What we have already is the polar opposite of stagflation — and far

worse. We have deflation and a recession that is steadily
transmogrifying into a full-fledged depression.

7. Comparing this crisis with the Great Depression doesn’t reveals

more differences than similarities.

>> Back then, Washington passed Smoot-Hawley, which killed global


>> Today, we have GATT and NAFTA, the World Bank and the G-20
which guarantee open international trade.

** Back then, a sudden stock market crash wiped out just about
everyone at the beginning of the crisis.

** Today, the slow-motion stock decline has allowed millions of

investors to move an estimated $50 trillion to the sidelines. That
money is now available to move back into the market as soon as
confidence is restored, which, if Washington would simply step out of
the way, should cause the recovery to be far sharper than in the ’30s.

>> Back then, the FDIC failed to fulfill its role in guaranteeing
depositors’ money, which wiped out savers and triggered bank runs.

>> Today, the FDIC has more than doubled its insurance to $250,000
per account and is paying off like a slot machine. The cause of bank
runs has been eliminated.

** Back then, a “great communicator” — FDR — took control and

began his efforts to avert further panic AFTER the great crash that
caused the crisis and the bank runs that worsened it.

** Today, another “great communicator” — Obama — as taken

control IN THE MIDDLE of the downturn; giving him the opportunity
to quell public concerns about his use of tough love to end it.

Finally, government is not and has never been the solution; it’s the

Washington caused this crisis by passing idiotic “fair housing”

legislation which increased the number of loans made to unqualified
borrowers … causing Fannie & Freddie to buy those bad loans,
giving many the impression that they were government-guaranteed
investments … slashing interest rates which encouraged rampant real
estate speculation … failing to use existing laws to regulate big
banks.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

As a rule, I trust the government far LESS than I trust companies and

The vast majority of companies and family budgets are managed

effectively and efficiently and profitably. Our government is without
question the worst-managed entity on the globe; utterly incapable of
ending waste or corruption — let alone turning a profit.

I see no historical evidence that giving self-obsessed politicians and

bumbling bureaucrats greater power over our companies and our
personal finances would help in any way.

Allowing them to cause millions of companies and consumers to

become addicted to public money would prove to be the height of

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 22, 2009 at 5:48 am


I do agree, however, that no government has ever demonstrated the

courage to do the sensible thing — to allow badly managed
companies and families to go bankrupt.

Politicians must be seen as doing something to fight the crisis. So

they do something — and that something invariably makes the crisis
last longer and hurt more people than it needed to.

Judging from Obama’s statements and cabinet selections so far, it

seems clear that his plan is NO CHANGE — to merely continue and
even intensify the Bush bail-out policy.

There’s no question that Obama is an extremely intelligent man.

There’s no question that he’s surrounded by very intelligent economic
advisors who know full well that these bail-outs and hand-outs only
make matters worse over the long term.

The only question is, is the Obama administration continuing Bush’s

failed policies merely for political reasons — appearing to be “doing
something” in order to garner votes in the next election cycle?

Or does he have a more sinister long-term agenda that involves using

this crisis as an excuse socialize our economy?

Only time will tell …[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |


Emre Yuce says:

January 22, 2009 at 8:51 am

Dear Clayton,

I always learned from your wisdom and experience. I think you’re a

great communicator too And one with very solid logic and clarity of
thinking. That’s why I follow your blog anyway (and also aspiring to a
career similar to yours)

Anyway, back to my thoughts on the issue:

I totally agree the Fair Housing legislation was a TIME BOMB. If the
government wants to provide decent housing for the poorest (I think it
morally must), it needs to have a very well designed Public Housing
Program, building very efficient, cheap but sturdy and functional,
small apartment-style housing. This way, those poor subprime
borrowers would be indebted to a Federal Government agency, on
favorable (decades for repayment + low interest rates) terms with NO
POSSIBILITY of sup-prime lending induced housing price bubble.

Turkey is a very good example in that. There’s a public agency

(TOKI) responsible to make sure enough small-sized apartment-style
efficient housing is built and sold to the poorest segments of society
through subsidized lending backed directly by the government.

When the government requires markets to address an issue that can’t

be possibly addressed without causing a massive disequilibrium (e.g.
providing decent home ownership for the poorest segments of the
society), it amounts to SAPPING the decent functioning of free

You’re totally right in trusting companies and consumers more than

the government in economic decisions since enough bad decisions
means bankruptcy for individuals while the government can’t go bust
without taking the whole economy down with itself.

And the government can very very easily go corrupt. To prevent that
we have guaranteed freedoms, elections, transparency etc.

Still, BIG companies can also very easily go corrupt. Mainly because
they’ve got huge market shares, people’s habits (like buying GM no
matter what), and ample financing (up to a point when they are on
the brink of collapse). And they are able to run without making a profit
for years and years (look at GM )

So those BIG companies do not have the same checks and balances[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

that small companies have since they can go corrupt much longer
without going bankrupt

And when they go corrupt, they go corrupt in groups (“my competitor

has all these lavish perks with no impunity whatsoever, why shouldn’t
I have the same lavish perks and wastes?”)

And when they go bust, they have a VERY DISPROPORTIONATE

effect on the economy that sends deep shock waves. (e.g. GM and
all its supporting industries + dealers)

So in a way, those BIG companies are like SMALLER STATES run

by Politburos (board of majority stakeholders). They need as
transparency, as checks and balances as the Federal Government

The government certainly CAN’T MICROMANAGE… We agree 100%

on that. But it must:

1. Check big companies very effectively and efficiently, since they

aren’t checked as efficiently as small firms by the specter of
bankruptcy. And their BLUNDERS have a disproportionate huge
adverse effect for the whole economy.

2. Institute a very EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT Refereeing system

that will call a very loud “FOUL PLAY!” when sinister economic actors
attempt to hoodwink honorable, effective, efficient, reasonable
economic actors. And make it especially effective on Big Companies
run by virtual Politburos..

3. Remedy Negative Market Externalities

4. Address Moral and Public Good issues that free markets can’t
possibly address (they aren’t evolved to do so. they’re evolved for
efficient management. for effective management, we need competent
leadership though)

I think the Government is the solution more often than is the problem.
It evolved because of people’s problems in the first place. Remember
a quote by the founding fathers? “If people were angels, we wouldn’t
need government. If the government were made up by angels, we
wouldn’t need politics. Since we don’t have either, we need to have
lots of transparency, and checks and balances on power.”

… And, checks and balances on unrestrained economic power as


I think the worst possible situation would be an ALLIANCE of corrupt

political leadership and corrupt big companies. And we had plenty of
it during the two Bush terms.[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

It’s possible to administer a strict Tough Love pill for the corporate
mismanagement and too much debt illnesses. But the transition
could be very very painful and risky. And given enough panic, no
amount of FDIC guarantee can prevent a bank and stock exchange
run without effective political leadership. So we’re lucky to have
Obama in White House in this respect. We had tons of Tough Love
medicine during Hoover’s term. Still the economy kept spiraling down
till 1933 when FDR’s leadership restored confidence slowly in an
economy in shambles. I wonder what would happen if Hoover won in
1932. The precipitous economic decline still had very high negative
slope and the U.S. economy still hadn’t hit the rock bottom…

I still think an effective political leadership can still make a surgical

intervention (without trying to micromanage) to grossly mismanaged
Behemoth companies to provide a much smoother transition and

Remember, the only thing that stood between Nissan and collapse
was the appointment of Carlos Ghosn as CEO. Same thing with
Chrysler and Lee Iacocca.

Effective leadership and surgical intervention, can carve years in

recovery and restoring general confidence.

The problem then is to find the righteous and effective leaders, which
I think is a bit easier in the information age. Now there are hordes of
whistle blowers for sinister manipulators.

In all, don’t trust the government. But don’t trust those smaller
governments (giant companies) that can run for years without making
a penny in profits… Try to find out good leaders that can establish
effective and efficient institutions and make surgical interventions.

PS: Thank God for the Founding Fathers The institutions they
established were way ahead of their time. Hence the current power of
the U.S.


Andrew L. Foss says:

January 22, 2009 at 9:12 am


God did I have to think about this letter of yours a long time. I have
not read the responses. I only have to say, you have written another
winner and proved that it is possible to sell ice cubes to eskimos even
during an arctic blast!

First – it is obvious it had nothing to do with politics, and everything to[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

do with you showing your incredible ability to sell the sizzle. You have
crafted a well thought out letter, with mounds of proof and tons of


You are selling dog meat to a crowd looking for filet mignon.

Barack Obama is a socialist. His appointments (Leon Paneta just to

piss off Dianne Feinstein being the possible exception) are designed
sink us into a governmental morass that will sink our Economy lower
than even its present state.

PLEASE try to explain his part in their new labor law that is trying to
usher in a NEW generation of Labor union power in the United
States. And with a Senate as stacked as it is, likely to get it passed.
Just the first (in addition to the Upcoming Money Printing Act of
2009) that will cement us into the Great Repression of 2009.

If this was in order to justify your “Socially Liberal” side, hope it all
makes you happy. But I would be more please to hear that you were
trying to show that you are truly one of the best salesmen ever.

It is easy to sell socialism to Hollywood. You are selling to

Libertarians, Conservatives and business people. I just don’t buy it.

Good Luck


Glen Kohlenberg says:

January 22, 2009 at 11:59 am

Great job Clayton! When the banks or the auto clowns go calling with
there hand out, are they given a loan application to fill out like I had
to when I bought my home?

Until everyone comes clean with the true debt they owe, how in the
hell will this ever end.

I think back when I bought my home they run me threw the ringer
with paper work and bank statements and tax records that I could not
have hidden one red cent.

So before we make more handouts how about some real soul

searching and getting down to the real deal.

Only time will tell but the rich will get his first I am sure.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Chris McMorrow says:

January 22, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Thank you, Clayton, for standing up to be counted. You’re not only a

good American … you’re a TRUE American. What is a true
American? Well, one of my definitions is any able-bodied person (or
business entity) who doesn’t look to Uncle Sam for handouts … or …
suck the public tit – something that millions upon millions upon
MILLIONS of “Americans” and illegal aliens now routinely do. God’s
Word says that if a man will not work, he is not to eat. (2nd
Thessalonians 3:10) Government socialist policies that clash with the
clear teachings of the Bible are DOOMED TO FAILURE.

Unfortunately, I fear this President is just another dyed-in-the-wool

brain-dead socialist (an empty suit)- someone who is only going to
throw more wrenches into America’s now rusty capitalist machinery.
President Obama is already FOOLISHLY trying to push through an
$800 billion FDR-style pork-barrel “recovery” bill. America is fast
becomming the “Land of the Liberals and the Home of the Slaves.”

As I see it, ONLY the combination of unbridled capitalism … a

virtuous citizenry … respect for law and order and private property
rights … and … LIMITED GOVERNMENT, can save our once-great
Republic. This could only happen if we were to return to our
Protestant heritage and, unless God sends repentance and revival,
this is NOT going to happen. (Perhaps we have become too sinful
and wicked a nation. The only thing likely coming our way is

The sun is now fast setting upon America. Still, I do hope someone
passes your letter on to President Obama. Thanks again for your

Sincerely yours,

Chris H. McMorrow


Gary Gile says:

January 23, 2009 at 9:17 am

Clayton, as always I enjoy reading your articles. In fact I told a friend

you are one of my two favorite online writers.

That doesn’t mean that I always agree with you thou. You just get me
to thinking and your open letter to the new Prez did just that.

I skimmed through the many comments and noted that no one[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

questioned your statement about the “I also hear you’re planning to

take a few lessons from FDR — create new programs that put
unemployed $70-an-hour auto workers to work digging ditches,
paving roads and building bridges for $10 an hour.”

I did some research on the $70-an-hour part and learned some

interesting things. Mainly that the $70 is very misleading. (Shame on
you and/or your staff for not catching that.)

The $70 per hour actually refers to what it cost per hour to build a
car. This includes wages (average of about $28/hr) and benefits of a
current worker PLUS the pension and benefits of the retired workers
which is substantial considering the number of retired auto workers.

Another thing I noticed (and I haven’t actually researched this yet) is

your comment about the FDIC now being $250,000 instead of
$100,000 and that you implied that was a good thing. My question is:
“Where will the FDIC get all the money to cover that insurance
guarantee if 50% of the banks failed?” Hmmm. I guess they will just
have to have the US Mint print up more money. I hope those printing
presses are insured because they will be “smokin”.

Anyway, time will tell what the new Prez will do. I did not vote for him
or his Republican counter part because I felt they both represented
the same old problem, that of big government getting in the way of
natural laws and doing what the big and poorly run businesses want
instead of what is best for everyone.


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 24, 2009 at 7:42 am


I pulled the $70 out of thin air to make a point — not to slam
autoworkers for getting a good deal. Whether they’re autoworkers or
not, the Obama solution of paying formerly high-income management
and skilled technicians to dig ditches is just silly.

I referred to the FDIC simply to make the point that bank runs aren’t
likely to happen this time around — not to infer that the increase in
insurance was a good thing.

It’s obvious where the government will get money to cover the $250k

1) They’ll borrow it; which will slaughter bond investors and drive
interest rates sky-high …[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

2) When they can’t sell any more treasuries, they’ll print it, which in
the long run will gut the value of the dollar … and

3) When interest rates and inflation are at sky-high levels, they’ll have
no choice but to devalue the dollar, which will break everybody
except gold investors.


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 24, 2009 at 7:46 am


I don’t know if Obama is a socialist or not.

I do know that Obama, like Bush II, Clinton and Bush I, seems to
believe that, whatever the problem, government is the solution.

I, of course believe that government is the problem and that smaller

government, low taxes, less regulation and free enterprise are the


Silverio says:
January 24, 2009 at 12:59 pm

Dear Clayton, the medicine you’re proposing is just the adequate for
a fast recovery of our economy [personal & national]
Congratulations for having the clarity & guts to express it so incisively
& brilliant.
Leading a simple life for all of us would even be marvelous for
liberating the real causes of the disastrous economy. Lack of
concience, to much silly pride, Over consumism and Obesity in all
orders of life.
FOREIGN POLICY, stop being an EMPIRE AMERICA empires
extinguish themselves by finishing financing all stupid acts of bigotry.
The best for all of us Silver


Emre Yuce says:

January 24, 2009 at 5:47 pm

One last comment:[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

Dear Mr. President-Elect … |

Sooner or later, the American middle and lower classes will totally
find out how better their counterparts live in a Western European
style (France, Germany etc.) welfare-capitalist-democracy.

And they will ask them same thing from the U.S. government (both
federal and state). And they will get the same perks: a strict 40 hour
work week, much better universal health care (including better dental
care), much better unemployment benefits, much better retirement
plans etc. etc.

It’s just a matter of time. People never betray their material interest
when they can clearly see them


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:04:19 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

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Could Make You a Bundle in 2009
Posted on January 26, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace
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Recent Posts
(Yes, even in THIS lousy, rotten stinking economy!) He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Dear Business-Builder, Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
I won’t B.S. you. 2009 is going to be one hell of a year. And not in a good you should know …
way. Do You Believe?

In fact, when it’s all over, you may be longing for “the good old days” of
2008 …

Before dozens of emerging nations in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin

America plunged into depression …

Before the banking and credit crisis in the UK and Europe pushed those
nations to the brink …

Before Bank of America and Citigroup rolled over like dying whales and
hundreds of mid-size and smaller banks went bust …

Before unemployment rates soared into double-digits, depriving millions

more families of their paychecks than during The Great Depression of the
1930s …

Before skyrocketing unemployment scared the bejesus out of every other

consumer worldwide, causing them to squeeze every dollar until George
screams “Uncle!” …

Before off-the-scales U.S. Treasury borrowing crushed the bond market

and sent interest rates soaring into the stratosphere …

And before Washington blew another three or four trillion and nationalized
(read: “Socialized”) the entire banking system in a failed attempt to fight
this crisis.[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

Now, maybe the thought of having the same idiots, who caused this crisis by
MISmanaging the U.S. economy, expand their role managing U.S.
businesses – the politicians and bureaucrats whose efforts created the
massive debt bubble that is now crushing our economy – doesn’t worry you
right now.

Maybe the thought of having your mortgage, car loans and credit card debt
collected by an organization exhibiting all the efficiency of the Post Office and
the DMV — and all the compassion and patience of the IRS –doesn’t worry
you either.

Just wait.   

But believe it or not there’s good news for you, too …

There’s a silver lining in this disaster for you,

me and everyone who’s reading this.
Because as entrepreneurs, we have the freedom and flexibility to shift our
focus to the few remaining sectors of the consumer and business
marketplaces where a living can still be made – no matter how much worse
things get in the year ahead.

And as copywriters, we have the one skill that every company in the world
will be most desperate for: The gift for boosting sales and profits.

Sure, many companies will simply stop promoting in the months ahead –
opting to save cash instead of risking it to produce sales. But they’re idiots
and in the end, they’ll get what they deserve.

But many other business owners, chairmen and CEOs will experience a
“Come to Jesus” moment that has been long-coming – and that has the
potential of saving their companies, their employees and their families from

I’m seeing it right now – it’s going on quietly; behind the scenes.

Famous online entrepreneurs suddenly suffering huge sales declines …

wondering why the strategies they’ve been teaching are failing miserably to
boost their own sales …

And coming to the conclusion that, all other things being equal, great sales
copy is the ONE THING with the power to create growth in a shrinking

Until now, they didn’t need us. The Internet was brand-sparkling new. Their
brilliant, pioneering marketing strategies alone were enough to guarantee a
tsunami of leads and conversion rates that turned mind-blowing numbers of[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

those leads into paying customers.

And like their forefathers – marketers who harnessed a new direct mail in the
early part of the 20th Century … television infomercials in the 70s and 80s …
and other new technologies to produce sales – the results were spectacular
even when the sales copy stunk up the joint.

Now? Not so much …

Sure – they’re still generating leads out the wazzoo. Because people love to
snag free stuff online and probably, always will.

But as consumers continue to become increasingly worried about what the

future holds for them, the e-mails and sales pages that once triggered tidal
waves of conversions, sales and profits aren’t doing it at anywhere near the
rate they used to.

And so, the smart ones are beginning to wonder …

“I’ve often heard that stronger sales copy can double, triple, even
quadruple response rates – couldn’t stronger copy more than make up
for the plunge in response I’m suffering now?”

So, instead of keeping all their eggs in the same old “strategy” and “formula”
baskets – and having a raw newb patch together sales copy on the cheap –
these quite bright entrepreneurs are beginning to seek out and actually PAY
pros who know what they’re doing.

And once they see the miracles that professionally produced sales copy can
produce, they suddenly – for the very first time – are beginning to fully realize
how much money their “good enough” copy has left on the table over the last

And they’re kicking their own keesters around the block.

Thank whatever God you worship

that you discovered this copywriting thing of
I don’t mind telling you that I can’t believe my good luck at stumbling into this
profession lo, those 40-odd years ago.

At the time, I just saw it as a way for an unskilled high school dropout with a
knack for persuasion and word-juggling to make a living wage.

Later, as my skills improved and the royalties began rolling in, I began to see
it as a way to get rich.

But now, I’m seeing it as something even more precious:[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

Even while more than 15 million of my fellow Americans watch

helplessly as their paychecks vanish …

And as they stay up nights wondering how they’re going to house, feed
and clothe their families as this “Great Recession” transmogrifies into
The First Great Depression of the 21st Century …

My ability to write winning sales copy gives me a recession-proof, even

DEpression-proof way to provide for my family.

Right now, every company in America

needs ONE THING to survive.

You have the power to give it to them.

What do you think that’s worth?

My advice: If you’re just getting started, keep at it. Study harder. Sharpen
your skills. Begin with our archives. Plunder them for all they’re worth.

Invest only in things that will get you to copywriting competency in the
shortest amount of time possible.

Grab clients by making them an offer they can’t refuse.

“Your sales copy sucks. I’m betting I can kick your response up an order of
magnitude. I’m so sure, I’ll write your next promo for free. All I ask is that
you pay me a small commission on the sales I produce for you.”

If you owned a company that was struggling with declining sales, wouldn’t
YOU jump at an offer like that?

Who wouldn’t?

Food for thought …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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21 Responses to This Quiet Revolution

Could Make You a Bundle in 2009

Ricky Breslin says:

January 26, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Excellent post Clayton! I’ve been seeing declining conversions in a

ton of markets online. And most of them DO have one thing in
common, average copy. You hit on the head with this post.


Joseph Ratliff says:

January 26, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Good read Clayton…

There was a time where “sub-par” to “average” marketing copy would

still perform well enough to satisfy the profits of most companies.

That’s no longer the case.

Copywriters…get ready…and put yourself in front of your markets

with an attitude of leadership.

It’s time to rock this business.


John says:
January 26, 2009 at 6:51 pm

So So true Clayton.

I have clients who are literally paying me unasked for bonuses

because of launch copy I have done for them…

They want to book me for years in advance Why…because I

studied the masters such as yourself…Legendary Gary
Bencivegna…Gary Halbert…Frank Kern…etc. and now…[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

when I write an email it’s like a currency printing press!!! (But with out
the inflationary effect

I agree with you copywriting, is going to make me as rich as King

Midas no matter what happens to the economy, and I am grateful to
wise old masters like you who teach the craft to new up and comers
so generously.

Thanks a million Clayton,



Susan Connors says:

January 26, 2009 at 7:47 pm

Hi there Clayton

This is soo true about — opportunity knocking. Already, I am seeing

an increase in the possibilities of new clients. I am not the worlds
best and I am not the worst either.

There will always be talented people out there, people who are
wizards with words etc better than me and this is good. Competition
helps me face my demons – to improve on what I know and show me
what I don’t.

My copywriting keeps coming back to me to be a useful skill – time

and time again. Now my website is getting a much needed overhaul.

I specialize in home, small and medium businesses copywriting and

marketing. That’s where my skills lie at their best. Online and offline
content are my area where I can help people.

Now there are a host of great sites already out on the web, The Total
Package is one of them

My aim is to take marketing to another level. A action plan of steps,

how to do things, bring people together to help them get the best
return on their investment.

You read the same information, in different books, reports etc and
are still left with wondering “How do I do that?” My take is quite
different and I am excited about my career again

Old sages – the guys with the white hair – like Gandolf in Lord of the
Rings – have been saying through times of old – when one door
closes another one opens. Yes, you will get your fingers jammed in
some, some will slam in your face, others won’t open at all.[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

Somewhere someone will like your idea and the door will open.

So – hang in there. As Copywriters be proud – marketing consultants,

business owners, those with an idea.

Follow Claytons advise – stand up and be counted. In crisis comes

opportunity. Through shakeups change happens.

Clayton I love these two parts of your post:

“I’ve often heard that stronger sales copy can double, triple, even
quadruple response rates – couldn’t stronger copy more than make
up for the plunge in response I’m suffering now?”

Grab clients by making them an offer they can’t refuse.

“Your sales copy sucks. I’m betting I can kick your response up an
order of magnitude. I’m so sure, I’ll write your next promo for free. All
I ask is that you pay me a small commission on the sales I produce
for you.”

If you owned a company that was struggling with declining sales,

wouldn’t YOU jump at an offer like that?

Who wouldn’t?

Food for thought …

Best Wishes everyone

Susan Connors
“Australia’s Marketing Advisor”

PS I have a wonderful business mentor I have met through the Total

Package – Toni Larson.


Fred Black says:

January 26, 2009 at 9:16 pm

Thanks for the kick in the pants! I just emailed a prospect that I’ve not
talked to in several months.


Dr. R. Marek says:

January 26, 2009 at 9:29 pm[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |


Well put. That is THE perfect strategy.

One snag though, how do you know how much money your
promotion generated for the client, so you get your just


David says:
January 26, 2009 at 9:48 pm

Color me scarcity mentality if you like… more money in a financially

struggling entrepreneur’s pocket is tempting him or her to use my
commission money elsewhere…


Joe Swopes says:

January 26, 2009 at 10:16 pm

Great point…I think those that suck it up and keep plugging away will
see success. No one is saying it’s easy, but the opportunity is there…

Good stuff Clayton.


Shanika Journey says:

January 26, 2009 at 10:35 pm

I’m extremely sick, so that will be my excuse for the comment below:



I got the happy feet. I’m dancing to a song I don’t know the words to
in my head!! I got the spirit from your sermon, sir! Speak the truth,
Makepeace!! TELL IT LIKE IT IS!!

Hee Hee…got tired of writng, “great article” or “that’s a wonderful

article”. Just wanted to know you’re right. Just in a more different, but
fun and kinda similar way.

At least I hope that was similar. I dunno. I’m going back to bed. I’m
really feeling the medicine. Amen.[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |


Pingback: Could 2009 Be A Great Year For Copywriters? | "Maximum Results Copywriting"

Scott Huus says:

January 27, 2009 at 3:23 am

You’re the man!! I’ve already implimented this strategy and I plan to
continue to do so, as this can open doors to more business
partnerships and profits in the future. I’m reading all your emails and
archives from now on, instead of just the ones with headlines that
capture my attention.
Thank you for the value,


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 27, 2009 at 5:40 am


I get that question a lot: “If I work on spec, how can I make sure my
client pays me what he owes me?

Truth is, I’ve been working on commissions and royalties for nearly 40
years. My clients have paid me tens of millions of dollars. I’ve had
clients cut me royalty and commission checks for up to $650k per
month — and giggle while they’re doing it — because the know my
$650k commission means they made $6.5 million.

Have I ever been short-changed on a royalty? Probably. But I’d be

willing to bet that, compared to what I’ve earned, any losses were

Why have I been so “lucky?”

Well, for one thing, I only work with companies that have a reputation
to protect. Companies that regularly use outside copywriters know
they’ll never get the best if they become known for screwing them.

Besides — cheating copywriters is stupid. You don’t grow a company

by killing the goose that laid the golden egg — especially in this

Don’t think your client is smart enough to figure out that shaving
dollars off of royalty checks is counterproductive? Still worried about
your compensation? OK — then …[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

1. If you’re doing an online promo, require access to your client’s

shopping cart so you can monitor sales yourself.

2. If you’re doing a direct mail promotion, require a copy of the

postage receipt from the lettershop.

3. If you’re doing less trackable promos — print, TV or radio, for

instance — have the orders taken by a third party caging company
and have daily sales reported to you as well as to your client.

4. And just for good measure, have a contract that documents your
compensation terms with penalties for late and short payments and
that also gives you the right to audit the client’s books at will.

Finally, if you’re still worried, recognize that you deserve a better

class of client. If you feel you’re being cheated, fire the bastard and
move up to clients you don’t have to worry about.

One last thing: In any venture, it helps to have a solution-oriented

mindset. If you spend your time looking for potential problems and
then giving up as soon as you spot one, you might as well quit now.

If, on the other hand, you begin with the belief that just about any
obstacle can be overcome with a little creative elbow grease, skull
sweat and honest negotiation — or better yet, that every problem is
really an opportunity in disguise — you’ll go far.

Hope this helps …


Nizom says:
January 27, 2009 at 7:01 am

Thanks Clayton,

Your post is very time-sensitive…and supportive.

Once again, it helps to keep going for all those who are just learning
copywring and marketing…especially in times when you start
doubting you’ll succeed in this business.

You’re right, let’s work more and go far. It’s worth it.


Dr. R. Marek says:

January 27, 2009 at 9:09 am[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

- – Follow up comment to Clayton’s response – -


Thanks for the ever so true comments to my question. You have hit
the nail on the head (again).

One of the biggest issues in this (and most other business dealtings)

If you don’t feel that you can trust your client, then why would you
ever want to work with them anyways.

Plus, you are absolutely correct, the client has much more to lose if
they are dishonest or treat you poorly. A ‘bad’ reputation is hard to

Take care and stay safe.

Dr. Ron


Carolyn Warren says:

January 27, 2009 at 6:30 pm

Fanfreakintastic!!! Thank you for the idea, the inspiration, and the
mindset, Clayton.


Robert Nomura says:

January 27, 2009 at 6:52 pm

OK you convinced me. I’m going to offer this to every potential client.

Before I would cherry pick then offer them a spec assignment.

I’ve had some success with past clients so I’ll go ahead and offer this
to everyone first (then cherry pick – make sure they’re above board,
aren’t flakes, etc).

I’m ready to kick butt!


Clayton Makepeace says:

January 27, 2009 at 7:24 pm[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

Hi, Carolyn! Good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing great. Boy —
was your book about mortgage frauds timely or WHAT?

Go get ‘em, Robert! The real beauty of this approach is that clients
jump at your offer thinking they’re getting the steal of the century —
really putting one over on you.

But when you hit it out of the park and give yourself a six-figure
payday, the client can’t complain because he made SEVEN figures
— ten times more.

Win, win, WIN!


Zelimir Graf says:

January 27, 2009 at 8:16 pm

Geez what a post by a master…so inspirational. I`ve been thinking

about copywriting these days and how much I like this profession.
Thinking about how my knowledge and skills are going to get better
over time. And then I`ve been thinking how much the business
owners are going to need my skills to keep theirselves above water.
This year should be easy picking, right guys and girls? Specially with
this kind of help and guidance we get on this website.Thank you
again Clayton and the gang for this wonderful gift that just keeps
getting better and better every second.


Hal Major says:

January 29, 2009 at 8:31 am

Hi Clayton,
As a retired marketing consultant I will vouch for the fact that during
tough economic times a copywriter’s prospects for more and new
business are excellent.
I would encourage my clients to improve their ad copy by sub-
contracting with a professional copywriter. Many took that advice and
always experienced sales growth when teamed-up with the right
copywriter. Some clients looked at me as though I had just escaped
an asylum. Regardless of the amount of proof they would ignore the
advice and continue to experience declining revenues. A few of them
closed their doors forever.
We have a golden opportunity with the current market to let our talent
shine through the gray overcast of a recession.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:38 PM]

This Quiet Revolution Could Make You a Bundle in 2009 |

John Forde says:

January 31, 2009 at 11:59 am



- John

P.S. I like this post so much, I’m going to urge my Copywriter’s

Roundtable readers to log on to this page and read it.


Paul says:
February 1, 2009 at 2:01 pm

Opportunity abound Clayton. I love opening up conversation with a

business owner by asking two simple question(s)

1.”Why should I buy this product you are advertising?”

2.”Why don’t you say so in this ad?”

On the political point. You gotta have SOME comfort in knowing the
new stewards of the recovery are the same geniuses who gave us
the tax code!

Paul Flood


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Posted on February 5, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
Dear Business-Builder, He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
I tell folks I live so far up in the boonies, my Zip code is E-I-E-I-O.
Before you take the copywriting
We’re in North Carolina, which was named in honor of England’s King by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Charles I … about 30 miles west of Asheville, which was named in honor of
Do You Believe?
Governor Samuel Ashe. Asheville is located on the beautiful, curvaceous
French Broad river, which I’m pretty sure was named in honor of Brigitte

When you think of our hometown, think “Mayberry.” This is the very heart of
Appalachia: The land of mountains and moonshine … Bluegrass and the
Blue Ridge Parkway … black bears, Baptists and Bubbas.

And when I say “Bubbas” I mean guys with hearts of gold and the reddest
rednecks anywhere. When rednecks in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi tell
redneck jokes, they’re talking about North Carolina rednecks.

When we first moved here, my #1 problem was making friends among the
locals. The Bubbas and Bubbettes were surprisingly standoffish.

At first, I thought we simply had a failure to communicate. And so, I

committed myself to learning a new language: “Mountain English.”

I learned, for example, that a “FAR” is a fire … a “TAR” is a tire … a “TIRE” is

a tower … and you folks who live overseas are “FARNERS.”

Now, I don’t claim to be a linguist, but I think I was a pretty quick study. Soon,
when a local accosted me with a hardy “Heidi,” I knew exactly what he meant.
What’s more, I could quickly reply, “Heidi beck – Hire Yew?” (Translation:
“Hello, how are you?”)[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

All I got back were blank stares. Like I had a third eye or a booger in my nose
or something.

And so, perplexed with my inability to connect, I began to suspect the locals
might just be shy – and the source of their intimidation might be my new
BMW 745li – a rich man’s car. So, I promptly traded my Beemer for a pickup
truck. A pickup with a 500 horsepower, ten-cylinder Viper engine mind you,
but nonetheless, a truck.

The Bubbas still steered clear of me. Unfortunately, the local Barney Fife
wasn’t so timid.

See, when a guy has 500 ponies under the hood, he’s gonna speed. (I know:
I’ve seen me do it!)

And a little while back, the inevitable happened: I got caught pretending State
Road 73 was the Autobahn.

“Fair enough,” says I to Officer Fife, “I was speeding, you caught me, I
deserve the ticket.”

“No problem,” I assured The Redhead, “I’ll just pay the $250 fine and maybe
get a point or two on my license.”

“I am guilty, sir” I confessed to the judge, “and I’m prepared to suffer the

“Very well,” says Hizzoner, “the penalty is … you lose your driver’s license for
a full year.”

Now, have you ever had your heart, stomach AND your sphincter convulse at
exactly the same moment?

Suddenly, this was anything but a “no problem” situation. This was a major
event in my life! And suddenly, for the first time, I regretted – DEEPLY
regretted – blowing the numbers off that Speed Limit sign.

But as my mind reeled with images of myself unable to ride my Harley,

bumming rides to the office and living in taxis on business trips, the judge
said something that endeared him to me forever: “… But since this is your
first ticket,” he grinned, “I’m going to reduce this to just the $250 fine.”

In the twinkling of an eye, I went from sheer panic to euphoria. The sun burst
through my gloom, the birdies began chirping and I swear I could hear the
angels singing. I didn’t know whether to just thank the judge or run up there
on the bench and hug him!

In fact, I can honestly say I have only experienced a wave of relief and
gratitude that intense on one other occasion in my entire life – in the back[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

seat of my ’57 Chevy in 1968 (don’t worry – we won’t go into that now).

Now, at this point, you’re probably thinking, “What in THE BLOODY HELL
does any of this have to do with direct marketing or copywriting?

Quite a lot, it turns out …

The Astonishing Power of Guilt and Absolution

Most of us – and most of our prospects – do things we know we shouldn’t. Or
don’t do things we know we should.

And most of us are pretty sure that – sooner or later – we’re probably going
to get what we deserve. So we regret our sins and that feeling of regret is
called “Guilt.”

Now, guilt as it turns out, is one of the most powerful of all human emotions –
and so is the unique kind of euphoria that accompanies forgiveness.

Every prospect you talk to is a walking, talking bundle of guilt.

He feels guilty that he hasn’t always eaten right or exercised …

That he smokes or drinks too much …

That he works too hard or not hard enough …

That he doesn’t provide well enough for his family (conservative guilt) or that
he earns “too much” (liberal guilt) …

That he lost family money on a stock he should have researched better … or

failed to sock away enough for retirement.

No matter who we’re selling to, these guilty emotions are resident in almost
every one of our prospects.

When he thinks about these failings (or when our promotion gently reminds
him), his remorse turns to fear and becomes dominant – a driving force
capable of moving him to action.

And when a promotion shows him how a product absolves him of his sin and
suspends the consequences of his shortcoming – the urge to buy can
become almost irresistible.

What Every Mother Knows

At my Power Marketing Summit, we had a session in which a panel of
experts offered suggestions for improving attendees’ promotion pieces.

One of the most memorable promos was for a water purifier and I asked the[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

attendees to tell me why anyone would want such a thing in their home.

Several hands shot up …

One logical attendee volunteered, “It removes dangerous chemicals, bacteria

and viruses from your water.”

Someone who’s read a book on benefits suggested, “It keeps you healthier?”

And an uber-pragmatist offered, “It’s cheaper than buying bottled water.”

All good answers. But the last answer offered was the best by a long shot …

“Because your children are counting on you to protect them.”

Now I ask you: Have you ever met a mother who didn’t feel she could be –
should be – doing better by her kids?

I haven’t! And I’d be willing to bet bucks against bagels that a promo
revealing the secret of a mom whose kids never get sick would be an out-of-
the-park grand slam.

Recently, I finished up the first draft of a promo selling a nutritional

supplement that lowers your risk of having a heart attack or stroke – and to
write that promotion, I had to read about 4,000 customer testimonials.

My favorite said something like …

“I smoke two packs a day and drink a quart of vodka every two days. I eat lots
of red meat and cheese and rich, sugary deserts. I’ve never exercised a day
in my life.

“My doctor says I should try to live healthier. I tell him to mind his own
business. At 94, I like my lifestyle just the way it is. No way am I going to

“So thanks for a product that lets me live the way I want and still keep my
blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar normal.”


Now that guy doesn’t seem to have an ounce of guilt in his entire body. But
most of the folks who use my client’s product do.

It was clear that they viewed his product as a way to get forgiveness for past
health sins. And so one of my major headlines touched on that idea,
promising to “Dissolve 50 years of artery plaque in 8 weeks or less.”

Notice though, that I never mentioned the fact that my prospect’s high blood
pressure, massive cholesterol numbers or diabetes was his own doing.
Blaming prospects for self-created problems only ticks them off. Not a[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

particularly good way to make a friend or a sale.

But if you begin by understanding the guilt and fear your prospects feel
relative to the benefits your product provides – and then simply offer
forgiveness in the form of your product (or premium), you’ve taken a giant
step towards making the sale.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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Could Make You a Bundle in 2009

24 Responses to Go and Sin No More

Morgan Cryar says:

February 5, 2009 at 12:23 pm

You are indeed a true Southern linguist. I used to teach Northerners

how to talk southern by having them point to their eye and say
outloud, “Ah got Sumpm’ in mah ah… oh…it’s mah fanger.”

Yes, guilt and release from it is a deep enough current to sweep large
numbers of people in a predictable direction… thereby giving savvy
marketers a unique opportunity.

Great peice of writing, Clayton!


Caleb Osborne says:

February 5, 2009 at 12:35 pm[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

Great story and a great point! I love it when you show us how to tap
dominate emotions in our marketing — it’s truly the “secret sauce”

– Caleb


Ron says:
February 5, 2009 at 12:54 pm

Dear Clayton,

Is guilt fleeting or is it an emotional experience that stays with you

and convicts you into seeking solutions to problems you don’t want to

Since I’m not a psychiatrist, psychologist or anything of the sort, I

have not a clue.

But I do have an inkling that unless as a marketer you inflict some

pain or at least describe what will happen if you don’t do something
about the problem, people won’t move off their lazy behinds for
diddly-squat – even if they’ve got a case of guilt up to their eyeballs.

I’m wondering what the real answer is in terms of heart-felt, “I’d be

stupid if I didn’t do what you told me or suggested to me to do”
motivation is and I’m willing to bet $27,000.00 (yes, that’s not a typo
folks, that’s $27,000.00 in cold hard CASH plus 10% percentage of
sales, which should approximate $10,000,000 by the time we pipeline
the product at retail) to the marketer/copywriter who can show me
how they can position and write my latest launch product (actually it’s
a service that seniors, travelers, investors, busy executives, movie
fans, sports fans, busy moms,) need. This will change everything
about how we access and use “must-have” information that connects
us to the people and things we need everyday without having to be a
computer geek, buy expensive equipment or pay outrageous monthly
fees to your phone company.

Clayton, if you in specific or any of your readers (pros only please),

are interested in this “life-changing” marketing project (most of which
is already written but not tested, it just needs polishing), just leave me
a message (800-705-5356 Ext. 77) and we can plan a convenient
time to chat.

Keep up the great work Clayton.

As always, you’re the best!

Ron Schmidt
CEO – The Marketing Consultants Group, LLC[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |


Bill Abbott says:

February 5, 2009 at 1:32 pm


Love the story and the lesson. Although, you gave us a “2 fer 1″
today. You have a second “golden nugget” in your story that your
readers will appreciate.

Notice how the judge “anchored” your “price.” For a few moments you
were sold on losing your license for a year. Ouch…that’s steep.

But then he lowered the price to “only” $250. You were euphoric and
couldn’t wait to pay it! What a great deal! I’m sure some of our best
promotions can be ramped up by doing the same with our products
and services, right?

Justify a high price first, set the anchor, then BAM! Lower the boom
and the value gates rush open….

Thanks Clayton.


Dave Doolin says:

February 5, 2009 at 2:11 pm

Everybody knows Mayberry is really Mt. Airy…


Dave Doolin says:

February 5, 2009 at 2:12 pm

Here’s another:

TRILE = Trowel


Bernie says:
February 5, 2009 at 2:27 pm

Great piece.[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

If nothing else, the judge taught you a memorable lesson you won’t
soon forget. He may have given you absolution, but he also showed
you that he had you dead to rights, and who was the boss (Him- The
black robed guy, almost like a Jesuit hearing confessions).

As a writer my takeaway is show your prospect understanding, and

perhaps empathy, sell the value, and then provide absolution by
showing him/her that absolution is affordable (and comes with

Think I will use this idea in the promo I am working on.



Marc says:
February 5, 2009 at 2:33 pm


One wonders whether you were ever absolved of your participation in

the “backseat incident” in your ol’ Chev. Or have you been fighting
overpowering guilt for forty years?

If you’re guilty, my son, let me lay my hands upon your head. And
repeat after me ….

Just kidding.

Great story, great analogies.




SandraW says:
February 5, 2009 at 2:41 pm

You got me with the headline, “Dissolve 50 years of artery plaque in 8

weeks or less.” Where do I sign up?

I loved the story and the insights you gave. I like Bill Abbott’s point as

Reply[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

John Gamble says:

February 5, 2009 at 2:44 pm


You’re the best – obviously. Thanks for all of the tremendous

resources you provide.

And with today’s close -

“by understanding the guilt and fear your prospects feel relative to the
benefits your product provides – and then simply offer forgiveness in
the form of your product”

- I even feel like I’m beginning to understand this whole “church”


John Gamble


Chong Xin Yun Seth says:

February 5, 2009 at 3:13 pm

My God, I find myself more and more each day, not being able to
keep my eyes from any posts you make Clayton.

Priceless. Priceless. Priceless.


Chong Xin Yun Seth says:

February 5, 2009 at 3:15 pm

Bill Abbott: Sharp observation man, I love it.


Your Friend says:

February 5, 2009 at 3:32 pm

OHHH HAIIILLL, is what you’ll say in them Appaliationn’s when you

miss that curve in that 500hp dram machine…(God Forbid)

And that officer, the one that would’a rote ya up…he’s just gonn’a say
dammmmnnnn…feller gonn’a be down in that gorge fer a minuite!

Seriously, keep on keep’in on Clayton and crew!![11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

I screwed up your recent survey cause I said I made $100,000 this

year(will make)…that was just to pump my broke ass ego up ok…sort
of goal setting if you will.

Your tips are truly priceless!! And using them hopefully will propell
me towards my goals!


Susan Connors says:

February 5, 2009 at 3:42 pm

Hi Clayton

Great post!

Here on the gorgeous mid north coast of NSW, in Australia, it is

another language that is spoken. G’day – means hello, man – is a
cool saying for its good, and other ones. Kangaroos do hop around
the bushland areas of the country – not down the main street.
Goanna’s – saw one yesterday, as I was tearing through the forest
bush drive in our 4wd. Slammed on the brakes, skidding so I could
give the old one a chance to cross the road – hey I was in his territory
not mine (For those who dont know Goanna’s are one of
Australia’s largest native lizards).

Theres a major change going on here – called “Sea Change”. People

moving from the city to regional areas like this. I find myself being the
go-between for the city professionals and locals, introducing them
and improving communication.

Its still the same as it was twenty years ago here when I left the area.
If you haven’t married a local or been here at least 30 you are a
foreigner. Or a tourist in your own back yard

Going to a meeting today, as I was asked because the principal

needs someone who is articulate. Me – articulate? Hmmm – wait and
see what happens..

Guilt – is in all of us! Whether we steal cookies like my kids did from
the jar yesterday or having the ice-cream I had last night. You are so
right Clayton when you say appeal to your prospects emotions. Its so
imperative to be able to communicate – as if sitting down having a
one-to-one conversation with them.

Anyways, enough of my ramblings,

Have a great day![11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

Look forward to the next post

Susan Connors
Mad Hatter


Tracy Needham says:

February 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm

Hey–you never finished the story!

Did the locals ever start talking to you?

I’m assuming they did or you wouldn’t still be living there…



Dean Kennedy says:

February 5, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Even reading this a second time … it’s sensational!

I think I would have hugged the judge.

Great lesson, thanks again!


Bruce Porter Sr says:

February 5, 2009 at 6:23 pm

I’m convinced! I’ve given up sinning!


Jeff Smith says:

February 5, 2009 at 6:59 pm

Hey Clayton,

Great post! Not only does it cover speaking in the listener’s language,
I love the guilt/absolution perspective. It crystalized some thoughts
I’ve been having about the marketing of our product – a new
treatment for Herpes. There’s a ton of guilt and shame involved in the[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

psyche of my potential customers. I will definitely be using your

coaching on this one!

Thanks again for all the great posts,



Neal Browne says:

February 5, 2009 at 11:01 pm

Thanks immensely. You just gave me the “seal the deal” line for a
series of TV and radio spots I hope to soon be writing on a children’s
protection product—”Your children are counting on you to protect


Greg Goodwin says:

February 5, 2009 at 11:08 pm

LOL!…I thought it was just me. That’s hilarious, Clayton!

I bought a vacation cabin about 40 miles west of you on Douglas

Lake (Dandridge) about 6 years ago. It was called cabin 26 in
Paradise Landing Resort. About 2 years ago, my wife renamed it
Serenity Hill Cabin and now I’m managing it online from 500 miles
away (Indiana). (Long-distance management is a piece of cake
compared to trying to bridge the damn Yankee/Redneck
cultural/communication gap close up!)

Anyway, in addition to a housekeeper and a maintenance man, I

hired Orkin to manage the pest control and “Rick” (the application
technician) walked me through his process of controlling roaches and

Now, I had read up on several pests native to the area, but didn’t run
across any literature on “spotters”. But since we were talking
“roaches and spotters”, I figured they must be something like “worker
roaches” that scout out nesting areas or something.

After a few more mentions of spotters (and how they prefer places in
the deck railing where the breeze blows through), I couldn’t handle it
any more. I said,

“Rick, what exactly is a spotter, anyway?”…to which he replied,

“Spotters, you know – 6 legs…they spin webs,…”[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

“Oh, you mean SPIDERS!” I said. That’s when I got the booger look
(or as you so aptly put it – the third eye stare) as he cocked his head
in total amazement of my stupidity,

“Uh…yeah, that’s what I said…spotters.”

Thanks for the fun read and the very valuable lesson, Clayton. But
most of all, thank you for always giving so freely.



Robert Schwarztrauber says:

February 5, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Another great article Clayton. Having spent a bit of time in the

mountains of West Virginia I can surely relate.

But I gotta tell ya, I hadda laugh out loud when I read,
“See, when a guy has 500 ponies under the hood, he’s gonna speed.
(I know: I’ve seen me do it!)”

I can think of a dozen great lines to spin off of that.

“See, when a guy has ______, he gonna ____. (I know: I’ve seen me
do it!)” Would you mind if I “borrowed” that?

Always great stuff on The Total Package!


Dave says:
February 6, 2009 at 8:31 am

Light years in front as ever Clayton!

Dave Alston


Nizom says:
February 7, 2009 at 1:20 am

Thank you for giving an idea for my current promotion!

We are starting a recruitment campaign for our university and now

that “Because your children are counting on you to protect them” (in
terms of being prepared for successful career) should be the central[11/29/2012 8:04:54 PM]

Go and Sin No More |

idea in it.

I’m very grateful to you, Clayton!


February 8, 2009 at 11:01 am

Hey Clayton, roun’ heah they’s a word what describes motuhs

(motors) in many smaller cars and some smaller pickups. It is
‘focinna’. This means ‘four cylinder’. Another commonly used word is
‘ovar’ which means ‘over there’. Perhaps trickiest of all is this one
person (possibly persons) who I have never actually seen but
constantly hear about. The name of this person is ‘Nem’. How do I
hear about this person/persons? The conversation goes a bit like this:
“Y’all, I’m goin’ ovar to see Freddie Joe and Nem.” Or “I ain’t saw
Bettie Mae and Nem in seval (several) days.” Or “Reckon Billy Bob
and Nem are gonna hunt deers with us today? Shoot, Billy Bob’s old
CHEVY is de only Fo’ wheel drive roun’ heah what will lock in!”
Yeah, guilt is a powerful emotion, no question….but the worst (and
one that tends to waste much time)-JEALOUSY! I have found when
one is talented many resent him and will do everything they can-
always behind his back-to throw wrenches into his gears. This is, no
doubt, one of the main things that motivate the independent spirit of
the entrepreneur!


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Posted on February 9, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Congratulations to Carline, Mick, Milan, Ethan … and the entire Cole


Clayton and Wendy

Dear Business-Builder,

The following is an exercise in self-abuse. But it’s not my fault …

Last week, my friend Michel Fortin “tagged” me as one of three people he’s[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

challenged to reveal 25 things about themselves. Because for some reason

known only to him, he wants to know more about me.

So I figure that, although the following contains absolutely nothing that will
advance your career or make you money – that it, in fact, has no redeeming
educational value whatsoever – you may find it a fun read.

Plus, since it’s already written, publishing it today means I get a reprieve from
my normal editorial duties.

So are you ready to learn more than any sane person would ever want to
about yours truly?

OK, here goes …

1. “Makepeace” is a made-up name. In the thirteenth Century, a daughter

of King John (Robin Hood’s legendary nemesis) was given the last name
after being married off to a Scottish king (Alexander II) in a peace treaty.

Edward II (Longshanks’ gay son in the movie Braveheart) also had a

daughter named Joan who was given the Makepeace name after being
married off to the son of Robert the Bruce (also in the flick) in a similar deal.

Joan Makepeace became Queen of Scotland, but spent most of her life in
exile at the Chateau Gaillard in France. Her family adopted our surname in
her honor.

2. The family manse in England is now a museum. Sulgrave Manor (a

stone’s throw from Stratford-Upon-Avon) was also the home of George
Washington’s ancestors. Seems George’s ancestors and mine were related
by marriage.

The manor’s owner was Lawrence Makepeace – a member of London’s Inner

temple and a lawyer.

We’re not proud of the fact that Lawrence was an ambulance chaser, mind
you; we pretty much consider him the black sheep of the family.

3. We landed in Boston in 1630. The first Makepeaces – Thomas and his

family — arrived in Massachusetts Colony shortly after the Mayflower
landed. The first Makepeace home this side of the pond was located where
Boston’s Government Center now stands.

According to court records, Thomas Makepeace was the plaintiff in a trial in

which a neighbor was caught buggering one of his cows.

The Makepeace Cranberry Company which was founded by Thomas’

posterity is now known as “Ocean Spray.”[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

4. I’m not related to the Makepeaces by blood. I was adopted at birth. All
I know about my birth mother is that her last name was Jerome.

Winston Churchill’s birth mother’s last name was Jerome, too.

I haven’t determined whether or not any Jeromes were ever accused of

buggering cows or being lawyers.

Since, I’m adopted, I have no idea what my ethnic background is. So, I’m
fascinated with people who do know their ethnic backgrounds. I take great
pleasure in learning about their customs and peculiarities.

I find most racial epithets funny. I wish everyone did. I, for example, am a
proud, card-carrying flat-assed, white-bread, gringo, goyisher kopf, honky –
who looks ridiculous when he attempts to dance.

5. I’m a high school dropout who loves to learn. I read the entire World
Book Encyclopedia three times before 8th grade. Voluntarily. I also read
more than 30 years of National Geographics my dad bought at a garage sale.

I taught myself cinematography by studying the American Cinematography

Society manual when I was 18 and actually got a job as a film cameraman on
a nationally syndicated TV show.

Once I’d weaseled my way inside a TV studio, I quickly learned how to

operate most of the equipment, which resulted in my getting work as a
technical director on several hundred video projects.

I also learned the art of studio lighting, which got me a gig lighting two U.S.
presidents and one vice president in the 1970s – and also working as lighting
director at a 5,000-seat theatre in Anaheim.

Plus, over the years, I’ve also taught myself a lot about history, archaeology,
politics, economics, guitar and how to reload .50 BMG brass.

6. I treasure classic American values. I think the Declaration of

Independence and the U.S. Constitution are the two greatest documents ever
written. Bar none.

I am often deeply humbled, get choked up and sometimes blubber like a little
girl when I contemplate the selfless sacrifices others have made to ensure
that my generation enjoyed the fruits of democracy, personal liberty and free

One of my uncles survived the Bataan Death March in World War II. He and
another uncle sat out most of the war in Japanese prison camps, locked in
tiny bamboo cages and eating cockroaches to survive.

I am often alarmed by how easily and cavalierly this generation yields the
hard-won blessings won for us by men like those – and hundreds of
thousands of others since 1776.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

7. But I have a definite anarchist streak, too. Having said that — and
given the U.S. government’s spotless record for screwing things up over the
last 100 years or so — I think it might be time to give anarchy a chance. I
mean; how could we possibly do worse?

8. OK; so I’m outrageously politically incorrect. Wendy hates it when I

point out that, since women got the vote, we haven’t had a single fat, bald or
ugly president – but plenty of stupid, corrupt and evil good-looking ones.

Now, we have a prez with six-pack abs. Who’s next? Fabio?

Way I see it, if you can’t name the Vice President, Speaker of the House, the
majority leader of the Senate, or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, you
should NOT vote. Your ignorant opinion will probably hurt more than help.

Oh – and if you don’t pay income taxes, I don’t think you’ve earned the right
to elect the people who’ll tax me, then spend my money.

I also find it impossible to believe that you build a great society by spanking
the good children and giving candy to the bad ones. Or punishing productive
people with high taxes while rewarding unproductive people with hand-outs.

If you screw up your own life, you have no right to expect me to bail you out.
I probably will anyway, but that’s charity – not your right.

I think being poor should be hard and that being rich should be glorious. Why
else would anyone go through everything it takes to be a productive citizen –
or better yet, an employer?

9. I’ve rubbed shoulders with presidents. I’ve had lunch at The White
House and have met three presidents: Nixon, Ford and Reagan.

Vice President Nelson Rockefeller introduced me to Mateus Rose’. I never

quite forgave him.

10. My first mother-in-law drove me to drink. I never properly thanked

I got married the first time when I was just 18. My first wife was from Chile.
Her step-father was a member of the Chilean Supreme Court. Pinochet, the
Chilean dictator, attended our wedding reception on Embassy Row in

At the reception, a Chilean senator insulted me in Spanish, thinking I

wouldn’t understand. I promptly insulted his mother and suggested he kiss
my ass – also in Spanish. The entire party erupted in raucous laughter and

My first wife and I had two kids, Michelle and Denny. They all live in Atlanta;
about three hours from my house here in North Carolina. The kids are doing
great and have made me a proud grandpa – three times over.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

11. I once used my writing skills to get a free pilot’s license. It was
easy: I just wrote a two-page letter offering to create campaigns designed to
get local flight schools more students and charters.

About 24 hours after I mailed that letter to three flight schools, one of them
called, accepted my offer and gave me my first flying lesson. I soloed in nine
hours, got my license, then worked on my IFR and commercial tickets – all
without spending a penny of my own money.

I also used my writing to convince my Congressman to secure a visa for a

friend of mine. The U.S. government was about to send him back to the
communist country from which he had just escaped.

12. I’ve been in some pretty interesting places. Like spending two weeks
living with the Supai Indians at the bottom of The Grand Canyon.

And flying two WWII-vintage D-18s packed with food to Managua, Nicaragua
to help the victims of a devastating earthquake there in the early 1970s.

And hanging out in San Jose, Costa Rica with the five rebel generals who
were fighting the communist government of Nicaragua in the 1980s.

And spending a few nights in the guest house owned by the vice president of
Costa Rica, whose efforts to end the U.S. Nicaragua war earned his
government the Nobel Peace Prize.

13. I can be easy. After 20 years, my first marriage ended and I was
suddenly a single man with a beach house who made big money and only
had to work about one month a year.

I was surprised and more than a little delighted to discover how much the
ladies seemed to like that kind of thing(!).

14. Wendy’s the love of my life. My first date with my second wife –
Wendy; The Redhead — was at the Mayflower Hotel in D.C. We sat next to
Larry King for breakfast. She spilled a mimosa on my lap, then collapsed in
laughter. King stared at us in disgust.

At dinner with friends, when the maitre ’d was rude, Carline Anglade-Cole –
who played a crucial role in getting The Redhead and me together —
summoned the rude waiter by shouting, “Oh, maitre ‘d MINUS!”

The location of that date has changed, but it’s still going well. I think The
Redhead kind of likes me.

15. I had the unparalleled thrill of being present at the birth of both of
our children. Most amazing experiences of my life.

Our 15-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son are my pride and joy: They’re
brilliant, inquisitive, beautiful, creative, gentle, tolerant, self-sufficient,[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

wonderful people.

And so far, they’re both Libertarians just like their Dad.

16. If I was a woman, I’d probably be a lesbian — because women are

the best thing God ever created. I think it’s a disgrace how gay people are
treated in this country. Prediction: Twenty years from now, the world will
view our treatment of gays with the same disdain we have for our ancestors’
treatment of Africans.

17. I have tons of hobbies because I get bored in minutes if I don’t have
something to do.

I’m a video game addict, for instance. In the ‘80s, I flew from Prescott,
Arizona to Manhattan just to buy one of the first Nintendo consoles at FAO
Schwartz. My best score in one-on-one Scrabble is 574. All-time favorites
(so far): The Orange Box and Crysis.

I’m probably the world’s worst poker player but love it anyway. Show me a
blackjack table, get me a Grey Goose, surround me with interesting people
and I’ll stay busy for a week or more. Cruise ships with casinos are my
definition of heaven.

18. I’m also an inveterate collector. I have a ton of very expensive guitars
including the last guitar Stevie Ray Vaughan touched in Alpine Valley,
Wisconsin (signed by Stevie, his brother Jimmy, Robert Cray and Eric
Clapton). My favorite guitar for playing is my natural-wood Telecaster.

I have a substantial autograph collection containing albums and guitars

signed by most top rock-n-roll artists from Buddy Holly on: Ritchie Valens,
Elvis, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Stones, Cream, Led Zeppelin,
Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Queen, The Eagles and many,
many more.

19. I’m crazy about all kinds of music. We have two, giant photos of blues
legends on our home theater wall: Robert Johnson and B.B. King. At last
count, I have 3,237 songs of all genres on my iPod: Classical, blues, rock,
alternative, country; you name it.

But the way I see it, wearing baggy clothes, showing your boxers, wearing
your ball cap crooked, posing and shouting obnoxious lyrics about busting
hos and shooting cops isn’t music. It’s just stupid.

And for my money, disco is even dumber.

20. As a musician, I personally suck. Despite five torturous years of piano

lessons, two years of painful sax lessons and a humiliating year of accordion
lessons in my youth, I’m a lousy musician.

I get bored when playing an entire song on the guitar; so I improvise. Badly.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

When I try to sing, dogs howl.

When Wendy tries to sing, they begin to contemplate the sweet release of

Unfortunately, that has never stopped us from singing anyway.

21. I’m a gun nut. I own a 1730-vintage English piece made for trading with
American Indians … a rifle that was seized by John Brown at Harper’s ferry
before the Civil War … a Philadelphia Derringer like the one that killed
Lincoln … more than a dozen matching serial-number Colt Peacemakers …
and a custom pistol that was made for the president of Lebanon, just to name
a few.

22. My newest hobby is studying foreign languages. I figure they may

come in handy if I ever have to move to another country to keep my family
self-sufficient and free.

23. I’m a religious agnostic. It’s not that I have proof that there is no God,
it’s just that, when I really think about them, none of the mad-made theories
about who she is or what she’s up to really make much sense to me.

Plus I figure that if there is a God, he’s got to be one heck of a lot smarter,
more loving, more compassionate and more forgiving than I could ever be –
and since I’d forgive me for actually trying to think my way through mankind’s
maze of religions, I’m probably home free anyway.

Nevertheless, due to the religious indoctrination my Methodist-minister father

and mother gave me in my youth, I am heavily influenced by the Judeo-
Christian principles of scrupulous honesty, brotherly love, compassion and
personal responsibility.

Major pet peeve: Drooling morons who claim to be “offended” at others’

public religious observations but who insist on imposing their own atheistic
views on us; driving any mention of a deity out of public life.

24. I’m no conspiracy nut – but … I secretly suspect that American

teachers intentionally make history and economics boring. After all: They
work for the government and the last thing any politician wants is a truly well-
educated electorate.

Plus, as I contemplate the political events that have occurred during my

lifetime, I sometimes wonder if there’s some kind of grand master plan
designed to push mankind towards a one-world socialist government and a
single currency.

If so, it seems clear to me that both Bushes, Clinton, Obama, the entire U.S.
Congress and most newspapers and TV networks are all in on it.

25. Eddy Izzard, Mitch Hedberg and Steven Wright are the three
funniest people who ever lived. Because they make me think.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

I also love the humor of the South Park guys. Jesus and the Super Friends.
Jew Scouts. Saddam and Satan as gay lovers. A talking dookey – “Heidy

A bad guy turns the statue in the Lincoln Memorial into a colossus that
stomps around Washington, crushing buildings, cars and people. The boys
ask Jesus to save the city.

Jesus muses, “Hmmm. How would one stop a 60-foot-tall Lincoln? I’ve got
it! I’ll make a 60-foot-tall John Wilkes Booth!”

Catastrophe averted.


BONUS FACT: I’m obsessed with quantum physics, chaos theory and
string theory. Did you know electrons spontaneously dance around the
nucleus of the atom and that they even disappear from time to time, then
reappear to resume their dance?

Did you know that photons can be two places at once? Or that they change
their behavior when being observed?

Or that a particle that has been separated from another by miles or even light
years will instantly change its behavior when its opposite number changes its

Did you know that television, computers and tons of other things we have
today would never have been invented were it not for these quantum

Or that these theories also suggest that there’s an infinite number of

universes and an infinite number of Clayton Makepeaces living an infinite
number of variations on the theme of my life in them?

Or that, by definition, that would mean there is also an infinite number of

universes in which the secret of eternal life has been discovered and in which
we all live forever?

Hmmm …

I showed you mine …

c’mon; show me yours!
So how about you? What are your predilections, pet peeves and personal

Leave a comment below to help us get to know you better![11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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39 Responses to 25 Things You May Not Know About Me

Carline says:
February 9, 2009 at 3:20 pm

Thanks for the shout out Clayton! The whole family is doing great —
Dallas is “Da Bomb!” Being a grandmother is way cooler than being a
mom! I should’ve done it first !
Smooches, Carline


Michele PW says:
February 9, 2009 at 4:22 pm

Hi Clayton,

Imagine my surprise when I read you used to fly back and forth from
Prescott to Manhattan. I live in Prescott (been here for 12 years,
before that Madison, Wis.)

I did one of those Top 25 — here’s my list in Facebook:[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

(Oh, and I’m a direct response copywriter as well. Been reading your
blog for awhile now.)

Thanks for all your biz tips!


Bob Oni says:

February 9, 2009 at 4:39 pm

Hi Clayton,
Thanks for sharing so much of your personal details with us. Your
account really shows a life that is rich in the range of things you’ve
tried, done and mastered.
No doubt such a diverse background and experience comes in handy
in helping you write good copy on a wide range of subject matter.
I was rather surprised that you didn’t say anything about your library.
I imagined you would have a phenomenal collection of great books,
including those on Direct Mail and Copywriting. Did you forget?
As for me, I stumbled upon the subject of Copywriting in my
obsessesive interest of business and money making opportunities in
my endless strive to improve my lot.
I have since read many of the great books and resources on self
improvement, direct mail and marketing, including those by Ogilvy,
Caples, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas and Jay Abraham, Robert
Collier, and of course, Makepeace.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ book series
awakened me from a deep ignorance of financial literacy.
My ‘pet peeves’ include: people who complain about anything and
everything, political correctness and excessive waste of natural
resources associated with western lifestyle.
Thanks for your great writing, Clayton. You’re an inspiration.


Bill says:
February 9, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Delightful! Fun!

Yeah, time to brush up my foreign language skills again.

People who have found the Truth and want to ram it down everyone
throat rarely have a well-developed sense of humor, as Lin Yutang
once said
(approximately). I think it was in “The Importance of Living.”[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

He would’ve liked you.


JT Chandler says:
February 9, 2009 at 5:22 pm

You’re my hero Clayton…please adopt me


simone says:
February 9, 2009 at 5:43 pm

Hi Clayton,
I really love to read your posts always find the information that you
give us very useful. Today your personal expose was quite an
interesting read and funny in parts.

Let me reveal a couple of quick facts about myself ( I am not sure I

can pull off 25)

1. I hate talking about myself most times as I feel self conscious

2. My first passion was writing which eventually led me studying
Media and Communications and now I work as a fulltime marketing
3. I love the arts and a creative environment. I hate routine and love
to make see the same things done in a different way
4. I really want to be my own boss
5. I want to become one the best marketing minds and that’s why I
can’t get enough of your posts
6. I adore my husband any my two sons. I think family gives you a
good solid dose of reality everyday
7. I want to write a book this year but I haven’t really sat down to write
the outline yet
8. My short term memory is so bad that I can’t remember where I put
things even if I had something in my hand just two minutes ago..this
really annoys my husband because I’m always putting his stuff away
and not remembering this simply drives him crazy
9. I tend to be a secret worry wart- Like now I am just nervous about
what is going to happen in the next six months if I will still have job
and if not what is gonna be my back up plan
10. I am really a very boring person who just loves to chill with family
on most weekends. I’m really into my career and networking Monday
to Friday but most weekends I hate been scheduled to do anything
that takes me away from my family

11. I believe that there is a God and that he is blessing me as I write[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

this now.

12. I am JAMAICAN and proud!!!!!

13. I am really skinny but I love to eat

14. Good books are like chocolates to me .. I can’t have too much

I think I have really outdone myself so I am going to end here. Keep

up the good work Clayton..I hope to meet you someday.


John says:
February 9, 2009 at 5:45 pm

How can you be a religious agnostic? After all agostic means ‘know
way of knowing’ if God exists.
I dare you and the redhead to find some good, local holy rollers. Walk
in on Sunday and just ask Jesus to reveal Himself to ya!
Bet you’re mad now. ‘Don’t tell me how to find God!’
Thats what I did years ago and God nuked me off my feet. But don’t
be scared cause it’s all harmless.

Everyone needs to check out Frank Kern’s latest videos. On the

second one he reveals one of his deepest personal secrets. . . He
likes to talk about COCK!
Peace out.
John Babin
P.S. Yes I know I talked about God and Cock at the same time. I’m a
copywriter damn it. You would’nt believe what I do with words.


Bogdan says:
February 9, 2009 at 5:55 pm

oh….got the lesson here

Thank you Clayton


nick catricala says:

February 9, 2009 at 6:04 pm

Hey Clayton,
I have been reading your newsletters and followed you a little…
always known you are special, honest, compassionate and direct…[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

But with these revelation I must say that you have blown away all my
inferior thinking I had when received some invitation to buy what you
had to offer.

I am not in a position to buy any products you have to offer at this

moment but I keep loving all what you have to offer here… THANKS
for sharing and for being who you are and who you worked so
diligently to become…

I am in no way anything that resemble a copywriter but I would love to

be one, so I could contribute to the world in different ways, as you
did… But I have a life story that I was told that may assist others
along this journey that is life, if they are exposed to it… will it be to
much and to stupid for me to ask if you can read it and when you find
time, give me some suggestions on how I can make it useful for
others to benefit from the contents as I did living it??? If he answer s
yes… please let me know and I will send it to you… so far is only 40
add pages but it is getting longer and longer as I remember more
stories and events…

THANKS again fr your contribution to this world in a positive way…


Rob Levick says:

February 9, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Thank Clayton, they give us a real insight into you. For a number of
years I used to work in Stratford-Upon-Avon and I know Sulgrave
Manor well.

Was producing the list as insightful for you as for us? I’m feeling
inspired like a few more around here to produce my own.


Shel Horowitz says:

February 9, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Great post, Clayton–I just Tweeted it thusly:

Most interesting “25 things” ever: Clayton Makepeace. (not on Facebook–anyone can see it)

As for mine… I did 16 random things on Facebook,
v=feed&id=536574918#/note.php?note_id=47208886242&ref=mf –
and 25 specific things at
v=feed&id=536574918#/note.php?note_id=50515446242 (if you’re[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

not on Facebook and really want to know, send me a private email at

shel and I’ll e-mail them.

I agree with some of your views and disagree with others. It would be
fun to sit down some time and talk/argue into the night.


stew says:
February 9, 2009 at 6:12 pm

Thanks for the article Clayton,

You were right on about “politicians not wanting an educated

electorate”. As a former science educator at both the university and
secondary school level, I can attest to the fact that dumbing down our
education system has been one of the most outrageous crimes
perpetrated on this country…and the crows are just starting to come
home to roost.


Lara says:
February 9, 2009 at 6:22 pm

Hey Clayton!

Thanks for posting your 25. I love to read your posts and this one
was especially fun. We get to know you through your writings but I
enjoyed discovering previously unknown Makepeace gems in this list!

One thing – in #18 you mention Stevie Ray Vaughn’s guitar from
Apple Valley, WI. I think you may have meant Alpine Valley, WI.

As a former Wisconsin native (28 years before moving to the

incredible Rocky Mountains), I wasn’t familiar with Apple Valley but I
do know Alpine Valley. I could be wrong of course but I thought I’d
offer up my 2 cents.

Thanks again for sharing – it was a treat reading your personal

tidbits! And as always thank you for The Total Package, I read every

With appreciation,


Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Cathy Sutter says:

February 9, 2009 at 6:39 pm

Just a quick comment regarding #8…

Clayton, Eisenhower was bald, remember? And I personally don’t

think Nixon was all that good-looking. Either was Carter, was he?
And, of course, Clinton really thought he looked better than he did.
Mr. Smooth…(liar).

I think what really changed the way our presidents looked was the
advent of television. Not the amendment giving woman the right to
vote in 1920.

Have to say I agree with everything else you said. Think voters
should be required to pass a test before being allowed to vote
because there were some really stupid voters out there this time
around. Go to and check out the
answers these people gave. Geez… Now we have Curious George
winging it in the White House. (Can you tell I don’t like this man?)
And I’m NOT a Republican.

Yeah, and they should be paying taxes if they get to vote. Right. And
quit spanking the good children and giving candy to the bad children.
Love the way you put that one. How ignorant is this government?
Never mind…dumb question.


Scott says:
February 9, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Wow, what a litany of a list.

Ever hear Masters Of Reality? – “John Brown, Bring Him Down, Pull
His Body To The Ground” riff riff, jam jam, etc… – awesome album in
classic rock style.

Does all that Quantum Physics mean that somewhere my WSJ

sletter was good enough and I’m gainfully employed in Asheville

Cool to hear your offspring live in Atlanta. So do I.

Thanks for all your givings.


Andre Palko says:[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

February 9, 2009 at 8:43 pm

As a well-read betting man, surely you’re familiar with Pascal’s

wager? In a nutshell, since we can neither prove nor disprove the
existence of God through reason, then it’s a matter of a coin toss;
“God is, or He is not.” There is no middle ground. Agnosticism then,
is not really possible, since each of us are already living out our

And since you are essentially living a Judeo-Christian life, what have
you got to lose–in this life–by wagering that there IS a God? Nothing.
The gain of course, is the prospect of infinite happiness.

That aside, what’s not to like about a fellow pilot/musician/writer? I

knew there was a reason I liked your irreverent style! My favorite view
of the world is from the left seat of a 1964 Cessna 172. I have 2
Fender Precision basses which I can play OK. When being a rock
star didn’t work out, I became a printer. Out of necessity I started my
own business–selling to printers–and I’ve made a good living writing
ads, sales letters and newsletters for the business. I never stop my
study of writing and human psychology.

It’s also a consolation to hear I’m not the only one in the universe
who enjoys the likes of Stephen Hawking. Now if only I can figure out
how to combine flying, music and writing into a money-making idea…

Thanks for the post!


Javabob says:
February 9, 2009 at 9:39 pm

When I saw the picture I thought Man! Carline looks great for just
having a baby! Darn good in fact. Then I saw she’s a grandma and I
thought. Man she looks great for just becoming a grandma, darn
good in fact! Congratulations Carline and many many blessings in
your new life role.


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

February 10, 2009 at 12:26 am


You and I seem to have much in common. We raised nine

kids. Our oldest just had her 8th, a *little* girl
(c-section, complications). At 6 days old she was in[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Denver Children’s Hospital for open-heart surgery. Hole

between left and right ventricles and a malformed aorta.
Surgery was flawless. Daughter had 2-1/2 hours of surgery.
I get really upset that women want to abort “fetuses” as a
matter of personal convenience and “choice”. That God who
created us all will hold the scofflaws accountable. (Same
goes for politicians — they aren’t gettin’ by with nuthin’.

My great grandpa was born about 100 miles south of where

you live (early 1800s). A gob of my ancestors were in VA
in the mid 1600s. Another in NY the same time. When he
joined the Mormon church in 1881, the missionaries were
staying at his home. A mob formed and sent a boy to tell
him to send them out so they could “deal with them” or they
were coming after them. He told the kid to tell them to
bring plenty of wagons to carry away their dead. They
abandoned the idea. That’s part of where my “attitude”
comes from. Another ancestor, my 4th great-grandfather,
Colonel Haynes Morgan was commander in chief of the VA
state militia during the American Revolution. That’s where
some of my other attitude comes from (from my mom’s side).

My wife and I were engaged for 3 years and never saw each other. I
was a missionary in Denmark while she was in Peru
and Bolivia. We’re coming up on 43 years of marriage.
Oldest daughter has 8 kids as I mentioned. Her husband is
a good lawyer (as in honest too). Second daughter is a
professional at IBM managing a gang of database administrators
handling big corporate servers for large
banks and others. My oldest son is one of the best car
painters in Northern Colorado and does magnificent magic
on Harleys. Our youngest daughter is finishing up her
doctorate in audiology (cum laude bachelors degree). She
speaks Portuguese from 18 months in Brazil. Our youngest son was a
missionary in France for 2 years. Speaks French,
Spanish, and Mandarin. He graduated cum laude in business
(international finance) and spent the first half of his
senior year studying in China (Shanghai). He’s an
investment analyst for the Colorado Public Employees Assn.
Our other kids are productive and doing well too. Makes
parents feel like the work was worth it.

I’ve studied a lot of religions to varying degrees. I

also find a lot of things I can’t swallow, and in many ways
I agree with your assessment of the subject. Your view
of an infinite supply of space and universes is highly
consistent with Mormon doctrines since the 1830s. But
we’re not “Christian” because we don’t follow some
“orthodox” notion of the nature of the Creator that was
invented by a bunch of political hacks at the Council of
Nicea in 325 AD. Then the try to tell me it’s “Biblical”[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

when there isn’t a single verse in the whole book to support

their notions the way they “explain” it.

It’s the same problem you see in business. Preachers go

to school to learn to preach, not to ***THINK***. And
a lot of them like parishioners who blindly follow. But
I’m in a “cult” because I’m free to think for myself and
decide for myself if things make sense. Go figure.

In my book, your second paragraph of #23 is exactly

correct. I’ve thrown every scientific truth I can get
my hands on against my religious beliefs and I’ve conclujded
it’s rock-solid. Truth is truth no matter where it comes
from, and truth isn’t a matter of personal opinion. That
also means all truth has to match all other truth, and
if two things disagree, either one or both is wrong, or
somebody’s engaged in screwy thinking in how the interpret
the things.

There is no limit to the universes out there, nor to the

multitudes inhabiting them. And the laws and principles
that define honesty and integrity apply throughout all
of them because they are eternal. That means God is also
subject to laws, and gives us laws so we can be happy.
That’ll really get the “theologians” in a tizzy… just
wait and see.

And that’s why I don’t suffer fools gladly when they

masquerade as “experts” on global warming, or how to raise
kids when they have none of their own, or want to tell me
how families should function when they’ve never experienced
a real family (nearly all “child protection” workers were
abused themselves and came from screwed-up homes. Same
goes for a whole lot of psychotherapists.

People who never ran a business in their life are teaching

college kids how to succeed in business. AlBore tells
kids teacher knows more about the “science” of global
warming than their parents, and proves it by citing
Galileo’s arrest for proving the earth isn’t the center
of the universe with the telescope he built. Talk about
false logic. Jesus said when the blind lead the blind,
they all fall in the ditch. Proves He had a sense of

And these illegitimate children of canine descent who

call themselves Congressmen and Senators are woefully
deserving of disposal by means of the winds we get
coming off of the Rocky Mountain Front Range. ‘Twould
be great if we could take that blast, focus it on DC,
blow the whole bunch out into the Atlantic where they[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

can drown, then replace them with others who show a

modicum of decent judgment and common sense.

As for those Internet markters of various degrees of fame

and fortune, I wish they’d learn they need to clean up
their speech. I have unsubscribed from several because
they don’t understand: When they appear in videos in *My*
home, they are guests on my turf. I don’t appreciate
profanity but can abide it. But vulgarities are off
limits, and they’re not making sales to me if that’s
what their vocabulary is worth.

I much prefer language that makes people think (like

the example a couple of paragraphs back). Literate folks
get the point.

Meanwhile, CARRY ON!!!

And I’ll keep digging through your stuff to gather any

pearls I find — not hard to do when they’re everywhere!



Christina Mellott says:

February 10, 2009 at 1:01 am


You have the best 25 I’ve read. The Redhead must be one heck of a
woman – sounds like you are a wonderful pair. And, I am related to
George Washington’s mother on my Mom’s side. My Dad’s family
were rebs who landed here in 1620… our family history talks about
the wilds of Northern Georgia.

My 25 Things are on Facebook at

Thanks for sharing yours… now I’m showing you mine too.


Andrew says:
February 10, 2009 at 3:04 am

Greetings from Cyprus![11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Quick book recommendation. If you haven’t found your way to it

already, you might enjoy The Holographic Universe by Michael


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 10, 2009 at 4:33 am

Hi, Guys and gals! Great comments and suggestions!

TO CARLINE (POST #1): Keep the photos coming! Be sure to tell

Dallas he has a rich hillbilly uncle in North Carolina. We love you
guys so much!

TO SIMONE (POST #5): A skinny Jamaican who loves to eat.

A word of personal advice. If you ever have a meal with Carline, bring
your own food. She’s a skinny Haitian (on her mom’s side) who’ll eat
everything on her plate AND everything on yours.

What is it about you Caribbean chicks anyway? I walk past a

restaurant and put on five pounds!

TO JOHN (POST #6): Actually, “agnostic” simply means “doesn’t

know.” From the Greek “a” (not) and “gnostic” (to know)

Despite 40 years of church, I must honestly plead ignorance on the

question but NOT hostility to it. I’m thrilled, however, that you found
something that works for you.

TO ROB LEVICK (POST #8): Never been to Sulgrave Manor, but I

will this summer! The Redhead and I are hopping the pond to pick up
our daughter after her stint at Oxford this summer.

We’re then going to spend a week touring the countryside and

another week in London. We’re going to hang out with Drayton Bird
while we’re there. Should be fun!

Cheers, y’all!


Angela Cockburn says:

February 10, 2009 at 4:53 am

To 6, if talking about the English speaking world, add Magna Carta

for a mixture of common sense and influence. Back to King John.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Thanks for the fun.

As for agnostism, It usually means “I dunno”, but for many people this
translates as “I don’t like organised churches/religions.” My father
claimed to be agnostic, but wrote some of the most beautiful and
challenging C€hristian poetry you could hope to read.



K Myers says:
February 10, 2009 at 10:25 am

Great “getting to know you” piece, Clayton. Thank you for sharing.

I’ve been living here in the USA for almost 9 years now (will be 9
years in August) and I’ve been scrambling to learn everything I can
about the political scene/systems here (among many other things).

I believe, as you apparently do (?), that only an informed voter should

vote. My first shock in the voting booth here was the “party” buttons,
which totally floored me. I couldn’t believe that people could enter the
booth, not even know who their candidates really are, and just press
a party button.

Guess I’m old fashioned in that I believe in voting for the person – not
the political party she or he might be attached to….

Something jumped out at me in your post which confused me a bit…

Regarding your #8 — I thought the correct title is “Chief Justice of the

United States” (Incumbent, John Roberts) and not the title of “Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court” — Did I learn something wrong?

Maybe I misread/misinterpreted something here?


Joe Faia says:

February 10, 2009 at 12:30 pm

Hey Clayton,

Fantastic disclosure list. Here’s my far humbler one:

1. Spent a number of years in Christian ministry including the

pastorate. So, I understand where you’re coming from.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

2. Absolutely adore to read up on the latest physics. Astro-physics

and quantum mechanics lead me into a world of wonder and magic.
So, I really know where you’re coming from.

3. I speak 3 languages but secretly envy better endowed polyglots.

Er…I mean…er…what I’m trying to say…is…er…I envy glots who
are more poly!

4. I gravitate toward a good conspiracy theory but heavily disdain bad

thinking and poor common sense. My studies in seminary included a
rigorous, methodical, well thought-out examination of Scripture and
its original intended meaning. This has developed a keen sense for
detecting illogical thinking and hence poor conclusions, neither
supported by facts nor reason.

5. Love to read a good murder mystery. Especially if it’s pouring

outside. Haven’t quite figured out why!

6. Have been married nearly 21 years to a wonderful woman, Erlinda

(of Filipino extraction), and together have 3 teenagers (17,18,19),
(girl, boy, girl). They are a great source of joy for me and make my
world go ’round (even if sometimes the wrong way!)

7. Met Mother Teresa in the late 80′s in Montreal. Extended my hand

out to meet hers and felt strength from a frail frame. Knew instantly I
had met someone with the kind of exceptional character that I could
only dream of attaining one day. Have since only fallen way short.

8. My family name was originally “da Silva”, the most common last
name in Portugal, where I was born. We acquired “Faia” through my
paternal grandfather, who, although dirt-poor, would scrounge up his
very best clothing to attend mass on Sundays. He made quite a
continuous impression because the villagers, likewise dirt-poor,
began to not only notice but to comment on how “faia”-ly he looked (it
means to be well-arrayed. There’s even a bird with exceptional
plumage by that name, which prompted a whole island in the Azores
to be named after it, “Faial”). Said grandfather couldn’t read nor write,
and so it happened one day that officials, needing to garner accurate
information from the simple townsfolk asked him his name. It had
been so many years since the new tag had taken hold that he simply
volunteered “Faia” as his last name, undoubtedly not suspecting the
need for more precise data. It took hold in official papers and the rest
is history.

9. Arrived in Montreal, Canada, at the age of 11 excited about the

new adventure in a distant foreign land. Came armed with about 5
English words (yes, no, eraser, exercise book, and another since lost,
or, as that great American orator, Roger Clemens, suggested,

10. But nothing could’ve prepared me for the culture shock that[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

i) Men used umbrellas other than only black (only women used any
other color where I came from).
ii) Men braided their hair (black males particularly. In my cultural
experience that was a complete no-no for males).
iii) It was colder outside than inside the freezer! (Utterly inconceivable
to my young mind in my Lisbon world).
iv) Grocery stores were gigantic and the variety was beyond
description. Until then I knew of one type of chewing gum, but the
offerings here were insanely decadent, a whole display rack of
different brands of gum, who knew? And the candy…
v) Snow, snow, and more snow.

11. Love a well-crafted film. Am picky to no end and drive my family

nuts with the frequency of my commentary (usually negative) when
watching a film together. Highly recommend the following (in no
particular order):
i) Downfall (German)
ii) Dead Man Walking
iii) Lord of the Rings Trilogy
iv) Rear Window
v) Il Postino (Italian)
vi) The Bicycle (Italian)
vii) All Quiet on the Western Front
viii) High Noon
ix) Mystic River
x) Girl With a Pearl Earring
xi) The Sting
xii) Man on a Train (French)
xiii) Life is Beautiful (Italian)
xiv) The House of Flying Daggers (China)
xv) The House of Sand and Fog
xvi) The Godfather (I & II)
xvii) Munich
xviii) The Pink Panther
xix) One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
xx) Seven Samurai (Japanese)
xxi) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This is only a sample. Alright, I’ll also include the following: “Malena”
(Italian), for the one reason that it features the incomparable Monica
Bellucci. ‘nough said.

12. Have a strong predilection for personal development. Am

inquisitive as to what makes the human psyche work. This, of course,
includes, by default, the study of human psychology. To lay bare the
intricacies of what makes us tick is a journey I’m always willing to
take, and seldom disappoints.

13. Wonder, seriously, about the convergence of strong evidence

concerning 2012. Need to find out more. Must find out more. Will find[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

out more. But what I already know is enough to scare a smart drunk
stupid sober.

14. Love sports. Both to watch and play them. In order of preference
they are as follows:
i) Soccer
ii) Hockey
iii) Football
iv) Tennis
v) Baseball
vi) Basketball
Am currently playing ball hockey and volleyball on a regular basis.
Might return to soccer this summer now that I’ll be 45. There’s a 45-
up league I can get the upper hand on. No more 20 year old’s
running me down!

15. Want to start a blog revolving around the whole human “thing”.
Our origins, our purpose, our future, etc. It’ll be called “Humanexia:
Winning the Human Game”. Am struggling to gain clarity with it but
it’s coming. The more I think about it the more focused it becomes. I
want to make a difference. Doesn’t everyone?

16. My relationship with God, and spiritual matters, is what’s most

central to me. I gave up trying to figure out if God exists when He
decided to invade my life. That was at 17 and nothing had been quite
the same since. I’ve discovered:
i) A depth of love I didn’t know existed.
ii) An extent of mercy and forgiveness I didn’t know I needed and
didn’t deserve.
iii) That character is a human being’s most prized possession.
iv) How short I fall of the character I desire.
v) How painful life can be.
vi) How wonderful life can be.
vii) How irreligious I am (Along the way I traded in religiosity for a
relationship, rituals and rites for genuineness and heart)

17. Would like to master copywriting but fear it lags behind the whole
human “thing” in desire. It’s an interest, a strong one, but can’t call it a

18. Am an incorrigible perfectionist. I’ve had to live with this thing

since I can remember and have, much to my horror, passed it to my
eldest daughter, Isabel. I think it’s bitten her more than it ever did me.

19. Am a desperate collector in my greatest moments of insanity.

Can’t quit until I’m overwhelmed. Whether comic books when
younger (13,000 at one point), sports cards later on (450,000), or
books in recent years (4,000). My wife is convinced I’m having an
affair with them behind her back, but truth be told, and I’m pretty
brash about it, I do it right in front of her.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

20. Wish to grow an internet business and fulfill my desire of

supporting great charitable causes but continually find an apparently
insurmountable barrier in the way…ME!

21. Have been often troubled by the controlling power of evil in our
tragic world and the tyrannical grip of self-centeredness in our inner
cores. Have sought to understand it and reach a place of, if not
satisfaction, tolerance. Believe I now do understand it and how God’s
benevolence fits in.

22. Was a budding artist in my younger days, with a keen eye for
drawing. Allowed my perfectionism to contaminate and eventually kill
the desire. No longer do it. Even cringe at the thought.

23. Carefully mined the grounds around the house. They are
completely necessary, I tell myself. Have two teenage daughters.
They only work on boys. The mines that is. They’ve been forbidden to
date until 30 and marry until 40. The girls that is. Some people think
I’m unreasonable.

24. Believe life is a tremendous gift. Each of us is completely

responsible for the choices that we make and how we choose to
steer this unique adventure. It was never meant to be spent indulging
ourselves as the main goal. We lose too much by so doing.
Happiness can only remain distant and unreachable if such be our

25. Our middle child, Samuel, (Rachel being our youngest), suffers
from a syndrome similar to William’s Syndrome. He fits all the clues
except for one. Whereas regular sufferers can speak, Sammy
doesn’t. A brain scan detected that the entire central part of his brain
was inactive, basically dead. This was when he was a little tot. His
development since has shown a severe lag. Whereas his real age is
18 his functional age is basically that of a 4-5 year old. He can
actually say “mama”, and with greater difficulty, “papa”. His muscle
control is weak but at least he’s able to walk.
He has been officially diagnosed as having low-tone, but we
diagnose him only as suffering from having too much love. Sammy is
a fountain of the stuff, and showers it on everyone. He is extremely
protective of his family and considers every individual member
primarily his, and isn’t shy from telling mom (via simple sign
language, he doesn’t possess the tactile functionality to use his
fingers, nor the understanding to form words) that dad is his, and dad
that mom is his, nor everyone else that each one is his!

I cannot imagine being without Sammy. I consider him to be a gift

that we didn’t deserve. A true light in a dark world. An amalgamation
of simplicity, love and innocence. He’s taught me so much about
being a human being. One day, when he is free from the constraints
and limitations of his body, and I from my easier ones, we will engage[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

in a deeper conversation about his earthly experiences and his

perspective in them. For now his hugs, kisses, his ever-present
radiance and loving eyes tell me all I need to know.


David Markov says:

February 10, 2009 at 3:44 pm

My “fun facts”…

I wrote for Bozo the Clown for many years. I even took a pie in the
face a couple of times for the show.

And I come from a family of professional wrestlers. My grandpa was

“Ollie Wenday from India” (and no — he wasn’t from India — he was
Croatian) and his brother was “Michael Markovich – the man of a
1000 holds” (who was done up like a Russian cossack complete with

I have a poster plugging Michael’s match against Strangler Ed Lewis

for the world championship. I guess showbiz is in my blood….



Dwight W. says:
February 10, 2009 at 8:25 pm

Got 7 short ones for you Clayton:

1. Like Simone [above], I’m Jamaican.

2. Unlike you Clayton, I love disco. My favorite music genre is dance

music… especially house music. I think I’ve got the most eclectic
taste in music of anynone I know. If it’s good music [subjective], I like
it. Heck, I been known to enjoy a little malt shop from time to time.
Among my favorite artistes are Madonna and Bob Marley.

3. I love to dance. It’s about as much fun as I can have with my

clothes on.

4. I’m a libertarian.

5. I’m an atheist. Have been since I was 17. I grew up in an

evangelical church and was water-baptised when I was 11. I’m now
in my mid-thirties.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

6. I’m facinated by cosmology an evolution.

7. I want to take a flight into space before I die.

That’s all from me today.



Venkatesh says:
February 11, 2009 at 5:55 am

Hey Clayton, Why don’t you – NO, I am not being sarcastic – have a
shot at the position of the President of the USA? Just imagine, a
libertarian agnostic who isn’t afraid to talk about it – what a change
from the bunch of ***** (asterisks only, since I am afraid you will
censor this word if I actually write it down) politicians who plague this


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 11, 2009 at 7:30 am

Glots who are poly and pilots pushing Pascal’s wager …

Aussies, Brits, Croatians and skinny, voracious Jamaican …

Happy atheists, agnostics, ministers, missionaries and Mormons …

Bozo the Clown … libertarian disco divas … and yet another guy who
thinks I should run for president.

Are we a fascinating group OR WHAT???

TO MICHELLE PW (POST #1): Yes, Prescott!

I moved there from L.A. in 1980 and bought a house on a mountain

with a 100-mile view for $85,000. I could see Flagstaff’s San
Francisco Peaks from my living room.

I was one of four founding male members of the Calvary Chapel

there and actually taught Bible Studies there. I raised championship
bloodline Belgian Shepherds there. I took up quad racing there. My
mom died in the hospital there.

And since I kept my house there for more than a decade, both of my
older kids consider Prescott their home.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

Cheers, y’all!


Sharon B. says:
February 11, 2009 at 9:23 am

Hi Clayton–
Regarding quantum physics–did you know that when scientists are
experimenting in the lab, they usually observe what they’re looking
for? (Meaning if they’re looking for particle behavior they usually see
it; and if they’re looking for “wave” behavior they see that.)The theory
behind that is, they are creating the behavior they wish to see by the
act of looking for it. Wonder what that says about us humans?
My favorite 4 books on the above:
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
The Field by Lynn McTaggart (I think)
Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe by
Martin Rees
The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss (If you’re a Trekkie as
well as a physics fan you’ll really like this one.)
A quick few of my “25″:
I am a rabid fan of quantum physics. One of my goals has been to
translate it into art. It is an enjoyable challenge trying to paint energy
transforming into matter.
Haven’t quite got the hang of it yet, but it sure is fun trying.
I enjoy painting murals, mostly trompe l’oeil or tropical paradises.
Since our current living space sits in the middle of a dump, the
murals give us something pretty to look at.
I am a prolific writer–I have kept a journal and written creatively since
I was 11 (I am 41 now). I have also had some poetry published and
have a book of it ready for print.
My mother’s ancestors founded the town of Sudbury, MA.–they came
over on the Mayflower. Their coat of arms is still on the wall in one of
the inns up there. I don’t know much about my father’s side, except
they fought on both sides in the Civil War; and one ancestor was
arrested for cattle rustling and setting fire to a church. That side
hasn’t changed too much, actually.
I got married for the first time last year at age 41, and no one was
more surprised than I was. I always figured I’d die a cranky old maid.
I love almost every kind of music there is—everything from Vivaldi to
Enigma to Dream Theater. My ipod is running out of space.
I sing everywhere, even in public. I don’t care if people like it or not.
I read like crazy. When we get a bigger place I will need a room just
for my books. I can read a book in an hour if I have nothing else to
My passion is landscaping–I will put in a flowerbed anywhere there’s
space. I do it for a living; but I also do it as a volunteer. I’m currently
involved with a group who will be building a park in town this year.
I am also a beginning copywriter–I will have that business up and[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

running by spring. I am absolutely terrified

but excited too. My ultimate goal is to have enough income so I can
start my own non-profit organization. I want to also get to a point
where I can work out of choice instead of need.
I (and my husband) are looking to buy a home this year.
We really need to move.
I am stubborn as all getout. I take great pleasure in defying the odds.
I am considered physically disabled by some, and I love proving them
wrong when they tell me I can’t do something.
I am a firm believer in self-responsibility. My biggest pet peeve is
listening to people who blame everything and everyone for their
troubles. I want to shake these people until all their teeth fall out.
Clayton–my own take on religion: I don’t think it’s really that different
from quantum physics. Science says that everything is energy, and
religion says that God (or Whoever) is everything; so God must be
energy. It works for me. Regardless, I feel there has to be something
good out there that created us; otherwise, how would we know to
treat each other with respect,etc.? We sure didn’t learn that from
each other (a lot of us didn’t, anyway).
Thanks for the post–I really enjoyed it.


Susan Connors says:

February 11, 2009 at 4:03 pm

Hi there Clayton – excellent post!

Need to give thought to 25 things – will post later today.



Solomon says:
February 12, 2009 at 10:03 am

Hi Clayton,

I’m so overwhelmed to know so much about you! Your life is an

inspiration and so others who narrated their lives here.
I’m from India. I stuidied in my mother tongue, but I had great liking
for english from childhood. somehow got into writing -copywriting, but
found advertising is a richman’s prerogative in India. Presently
freelancing to few very good people who are simple and down to
earth. can’t bear phony attitudes saying busy while just sitting idle -
stuff like that. like most people whom I encountered here do.
I’ve one boy who is 9 yrs. and get angry soon due to the frustrations
of payments and discourteous people whom I had to work with
sometimes. (feel happy and grateful if you can refer some blogs of[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

parenting!)My wife is so nice; although I don’t like her lack of interest

in intellectual discourses and theological discourses in the church.
but supported me and feed me still even my income levels are still
not encouraging.
Thank you very much for your sharing your life!
I want to be like you a good copywriter!
with great respect!


Mr. Subtle says:

February 12, 2009 at 2:45 pm

I wanted to respond to Andre Palko’s post about Pascal’s Wager, but

after writing my somewhat detailed (for me) response, I realized it
would probably not fit in the allotted space. So I filed it away for a
rainy day and uploaded a graphic instead:


David says:
February 13, 2009 at 2:44 am

Hey folks – is Clayton a scream or what! – Fabio for President! His #8

just cracked me up! Girl friend scowled

Don’t have much time tonight but I’ll throw in a few for fun.

1/ I was Clayton’s political nemesis in the CRA shebang we had last

summer – had a ball in that thread.

2/ My girl friend told me that if she saw Clayton and me in a bar – by

appearance she would assume we were brothers. Yes, I’m a boomer
too – overweight – love motorcycles – vodka – beer but have spent
more time in casinos. And here’s where coincidence gets a stretch –
one of my favorite books is Ageless Body Timeless Mind by Deepak
Chopra. I find the aging and time relationships within Quantum
Physics just fascinating.

3/ In the 70′s while employed as an ad agency creative director, I

created series of advertising campaigns that won a national award for
best advertising of the year in newspaper media.

4/ Several months prior to that – I hitchhiked from Puerto Vallarta to

San Diego. It took about 2 weeks because the Federales were after
me and I had to take back roads. Was living on the beach with a[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

gorgeous model and got rousted out in the middle of the night –
money and passport left behind. Pot – coke – discos and the beach
every day for 5 months. Great being young – and will always
remember my Dad saying: “Old age is the cruelest joke God ever

5/ Wild hair strikes again – I quit the agency in Denver and spent 2
years with a blackjack card counting team in Vegas. Was taken in the
“back room” about 10 times when the mob owned the joints. They all
knew me around town so my blackjack gig was up. Still here 33 years

6/ Pit boss and dealer on the strip for 25 years.

7/ Found it impossible to go out and play blackjack after spending 8

hours / day in casinos. Especially when greeted as someone there for
nefarious purpose – like taking their money. But developed 2 patents
on blackjack games. One was in the Bellagio.

8/ Now I’m going to boast and make an outrageous claim. No one,

and I mean nobody on this planet knows a blackjack game better
than I do. In fact, I’ve developed a playing strategy that is far superior
to card counting and much easier to play – and not a soul knows
about it. There is a certain characteristic that is inherent with the
game over certain time periods and I figured out a way to exploit it.

Clayton’s obsession with chaos theory caught my eye as that plays a

role in my strategy. I’m actually exploiting chaos when it happens –
and with precision. You can learn basic strategy and mathematically
be at a coin flip for the money. So coin flipping and BJ have the same
odds – 50/50. But you would notice a choppy W-L pattern with
flipping coins. Even though BJ enjoys the same 50/50 proposition,
the W-L pattern will be different for several reasons.

The dealer and player perform entirely different actions. And here’s
the one that the math propeller heads can’t calculate. A deck of cards
is 52 pieces of paper. After the dealer shuffles, there is a difference in
the composition of the mix from what a computer can mimic. There
are always cards or groups that stay together or form patterns. This
contributes to statistical outcome variations as well as the different
actions of the dealer and player. It’s called “swings” (chaos) and that
has been the nemesis and death of many card counting back rolls. I
exploit swings both ways as the house gets their share. And my
strategy does not involve anything similar to all the familiar betting
schemes – like betting a # of units based upon a series of wins or
loses. That doesn’t work but there are countless books with these
systems and zillions of dumb asses still playing that way.

Wow, I got carried away and didn’t realize that I wrote so much. See
ya.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |


keith says:
February 14, 2009 at 12:31 pm

I ran as the Libertarian candidate for the US House of

Representatives in your district. I also have you as a friend on
MySpace. It would have been nice if you would have answered your
MySpace message and chatted with me a little bit back during the


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 14, 2009 at 12:42 pm

Sorry, Keith … I don’t do My Space. I created that page years ago

just to see how it works. You should have sent an email to our
customer service address.


David says:
February 14, 2009 at 6:42 pm

Hey Clayton –

I’m behind schedule – with too many things to do. Then you come
along and get me up all stirred up again with another thread With
things I haven’t thought about in a long time.

You used the word “theories” in speaking of the secret of eternal life
and an infinite number of universes – and an infinite number of
Clayton Makepeaces. The application of quantum physics has proven
that what you are saying is not theory –

But instead, a glimpse at realities that have escaped our awareness.

Perhaps in the same way that people who are reading this aren’t
aware that they are traveling through the universe at 1000 miles per
hour. Now that we are aware of it, we accept it as reality at this
moment in time. In similar fashion, through quantum physics, infinite
worlds of reality become visible and known – in the sense that they
were there all along – but they can only been seen through a change
in perception.
By tomorrow, that reality of traveling through the universe will be long
gone as our 5 senses come roaring back with data to occupy our

Clayton – when my thoughts take this journey, I just write as they[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

flow, but at times, I sure wish I had some of your wonderful ways with
words. My writing skills are awful but I’m aware of it.

Throughout the 70′s I was obsessed with understanding the big

picture. And I did grab on to a few things that internalized as an
accepted truth within me. We all want to know – “Who are we?” Don’t
you find it wondrous that no one can explain who they are – we can
only say things about ourselves. I can’t describe my inner discovery
that I KNOW to be true any better than using the gut instinct or
intuition analogy that we are all familiar with. It would be that little
voice within you that you always trust to formulate a truth. It’s deeper
than the one that lies to us – that’s the mind reigning for control – go

My personal discovery was seeing which door to knock on when

looking for answers. I accepted as truth that a change in perception
was needed before these “real worlds” could be seen. Einstein and
others used quantum physics as a fact finder to prove that realities
exist – beyond our senses – and beyond our mind’s “locked in”
perception of reality.

A door that needs to open that changes perception is seeing the

reality of TIME. When in your life did you have an experience that
didn’t happen NOW? Never. Even when we think about the past and
future – we can only think about it now. We can’t escape the reality of
a moment to moment manifestation of consciousness. The electrons
that dance around the atom can only dance now – the universe can’t
exist tomorrow because all exists in a moment to moment
manifestation – like one big cosmic dance. Everything feels the
energy and vibration – even those millions of worlds within our cells.
Does this mean that NOW is actually eternity – and that we are along
for the ride? I sure hope so. It would mean that we are NOW as spirit
living in an eternal state of presence.

RUMI: “Look at these worlds spinning out of nothingness. That is

within your power.”

But tonight, I’ll be right back into the prison of all mankind as that
stupid thing between my ears gets control again. While realizing that
no one will even bother to read this – I’ll bet a basketball game –
have a few beers – and work on a marketing scheme to come up with
$60K for dental implants.



Marilyn Lenhan says:

February 14, 2009 at 10:36 pm[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

hi, the aforementioned website is not up yet.

How’s that for a word? I realize I’m addressing a guy who read the
Encyclopaedia Brittanica 3 times! I can’t imagine why!

Are you guys all related? Like what’s her name Carlyle-something or
other, I’m showing my ignorance, I can’t remember and I don’t feel
like looking it up.

Referring to the fact that in the sixties, the greatest bands in England
were composed of fellows who all knew each other and exchanged
songs, etc. They were the ones to beat.

Now you guys who are all hot and know how to make a really
primtime layout, are you all members of some elite club, and in fact,
related through marriage?

You know, I always thought that this whole thing with Bruce
Springsteen getting married was a big hoax. He left her so fast, and
back to his tambourine player, who joined him every night on the
stage, no less.

It makes some heads spin to realize that mom and pop businesses
abound in all sorts of undertakings.

For instance, I like everything that your wife Wendy prints.

There is something comforting about her. Don’t ask me how she does
that, how she makes that comfort level come through in her writing,
but she does.

I’m OK, I guess, not at all agnostic, I rather consider myself spiritual. I
dislike irreverence, and I dislike sales pitches meant to appeal to the
most common of human traits like sarcasm. This is not to be
confused with the truth which is sometimes so cutting that it sounds
like sarcasm.

One example is the obvious direction of our ONE WORLD

governments. A fact is a fact. And I loved the way you snuck in that
bit about spanking our best kids. I agree. In Scientology we say
‘reward the up statistics and you will get up statistics, reward the
down statistics and you will get down statistics.

And here we have an economy heading into the toilet. Somebody has
been rewarding down statistics.

You have actually accomplished so much that I feel silly writing about
my mere pittance of a life. I don’t know anything about my ethnic
background except some vague notions, but if you saw me, you’d get
that I probably qualify for the Heinz 57 varieties.

Armenian, English, Polish, are you starting to get confused?[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |

I really never saw much importance in my genetic background, but

that could also be my upbringing.

This treatise you did on yourself wasn’t as funny as your dad who
totally switched from anti-Semitism when he realized he as talking
about himself. What a hoot.

Gotta go.



Oritseyemi says:
February 15, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Hey Godfather Clayton,

Finally the cat is let out of the bag!
“I’m a high school dropout who loves to learn. I read the entire World
Book Encyclopedia three times before 8th grade. Voluntarily. I also
read more than 30 years of National Geographics my dad bought at a
garage sale.”

When a lot of folks read this phrase. They never knew that you were
a genius all along.
They had no idea you’ve put in a lot of work in being the best.
They thought if Clayton a “drop out” can do it, I can do better.
How many of them can boost of reading books as big as
Encyclopedia back to back?
Not even a lot of Christians can boost of reading the whole Bible back
to back in a year. Once and not three times!
This tagging stuff is ready good.
“what sayeth thou?”

ps: Did not know Carline is Caribbean. Proud of her.

Ever tried Jamaican curry chicken with a bottle of wine? Make it a
little spicy!
It is sinfully delicious.


Richard says:
February 16, 2009 at 12:49 pm

Thanks Clayton, From the very first newsletter that I received in 2005
I suspected that you were a real live person. Thanks for that
tremendous personal exposé.[11/29/2012 8:05:07 PM]

25 Things You May Not Know About Me |


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Posted on February 12, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace
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Recent Posts
126-year-old secret for exploding He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
your response and revenues Time for a Change
and why it works better than ever right now today! Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
PLUS … you should know …
Do You Believe?
What it really takes to excel in this biz (and a somewhat startling
admission of a petty crime) …

What Get-Rich-Quick Quacks don’t want you to know …

And much, MUCH MORE!

Dear Business-Builder,

Some argue that the prize for the world’s shortest book should be awarded to
The Complete Guide to French Military Victories. I hear it contains only
one page: One blank page.

They’re wrong, of course. There are many other books just as short. A library
of micro-mini reads might include these (in no particular order) …

The World’s Shortest Books

How to Pleasure a Woman – by Mike Tyson

Words I’ve Never Mispernounced – by George W. Bush

Pacifist’s Guide to World Domination – by Cindy Sheehan

Things I’ve NEVER Lied About – by Bill Clinton[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

Prudent Shotgun Handling – Dick Cheney

Why America Is Just THE BEST – The Dixie Chicks

Things I Absolutely Love About President Bush – Michael Moore

… OK – I made those up.

These “world’s shortest books”
I found on the ‘Net:

My Strategy for Finding the Real Killer by O.J. Simpson [Forward by

Scott Peterson]

To All the Men We’ve Loved Before by Ellen DeGeneres & Rosie

The Book of Baby Names – by George Foreman

My Beauty Secrets – by Janet Reno [Forward by Madeleine Albright]

Things I Love About Bill – Hillary Clinton [Forward by Ann Coulter]

Even OUR industry has a “world shortest book”!

… Directory of VERIFIED Overnight Direct Response Millionaires A

documented listing of all the business owners, marketers and copywriters
who REALLY DID get rich immediately after reading a book, taking a course
or attending a seminar on “How to Get Rich Quick in Direct Response.”

My guess is that book is even shorter than The Amish Guide to Computer

Now, I could be wrong here. Maybe there is a lucky genius somewhere who
really did strike it instantly and effortlessly rich in this biz. One thing I do know
though: It sure isn’t Gary Bencivenga, Jim Rutz, Arthur Johnson or Eric

Nor is it Parris Lampropoulos, Kent Komae, Carline Anglade-Cole, Brad

Petersen, Bob Hutchinson, John Carlton, David Deutsch, Kim Schwalm, Bob
Bly, Belinda Brewster, Daniel Levis, Brien Lundin – or any other top six- or
seven-figure writer I know.

… And it SURE as heck AIN’T ME!

What it really takes to excel in this biz

(and a somewhat startling admission of a petty
crime) …
Every copywriter, every marketing exec and every small – and home-based
business owner I know has worked his or her butt to the bone for years to[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

achieve the success they enjoy today.

Not one of these luminaries thought it below them to start small – perhaps
with a 9-to-5 job as a pathetically paid junior copywriter at a local radio
station, newspaper or ad agency.

Each one paid his or her dues … suffered under obnoxious bosses … burned
the midnight oil … overcame enormous obstacles … endured countless
setbacks and failures … and when faced with adversity, found the courage,
optimism and energy to fight through.

Heck. In my earliest days in this business, I went more than a year without a
single control. Money got so tight: there were months when I had to dash
downtown to make emergency cash payments just to keep the water running,
the lights on and the phone working.

Once I got so short of cash, the only way to feed my family was to resort to a
petty crime: The old check-kiting dodge.

(In the days when it took three days for a check to clear, you’d write a check
at the grocery store, wait two days, then cash another check at another store
and deposit that money in the bank to make sure the first one cleared – and
then continue repeating the whole process until a client was kind enough to
pay an invoice.)

And I’ll bet you dollars to donuts if you ask any other successful direct
response pro, he or she will gladly tell you stories that will even top that!

What the Get-Rich-Quick Quacks

don’t want you to know …
So why are folks so quick to believe hypesters who paint pictures of fast and
easy, even instantaneous, effortless and automatic direct response riches?

Could be their Mamas never taught them what my Mama taught me:

“Nothing worth having comes easy.”

“Failure is the down-payment required for success.”

“Winners never quit; quitters never win.”

Could be a cultural thing, too. The cradle-to-grave political mindset

championed in the news media and glorified by Hollywood seems to have
convinced many that the world does, in fact, owe them a living. Which really
means the federal government does. Which really means that you and I do.[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

Plus, I suspect the fast-food mentality permeating our society (delayed

gratification is evil – instant gratification is your constitutional right!) has
probably convinced some folks that they deserve to get the living the world
owes them WITHOUT DELAY.

And that sets them up to be pocket-picked patsies for anyone promising

instant riches with little or no work.

Now my subscribers are, I’m proud to say, smarter than the average bear
(you, especially!).

But just in case you happen to print this issue to read later … and just in case
it falls into a stranger’s hands, let’s make sure HE understands what the Get-
Rich-Quick Quacks will never tell him …

The world does not owe you or anybody else a living. And it especially
does not owe you riches quick, slow or otherwise.

Nobody but you can make you rich. You’re going to have to do this

There is no guaranteed fast or effortless way to do this. Realizing a

big dream like yours will take intense study … laser-like focus … buckets
of skull-sweat … the dedication of a Golden Retriever … unlimited
uncompensated overtime … the persistence of a buzzing housefly … the
patience of Job … the risk tolerance of a riverboat gambler … and the
eternal optimism of Forrest Gump.

Do it anyway. It’s worth it. In spades. And getting there is more than half
the fun.

How firm is YOUR foundation for success?

I’m telling you all this to make a very important point; a point that not only
determines whether you ultimately achieve your professional objectives, but
also how fast you’ll be sipping Dom and scarfing down the caviar …

See, at the last American Writers and Artists’ Institute conference that I
attended and also at my own Power Marketing Summit, I asked the
audiences, “How many of you have read The Masters?” And then I named
the pioneers who invented, discovered or perfected the most potent
marketing and copywriting principles on the planet.

Only a few hands elevated above the sea of bewildered faces.

My heart immediately sank. What a tragedy! Everybody in those audiences

spent thousands of dollars to attend our conferences. Everyone there had
spent hundreds – in some cases, thousands more on our books,
teleseminars and courses to advance their direct response marketing and
copywriting skills.

But judging from the meager show of hands, only about one-in-ten had ever[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

invested the money or time to study the guys who actually invented our

So with this issue, I’m starting a new series on the history of advertising in
general and the work of The Masters in particular. Every few weeks from now
on, I’ll add the next chapter.

My mission is simple: To make you a better marketer, copychief or copywriter

with each installment.

I promise.

Ready? Here goes …

In the beginning …
Cracks me up when I see folks who seem to believe advertising is an
American invention. Fact is, it’s been with us as long as people have bought,
sold and traded with one another.

If you had taken a stroll down a busy street in downtown Babylon five-
thousand years ago, you’d have seen some of the first known instances of
advertising all over the place – a bush over a wine shop door, for example.

Ancient Egyptians are famous for carving ads onto stone tablets and also
introduced the world’s first billboards: Pillars along the roadside which often
advertised rewards for runaway slaves.

The Egyptians put ads on paper, too – like this one, found on an ancient
papyrus …

“The man slave Shem having run away from his good
master, Hapu the Weaver, all good citizens of Thebes are
enjoined to help return him. He is a Hittite, 5’2” tall, of
ruddy complexion and brown eyes.

“For news of his whereabouts half a gold coin is offered.

“And for his return to the shop of Hapu, the Weaver, where
the best cloth is woven to your desire, a whole gold coin is

I love that ad. Good old Hapu the Weaver needed his slave returned, but he
couldn’t resist inserting a plug for his shop: “ … where the best cloth is woven
to your desire …”

The entrepreneurial spirit never changes. Heck. That copy sounds like[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

something Hopkins, Caples or Ogilvy might have written.


At any rate, the ancient Greeks and Romans continued the advertising
tradition. The Classical world is littered with signs advertising taverns,
property for rent, even – er houses of ill repute.

The Greeks introduced the concept of the town crier – a guy who’d wander
around your neighborhood shouting about some product his client was trying
to sell.

The effect was kinda like watching today’s TV ads, only without the volume
control or on-off switch.

I expect Greek town criers got more than their share of rocks thrown at them
– which come to think of it, probably turned out to be the precursors of the
modern remote control.

In 1472, moveable type made mass print advertising possible – and the
English took to it like ducks to water. The first English handbill – advertising a
prayer book – appeared on church doors that very same year.

By the 1600s, ads began populating the pages of British newspapers – the
first offering a reward for the return of twelve stolen horses. It must have
worked – because it lit an explosion of newspaper advertising that continued
for nearly a century – until the early 1700s when some idiotic monarch,
politician or bureaucrat imposed an exorbitant tax on advertisers.

Fortunately, our American politicians weren’t quite as moronic as their

brethren in London – so no advertising tax was imposed here. As a result, the
Colonies quickly replaced jolly old England as the stage upon which most
advertising innovations would make their entrances.

The first newspaper ad in the U.S. appeared in 1704, and the first known
magazine ad appeared in Ben Franklin’s The General Magazine in 1741.

Now, most of these early American ads were pretty basic. They were
generally undesigned, featured the atrocious, “make-it-up-as-you-go”
spelling in vogue at the time (our forefatherf fpelling ftunk), and made no
pretense at being anything but what they were.

Most simply listed product features. If someone was selling a piece of land for
example, the ad would cite the location, what it was suitable for, its size, and
price. Ads for manufactured products told what they were made of and what
they did. A nail was two inches long. A plow was made of wood and steel.

An all-too familiar problem arises …

By 1880 – 177 years after those first American print ads appeared –
advertisers had a serious problem. There were so many ads in every[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

newspaper, consumers couldn’t possibly read them all – even if they wanted
to; which they didn’t, of course, so they didn’t (sound familiar?).

So along comes the irascible John E. Powers – former publisher of The

Nation Magazine, the world’s first professional copywriter and our vocation’s
patron saint with an idea.

Instead of listing product features like everyone else did – or outlandish,

unbelievable claims as some had taken to doing, Powers began writing ads

1. Presented the arrival of a new product in his client’s store (Wanamaker’s),

as front-page news written in a similar style to other headlines and
subheads in the local paper …

2. Did so in short, brutally honest, concise, frill-free, “just-the-facts-ma’am”

copy. “Fine writing,” said Powers, “is offensive.”

Once when asked to write an ad for Wanamaker’s, his copy read, "We have a
lot of rotten gossamers and things we want to get rid of." The ad sold out the
lot in hours.

As the story goes, when a reporter from an advertising publication entitled

Printers' Ink asked Powers for an interview, it was short and sweet:

Powers: "I don't care for an interview."

Reporter: "Do you read Printers' Ink?"

Powers: "Never read any of those advertising publications.

They ain't worth reading."

Reporter: "Well … how do you go about writing your copy?"

Powers: "The first thing one must do to succeed in advertising

is to have the attention of the reader. That means to be

"The next thing is to stick to the truth, and that means rectifying
whatever's wrong in the merchant's business. If the truth isn't
tellable, fix it so it is. That is about all there is to it."

Long story short: Consumers read Powers ads, believed them, went to
Wanamaker’s and promptly doubled the store’s sales to $8 million a year
(more than $158 million in today’s dollars!).

Mr. Powers did OK for himself too. Not only did he become the world’s first
professional copywriter, he became the world’s first six-figure copywriter. The[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

success of his “News-Of-The-Store” approach won him a salary of more than

$200,000 a year (today’s dollars).

Powers explained his approach this way:

“Print the news of the store. No ‘catchy headings,’ … no smartness, no brag,

no ‘fine writing,’ no fooling, no foolery, no attempt at advertising, no anxiety to
sell, no mercenary admiration; hang up the goods in the papers, one at a
time, a few today, tomorrow the same or others.”

Would YOU run an ad like this one?

In My Life in Advertising, Claude Hopkins tells a great story about Powers —
a story with implications of everything you’re working right now, today …

“A clothing concern was on the verge of bankruptcy,” says

Hopkins. “They called in Powers, and he immediately measured
up the situation. He said: ‘There is only one way out. Tell the
truth. Tell the people that you are bankrupt and that your only
way to salvation lies through large and immediate sales.’

“The clothing dealers argued that such an announcement would

bring every creditor to their doors. But Powers said: ‘No matter.
Either tell the truth or I quit.’

“Their next day’s ad read something like this:

We are bankrupt.

We owe $125,000 more than we can pay. This

announcement will bring our creditors down
on our necks. But if you come and buy
tomorrow we shall have the money to meet
them. If not, we go to the wall. These are the
prices we are quoting to meet the situation.

“Truth was then such a rarity in advertising that this

announcement created a sensation. People flocked by the
thousands to buy, and the store was saved.”


Powers’ breakthrough is as effective today as it was 126 years ago – and
suggests three ultra-powerful sales techniques with the potential to ramp up[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

your response and revenues right now – today …

1) News sells. Power’s innovation – presenting your ad as if it were a front-

page news story … and then telling “the news of the store” in an objective,
straight-forward, no-nonsense way – is still a powerful way to get attention
and establish credibility. But it’s only the tip of this iceberg. Topicality – tying
your major theme, headline and opening copy to an event that’s at the top of
the news is one of the nuclear weapons of the marketing world.

I’ve had scores of opportunities to test this writing for investment newsletters.
In test after test, the timely, newsy test panels – focusing on a major on-
going news story – left evergreen straight benefit and USP leads in the dust.

Why? Because if it’s in the news, your prospect is thinking about it. If he’s
thinking about it, he has feelings about it. Connect with those feelings, and
you’ll make your copy nearly irresistible.

Next time you choose a theme or write a headline or lead, ask yourself, “What
important, long-running news story could I hitch a ride on?”

2) Always have a reason. Always, always, ALWAYS. Explain why you’re

writing this ad (or advertorial) … why you created the product … why you’ve
decided to offer your discount – maybe even how you arrived at the amount
of your discount … why you’ve decided to “bribe” your prospect with a
premium and why this premium … why you need the prospect to order in the
next 24 hours or the next 10 days.

Have a solid, believable, even self-revealing answer for these questions, and
your credibility will soar – along with your response.

3) When everyone else in your market is writing unbelievable “blind-

‘em-with-bullshit” headlines and ads, the simple objective, unvarnished
truth in a headline lifts you head and shoulders above the din. Self-
revealing themes and headlines – revealing a non-fatal flaw about yourself,
your business or even in some cases about your product are refreshing.
Admitting a past failure is a great way to billboard your superiority today.

More than that: Showing a vulnerable side immediately endears you to your
readers … evokes feelings of empathy … makes everything else you have to
say 100% believable … validates your guarantee … and establishes you as a
transaction partner your prospect can trust.

Plenty to chew on this week – see you again in seven short days!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor
THE TOTAL PACKAGE[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

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Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
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19 Responses to Great Moments in Advertising Part I

The Powers Principles

Cathy Paine says:

February 12, 2009 at 11:36 am

Great joke about the list of French Military Victories. I hear the
companion volume, Hot French Cars You’re Proud to Own, is equally
“Yes, it’s true. In between striking and surrendering, the French do
occasionally build cars if only to have something to burn next time
they decide to riot.”


Mark Estlick says:

February 12, 2009 at 12:32 pm

Good job Clayton! Thank you for telling it like it is. No magic bullets,
no overnight shortcuts. I for one and I think your readers also, if they
take your advice, will keep a lot of money out of the hucksters

You may have already done this, and if so I apologize for missing the
article, but would you list the books that you feel are must haves in a
serious copywriter’s library.

Mark E.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

February 12, 2009 at 12:39 pm

Wow, thanks Clayton for going back to the basic.Some of us that are[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

in the service industry still need to do old line newspaper ads to get

So I am looking forward to your series here. Thanks



John Gamble says:

February 12, 2009 at 12:54 pm

Great post, Clayton.

Although you’ve got a ways to go before earning your ‘criminal

mastermind’ stripes like our friends on Wall Street.

And it’s reassuring to know that there’s no need to re-invent the

wheel. Everything’s been tried and tested and proven through the

We only need to learn these techniques inside-and-out, then imbue

them with a fresh twist.


Ken Thomson says:

February 12, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Not an accurate description of the French. Napoleon conquered most

of Europe a couple of hundred years ago.


Zelimir says:
February 12, 2009 at 2:16 pm

That Egyptian ad really blew me away, guy want`s to catch his slave,
but still can`t resist not to advertise his store, just brilliant. And you
know what else is brilliant, Clayton`s brain. It`s like a huge
encyclopedia that keeps getting more and more fascinating with
every new post I read. Keep up the good work!


Merrill Clark says:

February 12, 2009 at 2:23 pm[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

Great tips Clayton!

An interesting story lead weaved in with a current news event can

certainly be very persuasive at compelling customers to act.



Henry says:
February 12, 2009 at 3:59 pm

I noticed Clay bashes Republicans & Democrats evenly,,,, very bi-



Beau Smith says:

February 12, 2009 at 4:48 pm

Mark Estlick,

He did list some books in a previoius article.

Definitely a must-read.

Beau Smith


Anthony says:
February 12, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Mark E.,

“…You may have already done this, and if so I apologize for missing
the article, but would you list the books that you feel are must haves
in a serious copywriter’s library…”

He has them listed above in his Recommended Reading section,

under Copywriting Tools.;-)


Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

Joe Swopes says:

February 12, 2009 at 5:27 pm

Dang dude! This is some good no nonsense stuff. I love it! I too
enjoyed the Egyptian ad or reward poster, brilliant.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that the fundamentals don’t

change and it’s the fundamentals that will create longevity.

I’m also glad you’re not afraid of telling folks it takes WORK, I hate
marketers that pretend like it doesn’t.

Keep it up Clayton.


Clay Schultz says:

February 12, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Clayton – Please run for office! President Makepeace … with a name

like that you’d have anstant buy in from the “as long as it feels good”
folks. I can hear them now… “hey… he just wants to make peace,
man. Give me a hug”

Perhaps you could blast through the bull X in DC as a Libertarian.

Usher in a new era of political/media truth …and accountable truthful



Steve Lanning says:

February 13, 2009 at 4:27 am

Remembering history does make for interesting copy, doesn’t it? And
the neat thing is that EACH of us have a history tied to our own ‘six
degrees of separation.’

The Ad That Launched Mark Skousen’s Career

I remember when Mark Skousen (who worked with Bob Kephart as

the editor of the old Inflation Survival Letter) was earning just
$15,000/year and his wife was about to give birth to their second
child–outgrowing their two bedroom apartment in the DC Suburbs.

I had a new office over in McLean and was doing ‘how to’ publishing
and offered to print one of Mark’s reports to see if we could earn him[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

some extra money. Now I have not spoken to Mark or Joanne his
wife in years, but one thing I remember about Mark Skousen, that I
doubt any others realized at the time, was that this guy working on
his Ph.D was a dynamite headline writer on top of being a great

Each week we would meet at a hotel in Arlington with single ad

sheets/flyers, fold them and fulfill ad responses from, mainly, The
Capitalist Reporter (that ought to bring back some memories,
Clayton, yes?). No letter, just the one sheet, usually colored stock.
Conversion was running at times up to 52% so we got this brilliant
idea that if we pooled our money we could buy a full page ad in the
Capitalist Reporter. (One of the finest response-pulling publications
of that era.)

We published the report under my office and was sworn to secrecy

that in no way what his boss, Bob Kephart, to know what we were

We got a PO Box at a DC post office near Capitol Hill while Mark was
doing a hard money conference out in San Francisco.
I remember that we both sweat bullets as this thing represented our
life–his more than mine.

I remember that the magazine was to reach subscribers on a

Tuesday (we called up nearly everyone at the publication tracking its
progress and made pests of ourselves).

Wednesday and every day after that Mark called me, “Any response”
he would ask. I would say no. It got to Friday and we had our first
couple of orders. Yahoo! We ‘knew’ that Monday would be big.

Monday came with only five orders. Tuesday another five. Real
discouragement. I did not take Mark’s call because I didn’t want to
worry him–which had the same effect anyway!
We we already thinking how would we recover from this fiasco.

I wasn’t going to go buy the post office Wednesday and wait until
Friday, but I had an errand close by and decided to check the box.
WOW! The box was stuffed with envelopes with checks in them! I
thought, maybe we will make back half our cost on the ad after all!

Then, as I was passing the front desk at the post office, I heard a
gruff voice asking, “Are you Lanning or Skousen, box # ?”

I thought we had violated some postal laws and I meekly replied in

the affimative to the frowning face. He said, “You guys need to get a
larger box. Here is the rest of your mail.” He handed me a #3 postal
bag (about a bushel in size) that could barely be cinched up. I
couldn’t wait to tell Skousen.[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

As I remember it, in the months that followed, he was trying to buy his
first house but as he didn’t earn more than $15K, the bank made him
come up with a third down payment. He made it all in cash and there
was some talk at the bank that Mark was involved in the drug trade!
But it was all this report.

Work got to Kephart. He asked that he have the rights. We settled

then and there in his office. Mark got a big raise and he went on to be
the big investment/insurance/economist guru that he is today.

Telling about the genesis of copywriting is valuable to us all. But

each of us have possibly many compelling stories of our own history
that a niche of people would be interested in. That is why I am still a
big believer in companies telling their story. I have even ghost-written
some fascinating “How We Got Here” stories that solidified their
brand and positioning in their marketplace.

We need to do this more with our clients because the Socialist US of

A that is developing may want to wipe out real history–not only of our
country, but of stories of capitalism itself.

Didn’t mean to wax on. But we need to start drilling down into
thousands of individual histories and establish them for the next


Aaron says:
February 13, 2009 at 7:30 am


You always tell the truth – the cold hard truth – about what it takes to
become a good or great copywriter.

In previous posts, you’ve made the same recommendation to get

hired on as a junior copywriter somewhere somehow.

I want to say thank you for your advice… and better yet… I want to
share with you an incredible story I’ve just experienced. (At least it’s
incredible to me!)

On Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009… I was on looking for

copywriting assignments when I ran across an ad for a “star
copywriter search” from The Sovereign Society… a branch of Agora.

The contest was simple: 1) Write a one page cover letter, 2) Include a
resume’, 3) Write a 3-page sales letter using good direct response
techniques, and 4) Mail it all in a single envelope to the address
provided.[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

On Thursday, February 5th, 2009, I had my letter in the mail heading

to Delray Beach from Birmingham Alabama.

On Monday, February 9th, 2009, I received a phone call… from The

Sovereign Society. The liked what I did… and Clayton, they offered
me a staff job on the spot… over the phone!

On Saturday, February 14th, 2009 (Yep… Valentines Day) my lovely

wife and I pack our bags and leave Birmingham heading to Delray
Beach FL.

On Tuesday, February 17th, 2009, I begin as a junior copywriter for

The Sovereign Society.

As a recap: Found the search on Monster on the 3rd, entered my

copy on the 5th, got a call on the 9th, moving on the 14th, and
starting my new job on the 17th.

In the spirit of direct-response, it doesn’t get more direct-response

than that!

And just in case you are wondering what my headline was… well,
here it is below:

As seen in Muscle & Fitness, IN Magazine, Men’s Journal, and Health

& Fitness….

How to Lose 125 to 200 Pounds

In a Single Day…


Need To Lose Some Excess Weight? Fire Your Personal Trainer…

Cancel The YMCA… Abandon Gold’s Gym Or Any Other
Bodybuilding Gym.
Instead, let’s talk about…

Your Next Fitness Breakthrough…

Crossfit Training at
Only 200 Members Will Be Accepted… NOT 201… Here’s Why.

Anyway, Clayton… they found something worthy of giving me the

opportunity to work directly with them and help me develop into a
level A copywriter.

One day, my goal is to work for you. I’ll see you in a couple of years!

Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |

Harun Bahri says:

February 13, 2009 at 11:32 am

Great story Steve!

Thanks for sharing. I personally love hearing insider stories like

And Aaron, a big congratulations on your new junior copywriting job,

that is awesome stuff!



John says:
February 13, 2009 at 9:01 pm

All Alone on a Friday. . .

I have to admit, this was a first. . . I almost dozed off when reading
through Clayton’s copy. The top part, up there, of today’s post.
Just a hint of history and I’m impotent. . . toast. . gone flaccid.
It’s not Clayton’s fault.
But low and behold the three tactics revealed at the end jarred my
eyes open.
Good to have your company on a Friday Clayton. And just to drop
you a ‘cash tidbit’ of info; seems our market is lacking in info products
on the art of persuasion. Hmmmmm. I’d make one if I were you.


Johanna says:
February 20, 2009 at 10:14 am

Wow… I should begin the habit of reading the first post first. I read
the second part first, but now that I read the first part, now I see the
great information shared that I can use on my copywriting. Great
article. Definately a reference file keeper.


Chu D. Obii says:

March 20, 2009 at 2:08 pm

SOLID stuff, Clayton… its great to know the history of our great
industry, and the simplicity of what REALLY works – thanks for
introducing me to ‘Powers’.. and reminding me of the power of the
simple TRUTH![11/29/2012 8:05:22 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part I The Powers Principles |


John Forde says:

October 20, 2009 at 6:04 am

Clayton, What a great article and a great lesson on how to sell

without B.S. In these oversold times, I see far too many marketers
lapsing into twisted truths just to get the sale. Long term, that
business strategy is poison.

I landed here, by the way, while searching for refresher details on the
Caples classic “They Laughed…,” for a presentation I’ll do at the
AWAI bootcamp just a couple weeks from now. I came across your
Great Moments series and read them in reverse, landing here.

Great point about the long, hard road to get here too.

Today, as I write this post, I’m sitting by the window in our large
apartment on the nicest tree-lined boulevard in Paris. We had a great
2003 bottle of Bordeaux with dinner last night. And on the whole, we
live pretty well. But it wasn’t always that way.

When I first started out, I had no clue what I was doing. I spent those
first five or six years in a dingy $400 a month place in Baltimore. Bars
on the windows, police helicopters sweeping spotlights over the
neighborhood, rats pulsing through the trash bags piled up in the
alley. To this day, I can’t eat tuna fish or spaghetti for dinner… too
much a reminder of leaner times.

But I read and re-read those classics, listened to the on audiotape,

wrote and re-wrote copy… and things started to click. I still write the
occasional bomb. But… well, let me just second everything you say.
You’re saying it far better than I ever good.

Looking forward to seeing you in Delray.



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Posted on February 16, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Dear Business-Builder,

Don’t have a big, long article for you today – just several short thoughts that
have been rattling around lately …

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Back when Johnny Carson was still at the helm, a friend of mine got me
tickets to see a taping of “The Tonight Show.”

The taping of that program was a marvel to behold; a well-oiled machine.

We arrived at NBC’s Burbank studio at 3:00 and promptly at 3:30, the doors
opened and we were ushered inside. For a half-hour or so, Ed McMahon
warmed the crowd, loosening us up with jokes.

Then, just before taping began, Johnny himself came through the curtains to
tell us what was about to happen. “Once they begin rolling tape,” the Great
Carsoni said, “we won’t stop for anything.”

And he explained why: “Early on, we learned that the time it takes to do the[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


show always expands to fill the time we allocate to do the show. And we also
learned that taking more time does NOT make the show better. In fact, many
of the shows we spent the most time on were the weakest ones we’ve ever

Sometimes, writing sales copy is like that. I can’t tell you how many times
I’ve compared my final draft with earlier ones only to find that the earliest
versions of my copy were far stronger.


Well, for one thing, addressing the common crit, “This doesn’t sound anything
like our figurehead – it’s not written like he talks” often results in any
personality being mercilessly wrung out of the copy. The likable, energetic,
humorous and somewhat controversial figurehead whose direct response
voice I’d carefully crafted in my first draft was gone.

Plus, with several people nitpicking every edgy, “objectionable” or “off-tone”

jot and tittle over many drafts, every little irony and smile had been surgically
incised from the copy. Any short-term reward for reading had been

And I also noticed that in my last draft, the figurehead’s energy, passion and
conviction tended to be far less convincing than in the first.

And in cases where a compliance officer had free rein with the copy,
conviction wasn’t just washed away and missing all together; it was actually
DISclaimed – in the strongest language possible.

So in the final draft, the interesting, engaging, passionate figure I’d painted in
the first iteration had been assassinated. A bland, pasty wallflower with all
the charm and charisma of a bowl of tapioca slouched in his place.

And not only was the figurehead a bore, the read was, too. With the
personality, sparkle and conviction – and the little turns of phrase that reward
prospects for reading — wrung out of the copy, plowing through the thing
was about as fun as reading a doctoral thesis.

The end result was a promotion that was accurate, precise, proper and
credible – and as tedious as a temperance rally.

No wonder most people didn’t read – let alone respond to — these soulless

And it’s also little wonder that, looking back over nearly 40 years of doing
this, I’ve often found that my most successful promotions were those that
came together in a few hours or in a day or two.

The promotion that launched Health & Healing is a case in point …[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


I immersed myself in the material for about four or five hours on the plane,
chatted with the editor for one hour, then hammered out a complete first draft
in four hours. And because the client was busy at the time, the final draft and
first draft were almost identical.

We got a 4% response and mailed about 30 million of those promos over the
next twelve months or so.

Stuff to think about as you write, critique or edit your next promotion: Great
copy …

1. Has personality: It connects the reader with a charismatic, engaging,

endlessly fascinating figurehead he’d love to spend time with in real life.

2. Has passion and conviction: Because if your spokesperson isn’t

energized, you can bet your bottom dollar that the reader won’t be, either.

3. Rewards prospects for reading: By giving them a break from their daily
grind, helping them smile, shake their heads, nod their heads and even
shake their fists at a common enemy.

Any crit that results in the elimination of these things from the copy is your
mortal enemy. Fight it tooth and nail.

Well, we can all relax, now …

the recession will soon be behind us.
Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi squeezed out and pinched off their latest stimulus bill.

This week, they’ll place the revolting result on President Obama’s desk and
he will – with great pomp and circumstance, I am sure — autograph it.

But the $787 billion spending bill is already stinking up the joint with free
money for the miscreants’ constituents and donors.

Seems Pelosi, Reid and Obama believe they can end this crisis by blowing …

Billions for the new 311-mile-per-hour train to shuttle vacationers

between DisneyLand and Sin City – Las Vegas, in Harry Reid’s district …

$30 million to protect a rat — common vermin known as the “salt marsh
mouse” — that infests Pelosi’s district around San Francisco.

$50 million for the N.E.A. so more “artists” like Serrano and Maplethorpe
can take more snapshots of crucifixes submerged in pee and guys with
bullwhips jammed up their bums.

In our leaders’ defense, though,

not a single one of them[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


actually saw all the garbage

in this bill before voting for it.
The crisis wouldn’t wait! The emergency was too pressing! There was NO
TIME to let Congress, the media or the taxpayers know what’s in the bill … or
analyze it … or even to THINK about it!

Never mind the fact that only about 20% of the money in the bill will even be
spent this year.

Never mind that a whopping 80% will be spent in 2010, 2011 and even
later …

Never mind that most independent economic experts – including the

Congressional Budget Office – have serious doubts about whether the bill’s
provisions will do anything at all to revive the economy.

Don’t think; don’t ask! Obama shouted at gullible voters in Fort Meyers,
Florida last week. “This is an emergency! Demand that your congresspeople
take action!”

And so – with 70% to 90% of the letters, e-mails and phone calls from their
constituents begging them to vote “NO,” Congress voted “YES.”

But hey – I’m a “glass-is-half-full” kinda guy – so I’m pleased to report that
there is a silver lining to this bill: It means we can finally bury Obama’s hokey
and grossly misleading campaign slogan, “Change We Can Believe In.”

Judging from this bill, a less misleading campaign slogan for the Obaminator
might have been something more like …

“The Bush Agenda:

Stay the Course!”
… Because actions speak louder than words.

And if the Democrats’ passage of this bill says anything, it’s that despite what
they may claim in public, Obama and his accomplices in Congress obviously
think the Bush doctrine of randomly throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at
this crisis was brilliant.

Like the Republican president they so ruthlessly revile, they clearly believe
that, if hitting your thumb with a hammer hurt like heck the first time you did it,
the solution is to quickly hit it harder – and with a MUCH bigger hammer.

So …

When an explosion of private debt triggers a massive financial[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


crisis …

Their only solution is to create an even greater explosion of

PUBLIC debt …

Which, sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, is already creating

our next, even greater economic crisis as you read this.

Of course, this counterintuitive – and on its surface, idiotic — approach might

be at least defensible … IF Bush, Obama or anyone in their administrations
could point to a single time in history when it actually worked.

Unfortunately, though, history strongly suggests that the Bushama plan

doesn’t help and will only make matters worse by extending and deepening
the crisis.

After all: Bush threw trillions at the recession …

And 15 million Americans are now unemployed and

another half-million or more are losing their paychecks
every month anyway.

FDR threw trillions of today’s dollars at his crisis – The Great Depression …

And 15 million good people lost jobs then, too – and the
crisis only ended after ten, long years; when 12 million
Americans got new jobs fighting Hitler and Tojo.

Plus, Japan’s leaders also threw trillions at their housing crisis, credit
collapse and deep recession in the 1980s and ‘90s.

And the economic crisis in Japan lasted even longer;

crushing jobs and family finances for nearly TWO decades.

What in the hell are they smoking

up there in Washington, anyway?
A few weeks ago, I got a lot of grief from conservative readers when I
congratulated Obama on some of his cabinet choices and suggested that we
give him the benefit of the doubt.

Now, though, judging from this fraudulent stimulus bill, I can only conclude[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


that one of three things is true about Obama and his accomplices in

Possibility #1 — They’re hopelessly ignorant: But Ignorant people don’t

get into Harvard Law or graduate from Trinity College or G.W. University.

And even if those eminent institutions did accidentally let a few morons slip
through from time to time – and even if these are them – Obama et. al. have
no excuse for this idiocy.

After all — the White House and Congress are crawling with experts who can
recite the laws of the economic universe and the lessons economic history
has taught us chapter and verse.

Therefore, we must assume that Obama, Pelosi and Reid know full well that
the bill they just jammed down our throats cannot save the economy …

That more likely, the massive federal debt it creates can only intensify and
lengthen the crisis …

And that by doing so, it will ultimately destroy millions more American
companies and families than would have otherwise been necessary.

So option #1 is definitely off the table. The plea of ignorance won’t wash.
They know full well the consequences of their actions.

Possibility #2 – They’re criminally insane: Some say that Obama, Reid

and Pelosi are nothing more than cheap political opportunists using this crisis
as an excuse to enrich their supporters and recruit more in a massive power

Maybe so. After all; most folks would certainly consider anyone who destroys
millions of lives for personal gain a criminal. And since history will ultimately
judge them for the unnecessary pain they’re dialing into the system, you
might even say they’re insane.

But there’s also another possibility …

Possibility #3 – They’re destroying our economy ON PURPOSE: Sure, it

sounds crazy. But then again, consider the evidence …

It’s clear that the White House and Congress created this crisis by doing stuff
that even a high-school dropout like me could see would be disastrous.

Some seeds were sowed by Jimmy Carter and his Congress under the false
flag of “fair housing” – forcing banks to make loans to folks who wouldn’t
have otherwise qualified for them. Others were sown by Clinton and his
Congress made sure even more unqualified borrowers got the nod.

And of course, George W. is responsible for the excessively low interest rates
that created this credit bubble – and for wimping out when Congressional[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


scumbags Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Maxine Waters blocked his two
attempts to end corruption at Fannie and Freddie.

Most of all, though, the Bush administration is culpable for the trillions of
dollars in new debt it created doing things it knew couldn’t help. And now,
Obama is doing the same.

Two opposing political parties, both doing things that anyone with even a
whiff of common sense could see would lead to disastrous consequences …

Nearly four decades of actions; each one leading us one step closer to an
inevitable credit catastrophe that a blind man could see would plunge us into
a Great Depression.

And now, two presidents – one a purportedly conservative Republican, one a

self-avowed liberal Democrat – with one, identical solution: Respond to the
private debt crisis by creating a public debt crisis: The ONLY solution that,
throughout history, has only made matters worse.

Hmm …

We hear you; you want to make more money!

A couple of weeks ago, we asked you to tell us what we can do that would
help you most in 2009.

The #1 answer?

“Help me make more money!”

Well, not exactly …

Among business owners and marketing execs, the most popular answer was,
“Help me get more profitable copy from the writers I hire!”

Among copywriters and marketing consultants, #1 was, “Help me find better

clients and get paid better for what I do!”

The great news is, The Redhead, her entire staff and I have already gone to
work for you – burning the midnight oil to give you what you asked for:

My comprehensive approach for finding more great clients than I can

handle … crafting a working and compensation relationship that gives them
far better results than they got before we met … and for making us both a pile
of money.

So, if you’d welcome the chance to learn the business secrets of the
copywriter/marketing consultant named by both AWAI and best-selling direct
response author Bob Bly as “America’s highest-paid” …

And who routinely earns royalties of $200,000 … $300,000 up to $650,000[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


per month …

By making his clients profits of $2 million, $3 million, up to $6.5 million per

month …

Watch your inbox for more information THIS WEEK!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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45 Responses to BRAIN DROPPINGS

Sacramento Steve says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:02 pm

Clayton, I thoroughly enjoy your soapbox political rants as they are

always right on target. In fact, they sound a lot like the rants I deliver
daily to my spouse as we take our early morning walks. Thanks for
having the courage to put in print what many of us also believe is


Eric Voth says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:04 pm


Great information, as usual!

Your accurate “take” on the country’s current financial fiasco makes[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


me think that… perhaps… you need to appear as a guest on several

radio and TV talk shows… or at least begin writing a syndicated
newspaper column. I hereby urge you to consider such moves.

Keep up the great work (political… and otherwise)!

A Humble Observer


Dan White says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:15 pm

Hi Clayton,

I don’t think you have to go so far as to suggest they’re trying to

destroy economy. We copywriters know that ineptness inevitably
results from a bloated, excessive corporate structure… as you’ve
found with over-sanitizing the copy through excessive crits.

So why would government be any different?

They started with a problem: how to get credit flowing again, but then
forgot what they were trying to solve as the process unfolded.

You can get credit flowing again in one of two ways. 1. Let people
use their income tax money to make their mortgage, rent and credit
card payments… at least until the crisis ends 2. Give banks some
money to lend. Basically pay them to administer government loans
until they feel safe enough to risk their money again.

It seems Ron Paul’s solution of eliminating the income tax would

solve #1. All you would have to do is cut the budget in half. Other
forms of taxation cover the other 50% of the budget. Sounds crazy
until you look at the numbers. The budget is positively astronomical.
And yes, we may have pull out of some of the 130 countries that our
military occupies. Wow… the sacrifices we must make to survive.
You mean we can’t do what the Romans did? But why not? They had
a good run didn’t they?

Perhaps this collapse is just showing us that the income tax, a 20th
century invention devised to fuel military adventures, is just a failed
experiment, at least in America.

If people had a 1/3rd of their income back, immediately, they would

stop defaulting. No one wants to lose their house, or move. And
people who were doing ok already would have loads of money to put
back into the economy.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


And if you think about it, income tax makes no sense. You’re
penalizing people for working. Meanwhile, the government doesn’t
help individuals earn an income–certainly not at the level of 1/3rd of
their earnings. Well the post office does by creating jobs, but those
folks get a paycheck. So the income tax violates the taxation without
representation standard our forefathers demanded (which ultimately
caused the American revolution from Great Britain).


Bruce Eichelberger says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:21 pm

My favorite line: “squeezed out and pinched off their latest stimulus

But tell us Clayton, how do you really feel about this bill?

Hugely entertaining as always.




Caleb Osborne says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:22 pm

Sounds pretty accurate to me …


Kelley Eidem says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Maybe that’s why I named our president B. Insane Obama.

By the way, he or some other political leader said that this would be a
large “down payment” towards the solution.

Twenty percent to 33% down would be “large” in my mind. So maybe

we can look forward to 3 to 5 times more of this insane spending.

As Senator Harry Reid said, we needn’t worry because “It’s new

money.” If that’s the case, why are there laws against counterfeiting?
It sems like we could all help by printing however much new money
we needed.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Coming down the pike, is tax cheat Treasury Secretary Geithner’s

plan to print up an extra $500 billion to $1,000 billion.

At 3% interest, a trillion dollars costs $30 Billion a year. In other

words, whatever money you might have shrinks an extra 3% as soon
as the presses start printing.

The best to you.

Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


DaveC says:
February 16, 2009 at 1:48 pm

Wow! Clayton Makepeace actually makes a mistake!

“Possibility #1 — They’re hopelessly ignorant: But Ignorant people

don’t get into Harvard Law or graduate from Trinity College or G.W.

But they DO!

Witness Toronto Mayor and Harvard Economics grad Cotton top the
Halfwit. His responded to Jamaican and African gangsters shooting
up Toronto was to close the ranges where Olympic shooters practice,
and then petition the federal government to ban private ownership of

And yes, since he’s “trained” as an economist, that means he’s a



SanDiego Bill says:

February 16, 2009 at 1:57 pm

I respect your insight on effective marketing copy, but would

respectfully ask you to refrain from political commentary. I read your
stuff because you have a lot to offer in how to communicate through
words. I don’t read you to educate myself about politics, however
well-meaning they are. Just needed to get that off my chest. Thank-

Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Larry Mekus says:

February 16, 2009 at 2:06 pm

SanDiego Bill -
I can respect your opinion, although I can bet that the huge majority
of all of us really enjoy hearing what Clayton has to say, weather it be
on marketing, copywriting, or politics. After all – it is his ezine, run and
owned by Clayton, paid for by him as well, so I have to feel that he
has the right to talk about whatever happens to be on his mind. By
the way, the makepeace total package is one of the most popular, if
not the best ezine out there, so that alone tells you that he must be
doing something right. I personally enjoy hearing whatever Clayton
has to say – as do most of us.


Marcelino Latorre says:

February 16, 2009 at 2:28 pm

Whats up Chief, good to see you still slamming it home!

Man I miss spending as much time in here as I once did.

This site is like finding a beautiful treasure at a beach filled with white

Every time I stop by I find a diamond or a ruby to take home

with me.

Thanks for the grreeat work Clayton you are a force to be reckoned

Marcelino Latorre


Astrid Harper says:

February 16, 2009 at 2:31 pm


I also find that my first drafts are always the best. The big problem is
with clients as you pointed out. It ends up being copy by committee
and is bound to fail. I never hesitate to state my views loud and clear,
but usually the client prevails because, after all, he pays the bills.
Then, when the response disaster arrives, it is the writer’s fault! I
often ask myself why clients hire writers to begin with and why I’m in
this crazy business.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Jonathon Pugsley says:

February 16, 2009 at 2:41 pm

Great article! It is completely off the top. You got a brilliant head on
your shoulders when you wrote this article. If these people knew what
they were doing they would be dangerous.

Greed & corruption is reaping its ugly head. Your article really makes
that evident. In reality the CEO’s in the big mortgage industry should
have been escorted straight into prison. However, that did not

Instead they were bailed out. What kind of message is that sending to
big businesses nationwide? That it is O.K. to have fraudulent
business practices and absolutely deceive, mislead homeowners into
losing their homes.

That is all I am going to say about that. Honesty, integrity will always
win out in the long run over the lack of it. One day it will catch up to
the ones responsible.

I appreciate the hard work & information you presented in your

article. I always appreciate the value & insight that you put into your
articles. I inevitibly benefit from your blog everytime.

Jonathon Pugsley


Susan Connors says:

February 16, 2009 at 3:36 pm

Hi Clayon

Its the case a lot of times – the finished copy is weak compared to the
first draft. In our first draft we pull out all stops, let the words flow and
“no editing”. With every additional “draft” something gets lost and the
original “zing”: is gone and the final is a “fizzer”. Not saying the copy
is bad, it does change with each edit and I have seen many pieces of
my own copy changed this way as well

On the flip side I have clients come to me and I spark up their copy
as it is missing the “zing”.

As to President Obama, I don’t live in the USA, and will keep my

opinions quiet.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Thanks for an informative and interesting read,

Have a great day,

Susan Connors


John Gilger says:

February 16, 2009 at 3:46 pm

Good stuff

Have you considered persuading Rush to give you the golden EIB
mike as guest host next time he’s off hob-nobbing with his buddies?

It might open a whole new career


Dean Kennedy says:

February 16, 2009 at 5:03 pm

I think the “a billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking
real money” joke will have to change to “trillion”. Scary stuff, this
Bushama plan.

You had me reading every word as always, and I live 16,027 miles
from Washington D.C. (well, that’s if I were to drive from Melbourne
Australia, according to Google Maps, with a couple of kayaking legs
across the Pacific via Darwin and Japan — perhaps I should have
avoided the toll roads. Actually, it’s only 10,167 miles for a very fit

Great copy points as always … my daily dose of TTP was very

nutritious yet again! And my inbox is open, eyes glued … waiting,
waiting …


Bernie says:
February 16, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Clayton, a great example of a piece of copy with “Personality”. It

doesn’t matter whether the reader agrees with you 5-10-20 or 100%,
the piece is incredibly readable.

Cheers![11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]




Javabob says:
February 16, 2009 at 6:46 pm


Next time through a few “no good @%$!! and dirty rotten &%#@$!!”
in the rant then your blood pressure would have normalized a bit
better! Makes you feel better. Good bye America, I’m headin’ to


Steve says:
February 16, 2009 at 8:14 pm

Obama = One Big A$$ Mistake America

People are willing to accept a man who “speaks well” and yet
contains no real credibility over one who has credibility and yet does
not speak well.

My neck hurts from the excess of head shaking since November.


James says:
February 16, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Hi Clayton,

People always get what they want and deserve.

Obama is giving Americans want they want even if it won’t work that
is what they want.

Americans have abducted responsibility. They believe Government

should and must create jobs for them.

That they have a right to live well ( beyond their means ) and get
away with or receive bailout.

The idea of hard work, long range planning and thrift doesn’t
resonate well with many.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Would the current crisis be there if all were financially discplined?

James Abugah


Eran Malloch - Aussie AdWords Manager says:

February 17, 2009 at 3:37 am

Well, I don’t live in the USA either (in Western Australia), but I’m
happy to pass an opinion on US Politics.

Unfortunately, our Australian Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) & his

cronies are going down the same path – handouts (of TAX PAYER
money) to help boost the economy.

They tried once and it didn’t do much. Now we’re going down the
path again to the tune of AU$40 Billion (we only have a population of
20 million, so our numbers are different to the states) and I honestly
think it’s a waste of money!

If Obama & his gang think this plan will work, I think they must have
rocks in their heads (and I like him, compared to that criminal Bush).
Surely if Bush & the Republicans couldn’t get it right, what makes
Barack think the same plan will work the 2nd time around???

Crazy crazy people.

Quick comment to SanDiego Bill. Dude, if you don’t like Clayton

writing about politics on HIS blog, then don’t read it. I think it’s pretty
ballsy to request him to stop doing what he wants with his own
website. I doubt you’d let anyone else do that to you. Besides which,
I’m on of those readers who enjoys hearing Clayton’s opinion about
this and other subjects. He entertains & educates me all at once

Keep up the good work Senator Makepeace



Markus Trauernicht says:

February 17, 2009 at 6:15 am

I started demanding a date at which the copy gets sent out before I
take an assignment. So they have less time to work on it. The
principle of work filling the time available then works for me.

Regards[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Markus Trauernicht


Tia Dobi says:

February 17, 2009 at 1:28 pm

Hi Clayton,

After WWII, Europe embraced the Marshall Plan..then commonly

called the “Economic Miracle.”

What can you teach us about that? I had thought most of the
countries saw a better economy within a decade as a result.

Is there something to learn here?

Thank you for your insights.


Bill says:
February 17, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Why is it that that those who scream most loudly about freedom of
speech (why can’t we shout FIRE in a crowded theater?) are quickest
to try to silence perfectly normal free speech THEY disagree with?
San Diego air? No, the contamination is unfortunately more
But there IS some justice. I hear you can now buy New York Times
stock for less than the price of the Sunday paper ($4 in NY, $5 or so
elsewhere). The stock is down to about $3.95, and I suspect it’s that
high only because they expect Present Obama to bail them out,
Keep up the great stuff, Clayton!


Stewart says:
February 17, 2009 at 4:17 pm

Hi Clayton,

What this dumb sheep nation has done is confused unbridled

ambition and forceful manipulation with genuine leadership
characteristics and abilities.

Politicians rightly see us as an unwashed horde to be used and

discarded once we are milked dry. Just seeing all the vacant stares[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


on the sign waving people at those political rallies makes me sick to

my stomach.

Change indeed. It was just musical chairs. Now it is the Dems time to
plunder. As the 1970′s Who song goes…we just got fooled again.


Debra Sale Wendler says:

February 17, 2009 at 7:47 pm

Why muck up your perfectly solid copywriting advice with all this
political ranting I don’t even tolerate from my own mother?

If this is the standard fare, I will stop reading your blog.

Sincerely yours,
Debra Sale Wendler


Bob Oni says:

February 17, 2009 at 8:09 pm

Hi Clayton,
Another great article from your stable. It’s nice reading your reasons
why this multi-billion dollar government bail out won’t work.

Just to remind you and fellow readers that in your article on the 19th
of Jan, 2009, entitled, ‘Dear Mr President’, your advice to solving this
crisis is, and I quote:
“My suggestion: Use your formidable gift for
persuasion to convince the American people that the
only sensible, prudent, intelligent path is to …
1.Refuse to spend another penny in an attempt to
save shaky borrowers …
2.Allow them to quickly break free of their debt
through bankruptcy and only then …
3.If you like, offer these newly cleansed companies
and consumers the tax breaks, loans, loan
guarantees and grants they need to help them build
the foundation for an explosive recovery.
Do that, and you’ll carve years off of this

And how long do you suppose this correction would take, Clayton?
The size of the American economy and the tens of millions that would
need help suggest this could take up to 30 years or more to resolve.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Remember, in your “A Conspiracy Of Imbeciles” article on the 26th

Sept, 2008, you stated that the seed of this crisis was sown by Jimmy
Carter’s administration 31 years ago when he enacted the
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which effectively enforced
banks to make loans to low income people.

If it’s taken that long for the US economy to get to this nemesis, by
heeding your advice, America will have to wait a very long time for
the economy to turn around ….possibly 30 years or more.

In that time, America will face unprecedented levels of homelessness,

misery and possibly rivers of blood in the streets. It could cost the
American taxpayer as much billions as the bail out in welfare
payments…plus a possible total breakdown of law and order.

Can you imagine the repercussion of such a policy in the short term,
no matter how well it was intended?

Any sensible person will agree with you that the Obama
administration is going down the wrong route by doing what the
Republicans have tried without success.

The problem is that Obama only has 4 years to perform the quick-fix
miracle that Americans want him to perform. Unfortunately, he can’t
deliver it in that time… not even in the maximum two terms that the
constitution permits him.

However, we know that Obama inherited this problem. His expert

advisers should have simply told him to come clean with the
American people and let them know that this crisis will take decades
to resolve…time that he hasn’t got.

If Obama took your advice, he would have to wait 40, maybe 50

years for history to prove him right. In the meantime, he will be vilified
by the same people who voted him in as President.


Cathy Sutter says:

February 18, 2009 at 1:14 am

Personally, I love your rants about US politics…simply because you
make more sense than any of the imbeciles in Washington.

Change we can believe in…ha ha ha. Oh, there’s gonna be lots of

change for sure. But Obama forgot to mention that it was not
necessarily gonna change for the better. Duh.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Then he lies to the American people, saying there’s no pork or

earmarks in this bill. Huh? There’s so much, I don’t know where to
begin. Unfortunately, the goo-goo-eyed followers of the messiah
believed him. I got an email from a friend with a list of all the “helpful”
programs heading to each state. You can imagine what my reply to
her was…

As far as Harry Reid, he is an embarrassment to many of us here in

Nevada. I called his office and told them he would be getting his
walking papers next election.

There was an editorial in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sunday

titled, “Is it time to give Harry the boot?” The article mentioned that
47% of Nevadans wanted him out, and it would probably increase
after this bill went through.

Our “leaders” didn’t even have time to read the damn thing…had to
rush it through. Oh yeah? But then Noboma is in Chicago playing
basketball, getting a hair cut, having ice cream. Huh? Three days go
by after the passage. Why couldn’t our “leaders” been given this time
to go through this 1100 page bundle of pork? Never mind…I think I
know the answer.

No one in Washington believes in history. Therefore, we are all

doomed to repeat it.




Cathy Sutter says:

February 18, 2009 at 1:18 am

Whoops…excuse the “regarding” ad the end.


Statements made by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers of

Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis , Tennessee :

“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy
out of freedom. What one person receives without working for,
another person must work for without receiving.

“The government cannot give to anybody anything that the

government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to

get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” (And there is apparently

not one moron in 100 in Washington that understands this.)


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 18, 2009 at 3:35 am


Your balloon never lands, does it Bob? Despite all the historical
evidence to the contrary, you really believe bigger government and
debt is the solution to every problem.

Think about this: In the 1980s and 1990s, Japan spent so much to
“stimulate” its economy, that nation’s national debt reached 180% of

Their recovery never came. Last month alone, their economy

withered 12.6%.

We could, as you suggest do the same and expect different results.

To spend the same portion of GDP that Japan did in its failed
“stimulus,” that would require Obama to spend another $10 trillion on
this crisis — and to double the U.S. national debt to $20 trillion.

At that point, every American child will begin life owing $67,000 to
investors, institutions and governments who own U.S. government

Every family of four will owe about $268,000 — more than most owe
on their homes and TWELVE TIMES what the average family spends
each year on housing, food, clothes and health care.

And as in Japan, it will fail.

But if instead, we allow badly managed companies to fail and use

that $10 trillion to help the innocent rebuild their lives, and if U.S.
unemployment hit, say 30 million unemployed …

Every worker whose employer goes broke gets a check for $333,333.

Think that would let you keep your house? Get trained in a profession
that could give you a great income for a lifetime? Maybe start your
own business, hire some other people and help them get through
this?[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Wouldn’t spending that money light the fuse on an explosive

recovery? And wouldn’t a shorter crisis and the resumption of
economic growth mean that Washington would have to spend a heck
of a lot less than the whole $10 trillion?

And wouldn’t tax revenues from the surging economy help offset a
nice chunk of the new spending?

Learn your history, Bob … then come back and show me one, single
10- or 20-year economic crisis that occurred because the
government did nothing …

And I’ll show you two in the last century that stretched out for a
decade or two because the government tinkered with the economy.


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 18, 2009 at 4:32 am



Yesterday, even while Obama signed Congress’ latest spending

package and his accomplices did their victory lap …

… Millions of investors — people who have actually gone to the

trouble to learn how the economy works and who understand
economic history — recoiled in disgust … voted with their feet … and
stampeded for the exits of global stock markets.

Every major Asian stock market plunged. Every one of the 11

bourses in the Eurozone cratered. Here in the States, the Dow lost
nearly 4% of its value. Nasdaq plunged 4.2%. The S&P 500
plummeted 4.6%.

If you had invested $100,000 in the average S&P stock one year ago,
you would now have $65,000 — a 45% loss. $45,000 vaporized into
thin air.

All three major indexes are now at or near their 1997 lows. Twelve
years of stock market gains have now been wiped out.

All U.S. indexes are now forming chart patterns that suggest that
even greater losses may be lurking just over the horizon.

Meanwhile, billions of dollars poured into the world’s two favorite safe
haven investments. U.S. treasuries and gold soared.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Seems that doing the politically expedient thing and NOT the right
thing … really can’t fool ALL of the people all of the time …


Inis says:
February 18, 2009 at 10:14 am

Now, I just signed up here over the weekend and hope to get
something useful out of it. I have to say, I’ll have to read everything
here with a huge grain of salt due to this post alone.

I thought this was a business site/group/newsletter. Angry political

rants turn me off — no matter what side from which they come. Rush,
Olbermann — both should just shut up and find something useful to
contribute to society.

Political fear mongering isn’t helping our country. I don’t believe the
Democrats are out to destroy us any more than the Republicans. In
my opinion, the whole vicious us-versus-them angry talk is the most
unAmerican thing imaginable. We’re all Americans, we all care for
this country, and it’s time we realize we’re all in this together.

Lastly, my own perspective on the latest political posturing over the

stimulus is that Republicans didn’t bat an eye as they signed off on
massive spending for the last 8 years. Truly, by the time Iraq is said
and done, we will have spent a trillion and more.

It doesn’t get past us working class citizens that Republicans are

okay with spending billions upon billions on Iraq, but scream like
stuck pigs when it comes to helping American citizens hurting out
here. And we are hurting.


Inis says:
February 18, 2009 at 10:25 am

“squeezed out and pinched off their latest stimulus bill.”

You know what. I changed my mind. This really isn’t the place for me.
I’ll cancel my subscription.


Clayton Makepeace says:

February 18, 2009 at 11:46 am

Bye, Inis … we hardly knew ye.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]



Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

February 18, 2009 at 2:03 pm

The Reid/Pelosi crowd — and methinks the Prez could be

legitimately included — to my thinking are little more
than illegitimate offspring of questionable canine parentage.

Having become little more than spoiled brats, they look for
more gratification fulfilled only by power, control, money,
and influence (peddling included), not unlike the pot-smoking
heroin/coke head looking to get juiced up on another snort.
(If the words ain’t right it’s cuz I never got involved
with the junk, including coffee, tobacco, and alcohol –
why people would spend that much on chemicals and call it
“fun” is too much for my over-educated mind to comprehend.)

I suspect one reason people don’t like political rants is

because they don’t want to be bothered with exercising some
brain cells to **UNDERSTAND** the world around them. Nor
do they feel responsible for the kind of world they leave to those who

After all, why leave our kids and grandkids with opportunity
and liberty when we can “save the earth” by burdening them
with “global warming” hogwash, no fuel or energy, but a
world full of endangered mice.

I’ll respect environmentalists when I see them on the side of the road
on hands and knees, eating grass like the cows
and sheep we had when I lived on the farm.

Washington is a reflection of the relative intelligence of

those who keep electing the clowns and morons who become
their slave-masters.

I was dumbfounded recently to learn from a friend that she

voted for that thing currently occupying the White House
because she liked the way he talked. She had no clue about
his past associations with criminals and thugs. No knowledge of the
questions surrounding his citizenship.

And I’m tired of hearing people say it’s a closed issue.

Why are Obama’s lawyers bringing suit against those
demanding to see his *actual* certified proof of birth?
What reasonable person wouldn’t just produce the document
and erase the question? What’s he hiding?[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Or is he a puppet on someone else’s strings?

Those who think he’s God’s gift to us may eventually

discover he might have been God’s punishment instead for
our own laziness, ignorance, stupidity, lack of sound
moral thinking, and general disregard of responsibility
and wisdom provided by ages of history.

No question remains that those who voted for this mess will
get the reward they soundly deserve. And those who didn’t
will — just like the family, friends, and neighbors of
those who get smashed out on chemicals for “fun” — will
have to endure the consequences of their selfish, self-centered

‘Twas rightly observed: Those who fail to learn the lessons

of history are doomed to repeat them.

But this time the doom will be *SERIOUS*.

The previous was written, uninterrupted, and was not

edited for grammar, wording, or typos before posting.
Proof that just putting it out is a good way to write
vibrant, hot copy — if you’re good at what you do.



Cathy Sutter says:

February 18, 2009 at 2:34 pm

Note to Clarke:
GREAT post…you took the words right outta my mouth!

Especially this: “I was dumbfounded recently to learn from a friend

that she voted for that thing currently occupying the White House
because she liked the way he talked. She had no clue about his past
associations with criminals and thugs. No knowledge of the questions
surrounding his citizenship.”

I too was dumbfounded when, before the election, a friend told me he

was voting for Obama, and when I asked why, he said because he’s
organized and a great speaker! (So was Hitler, me thinks…) I even
asked him, what about his past associations? Oh, he said, that
doesn’t matter…we need someone to fix the economy. (Oh boy, he’s
fixin’ it alright…)

I’ve had a couple of my nitwit friends state that he “will be the greatest
president we’ve ever had.”[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Honestly, are people that stupid? Or maybe just blind?

Uh, my mother always told me, “Birds of a feather, flock together, so

be careful who you hang with.” And believe me, she checked out all
of my friends and would not allow me to associate with those who
any kind of questionable traits. Obama would have been on her list.

As far as his questionable birth status…maybe, just maybe it will be

proved for once and for all that he was NOT born in Hawaii but
instead Kenya…which would cancel this pork-laden bill, among other
things. Whew…I can dream, can’t I?



Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

February 18, 2009 at 2:45 pm

For those who rant about the ranting, remember one thing I
read on a poster years ago by a company that made computer
printers for business work groups:

“Freedom of the Press belongs to the man who has one.”

This isn’t a bulletin-board system or Usenet News.

The one who owns the blog gets to say what he wants. The
rest of us can say what we think, but get the risk of being
tossed out.

It’s related to the Golden Rule: The one putting up the

Gold gets to make the Rules.



Clayton Makepeace says:

February 18, 2009 at 4:36 pm

Thanks Cathy and Clarke for your stalwart defense.

But the rules are that anyone can voice any opinion at any time.
Nobody has ever been tossed for disagreeing with me or anyone else
— just for being disagreeable.

And of course, anyone like Inis who finds my rants and ramblings too[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


strong for his or her taste is free to deprive themselves of the best-in-
the-biz free content we provide and to leave anytime they want.

Part of my diabolical plan to avoid giving away too many free money-
making ideas to narrow-minded people who, frankly, deserve to stay


Daniel Colon says:

February 19, 2009 at 2:29 pm


I just started subscribing to The Total Package a few days ago…..and

I’m very impressed with what I’ve read so far.

I also wanted to say Thanks for the Introductory e-mail that you sent
me…..the one with the link to your series back in January 2008
where you wrote about your strategies of building mutually beneficial

Having been a Freelance Electrician for a few years, I was a little

concerned about how I was going to make substantial income using
the Freelance Model…..especially in today’s economy.

I was starting to think that now might not be the best time to invest
time and money into the Freelance Copywriting business. But after
reading your Partnership strategies, I’m pretty excited about getting

I’m a newbie to the copywriting business…..I’m putting some money

together now to order the introductory course from AWAI.

I’m assuming that AWAI is the best place to learn the Nuts-and-Bolts
of writing effective copy. I’ve read lots of great things about Michael
Masterson and Bob Bly.

Afterward, I’ll be ordering your Audio Series: How To Build A Six-

Figure Copywriting Business.

I can’t wait for the nest issue.

— Daniel

Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


Pamela says:
February 19, 2009 at 5:27 pm

Feel urgency to take capitalistic liberties while they still exsist! Yikes


Adolf H. says:
February 19, 2009 at 8:06 pm

I too am infuriated by one mans honesty and his courage to express

it on his own platform.

I will no longer be reading these despicable uncensored truths.

I could care less about all the priceless info. gathered here in the

Damm your honesty and wisdom Clayton!

Adolf H.


Beau Smith says:

February 21, 2009 at 2:47 pm

Hey Clayton, I have a question.

When readers object to your political rants, which of the 3 things

every promotion needs are they trying to eliminate? Personality?
Passion and conviction? Or maybe they don’t want you to reward us
for reading?

This post was not only a great marketing lesson, it was an

outstanding demonstration of that lesson in action. I guess some of
your readers must be the business owners who “make absolutely,
positively sure they never, ever use them …”

My apoligies if I’ve foiled your “diabolical plan to avoid giving away

too many free money-making ideas to narrow-minded people who,
frankly, deserve to stay poor” but I just couldn’t bite my tongue any

Keep talking. Maybe someday people will start REALLY listening.

Beau Smith

BTW, have you ever considered writing ads for the Libertarian party?
Maybe then we could get some (un)common sense in government.[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]



Vic Cherikoff says:

February 21, 2009 at 4:45 pm

Your comments are spot on as we say in Australia where we have a

parallel universe with another idiot creating huge public debt on
infrastructure. We may have been spared some useless spending
from massive floods in one of our 7 States and unthinkable fires in

I think the answer is to shift the power away from un-productive

people and urge copywriters to seek out ways to help companies do

One of my jobs is building a network which is run on-line to market a

nutritional superfood beverage. We take the money a conventional
business would waste paying inflated margins on ads, promotions,
retail shelf space and distribution chains. We pay this money in
commissions to individuals who we urge to create their own websites
about any niche they enjoy and monetize these sites after pre-selling
our high quality nutritional top up.

There are opportunities opening up for copywriters as we launch in

the USA next month and in Japan, the UK and Europe later in the
year. Our members need professional copy even in creating their own
personal websites as not everyone can write to inspire, motivate,
educate and lead to a solution.

This is an informational lead recovery which also re-structures the

economy as the media, retail and distribution barons lose a little of
their usual share of sales of a high quality product the world really



February 22, 2009 at 6:06 am

Dear Wendy,

Thanks for your info contained in this site.

I am pleased to note that you are conducting a MACROMEDIA info to
several million partners whose websites are connected to you.
I need also sometime to tackle such performances on one or two
subjects, otherwise, my computer will be overwhemed and become
out of range. As an indication, I am also in contact with eCademy,
who are well known to you[11/29/2012 8:05:41 PM]


What is your impression ?.

Thanks for your prompt answers. Please refer to my message sent to
you last Friday, and revert
Best regards


K Myers says:
February 23, 2009 at 11:29 am

I just heard that BO is putting Biden in charge of overseeing the

Stimulack package.

Guess we can officially call it the BOB Stimulus (Barrack-Obama-

Biden) Plan now.

Kinda likens it now to the “smilin’ Bob” commercials, doesn’t it?

I heard that company got whacked with misrepresentation and had to

change the way they “sold” their “free” samples.

Considering how HOT emotions have become over all this

Government spend-it-as-fast-as-you-can-before-taxpayers-wake-up
agenda, as copywriters, should we be refraining from using humor in
our political and/or financial copy for awhile?

Just curious. Would like to hear your thoughts on it…


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Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

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Great Moments in Advertising Part 2
John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure Search
Posted on February 19, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
In this issue: Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
How a “crazy (like a fox)” Canuck revolutionized the power of by storm, there’s something
advertising copy in a dingy saloon … you should know …
Do You Believe?

The deceptively simple secret that built the world’s largest

advertising agency – and made its owner a cool $627 MILLION …

The EIGHT things your ad copy must do to make the sale …

Why image advertising is always second best …

How to ensure your best prospect reads and responds to your

promotion …

Legendary advice on the writing process that will have you getting
bigger winners more often …

The single most profitable way to spend one hour this week …

Why the “Long Copy vs. Short Copy” argument is specious …

And much, MUCH MORE!

Dear Business-Builder,

When last we checked in on the great masters of advertising and copywriting,

it was 1880. And John E. Powers – a curmudgeon of the highest order –
ruled the advertising roost in America.[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

As you’ll remember, Powers – said by many to be the world’s first

professional copywriter – doubled sales for Wanamaker’s Department Stores
by creating print ads that were short, simple and brutally honest:

“Print the news of the store,” said he. “No ‘catchy

headings,’ … no smartness, no brag, no ‘fine writing,’ no
fooling, no foolery, no attempt at advertising, no anxiety to
sell, no mercenary admiration; hang up the goods in the
papers, one at a time, a few today, tomorrow the same or

Now, Powers’ success at Wanamakers did more than make his client rich. It
also made Powers very well-off. And of course, it revolutionized the entire
vocation (it would be puffery to refer to advertising as an “industry” at the
time) of 19th Century ad writing.

Powers’ frank, Spartan approach to ad copy was an order of magnitude more

effective than the exaggerated promises and flowery language that had been
in vogue for the century before he came along. And that made him the hero
of advertisers – and students of advertising – from sea to shining sea.

By the early 1900s, every self-respecting ad man in the US could quote John
E. Powers chapter and verse. And as we’re about to see, his influence
reached well beyond our borders.

Blame Canada.

John E. Kennedy – a proud Canuck and by all accounts, a big, strapping

lumberjack of a man – had been a Mountie, (think Dudley Do-Right) before
launching his career in advertising.

Once he’d contracted the copywriting bug, Kennedy served as advertising

manager for the Hudson's Bay Department Store in Winnipeg and also
created ads for Boston’s Regal Shoe Company.

He must have been doing something right. Dr. Shoop's – a patent medicine
company in Racine, Wisconsin – paid him a whopping $28,000 a year (about
$575,000 in today’s funny money), to create their ads for them.

He also got around: Winnipeg, Wisconsin, Boston – and, as it turns out,


One fine day, Kennedy lumbered up to the receptionist’s desk at Lord &
Thomas – an ad agency with offices above a Chicago bar – and announced
he needed to speak with someone in charge.

From there, the conversation is said to have gone something like this …

RECEPTIONIST: “That would be Mr. Thomas. Do you have an appointment?[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

KENNEDY: “Nope.”

RECEPTIONIST: “Oh, I’m sorry, but Mr. Thomas is a very busy and very
important man. Nobody sees him without an appointment.”

KENNEDY: “If you give him this note, he will see me immediately.”

And with that, Kennedy proceeded to scrawl the following pompous,

condescending and insulting words on a scrap of paper …

I am in the saloon downstairs, and I can tell you what

advertising is.

I know that you don’t know.

It will mean much to me to have you know what it is and it

will mean much to you.

If you wish to know what advertising is, send the word

“Yes” down by messenger.

— John E. Kennedy.

Unsurprisingly, Thomas promptly refused to waste a minute on the author of

this arrogant note. In fact, the Chicago adman is said to have muttered, “The
man must be crazy.”

Crazy Like a Fox

… And so Mr. Kennedy’s note was passed on to a junior partner; an eager

young buck named Albert Lasker.

Now, like most ad men of the day, Lasker was a disciple of Powers’ “just-the-
facts-ma’am,” “news-of-the-store” philosophy of advertising.

But unlike Powers – who evidently believed his approach would never be
improved upon – Lasker was open to new ideas. And so he trundled down to
the saloon.

Here’s how Lasker himself described the goings-on in his autobiography, The
Lasker Story (Note: it’s out of print – search for a used copy):

“… So Kennedy said to me, ‘Do you know what advertising is?’

I said, ‘I think I do … It is news.’[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

“I said I thought I knew what advertising was — news — just

exactly as the old sailors and astronomers thought the world
was flat, and thinking the world was flat, they had worked up a
system whereby they had quite a world. But Columbus came
along and showed them the world was round. And that is what
Kennedy showed me.

“He said, ‘No, news is a technique of presentation, but

advertising is a very simple thing. I can give it to you in three

“‘Well,’ I said, ‘I am hungry. What are those three words?’

“He said, ‘Salesmanship in Print.’”

Lasker’s mind reeled. Those three words — “Salesmanship in Print” were so

simple! But their ramifications boggled the mind.

Decades later, Lasker would say that his whole philosophy of advertising was
revolutionized in that single flash of inspiration.

And Lasker hired Kennedy on the spot – for more than 205 TIMES MORE
than he was paying another copywriter at the time.

The Astonishing Power of an Obvious Idea

Before we explore the implications Kennedy’s “three little words” have for
your sales copy – and your future success – let’s take a look at what they did
for Albert Lasker …

Over the next two years, Kennedy and Lasker went to work applying the
principle of Salesmanship in Print for the benefit of Lord & Thomas’ clients
– and their ads were so effective, the agency began growing by leaps and

To meet the soaring demand for his services, Lasker hired several young
newspapermen and trained them to be salesmen in print – thus creating
the world’s first systematically trained copywriting team.

In 1908, Lasker hired a 42-year-old copywriter named Claude C. Hopkins

for $186,000 a year (about $3.7 million in today’s money!) and together,
they built Lord & Thomas into the largest ad agency in the world.

Lasker, needless to say, became a very, very rich man: By the time he
retired in 1942, his approach to ad copy as Salesmanship in Print had
earned him more than $627 MILLION in today’s dollars.

What’s all the hub-bub, Bub?

Kenndy’s contention that advertising was salesmanship in print may seem[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

like a “DUH!” moment to some folks today. But at the time, it was a revelation
that sparked a revolution of monumental proportions: A bolt out of the blue
that rocked Albert Lasker’s world.

While John E. Powers – America’s advertising king for the day and Lasker’s
former hero – preached that advertising should be a largely journalistic
pursuit, merely announcing “the news of the store,” Kennedy taught Lasker to
see ad copy for what it truly is: A disembodied salesman.

In Kenedy’s own words …

“ADVERTISING is just Salesmanship-on-paper.

“It is a means of multiplying the work of the salesman, who

writes it, several thousand-fold.

“With the salary paid a single salesman it is possible,

through advertising, to reach a thousand customers for
every one he could have reached orally.

“True advertising is just Salesmanship multiplied.”

(Fortunately for all of us, Kennedy went on to fully dimensionalize his

breakthrough in three highly recommended tomes: Reason-Why Advertising,
Intensive Advertising and How Shall We Know Good Copy? – all available for
sale at I bought them,
studied them, marked them up, made reams of notes from them, and apply
their principles in my copy every working day. I strongly suggest you do the

Now, at this point, the casual readers among us are thinking, “OK … yeah.
So we’re salespeople in print. Who didn’t know that?”

But NOT YOU! I can see the wheels turning, the smoke beginning to pour out
of your ears and a big, bright light bulb forming above your head.

You’re getting it just like I did when I first heard the phrase some 34 years
ago. Like me, you’re thinking, “HMMM … OK, let’s dig a little deeper here. So
what is it – exactly – that an effective live salesman does?”

He senses the moment when he’s said enough … asks his prospect for
the courtesy of a timely decision … and then shuts the heck up.

He guards this budding relationship jealously, avoiding claims and/or

promises that could damage his credibility and carefully steering clear of
words and phrases that might be misinterpreted or alienate his prospect in
any way …[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

He greets his prospect affably, seeking common ground to establish a

cordial relationship and begin a friendly conversation …

He attempts to sense what his prospect is feeling at each stage of the

conversation and adjusts his presentation accordingly …

He presents as many specific “reasons why” the prospect should buy this
product (benefits!) as he feels will move his prospect towards a
purchase …

He cheerfully answers all questions and all objections the prospect may
have to buying this product, from him, right now …

He determines what his prospect really wants, looking past the product
itself to the practical and emotional benefits it offers …

He demonstrates why the price is a pittance relative to the practical and/or

emotional benefits the product will deliver, and …

And you know what? Ninety-nine percent of the direct mail, Internet, print, TV
and radio ads you’ll see today will fall far short of this ideal.

If a competitor’s ad is one of them – or if one of YOUR promotions falls short

– this article presents you with a truly spectacular opportunity to multiply your
response and profits!

So do this: Print this issue. Print a copy of one of your ads. Then set aside
an hour this week and go through your copy line by line and ask yourself,
“What could I do better here to satisfy Kennedy’s ‘Salesmanship in Print’

I promise: You’ll be richer – literally – for the experience!

Kennedy on Kennedy
OK. So I could stop right here and you’d have an issue that’s worth its weight
in gold.

But I’m not going to.

See, I’ve only given you MY interpretation of Kennedy’s ad copy


Let’s see some of what Kennedy himself says in the three volumes I named
earlier …

Kennedy On Image Advertising

“When we multiply nothing by ten thousand we still have nothing as a result.

“When we multiply a pretty picture, or a catch-phrase, or the mere name of a

firm, or article, a thousand times we have comparatively nothing as a result.[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

“But when we multiply one thousand times a good, strong, clearly expressed
Reason-Why a person should buy the article we want to sell, we then have
impressed, through advertising, one thousand more people with that reason
than if it had been told verbally to one person by the same salesman.”

Kennedy on Credibility
“We must not expect the Average of such people to have classical
educations, nor an excessive appreciation of art and inference.

“Neither are they as children in intellect, nor thick-headed fools.

“They are just average Americans of good average intelligence, considerable

shrewdness, and large bumps of incredulity.

“Most of them might have come ‘from Missouri’ because they all have ‘show
me!’ ever ready in their minds, when any plausible Advertising Claim is made
to them.

“But, they are willing to be ‘Shown’ when the arguments are sensible enough,
as well as simple enough, to appeal readily to their mental make-up.”

Kennedy on Calling Out Your Best Prospect

“A given argument, presented in a certain form of thought and expression,
will strike responsively in the minds of a given number, among the class of
people aimed at, in each thousand.

“This peculiarly ‘Responsive’ quality in an advertisement may be called its


“Observe that it need not be the Personality of the writer at all, but the
personality which he estimates will best fit the particular class of people who
compose the largest field of sale for the article advertised.

“The difference in Results between copy written by two equally bright men
may be, and often is, 80 per cent, though the same space be used in each
case, to sell the selfsame article.

“That difference consists, first of all, in the quality of argument, the ‘Reason-
Why’ that each of the two lines of copy contains, and next in the Personality
with which these arguments have been invested, in either copy, so as to
strike the most Responsive Chord with the class of readers aimed at.

“The faculty of taking the mental measure of a given class, and gauging their
Habit-of-Thought is a sort of Instinct, such as guides the Timber-Explorer,
who travels a hundred square miles of forest and estimates closely just how
many thousand feet of timber are on it, though he never counts a tree.”[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

Kennedy on Wishy-Washy Copy

“What is the ‘something’ in a successful Mail-Order Advertisement that
makes it pull equally good Inquiries at a fraction of previous cost?

“It is the same ‘something’ that would make Advertising sell goods over the
Retailer’s counter, through General Advertising, at correspondingly low cost.

“That “something” is “Reason-Why” and Conviction, saturated into the copy,

so that the Reader must believe the statements of merit thus claimed for the

“These results have invariably shown that it is far better to repeat one single
Advertisement fifty times, if it be full of Conviction, than to publish fifty
different Advertisements that lack as much Conviction, no matter how
attractive, clever, or artistic, they may be.”

Kennedy on Product Differentiation

“First study your Customers.

“Sit down, close the door, and leisurely think out who are the Natural Buyers
of the Article to be Advertised.

“Make a penciled list of some typical cases.

“Interview these typical cases.

“Ask why they have not already bought the Article you are about to Advertise,
or bought more of it.

“Ask what objections they would probably raise against the article if a
Salesman called upon them and tried to sell it to them.

“Then list the probable objections.

“And then find the most conclusive answer to these objections.

“Next, compile all the Selling Points of the Article in question.

“And remember that its exclusive selling points are to be the backbone of
your Salesmanship.

“To say that a certain machine will cut ice would avail little in advertising it
against competing machines – all of which will cut ice.

“It will be necessary to tell how much ice it would cut in a given time. At a
given cost per ton.

“And why.[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

“Contrasted with the cost by other Machines that cut ice at higher cost –

“And why at higher cost.”

Kennedy on Headlines and Openings

“Avoid by all means the far-fetched headings that disappoint the reader.

“Because, the revulsion following the feeling of being tricked would

antagonize him against the Article advertised instead of leaving him favorable
to it.”

Kennedy on the Writing Process

“Now we start in to write the Ad.

“And we write it as if this was the only Ad we ever meant to use.

“We write it so that it is a complete selling canvass for the Article condensed
into the fewest words that will express it.

“This is the order of thoughts and requirements in writing it.

“If the title now possesses enough live News-Interest, the first few lines only
need be devoted to introduction of the subject.

“Because, we should then jump into the facts at once.

“Playing up the most interesting feature, first, the most convincing one last.

“Expressing the whole matter in primer-thought, and in language forms so

simple that even a child of twelve would fully understand all it meant.

“The object of this simplified language is not merely to avoid


“But, to make the absorption of the meaning effortless for the reader.

“To make it so apparent that the information will almost “soak-in” without any
mental labor on his part.

“For some undefined reason elaborate phrasing, intricate thought-forms, and

high sounding words seem to impart suspicion to the Reader.

“Where the simpler and more familiar forms seem to disarm it and carry the
message home without arousing so many unspoken questions.

“Make up your mind to concentrate all your effort and all the material you
possess upon the single Ad you are writing at the time.[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

“Intensify it, with every selling point you know of.

“Put all of the very best your closest study can provide into the single Ad you
are then writing.

“And when all has been skillfully incorporated, start in to prune it of


“Cut out every needless word first.

“Then cut out every selling thought that can be spared without weakening the

“Then review the whole work as coldly as your worst critic might.

“But, from the standpoint of your prospective customers only.”

Kennedy on Long vs. Short Copy

“How long should a good Advertisement be?

“How long should a good Salesman talk to his Customer in selling goods?

“Just long enough to make his point.

“Just long enough to clinch the Sale, if that be humanly possible.

“Provided he can make his Selling Talk interesting enough to hold his
Customer’s attention until the last word needed to climax what he set out to

“And no longer.”


This is one of those Total Package issues that requires you to do more than
just read through. You’re going to have to THINK through it – carefully
considering the full import of Kennedy’s genius on your promotions and the
copy you’re working on right now.

Fully grasping and skillfully applying these concepts – and many more you’ll
learn when you order and read Kennedy’s three books – made Albert Lasker
a multi-millionaire. They made me – and every top copywriter I know filthy,
stinking rich too. And they’ve made billions for the businesses that have
benefited from them.

So buy the books.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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12 Responses to Great Moments in Advertising Part 2

John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure

Patrick says:
September 19, 2008 at 8:57 am

Hi Clayton,

I haven’t read this post… just glean few notes and liked it. Please
how can I get part 1?

If you can, kindly send the link to my email: pubuane AT


Joe Swopes says:

February 19, 2009 at 4:11 pm

Good stuff Clayton…it’s the simple stuff that we often forget! I don’t
have the book yet, but it is definitely on my hit list!

I love reading through the classics

Salesmanship in print, if taken seriously, would cure many ad


Once you think about how a person would sale face to face, it would
cancel out a bunch of “cute” ideas we so often see.[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

Good stuff.


loiarro says:
February 19, 2009 at 4:58 pm

Mastering the art of copywriting (persuasion)


Dean Kennedy says:

February 19, 2009 at 5:05 pm

I love the bit here about long v short copy …

“Just enough to clinch the sale … and no longer.”

I think you covered that a couple of weeks back … about not over-
selling and turning off a sale — it’s a great point to focus on when
writing, thanks again!

It’s great too re-reading some of the gold hidden in the archives …
they’re at least as good the second time around, always with new
insights to pick up!


Paul says:
February 19, 2009 at 5:12 pm

Just incredible stuff as usual. This site is the best resource I know of.

Yes, I am putting this stuff into action and I can’t wait!


bFish says:
February 19, 2009 at 5:55 pm

I didn’t bother reading this whole post – it would be a waste of time.

Instead, I printed it out, slipped it into a clear folder, and put it in my

briefcase for later, when I can hold it in my hands, slowly absorb it
and make notes. Wonderful stuff.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

Dave Doolin says:

February 19, 2009 at 6:11 pm

bFish… I do that too… print ‘em out for reading later.


Randy Kemp says:

February 19, 2009 at 7:49 pm

John Kennedy gives us a simple, three word definition of copywriting,

which says it all.


Drayton says:
February 19, 2009 at 9:52 pm

Well, I thought I knew all about Kennedy and Lasker. Wrong!

Excellent stuff, with good, practical lessons – like pretty much
everything you print, Clayton.


Daniel Cajiga says:

February 20, 2009 at 5:02 am

Amazing material as usual, thank you Clayton for your generouse

Gold Gifts.

I´d like to place here the link to Part 1 in this subject, just in case:

And if you don´t wanna lost ever again a Total Packages´s post
please donwload the Feed Reader from: and for free and suscribe to the
Clayton´s Amazing Total Package´s feed. This way you´ll be alerted
any time that The Total Package has something new, I mean daily.

Best Regards and Thanks again Master Clayton.


Johanna says:
February 20, 2009 at 10:06 am[11/29/2012 8:05:56 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 2 John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure |

I like the crisp way to present a good comparison. This post will make
part of my reference file. I can access the tips and reminders when
writing my copy(ies.

Thanks for the great posting, Clayton. J = )


Joan Cox says:

March 28, 2009 at 1:40 pm

I throughly enjoyed this thought provoking article. I’m trying to

improve my own web site copy because I can’t as yet afford a really
great copywriter.

It’s always a “catch-22″ when you can’t afford to hire a good

copywriter to make it a web site that will convert.

Hopefully I can learn enough to make the appropriate changes that

will “make-do” for now.

Thanks for all the great articles.


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A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

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A Guilty Glance Inside
Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate Search

moments, thoughts and feelings

Posted on February 23, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Dear Business-Builder, world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Right now, our prospects are experiencing some of the most intense and
Do You Believe?
contradictory emotions they’ve ever had in their entire lives.

By day, they rail against others for creating their financial problems.

The saner ones point the finger at the long line of economic idiots and
criminals who have occupied The White House, Congress, the Treasury and
the Fed for the last couple of decades.

Others – those with a more tenuous grip on reality – blame “those greedy
bankers” for having the unmitigated gall to actually approve every loan and
credit card application they ever submitted.

But regardless of who our prospects may blame in broad daylight, it’s not so
easy to escape the real villain as they seek the sweet release of sleep.

In the privacy of their own bedrooms each night, they’re confronted with the
humiliating truth that they and they alone created their own, personal
financial crises …

By spending more than they should have.

By saving less than they should have.

And by accumulating far more debt than they should have.[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

They regret scoffing at old-fashioned admonitions to be prudent with money.

To live sensibly, modestly and within their means. To accept debt sparingly
or not at all. And to save extravagantly.

They marvel at how much money they’ve earned over the last decade or
two … at how fast it vanished … at how pathetically little they have to show
for it.

And they torture themselves, thinking how much better life would be if they
had that money now.

They excoriate themselves for plunging into debt to buy more house than
they needed and then borrowing even more to create the illusion of success:
The fancy furnishings, the expensive cars, the designer fashions, the lavish
dinners out, the trophy vacations and all the other now-worthless crap they
bought to impress others.

So every night, in bedrooms around the world,

billions are teaching themselves timeless lessons

They’re learning that – despite politicians’ false promises to the contrary – the
law of personal responsibility is as intractable as the law of gravity.

Just as no law or government program ever penned or signed by the hand of

man could repeal the law of gravity, no legislation has ever provided
permanent escape from the consequences of our actions.

And when entire societies consisting of billions of individuals lose their way,
no government … not even all the governments on Earth combined … can
save them from the inevitable consequences of their actions.

Because governments have no resources other than those that have been
earned and retained by its most successful citizens. And because even if all
of those resources were confiscated, they would pale into insignificance
compared to the debts amassed by the other 90% of the population.

We – all of us – sowed the seeds of this financial whirlwind with profligate

spending, with excessive debt and with a dearth of savings. And now it’s time
for us, our children and our children’s children to reap the inevitable

This, too, haunts many of our prospects each night as, in their minds’ eyes,
they stare at the pile of bills awaiting them on the kitchen table – scraps of
paper demanding the payment due for past pleasures. And they wonder and
worry about what will become of their families in the weeks and months
ahead.[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

Some are even doing the math; calculating and recalculating how long they
could survive if their income suddenly stopped; if their government’s actions
extend the crisis for years or even decades … what they will do if they
suddenly find themselves among the 15 million who are now unemployed in
the U.S. alone.

How can I know our prospects are feeling

all this guilt, regret and fear?
Simple: I’m feeling it myself!
No, I’m not pleading poverty, here. By working back-breaking hours all my
life … enduring the hard times without giving up … and by trying to make
prudent decisions with my money … I’ve become one of the “lucky” ones.

Plus, I’ve taken my own advice; I’ve focused my business on niches that tend
to do well in tough times. So not only is my income still in the top fraction of
the top 1% of all Americans, I’m actually earning more than I did this time last

Better yet, I saw this crisis coming two years ago and began curtailing my
spending, paying down my debt and building up my savings as if my life
depended on it.

But now, as I contemplate everything Bushama and Congress are doing to

guarantee this crisis will be with us for a decade or more, I can’t help but
worry anyway.

And frankly, I often kick myself for self-indulgent purchases I’ve made over
the years and for failing to sock away millions more in the salad days of the
1990s and early 2000s.

Because at a time like this, there’s no such thing as having “too much”
money saved for the rainy days ahead.

And I know in my heart that if I’m having wim-wams … foregoing all but the
most essential purchases … and saving every dime I can lay my hands on …
millions of our prospects are, too.

This is the greatest sea change of our careers

What we are now seeing take place in the hearts and minds of ourselves, our
customers and our prospects is nothing less than a massive, global reversal
of attitudes …

A convulsion in how our prospects view reality that will have an enormous
impact on the kinds of products we develop and the way we market them for
the rest of our lives.

Because we are now witnessing the rapid demise of the spendthrift mindset[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

that has grown so many companies for so many decades …

And we’re witnessing the birth of a new generation of far more rational,
cautious, thinking consumers …

Consumers who have suddenly realized that the “old-fashioned” virtues of

common sense, prudence and thrift are time-honored for a reason: They
have been proven to be lifesavers over many millennia.

Consumers who have learned the hard lesson their parents and
grandparents learned during The Great Depression: That the only thing that’s
more important than saving money for a rainy day is to use money to make
more money that will see you through tough times.

Now, even I get it:

These are the depression-era lessons that caused mom to save every scrap
of string and every rubber band in big tangles under the kitchen sink.

These are the lessons that made my dad go ballistic when I left the lights on
in an unoccupied room or when I blew my allowance money on some useless

This is the financial Judgment Day they so often warned me about; the day of
paying the price for scoffing at their stingy ways.

Somewhere, Mom and Dad are nodding their heads in grim agreement.

And somewhere, my dad’s gloating: “So what are you going to do if this crisis
outlives your money? Huh, smart boy?”

Cool your jets, Dad; I get it! But since, unlike all you dead people, I can’t
travel in time, it’s not going to do me one damn bit of good to cry over spilt

What I can do, though, is to expend every ounce of energy at my command

to make as much money as is legally and ethically possible, every hour, day
and working week.

Because only more money can get my family safely through a decade or
more of this.

That means recognizing that every promotion I write must work even harder
to prove the value my product brings to prospects’ lives … to demonstrate as
graphically as possible that the price is the bargain of a lifetime … and to
create guarantees that make buying it … from me … NOW … an absolute

I also need to vastly improve how I spend my workdays – to find new ways to
get more work done … better work done … more profitable work done every
hour I spend at my desk.[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

And it goes without saying that I need to review my client list – make
absolutely sure I’m working ONLY with clients whose products and services
are likely to do best as this crisis intensifies.

Most importantly, I need to find ways to structure more productive working

relationships with those clients – relationships that make them more money
so they can pay me more money.

How about you?

I’m willing to bet that if you give this little “depression survival checklist,” a few
hours thought, you’ll have taken a big step towards coming through this thing
smelling like a rose, too.

I’ll even help you do all this and more: By revealing for the very first time ALL
of the business techniques that have caused both Bob Bly and AWAI to
name me “America’s highest-paid marketing consultant and copywriter.”

So be sure to watch your inbox for a major announcement later this week!

In the meantime, why not scroll down and post a comment to show us your
personal survival plan?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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18 Responses to A Guilty Glance Inside

Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments,
thoughts and feelings[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

Caleb Osborne says:

February 23, 2009 at 10:02 am

Great Post as always Clayton.

I’m re-working a couple sales letters this week to make them stronger
and of course working harder than ever to have my own businesse(s)
and product(s) to pay me money…


P.S. Got to meet and chat a little with Drayton Bird this past weekend
— What a hoot!


Carole says:
February 23, 2009 at 10:07 am

Hi Clayton,

Fortunately, I’ve not been one to be attracted to shiny things. I’ve

often written about how I don’t want a huge house that I have to keep
clean, or autos that guzzle gallons of gas,or having electronic
gadgets attached to me 24×7. OK, I’m weird.

But the accumulation of ‘stuff’ has been put ahead of our health and
well being. The good things to hopefully come out of all this is for
people to rediscover what’s really important in life.

Within ever cloud, there is a silver lining. We just have to look to find



Rod Newbound, RN says:

February 23, 2009 at 10:27 am

You’re right Clayton – in every aspect.

And I think the most important thing we can do is to make sure our
clients are doing well and looking for ways we can help them do even

Rod[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |


Mikhail Trishin says:

February 23, 2009 at 10:36 am

Thanks a lot Clayton for good post and strong tools!

I’m from Russia and do right now Anti-Crisis mini-course including

audio and screen casts.

This mini-course is a FE for my consulting couching and info-


The posts from help me in my work,

especially your and Troy’s posts with very good Success Story and
Case Studies.

You make the trust in best future for all who want to get success.

I’m awaiting for the new posts from you and your frends!

Have a good business and life!

Best Regards,

Mikhail Trishin


Cathy says:
February 23, 2009 at 10:44 am

I’m asking myself, “What are the lessons from the Depression that
apply today? How are things different? How are things the same?”

We know human nature hasn’t changed. Even in tough times people

will still buy for emotional reasons – perhaps even more so since the
pressure’s on. The need for escapism and entertainment, a sense of
self-worth, security, achievement… all of these are still there.

The key is finding the product that is a match for the times and that
delivers incredible value, more than ever.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

February 23, 2009 at 11:22 am[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

Grand Slam Clayton!Wow tell it like it is. Yes we all have had to make
changes because of this crazy economy.But amazing enough we still
survive on less.

We have cut all the fat we can and down sized to match our income.

Yes we are a smaller company but we are still making a profit.So it

can be done if need be.

I believe everyone can make it threw this if they do what has to be


I’ll start worrying when the boss sells fleet of Cadillacs we have.

Thanks Clayton



Peter says:
February 23, 2009 at 11:26 am


I’m not a copywriter yet. But after reading this letter, I now realize that
perhaps I’ve been one all my life. I just didn’t know it yet.

Looking back, I can now see that my first and natural reaction in
times of crises is to write a letter. I’ve been doing it all my life and it’s
gotten me out of quite a few jams. I’ve also helped others ‘express
themselves on paper’ in their time of crises.

–I’ve made friends sound reasonable and articulate.

–I’ve persuaded management to keep my friends employed.

–Hec, I’ve persuaded management to keep ME employed.

But times are changing. Keeping employed is like playing a game of

musical chairs. When the music stops, are you looking to see if
you’ve still got a job? You do this for a couple of years, and it gets

I never thought about earning any real money from this skill. My mind
just never accepted letter writing as something real, tangible or
practical for me—even when digesting copywriting materials in my
past. I can still hear my folks saying, “Get a real job!” (except louder
than that!)[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

Clayton, after reading your letter today I think I may have found my
mission in life. An entire economy is down for the count. And maybe,
just maybe I can change it with the power of my pen…

…That sounded corny. I’ll rewrite that:

And maybe, just maybe I can help businesses make money with my
writing skills, while at the same time making money for myself.

That’s the truth.



David says:
February 23, 2009 at 11:42 am

Full marks as usual, Clayton, but this essay is especially well


Folks, look at self-proclaimed high school dropout Clayton’s writing in

this piece: superb!

By contrast, those of us who have had a chance to look at the work of

recent college graduates may be scratching our heads: is this the
work of those who majored in English as a second language?

Check out: “Real Education,” by Charles Murray. You’ll be glad that

you did.


John Gamble says:

February 23, 2009 at 3:07 pm


Astute observations as always.

Also reminded me of my own mother who used to admonish me for

leaving a light on or an outside door open. “You going to heat the
whole neighborhood?” she’d ask.

Surely with this new reality, our chickens are coming home to roost.

Fortunately, as smart marketers we are well-poised to become part of

the solution.[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

Always appreciate your generosity and your viewpoint.



Mike says:
February 23, 2009 at 6:14 pm

I hadn’t thought about it, but yes, people are (at least internally, or at
night) in different moods than they were probably less than a year

I mean, their decision making, the things they put on the little scale in
their mind, has gotten more emotional, more involved.

Sadly, my writing hasn’t kept up with that. Thanks for pointing this


Scott says:
February 23, 2009 at 6:16 pm

God I wish I hadn’t written those unhedged puts! And damn that sorry
plasma substitute!


Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase says:

February 23, 2009 at 8:22 pm

Nothing to add, Clayton!

This piece is, as usual, an excellent, well-reasoned, well-delivered

road map to surving this turbulent times.

As a Nigerian who started in business at the onset of recession in my

country some 25 years ago, I can confirm that everything Clayton
says in this write-up is 100% correct.

Not acting on his advice is the worst thing anyone who is fortunate
enough to read this stuff can do to himself or herself.

I’m going to make sure that I pass this nugget to members of the two
communities I’m leading as a food for thought.

Thanks, Clayton. I owe you a debt of gratitude for this and previous
masterpieces.[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |



catherine says:
February 23, 2009 at 8:26 pm


I love the law of responsibility part. For no one else is really to be

blamed for the results of our actions or inactions.

As usual this article makes us think and decide to move…



James says:
February 23, 2009 at 11:32 pm

Hi Clayton,

I think this is the biggest insight I have got from this article.

‘Just as no law or government program ever penned or signed by the

hand of man could repeal the law of gravity, no legislation has ever
provided permanent escape from the consequences of our actions.’

Even if Washington approves 2,3 or 4 Trillion bailout, it does not

matter. Your personal economy is of your own making. Period.

James Abugah


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Improvement Profits

Michael says:
February 24, 2009 at 10:30 am

Amazing post Clayton! You have a fabulous way of words and really
grabbing attention.

My personal survival plan if you will, is to get my products developed[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

and increase my focus even more in strategic, profitable areas while

at the same time creating better relationships with my customers &

More people need to stop by here and if they don’t, they’re missing
out on some fantastic information

Great job!


Note Taking Nerd #2 says:

February 24, 2009 at 2:17 pm

Hey Clayton,

I’ve only made two resolutions…

Always pay myself first and…

Continue my mission to build and fortify my ability to produce.

Without the later, the former will suffer from malnourishment.

Through your newsletter, your ezine, How to Build a 6 figure

copywriting business, Extreme promotion makeovers, Ultimate Copy
Coach and your Power Summit you’ve been a major contributor to
enhancing my ability to produce results for myself and my clients.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and I’ll be looking to build even
more muscle with your next product.

Note Taking Nerd #2


Milt Trosper says:

February 28, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Hi Clayton:

As long as I can remember….

All my mentors have always said…..
“It must be a WIN – WIN deal”.

Old fashioned values and virtues like honesty and looking out for the
other guy make sense again.

Your approach toward your clients is “dead on”….[11/29/2012 8:06:10 PM]

A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate moments, thoughts and feelings |

May we all learn from your insight and wisdom.

Milt T.


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Great Moments in Advertising Part 3
Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Search

Another Notch
Posted on February 26, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
In this issue world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
How treating great marketing strategies and sales copy as a mere
Do You Believe?
commodity hamstrings businesses …

How to position any product as unique and head-and-shoulders above

the competition…

How long sales copy should be …

And much, much more!

Dear Business-Builder,

The other day, a subscriber e-mailed me to inquire if my direct marketing

agency, Response Ink, would build a website for him.

Now, although ResponseInk is definitely NOT looking to add new clients to

our line-up at this time, the subscriber’s company has an intriguing, even
ingenious business model – and so my curiosity got the better of me.

As we talked, it quickly became clear that, instead of searching for the best
marketing strategies and sales copy money could buy, the principals were
price-shopping us!

And so I politely quoted our admittedly outrageous price – which includes a

commission on each sale we produce … let them off the hook by apologizing
that we couldn’t get their site done in the time allotted … and politely wished
them good luck.[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

At this moment – unless I miss my guess – they’re now discovering the joys
of working with the lowest bidder: A company that agreed to their deadline
and quoted them a dirt-cheap price.

My prediction? These guys are about to endure a painful and costly object
lesson in the true value of great marketing.

Here’s what typically happens next:

The lowest bidder proves (surprise, surprise!) incompetent. The sales

copy stinks, the Web pages are ugly and virtually unreadable, functionality
is limited and the third, fourth, fifth, etc. drafts blow the deadline to

The lowest bidder is fired. The next-lowest bidder is hired and starts all
over again from scratch. This step is often repeated two or three times
until a website – of sorts – is finally finished.

Sales stink. Months after the initial deadline, the website finally goes live
and promptly proceeds to disappoint everybody with pathetic sales.


Whether from hubris or ignorance, these otherwise very bright men are
making one of the most common blunders in the business world. Believing
that they have built “a better mousetrap,” they expect the world to
automatically beat a path to their door.

They evidently understand they need sales copy – although they’re probably
not sure why. And they’re certainly ignorant of the fact that great marketing
can often produce many times the sales, revenues and profits that mediocre,
lukewarm promotions do, thus multiplying the size of their business in a
fraction of the time.

To “penny-wise, pound-foolish” guys like these, marketing strategies and

copywriting are merely a commodity – just another business expense – no
more important to their company’s success than ink cartridges, yellow pads
or toilet paper.

One can only hope that sooner or later, these “penny-wise, pound-foolish”
guys will have an epiphany: That they will finally realize that great marketing
strategies and sales copy combined with flawless execution is AT LEAST as
essential to their success as the quality of their product is – and quite
possibly, even more so …

98 Years Ago, Albert Lasker Already Knew

What Those Poor Guys Are Learning NOW …
A while back, we continued our series on The Masters of Marketing with the[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

story of “John and Albert’s Excellent Adventure” – and saw how Albert Lasker
used John E. Kennedy’s assertion that good advertising is merely
“Salesmanship in Print” to revolutionize our industry.

Advertisers begged for a coveted spot on Lord & Thomas’ client list – and
happily paid their truly outrageous fees – because they knew the true value
of great sales copy.

Whether they sold washing machines, Palmolive soap or Lucky Strikes, every
company that experienced the L&T’s sales miracles knew full well they were
due to great sales copy – and that the enormous multiples this great sales
copy produced were well-worth paying for.

Lasker knew it too. That’s why he gladly hired John E. Kennedy for a
whopping 205 times more than he was paying another copywriter at the time.

… And it’s why in 1908, Lasker jumped at the chance to hire a 42-year-old
copywriter named Claude C. Hopkins for a mind-boggling $4 million in 2009

Mr. Hopkins had already carved out a stellar advertising career using the
very “Salesmanship in Print” and “Reason-Why Advertising” principles
Kennedy and Lasker so fervently believed in – and his brilliant copy took
sales of numerous products to the moon — including Pepsodent, Quaker’s
Puffed Wheat and Chevrolets.

How to Make Any Product Feel Truly Unique

Of all his great campaigns, Hopkins is probably most famous for the
campaign he created for Schlitz beer in the early 1900s.

In those days, a beer’s purity was of paramount importance to consumers –

and knowing this, most breweries claimed – but never really proved – that
their beers were the purest available.

Mr. Hopkins reasoned that he could lift Schlitz head and shoulders above the
competition by proving his claims beyond the shadow of a doubt. Instead of
merely claiming purity, he would trumpet the reasons why Schlitz was purer
than the rest.

To do that, he needed to become an expert on the brewing process. And to

do that, he would have to visit the brewery.

Now, picture this … here’s a guy who makes millions as a copywriter –

arguably the greatest word-juggler of his time – and he realizes that second-
hand research isn’t enough.

Hopkins could have simply visited a library (remember them?) to do his

research on the brewer’s art. Or better yet, he could have saved several
valuable days of his time and just sent an eager young apprentice to the[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

brewery to do his research for him.

But, no. Hopkins understood that, to write the most compelling ads possible,
he needed a deeper personal understanding of the product. He needed to
experience the sight, smell and sounds of beer-making first-hand (and
hopefully taste the final result!) – and get answers to every question that
sprang into his mind.

Only, after his enlightening tour of the brewery, Hopkins began writing –
describing in meticulous detail the 4,000-foot-deep artesian wells from which
Schlitz drew its water … the wood pulp filters that ensured the water was
100% pure … the spotless plant and “clean rooms” with their filtered air …
how Schlitz’s bottles were sanitized with germ-scalding steam … and more.

… But Hopkins did leave out one teeensy-weeensy little fact: Pretty much
every brewery made its beer just like Schlitz did!

In reality, Schlitz’ beer wasn’t one iota purer than its competitors’ brewskis
were. But by being the first to tell the public about the steps beer-makers
took to ensure purity – and by having his client take ownership of those
techniques in consumers’ minds – Hopkins convinced the entire nation that
Schlitz really was the purest beer anywhere.

More than that: By making Schlitz the first brewery to reveal how beer was
made, Hopkins ROBBED competing breweries of their purity claims!

After his ads ran, any brewery that claimed its beer was pure without
substantiation was crushed by the specificity of Hopkins’ ads …

… And any competitor that attempted to substantiate its purity claims would
just come off looking like second-rate, “me-too” breweries!
RESULT: In no time flat, Schlitz soared from America’s fifth biggest-selling
beer … to NUMERO UNO!

Hopkins described his strategy beautifully in his book My Life in Advertising:

“This is a situation which occurs in most advertising problems.

The article is not unique. It embodies no great advantages.
Perhaps countless people can make similar products. But tell
the pains you take to excel.

“Tell factors and features which others deem too commonplace

to claim. Your product will come to typify those excellencies. If
others claim them afterward, it will only serve to advertise you.

“There are few advertised products which cannot be imitated.

Few who dominate a field have any exclusive advantage. They
were simply the first to tell certain convincing facts.”[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

Hopkins on Hopkins
Although Claude C. Hopkins may be best-known for his Schlitz campaigns,
he also pioneered sampling, the use of coupons, and replaced reckless
claims with money-back guarantees and much, much more.

In fact, he reveals so many powerful copywriting techniques in My Life in

Advertising and Scientific Advertising, nearly all of today’s top writers still
worship the ground he walked upon.

If you have not read him – or have not read him lately – I strongly suggest
that you surf over to Amazon.Com and remedy this situation post-haste.

Here are just a few gems from Hopkins’ gifted pen:

On Salesmanship …
“Advertising is multiplied salesmanship.

“Its principles are the principles of salesmanship. Successes and failures in

both lines are due to like causes. Thus every advertising question should be
answered by the salesman’s standards.”


“The only purpose of advertising is to make sales.

“It is not for general effect. It is not to keep your name before the people. It is
not primarily to aid your other salesmen.

“Figure its cost and result. Accept no excuses which good salesmen do not
make. Then you will not go far wrong.”


“Many of the ablest men in advertising are graduate salesmen. The best we
know have been house-to-house canvassers. They may know little of
grammar, nothing of rhetoric, but they know how to use words that convince.”


“When you plan and prepare an advertisement, keep before you a typical
buyer. Your subject, your headline has gained his or her attention. Then in
everything be guided by what you would do if you met the buyer face-to-

On long copy vs. short copy …

“Some people say, ‘Be very brief. People will read but little.’[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

“Would you say that to a salesman? With a prospect standing before him,
would you confine him to any certain number of words? That would be an
unthinkable handicap.”


“Mail order advertising tells a complete story if the purpose is to make an

immediate sale. You see no limitations there on amount of copy.

“The motto there is, ‘The more you tell the more you sell.’ And it has never
failed to prove out so in any test we know.”


“When you once get a person’s attention, then is the time to accomplish all
you ever hope with him.

“Bring all your good arguments to bear. Cover every phase of your subject.
One fact appeals to some, one to another.

“Omit any one and a certain percentage will lose the fact which might

On what mail-order advertising teaches …

“The severest test of an advertising man is in selling goods by mail. But that
is a school from which he must graduate before he can hope for success.

“There cost and result are immediately apparent. False theories melt away
like snowflakes in the sun. The advertising is profitable or it is not, clearly on
the face of returns.

“In mail order advertising there is no waste of space. Every line is utilized.
Borders are rarely used. Remember that when you are tempted to leave
valuable space unoccupied.

“In mail order advertising the pictures are always to the point. They are
salesmen in themselves. They earn the space they occupy. The size is
gauged by their importance.”

On the importance of specificity …

“Platitudes and generalities roll off the human understanding like water from a
duck. They leave no impression whatever.

“The weight of an argument may often be multiplied by making it specific. Say

that a tungsten lamp gives more light than a carbon and you leave some
doubt. Say that it gives three and one-third times the light and people realize
that you have made tests and comparisons.”[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

On genius and hard work …

“Genius is the art of taking pains.

“The advertising man who spares the midnight oil will never get very far.”

On testing …
“Almost any question can be answered, cheaply, quickly and finally, by a test

“And that’s the way to answer them – not by arguments around a table. Go to
the court of last resort – the buyers of your product.”

On negative advertising …

“Show the bright side, the happy and attractive side, not the dark and
uninviting side of things.

“Show beauty, not homeliness; health, not sickness. Don’t show the wrinkles
you propose to remove, but the face as it will appear. In advertising a
dentifrice, show pretty teeth, not bad teeth.”

On manipulative advertising …

“Any studied attempt to sell, if apparent, creates corresponding resistance.”


Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

← A Guilty Glance Inside Hands-down,

Your Prospect’s Bedroom at his most intimate the BEST sales copy ever written
moments, thoughts and feelings for the WORST product ever created →

9 Responses to Great Moments in Advertising Part 3

Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up
Another Notch

Ryan Wegman says:

February 26, 2009 at 5:17 pm

Wow what an eye opening article Clayton I really enjoy this total
package, Claude Hopkins was a genius in his own time and really still
to this day.

As a budding entrepreneur I use this valuable info to grow and

prosper in every way shape or form that I can. Thanks for everything
in advance; <a href=””The Pillars of
Wealth is built upon the theory that wealth is simply a concept and
you must vision that concept before you ever attain it.

Same as the “salesman in Print” a concept that took the marketing

world by storm, I hope to do the same, keep the great content



Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

February 26, 2009 at 5:44 pm

Sounds like my experience. When I talk to business owners

about website work, they want to know my hourly rate.

I explain that I was a senior writer before most “web

developers” were even born, and that you can’t get that kind
of experience without planning to pay for it.

I then tell them I don’t charge by the hour. I bill by what

the job is worth, based on what they’re looking for. I’m
willing to give them ballpark figures for pages (like $800-1500 for
*writing* the text for a home page, but the
graphic design and page creation is on top of that.

I then ask them what kind of budget they had in mind. Then
I explain to them what goes into writing a page — research,
understanding their competition, devising a method to position them
above the competition, and make it look like[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

a difficult job. I even mention the intense “brain sweat”

involved in doing it well.

I then tell them they can find writers at dime-a-carload prices on

elance and elsewhere and get words from a hack who
knows nothing about their business or how to make writing

They’re left with a choice: Hire it cheap, then pay me later to fix the
mess, or do it right to start with.

One guy wanted a site for his business and wanted to spend
less for the entire site than I get for half a home page!

I try to be tactful (it’s hard when you can’t fix stupid),

but explain you can’t buy champagne on a ramen-noodle
budget. If you want quality and results you have to be
willing to invest properly, and if you cut corners, it can
damage you revenues more than the cost of doing it well.

I also explain the importance of having a writer who is an

*ally* instead of a “hired gun”, or worse — a minimum-cost
“vendor” of services to be minimized in cost.

I don’t win ‘em all, but it keeps the whiners down and out
of sight so I can deal with those who “get it”.

They also help you appreciate all the more those who love
and appreciate quality work — the kind of work you don’t
mind sitting up half the night working on.



Marilyn says:
February 26, 2009 at 7:33 pm

You are a riot!

I can just read your mind, ‘Don’t chump change me!’

Instead of getting all serious about tightwads, it must be funny to rock

yourself to sleep with these thoughts.


Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

John White says:

February 27, 2009 at 10:37 am

On Specificity…

Hopkins sates that “platitudes and generalities mean nothing…”

Although I understand Hopkin’s point (and I have read his book

several times), recall that we just elected a president based on
platitudes and generalities.

The masses did not demand clarification from this guy, but then
again neither did they from other notables in history (you can fill in
the names here).

Also recall that – based on platitudes and generalities about an

impending crisis – our congress recently passed the largest spending
bill of all time without even reading it – amazingly irresponsible!

Yes, people can be mesmerized into unthinking decisions with the

right guidance from a master propagandist.

Let us not overlook this valuable lesson – our children and

grandchildren have paid dearly for it.


Dave Doolin says:

February 27, 2009 at 4:44 pm

I am going to make my fortune in this depression.

My life whole life I have been busting my butt and watching others
succeed in part by sucking up and in part by taking what isn’t theirs
from people like me.

What’s coming is going to shake such people to the very core of their

Now, I am learning how to quantitatively measure my value.

Thanks to the generosity of Clayton, Troy, Daniel, John Carleton,

Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, and many others, I have at least a full
YEAR of free, very high quality material to steep myself in, to learn
NOT the “tricks of the trade,” but to learn the trade itself. I’ll find my
own trick later, thank you very much.

Let’s rock and roll people!

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:23 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 3 Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up Another Notch |

Dave Doolin says:

February 27, 2009 at 4:46 pm

Oh yeah… a near term goal is to generate enough revenue to

purchase *real* copywriting from a pro. I know it’s worth the bucks…
but I want a proven business model working first!


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Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

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the BEST sales copy ever written Search

for the WORST product ever created

Posted on March 2, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Like One person likes this. Sign Up to see what your friends like. We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Free in this issue: world
The best addition to your swipe file ever. by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Just scroll down for the link
Do You Believe?

Dear Business-Builder,

As a copywriter, my job is to write direct mail and online promotions that sell
my clients’ products. So I’m always looking for new ways to write more
effective sales copy. And that means I’m constantly studying every scrap of
good sales copy that crosses my desk.

When I find a great promotion, I file it away in a private “swipe file” – and
when I’m ready to begin writing a new promotion, I often scour that file for
inspiration and idea-starters.

Last Thursday, I found the single, greatest addition for my copywriting swipe
file in the 40 years I’ve spent in this business. In fact, this promotion is so
ingenious; so brilliantly conceived and so artfully written, I feel compelled to
give you a copy for your swipe file – completely free of charge, of course.

It would be wrong of me not to. This massive, 143-page promotion makes

every other direct response copywriter look like a rank amateur; a hack.
Including me.

What makes this promotion so amazing is that the product is absolutely

terrible. But by the time you finish reading this remarkable promotion, you
will be tempted to believe it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

To accomplish this Herculean task, the writer or writers (I suspect it was[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

created by a team of the best in the business) pull out all the stops: Evil
straw men … paralyzing fear … greed … indignation … moral superiority …
plenty of charts and other proof elements … the desire to see justice done …
advocacy … the works.

Be careful as you consider the sales techniques used in this massive

magalog, though: The writers also use every illegal, immoral, unethical and
misleading trick in the book — tactics that have often landed copywriters and
their clients in jail.

They grossly misrepresent their product. They promise results that no similar
product has ever produced. They even advocate – seriously – that the
reader become a party to outright theft.

Nevertheless, although this piece only appeared online for the first time last
Thursday, it’s already working like gangbusters and unless I miss my guess,
it will ultimately result in vast fortunes changing hands.

So, if you’ll just click the “>>(more…)” link below to continue reading, I’ll give
you this all-time best promotion right now, for free.

And I’m also going to give you five valuable lessons we can all learn from this
shining example of great copywriting …

Just download it here.

That’s right; it’s the magalog Barack Obama and his copywriting team wrote
to sell the Obaminator’s new budget.

And it’s a masterpiece of copywriting. Because President Obama, Senate

leader Harry Reid and House leader Nancy Pelosi – Washington’s unholy
trinity …

Or if you prefer, “The Father, the Son and …

Holy Cow!” …

Or in the apocalyptic Biblical vernacular

preferred by the fiscal conservatives in the
room, “Lucifer, the Antichrist and the Whore of
Babylon” …

… Have a product to sell you.

Specifically, they need you to buy into policies

that will ensure their party’s political success
for years, possibly decades to come. Washington’s Unholy Trinity
have something to sell you …
They need you to fork over up to 70% or more
of everything you earn to enrich their[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

constituents and reward those who contribute to their political campaigns.

They need to sell you on supporting them – or at the very least, doing
nothing; shutting the hell up — while they forcibly, under pain of
imprisonment (or, if you resist arrest, under penalty of death) …

1. Steal enough money from your boss so that he’s faced with the Hobbs
choice of paying you, or his mortgage (Guess what? You lose!) …

2. Steal so much money from investors that they have to sell stocks they
own just to live and pay taxes – and by doing so, crush what’s left of your
stocks, retirement fund and college savings plan …

3. Steal more money from you and 1.9 million other innocent couples who
earn more than $250,000 combined each year (or who hope to) to help
offset $3 trillion of new debt Obama plans to rack up …

4. Steal even more money from you and other consumers by slamming U.S.
manufacturers with taxes and carbon-use fines that will be passed on to
you and make US products uncompetitive overseas – all under the
excuse of reversing “global warming” (which, according to the World
Meteorological Organization, actually ended all by itself more than a
decade ago), and …

5. Destroy the buying power of the pittance you’ll have left by borrowing and
printing enough counterfeit paper dollars to pay the rest.

And then they want you to just smile and take it while they give your money
to …

Your flaky neighbor: The guy who dug himself into debt to buy a bigger
house, a newer car and to take those dream vacations you can’t afford.
Now, he needs you to pay his mortgage and send his bratty kids to
college.   …

Failed CEOs of dying corporations and banks: The guys with

hundreds of millions in the bank and who live in 25,000-square-foot
mansions, get to work in chauffeured limos and zip around the world in
private G5 Gulfstream jets. Now, they need you to bail their butts out …

Other wealthy CEOs and union bosses: You know, the guys who
contributed to the Unholy Trinity’s political campaigns. They need your
money so they can get rich selling all kinds of crap they couldn’t sell
without government help …

Stupid people: Morons who got knocked up in eighth grade, fried their
brains on crack and alcohol, do nothing but inhale Bon-Bons and watch
Oprah all day and who’ve made a gazillion other idiotic, short-sighted,
self-destructive decisions all their lives. Now, they need you to pay their
rent and grocery bills.

Most of all, Obama, Reid and Pelosi need you to help them destroy the three
foundational principles that made this country the richest nation in the history[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

of Planet Earth:

Personal Incentive: The notion that if it’s miserable to be poor and glorious
to be rich, more people will work harder to become rich.

Personal Responsibility: The idea that the quality of your life should be
determined by the quality of the decisions you make.

The Right to Property Ownership: The sacred principle that says you have
a right to own what you’ve earned.

You probably think I’m exaggerating. In fact, even the normally sanguine
U.S. Chamber of Commerce (which represents companies that employ
nearly 90% of all Americans), says Obama’s budget blueprint will destroy the
very foundations of the U.S. economy.

According to The Chamber, the product promoted in Obama’s magalog …

"appears to move in exactly the wrong direction. More

taxes, heavy-handed regulations, and command-and-
control government will not hasten recovery.

“You don’t build a house BY BLOWING UP ITS


So … you’re a copywriter. How much lipstick would YOU need to pimp a pig
as ugly as this one?

Relax – it can be done. Even a product this horrendous can be sold if the
copywriter’s on his game. Especially if your prospects are too stupid or too
lazy to think. And Obama’s new magalog proves it in spades.

So what can we learn about superior copywriting from this remarkable

promotion? Let’s take a quick look …

Copywriting Lesson #1:

Have a snappy headline

The title of Obama’s budget – “A New Era of Responsibility: Renewing
America’s Promise” – is brilliant. It oozes indignation, outrage and revenge.

More importantly, it spreads a wide net: Liberals will think it means “Bush,
the Republicans and the evil rich will now be held responsible.”
Conservatives might think it means, “Washington’s big spenders will now be
held responsible.”

The subtitle is also ingenious; implying that supporters will win a powerful[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

benefit; that they will realize the American Dream. Of course, that’s a fraud
on so many levels, it boggles the mind.

Unless, of course, your idea of the American Dream is …

To have the top 20% of income-earners pay 90% of all income taxes
while fully HALF of the country pays zero.

To define a husband and wife earning $125,000 each as rich — despite

the fact that they’re also trying to pay the mortgage, save for retirement,
put kids through college and help their parents in old age.

To turn those “rich folks” into tax slaves — laboring 50% … 60% … 70%
or even more of every workday for Washington.

To create a future of sky-high interest rates caused by record federal

borrowing and sky-high inflation caused by record federal counterfeiting of

But no worries; unlike the rest of us, Obama and his copywriting team are
NOT required to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s requirement
that promotions avoid misleading language.

They’re politicians. They wrote the law. And it says they can lie through their
teeth and still get off scot-free.

Copywriting Lesson #2:

Create a common enemy

Obama begins his revival-tent sermon with a scorching rebuke of his favorite
demons – the tiny handful of greedy Wall Street executives and lenders who
contributed to this crisis.

If, however, you are poor or middle class and are actually guilty of sloth,
imprudent personal choices and/or wildly irresponsible financial decisions,
the president says it’s not your fault.

To the contrary: Not only should you be absolved from any personal
responsibility for your laziness, foolishness and greed … you should be
rewarded for your poor judgment with trillions of dollars in give-aways – all at
the expense, of course, of your more prudent neighbors.

This is great copywriting 101. Establish your spokesperson as the prospect’s

advocate and champion by creating a common enemy; a straw man
responsible for your prospect’s ills.

Relieve your prospect of any responsibility for being fat, sick or broke. It’s
not his fault he has heart disease, lung cancer, zits, hemorrhoids or halitosis.
Even the crabgrass in his untended lawn was probably sown by someone
else – most likely one of those dastardly corrupt CEOs or one of the “evil
rich.”[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Also: Check out the section in which the copywriters skin Bush alive for
handing Obama the largest federal deficit in history – and then proceed to
show how Obama will more than double it.

Again; brilliant copywriting: Once you’ve said that it’s ALWAYS someone
else’s fault, pretty much any argument you make is likely to get you huge
brownie points no matter how silly it is.

Copywriting Lesson #3:

Use fear to suspend logic

OK – so now, we’re getting into the meat of the promotion – the rationale for
the product: The reasons why we should buy Obama’s plan to bankrupt us.

This is a crucial part of the promo; because the president’s budget is based
on two assumptions that any sentient being would immediately dismiss as
patently ridiculous …

Assumption #1: If you give mountains of money to those who have

demonstrated a woeful lack of financial acumen by amassing unpayable
debts, they will suddenly become financial geniuses and entrepreneurs
capable of creating millions of new jobs.

Assumption #2: If you confiscate mountains of money from those who have
demonstrated sound financial judgment, they will somehow still find the
resources and the incentive to continue risking everything to create millions
more new jobs.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense can easily see how ridiculous this
premise truly is …

Let’s say, for example, that you have two 16-year-old twins; we’ll call them
Sam and Samantha.

Sam’s friends think he’s rich. In fact, he is simply living beyond his means.
He quickly spends his weekly allowance, then borrows every penny he can to
buy toys and video games that instantly become worthless – have little or no
resale value — the minute he leaves the store.

Now, after years of irresponsible decisions, Sam is worse than broke; he

owes hundreds of dollars to every fool who ever loaned him money. If it
wasn’t for the free food, shelter and clothing his parents provide, he’d be
starving, homeless and naked.

Samantha is Sam’s polar opposite. She saves every penny she can – for a
car … for college … for a rainy day. Samantha doesn’t live nearly as well as
Sam does. When she must spend money, she invests monumental time and
effort to get the best bargains possible.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

And as a result, she already has a couple thousand dollars saved up and a
bright future ahead of her.

Now any thinking parent would know precisely what to do about this
situation: Absolutely nothing!

A wise parent would simply allow Sam to suffer the consequences of his
foolish actions, hoping he’ll learn a valuable lesson. A fair parent would
beam proudly as Samantha enjoys the fruits of her thrift.

But Obama’s budget does just the opposite: It punishes Samantha for her
thrift by confiscating large chunks of her allowance — and it rewards Sam for
his profligacy by handing that money to him.

Is this how you create successful children and is it not how you build a
successful society?

Of course not. This is what you do to discourage behavior that creates

wealth and to reward behavior that creates only debt and poverty.

Here again, Obama and his copywriters have done a sterling job; employing
the pitchman’s version of the Jedi Mind Trick — the single most effective
tactic for making sure your prospects stop thinking and simply nod in dumb

Once you’ve got them on your side by establishing the

advocacy of your spokesperson, you scare the hell out of

Because panicky people don’t think.

Look at the first chapter after Obama’s personal introduction: “Inheriting a

Legacy of Misplaced Priorities.” Every chart, every paragraph, every word is
carefully crafted to inject the prospect with icy fear and white-hot panic.

Because if your product is lousy, the last thing you want your prospects to do
is think about it. Only fear has the power to cause otherwise sentient human
beings to accept this kind of nonsense as a viable “solution.”

Copywriting Lesson #4:

Use envy to close the sale.

Flip over to page nine and take a look at some of the best class-warfare copy
ever written.

See? The rich are getting richer. And that’s bad.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Now notice the facts Obama and his copywriters studiously avoid mentioning
– like how they are actually rewarding the TRULY evil rich – CEOs of our
biggest banks and automakers – with hundreds of billions of dollars in
bailouts and handouts.

Notice also that the copywriters never mention HOW most of the rest of
America’s wealthy people – the honest majority — became rich: The fact that
most millionaires and billionaires amass wealth by creating innovations that
make our lives better, richer, more rewarding, healthier and longer.

Notice there’s no mention of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Jerry Yang,
Larry Page, Sergey Brin or anyone else who’s made a good living by making
our lives so much better.

Nor are there any references to to Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet or any
of the other financial whiz kids who have helped so many investors prosper
for so many years.

And of course, the copywriters who created this brilliant promotion also
avoided any mention of the thousands of celebrities, sports stars, musicians
and other artists; each of whom earns a king’s ransom each year in return for
making our lives more enjoyable.

Also, note that the copywriters carefully avoid mentioning the fact that the
“evil rich” create millions of jobs in their own companies — and then create
millions more by investing their personal and corporate wealth in new
technologies and enterprises. Or that without them and the industries that
rely on them, the vast majority of their constituents would starve.

Also missing: Any mention of the hundreds of billions of dollars America’s

400 billionaires, 2.6 million millionaires and 1.9 million families earning over
$250,000 a year voluntarily donate to charity.

To the copywriters, these good people simply do not exist. Instead, only the
truly evil rich – the ones Obama is bailing out – are named.

Why? Because BHO and his copywriters are smart. They know that no
pitchman worth his salt ever raises an objection that they can’t totally
obliterate in the copy. If they even hinted at how much better our lives are
because of these successful people, it would give the lie to their entire

So instead, they simply smear everyone who has sacrificed, saved, invested,
slaved long hours and taken enormous personal risk to build profitable
companies or careers with the same brush they use to slander corporate

A couple dozen Wall Street CEOs and a few hundred

lenders screwed up, so the entire top 5% of the working
population – NINE MILLION honest entrepreneurs,[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

business owners and wage earners investors – must be

publicly raped.

Again: Copywriting 101. Envy is one of the most powerful motivators known
to man. Show your prospect how much better other people are doing;
promise to give them their come-uppance and closing the sale is a cinch.

And of course, there’s a larger lesson here – copywriting lesson #5 as

Obama and his copywriting team see things …

Nobody ever went broke

by underestimating the intelligence
of the American people.
If Obama’s world-beating magalog – and the fact that he’ll get most of what
he wants — proves anything, it’s that …

If you know how to write great copy …

Have a charismatic pitchman …

Scare the bejesus out of your prospects, and …

Leverage their emotions to short-circuit their brains …

You can sell the majority of the American public pretty much anything.

You can convince them to pay their flaky neighbors’ mortgages and put their
bratty kids through college.

You can convince them to sacrifice their retirement, their kid’s college fund
and take food and medicine out of their aging parents mouths to save
corrupt, fabulously rich CEOs.

You can convince them to sell themselves, their children and their children’s
children into lifetimes of tax slavery.

You can even convince them that you are not a crook.

Because, as everyone knows, the guy who sticks a gun in your ribs, screams
profanity at you and demands the $100 in your wallet upon pain of death is
clearly a common thief.

But if he’s a good looking guy with a great smile, a gift for speechmaking and
six-pack abs …

And if he uses the power of the U.S. government to mug you to the tune of
tens of thousands; perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars — not just
once, but every year for the rest of your life …[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

You do NOT call him a common thief.

You call him “Mr. President.”

So tell us: What marketing lessons does Obama’s copywriting masterwork

teach you?

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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claim four FREE money making e-books go to

P.S. What will you say when your kids or grandkids ask, “What did YOU
do to fight back when Obama destroyed my chance for a prosperous

My conscience is clear. I’m screaming my outrage from the rooftops.

Plus, at least once each week, I personally tell Obama’s handlers exactly
what I think at

I also went to to get
my senator’s e-mail and I give her an earful every few days.

And, I went to where I can also share my opinion with

Pelosi as well as my personal representative.

If you care about the kind of country we’ll pass along to our kids, you may
want to do the same.

And, as always, we’d encourage you to post this article and/or a link to it on
every blog, bulletin board and everywhere else you can think of on the Web.

P.P.S. George Bush was a fiscal idiot and a coward — and so is nearly
every other Republican senator and rep in Washington. So if you were
planning to leave one of those inane, brain-dead, knee-jerk responses[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

accusing me of being a Republican, don’t waste your time.

Instead, please DO weigh in on the copywriting techniques you spot in

Obama’s amazing magalog; just scroll down…

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Claude C Hopkins Ramps It Up
Another Notch

137 Responses to Hands-down,

the BEST sales copy ever written
for the WORST product ever created

John Gilger says:

March 2, 2009 at 2:46 pm

Great points! Couldn’t have said it better, myself

I especially loved you verbal pictures… “The Father, the Son and …
Holy Cow!” and “Lucifer, the Antichrist and the Whore of Babylon” for
our new Three Stooges.

I’m embarrassed that Nevada has enough lunatics registered to vote

and elect Harry Reid


Caleb Osborne says:

March 2, 2009 at 2:52 pm

Wow Clayton, Just wow.

Amazing how clearly you see all this…

My question: What are you telling those people who you contact at
the white house and your senator?

Because I’ll tell them the same

– Caleb

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Michael says:
March 2, 2009 at 2:59 pm


Congratulations to America the Stupid as we move from a Republic

governed by law to a “democracy” governed by an ignorant
majority….ignorant I might add thank you to government which took
over our public schools about 30 years ago in order to do just what
they have done….great piece Clayton….and yes, they should be in
jail, or shot for treason, one or the other.


Andrew L. Foss says:

March 2, 2009 at 2:59 pm

I remember anther “intelligently” crafted document that is totally

steeped in false premises.

Th Communist Manifesto

How many workers of the world will unite beind this one????




Leon Altman says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm

I think this is the most brilliant post you’ve written in this space . . .
and I don’t even agree with you.


DaveC says:
March 2, 2009 at 3:06 pm

Mr Makepeace

Your analysis is a strong argument that you dropped out of school

because you were too damn smart for it.

Thank you for all you give us.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Marcelino Latorre says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:12 pm

(((Your voice))) penetrates through concrete and steal, keep


It’s truly an honor and a pleasure to be learning from the best.

Thanks for the gift big fella!

Marcelino Latorre


Dainis W. Michel says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:21 pm

You know, this post makes me respectfully wonder whether Mr.

Makepeace has ever promoted sustainable products or industries. I
don’t mean “successful” companies like pharma, weight loss, “fake”
health, auto companies, insurance companies, I mean real products,
the kind that will make a difference for our grandchildren.

I mean, is this copywriting? Slander, judgement, accusation,

assuming the close, vilification? Steal, destroy, stupid, lazy, worst,
whore…these are the words that leap out at me. A few good points,
like the assumptions, but whoah, surrounded by anger anger anger!

Mr. Makepeace, do you have tinnitus? I’m not kidding. I run a website
to help people with the condition if you do.

Take care of yourself, good sir…I wish you health and hope you take
the time to ride your bike and smile.


Dainis W. Michel says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:28 pm

You know, maybe I could try to read the post more carefully…yes,
innovators deserve to be rewarded…I just can hardly read this article
through all the slander and anger. Forces me to skim it just to try to
get some nuggets of info.

I doubt my comments will be “popular,” we’ll see…[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Lance says:
March 2, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Thank you, a great post, probably your best so far.



Stan says:
March 2, 2009 at 3:35 pm

Hey, Clayton – I am SO tired of you beating around the Bush already

– just come right out and tell us how you REALLY feel! Seriously, big
guy … great piece, as always; I feel your pain and your anger, my

I dare not read the Obama magalog, “brilliant” though it may be – I

fear my head truly will finally explode.


Bruce Ruby says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Absolutely Perfect!…a perfect bulls eye strike on what is wrong with

this so-called stimulus package.

The unspoken ultimate irony is that the folks who get hurt the worst
will be those who can afford it the least.

This ‘New Steal’ liberalism fantasy will certainly hurt the producers,
but it will CRUSH the ones used to riding in the wagon rather than
pulling it.

Many will never find meaningful employment again in the coming

‘jobs free’ environment. They will have to take comfort in the fact that
their better off neighbor has had to cut back too.

Yet never fully facing the fact that THEY aren’t just cutting back, but
instead having to move into temporary quarters and start taking the
bus instead of driving.

They may even have some state-run health insurance but no way to
pay for it.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

And they did all this to satisfy a need for “CHANGE”??

Is it too early to say, “They didn’t know how good they had it?
”…..anyway, my favorite quote these days is this:

“Those Who Bite The Hand That Feeds Them, Lick The Boot That
Kicks Them.”


Bruce Porter Sr says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:53 pm

Whoa Clayton….there is Ron Paul. I know, but he is registered as a

Even though they wish otherwise.
Did you note that the republican party is now attacking Rush
And some still believe we have a two party system???


Dan White says:

March 2, 2009 at 3:59 pm

All great points Clayton, but you use so much of your own copywriting
wizardry that I’m still not sure what the actual facts of the matter are.

I mean, if there’s all this free money going around… WHERE IS IT?

I don’t see anyone paying my rent and bills as I stuff bon bons and
beer down my throat to Oprah.

Who are these mythical trailer trashers getting these free shipments
of beer and bon bons? Because I want in!

You make it sound like some sort of socialist revolution is afoot.

Ahem, if it were, I think I would have heard of ONE freebie worth my

All I’ve heard about that is even vaguely exciting is a $15,000 tax
credit for first time home buyers. Which isn’t going to help us bon-bon
and beer addicts, because nobody living paycheck to paycheck is
going to get approved for a home loan. In fact the whole sub-prime
lending crisis had nothing to do with club bon bon. Those were bad
loans to the middle and upper classes.

Which is to say… pointing your venom at the lower classes seems

inaccurate. The middle and upper classes caused the crisis, along
with bad lending practices.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

So what is it Clayton? Does welfare now involve a free new car under
this plan? Because then I’d go through the serious headache of
applying and staying on welfare.

It would just be nice if you could give us a concrete example of how

we can suck at this new teat you say is being erected.

Is free health care in my future, like it is in Brazil and many much,

much poorer nations?

While we agree that politicians are snakes, I don’t think Obama is

doing anything different than McCain would have. This is just
American politics as usual. Our economy is teetering on disaster and
people are clamoring for action.

The action may not be to your liking, but I have yet to discern
anything from your posts that makes this a really “democratic” form of
action (read: socialist).

While the rich are going to get taxed higher over 250K, they can

So when my rich friends bitch, I just give them several ideas for how
they can help their friends out–our friends–who have young

They never do. Because the truth is they want to spend their money
on a 4th car and home in the Hamptons.

The truth is the beer and bon-bon crowd is no more selfish than the
wealthy wine drinkers… who are going to buy a new boat this year
instead of helping their brother get out of a 1-room apartment in the
ghetto. Unless you’re Mexican. They seem to help a brother out now
and then.

So, you know, my violin weeps for you Clayton. But if you want to be
a “good ‘merican”… Suck it up and avoid taxes the old fashioned
way: invest it to your friends and family who are starting a business. I
see you’re hiring a couple of writers. That’s very cool of you, and a
shining example for other wealthy people who want to avoid this new
3% tax on the rich.

Who knows, with the right new writer, you might actually get so rich
the extra 3% in taxes doesn’t even hit your radar anymore.


Dan White says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:12 pm[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

P.S. McCain wanted to SUSPEND THE CAMPAIGN to craft a

stimulus bill. And Bush did pass an $800 billion stimulus before
leaving. So why is Obama being painted as some socialist when he’s
doing exactly what his Republican colleagues would have? Obama
wants the same thing every politician does: to not be a depression-
era president. Nobody wants that job (except Ron Paul


Kerry says:
March 2, 2009 at 4:21 pm

Clayton, I’m just so disappointed in you.


Eric Ruth says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:24 pm


No real entrepreneur who understands how money is made and jobs

are produced…no red-blooded American who knows his history,
recognizing capitalism may not be perfect, but remains the greatest
economic system ever invented, can deny your clarion call to arms,

I have never been so ready and willing to fight.

Please, as Caleb (post #2) asked, tell us what you are saying…give
us the high-velocity, armor-piercing ammunition you are using…and
we will fire upon the enemy until our fingers bleed… or they come
and pry the guns from our cold, dead fists.

I will write from my head and my heart, using the links you provided…
I don’t need you to feed me bullets…but boy would I like to have
some of your ammo.

Your loyal Lieutenant,



Wendy Makepeace says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:32 pm


Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |




Dan White says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:43 pm

Hey Eric Ruth,

Before you go postal on us, keep in mind that all this new stimulus
money is exactly that. They just print it. It’s not like they’re shipping in
gold from China to back it up. How else could they raise a trillion
dollars overnight?

While printing new money does have ramifications like weakening the
dollar, it’s not like they’re going over to Clayton’s house and taking
his lawnmower.

And if rich people are being taxed 3% higher, it’s not necessarily
because of the stimulus plan. It’s because democrats can and do get
away with raising taxes on the rich whenever they take power. Then
Republicans drop the rate down again, and round and round we go.

Because wealthy people (should) know lots of ways of reducing their

taxes, it’s really not that big of a deal. It’s infuriating, sure, but just
another problem to solve on their balance sheet. And in truth that
money does end up back in the economy because the best way to
avoid taxes is to invest it (or give it to charity).

Which is to say, this stimulus plan is no social crisis, Eric. For you or
for Clayton. Please remember that Clayton is a master at pushing
your buttons. It sells his stuff just as well as it sells stimulus plans.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:47 pm

No, Dainis, this isn’t copywriting. It’s an article.

But yeah, you’re right: I am angry.

Watching everything America stands for being destroyed before my

eyes has that effect on me.

And thanks for the suggestion — I’m actually having the Harleys
taken out of mothballs and plan to ride Sunday. I’m already smiling[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

just thinking about it!

– Clayton


Brian says:
March 2, 2009 at 4:47 pm

Great analysis Clayton – you point out some interesting copy points
(not just in this post). Begs the question though – if it is so good why
aren’t YOU convinced?

I’ll add – I’m no economist, but it is plain to see that BHO is not the
cause of the present situation but a man who landed the job to fix
what could be described as the worst economic situation in decades
ie. the damage is done, the cat is already out of the bag.

While it might be that the solution ‘rewards’ the few greedy and
unscrupulous, as well as the ignorant and stupid who lived beyond
their means for too long at the expense of those who played by the
books, it’s clear that a price must be paid for the poor governance
and administration America has allowed for itself. As a democratic
state, each voting individual should bear some of that responsibility.

If nothing else, the present situation should be a huge wake up call.

Perhaps AIG, GM, Chrysler, Citibank and all other financially

impaired companies should be left to fail. I’d imagine the final cost of
that path would be far, far greater.


Sears Roebuck says:

March 2, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Your opinion is very interesting. I want to specifically address your

P.S…Our answer to our kids and grand kids can be, “I helped sell the
country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression.”…I
have studied your site for the past 3 years and I even landed an
account. Now, I am going to give back in the most tangible way I
know. As copywriters, we are guilty of having tunnel vision. That is
we confine our focus to areas we know best. Here’s an idea that
allows all of us to earn a substantial income in our own specialties
while saving jobs and preventing layoffs. Show all your clients that
sell tangible items how to earn extreme profits by giving away their
products for free. One quick example. Clayton, you can tell a vitamin
client: If you will issue a monthly prepaid membership card for $100 a
month and give your customers $300 a month in product and tell your[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

customers, if you terminate your membership we will refund all of

your deposits in cash and merchandise, your profits will skyrocket.
Elements of this proprietary business model have already created
billion dollar industries. I am going to send the abstract to Clayton
and anyone who would like to review it for their business is welcome
to contact Clayton. Disclosure. There is a royalty fee involved.
Before, I was attacked with this illness, I test mailed 5 packages to
major corporations via certified mailed and received a phone call
within 1 week. I will keep you updated.


Richard says:
March 2, 2009 at 4:58 pm

The “one-world’ers” are on their way.

I fear that Obamas ultimate plan is the actual “bankruptcy” of the US

so that the new “Ameraro” can be introduced to replace the US Dollar
which will now be dead, and of course we can declare Martial Law
(because of the riots) and the UN treaty will get signed that Outlaws
globally all private ownership of all guns – And there you have it.

In the space of one administration we have finally wiped America off

the map and everything it has stood for since its inception.

Leaving only a world of Potentates and Dictators.

I see it coming – I’m just not sure what to do about it.

And to correct a comment in an earlier post regarding the “public

school system” its destruction was started in the early 1900′s by
Rockefeller’s son. Read “The Underground History of American
Education” by John Taylor Gatto.

The American public did not get stupid by accident. It has taken a
long concerted effort to accomplish the “Dumbing Down” required to
pull off this coming Brave New World.


Jim Bob Jackson says:

March 2, 2009 at 5:01 pm

Obama be passin’ out free bon bons and beer?

How do I get me some of those?[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Dang stimulus plan. Guess I’ll have to get my free beer the way I
always done… knock up Mary Kate.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

March 2, 2009 at 5:19 pm

Wow! Clayton why don’t you tell us how you really feel big guy! I’m on
the train with you on this one Clayton. I would love to see a
Makepeace/Rush on TV or radio.

What a team this would be!

Thanks Clayton



Bruce NC says:
March 2, 2009 at 5:23 pm

But Clayton,

It’s all so …Nationalistic.

And Socialistic ( but for our own good, sillies.)
And it’s Democratic. They got voted in, kinda.
And it’s all for the good of the Workers!
What a great Party, eh?

Maybe we should just call this great “change” the:


Has a nice ring to it… The National Socialist Democratic Workers


Or in German:

NSDAP – National Socialist Deutche Arbeiten Partei

They had cool leaders, too.

God Bless us, every one -Tiny Tim-

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Fuhrer Makewar says:

March 2, 2009 at 5:35 pm

Zieg heil!

I vant all zee bon-bon loving, Oprah vatching alcoholics to report to

mein Total Package headquarters for voluntary euthanasia.

Should you fail to report, death by poisoned bon bon awaits… you
couch-surfing parasites. I… vill… find you.

Your brains shall be used for zee study of copywriting science.

We shall find zee gene that causes overspending and bon bon
addiction and eradicate it vonce and for all!

Fuhrer Makewar


Kyle says:
March 2, 2009 at 6:20 pm

Clayton – Brilliant.

Dan – Wake up quickly. It’s the evil rich who employ the not-yet-rich.


chris says:
March 2, 2009 at 6:25 pm

Just one question, what is the alternative?

Do we let America and the world spiral into another Great


Or should we stand up and try to fight this thing?

I see alot of people telling you that they agree with you but I don’t see
many alternative solutions being suggested.


Pingback: Clayton Makepeace for President?

Susan Connors says:

March 2, 2009 at 6:39 pm[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Hi there

Skimmed your post – interesting read Clayton

Downloaded object in question – shall examine both your post and

object in question.

Sure to glean some good information and ideas for my copywriting..

Have a great day

Susan Connors


Robert says:
March 2, 2009 at 6:54 pm

Great post, well told, and ALMOST all true.

Except for one. Global warming. It MAY be true, ad admit it: you do
not have adequate proof to have the final word on this. It may be a
false alarm. But what if it isn’t?

Even if you doubt the threat is real, which way would you rather be
found to have been mistaken by your grandchildren: advocating
“unnecessary” care and concern for our planet and reducing
pollution, or having told people that there was no need to worry just
to find out later that there was?

If we manage to destroy our planet, as we ARE currently doing in my

opinion, with the US being the number one offender, politics, taxes
and wealth will all be viewed from a quite different perspective.

Your words are extremely powerful. Use them with caution.



Michael says:
March 2, 2009 at 7:10 pm

Great Take Clayton

Everyone seems to think our kids and grandchildren will have to

settle these problems, but how will they?

Do you think tomorrows kids will make more money than past[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

employees? I bet they will make less. Making less and with higher
taxes, more and more debt..seems like we are doomed to
communism more than socialism.


Robert says:
March 2, 2009 at 7:12 pm

You say:

“global warming” (which, according to the World Meteorological

Organization, actually ended all by itself more than a decade ago)

Just for the record: Here is what the WMO actually says (on their

“The long-term upward trend of global warming, mostly driven by

greenhouse gas emissions, is continuing. Global temperatures in
2008 are expected to be above the long-term average. The decade
from 1998 to 2007 has been the warmest on record, and the global
average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C since the beginning
of the 20th Century.”

If I were you I would remove that paragraph to prevent giving

misleading information in this otherwise brilliant article.



Kyle says:
March 2, 2009 at 7:22 pm

Chris – No, we don’t just let ourselves into a Great Depression. But
removing the incentives to being entrepreneurial isn’t the answer.
Taxing the one group of people who creates and maintains jobs
seems like a bad idea. Spending money on things that don’t provide a
return on investment doesn’t seem quite right. Reading over the fine
print of this downloadable document demonstrates an example of
taxing the job-creators out of job creation, and the government
spending money that isn’t theirs in the first place.

I can’t think of a single time when this level of government

intervention has produced what this marvelous piece of copy says it
will produce.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Peter says:
March 2, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Hi Clayton,
Seems to me you may need to sign up for anger management

As for me… I really don’t care what the fools in public office do, I’m
head down working on sorting my own life out. BTW… the good old
U. S. of A. doesn’t hold a monopoly on having ‘strange’ politicians or

It’s a world wide contagion and has been for years.

This disagreeable mess the world finds itself in has been coming for
years. I noticed it developing in the eighties here in Australia with
everyone seeming to develop a ‘me first’ attitude and the seeds of
desperate greed being sown.

The world needs love and fellow feeling in bucket loads now yet it
only seems to come to the fore in times of disasters.

Brings me to another point… global warming.

I personally don’t listen to the so called experts. They mostly have

their own agenda.

It strikes me as a little worrying though that here we’ve had 10 of the

last 12 years being the hottest ever recorded.

We also have had in the past month the results of below average
rainfall for 12 years in our southern states leading in part to our
terrible fires (200+ dead and over 2000 homes gone) while in the
north 2/3rds of Queensland either under flood water of flood effected.

Both these have never happened before in our recorded history.

The world is changing and it seems not for the better.

Personally I’m determined to look after my family through business

and we are growing despite the doom and gloom.

Just my 2 cents worth.


PS Love reading your insights. Always a fresh look at the world.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Amber Dekstris says:

March 2, 2009 at 7:31 pm

Hi Clayton,

Is this satire ? Congratulations for using all five copywriting

lessons in your own article, regardless of whether or not it is satire.


Kelley Eidem says:

March 2, 2009 at 7:37 pm

Come on…be kind!

B. Insane Obama kept the Dow Jones losses today to under 300
points – even if it wasn’t under 299 points.

And yesterday, Sunday, the market didn’t lose a single point! That
was two days straight where the market had stabilized.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


Dan White says:

March 2, 2009 at 8:00 pm


Wake up slowly. Sleep in. Relax. According to Clayton the

government is shipping beer and bon bons to your front door,
provided you’re poor, to see you through this recession.

The evil rich people don’t even need to employ the poor people
anymore, thanks to Obama’s radical new bon-bon and beer program.
It’s communism all over again.

Or at least that’s what this article would have you believe.

Oh, gotta run. Oprah is on. Which luckily I can stay up all night and
watch because of Obama’s stimulus plan.

Clayton tells me there will be free money in my mailbox in the[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

morning, next to my government bon bons and budweiser, and my

voucher for free health care.

Gosh, if Clayton didn’t tell me about all these freebies I wouldn’t even
know they exist.

Er wait… do they?


Please says:
March 2, 2009 at 9:12 pm

Please. But then, you are from North Carolina. *clicks unsubscribe*


Autumn Beck | Cloth Diapers says:

March 2, 2009 at 9:41 pm

I am not a copywriter- my husband is. He sent me this link and now

I’m all crazy-mad! You’ve got me worked up and that’s not a good
thing to do to a woman whose due date is tomorrow. I don’t need to
have a baby thinking of how Obama is going to take money from a
young family that has sweat blood trying to dig ourselves out of the
hole we created.
*Breathe* Okay, I’ll use this energy to benefit me

God Bless,

Autumn Beck


Larry Hughes Sr says:

March 2, 2009 at 10:07 pm

Right On! Right On!

Socialists are everywhere and you and I can spot them because they
have their hands out and mouths open. They
are taking our loved USA down the toilet. It’s a shame.

Now the Gestopo doesn’t want to allow contributions to charity as a

tax deduction. What next?

If I were younger (I’m 71+), I’d take the Red Head up on the offer to
write an article advertising The Wall Street Journal.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Keep up your great work, Clayton. God Bless!


PS: You live in God’s Country. I’ve been to Ashville several times.
Went through the mansion, Biltmore Estate, a couple of times.


Dan White says:

March 2, 2009 at 10:29 pm

Autumn, don’t let Clayton’s rant push your buttons.

99% of it may be true in theory, but that doesn’t make it anything

more than pure fantasy. Our government has been blowing budgets
to absurd degrees since Reagan. And yeah, we all owe like $50K on
our national debt… but to who? That’s a totally abstract figure. Is the
boogey man going to come collect on it? If we owe it the Federal
Reserve, then we owe it to ourselves. Huh? So I guess we don’t owe

This problem has been around for a long time, and yeah, it just got
worse. But not in any sort of radical way. As far as I can tell most of
the stimulus money is designed to come back into the economy, so
it’s not like it’s “lost” or something. It’s just newly printed money,
distributed in strategic ways.

And the same amount of money that was around last year is still
there. It’s just not flowing properly. While the stimulus package finally
got passed with huge design flaws that may foil its desired effect, I
don’t think that’s Obama’s fault.

McCain would have passed a similar stimulus package, with no

appeciable differences. He would have had to compromise like crazy
too and piss off the likes of Clayton.

But McCain would do nothing about things like this:

So Clayton, with all his copywriting prowess and resources, can rant
and rave until he’s blue in the face, and it won’t change the times we
live in. America runs the world. Or at least thinks it does. And people
don’t want that to end. So we’re throwing money at the problem.

But at least we’re not throwing money at the problem while water-
boarding our humanity and basic civil rights to death.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

gio says:
March 2, 2009 at 10:35 pm

Curious to know the former trinity name and how they still can find
something to sell coming after the former administration.


Daniel Munday - Sydney's Fat Loss Expert says:

March 2, 2009 at 11:32 pm

way to think outside the box! Nice way to give us a real world

It’s a big help for me right now as I am re-writing my ad copy for my

Aussie Fatblast program.

Thanks mate,


Beau Smith says:

March 2, 2009 at 11:34 pm


Wow. The comments are already longer than the article. I guess
that’s a sure sign you hit a nerve.

Good. Some nerves need to be hit. I’m glad to see you’re following
the old advice (wish I could remember where I read it) of focusing on
your market as well as you can and making no apologies to anyone

There’s too much to comment on here, but I particularly like the P.S.
Thank you for the liks. It’s important for everyone to know how to
contact our elected officials.

And the P.P.S. Just beautiful, the way you transitioned into a pitch for
one of your products. I hope your readers caught that one.

And the P.P.S. Don’t worry. I would never call you a Republican,
because (except for Ron Paul) they’re just Democrats in disguise.

Beau Smith[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

P.S. I stand by my earlier comment on the “Brain Droppings” article.

You should write ads for the Libertarian party.


Ken says:
March 3, 2009 at 4:07 am

If it only helps ONE child…

Seriously, Obama is just a symptom of a larger ill. The illness of mind

that Obama represents has been incubating in the public
consciousness for over 50 years. Like a virus that emerges after the
host immune system has been weakened, the OIV (Obama
Immunodeficiency Virus) emerges to wreak havoc on its host.

Oh, the Republicans are equally to blame, if only because they

allowed it; though in truth they are more culpable than that.



Clayton Makepeace says:

March 3, 2009 at 5:58 am

Wow. Looks like I got Dan White all worked up over the free bon-
bons. Read the budget, Dan — they’re on their way: The reversal of
Clinton’s welfare reform bill.

Did you see Mad Money last night? Cramer called Obama a
“Leninist.” Kudlow is fit to be tied. Seems the folks who know how
things work are pretty much all in a panic over what Obama’s brain-
dead ideas are about to do to the economy.

Oh — and the expert estimates of how high the taxes on “the evil
rich” — couples who earn more than $250k a year — will have to go
ranges from 50% to 80%. And thanks to Kemp-Roth, most of our tax
shelters are now gone.

They’re even discussing the elimination of the mortgage interest

deduction. A brilliant move in the middle of the worst real estate bust
in history, don’t you think?

Any wonder the S&P 500 has plunged 30% since Election Day —
and about 15% since Inauguration Day?

But hey — who cares; right Dan? As long as you get your free money
for beer and bon-bons, you’re home free.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 3, 2009 at 6:41 am


Before you dismiss the warnings in this article, check out my

forecasts published a year ago — on March 17, 2008 — in a TOTAL
PACKAGE article titled, “Crisis and Opportunity.”

At the time, the Democratic primaries were still up for grabs. I

predicted that Obama would win both the primary and the general

I also said that in his first months in office, President Obama would
preside over the greatest economic, financial and social catastrophe
in U.S. history.

The S&P was close to 1400 when I wrote that forecast. Yesterday, it
closed at 700; a 50% loss.

I predicted that, with his right hand on a stack of Bibles and his left
hand to God, President Obama would repeatedly go on TV to swear
“that his next volley of equally idiotic economic measures really will
solve the crisis once and for all.”

In his first 32 days in office, Obama spent more than any president in
history — nearly $90 million per minute, 24/7 — all under the guise of
ending this crisis.

I also predicted that Obama and his ilk would raise taxes on “the rich”
who make more than $100,000 a year.

I missed this one by $25,000. Obama’s first budget proposes higher

taxes if you and your partner each make $125,000 a year —
$250,000 combined. But of course, he’s just getting warmed up.

I also predicted soaring unemployment. An all-time record of more

than 5 million Americans are now getting unemployment benefits and
another 600,000 to 700,000 are making their first-time applications
for unemployment benefits each week.

My big mistake? I thought it would take Obama 18 months to do all

this. I missed it by a mile. It has only taken him about a month and a
and-opportunity.html[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Kevin Puls says:

March 3, 2009 at 9:14 am

To Dan, regarding comments #14 & #15…

There is a difference between so-called Republicans, like G.W. Bush

and conservatives like Ronald Reagan (and to some extent, Ron

The Bush administration did conduct a deficit spending campaign.

Something a conservative would never have done.

Conservatives like small government with limited influence to both its

citizens & marketplaces.

Do not confuse most modern-day Republicans with conservatives.

Both Democrats and Republicans have ONE goal… to win elections,

while conservatives have another goal- getting back to its roots.




K Myers says:
March 3, 2009 at 9:53 am

Hi Clayton.

Thanks for bravely saying what needs to be said. I can see by the
comments there are far too many people who haven’t awakened yet.

Today, PM Brown arrives to meet with BHO about “the rules and
standards for a Global Banking System” intended to be shaped and
put into place for our world.

Permit me to veer off course for a second…

The grand plan, where England controls the banking system of the
world, where the Vatican controls the religions of the world and
where the USA is forced to police the world, seems to be coming
together at a much faster pace than most theorists thought it could or

Personally, I never believed it possible.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


But I digress. Back on point…

A lot of elements had to come together before BO could get away

with what he has done in the few short months since his election.

To those who still believe he is the answer… they are in for a rude
awakening when they realize how their “party” works.

He was tapped by their party to do a job. As long as he does what

they tell him to do, he will be allowed to play with his new toys. He
appears to really like his new planes and his new house and his new

BTW, we’re already in a Depression. We were pushed over the edge

the minute BO announced his new Budget. It won’t matter how much
they tweak it from this point forward because it’s already
accomplished what it was intended to do — strike fear and outrage
into the population and destroy all confidence in its markets.

Now, all they have left on their “to do” list is to incite some riots so
they can institute “states of emergency” against their own citizens to
keep them in line while they roll out the rest of their plans for us all.

A true dictator will tear away the foundations of his/her country and
rebuild it in his/her own image.

When the statues and posters and busts and gated city walls start
bearing his image, it’s too late. I don’t think it will come to that
because his usefulness to the party will be over and they’ll get rid of
him before then.

He has no business experience, so he won’t see it coming —

particularly not from them.


dpage says:
March 3, 2009 at 9:59 am


You are surely a talented copywriter. Your insights about how

masterful copywriting are applied in a politically charged atmosphere
are certainly worth reading by any student of sales.

But your anger and mean spirited rant are unprofessional and sorely
misplaced.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Yes, I understand, this is your subscriber list. You have the right to do
and say what you will. I learn a lot from you and your guest writers.

But I’ve learned to be selective in what I read, however. Perhaps you

could create a new subscriber list and call it something
like…”Venomous Spew”. That way the rest of us could continue to
learn, nurture and assist each other in a kind and professional


Rich Haslam says:

March 3, 2009 at 10:27 am

WOW, all this has JUST happened in the past few months. Seems
Obama has been real busy doing such damage to our economy that,
at the same time he had to create a stimulus package………. Oh
wait… wasn’t it the Republicans who spent more money in the past 8
years than all the years the Dems had since they were formed? The
Republicans have created the largest Government in history and
have taken away all the regulations that protect those of us in the

Clayton, you critize Obama for lieing, yet you do the same in your
rant. You need to look inward at your conscience and not your bank

Where was your indignation when the Republicans were committing

acts of terror against it’s own citizens and the world and destroying
our way of life to enrich their personal coffers?


Paul Flood says:

March 3, 2009 at 11:11 am

Brilliant analysis Clayton.

The thing is that during the election, he was one of the few running
for president that was ever upfront about what he was going to do. A
few tried to speak out but were quickly silenced until after the
coronation was official.

This quote on page 3 sets the theme for the rest of the sale

“We need to put tired ideologies aside, and ask not whether our
Government is too big or too small, or whether it is the
problem or the solution, but whether it is working for the American
people.” ie. Tired ideologies are those that differ from ours.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Page 9 mentions how we deliberately ignored investments in our

people. I guess the billions and billions spent on education, grants
and training were just a pipe dream.

Well anyway, this looks as if it will be an interesting ride!


Shenia Smart says:

March 3, 2009 at 11:32 am

I can’t wait until the next election comes around and “The Almighty
One” uses the 2012 Mayan Calander conspiracy to close down all
elections and summons in the One World Leader who will perform
miracles throughout the world…

This is going to be one helluva ride, for sure!

What is the 2012 conspiracy, you ask?

Go check out this History Channel documentary on Youtube.


Not so sure about the global warming scam, after all they’re now
changing it to “global climate change”, since we are now experiencing
some of the coldest weather seen in decades.

And what about the whole reason for creating “terrorism” to begin

This is so the one world government can issue scannable/trackable

I.D. cards (which will eventually be embedded micro-chips under the
skin of your hand and/or forehead).

The reason for the forehead chip is because hands are easily
removed and can still be scanned with redundancy using fingerprints.

The forehead scanner will be used in conjunction with eye-scanners.

(Eye scanners don’t work if the “head is dead”).

All of this technology is already here and being assembled for the
governments to utilize.

If you think this is just one big B.S. conspiracy, then you are thnking
the way they want you to… that it’s all a big bunch of B.S.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Don’t be fooled people. Wake up!

It’s time for a major revolution.

We need to stand up and fight the “enemy within” before it’s too late.

The White House is the new Trojan Horse… wakeup!


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 3, 2009 at 12:11 pm

TO DPAGE (POST #51): I like it! No

… wait … damn. It’s taken. Looks like Obama reserved it to revile
everyone who creates jobs in this country.

TO RICH HASLAM (POST #52): You must be new. You missed my

earlier tomes crucifying the gutless, ignorant Republicans for their
hand in creating this crisis.

Seems you also missed the P.P.P.S. on this article.

Cheers, y’all!


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 2:02 pm

Hi Clayton,

Look, we agree on a lot of things, I just want to defend my couch-

lovin’, bon-bon and beer swilling brothers.

Frankly, if I had to give CPR to the economy, I wouldn’t overthink it

like Obama and you hoighty-toighty richy rich folk.

I’d just run a lotto through the IRS, and give $100,000 to 10 million
people. Tax free of course.

A trillion has 12 zeroes. The way I see it you can give 12 people zero
dollars through the current stoopid plan.

Or you can give 10 million people $100,000.

Which plan is going to radically shift the economy, say next month?
They say they want to stimulate the economy but don’t have the
cahonies to execute the plan properly.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

That’s what we couch-potatos are good for. We think really simple

like. Cut to the chase. If I can’t figure it out during my walk to the
fridge, you done overthunk it.

So we run this lotto, and all non-felony committing, tax-paying

Americans are eligible to win.

Basically just a power-ball lotto with social security numbers. You pay
taxes? Never got caught cheatin’ on em? You’re eligible. You’ve
been payin’ in like a good citizen, well here’s your reward for bein’ a
good person who doesn’t get all sneaky with their tax like those rich

Only stipulation is that if you’re one of the lucky 10 million, you have

1. Use part of the $100,000 to start a business that offers a product

or service that is available both domestically and globally (via the
Internet). Could be chia pets from your attic, but you gotta do
something entrepreneur like.

2. Hire at least 1 employee. Could be your brother billy bob shipping

the chia pets from your attic. But it’s gotta be an American citizen,
and at least 20 hours a week.

So right there you’ve created 10 million new jobs and 10 million new

And another thing Clayton, I didn’t say this stimulus package wasn’t
massive. And I didn’t say it doesn’t bend over the rich, sans

I’m just arguing that we poor beer swilling bon bon addicts aren’t
benefiting from it. Middle and upper middle class home owners that
overspent can get their share of it through tax credits. Certain
industries… banking, auto can save themselves by getting bought out
by Uncle Sam.

But the vast majority of that money isn’t going to us couchophiles

who stuff our faces with beer-filled bon bons (I inject it right in there,
that’s right).

So it’s not “steal from the rich, give to the poor,” as you make it
sound. It’s a lot of things, but one might be: “Steal from the rich, give
to the lenders, automakers and home owners.” None of which are me
and my buddies, I can assure you of that. Unless you call my car a
home, which it has been on more than one occasion, I ain’t too proud
to say. But it must be said. Because you rich folk are going all goofy
on us like losin’ your home is the end of the world. Runnin’ outta gas
when you’re living in your car… that’s the end of the world. ‘Til you[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

wake up and find some guy who wants to buy it for $800. Then you’re
back in business my friend. Yeehah!

The sad part is that they’re just printing the money out of thin air, so
it’s kind of BS to be stealing it from the rich folk. They should just print
it, like they’ve been doing since the 70′s. Only this time tell us, “Hey,
we just printin’ the stuff, so you an all relax. We ain’t gonna charge
you for it.” And stop BS’ing us that we then “owe” it to the Federal
Reserve. Which is just a private corporation, right?

How can a private corporation have hundreds of trillions of dollars to

lend? That’s right. They print it. Out of thin air. Well, cotton. But $1
dollar does not cost $1 to print. More like 1/1000th of a penny, which
is what the reserve should be charging us for printing our money.

You make a good point about welfare. Okay, so welfare will be

expanded a bit. But radically like you suggest? Are they now going to
give it to childless people? No. Are they going to increase the
amounts by something radical, like 30%? No. So it’s not communism.
It’s life as we know it, mildly adjusted.

Welfare it still all about the children… suffer the children… but what
else is new? You don’t see many homeless kids… but you sure as
heck see a lot of homeless adults. If this were communism, you
wouldn’t see that. And if you had homeless kids, you’d have the
problem places like Peru does. Where they gang up like wild dogs
and take over the neighborhood. Homeless kids turn real bad, real
quick. They just ain’t ready for the world yet.

All I’m saying is that if we’re going communist as you suggest, where
is all this free money and services for the people? I’m a single guy. I
can’t get welfare. I can’t even get subsidized health care, let alone
free health care like you have in say Cuba.

Okay, so like a lot of copywriters, I’ve been on unemployment a few

times in the last 15 years–which is an insurance program you pay into
by working. So I guess under this stimulus package I could get
another $25/week, for an extra 6 months.

But do you know how hard it is to get unemployment? The rules are
very strict. You have to have been let go through no fault of your own.
It’s a headache to get on it, and just barely enough to survive on.
Strike that. You really can’t survive on it without a credit card as well.
In NY in 1999 you could get $405/week for six months, which is
taxed. So really more like $300/week.

In 2009 it’s still $405. Yet rents have gone up by about 50% in that
time. So under this stimulus you get $25 extra bucks a week, and can
stay on it an extra 6 months during this crisis. I don’t know about you,
but that’s a very short-term solution.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Nobody is quitting their job to get the extra benefits. And even if you
wanted to like my buddy Jake, you couldn’t. If you quit you’re not

So I dunno Clayton. I’m on my 4th Budweiser and my 12th bon bon

today (luckily I work from home)… and I’m thinkin’… there’s no real
welfare state under this package unless you’re a single mom. There’s
no real free lunch unless you’re a lender or struggling homeowner.

You oughtta just keep those bon bons and buds coming my way or I
may have to come dust off those mothballs from your Harley and
sneak off into the night with it.

Just kiddin’. I wouldn’t do that. The couch is much more comfortable

than some dang motorcycle. And I can’t swig beer at 70 mph. Believe
me, I tried once.


Barack O. says:
March 3, 2009 at 3:12 pm


Please be patient OK…we are already in arrears on the bon bons…

actually, they are all in Nancy P’s REAR…bitch already ate ‘em all…
but we are working on this issue as fast as we can!

And thanks to those lush bastards Ried and Kennedy, the free beer
is a little behind schedule also.

You have my word I will make this white…I mean right!

Cunningly yours,

Barack O.

ps: Clayton is delusional, don’t listen to him!


Astrid Harper says:

March 3, 2009 at 3:30 pm


I’ve been reading your posts for just a few weeks, and I’m wondering
if you ever had similar venom to spew on “The Decider” who got us
into this mess to begin with over the last eight years. Surely you did[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

not think that it would be painfree to dig ourselves out. I dislike what’s
happening now as much as anyone else, but I can appreciate
someone who practices “Realpolitik” and will no longer permit wars to
be conducted “off the budget” for instance. We have been royally
hoodwinked and as a U.S. citizen I royally resent that.

I was born in Germany in 1938 and I have lived under national

socialism, communism, West Germany’s social domocracy and,
since 1960, the no-holds-barred capitalism in the U.S. I think that this
gives me a pretty unusual big picture perspective. For my money, the
West European style social democracies make life the fairest for the
largest number of people. Personally, I did best under Kennedy and
Clinton, and usually lost my jobs under Republican rule. Just
wondering why that is.


Michael says:
March 3, 2009 at 3:31 pm

I think we are all responsible for the moral slum that both the USA
and the UK have become. Clayton is quite right. Without inventors
and risk takers getting due reward the rest of the populace should go
out and find a secure cave to live in, together with plenty of
ammunition. We all have to accept some responsibility for how things
have turned out. We have allowed governments and burocracies to
run wild at the behest of activists whose purposes seem to propogate
“PC” industries and the like. We don’t want to be “judgemental” about
layabouts, scroungers, criminals, and lazy parents who let their
children behave badly-and negatively influence our own children. We
don’t want to bring corrupt politicans and their self-serving ways to
account for their actions. If the (alarmingly few) who actually care
about what is happening around them don’t band together and take
action I dread to think what the future will hold.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 3:54 pm

Well gad dang… the president of the U-nited states writ me a

personal note.

Thanks for listenin’ Barack! I knew you wouldn’t let my beer n bon
bon stash run out.

That’s why I voted for you. To piss off my buddy Jake who don’t trust
them colored folk. And ‘cauese I figured the first thing a black
president would do is give out free couches n beer.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

That’s right. I heard it on Rush Limbaugh last summer that you’d be

given billions of dollars to poor folk. How could I know it would be a
thousand billions! And all for us. 100% of it, or so Mr. Makepeace
here tells me.

If I had known this were coming down the pipe, I’d a gone and
married Jake on the sly so we could get an even bigger stash of free

Oh Mr. President, one more thing… you gonna launch a program for
free smokes? Them dang things is up to $7 a pack for cryin’ out loud.

At that price I’m thinkin’ of switchin’ to sniffin’ magic markers.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 4:28 pm

Ahh now Clayton don’t you go pussy-footin’ around with this “I hate
the Republicans too” nonsense.

In the bar we call that guy “chickensh**”… because we all had two
choices for this election. And I don’t recall your ame being on the

So who’d you vote for Mr. A-PPS-solves-everything? And how would

he handle the situation?

It’s a bit like if we was on an oil tanker about to run aground, you start
shoutin’, “well the captain should have installed emergency engines
in the front of this thing years ago!”

The Captain was just asleep at wheel that’s all. Now you wanna go
on your revisionist history rant saying Barack (who is now a close
personal friend I might add) had this whole thing dreamed up from
the start. Barack this, Barack that.

Truth is the Captain was drunk at the wheel 8 years runnin’, and the
first-mate just grabbed the thing to keep us from runnin’ adrift.

Now you’re trash talkin’ at the first mate as if you could do a better job
of trying to manage several hundred angry crewmen… all of whom
have an opinion about how things could have been done better.

And you know what they say about opinions… Until you take that
trillion and give 10 million peope $100,000 each start a business with
1 employee… you ain’t gonna bring no dead economy back to life. It’ll
just have to come back on it’s own, like it always done.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

In the meantime I’ll be gettin’ my free beer and smokes from my new
friend Barack… so you can just kiss my white arse if you don’t like
him. He done right by me so far. And when that new couch comes I
may even pay him a visit. Say thanks real proper like. Maybe bring
him a can of spam on account of him bein’ so generous n all.


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 4:32 pm

Clayton, I feel I’ve found a kindred spirit. Why aren’t you writing for
Alex Jones to help the cause? Someone with writing skills like yours
could make the average idiot understand what this rogue government
is doing to its people. Obama is a front man for the New World Order
and he will help them to loot this country and turn it into Venezuela 2.
Help expose The Obama Deception!


Mike J says:
March 3, 2009 at 4:39 pm

I think this is the best article/postings on this site ever. I have been
back twice and still not downloaded the Prez’s hype. Why? There is
no need. The question you have to ask yourself is “why do I come to
this site?”

If it’s for a awesome copywriting lesson, well you got one. You just
can’t see it yet. Your lesson started from the e-mail you recieved
about Clayton being a hack. Then on to the article… did you get
mad? Did you want to pick up your arms and storm Washington?
Were you completely hacked off by the end? Then the ultimate road
needs to be crossed. Did you believe the article enough to at least
have some self preservation and order the Makepeace Business
Package instead of starting a revolution?

Stand back and look objectively at this Article/Advertisement/Rant.

The p.s. is absolutely brilliant. Awesome, just when you think you
were’nt aggravated enough.

If you can take your own personal feelings out and study this
Article(ad)(#20- Clayton says it’s not copywriting- it’s an article.
Articles usually don’t sell something. Clayton, after being in
advertising so long, you would sell the casket when you wrote my
OBIT. Would’nt ya? J/K!!!)You need not to study anything else.

Can I address a few posts? #16 Kerry- why are you so dissapointed?
Did you miss the snake eating it’s own tail? The best copywriting is[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

the Rant, not the Prez’s B.S.

#37 Amber- Is this satire? You knew something was afoot did’nt you?
Good instincts. And mentioning that all five lessons are in your own
article. Smart.

#52 dpage- Selective in what you read? How about OBJECTIVE?

You will learn so much more. Clayton has this site for what reason,
besides teachin’ newbies the ins and outs? Try and think about that

#55 Shenia -A revolution? Anyone who wants to start a revolution

should immediately contact someone who has been in the armed
services the last ten years. Ask them what chance they think you got
with your deer rifle and 9mm pistol against the US Military? You’ll be
shut down fast. And the media will make you look like David Koresh.

Sorry about the Rant and nothing personal, and I am pro gun but-talk
about not looking at something objectively.

And last but not least Dan White. Hilarious!!! Are you trying to poke
the big bear with your pen???

Sincerely, a 2 time loser for the copywriting job at Response Ink,

Mike J

P.S. I was fired up and ready to do something about it till I got to the
P.P.S. That is when it hit me.

P.P.S Am I really gettin’ that Jaded? That’s sad, I love to read.


Phyllis says:
March 3, 2009 at 4:39 pm

Well Clayton, I would never argue your talents as a brilliant

copywriter/marketer — or anyone you’ve personally trained. And,
while I would defend to the death your right to express your opinion
— whether or not I agree or disagree — if I had the magic wand to
make this post disappear, boy oh boy would I wave it.


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

March 3, 2009 at 4:50 pm

I was visiting one of our daughters a couple of days ago[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

to celebrate the birth of grandkid #14.

I was appalled to hear her say she thinks Obama’s a good man
doing his best to solve a difficult problem. I’m wondering
how I failed as a parent, or has she been drinking the Kool-Aid?

As for those complaining about your position on global warming, I

have a suggestion for them:

Put 100 pennies on a clear table top. Each penny

represents 1% of the atmosphere. Put 78 of them together
in a pile to represent the 78% that is nitrogen. Set
another 21 in a second pile to represent oxygen.

Take the penny that’s left (78 + 21 = 99 for those living

in California who failed basic arithmetic) and cut out a
wedge that is one-eighth of the coin (45 degree angle).
The 7/8s that is left represents argon.

One fourth of that tiny wedge represents carbon dioxide.

But only 1/36 of that (2.75% of the 1/4) is man-made. To
represent that, drill a hole the diameter of a straight pin
in that 1/4 of the 1/8.

The amount of metal removed from that hole is the portion

of the 100 pennies that closely matches the portion of the
atmosphere that is man-made carbon dioxide.

And that TOTAL man-made CO2 in the air is LESS than the
increase in CO2 in the air resulting from CO2 that came
out of the ground between 1955 and 2005.

Now pretend you actually have a brain, and THINK. How can
that minute — very minute — infinitesimally small amount
of CO2 have ***ANY*** effect whatever on the climate? It’s
physically IMPOSSIBLE.

Bottom line: If you REMOVED ALL HUMANITY from the earth,

the effect on CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” in the air
wouldn’t even be measurable.

A couple of good volcanic eruptions could plunge us into

an ice age. Do an internet search for “year of no summer”
and read about Mount Tambora on 10 April 1815 and the
18″ of snow in Massachussetts a week before July 4, 1816.

Read about the eruption of Krakatoa about 435 AD that

caused a world-wide ice age as documented by the US
Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico.

Furthermore, the “temperature measurements” claimed by[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

UN agencies et al are based on measuring stations that

don’t even pass muster for accuracy over time.

The data is bogus to start with.

Bad science. Garbage in and you get garbage out.

The “Holy Trinity” are worse than a disease. They’re

the Nero of Rome and worse.

And those who voted for them are woefully ignorant or patently
insane in my most well-informed, historically-based
opinion based on the premise that history repeats.

If someone is using Lenin’s tactics from a century ago,

one can expect a similar result.

Edison accurately observed: 5% of the people actually think.

10% think they think. The other 85% would rather die than

It was the 85% who elected that thing in the White House.

And they’ll be responsible for the mess that results.

Unfortunately their igorance and selfishness will bring
woes on the rest of us, our children, and grandchildren
unless someone wakes up very quickly and does something
*serious* about it.

And the first question I want answered is why is B Insane

Obama spending huge sums of money preventing people from
having access to his birth and college records to prove
he’s even an American citizen in the first place, if he
isn’t hiding something?

It’s not a settled issue. Not by a long shot.



Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 5:12 pm

Hey Mike J thanks for the compliment.

I never did get three exclamation marks before.

I suddenly feel like a winner, despite being drunker than a sh** house
rat on Barack’s free beer money. Truth is I can’t hold down anything[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

but a couch and an upaid blogging position.

Yeah, I been pokin’ fun at the big bear. But anybody messes with my
gravy train, well they gonna get messed with right back.

But I really should come clean. I was hopin’ to head up Clayton’s new
comedy division. Might do me some good to get off the DOL. Alex
Jones tells me these government bon bons are laced with
psychoactive flouride to make me into a passive wage slave zombie.
Only problem is they done worked too well, and now I’m a slave to
the stimulus package too.

I figure being Clayton’s copy slave can’t get too much worse.


Sharon B. says:
March 3, 2009 at 5:13 pm

From a copywriting standpoint, this is a masterpiece. The reader is
immediately absolved of any responsibility and assured that rescue is
indeed on the way.
Next, the specifics start hitting you over the head—even if you’re just
skimming, by page 15 you are in a serious panic. You’re also
resenting the wealthy for BEING wealthy. (As an aside, though, if I
had written this, I would not have said “For the past xx number of
years, the wealthy have been accumulating all the wealth”. DUH!
Isn’t that what they usually do?)
I have not read any further yet–15 pages was all I could digest
without reaching for the Tylenol.


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 5:40 pm

Wow, Phyllis… you’re for censorship? Well, so’s Obama! He wants to

shut down the free internet and put us on Internet 2… the safer,
gentler, CENSORED INTERNET. He also wants to strip us of our 2nd
Amendment Rights. So there’s 2 you can cross off the list on our way
to a totalitarian regime. Right now there 31 states re-affirming their
sovereignty because the people have had it.

Mike J: The military and police are waking up too and they all have
families here… true patriots will unite and their military will be our
military. No longer controlled by the Banksters/NWO. So don’t give
up before this thing gets started.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 3, 2009 at 5:55 pm

TO ASTRID HARPER (POST #59): Yeah, I’ve frequently pointed out

how Bush’s low interest rates and lack of regulation caused this.

And also how Democrats in Congress who blocked Bush’s two

attempts to clean up Fannie and Freddie — along with their idiotic
“fair housing” legislation caused this.

And also how consumers caused this by burying themselves in debt.

But … THIS WASN’T ABOUT THAT! It’s about Obama’s magalog.

Do I really HAVE to recite all of Bush’s crimes before I mention

TO DAN WHITE (POST #62): Wow. You Obama groupies really

won’t let the Bush thing go, will you? Is that you in drag on that “I got
a crush on Obama” video on UTube?

Here’s a flash: Bush isn’t in office anymore. Bush didn’t write this
terrible budget or deceptive magalog. Your dream guy did.

You sure there’s no pot in those bon-bons?

Want to share?



Cheers, y’all …

– Clayton


Marilyn Lenhan says:

March 3, 2009 at 6:17 pm

Dear Dan White,

I was glad that somebody else answered you because I was going to
tell you that you were very naive.

You think the American people don’t owe the Federal Reserve
because they just print the money. How convenient.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

The Federal Reserve is a privately-owned institution.

Just Google it! like I did. And watch your jaw drop when you see the
names: Rothschild, J.P. Morgan, you’ll recognize them.

And I agree that the process of the dumming down of America has
already begun – only I don’t want to see Revolution, I’m sure it
wouldn’t accomplish a damn thing except to get us more embroiled in
the mess.

What about a grand awakening of America with courses on Civil

Rights and Responsibilities?

What about families moving in together to break down the cost of


What about incentives for out-of-work people who start any kind of a
new business?

I know I’m reaching at straws but has anybody got a better idea?

Mary Lynn

Mary Lynn


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 6:18 pm

LMAO! OMG, Clayton, what a great retort! I love you.


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 6:29 pm

@Dan White

The sad fact is that Obama hasn’t put us in this situation, nor has
Bush. These men are puppets, front men for the real owners of this
country – the very banks who purposely imploded the economy so
they could buy and consolidate all that we’re losing at bargain prices.

Your beloved Obama is a traitor to his country and his fellow man
because every time he talks about how bad things are, the economy
dips a little more and his bosses get an even bigger bargain. He’s
guilty of financial terrorism and he’s aware of it and has taken the
mantle as agreed at the last Bilderberg Group Meeting.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

He’s appointed so many crooked people, his cabinet doesn’t even

pay their taxes (and are proud of it), and he’s just continuing
everything people hated Bush for. This guy’s your personal friend?
Ask him how he looks himself in the mirror everyday. I wonder if
there’s even a reflection.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 6:32 pm

Clayton, I voted for Ron Paul too! So there must have been pot in
those bon bons.

And Mary Lynn said:

“The Federal Reserve is a privately-owned institution.

Just Google it! like I did. And watch your jaw drop when you see the
names: Rothschild, J.P. Morgan, you’ll recognize them.”

So how does that make me naive Mary Lynn? I was the only poster
who pointed that out. Obama et al printed a trillion bucks or a million
tons of cotton fiber, depending on how you look at it.

Why don’t we owe the Federal Reserve? Because they’re a gang. A

gang that conned us. You can’t borrow money from a printing
company claiming to be something else. That’s fraud. We’ve been

If someone blackmailed you for money… or extorted it, you don’t owe
them a penny once they’re caught out.

We have the actual feds on our side when it comes to mafia activity.
So what are we so afraid of?

It’s not like if you question the federal reserve they’re going to send
you out in a convertible and remove the secret service from the area
and have you gunned down by several top operatives posing as a
lone gunman.

Sheesh. So paranoid.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 6:48 pm

Tesla,[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Nice! Your posts should come with a horror movie soundtrack.

I don’t know if Obama has a reflection. He’s not a personal friend. He

just posts to this forum once in a while so I know him through that

But I’m guessing he does have a reflection.

I tune into right wing talk radio too. 90% of that stuff is just half-truths
and sour grapes. When Bush was in power the left was saying “he’s
fascist!” With Obama it’s “he’s a communist.”

To your point, those guys have more in common than most think.
They make deals to consolidate power. So did you vote for Ron Paul
like a good revolutionary?

If Obama has sold his reflection to the Bilderboogiemen, please send

some links. I mean, what I hear on right wing talk radio is Rush
Limbaugh quoting Sean Hannity’s opinion and calling that news. Ten
echos down the line it’s taken as fact. Repetition right?

It’s not fact. It’s a bunch of ratings whores who stay in business by
getting people all worked up.

Just like here. Except Clayton’s rants seem pure of heart, if a bit hard
on my trailer trash bon-bon and beer addicts.

Summary: Controversy, true or half-true = viewers/readers/listeners.

Oldest trick in the book.


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 7:14 pm

Dan, I don’t know what you’re attempting here and I wish you could
be a little more lucid…

I don’t listen to any of the people you named, sorry.

Everything I state is facts that check out. You post on Obama forums,
so I guess you’ve already had a few helpings of the Kool-Aid. For all I
know, you work for COINTELPRO.

Ten echos down the line? Sure, the truth echos pretty loudly.

Still waiting on your man to prove he’s a natural born citizen and
eligible for the job. Factcheck doesn’t cut it as it’s owned by The
Annenberg Foundation and Barry Soetoro aka Barack HUSSEIN
Obama worked for them in some capacity.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

I’m not going to do your research for you, it’s your duty to be
informed of the truth. Shame on you for being a sheep.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 7:35 pm

Wow Tesla, I met someone lazier than I am! You won’t even copy
and paste a link.

Maybe that’s because your news comes from the lunatic fringe. Not
that there’s anything wrong with that. I read it to… for entertainment.
Sometimes it’s true. But hyperbole is the order of the day.
Sensationalism = clicks.

Anyhow, nothing you’ve said is really that shocking.

Obama’s cabinet are trying to evade taxes like everyone else that
makes over $250K a year? One day you’ll make that… if you stop
being a rank sourpuss… and understand that it’s sort of endearing to
a libertarian. Certainly not grounds for calling them evil.

Your other claim is that Obama is executing Bilderberger orders…

Okay. How do you know this?

One link pwease. Pwetty pwease!

Sh** or get off the pot bon bons.

You lazy e-tramp.

(that’s a compliment).

It’s your time to shine superfreak.


Dan White says:

March 3, 2009 at 7:51 pm

P.S. Tesla I don’t post on Obama forums. You call this an Obama
forum? There are like 5 people sticking up for Obama in this den of
rabid Obama haters. I’m one of them. But I voted for Ron Paul.

Could there be one other Dan White in the universe?

Now that Obama is our president, I’ve got his back, because he’s my
brother. And while it’s easy to say he’s looking out for poor people as[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Clayton says, I don’t really see it, being a poor person. Rich people
always thing those poor people are getting all this free stuff. But in
reality single moms get all the free stuff. And the alternative is for the
state to raise those kids. So really we’re just paying them to babysit
kids the state doesn’t want to raise itself. So, uh, unless you’re going
to sterilize women who don’t have money in the bank and a husband,
you’re going to have this problem ad infinitum.

Believe or not, I even gave Bush this same benefit of the doubt for
the same reason… until he just simply abused the power.

I don’t see that Obama has abused it. He’s been told by top economic
advisers that we’re facing something as bad or worse than the great

As a freelancer at the top of his field, this doesn’t really effect

Clayton, in terms of abject poverty. For about 90% of the rest of the
country, we may be facing the great depression. And at the end of
the day, we live in a democracy. If 90% of the country wants a
bailout, guys like Clayton have to come along for the bumpy ride.

I’m not saying it’s right, or fair. Just saying it ain’t exactly orchestrated
by Obama. Sure, it may very well be orchestrated by the
Bilderbergs… and Obama is “playing into their hand” … but where’s
your evidence that he’s in cahoots with them?

The guy has already proven he’s not afraid of death… so what’s your
rationale that he’d bend to the bilderboogies?


Tesla says:
March 3, 2009 at 8:18 pm

I’m only going on what you write, so I guess you don’t interest
yourself enough to remember what you say. I’m not going to debate
or post links on Clayton’s site. Get on Youtube and search Alex
Jones. It’s all there and all documented.


Tia Dobi says:

March 3, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Hmmm…I think Clayton’s practice of the First Amendment is rather

sweet and tender.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Pingback: Another Weak Weekly Wrap-Up

Clayton Makepeace says:

March 4, 2009 at 6:30 am

Awww, Tia … thanks


Dan White says:

March 4, 2009 at 6:43 am

Okay Tesla,

I did my homework last night, so as to remove the stigma of “sheep”

you so flippantly applied to me last night.

It seems Obama was in the same city as the Bilderberg conference

last year.

Which, okay then maybe it’s 50/50 that he secretly went to it.

But let me ask you this: if you’re Obama, and you’re not elected yet,
and 125 of the richest, most influential people in the planet invite you
to their luncheon… do you go?

Now before you answer, please keep in mind that these guys own
newspapers, cable networks, mercenary firms, small nations… they
can make a politician’s life more difficult.

On the other hand, that’s also a room full of DONATIONS.

I’m guessing, if he did go, they had their checks written out before he
arrived as part of the pressing-the-flesh ceremony.

So are those donations worth an afternoon of Obama’s time? If it also

avoids pissing off 125 of the most powerful peeps on Earth?

Who knows… but your leap in logic that he went over there to kiss
their arses and sign away the American soul doesn’t hold water
without proof… unless you’re talking about political arse kissing…
which IS HIS JOB.

How do you think these guys get donations? By insulting their wives
and making fun of their kids? No they shake hands and they kiss
arse. Doesn’t mean their making dark deals with demonic forces.

Which brings me to my last point. How do you know he didn’t go to

that luncheon with a firm handshake and a stern glare, to make it
known that he wouldn’t be intimidated or unethically influenced?[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

The approach to inmost cave, as Daniel Levis might say? Mmmmh?

Tesla? Ever gotten out of your little blogger cave to confront your
adversaries in the light of day?

I mean the former scenario is more likely, but you don’t really know if
it’s the latter or not. You’ve never met Obama.

You’ve never met Alex Jones. I could just as easily say, “Well Obama
stared down 125 guys who would probably have owned him 150
years ago. So he ain’t chickenshi** that’s for sure.”

Just saying, we don’t know anything other than he was in the same
city, and maybe he attended, maybe not. The rest is just speculation.

By your journalistic standards, Tesla… which is to find a blog where

someone says they heard something… Alex Jones is just a paid
agent of Project Mockingbird and a Jesuit spy, bent on destroying the
world’s most poweful nation… so that the richest entity on Earth, the
Catholic church, can sit atop a new one world government.

That said, I hereby strike that from the record because I have no idea
if it’s true.

But Tesla it goes to show you should be more careful about

spreading around hearsay… it can damage the reputatioin of your
high priest Alex Jones just as easily as anyone else.


Dan White says:

March 4, 2009 at 6:55 am

Okay Clayton, I give up. Are you one of the 500,000 people who
voted for libertarian candidate Bob Barr?

Too bad he wasn’t running for mayor of Asheville. I think Bob Barker
got more votes.

Either Barr… or I’m guessing you wrote in Harry Browne.

Uggh… this is hurting my bon-bon riddled brain.

I give up. You win Makepeace. Obama is a pinko and we’ll be

enslaved to the Federal Reserve until the end of time… because
we’re too chickensh** to stand up to 15 thugs in ties.

I miss the good ol’ days where it was just one guy at the crossroads.
You told him to piss off and you were a free man.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |


Wendy Makepeace says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:38 am

YAY! WE HAVE A CONVERT! Welcome aboard the sane train, Dan!

— Wendy


Lawton Chiles says:

March 4, 2009 at 11:22 am

So, who IS to blame? If we don’t bail out these Too Big For Their
Own Darn Good companies like AIG, would the economy crash and

If we do bail them out, won’t we just get more of the same?

I’m not a financial guy, but putting people in this position,

having to spend this type of cash to help those who
were greed monsters, is just plain wrong.


Dan White says:

March 4, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Sorry Wendy, Clayton said he’s ship me free pot bon bons for a year
if I conceded… so I did.

Then Obama doubled his offer with free smokes and beer, too.

So I’m dressing in drag again, and have built an altar in Obama’s

honor. Except for incense I use tobacco.

Obama is not a pinko. He’s a capitalist pinko. I’d tell you to look it
up… But it’s a nentirely new political animal… like duck-billed
platypus crossed with a giraffe, feeding from the tree tops and river
bottom all at once.

We’ll just have to see if it works. Until then I’m going to keep packing
on the pounds with this new couch-abs video Obama sent me (free,
of course)… just in case I don’t eat in 2010.


Lara says:[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

March 4, 2009 at 12:23 pm

“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a
man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”

- Sir Winston Churchill

I’m glad you had the courage to take a stand. And I agree with you
completely. I hope our country doesn’t collapse into an oligarchy or
socialistic system.


Tesla says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:04 pm

Dan, you’re trying to play mindgames with someone who does it for a
living. You’re using tricks that I’ve already thrown away…so, as you
can already see, you can’t win. I’m not going to respond to your
diatribe point by point – it’s just a waste of time.

I’m not here to convert you to anything. It seems you are too invested
in whatever you’re trying to prove and I don’t try to change beliefs.
Just keep doing your homework and you’ll come around.

Your Jesuit spy remark is just as empty as throwing out the phrase
“conspiracy theory” and rolling your eyes whenever you disagree with
someone’s conspiracy facts. They teach that in “Disinfo Agent 101″
on the very first day of school. All of Alex Jones’ facts are backed up
by government documents, so it doesn’t matter what religion he is.

Lou Dobbs is even talking about The New World Order now, so to
deny it is just a waste of your time. The more you think about it, the
more you realize that nobody is buying whatever you’re selling. If you
even respond to this, it only proves my point and I’ve won. You are
just a disinfo agent.


Shel Horowitz says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:09 pm

“Assumption #1: If you give mountains of money to those who have

demonstrated a woeful lack of financial acumen by amassing
unpayable debts, they will suddenly become financial geniuses and
entrepreneurs capable of creating millions of new jobs.”

Hmmm, isn’t that what George W. did for the last 8 years? His
giveaways to his friends at Halliburton etc., the enormously wasteful[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

(and wholly unnecessary, not to mention justified-by-lies debacle in

Iraq). Now that the Republicans have blown the surplus, looted the
treasury, chipped away mightily at our fundamental freedoms, and
made enemies for us around the world, we should criticize Obama’s
budget? I am not a cheerleader for Obama; I think his foreign policy is
disastrous and he has too few people around him who are willing to
engage in new thinking. But he can’t do any worse than Bush, who
made a train wreck of the entire country: economy, civil liberties,
environment, and basic human decency.


Wendy Makepeace says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:32 pm

Did someone forget to announce that Bush is no longer president? Is

that the defense liberals are going to continue to take…Bush did it,
so we have to do it even bigger…yeah…we’ll show him.

It wasn’t good when Bush did it, but, the scale in which Obama is
spending is now life changing for all of us. It’s something that we’ll
never be able to come back from. Entitlements, once they are given
are very difficult to take away. And, the socialism policies that are
going to be forced upon us whether we want them or not, because
after all, it’s for our own good, will be forever. It’s a change in the
American way of life that is so disturbing. And it’s disheartening to
know that so many liberal Americans think this is the way to go. After
all, this is what their leader is telling them. Go his way, or we are all
doomed. Be damn the Constitution and OUR Amercian system of
capitalism. We don’t want it so we’ll just make it go away. After all,
those other capitlists/socialists nations are so successfull…and who
do all these countries rely on to fight their fights. Take a big guess. Of
course we’ll be so in debt and no longer able to keep spinning out the
money, that our military and defense systems will just start to
deteriorate. Then, who’s going to be able to fight for them then? I’m
sure Iran is just chomping at the bit…

And what are they going to say when things continue to be

crumbeling all around us two, three…five years from now? …”Well,
you never said anything when Bush did it…”

Good luck with that…I’m sure it’ll help a great deal in solving our truly
horrific problems.


Robert says:
March 4, 2009 at 9:14 pm[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Clarke Echols – your argument, to tell people to “try to pretend you

have a brain” shows that you look down on people and think you are
the only smart one surrounded by idiots. For the record: we are NOT
idiots like you feel.

Your story of how “something so small can’t possibly matter” is a

good example of how YOU BELIEVE that something small can’t
possibly matter, and that’s all it demonstrates. File it right next to the
Tooth Fairy, unless you are willing to take an experiment to prove you
are right.

Per your own argument, I will gladly take a huge container and fill it
up with your favorite drink. Then I will pee in it – just a little bit. So
little that if you pretend you have a brain and try to think, you will
clearly see that so little can’t matter, and you will have no problem
drinking it.

If you will, then it’s worth considering anything else you say.
Otherwise, readers be warned – the brainless comment of Echols on
global warming is as misleading as his “science experiment”.



Barnaby Jones says:

March 4, 2009 at 10:14 pm

The Republicans don’t seem to have a real answer to this problem

that is being thrown on the current leader who is the most capable of
and intelligent to deal with it.
I don’t see how giving out tax breaks to rich or well to do people is
going to help anything because they had the foresight and education
to plan for their futures. I think for the most part, that the main reason
so many people are angry now is that they are being affected by
some of the schemes that help build up the shinny stock portfolios
that they used to have and now allow some of them to be part of that
higher tax bracket.
There isn’t one single American out there who isn’t being affected by
what is happening every day. It’s a scary situation. How many of
those dumb or stupid people out there contributed to YOUR wealth.
You weren’t crying before when things were good so why start now.
Be man enough to admit your part and hope for the best. Let’s try to
keep that powerful emotional trigger in check, FEAR. It can be very
contagious and spreading it around isn’t going to fix anything.
I don’t like anything that is happening now in financial markets,
housing markets which is the industry that feeds my family, or job
markets. But this thing has gotten so big it’s on the verge of
becoming a runaway train. I Hope things do turn out well for all of us,
I don’t seem to have a lot of confidence in the government, but[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

maybe that’s just nerves. It’s time to pay the piper and no one is

God Bless all o us


Brian says:
March 5, 2009 at 1:55 am


A slick way to vilify Barack… “I thought it would take Obama 18

months to do ALL this”. Let me get this straight. You’re blaming the
new administration for the 50% decline in the S&P and the huge leap
in unemployment levels?

Nice attempt… but the logos is lacking.

Per your post 49 above:

“I also said that in his first months in office, President Obama would
preside over the greatest economic, financial and social catastrophe
in U.S. history.

The S&P was close to 1400 when I wrote that forecast. Yesterday, it
closed at 700; a 50% loss.

I predicted that, with his right hand on a stack of Bibles and his left
hand to God, President Obama would repeatedly go on TV to swear
“that his next volley of equally idiotic economic measures really will
solve the crisis once and for all.”

In his first 32 days in office, Obama spent more than any president in
history — nearly $90 million per minute, 24/7 — all under the guise of
ending this crisis.

I also predicted that Obama and his ilk would raise taxes on “the rich”
who make more than $100,000 a year.

I missed this one by $25,000. Obama’s first budget proposes higher

taxes if you and your partner each make $125,000 a year —
$250,000 combined. But of course, he’s just getting warmed up.

I also predicted soaring unemployment. An all-time record of more

than 5 million Americans are now getting unemployment benefits and
another 600,000 to 700,000 are making their first-time applications
for unemployment benefits each week.

My big mistake? I thought it would take Obama 18 months to do all

this. I missed it by a mile. It has only taken him about a month and a[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |



Dainis W. Michel says:

March 5, 2009 at 10:25 am

This is hilarious!

Thanks for the personal response Clayton, seriously, your article

makes me wonder what kind of body it takes to sustain that kind of
anger. I never rode a Harley, bud, but I did put serious miles on a laid
back Kawasaki.

We were camping and riding, and, I swear on everything, a 400

something pound guy got out of a station wagon and said “what’s that
thing going to be when it grows up?” (Talking about my ’83 4-cylinder
Kawasaki 550 LTD), and I said, without a hitch “A Harley and you
know it.”

That was the best…

We were riding with a 350 pound guy who looked like a shrimp next
to this man. Maybe he was 450.

What a great time that was…

Seriously, get on your bike and ride dude. I live in Vienna, Austria,
and recently met the owner of the Harley shop here…might be time
to stop by!

Clayton…I think you have a bit of BMS, that’s Bootstraps Millionaire

Syndrome. I just made that up, but here are two symptoms.

Delusions that:

1) Poor people are poor by choice or because of poor choices

they’ve made
2) Rich people are smarter than poor people

You know, here’s a point I have to make about socialism, barring

Marxist theory, here are some “socialist” things we live with every

Public roads are a social policy. Public roads are socialist.

Public schools are a social policy. Public schools are socialist.
Police departments are a social policy. Police departments are
A defense budget is a social policy. The US military is socialist.
Public water works are socialist.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Those who condemn programs and politicians through labels that

they themselves do not understand or use properly may find
resonance in the American media, however, I give the American
PEOPLE a whole lot more credit than that.

Yes, America is changing right before our very eyes…but I don’t think
it’s a “class struggle,” and it sure ain’t about lazy people wanting to be


Cathy Sutter says:

March 5, 2009 at 11:52 am

Oh, Clayton, how I absolutely LOVE your political “rants!” Run for
president, please. Oh, never mind…you’re much too honest and,
OMG, you have integrity.

OK. I will start by saying that I am an Obama hater and have been
from the very beginning. There aren’t enough adjectives to describe
him. But here’s just a few: sneaky, liar, arrogant, narcissist, fraud,
self-absorbed power monger. That’s just a start…

His past associations were enough to make me question his

character. Bottom line: He has none. Hey, birds of a feather is what
my mother used to always say.

“Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be
careful the friends you choose for you will become like them.” W.
Clement Stone

Enough said.

Mostly, I strongly abhor his assault on wealth. He is encouraging

poverty and decrying the rich. His full blown assault on the rich just
sickens me. Uh, excuse me? Is he not rich? Oh, guess that’s OK.
He’s part of the ruling class. We are his low life subjects, I suppose.

His weekly parties at the White House should have every American
protesting on the streets. Stevie Wonder, Earth, Wind, and Fire, $100
a pound steaks? While people are losing their homes, being forced
out on the streets to dig through garbage for food and begging for
money. Isn’t there something wrong with this picture? (Duh…)

America, the land of opportunity is becoming America, the land of

entitlements. I hope all of you with your glazed over look in your
eyes, full of adulation for the Messiah are all happy now. Hope and
change? I think not.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

And don’t tell me to “give the man a chance.” He’s already shown his
true colors (pun intended) right outta the gate…day one. Question:
Does ANYONE in Congress pay their taxes? Oh, that’s another

For those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those

who do not understand, no explanation is possible.



Roy Everitt says:

March 6, 2009 at 5:53 pm

Surely, Clayton, Obama can’t go wrong: the only way is up – George

W made sure of that.


Carole says:
March 6, 2009 at 6:34 pm

I can’t believe how fast this is all happening. The government will
have control of everything pretty quickly looks like. The sheep will
gladly take the mark so they can be fed.

The movie ‘RollerBall’ wasn’t that far fetched after all. Go check it out
at the library, or rent it.


Jon Young says:

March 6, 2009 at 6:49 pm

EXCITING TIMES – I feel we’re all finally waking from decades of

meaningless slumber.


Mike says:
March 6, 2009 at 6:54 pm

Very interesting reading all the comments.

Does anyone ever feel like the two-party system sets us up to lose
sight of what is going on?[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Far too many points of argument here are about the people in office,
and not about the crap we are facing.

Doesn’t anyone get it? Whether it’s Obama or Bush, global warming
or taxes its all the result of our competing desires. Collectively, that
mass of junk is closing in on us…because it has been getting junkier
and junkier.

Whatever the politicians do is pointless. They aren’t the answer. So

I’m going to bring something to this discussion that I haven’t noticed
in the previous posts….GOD.

God is involved too you know. Are we looking to Him for help? For
clarity? For forgiveness? God deserves more of our thought and
energy than these “officials” do. And unlike these officials who have
no clue. God does. Guaranteed.

We need to ask for more help. Spiritual help. Because it’s the most
powerful and “correct” help we can access.


Christopher Dittemore says:

March 6, 2009 at 7:15 pm

It boggles my mind reading some of these comments.

Let’s stick with simple logic. What does America actually

manufacture? The auto industry was the bread and butter for many
years, but now they can no longer remain globally competitive
because of a myriad of reasons like unions, retirement and taxes that
global competitors don’t have.

Yesterday, I found out GM is filing for bankruptcy… staffing agencies

are being cut and thousands of job are being vanquished.

What are we left with, where else does out money go?

Consumable items most importantly oil. Why do the rich get richer?
Simple, business assets provide income for them. So while these
bail-outs appear to be helping our economy, they don’t because it
doesn’t stay in America. America the “rich” continually purchases
manufacturing from China (Walmart) and oil from the Middle East.

Someone asked for solutions to the mess we are in. Here’s one: we
have to stop trying to stimulate a dead system. As Clayton, pointed
out, you let irresponsible children learn from the error of their
mistakes. Our government in regards to fiscal responsibility is as
“childish” as you can get. Stop pumping money into other countries,
go back to the basics. Raise (don’t lower) the tariffs on countries that[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

try to sell to OUR consumers. If this doesn’t happen we will forever be

unable to compete because of our inadequate system. We just can
not compete against businesses in global countries that don’t have
the “overhead” of our businesses in America.

Since, we don’t actually provide anything of value for ourselves or

other country on basic levels.. we pump money into other economies
like China – notice China has a growing middle class while ours is

Where do we get this money to keep pumping from our endless

wallets? We make it. We do it through our banking system. Easy as
pressing a couple buttons. Meanwhile our purchasing power goes
down globally – for awhile this was okay because oil had to be
purchased only through dollars, but now other countries are tired of
carrying America on their back.

So what’s the answer? Nothing too drastic. What would you if you
were in debt and had no money coming in? You’d figure out a way to
provide value to get money coming in. Hopefully you’d stop using the
credit cards and you’d focus on building up asset bases that supplied
your liabilities with income. We need to start MANUFACTURING our
own goods and market to other countries AGAIN. We need to stop
taking the “credit way” to pay for our ineffectual programs.

But don’t expect that to preached from pulpit of American democracy

it’s no longer about America anymore, it’s all about globalization. The
ULTRA rich own enough businesses, banks, and manufacturing
plants in OTHER countries that America can be thrown to the side.

America has gone so far from her roots it’s a wonder that it took this
long for her to feel it. Now we will watch as things don’t slow down
but build faster and faster until the response of hopelessness sets in.

I admire Clayton for putting his reputation and his business in the
cross hairs by bringing up the things that need to be said. However,
sooner than later it will be back to business as usual which is letting
someone else handle our country’s problems. And unfortunately, our
financial IQ won’t go up as a whole until we finally face our problems
ourselves and not leave it to global powers that be who don’t care
what happens to America the free – the proud – and the brave, but
the scariest thing about it all to me is that even with the uncensored
Internet media bringing these heinously traitorous crimes to light,
nothing is really being done.



Christopher Dittemore says:[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

March 6, 2009 at 7:17 pm

to Mike: Amen brother. God is our only hope at this point. We as a

country need to repent from falling away from our first Love.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 6, 2009 at 7:21 pm

Fun discussion everyone! Love the feedback — yes even from the
Obama groupies.

Cheers, y’all …


Mike J says:
March 6, 2009 at 8:05 pm

Dan White- U got a blog or something? Your startin’ to replace

Seinfeld for me as my 1/2 hour electronic entertainment for the day.
And by entertainment I mean 1.Pot. then, 2.Bon-bons. (Never
together-that would be like…collusion.) …then Seinfeld. Do you
really not have a job? Forget copywriting. Write a script, sell it
hollywood, and retire. You could be the next Ben Affleck.
(Remember…Good will hunting?) Then it’s really bon bon time.

Sittin’ on the fence, and stirrin(or smokin’)the pot,

Mike J

“The road of life is rocky, and you may stumble, too – so while you
point your fingers, someone else is judging you!” Bob Marley

“Never make a politician grant you a favor. They will always want to
control you forever.” Bob Marley

“It takes a revolution to make a solution.” Bob Marley


Steve Newdell says:

March 6, 2009 at 8:41 pm


You said it! You finally said what I have always felt suppressed to say[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

and here it is:

“• Stupid people: Morons who got knocked up in eighth grade, fried

their brains on crack and alcohol, do nothing but inhale Bon-Bons
and watch Oprah all day and who’ve made a gazillion other idiotic,
short-sighted, self-destructive decisions all their lives. Now, they
need you to pay their rent and grocery bills. ”

I have often wondered how so many incredibly thoughless zombies

survive, and now we know. The government kept them alive. When
government no longer can they’ll meet their day of reckoning. sn


Chu D. Obii says:

March 7, 2009 at 4:26 am

Hey Clayton, thanks for the FREE magalog, and absolutely

persuasive article – love the headline as well.

However, don’t you think its a bit to early to reach these HARD
conclusion about the NEW government. Don’t they deserve some
breathing space???


The Watcher says:

March 7, 2009 at 5:33 am

Who the hell is Obama for real?

Google this:
>> the obama deception <<


Geoff Dodd says:

March 7, 2009 at 7:37 am

Clayton, honest-to-god that was a brilliant and wonderful article. I

love the comment: Clayton, do you suffer from Tinnitus? Clayton – I
have a web site about relaxing and hypnotizing your outbursts of
unadulterated ANGER.

Geoff Dodd

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Gary Fisher says:

March 7, 2009 at 12:26 pm

TREMENDOUS analysis and presentation, Clayton. Informative and

engaging, honest and intelligent. The only statement I’d take issue
with is way up there at the top where you say the Obamunist
Manifesto makes you look like a hack. It doesn’t; it makes you look
like Solzhenitsyn.


Pingback: The Total Package « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier

KC Clark says:
March 8, 2009 at 12:54 am

Someone said this budget is just an extension of Bush’s last budget,

which (because of Democrat action) only covered a six month period.
They wanted to wait until a Democrat got in office to finish the
budget. OK…if that’s the case, send the damn budget to Crawford for
Bush to sign! I know for damn sure that he’d veto it…well, as least I’d
hope he would.

Clayton, I loved the line: “Father, Son and Holy Cow!” I have another
one to add…Our own American AXIS OF EVIL!

I was a commissioned officer in the Air Force for over 24 years. I

swore to uphold the constitution against all enemies, foreign AND
DOMESTIC! I think we have some true domestic enemies in DC right
now, and I just hope we can find legal ways to defend against them.

This was a wonderful article, and I thank you for the clarity and
completeness with which you wrote it. I have sent it to hundreds in
my mail box.


Cassandra says:
March 8, 2009 at 8:48 am

Hi Clayton,

so WHY didn’t you, or any other top copywriter donate any time and
write a ‘sales letter’ for Congressman Dr. RON PAUL, the only hope
America had??

He was completely marginalized by the sold-out media, and made to

seem like a doddering fool, when in fact, he knew how to save our
country — by returning us to ‘honest money’ (the gold standard),[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

eliminating the unconstitutional IRS, and getting us out of foreign

entanglements (Iraq, Afganistan…)

So yell, b*tch and moan now, but if you had realized the danger and
the potenetial, and allied with other copywriters YOU • could • have •
made • a • difference…



Louis says:
March 8, 2009 at 8:38 pm

Very nice Clayton…. just love reading your stuff. Thanks


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 9, 2009 at 12:40 pm

Cassandra, I tried to make a difference last year. I really did. I spent

months trying to convince the Libertarian Party to let me help them
make a huge splash.

But parties are run by lawyers. Nuff’ said.

So why can’t we do something even more impactful now? Like flood

Congress and the White House with letters?

I know for a fact that when a congressman gets a thousand emails on

a certain subject it rocks his world.

What we need is a grass roots movement of responsible people who

object to paying their flaky neighbors’ mortgages.



Kris Scheben-Edey says:

March 9, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Great article Clayton,

In fact I read it almost three days ago and now I am back to

comment. In the days after I read the article I would tell every last
person who would hear me out, trying to open their eyes and stop
them from becoming another oblivious follower.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Now I’ve thought about it, and I couldn’t agree more with the points
that you make in the article. It’s paramount that our decisions have an
effect on the quality of our lives and the way we live them. The
question I have to ask myself, as an unknowing political bystander, is
will there ever be a solution that makes everyone happy? Is it

I cannot take the American economy in my hands like playing cards

and arrange it to perfect – I know that it’s far from simple and I’m sure
it’s more difficult when you are trying to please an entire country.

It made me think about one possibility, maybe even a light in the

growing darkness. Perhaps no plan or policy could right the wrongs,
maybe it’s merely a change in thinking, a revolution in ideals and
daily attitudes that must happen.

After being both inspired and outraged by President Obama, it leaves

me thinking that while the policies and plans may be in need of some
changes, the one hope I’ll hold on to is that those inspired – act. That
those who seek a better life, fear less limitations – and that the
mentality of a good nation will follow it’s own good will.

So in my opinion, whether we view it now as a change for the better

or worse – every change presents opportunity. Whether Obama is a
good president or not I cannot say, but he is a good marketer, he
projects an image of positive change, and he has inspired a nation in
need of inspiration.

Will Obama be a good leader, or simply a good marketer? Is there

room for both?



Cassandra says:
March 9, 2009 at 1:15 pm

Good for you, Clayton! (I hope you mainly ‘volunteered’ your

You probably did, you have children…

Next time, why don’t you write something guaranteed to grab the
sheeple’s attention — and send it out anonymously!! or collect low-
key donations, and put an ad in USA Today — it’ s freedom of speech
to publically support a candidate of your choosing, you don’t need
theur ‘permission’, esp. if you are boosting them, not libeling them.
Ferget da pstinkin’ermission!![11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

The Libertarians are sooo disorganized and anarchical– they never

manage to avoid falling over their own feet… own worst enemies,
gotta love their spirit, but their execution s*cks…

Best Wishes,


Johnny says:
March 9, 2009 at 4:31 pm


I’m glad you’re a copywriter. Because as a political commentator,

you’re extremely scary… in a bad way. So please stick to copy. When
you talk politics, your frontal lobe seems to turn to mush and you just
start babbling.



Steve Odette says:

March 10, 2009 at 12:59 am


I so admire your political rants… and agree with the overwhelming

majority of what you observe and comment on.

I’m not fond of the blatent bigotry or thinly veiled, ignorant hate
mongering partisan B.S., or other unfortunate “duh-huh’s” your brave
expoundings sometimes instigate from us, your constituents…

I guess it just goes to show that even the best class of folks can be
dragged into the bar-room brawl if they are drinking too much of the
beer, huh?

Hell, I even “rage” right along with you – whether your copy get’s my
emotions up, or the issues and facts do, I’m generally in your corner
screaming right by your side.

Well, sometimes I’m facing you when I scream too…

This time however… my observations are not about your pretty much
spot on article content, but about the overwhelming volume of[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

comments from folks who are lost, ignorant, really uneducated

about… if not the facts, at least the logical representation of them.

To me what is most sad about that is, in my perspective, anyone who

at minimum opted to be on your list as a subscriber, must be above
average in drive, intelligence, practical and street smarts to see
deeper than the spew of bile being fed to them by main stream

I mean… I see people actually making arguments on both sides of

the fence, tossing verbal exchanges back and forth with virtually NO
digging any deeper into what they are saying than their local FOX or
CNN… using the spin from the same propaganda machine that had
them arguing a completely different song not six months ago.

“As the wind blows…”

To me, that is very sad… I mean, hey… I’m no Einstein to be sure,

but when I get an assignment I dig as deep as I can into ALL of the
perspectives and facts before I begin my writing… time allowing.

I said it on a post of yours a long time ago.. it’s like listening to a

religious argument between, say, to dogmatic polar opposites – in
most cases, neither has taken the time to study the other – but they
both know they are different and that their opposition is WRONG.

I bet that the Die Hard Dem’s here still think they know how to define
the Democratic party and that the die hard Republicans here still
think that party has a clear cut, absolutely opposing view from the
Dems… I wonder when either of them actually tried to write down
what being a Democrat or Republican means anymore.

Chances are… they have not. At least with Libertarians, you folks
have a Mission Statement still. LOL…

One thing though that I feel compelled to remind you about…

because I believe that it gets to the very heart of everything you talk
around… and sometimes about… and that some folks do allude to…
you promised prior to the election to dedicate a post and some time
to the REAL problems, where they stem from, and what possible
solutions could be…

I’ve not seen that post yet.

Books like “The Creature From Jekyl Island” by G. Edward Griffin

bear a serious consideration, or at least the concepts covered in
them, agreed?

I know that this, and other reputable and credible works, have been
referenced in comments on your political topics.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

What if… the true source of all we are now seeing is a group of
International bankers and Fabian Socialists who have been patiently
and slowly undermining the largest economies of the world to bring
about exactly what we are seeing?

What if… the North American Union and the Amero are real and the
plan is to bankrupt the American Dollar, combine Canada, the U.S.
and Mexico? (and then move on to the next phase of the plan).

What if… the frog (America)is in the pot of water that has been slowly
heating up for over 60 years and is just about to reach boiling…
rendering the little green guy SOUP, without him even feeling a thing
(actually, while he just sits there in ignorant bliss while he’s

The scariest, most ignorant comments I’ve read today are from those
people looking right at the problem who are saying… “Nah, it is just
another of the same ole thing it’s always been… America will be just

Boil, boil, boil.. soup.

Anyway… I’m still looking forward to your discourse on the REAL,

TRUE source of what is happening and waiting for you to unveil what
I believe will point the rage where it belongs… at the puppeteers
behind the puppets…

To me, cut the strings of those guys… kick the puppets out… let the
pieces fall where they may and watch America rebuild faster,
stronger, and more surely than ever under a truly Free Market

Until the process starts all over again… fiat, fractional reserve
systems are just too easy greedy to stay gone forever… but I tell you
what… we can surely give them a good swift kick in the ass and
move them to the next century if we unite.

However, the word unite is easier to spell than to engeander in a

people who are all out with different motives and goals. To truly unite,
we will all need ONE purpose and goal… and to me… that has been
and will continue to be one of our greatest roadblocks…

What ONE GOAL will unite everyone to seek the TRUTH, put aside
biases, and find a solution? Unfortunately, poverty, hunger,
imprisonment, murder, loss… theft of freedom… are all great unifiers,
but having them first seems to be a prerequisite to action.

Bush’s had a great policy for that problem… I think he actually called
it a “Pre-emptive Strike.”[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Hey, who taught him that big word anyway?

Dang… a mile a minute again…sorry. I’ll stop before I run out of

virtual ink or say something I really might regret! LOL…

Keep up the GREAT work… politically and vocationally Clayton.


Richard says:
March 10, 2009 at 3:35 am

Steve, I believe that you see the “Battlefield”.

I also am very much looking forward to the new website Clayton has
Clayton, where is the “forward this to a friend (enemy)” button ??


Hank Fox says:

March 10, 2009 at 11:52 am

Reminds me of how embarrassing movie stars get when they decide

that since they’re famous, their every opinion must matter.

Also makes me think of the weird, nasty things that happen when
churches get involved in politics. They misuse their power for things it
shouldn’t be used for, and they undermine the legitimacy of their
reason for existence.

Stick to copy writing in public, and swoon in private over the GOP
talking point of the day. You’re not that good at objective thought,
kiddo. And once copy writing gets known for blatant political
pandering, it will weaken every use of it.


Hank Fox says:

March 10, 2009 at 12:58 pm

Oh, yeah: Good thing none of this was Bush’s doing.

Makepeace, you sound like one of those idiot GOPvangelists. This is

making me rethink everything I’ve read here, and not in a good way.

It’s like you think the whole economic world was created the day
Obama took office. Yeah, let’s don’t dwell too much on all that past-
history stuff. As long as we recognize that every tiny aspect of this
economic crisis is Obama’s fault, we can stay focused on the correct[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

conservative response.

Just wait four years — Sarah Palin will save America! (Not.)

And if Obama fails, so much the better for you and all the ditto-heads,


Hank Fox says:

March 10, 2009 at 1:30 pm

And since you’re probably going to delete these comments anyway

Where the heck was all this burning critique during the past 8 years?
Where did you stand on the trillion-dollar Iraq war? Where were you
on White House secrecy? Honesty? Signing statements?
Environmental regulation? Safety and health oversight? Cronyism?

I don’t recall lengthy sales pitches on those matters coming out of

your office.


Pingback: The Best Sales Copy Ever Written for the Worst Product Ever Created | Internet
Marketing for Free

Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 4:03 pm

FOR HANK FOX (POSTS 121, 122, 123):

Relax, James, nobody’s going to delete your posts.

But you should probably go take a Prozac … and while you’re at it,
think …

Do you really think the fact that Bush sucked and the Republican
Congress was cowardly justify everything Obama’s historically
indefensible policies?

If that’s the best you can do, you’d better find yourself a better party.


Clayton Makepeace says:[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

March 10, 2009 at 4:14 pm

You know, I’m thrilled that the overwhelming majority of our readers
seem to be every bit as concerned about the Bushama doctrine for
dealing with this crisis as I am.

I’m equally amused that the only defense the Obama pimps have
seems to be, “Oh yeah? Well Bush sucked!”

Well, yes, Bush did suck. And since Obama seems comitted to
continuing the Bush doctrine of throwing money at the guilty banks
and corporations and consumers who caused this crisis, he sucks

And the fact that Reid and Pelosi want to spend billions on pig farts in
the midst of the worse financial crisis in 80 years means they suck

And the fact that Obama doesn’t seem to have the stones to live up
to his campaign promise to delete pork line-by-line or to stand up to
Congress’ terrible twosome and veto this corrupt omnibus bill sucks
worst of all.

This is your money they’re giving to big banks, corporations and flaky
borrowers. If that’s OK with you, just sit back and smile. Or, if you
prefer, run around the room screaming “Bush Sucked!” Makes no
difference to me.

But if you object to the Bushama policy, please write your

representatives and the president and do it now. If you already wrote
‘em, write ‘em again.

– Clayton


Hank Fox says:

March 10, 2009 at 4:53 pm

And the best you can do, again, is ignore the recent past.

As to histrionics, I wasn’t the one who just wrote an almost 3,500-

word attack ad.

Thank you, but no Prozac for me. I even stayed awake during the last
8 years and watched the rotten things done in my country, and
elsewhere in my country’s name. Anybody who stayed calm through
that — and who is only now starting to squawk that something is
wrong – is either stupid or evil.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Just FYI: I’m not a Democrat. I was a registered Republican for close
to 20 years (pre-Bush), but I’m sure not now. I’m not thrilled with
everything the president is doing, but I heartily approve of the fact
that he’s a whole new ball game after the last guy. At least he has a

And all this “Oh, Obama is a socialist!” is right out of the GOP
playbook. Bush, Cheney and friends got 8 years of slack … from the
press, from Congress, from the Democrats, from the Republicans,
from the world, and probably even from you. I’m willing to give
Obama a year or so to prove himself, as well as to recognize that
there’s no handbook for the vast, unparalleled job he has to do. I
expect mistakes, even some big ones.

I’m also willing to recognize that he’s like a doctor handed a patient
near death. If it takes him a while to get the patient back on his feet,
and if he has to resort to drastic measures in the doing of it, I’m
willing to stand back for a bit to see how things go. Joining in the
wailing “Oh my God, he’s letting him die!! He’s killing him!!” is a little

The lot of us who disagreed with Bush, in any least little detail, were
branded traitors who hated America and told to either shut up or go
live with Saddam.

That’s over. So now YOU settle down, Big Shot. You can either take
a little criticism, or you can’t. You might be a magnificent copy writer;
that doesn’t make you an astute political or economic thinker.

Right now the one choice we have, the one chance we have, is
Obama. If he fails, we’re all screwed. Probably worse than you or I
can even imagine. I say we support him strongly for the first year, or
even two, and see how things go.


And again, is THIS the face of copy writing you want to project? This
hellishly partisan BS? I think you’re a complete fool to taint your work
— and our industry — with this crap. You risk joining yourself (and
the rest of us), in the public mind, with the dittoheads: “Boy that
Clayton Makepeace, he was pretty good in his day, but then he got
all freaky.”


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 6:33 pm

Hey, Hank — you’re too busy yelling to read anything I’ve said.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Sure I’m partisan. But only if you define partisan as objecting to

everything both parties are doing.

Accusing me of not being able to take criticism after leaving your

posts online just makes you look ridiculous.

If you hated Bush so much, why do you defend Obama now that he’s
continuing Bush’s policy of throwing trillions of dollars at this crisis?

Finally, if encouraging taxpayers to demand better government —

and to demand that our elected officials stop plundering our checking
accounts to pay for pig fart research is “all freaky” …

If being opposed to taxing the innocent to bail out guilty corporations

and borrowers is somehow unhinged …

If taking a stand for personal responsibility, thrift and prudent,

historically proven monetary policy is a crime …

I plead guilty — and wear my guilt like a badge of honor.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 6:35 pm

Oh. And Hank? Anyone with a brain can see that attacking me does
nothing to vindicate Obama’s actions.

Why not educate us on why you support Obama’s redistributionist

policies? Show us how this kind of thing has ever worked before.

Hope is not a strategy. Give us facts.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 6:44 pm

Oh — and one last thing: What have I ever done or said to give you
the impression that I care one iota what others think of me?

As a copywriter, my clients judge me on the results I produce for

them. I produce stellar results, so they pay me hundreds of
thousands every month.

My kids will judge me on what I did or didn’t do to help secure a more

prosperous future for them. I fight for them and they love me for it.[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Beyond that, I couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks of me —

although I’m gratified to see that the vast majority of posters on this
blog seem to agree with most or all of what I’ve said.

So if it’s OK with you, I guess I’ll just keep on doing what I believe is
right — and let you worry about what the rest of the world might say.

– Clayton


christine pirkey says:

March 12, 2009 at 10:54 am

Clayton, thanks for this post. You’ve mentioned all the things I’ve
been wondering about lately. I can only hope that most of us come to
realize what’s happening before it is too late for us to backtrack at the
same time we are moving forward, to stop most of the damage
before it can happen.



Cassandra says:
March 17, 2009 at 6:43 am

All right, Clayton, you tried to help the Libertarians, but were turned
away. (Idiots!! Great ideas, but they can’t EXECUTE effectively.
That’s why almost nobody knows what Libertarians stand for, and
they’d LOVE them if they only knew!))

Well… life sometimes gives second chances to be a fulcrum on a

LARGE lever for great change…

If you want to bring social-change-through-copywriting, NOW is

maybe your second time, Clayton!

Check out the controversy about his possible CONSTITUTIONAL

INELIGIBILITY to hold the office of President !!!! He refuses to
provide proof ( certified birth certificate, passport, college records,
etc) he was ‘natural born’ in the USA).

Even worse, it seems our POTUS may•not•even•be•a•CITIZEN!!!!!!

This has been swirling on the internet for months before the election,
but never made it to the mainstream media. has a LOT of well-researched and passionate articles, but[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

they lack the ‘sales master touch’ to bring the issue to mainstream
Or Google writer ‘Devvy Kidd’ . Or email me.

A long sales letter, space purchased in USA Today, or targeted direct

mail — selling nothing but our national predicament might be the tool
to awaken and mobilize millions of Americans for REAL ‘change’ —
back to our Constitution, starting with DEMANDING the proof of
citizenship — that our alleged President has REFUSED to provide.

The major problem with this, is–aside from having fast re-elections,
and electing Dr. Ron Paul, Bob Barr, or other Libertarian or
Constitutionalist– the CONSEQUENCES of kicking out Barry
Soetero/o-bummer are ‘unforeseeable’…

At this point, after the Inauguration, a Pandora’s Box of racial

warfare, class war, martial law and open fascism could very well be
opened that would prove even ‘worse’ than what we are facing now..

Interesting times we live in.

Store food, water filters, faith — ‘guns, grub and God’.



Tesla says:
June 15, 2009 at 2:53 pm

I just HAD to check back and see what was going on in the

I was touched when reading how Clayton tried to help the Libertarian
Party and they wouldn’t bite. I really appreciated the sentiment.
Thanks, Clayton!


What if you did some copywriting? Maybe Clayton would at least look
it over and give you some tips on how to spice it up and you could
give it out for free on torrent and filesharing sites. Donate it to Alex
Jones, or whatever. You seem like a bright girl… you could probably
do it. I’d even help you. Just do it.


Diana says:
December 4, 2009 at 6:58 pm[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

Wow… Great post!

I came here to learn about copyright and instead what I got was a
lesson in American politics and fear mongering. This entire post to
me screams Ayn Rand.

Your examples really helped get the point across. My favorite was
the example about the 16 year old twins.


Buddytronic says:
May 17, 2010 at 10:42 pm

Hey the point of the thing is NOT a political attack against Obama

I think the point is to show that Obama used some good punchy text
copy that appeals to the every-man and sells a political agenda to
everyone. Just like the affiliate marketing web stuff with lots of red
and black text about a mile long.

Clayton makes a good point to show that the same techniques used
to sell you some internet marketing lesson crap are the same
techniques used by politicians – be they red devil socialist commies,
or right wing bible thumpin rednecks hahaha.


TV says:
July 3, 2010 at 8:25 am

I think we are all responsible for the moral slum that both the USA
and the UK have become. Clayton is quite right. Without inventors
and risk takers getting due reward the rest of the populace should go
out and find a secure cave to live in, together with plenty of
ammunition. We all have to accept some responsibility for how things
have turned out. We have allowed governments and burocracies to
run wild at the behest of activists whose purposes seem to propogate
“PC” industries and the like. We don’t want to be “judgemental” about
layabouts, scroungers, criminals, and lazy parents who let their
children behave badly-and negatively influence our own children. We
don’t want to bring corrupt politicans and their self-serving ways to
account for their actions. If the (alarmingly few) who actually care
about what is happening around them don’t band together and take
action I dread to think what the future will hold.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:06:42 PM]

Hands-down, the BEST sales copy ever written for the WORST product ever created |

james says:
August 31, 2010 at 2:25 pm

LOL yes we can ! give me that copy writers name .

His or her copy bet every ones by a mega mile.


Mathias Samson says:

October 2, 2010 at 10:50 pm

thanks for the good information. this will be a good help.



Gary Roberts Art says:

November 4, 2010 at 4:01 pm

This is often a excellent blog site. I’ve been back several times over
the past 7-day period and want to sign up for your rss feed making
use of Google but find it difficult to work out how to do it very well. Do
you know of any guides?


Mark Solis says:

December 7, 2010 at 8:26 pm

this information will be a big help.

thanks a lot!


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Your Future Begins NOW!
Posted on March 4, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re interrupting our regularly scheduled issue with We’re still here…
Time for a Change
URGENT NEWS from Clayton Makepeace
Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Dear Business-Builder, you should know …
Do You Believe?
After eight years of condemning Bush for busting the budget with $400 billion
deficits, Pelosi and her House of Representatives – Democrats and
Republicans alike — have just made “the great decider” look like a rank

At a time when we’re supposed to believe that every available penny needs
to be spent to stimulate the economy … and after electing a president who
promised to eliminate earmarks from the budgeting process …

The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives (with the help of 20

guilty Republicans) just passed an omnibus spending bill packed with a
staggering 8,570 pork-laden earmarks.

The bill, which is expected to land on Obama’s desk next week, allocates
7,700 million dollars ($7.7 billion) for pure pork – including …

$2 million to promote astronomy in Hawaii …

$381,000 for music programs at Lincoln Center …

$6.6 million for termite research in New Orleans …

$300,000 for the Montana World Trade Center …

$2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York …[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

$1.7 million for a honeybee factory in Weslaco, Texas …

$143,000 for an online encyclopedia in Nevada …

$150,000 for a rodeo museum in South Dakota …

$238,000 for the Alaska PTA …

$333,000 for a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas, and …

$1.7 million to research pig farts and poop in Iowa …

This $410 billion bill, plus the $787 billion Obama and Congress spent last
week, adds up to a staggering $1.2 trillion spent in Obama’s first 43 days in

That’s $28.6 billion per day … $1.2 billion per hour … $19.9 million per
minute … $330,688 per second — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you began spending $1 million every day right now, you’d still have millions
left over in the year 5296.

If you had started spending that $1 million a day in 1279 BC — the year Troy
was destroyed … when Ramses II became pharaoh in Egypt … and when
Moses was still living in Pharaoh’s house — you’d still have millions left.

The Dirty Little Secret That Obama and

Do NOT Want You to Know:
While they make a grand public show of oozing empathy for “the poor,”
Obama and Congressional scoundrels running up these huge deficits are, in
fact, the poor’s worst nightmare for four clear reasons:

1. Higher taxes on business mean THE WORKING POOR — the most

expendable employees at most companies — are more likely to lose their
jobs as this crisis intensifies.

2. Higher taxes on business caused by these deficits mean POOR

CONSUMERS pay more for food, energy and many other things they buy.

3. Huge deficits mean interest rates businesses pay will soar and as always,
those costs will be passed on to THE POOR, along with the rest of us.

4. Huge deficits also mean that THE POOR and the rest of us will be
slammed by soaring inflation once this crisis ends and the trillions of
dollars printed in the meantime inevitably destroy the buying power of our

But as the poor are, by definition, the least educated members of our society,
they remain blissfully unaware that they are being played for suckers …[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

And therefore, they continue to vote for the very liberal and/or corrupt
politicians – Democrats and Republicans alike — who are enslaving them;
dooming them to eternal dependence on Washington.

The bottom line: Phony empathy that results in dependence is not

compassionate. Only fiscal conservatism can free the poor to better their

If you remain silent,

this abomination will be YOUR Fault.
In Monday’s issue, I begged you to tell Obama, your senator and your
representative that you’re on to them:

I urged you to tell Obama what you think by going to and sending him an e-mail.

I suggested that you point your browser to to
get your senator’s e-mail and give him or her an earful every few days.

And I proposed you go to and share your opinion

with Pelosi as well as your personal representative.

Tell them you know they’re welching on their promise to end earmarks and
pork. Urge them to defeat this terrible bill. Threaten retaliation at the polls if
they schlep this load of garbage through.

If you do, your conscience will be clear. If you don’t, you’ll have no excuse to
complain when the pig poop hits the air conditioner.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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133 Responses to Your Future Begins NOW!

DK Fynn says:
March 4, 2009 at 6:12 pm

I don’t think this politics game is going to help us much. Sure, contact
your representative, but we have to think beyond that. Watch
Zeitgeist Addendum to learn more of what I’m talking about.


Tuck says:
March 4, 2009 at 6:29 pm


Thanks for sharing your beliefs about our elected representatives’

actions. I agree with you; their spending is irresponsible because it
will damage the economy. The poor and the middle class will struggle
to pay bills, boomers will delay retirement, and the young will be
burdened by debt.

The foxes are in charge of the hen house, and whether it is ignorance
or malice, they seem determined to kill the golden goose that is free

I pray that our citizens wake up, contact their representatives, and
vote for responsible politicians next time.


Ruth says:
March 4, 2009 at 6:38 pm

For some time I have been sending faxes, signing petitions, writing
letters, anything I can do to try to get the politicos to see the light of
their mistakes. Numbers USA is very good to keep up with illegals
and all the other terrible stuff going on. We’ve been able to shut
down offices at times, due to the thousands of faxes, calls and such.
Of course, they keep throwing the same trash back at us, but we still[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

keep up with the things we can do.



Frank says:
March 4, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Where were you the last 8 years when Bush was contributing hugely
into getting us into this mess? I didn’t hear your screams of outrage
then. That trickle down crap never worked, never has, never will.
Billions and billions of dollars spent on a war that he got us into
through false pretenses–were you full of outrage, trying to start
campaigns then? Do me a favor and keep your opinions to yourself
and just teach us how to write copy.


Joseph Ratliff says:

March 4, 2009 at 6:46 pm


Interesting views indeed…

I am curious (only curious) of how many (what percentage) of small

businesses make over the amount of $250,000 that receive the
increased tax amount?

This is going to be a wild ride for sure in the next 4 years.


David says:
March 4, 2009 at 6:50 pm

Very fine essay.

May I add some additional thoughts from Bill Bonner?:

“Want to save Detroit? Here’s how:

Abolish all welfare of all sorts…no unemployment insurance…no

child tax credits…no welfare…no foodstamps…no nothing, except
privately-sponsored charities. Close the public schools. Kick out all
the bureaucrats and all federal and state employees. Abolish all rules
concerning employment – no minimum wages, no overtime,
discriminate all you want. Require all residents to say please and[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

thank you…dress properly…and sneer at people who don’t seem to

be gainfully employed or polite. Declare the city an Open City and
Free Trade Zone. In exchange for cutting all federal aid programs,
eliminate federal and state taxes for people living in the city. Allow
unlimited immigration into the city…giving all immigrants a U.S.
passport after 5 years of residency. Levy a flat 10% tax to pay for
basic services. Eliminate elections…have the city controlled by a
town council composed of 10 citizens chosen at random.

Within five years, Detroit would be the most dynamic city in the

IMHO, if Bill’s program were extended nationwide, with a few

additions like no taxes for non-residents and ceasing demonstrably
inefficacious programs like the so-called “War on Drugs”, America
would be an amazing, confident powerhouse, effortlessly accepting
the cream of every nation worldwide, with a meaningful moral,
commercial, and philosophical influence on all humanity, if I may
make so bold.


John Gilger says:

March 4, 2009 at 6:53 pm


Along with writing to senators and representatives, we ought to

practice our writing skills with regular letters to the editors of our local

Tip O’Neil always said, “All politics are local” and right now there is a
growing number of Nevadans ready to tar and feather Harry Reid —
at least on the good days — on normal days we’d sooner hang him
like the good folks up in Montana did to his horse-theif uncle.

I hope your excellent rants are showing up in the papers in North

Carolina and East Tennessee



Brian Brzoznowski says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:08 pm

Hi Clayton,
Thanks for all the great business building tips. Yes I agree with you. I
am a home builder in the UP of Michigan and build mostly retirement[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

and vacation homes. I am trying to figure out what I have to change

in my business and finances toweather this storm.


Rich Haslam says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:09 pm

How much did your buddy Bush squander?????? Well, I’m

waiting………….but don’t worry, I won’t hold my breath. After 8 years
of fraud and deciept you’re now just talking about how our money will
be spent?

Opps, I should have realized. It’s not about the money, to you it’s
about WHO is spending it, not how much. Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re
bitchen so much because now you’re going to have to pay your fair
share instead of us middle class being stuck footin the bill.

Man, you really should be ashamed of yourself.


Rich says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:13 pm

To #4 Frank:

So, to avenge your loathing of the prior administration, you think it’s
ok for the current administration to pre-liquidate future assets on a
wholesale basis? (Of course, the current administration will one day
blame all the fallout on the previous administration.)

By the way, this is Clayton’s blog. That’s why his name is part of the
URL. Thus, you are a guest in his house. His belief system is also
part of who he is, and to some degree it has contributed to his
success. Maybe you should put aside the spring trap liberalism and
try to be open minded. Unless of course you have no problem
spending $38 for your grandchildren’s hamburgers (and don’t go
asking for fries with that).


Michael says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:19 pm

and to think we went to war with England over a .02 tax on tea…..I
am outraged…and as for those that wish to blame this on Bush…you
couldn’t be more mistaken. This is Obama’s baby now….hook, line
and sinker – or should I say SINKING![11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

We should all revolt and refuse to pay a dime in taxes. Every small
business should shut down for a week in protest – that way the
country will know what lies before them when they go out of business
permanently due to Obama Madness…He, Pelosi, Harry Reid….fools
and thieves in the maddening crowd.

I hope all who voted for this leftist clown are happy now.


Marcelino Latorre says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:21 pm

This is insane!

It’s all strategically designed to keep the great majority of the

population in check.

How money is created, the policies in which it is governed, and how it

truly affects society are un-researched interests of the great majority
of the people.

1% of the population owns 40% of the planet’s wealth..

34,000 children die EVERY SINGLE DAY from poverty and

preventable diseases..

50% of the population lives on less than $2 a day.

Something is very wrong here.

97% of all money is digital.

Money is nothing more than a systematically designed instrument

that keeps the ignorant in debt.

Money has always been created out of debt.

Pay attention, something is terribly wrong here.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:24 pm

TO RICH (POST #$) AND FRANK (POST #9): Hey, guys take a deep
breath. If you like this bill, do nothing. If you believe in trickle UP
economics — and love the idea of paying bureaucrats to whiff pig[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

farts at your expense — you’ll get what you deserve.

The rest of us suspect that if you could defend this indefensible

monstrosity, you would. Since you can’t, you are left with no
alternative but to attack me.

Without, I must add, any knowledge whatsoever of all I have done

and said in the past to trash Bush and the Republicans for their
profligacy and idiotic economic measures.

Those who do know my position on EVERYBODY in BOTH PARTIES

in Congress and BOTH PARTIES’ actions in the White House are
groaning at your ignorance — and your blind infatuation with and
kneejerk defense of politicians who are playing you for a sucker.

– Clayton


Christopher Colvin says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Three Dead Bodies…

Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on
their faces. The coroner calls the police to tell them what has

The Coroner tells the Inspector: “First body is a 72 year old

Frenchman. He died of heart failure while with his mistress. Hence
the enormous smile.

“The second body is an Irishman, 25 years of age. He won a

thousand dollars on the lottery and spent it all on whisky. Died of
alcohol poisoning, hence the smile.”

The Inspector asked, “What of the third body?”

“Ah,” says the coroner, “This is the most unusual one. Nancy Pelosi,
Speaker of the House, 66, struck by lightning. ”

“Why is she smiling then?” asks the Inspector.

“Thought she was having her picture taken.”

I’m a Bible hugging, gun owning, disgruntled conservative. Connect
to me on LinkedIn

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Eric Ruth says:

March 4, 2009 at 7:27 pm

I’m committed to emailing the white house, my representatives and

Pelosi three times a week for the rest of the year (or til my head
explodes). I’ve created some basic templates and I just switch up the
opening sentence in each one – takes me all of ten minutes. I’m not
going to sit back and take this financial raping and pillaging of our
economy and my hard earned money.

I hope all of you who feel strongly about this will also heed Clayton’s
call to action.

Clayton, keep up the good fight. I’m with you brother.


Bruno says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:37 pm

Hey Frank & Rick Haslam

America was founded upon Conservative Judeo/Christian values.

I am an immigrant from eastern Europe… Socialism Sucks.

I rather have opportunity than security. I am going to do everything to

preserve these principles.

Obama and many on the far-left represent socialism…

This country welcomes evrybody… but do NOT try and mess with the
BASIC principles that this Great country was founded upon.



thomas says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:46 pm

Spending ones way out of a recession makes about as much sense

as a Democratic Government!!!


justin says:[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

March 4, 2009 at 7:49 pm

the difference is the money being spent by obama is being spent

largely in the usa, unlike bush that sent billions overseas. spending
money in the usa puts more people to work and promotes a better


Phyllis says:
March 4, 2009 at 7:51 pm

Groan — can’t we stick to copywriting? Oh yeah, this is “The Total



John Forde says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:09 pm

I’m not as bold as Clayton… I steer clear of the politics. Partly

because I don’t do debates unless I can guarantee there’s a beer in
front of both sides of the argument… and partly because some of
these things are larger than, I think, a lot of us can wrap our heads

If I say I agree with some things Clayton said and disagree with
others (for instance, I would have loved to see some equal-
opportunity thrashing… I don’t know from Obama yet, but I’m
convinced Bush was still a scoundrel regardless)… I only do it to
throw some different cred. behind what I’ll say next, which is simply

Not only should Clayton get to say what he wants (it’s his blog)… for
all you who “wish [he] would stick to copywriting,” I just want to point
out to you that he just gave you a brilliant example of exactly that!

Forget where the opinions land for just a second. Notice how he
delivered them… sharp, uncompromising opinion (all good copy
takes a position)… precise details delivered in a new way (how often
do you get to talk about Ramses in a sales letter)… stinging
metaphors and verbs… a precise call to action at the end.

Like it, hate it, agree with it or revile it… this is the trademark Clayton
style that made a fortune for some of his clients. I know because I’ve
studied that style hoping to glean something from it. And the times
that I managed to get a little somethin’-somethin’ out of the
experience proved very lucrative.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

I’m just sayin’… after you’ve cooled off some, go back and read
again. There are lessons between the lines worth absorbing.


Wendy Makepeace says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:34 pm

Did someone forget to announce that Bush is no longer president? Is

that the defense liberals are going to continue to take…Bush did it,
so we have to do it even bigger…yeah…we’ll show him.

It wasn’t good when Bush did it, but, the scale in which Obama is
spending is now life changing for all of us. It’s something that we’ll
never be able to come back from. Entitlements, once they are given
are very difficult to take away. And, the socialism policies that are
going to be forced upon us whether we want them or not, because
after all, it’s for our own good, will be forever. It’s a change in the
American way of life that is so disturbing. And it’s disheartening to
know that so many liberal Americans think this is the way to go. After
all, this is what their leader is telling them. Go his way, or we are all
doomed. Be damn the Constitution and OUR Amercian system of
capitalism. We don’t want it so we’ll just make it go away. After all,
those other capitlists/socialists nations are so successfull…and who
do all these countries rely on to fight their fights. Take a big guess. Of
course we’ll be so in debt and no longer able to keep spinning out the
money, that our military and defense systems will just start to
deteriorate. Then, who’s going to be able to fight for them then? I’m
sure Iran is just chomping at the bit…

And what are they going to say when things continue to be

crumbeling all around us two, three…five years from now? …”Well,
you never said anything when Bush did it…”

Good luck with that…I’m sure it’ll help a great deal in solving our truly
horrific problems.


Jon Gehris says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:39 pm


Right on! BHO promised change, and he delivered in about 6 weeks,

marginalizing free market capitalism while growing the size of the
federal government and deficit like no other President. His comment
about the “profits and earnings ratio” is a pure classic. And, several of
our enemies are now emboldened because of his inaction or naivete.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Let’s see, BHO campaigned as an outsider who could reform DC

politics, engender bi-partisanship, and solve the myriad of problems
facing us. Now we know he’s a fraud. But hark, there is a glimmer of
hope … moderates in his own party are becoming increasingly wary
of his plan to transform the country, and monied liberals are
expressing their fear that his policies are anti-growth. Hmn, could this
be push-back during the honeymoon period? Clayon’s plea to get
involved, e-mail or fax your opinions to your elected representatives
and senators is honest, and right-on. This fight will involve a whole lot
more than the $$$ in any bill … they will attempt to take away your
right to free speech before they are done. So, if not now, when will
we stand-up?


Ken says:
March 4, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Their is an accurate book that has sections written from 5, 3 and 2

thousand years ago. The BIBLE shows that these times are to come
due to greed, selfishness and all to come.

Their is no wonder why the world bank stated, Obama’s plan is the
BEST plan.

Every other country in the world has been waiting for the moment
when the vaults would open and US power would rush throughout the
world as a wave of water. The water will dissipate and …

Welcome to the revolution(change) that sets the stage for America to

slip into third world status(if you shall judge). A level that will point to
a ONE WORLD currency, as yet another fallacy created by men.

You can already hear Obama state, ‘globalization’ is the ‘key’ to

resolve this crisis, facing the world. Many think globalization got us to
this point.

It does not matter – as four years will be plenty of time to uproot the
remaining pillars of the US support structure.

Earmarks will be the further est concerns we have, once a war with
Iran is waged(third world war) and the oil crisis stops all traffic on the
highways. The earmarks will exacerbate the issues we all feel,
creating perplex insanity and chaos(as if that is not already ensuing).

Cut right through the false leaders on TV and hear the truths. The
best minds in the world, in a new power, to find the answers and save
the masses. Develop plans to prevail as we are about to go through
the most exciting times on earth! Embrace and race or suffer, kicking
and screaming all the way.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

See a house built in a cave/old mine shaft, on Ebay. The owner’s

financing was an adjustable arm loan and it’s flexing the family out to
the streets.

God Bless and Peace to all.


Frank says:
March 4, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Clayton, like it would do ANY good to try to defend any position you’re
against. You are so firmly entrenched in your viewpoint, I don’t have
the time, energy, or inclination to even try. You flaunt your own brand
of ignorance in your assumptions about me as I am not infatuated
with any politicians of either party.


Copywriting Sense says:

March 4, 2009 at 8:54 pm

This administration will take away your CHANGE…

I pity those clueless celebs, citizens and africans

celebrating Mr.O-Bummer’s presidential speech.

Little did they know this first black guy would steal
more money from them than anyone in history ever

Obama is going to be worse than Bush. Why?

Because he has the support of those who have “hope” AND
he works for the bankers.


Allan says:
March 4, 2009 at 9:27 pm

Makepeace for Prez… The Nug for Vice Prez


Johan says:
March 4, 2009 at 9:41 pm[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

If you think sending a couple hundred or thousand emails to some

form will do it. Then you have to wake up.

Politics is all about getting the majority of the people to think they
have a “voice” when they have none.

You need to resarch more, if you want to get the message out, you
must take on your marketing hat. And get to where you want, slowly..
without bringing too much attention.

In the mean time, there are tons of incomepetent people in the world.
That’s the root of all evil.

When you let opinions rule, instead of logics and science. So I’m with
you, but not a million messages will get you in contac with Obama
and get him to change your mind.

You have to be smarter than this, if you want to bring change.

I did some research yesterday, and came up with this:

Have a good day Clayton, you’re still the best copywriting blogger out



Jim Walsh says:

March 4, 2009 at 9:54 pm

Dear Clayton,
Thankfully I found found your forum exposing your radical
ideologies B E F O R E I sent you $600 of my hard earned $.
I don’t support right wing apologists.


Rudi says:
March 4, 2009 at 10:06 pm


as always, excellent analysis delivered succinctly and with passion.

Looking at global developments I am struck by the implicit
assumption everyone (no matter which political party they belong to
or support), everywhere (no matter which part of the world) makes is
that the government needs to do something. That is what is wrong[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

with the whole approach to this crisis. The fact that the world’s
economies have been micromanaged for the better part of 50 years
has left the impression that governments are in charge. This crisis
proves that they are not! This downturn, as bad as it is (and it is likely
to get worse), will be over much quicker if we let the market correct
itself. Involving politicians is the worst thing to do, as Clayton’s post
Clayton, please keep up the good work of pointing these things out in
a way that helps us learn more about how to improve our copywriting!


Glen Kohlenberg says:

March 4, 2009 at 10:47 pm

Wow! Clayton it sounds like you have a few that would rather see a
rope around your neck about now! But…

See I blame you for some of this because if you remember I had ask
you to show us how Obama got elected in the first place.But I never
received your answer.And it did surprise me with you be the
marketing guru and all.

So here is a couple of things to ponder? I would say that he got the

most votes from Americans in the under $249,000 income bracket.

The other thing that has Obama going nuts over is that he assumed
that the Americans that is holding onto there 7-8 trillon $$$$ under
the bed would start investing again.

So here’s to you Mr. Obama thinking that all Americans are that
stupid. We have your number and the money will stay under the bed
until the lying and cheating and stealing stops.

As for Clayton and Wendy just keep telling it like it is but you may
need to raise your rates to help cover some of that tax burden!

P.S. For the whiners and crybabies you made the choice to come to
this site if you don’t like it then leave it.Oh and by the way the soup
kitchen closes at 8pm so you better get a move on.

Thanks Clayton

Glen Kohlenberg


brett says:
March 4, 2009 at 10:47 pm[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

I’m truly amazed that more people ARE NOT OUTRAGED about
what is going on.

It’s amazing that so many people are either hypnotized, stupefied,

lazy or just plain stupid to realize what is going on in this country.

Wheres the outrage? Where’s the Tea Party? There should be

people surrounding the white house refusing to take this crap. Yet
90% of the population is at home watching CNN, thumb stuck in
mouth, too stupid to realize what is happening or too lazy to do
anything about it.

Of course this IS the Socialist master plan. Take away the individuals
feeling of being able to affect change. When everyone feels like they
can’t do anything, they don’t act.

They hand over their rights, money, property, and country to the
corruption that brainwashed them into believing they couldn’t make a

I’m not willing to let that happen without at least doing my part.
Thanks Clayton.

PS. Bush and his war was entirely designed to line the pockets of the
defense contractors who did the work over there. Most Washington
politicians are in on it. Not just bush. They all have back room deals
with Haliburton, Caci, defense contractors etc. to get a slice of the
billions poured into the war.

I don’t think anyway would defend the wasteful spending on the war,
but why in the world would ANYONE in their right mind want the
Osama plan, which takes bush’s spending times 50!


steve says:
March 4, 2009 at 10:48 pm


Thank You for your commentary.

Your analysis is right on.

Having run my own business and been involved with small business
owners for over 25 years, what is coming downstream will hurt the
average worker far more than anyone else.
Its all about the establishment of political power not what’s best for
the people.
The politicians that had oversight over the greed that created this[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

should be thrown out, but remain in their positions- in a business this

would never happen. Our major media has NOT told us the whole
truth on this, keeping the majority of the people in the dark.
Its not about right or left, its about right and wrong- our only recourse
is to hold the politicians responsible (letting them know we are going
to do it)if they vote to waste our money, they HAVE TO GO.
We have to make our voices heard NOW before its too late.
I’ve never been politically active before, but I am now, what’s
happening is wrong and being done for the wrong reasons… at all of
our expense.


Mike says:
March 4, 2009 at 10:53 pm

I don’t like the situation either. Way too much money is literally flying
away, to where again? Who believes there is little consequence to
this panic style governing?

Still, setting aside the blame for a moment, remember that as

individuals, at some point as more US structures and institutions fail,
and as satisfaction can no longer be delivered via the usual channels,
as pay isn’t there for police and military, we literally will be able to do
anything we want. And rather than see this as an opportunity for bad
guys and blood in the streets, see it as the liberation of an
increasingly enslaved nation.

It takes only handfuls of people here and there wanting to build a

better life to bring about disproportionate positive change. Regardless
of what happens, we won’t get any dumber, we won’t be much
different in our skills than we are now, but with the clarity that comes
from the shattering of the illusion of what government is good for,
individuals will focus with new energy on their goals and those of
their small groups of family, friends, and neighbors, and things will be

Combining with like minded people in your neighborhood, when the

time is right–and you’ll know when it is–works.

Is this paranoia too far-fetched? I hope so. But if it isn’t, let’s not
forget our own good, and that of our friends and neighbors to do what
is right and to accomplish whatever needs to be done.

Allow yourself to openly accept the reality of what so many people

rail about: the fools in government. If they’re so foolish, what do YOU
need them for? Do you think you’re somehow helpless without them?
Awaken from the dream and take a look at reality. Take a look at
yourself. You’re not as bad as you think–not as helpless as you think
either. And neither are the majority of your neighbors, friends and[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


If a tiny part of “your piece of the county” falls. Pick it up.

Sorry Clayton, I had to get that out. Thank you for starting this


David Phillips says:

March 4, 2009 at 11:06 pm

Listen to yourselves. I have followed Clayton’s blog for a while and he
has spoken out about President Bush’s policies as well. Listen to
what John Forde Wrote about the copy lessons to be learned from
this post. Has he gotten you emotionally involved or not. Agree or
disagree with his position he definately pushed a lot of hot buttons.
To make myself clear.
I am a registered Republican who has been saying for years that
President Bush needed to curtail the spendthrift ways and use the
veto to stop some of the bleeding. I fault the Republicans for the
situation we are in as well for their willingness to embrace the
spending habits of their opponents. The party took their spanking and
hopefully learned from it. I am e-mailing my senators and
congressperson regularly to speak out against this folly. I did it during
the previous administration and will be doing it again.
Now as to the folly being put out now. Read “Atlas Shrugged” and
you will have an idea where we are headed. Read Milton Friedman’s
works on economics and learn how a free market economy works.
Before you start making snap judgments about comments educate
yourself about the situation.
Read and study our history and learn from Thomas Jefferson, Ben
Franklin and John Adams et. al. Our country was blessed with some
of the greatest minds in history at it’s forming and they forsaw a lot of
potential problems which are occuring now.
Remember the people who fail to study history are doomed to repeat
Then decide if you want to mortgage your future, your children’s
future and your grandchildren’s future to pay for these programs. I for
one am not.


Johan says:
March 4, 2009 at 11:17 pm

Okay, I see posts are coming in, so I have to take a stand. Clayton
certainly have value in this political post. There has to be some[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

stamina somewhere, were the sun still shines, otherwise the western
countries will collapse in the coming years. In some African countries,
the criminals has taken over the prisons, and I mean Lliterally.

They sit outside on the roofs buildings and smoke weed.

That’s what’s going to happen if none, ever point us in to the end

goal, to fill well mentally and financially. So let each one of us take
some responsibility for our own actions.

Why do we have to debate stuff, just look at the numbers instead.

Like in copywritning. And study your swipe file more than everything
else, because there’s plenty of countries not bugged by this
incompente leaders and collapsing economics.

It’s partly some western european countries, along with all of eastern
europe (with a few exceptions) and USA. These are leaking
coutnries, this countries are doing fine:

Country Preformance this year(+%)

China(Shenzen) 21,8
China(Shanghai) 13,8
Sri Lanka 9,3
Tunisia 6,1
Venezuela 4,9
Russia(Micex) 4,4
Jamaica 3,1
Chile 2,9
Marocko 1,4
Colombia 0,7

Now, there has to be something done. We need to straighten out the

laws, In singapore for example, bubble gums were illegal during the
90s. Today you can buy them in pharmacy stores.

Just because there is 1 and 2, then it don’t means we can do 1,4 or


It seems as some countries can have strict rules and still have free
speech. One thing doesn’t always lead to another, I don’t see why so
many (specifically in my country) think it has to go that route.

This is just one example, there are plenty out there. But econimcs,
but also in healthcare and school systems.

Here is a study on competence in teens knowledge:

So much can be done, but plenty wants to close their eyes instead,
and wait for the next one to lead them.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |



ChooChoo says:
March 4, 2009 at 11:23 pm

You are a believer; you understand freedom, and how it is imperiled.
And, you are a superb communicator; you see inside the feelings and
understand the cause.

What this nation is faced with will not be conquered by emotional

rhetoric or traditional action. It will take marketing and action unlike
that we have experienced or driven in the past. Letters to congress or
the editor are a waste of electrons or trees.

I for one believe that the Internet and its tools could lead us to move
enough cognoscenti to in turn move a fair part of the citizens, but just
as important, the influencers.

Perhaps such an effort could be successful. Are you willing to

possibly participate to that end?


John says:
March 4, 2009 at 11:28 pm

It just goes to prove what I’ve been saying for 30 years: a liberal will
ALWAYS do the wrong thing, every time. Like a disease, liberalism
should be resisted, lest it spread. I voted for Carter because I was
young and foolish, thinking that he’d be OK because he seemed like
a good, decent Christian fellow. I lived to regret my folly. Never again!
BTW, I wonder why BHO is so consistent with those grape


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

March 5, 2009 at 12:23 am

To understand what’s going on:

Over 2/3 of Americans are so busy watching Oprah or Who

wants to be a star or reading some moronic “News” paper,
sipping beer and watching football — no, more likely
washing their Saab or some other imported car — and
eating “organic” vegetarian food that they dare not bother[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

to study history or the founding of this country, or what

happened at Plymouth in 1620 and ensuing years when they
tried Obama’s approach and nearly starved…

Nor did they study Lenin and Marx, Hitler, and Chairman Mao.

And they didn’t exercise a single neuron to figure out if

the high-brow PhD that taught their college basket-weaving
classes had a clue when he was touting the virtues of
Castro in Cuba or Pol Pot in Asia and castigating Washington,
Franklin, and others (including some of my
ancestors) who risked or lost their lives so these sorry
bastards (illegitimate children of questionable canine
ancestry is what that word means) can vote for a Marxist
as if he’s saving us all.

They’ll get exactly what they deserve. Maybe the others

who have a modicum of intelligence will band together,
secede, succeed, and let the rest starve as they so surely

As for the illustrious Mr. Walsh, good luck with your $600.
may it serve you well as you live your life of perpetual
servitude to King Obama who’ll keep you on the plantation as
long as you allow it.

The people aren’t hypnotized, nor stupefied. They are

stupidized by an educational system that was set up in the 1950s and
1960s to accomplish EXACTLY what you see going on
today. This scheme was warned against when I was in high school in
the 1950s, for cryin’ out loud! And people thought those concerned
about the coming catastrophe back then were out of their minds with
needless worry.

History is filled with the carcasses of societies and nations that

succumbed to the siren song of something for nothing.

How much better the world would be if people were allowed to

own property, businesses, and make their own path through life
without interference by government, other than having a
consistent set of reasonable rules that all must follow with
opportunity to fail.

You can’t succeed if you can’t fail. And you don’t learn if
someone prevents you from falling. Then people can be generous
with others out of their own free will, not by

What’s “THE MESSIAH” going to do *when* bin Laden pulls off

his next super attack on the US and kills 4,000,000 Americans on our
own soil, half of them women and children[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

as he has announced he intends to do? He’s a patient man.

How soon we forget. The world’s a dangerous place. But what were
the Romans doing when they were invaded by
Huns and others from the North? They were so lazy and
stupefied from dependence on government they couldn’t
defend themselves.

History repeats. Those who don’t learn its lessons get

to repeat them.


David Markov says:

March 5, 2009 at 1:45 am

I don’t get some of the posters here.

How can someone claim to be an entrepreneur AND be in favor of

Obama and his blood-sucking taxes?

It’s like getting married and then deciding to become abstinate. They
want to put up with all the crap — but don’t want to enjoy any of the



David Markov says:

March 5, 2009 at 1:57 am

Re: Post 27


Feel free to find a different copywriting instructor who is more to your

political liking. I hear Ben Dover offers a good course.



Yoav says:
March 5, 2009 at 4:11 am

It’s very surprising that all the republican business owners hate
Obama so much.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Obama is embodiment of the entrepreneur, he has vision, is

dedicated to the business (the US), works very hard to inspire the
employees (US Citizens) into taking action and invests all his extra
cash (that’s actually your cash) on expanding the business’s

While Bush was the bureaucrat that the ‘man’ that bought the
company put in-charge. He didn’t know what he was doing at all, he
invested all the cash into things that looked good and made his ego
bigger (If I put my money into bombs instead of paying this nerd to
figure out how to make an extra cent on the dollar from pig manure
then I must be Important, heck, I’m saving the world). And was a
blubbering idiot.

Honestly, you guys need to stop being so pissy and whiney and get
to work. And try to help instead of passing criticism.

Don’t ask what Obama can do for you. Ask what you can do to help
Obama save your country.

But what do I know, I’m not even a citizen of the US.

Although I would have loved to be one. Even in the middle of this

“horrible crises”.


Doug says:
March 5, 2009 at 4:34 am

Hey Bruno (post #16)

Exactly which founding “Conservative Judeo/Christian” values were
you refering to? The ones where we built up this nations economy
through the brutal slavery of the African people?…or perhaps the
devestating genocide of indiginous Americans in an all out land-
grab? If the definition of Conservative Judeo/Christian values is
spelled out g-r-e-e-d I would certainly agree that that’s our single
most founding principle as a nation. For goodness sake, we’d better
not let that go. But at least we ought to call it for what it is. One thing
it is not, it is not Christian. Nations are not Christian, people are…or
they are not. How much we are willing to hoard to ourselves while
others around us suffer is a good guage we can measure ourselves
by as to how closely we truly adhere to Judeo/Christian values. The
sky is not falling and the world is not going to come to an end over
this “stimulous.”
The [u]only[/u] reason people are so upset over this is because we all
want to hoard it to ourselves and we don’t really care about the less
fortunite. No matter what a person’s station in life, the montra is the
same, “Take it from them, but not from me.” We can all agree that
there are currently many social ills which need attention. For[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

instance, who would deny that an unemployed diabetic who cannot

afford insuline shots is a situation that shouldn’t happen in such a
wealthy nation? But which reader of this blog is willing to step up and
cover such a cost out of their own abundance? No matter how much
we have as a people, it is never enough. While Socialism saps
people of their drive and will to produce, Capitalism is a parasite
which insatiably gorges itself upon the meager resources of the
many. I am glad we have a Capitalistic system with Socialistic
programs. Together they balance out the evils found in both systems
when either is left unchecked.


Markus Trauernicht says:

March 5, 2009 at 5:42 am

From 1929 (79% fall) it took 3 decades for the S&P 500 to reach old
After 1969 (60% fall) ist took 2 decades for the S&P 500 to reach old

Right now the S&P 500 is down by about 60%. With deflationary
forces prevailing it will go further down.
If history is a measure for the future – reaching old highs could take
between 20 and 40 years.
And the babyboomers have not even started going into pension.
The derivative bubbles have not really come tumbling down.
And credit default swaps have not been regulated or been abolished
and declared illegal as of NOW!

Best wishes
Markus Trauernicht from Berlin


Markus Trauernicht says:

March 5, 2009 at 5:55 am

By the way. It looks like some lifeinsurers have similar portfolios like
the rotten banks because of their heavy “investments” into
derivatives. But it may take a few years until that bubble bursts as
that secret remains with the other hidden corpses in their cellars. It
certainly seems to be a problem in Germany. And that bubble will
only burst when the babyboomers get paid their monthly pensions
from their life savings.

So buy and hold may be the perfect strategy for someone who is
about 5 years old.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Markus Trauernicht


Bernie says:
March 5, 2009 at 8:22 am

Mr. Makepeace,

To paraphrase the late Gary Halbert, “Find a starving crowd, and

feed it.”

To paraphrase Dan Kennedy, “Find a herd.”

It reminds me of David and Goliath.

A well placed pebble in a sling (or an argument in a blog) when aimed

appropriately can bring down giants.

You have definitely touched some emotional hot buttons, and as of

this writing have inspired 43 of us to respond.

I tip my hat to you!



John C. A. Manley says:

March 5, 2009 at 8:23 am

I’m in Canada here.

Farther’s going on 90. He was born before socialism invaded our

country. Before the wars. Before people relied on the government to
take care of themselves and their neighbor.

Don’t know what to say. People are so blinded. Thank God the
internet is here. It’s really the only hope. People need to hear the

Thank you Clayton.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 5, 2009 at 8:39 am[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Uh-oh … My article opposing Congress’ scheme to spend $1.7

million researching pig farts has Jim Walsh so mad, he’s decided
NOT to spend $600 on one of our copywriting products.

Does this mean I’m not rich anymore?

And what if he gets really mad, cancels his subscription and stops
paying me ZERO DOLLARS for our daily response-boosting ideas?

Maybe I should just shut up … abandon my right to free speech …

give up trying to influence my elected representatives … and allow
events that make success harder for all of us pass by without

Maybe I should respect the fact that maybe 3% or 4% of our file love
Obama and the Democrats so much that they’re perfectly willing to
surrender the values and principles that made America the richest
nation on Earth.

Maybe I should be more sensitive to people who sincerely love pig

farts and are incensed that Obama and Congress aren’t spending
MORE to research them.

Naw … that’d never work.

– Clayton


MattV says:
March 5, 2009 at 8:46 am

Clayton -

You rock, man!

Keep singing your tune. You’ve got a customer for life…

(And hopefully a new Copy Apprentice)



Andrew L. Foss says:[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

March 5, 2009 at 8:53 am

Clayton –

I just Dugg this article so that more people can get in on this
discussion – and maybe wake up.

A few weeks ago you questioned one of my posts – and whether you
knew if Obama were a Socialist. My heart was Warmed when Wendy
used it in her post.

WAKE UP AMERICA. Obama and most of the Washington Illuminati

are Nuts. They look reality and the past in the face, and say maybe
Marx had the right thing going for him.

They look at you, the American Public, and say Wow – You are way
too stupid to do it on your own. You need more government in your

Get ready. If you do nothing there here it comes.


Sandi Krakowski says:

March 5, 2009 at 9:09 am

The PROPHETIC rises up and speaks again thru a business

platform! Bless you Clayton for putting your reputation on the line for
the good of others!

I like a man who can speak the TRUTH without drama, without
emotion and without delusion! You are being used MIGHTILY! Do not
be silent.. please keep it coming!

Blessings on all you do! And all you stand for!



Dan White says:

March 5, 2009 at 9:57 am

Nice post Clayton!

I find it funny that none of he normally rabid conservatives on this

forum have commented on Clayton’s actual article.

Yes, you’ve commented on his secondary themes like pork spending

and taxing the rich.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

But the article is about how this stimulus package is being passed
under false premises… that it’s for the poor when it’s not.

A few days ago Clayton posted a pdf of the actual stimulus package.
Please go search the word “welfare.” You’ll get one hit.

There’s nothing in that stimulus bill about welfare, or about expanding

it etc.

So except for emergency unemployment benefits which we’ve all

heard about–6 months of extended benefits and $100/month in
additional money–this trillion dollars has very little to do with poor

And really unemployment benefits don’t either. You can’t get

unemployment unless you’ve worked A LOT in the last two years,
and been let go through no fault of your own.

So before you throw all your venom at poor people, be the

“hardworking” person you say you are and at least skim the pdf.

You’ll see $550+ billion is for military stuff. And that’s not counting
intelligence and homeland security etc.

The rest of the bill is largely pork programs that provide jobs to
people who want to work in government. That’s it!

So folks don’t go spitting on some homeless guy because he inspired

this stimulus package. He’s not getting free treatment for mental
illness under this bill. He’s not getting welfare (unless he has custody
of a kid). He’s not getting jack unless he’s been working recently. i.e:

Yes, this bill puts $1 trillion dollars into the economy through
government checks–to employees. Not to citizens.

So Clayton’s post is on point. It stimulates the economy by expanding

the goverment. It’s a bit like an ad agency. If the account division
gets an extra 10 million dollars, where do you think they’ll spend it?
Even if the creative department is woefully understaffed, they won’t
see a cent of it. Well, beauracrats are like them. They spent money in
their division–government.

If the poor and lower-middle class think Obama is throwing them a

rope, please realize it’s a very small one. You have to go get it by
applying for a government job.

This rest is mostly middle class to upper class spending through tax
credits and the military–poor people really aren’t afraid of terrorists.
They’re afraid of their landlord.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

-Dan White


Belinda B. says:
March 5, 2009 at 10:01 am

Clayton and Wendy-

Great discussion. You certainly have whipped it up here. Thanks for

speaking your mind and caring enough about our country to use your
tools to speak your mind and persuade people to think a different
way. Isn’t that what we do as copywriters, persuade people? It still
amazes me that people who disagree with you simply scream, “what
about Bush?” I think that rallying cry will fade within the year. Yet
when you’ve suffered from BDS for 8 years, it must be like withdrawal
and all teh poor sufferers can do is shake tehir fists and scream,
horrified at teh realization Bish is no longer important. I almost feel
sorry for them. It’s going to be hard in the coming months for them to
admit that Obama will be — yes I’ll be bold enough to say it — a
failure. All their hopes for a utopian Democrat society dashed amid
the ruins of the smoldering stock market and realizing that change
never came to America. Just death and taxes.

Loved John Forde’s comments too, so wonderfully him, diplomatic,

levelheaded and as always, it’s all about what we can learn about the

I’d like to leave you with Thomas Jefferson: A government big

enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take
everything you have.

Oh and C.S. Lewis too. . .

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its
victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under
robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber
baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point
be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment
us without end for they do so with the approval of their own

For those of you don’t know, cupidity means greed. I had to look it up.

Keep stirring it up CLayton. The country is better for it.


Ryan Ireland says:[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

March 5, 2009 at 10:19 am

I love it. What’s the real lesson here? Not politics at all…

It doesn’t matter WHAT your company does for a living–when you

know your customers like Clayton does, you can leave your
traditional brand for a while to build buy-in and boost engagement
and response over the long term.

Heck–if you have the demographic of your audience down pat, you
can even do stuff like post #13 and blast some of your own audience!
Pretty wild.

You all might not buy everything Makepeace sells…but I

GUARANTEE you read it! This is an excellent lesson in branding,
something he never writes about, but always develops just a little
more with each post.

Side note–any email marketers out there want to start a roundtable?

If you’re in an industry that is NOT language learning, shoot me an
email at rireland at internetorderllc dot com—-this invitation is
especially open to makepeace’s email marketer!


Sharon B. says:
March 5, 2009 at 10:27 am

Thanks, Dan (#51)–you are right on.

The Obamanifesto has nothing in it for the average working person.
For all his talk about helping the foreclosure “victims”, that part of the
program only applies to the people who got mortgages from Fannie
and Freddie. The rest of us need not even apply, no matter what the
My husband and I are looking for a home the old-fashioned way–we
are SAVING MONEY for a down payment. Thanks to this sorry
excuse for a budget, we will probably be penalized for doing it
right.It’s a good thing we’re used to living on very little!
You got any of those pot-laced bonbons left? After reading that piece
of work, I’ve got one hell of a headache.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 5, 2009 at 10:44 am

Dan … Welfare by any other name stinks just as much. Take another
look at the Obama budget. You’e being seduced by superior
copywriting.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Dan White says:

March 5, 2009 at 10:50 am


That thing is 140 pages. More like I’m being seduced by boredom.

Can you give an example of welfare in disguise?


Jeff says:
March 5, 2009 at 11:46 am

Let’s take a good look at where our Prez’s political roots come from.
He was taught by the very best. The Land of Lincoln and the City of
“Big Shoulders”. Three out of our last six governors are convicted
felons; with a forth on the way.David Axelrod, a Daley Machine
confidant, was the Prez’s campaign advisor and now acts as his
“special advisor”.
Being a Chicago native for the last 50 years, I have experienced
corruption on a local and state level all my life. The Prez has learned
his lessons well. Tell the masses what they want to here, because
once in the White House there will be nothing anyone can do to stop
As the song goes,”the large print giveth and the small print taketh


Dan White says:

March 5, 2009 at 11:51 am

Hi Sharon,

OMFG! I thought only rabid conservatives posted here when not

wiping the foam from their mouths.

I have a friend! Sigh…

Unfortunately I had to give up the pot bon bons when I discovered

they’re not actually provided for in these stimulus bills, as Clayton

Can we talk about copywriting for a second?[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Clayton uses two techniques very effectively: common anger and

common enemy.

As a copywriter I know that he knows that this bill doesn’t steal from
the rich (anger) to give to the couch-locked Oprah watching bon bon
addicts (enemy).

If you had to characterize it, which is hard to do because it’s just too
huge… it steals from the rich to give to newly hired government
employees and the military.

So while I can still partake in this trickle up scheme, I do have to get

off my arse and apply for a job smelling pig poo, or waiting anxiously
to get blown up by roadside bombs. Or a thousand other jobs this
plan calls for.

Which is to say, the above parargraph isn’t too sexy. So instead

Clayton spins it as stealing from the rich to give to that creep on cops.
I’m not referring to the cop. Put down the reefer Sharon.

When in truth the cop will benefit more from the plan than any of the
residents of 400 Trailer Trash Blvd.

Kind Regards,
Dan “Yes We Might” White
P.S. Are you or your husband first-time home buyers? There’s
supposed to be a $15,000 tax rebate coming. So basically your 2008
tax liability, or 2009, (or both) can be wiped out if you buy a home
(before July, I think). Don’t quote me on that. But it’s worth looking


Paul says:
March 5, 2009 at 12:07 pm

I am horrified as to how the President I happily voted for and his

mindless actions (on the economy)

Any time you try to move that fast there is something wrong.

I contacted all the above to let them know how I feel. If nothing else
at least I said something.


Ron says:
March 5, 2009 at 12:34 pm[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Dear Clayton and Wendy,

There’s an old adage from where I don’t know that goes something
like this “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

Another strikes me right now which goes something like: “How do you
know when a politician is lying? He or she is opening his/her mouth.”

It’s very obvious that politicians in this country (especially the liberal
democrats) are continually tyring to sell us a “social bill of goods” for
which we much all pay and destroy the initiatives and freedoms that
made this country great.

Lord, help us first focus on saving the country you have blessed for
all of these years by saying and believing that – In God We Trust.

Not the government, not the beaureacracies, not the institutions, and
certainly not the politicians.

To Wendy and Clayton, be abundantly blessed.

Keep up the great work!

Ron Schmidt


David Edwards says:

March 5, 2009 at 2:11 pm

To #41 (Comment by Yoav

How can you say that ‘Obama is embodiment of the entrepreneur’.

There is NO tax break or assistance for the self employed or small
business owner.

You say he ‘invests all his extra cash (that’s actually your cash) on
expanding the business’s capacity’. Would you let someone you don’t
even know spend your hard earned money on what they want and
not what you need? From that comment, you must work for someone
and not own your business.And you’re telling people to ‘get to work’

The fact that you are not even a ‘citizen of the US’ and you make
comments about a country you aren’t even a part off makes you
sound like ‘a blubbering idiot’.

I hope you aren’t living in the US illegally…

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Miche DuBil says:

March 5, 2009 at 3:25 pm

Wow! Look at all these comments.

And I thought all these subscribers were Britts.


David says:
March 5, 2009 at 5:19 pm

I knew it! After our CRA shebang last summer – it was only a matter
of time until Clayton came out with both guns blazing again and –
“the dems (common enemy) will destroy the world!” But to those who
have stooped to personal attacks – I say take a hike and start your
own blog. I don’t agree with some of his politics but I see Clayton’s
writing and political rants as part of the wonderful character he is.

You have to the define the problems before you can solve them.
What we are seeing is an entire political and monetary system that
has become a total fraud.

Spend 25 years in the gambling biz on the Vegas strip and you’ll
have a front row seat in observing human nature – like no other. And
your BS and scam detectors will have a hard earned PHD. I’ve seen
scams so diabolical that they redefine creativity as it is commonly
understood. But nothing compares to the outright fraud that our
government has become.

Here’s something that people in the gambling biz know – that

apparently never occurred to the Dofus who masqueraded as a
president for the last 8 years – or to the GOP de-regulation
cheerleaders …

“IF money CAN be stolen, it will be 100% of the time. IF a system

CAN be gamed, it will be 100% of the time.”

These dumb asses want you to believe that letting “Colonial Sanders
babysit your chicken” is what capitalism and free markets are all
about. Trusting any bank or the people on Wall St not to steal or rob
the system blind is as moronic as it gets.

BUT – they are PAID-OFF to be stupid and dead at the switch.

Anyone see 60 Minutes last Sun? Harry Markopolos detailed the
Madoff scam for the SEC 5 times since 2000 – and they still didn’t
have a f’n clue and did NOTHING! Bush appointed the dumbest
asses imaginable – as his SEC policy was hands off while the RNC
and his de-reg cronies in congress were collecting HUGE payoffs.
Harry proved that these people couldn’t recognize a fraud if were[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

tattooed on their forehead.

FRAUD through payoffs are at the root of all this. Remember that
wall of regulation that was put between conventional and investment
banks after the great depression? TO PREVENT THIS FROM
HAPPENING AGAIN! Go back to x-chairman of the Senate Banking
Committee Phil Gramm and his UBS paymaster’s bill. Clinton signed
it, and that paved the way for this economic disaster. Now lenders
didn’t have to give a crap whether a homeowner could pay a
mortgage – because Wall St banks were buying them faster than
they could write. Selling off mortgage backed securities like hot cakes
created a huge market for lenders that “had no skin in the game.” But
nothing compares to what was coming.

How attractive does this investment sound? You can buy mortgage
backed securities and insure them too! It would be like betting black
on roulette and winning even when red showed. But if the WS banks
used the word insurance in the instrument, they would be subjected
to regulations and capitol requirements, so they named the
investment a “Credit Default Swap.” The housing scam was US local,
but when CDS’s hit the market – they went world wide and spread
like wildfire. People on WS were buying mansions and yachts like
candy bars. CDS’s created a demand for mortgage paper unlike
anything ever seen – flooding the market with buyers and bogus run-
ups on home prices.

AIG and all the banks jumped in the Credit Default Swap game. As
reported on 60 Minutes several weeks ago, they are now legally on
the hook for over *$55 Trillion* in Credit Default Swaps. And that is
why this country is headed for nowhere land and why these
scammers are broke. This is what is sitting on the table as Obama
pulls up a chair.

Hey Clayton, fiscal conservatism – small gov and lower taxes sound
great. But how many times are you going to be conned before you
realize that those words are nothing more than the bait before the
switch. The GOP and Dems are nothing but opposite wings of the
same K-Street bird.

You can track every ill that we have in this country back to political
payoffs and corruption – all done under the guise of the constitutional
right to petition. Banks and corporations have gamed the people
through that right – and have bought congress and the US
government long ago. Until this is mitigated and the Supreme Court
stops calling bribery free speech, America is doomed – we are seeing
it happen right now as a system based on fraud can’t sustain itself
and eventually crumbles from it’s own weight.

We are getting screwed in ways that never occurred to most people.

Just one example: How do you like the US Chamber Of Commerce
Taxes?[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

What’s that you say? They are the “briber in chief” that kept the
borders open for the Mexican invasion. Seen any houses that weren’t
built by illegal aliens lately? These cos profited and now you can pay
for new schools and an education system that has been decimated by
this. Millions of people paid directly as they lost their construction and
factory jobs. Indigent care has forced thousands of hospitals to close
– adding further demise and expense to an already defunct medical
system. Emergency rooms are being used for illegal alien primary
care in every hospital in America. If you need emergency treatment,
you’ll take a # and wait behind them. They are bankrupting medicaid
and all state human services including prisons. And you are getting
the bill NOW!

Millions of citizens have had their social security #’s ripped off and
the estimated # of gang members is in the millions – and they have
settled organized drug operations into over 250 cities.

I’m using this to illustrate that when you have over 200 million citizens
in outrage for years on end and still nothing gets done, what does
that tell you? It shows me that The People’s will and The Founders
intentions under the constitution mean nothing today.

We’ve been ripped off and sold out. It’s going to take a hell of a lot
more than emails to get our country back. Special interests have
even rigged the courts so we’ll have to take it back.


Dan White says:

March 5, 2009 at 6:44 pm

Great balls of fire… Clayton your venom is honeysuckle compared to



Aspassia Arvanitis says:

March 5, 2009 at 8:28 pm

Dear Clayton,
Voice our opinion is a freedom we all have in this country and is a
great gift to all of us.
America for years gives money , our money, to other countries and
the only thing we get,we the people,not the politicians, is hatred from
all over the world.Most of us we try to keep our jobs and our families
safe and secure and they, the government and the politicians, ask us
for our hard earned money to go to Palestine or Israel or Turkey or
any other country in the map of Earth, but not for our elderly and our[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

kids education and our homes to be saved.

When America and Americans will start understand that their money ,
our money goes where ever the Government wants to go , surely not
back to us. They give money like it belongs to them. Is our money,
our tax money , our kids money that they spend and giving away ,
when they ask us to be patient and try to cope with hard economy. Is
hard for us but not foe them.
Yes we are going to wright to every politician we know and when
election comes they promise and promise and lye and we believe
them and let them do that every year, every 4 years, and so on.
We will never end up paying off all that dept, because they will find
something else to put us on and we will keep doing that again and
I think we all have to let them know that we want our money in our
Country spend and not giving to other countries. If they do that I think
no one will be poor or homeless or with out secure future. How we
can do that, I do not know yet.But hopefully we, the people, will find a
Thank you for the article, was great and voicing our opinion is steel a
privilege we all have, at list for now.

Thank you


Gary Raimo says:

March 5, 2009 at 11:52 pm

Thanks Clayton,
I am glad that people are speaking up. When President Bush was
screwing things over i used to think to myself “maybe he’s trying to
move the populace to become involved even if he has to burn down
his own house to do it.”

I was naive.

You are completely correct in that everyone needs to open their eyes,
prick up their ears and use the faculty that sets us apart from the
animals. To take action, to get involved in what is happening. The
alternative is The United Socialist States Of America. The process is
slow, like boiling a Frog. The you wake up one day and what you
knew as freedom is now controlled by the Government. Speech,
Movement, Family, Press, all gone. Once the bear is out of the cage
it will be nearly impossible to cram it back in. Anyway thanks for being
a voice in these harsh times. That in itself may be risky.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Bogdan says:
March 6, 2009 at 2:47 am

That’s funny. you think all of them are stupid. Remember they still
have business school, marketing , copywriting as we have seen and
the best economists to help them. You think all of this is because
their stupid?

All of this is done with a purpose , the question is with what purpose.
If you think their stupid that’s because they want you to think that.

Take care, Bogdan


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 6, 2009 at 7:09 am

David, I think it’s hilarious and more than a little bit ridiculous how
partisan Democrats react to every criticism of their messiah and his
idiotic party as a “republican” diatribe — or even more idiotically, try to
paint me as some kind of partisan.

I’m simply stating views that should be common sense to any

sentient human being. Seems to me, anyone thinking that common
sense is a uniquely Repbulican virtue — and that therefore I must be
a Republican — seems to be slandering their own party.

So once again, let me say this as loudly and as clearly as possible: I


My mantra: “A pox on BOTH their houses!”

When both parties have lost their minds, it’s time for intelligent people
to explore a third alternative.

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 6, 2009 at 7:22 am

P.S. The SEC has been worthless since they unionized it.

Funding and regulating the traffic cops at SEC, CFTC FTC, is NOT a[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

big-government scheme; it’s law enforcement … a perfectly

reasonable role for government.

Funding and regulating the entire economy … saving stupid

companies and consumers who got their own arses into hot water …
is NOT a valid function of government.

Not only is it immoral to reward self-destructive companies and

consumers, it is physically impossible to save 300 million Americans
from the consequences of every dumb mistake they make.

If Government stuck to what it can and should do — providing for our

common defense and enforcing the law — and STOPPED meddling
in every other aspect of our lives, there would be no deficits … no
debt crisis … no Great Depression II.

– Clayton


Raymond Merz says:

March 6, 2009 at 11:17 am

Hey folks.. anyone that is a Democrat is a horrible hypocrite. As is

anyone that’s a Republican.

Really, the only people that have any congruity about them are
Libertarians and their ilk (like Clayton). Let’s examine it rationally:

Dems: You may do what you like socially (gay rights, etc), but we’re
going to take all your money and do what *we* want with it.

GOP: You may do what you like with your money, but you’re going to
live your lives the way *we* want you to.

Libertarian: *You* may do what you want, as long as it doesn’t

impinge on my ability to do what *I* want.

Can you come up with a coherent argument that makes the

libertarian position seem bad?

In reality, Obama should shine some light on the fact we only really
have one party here in the US. It’s the “take your stuff and use it for
our own devices” party.

Government is the ENEMY. It always has been. It always will be. It’s
a necessary evil, one which we the people must control tightly.
Letting someone spend $1.2 trillion of our money is not a good first
step.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Examine your philosophy. Why, oh why would you trust a career

Chicago politician?


By the way.. all of you who are yelling for the folks who disagree to
run off elsewhere.. bad move. If anything is going to change, they
need to *hear* these messages.

There needs to be discussion. We cannot divide into camps and

shake our fists at one another. We must exchange ideas, be
persuasive, *show* people the truth, rather than tell them to go find it

Good luck everyone.


Beau Smith says:

March 6, 2009 at 12:56 pm


I see why you’re top dog in the direct response industry. You get
RESPONSE. Your article was 3 pages long on my screen, and the
responses were about 39 1/2. I think I’ll go study all your stuff that
I’ve got and apply for a position with Response, Inc. You’re the guy I
want to learn from.

David (post #63): That was an intelligent and well-written post. Your
views on fraud and corruption are quite accurate as far as I can tell.
But those who think bigger government is the solution need to
remember what a Libertarian once told me. Fraud is already illegal.
We don’t need another government agency to combat it. We need to
arrest and prosecute those who commit it. Even if they are gov’t

And to those who will think I’m on the side of the rich, I’m not. I have
a larger than average family, and lower than average income. But I’m
improving my situation, and will continue to. I also realize that
resorting to class warfare and/or villifying “the rich” is NOT a good
way to join them!

BTW, with all the political arguments going around, I wonder how
many people got an actual marketing lesson here? If you didn’t, read
what John Ford said in post #20.

Keep writing, Clayton. I’ll keep reading.

Beau Smith[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Michael says:
March 6, 2009 at 5:29 pm

#51 – Obama an Entrepreneur????

Obama has never started a business, never employed a single soul,

only has lived as a politician or as one working for an organization on
the government dole…he showed how entrepreneurial he was with
his profits-earnings statement.

He’s nothing but a hack politician from Chicago…be serious.

And as for this bailout…who is it helping…THE UNIONS!!!

That’s it – money going to the car companies, or cities and

municipalities who by law have to hire UNION employees for all this
Infrastructure work.

Doesn’t it seem amazing to you that Union workers only make up 7%

of the nation’s workforce but they are getting over 90% of the
“stimulus” package…let’s talk political payoff for “gettin’ out the
vote”…that’s all it is..politics at it’s dirty worst…plain and simple.
Lessons learned in Chicago….

Our Government deserves to be shut down, in fact we should lock

the doors on the legislative chambers and send them on a permanent
vacation where they can harm us no more.

I just love Harry Reid’s Whorehouse express…just what I want to

do..take my kids to Disneyland and catch a train to Carson City to be
let off in front of a whorehouse…

There is something wrong when citizens of this country vote against

expenditures on a local level and the scumbags we send to office use
the federal government as a hammer to get the funds anyway…



Lawrence says:
March 6, 2009 at 5:34 pm

Love the discussion here. It’s high time we put the love of Freedom
above petty politics and blame…and be willing to call a spade a
spade. Clayton articulated this wonderfully several months ago when
he called out the Carter administration for helping to start this[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

financial snowball rolling. Mandating that minorities and the

disadvantaged be given access to low-cost loans that they couldn’t
afford was a real smooth move by the dems…and if we the people
are not careful, we’ll end up with a one party state with left leaning
socialist leaning dems at the helm…reminiscent of Ancient Rome…
not a very happy ending down that road! These are not fiscally
conservative or fiscally responsible people! Seems to me that they’d
just as soon become “Imperious Senators” living off the sweat and
labor of hard working Americans, all the while claiming to be “serving
them”. Good to remember what one of our greatest of patriots once
said, “The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance.” Let’s be vigilant my
friends, and I believe that’s part of what Clayton had in mind when
writing this latest post…


Sacramento Steve says:

March 6, 2009 at 5:45 pm

Great information Clayton. Keep it coming. As long as Americans

keep voting one of two ways — Republican or Democratic — we are
doomed. All it takes is enough voters to vote for a third party
candidate to get the attention needed for change to possibly occur. I
say possibly because with rampant vote fraud, it’s likely that if 80% of
the voters voted for the Libetarian candidate, he or she would get
only 38% of the vote. But, it’s important to remember, you are NOT
throwing away your vote just becuase you vote other than
Republican or Democratic. That’s just typical political brainwashing.
The folks in charge are terrified of a growing movement of third party

Sacramento Steve


Fred says:
March 6, 2009 at 5:47 pm

Time for more change because:

politicans are like dirty diapers, their full of s**t and need to be
changed frequently.


Brandon says:
March 6, 2009 at 5:50 pm

DAMN![11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Clayton Makepeace – “World-Class Copywriter”

Got Killed On His Own Blog

See David’s post (#63).

Clayton, nice try at a comeback, but you got

owned, brother.


Sharon B. says:
March 6, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Hi Dan–
Yes, we’re first-time homebuyers. I’ll definitely check into the tax
liability end—thanks for the tip.
Too bad about the bonbons….Actually I haven’t touched that stuff
since my college days a million years ago. Don’t worry–I don’t miss it
You are right about the copywriting, of course–Clayton is a master.
Every time he does a political rant I make sure I have a fire
extinguisher by the computer. My screen is still smoking from this
Pig’s butt or roadside bomb—hmmm. I choose the pig’s butt.
Actually, now that I think more about it, it’s probably a toss-up.
Have a good day!:-)


Yoav says:
March 6, 2009 at 6:16 pm

To #61 David,

Wow, a little angry there aren’t we.

let me address your comments

1. I do own a business. A business I built with sweat and blood.

My business survival and growth depends on the quality of the

people I hire.And I can say with 100% certainty that I would rather
hire Obama over old George any day.

The man is smart, energetic and believes in the cause. While George
was non of those things.

Obama might make some mistakes but since no one really knows
what to do to fix this economic catastrophe (Not even Mr.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Makepeace) then I would rather have someone who really gives a

damn at the helm.

2. I did tell people to get to work because that is the only way I can
see that we can get out of this situation.

Also I’ve been working my butt of for the last 10 years and my
business is now paying salaries to 14 people. So I know that working
and not whining is the way to create jobs.

By the way David, how many people are you employing?Just so we


3. While calling me a blubbering idiot is within your rights since you

live in a democratic country, shutting me up because I am not a
citizen of the US is not your right.

I am entitled to have an opinion even if I live outside the US and…

Accusing me of being an illegal immigrant was very redneck of you.

Now, if you want to say something intelligent as a response, I’ll be

happy to hear it, but if you are going to call me names again, please
come up with something original instead of using my words.


Dave says:
March 6, 2009 at 6:22 pm

So Obama lied about what he’d do once in office and instead of being
a bridge-building moderate he’s really a wolf in sheep’s clothing
radical Marxist?

Gee, if only somebody would’ve warned us.


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

March 6, 2009 at 6:50 pm

Those foolish enough to believe ***ANY*** Democrat politician

deserve what they’re going to end up with.

And any Republican foolish enough to ally with those criminal

swine deserves to be shot.

And any Democrat who talks about “bipartisanship” deserves

clubbing up side the head with a baseball bat.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

And I hope we’ve seen the last of McCain and is idiotic trips
to the other side to make stupid deals.

I agree 1000% with what we did in Iraq. A surge sooner would

have been better, but who has 20-20 foresight? But I’m
incensed that Bush wasn’t bright enough to know that when he
came to town promising a kinder dialogue with Democrats on
the Hill that they’d use that to dice and slice him.

When I was in high school (back about the time Clayton was
in 1st grade), my parents were up in arms about communists
inflitrating our universities so they could indoctrinate the
next generation of teachers and take over. People thought
they were nuts.

That’s about the time that Saul Alinsky was making known his
intent to be the radical of radicals, basing his doctrines
on doctrines originating with Lucifer himself (just what my
parents were saying).

Of course those who know the facts are acutely aware that
Alinsky mentored Bill Ayers of Weather Underground infamy,
and he mentored “The Messiah” whose associations most of
his life were with Marxists. Obama started his campaigns
in Ayers’ living room. They were friends. Ayers was a
***LOT*** more than “just a guy in the neighborhood”.

Now we see coming to pass what my parents were warning about

in the 1950s, and what I’ve been concerned about ever since.
I lived in Denmark from 1963-65. I’ve seen socialism up
close and personal. It isn’t pretty.

Wait until you see your income above a certain level taxed
at 110% or 120% federal income tax plus state and local
taxes as they did in Denmark in 1964.

Fools mock people of a more conservative bent, but they will

mourn when they discover they’ve squandered precious
freedoms won by hard sacrifice on laziness and foolishness.
But *****NONE***** will escape accountability — both the
liars who got elected and the lazy morons who elected them
when they, like all mortals, leave this frail probation and
stand before their Creator and account for their incompetence and
corruption. They will repay — even if it
takes all eternity to pay the debt.

Raines got his $millions$ from Fannie. Barney Frank has his
liasons with his boyfriends. Dodd has his payola too. But
the whole lot of them cannot escape Judgment, and there will
be no question about the meaing of the word “is”.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Meanwhile, freedom lovers must get on the phones and raise

Hell with their senators and congresspeople until somebody
gets some sense. Meanwhile, you better figure out what
you’re going to do for self-protection against these fools
and the goons that are sure to follow.



Clayton Makepeace says:

March 6, 2009 at 7:15 pm

So what do you guys think? Did I get OWNED on my own blog? Let’s
take a vote. Is Brandon right?


Rudi says:
March 6, 2009 at 8:13 pm


David makes an excellent case but as an independent piece of copy I

still think yours wins hands down.



Bill says:
March 6, 2009 at 8:55 pm


Don’t worry, big guy. The time is coming. Faster by the day, in fact.
You know what’s happening:

Exploding unemployment…

Moutains of foreclosures and homelessness…

Stock markets (and soon US Treasuries) crashing…

What is this a recipe for?

Chaos.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Here’s the deal…I’m also a die-hard libertarian. I was talking recently

with some like-minded friends about what we need to do to advance
the cause and change the course we’re on as a nation. Here’s what I

Go door to door winning hearts and minds!

Run for office!

Call every senator and let the voice be heard!

Move to New Hampshire to join the liberty cause!

I listened for a while to all the good ideas (in theory). But then reality
struck. Here’s the God’s-honest, no-BS, awful truth:

Nothing is going to change for the better without a total collapse. And
I’m not a tinfoil-hat wearing, UFO-chasing, 9/11 truther who lives in
my mother’s basement hiding under the bed.

I’m a realist.

Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to

time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

No truer words were ever spoken.

Tell me a time in history when great liberties were won from

oppressive rulers without immense suffering or paid for without
blood….I can’t list one.

Greed, corruption and complacency are hallmarks of dying empires–

AND their citizens. The endgame, dear Clayton, is the last choice we
as a society must make:

Do we sell our last remaining liberties, our wealth and our souls to an
increasingly hostile regime who govern under the auspices of
democracy? One that promises “security” in exchange for endentured
servitude on our knees?

Or do we stand up and fight for our freedoms, our futures and our
dignity for the chance to build a better, more prosperous tomorrow for
ourselves and our children?

Those WILL be the options on the table. No more, no less.

Make no mistake–I don’t want violence. I’d rather do this peacefully

and diplomatically. But that’s not how human nature (or history)

When times get horrific–as they no doubt will in the not so distant[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

future–we will decide together which road we’ll take.

The proverbial pot is boiling and will eventually run over. That is
when you’ll see what this country is made of from the inside out.

We might just see a great re-birth of the most amazing system of

governance ever created. But it won’t be easy or without sacrifice.

I know which side I’ll be on. And I suspect I know where you’ll be as


Johan says:
March 6, 2009 at 9:07 pm

With all respect for Clayton, I have to give it to David, because he

have done his research, on the underlying factors. And these are the
true burdens.

#67, Bogdan.

He made a good statement, too, you can call them dumb, stupid what
ever you like them to be called, but that will not change a thing for the

If someone wants to get a better view on what’s going on, send me a

message here and I send you a pdf report:



Rick Rakauskas says:

March 6, 2009 at 11:02 pm

Nice to see Clayton spells “arse” correctly …

Live long. Live Free.


PS I think Bill (#83) is close to the truth with his prognosis, unhappy
as it may seem.

According to conspiracy theorists, it is why our Government in

Australia disarmed us in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre back
in the early 90′s. It is only recently that our military have been trained
in the control of civilian riots.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Mind you Australian soldiers shooting at unarmed Australian civilians

is not easy to envisage in light of their refusal to follow idiotic orders
in conflicts long past.

In the end we will have to rely on ourselves to survive and prosper

one way or another. To those who want to rely on Government to
“save” them from personal responsibility – you deserve the shitty little
life you are going to get.

God save the Queen!!!


David Phillips says:

March 6, 2009 at 11:28 pm

Once more into the fray. Don’t you realize that the people sitting in
both houses of congress are interested in only one thing. Protect
their power abd keep their jobs. They like being referred to as
Senator Or Congressperxon and want to keep the perks and benefits.
To start with if they were limited to two terms of even one then the
entrenched people there now who have been there in some cases 30
years or more. They have never in a lot of cases run a business or
met a payroll. All they managed to do is get elected and start living off
the people while telling them what they could or couldn’t do. I am of
the opinion at times the only way to improve our country is to throw
the whole lot out and start over.
As to what is going on right now I am fearful for my children and
grandchildren and what they will face in the future.
I leave you with two quotes from Robert A Heinlein:
“I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for
everything I do.”
“I never learned from a man who agreed with me.”
And one more that is the anthem for me:
TANSTAAFL whic means “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”


David Phillips says:

March 6, 2009 at 11:34 pm

“When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to

say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not see, this
you are forbidden to know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression,
no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to
control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no
amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free.
No, not the rack, not fission bombs, – not anything – you can’t
conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Shane says:
March 6, 2009 at 11:55 pm


Obama is a joke… this economy is going down the toilet and Obama
has his hand on the flusher. I’m so ticked off about this its not even
funny. I’m glad to see that a person I repsect like yourself has brains
enough to see what is going on.

To those people that want Clayton to shut up and teach copy…

First… Maybe you should open your eyes to what is really happening

Second, take this as a lesson: The more you can piss off certain
people, the more you bring loyal fans in those that agree with you.

Third… if you dont like it, don’t read it.

I wonder when all those Obama voters will finally figure out that the
“Change” they voted for isn’t quite the “Change” they were “Hoping”
for! My guess is, its going to be a long, long time. They have too
much invested in this guy… and besides, their lazy-asses will still be
looking for more freebies and handouts from this administration.

Welcome to the Nanny State, where Freedom and Liberty are being
stolen from us daily, and Incentive for Achievers is being torn away
from us with every socialist action taken by Obama.


Susan Connors says:

March 7, 2009 at 12:33 am

Hi there

This makes for interesting reading folks. What the opinions show is
that you love your country and people passionately. You want and
deserve to be happy, secure and prosperous no matter what walk of
life you come from..

For all its worth, my thoughts and well wished to you all..


Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Sharon Quinn says:

March 7, 2009 at 12:43 am

Dear Clayton,
Thank you for your research and verve to speak blatantly about
issues a free people need to pay attention AND be responsive about.

I’m asking you this, because I feel you will shoot me a straight
answer. Let us suppose the dollar is inflated to the point that you
need ($1×200) 200 dollars to buy a bottle of drinking water. Your
mortgage is at $500. Can you send in $500 fed notes to make your
payment and satisfy your mortgage payment or will you be required
to send in ($500X200) $$100,000 worthless fed notes to satisfy your
mortgage and prevent foreclosure? Do you know how this plays out?

Thank you for your fine site and sharing your wisdom. I appreciate
your frankness and quality.

All to Love, Sharon


Bill says:
March 7, 2009 at 12:55 am

Whoever posted the diaper bit is right.


Only question is should any of them get more than one term? OK,
maybe 2 for representatives (4 years), one for Senators (6 years).

Yes, but we’ll have a less experienced legislative branch! Good, I

say, since
most of what they do is wasteful, ill-advised, counterproductive, if not
downright evil. Laws of Unintended Consequences.

If that’s too hard to pass, a slight extension might be allowed.

And no, let’s NOT buy the current effort to remove the 2-term limit for
Presidents, which I understand is already in the works.

PS- We should have a law that requires every Congressperson

voting on a bill to swear under oath that s/he has read it cover to
cover, and maybe even pass a test on it before voting. And stringently
enforce the lying-under-oath part. We’ll have fewer, simpler laws.
And no phony “Cries of Crisis-Sign Here!”[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Chris McMorrow says:

March 7, 2009 at 1:39 am

John Ford, you’re a good man, but I think you’re wrong when you
say, “Some of these things are … larger than a lot of us can wrap our
heads around.”

Not true. In fact, America is slowly dying … going the way of all once-
great civilizations. The reason can be traced to one athiestic creed
and the insanity it’s come to represent: Liberalism.

In post #69, Clayton made the following statement: “If government

stuck to what it can and should do – providing for our common
defense and enforcing the law – and stopped meddling in every other
aspect of our lives, there would be no deficits … no debt crisis … no
Great Depression 2.

The above statement, I think, goes straight to the heart of the matter.
The question is, “Is Clayton’s statement true?” Answer: It is
absolutely true.

By what authority can we be certain it’s true? Answer: Supernatural

revelation, i.e. God’s Word, the Bible.

In 1st Peter 4:13-14 we read: “Submit yourselves to every ordinance

of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king, as supreme, or
unto govenors, as unto them who are sent by him for the punishment
of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.” Verses could be
multiplied, but a strong case is made from Scripture that the primary
purpose of government is to uphold law and order and punish evil

God did not ordain governments to redistribute wealth, provide health

care programs, social services, gay rights, money for abortion clinics,
or any of the pork barrel projects listed above. In fact, government
mandated redistribution schemes are a form of theft in violation of His
eighth commandment, “Thou shalt not steal.” (Militant unionism is
another form of theft because it undermines the institution of private

As further proof, we need only read what the inspired apostle Paul
wrote to God’s church in Thessalonica: “For even when we were with
you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither
should he eat.”

The logical implications from this verse are enormous. It teaches, for
example, that the Great Society experiments that cost billions to
implement were sinful, illogical, and devastating to individuals …[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

families … entire neighborhoods … in fact, all of American society.

The failure of the Great Society programs brought about by

degenerate Democrats and effeminate Republicans is but one more
example of the insanity of liberalism.

As a secondary source to validate the truth of Clayton’s statement,

we need only refer to the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,
nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States
respectively, or the people.”

We see inherent in the 10th Amendment the notion of limited

government, which was the vision of our Founding Fathers, nearly all
of whom were Protestant and familiar with the Calvinist biblical
teaching of the natural sinfulness and depravity of mankind.

“President” Barack Obama is said to admire Abraham Lincoln. I don’t

believe it. How could this empty suit politician admire that giant who
made the following statement: “The religion that sets men to rebel
and fight against their Government because, as they think, that
Government does not sufficiently help some men to eat their bread in
the sweat of other men’s faces, is not the sort of religion upon which
people can get to Heaven.”

“President” Obama is the Pied Piper of Washington D.C. and he’ll

have a hand in leading millions of people to Hell. (There’s no such
thing as Purgatory, a Roman Catholic lie.)

I would entertain the idea of “President” Obama as being a traitor, but

it’s hard to do so because I can’t think of him as a real American. (If I
had to bet my life, I would wager he’s not even a naturalized born
citizen, and therefore unqualified to be president as required in Article
2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.) Real Americans DON’T steal
from other Americans … foster class warfare … or envy others’

Obama’s socialistic schemes are antithetical to true Americanism,

radically clash with the U.S. Constitution, are divisive, and represent
nothing short of legalized theft. That word ‘American’ means
something to me, and Obama doesn’t meet the requirements of that

George Bush and the Republicans owe the american people a HUGE
APOLOGY. It was their profligate spending … socialistic policies …
do-gooder global ambitions … and serious dereliction of duty in
upholding law and order and guarding of our borders … that set the
stage for the abomination that is the dawn of an Obama nation.

In short, it was the liberalism of George Bush that helped to destroy

his own presidency and our country. (If I ever again hear the phrase[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

“compassionate conservatism,” mouthed by a “Republican”, I think

I’m going to puke.)

John, you may not like the language I’ve used to describe “President”
Obama, but Clayton is right in concluding that he is an enemy of what
is supposed to be a limited constitutional Republic.

Chris McMorrow

PS: Regarding David’s comments (#63): David, much of what you say
is true, but, in spite of your years of observing the gaming tables, “If
money CAN be stolen, it WON’T be stolen 100% of the time.” No. Not
if there is an honest man in the room; a man whose fear of God, and
of going to Hell, is greater than his desire for dishonest gain. And that
is what we need in government – honest, God-fearing INDIVIDUALS.

The flaw in your argument is that you broad brush institutions and
groups, implying that the fault lies in the “system.” The fault is NOT to
be found in our once-great capitalistic system, but rather the moral
depravity of the INDIVIDUALS who make up that system.

If our politicians were virtuous, our government would, in fact, be

LIMITED. If the majority of our citizenry were God-fearing, and
virtuous, rather than lazy, and irresponsible, they would look to God,
and then themselves, to solve their own problems. Big Government
is the new religion of America, and “President” Obama is America’a
new high priest.

The great Daniel Webster said …

“If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this
country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If
truth be not diffused, error will be; if God and His Word are not known
and received, the Devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the
evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a
corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the Gospel is not
felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and
misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness, will reign
without mitigation or end.”

What Daniel Webster said applies to YOU, and it applies to ME … as


New government regulations and mandated changes to “the system”

will NOT save the Republic. They will only harm it. Individuals must
repent of their own sin and fear the Triune God of the Bible (the only
God) rather than men. When INDIVIDUALS are willing to stand and
fight for TRUTH … no matter what it may cost them … men like the
Lord Jesus Christ … and later Martin Luther … only then will we get
our country back.

“President” Obama’s only opportunity for doing good lies in seeking[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

the will of the Lord as revealed in holy writ … and … in returning to

the principles of limited government as found in the U.S. Constitution.

I commend Clayton Makepeace for having the GUTS to speak the

truth about the evil policies being perpetrated by evil, degenerate
men. (Don’t like the word, degenerate? Look it up.)

Clayton is a patriot. He knows there’s more at stake here than all the
marketing lessons under the sun.


David (63) says:

March 7, 2009 at 5:00 am

Hey – Brandon & Johan. Thanks for the compliments guys – but I
really wasn’t going after Clayton’s argument … tempting though as I
think he’s a sitting duck on a couple of points. I just slipped in a little
jab to get him going (the dems will destroy the world) as we have
gone at it before. Someone should remind me of the old saying:
“choose your battles wisely” when debating Clayton. I’m not a writer
and who’s the best on the planet with words?

I’m an Independent and I think Clayton has Libertarian views. In

many respects, we are in the same philosophical place – especially
when exploring a third alternative. My “common enemy” is the “Con
Job” perpetrated by congress, the judiciary and a bait and switch
political system. Where I part company with Clayton is – if I wanted to
illustrate the most damage done to America by a president and a
congress – I’d give Obama and his “few weeks” in office a pass – as
nothing compares to the 6 years of epic harm inflicted by Bush and
his republican K-Street talking parrots. And that’s where today’s
conditions came from.

There’s more Bush damage than I have time for but here’s a taste …

With 47,000,000 suffering without health care and all else that ails us,
Bush’s chief domestic policy was fund raising. Former WH press
Secretary Scott McClellan referred to the Bush presidency as an 8
year political campaign. Surprise – surprise. When Bush took office
there were 14,000 lobbyist on K-Street – soon thereafter, 35,000 and
the fire sale was on. With healthcare as the leading cause of
bankruptcy and the credit card cos. turning in a record $35 billion net
profit in 05, Bush’s choice of business was “Bank Christmas” – The
Bankruptcy Bill – penned by the bankers and giving them more
license to screw everybody with a credit card. Did anyone notice the
usury laws disappearing?

Bush’s prescription drug bill was penned by big pharma who got
authority to fleece every senior on medicare. Shortly after signing it,[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

17 house republicans who led Bush’s agenda were awarded with

$million dollar jobs on K-Street – working for the drug cos. The bill
was such a scam that they waited until C-Span went off the air on the
weekend before they brought it to the floor.

See anything missing when Clayton said: “After eight years of

condemning Bush for busting the budget with $400 billion deficits …
both parties make “the great decider” look like a rank amateur.”

Oops, Clayton forgot to mention the $5.5 Trillion in DEBT that Bush
just gave us. Take off a Trillion for the war that he lied us into – where
in the hell is $4.5 Trillion Dollars?! Corporate crony welfare – tax
loopholes – pork – kickbacks – insider appropriations … then money
had to be borrowed to run the Gov. Bush did more than sell out our
geographical sovereignty and standard of living with open borders, he
also handed over our financial sovereignty to China. They hold the
power to dump us into financial oblivion – and they can do it by calling
in their treasury notes with a finger snap. Bush was dead at the
switch while China manipulated it’s currency and screwed us for
$100′s of Billions annually in trade deficits. That damage is going to
continue as “you can’t argue with your banker!” We are going to help
build China’s military and superior global position with $100′s of
Billions in interest. Luckily, Bush was stopped from selling off all our
sea port operations to the Arabs. After 9/11, can you imagine it?

Appointing one third of The Three Stooges to protect our money on

Wall St is only the tip of the iceberg. Bush has hundreds of “good job
Brownies” that have run other federal agencies into disaster – not the
least is the FDA, EPA and Food and Drug Administration. Stay tuned
to the news and get the facts about Bush’s use of the DOJ for
prosecuting political opponents. Karl may be living at the crowbar
hotel – I hope! Another WH crony was caught paying off media
(Armstrong Williams) to peddle outright lies about Iraq. Other acts
meet the standard for treason – like doctoring the National
Intelligence Estimate to get a war vote from congress – and the
disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity. Then
there’s illegal wiretapping and torture that’s still under investigation.
And because of Bush, for the first time in history, people the world
over hate America and americans.

Ya, Omaba has been in office for 6 weeks, so let’s get amnesia and
jump on him for all the damage he’s caused this country. Common
sense – right?

Sure, when you apply the standard – “a gov of, by and for the
people*- congress is a fraud – but folks, what in the hell is Obama
suppose to do. I’d love to let all the scam banks and corps swim in
chapter 7. Take AIG, they are holding up 1000′s of ins cos and
pensions. What would happen if they disappeared? These are times
of peril – states are broke and don’t have money for police, teachers
and fire fighters. GM and Chrysler are going down with millions of[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

more jobs – unemployment creates more unemployment – we are in

a free-fall and Obama is doing his best to prevent the unthinkable
from happening.

(71) Beau Smith – Hey Beau, thanks for the compliment. You make
some great points but I have to disagree with one. Fraud is legal in
congress and throughout as a different standard is applied. If we
handled money like they do, we would be in prison.

(92) Chris – You made a good point: “America is slowly dying” – but it
has nothing to do with Liberalism. America is dying because corrupt
institutions and people are killing it. And Clayton is right on the
money in post 69. But Chris, if you think that if money can be stolen –
and it won’t be. Look west for the sunrise tomorrow and if it comes
up, you’re right. I hate to be a pessimist but thieves fear poverty more
than God.

I better be careful – after reading (81) Clayton has something brewed



Clayton Makepeace says:

March 7, 2009 at 7:35 am

Good news, Sharon: Payments on any debt contracts you have

(including your mortgage) that have a fixed interest rate remain

Inflation means you pay your existing contracts including your

mortgage with cheaper dollars. They’re cheaper because in
inflationary spirals, wage increases are usually tied to inflation.
However everything else you buy will be more expensive.

Right now, there’s also good news — kinda. Because we’re currently
in a deflationary spiral, your mortgage remains the same while
everything else you buy is going to be cheaper. The danger is that
employers are already cutting salaries, hours worked and of course
firing record numbers of employees.

And of course either way, there’s a huge tax bill awaiting us to offset
these record deficits PLUS sky-high interest rates on any new debt
you might take on as well as higher payments on debt with variable
interest rates like credit cards and adjustable rate mortgages.

Hope this helps …

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Randy says:
March 7, 2009 at 8:08 am

Whatever happened to Taking Personal Responsibility for our own

Actions? The government is not a SOURCE of goods. Everything
produced is produced by the people (rich, poor, and middle class),
and everything the government gives to the people, it must first take
from the people.


March 7, 2009 at 9:15 am

THE BOTTOM LINE! It always comes down to the bottom line. The
sores that are festering in AMERICA have been long festering. They
are now too large for any BAND-AID to cover. It is too late to apply
antibiotic cream or even stitches. THE BOTTOM LINE….it cometh
down the turnpike. Can’t happen here? Brace yourself-IT WILL
SOON HAPPEN HERE! As in the case of BILL (#83) I would have
preferred a peaceful solution. The chance for that has long since
passed. It is all very simple: I am not moving to another country, I am
not living HERE under socialism or without the freedoms guaranteed
me by the CONSTITUTION and paid for with blood, I will not live as a
subject to anyone. There are others like me. Quite a few, indeed!
One might think we have precious little to lose, what with so much of
our money and materiel things gone, in actuality we have everything
to lose….OUR COUNTRY! Without that we will indeed have nothing.
I am not willing to settle for that! Dollars wont fix this one….


Larry Hughes Sr says:

March 7, 2009 at 10:06 am

Hey Clayton, do you have a net to keep the bee stings from affecting
your ambition? I hope so. One point has been missed in all these
posts about who is to blame.

BOTH PARTIES ARE – the government has gotten so big and over-
protective for every little thing and all people’s rights, it has
overlooked it’s basic responsibilities.

A reminder – both houses of congress have been Democratic

controlled since 2006 – before the start of the new problems facing
America – both parties are responsible.

Good Luck, Clayton and the “Red Head”

Larry[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Stefan Wisniewski says:

March 7, 2009 at 2:13 pm

I subscribed to the Total Package a couple of years ago. I am not a

copywriter, just a business owner downunder here in Sydney. I enjoy
your articles Clayton, thank you for your insights.
At around the same time, I discovered another website, that of
Lyndon Larouche jr. No one seems to have mentioned this guy in any
of these posts (or other forums for that matter), and yet he is the only
person who predicted all of this current mess. If you check out his
archived webcast from June 2005 at then you will see that he
mapped out acurately the economic disaster that is happening across
the world right now. Over subsequent years, he has continued to
publish numerous papers and webcasts. Why did this guy’s message
not get through to the US public and policymakers? If it did and
everyone just ignored it, then that’s really a pity. Clayton and Wendy
(and copywriters everywhere), if there is one message that should be
marketed across the USA right now, it is Lyndon’s message and plan
to turn this around – I just hope it is not too late.


Dave says:
March 7, 2009 at 3:01 pm

** Quoted Comment by Chris McMorrow #92 **

“The fault is NOT to be found in our once-great capitalistic system,

but rather the moral depravity of the INDIVIDUALS who make up that

Amen to that!


Tom says:
March 8, 2009 at 3:12 am


You have snuck up on us!! You have used the “once sentence
persuasion” on everybody and very few caught it. Sweet spot par

You got the common enemy right down pat here, and rattled many[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

cages with this copywriting lesson!

Either you are setting yourself up to run for prez of the USA next time
around, or you are going to release a course or some training using
the “one sentence persuasion” technique.


Who knows what is happening in that brain of yours?

Maybe it is just a test to see how well the method still works on
people that know something about copywriting? And to prove to us
diehard MTP readers that it is a very valuable tool in copywriting?

It is great copywriting lesson. I loved it.

Watching out for more responses!!! I almost fell off my chair reading
some of them.


Harry says:
March 8, 2009 at 4:36 am

Well, there’s no way to deny Clayton’s mighty sword. But a piece for
a piece, David’s got it. First of all, the dead-on fact, it’s all about
robbing the money, not the politics per se. Look at them, usually men
and women who simply cannot survive with the rest of us. They must
have more money and power, and yet, no special skills, other than
their mouth. So you either have to be a lawyer or a politician. And to
no surprise, often they are both. Second; David puts out a lot of
factual details, names and places, so it seems he REALLY knows his
stuff. Makes his stuff very believable. Not that Clayton is mission on
that point, but sounds a bit more general.

But, at the end of the day, Clayton started the whole thing, and so
gets the overall credit. And that is what counts. So, David, I challenge
you, you say you are not a writer, well, you could fool me…….how
about it?!


Harry says:
March 8, 2009 at 4:38 am

Hey, I made the 100th response, do I get a prize? Heh…heh…

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Clayton Makepeace says:

March 8, 2009 at 7:01 am


Every time I write an article, someone says he or she suspects it’s

part of some kind of product launch.

Or that there MUST be some devious, selfish, secret, maybe even

brilliant marketing reason why I’m saying things that cause some
people to cancel orders, cancel subscriptions, and call me a

Here’s the shocking truth: We’re not doing this to get rich. It’s far too
late for that!

Wendy and I publish this blog to give back to an industry that has
been extremely good to me for four decades, now.

That’s why The Total Package gives you better free ideas and
guidance than others charge for. And it’s why our products are
created, priced and offered for a fraction of what some online gurus
charge for far less helpful things.

The rules of the game have been clear from the outset: If we sell
enough of these products to pay the good people who maintain this
blog for us — our employees — we will continue to try to help you. If
not, no problem: We’ll happily focus our energies elsewhere.

At a time like this, “helping you” means I feel compelled to write the
occasional “political” article — to try to help you insulate your family
and your business from a government that I believe is doing its dead-
level best to destroy your liberty, your individuality, your wealth and
your prospects for success.

Judging from the comments on this blog, at least 90% of our readers
appreciate these occasional pot-boilers and benefit from them. The
other 10% will probably only figure it out when they’re in mile-long
lines to get their “free” crust of bread.

As for my family, company and clients — and anyone else who has
taken our warnings and advice to heart — we’re not the least bit
worried about joining you on that breadline.

Because our world view — our political and economic religion — is

based on Churchill’s assertion that “Those who fail to learn from
history are doomed to repeat it.”

And studying the history of past crises has taught us that:

1) When a government has encouraged, even mandated the creation[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

of a massive consumer debt bubble, economic depression has

always followed.

2) Politicians nearly always exacerbate the debt crisis they created

by creating an even larger government debt bubble.

3) Next, they make it even worse by printing mountains of money

when investors balk at lending the government good money after bad

4) When tens of millions of angry, hungry people become a threat to

those in power, they invariably declare a war — give those angry
men and women a job, a tent, three square meals a day and a gun to
fight “the common enemy.”

5) And finally, with world capitals in ruins and with hundreds of

millions of fresh graves dug, the leaders who caused or deepened
the crisis — criminals with the blood of millions on their hands — are
proclaimed heroes.

Of course, history also teaches that in the years and months

preceding the crisis, few people believe it could ever happen to them.
And, those without historical basis for their optimism merely ridicule
or impugn the motives of those who sound the alarm.

It’s all part of the storyline: Without that kind of naivety, this kind of
crisis would not be possible in the first place.

That’s why most of our parents were so surprised by the crash of

1929 … the depression of the 1930s … and by the inevitable World
War that followed.

And because they learned these lessons first-hand, it’s also why their
generation had to pass before it would happen again.

Because even a fool learns from his own mistakes.

I’m hoping that just once, we’ll be wise enough to learn from the
mistakes of others.

Maybe this time, the people will revolt before we reach the point of no

Maybe the people will force our leaders to abandon their idiotic policy
of punishing the innocent and rewarding the guilty — or better yet, to
abandon Washington.

Here again, though, history suggests that will probably not happen.
So Wendy and I have done everything we could think of to insulate
our family and our company and we have urged you to do the same.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Since we saw this coming a few years ago, we have intentionally

lived below our means: Far less well than we could afford to — less
well, even, than people who earn far less than we do.

We avoided stocks like the plague. We scrimped, saved and paid off
debt. We carefully selected clients that would likely survive or even
grow as this crisis worsened.

And, of course, we founded this blog in an effort to see as many of

our fellow entrepreneurs though this crisis as would listen.

For those of you who won’t listen; who still trust either party to bail
you out, I can only wish you well. What you tell your spouse and kids
when they ask why you let this happen to them is your problem.

I do often wonder, however, if the liberals in our midst will think about
what you’ve read and written on this blog when your beloved
politicians zip by your breadline in their limos or over your heads in
their private jets.

But then again, that’s YOUR problem — not mine.

– Clayton


Bogdan says:
March 8, 2009 at 8:00 am

I like your last comment Clayton , but it’s not like they don’t know that
it’s just they DON’T WANT TO do it any other way.


Beau Smith says:

March 8, 2009 at 11:30 am

Misplaced blame:

I know I’m violating the one sentence persuasion rule, but here goes.

The American people are to blame for this. That’s right. The general

We are the ones who elected these crooked politicians. We are the
ones who let them get away with fraud, corruption etc. We are the
ones who let them respond to a bubble of private debt with a bubble
of public debt.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

We are the ones who ran up the bubble of private debt in the first
place. The government’s attempts to force banks to give loans to
people who can’t afford them amount to nothing if people don’t apply
for loans they can’t afford.

The majority of people in our society have been so busy keeping up

with the Jonses that they didn’t see the problems they were causing.
Or at least allowing.

By the way, the Jonses are going bankrupt trying to keep up with
everyone else. I once read (wish I could remember where) that you’re
wasting your time worrying about what other people think. Most other
people don’t think most of the time. They’re too busy worrying about
what you think. STOP THE MADNESS!!!

Clayton, living below your means is probably the best idea I’ve read
in here yet. If we all did that, we could end this crisis. Being in better
financial shape would even help disarm the politicians. They couldn’t
convince people that we need them to solve our problems if we
already solved them ourselves.

Avoiding the stock market is also a good idea, but only because of
what it’s become. I remember being taught that buying stock is
buying part ownership in a company. In light of that, shouldn’t we
approach investing with the same diligence as starting a business?
Simply dumping money into the market because everybody else is
doing it is foolish. Sure, it inflates the market for a while. But that
“growth” isn’t sustainable. The money that is made that way comes
from the “investments” of those who came after you. Sound familliar?

It amazes me that Ponzi schemes are illegal, the stock market is

legal and Social Security is mandatory. What’s the difference? I wish
I could avoid Social Security like the stock market.

Clayton, I still say you should write ads for the Libertarian Party. They
probably don’t have a chance of getting into the white house. But the
more Libertarians and independents there are in local and state
offices, the better chance they have of getting into the national ones.
Start small if necessary, but start.

Thanks for the great newsletter. As always, keep on writing!

Beau Smith


David (63) says:

March 8, 2009 at 4:34 pm

(100) Harry – thanks for the compliments, but there’s 2 things in life[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

that I would never do: 1/ Duel with Zorro 2/ Get into a writing contest
with Clayton.

When I first saw Clayton’s post – I didn’t want to take the time to get
involved so I passed, then I recalled the fun I had last summer with
the CRA debate and jumped into the fray.

True, I’m not a writer but I have a lot of past experience in creating
advertising as a commercial artist. I’m a boomer – in the 70′s I was
creative director for an ad agency and wrote some ad copy for display
ads, but nothing like Clayton’s long masterpieces. One of my clients
was Witkin’s Homes – at the time they were one of the nation’s
largest home builders. I had a full page (4 colors) in the Denver Post
every Sun – and a full page in the Rocky Mtn News (2 colors). Did
everything from concept to press setup – and those ads won a
national award for best advertising of the year in newspaper real
estate advertising. Did a lot of other work for fortune 500 cos – 3M,
Pillsbury to name a couple. Still have the ads in storage.

(102) Clayton – Indeed you did forecast this disaster long ago – and
thanks for lighting the fire that got me stirred up enough to move out
of the market.

You are what we call a “Super George” in the gambling biz. That
labels someone who is a generous person who takes care of the
dealers and cocktail waitresses. The opposite is a “Stiff.” That way,
the incoming dealer can hear just 1 or 2 words and he’ll know how to
service you. Your generosity with “hands on money making content”
is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I have a library of web archives –
probably worth more than a $2,000 course. “I owe you big time.”

Regarding what to do about this mess, I have to plead stupid – as I

don’t have a clue. But I do know how it happened – just like in the
gambling biz – follow the money and the culprits pop up. The
depravity of a palm greasing partnership between a lobbyist like Phil
Gramm and a “sell out” like Dick Lugar opened the doors for ALL that
has happened. They ensured that neither the SEC or the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission could regulate credit default swaps –
and that oil market manipulation was a “sitting duck” for out beloved
scam banks. That bribery event was like putting a hole into a toxic
sewage system. $55 Trillion in bogus waste flowed out. Voting almost
becomes a moot point as It doesn’t matter which party in is office
when we can get gamed like this.

You got me stirred up and thinking about this stuff again. Last night I
had an idea that was driving me nuts, so I wrote it out. It’s outrageous
so I’ll re-read for a sanity check before I post it. Can we actually do
something or are we powerless?

(104) Hey Beau – Brilliant and insightful post. I hope you, Harry and
others give me some feedback or criticism on my next post. I’m sure[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

some will think I’ve lost it.


Michael says:
March 9, 2009 at 4:00 am

There are obviously many reasons why our great country is in this
mess and many people to blame in the private sector and both
political parties. But, I refuse to go down without a fight! I appreciate
everything Clayton has written and I agree with almost everything in
his post. I think there is more that can be done.
It seems third party candidates always run for President and get
blown away (or not taken seriously). Why not get a group of like-
minded people and run for the upcoming 2010 elections. You could
make a “contract with America” (sorry Newt for borrowing the phrase)
and lay everything out on the table.
The first thing to pass would have to be massive tax reform (fair tax,
flat tax, but just simplify the code) which would make it more friendly
to small business, bring back the manufacturing sector to America
and let people keep more of what they make so that they SPEND
WISELY. Second, and easiest to pass, would be a term limit provision
for Senators (1 term) and Representatives (2 terms). We should
examine each trade agreement we have with other countries and let
them know that the days of America getting the short end of the stick
are over. We carry too many counties with outdated policies. If we
thrive, other countries will also. Make a rational and organized budget
too pay off our debt like you would in your own house.
Some people are not going to like this, but the government should
not be in the business of taking care of you. We are simply not going
to be able to continue Social security, Medicare and Medicaid (at
least not in their current forms and most likely not at all for future
Government should also not be in the business of education. They
have made a complete disaster of our educational system.
Next we have to address the illegal immigrant problem. You cannot
give away money you do not have to people who are not citizens of
this country. 18 billion dollars a year being sent by illegals to their
families plus the cost of healtcare, education, social security and
incarceration are helping to cripple the economy. Plus most of these
people do not want to adopt American culture, but vice versa (press
the space bar for translation into Spanish).
The government should also not be in the business of bailing out
failed businesses. They should fail and strong companies will buy up
the assests. People should not be bailed out of their bad mortgages.
If you made a bad mortgage deal and cannot pay the government
should encourage you and the mortgage lender to work something
out so that you stay in your home and the bank continues to receive
some sort of payment which is better than sitting on a foreclose home
that nobody will buy right now. The courts should not be asked or[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

made to arbitrate the home mortgage crisis.

No pork in bills or attempts to slide healthcare reform in a bill that has
nothing to do with healthcare. Most bill would probably only one or
two pages instead of the 1097 pages of the spendulus bill.
I could go on forever but, it is 4am and I am tired, so I will wrap up
this post and just say that the government has to lead by example
and then the average Joe will have no excuse and must get his own
financial house in order.


Claire says:
March 9, 2009 at 4:08 am

Clayton, enough already. I draw your attention to your house rules…

The only rule: RESPECT THIS HOUSE! Postings that contain

abusive language and/or personal attacks will be cheerfully
VAPORIZED. One cross word and – POOF! – your well-thought-out
post will be gone in a puff of smoke.

Hang on, didn’t your first post on this topic last week refer to Obama
as the Lucifer and Pelosi as a woman of ill repute?

Talk about hypocracy.

I’m off for good, voluntarily – POOF!



Clayton Makepeace says:

March 9, 2009 at 7:23 am

Bye, Claire … sorry you won’t be snarking up on the free stuff any

Let me clarify the rules:

It’s OK to call anyone else anything (so long it’s not too graphcially
obscene) — but it is NOT OK, however to insult each other.

Politicians, bureaucrats and lawyers are always fair game.


lawton chiles says:[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

March 9, 2009 at 9:46 am

Clayton, I hate to interrupt the political bar fight, but I wanted to ask
your advice on market research.

I have been going to forums and looking there as far as digging into
different markets but now i have to do some health
care/advocacy/educational research and figure out how people think
and feel on certain issues.

Any advice? Any kind of step by step directions would be fantastic.

Sorry to interrupt.

-The only Democrat left on your list,

Lawton Chiles


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 9, 2009 at 12:36 pm

Hi, Lawton … you’re young — plenty of time to wean you away from
the dark side later on.

Sorry, but I do not have any polling sites for health issues. I just have
my clients do their own polls.

Any chance your client will do that for you? It’s easy with

Failing that, get a list of the lists or sites your client intends to use and
then check out the sales materials that got them on those lists in the
first place. Should give you a lot of ideas.

– Clayton


lawton chiles says:

March 9, 2009 at 2:34 pm

Thanks C, u the man!

P.S- would love to see a target market research post/rant on here


Best,[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Lawton Chiles



Kurt says:
March 9, 2009 at 3:30 pm

Clayton, you are very disrespectful to people who don’t agree with
your opinions. It appears you think there’s no need to understand
them or try and accommodate their views. Just put them through the
wringer of Makepeace’s perpetual judgment. Accords can’t be
reached when you demonize the other side.


keith says:
March 9, 2009 at 8:25 pm

Faxes, letters, phone calls are pretty much useless.

Until you actually take time out of making money and run for
Congress Clayton, you just don’t have a real right to whine.
You’re like radio personality Neal like to talk about how
bad it is..but you don’t dare get in the game.
At least I tried this past election. I knew before I got in the race I
couldn’t win but with all of your money and experience there really is
no excuse for you to not run this next election.


David (63) says:

March 9, 2009 at 9:18 pm

Could direct response marketing wreak total havoc in DC? Damn

right it could and the results could be an unstoppable Amendment to
The Constitution.

Ever had an idea that keeps nagging and won’t let you alone? I think I
see a way to stir up boo-coo trouble in scamland. Chime in and let
your imagination take a random walk.

I can see where a totally different type of group or PAC (political

action committee) and a totally different type of petition would have
the power to FORCE results.

First some background so it makes sense …[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Individuals and groups use the 1st Amendment to petition the G all
the time. Filing a petition for redress or “remedy” is a complaint that G
violated rights and a demand that it stop. You can get details from 1st
Amendment scholars here – ( ) It’s a brutal
and long winded legal read but here’s some gist of it …

The Constitution contains its own terms and citizen rights for
amendment and forbids congress from abridging those rights. But
they have done it anyway! – and have turned our 1st Amendment
rights and Petitions into an useless exercise. The reality is that “The
People” are illegally obstructed and powerless – with no means to
right a wrong and there are no peaceful means available to hold G
accountable – other than voting and we’ve all seen how effective that
is. First comes the bait with elections – then the K-Street switch and
the same game always plays.

But what if the FACE of our petition was a *Branded Product* with a
catchy name and graphics – instead of the standard pile of legal
mumbo jumbo that people won’t read. What if someone could look at
it and become outraged in a matter of seconds! What if every
response was something like: “They are doing that too! – I can’t and
won’t take it anymore! – damn right I’ll opt-in to your list! And what if
they were mad enough to spread the word. And what if our *Branded
Product* caught on like wildfire and the media started picking it up …
Done right, this could explode.

This plan is a 2-step with another *Branded Product* in the sales

funnel. It’s a Vote Pledge. Designed in concert with the Branded
FACE of the petition.

Here’s the real design kicker – the *Branded Product* (petition) is a

dynamic – living – breathing – evolving Document – a *Product Of
The People* – marketed as written by the people until the DAY it is
filed. Here’s what I mean …

We can have some fundamental *Demands Of The People* in the

initial marketing campaigns. Designed as such where people will opt-
in to our list. But what can make this Petition powerful like no other
would be having people participate and submit their own demands! –
e.g. Harry Smith, a factory worker from PA says: Current studies say
that no bid G contracts are costing us $50,000,000,000 a year in
taxes (true) and I want it stopped! We adopt Harry’s idea and give
him all the credit. Harry – his picture and background get published in
our newsletter – along with the names and comments of others who
chimed in behind the idea. “These people will be elated as they are
empowered to change their country!” And let’s send the newsletter to
their home town papers.

Can you imagine sending an email blast and asking for an opinion[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

and vote on an issue like: Currently, there are 350 X- members of

congress working at lobbyist firms on K-Street. We need your help –
as it’s our position that these people used your vote of trust to enrich
themselves. They did not get these jobs by working for you while in
congress and this should be against the law. Should we ad this to
“FORBID” on YOUR (Brand)Petition?” Please take the poll and send
us your comments. Again, we can put human faces and back stories
behind every issue in the petition.

The message that this Product belongs to them can be enforced

throughout – and should be part of the branding. Email campaigns
can bring up one issue after another that keep the conversation going
– with everything designed to be viral with a full blown social media
blitz. All funneling into an opt-in list and a step by step back end
strategy. Marketing 101. Did you know that Facebook has
175,000,000 users! And here’s something even more astounding.
Marketers can target 300,000,000 portable media devices – I-
Phones, Blackberries, cell phones … people are using them daily for
social media. Never in history was there an opportunity to
communicate on this scale and do something like this.

The numbers behind the *Branded Petition* could grow into

200,000,000 people – who have signed on to a *Vote Pledge* that
has the power to remove every member of congress who won’t sign
our Petition.

With cunning anticipation while framing our content, congressman

can be consigned to an indefensible position. Making it impossible to
find an argument against our Petition. Here’s what those who refuse
to sign are saying and how we can use it in press releases and social
media ads …

Headline: Senator Lugar Favors Higher Credit Card Rates And Fees
For Consumers – Copy: By not signing on to the (Brand)Vote Pledge,
Senator Lugar has indicated that he wants no part in stopping credit
card cos from fleecing consumers with 45% interest rates and higher
fees. Bank X contributed $95,000 to his last election … He has not
responded to our inquiry and frankly we want to know why he
approves of banks doing this to consumers in these troubled times.

We can use ad messages like that on every issue for every

congressman who won’t sign. It’s what people THINK they are FOR
or AGAINST that counts. The takeaway from the ad is that Senator
Lugar is saying: “I’m for my Credit Card Co paymasters and their
ability to screw you with higher interest rates and fees.” Here’s a taste
of what people will think the “Congress No Signs” are saying to their
constituents on some other issues:

I want taxpayers to keep losing $50 billion/year in my crony no bid

contracts. I’m all for continuing all the proxy charity fronts we have
set up – so we can have family members on lobbyists payrolls. And I[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

still want my pension if I’m convicted of a felony too! I want my

$million dollar K-Street job when I leave congress because I’ve
worked years for it. And I’m all for taking payoffs from bankers so I
can vote against usury laws that prevent credit card cos from fleecing
consumers. And Pay Day Loans should still be able to make $3,500
on a $500 loan! And I still want my money from ins cos so I can vote
for loopholes that scam policy holders. I want to keep the “Enron
Loophole” so Wall St banks and my other paymasters can manipulate
oil prices up to $147 a barrel like they did last summer. And I want my
payoffs and K-Street career for voting for open borders so drug
smugglers have less problems and more hospitals close – and I want
states raising your property taxes for more schools and human
services too.

Those are the messages that people will be getting from their
representatives in DC. The truth! On and on it goes as they give us
great content to work with. Here’s another ad:

Headline: Why Does Senator Shelby Want You To Pay Pensions To

Congress Convicts? Copy: By not signing on to the (Brand)Vote
Pledge, Senator Shelby has indicated that he wants no part in
changing the law that would prevent members of congress from
collecting pensions after being convicted of a felony. Does he have
something to hide? Current members of congress in prison whom
taxpayers are paying are … Why does Senator Shelby want this to
continue when he can stop it?

Still refuse to sign? Next press release: Senator Shelby Favors K-

Street Jobs For Congress And Pension Pay Raises For Congress

This is what I mean about cunning anticipation. The story is on the

wires and they have to answer questions and explain a ludicrous
choice. And keep explaining every issue we attack with from an
indefensible position. “Here’s why I won’t stop banks from screwing
you!” Whatever the issue is, we can set it up for consumption so that
it appears ludicrous to oppose it. Likewise, when marketing for
signups it can appear ludicrous to not join us. “No! Don’t stop them
from scamming me!” As a marketer thinking about the resistance
when attempting something like this, I looked for an angle whereby
our argument or story theme could be framed as irrefutable
throughout. And how that angle could be used as a media weapon
because here’s a given fact. They won’t respond to anything or do
anything unless forced.

To get their attention, all it will take is one senator becoming a

famous pariah on social media with his Tweeters turning into killer
bees. And take notice how social media is coming into CNN and
MSNBC every day. Think Countdown’s Keith Olbermann wouldn’t run
with a story about republican senators wanting to keep the “Enron
Loophole” open for their K-Street cronies. Fox will nail the dems.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

Think big. Momentum can be leveraged to create more momentum.

The filing DATE could be built (product launch style) into a national
media event with people parading in their home towns and the
Capitol. This Document could be crafted to become so powerful –
perhaps over a couple years – that when it lands in scamville, it will
be like TNT going off up their keesters. As opposed to getting
stuffed into a black hole like every other petition for accountability.

By design, this is the only methodology I can see that will address the
obstructions in place to preserve status quo power and to turn the
people’s grievance into an exercise in futility. Believe me, socialism is
a lesser concern – as what is really happening is far more ominous.
Fascism and authoritarian rule have been trending for a long time
under the radar.

Don’t believe me? Research the cases where the G is putting people
in prison for speaking out and filing petitions – going unnoticed
without news coverage. Even the damn courts are rigged as federally
appointed judges know which rulings are career busters. They are
using DOJ attack dogs and trumped up ambiguous crap charges –
like “making false statements that harm G activities.” Huh? Judicial
precedent is quietly being crafted that eliminates our 1st Amendment
Rights to free speech under just about any asinine BS construct they
can come up with. And they are using the IRS against people who
oppose them. Piece by piece over time – our freedoms, the things
that solders died for – are being stripped away.

Where does all this come from? I believe this oppression and force
for controlling us originates from a camouflaged power that has much
control over the G in the background. And under the guise of a false
public persona – almost as if it were a ghost without the people
having a clue of it’s activities. It hides in plain sight. Presidents and
congress members come and go – and neither go deep into the bowls
of G’s monetary and the judicial activities. Some places are a “no-no”
where decades of sinister intentions progress. Nailing them is too
tough and beyond the scope of this petition. But if we can use the
easy corruption stuff to unite enough people, “anything is possible”
and they could be up for reckoning in the future. If we went after them
with 200 million people, Ron Paul would lead the way and need
plastic surgery to remove the smile.

I believe that many influential people will sign the Vote Pledge once it
hits momentum. Volunteers with professional skills in all areas –
celebrities who drive media and people from all walks of life could
sign on. There could be a Facebook team – Digg team – Video &
Press teams, research team ect. And of course free speech and libel
savvy lawyers and constitutional legal counsel. Fundraising to keep
things going could work beautifully when it comes in. I can see our
store on Cafe Press selling t-shirts, bumper stickers and coffee mugs.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

It would take one hell of an operation to pull this off. I think it’s doable
because, if done right, resistance will find that moving out of the way
is the easier path. The *KEY* that will drive this is researching the
crap they are doing and digging up the stuff that can be marketed
and framed as ludicrous. That will get people madder than hell and
drive viral marketing and list building like gangbusters. There are
“Tell Friends” scripts that will dump their entire address book on our
list. That “button click” will sell on autopilot. The marketing material
(scams) they supply is bullet perfect to employ the best marketing
strategy of all time for grabbing eyeballs and getting a reaction in
seconds. Nothing compares to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
Hilarious graphics, headlines, lead copy and BOOM! Got it in
seconds! And they’ll be motivated to read the long copy and be sold
on joining us.

When the opposition starts, they’ll be “set up” (conned) into an

indefensible position. Essentially, we con the con.

Politicians know when to flip or flop – so they’ll do their thing when

the #’s hit critical mass. The idea is so simple. People are already
pissed off – if not outraged. Our mission – shall we accept it – is
tapping into what is already there and channeling it into results; a
scam-buster Amendment to The Constitution.

drumroll …

We need a Leader. Does anyone know of someone who can

brilliantly frame the common enemy – get people madder than hell –
and help create the Products? Someone who is influential – has
“juice” and knows other communicators? And has the courage and
political passion?

C’mon Clayton! You can rock the world with a pencil!


James says:
March 9, 2009 at 11:21 pm

American voters are to blame and not politicians.
Here why:
1. The abduct responsibility and expect and want Government to to
every thing for them.
2.The are lazy and hardly scrutinize the figures
3.The somehow believe most of what the politicians tell them.
4.Human beings are self centered and as long a policy seems
beneficial to them they care less about others.
5. People don’t believe in themselves. Your problems financial or
otherwise will only be solved by you. No body else.Period.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

I’m not bashing Americans. These same things are happening here
in Kenya, Obama’s root country and indeed world over.

James Abugah


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 6:45 am



Well, not exactly. He didn’t mention me by name … but in his CNBC

interview yesterday, he agreed with my premise that dying banks
should be allowed to fail.

And Buffett also said that the trillions being printed in a (so far) failed
attempt to fight this financial crisis would cause a wave of inflation far
worse than anything we saw in the 1970s.

Meanwhile, the Asian Development Bank just released a report that

says that “well over $50 trillion” of financial assets were wiped out in

And yesterday, the World Bank has become the first major institution
on the planet to warn that the global economy is about to collapse.

The Senate is expected to vote on a omnibus spending bill with

nearly 9,000 pork-laden earmarks today. Still short of the 60 votes
needed to end debate, Majority Leader Harry Reid is attempting to
woo corrupt Republicans by adding MORE pork for their states.

If you haven’t written your senator in opposition to this terrible bill, do

it this morning!


Beau Smith says:

March 10, 2009 at 7:07 am

David (63),

I’ve been saying for a while that Clayton should write ads for the
Libertarian party. Your idea may be better.

Beau Smith[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


Beau Smith says:

March 10, 2009 at 7:26 am


Done. I sent a message using the contact forms at all 3 sites. Thanks
again for the links.

Beau Smith


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 10, 2009 at 3:57 pm

Well said, James Abugah! I couldn’t have said it better myself.


David (63) says:

March 10, 2009 at 4:41 pm

The sheep mentality and complacency of citizens is astounding when

you look at how we are being gamed. Would they take to the streets
in protest if a group of “anonymous” bankers hijacked the
constitution? – And took control of their money and government –
creating a scam fiat monetary system that only they control? Hell,
they don’t even know it! Nope – no objection as most people have
resigned to the fact that they are powerless – reflected by half the
population throwing in the towel and not even bothering to vote.

Those of us that do vote, complain and debate are undertaking an

exercise in futility as no elected official has the power or will to
remove the tumors that are killing this country. For those that
subscribe to blaming voters for electing the wrong party or president,
I have 2 questions.

When did elections stop the disastrous fiscal policies of anonymous

bankers behind The Fed and all the damage therefrom? Through
what election did bank lobbyists loose control of the House and
Senate so credit card divisions couldn’t pay off congress to screw
everybody with a credit card?

There is only ONE peaceful way to “Again” have a government that

operates for the better good of the people – and only ONE. They[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

must unite behind their 1st Amendment Rights and force the changes
they want. If not, the future is inevitable.


Ryan DeGraw says:

March 10, 2009 at 5:31 pm

It’s my opinion that the people to blame are the one’s who continually
vote Dem or Rep and actually expect anything truly significant to
change. While I’m not sure of the origin, there’s a saying that goes
along the lines of:

“The definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and

over while expecting a different result.”

I think that’s what the majority of Americans have done for far too
long. It’s amazing to me that the politicians that hold the constitution
itself close to heart are repeatedly shunned by the public, and more
importantly the media.

People can sit here debating and arguing back and forth for days on
end, but it won’t change the fact that a bill is in the process of being
passed that spits in the face of not only fiscal conservatism, but fiscal
responsibility itself. When you take the time to scrutinize the statistics
(which far too many people fail to do as was pointed out earlier) you
realize that this administration along with the last FEW all made
horrible mistakes, relapsed on promises, and either directly or in a
contributing role helped put us into the situation we’re currently in.

I think that it’s obvious, or at least that it should be obvious, that it’s
time for a major and drastic change. While I agree that emails and
letters probably won’t do the trick, I feel strongly that something
needs to be done. I’m shocked that news like this is only chattered
about in dark corners of the internet, when it should be making
headlines and “breaking news” on a very regular basis. While I don’t
personally have any SOLID answers (nor does anyone else despite
what they might claim) I just thoroughly hope that people wake up to
the point that the realize that not only is change needed, but it’s dire
at this point.

Clayton, I’d like to thank you for posting an off-topic, but truly thought
provoking article. We need more people with your level of credibility
to step outside of their comfort zone and take a PUBLIC stand on
what they believe in. You just gained a lot of respect from one of your

To better times,
Ryan D.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |


David (63) says:

March 10, 2009 at 7:46 pm

Hey Ryan – You hit the bulls-eye using one of Einstein’s best quotes
– arguably a great description of our election cycles.

You’re right, it is time for a major and drastic change. Read post
(115) and tell us how that won’t work. It’s long but only takes 3-4
minutes. I had other uses in mind when I wrote it but thought I’d post
it here and see if any marketers we’re interested in using their skills
to make a difference.


March 11, 2009 at 7:34 am

Meanwhile the major ammunition suppliers in this country are running

behind around twelve days filling orders. Wonder what is up with
that? Gee, I can’t imagine! John Cougar Mellencamp himself said it
best….”Plastic FEMA coffins for you and me” Oops, no that was
“Little Pink Houses For You And Me”….what the heck was I


Pingback: Jimmy Dean must be Jealous! | Tell Me the Secrets

David (63) says:

March 11, 2009 at 7:57 pm

Beau Smith & Advisors & Potential Doers

Hey Beau – This is for you and anyone who might consider using
their marketing skills or “juice” to have some fun and maybe, just
maybe make a difference. A lot of sharp marketers like yourself read
Clayton so maybe someone will be interested before this thread kicks
the bucket.

Some friends are encouraging me so I might take for a ride but just
go for a Bill. They cracked up over the ads and concept and that’s the
initial response I was looking for. The copy and graphics (cartoons)
could be outrageous and hilarious. What could be more fun than
making an ass out of congress members who oppose a Bill that stops
their scams.

Building from grass roots is beyond monumental and unthinkable.[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

What about the idea of finding a political organization already in

place – and getting them to go for a Bill? People like Ralph Nader
and Ron Paul are scam busters – nothing ventured nothing gained.
Recruitment #’s mean political currency so maybe that angle will get
their attention? Intelligent opinions and feedback appreciated – but
please! – no morons chiming in! Just kidding!

Perhaps this type of sales pitch would work? …

Ever ask yourself why 3rd parties fail or why the Libertarian Party
isn’t in office? After all, who could present a reasonable argument
against smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom? Maybe
the problem is not the principals or philosophy at all, but something
else entirely unrelated. Perhaps the problem is just selling it.

Introducing Party principals or philosophy means asking people for

their time and energy to think. Then there are grey areas for
debate when principals can be seen differently as issues are
addressed. All considered, it’s a tough sales job requiring interruption
with some demands on people’s time and attention – say nothing of
how the 2 parties have rigged the election process.

But what if there were another way to get people UNITED. And not
just united but passionately united. And without reckoning with
personal beliefs. And without requiring their time, energy or thought –
no principals or philosophy to sell, learn, compare or debate. What if
people could see a Choice as simple as Black or White and decide
within seconds – “I see, I’m in!” And what if that Choice was ludicrous
– like FOR or AGAINST getting screwed.

Will people be FOR or AGAINST “The Dirty Dozen Bill” that stops the
top 12 ways they are getting fleeced by congress, banks and
lobbyists? It’s brain dead simple – and the marketing can make them
madder than hell at the villains.

What’s going to sell? New parties, principals, philosophies or

something like “The Dirty Dozen Bill” or “The BS Bill.” By picking the
issues that are the most ludicrous to oppose, we rig the game – so
opposition has no defensible position.

Just imagine the potential of having a message that will awaken a

sleeping Giant – the entire US population segment that has given up
on political blather and voting. They are being gamed like everyone
else and their distain for the system is waiting for an opportunity to
fight back. “One mouse click and they are empowered to take on the

Instead of a Party building a member base – flip it – and the member

base will build a Party.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

David (63) says:

March 11, 2009 at 8:02 pm

PS: Correction – I’m referring to taking post 115 for a ride


Steve Gunn says:

March 12, 2009 at 12:16 am

So, maybe I’m naive (and don’t have a special character keyboard so
I can’t correctly spell naive) But it occurs to me, that I have no
F^&$ing idea what to believe anymore.

I don’t think it’s the Democrats fault; nor do I think the blame lies with
the Republicans. Maybe it’s Democracy itself that is to blame.

I became a writer only after studying mathematics(my first love) and it

occurs to me that any system of governance that is determined by a
‘majority rule’ is doomed to failure.

IQ (which is admittedly a flawed system for measuring intelligence,

though the best we have to date) is actually measured along a bell-
curve. This means, that every year, the sampled results are weighted
so that the ‘average score’ is 100 +/- the standard deviation of I think
1.2 (please don’t quote me on that part) This means that 100 is the
‘mode’ Which as we all remember from jr high math is the most
commonly repeated number in any given series or sample. And bell
curves being what they are, half of the remaining data falls above
100(smarter) and half falls below(dumber)

By definition the “MAJORITY” of any population will be of average to

BELOW_AVERAGE intelligence. (This is the same majority that
makes our decisions by virtue of a group vote)

This system all but guarantees that the most marketable solution will
inevitably prevail, not the best. And we are all marketers here. We
know how easy it is to persuade suggestible people. (It is even
EASIER if you don’t mind lieing to them)

So what are we to do? I honestly don’t know.. I wish I had even the
shred of a solution. Maybe that’s why conspiracy theories are so
comforting to most people, because then your enemy is EVIL and
GREEDY instead of just flawed and human like the rest of us.

All I have are gnawing questions and doubts that one go away.

But then again, I’m a persuader, a manipulator and I know that in the[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

fall of the U.S.S.R, more billionaires were created than at any other
time in modern (or pre-modern history) Destabilization, deregulation,
chaos and fear create wealth on an unimaginable scale.

I for one will be preparing to take advantage of the situation. When

the time comes and brings with it the crisis and uncertainty that
everyone else was unwilling to prepare for, I will take what is yours
and make it mine.

Goodnight Everyone

Altruists are liars, fools or both.



Tom says:
March 12, 2009 at 2:56 pm


Sorry for the prod. Just saw a leg and pulled.

I believe that this is the time for everybody to start out fending for
themselves and getting rid of the begging bowl mentality that has
taken hold all over the world.

I heard on the news this morning that the Unemployment Insurance

Fund in S. Africa has reserves, but if many more people lose their
jobs, the fund will be in a deficit.

Now take this, “employment has grown”, but all households were
required by law to register maids, gardeners etc. temporary or not, for
the UIF. Most of these have been employed for years, and now
suddenly the government says employment has risen. And you
thought you had fools governing your country!

The poliminals are going to screw us all. That is their style. Liars and
thieves every one of them. They cannot help it. Part of their DNA.

The governments are taking from the earners and giving to the other

Granted there are some that are totally dependent on others, the
lame, sick and very frail, but I have seen people in S. Africa (dirt poor
because of major job cuts, 2500 jobs lost in the mining industry in
one week in our town )pick up pieces of wire,some shoe polish tins
and fashion some toy or gadget, sell it and feed their family for the
day. Some even sell vegetables on commission right in front of the[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

vegetable stores, and they feed their families for the day.

These people are the future success stories, because they did not
turn to crime or begging, but became self sustaining. They removed
their digit from their rectum and are making a go of it.

And if a business cannot pay it’s way, let it die. A better one will soon
rise to take its place, and the owners will get things done until the
next crash, when once again only the tough and wise will survive.

People must, as you have said so many times, live well below your
means, save and stay out of debt. Then when it hits the fan, survival
is assured.


Dan White says:

March 12, 2009 at 10:28 pm

Haha. Clayton whether you got “owned” by David (63) is now moot.

He just filibustered us all into a coma with that diatribe. Good God
David. Hire Brandon as your editor.


David (63) says:

March 13, 2009 at 2:16 am

Hey Dan – How about I agree with you and support your moot point.
Maybe if you came out of your coma – posts like those copied below
would be easier to recognize. It might even occur to you that I already
said I’m not a writer and never claimed to be …
True, I’m not a writer but I have a lot of past experience in creating
advertising as a commercial artist.

(100) Harry – thanks for the compliments, but there’s 2 things in life
that I would never do: 1/ Duel with Zorro 2/ Get into a writing contest
with Clayton.

Hey – Brandon & Johan. Thanks for the compliments guys – but I
really wasn’t going after Clayton’s argument
I flipped my employer “the birdie” in 2000 but unfortunately have
never read a book or taken a course in copyrighting. I’m flattered that
several people chimed in with compliments – but a comparison with
Clayton is still beyond my imagination. Maybe Brandon, Johan and
Harry were looking at what I was saying and forgot to play the[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

Your Future Begins NOW! |

condescending copywriter professor?

Dan, who’s here and reads Clayton? Creative people – copywriters

and marketers would be a fair assessment. Obviously, I tried to
illustrate how those skills could impact elections instead of continuing
on with tit-for-tat political blather. Let’s hear why my ideas won’t
work. Or is just being an armchair critique and calling them a diatribe
all you have to offer? You’re a professional writer, so let’s see the
courage to put your own ideas out here for criticism like I did. Step up
and show us what you got.


Sharon Quinn says:

March 16, 2009 at 11:09 pm

Thank you Clayton for your direct and useful answer. Yes, it does
help me.

Have you heard about the atrocious bill up at the congress (I can’t
bring myself to capitalize the word anymore because they do NOT
deserve that much respect.) HR 875? This bill attempts to make it
illegal to grow your own food ON YOUR OWN PRIVATE LAND!!!!??

They’ve got balls, don’t they? I am attempting to alert as many

people as I can to this because it is insane, so unbelievable as to be
“pooh-poohed as impossible”, and it is so very DANGEROUS to our
well being and freedom.

We must call up to our legislature in numbers large enough to have

this ejected, and ASAP! To make food gardening a crime makes me
wonder if they are trying to exterminate the citizens. It is sick &
insane, and proposed by a Connecticut democratic woman
representative named, Delauro, whose husband is a consultant for
Monsanto, and she accepted somewhere around $180,000 PAC
money from these lobbyist of Hitler-like control freaky dominating
scary people.

Well, you get my point. I know this sounds so far fetched as to be

made up, so, please dear readers, do some homework and be
informed and shocked, and horrified when you discover the absurdity
and arrogance sitting up there at the capital is actually entertaining
this bill. We have to decry and demand that this bill WILL NOT BE
tolerated. We cannot be paralyzed and dumbfounded because they
count on our disbelief.

All to Love, Sharon

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:02 PM]

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mike says:
July 13, 2009 at 6:41 pm

love to enter in this discussion


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Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

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Great Moments in Advertising Part 4
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Posted on March 12, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace
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Recent Posts
In this issue: He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
The “Unique Selling Proposition” brainstorm Rosser Reeves used to Before you take the copywriting
revolutionize ad copy – and to install a bald-headed general in the world
by storm, there’s something
White House … you should know …
Do You Believe?
4 reasons why Reeves’ USP approach sometimes fails direct
marketers …

4 unorthodox ways to make USPs work for you – by BREAKING

Rosser Reeves’ sacred rules …

And much, much more!

Dear Business-Builder,

As The Guru struts to the podium, the crowd rises as one, slapping their
flippers together and barking like a gaggle of starving seals – each one
praying that The Great One will grant him just one fish…

The Guru clears his throat – three hundred eager sycophants instantly
collapse into their chairs … and three hundred pens hover over three
hundred yellow pads, ready to record every golden word.

“I am,” declares The Guru, “about to reveal the single most effective selling
tool any direct response promotion has ever employed.”

“Gasp!” says the adoring crowd.

“Really!” says I to myself.

“It’s called ‘The Unique Selling Proposition,’” says the guru.[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

… And for the next 60 minutes or so, The Great One loaded up those poor
folks with more bunkum, hokum and hype than any carnival barker I ever
saw. No real marketer who makes a living and takes lumps creating real
promotions in the real world would have bought a thing that puffed-up poseur

The crowd, however, obviously wasn’t composed of real marketing folks or

even serious students; just pretend ones. That’s OK – The Guru isn’t a real
marketing guy either. He just plays one on TV.

And boy, did these pretend marketers ever eat this pretend marketing expert
up! He had them repeating his key phrases … jumping up and repeating his
key phrases … touching each other and repeating his key phrases.

I half-expected the guy’s next command to be, “Put your backside in … stick
your backside out … yell, ‘Unique Selling Propositions Rule!’ and then shake
it all about!”

Nevertheless, when The Guru’s USP hoochie-coo dance ended, the pretend
marketers in the audience gave the blithering idiot another standing ovation!


I shouldn’t have been surprised. After all: Rosser Reeves’ brainchild – the
Unique Selling Proposition – is one of the most over-hyped, misunderstood
and misapplied concepts in marketing today.

Nevertheless, you gotta give old Rosser his props. His approach WAS a
massive breakthrough for advertisers. And yes, understanding the concept
behind it IS crucial for salespeople of all stripes – including direct marketers
like us.

That’s why I paid $250 for an out-of-print copy of his little 153 ½ page-book a
while ago – and it’s why we’re going to take a nice long look at Mr. Reeves
and his brainchild today…

“Congratulations, Mrs. Reeves

– it’s a bouncing baby boy copywriter!”
Rosser Reeves was nothing more than a gleam in his daddy’s eye when
Albert Lasker hired Claude Hopkins as his chief “salesman in print” in 1908.

… In fact, Lasker and Hopkins were already shouting product benefits in

their headlines and ad copy on the very day Reeves was born in 1910.

Nineteen years later – after leaving the University of Virginia in 1929 (how
depressing!) – Rosser Reeves set out to become a newspaper reporter.
However, being an astute and ambitious young man, Rosser quickly realized[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

he could make much, much more money in advertising, and promptly moved
to New York.

By 1940, a 30-year-old Mr. Reeves had been named VP and copy chief at
the Ted Bates ad agency, where he did his most famous work: Still-
memorable TV and print ad campaigns for Viceroy, Anacin, Carter's Little
Liver Pills, Listerine and Colgate toothpaste.

Impressed? Get this: In 1952, Reeves’ unique approach to creating TV spots

was used to help send General Dwight D. Eisenhower to the White House!

The Bates guys obviously knew which side their bread was being buttered on
– and named Mr. Reeves Chairman of the Board in 1955.

Wow – at just 45 years old, Reeves was chairman of one of the world’s
largest ad agencies!

How did he do it? Reeves answers that question in his 1961 best-seller,
Reality in Advertising …

Evolutionary – NOT Revolutionary

Looking back over his work, it’s clear that Reeves was heavily influenced by
Albert Lasker and Claude Hopkins. Rosser was a firm believer that to be
effective, advertising must present the product’s benefits in a compelling way.

What Rosser did was distill and adapt the concept of “Salesmanship in Print”
to accommodate short-copy print ads and even shorter copy TV spots. In
fact, I guess you could say that Rosser Reeves is the father of the modern-
day sound bite!

Now before we consider Rosser’s astonishingly powerful secret, let’s try to

keep two things in mind …

First, Reeves was no direct response guy. His job was to create memorable
print ads and TV spots – ads that consumers would remember when they
were shopping (or voting!).

Second, unlike Lasker and Hopkins, much of Reeves ad copy was done for
30-second TV spots – so longer copy extolling product benefits was definitely

And, there was a crucial third element that led Rosser to discover the Unique
Selling proposition: As Reeves recounts in his classic, Reality in
Advertising …

“A story goes that old Calvin Coolidge, sitting patiently in a stern little New
England church, listened attentively to a minister who had preached steadily
for two hours. A friend later asked him what the sermon was about.[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

“’Sin,’ said Coolidge.

“’What did he say,’ persisted the friend.

“’He was against it,’ said Coolidge.

“The story has a value to advertising men, for it illustrates a

reality principle made crystal clear by a study of hundreds of
penetration case histories. The principle is this:

“The consumer tends to remember just one thing from an

advertisement – one strong claim, or one strong concept.”

And so …

Given his mission to have consumers REMEMBER his product when

shopping, and …

The fact that TV and magazine ads severely limited his ability to present a full
reason-why sales argument, and …

The fact that consumers only remember one thing from each ad anyway …

… Rosser hit upon the idea that made him famous:

Select the ONE benefit that lifts your product head and
shoulders above the competition … distill it into a
memorable slogan or “Unique Selling Proposition” … and
repeat it – mercilessly – in your advertising!

According to Reeves, a USP is a memorable statement about a product that

is …

Unique: A claim that no competitor can make about his product – or failing
that, that no competitor happens to be making about his product.

A Selling Proposition: The “reason why” the prospect should buy your
product – or as Reeves put it, “buy this product, and you will get this specific

Mr. Reeves also maintained that USPs can be communicated either with
sales copy or with a photo or other illustration – and that they should be
powerful enough to sway brand-loyal customers to your product.

The results of Rosser’s insight were explosive. In his years at the Bates
agency, Reeves created Unique Selling Propositions (or USPs) that sent his
clients’ sales rocketing into the stratosphere.[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

No wonder: Reeve’s ads made it impossible NOT to remember his clients’

products – and not just when shopping, either!

I first saw Rosser’s black & white TV spots claiming “The milk chocolate
melts in your mouth, not in your hand” and “Helps build strong bodies 12
ways” a HALF-CENTURY AGO – and to this day, those slogans instantly
blast images of M&Ms candy and Wonder Bread onto the little TV screen in
my brain.

You have tons of unique selling propositions stuck in your brain, too. Let’s
see what happens when I say …

“Fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less,”

I bet “Domino’s Pizza” sprang to mind – right?

How about … “When your package absolutely, positively HAS to get there

BANG! The name “FedEx” pops into your brain.

No doubt about it: If you’re limited to short copy … if you’re not asking
prospects to order now … if you’re pinning your hopes on prospects
remembering your product when shopping … Unique Selling Propositions

Why Reeves’ USP Approach

Sometimes Fails Direct Marketers
Now, don’t get me wrong here … I have tremendous respect for Rosser

If every creative director and copywriter on Madison Avenue was required to

memorize Reality in Advertising – and slapped silly every time he or she
violated its precepts – the major agencies would explode their mainstream
retail clients’ sales and market share in no time flat.

But did Mr. Reeves ever intend for us direct response ad writers to adopt his
objective of making the prospect “REMEMBER JUST ONE THING?”

Heck no – and for four reasons:

1. Reeves was limited in that his mandate was to create ads his prospects
would REMEMBER when shopping because they were not being asked to
order now. But we direct response marketers ask for the sale NOW – by
phone, return mail or by asking prospects to click a link.

That means, we’re freed from the mandate to create promotions that our
prospects will remember.[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

In fact, if a prospect doesn’t buy my client’s product, I’d just as soon he forgot
he ever heard of it! Otherwise, when I send him a new promo, he’s likely to
think, “Oh – this is the thing I already decided NOT to buy” – and trash my
promo before he gives it a fair chance.

2. Reeves was limited to one-page print ads and 30-second TV spots. But in
direct response marketing, we generally have plenty of room or time to
present all the reasons why prospects should buy.

And that’s good; because in test after test, 24-page self-mailers generate
more new customers at a lower cost than shorter #10 component
packages … long landing pages sell more stuff than short ones … and 30-
minute infomercials are more cost effective than 30-second spots.

3. Reeves’ USP approach limited him to presenting one benefit and burning it
into prospects’ brains through repetition in his headlines, body copy and tag

But as we saw last week, each product we sell offers dozens, perhaps scores
of benefits: Practical and emotional benefits … positive and negative
benefits … current and preventative benefits – and more.

For most of us, hanging our hopes on promotions presenting a single USP
would be silly.

4. Reeves’ short-form ads appeared to be just what they were: Ads. That was
OK – they shot straight into the brain before the page or the channel could be

But we’re confronting our prospects with longer copy. And many of us have
found that disguising our promos as value-added reports – “Advertorials” –
and/or appealing to the prospect’s fears, frustrations and desires in our
headlines is often far more effective than shouting a USP.

… So is Rosser Reeves’ Unique Selling

totally worthless for us direct response marketers?

… Or could it help boost YOUR response NOW?

Using Rosser Reeves’ USP breakthrough could make you A LOT of money –
but only if you use it correctly.

Try this …

Turn EVERY benefit in your copy into a USP: Every benefit in your copy is
already a selling proposition – so why not go the extra mile and ask yourself,
“How can I make this benefit seem unique to this product?”[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

Develop a USP for the company and/or your spokesperson: Make a list of all
the benefits of dealing with the company behind the product. In a health
catalog for example, I created a USP for the company featuring its 24-hour
shipping policy – something competitors don’t promise – and used it as a
header on every spread.

Ditto for spokespeople. In my promotions for Martin Weiss’ Safe Money

Report, I developed Martin’s USP: “America’s #1 Investor Safety Advocate,”
– and repeated it throughout my packages. He was instantly differentiated
and lifted above the scores of investment advisors who pack your mailbox
with promotions.

Turn your premiums, offer, guarantee and shipping policy into USPs: Find
ways in your promotion to demonstrate how superior, value-laden and
unique every component of your offer really is. If nobody else offers as big a
discount … as strong a guarantee … if your premiums provide information
and advice nobody else does … and if you ship faster than the competition –
and especially if you’re the only one in your industry to offer free shipping and
handling – why not shout it from the rooftops?

If you’re using a USP lead, test a BUNCH of them: Why? Two reasons: First,
you’ll know which ones resonate best with your prospects. And second, you’ll
discover that several of the USPs you’ve developed for your product work
equally well, each attracting a different segment of your market universe.

Then, rotate your best leads in each monthly promotion to keep your control

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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10 Responses to Great Moments in Advertising Part 4


Greg Gunter says:

March 12, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Nice piece. I really like these posts that deal with theory, strategy and

I made a “nice point” comment in the margin on the idea of turning

every benefit in our copy into a USP, and created a little mnemonic to
help me remember it:

Make sure your benefits are “On the CUSP”: A Collection of USPs.



Chad Kettner says:

March 12, 2009 at 12:36 pm

Clayton – you’re the man. This is a great article…and I just finished

your audio interviews as part of the Desktop Copy Coach program –
awesome stuff! You gave me so many ideas for propelling my
copywriting business to the next level. Now it’s up to me to

You, my friend, are the master!


Michael says:
March 12, 2009 at 2:32 pm

Even more than talking about USP’s, this article hits upon what I like
to call EEP’s – Unique Emotional Propositions, for that’s what drives
people to buy. I think some get so tied up in the USP…that they
forget the emotional and most important part of it…and many times
end up selling the features instead of the powerful emotion you can
build with the benefits…[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

Thanks Clayton…for another great piece


Michael says:
March 12, 2009 at 2:33 pm

forgive the typo…that should read UEP’s…duh…fingers aren’t hitting

the keyboard properly today..:)


Mitch Axelrod says:

March 12, 2009 at 7:02 pm

As always, a great analysis. I would add this:

USP by its nature and in practice is seller centric. It’s created by and
from the company’s perspective, usually languaged and
communicated in “seller speak.” It’s projected from the seller out to
the buyer. We cannot know if our USP works until we test it.

I discovered early in the game that when I asked them, people told
me why they buy. Of the thousands of companies I have consulted
with, I have more fingers and toes than the number of companies that
ask customers the billion dollar question,

“Why do you buy from us?”

The answers to this question transform your USP. When you get and
use customer words, feelings and benefits, you connect better with
new/potential buyers than if you use company language.

I call this the USA – Unique Service Advantage – the real advantages
/ emotions / reasons people actually buy, communicated in their
words, expressed using their language.

We really don’t know for sure if the USP(s) we pick or those we think
are best really connect with our buyer until we test them.

The USA is battle ready. Ask 20 clients why they buy, and you’ll have
insight and intelligence that quickly translates into immediate
connection with new buyers, and a shorter path to new revenue and

When you know your USA(s), you can use these four powerful words
that have instant influence:[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

“Our customers tell us…”

If you haven’t asked them, you can’t say your customers tell you.

Integrate USP and USA, and you get the best of both worlds.

Thanks, Clayton for always inspiring conversation.

You’re a game changer.

Mitch Axelrod


John Kumpunen says:

March 12, 2009 at 7:06 pm

I’ve been in sales, sometimes it seems like 200 years. No one I sold
to ever slapped his knee and cried out: “Immo buy this because … it’s
washed in live steam, it doesn’t roll, delivered in 30 minutes, built like
a rock, … or whatever USP is claimed. Sure thing, USP may be the
story that the SELLER wants to push, the story he wants to use to
differentiate a products … but 99 times out of 100 it has no relation to
the decision making the buyer’s MIND. It rarely succeeds in
resonating with true buying triggers. It may be used in the
rationalization process, in the cognitive dissonance phase (after the
purchase) but as an expressed, outright buying trigger, I have never
seen it. Buying is a complex matrix of emotional and rational. Rarely
expressed in any sort of single USP. If it were, selling would be the
easiest thing in the world. It’s not the tool that toggles the buying
switch. And indeed, Rosser Reeves himself towards the end of the
book can’t make up his mind what USP really is … could be a color,
could be a design, could be the twinkle in the eye of the pretty lady,
could be this, could be that … he’s as confused as we are. Anything
that increases sales is a USP? Well, that’s a great operational
definition and as useless as tits on a bull. Ries and Trout did good
thinking on positioning and maybe a better thought-framer is USP as
Unique Selling Positioning. Dunno. But you gotta keep the buyer
resonance in the formula, otherwise it don’t fly.


Johan says:
March 13, 2009 at 12:59 pm

Wow, what can I say Clayton. You really can word it to get me going.
I read and never skim letters of yours.[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

Man you’re so sane, advice is always above the “Gurus” hype and 3
year old talking.

And this was a read, funny as heck too.

I wonder, who’s the guru, I’ve had bad taste in my mouth recently.
Too. Haha.

Well wishes.



Solomon says:
March 14, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Hi Clayton,
It’s really phenomenal to read how the word USP is abused to no
end. I really hate some cliches which are used by ad folks with
obviously no deeper understanding of it.
It’s no wonder, you’re the greatest of copywriters in the world! Thanks
for the great insights shared here in your article!


Shel Horowitz says:

March 19, 2009 at 8:34 pm

This makes a lot of sense. It’s why lists of fascinations make sense in
direct mail–and sometimes even in press releases–here are a couple
(well, each one kind of doubles up, actually, because a press release
is limited in length) I just put in a press release for a book on
computer consulting:

• How to set rates that meet or surpass your financial needs AND
stay within the norms for your market (pp. 72-76), how to determine
lucrative niches that bring top dollar even in a recession (pp. 38-39),
and how to stay current and in demand as your industry changes (pp.
• What “deal-killer” clause you should absolutely never sign, even if
you lose the contract—and how to negotiate it away (p. 133)


Pissed Girl Friends says:

August 4, 2009 at 12:16 am[11/29/2012 8:07:27 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 4 USP or OOPS |

eh. good one


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Posted on March 16, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
Why polls and focus groups He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
may be the best way ever invented We’re still here…
Time for a Change
to spring to the worst conclusions
Before you take the copywriting
about what your prospect wants … world
And the ONLY way to get the answers by storm, there’s something
you should know …
that will actually rocket your response.
Do You Believe?

Dear Business-Builder,

You’ve just helped me a great deal. You couldn’t have known you were
helping me, but you did anyway and I’m grateful.

Over the past year or so, nine or ten of the more than 600 articles in our
archives have addressed this economic crisis – a situation that was about to
affect and still is impacting your ability to succeed.

At first, I simply offered advice to help you prepare your business and your
family for the great economic crisis I saw brewing. Later, hoping that learning
what caused this crisis might help us avoid repeating it, I tracked the blunders
that put our nation and our world in this precarious situation.

That meant each of these articles had plenty of political content. I spared
nobody in Washington; laying the blame for our current economic crisis
squarely at the feet of villains in both parties.

I must admit it: Creating these articles was a refreshing challenge for me.
The last time I’d written “political” copy was in Ronald Reagan’s Santa
Barbara hotel suite as the two of us cobbled together a half-dozen TV
commercials in ‘way back 1978 – more than three decades ago.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Writing those posts was also cathartic for me, personally; an opportunity to
vent my own frustration and disappointment with how our government
created this crisis and is now intensifying it by abandoning the very principles
that made this country the richest on Earth.

I took both parties to task; showing how, under the false banner of
compassion for “the poor” and “fair housing” – Republicans and Democrats
alike created the catastrophe that has now deprived more than 17 million
Americans of their paychecks.

And of course, I pointed out how, by continuing Bush’s failed economic

policies, the Obama administration’s corporate bail-outs and private hand-
outs can only deprive millions more of their ability to earn a living.

Plus, I also had the opportunity to defend things I love dearly – the principles
at the heart of entrepreneurship, free enterprise and our capitalist system.

I extolled the virtues of personal liberty and self-determination … the

importance of allowing businesses and citizens to reap the rewards of their
judicious actions and suffer the consequences of their foolish or greedy
ones … and, of course, the right to own what you produce.

And since this is, first and foremost, a blog about copywriting and marketing, I
also used each article as a kind of object lesson; to demonstrate how you can
use words and word pictures, derision of a “common enemy,” common-sense
rhetoric and the moral high ground to activate powerful resident emotions –
and by doing so, to electrify and fully engage your target market.

As I suspected, the vast majority of our readers responded positively to these

articles. That’s to be expected on a blog about entrepreneurship and
marketing, read by thousands who have taken responsibility for their own
success rather to trust politicians to provide for them.

And also as I expected, a minority – bless their liberal hearts – disagreed

vociferously … attacked Bush’s idiotic economic policies then defended
Obama for continuing them … derided free enterprise and capitalism without
showing how any alternative has ever freed the masses from poverty … and
more than a few attacked my intelligence, my motivation, my integrity and
even my humanity.

I gleefully left every single one of these posts online for everyone to see
(including the most hurtful ones that accused me of being a Republican)
believing that each one would elicit three, five, ten or more posts from others
who disagreed with them.

And sure enough; each one of these articles attracted ten to twenty times
more page views, blog comments and incoming links than any article on
copywriting or marketing we’ve ever published.

“Hmmm …” says I.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

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“There seems to be a market

for this kind of thing!”
So last November, I started thinking about creating a “political” website where
folks could learn about and debate the issues of the day.

I recognized, of course, that the ultimate success of the site would be largely
determined by the number of visitors who bookmarked the site, returned daily
and actually got engaged in the conversation.

But what should the site look like? What should it offer visitors? How should
it sound?

Now, I could have done a poll or focus group and simply asked you what kind
of current events messaging would get you most involved.

But I didn’t. First, because you were already telling me – loud and clear – in
your responses to each one of my political articles.

And second, because, frankly, you wouldn’t have told me the truth.

Please don’t take offense. I’m not calling anyone a liar, here. It’s just that if
my 40 years in this biz have taught me anything, it’s that polls and focus
groups are definitely NOT all they’re cracked up to be.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say that polls and focus groups are hands-down the
best way to spring to the worst marketing assumptions ever devised by man.

“But … but … my college professor told me that customer polls and focus
groups – are absolutely essential! This best-selling marketing book I just read
says you MUST ask your prospects what they want before you write sales

OK – it’s rant time …

Sorry – but your marketing professor and the guy who wrote that book are
both morons.

After all: Why would any marketer capable of earning millions settle for a
lousy $50k a year for teaching – or if he’s lucky, six figures for writing a book?

The simple truth is, to make a buck, colleges, professors and best-selling
authors desperately need you to believe that marketing is like any other
business skill – that it can be reduced to a formula or a series of numbers on
a spreadsheet.

More than that: These professors and authors – and scores of CEOs and
marketing VPs I could name – have need to convince themselves that there’s
a formulaic way to determine what people truly want and what they’ll pay for.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Because despite their sheepskins from famous universities and vaunted

titles, they know deep down inside that they personally have no clue. They
couldn’t know – because they lack the three essential gifts that great
marketers share:

1. The common touch: A deep understanding of human nature and the

sensitivity required to anticipate or at least to sense people’s fears,
frustrations and desires …

2. Creativity: The capacity to solve problems and meet challenges by

bringing previously unrelated ideas together in new ways and …

3. Horse sense: A healthy helping of the old-fashioned brand of common-

sense required to make prudent marketing decisions and avoid springing
to the wrong conclusions.

And so, being insensitive to others’ feelings, unable to entertain two

seemingly conflicting thoughts at the same time and woefully short-changed
in the common-sense department …

And also being unwilling to invest the effort and time required to develop
these qualities; these folks have no choice but to look for artificial ways to
conduct their market research.

Why polls and focus groups fail

Please don’t get me wrong, here. It’s not that polls and focus groups have
zero value – it’s just that almost nobody uses them correctly and even fewer
have any idea how to interpret the answers they get.

Brian Kurtz – Boardroom’s marketing VP and Target Marketing’s “Man of the

Year” for 2008 and I’m proud to say, a cherished friend of mine – is the past
master of using polls to determine which product ideas are likely to sell better
than others.

Sadly though, nearly every other marketer I’ve ever worked with has done it
all wrong – and wound up with conclusions that have invariably led them
down very wrong; very costly paths.


Three reasons:

1. The environment is all wrong: Participants view polls and focus groups
in the same way they view tests. They want to get the right answer – the
answer they think the pollster is looking for – NOT to reveal how they truly
Plus, in focus groups where they’re face to face with other subjects and
their questioners, they want to win the approval of the entire group or, if
they have a contrarian streak, to buck the crowd.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Either way, you wind up with data that in no way reflects what your
subjects would really do – how they’d respond to your product, promotion
or offer – when they’re alone at home with nobody watching them.

2. There’s a desire deficit: Not only do polls and focus groups place
subjects in an environment in which they are incentivized to give
inaccurate answers, they completely miss a critical point: Desire for nearly
all products is created by sales copy!
The headline and deck grab the prospect’s attention … the opening copy
engages him … the body copy credibly presents product benefits … the
offer dimensionalizes the value and minimizes the price … and the closing
copy moves him to action.

Asking “Would you buy this” in an artificial environment and without doing
these things virtually guarantees you’ll get the wrong answer.

3. Respondents have no skin in the game: No opinion is worth a hill of

beans unless it cost the respondent something to state it. The best
validation of any opinion is that it comes with a check attached to it.
Second best? When the subject paid a substantial price in terms of time
or effort – as in the hundreds of well-written responses on our blog.

BOTTOM LINE: Waiting for poll or focus group data before you create your
promotion can be a terrible waste of time.

Especially these days, when you can post a sales page and send a blizzard
of e-mails for free every day of the week, and fine-tune your sales message
as you analyze your response on the fly.

So thank you for your participation …

Each week, I get a passel of e-mails from marketers wanting to know how I
do my market research. How do I discover what my prospects want? How do
I select the proper tone for my sales copy?

For the answer, just click the following links.

Our Most Popular – A Conspiracy of Imbeciles

Lincoln Was Wrong

The Best Sales Copy Ever Written For the Worst Product

Your Future Begins Now!

Brain Droppings

You’re Deluded![11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Dear Mr. President-Elect …

Time to Turn Lemons into Lemonade!

For Men and Women Who Still Dream

Save the Polar Bears!

Read each article and the responses that follow. Observe how many of our
readers seem to have invested HOURS of time to craft their responses –
major skin in the game!

Note also how the tone of my posts differ; strident in the main article to
create controversy and response, then much more accessible and friendly in
the blog portion.

Notice also how I varied my approach in the blog that follows each article so
that I could gauge the relative response to the tone and content of each post.
And notice which of my trial-and-error posts caused a surge of new posts
and which ones were totally ignored.

Do you think you could do something like this for products and sales copy
you’re working on? Even if you don’t have your own blog – is there a way you
could use other people’s blogs to get this kind of valuable feedback?

And wouldn’t that kind of feedback be far superior to what you might get

Oh – and one more thing: Please scroll down and tell me what conclusions
YOU draw from this exercise: What do YOU think our new political blog
should look like … sound like … and what it should do for visitors?

Should be fun – and highly instructive!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
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31 Responses to Thanks For Your Participation

Tia Dobi says:

March 16, 2009 at 1:03 pm

Hmmm…I’m wondering if we are to have a free and decent country

whether it might be wise to pay a lot more attention to respecting the
views of those with whom we strongly disagree?

Seek ye first to understand…how is it the Dali Lama retains his calm

in the midst of a lifetime of political injustice?

I would want to study up on the masters a little to proffer editorial

direction on a political site.

I like Sam Smith’s progressive review out of DC. For me, it seems
that he and Michael Moore state researched facts.

Now back to crafting resumes.


Tia Dobi says:

March 16, 2009 at 1:04 pm

P.S. Is Clayton headlining at the Freedom Fest 2009 in Sin City this


David says:
March 16, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Thoughtful posts, thin skins and a brain dump of ideas to get your
product to market. Testing your copy this way is an innovative way to
get true feedback. I relish in the way some fight hard to gain
acceptance and to defend while others loudly (yet rarely very[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

well)voice opposition.

A political blog most often falls into one of two categories. The first is
a very liberal slant with very little if any opposition. The second is a
very conservative slant with little if any opposition. Anytime dialogue
occurs it is either so contentious the thread is stopped or it ends in
“Well you believe your way and I will believe mine,” and no real
progress is made.

A moderated political blog that has a very defined goal of finding

common ground and searching for ideas is what is needed. I hope to
see that you can bring this together.



Fred Black says:

March 16, 2009 at 1:20 pm

Polls and Focus Groups: Like quantum physics – the act of trying to
observe and measure it alters the outcome.

Politics: I have a political blog, but I’ve been so disgusted that I

haven’t been able to post lately!


John Gilger says:

March 16, 2009 at 2:30 pm


How could that be?

A Republican is just the north end of a south-bound Democrat… and

vice versa.


You seem to be more of the Patrick Henry type.



John says:
March 16, 2009 at 3:08 pm[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |


The Total Package has always been about marketing and

copywriting. It has been a life-line for those of us who are sharpening
our copywriting skills. You can only be grateful for Clayton and all he
has given. But now we see a move towards politics because THERE

There is a market for penis enlargement pills, so let’s create a product

and blog. Yes?
NO! It’s pure snake oil.

Politics blows. I’m disapointed over the new blog. Heck, we don’t
even have a president. . .
He has never produced an authentic birth certificate which would
prove he was in fact born in the United States.
Maybe you could address this on the new blog. But you may get
death threats.

We must keep writing copy. It’s sad when you see your mentor go off
in a weird direction.
I’ll watch from the fence Clayton.
John Babin


Vanessa says:
March 16, 2009 at 4:55 pm

Well, I guess my open rate on your emails is going to ricochet to the

rubbish heap. Rather like the subject matter.

You’ve already demonstrated that you’re not interested in opinions

that don’t mirror your own. And that you have no desire to have a
respectful discussion.

I presume that your new search for a managing editor/editorial writer

is limited to those who would do likewise. Even if “uphold the highest
journalistic stadard” USED to mean “get both sides of the story”.

But no matter: If I want to subscribe to another self-congratulatory

political circle-jerk, I can listen to Rush Limbaugh, read the Huffington
Post, or watch Keith Olbermann.

God forbid.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

John Anderson says:

March 16, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Hey Clayton,

Well I would love engage political site that you develop.

I love your writing…I even love reading Money and Markets even
though I dont fit the demographic your writing to in that.

(Side note: love that new million dollar challenge! – have you done
press releases about that puppy? Talk about putting your money
where your mouth is!)

Anyway, I am all for us entrepeneurs and think that if the government

stopped taxing us entrepeneurs so much…they wouldnt need to
borrow so much money from China and give it all away in stimulas


I am also a keen environmentalist, and from my reading of dozens of

scientific reports (and also from visiting counties such as China and
Malaysia and seeing the effects of my own eyes…I happen to know
that ‘Business as ussuall’ isn’t going to cut it.

I have seen the endless plantations of mono-crops where verdant

rain forests teeming with wildlife used to be…

I have been in cities where the air is basically unbreathable due to


I have seen water that you cannot swim in due to pollutants and I
have experienced recently in Australia the environmental impacts
that climate change can bring (mass fires sweeping across the land…

(I know your not a big beleiver in climate change Clayton, but the
insurance companies sure are because they have seen on their
books the rising trend of more climate related natural disasters each

For these reasons we need to have an environmentalist veiw point

from a respected commentator on the new blog.

Also, I know your man Milton said the only purpose of business is to
make profit. Fair enough, I love making a profit in my business…


The most inspiring companies that I see are ones that are standing
for causes bigger than themselves. And who could fail to be inspired[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

by Professor Yunus at the Grameen bank or

which lend money to start up entrepeneurs in the developing world.

These sort of social entrepeneurs need to be encouraged as well,

because if government isn’t the solution to all our problems…we
need to be looking at highlighting and supporting the new socially
based companies that are doing their bit to help our world out.

So Clayton, I would read your new political site even it was your
drunk ramblings written after a night out…

But to make it have the profound impact on the world that it needs to
at this challenging time in human history it needs to incorporate a
strong environmental message, and a social entrepeneurship

Hey…I’ll even write the articles putting forward that side of the the
debate! (And don’t worry…I know you can’t bore a person into buying
so I will make them hot and spicy as a Madras curry and promise not
to preach…)

Warmest wishes



Duane says:
March 16, 2009 at 6:18 pm

Vanessa and Tia are TOTAL A– Holes…

If they want balanced crap journalism let them stick to the vile Katey
Couric… (Which we all know how balanced THAT is)…
Even better… I’d like to hear Clayton to a radio show.
Sort of like the great “Bob Grant” here in NYC.
Clayton, how about starting an internet radio show?
Why not do one like great “The Political Cesspool” out of
Memphis…? (forget about “controlled” radio).
Any contrarian Political discourse bt Clayton would be great… And I
have forwarded his political rants..


Beau Smith says:

March 16, 2009 at 6:41 pm


You had me fooled. I thought you were just demonstrating marketing[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

using politics. An unusual subject for copywriting, I used to think. I

now know better.

Researching a possible web site? Brilliant! I hope you do well with it.
I’m sure you’ll find a way to accomplish your goals.

As always thank you for the marketing lesson. I hope the lengthy
process you used to illustrate it makes it really sink in.

Beau Smith

PS I’ve been saying you should do ads for the Libertarian party. It’s
the best way I know of to get some common sense into our
government. I guess you’ve been a step ahead of me all along.


Beau Smith says:

March 16, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Now that I think of it, politics is a great field for a copywriter. How
many signs have you seen around election time that tell you who or
what to vote for, but don’t say why? Things like “Vote Yes for Issue 6″
and nothing else. Not very persuasive, is it? There seems to be a
serious shortage of political copywriters.

What’s that I hear? Sounds like opportunity knocking…

Beau Smith


Hugh says:
March 16, 2009 at 7:58 pm

Hey John Babin, its Clayton’s blog. He can post whatever he damn
well feels like.

Anyway, its a great lesson in writing. Ever heard of the power of

controversy? Hell, even I like to post controversial posts on some
forums I frequent, just to get a response out of people. After all, that’s
the job of a copywriter.


Bob Heiney says:

March 16, 2009 at 10:22 pm

As I clicked on the link to Clayton’s little missive, I felt a massive[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

electric charge burst out from the LCD screen on my tired old laptop
computer. Immediately – I was sucked into the giant vortex that
represents the vast intellect in the Makepeace Mind.

Truly, who cares whether he writes about politics or brown dog ticks?
Everything he writes is compelling copy. You don’t like his politics you
say? Do your research. Makepeace certainly did.

Economists who actually studied while in grad school (instead of not

inhaling) have all said we’re screwed. You can’t purchase big
government spending programs forever with phony money printed by
the Treasury. One day soon the policies of Bush and Obama are
going to permanently ruin the US economy.

But in the meantime, we’ve got hope in the form of the Total
Package. We can all imagine that we can really write copy – until we
get sucked into the vortex…


Brian Ochsner says:

March 17, 2009 at 12:31 am


You’re onto something – there IS a big need for good copy in radio,
print and other political ads. That’s because there’s so much BAD
marketing in this arena, just like a lot of others.

For you folks who are hot under the collar about what Clayton said,
take a couple of deep breaths, drink three cups of de-caf, and think
about how you could apply it to your businesses. That’s the main
reason you read his articles, right?

Like the title of the 80s song – Clayton, you write “Things That Make
Ya Go Hmmmmm….” Keep those money-making ideas coming.



David says:
March 17, 2009 at 9:38 am

The old cliché – opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one. Some
of the immature comments here are sickening. You’d think that some
people would get to the age where they wouldn’t act like a little kid
not getting his way and crying all the way back home to mommy.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

The sad part is they are the ones that continually promote the better
be nice to me crap that has made us too damn politically correct in
this country.

Go for it Clayton and keep it white hot…don’t ever be politically

correct, keep us guessing and wondering what you’ll say next.


John Haigh says:

March 17, 2009 at 10:19 am

I’m pretty interested in politics. Even the grossly manipulated farce

that is called a democracy in America.

America is a bit like a badly wounded rhinocerous. Smaller nations

had better step lightly to enure they are not destroyed by its thrashing
about in its death throes.

But a lot of wonderfully energetic, generous and talented people live


I’m interested to subscribe to your new political newsletter and to give

you the perspective of an eccentric Australian expat living very
happily in China.


PS If a genie gave me one wish I would choose for everyboy in the

continental US of A to experience The Rapture and be instantly and
permanently transported to Heaven. I’d like the Hawaiians and
Alaskans to stay.

If I had two wishes, I’d ask for the mother of the guy who invented
Karaoke to have been born infertile.


Steve Newdell says:

March 17, 2009 at 10:40 am

I posted but nothing showed. Maybe a glitch that will be fixed. I hope

What should it look and feel like? Like the successful magazines that
exist now.

But, do focus on your beliefs. Don’t be wish washy. If you’re a dyed in

the wool conservative say it leaving no questions.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Rush is successful because he’s opinionated.

A very old sailor, Donald Street, is successful in marketing his books

and seminars because he expresses his opinions and rants and
doesn’t care if people do or don’t like them. His seminars are
standing room only affairs. People want a LEADER.

So Lead on! Lift thy sword and LEAD ON.

steve newdell . com


Tia Dobi says:

March 17, 2009 at 11:23 am

Ye-eess…the only way for any product, service, (i.e. political website)
to be successful is to don the personality of its owner because that’s
how the nature of human nature works.

Easy peasy.

Now go tell (sell) something and make it a great St. Patty’s Day. Drink
green beer-jump in the green Chicago river. Go have some fun.


Karen says:
March 17, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Hey Clayton,

I HATE politics!! But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed

your rants. No–rant on, you do such a terrific, and accurate, job of it!
And while I don’t promise I’d be a follower of a Clayton political blog, I
am convinced, no, CONVINCED, that your voice desperately needs
to be heard loud and clear.


Dan White says:

March 17, 2009 at 1:09 pm

Hi Clayton,

What you’ll need above all is an ARCH-NEMESIS.

Batman had the Joker. Ali had Foreman.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

You have Dan White.

If you go back and look at the pages that got 10 to 20 times the
normal page views, I was blowing on those embers every time they
began to fade.

And not because, as Levis suggests, I have too much time on my

hands. But because I consider it my civic duty to type circles around
you one-winged turkeys.

I’d say bring in Bencivenga to play the role… he strikes me as liberal

enough to balance you out… but you two seem to have too much
affection for each other to engage in a good ol’ fashioned bare-
knuckled typing brawl.

I, on the other hand, have a bon-bon board with your picture on it,
which I gleefully pelt to get my wrists warmed up every morning.

Just kidding. I wouldn’t waste good pot like that

Doesn’t have to be me… but an arch-nemesis is key. Drop a line if

you’re up for the challenge.

We’ll call it:


I’m thinking a live chat room. In the main window, me versus you,
with a running side window for the audience to chime in.

Clayton “Bear Knuckles” Makepeace

Dan “The Great White”

Heavyweight Division 15-minute match.

Winner to be judged by a panel of three, chosen from the chat

audience. Topic to be announced the day before.

Points will be deducted for delayed responses. Just as boxers are

penalized for dancing around the ring. No carefully crafted sentences.
This isn’t a magalog. It’s old-school wordsmithing. Spitting copy so
fast the keys are hot to the touch.


Tia Dobi says:

March 17, 2009 at 3:10 pm[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

I love politics (that’s why I keep coming back here to read the

Worked as a managing editor on an e-zine + sister website (with a

libetarian slant) and what I know for sure = this can be very

The bomb (!) is getting multiple media coverage and working on a

product like this during a national presidential election = thrilling.

Peace and profits wherever you are.

Tia D.


Steve Newdell says:

March 17, 2009 at 4:04 pm

Hi Again Clayton

I’m trying to repost the lost posting

‘course there’s a market for conservative news blogs – if NewsMax is

any guide. just look at how
they’ve grown. They started virtually giving ads away. Now I couldn’t
imagine enough money to buy them.

The body politic has been in discussion since the 1500’s, so now
some sage tells us there’s no market and you should stay hiding in
your cubicle.


If you suppress your discussions you suppress the new influx and
outflow of ideas and thus reduce your ability to write. New discussion
seasons the broth of the subconscious mind which inevitably bubbles
new ideas to the surface.

Even if your views are not accepted by everyone, there’s nothing

wrong in that. Opinions make leaders and leaders stir up
imaginations, and bring in more discussions and discussers. Some of
that demographic will want to see the ads you post along the sides of
the blog or E-Magazine just as they do at Newsmax.

Voice: maybe something that differs from Newsmax, or maybe

something that suits your desire to rant and rave a bit. That ranting
voice brought on an American Revolution, gave India home-rule,
brought England and Ireland to civil war, the 100 years war, World
War II. Much more than I know….[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Lead on and feel the walls as they grow. You’ll soon figure out what’s
accepted, what works and what doesn’t. There’s a market! And
you’ve got the mailing list and the money to reach many more.

You worked for Reagan? Why didn’t you start this 30-years ago?
You’d own the Federal Reserve by now.

Carry on. You might save a country.

Steve Newdell dot com


John says:
March 17, 2009 at 8:02 pm

To Dan White:

I think you should leave your Narcissistic rants out of the Total

Do you have even “ONE” control under your belt?

I’ll bet you write copy for Walmart sale papers.

I’m not looking for a copy fight. It would be too easy to beat you.
John Babin


Dan White says:

March 17, 2009 at 10:36 pm

Hey Babin,

I didn’t say I was the reason Makepeace had 10X views for his
political rants.

It was his ultimate “common enemy” rant that managed that (my
lingo, by the way).

I just said I kept the embers glowing.

Which any NEMESIS could achieve. You’re too busy pickiing the lint
out of his arse to play that role.

But I challenge you pull off the same page-view feat without a
nemesis stoking the coals.

Good luck. I’m just pointing out the obvious, because Clayton has[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

done so for many so many times…

P.S. I’ve one three controls in ten years. Sure, nothing like
Makepeace, but one was for AARP, which I consider a world-class
knock-out. So I’m qualified for a cage match with Makepeace. I would
bother with you unless I had one hand tied behind my back and you
brought your three closest goons.


Dan White says:

March 17, 2009 at 10:39 pm

P.S. Sorry for the typos lads. It’s 10:30 on St. Patrick’s day, and I
owe it to him to be wasted.

One / won. That’s pretty wasted!

But hey, that’s what bare-knuckle is all about.


Dan White says:

March 17, 2009 at 11:37 pm

P.P.S. Babin,

This is the first time I’ve seen your name on the forum.

So what’s your evidence that I’m a narcissist? Just because I claim

that Clayton’s posts exploded when I started disagreeing with him?
For my money Clayton has already stated guys like me boost his

Did you go back and look at the posts? No.

All I’m saying is my writing explodes response wherever I go, so it’s

no big deal to me, because Clayton + me is like squaring a cube.

You’re the one that’s making a big deal out of it. In my 15 year career
the label “narcissist” has been directed my way two times (and I’m
sure Clayton has experienced the same).

Each and every time by a guy who can’t sell his way out of a paper
bag. So instead of earning his attention by simply being GOOD, he
attacks others to trying to bring them down to his obscure level.

Pretty much describe you Babin? Mr. Nothing. Mr. Non-Event. Mr.
Yawn?[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Getting warmer?


Eric Ruth says:

March 19, 2009 at 9:57 pm

Dan’s got stones, I’ll give him that. I’m also intrigued by his challenge.
It would be cool to see him go up against you Clayton. Wonder if
there’s a practical way to make that happen?

Would definitely make for some compelling blog posts.


Dan White says:

March 20, 2009 at 11:46 am

Hey thanks for the Nod Eric!

You can hold my spit pail during the fight

While Clayton has many more techniques in his arsenal, being the
consumate veteran… I just so happen to type absurdly fast. So
Clayton may need to dictate to Wendy to compete.


Sears Roebuck says:

March 23, 2009 at 11:29 am


If you do a political website, please have someone watch c-spann

and name the site Circus Spann and charge people to see the
elephants and donkeys in their natural habitats.

Case in point. The interrogation of Mr. Liddy convinced me that

elected officials should be thrown out of office as soon they say “I
was a lawyer in my other life.”

And speaking of that, you may want to start a referendum that bars
lawyers from running for office, based on their inability to solve

Lawyer are trained to create problems, doctors are trained to solve

problems, which is one of the reasons why you do not see many
doctors running for office.[11/29/2012 8:07:40 PM]

Thanks For Your Participation |

Ask our elected officials to work for royalties only. Then only
marketers and copywriters would qualify for elected office.

If you start a political website, I suggest you ask your readers to

submit their ideas on how to solve our nation’s problems from a
marketing prospective.

You will not get many responses, but the ones you get might lead to
some real solutions.

Look at the idea I sent you as an example.

Thanks for giving me a place to vent.



Michael Fiala says:

March 23, 2009 at 5:44 pm

When I’m doing opposition research for political candidates, I

regularly start arguments on the candidates local newspaper’s blog.

It provides all sorts of information you can’t get with focus groups
(because people are free to fire away, as you mentioned).

It also helps me learn what the average voter’s problems are, why
they might disagree with my candidate’s solution, and overcome their
objections to my candidates solutions and policies in my copy.

This also helps me craft my candidates message and position my

candidates ideas as solutions to voters problems.


Вячеслав Меньшиков says:

May 30, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Читал про это уже на каком то другом сайте, но у вас намного

прикольней написано


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Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

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Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 Subscribe to RSS

John Caples Explains it All

Posted on March 19, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Three Steps to Creativity We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Three Classes of Successful Headlines
by storm, there’s something
Five Rules for Writing Great Headlines you should know …
Do You Believe?
The Three Kinds of Copy to Avoid

The 14 Most Effective Sales Appeals

9 Ways to Increase the Selling Power of Your Copy

34 Ways to Write a Headline


Dear Business-Builder,

In 1926, the Twenties were Roaring … Claude Hopkins’ masterwork on

copywriting – Scientific Advertising – was the three-year-old bible for
copywriters everywhere … and a raw young copy cub sat down to write an ad
for The U.S. School of Music …

The 26-year-old copywriter’s name was John Caples and to this day, his
headline for that ad, “They Laughed When I sat Down At the Piano But When
I Started to Play!” is considered by most to be the Stairway to Heaven of the
copywriting world.

After this ad ran, things happened quickly for John Caples. Within one year,
he had been recruited by the advertising giant BBD&O, where he spent the
next 56 years creating world-beating ads. In 1973 Caples was elected into
the Copywriters Hall of Fame and four years later into the Advertising Hall of
Fame.[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

How to Write Like John Caples

Now, when asked to write an ad selling home-study courses to would-be
musicians, most young copywriters would begin with the obvious. They’d
create a simple, straightforward benefit headline – like: Master the Piano at
Home in 30 Days – Without a Teacher!

But Caples instinctively knew better. He understood that mastering a musical

instrument is hard, time-consuming, frustrating work – and that nobody really
wants to put themselves through that drudgery.

“So,” I can almost hear the young Caples asking himself, “Why DO millions
still take piano lessons every year?”

And I can almost hear him answering himself: “Because mastering an

instrument makes people more popular … wins them the admiration and
envy of friends … and ultimately, brings them happiness.”

Mr. Caples recognized that his product was not a piano course – or even the
ability to play. Those things were merely the means to an end. His real
product was the admiration and respect of others. He was selling popularity
and happiness!

In short, Mr. Caples recognized that people buy for emotional reasons – not
practical ones … and that by appealing to his prospects’ most dominant
resident emotions, he had a shot at driving response to his ad through the

Now, even after coming to this amazing conclusion, Mr. Caples could have
still chosen to write a straight benefit headline – like: “How to Be the Most
Popular Guy at Any Party!”

But again, Mr. Caples understood that simply describing how popular
musicians are wouldn’t have the same emotional resonance as a vividly
visual, first-person “true story” about how a goofball – a buffoon nobody ever
dreamed could play – left his friends amazed … breathless … spellbound …
and applauding wildly.

Everyone reading the ad wanted to be that guy!

And so, Caples …

1. Takes fully HALF of his ad space to seduce his prospects with an

intriguing, visual story of his personal triumph …

2. Presents his product as doing all the work for the prospect … without the
laborious drudgery of practicing scales, in half the usual time – “Just read
the list of instruments in the panel,” he says, “decide which one you want[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

to play and the U.S. School will do the rest.” …

3. Removes a possible objection by dispelling the myth that you need a

special talent to play …

4. Adds a credibility element by mentioning that the U.S. School of Music

has taught 350,000 people to play their favorite instruments …

5. Trivializes the price (without mentioning it) by saying it’s only a few cents
a day …

6. Offers a free “music test” and demonstration lesson, “no cost – no

obligation” …

7. Adds an urgency element, saying this is a special offer for a limited

number of new students and urges prospects to respond “before it’s too

Caples on Caples
Lucky for us, Mr. Caples left us a treasury of his ad-writing wisdom in Tested
Advertising Methods (Prentice Hall Business Classics) (1932), Advertising
ideas (The History of advertising) (1938) and Making Ads Pay (1957).

One thing, though – they won’t do you one damn bit of good until you study
them! So if you haven’t read these bibles of direct response and copywriting
– or if it’s been a while since you immersed yourself in Caples’ wisdom – I
urge you to order them NOW!

Here are just a few of the gems you’ll discover in John Caples’ books …

Caples’ Three-Step Approach to Creativity

1. Capture the prospect’s attention. Nothing happens unless something in
your ad, your mailing, or your commercial makes the prospect stop long
enough to pay attention to what you say next.

2. Maintain the prospect’s interest. Keep the ad, mailing, or commercial

focused on the prospect, on what he or she will get out of using your
product or service.

3. Move the prospect to favorable action. Unless enough “prospects” are

transformed into “customers”, your ad has failed, no matter how creative.
That’s why you don’t stop with A/I/A (Attention, Interest/Action), but
continue right on with testing.

Caples on Headlines
“If the headline doesn’t stop people, the copy might as well be written in

“If the headline of an advertisement is poor, the best copywriters in the world[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

can’t write copy that will sell the goods.

“They haven’t a chance. Because, if the headline is poor, the copy will not be
read. And copy that is not read does not sell goods.

“On the other hand, if the headline is a good one, it is a relatively simple
matter to write the copy.”

Caples’ Three Classes of Successful Headlines

“Advertisers who work with keyed copy find the majority of their most
successful headlines can be divided into three classes:

“1. Self-interest. The best headlines are those that appeal to the reader
benefits. They offer readers something they want – and get from you. For



“2. News. The next-best headlines are those that give news. For example:



“3. Curiosity. The third-best headlines are those that arouse curiosity. For

LOST: $35,000


Caples’ Five Rules for Writing Great Headlines:

“1. First and foremost, try to get self-interest into every headline you write.
Make your headline suggest to the readers that here is something they want.
This rule is so fundamental that it would seem obvious. Yet the rule is
violated every day by scores of writers.

“2. If you have news, such as a new product, or a new use for an old product,
be sure to get that news into your headline in a big way.

“3. Avoid headlines that merely provoke curiosity. Curiosity combined with
news or self-interest is an excellent aid to the pulling power of your headline,
but curiosity by itself is seldom enough.

“This fundamental rule is violated more often than any other. Every issue of
every magazine and newspaper contains advertising headlines that attempt
to sell the reader through curiosity alone.[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

“4. Avoid, when possible, headlines that paint the gloomy or negative side of
the picture. Take the cheerful, positive angle.

“5. Try to suggest in your headline that here is a quick and easy way for the
readers to get something they want.

“In using this last suggestion – as mentioned previously – be sure to make

your headline believable. Here is the headline of an advertisement that was
tested by a correspondence school:



“This seems to sum up in a few words what people have wanted ever since
the world began. Yet the advertisement did not bring many replies, probably
because the headline was unbelievable. It seemed too good to be true.

Caples on the Three Kinds of Copy to Avoid

“1. Poetic Copy: There is a type of copy so poetically worded that the chief
impression the reader receives is, 'The person who wrote that piece is
certainly a master word juggler.'

“2. Affected Copy: There is a type of copy that sounds as if it were written
by a college sophomore in order to produce an intense effect on the reader.
This copy depends on extravagant phrases rather than on real thought or

“Here is an example taken from a jeweler’s advertisement for star sapphires:


Soft Sapphire … It is like a cup of night blue, dazed with moonlight and soft
shadows, and it bears a promise of the sky. For in its depths stir the six arcs
of a veiled silver star … eager to fling their beauty to the night.

“3. Unbelievable Copy: Copy that strains the credulity of the intelligent
reader is not as effective as it was years ago.

“Most of the advertisers who procured sales through exaggerated and

unbelievable claims have been reduced to using 60-line space in a few of the
cheaper publications, or they have gone out of business entirely.

Caples’ Most Effective Sales Appeals

“Here are some appeals that continue to increase sales:

Make more money[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

Save money

Retirement security

Better health now

Health care security

Security in old age

Advance in profession or trade



Easier chores

Gain more leisure


Reduce fat

Freedom from worry

Caples’ 9 Ways to Increase the Selling Power of

Your Copy
1. Use Present Tense, Second Person

2. Use Subheads

3. Give Free Information

4. Arouse Curiosity

5. Make Your Copy Specific

6. Use Long Copy

7. Write More Copy Than Is Necessary To Fill The Space

8. Get Help From Others

9. Make Every Advertisement a Complete Sales Talk

Caples’ 35 Ways to Write a Headline

1. Begin your headline with the word “Introducing.”

2. Begin your headline with the word “Announcing.”

3. Use words that have an announcement quality.

4. Begin your headline with the word “New.”

5. Begin your headline with the word “Now.”[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

6. Begin your headline with the words “At last.”

7. Put a date into your headline.

8. Write your headline in news style.

9. Feature the price in your headline.

10. Feature reduced price.

11. Feature a special merchandising offer.

12. Feature an easy-payment plan.

13. Feature a free offer.

14. Offer information of value.

15. Tell a story.

16. Begin your headline with the words “How To.”

17. Begin your headline with the word “How.”

18. Begin your headline with the word “Why.”

19. Begin your headline with the word “Which?”

20. Begin your headline with the words “Who else.”

21. Begin your headline with the word “Wanted.”

22. Begin your headline with the word “This.”

23. Begin your headline with the word “Because.”

24. Begin your headline with the word “If.”

25. Begin your headline with the word “Advice.”

26. Use a testimonial-style headline.

27. Offer the reader a test.

28. Use a one-word headline.

29. Use a two-word headline.

30. Use a three-word headline.

31. Warn the reader to delay buying.

32. Let the manufacturer speak directly to the reader.

33. Address your headline to a specific person or group.

34. Have your headline ask a question.

35. Offer benefits through facts and figures.[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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24 Responses to Great Moments in Advertising Part 5

John Caples Explains it All

Garry says:
March 19, 2009 at 10:10 am

The man was a genius.

How many marketing graduates today could be bothered to read

these goldmines?

One I met described them as “old fashioned and no longer relevant in

modern advertising”

I am lucky enough to own all three. Incredibly, the Advertising Ideas”

had been thrown in a rubbish skip!

I’ve never moved so fast as when I rescued it.

Talk about sacrilege


Peter Black says:

March 19, 2009 at 10:45 am[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

Clayton–and I mean in this in all sincerity–the only person who has

improved on Caples is you. I read Caples assiduously for years, but
never got the importance of putting emotions first from him, even
though, as you rightly point out, he practised it himself. You won’t go
terribly wrong just using Caples mechanically, but you probably won’t
have many breakthroughs.


Peter Black says:

March 19, 2009 at 10:45 am

Clayton–and I mean in this in all sincerity–the only person who has

improved on Caples is you. I read Caples assiduously for years, but
never got the importance of putting emotions first from him, even
though, as you rightly point out, he practised it himself. You won’t go
terribly wrong just using Caples mechanically, but you probably won’t
have many breakthroughs.


Chad Kettner says:

March 19, 2009 at 11:13 am

This is great stuff, Clayton. I’ve got about 30 books on my “to read”
list, but Tested Advertising Methods has just jumped to the top of the


Greg Gunter says:

March 19, 2009 at 11:35 am

Here’s a fun little experiment I’ve enjoyed for years now:

The next time some brand new Mass Comm or Advertising grad
comes through your door looking for a job, ask them if they’ve read
Caples, Hopkins, Kennedy (that one’ll get you some confused
expressions), Reeves, Schwartz (Eugene AND Leo), Ogilvy, Don
Schultz, Stone, Ries & Trout, and Peppers. (Throw in Roman &
Maas, and Higgins, if you’re really feeling evil.)

Then watch for the “deer in the headlights” look. 999 times out of
1000, you’ll see it.

You’ll get the same reaction from your “Cheap-is-the-Only-Thing-

That-Matters” competitors, too.

I don’t have any of them memorized chapter-and-verse, but if you’re[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

going to be in this craft, spend some time studying it. What you do
should make a difference in your clients’ lives.


Joe Swopes says:

March 19, 2009 at 12:09 pm

Great stuff man, Caples has some classic info. I have both tested
advertising and making ads pay, as well as how to make your
advertising make money. I don’t have the others, but I know they are

Caples was the man lol.


Bruce Carlson says:

March 19, 2009 at 12:39 pm

Hi Clayton,

Thanks for posting some of the gems from one of our profession’s
true masters!



Susan Greene says:

March 19, 2009 at 1:04 pm

This article should be required reading for ad agency execs. I’ve

worked for many agencies that felt a headline had to be cute and
clever rather than have sale appeal. They were more interested in
winning creative awards than generating sales.

Thanks for the specific tips in this piece. Very helpful.


Len says:
March 19, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Greg (Post #5) — Don’t forget Vic Schwab![11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

Being Direct (by Lester Wunderman) is also a great read.


Merrill Clark says:

March 19, 2009 at 2:27 pm


Thanks for condensing so many valuable Caples copywriting tips into

one short article.

Just studying this one post will put a a copywriter head and shoulders
above all the others.

Thanks again,
Merrill Clark


David says:
March 19, 2009 at 3:03 pm

When I was a student at University of California Santa Cruz, the

faculty went on strike over the Vietnam War. Actually they got paid
but didn’t have to teach their classes. That gave me about six weeks,
uninterrupted by nonsense, to read and study all of Claude, Victor,
John Caples, Robert Collier, Ogilvy, Maxwell Sackheim, Haldeman-
Julius, and other favorites. You are doing a real service by boiling
down these books and teachings into pithy essays.

I keep all of Caples’ books handy. They are full of checklists that
speed my writing. When I see the stupidity that passes for advertising
today, I say to myself, “that person never read claude, maxwell, victor
or john. What a waste.”

When I ran a business right out of college, ad agencies would

sometimes approach me about doing space ads and dm. I would
sometimes ask the ad man, “which of the classic books on mail order
advertisng and direct mail do you use most often?” I should have kept
an album of their responses.


Greg Gunter says:

March 19, 2009 at 4:49 pm

Len (Post #9) – Absolutely. I haven’t read Wunderman, but will at

some point. It’s the re-reading that’s tricky to get around to.[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

Some time ago, Clayton sent me his recommended reading list. Ask
him if he wouldn’t mind posting it to this site somewhere, perhaps as a
blog entry so readers can add suggestions. That would be a great
thread to come back to.



Greg Gunter says:

March 19, 2009 at 6:05 pm

Right on, Susan. (Post #8) Same here. In fact, I was VP of one.
Cutesy, clever little headlines and broadcast intros & tags that didn’t
have a thing to do with pulling or moving qualified buyers. I used to
write a lot of that dreck myself. “High school creative.” But I have
been reborn!


Solomon says:
March 19, 2009 at 11:05 pm

Hi Clayton,
I like to read all the books. Here in India, they’re not available. I’ll
purchase little later, as I’m little short of money. But, I genuinely feel
your interpretation of their works in view of the current situation is
Just like this article. Keep inspiring us with your great articles!


Grahame says:
March 20, 2009 at 5:12 am

Thanks for a great post, Clayton.

Here is another Caples classic I hardly ever see mentioned:

How To Make Your Advertising Make Money


Chris West says:[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |

March 20, 2009 at 9:46 am

Clayton Steps into the box,

He swings and and its a hit high into the outfield
its going, going, GONE

Another Home run post.

Thanks for Caples article – its true gold!

And thanks for the links to his books – I am due for
a new one.



Peter Black says:

March 20, 2009 at 10:32 am

Hey, Clayton…how do you feel about the word “revenge” in


Especially round about now in financial markets…


Garry says:
March 20, 2009 at 11:58 am

Another great one is “Advertising Copy” by George Burton Hotchkiss.

Apparently it was the text book for the advertising course that set JC
on to the path to greatness

In ” Making Ads Pay” Caples shows how a passage in that book

inspired the “they laughed when I sat at the piano” ad.

Brilliant 1920′s book (about 500 pages) and much cheaper than Mr
Caples’ own books.



Mike says:
March 22, 2009 at 10:17 am

Another great post and another great reminder of things forgotten…[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |


DunCAN says:
March 22, 2009 at 8:09 pm

I love it. The summary at the end is now printed and laminated as a
little ‘cheat sheet’

Excellent info as usual on this site

many thanks,
“budding copy writer”


Wendy Makepeace says:

March 23, 2009 at 9:35 am

Post #12, Greg – and anyone else who wants Clayton’s

recommended reading list.

Just a reminder, that if you go to the links right at the top of this page
(below the TTP masthead) under Copywriting Tools, you’ll see
“Recommended Reading”.

Everyone really should take a look at all the special links under
Copywriting Tools. You’ll find a lot of great resources FREE from The
Total Package.

Want something else added? Just post me your suggestions!


Sears Roebuck says:

March 23, 2009 at 11:53 am


Please read that profitable ad sent to you by Sears Roebuck.

The guy is trying to make you richer than Warren Buffett.

Is that second person or third person?

Love you man.

Thanks[11/29/2012 8:07:55 PM]

Great Moments in Advertising Part 5 John Caples Explains it All |


Peter says:
March 25, 2009 at 6:48 pm

This is absolute GOLD and will be posted above my monitor. You

know what though? I feel after reading this that I must have violated
EVERY headline rule there is on my own copy. Bad Peter!.


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Posted on March 23, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Dear Business-Builder, We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Sorry about not blogging much last week – I kidnapped The Redhead for a world
desperately needed get-away: Four glorious days and nights at the Beau by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Rivage Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. Do You Believe?

Ever been there? You should go. It’s as much fun as I ever had in Vegas
but for those of us in the East, without the long flight.

How’d we do? Thanks for asking! Well, we lost about $9,000 the first three
days, then made it all back (counting comps) the fourth night. Blackjack
tends to be like that if you do it right.

The high point of the trip was people. We met a lot of great ones. My
favorite: An old guy from New York hobbled over to the table, sat down and
motioned to the dealer. “I need you to deal real slow,” he said in an accent
tinged with Yiddish. “Because I’m going to count cards but I’m not very good
at it.”

For an hour, everyone at the table asked the old gentleman if he was through
counting before making our moves.

At any rate, my head hurts, my eyes are bleary, my liver is still refusing to
speak to me and I’ve got a pile of stuff to do for clients on my desk this

So instead of doing a long article that’ll probably piss a bunch of people off
anyway, why don’t we just have a nice conversation this week?[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Tell me what I can help you with? Ask me anything you like about
copywriting or marketing. I’ll check in every morning and afternoon to help
any way I can.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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John Caples Explains it All of Marketing Research for Free →

45 Responses to When the Going Gets Tough,

The Tough Go Gambling.

Todd says:
March 23, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Have you ever done any work where the person paying isn’t the one
receiving the product/service?

i.e. – we sell hockey training to athletes but the parents pay.

What’s the best way to approach this type of situation??


alexander-social media guy says:

March 23, 2009 at 12:36 pm


I’ve been to Vegas a couple times and know the feeling when the
liver rebels.

I’d like to know the best way to re-invgorate an old list.[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

I’ve recently licensed a list of 97,820 which hasn’t been mailed to.

About 40,000 of the prospects are from 2007 and 2008. The rest are
from 2001-2006.

What would you recommend as a starter email to get their attention?




Cheryl Antier says:

March 23, 2009 at 1:04 pm

Hey Clayton,

I miss getting to talk to you every month with the Easy Writers, so this
is a nice idea.

In the light of the current economic mess and the way the public eye
is focusing on big companies and the way they spend their money…
How would you put a positive spin on incentive trips for companies
who use them to motivate or reward top sales producers?

(I’m not sure even YOU can make this one fly…but I can’t wait to see
what you come up with!)

Bissous to you and the gang from the French Riviera!



Dan says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:18 pm

Hi Clayton,

Can you speak about the most recent Google slap that has caused
many websites quality scores to plunge… and caused Google to
raise our prices to $5.00 to $10.00 a click.

Also, any ideas to get past the email inbox clutter and actually get
your e-mails read?

Thanks![11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |



Conor says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:24 pm

Hi Clayton,

Good work. My liver is recovering from some great Irish sporting

victories at the weekend, and the subsequent celebrations. I feel your

I would love to learn more about how to silence the fears of your
prospects while seducing them with your sales pitch.

Silence and seduce. Any ideas?




Nathan says:
March 23, 2009 at 1:44 pm

Hey Clayton,
Tell us how you
feel about Rep.
Barney Fife.




Ryan Ireland says:

March 23, 2009 at 1:50 pm

@Alexander–A note about the “licensed list” …please do your

homework and make sure what you’re doing is on the up-and-up.
Just search google for “Purchased List”+Deliverability and start
reading. The first three natural search results should clear up whether
you’re taking risks.

As for Clayton, I’d love to hear about how to master “soft-selling” –[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

how do you get the conversion rates hard selling can achieve while
making sure your list doesn’t get fatigued?


SharonB says:
March 23, 2009 at 2:13 pm

Hi Cheryl—
How about posting the top performers’ stats for all to see, to
demonstrate why they’ve earned their trips? (Like the # of sales, total
dollar value of sales, etc.) Specifics breed credibility, as I’m sure you
already know; and if the amount earned was more than the value of
the reward, it would be easily justifiable. Just a suggestion–you may
take it or leave it as you like.

Clayton—some web copy pointers would be great. It has not been my

primary focus; but now that my husband and I are both building web
sites it is fast becoming a necessity. How do I get good conversion
without paying through the nose for PPC? We are not exactly the
Rockefellers—not yet, anyway—and $5 to $10 per click isn’t quite
doable. I have never done a web site before, so any info would be
much appreciated. Thanks!
P.S. Milk Thistle Tea is great for detoxing the liver—you might want
to try it. Just don’t overdo it–good luck!


John Anderson says:

March 23, 2009 at 2:23 pm


Clayton, how do you output such an prodigous amount of work!

I notice while you were living it up at the casino…The financial

newsletter you write wasn’t landing in my inbox either.

It’s all YOU. How in Gods names do you do it?

I am no stranger to hard work…(It’s 6:21am and I am at my desk…

but freind, you take the cake…eat it too…then order another one)

Let me in on your productivity secrets.

The more you can tell me about your daily habits the better. (I mean
that in a non-stalker type way!:)

Thank you Clayton,[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |



Joe says:
March 23, 2009 at 2:49 pm

Hey Clayton,

Thanks for asking. Here’s my question…

I want to start training as a copy writer. I’ve got a bunch of books,

including one of yours, but now I want to get serious about it.

In my book, training means writing copy every day and getting

feedback on it.

So, I am considering writing a newsletter as a training routine.

This way, I can practice writing articles to ‘sell’ the newsletter and
practice writing the newsletter itself which would be a mixture of
articles (soft sells) and sales letters (hard sells)

What do you think? Is that a good plan? Should I add something to it?
should I do something entirely different?


Len says:
March 23, 2009 at 3:09 pm

Hi Dan,

First and foremost … I’m sorry to hear you’ve found the sharp side of
the Google stick. That’s happening to a lot of people lately, and things
are just getting started.

But have faith — we’re covering this topic in tomorrow’s issue of TTP.
So make sure to check it out!

As for helping your e-mail stand out from the rest of the clutter …
here are a few tricks I’ve found to be helpful:

– Make your subject short, sweet, and to the point

– End with an elipses to lead them in …
– Try to avoid using ALL CAPS (or use sparingly) — especially words
commonly associated with junk mail

Speaking of junk mail… make sure you peek in your junk mail folder[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

every couple of days. That will give you a good idea on what NOT to

And while we’re looking at your own e-mail folders …

One of the most important things you can do — and maybe the most
effective, also — is to study your own inbox.

Take a look at the subject lines of the e-mails you receive. Then do
something different. If most of the e-mails you’re seeing have long
lines, go for a short one. And vice versa. Just don’t go too long — you
want the entire subject line to show.

Remember: E-mail subject lines serve the same purpose as

headlines — to grab your prospect by the eyeballs. So many of the
same rules apply.

Try to engage your prospect in a conversation he is already having

with himself. This will help you grab their attention and make it easier
to convince them to open your e-mail.

One more trick: Get yourself on the same mailing lists your prospects
are on.

Not only will this help you keep an eye on what your competition — it
will also let you test your e-mail subject lines by sending them right to
your own inbox.

After all, if your e-mail doesn’t stand out to you, odds are it certainly
won’t to your prospect.

Hope this helps!


Len Bailey


Len says:
March 23, 2009 at 3:30 pm

Hey, Joe …

Writing your own newsletter can be a great way to speed up your

success. Consider each one a sales piece, with you as the product.
Because what you’re really doing is investing in yourself.[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

One tip: Make sure you promise your readers value. Then give it to
them in extra helpings. Or, as Clayton says, “Under promise and over

This will help you build a loyal following of readers who recognize the
value of what you’re giving away — some of whom may just become
your new clients.

Back to the books …

Make sure you read more than the latest “how to” books on
copywriting. Get the “masters” — Vic Schwab .. Eugene Schwartz ..
Bob Stone … John Caples … Claude Hopkins … David Ogilvy … etc.

You can find a Clayton-approved recommended reading list here:

Those books will help you master the art and science of direct
marketing … which, in turn, can dramatically shorten your learning

I also strongly recommend The Copywriter’s Handbook by Bob Bly. I

wish I’d had that when I started out! (And, looking at my bookshelf, I
suddenly remember I lost my copy about a year ago. Note to self:
Replace it!)

And, of course, anything by Clayton. Dive right in to the TTP

Archives, and read through everything you can lay your eyeballs on.
The articles on this site aren’t just free — they’re priceless. And more
than a few of them are downright timeless.

Of course, if you’re really serious about kicking your career into high
gear, consider these four products in our online store:

– The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach

– How to Build a Six-Figure Copywriting Business
– Clayton Makepeace’s Power Marketing Summit
– The Makepeace Business System

I realize these products don’t carry the lowest price points in the

But if you have the money to invest in yourself, they’re without a

doubt the most bang for your buck.

Each could easily shave years off your learning curve. Not to mention
pay for themselves within a very short time.

Think I’m kidding? Just check out some of the testimonials here:[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Good luck!



Jonathan Rozek says:

March 23, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Hi Clayton,

You know how you always suggest that guarantees be written in the
positive, so as not to install a negative expectation in the reader’s
head? (Say “You will leave my event with the knowledge you need to
succeed in condo development or else I wouldn’t feel right keeping
your money…” vs. “If you think you didn’t get value from my event…”)
Well, I had a client pull a new one on me. He said “Oh, I was advised
that such a positive statement will get me in trouble with the FTC as
being an expectation of profit and therefore representative of the
typical results I can expect from the product, so we can’t say it in
positive terms.”
Clayton, it seems to me that the FTC wouldn’t have a problem
because we’re using the “OR ELSE” statement, as in “you will
succeed or else we’ll refund your money.”
What does the Wise Man On Top Of The Hill In Waynesville At The
Gun Range say?
Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Rozek


Dan White says:

March 23, 2009 at 5:50 pm

Welcome back Clayton!

So glad to hear you didn’t outsource your losses to an e-casino in


I understand Levis has even outsourced his massages to Calcutta.

He puts his shoulders to the screen as the therapist rubs the webcam

It’s not quite as good as his Canadian gal, but dang is it cheap!

Reply[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Jim Ehle says:

March 23, 2009 at 7:19 pm

Hey Clayton.

Haven’t been to Biloxi since 1969. Has it changed much? Only thing I
can remember was the terrible smell of the Back Bay on a warm
day…oh Well!

Any thought on establishing and setting in place a affiliate program

for clients? I have one that is hounding me, and I am not up to speed
on the software, third party providers, merchant accounts, etc. I can
write the opt in page, and teaser copy, but setting up a program for
him is escaping me for now.


Jim Ehle


Glen Kohlenberg says:

March 23, 2009 at 8:01 pm

Hello Clayton give me some tips on getting some members to my

contractor member site. Thanks

Glad you made so dough back. Makes for a better ride home!


Tian Yan says:

March 23, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Hey Clay,

First of all, just want to thank you, Wendy, Deanna, and Len for
nuggets of advice offered. Since winning your Power Marketing
Summit package, I’ve been working hard in writing at least 4 hours
every day consistently. Most of the time I overshoot that session after
going through edits after edits of the draft. I find that I learn much
more when other experienced copywriters critique my stuff with fresh

So my question has to do with the copy cub/copy chief relationship.

What does a copy chief look for in an ideal copy cub? Also, you
mentioned you have a 3 srike-out policy when copy-chiefing, what
are they?

Warmly,[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

- Tian Yan


Beau Smith says:

March 23, 2009 at 8:59 pm


Welcome back. If you covered your losses, you’ve done better than

BTW, John Anderson (post #8) mentioned a financial newsletter you

write. How can I get that?

Joe (post #9) In addition to what Len wrote in post #11, I would like to
add one. I recently read “The Architecture of Persuasion” by Michael
Masterson. It was a short read, but a good big picture look at the
structure of a sales letter. If you’re not familliar with Michael
Masterson, he has a great newsletter called “Early To Rise” and he
sometimes writes guest articles here.



Susan Connors says:

March 23, 2009 at 10:37 pm

Hello Clayton

Good to hear you and Wendy had a good time. Sometimes we need
that break away from it all.

No questions from me – not because I am a know-it-all – nothing can

be further from the truth LOL

I am committing to doing the excellent purchase I made last year in

The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach.

All my business systems and opportunities are set to’s exciting

and daunting at same time.

So this is to say “Thanks” and let you know.

I get my first mini-break by myself away from husband and kids in

two weeks – for three days. First time in ten years.

All the best[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Susan Connors


Robert Robinson says:

March 23, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Hello, Mr. Clayton:

I have been reading a lot of your advice. It seems that you and other
top pro(s) have elevated your skills and charge huge amounts of
cash. My question is how would you go about using the skills you
teach to us (rookies) to set up systems, methods and small projects
to create smaller chunks of cash. Let’s say $1000 or $1500 at a time
without spending to much time that would make it unjustified.

Maybe it would be throw away projects you would do if you never

elevated to your level.

Thanks in advance, Rob


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 24, 2009 at 1:20 am


I wish I had better news for you … but here goes …

You don’t say whether the list you acquired contains customers, or
prospects or a mix of both. Or whether the names are single opt-ins
or doubles. Or whether there are physical addresses attached to
each record. Or the niche in which the list was built … or how it was
built … or how much you paid for it.

Regardless, though, I hope you got a whale of a good deal on that list
— because even in the best of circumstances re-activating an old,
unused email list that was built years ago by a different company will
be time-consuming at best; impossible at worst.

First, if it’s an email list, you may have Can-Spam problems. Check
the law to see if it’s a crime for you to even use the list. Check it out
at the Federal Trade Commission site: If
you’re not sure, check with an FTC attorney.

Second, as a rule, at least 10% of a list goes bad every year as[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

people move, change their email addy or, frankly, croak. So unless
the list has been cleaned every year, more than a third (38k) of your
97k names (half or more of the 60k 2001-2006 names and about
15% of the 57k 2007-2008 names) could be toast.

So step #1 would be to clean the list. If the list includes physical

addresses on each record, you can do that by sending a First Class
mailing to the file with “Address Correction Requested” printed on the

If you can’t afford this, maybe you can find a mailer in your niche
who’d agree to mail the list First Class in return for two or three
additional free uses.

Failing that, you could use a list cleaning service. Since I haven’t
used one in a while, I’d suggest you contact Janie Thompson at
Carnegie Marketing for advice.

Once you’ve determined that it’s legal for you to use the list and it has
been cleaned, it’s a matter of:

1) Re-establishing contact … but be careful. If these names don’t

know you, many will probably report you as a spammer, which could
result in ISPs blocking your emails. You may want to include a line in
your email telling your names why they’re on your list; why they’re
getting this communication.

2) Engaging the file. Introducing yourself and eliciting responses from

your names — possibly asking them to accept a free gift (a report or
online event), subscribe to a free ezine or engage you on a blog or
forum that’s related to the subject area or niche they showed an
interest in when they got on the list in the first place.

Again; check the Can Spam laws. You’ll have to make sure that you
include language that gives you permission to continue contacting
them after they respond.

3) Building trust. Deliver value — valuable, actionable information, for

instance — consistently, over time.

4) Building buzz. Include the list along with others (including lists
owned by affiliates and JV partners)to do a product launch. If you’re
not familiar with this process, check out Jeff Walker’s Product Launch

So: 1) Get legal advice, 2) Deliver great value, 3) Be patient.

By the time you’ve done all of this, you may wish you’d simply rented
a newer, fresher list for $25/M.

Hope this helps …[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 24, 2009 at 2:15 am


TO CHERYL ANTIER (POST #2): I’d start by avoiding all banks,

brokers and insurers and of course, the automakers. Companies that
aren’t getting “saved” by Washington aren’t under scrutiny.

Next, if you still meet resistance, you may want to cross larger
publicly traded companies off your prospect list and any types of
companies that are particularly sensitive to public sentiment.

That’ll still leave you millions of prospects and your close rate will

TO DAN (POST #3): Today’s post should help.

TO CONOR (POST #4): Gimme more details. Who are your

prospects? What niche? What’s the product?

TO NATHAN (POST #5): Frank has treated us like a baby treats a


TO SHARONB (POST #7): You need to go to school on Joint

Venture (JV) marketing. The principle couldn’t be simpler: Get a
product. Offer high-traffic sites and folks with large lists in your niche
and similar ones up to 100% of your net revenues in return for
promoting your product to their people. Give your partners everything
they need; emails, banners, sales page, the works. They make the
money; you get a big list. Win-win.

Next step would be to master Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula

and use it to ramp up the response on your JV promos.

And also, check out my pal Andy Jenkins’ Stompernet to fine tune
your Search Engine rankings. Optimize every page on your site so
the spiders can find you and serve you up for free.

And don’t forget to use article syndication, online PR and of course

Social Media. They’re free and can send a stream of new names to

(BTW — If you’re in the alternative health field: We’re getting PPC

names for $2 to $3 each. It can be done!)

TO JOHN ANDERSON (POST #8): My “secrets” for maximum[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

productivity …

1. Spend 40 years doing this; you’ll get greasy fast.

2. Start earlier — I hit my desk at 12:15 AM today.

3. Do right-brain creative stuff early in the day when you’re fresh, left-
brain more linear chores later in the day.

4. Get clients to provide plenty of help. I require my clients to do my

research for me, for instance. Oh — and I don’t write that financial
newsletter; just the emails, sales pages and other marketing
materials for it.

5. Settle for mediocrity … until the final draft. After all — since it’s
impossible to write a flawless promo on the first draft … why try?

Too many copywriters try for perfection on every draft — get

intimidated … then procrastinate waiting to come up with ideas …
and wind up taking ten times longer to get for a final.

I start with a quick brain dump; then whittle away at it until it

resembles copy … then get input from the client and others … then
polish it until it shines. Much faster that way.

TO JOE (POST #9): I like your idea, but consider this: Snag a promo
that hits your mailbox or inbox and then write a better promotion for it.
Challenge yourself to do one of these per week. When you have one
you think is better than what the client’s using, send it to him. (I hear
Mike Palmer over at Sovereign Society is hiring — and we are, too!)

TO JONATHON ROZAK (POST #12): Your client may be right; but I

doubt it. Even if he’s an S.E.C. – registered investment advisor,
there’s a way to write guarantees that are warm, personal,

Remember: If you can’t guarantee results, you can always guarantee

the quality of the information you’re offering — say something like, “I
can’t guarantee I’ll make you a bazillion dollars, but I CAN guarantee
you this: If it doesn’t make you at least 20 times what you paid for it, it
will cost you nothing.”.

If he’s a real panty-waist, you could even include a non-fatal

disclaimer in the guarantee: “Does EVERYBODY become a
millionaire immediately after taking my course? Of course not! Some
do; but most make less. And the fact is, it won’t make you a single
penny unless you actually put it to work for you. But I can promise
you this …”

But my advice on such things is this: Bypass your client, go straight

to his ambulance chaser and work out a solution that works for both[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

of you. Then present it to your client with the lawyer’s blessing.

You’re a marketer; not a lawyer. Do NOT try to play one on TV.

Oh – and if your client’s attorney won’t let you write something that’ll
sell, find a client with a better attorney.


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 24, 2009 at 2:35 am


TO JIM EHLE (POST #14): I work hard and pay plenty to make
absolutely sure I never have to learn that stuff, either.

S’OK, though … I’ll have one of my web geniuses give you a

comprehensive answer. But first: Call your client (or his IT guy) and
find out what CRM software he’s using and whether or not it supports
affiliate programs? Let us know and either Pete, Forrest or Graham
will get you some answers.

TO GLEN KOHLENBERG (POST #15): Send me the link to your site;

I’ll be happy to give you some ideas.

TO TIAN YAN (POST #16): What does a copy chief look for in a copy

1. Show up; work hard, work long.

2. If you don’t know, ASK.

3. Take criticism with gratitude.

4. Save me time.

5. Bring something innovative to the table on every assignment.

6. Improve (save me MORE time) with each assignment.

7. Demonstrate that you have a nose for the jugular — that you pull
out all the stops to make the sale.

8. Be smart AND have plenty of common horse sense.

TO ROBERT ROBINSON (POST #19): Small projects? How about

creating and marketing products for small, highly motivated niches
within niches?

I know guys who made millions selling stuff only politically[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

conservative Catholics would buy. I once created a report that

contained the lyrics to the dirtiest rock and roll songs, then wrote a
full page (outraged!) ad for an extreme conservative tabloid. $30k in
sales in a week. Sweet.

Figure out what people are searching for online. Pick niches that are
not already overpopulated by competent marketers. Create products
and promos for those niches. Use JV partners to drive traffic to your
squeeze and sales pages. And ALWAYS have back-up products
ready to sell to your new names.

Hope this helps …


Clayton Makepeace says:

March 24, 2009 at 3:04 am

TO RYAN IRELAND (POST #6): Soft selling?

For me, the secret to working a list without wearing it out is to be

constantly creating multi-week campaigns, each with multiple story
lines that require a variety of emotional tones and levels of intensity.

Remember: Any message you deliver without the appropriate

emotion attached will lack credibility. The message should always
dictate the emotional tone of the email or sales page. That means by
definition that some of your emails will be calm; professorial. Others,
concerned and nurturing. Still others, excited and adamant.

Take the campaign I just completed for a financial firm, for instance

We spent two weeks inviting prospects to attend a free online video

event we were about to host to help the prospects make money in a
bear market. Nothing to buy; just claim your free registration. Two
weeks of empathy, concern, added value and bonding — with
urgency to register increasing as we approached the registration

The event was warm, fuzzy, low-key and friendly and delivered 50
minutes of valuable, actionable content, capped by ten minutes of
low-key product introduction and description. When the event ended,
attendees were auto-forwarded to the sales page.

We then spent a week or so using emails to invite non-attendees to

view the free video of the event before it was taken offline. (More
concern, empathy, bonding, good will; nothing to buy, just watch the
video for your own good.) And also driving attendees to the sales
page with topical leads that presented the product as the solution to[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

the nightmares unfolding in each day’s financial headlines.

Then, we repeated the entire process: Invitations > A second event >
Revised sales page > Emails counting down to the final deadline for
subscribing to the service driving prospects to the sales page.

The entire process took about six weeks and most of that time was
spent begging prospects to accept valuable content for free.

And when the campaign ended last week, we had generated more
than $14.3 million in revenues.

More importantly, we’ve been using this model for 2 1/2 years, now
and registration and attendance to our value-added events is higher
than ever: Anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 unique views per event

We opened a blog in this campaign and got thousands of “thank-

yous” and almost ZERO complaints about our marketing.

And in financial terms, this last campaign was our most successful
ever — probably ten times more successful than the first ones we did
using this model.

Food for thought …


Dean Kennedy says:

March 24, 2009 at 4:48 am

“And when the campaign ended last week, we had generated more
than $14.3 million in revenues.”

Holy snappin’ duck droppings … that’s not just food for thought, it’s a
15-course degustation menu from seven 3-star Michelin hat master

No wonder I’m on that mailing list as well as this one. I really do think
you wear your underwear on the outside, and have a long blue cape
blowing in the breeze behind you.

Thanks too for the tip about mediocrity until the final draft, that’s
really useful. Along with the rest of the comments of course! So much
to devour … thank you!

Hope you’re recovering well from the Biloxi trip … I play very little, but
I do like Blackjack (except when people standing behind me start
betting on my hand!).

Reply[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Kirsten Plotkin says:

March 24, 2009 at 9:19 am

I have just written a book about how, five years ago I stumbled on a
cure for obesity and gained permanent control of my weight.
Somehow, in the process, I cured all my own symptoms of type2

I have used this knowledge, on myself, for five years. During that time
I have waited for someone more qualified to make the same
discovery. To my amazement, no one ever has. So I figured five
years is long enough. By now I have a moral obligation to publish
what I have learned and I have five years to back it up.

So I wrote it all down and now have a manuscript ready for


The content is obviously controversial and my style and tone of

presentation can only add to that. I’m confident the book has the
potential to be a big seller. I’m not so confident that I can give it the
launch it deserves.

I have chosen the internet to publish for two reasons. The book would
have to be padded for a real world publication and I don’t like
padding. Even more important, I’m in Australia and I don’t believe the
book can get the coverage it deserves in this country.

So I seek advice on how best to launch the book and I can think of no
better place to find it than here!


alexander - social media guy says:

March 24, 2009 at 12:12 pm


Thanks for your response. This is a company’s in-house list (I use list
lightly since they do a 1 time sales process with them then no further
follow-up) they just don’t know how to and haven’t marketed to them
over time.

They filled out a form on the company’s website which included their
physical address and phone number.

It’s in the health and fitness market.

I was expecting between 30%-40% of the list to be deliverable emails

so that is in line with the numbers you provided.[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

@Ryan Ireland, thanks for looking out. Can Spam must be complied
with and this ISN’T a purchased list. I’m working directly with the
company to mail to their in-house leads they haven’t been connecting
with or mailing to.


Ruth says:
March 24, 2009 at 12:17 pm

I’ve been racking the old braino for ways of making money on the
Usborne has an excellent small website way of doing this.
I’ve no experience in setting up a website, or what content to treat it
Do you know of a source for me, one as inexpensive as possible?
Also, I’d need a monthly host, I’ve heard
others say.
Love to take the course, but ….the way things are, you know!
Thanks for any help.

p.s. Loved your answer to what you think of Barney Frank!


Dervie says:
March 24, 2009 at 1:05 pm

Hey Clayton
Congrats on your accomplishments in Biloxi. From the posts i’ve
read, you do seem the type to never give up without a fight. I think
you did good. You wrote “what can I help you with.” Well, here’s the
deal…How about helping me learn to write like you so I can make a
boatload of money as well.

Truth is, I currently feel like giving up. becoming a copywriter just
seem like a constant up-hill trek and I am sure I’ve lost interest. It’s
like pounding a wall ten feet thick with your bare knuckles. It’s great
to hear of the possibilities, but man, it seems an impossible task. I
think my enthusiasm bubble pretty much popped. think there’s still a
prayer for me?


Sears Roebuck says:

March 24, 2009 at 1:58 pm[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Hi Clayton

I would like your comments on the business model I mailed to you for
one of your clients.

It incorporates many of the marketing strategies that I learned from

The Total Package.

Did you get a chance to use my gift on your trip?

I cannot thank you enough for the The Total Package.

How can I get national media exposure for my business model

without spending money, since I don’t have much,at this time?



Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

March 24, 2009 at 8:47 pm

Dervie (#28),

The story is told of a meeting of Adolph Hitler, Benito Mousillini, and

Winston Churchill in Switzerland. They were going to settle World
War II with a simple bet.

There was a fountain with exotic carp fish in the pool. Each
participant was armed with a pistol. The contest would continue in
rounds until the first kill. The first one to kill a fish would be declared
the winner. Mousillini went first, shot into the water, but missed. Hitler
tried, and he too missed. Churchill took a teaspoon from his pocket,
sat on the edge of the pool, and started dipping water out of the
container and onto the street.

His opponents were incredulous. The asked Churchill what he

thought he was doing.

His response was simple: It may take a while, but we **WILL** win
the war.

Zig Ziglar’s advice is also applicable:

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you get enough
experience that you can learn to do it well.”

I was a senior (technical) writer for 30 years before I encountered

AWAI and Clayton. I thought I was pretty good. After all, I was in the
top 5% of the large company that employed me…[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

I’ve been learning like I was drinking from a fire hose for the last three

It took Clayton over 30 years to get where he is. I started college in

1961 and hung it up in 1975, still without a masters degree in
engineering, but I was employed as an engineer by 1972 (I pursued a
number of other paths along with going to school, hence the time
span). I had a wife and family and spent 4 long years studying
graduate courses in engineering while working full time.

Bob Bly is a chemical engineer and has been in his field also for over
30 years.

What you’re learning from Clayton isn’t known or understood by

college professors. You’re in a league beyond the PhD’s populating
our countries universities. It’s rare air you breathe.

So get to work. Invest the time it takes to learn. And don’t give up
until you’re done. The elevator to success is broken and won’t be
fixed. You have to take the stairs — one step at a time.

Do what AWAI teaches: Get some good controls, then choose one
and write it out by hand over and over and over again until you get
the flow packed into your brain. Study each sentence and each word.
Discover *WHY* it was used the way it appears. Learn to think the
way the writer thinks. Most of success is learning to think correctly,
more than simple mechanics of putting sentences together.

But writing isn’t for everybody. You have to have the persistence of a
pit bull and the courage of a rattlesnake to make it in life anyway.
What else are you going to do that can be as rewarding?

Think about that before quitting.



Clayton Makepeace says:

March 24, 2009 at 11:42 pm


TO KIRSTEN (POST #25): Send me a copy of your book and I’ll give
you some ideas.

TO RUTH (POST #27): Nick’s a great guy, but I haven’t seen his
course. I’ll have Wendy or Pete walk you through the stuff we use to
run our site.[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

TO DERVIE (POST #28): My advice is to 1) Read Clark Echols’ Post

#30 above, 2) Read every free article in our archives, 3) Go to the
Library and check out everything The Masters (Hopkins, Caples,
Ogilvy, etc.) have written. Your total investment: ZERO dollars.

Then practice (see what I told Joe in post #21 above.)

Cheers, y’all!

– Clayton


Kirsten Plotkin says:

March 25, 2009 at 3:57 am

Thank you Clayton. As soon as I work out where and how to send it
I’ll do that. I’ll greatly appreciate your comments.


Glen Kohlenberg says:

March 25, 2009 at 11:26 am

Thanks Clayton I own from post 15.



Dervie says:
March 25, 2009 at 2:12 pm

Thanks Clayton, Clarke. I love the spirit of your encouragement. I can

tell you truly want to help me. Appreciate it.

Pit bull and RattleSnake…Elevator broken…I get the picture. Thanks

for the heads up.

I guess I’m gonna pull out my teaspoon now.



Reply[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Robert Robinson says:

March 26, 2009 at 1:37 am

Mr. Clayton,

Thank you for your advice.

Robert Robinson


Shin Fun says:

March 26, 2009 at 11:32 am

Hi Clayton,

Thanks very much for your generosity on your time and knowledge!!!

I’m a copywriter in Australia and eagerly want to get my copywriting

skill up. Could you please give some advice on how to come up with
killer big selling ideas for an assignment… how can I practice and
train myself to think of those big ideas?

I know you have a lot great products on this website and you may
have revealed this in your products. But at this stage, I can’t afford it
yet (will certain keep in mind to get it in the future).

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Shin Fun


Christy says:
March 26, 2009 at 12:56 pm

Hi Clayton

Great to see you expanding and hiring and I would love to learn from
you and your team.

I’m currently studying copywriting with AWAI and is one of their circle
of success (COS) members. No, I am submitting my resume here,
don’t worry. Just a proposal …

With your increased workloads and the addition of new staff, I like to
save some of your time by offering my virtual assistant service to
your team.[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

As an experienced administrator the last 15 years in Singapore and

Canada, I see needs/tasks way before folks realize the amounts of
work involved. You may already have taken care of this in your
expansion plan esp. knowing how efficient Wendy is. This is my
sincere offer in case it is needed.

And, if you’re thinking I am going to stay as administrator for life, no,

that is not my plan. This life-skill will stay with me and will be useful in
my copywriting career too.



Ruth says:
March 26, 2009 at 5:34 pm

Thank you, Clayton. I’m looking forward to being walked through the
website setup. Yeah, I’m scared, but once I get going I’ll be able to
see mistakes and correct them.
You’re helping a lot of people…thank you!


Patricia Ogilvie says:

March 26, 2009 at 5:45 pm

Hi Clayton,

In your humble opinion, what’s the greatest need facing the “middle
income” population today? It’s obvious that low to zero income thirsts
for support, inspiration and money. For the wealthy, who knows what
flavour of the month appeals to them. But for the middle class, what’s
up with them today?




Kirsten Plotkin says:

March 26, 2009 at 7:47 pm

Hi Clayton,

I found a way to send you my manuscript. I sent it by return Email to[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

Martha who will pass it on to you. I’m so grateful for your offer to read
it. If not for you, and all the great contributors to this blog, I would not
have had the confidence to even write it.

From the day I found your blog, I have used it as my personal training
lab. That’s where I’ve honed my skills and found the confidence to
write about my discovery. The book could have been written five
years ago when I first stumbled on the truth to the growing obesity
epedemic. I’m glad I waited, because the book would not have been
as good as it is. I also doubt I would have found the courage to go
public at that time.

The trouble is, the subject is the kind of ‘Inconvenient Truth’ which will
rile many self proclaimed professionals as well as food
manufacturers. I needed some courage, as well as writing skills to go

You inspired me to write it and I’ve found the guts to go through with
publication, on the internet where no one can stop me. I want to thank
you for that. So will the many people who will at last have a simple
and permanent answer to obesity, and the knowledge to avoid type2
diabetes. In my case, I even cured my existing symptoms.

With five years of data, I believe I’m ready to handle the Inevitable


Caleb Osborne says:

March 27, 2009 at 12:18 pm

Holy crap Clayton 14 Mill in 6 weeks — Congrats again! Now I see

why you felt the need to go toe to toe with your liver and the
blackjack table

That’s totally awesome.

Thanks to your advice I’ve partnered up with one major client now
and I’m looking to produce great results like this for him as well (on a
smaller scale, his is a specific niche much smaller than investors).

As always Clayton you’re my hero



Cheryl Antier says:[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

March 28, 2009 at 10:15 am

Hi Clayton,

As always, great advice, I’m working on compiling a new “house list”

now. Thanks also for all the great advice you gave to everyone else –
you got my brain racing on some other ideas for other project too!

Take care – you’re the best.




Steve Newdell says:

March 29, 2009 at 8:41 pm

Did The President of the United States give you permission to take a

As I understand it, a jerk who rose through Chicago politics, never

ran a business, and couldn’t make a profit if his life depended upon it
has told the CEO of General Motors et al to “step down.” My G_d!
Clayton, Don’t take a loan from the federal government. If you borrow
a dime from them, they own you.

This will give you something to warm up your fingers over the
keyboard about.

Best regards,

GM CEO Wagoner to step down at White House request

By TOM KRISHER and KEN THOMAS, Associated Press Writers
Tom Krisher And Ken Thomas, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 47
mins ago

DETROIT – General Motors Corp. Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner

will step down immediately at the request of the White House,
administration officials said Sunday. The news comes as President
Obama prepares to unveil additional restructuring efforts designed to
save the domestic auto industry.

The officials asked not to be identified because details of the

restructuring plan have not yet been made public. On Monday,
Obama is to announce measures to restructure GM and Chrysler
LLC in exchange for additional government loans. The companies[11/29/2012 8:08:11 PM]

When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Gambling. |

have been living on $17.4 billion in government aid and have

requested $21.6 billion more.


Steve Newdell says:

March 29, 2009 at 8:45 pm


I do have a question about marketing. It’s marketing Me that I’m

concerned about.

Your courses about writing are appreciated, but the worry here is that
I’ll be all knowing about writing and still won’t know where to begin
finding clients or what to charge them. I know you’ve written some on
the subject. Can someone there put up some references this week to
help us get started?



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Posted on April 2, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Billions of Dollars
of Marketing Research
for FREE:

How to turn a leisurely visit

to your local bookstore
into the most profitable
three hours of your entire year

Dear Business-Builder,

Good morning, Sunshine! And how was your weekend?

What’s that you say? You’re well-rested … brimming with energy and
optimism … and eager to begin making this your best week ever?

Cool beans.

But please – for mercy’s sake – go put some clothes on. We’re going to the
bookstore: One of the few places we copywriters and marketing folk probably
should NOT work in our underwear!

I know – you assumed this issue would be just another one where I was
going to preach about dominant emotion or benefits or some such stuff like[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |


But frankly, I don’t feel like it today. Unlike some people I could name, I did
not have the luxury of swilling beer and watching Survivor reruns all

In fact, I spent two full days sweating over every word on seven headline test
panels. And I’m so close to this damn copywriting tree, all I can smell is bark.

I need to take a giant step back and get a good, long look at the
salesmanship forest.

So let’s begin our week leisurely-like – savoring a latté … maybe a biscotti …

and three glorious hours of relaxed inspiration.

All you'll need is an open eye … an open mind … your trusty pen and a
yellow pad … and of course, a couple of sawbucks for the Starbucks.

We’re headed down to the local Borders bookstore.

And be prepared to remove your shoes. For bretheren and sisteren, we are
about to tread on Holy Ground …

The Temple of Marketing

Puh-raise CAPLES! Thankew, OGILVY! Hallelujah, HOPKINS!

For verily, verily I sayeth unto thee, no place on Earth or in the

heavens above containeth greater wisdom on the art and
scienth of persuasion …

… Or insighth into what thy prospecth art buying now …

Or more ideath thou canth shamelethly filch for your next


Just step through the front doors and take a deep breath: Can't you just
SMELL the money?

This year, we Americans will spend considerably more than $30 BILLION on
books and magazines.

For the numerically challenged among us, that’s thirty thousand MILLION
dollars![11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

This Borders we just walked into is part of a chain that moves somewhere
around $4 billion-worth of books and magazines each year – and it’s not the
biggest chain out there. The Barnes & Noble/B. Dalton folks do about 25%

As they’d say here in North Carolina, “That’s some powerful BIG binnus!”

Now, with that many shekels at stake, you’d expect the competition to be
ferocious. You’d be right.

Take a look around the store. How many book and magazine titles do you
figure you see? 10,000? 20,000?

Guess again, oh Prescient One. This is one of the bigger temples.

You are in the presence of nearly 200,000 titles! Lay one copy of each end-
to-end, and they’d stretch out for some 25 miles!

Imagine being the marketing guy or gal whose product is only one of 200,000
competing for your prospects’ attention …

… AND being limited in your quest for A-I-D-A (Attention, Interest, Desire,
Action) to a single thought that will fit on a book jacket – or worse – on its

Or imagine your product being one of hundreds of periodicals displayed on

the magazine rack – and because the covers overlap, only the top third of
your cover is going to be visible!

Even worse, as a magazine marketer, you have to come up with a different

way to capture max eyeballs twelve times a year – or in some cases, every
single week!

And you thought competing with five or ten direct mail or e-mail promos that
hit prospects’ mailboxes at the same time as yours meant you had it tough!

Billions In Marketing Research

on the Hoof
Because of the huge amount of money at stake, every one of the publishers
represented on these shelves pays a king’s ransom for market research each

Every title … every subtitle … every “also inside” fascination on every

magazine and every design element you’re looking at is the product of that

Fact is, you only think you’re looking at mere books and magazines, here:
You’re looking at billions of dollars of market research on the hoof.[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

And if that don’t make your nips snap to attention and holler “howdy!” you
ain’t no kind of marketing person!

OK … so now that you fully appreciate the value of our little field trip, let’s see
what we can learn …

First Stop: The Holy of Holies

First things first – the latté and biscotti. I’ll take mine skinny – with skim milk
and Splenda.

You are buying – right?

Just checking.

OK … let’s do this systematically – we don’t have all day.

Let’s make a beeline for the Holy of Holies: The Best-Seller shelf.

This is where we’re going to see the books that are making their authors and
publishers the richest.

Start with the fiction section. Not a lot for direct marketers to learn here, but
some. Take a look at the titles. Any good headline ideas there?

Hmmm … The 5th Horseman. Reminds me of a headline I snarked for a

financial package once: The Four Horsemen of the Stock Market Apocalypse.
Gangbuster response.

Da Vinci Code. "Da what?” Actually – I got my idea for my “Cracking the Wall
Street Code” promo from this one. Next thing I knew, Mark Victor Hansen and
Robert Allen had Cracking the Millionaire Code in bookstores everywhere.
Thanks, Mr. Brown!

Dirty Blonde – The word “dirty” in a title (or headline) arouses prurient interest.
Like the word “forbidden,” it’s sure to get read. Note to self.

What Price Love? – Obviously a tome either on soiled doves or divorce.

Hmmm again. “What price profits?” What price healing?” Not a head, maybe
– but maybe a sidebar head or subhead …

You make your notes; I’ll make mine.

Now, what about the cover designs? The first two use very warm colors –
burgundy and gold for Da Vinci … tan and orange for The House.

5th Horseman: Wow. Look at the size of that 5!

The Tenth Circle: Another number in a title. What do they know that I don’t?
Great red, combined with cool lavender. Wonder what’s going on under that
blanket?[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

I’m done with the best-selling fiction aisle. Let’s take a look at the non-fiction
stuff: Much closer to what we do for a living anyway.

Actually, I just noticed the New York Times doesn’t call it “nonfiction”
anymore. They probably figured calling books with titles like One Minute
Millionaire nonfiction was too much of a stretch. Now, it’s called “Advice.”

So what do we have here?

Inspiration by Wayne Dyer. Lousy title; great author. In fact, the author’s
name is the real title – that’s why his name is three times larger than anything
else on the cover.

The publisher wasn’t born yesterday: He knows folks will buy every drop of
ink that dribbles out of this guy’s pen.

Dyer is the real product here. (That little bit of inspiration would have done me
a LOT of good when I was launching Louis Rukeyser’s letter and committed
the unforgivable sin of leading with benefits instead of the celebrity name!)

Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About: Ho-hum. I first wrote
that title in 1991 – as a headline for Health & Healing.

Crack it open and scan the chapter titles. Any good headline ideas there?

Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living At Your Full Potential by Joel Osteen.
MAN has that guy got a head of hair or what?

Another number prominently in the subtitle. Couldn’t write a chapter title if you
held a gun to his head. Move on.

REAL MONEY: Sane Investing in an Insane World. Not bad – especially the

A bit passive for my tastes, though – not as strong as the more declarative
Stop the INSANITY! title that blonde Nazi-looking chick wrote a few years
back – but the juxtaposition of “sane” and “insane” definitely has potential.

Worth a look inside:

“How we find hot stocks without getting burned” …

“Ten Commandments of Trading” …

“Tips Are for Waiters” …

“Stock market junkie” …[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Fascinating turns of phrase. I’m writing notes like crazy. I may even take this
one home with me for further study.

And so it goes, until I’ve shamelessly pulled every power word, turn of
phrase, copy concept or content idea I can find.

That last item – content – is especially important. We’ll do it again when we

hit the magazine section.

See, a lot of the promos I write are advertorials. That means instead of
leading with product benefits, they lead with a topic that’s of interest to my
prospects and delivers valuable information and advice before introducing my
product and asking for the sale.

Knowing what people are reading tells me what they’re thinking about – and
either worrying about or dreaming about.

So after making a few more quick notes about the general content of the
“advice” books, it’s off to the paperback fiction and nonfiction bestsellers, for
the same kind of gleaning.

Fatal Burn (Ever wonder why the word “fatal” shows up in so many movie
titles? It sells!) …

Wicked (Oooh – more prurient interest!) …

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Reminder: Headlines with the word

“confessions” nearly always work well) …

The End of Faith (Note to self: Find more ways to eliminate faith from the
purchase decision) …

Running With Scissors (HAH! Great word picture of what prospects do if they
ignore my clients’ health or wealth advice) …

I’m up to five pages of notes and we’ve only done two aisles!

Second Stop:
The Bazaar
All right – we’ve plundered the bestseller racks for all they’re worth. Now it’s
time to head off to the magazine section.

I love this part of a bookstore best. While everything else in a bookstore feels
more like a library, the magazine section feels like a third-world bazaar – with
all the brightly colored goods spread out before you.

Wowzers. Just LOOK at all those covers![11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Let’s take a minute to soak it all in. Stand back from the racks and kind of
squint so your eyelashes blur the words – allow only the colors to reach out
to you.

Which ones grab you by the eyeballs? Why?

What colors and color combinations seize your attention first? Purple with
Day-Glo lime green? Hot pink and baby blue? Nazi colors – black, red, yellow
and white?

Scribble, SCRIBBLE!

Now, approach a rack – with reverence, please. Each one of these publishers
has been testing cover design and copy for years. You are looking at the
products of truly gargantuan research budgets.

Study how the headlines are set. Are they reversed? Or are they dark ink on
a light background? Are they set in serif type or sans-serif?

How big are the characters? Do they have dimension – say a drop-shadow
behind them or hand-crafted to look like three-dimensional letters?

Take a step or three closer. What kind of photographs or illustrations do you

see? How many include an interesting-looking person doing something? How
many feature only inanimate objects? What kinds of inanimate objects?

How many feature multiple photos? How well does each connect, illustrate or
amplify the message in the main headline?

Knowing what you know about the primary market for each type of magazine
you’re studying, what do these choices suggest research might show about
grabbing the attention of younger men (Maxim, Playboy, etc.)? Of younger
women (Cosmo, et. al.)? Of older men (Robb Report) and women (Better
Homes & Gardens)?

How about health-conscious people (Prevention, etc.)? Technology buffs

(Popular Mechanics, PC, etc.)? Newshounds (Time, Newsweek, etc.)?
Investors (Forbes, Fortune, etc.)?

And don't forget the mumu set (National Enquirer, etc.)?

Getting writer’s cramp yet?

Me too – isn’t it GREAT?

Now, let’s do what we did in the bestseller section: Quickly scan each
headline and any additional copy on the covers.

We’re looking for three things here:[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

First, we’re looking for words and short phrases that reach out and grab us
by the short-and-curlies. Or to put it more delicately, that have the greatest
visceral power.

I’m talking pucker factor here: Something you feel – or more importantly, that
you believe your prospects will feel – deep down in the gut.

Second, we’re looking for propositions, the phrasing of benefits and

sentence structure techniques that deliver those words and the power they
carry in the twinkling of an eye.

And third, we’re looking for topicality – the subjects and themes that millions
in research told the publishers would resonate best with their prospects.

Need another yellow pad? There’s some for sale over on Aisle Four.

Now, we’re going to make a stack of the magazines that are speaking
directly to our best prospects, lug them over to a reading table and pick each
one of them clean.

My thing is selling to the health and investment markets, so I load up on

those kind of mags.

And one by one, I’m going to scour the covers and tables of contents for
headline, fascination and content ideas – and if something really grabs me,
maybe read a couple dozen articles.

Speaking of the articles, be sure to check out how the editors begin each
article – the techniques they use in their article titles, deck copy and opening
paragraphs to hook readers.

See how they use questions and declarative sentences to “sell” folks on
reading. Study the techniques they use when leading with fear … desire
(greed) … intrigue … or benefits.

Pay close attention to the graphic layout, too. Observe how they use pull-
quotes, sidebars and graphics to catch scanners and drive their eyes down
into the fine print.

Note the types of eye candy they’ve found are best at keeping attention.
What kinds of photos, illustrations and charts are they using?

While these devices are increasing readership are they also making the
article text more credible? How do they handle captions on these devices?

Think about which of these techniques you might borrow to ramp up

readership on your next promotion.

And while you’re doing all of that, be sure to carefully check out the ads as
well. Sure – most of them suck. Especially the “image” and “name
recognition” boondoggles.[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

But you'll still find a useful turn of phrase here or there … and there are a few
direct response ads in there that are definitely worth learning from!

150 Titles Down:

Only 199,850 to Go!
OK! It’s been two hours and we’ve scoured – what? – 100 bestsellers and 50

That’s 150 titles out of 200,000. We're almost one percent of the way done!

Just kidding. We've hit the high points – now, it's time for the whirlwind tour.

By now, our lattés are only a distant memory – and that’s good. Because
we’re going to need both hands for this next exercise – the left one to hold
your yellow pad and the right one to write feverishly as we cruise every aisle
in the store.

We’re trolling for as many headline ideas as leap out at us as we stroll

through the stacks.

First rule of thumb: When you see a really great title, it’s a good bet the
subtitle and chapter titles will be killer too. So be prepared to slam on the
brakes and take a look at the table of contents.

Second rule of thumb: We want to pay special attention to books that are
doing well – just not good enough to make the bestseller list – we can spot
them four ways:

1. End Caps: The hottest books in each section tend to be featured in end
caps (displays at the end of each aisle).

2. Full Frontals: Hot sellers in the aisle racks are usually placed with the
entire cover visible.

3. Quantity Clues: The greater the demand (or anticipated demand) for any
book in the stacks, the more copies of that book you’ll see.

4. The POP Give-Away: The last place we’ll look is at the cash register. This
is where you’ll find the “Point of Purchase” displays with popular books and
magazines the store hopes you’ll buy on impulse.

We're Done!
There. Wasn’t that fun?

In less than three hours, we recharged our creative energies … got in touch
with what our best prospects are reading and thinking about now … and
picked up a bunch of techniques for grabbing and holding their attention.[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Plus, we snagged some valuable insight into graphic design for maximum
attention and readership … and have pages of great power words and
phrases to use in our next promotion.

Now, it’s time to put all that great stuff to work!

Soon as you get home – while all of this is still fresh in your mind – unlimber
those notes and begin thinking about how you might apply each one to a
project you're working on now or contemplate starting soon.

Add notes to your notes. Turn your headline ideas into heads that could be
used for products you sell. Practice using the deck and opening techniques
you picked up for real products. Jot down everything that springs into your

Then save it all in your own personal swipe file and READ IT several times
on your next project.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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The Tough Go Gambling.

41 Responses to Billions of Dollars

of Marketing Research for Free

john f. thomas says:

February 14, 2008 at 12:41 am

[I]We do it all for you Website![/I][11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |


Dan Sauer says:

October 25, 2008 at 8:18 pm

Profound information. I can see a trip to the bookstore is in the works.

I love reading the book reviews on amazon. While I don’t get the full
effect of scripting, colors, and layout, it is still beneficial to get the
mind thinking.

Especially when one considers the first few book reviews are usually
paid for, and thus (generally speaking) profesionally done.

I feel a trip to the bookstore is in the works. Where are my keys and
notepad… ah… see ya at Borders!


Len says:
April 2, 2009 at 10:07 am

What can I say? This is one of my all-time favorites … thanks,



Timothy Millar says:

April 2, 2009 at 10:50 am

Great post Clayton, so much information is readily available at the

Book Store and the Library that I rarely have time to put it to type. I
will keep rolling with your help and knowledge, Tim


Nathan says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:16 am

Sorry Clayton, you’ll have to give up Splenda.

It was tough on me but I got through it… too

many rats get cancer when they eat it.

It’s better than sugar, but hey, Barack’s better

than Bush and that doesn’t make him good for you.[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Learn to love Black Espresso, you’ll live longer:)


Joseph Ratliff says:

April 2, 2009 at 11:18 am


Right on the spot perfect post.

It’s amazing, the simple ideas that business boils down to…

We have all the work done for us (practically) like going to the
bookstore…etc…we just need to visit the right spots and BAM! On
the spot marketing.

Love it.


Peter says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:31 am


This is GREAT stuff. Arm yourself with Claytons advice, you’ll begin
to see the bookstore in an entirely new way. I

Here is my two cents:

I just wanted to clarify a certain point you made on ‘Quantity Clues’:

Bookstores are SUPER QUICK–I mean slicker than snot on spotting


If the real estate market is doing well, watch and see how there is
now 4 MORE sections of real estate books. If the stock market is
doing poorly, There are 4 LESS sections of stock market books–
perhaps maybe a shelf full.

It’s like X ray vision on what America is experiencing.


Todd says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:34 am[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Wow! Do you have this in cheat sheet form. So I can put it in my back
pocket next time I arrive at the bookstore??

Great dissection Clayton!!!


John Deck says:

April 2, 2009 at 11:37 am

Funny, the other day I was frustrated for a good title for a B2B article,
and in need for caffeine. So down to the local B&N I went. By the
time the cappuccino was done (my preference, too much milk in
lattes) I had some fresh ideas.



Ronald Nzimora says:

April 2, 2009 at 11:43 am

Hi Clayton,

Ronald here. This is the best post i’ve read here, bar none!I love you
so much I wanna have your babies! :-}

Thank you so much and keep ‘em coming!

Lagos, Nigeria


Gary Fisher says:

April 2, 2009 at 11:50 am

You nailed it, Clayton. I’ve noticed that snuffling around in Barnes &
Noble seems to juice up my creativity, but just never made the
connection as to WHY that worked. From now on I’ll be an
*educated* browser.


Susan says:
April 2, 2009 at 12:11 pm[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Who knew so much information was available for free? lol

Great post Clayton. All the detail needed to make it super easy for
the newest of newbies.




Kevin says:
April 2, 2009 at 12:23 pm

This was something Brett McFall brought to my attention last October

and it was a real eye-opener. However, with your additional details
and insights, it’s mind-blowing. Thanks for all the information you
share so openly.


Pam Magnuson says:

April 2, 2009 at 12:27 pm

Oh, Clayton! This is absolutely the funniest thing I read in a long time.
Love it. I’ve made research trips like this, and have so much fun, I
feel guilty. The only problems is that I have to leave my credit card
home, or I stagger out the door with both arms full.

I’ve printed it to file in my binders. Thank you. I hope you had as

much fun writing it as I did reading it.



Conor says:
April 2, 2009 at 12:32 pm

Hi Clayton,

This is captivating reading.

I always scour the magazine racks in supermarkets for headlines but

I haven’t yet graduated to the bookstore. My visits will never be the
same again!

Thank you![11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |



David says:
April 2, 2009 at 1:43 pm

Super advice and post. Always go to the bookstore and look around
but always come out with ideas not notes. Guess I will take a look
and make sure the old micro recorder has good batteries in case I
run out of ink in my pen.



Don L. Price says:

April 2, 2009 at 3:52 pm

Small habits can change your life… and your writing!

Every Monday night for the last 3 mounts I have been snooping
around Borders with pen and pad in hand writing like a mad man,
perhaps only out of innocence, soaking my brain in knowledge… This
article confirms that maybe I really did do the right thing…

Thanks so much,

P.S. They only provide Seattle coffee…uuummmmm…


Dr. Sunny Obazu-Ojeagbase says:

April 2, 2009 at 4:22 pm

Great write-up, Clayton!

Extra special, in fact. I love it!

Thank you for a job well done.


R. A. Haywood (Heywords) says:

April 2, 2009 at 5:31 pm


Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |


YOUR…..IDIOTS GUIDE… What an educational post thank you
Clayton ( first time I have ever been moved to post to anything!!)


Steve Newdell says:

April 2, 2009 at 6:54 pm

Dear Clayton, April 2, 2009

This is out of context with this article but worth noting. Credit is due to
you, Wendy and the rest of your staff.

The work you and Martin Weiss are doing together is not just to earn
money. You both know you’re attempting to save a country and
perhaps the Free World.

What you’re doing will write history across the advertising industry
and, we hope, change the course of the future for this nation.

You’re going to shake the news media to their core. Like a sea sick
boy trying to hold it down, before losing it over the side, they’ll try to
suppress this but they simply won’t be able to do so. It’s gonna come

The world will remember and owe you – all of you a debt of gratitude.
I salute you. Yesterday will be very different from tomorrow.

Thank you from about 320 Million of us,

Steve Newdell dot com

End of the Age dot net


Colin Noden says:

April 2, 2009 at 7:10 pm

The best part of this is the FUN involved. Nothing like a romp through
the stacks to end the day. Thanks for the reminder to reconnect with
all those glorious words!


Rod Newbound, RN says:[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

April 2, 2009 at 7:20 pm

Thanks Clayton.

One of the reasons I always find time to read your posts, is I know
they are going to be educational and entertaining at the same time.

Even though this isn’t the first time I’ve read something similar to your
subject, you managed to add several tips I’ve not run across or
considered before.


Kacy says:
April 2, 2009 at 8:13 pm

Clayton, this article rates at the top of my list. I spend a lot of time in
B&N and Borders, (I’m a research librarian) so now I have a reason to
stay longer. Will also look more closely at the magazines and books I
have already purchased. Thanks for the ideas.


Jim Ehle says:

April 2, 2009 at 8:56 pm

Great post Clayton. I agree with all those ahead of me, that this is
great stuff for fertilizing the ole brain. I have also read about using
book stores as places of “ideas” growing from all the books and
magazines, but no one has put it so warmly and to the point as you.
Thanks you made my day.


Rose says:
April 2, 2009 at 11:08 pm

Clayton, I just started reading your newletter 2 days ago and I can’t
believe how much good content you give. I’m implementing your
advice everyday! Thanks for keeping it down to earth and easy to


Solomon says:
April 3, 2009 at 4:27 am[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Hi Clayton,
It’s a great help for me as to find a reason to go to the bookstall often,
and stay for more time. I always read the prelude or the review of the
books on the back cover. But this time I go through the titles, headers
in the chapter.
Great insights! Thank you so much for the post!


Don Kolomijez says:

April 3, 2009 at 1:43 pm

Hello Mr. Makepeace,

Took your comments to heart. Just got back from visiting the local
Borders bookstore, which happens to be 28 miles away. Well worth
the trip! Wound up with 3 jam-packed pages of notes and an eyeful of
observations about how products are marketed, sold, displayed, etc.
Thanks for guiding me to this discovery!


David says:
April 3, 2009 at 3:11 pm

Wow. Complete GOLD. Thank you.

>> And if that don’t make your nips snap to attention and holler
“howdy!” you ain’t no kind of marketing person!


Eric says:
April 3, 2009 at 11:37 pm


Wow! You are the most entertaining, informative copywriting guru in

the business.

I love this post. I was just telling someone today that, “Your
classroom is all around you.” Great work!


Tammy says:[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

April 4, 2009 at 12:07 am

Wish I had just a small percentage of your wisdom. Thanks again for
the great info Clayton.



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Shel Horowitz says:

April 5, 2009 at 8:49 pm

“Sane Investing in an Insane World” reminds me of the old Harry

Browne title, “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.” In other
words, I agree with your point that a lot of stuff can be effectively

Bookstores are wonderful places to get ideas. So are museums, busy

streets, even the woods. Bookstores are particularly nice because, as
you note, the high-paid marketers have already left their mark all
over the territory. Same with supermarkets.

Keep up the good work. I’ll be contacting you privately for reprint

Shel Horowitz


Zee Visram says:

April 12, 2009 at 1:06 pm

Clayton, if you were trying to give us an understanding on how a retail

bookstore operates, you did a great job. Otherwise, not so much.
NOT! This is an amazing article. Incredible instructive. Even made
me run to the dictionary to find out what prurient means . This is
great intelligence, Clayton! So simple. So practical. Thank you for
sharing this practical wisdom.


Shane Arthur says:

October 5, 2009 at 11:18 am[11/29/2012 8:08:26 PM]

Billions of Dollars of Marketing Research for Free |

Best article in the archive to date. Nicely done.


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of Marketing Research for Free Sign-up Here!

DO NOT MISS THIS!!! Subscribe to RSS

Posted on April 6, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
Tomorrow at Noon, Eastern Time, my client, Dr. Martin D. He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Weiss, is hosting a NATIONAL PRESS BRIEFING online We’re still here…
Time for a Change
video conference to unveil his new masterpiece, The Before you take the copywriting
Ultimate Depression Survival Guide. world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
He’s invited The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Do You Believe?
CNBC, and every other major news organization in America
to attend, and about 50,000 investors are already registered.

CLICK THIS LINK before midnight tonight to register FOR

FREE and watch this event and the sales campaign that

Dear Business-Builder,

This is a fantastic, free opportunity to learn how to do it right online and to

add a ream or two of great writing samples to your swipe file!

I created every one of the invitations that put 50,000 investors on this online
event, was heavily involved with the scripting of the event and will write every
e-mail that you’ll receive afterwards. Judging by last month’s results, I expect
well over $15 million in online sales from this campaign.

Plus, during this one-hour online video event, you’ll also pick up crucial
advice to help see your family and your company through this great economic
crisis – including six steps you MUST take starting right now to …

Erase your debt in far less time than you may now believe possible — so
you’ll have plenty of money to see your family through …[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]


Secure your income at your current job … discover the truth about how
secure your personal paycheck is now … lock in a secure paycheck —
and even add additional streams of income — as long as this crisis
lasts …

Insulate your investment portfolio … your retirement nest egg … and

even your kids’ or grandkids’ college savings accounts from the stock
market meltdown ahead — absolutely guarantee you won’t lose a penny
when stocks crash …

Protect every dollar you have in the bank like a junkyard dog by
making sure your bank is among the handful of truly safe banks in
America … and guarantee yourself access to 100% of your money even if
Washington closes ALL the banks in a 1930’s-style banking holiday …

Keep a roof over your head with urgent, common sense strategies for
keeping your home even in the worst-case scenario — or, if you prefer,
for selling your home at the best possible price …

USE this crisis to go for historic profits with investments that surge
despite falling markets — and even surge BECAUSE of falling markets.

To watch this historic launch unfold, just CLICK THIS LINK to grab your free

Then, come back here and let me know what you think on this blog.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
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11 Responses to DO NOT MISS THIS!!!

Caleb Osborne says:[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]


April 6, 2009 at 1:01 pm

Hey Clayton!

Great minds think alike — I was already signed up to this when I saw
the ad for it in Weiss’ daily ezine… was planning on swiping the heck
out of it, haha



Len says:
April 6, 2009 at 1:18 pm

You won’t be disappointed, Caleb. This one’s a keeper — Even

having been in on things, I still can’t wait!

Len Bailey


connie says:
April 6, 2009 at 3:04 pm

Have prior engagement.

Noon 4 6 09.
Availabe on recording?


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 6, 2009 at 3:25 pm

Connie, even if you can’t attend, I’d recommend that you register and
watch what happens next!


Dean Kennedy says:

April 6, 2009 at 10:15 pm

I confess I registered a few days ago … but with a second email

address, so I can observe both the registered and non-registered[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]


messages in the lead-up That’s my own strategy to ensure I see it



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 7, 2009 at 1:12 pm

Well, any thoughts so far? Anyone attend the event?

At noon when the event started, the book was ranked #28,000 on
Amazon. One hour after the event ended, it was ranked #404 overall
and in the top three in financial genres.

Campaign is just getting started — MUCH more ahead …


Carol says:
April 7, 2009 at 5:47 pm

System says event is closed at 6:40 Eastern.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 8, 2009 at 5:13 am

Here’s the link to the video:


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 8, 2009 at 5:13 am

My client’s book was ranked by Amazon at #28,000 yesterday before

the event. It just hit #6 overall and #2 in non-fiction.


Gary Fisher says:

April 8, 2009 at 11:38 am

Kudos to both you and Dr., Weiss, Clayton. I attended the event to
learn how it’s done and wound up layin’ my money down to help with
that amazin’ Amazon ascent. I even left a comment there, and
recommended the book to a lot of friends and family members.[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]


One little point regarding something in your follow-up campaign, but

did you mean to say:

“This is my flagship service through which I have, over the years,

used to help my members …”

Golly, Clayton, if that means you’re human then there really IS hope
for the rest of us! (-:


Steve Newdell says:

April 8, 2009 at 4:18 pm

Hi Clayton,

I saw that event and permit me to comment.

When Martin first started these with one camera facing the three of
them perched against a wall I was aghast. I have a 2-year degree in
TV Production and I wrote to Martin and said I was willing to drive
across Florida and GIVE his staff a 1-day lesson in how to set up
cameras and lighting. I said I’d even direct the next event. I also said
they were losing sales by avoiding a local TV Studio and suggested
to contact someone in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami and get the
production done right.

Things improve but I was still a little ill listening to these people read
scripts. None of them are actors and they all botched it. The man
from Germany read like he was “vas just followingggg Orders!”

This time is was PERFECT. If it was scripted it was rehearsed, or it

was just outline notes and the guys knew what they wanted to

Martin’s “mad as hell” was the most gentlemanly “mad as hell” I’ve
ever heard but I’d expect that from a man of his caliber.

I say again that I don’t believe for a minute that you and he are doing
this only for money. I really do believe you are attempting to save a
nation, and perhaps the Free World.

You, your staff, and Martin are hero’s to me. I thank you for your
efforts and I’m certain you’ll continue to attempt to steer the ship of
state, barnacles and all, into safe harbor.

Kind regards,
Steve Newdell[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]


http://www.SteveNewdell dot Com


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:08:41 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

Home Archives About Us Copywriter Tools Testimonials Readers Rave Contact

← DO NOT MISS THIS!!! Stop it, Washington, Free E-Letter

before it’s too late! → Sign-up Here!

From Zero to Hero in Record Time Subscribe to RSS

Posted on April 9, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

Like Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Recent Posts
How to hone your copy skills to razor sharpness in no time flat … He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
How business owners and marketing pros can get better sales copy Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
faster …
by storm, there’s something
And much, Much MORE!
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Business-Builder,

This issue will make you money if you’ll let it …

If you’re a copywriter, the secrets I’m about to reveal will help you grow your
skills faster – and prime you for plumb assignments from Agora Publishing
and every one of its competitors.

And if you’re a business owner or marketing exec, you’re going to discover a

better way to work with your writers – or even create a world-class in-house
copywriting team from scratch – and get better copy faster than you may now
believe possible.

What’s that you say? “Not a bad way to spend the next five minutes or so?”

Great! Here goes …

A few years ago, my agency – ResponseInk – signed a contract to take over

in-house marketing for a financial client. In the first ten months, his sales
went up 80%. By the end of the year, we had doubled his revenues and

Unsurprisingly, the client wanted us to take over his online and offline[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

customer acquisition marketing as well – so we happily signed a new contract

with him.

Plus, another, much larger national firm (sorry – can’t tell you who) asked us
to take them on. This company was a sales explosion waiting to happen, and
I knew precisely what was needed to light the fuse for them. What’s more, I
genuinely love this company. Heck: I’ve been a customer for more than 35

But our little office building downtown was pretty much standing room only.
So The Redhead found us a much larger building, got it remodeled and
moved us in.

Then, with the New Year rapidly approaching, we were facing the task of
recruiting and training a passel of new copywriters, designers and other
marketing folk to accommodate our growing client list.

And so, I approached the coming year with fear and trembling. Because the
fact is, training copywriters and designers – getting them to the point where
they’re making me money and not merely slowing me down and costing me
money – is a pain in the patootie.

Plus, I’m not very good at it these days. I just don’t have the time or the
energy or the patience to spend hours digging for buried leads … juggling
organizational jumbles … clarifying tangled, confusing paragraphs … bringing
credibility to unbelievable ones … or breathing life into brain-dead boring

Sometimes, the breakthrough you need

comes along just when you need it most …
Out of the blue, a friend called to say there was a new gun in town: A new
copy chief at Agora who’s the best they’ve ever had.

So far, this wunderkind had recruited, trained and was now managing 14
writers! And not only that, his “fearsome fourteen” were actually cranking out
winning promotions both on the Web and in direct mail!

My god – 14 writers! Just bringing along ONE new writer is enough to make
me yearn for the sweet relief of death. But 14? Holey moley! This guy must
be some kind of superman!

Now, as I’ve said a gazillion times before in these pages, great sales copy is
the ONE scarce resource – the ONE barrier to growth – for every direct
response company in existence.

Products? They’re easy – like Joe Sugarman once told me , “Just look for
something everyone needs.”

… But if you can find a way to quickly and efficiently turn a pizza delivery boy[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

into a winning copywriter – which, according to my friend, this amazing young

copy chief has actually done – there’s no limit to how fast or how big your
company (or more to the point, MY company) can grow.

“I gotta meet this guy,” says I.

Turns out I already had. His name is Mike Palmer and a year or so earlier,
Mike and Greg Grillot – another superstar in the Agora constellation – came
down to my little corner of Appalachia just to hang out with me for a couple of

So I didn’t figure that Mike would refuse to allow me to interview him –

especially if I asked him real nice.

But would he be willing to reveal precisely – step-by-step – how he finds,

recruits, trains and manages his writers?

Most guys wouldn’t be.

But I had an ace up my sleeve. See, I know that every company’s culture is a
direct reflection of the owner’s personality and philosophy.

Agora is Bill Bonner’s company. Bill Bonner is scary smart. Bill is also
generous to a fault. He knows that when he helps his competitors, they grow.
When their mailing lists get bigger, there are more names of qualified
prospects for Bill to rent. That means Bill’s company grows faster.

That’s why every single time I’ve asked one of Agora’s leading lights to share
his or her most effective business-building, response-boosting secrets with
you, they’ve quickly and cheerfully agreed.

They get it.

So when I asked Mike Palmer to tell me in painstaking detail how he’s

cranking out great new writers faster than Carter’s cranks out little liver pills,
he said, “Sure!”

Which is why I can give you the philosophy behind Mike’s approach – a
philosophy that is too often lost in the day-to-day, rough-and-tumble, make-
it-up-as-you-go-along, free-for-all we like to call “doing binness.”

Now, before I tell you the right way – how Mike does it – let me tell you the
wrong way: The way I’ve been doing it…

From Dumb Copy Chief to Smart Copy Chief

in 60 Minutes Flat
My philosophy has always been to hire writers who show me some decent
samples, then throw them into the deep end – giving them their first
assignment their first day on the job.[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

It’s not that I figure they’ll either sink or swim; I know they’re going to sink.
And I know the job is going to take four or five times longer than if I’d written
it myself – and that in the end, I’m probably going to have to pretty much
write it myself anyway.

My hope though, is that the copywriter will learn volumes from the experience
and that each succeeding project will take fewer drafts and less of my time.

Doesn’t work that way. For most new writers, seeing the river of red cyber-ink
on his or her beloved draft (I mark it up with change tracking on), is a killer.
Some just figure, “What’s the point? Clayton’s going to re-write this whole
thing anyway.” And I end up with a frustrated, disillusioned employee on my

Mike’s genius is in finding a way to make his writers gain confidence and skill
with each draft by requiring them to meet challenges the copy poses
themselves. And he does that by bringing structure and simplicity to the
training process.

Mike begins by paying his trainees not to write for their first couple of weeks
on the job. Instead, he pays them to read.

For ten glorious workdays – and hopefully for fourteen nights and three
weekends – Mike’s copy cubs are required to immerse themselves in The
Masters. They must, of course, devour Michael Masterson’s AWAI
copywriting course. And by the end of two weeks, they’re able to cite
Hopkins, Caples, Schwab, Ogilvy and Gene Schwartz chapter and verse.

Much better – right?

Next, Mike simplified and brings simplicity and structure to the review
process. He identified two critical things his cubs’ headlines must do – and
the one job that their opening copy must accomplish.

He then gives each new writer an assignment, asking that they write ONLY
the headline and first couple of pages of copy. And he tells them that before
they’ll be allowed to write the rest of the promotion, these two or three pages
must glisten.

The review process is a beautiful thing. In a quick 30- or 40-minute meeting

each week, a panel of experienced writers meets with Mike and the new
writer. Mike and each member of his review panel rates how well the work
accomplishes the stated objectives on a scale of one to four.

If the headline and/or the opening copy scores less than a three, the copy
cub is sent back to his or her cubicle – with the review panel’s comments and
suggestions in hand – to take another crack at it. If the copy is a three or
better, it passes muster and the writer is allowed to complete his first draft
and submit a copy to each member of the review panel before his next copy
review.[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

Here again, Mike has made things blindingly simple. He has identified three
common problems most drafts share – and asks his reviewers to tag any
guilty sentence or paragraph with a letter that identifies the crime. Once
again, it’s up to the writer to solve the problem.

And when the final copy passes muster and begins spinning off money like
crazy, Bill Bonner, Mike Palmer and the copy cub divvy up the profits. That’s
right; copy cubs can earn royalties at Agora.

The genius of this approach is that it demands that new writers meet their
own challenges and solve their own problems. And I also love the fact that
while Mike’s approach leverages the experience and genius of senior writers,
it requires them to spend only a few hours a week helping new writers along.
They’ve freed senior writers to spend most of their time writing their own
copy – and making themselves (and everyone else in the food chain) richer.

Brilliant, no?

If you’re a copywriter, why not find yourself a few buddies (online copywriting
forums are great for this) and create your own copy review committee?

Doesn’t matter whether they’re in your home town or on the other side of the
planet – you can do this over the Web. You can do it cheap through e-mails,
or you can invest a few shekels and use so you can
all be looking at the same parts of each draft as you crit it.

If you’re a business owner or marketing exec, you can use Mike’s brainstorm,
too. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t know the first thing about copy. Just
talk a couple of senior freelancers into participating in return for a share of the
royalties the cubs’ copy earns.

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← DO NOT MISS THIS!!! Stop it, Washington,

before it’s too late! →

15 Responses to From Zero to Hero in Record Time

Markus Trauernicht says:

November 12, 2007 at 11:42 am

I really get jealous when I hear how Agora works together with
copywriters in the USA. The first salesletter I wrote for a client was for
a subsidiary of Agora in Germany, after they had recently asked me
to write a salesletter for them. But no royalties. Only a flat fee when I
beat the control. I beat the control and now I see that same
salesletter, knowing I could definitely improve it easily. It could have
been far more of a WIN-WIN. And payments are no comparison to
the USA.

The standard directmail salesletter in Germany is half a page to

barely one page long. Mostly all about features, no benefits. Seems
like directmarketing over here is many years behind. Probably I will
translate my current assignment (private-equity-investing) for a Swiss
company into English as a speculative assignment when it is finished
and start concentrating on clients in the USA.

It just amazes me how directmarketing companies work closely with

copywriters in your country. Even listbuilding is a drag over here, as
listsharing is so contradictory to the German or European mentality.

Markus Trauernicht from Berlin


Glen Kohlenberg says:

April 9, 2009 at 11:34 am

Clayton this is some great stuff.Thanks I needed the help. I

remember not long ago that Mr. Masterson said to write the headline
and a couple of paragraphs and that this was the most important to
get started.

I like the mentor ideal also and maybe I can find some on the warrior[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |


Thanks Clayton and to Mr. Palmer



Shanika Journey says:

April 9, 2009 at 11:44 am

Wow. What an incredible way to mastermind with other copywriters

and improve your technique.

I really like that. I’m already on Twitter with a slew of copywriters.

This is a great to network and create beautiful masterpieces.
Everybody wins!

Bravo! Bravo! Can’t wait to try this….


John Deck says:

April 9, 2009 at 11:57 am

I have written 100s (if not 1000s) of sales letters over the years.
There done as part of my B2B direct sales efforts. Each was a little
different responding to the solutions the customer was interested in
and where they were in the sales process.

I spent the bulk of my time on the first paragraph or two and the last
call to action.

My “sales letters” got better as I studied sales copywriting. They do

not call it salesmanship in print for nothing.

John Deck


Bart Murray says:

April 9, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Thanks for sharing Wendy and Clayton….it sort of reminds me of the

E-Myth for Copywriters, don’t think that ol’ Michael Gerber coined that
one yet? True, everything works better with a sytem, so you are not
working “in” the business …you are working “on” the business!
Wonder if this is what it would be like to work for you?[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |


Rod Newbound, RN says:

April 9, 2009 at 12:07 pm

Thanks Clayton.

Terrific article with some real nuggets. Your ability to craft a simple
declarative statement into a mind sticking image makes reading your
articles down right fun.

A couple examples: “or breathing life into brain-dead boring ones” &
“Bill Bonner is scary smart…”

I’m currently working through Michael Masterson’s AWAI copywriting

course, but now I have a stronger reason to pick up the pace.


Peter says:
April 9, 2009 at 7:06 pm


Short and to the point. I’ll follow the your course of action and
timeline the best I can. I’ve already picked up ‘Tested Advertising
Methods’ by Caples and ‘Scientific Advertising’ by Hopkins. I’ll dig in
to the AWAI course again. I’ll see If I can dig up the other authors.


P.S. You’re sayin’ some greasy cheese-lovin’ pizza boy is gonna

beat me at copywriting success? Piffles! (I like pepperoni myself:)


Tia Dobi says:

April 10, 2009 at 8:24 am

How would you resolve these discrepencies between the Agora Peer
Review and the process for your readers?

1) Agora: ….a panel of experienced writers meets with Mike and the
new writer.

- how many readers of this blog equate their experience with the
professional experience of an Agora senior copwyriter? (Is that true?)[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

1a) Mike and each member of his review panel rates how well the
work accomplishes the stated objectives on a scale of one to four.

- what are those objectives and which readers here have those and
use them?

2) If the headline and/or the opening copy scores less than a three,
the copy cub is sent back to his or her cubicle – with the review
panel’s comments and suggestions in hand – to take another crack at

- How could novice, neophyte writers make comments and

suggestions that are sound direct marketing principles if s/he doesn’t
know what those and

2a) worse! Simply make suggestions that are opinionated, irrational

and harmful to the profit of the copy?

….Here again, Mike has made things blindingly simple. He has

identified three common problems most drafts share – and asks his
reviewers to tag any guilty sentence or paragraph with a letter that
identifies the crime.

It’s a truism the skills and abilities of the Agora team to untrained,
non-practitioners is as different as lightning and the lightning bug.

Plus Sr Agora writers and mentored Agora newbies are not setting
themselves up for disastrous relationships and wild confusion so often
the consistent result of blind-leading-blind peer review groups.

Students are not skilled professionals- that’s why they’re called

students…I am not seeing this student to student (and students with
no or varying curriculem mind you) methodology being used in the
paid school classroom.

What I’ve learned is that the teachers are still teaching and grading
the papers – as is done at Agora.


John Gilger says:

April 10, 2009 at 9:06 am

This does work.

I’m a member of AWAI’s Circle of Success and we have been

through these reviews multiple times. I’ve lead a few myself.

The problem I’ve found with the concept of finding other copywriters
online for a “review group” is that few experienced writers are willing[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

to participate.

I think all of us in the copywriting community are looking for someone

more skilled than ourselves to help us move up to the next level, but
few of us are willing to be the mentor and help the newbies along.

At least that’s my two cents this morning

John Gilger


Tracy Needham says:

April 11, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Actually, you don’t even need to pony up the fees for GoToMeeting. If
the group is small enough, you could use something like for free instead.

Great suggestions–but I have the same concern as John when it

comes to looking online–everyone’s always looking for a mentor but
no one wants to be one.



mark says:
April 12, 2009 at 7:43 am

Your article title did not match your content.


Tia Dobi says:

April 13, 2009 at 9:47 pm

Right now, I am also a member of AWAI Circle of Success

Programme and have seen many instances where this student peer
review has not worked.

In fact, since I’ve been a member of as many as 5 of these groups

simultanously, it’s always fun to throw in a headline that a master
copywriter (i.e. Makepeace) wrote and see how the group scores it.

Without telling them it’s a proven master copywriter’s header.

100% of the few times I’ve done this, the scores returned by the
group were: low. Below a 3.[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

From Zero to Hero in Record Time |

Naughty? OR smart business for a lady who doesn’t have time

precious energy and talent to waste?

(I may be the only group member to my specific groups who can cite
Hopkins, Caples, Schwab, Ogilvy and Gene Schwartz chapter and
verse. Although to think any human can do this with just 2 weeks of
reading seems untrue. How many weeks, nah years, have readers
been coming here to learn?)

I concur this article does not make good on the promise of its
header…specifically with the 3 bullets below that.

What it does make good on however, is this sub-head:

From Dumb Copy Chief to Smart Copy Chief

in 60 Minutes Flat

Although it seems odd that any seasoned business pro couldn’t

figure this type of process out quicker sooner faster. Doctors model
doctors, filmmakers model other crew personnel…apprenticeship is
ions old, it seems to me.


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Shane Arthur says:

October 6, 2009 at 11:36 am

That’s a solid method for sure. Agora gets two thumbs up in my book
for that.


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:08:55 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

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Stop it, Washington, Subscribe to RSS

before it’s too late!

Posted on April 14, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Tomorrow, thousands of ordinary, hard-working Americans will make their We’re still here…
Time for a Change
voices heard at “Taxpayer Tea Parties” from coast to coast. Before you take the copywriting
The protesters will oppose Washington’s campaign to enrich corporate CEOs by storm, there’s something
you should know …
— millionaires and billionaires, every one of them — at our expense: Do You Believe?

They will demand that our leaders abandon this insane $14-trillion
campaign to save the guilty bankers, brokers, insurers and automakers
who created this great economic catastrophe.

They will demand that these failed companies live by the same rules the
rest of us do: That they face the consequences of their actions by
reorganizing under the protection of our nation’s bankruptcy laws.

They will voice their moral outrage at leaders who insist on rewarding the
guilty with massive hand-outs … while punishing the innocent with sky-
high taxes, soaring interest rates and an explosion in our cost of living.

They will point out that if that $14 trillion was simply given to the innocent
victims of this crisis — America’s 16 million unemployed workers — each
and every one of them would have received a check for $875,000.

And they will warn that unless Washington reverses course immediately, it
will destroy the American Dream not only for all of us, but for our children
and our children’s children.

The national media will cover these tea parties, of course, and for a day or
two, it will fill our airwaves and our newspapers with videos, photos and
stories about the protests.

But our leaders are not worried; they know that when the sun rises Thursday
morning, another news cycle will begin. These protests will be soon[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |


So later this week, Congress and the White House will simply resume
throwing trillions of more of our dollars at guilty rich men – and as they have
already done this year, pass those colossal new spending bills in the middle
of the night without even bothering to read them.

For the past month, I have been involved in the creation of a national grass-
roots movement designed to make sure that our protests are not soon
forgotten by our leaders …

To assure them that when this unprecedented explosion in Federal debt

causes our taxes, interest rates and cost of living to explode in the months
ahead, we will hold them personally responsible.

Today, I am giving you the opportunity to make your voice heard. I have
written a petition demanding that our leaders stop this insanity before they do
more damage to our businesses and families — and today, am inviting you to
join me in signing it.

This moment matters. With these protests spontaneously springing up

nation-wide, we have the chance to add our voices to theirs – and by doing
so, to make this MUCH MORE than a one-day news story.

We have the chance to make a difference.

If we remain silent now, we’ll have nobody else to blame when our nation,
our businesses and our families suffer the inevitable consequences of
national bankruptcy.

For any “too-clever-by-half” cynics in the audience, let me make this crystal

This is not a pitch. It is not the beginning of a clever

product launch. It has nothing to do with selling you a
blessed thing.

This is, quite simply, the single most important thing you
could possibly do to help save the American Dream for
yourself, for your children and for future generations.

Each week, we will forward the signed copies of this petition to every
member of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate and to
the White House.

The petition is here.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and
claim four FREE money making e-books go to

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← From Zero to Hero in Record Time Everyone knew Susan Boyle

was a pathetic loser … →

80 Responses to Stop it, Washington,

before it’s too late!

mark says:
April 14, 2009 at 10:40 am

I agree with most of your article except for one thing:

I’ll be surprised if the major networks devote much time to the story…
in a meaningful way.


Venkatesh (Venky) says:

April 14, 2009 at 12:04 pm

I agree with everything Clayton says, but unfortunately, cannot join in

the petition.

I do think – and this is not just with reference to America – thet just
about all of the world’s economic mess is due to the business-
political nexus.

Unfortunately, again, I am not American.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Shanika Journey says:

April 14, 2009 at 12:06 pm


I don’t know if it will work, but since the white House and President
Obama have websites to reach them now, can’t that also be used to
have these issues be addressed?

Or how about Social Media outlets, like Youtube?

CNN even? Somebody will put the whole thing on blast. It just can’t
be a one time deal.

Repetition is the key to being heard. It’s one of the oldest marketing
strategies, but it should be effective to get a point across.

And truthfully, that’s what the government officials hope people won’t
do when it comes to a disagreement with their ideas. Just a thought


Dave says:
April 14, 2009 at 12:17 pm

This petition has no weight at all.

Yes, voices need to be raised, but there is no way of NOT faking the
“signatures” so when you forward them on, they’ll just get tossed.

Want action? Everyone should sent their very own personalized letter
to each one of their representitives..

When the White House mail room gets flooded, then they know it was
a cause worth spending more than 30 seconds on and worth putting
a stamp on.

Digital petitions are just noise.


Peter Black says:

April 14, 2009 at 12:20 pm

Why no outrage and no petition, Clayton, when Washington

committed to spending a few trill invading another sovereign nation?
And killin’ a few hundred thousand?

I don’t get your priorities…[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 1:43 pm

TO SHANIKA (POST #3): Absolutely, Shanika! I’ve been urging our

readers to rattle Congressional cages with direct emails for several
weeks now.

Writing your own representatives is the best way to get your voice
heard. Joining your voices with others through this petition is another.

TO DAVE (POST #4): You’re absolutely correct about the impact of

writing your rep directly — but digitally signed petitions are doing a lot
of good. is proving it right now.

TO PETER BLACK (POST #5): Actually, I didn’t have a blog when

Bush invaded Iraq.

When are you guys going to give this ridiculous “Bush sucked so it’s
OK if Obama bankrupts me” rap a rest? I swear; you guys could
catch your messiah molesting a baby and you’d spring to the man’s
defense by blaming it on Bush.

My priority is simple: To do what I can to keep your sorry butt out of

the poorhouse. Judging from your irrational response, I fear that may
not be possible.

– Clayton


Phyllis Schwartz says:

April 14, 2009 at 1:57 pm

I will be ever grateful for the wonderful copywriting information you

share. But I sincerely wish you’d keep your political views to yourself
… or create a different web site to talk politics. And hey — thank you
for giving all of us the forum to express our opinions as well.


John White says:

April 14, 2009 at 2:38 pm

What all of you have missed is the fact that many Americans are
completely and irreversibly pissed-off![11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Usually and unfortunately, we’re indifferent to political events that

affect the other guy. BUT, stealing half our wealth, condemning our
grandchildren to crushing debt and grinding us all under the wheels
double digit inflation – THAT’S PERSONAL!

See I’m one of those selfish guys who “steals” well over 250 thou a
year – a real scoundrel. But even I have feelings.

I know I don’t deserve it, but my immense wealth was gained, not the
Ted Kennedy or the Nancy Pelosi way, I actually went out and
earned it. Now excuse me for being greedy, but I really don’t want to
give one penny of it to the likes of these two.

Personally (and seriously), I think a line has been crossed. I always

wondered when the final straw would be placed upon the camel’s
back – the moment when Atlas would Shrug. I think the time is near.
Post Obama America will be forever altered when those pulling the
cart put down the yoke and say “no more.”


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 2:38 pm

Sorry, Phyllis; this is who I am. It’s impossible for me to stay silent as
I see this train wreck taking shape. Too many good people are going
to be hurt while too many bad people are being rewarded for
scandalous behavior.

– Clayton


Sam Crozier says:

April 14, 2009 at 2:43 pm

“if that $14 trillion was simply given to the innocent victims of this
crisis — America’s 16 million unemployed workers — each and every
one of them would have received a check for $875,000″

Yes, and resulting in a huge boost for demand in the US economy

into the bargain!

Although I would suggest that infrastructure spending, and spending

on healthcare & education and other essential services are no less
important also.

But on the whole, I have to say I absolutely agree with you this time,
Clayton.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

YES! There are certainly far more urgent and pressing priorities on
which this money should be spent.

I just wish Howard Dean hadn’t been nobbled back in the midst of the
2004 Democratic primaries – he was making your point about ‘borrow
and spend’ politics long before now. As was Mike Gravel in the 2008
primaries, for that matter.


PS- Unfortunately for your petition, I live in Australia of course (thank

God neither of us live in Iceland though, the economic catastrophe
which has unfolded THERE makes Bernie Madoff look like a rank
amateur by comparison!)


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 3:02 pm

Amen about Iceland, Sam — but compared to the scam Congress

and the White House are running on us now, Madoff was a piker.

He only stole a few billion from a handful of investors — not $14

trillion from an entire nation.


Sam Crozier says:

April 14, 2009 at 3:07 pm

Yeah… just imagine if Dean HAD won in 2004 and the fiscal
responsibility he advocated then had become the agenda of a new

So much damage, over 4 years of economic vandalism and the

potential consequences of these current decisions, could have been

It STILL rankles with me, especially now.



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 3:09 pm[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

John White, meet Peter Black.

We’ll just stand back and let you guys duke it out.

Should be fun …


Sam Crozier says:

April 14, 2009 at 3:36 pm

Incidentally Clayton, if you’re really wanting to be effective in this

particular political tilt, I’d suggest you take a look at the way
Democracy for America (DFA) does things (the political organisation
formed out of the Dean campaign in 2004). Their online campaign
efforts and grassroots mobilisation across other media has been the
model for so many since that time.

Here in Australia, we have a similar organisation at work called

GetUp- but DFA were the originals.



Grace says:
April 14, 2009 at 3:44 pm

Thank you Clayton, for getting involved and taking the lead to
encourage your readers to do the same. Those of us who, like you,
can see the political handwriting on the wall do not question your
motives or methods.


Efrin Saffin says:

April 14, 2009 at 3:52 pm

I agree with Dave and others – futile – there is no moral outrage.

“Digital petitions are just noise” (thanks, Dave.)

There is building a sense of disorder and desperation. Rage comes

sometime this Summer (at the earliest) or, into Autumn. How it breaks
out, and to what effect?

I another year – let’s say July 4, 2010, we won’t recognize anything

positive and uplifting. It will probably be a day of open and hot
revolution talk, vaguely referencing Independence Day – renamed
Dependence Day.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

January 14, 2011 is the focal point for historians using very long term
cycles, long and medium term financial cycles and our current
damning trends.

Well, have a nice day!


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Really, Efrin? No moral outrage?

Tell that to the folks who’ll attend one of 2,000 Tea Parties tomorrow
in what will be the largest tax protest in our nation’s history.

The revolution is beginning now, my friend. I’m going to be there

when the shot heard ’round the world is fired tomorrow.


John White says:

April 14, 2009 at 4:48 pm

Hi Clayton,

Sorry for the acrid sarcasm in my earlier post.

A little about me: I am 64 years old and winding down a successful

consulting career in a small industry where everyone knows if their
competitor sneezes or if his brother in law gets a DWI.

I started in this industry 41 years ago as a punk fresh out of college.

For the first 20 years of my career I made an average income.
Finally, I decided to go on my own as a consultant.

I sent out 14 letters promising that if they followed my advice, I’d give
my clients 10 dollars for each one they paid me or they’d owe me
nothing. 6 of them called me back, and I have done business with
these same 6 companies ever since.

That’s where I come from.

I’m not rich, but had laid out a comfortable retirement plan for me and
my wife. Now half of it is gone. This IS personal Clayton – very
personal. A thief has stolen half of my retirement funds, and I’m mad[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

as hell.

I was planning on winding down, maybe keeping a couple of clients

just to stay sharp. Obviously, those plans have changed, and again,
I’m mad as hell.

As consolation to Mr. Black, this didn’t start on Obama’s watch, there

are plenty of criminals to be found. The problem remains however,
that America as we know it is lost if the current administration and the
congress have their way.

This is serious. I don’t know Mr. Black’s age or income, but I suspect
he’s working very hard to make a success of his life (I believe that of
all your readers).

I am telling you the truth, I have never been afraid for my country, but
now I am. There is zero evidence that the current administration has
a clue about what they’re doing, and these are especially dangerous

The only thing I can say to those who don’t take this taxpayer “revolt”
seriously, is that these protesters are angry, and feel personally
violated – this anger is visceral and deep.

I would also venture that the concentration of voters in these crowds

is very high – something politicians should take seriously.

PS: I live in rural Texas, and for what it’s worth, I’ve seen a bunch of
bumper stickers asking “Who is John Gault?”


David says:
April 14, 2009 at 4:53 pm

Clayton is absolutely right, and I cannot believe some of the negative

comments in here. You’re entitled to your opinion, but the apathetic,
“won’t work” attitudes are truly scary, and the “keep your politics to
yourself” comments are ridiculous.

I’ve always thought that big-name copywriters who have the power to
produce massive response should band together, uniting small
businesses and entrepreneurs around the country for real political
change with respect to economic and taxation policies. Basically to
jump start a national movement instead of everyone going at it alone.
So thanks for starting something, Clayton.

Clayton, maybe you should write a letter we can all print off and drop
in the mail[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

>> I swear; you guys could catch your messiah molesting a baby and
you’d spring to the man’s defense by blaming it on Bush.
Very well put … and sadly, too true.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 5:00 pm

David, I spent an hour on the phone today with the best-selling

author of “Winning Through Intimidation” and “Restoring the
American Dream” — Robert Ringer.

Ringer, who’s books were such blockbusters that he was featured on

The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson back in the ’80s, echoed your
thoughts and fears almost word for word.

You are not alone, my friend. Those of us who understand history

and economics are all fearful of the dark at the end of this tunnel. Our
only hope is to turn Washington around before it’s too late.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 14, 2009 at 5:07 pm

HEADS UP: New P.S. on the article above gives you specific
instructions for contacting your elected representatives directly!

Since some seem skeptical that digitally signed petitions do any

good, I’ve made it easy for you: Just follow the instructions in the new
P.S. above and then email the text of our petition or your own
message to your congressperson, your senator and the prez.

Be forewarned, though; our leaders would much rather hear from

interest groups and lobbyists capable of injecting big money into their
campaigns — like bankers, brokers, insurers and auto execs — so
they’ve made it cumbersome and somewhat time-consuming for us
actual voters to weigh in.

Considering what’s at stake, though, jumping through these hoops

should be well worth it.

– Clayton


Joe Jepsen says:[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

April 14, 2009 at 5:58 pm

The Tea Parties and writing to Washington are good things. After you
let the elected officials know that we are tired of taxes, be sure to
look for a solution.

The best solution I know of is The FairTax. You can get more
information at – this is a non-partisan website
that has done over $22 million in research on how to fix the tax

The fairtax will eliminate ALL payroll taxes – and “unhide” embedded
taxes and replace them with a national sales tax. It will also send
EVERY American a monthly prebate up to the poverty line so that no
American pays taxes on basic necessities.

It will raise the same amount of taxes as the income tax does now –
but instead of taxing 150 million workers, it taxes all 300 million
americans, 40 million tourists, and all illegals (but they won’t get the

Educate yourself:

Make April 15th just another day.


Ray says:
April 14, 2009 at 8:46 pm

Thanks Clayton,

Once again, you’ve come through.

Tomorrow, I’ll be representing the Libertarian Party of Florida to as

many of these Tea Party groups in the Panhandle as I can reach. My
message is that we don’t have to accept business as usual in
Washington; that the goals of smaller government, lower taxes, and
more individual freedom are goals worth fighting for, and that the
Libertarian Party is the only party that that supports those objectives.

You can be sure that I’ll be advertising the link to this petition in my

I’m thinking a business card with this headline: “DON’T QUIT NOW…
THE PARTY’S NOT OVER! Send a message to D.C that you’re NOT
their personal ATM.” Then I’ll insert the URL.

Also, I’m sending this to my State Party Chair, for distribution

throughout Florida, with the recommendation that he forward it to the[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

national party HQ. That work for you?

Thanks Again!

Yours in Liberty,



Joe Derer says:

April 14, 2009 at 9:41 pm

Go to and punch in: “Dr.Deagle” not for the

faint of heart… if you can handle the truth, you will enjoy it… if not
bring toilet paper.Heck you might as well check out my video’s at
YouTube… just punch in
“chemtrails boise” i m sure it is happening right over your homes – is enlighting to say the least…


Joe Derer says:

April 14, 2009 at 9:59 pm

“A parting shoot: it should be painfully clear by now that there is no

difference between a Republic-rat and a Demo-rat… two wings of the
same bird of prey… they are controlled by the same people… they
are bought and paid for – with your money.
Loyal to no one. There are forces in play that the average “joe” hasn’t
a clue. Read :”The Creature from Jekyll Island”… and that’s just the
tip of the iceberg.
Washington is the entertainment division of the DOD.
God help us all.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 15, 2009 at 3:50 am

Joe: You, sir, are absolutely correct! Anyone who thinks Obama is
any different that Bush is deluded.

Even the loony left is beginning to wake up and object to the the
Candidate of Change’s appointment of Bush and Clinton retreads to
his cabinet and the continuation of brain-dead Bush policies.

The agenda of the republicrats and demublicans is clearly to

bankrupt us ordinary citizens with wars and corporate welfare — to[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

make as many families and companies dependent on the state as


– Clayton


Sam Crozier says:

April 15, 2009 at 4:05 am

Quite so, Clayton, although not so much of the ‘loony left’ comment
perhaps! I’m a card-carrying member of the Greens in my country
and would prob find myself similarly inclined were I living over there.

As for the Libertarians and their cause, I would have found myself to
be an enthusiastic supporter of their Presidential tilt in 2008 had Mike
Gravel won out, as opposed to far right Republican Bob Barr and his
dubious businessman running-mate, Wayne Allyn Root.

But again Clayton, we agree on many things, it would seem.

As Jesse Jackson said so insightfully, long before you, we now have

Republicans and Republicans Lite. Convergence between the 2
major parties in America, where points of difference are the
EXCEPTION, not the rule, and both are equally wedded to corporate
welfare, and to the military-industrial complex. (Remember what
Eisenhower said on this subject?)

BECAUSE both depend so heavily on corporate donations to fund

their election campaigns.

Campaign finance is now and has always been the issue!



Adam Phillips says:

April 15, 2009 at 6:38 am

I love the comments here – both positive and negative!

You Americans have something wonderful, it’s just that you’re so

used to it, you hardly even recognize it. … You voice your opinions
openly and passionately – and you are prepared to act on them by
voting with your feet if necessary.

In South Africa, we have opinions sure, but most of the population –

even though they complain – will still vote for the same ignorant cluds[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

that perpetuate this mess, and support the likes of Zimbabwe’s

Robert Mugabe, or dance to China’s tune. No matter how many
petitions, toi-toi’s (group protestations), or letters they get – they will
carry on regardless.

Africa knows the word ‘Democracy’ but don’t really understand it. You
guys live it. It’s refreshing!

I wish you folks all the best. I would join if I could. Treasure and use
the freedoms that you have – while you still have ‘em!


Mark Hendricks says:

April 15, 2009 at 9:19 am

I hereby declare April 15 each year to be Tea Party day until there is
no more April 15 tax deadline.

All in favor, organize, show up, and vote the bad ones out.

Here’s a link to National Taxpayers Union analysis of your

Congressional Reps’ voting records:

More on these issues at:

Get to a Tea Party today!

Thanks Clayton, keep mixing politics and business.

Without freedom, we have no business.


Mark Hendricks


Mr. Twenty Twenty says:

April 15, 2009 at 10:14 am

Hi Clayton,

I’m a new reader, and I like your bluntness and style.

What we really need to get it in high gear, is a RADICAL shift in[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

mindset. Bottom line, until men decide to Kick Ass, instead of Kiss
Ass, things are not going to change.

I listen daily to men around me, hoping that gas prices won’t rise,
hoping that the president won’t tax them to death, hoping that
someone will save their jobs.

Wake up Buckwheat! Take action! Kick Ass!

Many women find my message offensive, while at the same time,

they complain about their husbands and boyfriends, because the
men in their lives have become wussified. Most men today don’t take
risks, and they don’t have the guts to do what it takes to succeed in a
big way in life.

Thinking small and kissing ass hurts the economy, destroys

marriages, and might even lead to massive drug abuse like we see

Men in our society have been sliding down a very slippery slope,
becoming more like Homer Simpson and Hank Hill every day, and
need to as men, commit to something bigger than ourselves,
something bigger that will truly stimulate the economy, inspired our
youth, and help our women experience real satisfaction.

Best to you in all you do,

Twenty Twenty
Ex Hostage – Camp Hill Prison Riots – October 1989
Professional Visionary since April 4, 2007


Liz says:
April 15, 2009 at 2:33 pm

Can anyone here explain how Obama is supposed to deal with the
problems he inherited ? Regardless of how we got here, or who the
current President is, what is the better way to clean up this mess ?
Also, how can we wipe out most of the taxes no one wants to pay and
maintain two wars, a bloated kick ass military, and farm subsidies ?
Not to mention all the other goodies no one wants to give up.

And by the way, there is no Loony Left left ! The DNC is now a
corporate operation, as evidenced by all the ex Wall Streeters on
Obama’s team. The political/business partnership is what is killing us.
Our economy will continue to suffer under our current health care
system. What are the answers besides wasting tea bags ?

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Efrin Saffin says:

April 15, 2009 at 5:06 pm


My commentary is meant to bring the sense of what you see and feel
(justified) with events. The tea parties today maybe useful but,
usually are a blip in this trend toward revolt.

The tea parties will do nothing to change the minds and actions of the
Washington, DC ruling class. (Let us call it Mordor, DC for all the evil
it causes.)

Your devotion to right change is most excellent! You are especially

needed for the skills of marketing the message.

Now how the revolt comes and it’s resolution over time, who can
speculate. Gerald Calente has a fair estimation of the future:


I am with your interests Clayton – just refuse to work without effective

means. Tea parties are fury and noise.

Your pamphleteering (ala Thomas Paine,) will do far more good.


Scott says:
April 15, 2009 at 5:11 pm

Obama should deal with the problems by not dealing with them. All
this so-called Presidential “leadership” we get is killing the damm
country. I paid taxes today and I don’t even know what I got in the


Liz says:
April 15, 2009 at 7:33 pm

This country is slowly being killed by special interests who get their
way with Washington at our expense. Wall Street and the banks
invested FIVE BILLION DOLLARS for the right to gamble with our[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

economy. The only type of Presidential leadership that can fight this
type of corruption could NEVER get elected. I still do not know how
we are going to afford 2 wars, the Pentagon budget, farm subsidies,
and Federal Prisons by collecting fewer and fewer taxes. We cannot
cut enough spending to support even those programs, let alone
social security, medicare, and basic infrastructure expenses. Forget
education. We could shut down the DOE and still fall short of the
needed tax revenue if we made the kind of tax cuts being proposed.
How about cracking down on off shore accounts ? Tax havens ?
Again, what are people willing to do without in order to pay fewer or
no taxes ? I never get an answer to that question, no matter when or
where I ask it. Fewer police ? Fewer fire fighters ? More crowded
schools ? More expensive mail ? An end to the FDA, EPA, and FDIC
? Where does the money come from ? An end to lifetime medical and
pension benefits for all elected officials ? Any ideas welcome.


David says:
April 15, 2009 at 8:16 pm

Liz, I agree – about the questions. There’s a lot of anger and shouting
but little REAL NUMBERS. As in, WHO exactly is paying taxes in
America, and how much. WHERE is the money going. I’ve found a
few websites that are very eye-opening. It’s amazing what happens
when you look at *reality* instead of getting in heated, purely-political

Want to know who pays the most taxes, and those who receive the

Want to see where our tax money really goes? Look no further than
Or, the budget for 2007:

One website regarding an actual solution, which someone else

mentioned earlier:


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 15, 2009 at 9:37 pm

Liz, I think we could begin by canceling the $14 trillion Bush and
Obama are blowing on bail-outs and hand-outs for millionaire CEOs[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

who screwed up their own companies.

And the $400 billion stimulus package Congress just passed in the
middle of the night without reading it.

Then, how about zero-based budgeting for all Federal agencies

instead of brain-dead automatic increases each year?

And what’s wrong with going through every agency budget and
eliminating the waste, fraud and abuse Washington is so infamous

And how about ending the USPS monopoly on delivering the mail
and letting it compete against FedEx and UPS and letting it fail when
the private sector provides better service for less?

How about shutting down the National Endowment for The Arts?
We’re broke; do we really need to borrow more money from China
and mortgage our kids’ future so “artists” can create more piss
Christs and take photos of guys with bullwhips shoved up their

A billion here, a few trillion there; pretty soon, we’re talkin’ real


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 15, 2009 at 9:45 pm

Oh; and Liz? There certainly IS a loony left. And boy are they pissed
that their “messiah of change” has turned out to be little more that
George Bush in hipper clothes.

A cabinet full of Bush and Clinton retreads … we’re still in Iraq …

we’re still throwing trillions at huge corporations.

The good news is that millions of Americans are suddenly realizing

that there’s no difference between the two parties anymore.

Our leaders and media pit Democrat voters vs. Republican voters
because as long as we’re fighting each other, we’re not fighting the
real enemy: The corrupt Demublican establishment that’s bankrupting
America and destroying our families’ futures.


Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 5:46 am[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Well now we come back to all those points of difference as per the
previous debates, I suspect. But it’s the derogatory terminology that
really gives me the irrits, to be frank! Clayton, one Rush Limbaugh is
bad enough, we don’t need a new one *chuckles*

Am very much aware of the existence of a far right-wing element both

in the US and in my own country, and equally am I aware of the
existence of an element, albeit NOWHERE near as prominent or
substantial in my country or yours, to my knowledge, which I’d
consider to be ‘far left’.

Now, I don’t know what you mean by ‘loony left’ and such
unsophisticated generalisations make me cringe.

But to claim that those of us who are progressive and not at all
aligned with the Democratic Party, either people of a more moderate
& pragmatic bent such as myself, or people of a more militant and
possibly more extreme outlook, were somehow fervent camp
followers of Obama, is just arrant nonsense!

You’re verballing up people who would never think that way in a fit,
Clayton. Lesser of two evils, that’s about the most glowing appraisal
you’d ever get.

Personally, I NEVER had any great illusions about Obama one way
or the other! Nor did anyone else who was either progressive or
thoughtful in any way. How could we? What substantive policy
differences did we see for God’s sake? Almost NONE. That’s why I,
for one, never supported him in the primaries.

Really Clayton, how could you possibly, if you are particularly aware
of the opinions of progressive non-Democrats, think that any of us,
ANY of us, would be blind camp followers of Obama?

As for privatisation, it’s a near-TOTAL failure as a policy. I could give

you SO many examples of spectacularly disastrous private-run
utilities around the world, for instance, or other privately-run services
originally in public hands which have been disastrous, that it’d make
you fall over backwards in disbelief, Clayton. And that’d just be my

You want to know why the healthcare industry is amongst the most
profitable businesses in the United States? Cause the insurance
companies take twenty-four cents out of every dollar that’s spent.
You know what it takes the government to do the same thing for
Medicare? Three cents out of every dollar. So what is all this crap
they hand you about private business being more efficient than

I don’t support monopolies either, but with all the research I’ve done[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

on this subject, all the information I have at my disposal, which is

MASSIVE, to say the least, you’ll never, ever sell me on the notion
that privatisation is usually a positive development. It just ain’t so.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.



Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 5:56 am

And personally, I think Liz hit the nail right on the melon with pretty
much everything she said.

Corporate special interests have a stranglehold on our democracy,

and that’s just as true in Australia as it is in the US.

That’s one of the big reasons why I was so strongly behind Howard
Dean at the time, because he was the only candidate I’ve seen
presenting real answers to this problem, who, if he wasn’t nobbled by
the DLP with their shadowy 507 organisations and Swiftboating in
Iowa, had a real chance to achieve results.

Tax evasion is rife, the US military budget is ridiculously bloated, and

the ‘law and order’ auctions which take place at election after
election, especially in State politics, here and in the US, mean that
you’re stuck with a ridiculous amount of money spent on prisons into
the bargain.

Until real campaign finance reform happens, it’s a seemingly

intractable situation.



Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 7:12 am

(DLP in that last post should read DLC, as in the Democratic

Leadership Council- strongly aligned with the Clintons. Both they and
the DLC have much to answer for over their actions in 2004)


Clayton Makepeace says:[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

April 16, 2009 at 7:38 am

Sorry, Sam, we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

For every failed privatization you can name, I could show you
hundreds of examples where incompetent and corrupt government
management of companies that should be private has only created
ongoing, massive losses and lousy service that would never be
tolerated in the private sector.

Try this:

Free enterprise: Good. Efficient. Creates wealth. Lifts masses out of


Government: Bad. Wasteful. Destroys wealth. Condemns millions to

lifetimes of servitude.


Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 7:50 am

Fair play to you too Clayton- good on you for coming back &
responding after my dialetic there mate, when I’m rolling I can be a
formidable sight to behold

No doubt you could give me many examples of this factor also. In

fact, I’m sure you can, especially in some countries.

But in the end I would still have to disagree with you, because the
unvarnished truth is neither black nor white in this instance.

There is governmental corruption and mismanagement just the same

as there is in any private company, but I believe that the difference
lies in greater accountability and oversight.

You can vote out a government. You can’t vote out a private
company- well, not unless you own/control enough shares anyway.

While public monopoly control of any service isn’t necessarily a good

thing – again, we agree on this – private monopoly control,
corporatisation or otherwise full privatisation of essential public
services has often been worse.

There are areas where private competition is useful and needed, but
not always in my opinion.

Again though, good on you for responding[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |



Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 7:55 am

Think I need to possibly clarify the last part of my message just

before – what I perhaps should have said is that there are some
essential services which are better provided when private competition
also exists, in my opinion.



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 16, 2009 at 8:58 am

Ah, but Sam, your entire argument falls apart when you try to
answer, “Who’s regulating the regulators?”

Consumers, shareholders and boards of directors punish executives

for waste and inefficiency by firing them quickly — not in four or six

Federal law and regulations prevent most corporations from

committing crimes and punish those who do.

But no law quickly fires congressmen and presidents (or sends them
to jail) when they waste our money. Or when they promise us one
thing but deliver another — or nothing at all.

Without term limits on Congress — and with increasingly clever

manipulation of an increasingly ignorant electorate — the scoundrels
who steal our money and erode our liberty remain in office for

For these reasons, I trust corporations to do the right thing most of

the time … and I expect the government to do the wrong thing most
of the time.

Therefore, it follows that the LESS influence the government has over
the economy and our lives, the better.


Sam Crozier says:[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

April 16, 2009 at 9:17 am

Well, we certainly have different perspectives, probably influenced by

our differing experiences of politics over time, here as against there.

But comprehensive term limits, Congress, Senate, State Houses etc-

now that’s an idea whose time has come!

That’s something I can certainly agree with you on. Comprehensive

term limits, and real campaign finance reform, together would make
an enormous difference in both your country and mine.

But in the US, you would have a greater ability to force a referendum
on this issue! There’s something worth fighting for…



Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 9:22 am

Clayton, here is a website devoted to a cause you may well be

interested in:
National Initiative For Democracy

This is another possible remedy to a number of the issues you’ve

raised, although I’m still somewhat ambiguous on it…



Mike says:
April 16, 2009 at 1:12 pm

Really, who cares?

It’s not like your petition is going to

make one bit of difference.

Nice try Clayton, but you’re still going

to have to pay up.

Keep writing sales packages that pull in

the money Clayton – we need funding for
more government programs.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |



Michael Brock says:

April 16, 2009 at 1:55 pm

Hey Clayton,

Great post! I agree with you for the most part and like the fact that
you are putting the truth out there for others to see. I also like many
of the comments left by your readers. I’m truly glad there are others
who are against this type of governmental tyranny and are willing to
stand up for their rights… KUDOS to all of you!

Best Regards,

Michael Brock

P.S. I signed the petition, too.


Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 3:21 pm

Noteworthy also, while this discussion is still alive, that Congressional

Democrats’ once-proclaimed commitment to net neutrality, hence
freedom of Internet access and freedom for Internet-related business,
and content providers, has withered on the vine within months of
Obama being elected.

The Internet Freedom and Preservation Act, once championed by

Democratic congressmen against Republican opposition, is now
being buried in committee by those same Congressmen, as it
becomes increasingly clear that both sides are just as much in bed
with special interests on this issue as well.

If ANYTHING demands public action by all of us in our common

interest, it is this.



Liz says:
April 16, 2009 at 8:37 pm[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Sorry I missed all the action !

Thanks for your contributions, Sam.

I would like to mention right up front that “Messiah” is a right wing

buzz word for Obama that I deplore. To see a credible business
owner use it on his professional website is very disappointing. But I
love freedom of speech, so I am glad to know that about you. The
man has been in office for less than 100 days, and yet some believe
that either he should have solved the problems he inherited already
or else he is ending civilization as we know it. Loony indeed. To have
treated Bush this way so early in his Presidency would not only have
been wrong, it would have produced a torrent of howls and
conspiracy theories. To be an Obama supporter now is to be accused
of seeing him as a God. Maybe for some the expectations are so
impossibly high because of the the type of leadership we have just
endured for 8 year. Now we have wing nuts shooting cops because
Obama is allegedly going to take away their automatic weapons.
How long before someone tries to kill this man ?

Clayton, the only reason you are on this site, and are lucky enough to
have developed such a successful business is because of our form of
Government. Our Government was formed by a bunch of wild eyed
progressives who fought a conservative and monastic England in
order to win OUR freedom. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are
pretty liberal documents. Where would this country be without
railroads ? The Tennessee Valley Authority ? The GI Bill ? The
Internet ? The 4th Amendment ? The Second Amendment ? Clean
Air ? Clean Water ? Safe Food ? Safe Meds ? Creating schools for
our kids in place of factories ? FDIC ? Women who can vote ? Blacks
who can vote ? The most powerful military in the World ? If you hate
Government so much, have you considered living without all these
percs ? Who should pay for all this ? The other guy ? We pay the
lowest taxes in the free world, and have twice allowed for the total
collapse of capitalism thanks to greed and corruption on Wall Street
and in our Banking system, and yet continue to believe more in that
model than anywhere else in the world. The Market has not solved all
our problems or created the kind of competition that should have
created affordable health care, yet we claim the real problems would
begin if we had Government bureaucrats. What about corporate
bureaucrats who decide on what health care I am entitled to only
after they consult a balance sheet, and are therefore making medical
decisions for me. This is efficient ?

Where were all the tea bag protesters when taxes were raised in
1982, 1983, 1990 ? When Reagan tripled the deficit ? When Bush
squandered a surplus and spent over 600 billion in Iraq ? When he
grew the size and scope of Government more than any other
President in our history, and created the largest deficits we have ever
seen ? Why were anti war protesters called every imaginable epithet[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

including anti-American, treasonous, unpatriotic, and worse ? But

now for anyone to criticize the sincerity or legitimacy of yesterday’s
protests creates some kind of First Amendment crisis.

I do not literally expect you to answer all these questions, but rather
allow for some of your beliefs to be challenged. I am a capitalist and
an entrepreneur. But to pretend that Government is always wrong
and never needed is certainly not true. Smart and efficient
Government, yes. One that regulates judiciously and effectively. One
that protects my rights. One that encourages a fair and open market
economy. One that provides reasonable safety nets as a matter of
national security. Is this too much to ask ? If so, then I am afraid this
country may indeed be in danger of failing.


Efrin Saffin says:

April 17, 2009 at 12:09 am


Here is the excellent economist, Martin Armstrong’s report,

“Financial Panics – Political Change” – very strong views, backed-up
with solid arguments. He too, sees positive results from this multi-
crisis period.



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 17, 2009 at 4:14 am

Liz, you are so wrong. I am not “lucky” to have this site or to be

successful. I earned everything I have through decades of back-
breaking work; the diligent application of any gifts god gave me and
every skill I’ve been able to acquire.

And I carried an increasingly bloated, wasteful and corrupt

government on my back every step of the way.

I am, however, lucky to have been born in a country in which the free
enterprise system — capitalism — was, although somewhat
diminished, still pretty much intact.

That stroke of good fortune has given me the opportunity to lift myself
out of poverty despite every dollar and liberty the government has[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

confiscated from me.

The legitimate role of the federal government is common defense and

to preserve the liberty that allows us to pursue prosperity and
happiness. We can quibble over which wars are justifiable and which
are not. But any legitimate liberty or right denied any individual is

The government’s legitimate role is NOT to be the sugar daddy of

every special interest group. It is NOT to protect us from the
consequences of our self-defeating actions. It is NOT to confiscate
trillions from hard-working people to bail out super-rich CEOs and
corporations. And it is certainly not to limit or control our personal

These are violations of the Constitution and the intent of the

Founding Fathers. Worse: The consequence of the government
doing these things over time is the gradual destruction of the only
principles that are worth fighting for.

You mention rights guaranteed under the U.S. constitution as proof

that government is good. Including the second amendment, which
Congressional Democrats are already attempting to subvert with not
one, but two bills that make it a crime to own a gun and also a crime
to defend our families with one.

Let’s be clear here: The U.S. Constitution is not the same as the U.S.
government. The Constitution is the only thing that makes our leaders
think twice before they run roughshod over our rights.

Social advancements we’ve made as a nation were NOT caused by

government. In most cases, including equal rights for minorities,
these were opposed by the majority of our elected reps for
generations and only took place when the people demanded them.

In my estimation, EVERY deficit not rooted in the necessity to defend

ourselves against tyranny is a disaster. EVERY tax increase is a
crisis. And EVERY new law that further erodes our individual liberty is
downright satanic.

As to your “where were the protests” question, I agree with you. If I’d
had a blog back then, I would have surely opposed every increase in
taxes and deficits. But the answer is that neither America nor the
world has ever seen any government spend as much as this one is —
or pile up as much debt as this one is.

It is the staggering size of the fiscal crimes now being committed that
has mobilized the masses. And for that, we may someday thank this
administration for its profligacy — IF we survive long enough to teach
Washington a lesson.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

You seem to love to make long lists of government programs as

proof that we need these clowns. You never, however mention the
trillions of dollars that have been wasted in these programs or that
have been used not to help the people but to line politicians’ pockets
and/or to increase their power by buying them votes. Or how the
taxes that have been extracted from working people to fund them
have diminished the lives and financial security of those so violated.

And of course, you avoid the proposition that in every case, private
enterprise would have and in many cases, HAS done these things
faster, better and for less.

The more of us who realize that this isn’t about political parties or
personality cults but about the survival of ourselves and our families

The more of us who realize the whole Republican vs. Democrat

debate is a red herring — a distraction promoted by the establishment
to keep the people from recognizing that its US versus THEM …

And the more of us who wake up to the reality that there are terrible
penalties to be paid when the time-honored principles of thrift and
personal liberty are violated …

… The better our chances of surviving this, putting our nation back
onto the path that made us the world’s most successful nation and
securing a prosperous future for future generations.

– Clayton


Sam Crozier says:

April 17, 2009 at 4:52 am

Well, although we certainly disagree on issues of economic

philosophy Clayton, I think we both strongly agree as far as the
RepubliCrat red herring is concerned, and the unwarranted power
wielded by special interests.

Check out NI4D. The more I look at this proposal, the more I think it
offers hope for both you and I…



Sam Crozier says:

April 17, 2009 at 4:58 am[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

And as I said in my last post, no matter what your political perpective

is, one thing Internet-related business is crying out for is network
neutrality, to guarantee our freedoms in this area.

If any current issue demands immediate action by anyone in the US

involved in an online business, it’s not the stimulus package,
important as that issue is. I suggest that the most concerning current
issue, by far, is the threat being posed to all our interests by dodgy
Democrats & Republicans in Congress who are seeking to thwart the
Internet Freedom and Preservation Act.



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Liz says:
April 17, 2009 at 6:17 pm

Well, Clayton, I guess you have gotten what you wished for. We have
lost 12 years of wealth in the past few months as a result of a free
market that was free of Govt intervention. I guess those who hate the
Govt as much as you do are ok with letting this happen again and
again as long as Washington is busy building fighter jets and doing
nothing to prevent this. Ok, fair enough. We have created a society
built on for-profit principles that is increasingly shutting people out of
higher education and health care. We are 39th in a recent report on
the cleanest countries in the world. All health demographics have us
falling behind on things like infant mortality and longevity. I am not
sure who the hell wants to live in a country like this just for the
pleasure of saying they pay a smaller share of taxes. The
Government can’t be doing as much damage to small businesses as
you claim since they are now the backbone of our economy.
Something about your argument is hard to follow, but this is your site
and you are entitled to analyze things the way you want. The problem
is that history, facts, and statistics do not supply the necessary
evidence that we would be living in the garden of Eden if only the
Government would go away. And I thought the Left hated this country

I am thinking I should jump on this bandwagon and encourage the

donor states (all Blue) to boycott subsidizing the beneficiary states
(mostly Red). I am sick of supporting this kind of welfare. For every
dollar the recipient states send to Washington, they get back an
average of 1.84. I am in CT and apparently supporting this nonsense
with my taxes.

I wish you continued success, and will look forward to more

stimulating conversation.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 17, 2009 at 6:22 pm

Uh, Liz … we lost all that wealth BECAUSE of government!

Because of artificially low interest rates and because Washington

was too busy screwing around with other things to enforce the law or
regulate the lenders..

And of course, because the government gave Fannie and Freddie

bonds an implied government guarantee.

Thanks for making my point for me: Washington couldn’t find its own
ass in a brightly lit room even if allowed to use both hands.

It is not competent to manage the economy.


Liz says:
April 17, 2009 at 6:56 pm

Low interest rates are fine (and very good for business as Ronald
Reagan demonstrated) unless people like Phil Graham push for the
right of the Markets to create predatory lending AND risky financial
mechanisms without appropriate oversight. As I said, the Dems drank
the Cool Aid as well. But this is going no where. Free Markets are
perfect and Government is evil. No matter what actually happens. Got

The rest of my comments show just how low we will sink to hang onto
failed ideology. As I said, I am a Capitalist, but not a fool.


Sam Crozier says:

April 18, 2009 at 3:01 am

Meanwhile our entire industry, and the FREEDOM of all Internet-

related business, continues to be under threat as a result of
Congress’s failure to pass network neutrality laws.

THAT’s what happens when you ‘leave the market alone’ methinks.
All our futures remain held hostage to the whims of Time Warner and
other such corporations. Not happy about this at all, I must say.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Let’s have a ‘tea party’ about that perhaps? The entire future of our
industry around the world less important than the right of some
wealthy Americans to avoid tax? *rolls eyes*

Apologies for my ascerbic tone here, but the point of my ravings is

abundantly clear yes?



Sam Crozier says:

April 18, 2009 at 3:25 am

And Clayton, am a little bit puzzled by the argument you mount in

your previous post, to say the least.

Are you saying that because banks and other lenders were not
properly regulated previously, and because of the damage this lack of
effective regulation caused, there should be no government
intervention in the banking industry at all, for instance? That’s a
completely self-contradictory argument from what I can see.

(Hey, I warned everyone about how much of a smartass I was in

previous topics )

“But any legitimate liberty or right denied any individual is


What about when said liberty or said right comes at the direct
expense of the liberty or right of another?

As it does in so many ways, the most immediate and clear example

currently being Congress’s failure to pass network neutrality laws.
Thus endangering the liberty of all of us as Internet marketers!



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 18, 2009 at 7:31 am

Sam, my point is that the government has proven itself to be

incompetent to fulfill its basic responsibility to enforce the law.
Allowing government to go beyond its basic charter to regulate the
economy is insanity.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Clayton Makepeace says:

April 18, 2009 at 7:34 am

Sam, did you miss the word “legitimate” in my sentence about

denying rights?

Me thinks you are grasping at straws in order to put words in my


In case you’re unfamiliar with the concept of “legitimate rights,” they

are those guaranteed by the Constitution.


Sam Crozier says:

April 18, 2009 at 10:07 am

Well I certainly did mean legitimate Constitutional rights Clayton- and

my use of Congressional obstruction of network neutrality laws for
the benefit of Time Warner and other associated companies as an
example is especially apt, in this case.

At the moment, companies like TW appear to have the ability to

tighten control over internet access and access to certain content for
at least some users, wherever they have the means to do so, while
the rights of users and Internet-related businesses can be trampled
upon without recourse.

This affects you, it affects me and it affects anyone else whose

livelihood depends on an Internet-related business. This impinges
directly on our freedoms in particular, adversely affecting our ability to
operate in future, and because it directly affects Internet access and
the ability of companies to limit access to content, it obviously affects
the size of the market for our products.

I attempted to post a few links to articles detailing at least part of the

problem I’m talking about, but can’t seem to do it here.



Sam Crozier says:

April 18, 2009 at 10:22 am

To sum up my argument at least as it relates to this particular

example, network neutrality is in my opinion, a thoroughly necessary
intervention in a certain market which as a consequence will create[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

greater freedom in other markets and overall serve the public good in
this instance, because it will benefit far more people and businesses
than it hinders.

Basically, I believe that unregulated, uncontrolled markets in essential

infrastructure hurt many more businesses than are helped by such a
laissez-faire policy, and the issue of network neutrality and the
argument in favour provides a good example of this.



Sam Crozier says:

April 18, 2009 at 10:40 am

Apologies for the number of posts also. I wish I could have just edited
myself to include this further point, and wish I’d thought of it at the
moment I posted originally, but I guess I’m a bit stream-of-
consciousness in my debating style.

It occurs to me I may have misread or misunderstood you as far as

your position on market regulation & economic management in this
instance, and I apologise ahead of time if I did:

“Because of artificially low interest rates and because Washington

was too busy screwing around with other things to enforce the law or
regulate the lenders..

And of course, because the government gave Fannie and Freddie

bonds an implied government guarantee.

Thanks for making my point for me: Washington couldn’t find its own
ass in a brightly lit room even if allowed to use both hands.

It is not competent to manage the economy.”

It seems from my vantage like you’re saying that failure of regulation

and poor economic management by some governments, and the
suffering caused by the resultant lack of regulation, lack of proper
economic management, is somehow an argument in favour of
government abandoning all attempts to regulate markets and manage
the economy.

Personally, I would have thought the antidote was better regulation

and better management, not the reverse.

The unwarranted influence of special interests is one cause of the

problem in my opinion, and I think that term limits and campaign
finance reform are an excellent way to combat this influence, and[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

thus go a long way to help resolving this problem.



Efrin Saffin says:

April 18, 2009 at 11:26 am


There is no ‘fair tax’ or ‘flat tax’ that meets the letter or spirit of the

So, we have to say: no taxation, at all, on private property, and no

direct taxation (income tax.) In effect, if a property or a service is
taxed, the government can shut you down, take the property, and jail
you. If you resist long enough, they will kill you without compunction.

These are the reasons why people are upset: when they lose
everything, and they finally realize that the government is not only,
not about to help them, but coming to get them, they are truly
changed into desperate people.

Unprepared, desperate people have only one way out: they turn to
violence to get what they believe is needed to survive. They will also
want to get back a bit of that which they believe was stolen from
them. And, if they can channel their anger into political revolt, they
will do so energetically.

The problem is this: I don’t think that the channeling of potentially

violent behaviors will happen. I think the revolt, won’t be just one
event. The revolution will be either a long event with many series of
revolts, or a relatively short, strong and violent revolution.

The Mordor, DC government is pressing ever onward. These

politicians and bureaucrats are hungry predators and they will not
stop, willingly. Imagine the size of the largest reptile on Earth with a
pea-sized brain. They will do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to get what they want –
and, they want ALL.

My advise is, just stay out of the way. Don’t visit their stomping
grounds. Try to avoid getting noticed by their lookouts. Look ordinary.
Stand still when spotted, slink away, quietly. Leave futile bravery to

There are few times that an individual can prove helpful during a
revolution. Your first duty is to your family, then friends. That is the
greatest Charity, being of service to these few.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

I’d say that the red herring, ‘network neutrality’ is another government
claim on private property. No government should regulate, in any
capacity, any resources at all.

Claims of copyright and trademark are royal grants; these are powers
that are not given by the free market.

See “A Future of Private Roads and Highways” by Walter Block to get

a flavor of how free markets provide superior product and service
over that of an authoritarian market run by fascists.


Marte Cliff says:

April 18, 2009 at 12:34 pm

Clayton, I’m proud of you for speaking out, but you may be setting
yourself up to become one of the first residents in the U.S.
Detainment camps.

The economic collapse scares me – but not because we could face

economic hardship and be forced to learn to live as our pioneer
forefathers (and mothers) did.

What scares me is that a population without guns and entirely

dependent upon Big Brother for basic necessities – like food – will be
an easily controlled herd of sheep.

You’ve been talking to Robert Ringer, so I expect you’re thinking

about this possibility as well.

I had a long conversation a few days ago with a well-read history

professor. The comparisons to Hitler’s rise in Germany and what BO
is doing today are simply chilling.

Unless Americans can find a way to fight back, we could see Jack-
boots with guns at all of our doors.

Thank you for speaking out and leading us to “do something.”


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 19, 2009 at 7:21 am[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Sam, I think we can agree that the US government as currently

configured — allowing corporate, union and PAC lobbying and
campaign contributions and without term limits — subverts and
neutralizes the will of the people.

As long as these special interests can buy politicians …

As long as politicians can then use that money to buy votes from an
electorate that values charisma above character and personal
popularity above principles …

And as long as the electorate allows itself to be distracted with

Republican vs. Democrat rhetoric rather than acknowledging that in
reality, it is we the people vs. the establishment …

We will continue to have a nation in which the people are slaves to

the government; not vice-versa.

– Clayton


Sam Crozier says:

April 19, 2009 at 10:49 am

Absolutely right Clayton. Been 100% with you on that point even
before I heard you say it. I’ve been saying that myself elsewhere at
every opportunity before now too

Personally, I’m a big fan of New Zealand’s campaign finance laws,

for example – they are far stricter on individual & corporate donations
etc, and more supportive of third parties. As with the NZ electoral
process in general.

But in the US, I think prob the best hope of real campaign finance
reform, term limits, and an end to the current entrenched political
duopoly, is if another candidate like Howard Dean comes along (and
manages to survive the inevitable mudstorm from the establishment,
as Dean faced and was brought down by in 2004), or if something
like NI4D is successfully enacted.

That’s the National Initiative for Democracy (the website for this is, as I said earlier – it’s a proposed Constitutional amendment
which, very simply summarised, gives the people the right to develop
and pass new laws independently of Congress. Possibly this could be
a double-edged sword, but it’s a very interesting and promising idea.


Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Sam Crozier says:

April 19, 2009 at 10:59 am

We have precisely the same problems here in Australia, just as you

outlined. Special interests subverting the electoral process with large
sums of money, an electoral system which makes it difficult for third
parties (although not quite as difficult as the comparatively disastrous
electoral system in America, I’d say), and a worrying policy
convergence by the two major parties in many areas. These are
issues I’ve felt very strongly about for a long time too…



Sam Crozier says:

April 19, 2009 at 11:06 am

And – adding to my last post – no term limits either! If only we did

have term limits in Australia… our country would’ve been spared 12
years of disastrous policies under the Howard government, amongst
other things



Sam Crozier says:

April 19, 2009 at 11:33 am

And in response to Effre… well, I find that rigid inflexible ideology too
often negates the process of reason and rationality, so I’ve never
been a subscriber. I view things on a case-by-case basis.

As an online marketer, I don’t want companies like Time Warner to

dictate the potential size of my market or dictate on matters of
content provision. Nor do I want any government to be able to do this,
as with the ludicrous attempts at internet ‘filtering’ which have been
proposed from some quarters. So that’s why I support network
neutrality, it’s that simple. No red herrings, that’s what I think, clear as

And historically, the idea of capital ‘C’ charity, with limited or no

government responsibility for services provided, such as the situation
in Victorian England, was an unmitigated disaster in so many
respects that I would be unable to list them here.

As to private roads and highways, well, the Australian experience of[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

this has been disastrous also. Witness the disaster of CityLink in

Victoria, for instance.

Or another example of privatisation – the selling off of water utilities in

South Australia. Fifteen months after Adelaide signed a contract
turning over its waterworks to a private consortium controlled by
Thames Water and Vivendi, the city was engulfed in a powerful
sewage smell, which became known as ‘the big pong’ and lasted for

Or we could look at Los Angeles. Witness the consequences which

unfolded over the last 60 years there as a result of the loss of most
public transport in the city, thus making Los Angeles one of the most
polluted cities in the Western World.

As I say, I look at things on a case-by-case basis, and on the

evidence I’ve seen, yes, government mismanagement of public
enterprises takes place, as Clayton said, we all know that. But this
kind of application of rigid free market ideology has been an epic
failure, over and over again. I could go on forever quoting



Sam Crozier says:

April 19, 2009 at 11:44 am

D’oh! Meant Efrin, not Effre, sorry- was too caught up in my own
oration to notice



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 19, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Sam, every example you cite has been repeated thousands of times
with the government in charge.

Many more times, in fact than when private enterprise was in the
driver’s seat.


Sam Crozier says:[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

April 19, 2009 at 4:42 pm

Well thus far, I honestly haven’t heard of too many successful

examples of essential infrastructure, or any public service for that
matter, handed over to private corporations- that is, an example
where the quality of service, and access to said service, has either
remained the same or improved- and don’t think I haven’t looked
either… at one time some years back I ran a nonprofit international
news operation online which took in feeds from 60-odd different
countries, and hope to restart something similar again in the future
when I have the resources & can find good help.

Although I’d be interested to hear of any examples which run counter

to this, for sure, and to be able to check them out.

My attitude on this subject is basically in accordance with the

following axiom- it doesn’t matter if it’s a black cat or a white cat, as
long as it catches mice!

If a privately-run company could take over any essential

infrastructure/public service without increasing costs to the consumer
or degrading service, or reducing access to the service, that would of
course be worth exploring.

But thus far, in my experience, mostly I’ve seen examples of negative

outcomes, often spectacular… like the long power cuts that
happened in Auckland (New Zealand) after that utility was turned into
a for-profit business:



Efrin Saffin says:

April 19, 2009 at 11:49 pm

Sam – you are clueless, and deceitful. Flat-out lying.

If you really read those articles and thought the issues through, you’d
find them rational and reasonable.


Clayton – here are the observations of the tea-parties protests from

an older, experienced commentator:

“Tea party day on April 15 got more media attention than I expected.
But interest faded fast.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

The event was a last-minute effort, with nobody in charge. It really

was a grass-roots event. It had little effect. This should reminds us
that what appear to be spontaneous grass-roots, mass-movement
events rarely are.

What should we learn from this?

Lesson 1: Not many people care about political protesting. The

turnout was low. The media saw this. The problem with public political
events is that most people don’t care about politics. This is especially
true immediately after a Presidential election. The defeated Party
retreats from the battlefield.

Lesson 2: Taxes are not a highly motivating issue. People get used to
Federal taxes. They figure nothing can be done. They are correct:
nothing can be done. Reagan rolled back some taxes (high marginal
income tax rates). In his second term, he raised taxes (TEFRA,
Social Security). The system keeps rolling along. Until Americans are
scared to death by the economy, they will not listen to tax protesters.
We are not there yet.

Lesson 3: Most people are contented with the existing political

system, compared to any likely alternative. The cost of political
change is extremely high. Only in crises do the costs of not changing
exceed the costs of changing. We are not there yet.

Lesson 4: The protesters were amateurs. This is to be expected.

Those with political skills are already working inside the system. The
system co-opts those who start out as fringe dissenters. In 1976,
Ron Paul was the only complete dissenter in Congress. I know. I was
on his staff. In 2009, he still is the only complete dissenter in
Congress. He has not been co-opted. He is a fine Representative of
comprehensive dissent, but he has no power.

Lesson 5: All politics is local. People get elected locally. Here is

where you can gain influence, if any. Here is where you can help to
pick your representatives. Here is where you get your skills in politics.
Here is where dissent will pay off when the crisis hits. This is called

Lesson 6: Local politics bores most people. This is why you can have
influence locally. Few people pay any attention. I call this the
dogcatcher strategy. This gives a 20-year veteran an advantage.
Start here. Stick around for 40 years.

Lesson 7: Build a mailing list. The #1 goal of the tea party should
have been to build an email list. I know the man who paid for the tea
bags that the government would not allow to be dropped in the river.
He is skilled at building mailing lists. His problem was that the people
he worked with were not. There was no attention to details. There
was no follow-through. Political change comes from attention to[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

details and follow-through.

Lesson 8: Conservatives are not good at political theater.

Conservatives don’t think of politics as theater. They are not good at
it. Jerry Rubin and his peers were. But their theater was futile. Their
followers were co-opted by the system. Until they dig in at the local
level and stay there, decade after decade, nothing will change. Let’s
see if the tea party produces this kind of dedication and leadership.

Lesson 9: Operating behind the scenes is more efficient. It takes

decades to build the ideological and organizational foundations of a
protest movement. Think of the abolitionists. They got rolling in 1755:
the Quakers. They began to affect public opinion in the USA around
1830. The British abolitionist movement had operated since 1780,
and slavery in 1830 was only three years from being abolished in the
British Empire. Still, it took until 1859 for the abolitionists to light the
fuse that blew up the nation in 1860. I refer to John Brown’s attack on
Harpers Ferry, the most important act of political theater in American
history. The Secret Six funded him. No one remembers them. They
won. He lost.

Lesson 10: You can’t beat something with nothing. The tea bag
people had no program, no network, and no nationally known
spokesman. It was political theater without traction. Until protesters
have a tax program to fight for, one that offers real-world solutions,
tax protesting will get nowhere. The prophet Samuel learned this over
3,000 years ago.”


I hope this helps.


Sam Crozier says:

April 20, 2009 at 7:33 am

“Sam – you are clueless, and deceitful. Flat-out lying”

I’m sorry, is that meant to be somehow an argument against the

points I made, or possibly an implicit concession through lack of

And by the way, I DID read the second article linked from your post,
but it did not contribute any substantive facts to the argument,
whereas I did. Rhetorical statements are not arguments, nor are
baseless character attacks, Efrin.[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |



Sam Crozier says:

April 20, 2009 at 7:53 am

Incidentally, Efrin, if you think I’m somehow lying, would you want me
to present further factual sources to add to the facts and sources I’ve
already provided, or would that just be unsporting?


PS- Sorry again for my tone Clayton, I apologise, but I was

somewhat taken aback by Efrin’s comments.

I still appreciate the way you’ve approached our discussion here

though. And we do definitely have a lot of common ground, despite
our differences in other areas.

For that matter, there was even a substantial part of Ron Paul’s 2008
platform which I also support, notwithstanding the clear differences in
my economic philosophy, and differences in aspects of Constitutional
interpretation- most strikingly with regard to gun laws, for instance.

Paul’s ideas on issues such as foreign policy, amongst other things, I

applauded at the time. So many needless and ongoing conflicts, and
general carnage, could have been avoided from the 1950s onwards,
if Paul’s foreign policy approach had been followed instead.


Steve Matsukawa says:

April 24, 2009 at 1:06 am


While you and I don’t see eye to eye on some things, I do believe you
are hitting the nail right square on the head here. I don’t see where it
is written anywhere that the taxpayers have to bail out these
schmucks who got themselves into this mess in the first place.

I don’t see where we the taxpayers were asked if spending this horrid
amount of money was OK. In fact, I do believe that this whole thing
was done in some dark, smokey back room somewhere, out of the
public’s eyes.

Does anyone remember being asked if this bailout was OK?[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Stop it, Washington, before it’s too late! |

Competition is competition, and the fittest will survive. If an institution

is going down the drain, well, I do believe it’s “See ya, been nice
knowing ya!” The survivors will be the stronger for the competition
and better for our country’s future.

These college graduates who think that we the taxpayers owe them
anything are sorely mistaken.

Yes, college graduates, from the finest universities in the country,

who learned that by giving graft to the politicians, anything and
anyone can be bought.

Well Clayton, I am joining you in screaming “HELL NO!!!”, that’s not

what I bought in for, that’s not a real good use of our tax dollars.

I read somewhere that if the money spent on bailing out these moral
cowards were to be split up between all Americans, we each would
get $875,000! Now I would believe THAT would really stimulate the
economy, as well as build up some savings and put the help where
it’s really needed.

So forgive me Clayton for being so long winded, but I finally had

enough of what is going on. If I could get off this sinking ship I would,
but I can’t because the anchor rope is tangled around my neck.

You keep up the good work Clayton, I’m proud of you!

Warmest regards,



joe says:
May 31, 2009 at 12:18 am

bend over and kiss you’re ass good bye…


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:09:11 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

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Everyone knew Susan Boyle Subscribe to RSS

was a pathetic loser …

Posted on April 16, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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A few weeks ago, Susan was alone and lonely. She freely admitted she’d world
never even been kissed. And at 47, life had nearly passed her by. by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
One glance at the poor woman and you would have
immediately known why.

After all – haven’t our movies and TV taught us that

successful people are always good-looking, intelligent,
talented and, well … cool?

And haven’t they also taught us that people who look like
Susan are dim-witted, ungifted, worthless – and in some cases, even

Little wonder that, when Susan dared share her dream of singing on stage,
most people only snickered at her …

When she said she would audition for the British version of American Idol, the
laughing grew louder …

And when Susan waddled onto the stage and told Simon Cowell that her
dream was to be a star, the guffaws exploded into a deafening roar.

Because, after all: Everyone knows that singing stars never, ever look like

Watch what happened next …[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

If you can watch this video without blubbering like a little girl, better take your
pulse – because whether you know it or not, you have passed away.

You are as dead as roadkill and stinking up the place and it would be a great
favor to society if somebody just buried you — and the sooner, the better.

But this video should do more than just make you cheer for Susan.

Because if you’ll think about it for a moment, you’ll realize that the rush of
emotion you’re feeling right now isn’t really even about Susan.

It’s about YOU. Because like Susan, you also have detractors. And your
most damaging critic begins scoffing at you the minute you take the stage
every workday morning.

Your critic tells you that you’re not smart enough or talented enough or well-
educated enough to deserve success.

Or you’re not the right age … or sex … or color.

Or you come from the wrong country … or ethnic group … or family


Or you’re too fat … to thin … or too sickly.

Or you’ve failed too many times in the past to deserve success now.

How do I know? Because I have a critic much like yours:

That still, small voice inside that scoffs at every dream you ever had; that
criticizes every plan you make and every word you say or write …

The saboteur who’s constantly telling you that you don’t deserve to have a
better life – or to provide greater financial security for the people you love …

The demon who constantly shows you vivid mental images of your past
failures even as you’re striving for a future success …

The mental Mephistopheles who urges you to abandon your dream and to
join the dull grey masses of cynical losers who spend the rest of their lives
blaming the system … or the economy … or other people for their failure.

My dirty little secret …

When someone uses my blog to attack the capitalist system or attempts to
elevate himself by disparaging those who have succeeded and become rich, I
always try to be polite to them.

Now, I’d never dream of saying this to anyone on the blog that follows my[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

articles — but do you want to know a dirty little secret – what I’m really
thinking when those people weigh in?

I’m thinking …

“There goes a bitter, pathetic little loser who is so insecure …

so convinced he doesn’t deserve success … so terrified of
failure … and so worried that others will realize that he’s a
waste of perfectly good oxygen …

“… That he’s attempting to save face by focusing his self-hatred

outward: Attacking the system that so clearly exposes his
inadequacies, mediocrity and cowardice — and attempting to
bring everyone who’s used it to prove him inferior down to his
own level.”

I know. Disturbing. But you know what? I’m not the only one who sees
things this way. Fact is, the cynical, self-righteous coward isn’t fooling
anyone. Not, in his quietest moments I suspect, even himself.

Because, as we all know, you can attempt to glorify spinelessness by

dressing it in any political or religious ideology you like; in the end, there is no
nobility to be found in it.

Yin and Yang

Despite what many people think, fear and courage are not opposites. In
much the same way that the words “success” and “failure” are meaningless
without each other, “courage” cannot exist where there is no fear.

As Mark Twain famously said …

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of


“Except a creature be part coward it is not a compliment to say it

is brave.”

So, rather than attempting to construct elaborate, obvious ruses or engaging

in shameless and transparent public acts of mental masturbation to disguise
our fears as “moral superiority” …

Wouldn’t it just be simpler (not to mention more honest and much more
rewarding) to exercise a little courage instead?[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Johnny Johnson – the legendary founder of Research Publications – used to

tell me …

“Doing the right thing always demands more courage than

following the crowd.

“Do the right thing, anyway.”

My dad – who, before he became a minister, served as Lead Mechanic at

Lockheed, building the legendary P-38 fighter in WWII — used to tell me …

“Aerodynamics experts can prove beyond the shadow of a

doubt that the bumble bee’s small wings and bulbous body
render it incapable of flying.

“Once launched into the air, any creature so configured will

simply crash to the ground and die.”

“The bee, however, is fearless – so it flies anyway.”

And if Susan Boyle were here, she’d probably say …

“Just hitch up your pantyhose, waddle out there on stage, take

a deep breath and sing your heart out!”

Your assignment for this week: Name the fear that’s standing between
you and the success you dream of – and tell us what you’re going to do this
week to beat it!

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

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67 Responses to Everyone knew Susan Boyle

was a pathetic loser …

Bob Duke says:

April 16, 2009 at 9:07 am

Wonderful words. I just saw Ms. Boyle’s performance earlier this

week. I was amazed. I just wish I had not been warned how good she
would be.

Your article brought me to tears. I want to be courageous and be

successful, so I have a lot to think about.


Bob Duke


Frank S. says:
April 16, 2009 at 9:24 am

Just wanted to express how timely this article is for me. I am

challenging myself to venture into a new stage of my life by starting
an on line business that deals with mental changes average people
could make to conquer bad habits and poor lifestyle choices.

One big problem… I have not yet conquered time and fear of the
unknown. I will do so someday soon, I feel it coming. Reading your
article helps to re-enforce the attitude needed to get me there.

Each wall placed in front of us takes time to scale and patience is a

virtue sometimes tough to master.

The detractors can be difficult to ignore and so can the fear of falling
on your face and proving them right.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

In the end I know that if I can see my wife through cancer, lose 50+
pounds, quit smoking after 33 years, quit drinking and learn how to
get up for 2 jobs and still exercise and care for my family, I will climb
this wall as well.

Your wonderful article just added some much needed strength to

arms for the climb.


Frank S.


DK Fynn | More Than "Just A Copywriter" says:

April 16, 2009 at 9:48 am

I think my biggest (but most subtle) fear is success itself.


Dean Kennedy says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:29 am

You floored me again. Crikey, what bundles of emotion us human

creatures really are. What a stunning performance to watch … more
so I even think than the public discovery of Paul Potts. I have blurry
eyes looking now at this screen!

I think for me, my fear is about worthiness and value — not valuing
myself as much as I deserve, not recognising my ability to soar like
an eagle when I set my focus clearly on my goal: I wonder too much
if what I really want really is achievable — yet I already know the true
answer to that question!

What I’m going to do about it is surround myself with visual reminders

both of what I want and the positive mindset that will get me there.

One of my favourite quotes, from the movie Braveheart:

“Every man dies. But not every man really lives.”

There’s no better time than right now to “really live”.


Caleb Osborne says:[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

April 16, 2009 at 10:33 am

Love that quote about the Bumblebee Clayton — I always remember

that when I get down.

My fear is worthiness too — even when I know people as young as

me who work as hard (or less hard) than me — it’s still a battle to feel
like I deserve and will achieve all the success I want.

My action step? Just keep plowing forward and constantly attack

those “inadequate thoughts” when they appear with reason and logic
and “if one man can do it, another can also” thinking.

Thanks for this post Clayton — really good!



Johanna says:
April 16, 2009 at 10:35 am

The Bottom Line is crystal clear: persistence, determination, and


I thank you for reminding me that we are more than our fears and
that we also should move forward with courage.


Olive says:
April 16, 2009 at 10:39 am

Don’t you just love the expression on Simon’s face when he gets
blown away totally unexpectedly?

Another “Potts” and way to go Susan!

There must be somthing in the water in UK that makes folks like

these believe in their talent and themselves and so, totally ignoring
their detractors, they get out there and show us how really wonderful
they are. That singing came from her soul!!!

I’m not scared, I just haven’t properly marketed myself.


Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Denny Koska says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:48 am

For sure we all need to stretch more and get out of our
comfort/stagnation zones. For me it’s not so much the fear of doing
something, it’s trying to figure out what that something is. We are all
so busy just staying afloat. Trying to figure out what to invest precious
time and resources in is my problem.



Marcelino Latorre says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:48 am

Thanks for the peace,

No fear, just not enough hours in a day, and a lack of appropriate

time management.

You put my ass up against the wall I’m going to fight.

This copyslammer thing is closer than I think, that’s all I keep saying.

Yours In Abundance,

Marcelino Latorre


Jan Evans says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:52 am

Thanks for posting this awe-inspiring video.

Although fear is present to alert us to danger that could maim or kill

us, it also transfers to imaginary dangers like rejection or ridicule that
might make us take a step back to reconsider our actions.

The best advice I’ve ever heard for overcoming fear of criticism is
from Linda Parelli, “What other people think of me is none of my

If we are to progress as humans, we must be prepared to stand out

from the crowd. That in itself is a dangerous stance to take because
the safest place from predators is in the middle of the herd–not on
the fringes.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Perhaps my fear prevents me from dreaming big enough, from

following my greatest passion. And if I’m on the wrong road, I’ll never
reach my destination…


eleena says:
April 16, 2009 at 10:58 am

I love how Susan Boyle, a very lovely, unassuming, humble lady, has
been able to captivate and inspire people the world over just by being
herself and persevering and believing in her dream of becoming a
professional singer. She’s already a winner in my book. Even if she
doesn’t win the grand prize in the British “Who’s Got Talent” contest,
she’s already a star with a huge global following and this won’t be the
last we see or hear of her, that’s for sure.

Clayton, thanks for connecting the dots and making us see how truly
instructive Susan Boyle is for the rest of us. Excellent post.


Olga M. says:
April 16, 2009 at 11:02 am

At 74 my attempt to start an on-line business is ludicrous and a total

waste of my tme: So say my family and other detractors. After
watching Susan Boyle express her dream I am now unequivocably
COMMITTED to mine. Beautiful! Beautiful!


Gary Gile says:

April 16, 2009 at 11:17 am

Clayton, it’s interesting you should write this today. Earlier this
morning I watched several of Susan Boyle’s YouTube videos. I then
looked for the other singer that touched my heart, yes, Paul Potts.

I sent both YouTube links to some friends with the subject “Never
judge a book by its cover”.

We all are geniuses and have immense talents. We just need to let
them out.

My assignment: The fear that is keeping me from success – I fear

that I will mess up my first impression and my contact will never have
the opportunity to really discover how much I will help them.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

What I will do to overcome that fear – contact 100 people with the
anticipation that I will find one who will look beyond the cover to see
the real jewel.


karen says:
April 16, 2009 at 11:31 am

While “Cinderella” stories come in all shapes and sizes, it isn’t often
we get to see one taking place in front of our eyes.
And to Olga – Comment #12 – It’s been my experience too – that
there’s always more people who try to kill your dream than
encourage it, and like Clayton reminds us, they are the ones terrified
to do it themselves and find relief in their own failures by trying to
squash our dreams. You go girl, follow that dream. You have nothing
to lose.
One thought that clicked in my head long ago, was that there is no
Prince Charming waiting to fulfill our dreams, only us – and we may
have to fight through the obstacles of many, many naysayers to do
what we dream, fight we will.
Thanks Clayton


Richard Armstrong says:

April 16, 2009 at 11:32 am

That’s not ugly, Clayton. That’s the way most Brits look. But did you
get a load of that blonde judge???


Jim says:
April 16, 2009 at 11:41 am

This was my first chance to see this video that everyone has been
talking about. Needless to say, I was as blown away as the judges.

Such a stupendous voice! And from such an unassuming person.

OK, I admit it – watching that video brought a rush of emotion, and

yes, it was for the very reasons your article mentioned – because of
the pain coming from my own personal demon of fear.

I am starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I too can be more than I
have been.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Thank you for making me think about where I am and where I want to


Sam Crozier says:

April 16, 2009 at 11:42 am

Well, as someone who’s already had to overcome enormous trials

and obstacles in recent years that I may never fully tell anyone about,
just to even reach the starting point of my own plan, let alone achieve
the goal I’ve set for myself, I can certainly identify with Susan.

And yet the goal is getting closer by the day, that’s for sure.


PS- Hope you checked out the link I put up about the NI4D (National
Initiative for Democracy) on your other post Clayton, I think you would
find the concept very promising..


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 16, 2009 at 11:44 am

Whoa. Richard. Brutal.

Better be careful — I’m going to be over there in a few weeks; don’t

get me beat up!

Oh — and I never said Susan was “ugly.” That’s a beautiful woman

on the inside … and when Simon gets through with her, you can bet
she’ll be downright presentable on the outside as well.

And yeah … the blond judge: As my son used to say when he was
little, “Hubba hubba!”

Cheers, y’all!

– Clayton


Jennie Heckel says:

April 16, 2009 at 11:47 am

Dear Clayton,[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Never thought I would see someone like Susan Boyle here. This
deeply touched my heart. Yes I cried too. The video made me believe
that again… ANYONE can dream their dream and succeed.

I feel we all have a little of ‘Susan Boyle’ inside us all.

To be a copywriter, to put yourself out their, your heart, your guts on

show for everyone to see and critique, even ridicule…takes immense

As a copywriter, there HAS to be a ‘tiger’ or in Clayton’s case maybe

a ‘BIG OL’ GRIZZLY BEAR’ that can give us the spark…the fire, AND
the courage to put it out there.

To believe.

I have done incredible things in my life.

Generally just because. Just because I wanted to do it, not because I

thought I had any REAL talent. Or Money. Or any thought that I was
better than anybody else. No, just the opposite.

Because I just wanted to. I am…

A nationally published photographer in the Guinness Book of World

Records – for a team of 54 lamas hitched to a covered wagon. (No, I
had no formal photography training, just my 35 mm and me.)

That was a lark, I was in a bucket attached to a boom truck 25 feet in

the air to get the WHOLE team of lamas in the photo. Only problem
was once they got me UP in the bucket they couldn’t figure out how
to get me DOWN!

Photo was in the National Enquirer too.

Survived divorce after an 8 year marriage. No kids. We just had

horses. But letting my dreams go there hurt almost more than I could
take. So I decided to REALLY change my life.

I wanted to believe again.

When I went back to technical school at 37 to totally change my life to

become a web designer and build websites…that was my new
dream. I told everyone that some day I would be working from home.
They all scoffed at me. Said it couldn’t be done, well at least NOT by

Never did I really know for sure then, that today I would be writing
sales letters on the web. Just like I SAID I would!

Yes. I am living my dream![11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

I did it. I am working from home. Everyone laughted at me back in

2000 when I graduated from technical school and I said that in a
couple years I will be working from home. I just have to learn how to
do web design work well enough to have my OWN business.

Well it took more than a couple years. In 2008 I got laid off from a
great job, due to downsizing. I got MAD. Told myself I was never
going to work for a normal 8 to 5 job/company again. I was going to
work for myself.

The litle tigress got out and stayed OUT!

You can be the same. You can do the same. Just like Susan Boyle.
She’s got a tiger insider her. She now knows she can do it.

Be careful though…Once you let that ‘little ol’ inner tiger out’ your life
will NEVER be the SAME!


Call to all experienced and ‘in the know’ copywriters.

Find the time and the want to inside yourself to help beginning
copywriters. Help them to grow their own ‘little tiger’…Your know your
‘tiger is full grown’. Help those little cubs you know. Be a mentor. It’ll
make you feel better about yourself than you EVER DREAMED!

Jennie Heckel
Wisconsin Copy Cub


Dan says:
April 16, 2009 at 12:03 pm

My fear stems from the piss poor reputation I built for myself in my
early- to mid-twenties. It wasn’t until I started working for myself that I
turned that around. I’m not afraid that I haven’t changed or that I still
present that type of character. I have a fear that people who were
harmed by my actions before I turned myself around will turn up at
crucial moments in my current career, and drag the new reputation
I’ve built through the mud. I know this fear is imagined, and has no
basis in reality.

What I plan to do this week is to take an exercise I recently learned

about from Psycho Cybernetics where you determine the absolute
worst that can actually happen and visualize yourself creating a
positive outcome from it. I’ll draw upon those images whenever I find
myself holding back for fear of that imaginary foe.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

And I will work to make amends with those people from my past, as I
have at every opportunity I’ve had thus far.

Hope that’s not too personal.


Dan says:
April 16, 2009 at 12:09 pm

I need to read this every day when I first wake up in the morning.
Thanks Clayton!


Glen Kohlenberg says:

April 16, 2009 at 12:20 pm

Clayton I thought they say that beauty is the eye of the beholder.It’s
sad Susan waited so long to show her beauty and her talent.
I guess we all do things different because we are worried what
someone else thinks or says.I am being laughed at right now myself
because I built a member site before I had any traffic.
It’s not that I didn’t try I just picked the wrong people to help me with
it. I honestly believe that getting traffic will be easy once I learn from
someone that truely knows how to get traffic.
The hardest part was dealing with cheaters,thieves and lairs.But
that’s ok because when starting something new I understand there’s
a learning curve.

So my goal is learn the traffic and the conversion game because I

can deal with the piles of money someday that will be there.

Thanks Clayton for the lesson!



Michael Brock says:

April 16, 2009 at 1:37 pm

Hello Clayton,

Thank you very much for the post, the video, and the assignment.
Each one is very timely for me right now.

Indeed, I battle myself constantly and, as the old saying goes, I am[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

my own worst enemy (and/or critic). So I am not “successful” at this

time and my “dream” is not well defined.

And yet, to see Susan Boyle pursue her dream by attacking her fears
with full force in front of a crowd of cynics (cf. skeptics) was deeply
moving and extraordinarily inspirational.

As for my biggest fear, I sort of relate to DK Fynn above (Comment

#3), who said theirs was a fear of success itself. However, in my
case, I would have to say it’s more a fear of the increased
responsibilities that come with success, because it all seems so
overwhelming when I think about it.

Now, as for what I’m going to do this week to beat it?.. I WILL
consciously: pray more; meditate more; apply myself, my knowledge,
and my talents more; read more positive and motivational material;
and take more responsibility for myself and where I’m at in terms of

Thanks again and God bless YOU and YOURS!


Michael Brock


Andrew L. Foss says:

April 16, 2009 at 2:00 pm

I fear:

Not knowing what to do -

Not having enough time
Being criticized for my ideas.

What I will do:

Start small
and do it anyways – Thsy don’t have to know until I am looking back
at them and laughing.

Thanks – I watched the video because I had only seen short clips.
Thanks for posting it and making it relevant enough to watch. It was
worth it

Andrew Foss
Reading, PA

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Pingback: “I Dreamed a Dream” | Copywriter Ray Edwards

Bill Murray says:

April 16, 2009 at 2:18 pm

When Susan Boyle first stood up she was “plain.” Vin ordinaire, as
they say in France. But did anyone notice the TRANSFORMATION
that occurred when she began to sing?
Where did that radiance come from? Inside? Inside her or me? Or
from someplace numinous and sacred? Choose your
psychology/theology. But vin ordinaire was suddenly Dom Perignon
’88, even to the label on the outside.

We ALL have that kind of potential.

Maybe that’s what brought unexpected tears to my eyes at 7:30 in

the morning.

I know what I’m going to do about it. How about You?


Kammy Thurman says:

April 16, 2009 at 2:30 pm


LOVED this video! Thanks for bringing it our attention.



Pingback: What fear is standing between you and your dreams? | Creating Comic Success

Chris Goegan says:

April 16, 2009 at 3:11 pm


Wow. I watched that video with my 7 & 5 year old, with tears filling my
eyes. There is something so beautiful about watching someone
achieve their dreams that is simply beyond words.

Well done Ms. Boyle. Well done.

Thank you for caring enough to share this Clayton.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Be great eh!


VeeJai Dunn says:

April 16, 2009 at 3:54 pm

Dear Clayton,

This was truly inspiring! And Susan Boyle is fantastic.

My first fear is that, like Susan Boyle, I don’t look like I imagine the
“judges” (potential clients)of my skill would expect me to look. This
fear drives me to want to change my name and attempt to get clients
who’ve never seen or known me. Unfortunately, every advice I hear
on getting clients stresses that one should start locally.

Several joint replacements have given me the opportunity to finally

“have a life”, but when I mention to acquaintances that I’m planning
to become a Copywriter they just ignore it. The lack of response and
curiosity tells me they don’t expect any level of success from me. This
has stalled my progress, but it’s not their fault, it’s mine.

This video and your article has shown me that I’m letting these
doubters call the shots. . . I simply can’t do that another second. Now
it’s coming back to me–the burning desire and unbridled enthusuasm
I had when I first learned of the existence of Copywriting as a career
and how miraculously ideal a fit it is for me. I have to revive and retain
this feeling and keep it front and center! I can do this, now!

It was priceless seeing the look of surprise and amazement on the

faces of the judges and audience members when they realized Ms
Boyle actually had an amazing talent. . .so motivating to imagine that
same look on the faces of those I’ve known who’ve simply
considered me pitiful in the past.

Thanks again and God Bless,



Jackson Bradley says:

April 16, 2009 at 4:21 pm

Hi Clayton!

“Vengeance is Mine!” saith the Lord![11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Clayton, you were right on the mark, in your introduction to the Susan
Boyle story, and yes, it is definitely a tear jerker!

I’m so glad that I do not fall into the class of those who are dead, but
they just aren’t stinking yet. Our society has been degrading for so
long now, I am wondering when we will become just another third
world country. It is no more than just a terrible case of Stinkin’

I do have hope as that you can easily see in the way Susan marched
out on stage without any sign of fear, full of confidence, and her
ability to react in such a positive way.
It is evident to me that Susan does not have any problem with her self
image. I also bet she has been kissed by now!!! What a breath of
fresh air;-)

Thank you so much, for making my day.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars!”
Cavett Robert “The Salesman’s Salesman”



Clayton Makepeace says:

April 16, 2009 at 4:24 pm

VeeJai: Yes, to me, the shock and awe on the judges’ faces —
especially Simon’s — was fantastic.

In my own life, I’ve often found that the greatest pleasure I’ve taken in
my my successes was watching my wife’s reaction.

As they say, “Behind every successful man stands an utterly



Steve Newdell says:

April 16, 2009 at 5:35 pm

Maya Culpa

I am Culpable. I shall confess my fears.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Clayton Our Friend,

I’m thankful for this beautifully written piece. I wonder if I had a bit of
the Peter Pan syndrome. I never quite felt grown up. At age 20 I
thought I wasn’t an adult. At age 45 I finally stopped being timid and
took on the persona of older nasty men my father knew growing up in
the lower East Side of New York City. Tough old birds who wouldn’t
hesitate to tell you what they thought of you.

When I was a twenty year old salesman I thought I was too small and
youthful looking to be taken seriously. The older men would naturally,
I thought, be better salesmen. Then I discovered I was age 45 and I
couldn’t be as good in selling as those pretty young women. Any man
will stop whatever work he’s doing to pay attention to a glorious
looking young woman. And then I was nearly 60 and losing hair and
wondered if the tall good-looking young men would naturally be
accepted better in sales than me. So, I didn’t grow up in time and
when I thought I was grown it was too late for me.

And now I’m starting a new advertising service with (today) $80 in the
bank and worries about a job next week. But as John Carlton said, I’ll
use a “put a gun to my head” attitude. I have to do this and there’s no
other choice. I’ll take courage and just peddle my talent and see if I
can come up with a few new clients in a particular niche market.

Actually, this morning I got email saying a book publisher wants to

talk with me about writing for him. My first. I said I’d write free and
want 2% of the sale price for subscriptions to his newsletter. I only
want commissions on sales I’ve made. That got his attention. So did
a website I have up with copy I’ve written. So, I’m doing the right
thing even thought I’m too green, too young, too old, too short, and
completely unknown.

You mentioned Dr. Wayne Dyer in your April 2 post “Billions of

Dollars of Marketing Research For Free” — another very useful
lesson – thanks again.

It’s too bad you don’t want to go do what he does. Stand in the pulpit.
Speak to college students. Tell them to take courage and believe in
their ability to make their own future.

I’ve taken several “mind expansion” courses. I still don’t believe I can
change my external universe with thought. But I can recognize my
mistakes and fears and change my internal universe. So I am. And
from there change some of the external.

One way or another, while I’m pushing doors open I’ll leave a note
about my work and point the merchant to my website. Cheap
advertising dropped into the right hands. I could do worse….

I’m afraid that we all yearn for approval. (Note the word prove within[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

approval.) We want to be proven. We feel we must prove ourselves to

others. We want to receive acceptance and approval from others.

So, we can all go to the bar and be foolish and disgusting wastrels
and get approval from other profligate wastrels. Or we can go make
something happen that none of them can even imagine. Teach
something. Help someone. Help a business grow and survive so that
family can manage reasonably well through the next 5-years. Then
the wastrels can wonder about you just before someone lowers them
into the earth and covers them up.

I never got the approval of my family or old high school friends. But
I’ve helped a lot of strangers who just love me for what I did for them.
So, get approval from someone else, because the jealous will never
admit to approval anyway.

The fear that appearance isn’t right or money to make something

happen is insufficient is ridiculous. I can tell 200 people what I offer
for less than $50.

The most successful writers usually are happiest at home unseen

anyway, so what does looks and clothing have to do with their

If you’re reading this and have a computer you’re richer than 99% of
the world’s people, so put that asset to good use and promote
yourself to promote something; because 80% of everything that
happens in this economy happens when someone sells something to
someone else!

I feared I didn’t have enough, and I just started chipping away at an

idea anyway and now it’s starting to turn into a small beginning – the
first step in a longer journey.

Once in a while a society that has lost its way comes face to face with
civility and culture and they stand up appalled at their ignorance and
then cheer.

May Susan Boyle’s voice get her the best opportunity to voice over in
the biggest movie of the decade and may every debt and problem
vanish into a long dim memory.

Now please excuse me. There seems to be something in my eye.

Steve Newdell www SteveNewdell – com April 16, 2009


Roger Due says:

April 16, 2009 at 5:52 pm[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Another software developer referenced Susan Boyle last night and I

had no idea what was coming when I played the YouTube video.
When she started to sing I had tears streaming down my face. I
played it twice. This morning I showed it to my wife. One of my
greatest challenges over the last few years has been to change my
mindset to understand that it is not too late at 67 to start an Internet
business and achieve financial independence.


Kacy says:
April 16, 2009 at 6:49 pm

I would bet Susan Boyle is no longer employed, and can look forward
to a comfortable retirement. She didn’t need to discover herself,
although her “Mum” pushed her to succeed.
I watched the video 7 times last night and 3 times today. She doesn’t
need to win against the other participants. She’s already a winner!

Congratulations Darlin’ from an Expat South of Scotland.


Tony Schuman says:

April 16, 2009 at 6:53 pm

Thank you for your wonderful inspiring column today. I was busy so I
waited until late in the afternoon to read it. What a joy to read and to
see Susan Boyle’s performance. As I read your post I thought of 3
different people whose wisdom could only add to your eloquence.
First, one of my grandfather’s customers,Mark Twain “Always do the
right thing; it will gratify a few people and astonish the rest”. Second,
Theodore Roosevelt in one of his last speeches at the Sorbonne
entitled “Citizenship in a Republic” otherwise known as The Credit
Belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly;
who know the great enthusiams, the great devotions, and spend
themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best, know the triumph of
high achievement; and who, at the worst, if they fail, fail while daring
greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid
souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Third, Dr. Edward Rozek,
my major professor at college. He fled from the Nazis during the war,
joined the free Polish Army to fight the Nazis,was captured and
escaped to the West. After the war, the British offered him a one way
ticket anywhere he wanted in the world. He choose the US because
of the opportunity. He worked his way thru Harvard on a dairy farm
and gas station for his BA, MA and PhD. He taught comparative
governments for 40+ years and was on Reagan’s transition team
drafting the plan to defeat the Soviet Union. Unfortunately he passed[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

away a few weeks ago, but Google his name and get ready to be
amazed at what he accomplished.


John says:
April 16, 2009 at 7:41 pm

A little negativity goes a long way. I’ve been dealing with that shi.**

Today I got something from the Total Package in the mail. . .

Breakthrough Advertising.
I love the giants in the Direct Marketing Industry. They lift me up.
Schwartz was a true mad genius. On top of that, I’m finishing up
Architecture of Persuasion by Michael Masterson. This guy is a class
act. In the book he breaks down “the lead” part of the sales letter so
What’s my point?
Fight the negativity by filling your mind with good material.
Keep going forward gang.


Iain says:
April 16, 2009 at 8:00 pm

May I share an observation? Many posts here contain comments

along the lines of people being told that something was impossible,
don’t even try. Often, one of those negative voices was their own.

I look at it this way: all those people are working on The List Of
Things That Cannot be Done – so I don’t need to worry about that
job. The other list – The List Of Things That CAN Be Done has
nobody working on it. So that is where I need to focus my time. I may
not be able to command centre stage at radio City Music Hall, but I
can give my presentation at a local Chamber Of Commerce.

You may not be able to achieve your end goal in one attempt – but
you sure can take a step closer to it. So take the step. From your new
vantage point you will see where the next step is, and from there you
will see the next. And that’s all you need to do to achieve your goals,
take one step closer each day. No matter how small today’s step is!

Without dreams nothing new would ever be invented. Hold on to your

dreams, for they are the seeds of the future. Treasure them, believe
in them, act upon them.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

What prevents you from achieving everything your heart desires isn’t
that you are too old or too young, the wrong gender, nationality, race,
creed or religion. It isn’t that you are over qualified or under qualified.
It is just that you didn’t follow your dream with confruent action.
Decide on some action that CAN be done, and do it. That will take
you one step closer to your dream. Now just take the next
appropriate action, and keep on doing it.

Take inspiration from Susan Boyle, because what she did was
amazing, and reaffirm YOUR goals, then go make them happen.

As that famous software company almost said: “What will you

achieve today?”


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

April 16, 2009 at 9:44 pm

Susan Boyle’s magnificent performance was very moving indeed.

And if it wasn’t for your column it might have been

just another occasions to say, “Wow, that was nice. I’m happy for

But you had to go make a lesson out of it. A journey to the depths of
our soul. Worse yet…a challenge!

Thank you Clayton! That’s why I come here. You don’t just dole out
the advice and leave us to flounder. You consistently prod us to DO
SOMETHING with the expert advice you so generously provide.

When I had just completed my first copywriting course you were there
to prod me to apply as your copy cub. Scary, but I did it. You
challenged me to create a video extolling the virtues of the Total
Package. Never did a video before, but I rose up to meet your
challenge. Scary too, but it sure feels good to get that first one behind

My current procrastination (fear) is to finish writing a book on

photography. To beat the fear I’m going to finally finish it this week
and publish it as an ebook.

I say that with the same confidence and resolve that Susan Boyle
gave us when she said, “I’m going to make that audience rock!”

Susan certainly made the sale on that stage. Which makes it perfect
content for a site dedicated to helping all of us make the sale. Thanks
Clayton![11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |


Chris McMorrow says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Clayton, you’re a national treasure.

Thank you for sharing this priceless cup of inspiration.


David O'Neill says:

April 16, 2009 at 10:32 pm

Thanks Clayton–Great, inspiring stuff in your article. I know you’ll

probably not like the apparent source of this quote, but I think a good
catchphrase is … “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
(Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Yes, as others have said,Susan’s video is very reminiscent of the

similarly emotive discovery of Paul POTTS, in front of the same 3
judges on Britain’s Got Talent several years ago.

BTW, the beautiful judge a few of you seem to have noticed is British
actress Amanda HOLDEN. We see a lot of British TV down here in
Oz, so she’s not unfamiliar!

And here’s one more of my favourite little anecdotes about facing

your fears… and identifying the REAL fears.

Many years ago, a great Australian cricketer, Keith MILLER, was

asked about the fear and pressure he felt, out in the middle of an
international match, facing fast bowlers repeatedly hurling a hard
cricket ball at him at over 100mph.

Now, Miller had flown Spitfire fighters for the Australian contingent
attached to the British RAF in World War II, so he knew a bit about
I loved his answer, typically laconic, which went something like this:

“Pressure? That’s not pressure. Pressure’s looking back to see a

Messerschmidt up your arse”!


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 17, 2009 at 3:26 am

I love these posts — you guys are inspiring ME! Keep ‘em coming[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

… I’ll add comments on some of your individual thoughts later today.

Including one I think will really help: MY most compelling fears.


– Clayton


George says:
April 17, 2009 at 4:22 am



Hi there, Clayton,

Susan Boyle has talent in good measure. But she needed

acceptance from the public that eluded her, but not anymore.
I saw the replay of her performance on Australia Has Got Talent and
seeing it on the bigger TV screen moved me a lot.

It is scepticism that kills one’s creativity. Whether it is self-inflicted or

plastered in spadefuls by unhelpful peers and dear ones, the pain
that one has to undergo is very real! There is much cruelty and
insensible self-destruction that takes place when all avenues are cut
off and dysfuntionalism creeps in.

Susan has jumped out of the stranglehold that held her down. Great
for her and may we get to see more of her in the future.

One thing she has proved is that everyone needs courage to go out
and put out the scorns and barbs.

Maxwell Maltz in PSYCHO CYBERNETICS says that a man who was

cursed by a voodoo priest suddenly aged 50 years and suffered
untold mental anguish when he found a tissue malformation in his
cheek. The man believed that the curse was so powerful that it would
kill him. But it required the reassuring words of a psychologist to set
that right and he regained his health and mental well-being when it
was proved to him that curse was, in fact, nothing but a ruse to
frighten him and he was operated on and the tissue removed. With
that went out the effects of the curse, too. The man regained his
health and life.

So, BELIEF IN ONESELF is the one most important quality that is

very much in need.

I find there is plenty of that self-belief in you and all those who write[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

the columns for you. It is, indeed, very refreshing to open your
website and be inspired daily.





SharonB says:
April 17, 2009 at 8:17 am

Thanks, Clayton, for the post. The lesson is a very timely one.
My fear is of not being good enough, no matter how good I actually
get. It has slowed me down more times than I care to admit. There
are plenty of detractors outside, which I usually ignore; but the
detractor inside my head is a lot louder.
As one who has faced many challenges, including a disabling auto
accident and seven years of being homeless, I take great pride in
proving people wrong when they tell me I can’t do something.
Proving my inner critic wrong, however—that’s another matter
My action this week: I will send my sales letter out to 25 prospective
clients, whether I feel ready or not. I know I need to just get out there
and do it.
My eyes are still damp. But bravo to Susan for teaching a lesson that
so many people need to learn. Thank you again.


Ron Ellis says:

April 17, 2009 at 9:03 am

I started not to answer although you were speaking directly to me. I

then realize that my answer was for my benefit. There is Susan in
me, but unlike her I play it safe!!! and loose.

PS: Not that you need any encouragement from me but your posts
have always inspired me, even when I diagreed. In this case a tear or



Gary Fisher says:

April 17, 2009 at 9:40 am[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Thank you for that, Clayton.

One dictionary defines “courage” as “a quality of spirit that enables

you to face danger or pain without showing fear.” As in your Mark
Twain quote, the point is not an absence of fear but the resolve to
face it. The word “courage” comes from an old French word for
“heart,” and seeing Susan Boyle show the courage to sing her heart
out certainly touched a lot of hearts at the show and around the
world. We can put our back into something all we want, but if we don’t
put our heart into it, we’ll probably wind up with our foot in it.

Another important takeaway from the video, though, comes from the
link included there []
to a 1999 recording of Miss Boyle singing a beautiful version of “Cry
Me A River.” Ten years ago she was every bit as good a singer as
she is now, yet neither the audience nor the judges on “Britain’s Got
Talent” had the faintest clue of what she could do. Susan’s courage
shines in her persistence even in the face of at least a decade of
being ignored, but, not to be crass, think of the money that could
have been made by some record company had *they* possessed the
courage and discernment to find and promote her!


I.A. says:
April 17, 2009 at 9:59 am

(1) Current Fear = To be paid what I am worth.

–> Smashing It = I’ve started the process already. Emailed someone

who didn’t want to pay my fee AFTER giving him the finished project.

Calling another person at 11 pm, in U.K. who went

“missing” after I created a new squeeze page for him.

(2) Current Fear = Having to live up to the potential I know I have.

–> Smashing It = Putting myself out there by finally attending the next
Entrepreneur/Business Meetup session and
being around real producers, top notch people.


I.A. says:
April 17, 2009 at 9:59 am

P.S.: Hope you get my mail soon. It’s a yellow package.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Kelley Eidem says:

April 17, 2009 at 1:15 pm

You nailed it, Clayton when you said the emotio we feel is about

Anyone of certain age, which includes me, has suffered and felt
squashed at some point. It’s a part of the human condition. Susan
Boyle personified that when she said she had never been kissed. He
suffering and squashing has probably been life long.

She allows us to see it, and at the same time we see her humanity. I
loved how she turned every negative into a positive when she was
questioned by Simon. And how she said she was going to rock the
audience before she walked out on stage.

When she sang the real Susan came out, and in her now-realized
dream we recognized our own dream…our dream to be real and
authentic and valuable.

She couldn’t have picked a better song to introduce herself to us and

to the world.

My assignment is to believe in myself.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer – one person at a time!


Laura James says:

April 17, 2009 at 2:56 pm

I LOVE your article, just love it. This hit the nail on the head. Words
cannot describe how appreciative I am of your writing skills, your
ability to convey this most important message and I applaud you.

Susan made me feel great. She made millions of people feel great.

The power she has to lift people up is what this world should be about
and what I hope to add before I die as best I can.

Love and light, bloody brilliant, and just plain excellence to all with a
positive go-getter attitude!

Laura[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |


Jim says:
April 17, 2009 at 3:22 pm

When the dream is big enough, the facts don’t matter.

I’m living proof.

I’m a flatland Florida and I’ve stood on the summit of Alaska’s Mt.
McKinley. At 20,320 feet it’s the tallest mountain in North America.

I was 50 years old.


Cathy Sutter says:

April 17, 2009 at 6:44 pm

When I start doubting myself, wondering if I can really pull it off

(currently starting a resume service), I read the index card leaning
against my monitor…and calm my doubts.

“You are never given a wish without the power to make it come true.”
Richard Bach

I have to read it many times during the day. Now I’ll be thinking
about Susan Boyle as I read it. Great article, Clayton!



Patricia Ogilvie says:

April 18, 2009 at 9:44 am

I too was moved to tears, with appreciation, admiration and heart-felt

“you go girl!” sentiment that tingled up and down my legs!

Your words of wisdom, Clayton, resonated that yes, indeed, what is

reflected from others, demonstrates the feelings we need to deal with,
within ourselves.

For me, Susan reflected my own fears of being an underdog, but


Because I believed I was.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

I believed I was less than others, beneath those who told me so.
More importantly, I learned not to ask for the contract, the money, the
dream – and you know what else?

Most of the time, I didn’t even know it (90% of our actions are
motivated by our subconscious!) “You won’t get it anyway, Patricia!
And if you did ask, they’ll screech at you, “how dare you”, hurting
your feelings!”

Well you get the drift.

I’m certain Susan Boyle no longer feels like the underdog – at her
age, I think she understood there comes a time to step out on that
stage and sing for her life.

What a brilliant lesson. Thank you.


Dan says:
April 18, 2009 at 9:51 am

I just shared the Susan Boyle clip with my wife. For some reason,
while I was listening to it again, I thought of Video Killed The Radio
Star by the Buggles.

I started thinking about all the rubenesque women (and men) who
labor in obscurity because the image concious MTV culture demands
that our singers look like runway models. In that respect, video has at
least done a great disservice to the radio star.

For me, Susan Boyle’s performance was so striking because she is

going through life inside out. As opposed to myself, and most others,
she is outwardly awkward, but apparently her inner self is composed.
I attempt to put my best face forward, while secretly being afraid that
someone will discover the ruse and expose me for the awkward
oddball I fear I am.


Pingback: Carnival Of Healing #185 - It’s all about having courage | Interesting Observations

joni says:
April 18, 2009 at 3:37 pm

I saw Susan Doyle on the Tube and was so o o happy for her. Later
that night I saw her on the evening news and I excitedly pointed her[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

out to my husband so he put down his newspaper and listened too.

How wonderful for her.
Now, what is wrong with me? I am 77 and I have been trying to make
a little money on the web because I have spinal stenosis and can do
things sitting down better than standing or walking so I was trying to
help out our old age pensions a little bit. My husband reasures me
that he loves me no matter what and I do not have to stress myself
over this, but our pension is very small. Oh sure, we are not starving,
but I just figured I spend so much time on the internet I might just as
well make it pay, only a little bit, no millions. I have been trying and it
just seems like my memory is lacking or I push the wrong buttons or
just cannot do the right things to get noticed. I need to be helped all
along the way. Right now I am trying to get Bill Cosby’s system
working for me and although some people have been successful in
only a matter of days, it has been over a week and I have not got it
down pat yet. I could not even get on his movie yesterday.
Now I read all those comments about how people are going to just
go ahead and conquer their fears, but if the smarts are just not there.
– What else can I do? I certainly will not give up. susan didn’t. joni


joni says:
April 18, 2009 at 3:40 pm

I saw Susan Doyle on the Tube and was so o o happy for her. Later
that night I saw her on the evening news and I excitedly pointed her
out to my husband so he put down his newspaper and listened too.
How wonderful for her.
Now, what is wrong with me? I am 77 and I have been trying to make
a little money on the web because I have spinal stenosis and can do
things sitting down better than standing or walking so I was trying to
help out our old age pensions a little bit. My husband reassures me
that he loves me no matter what and I do not have to stress myself
over this, but our pension is very small. Oh sure, we are not starving,
but I just figured I spend so much time on the internet I might just as
well make it pay, only a little bit, no millions. I have been trying and it
just seems like my memory is lacking or I push the wrong buttons or
just cannot do the right things to get noticed. I need to be helped all
along the way. Right now I am trying to get Bill Cosby’s system
working for me and although some people have been successful in
only a matter of days, it has been over a week and I have not got it
down pat yet. I could not even get on his movie yesterday.
Now I read all those comments about how people are going to just
go ahead and conquer their fears, but if the smarts are just not there.
– What else can I do? I certainly will not give up. Susan didn’t. joni

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Coach Ann Corcoran says:

April 18, 2009 at 4:53 pm

I saw Susan Boyle’s video a few days ago but, Clayton, your article
revved up my own courage to keep going despite my fears of failure.
Last fall, I left my lilfelong field of education to become a life and
career coach. I’m 59, single, and have never been an entrepreneur
before. I love coaching; I was born for this. My coaching clients are
thrilled with how their strength and power grows. (I bet Susan Boyle
would have started singing much earlier if she’d had a coach!)Still, my
own mean, fear-mongering self-critic is always yapping at my heels.
The only thing I can do to stop it is to keep taking action.

Your article and the inspiring comments posted revved up my spark

and courage! I’m going to print out this whole page so I can see it on
my bulletin board every day. My thanks to all.
P.S. Clayton, may I post your article, with the right attribution, on my
blog or in my newsletter? I won’t do so without your permission.)


Malcolm says:
April 18, 2009 at 5:50 pm

Susan Boyle has a divine gift, and it’s not just her voice.

And I am not a religious person. Spiritual perhaps, but not religious.

As Dr John Demartini often says, there is a divine order within the

Universe. Nothing happens by chance.

Looking at the response on this blog and the 26 million plus

comments on YouTube, I believe Susan Boyle was placed on this
earth for a very good reason.

To inspire us all to take another look inside ourselves and recognise

the possibilities and beauty within.

A heavenly voice with looks that some would call ‘plain’. Much like

This is a divine combination that has inspired many others … 26

million plus to be exact … to say, “You know what ? I can do it too ! ”

That’s no small feat.

We all have our own demons and detractors that limit our experience
of life, the aliveness and juice that comes with living boldly …. I’m still
working on that one.[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Susan Boyle is a gift to many of us that had previously given up or

doubted our own potential.

And Clayton, I love to see your humanity when you comment on

these topics. Bravo !! Keep it coming !



Devin Anderson says:

April 19, 2009 at 6:25 am

Thanks, I really needed to hear that today.


Susan Connors says:

April 19, 2009 at 6:59 am

Hi Clayton

Pure magic when I watched this on Sunday morning. I ended up in

tears as its exactly what I needed to be reminded of – the intrinsic
part of us that is HUMAN!

Its a huge inspiration to me to keep going. Being the only income

earner in our home its a huge push on me. That with the business of
growing my business – we have all been there and do that daily.

To keep going is so important to not give up.

To simply believe in ourselves and dare to dream is a huge thing to


Its gotto be broken into bite size pieces – little snack bits that won’t
choke us or become overwhelming.

Living and not existing are my biggest priorities.

For a long time I was fighting like a small dog, to keep its dinosaur leg
to chew on. Facing death head on and living through the knowledge
that anytime I could lose my husband.

All I can do is be prepared – enjoy life and know that every day is a

To be grateful, have the ability to express and grow, to communicate

– to see that despite a persons sarcasm, there is a real HUMAN[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |


My biggest thing and I do it daily is to remember this.

It matters not what a person does, the color of the skin, sex,
education etc. We all make our own choices which come back on us
and help create our reality.

What am I doing this week?

Enjoyng my life! Being grateful for all the good, the bad and ugly that

Today, I went for a drive through majestic mountains here in

Australia. Through the rainforest and hinterland areas.
To explore, discover and live. Seeing that again is pure magic. To
have my family is pure magic, business an honor and to live and
breathe – freedom.

To be happy with me! Lumps, bumps, wrinkles, attitudes, moods, skin

– that is a big one. I figure this body is the only one I have and I need
to be happy within my own skin.
It doesn’t matter what weight I am, what job I do, what clothes I wear-
what counts is how I see myself.

We all have that annoying little monkey that sits on our shoulder and
wants to feed us negatives. We need those negatives to be reminded
of the good that exists. If we keep feeding the monkey negatives we
end up witha fully fledged king kong gorilla which we drag around

To acknowledge negavity is not natural for us. We are taught to be

positive, to be negative is a Bad thing. Hogwash! As you say –
negative and positive are needed as are fear and courage.

They balance each other our – action and reaction.

Choices and consequences.

To stick my head out of the shell and say what I think is no easy task.

I am pleased to say my business is picking up and I am learning

heaps of valuable info everyday.

Thank you everyone for sharing.

Thank you Clayton for being you.

My grandmother used to tell me that you are unique from the time of
conception. God only makes one of you then throws the mold away –
even for identical twins[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

All the best

Susan Connors


montana gray says:

April 19, 2009 at 11:17 am

Dear Clayton:
I’ve watched Susan Boyle’s recording more than a dozen times,and I
still cry.

I’m crying again. Just saw that Alaine Page, Susan’s idol, has said
she wants to record with Susan!

Dreams DO come true and Susan reminds me to “stay in the game.”

It is NEVER too late.

Thanks again Clayton. As usual, thought provoking and tangible.



Michael says:
April 20, 2009 at 6:57 pm

Hey Clayton,
Just heard your interview with Rich Schefren
this morning. Now your article. Although I
don’t always agree with your political point of
view – I mostly resonate and agree with everything
else you say and write.

Thanks for all that. I agree that many people

got a surprising look in the mirror when Susan Boyle
sang – that’s each of us in our frightened, private
state. She had the courage to not be held hostage
by trying to “look good”. She was committed to fully
expressing herself, something everyone longs for, with
no concern for the consequence. As long as our
intention is pure and it’s our passion – let it fly.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Solomon says:
April 22, 2009 at 5:23 am

Hi Clayton,
After reading your article and the comments I felt I’m so fortunate and
lucky to be alive and read this great piece of article and get be part of.
My journey as a copywriter is one glaring example of my fight against
my detractors. Here, I shouldn’t flinch telling you; down here in this
part of the world copywriting and english writing as such is a rich
man’s prerogative. If you have to step into an ad agency – you’ve to
have a good branded clothes, and devil-may-care attitude. which is a
farthest thing to me to imagine let alone have an attitude like one.
I faced severe criticism from one and all that I can’t write. I better go
to teaching or some other profession.
But I know, I’m for it. I’m for the written word. I felt thwarting these
detractors through my writing is the only option left. Hence I
persisted. I believed in my limited ability and wanted to have a small
set up of myself where I serve clients who need some great work.
It’s God’s blessing that I could read your TOTAL PACKAGE, which
otherwise is impossible to buy any advertising book available in the
market given my financial conditions.
I didn’t see what Susan Boyle’s singing is. I would see later. I can
very well imagine many such bright sparks in our midst who languish
in depression, or been supressed by organised or whimsical
prejudice of race, colour, prestige … and we need to wake up and
help them. If everyone opens up our eyes and ears to see the bright
sparks often masked as worthless things… we may’ve many Susan
Boyles in this world.
I liked a comment #19 by Jennie Heckel: to nurture young copywriters
(similarly other professions artists, actors, singers, scientists, etc etc)
by the seasoned pros.
I made a point in my life to lend a kind word of encouragement when
someone airs a wish to make big in whatever field – that one can
achieve anything one wishes.
Thanks for the inspiration it made me much stronger. I would like to
read the article and comments many times over to dispell the gloom
around me these days.
Thanks Clyaton, and my friend Daniel Levis who introduced me to


Tammy says:
May 24, 2009 at 5:58 am

Needed that one.


Reply[11/29/2012 8:09:29 PM]

Everyone knew Susan Boyle was a pathetic loser … |

Pingback: “I Dreamed a Dream” – The Amazing Susan Boyle | The Internet Marketing Spot

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Posted on April 20, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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How and When to Hang Out Your Shingle … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
How to Find Your Best Niche … Do You Believe?

How to Structure Your Rates …

Two Kinds of Royalties – and When to Use Each One …

The Crucial Difference Between Fundraising Copy and Product Sales

Copy …

Are There TOO MANY New Copywriters Today?


Dear Business-Builder,

A while back, Stephen Davies of The Copywriter's Institute

( called to ask me a bunch of questions
that beginning copywriters most often ask me. And because they’re the same
questions many of you send to our feedback box daily, I figure the answers
will be helpful for you too.

Stephen Davies: Clayton, how did you get started writing copy? Would you
advise others to take the same path you did?

Clayton: Well, it would be kind of hard for someone to take the path I did. I
had to drop out of high school when I was 16, and took a job at a printing[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

plant to help support the family. The printing plant did a lot of fundraising
direct mail, so I’d sit at a folding machine all night long and read the appeal
letters I was folding.

After a while, I decided I could probably do a better job writing this kind of
thing than the highly paid consultant who was doing it at the time. So I gave it
a try. And when they actually mailed my letter, I beat the company’s
$300,000-a-year consultant. That was my first indication I could do this thing.

But my first love was film and video production. I moved to LA and I was very
active in that for a while. However, in 1974, the freelance film & video industry
just about died. There was almost no work there because of the recession.

That’s when I saw an ad for a small direct mail agency that needed a
copywriter. I spent several years there, and finally, I think it was 1979, I left
and went out on my own.

So I really just kind of stumbled into this. It wasn’t anything I chose to do. I
was basically trying to feed a wife, two kids, and the world’s dumbest Cocker
Spaniel. The opportunity just to work in 1974 was what drove me into
copywriting at the time.

Stephen: How long did you write copy before you actually branched out on
your own?

Clayton: I went to work at that agency, I believe it was late ‘74, and I worked
with them until, if I remember correctly, probably late 1978 or early 1979.

I didn’t leave the nest voluntarily. There was a dispute over a bonus the
agency’s owner owed me, and when I requested payment, he fired me.

So I suddenly found myself with no job, no prospects. But I did have a newly
acquired skill from four or five years of agency work, so I immediately began
contacting potential clients in the Los Angeles area.

We had BBD&O and several other Big Eight ad agencies there in LA, plus
Smith & Hemmings, which was exclusively a direct response agency.

So I formed a small company called Copy Overload and sent a letter to every
advertising agency in the area. The premise of the company was that even
agency copywriters go on vacation, and whenever you need more copy then
you can produce for whatever reason, we are here for you.

My promotion for that company said, “Only a ski mask and a loaded 45 will
get you more money quicker than a Copy Overload promotion.”

I immediately started getting telephone calls from creative directors who

needed copy done that they couldn’t get done in house. And that was kind of
the beginning of my freelance career.

Stephen: How much experience should a person have in the field before[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

becoming a full time copywriter? In other words, how do you know when you
are good enough to go full-time?

Clayton: When you’re creating winners part-time.

See, a lot of people could tell you how to get clients and how to structure
your deals, and how to build your copywriting business. But the bottom line
is, can you produce winners?

If you have several promotions in your portfolio that have mailed big numbers
or generated big numbers in terms of response, average sale and ROI, you
can take that portfolio and, in effect, “sell” it.

Put simply, the decision to go out on your own shouldn’t be denominated in

time. It should be denominated in the winners that you have produced.

Ultimately, when someone who has never heard of you is considering hiring
you, all they want to know is that you have produced winners for others.

Stephen: Would you define “success” as beating somebody else’s controls?

Clayton: Well you know, “success” is a pretty broad term. Success in life
could be just defined as happiness. In this business, success is defined as
creating winners for your clients.

You do that by honing your skills, learning to tell the difference between a
product that people will want and one that they don’t, and then writing only for
products that give you a good shot at success.

Beyond that, greater successes come from learning to avoid situations where
you have to try to beat a strong control — in other words, launch products, or
products that have very, very weak controls or no controls at all.

When Gary Bencivenga and I were talking some time ago, he told me that
one of the first questions he would ask when he was offered an assignment
was, “Did Makepeace write the control?”

It was very flattering for him to say that, but the point he was trying to make
was, always try to find out who wrote the control and how strong it was before
you go up against it. Otherwise, the odds of winning are going to be much

Stephen: I have a question here from someone who is close to retirement

age and she asks if age should be a factor in determining whether to learn
copywriting and make a career change? What would you say to that Clayton?

Clayton: Absolutely not. I know a lot of people who have gotten into this field
later in life and have done quite well for themselves.

This is an egalitarian business. I have friends who are six-figure copywriters,

who are black, who are female. I have people in other countries writing copy[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

for me.

It just gets down to the numbers. If you can sell in print, you can make great
money in this business. Nothing else matters. You don’t have to be pretty.
You don’t have to be skinny. You don’t have to be a particular color, or
particular sex, or a particular religion.

Generate the response rate, the average sale, the ROI that make your clients
money, and there’s no limit to how far you can go.

Stephen: Excellent. How does an aspiring copywriter decide what niche they
should write for or should they even consider staying within a certain niche?

Clayton: When I started freelancing in the late 1970s, my family’s overhead

was $3,000.00 a month. I wrote promotions for point-of-use water heaters,
for a restaurant and a bakery in Beverly Hills, for an antique store, anything to
put food on the table.

That was good experience for me because it forced me to look at each

product as a completely new thing. Too often if you are working just in one
niche you tend to repeat yourself over and over and over again. So
especially starting out, I think it’s good to get your chops on a lot of different
kinds of products.

Later on, I approached it one niche at a time. I started in with the financial
niche, and then actually helped invent the whole alternative health niche in
1991 by launching the first alternative health newsletter, Health and Healing.
Later, in 1999, I wrote my first promotion for a nutritional supplement.

As far as choosing a niche, there are really two things to consider: #1.
Where’s the money? Identify the niches that are growing. #2. Which of those
niches do you have expertise in or a passion for?

So if you decided to go into a niche, you want to look at where people are
spending money and where companies are growing. That’s where the need
for copywriters is.

What we provide is the scarce resource. If you are a vitamin company, there
is no limit to the number of supplements you can develop. You can have one
product for every vitamin, every mineral, every herb, every amino acid known
to man, and then you can have an unlimited number of formulated products
where you combine them in special ways.

The only limit to a vitamin company’s growth is finding copywriters who can
write successful promotions for those products. The nutritional supplement
industry is a great niche for younger writers.

In the newsletter markets, it’s kind of the same. It’s very easy to find
someone who wants to be an editor of a newsletter. It’s easy to find doctors
who want to do newsletters on health. It’s easy to find financial advisors or
accountants, or financial planners who want to do newsletters on investment.[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

Again – if you’re a publisher, there’s no limit to how fast you can grow your
product line. The limitation is finding copywriters who can write promotions
that will successfully sell those products.

The caveat though in the supplement and health/wealth newsletter niches is

that they’re very mature. The markets have become very skeptical, and it is a
much tougher sell.

I learned early on that it takes the same amount of effort to write a promotion
for a product that people don’t necessarily want, and that has enormous
competition, and is in a crowded field, as it does to write a promotion for a
product that people desperately want, and where there is very little

So I look for niches where the companies have unlimited growth potential in
terms of their product lines, and aren’t as crowded as the financial and health
newsletter fields are right now.

Stephen: Clayton, I know there’s a lot of debate on this next question, but I’d
like to hear what you have to say on it. Some copywriters say you should get
all or most of your money up front when you are writing copy for a client, and
others will say that you should get money up front, plus get a residual
commission thereafter. What’s your take on that?

Clayton: It depends on where you are in your career and what kinds of
clients you’re working with.

For me personally, the arrangement I prefer is one in which I cover the basic
time spent on the promotion with an advance against future royalties.

This is not the case, but let’s say just for sake of argument my monthly
overhead was $25,000.00 a month, and it takes me one month to write a
promotion. That means that I would want a $25,000.00 advance to write that
promotion. That will cover my monthly net while I am writing it.

Then, I would also want a royalty of some kind if that promotion does well for
the client.

I work with two kinds of royalties. If I am doing a promotion for customer

acquisition purposes — the promotion is going to be mailed to cold mailing
lists for the purpose of acquiring new customers – the promotion would be
mailed at break even.

That means that for every dollar they spend to put my promotion in the mail,
they want one dollar back. That will produce maximum mailing quantities, and
so my royalty is based on the number of pieces my client mails or e-mails to

Some writers charge as little as $10.00 per thousand pieces mailed. I usually
charge $50.00, but in rare cases — if the universe is absolutely huge or if I’m[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

also making money on back-end sales — I’ll go as low as $40.00 or $30.00

per thousand.

On house file promotions, it’s a whole different ball game because most
clients have relatively small house files – maybe 100,000 or 200,000 active
customers. So basing your royalty on pieces mailed is kind of silly. In those
cases, I ask for 10% percent of revenue.

Stephen: Okay, so how do you approach assigning the value to a piece of

copywriting. In other words, when a copywriter is asked to quote a fee, how
do you suggest the conversation be handled?

Clayton: I think the worst thing that you can do is quote an hourly rate. So,
without letting the client see any of this back office stuff, I would ask myself,
“How much do I want to make this year?”

If it’s $100,000.00 a year, I’d begin by realizing that I’m not going to be
booked solid, and try to guess the number of hours of work I can sell in the
year ahead. I’d then divide the number of work hours into my income goal
and come up with what the hourly rate I’d need.

Then, I’d look at the types of promotions I’m going to be writing and think
about how long it generally takes me to write each one.

Next, I’d multiply the number of hours for each task by the hourly rate I’ve just
come up with and take a long, hard look at my new “rate card.” If it appears to
be in the ballpark or fair in terms of the client’s expectations, great. If I think
I’m too high or too low, I would adjust from there.

Essentially, this is a “whatever the market will bear” kind of business. Some
folks publish books listing what copywriters charge and a lot of folks seem to
think that that is somehow carved in stone.

But every new project is an opportunity — a negotiating situation. So there

are no hard and fast rules other then you have to learn how to become a
good negotiator, and to sense what the client is willing to pay, and then have
some kind of a benchmark where you know what you can afford to do the job

Stephen: When you are writing percentage-wise, how much time would you
spend doing the actual research for doing copy?

Clayton: I think I am a pretty good copywriter, but there are other people
who do research better than I do at a much lower rate than I would have to

See, when I am doing research, I am not making any money, and I am not
helping the client make money. So I ask my clients to produce the research I

It’s the way I live my life. I figure that I have two modes: Working and[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

relaxing. When I’m working, I want a lot more than I would have to pay
someone to research. When I am relaxing, I am resting my mind; getting
ready to go back to work.

That’s why I haven’t mowed my own lawn since 1985 and why I almost never
do my own research. I figure paying somebody else to do the stuff that
distracts me from writing is a screaming deal.

When I’m writing, I’m making everyone money. When I’m doing research
instead of writing, I’m costing everybody money.

Stephen: Do the same direct-response copywriting principles apply to

fundraising as to for profit businesses?

Clayton: People are the same, the things that drive us are the same in both
cases. But the one important distinction is that in fundraising you don’t have a
product to sell. You don’t have anything that is going to make people’s thighs
thinner, or grow hair on their head, or make them richer, or save them time,
or save them money.

In fact, if they give you $10.00 as a result of your promotion, all that’s going
to happen is that they are going to be $10.00 poorer. So you have to think
about what you are doing in a completely different way.

Now, there are some great books on this, and I think Looking Out for #1 by
Robert Ringer is one of the best. He talks about “rational selfishness” — why
we do things that appear not to be in our own self interest, like giving $10.00
to a charitable organization.

The key is, the donor IS buying a product when they donate that money.
They are getting an emotional reward for doing it. In return for his donation,
your prospect may be getting alleviation from guilt or redemption for past

You could also be selling a healthy helping of Rush Limbaugh. Rush doesn’t
have a product, but he makes millions and millions of dollars a year because
he has a knack for putting his listeners’ most intense emotions into words.

His listeners are willing to pay for his books because they are cathartic: They
provide an outlet for anger, frustration, and other strong emotions his
listeners have.

In fundraising, you are selling emotional fulfillment. You are either selling the
delivery of a positive emotion to the prospect in return for his charitable
action, or you are selling the alleviation of a negative emotion that the
prospect already has.

Stephen: It seems like there are a ton of copywriters in the marketplace

today and their numbers are increasing every day. How many of them do you
think are making enough to get by, and also, do you think the marketplace
still needs as many writers as a few years ago?[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

Clayton: I have no way of knowing. A lot of new writers are still in training.
Others are just now starting their freelance businesses. I know a guy who still
has his engineering job and who writes copy at night. I know other people
who have just taken the plunge, quit their job, and decided they are going to
do this come hell or high water, and when the money’s not good, they suffer
the consequences.

So it is really all over the map. The bottom line is, not everybody who wants
to do this is going to make a million a year. Not everyone who wants to do
this is going to make six figures. But then, not everyone that goes to Harvard
Law School ends up being a good lawyer.

There are going to be those who fall by the wayside for many reasons. Some
will give up at the first sign of adversity. Others just don’t have the aptitude for

I have some concerns about this. The way that some copywriting courses are
promoted, the implication seems to be that any idiot can do this. It’s easy. It’s
quick. You’ll get hundreds of thousands of dollars for your first sales letter.

The truth is, building a six-figure or seven-figure copywriting business

doesn’t happen overnight. But if you learn the ropes and stick with it, the
money can be spectacular.

Quite a few people ask me, “With all of these new copywriters coming on the
market, isn’t there going to be a glut?” The answer is an emphatic “NO!”

This is not like computer programming or nursing where we are driven by the
demand for product. Our industry creates companies and grows them, which
enables them to develop more products, which increases the need for

If you have a financial newsletter, and you have a really strong promotion for
that newsletter, you need to go rent a bunch of names of people who like
financial newsletters and have demonstrated it by buying one before. That
means, you want your competitors to have lots and lots and lots of names
that you can rent.

But the financial newsletter industry fell on hard times after 9/11, and the
number of names available to mail began shrinking. So even publishers who
had very strong promotions found themselves with fewer and fewer names to

Now, if there was a whole wave of red hot young copywriters moving into our
competitor’s companies and selling boatloads of their products, there would
be lots more new consumers who are prospects for my clients.

Let’s say I go into a small, stagnant company and write a hot promotion – and
all of a sudden, that company is acquiring new customers like crazy. What’s
the next thing they’re going to do? Well, they’re going to create another[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

product and they’re going to say, “Okay Clayton, now we want a promotion
for this new product.”

Pretty soon, that company will have, say, four products, all doing well. And
when they call to ask me to create a promotion for their fifth product, I am
going to say, “Nope, sorry guys. I’m out of time. It’s all I can do to keep these
four packages fresh and to replace them when they begin to tire.”

So I’ll give my client a list of great writers and urge him to call one of them.

The point is, what we do creates growth, and that growth creates more
demand for more copywriters. So the more the merrier as far as this industry
is concerned.

Stephen: It has been a real pleasure and an absolute honor speaking with
you today Clayton. I really appreciate this.

Clayton: Well thanks. It’s been a lot of fun. I hope it helps.


Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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8 Responses to Career-Building Advice for Copywriters

Dale says:
April 20, 2009 at 2:48 pm

Great article Clayton. I have a question. With the economy in

shambles and thousands of companies bleeding enough red ink to fill
the Pacific Ocean, what are the best types of companies to target[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

right now, especially for a newbie?



Cathy Sutter says:

April 20, 2009 at 4:11 pm

Clayton –

So glad you mentioned the fundraising niche since that’s where I’m
headed, specifically the animal welfare agencies. Therein lies my
greatest passion. I’m fully aware that there are no royalties involved
in this niche…but that’s OK. I’ll be both selling AND receiving
“emotional fulfillment. That’ll work for me.


Marcelino Latorre says:

April 20, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Wow big dawg!! Thanks for the post..


George says:
April 20, 2009 at 9:45 pm

Hello Clayton,

With this little piece, you erased a lot of questions in my mind that
were running short of answers. I know a niche is always good to put
all your energy into, but you can always try your skills on other
product lines that you may fancy from time to time and you may be
really confident of doing well.

My only worry is that I have to find my foothold in this ever growing

field, which pulls in a lot of talent but has its detractors, too. Too many
of them and you are nowhere.

You were there at the right time and the right place and everyone
now looks up to you to provide many of the answers, Clayton.


A million dollars is the ULTIMATE. But you can be happy with

whatever decent amount you make. If you can earn for every[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

sentence you write, there is NOTHING that can ever come close to
this to provide the bliss of a hundred paradises.




Steve Lanning says:

April 21, 2009 at 7:07 am

Great stuff for start-ups, Clayton,

You and I share milestones in professional services marketing I see.

It was 1979 when I had my first 6-figure year in consulting–in the
Jimmy Carter recession. The next year is when we launched the
Consultants National Resource Center and Consulting Opportunities
Journal at 1629 “K” St NW in Washington.

The same kind of advice we gave to consultants coming from over

175 fields of discipline in CNRC (we are doing a relaunch this year),
matches yours. No course developer cannot ‘claim’ certain earnings.
From the same info we dispensed in CNRC, we had advice
marketers develop 7-figure practices and others were hard-pressed
to crack the $50K mark.

It was the same thing–although smaller dollars for our members–

when we launched the National Association of Business Coaches in
1997 (sold in 2002). Courses are OK to an extent, but both
consultants and coaches really thrive under coaching from a battle-
scarred veteran in the field–especially one to one. As CNRC often
involved four of us–the late Howard Shenson, Herman Holtz, Hubert
Bermont and myself–we (CNRC) developed a ‘Consultant’s
Consultant’ program and later in NABC a ‘Business Coach’s
Business Coach’ intervention that really helped folks thrive.

Did you ever run across a copywriter by the name of Tom McCormick
in the DC area, Clayton? He held the control for U.S. News and
World Report and the American Chemical Society for quite a spell. I
used him exclusively when we launched “Citizens Law Library–Law
for Laymen Series”. I think he also did work for Phillips…I think it was
he who introduced me to Tom, although I might have met Tom
through Mark Skousen as I was the one who basically was
responsible for really launching Mark’s career when he was earning
$15K/year with Bob Kephart.

Thanks much for stirring up some great memories, Clayton. Maybe

there will be more Clayton Makepeace’s, Brian Kirtz’s or Tom Phillip’s
out there. Like you, I love to stand behind the curtain and coach the[11/29/2012 8:09:44 PM]

Career-Building Advice for Copywriters |

new stars who are actually out on the stage. Maybe there are a
bunch of crusty vets who like to coach new stars??? That’s what I’m
looking for.

Warm regards,


Pingback: Clayton Makepeace's Tips For Making It as a Freelance Copywriter | Kikabink


Pingback: Clayton Makepeace On How To Be a Successful Copywriter (Pt 2 | Kikabink News

Wayne Le Boff says:

April 29, 2009 at 10:50 am

Americans are being attacked on several fronts.

Financially, morally, and not last or least gun control.

Next the newspapers will show the Americans throwing stones at the
evading military…..

For an under the radar look at this issue here is the link.



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Posted on April 23, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
How Those Lowly Dots & Doodles, Time for a Change
Before you take the copywriting
Scrawls & Squiggles world
Can Ramp Up Your Response by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Do You Believe?
Dear Business-Builder,

If you’ve been reading The Total Package for any significant amount of time,
you’re keenly aware of three of the most important Copywriting
Commandments we teach:

1. Write to prospects using the language they use every day: Using the
same colloquial words, phrases, sentence structure, jargon and figures of
speech your prospect uses helps you communicate faster. And because it
also helps him see you as a “regular guy” just like he is, it also boosts the
credibility of your sales message.

2. Never make your prospect work to understand your meaning: Having

to read a sentence or paragraph twice to figure out what it says is work.
Every confusing chunk of copy costs you readership and response points.

3. Always make sure your sales copy triggers your prospect’s most
actionable emotions: In direct response, a delayed sale is a lost sale.
The last thing you want your prospect to do is “think” about your offer or to
“shop” your price. Since the vast majority of purchases are made to
satisfy an emotional need, your sales copy must trigger the actionable
emotions required to move your prospect to immediate action.

Now, we’ve written reams on the strategy and tactics of writing colloquially …
making copy clear and precise … and on techniques for triggering prospects’
emotions. But for years, not a whisper on how the punctuation you use can[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

help you accomplish all that.

And that’s a shame — because I’d be willing to bet that I could take a strong
control and cut response by 50% or more just by balling up the punctuation.
And if that’s true, the converse is also true: Improving the use of punctuation
in your sales copy could help you keep prospects reading, better activate
their motivating emotions and ultimately, put extra dollars into your pocket.

Fact is, punctuation can totally change the meaning of a sentence …

A woman, without her man, is nothing.

A woman: without her, man is nothing.
I like to think both sentences above were written by the same guy; the first
when he was a bachelor; the second, after years of being happily married.

Notice that although these two sentences use the exact same words, they
mean two completely opposite things.

That, my friend, is the power of punctuation.

So let’s take a quick look at the lowly dots, doodles, scrawls and squiggles
that comprise your punctuation arsenal and see if we can’t find ways to make
them work harder for you …

Right off the bat, we’re going to throw the rulebook out the window.

Why? Because I hate rules.

Besides: I’m a high-school dropout — remember? I’m not sure I even know
the rules.

So instead of thinking about what some dead guy once wrote about proper
punctuation usage, we’re going to ask ourselves, “How can I use punctuation
to make my copy feel more colloquial … read faster and easier … and trigger
more actionable emotions?

A High School Dropout’s Guide

to Effective Punctuation
Periods: They end most sentences.

Periods say, “What I just said is a fact. It’s not a question. And it’s sure as
heck not an exclamation!”

They also say “Stop!” And since I do NOT want my prospect to stop reading
after he’s seen my headline, deck copy or subhead, I use them only when[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

finishing a sentence down in the body copy.

Periods come in plenty handy when I need to grab my prospect’s attention

with a flat understatement of fact I’m pretty sure he’ll agree with — like:

“You should be getting richer quicker.”

… Or, when I need to deliver a fact my prospect may or may not be aware of:

“In 2006, U.S. stocks were up 13.6%. Chinese stocks jumped

131% — nearly ten times more.

… Or, when I want to create a drumbeat:

Plus, Vietnamese stocks soared 144.5%.

And Peru’s stock market skyrocketed 168.3%.

… Or, when I want to intrigue him with a tantalizing proposition:

“The fact is, if you’re investing exclusively in U.S. stocks, you’re

leaving 90% of your profit potential on the table.”

Question marks: I figure question marks look like little upside-down

fishhooks for a reason. When used wisely, they’re a great way to hook the
reader into reading what follows.

Now, some folks will tell you that beginning your copy with a question is bad
form. After all — any question you ask could be answered in a way that is not
helpful to your objectives as a copywriter.

But not necessarily. A few years ago, Barron’s ran an extremely successful
ad campaign under the headline, “Are you rich enough yet?” I sincerely doubt
a single soul answered that question in the positive.

Recently, Health & Healing sold a boatload of subscriptions under the

headline, “Is there anyone left we can trust?”

Of course, it really wasn’t a question at all. It was a proposition. It said, “Boy

— there sure are a lot scoundrels offering health advice today, aren’t there? I
don’t trust them — do you? Who can we trust?”[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

In short, that brilliant headline created instant bonding and credibility by

placing the spokesperson in the same boat with his prospects. And then it
answered the question by presenting its editor’s credentials.

Still, I try to be careful with how I use question marks. Like a good lawyer, I
avoid asking questions when I don’t already know the answer.

Like when I’m using a particularly powerful persuasion device called “Socratic
Reasoning.” That’s where I ask a series of questions, the obvious answers to
which inevitably lead my prospect to the desired conclusion.

If you really think drug companies are in business to make you

healthy, just ask yourself, “If prescription drugs make people
healthier …

“Why is there more heart disease in America than there was ten
years ago?

“Why are cancer rates skyrocketing?

“Why is there an epidemic of diabetes, arthritis and other

degenerative diseases today?”

Now, let me ask you: If you were the chairman of a big drug
company … if your only responsibility was to make your
shareholders richer … wouldn’t you want MORE people to get
sick — not less?

… Or when I want to quickly answer a question my reader is probably asking

himself about my proposition:

Why don’t doctors, surgeons, hospitals, drug companies — or

anyone else in the mainstream medical industry tell you this?

Why wouldn’t they want you to know about natural supplements

that are clinically proven to work better than drugs — and
without the high cost and miserable side effects?

Simple: Because when you prevent disease or heal yourself

naturally, they don’t make a red cent!

Exclamation points: Most copy I see today has ‘way too many of ‘em.

See, there’s a simple rule that goes, “When everything’s emphasized, nothing
is emphasized.” So reserving exclamation points for places in the copy where[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

they’ll do you the most good is an excellent idea.

One of the worst uses of exclamation points is when a copywriter adds one to
a pathetically weak headline or subhead – like:

Why You Have Arthritis!

He might as well have added, “I know that headline is stinking up the room —
but I’m betting you’re not too bright so you probably won’t notice if I add a
slammer after it.”

Commas: When you really, really want to slow the reader down, you insert
lots of these little squiggles in your copy.

To readers, commas say, “Take a breath chill out pause slow down.”

To a savvy copywriter, they can also say — “Hey, numb nuts! You wrote this
sentence upside down!

To wit:

Eager to come up with a quick example, Clayton wrote this

sentence upside down.

NOBODY talks like that! Not you and certainly not your prospect. Any normal
human being would say it like this:

Clayton wrote that sentence upside down because he was

eager to come up with a quick example.

So to give your copy momentum: Scan your copy for every comma. Ask
yourself, “Why did I need that little bugger right there? Is there a way to
rewrite that sentence so the comma is unnecessary?”

Colons: They point at things. They say, “Hey, look at this!”

Em dashes — the long dashes before and after this phrase — do the same

I use colons and em dashes a lot because I often want my prospect to pay
special attention to certain things in my copy.


It’s true: For every $1 S&P investors earned, Botswana’s major

stock index would have paid you an astonishing $5.68![11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Nobody in his right mind should settle for the meager returns —
and larger risks — in the S&P, the Dow, NASDAQ or any other
U.S. stock market index.

I even combine colons and em dashes sometimes — as in …

FATAL ERROR #1 — Using Two Colons In The Same

Sentence: Ipsum colorum …

See, I could have said …

FATAL ERROR #1: Using Two Colons In The Same Sentence:

Ipsum colorum …

But using two colons in a sentence telling you not to use two colons in the
same sentence would have been dumb. Right? So I combined them and it
worked out just fine.

Ellipses: They also point to things plus, they connect things — like …

If you had invested in Spain’s IBEX 35 Index instead of the S&P 500, you
would have done more than TWO TIMES BETTER — with a 31.8%
gain …

Mexico’s Bolsa Index could have made you more than THREE TIMES
MORE MONEY — with a 48.6% gain and …

Russia’s RTS Index would have made you nearly FIVE TIMES RICHER
than the S&P 500 — with a 71% gain.

And I also like to use ellipses to separate important facts in a longer

paragraph – like

Household income is rising four times faster in Australia,

Mexico and Brazil … five times faster in Cambodia … six times
faster in Thailand … seven times faster in India … nearly eight
times faster in Vietnam … and a whopping 11 times faster in

And ellipses also come in plenty handy when I have a really long paragraph
and need to break it up to make the page look more inviting …

In Malaysia, stocks rose 21.8% … in Sweden, they jumped

19.51% … in Poland, they leapt 41.6% … in India, they soared[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

46.7% … in the Philippines, they jetted 42.3% higher … in

Bulgaria, they flew 48.3% higher … in Indonesia, they
skyrocketed 55.3% …

and across South America, stock markets are positively

exploding — by 37% … 156% … up to 168% in a single year —
beating the S&P by a mind-blowing 13 to ONE.

And I’ll even combine ellipses with colons and/or em dashes to point at

There’s more: This may surprise you — but in fact, an

investment in …

Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 Index would have made you

45.7% richer than the S&P could have …

Germany’s DAX Index would have made you 68.3% richer

and …

Singapore’s Straits Times Index would have made you

108.27% richer.

Apostrophes: They drive me crazy. For my true feeling’s on these little

devil’s, click here.

Semicolons: These are the namby-pamby, mealy-mouthed Wally Coxes of

the punctuation world. All the other punctuation symbols laugh at them
behind their backs.

They’re for when you can’t decide whether to use a comma or a colon – so
just to be sure, you use both.

Since I do my best to expunge every unnecessary comma from my copy —

and since I love using colons to point to stuff — I hardly ever use ‘em.

Quotation marks: You know the rules. Put quotes (“_”) around quotations.

If your quotation is several paragraphs long, put the quote marks only at the
beginning of each new paragraph, and then at the end of the final paragraph.

If you’ve got a quotation inside a quotation, it should have single quote marks
(‘_’) around it.

Using quotation marks around a word in an effort to add “emphasis” to it is

bush league.[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Beyond Punctuation
By now, it’s probably becoming clear to you that I use punctuation to try to
make my copy sound like I want it to sound inside my prospect’s head.

Brilliant deduction, Sherlock!

You’re absolutely right: I want my reader to hear my spokesperson’s voice as

he reads my text. I want him to sense my spokesperson’s empathy for his
current plight … his passion for helping my prospect to find a better way. And
I want him to relate to my spokesperson as he would as if the two of them
were eyeball to eyeball.

Put simply, I want my copy to clearly communicate my spokesperson’s

emotions regarding the subject at hand and by doing so, introduce my
prospect to a three-dimensional spokesperson.

I use italics to emphasize a word or phrase in a mock stage whisper.

Bold characters shout and so do words or phrases in ALL CAPS.

I present the name of my title in all caps, bold, italics so it feels like I’m so
proud of it, I could bust.

Get the idea?

Great! Then try this

Take out a piece of copy you’re working on. Read it aloud. Practice using
punctuation to give it life.

Hope this helps

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

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27 Responses to A High-School Dropout’s Guide to

Effective Punctuation

Lou Schuyler says:

July 2, 2007 at 10:27 am

Great article.
The part about \’the bachelor and the hapily married man\’…we know
who was watching when you wrote that. :grin


Scott says:
July 2, 2007 at 4:17 pm

Don\’t forget –

Can You Write A Letter Like This One?

Worked like HELL on me!


malcolm says:
July 6, 2007 at 10:46 am


Why do you force me to listen to the rest of these people (e.g.

subscribe). I am in info overload mode and I just want to hear your
wisdom, but because of some faulty decision I have to listen to these
other people. Please let me opt in and out individually to your
newsletter writers. I am close to even unsubscribe to your earth
shattering wisdom just to get rid of the rest.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Drayton Bird says:

July 7, 2007 at 10:58 pm

Great stuff as usual on a sadly ignored subject, Clayton – and so is

the crack piece.
But aren\’t you being a bit over subtle with the deliberate apostrophe
mistakes? Just a point of view from an old hack.


Joseph Ratliff says:

April 23, 2009 at 10:49 am


I appreciate the tutorial on punctuation from a master copywriter’s

point of view.

Good reference.


Beau Smith says:

April 23, 2009 at 11:54 am

It never ceases to amaze me how many educated people screw this

stuff up. Especially commas and apostrophes. And here a high-
school dropout NAILS it!

Well done. Now if more people would just pay attention…

Beau Smith


Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

April 23, 2009 at 11:55 am

Good job. But the three bullets under ellipses don’t contain any
ellipses — only em dashes. If intentional, it isn’t obvious why.

One of my pet peeves (along with your rant about apostrophes) is the
battle of punctuation before or after the closing double quote mark.
As in:

He said, “I told you I won’t do it.” (correct)

He said, “I told you I won’t do it”. (incorrect)

This kind of mistake is very rare.[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

But here’s the one that really bugs me:

The device is called a “field-effect transistor.” (wrong)

The device is called a “field-effect transistor”. (correct)

The period or other punctuation goes inside the closing

quote ****ONLY**** when the quote is what someone said.

When you are using quotes around a term, an idiom, and other such
things, the quotes are associated with the enclosed words, and all
punctuation that is not part of the words or term contained by the
quotes goes outside.

A few more examples:

One can avoid profanity by challenging the reader’s thinker.

Instead of the usual vernacular, use “barnyard solid waste of the
male bovine variety”.

Instead of using vulgarities to describe corrupt politicians, elevate

your thoughts be calling them “illegitimate offspring of questionable
female canine parentage”. The bozo lacking vocabulary will think you
paid a compliment.

Instead of resorting to “alternative psychology”, just hit the clown

across the face with a baseball bat and knock some sense into his

I said, “Wake up!” (punctuation inside)

However, I don’t agree with another internet “guru” who said getting
your spelling right isn’t important because most people don’t read all
that well anyway.

But I see red when a copyrighter [intentionally spelled wrong] can’t

tell the difference between affect and effect.

Maybe that’s because I was a technical writer for 20 years before

leaving the corporate paycheck behind.



Greg Gunter says:

April 23, 2009 at 11:59 am

“…in fact, some of the absolute worst copywriters I’ve met were
English majors…”[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Ooomph! A wicked shot to the ribs.

I was an English major.

I’m the son of an English teacher.

I’m married to an English teacher.

Guess I’m screwed. By virtue of both genetics and aptitude, I am SO



Paul Hooper-Kelly says:

April 23, 2009 at 12:03 pm

Hi Clayton,

Thanks for the splendid tutorial. Perfectly timed, too, cuz, today –
April 23rd – is the birthday of William Shakespeare. He practically
invented the modern English language, with at least 2,000 words,
either first used or created by him. Words like obscene,
accommodation, barefaced, leap-frog and lack-luster.

He would certainly applaud what you’ve done, because the genius of

the English language is its ability to constantly change (including the
punctuation) and suck up words like a Shop Vac from pretty much
every other lingo on the planet.

Words like that much abused noun, “guru”, which is actually of Hindi
origin. Then there’s progress (French), embargo (Portuguese),
smuggle and landscape (Dutch), all adding color to the richness of
English, which now totals a million words.

So well done! And maybe you’ll raise a glass or two with me, tonight,
to the Bard Of Avon, who gave us such wonderful raw material – old
Bill Shakespeare himself.


Paul Hooper-Kelly


Chad Kettner says:

April 23, 2009 at 12:11 pm

Hey Clayton,[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Great article. As an English major and full-time copywriter for two

years, I find myself having to UNDO a lot of the training I received –
you know…make things less formal, write like I talk, and so forth.

But am I glad I received the four years of training I did? Absolutely!

Thanks for keeping this powerful resource (Total Package) going day
after day after day. You’re awesome.

PS – I’m guessing your misuse of the apostrophe(“these little devil’s”)

was on purpose, no?


Ron Ellis says:

April 23, 2009 at 12:43 pm



Peter says:
April 23, 2009 at 1:12 pm

Great information. Thank you!


Patricia says:
April 23, 2009 at 1:13 pm

As I read this, I couldn’t stop laughing. . .just picturing Robin Williams
(or Victor Borge) giving this lesson and making one of their little
noises to emphasize each point. Your description does just that . .
.make a boresome lesson fun.The result: A therapeutic belly laugh
and a good English punctuation review that is both enlightening . .
.and actually useful . . . in a way that my English teacher probably
wishes she could have done. Thank you,


John says:
April 23, 2009 at 1:28 pm

Hi Clayton,
I was wondering where I could score the control of the Health and[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Healing you refered to in today’s Total Package. Thanks. And how do

you know that it’s working well?
Better yet, would you do an article on how to score the latest controls
in various industries.


Bill Murray says:

April 23, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Great piece, Clayton!

I remember reading of a writer who wrote a novel with NO
Then at the end he ran several pages of mixed periods, commas, ?s,
$, ( ), etc—with the directions: “Sprinkle at will.”
As an engineer and English major, I learned a lot more about English
when I was teaching physics and English at the AF Institute of
Technology— to officers from a half-dozen allied nations. Ya gotta
love this crazy language of ours!
And ya don’t hafta handle it with gloves on.


Efrin Saffin says:

April 23, 2009 at 4:35 pm

A woman, without her man, is nothing.

A woman: without her, man is nothing.


A woman without her man, is nothing.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 23, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Hey, Drayton — just checking to see if you were paying attention.

See you in August, friend!


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 23, 2009 at 4:46 pm[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

Yeah, Clark, I caught the missing elipses. Seems the preefrooder

improved my article a little too much.


Stan says:
April 23, 2009 at 10:27 pm

Great stuff!

As a non-English speaker I always tried to follow the rules — at least

the ones I know.

Now I see I should only use punctuation to let the cope flow.

You got me confused with your first example on ellipses though …

guess em dashes were cheap today!


Stan says:
April 23, 2009 at 10:28 pm

Darn it!

I meant to write “copy”!


George says:
April 23, 2009 at 10:56 pm

Clayton, O man!

You hit the nail on the head and nowhere else. The importance of
`punct-you-ation’ was brought to attention in quick time. But missing,
alas, was the hyphen!

As you see there in that word above, you can coin new words with
this one short stroke (-).

Oh, I do not know how much Shakespeareana you can include in

direct ad copy, but it would be very nice to have some fun along the
way like James Joyce did with the English language.

Joyce was a master at coining all kinds of words and phrases and
that great NO NO of direct ad copy: the convoluted sentence of a
thousand words.[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |

A literary giant could do anything and get away with it, but an ad copy
that needs to strike base with lesser mortals has to be structured in a
common way.

Clayton, my question to you is there any way you can twist language
from the rigours of `punct-you-ation’ and really deliver good copy that
goes down the gullet?

Ads should be a lot creative, I am sure you agree. But I know there
are plenty of dos and don’ts that come in the the way.



All the best,



Kevin says:
April 24, 2009 at 6:32 am

Superb information! Thank you very much.


Ronald Nzimora says:

April 24, 2009 at 6:45 am

Great article Clayton.

I’ve gotten so much from you.

God bless you, even if you don’t believe in him.



Lance Nelson says:

April 24, 2009 at 10:52 am

this must have been one of the most timely posts i have seen for
ages. had just used a semi colon and i was thinking – WHY?

Top tips, thanks again,[11/29/2012 8:10:00 PM]

A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Punctuation |



I.A. says:
April 25, 2009 at 10:47 am

Clayton, what do you mean when you say “actionable” emotion?


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 26, 2009 at 6:54 am

Quick answer, I.A. In marketing, an “actionable emotion” is a fear,

frustration or desire that is already resident in your prospect that, if
acted upon, would result in the purchase of your product — or at the
very least, in moving the prospect a step closer to ordering.

The role of good sales copy, then, is to bring that emotion to the
surface, and present your product as the quickest, easiest, cheapest
way to fulfill that resident desire or assuage that resident fear or

Hope this helps …


Larry Moore says:

March 8, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Just stormed into your material. Such an eye-opening piece. Thank u



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Posted on April 27, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Time for a Change
Dear Business-Builder, Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Would it help you to see how a successful marketing plan takes shape?  
you should know …
What goes through a veteran marketer’s mind as he approaches a new Do You Believe?


Good thing – because that’s pretty much all I’ve got for you today!

It’s a true story and it began about four weeks ago, at around 5:00 on a
Saturday morning …

The great Martin D. Weiss, PhD – legendary founder of Weiss Research –

emerged from our guest bedroom and padded across my living room floor in
his slippers and jammies.

I was already lounging on the couch in my sweats; pulling long and hard on
my customary morning espresso. “Morning.” I managed. “Sleep well?”

But the good doctor was already thinking business: “So how are we going to
make my new book a best-seller?”

So much for niceties. Time to work. And the work at hand would clearly be
the promotion of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide – Dr. Weiss’ step-
by-step manual for saving your home, income, savings, investments and
retirement in these hard times.

Right off the bat, I knew that promoting this book was going to cost me[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

hundreds of hours of hard labor and also hundreds of thousands of dollars in

April income.

Ditto for Martin’s company. None of us was going to get rich divvying up the
small royalty on a $27.95 book instead of offering a product with multi-million-
dollar profit potential.

But Martin didn’t care. He was passionate about this book; about using it to
help people get through this crisis and to use it to help them to secure a
stream of income and profits.

Plus, we both knew that a public relations tour in support of the book would
introduce thousands of people to Martin and his company for the first time.
The list-building potential was substantial.

We both also knew from long experience that once folks bond with you by
reading your book, they can almost always be counted on to become the
most loyal long-term people on your house file.

And this, combined with thousands of new names, was enough to offer hope
that going through this exercise could result in greater sales revenues and
royalties down the road.

Still, though, hope is no strategy. And for my money, hope that causes you to
sacrifice “bird-in-the-hand” revenues …

While counting on there being some indefinite number of birds in some

immeasurable number of bushes at some indeterminate point in the future …

… Is the worst kind of marketing insanity.

I’m a direct response guy. Direct response is science. Science means you
base crucial decisions like this one on numbers.

If I’m going to accept the certainty of abysmally low revenues for a whole
month, I also needed to see it as an investment with an equal certainty of
substantial returns at some definite future date – and the sooner, the better.

Because after all – hope and goodwill don’t pay the rent … and they sure
won’t pay the mortgages for more than 200 employees who are counting on

Give the client what he needs;

not necessarily what he thinks he wants …
So despite the fact that Dr. Weiss wanted to talk about how we were going to
make his book a best-seller, I quickly realized that our first order of business
needed to be something else entirely.[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

The critical first question was, “What do we do immediately AFTER The New
York Times blessed us with best-seller status?”

How do we leverage the huge success we will surely make of The Ultimate
Depression Survival Guide in April to bring even greater value to our
customers’ lives in May, June and beyond?

And as always happens in direct response, that question raised three more:

“What is it that our prospects and customers are most intensely

desiring … fearing … or frustrated with … right now?”

And … “How can we best help fulfill those desires … allay those
fears … and/or ease those frustrations?”

And … “How can this follow-up product do these things so

excellently, its price turns out to be the bargain of a lifetime?”

Fortunately, I already had an idea for what I believed was the perfect follow-
up product – a product that begins where his book leaves off and that …

Will bring enormous additional value to our customers’ lives …

Leverages and amplifies the full month of marketing we’ll be doing for the
book and seamlessly takes that messaging to the next level …

Intensifies and deepens the relationship between Martin and everyone on

his list …

Effortlessly transforms casual book buyers into hyper-loyal advocates for

Martin his company, and …

Will, in all likelihood, more than offset any losses in revenues we will
experience in the meantime.

So right off the bat, instead of brainstorming the promotion of this new book,
Dr. Weiss and I agreed NOT to view this as a single 30-day book-sales
campaign but the first volley in a 60- to 90-day campaign to make an even
larger improvement in his customers lives.

That done, it was time to begin mentally processing my client’s original

question …

“How do we make
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide
an instant best-seller?”[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

Before I began to formulate my answer, I did what I always do in such

situations – I silently asked myself three questions …

“Who are the ideal prospects for a book like this one?”

The answer: Ideal prospects for financial books and educational products
and investment trading services tend to be fiscally conservative, mature,
have hard-earned assets and cash they need to protect and also have
money they need to keep growing.

Plus, most are solidly in the “God-helps-those-who-help-themselves” camp;

self-helpers who tend to distrust the establishment and insist instead on
taking personal responsibility for improving their own lives and securing their
own futures.

Fortunately for us, that’s a perfect description of most of the names on our
house file – and it’s also a great description of millions of names on potential
partners’ files and millions more who use search engines every day of the

So the next question followed logically …

“What are these kinds of people thinking and feeling about the world at
large right now?”

The answer was instantly obvious to me: A week or so before, CNBC’s Rick
Santelli had started a revolution simply by asking floor traders “How many of
you are excited about paying your neighbors’ mortgages?”

Plus, public outrage was exploding over news of taxpayer bail-out money
being used to give failed executives at dying companies million-dollar

Now, hundreds, perhaps thousands of “Taxpayers Tea Parties” were

spontaneously springing up from coast-to-coast; all scheduled for tax day –
April 15 – which would arrive smack-dab in the middle of our promotion for
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide.

And the folks who were most likely to attend those protests – or at least to
wish them well all feel pretty much like I’m feeling right now. They …

FEAR that Washington’s tinkering with the economy and

massive deficits will only make matters worse …

ARE FRUSTRATED AS HELL that the guilty CEOs and

corporations that caused it are being rewarded with bail-outs
while the rest of us pay the bill, and …

DEEPLY DESIRE a more prosperous future for themselves and[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

their children.

So the next question was equally obvious …

“In what ways does the product, my client’s new book, CONNECT with
— fulfill or assuage — these dominant resident emotions?”

Now, after thinking about who my prospects are and their dominant
emotions, it was time to consider the product itself. And truth be told, Dr.
Weiss’ new book dovetailed perfectly with our prospects’ dominant emotions
at this point in time.

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide begins by validating the reader’s fear
— describing how this crisis began and why it will inevitably get worse before
it gets better.

Next, it allays that fear by giving the reader an extremely detailed, step-by-
step plan for insulating his or her income, home, savings, investments and
retirement even as this recession intensifies.

Then, it turns that fear into optimism by revealing the investment vehicles and
strategies that can be counted on to produce substantial profit and income
opportunities at a time like this – investments that fit this environment hand-

And it also validates the reader’s frustration with many pages on the futility of
Washington’s bail-outs … how they can only make this crisis worse – and
more importantly, presents a strategy by which the American people can
convince our leaders to end these hand-outs before they bankrupt our

Any copywriter who writes a “book ad”

in a situation like this should be shot at dawn!
There was something much larger … much more important … far more
historic than mere self-interest here: Something that was crying out for us to
make this much, MUCH MORE than simply an ad campaign.

To my way of thinking, it should be – WOULD be — the centerpiece of a

grass-roots national campaign designed to …

1. Help the book buyer protect his income, home, savings, investments and
retirement from the ravages of this current crisis …
2. Help the reader help his family, friends, neighbors and co-workers survive
this crisis …
3. Help him help save America from bankruptcy by combining his voice with
ours in demanding that Washington stop these futile “rich man’s bail-outs”
of CEOs and failed companies.[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

In short, this would not be a sales campaign. It would be the beginning of a

NATIONAL MOVEMENT – with Dr. Weiss in the forefront – to save the
American Dream for our children and our children’s children.

So with these ideas taking shape in my now-wide-awake brain, I was almost

ready to answer Dr. Weiss’ question. Only one question remained …

“Would you be willing to DONATE

100% of the royalties you earn
to charity?”
At this point, I was sure that this campaign couldn’t be about Dr. Weiss or his
book. It needed to be about something much larger.

It was absolutely essential that Dr. Weiss’ commitment to help people and to
preserve the American Dream for our children be his ONLY motives. That
meant we could not be seen as profiting from this campaign. And that meant
Martin’s royalties – 100% of them – must be forfeit.

My question clearly took Dr. Weiss a bit off-guard. I’m sure it was the last
thing he expected me to ask. But he quickly rose to the bait. “Sure,” he said.
“Maybe …”

So I quickly explained my thinking; how much good this kind of campaign

would do for our customers and our country.

We talked about how, by engaging our prospects in a national grass-roots

movement, we could encourage each one of them to buy multiple copies –
for family … friends … neighbors … and co-workers.

We brainstormed the idea of asking buyers to purchase four extra copies —

one for his Congressperson … two for his state’s Senators and one for the
White House – and to mail them with the simple message, “Stop these
insane bail-outs NOW!”

And I mentioned that by donating 100% of our proceeds to charity, our pure
motives would make it possible for us to form alliances with news
organizations and non-profits on the right as well as on the left – and by
doing so, to bring thousands of new people into the Weiss fold.

You should have seen that PhD’s eyes light up!

The Weiss Team Kicked BUTT!

An hour later, the two of us sat in my main office with Michelle O’Halloran —
Dr. Weiss’ new VP/Marketing — to talk about the conversation we’d just had.

I don’t think I’d fully gotten the phrase “national grass-roots movement” out of
my mouth before the lady was all over it; throwing off more great ideas than[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

Carter’s has little liver pills.

Within a day, Michelle had the whole Weiss team on the job as well as a ton
of political action people she knew from her days at Media Research Center.

Long story short …

Twenty-four hours after we introduced The Ultimate Depression Survival

Guide to the Weiss house file, declared us a national best-

Not only did we blow away all but one installments of the ultra-popular
Twilight series, we hit #3 best-seller overall … the #2 best-selling non-fiction
book on the site … and we also hit #1 in three financial sub-categories.

Four days later, The Wall Street Journal added Dr. Weiss’ new book to its
Best-Seller List.

Eight days later, the Holy Grail: The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide
became an official New York Times Best-Seller.

More importantly, tens-of-thousands of people are now reading Dr. Weiss’

new book and by doing so, discovering the astonishing depth of his foresight
and wisdom.

And next week, Dr. Weiss will personally deliver tens-of-thousands of

petitions to Congress and the White House – all demanding that Washington
stop giving our money to rich CEOs of failed companies.

Not bad so far … right?

Stuff to think about …

First, no house file campaign stands alone. The promotions that went
before are the tableau against which each new campaign is played out. The
promotions that follow the one you’re working on now need to feel like logical
– indeed, seamless — continuations of a larger theme.

That way, the momentum each campaign creates is never wasted when a
new campaign begins.

Second, it’s NEVER about the product. Always begin with your prospect.
Identify HIS fears, frustrations and desires – the dominant resident emotions
that your product fulfills or allays.

Then, find the ways your product addresses those actionable emotions and
focus your messaging and your strategy on them. Your prospect will be more
than half-way sold before you write your first word of sales copy.

Third, don’t just think outside the box; realize that there IS no box. We
could have just done a typical benefit-based promotion for this book. Lord[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

knows, there’s plenty in it to justify the price hundreds of times over.

Instead, we made The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide much more than a
book. We made it the centerpiece of a national campaign to save families
right now, to help victims of the crisis by donating the author’s royalties to
charity and to save the American Dream for future generations.

And by doing so, we elevated it head and shoulders above the hundreds-of-
thousands of titles booksellers offer.

So now, it’s your turn: Use the comments below to tell me what you can
learn from this process.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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← A High-School Dropout’s Guide to Effective Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? →

18 Responses to How to Put Your Next Book

On The New York Times Best-Seller List
In Eight, Short Days

da says:
April 27, 2009 at 3:53 pm

I am astonished by this depth of copy and marketing insights.I guess

skepticism will have greeted readers if the promotion was not a result
of something larger but merely a sales pitch.After all others too claim
they can protect hard won incomes of restless and depressed
Americans.This is a well from which thirsty folks -marketers and
copywriters-alike can draw form.Am i permitted to call you Claude
Hopkins II?[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |


Belinda B. says:
April 27, 2009 at 4:33 pm


I’m surprised you don’t have a direct link to Amazon’s product page
on Martin’s book. I know this wasn’t a “sales” letter, but you’re
making me work to find the book instead of making a potential sale
seamless for the reader. Also, after reading this letter, I can’t get the
image of Martin in his jammies out of my mind.

All the best,



john says:
April 27, 2009 at 5:02 pm

Brilliant Clayton. Martin Weiss should pay you double your already
hansome cut of gross! Your a marketing genius. This post will come
is very useful for a book I am managing for a client…

I’ts not a book…it’s the centrepeice of a movement!

I look forward to staying in the loop on the Money and Markets list.



John says:
April 27, 2009 at 5:18 pm

Papa Bear,

In your info product “Kick It to The Curb”, you reveal the methodology
of creating a “whole brain” lead. Hitting emotions with the right,
relevant image(s)and letting the benefits tickle the logical side of the
This is revolutionary.

In Direct Response, you have to know how to use visuals- it ain’t

about looking pretty.

I like the cover imagery of Dr. Weiss’ new book. The book cover
presents a good example of copy and imagery working together to[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

affect the “whole brain” and to cause a sale. Nice work dude.

My background is in airbrush illustration. I’ve moved on to Photoshop

for the past year-just to learn it.

Thanks to your teachings, I’m going to be a heavyweight contender in


You give us understanding and reasons why this stuff works. Thats
what we want. I’m addicted.
Thanks. Keep “it” coming.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 27, 2009 at 5:24 pm

Belinda, here’s the link to the Amazon page. Just know that by
buying it without going through the Weiss process, they won’t know
you bought it and you won’t get the follow-up emails.


Bob says:
April 27, 2009 at 5:30 pm

Clayton, wonderful insight that can be applied to any product. It’s

helped me figure out how better to market a conference. My question:
at this point in your career, did you make all these moves instinctively
and later figure out the logic? Or did you really think each step
through as described without the creative, intuitive jump?

The question of rationale+creative approach versus the

creative+rationale jump interests me and maybe others.


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 27, 2009 at 5:38 pm

Hi, Bob — at this point, the questions spring to mind automatically;

force of habit. The answers often take some skull sweat.

Hope this helps …[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |


Clay Schultz says:

April 27, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Hmmmm … What have I learned from this post? Several thoughts

are swirling through my mind …

The larger theme…or cause of this selfless promotion amplifies Dr.

Weiss’ position as an advocate. It builds trust and goodwill galore!
That will pay off with bigger winners, more often.

Clayton, I (we) appreciate your help!



Rich says:
April 27, 2009 at 6:50 pm


You took “the box”, dismantled it, and sent it off for recycling!



Daniel Moser says:

April 27, 2009 at 7:47 pm

Interesting story. Was wondering if you ran any print ads. We used to
run full-page ads in the WSJ and IBD in the old days (1980s) when
we came out with a new report by Doug Casey and some other big-
name finance guys. Those were always fun. Or was this purely an
Internet-only marketing campaign?
Dan Moser


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 27, 2009 at 9:17 pm

Great question, Daniel — I, too did some full page newspaper ads in
the 80s.[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

This time, we began our campaign with the low-hanging fruit —

promoting on the low-cost and no-cost Web. The paid offline
campaigns come next; over the next few weeks.

BTW: I spoke with Robert Ringer just the other day — the best-
selling author and great pioneer of self-publishing and promotion via
newspaper ads who helped both Doug Casey and John Puglsey get
their books to #1.

Small world …

– Clayton


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 27, 2009 at 9:19 pm

Hey, John! Thanks for the complement but I had almost nothing to do
with that cover. The art was done by the publisher, Wiley & Sons
under Dr. Weiss’ direction.

– Clayton


Caleb Osborne says:

April 27, 2009 at 10:13 pm


So glad I’ve been stalking your promos on that email list for a while
now … attended the online event … bought the book and signed the

I’m SSOOOOOOOO impressed with how you guys are looking to,
literally, change the world — instead of making a quick buck — this
could be amazing!



Chris Goegan says:

April 28, 2009 at 1:17 am

Great story Clayton. Thank you for blessing us with the theory behind[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

the campaign. You are generous with your gifts and talents.

- Chris


Yoav says:
April 28, 2009 at 1:54 am

Hey Clayton,

Thank you. This is an amazing case study. I think that the most
amazing thing about it was the revelations you had once you started
thinking like the prospect.

The prospect was angry and upset, he felt strongly about the subject
and was in desperate need of a champion. And the only thing that
stopped Dr. Weiss from becoming a champion was a $27 obstacle.
And by removing the $27 obstacle you sold him a champion and a
cause and not a book.

Simply amazing. Thank you for sharing this.



Does one of your books focus on this aspect of marketing? (i.e.

thinking like your customer, tapping into the resident emotions, how
to know what your prospect really wants, etc…)


Dr Weiss is very generous if he allows you to share the inner

workings of his business in this fashion. If you think its appropriate,
please thank him from the readers of the Total Package (I am sure
the rest of the readers will agree with me on this)


Clayton Makepeace says:

April 28, 2009 at 5:48 am

Hi, Yoav!

Yes, Dr. Weiss is one of the most generous people I’ve ever met. Not
only is he happy that I’m sharing this stuff with you guys, he usually
gets on the phone and also tells his competitors what he’s doing —
and even answers their questions about how they could do it too![11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

Why? Because in addition to being generous, Dr. Weiss is also

SMART: He knows that in this business, the more successful your
competitors are … the larger their lists become … the more names
YOU have available to grow your own company.

– Clayton


George says:
April 28, 2009 at 7:24 am

Good day, Clayton,

Dr Weiss did the right thing to agree to your suggestion about the
$27. I would have been disappointed if his motive was merely to profit
from all the poor souls out there. But that is how great businesses
succeed, and direct response copywriters can be really proud that
they are part of such an enterprise.

Having said that, this is also a time of great opportunity for many of
us to find our hidden strengths and resources and some of us can
come out with the right solutions and answers. A man of Dr Weiss’
deport and acumen did act fast to get the book out and Clayton, it
must be really satisfying for you to have done your part so thoroughly

Let me add that opportunities are there everywhere if only we take

some effort to find them. No wonder the internet has spawned search
engines that do their job so well and we can never do what they can
do. I got to read about Dr Weiss on The Total Package and it is all
because of this wonderful world called the web.

So, let us get it right. Even in this gloom and doom scenario, there is
always a brighter side to set our eyes on.

Good to talk to you again,



John Forde says:

April 28, 2009 at 7:42 am

Hey Clayton,

Well played! For your follow up act, I just want to note we did
something similar to help make NY Times Bestsellers out of a couple[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

books that predicted today’s financial wreck… plus another that

predicts an even greater wipeout tomorrow.

The latter was the book version of a colleague’s documentary

“I.O.U.S.A.” which is all about how the government is auctioning off
our future and the futures of our children with unfettered spending
and borrowing.

We made a deal with the documentary distributor for copies to give

away… and made a deal with the publisher (also Wiley) for copies of
the book. Actually, now that I think of it, we had to buy the book
ourselves via Amazon to give away.

But it didn’t matter because we were able to write a sales letter

rallying customers around the cause — which we firmly believe in, by
the way, and I think that’s essential to making this work — in which
the offer was to get both the book and the DVD free as part of the
subscription package to one of our best value investing newsletters.

In our case, as in yours, it would have been a waste to tick off the
“how to” bullet points of the book and DVD and leave it at that. So
instead, we built the letter around all the pulpit-pounding, heartfelt
rhetoric and supporting proof of the “movement” we wanted to start.

The high response and high number of two-year orders added tens
of thousands of new subscribers to the letter, which more than
covered the cost of sending out the DVD and even the cost of
ordering and sending the book via Amazon. It didn’t hurt our stature
on the best-seller charts either, since we had to buy the book to give
it away.

Plus it had the added benefit of getting the word out about a cause
we feel strongly about and, along with our readers, consider
“situation critical.” Especially right now.

As a footnote, I then went and wrote a promotion for another product

with a strong feature on an offer… forgetting my own lesson… and it
faltered out of the gate. Not wanting to see if flop, I immediately
rewrote it… during a 7 hour flight and through much of the next day,
which was going to be the first day of a vacation.

The rewrite had much more focus, this time, on what you what call
the resident emotions interwoven with our forecast for the months
ahead… with the offer being pushed back and introduced only after
we’d created that much larger emotional context. It too turned out to
be a big success. Last count I saw was around $350K in sales in
under 48 hours. And we’ve now got a renewed franchise we can go
back to over and over again.

Anyway, all that just to throw a little more evidence toward your
excellent post and case study. Keep up the good work.[11/29/2012 8:10:15 PM]

How to Put Your Next Book On The New York Times Best-Seller List In Eight, Short Days |

John F.


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Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales?
Posted on April 30, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Before you take the copywriting
Response Device 101: The Four Types of Order Forms and When to
Use Each One … by storm, there’s something
you should know …
12 Qualities Great Order Forms Have in Common … Do You Believe?

The #1 Blunder Marketers Make With Their Response Devices …


Dear Business-Builder,

Can you believe we published our first 213 issues of The Total Package
without so much as a whisper about how to create response devices (order
forms) for maximum response?

Go figger.

OK, so order forms aren’t sexy. You’ll probably never see a long thread on a
copywriting forum about “My all-time favorite response devices.” Or “World’s
greatest order form writers.”

But when done intelligently, these afterthoughts of the direct response

copywriting world can be response-boosting dynamos. Done poorly, they can
cost you response points and lower your average sale – or worse, make
ordering next to impossible.

So today, let’s consider the humble order form …[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Four Basic Types of Response Devices

First, there’s the catalog order form – typically a grid that allows customers to
tell you how many they want of a particular item. You’ve seen a gazillion of
‘em. Nuff said.

Second, there’s the soft offer order form – the kind Boardroom and Rodale
are famous for, and that are often used in both B2B and B2C lead-producing

The best ones are simple postage-paid Business Reply Cards (BRCs) with
headlines like, “FREE 60-DAY PREVIEW: SEND NO MONEY NOW!”

Because the BRC has the customer’s name and address printed on it, he
doesn’t even need a pencil to order: He just detaches the card and drops it
into his mail box.

Third, when you want your prospect to take more time with your offer – as in
sweepstakes promos for magazine publishers or book club promotions –
order forms with involvement devices are an excellent choice.

The classic Publishers Clearing House response device is a perfect case in

point: You select magazines from a sheet of stamps and then lick and stick
the appropriate stamp for each magazine you’re ordering onto the order form.

Prospects pore over that stamp sheet, agonizing over each decision, and
ultimately talk themselves into ordering more magazines than they otherwise
would have.

And fourth, there are the kinds of response devices we use when selling
newsletters and health supplements. These are typically longer-copy
response devices. If the prospect intends to order by mail, they require that
he have a writing implement handy and that he complete the order form and
return it to them in the postage-paid Business Reply Envelope (BRE) that
came with the promotion.

Because it’s the type of order form I use most often – and because it
incorporates all of the qualities that contribute to an effective response
device, let’s take a look at how a long-copy order form goes together …

12 Qualities Great Response Devices

Have in Common
Just as I think about my “headline” as being comprised of several
components – the masthead, the pre-head, the headline and the deck – I try
to think about my response device as being one component of a larger
whole. Let’s call this “whole” “The order spread.”

How much time will it save your prospect? Fifteen minutes a day? Forty-five
minutes a day? Five hours a week?[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

How much money will it make him or save him – down to the penny – and
how often? How much will it cut his health risks or mitigate his symptoms?

Load up your headline and deck copy with these differentiating specifics, and
you’ll be miles ahead of the game.

Advertorial & Dominant Emotion Leads

Sometimes, particularly on the Internet, people put words in your mouth that
you never, ever said.

A while back, I discovered that some folks who read Bob Bly’s excellent blog
( seem to believe I claim that benefit headlines don’t

In most of the promos I write – mostly Slim Jims, bookalogs, magalogs and
tabloids – the response device occupies part of the inside back cover. But
when prospects look at your response device, they’re not seeing just one
page. They’re seeing a spread, including the facing page.

That gives you plenty of opportunities to reinforce the purchase decision and
relieve risk.

That said, let’s think about some of the qualities great response devices –
great order spreads – share …

Click Thumbnail to View Full-Size

1. The Order Spread Must LOOK Inviting: If your order device looks
confusing and/or hard to use, you’re going to lose sales.

2. Dimensionalize The Tremendous Value You’re Offering: If you’re

offering bonus gifts, show them – and include bursts that state their value. If
you’re offering a discount, add the maximum discount you offer to the total
value of your premiums and put that startlingly large number up in lights.

3. Include Plenty of Credibility Elements: Remember – you can never

know when each prospect will see your order spread. In fact, some studies
have shown that your response device may be the first thing prospects look
at.[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Making sure you have testimonials or other credibility elements – devices that
prove your product works – can go a long way towards drawing the casual
scanner into your copy. And of course, adding credibility elements next to
your response device can also help shove the undecideds in your audience
off of their fences.

4. Give Customers More Than One Way to Order: The last thing I want
prospects to do is decide to order by return mail. Too much can happen to
interrupt the sale. They’ll have to go find a pen or pencil. They set the order
form aside to order later, then forget.

I’d much rather they call my Toll-Free number – that way, not only are they
more likely to order right now, I can script my customer service people to
upsell them to my best (largest) offer.

That’s why it’s a good idea to include your Toll-Free telephone number in
several places – and include a picture of a telephone – on each order spread
and especially on your order spread.

You may also want to try offering a Fax Hotline – prospects who don’t want to
call can get faster service than if they ordered by mail simply by completing
the order form and then sending it by facsimile transmission.

5. Emphasize Your Lightning-Fast Delivery and Outstanding Customer

Service: Anyone who’s ordered anything as the result of a direct response
offer knows the old saw, “Allow four to six weeks for delivery” by heart. Many
consumers just assume that it’ll be weeks before they receive your product –
let alone begin benefitting from it.

So if you ship the next business day – and especially if you have testimonials
from happy customers who received their order in two or three days –
including this information can help defuse a possible objection to ordering

6. Make Your Guarantee Easy to Find: Billboard your guarantee by placing

inside banknote borders (as in the example), or by presenting it as a personal
letter from your advocate, or by setting it up as “My Personal Promise to

7. Add an Urgency Motivator: Ideally, I like to do this two ways: First, with
boxed copy on the facing page showing a free gift my prospect gets for
ordering now, and second, with a checkbox on the response device itself:

I’m ordering within ten days – please remember to

include my copy of Build a Better Brain – a $19.95
value, FREE!

8. Always Include Your Street Address: Seems like a small thing; I know.
But reply envelopes get used or lost. That’s why I include my client’s street[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

address on every spread and especially on the order spread.

9. Give Your Response Device a Name: It’s never an ordinary “Order

Form.” It’s a “Free Gift Certificate” … or “Special Introductory Offer” … or
“$326 Savings Coupon” … or anything else you can think of to give it value.

It’s also a great idea to include a summary of your offer just below the main
headline on your response device:


Up to $326.85 in FREE GIFTS and DISCOUNTS!

10. Create a Powerful and Benefit-Laden Positive Acceptance

Statement: This copy, at the top of your order form, 1) Puts your product’s
“big promise” into your prospect’s voice, 2) Affirms what he wants you to do,
and 3) Relieves him of all risk with the details of your guarantee.

The sample above, (compromised somewhat by the legal beagles) reads …

YES! I want to eliminate the plaque that

threatens my heart and experience the kind of
dramatic results your users are talking about!

Please rush my free gifts and RISK-FREE supply of

Enhanced Oral Chelation™ as indicated below.

I understand that I must feel the difference Enhanced

Oral Chelation™ is making in my health within 60 days,
or I can return the unused portion for a FULL REFUND.
And the FREE gifts I’m getting are mine to keep no
matter what.

11. Present Ordering Options in Descending Order: In the example

above, the customer is presented with four choices. He can buy a one-year
supply, a six-month supply, a three-month supply, or a one-month supply of
the product.

Typically, I like to offer two choices only; almost never more than three.
Doesn’t really pay to make your customer work to decide which offer he’ll
accept. In this case, though, we tested the bejezus out of the offer and found
that a four-tier structure got us the highest response, average sale and ROI.

Notice that each ordering option is given a name – “Best Value” … “Great
Value” … “Good Value,” and so on. This is a great way to emphasize the
maximum free gift value and discount on each option. Notice also that the
option that will result in the highest average sale is presented first.

12. Do NOT Forget to Get Your New Customer’s Phone Numbers and E-[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Mail Addy! Failure to do so can mean a mountain of lost revenue going


Always have a reason why you need this information. You need the
telephone numbers “… in case we have a question regarding your order.”
You need his e-mail address “… for urgent updates” on his investment
opportunities or dangers, or on new breakthroughs in heart health, or
whatever else pertains to the product you’re selling.

The #1 Blunder Marketers Make With Order Forms

Would you let a shipping clerk change your headline? Or deck copy? Or body


Me neither. That would be dumb, right?

So why are shipping clerks allowed to change order forms – even in grand
slam control promotions mailing millions?

I’ve had it happen more times than I care to count: I sweat bullets to make
my order form as irresistible as possible and fall-off-a-log easy for my
prospects to use … the promotion becomes a control with multi-million-piece
mailing potential …

… And the order form begins to change on the very first roll-out.

Sorry – but that’s so far beyond dumb, you can’t even see dumb from there.

My advice is, pour everything you’ve got into your response devices. You’ve
already slaved for weeks to get your headline, your opening copy, your body
copy and your offer copy singing and soaring.

Your order form is the gate through which each prospect must pass to
become a customer. This is no time to let up or get lazy. Or to allow some
unqualified someone to futz with this critical part of your promotional copy.

So try this: Grab your swipe file and do something you may have never done
before …

Flip past the headlines and all the other sexy bits. Go straight to the order
forms. See how many of these 12 techniques you can find. Study how the
copywriter accomplished these objectives. Then, think about new ways –
better ways – you can accomplish them in the promotion you’re writing now.

A couple of hours work, maybe – but it’ll get you bigger winners, more often –
guaranteed, or what you paid for this article will be cheerfully refunded.

Hope this helps …[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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On The New York Times Best-Seller List
In Eight, Short Days

12 Responses to Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales?

Mike Bresee says:

April 30, 2009 at 10:16 am

Dead link for the “headlines” hotlink Clayton. Go figger!

Otherwise great article as usual. I have an information product and

will be using clickbank. Order form issue solved. Still, there is lots of
copy before and around the BUY NOW button. I loved matrices or
bullits like you use. Gimme the hot points I need to cover and off I go.

Thx again


Juri Saragih says:

April 30, 2009 at 10:24 am

Awesome articles.



Juri Saragih[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |



Clarke Echols (Resident scientist and rabble-rouser) says:

April 30, 2009 at 11:08 am


“Prospects pour over that stamp sheet, agonizing over each decision,

How I hate that error! The word is “pore over”, as in

“to gaze intently”, or “to read studiously or attentively”,
or “to reflect or meditate steadily” (Mirriam-Webster New Collegiate

“Journalists” making that mistake is commonplace.

But to catch the Great Master doing it is almost unbearable!



Sandy says:
April 30, 2009 at 12:15 pm

Great topic you have there.

It would be great to see an article on online order forms with

screenshots and examples!




David says:
April 30, 2009 at 12:39 pm

Okay, I’ll say what Clayton is probably thinking: Clarke is a great

example of what Paul Meyers calls a “Grammar Zombie” I’ll leave
it at that.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Steve Newdell says:

April 30, 2009 at 12:41 pm

This is a wonderful article. Clayton didn’t add an arrow to the three

bonus reports he’s giving away. No More Sneak Attacks, How to De-
Gunk Your Arteries For Life and Build A Better Brain.

Beside them there’s a value for each. Beside that 4 more supplement
bottles and a $59 value FREE,

Beneath the bottles it says, “This Product Came Very Fast” another
service testimonial.

This article is a $29.95 value, and it’s your FREE just for visiting the
Total Package and taking the time to consider this and discard a lot of
the other uninvited “stuff” that arrives in your mail box.

It’s wondeful, wonderful.

Thank you Clayton.



Brandon Zundel says:

April 30, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Great article Clayton! And good timing (I’m tweaking an online order
form now)

With that, I kinda wish you had covered a bit for those of us that do
primarily Internet promotions.

No big deal though. Thanks for all you do.

PS: Jim Whelan says “Hi”


George says:
April 30, 2009 at 10:26 pm

Clayton, good day,

The swipe files are a good education in themselves. They lead you by
the hand into the big world of direct response, which is not an easy
topic to master. While reading them I could just visualize what went
through the writers’ minds as they set to beat the controls. It made[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

me agonize, but in a very pleasureable way.

So many such copies come our way almost daily. Especially if you
are on the net there are some trillion spams asking you to do it one
way or the other. Some of them are excellently written and they make
good reading.

I have received many books and brochures in the post after I acted
on filling the order forms in some magazine or the other. I enjoy
receiving mail by post. There is something very exciting about going
through what is inside those envelopes and some of the most
memorable ones were in the Reader’s Digest.

Remember, always include a supplement. I cannot ignore them. They

make great additional reading matter and are fun. And a order form
found in them is SOMETHING to be filled in IMMEDIATELY.


bye now



Kay says:
May 1, 2009 at 8:51 am

Good topic. Question for you…

“I’d much rather they call my Toll-Free number – that way, not only
are they more likely to order right now, I can script my customer
service people to upsell them to my best (largest) offer.”

This makes sense for anyone comfortable using a credit card. Any
ideas for appealing to those who distrust or simply don’t have credit
cards? Could the emphasis on the toll-free number be a turnoff for
this crowd?


Clayton Makepeace says:

May 1, 2009 at 11:38 am

Good catch, Clarke … but I’m not responsible for anything that
happens to my copy after it leaves my desk. You’ll have to curse the
preefrooders for that one.[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? |

Kay, yes, you may turn off a couple of non-credit-card users. Maybe,
maybe not. Either way, you more than make up for it in sales to the
other 99.999% of your buyers.

Cheers, y’all — have a grate weekend!

(heh heh … got you again, Clarke!)


mark says:
May 2, 2009 at 7:14 am

Informative article.

Just a side note…reading the advertorial reminded me of a prediction

I make a year ago…there are so many bogus supplements and
quack formulas that the FDA will start regulating them.

Heard today about hydroxycut…wouldn’t be surprised if the present

gov’t doesn’t come up with something.


Ricardo says:
May 3, 2009 at 10:02 pm

You’re a bunch of crooks. You won’t publish this e-mail because

you’re cowards. But I hope you get what’s coming to you.


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:10:29 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

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You Don’t Know Jack.
Posted on May 4, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Subscribe to RSS

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Dear Business-Builder, Recent Posts

He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Over the weekend, American entrepreneurs and small business owners lost
Time for a Change
one of our greatest friends and champions; Jack Kemp. Before you take the copywriting
by storm, there’s something
Jack began his career in 1957 as a quarterback for the Steelers and after 13
you should know …
years as a pro football star, went on to politics, representing Western New Do You Believe?
York for nine terms in Congress (1971-1989) and finally, Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development between 1989 and 1993.

And every day Jack spent in Washington, he fought to preserve our liberty …
to lower our tax burden … and to ensure opportunity for all Americans.

Jack was a proud Republican at a time

when that still meant low taxes,
common-sense fiscal conservatism and
the defense of free enterprise — in the
years before the Bush family hijacked
the GOP and made it the party of
“Read My Lips,” massive government
and record-shattering budget deficits.

Jack described himself as a “bleeding-

heart conservative” who believed as I do that the only way to lift people out of
poverty and dependence on Washington is to help them claim an ownership
stake in their communities and to guarantee they have equal opportunity to
become wealthy through entrepreneurship.

Or, as Jack famously said it …[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

“There are no limits to our future if we don’t put limits on our


“When people lack jobs, opportunity and ownership of property,

they have little or no stake in their communities.”

One of my favorite Kemp-championed initiatives is his inner-city Enterprise

Zones which encourage businesses to provide employment in the inner cities
and also empowered minorities to become rich by launching their own
businesses, free of burdensome federal taxes.

As secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Jack also worked tirelessly

to make it possible for poor people living in government housing to purchase
their apartments, earn equity of them and then use that equity to start their
own businesses.

And of course, there’s Kemp-Roth; his history-making bill that slashed

marginal tax rates 25% in 1981. His reasoning: “Every time in this century
we’ve lowered the tax rates across the board, on employment, on saving,
investment and risk-taking in this economy, revenues went up, not down”

But while Jack was a loyal Republican, he was also a fearless critic of his
party when it failed to defend these principles. He’s famous for saying,
“Democracy without morality is impossible.” And “Republicans many times
can’t get the words ‘equality of opportunity’ out of their mouths. Their lips do
not form that way.”

I also loved Jack’s self-effacing attitude. “Pro football gave me a good

perspective,” Jack once said. “When I entered the political arena, I had
already been booed, cheered, cut, sold, traded, and hung in effigy.”

I was privileged to have met and/or worked with Jack Kemp on three
separate occasions. I was in his office soon after Kemp-Roth passed. When
the congressman asked me what I thought of the bill, I groused about the
abolition of certain tax loopholes. He chided me for my “conservative

A few years later, Jack kindly agreed to give me a ringing on-camera

testimonial for a video I wrote and directed for Blanchard & Company. (The
video garnered a 100% response rate and a $45 million average sale – but
that’s another story.)

The real eye-opener for me, though, came when Tom Phillips tagged me to
launch Jack’s newsletter for him. As part of that launch, I had the pleasure of
spending several hours chatting with Jack — and even more enlightening,
several more hours getting to know him better through conversations with his
grown children.

Jack’s kids painted a picture of a devoted, loving father and regaled me with[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

stories of how their dad would often surprise them with surprise superstar
dinner guests — political, economic and business luminaries — to engage his
kids in lively conversations on the topics of the day.

And frankly, when I heard the news about Jack’s passing yesterday, those
conversations were the first memories to spring to my mind.

Because after all, the best testament to a man’s life is not his public
accomplishments – it is measured by the intensity of the love and respect of
those who knew him best.

So to Joanne, Jeff, Jimmy, Jennifer and Judith: Please know that we join you
in celebrating Jack’s life this week – and are thanking whatever deities we
worship for the benefits this great champion of liberty has brought to all of our

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← Are Your Order Forms Killing Sales? How to Close the Deal →

11 Responses to You Don’t Know Jack.

Denise says:
May 4, 2009 at 11:16 am

Good article Clayton – like many stories in the news of late, reminds
one about the book-cover idiom. Makes you wish you had known the
man… and you were lucky enough to have done so. Best wishes to[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

his family.


Joe says:
May 4, 2009 at 11:18 am

We could use more leaders cut from the same cloth as Jack Kemp.
You’d think that after Kemp-Roth we’d have learned that lower tax
rates grow the economy.

Politics and policy aside, you’re right Clayton – a man’s most

important legacy is his family. I’m glad to hear that this man’s private
life was at least as successful as his public endeavors.


Mike says:
May 4, 2009 at 11:30 am

Thank you Clayton for the story of a great man. It’s great to know that
people such as Jack exist, as we are so jaded when it comes to

And, not to take anything away from Mr. Kemp but the “you don’t
know Jack” hook was awesome as well.

My condolences to the Kemp family.

Mike Bresee


Robert Schwarztrauber says:

May 4, 2009 at 11:33 am

As a lifelong Western New Yorker, it was a great honor and privilege

to be represented for so many years by Jack Kemp.
A champion of our values and tireless servant for the people of this
community, Jack Kemp will surely be missed. But the work he has
done on our behalf will never be forgotten.


Sam Crozier says:

May 4, 2009 at 12:17 pm[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

Ah yes, lower general tax rates may stimulate economic growth-

when those tax cuts aren’t skewed towards higher-income earners,
that is, but reduce poverty? That’s another story entirely.

But life was indeed so much better in so many ways before the Bush
Influence swept over Washington. Although I submit that before said
influence took hold at the CIA, life was even better still!

Always nice to hear about anyone on Capitol Hill who isn’t a

lobbyist’s plaything though Clayton



Denny Koska says:

May 4, 2009 at 12:45 pm

I worked on a fund raiser for Jack Kemp back in the late 80′s. What a
wonderful person!!! He was the same in front of the crowd and when
the lights and cameras were off.


Rich Bingham says:

May 4, 2009 at 1:36 pm

I remember Jack when he was quarterback for the Buffalo Bills and
how he always took the high road and boosted Buffalo, NY and all
Western NY where I used to live.

We agreed on politics as well and I wish we had more people of his

character and inspiration in all areas of our govt.

He will be truly missed… prayers go out to his family,



Wes Hopper says:

May 4, 2009 at 2:27 pm

I share your sense of loss, not only of Jack, but of the Republican
Party I used to know and love, and that he represented. The
blowhards, bigots and idiots that claim to speak for the party today
are a gross embarrassment, not only for their lack of ideas but for
their shameful connivance in the illegal excesses of recent years. The
loss of a principled and intelligent Republican like Kemp really hurts,
since they seem to be an endangered species. I’m not surprised you[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

You Don’t Know Jack. |

knew and liked him. My condolences to his family in their loss.


Capt Phil says:

May 4, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Nice thoughts on the passing of a good man. We need more like him,
but there doesn’t seem to be many around — an unfortunate tribute
to the success of lesser men, in academia and media, who have
indoctrinated several generations of Americans away from the
principles that produced a man like Jack Kemp.


Lou Schuyler says:

May 7, 2009 at 9:57 am

A great eulogy for a great human being. A sad loss for all of us.
My condolences to you and to his family.

May the memories sustain you.


Elizabeth Miller says:

May 22, 2009 at 8:48 pm

Very good of you, Clayton, to write such a fine tribute. Big loss and
we need more like Jack, more now than ever. But also it says a lot
about you. Your openness is refreshing, and it’s comforting to know
where you’re coming from.


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Post Comment[11/29/2012 8:10:44 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

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← You Don’t Know Jack. Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Free E-Letter
Part 2 → Sign-up Here!

How to Close the Deal Subscribe to RSS

Posted on May 7, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace

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Recent Posts
In this issue: He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
We’re still here…
Time for a Change
Eight steps to a compelling close …
Before you take the copywriting
The two spreadsheets you must have to plan a successful final by storm, there’s something
you should know …
assault …
Do You Believe?

How to fully dimensionalize the value of your offer in ways that make
your prospect eager to buy now …

Two ways to introduce your price without inducing sticker shock …

Five techniques for making your price feel like the bargain of the
century …

The secret of creating guarantee copy that pulls double duty …

The #1 mistake even top copywriters make when writing offer

copy …

When treating your prospect like a three-year-old pays big

dividends …

The amazing power of the “Crossroads Close” – and how it can help
send your response through the roof …

The four most effective techniques I’ve ever used when writing my
P.S. …

And much, MUCH MORE!

Dear Business-Builder,[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

OK … So you’ve grabbed your prospect’s attention with a compelling

proposition, story, USP, intrigue or advertorial headline.

You’ve intensified his resolve to read your ad with deck copy that illuminates
and expands on your head … intrigues him with reasons why, if he stops
reading now, he’ll regret it for the rest of his life … and just for good measure,
you threw in a heaping helping of credibility elements.

You’ve opened your body copy fast – so fast in fact, that your prospect was
emotionally invested and completely committed to reading every word you
had to say before he knew what hit him.

You’ve led him through your sales arguments hand-in-hand; showing him
how your product will bring tremendous value to his life by granting him his
heart’s deepest desires.

Starting from a fact or proposition he can’t help but agree with, you’ve led
him, step-by-careful-step through every benefit your product provides and
every “reason why” he deserves to have those benefits in his life.

You’ve proved every product claim with testimonials from recognized experts,
the media and of course, your customers.

You’ve heaped on tons more credibility; validating your sales propositions

with quotes, charts, tables and data from third parties he trusts.

You’ve anticipated and defused every objection he could possibly have to

buying this product … from you … today.

And you’ve sweetened the pot by regaling your prospect with a truckload of
additional free gifts he gets just for buying the product.

At this point, anyone with a pulse or capable of fogging a mirror should

already be cutting you a check or reciting their MasterCard number to one of
your customer service reps.

And frankly, because you’ve salted your spreads with action devices that
present your toll-free number and/or direct him to your order form, some of
your prospects will be.

But you’re not through yet – not by a long shot.

Because now, it’s time to turn up the heat – with closing copy that’s so
powerful, it vaporizes every remaining ounce of resistance and magically
transforms mere prospects into paying customers.

Preparing Your Assault[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

The first challenge in creating a powerful close is to wrap your mind around
the offer you’re about to make.

I typically begin by creating an offer summary spreadsheet that I can use as

I’m writing my closing copy.

Let’s say I’m promoting a financial newsletter and offering both one-year and
two-year subscriptions.

The summary offer spreadsheet might look something like this one: We’ll see
how to use it in a moment.


Nominal Price $189 $379

Discount Percent 47.60% 50.00%

Sales Price $99 $189

You Save $90 $189


Website Access $480 $480

Daily E-Mail Updates $49 $49

Trading Alerts $199 $199

Total Extra Value $728 $728


Premium #1 $29 $29

Premium #2 $29 $29[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

Premium #3 $29

Premium #4 $29

Premium #5 $29

Premium #6 $29

Total Premium Value $58 $174


And to trivialize my price, I’ll need one more quickie spreadsheet …


You Pay … $99 Per Year You Pay … $189 For 2 Years

You Pay … $8.25 Per Month You Pay … $7.88 Per Month

You Pay … $1.90 Per Week You Pay … $1.82 Per Week

You Pay … $0.27 Per Day You Pay … $0.26 Per Day

Next, I need to note the terms of the guarantee my client offers on his

He may for example, offer …

An Unconditional Guarantee: The customer may receive a full refund at

any time for life.

A Time-Limited Guarantee: The customer may receive a full refund

within a specified period of time.

A Time-Limited, Pro-Rata Guarantee: The customer may receive a

refund on the remaining portion of his subscription or membership at any
time before it expires.

Then, there’s the matter of whether or not the customer will have to return the
product and/or premiums in order to qualify for his refund (most information[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

publishers do not require this).

And finally, I need to know what my urgency motivator will be. In most cases,
my urgency motivator will be …

1. A Deadline: The prospect must respond before a specified date or within

a specified number of days to benefit from the discounts and free gifts
associated with this offer.

2. Limited Offer: A specified number of products are offered on a first-

come, first-served basis. Once they’re gone, the offer has expired.

3. Urgency Premium: The prospect must respond before a specified date

or within a specified number of days to receive one or more “Early-Bird”
bonus gifts.

8 Steps to a Compelling Close

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to begin writing our close.

Of course, how you present your offer and close your promotion will vary
widely from product to product and from offer to offer. However, I’ve found
that an outline like this one is a great way to get started …

1. Dimensionalize Value: In a few short bulleted paragraphs, remind your

prospect of everything he gets when he purchases your product.
Begin with the product itself and all the benefits it will bring to him. Then,
move on to each of the extras and each of the free gifts if he buys now. If
permissible, be sure to include the value of each of the freebies.

I also know before I begin writing my closing copy the value and savings
my prospect will receive on the basic service … the free extras that come
with the service … the premiums or free gifts he gets and the total value
of the savings and freebies he gets by joining my client’s newsletter
service now.

[NOTE: Postal regulations prohibit assigning a value to the premiums

offered if the product itself is delivered via Second Class (Library Rate)
mail. It pays to make sure it’s OK to use these values before investing
your time writing the close.]

2. Present Your Price – Carefully: Typically, I approach the first mention of

my price in one of two ways:

A. Lead with the discount: “Charter Offer: You SAVE HALF – a

Whopping $189”

B. Lead with the nominal price: “Normally, XYZ is a bargain at just

$379 for two years. But during this Charter Membership period, you
save half! You get two full years for just $189 – you save $189!”

3. Trivialize Your Price: Again – there are many ways to do this, and I try to[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

use several price-trivializing rationales in each promotion …

A. Compare the price with what it gets you. If, for example, a financial
service is producing average annual gains of, say 86% on its
recommended investments, your price justification might go something
like this:

Look: Our average recommendation over the past

two years has produced an 86% annual gain.
Investing a paltry $10,000 per year would have
earned you $8,600 in profits in a year and $17,200 in
two years.

That’s 91 TIMES MORE than our two-year Charter

Membership rate!

B. Compare the price with what others charge. Example: One of my

clients gives full and free access to his world class website to every
subscriber. The website offers the same investment research tools
another famous website does, and that site charges $480 per year.
So my copy read …

Heck – XYZ.COM website charges $40 per month for

the same investment tools you get with your FREE
membership to my ABC site. That alone could save
you $480 per year.

C. Compare the price with the value of the free gifts and discounts.
Example …

And remember: By joining me for two years now,

you get $1,091 in discounts and FREE gifts designed
to multiply your profits – all for just $189.

D. Break the price down to smaller increments. This is where the

second spreadsheet I showed you earlier comes in handy …

Just $7.88 per month … only $1.82 per week – a mere

26 CENTS A DAY for recommendations that can
nearly double your money every year.

E. Compare the price to what they pay now for a mundane item:

Twenty-six cents a day: That’s less than ONE-TENTH

of what you pay for a single gallon of gasoline![11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

4. Erase All Risk: Now that we’ve whittled the perceived price down to just
pennies, it’s time to crank up the heat again – by pointing out that he gets
his lousy quarter a day refunded any time he asks for it.
Now, this is no place to sleepwalk. Think about your guarantee for a
moment. What is it, really?

It’s a contract … a promise … a vow your spokesperson makes to the

customer. It’s a sacred commitment and it’s personal.

So instead of simply stating your terms, why not present it as a personal

letter … an official-looking contract … or as “My Sacred Promise to You”?

This is also the perfect excuse to restate all the benefits your prospect will
receive when he becomes a customer – something like …

When you join me in XYZ, I promise I’ll never let you

make a high-risk investment. I’ll be there for you every
single day, guiding you to stocks that give you double-
your-money potential with safety.

If I can do that for you, the twenty-nine cent daily

investment you make in XYZ will prove to be the wisest
you’ve ever made. If I can’t, I won’t keep a penny of your
membership. It just wouldn’t be fair …

Also: Giving the rationale behind your guarantee is a great way to create
a bond with the prospect by demonstrating your spokesperson’s fairness
and honesty …

If the world was a fair place, no doctor would get paid a

penny when his treatments fail to cure you. No stock
broker would earn a dime unless he makes you richer.
The truth is, if I can’t help you, it wouldn’t be right to
keep a penny of your money …

5. Offer Instant Gratification: Over the years, we’ve learned that when we
order something through the mail, it could be an eternity – up to six or
eight weeks before the product is delivered.
We also know that in this Internet-driven, fast-food society, consumers
have come to crave and even expect instant gratification.

So if your product is delivered quickly, why not shout it from the rooftops?

Sadly, the number one mistake even top copywriters make is forgetting to[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

ask their clients “How fast will new customers receive their purchases?” –
And then featuring this fast turn-around in their closing copy.

One of my clients ships within 24 hours – so I include a subhead and

short section of body text to let my prospect know that if he orders today,
he can be enjoying my product’s benefits in just a few days.

6. Ask For the Sale: It’s the oldest rule in direct response: Always tell your
prospect, step-by-step what he must do to order.
Assume he’s a three-year-old …

Just pick up your telephone right now and dial TOLL-

FREE 1-800-000-0000 and say, “I want to join XYZ for
just twenty-nine cents a day – and don’t forget to
include my $902 in bonus services and free reports!”

Or, if you prefer, just complete the Free Gift Certificate

on page 23 of this report and return it to me today in the
postage-paid reply envelope we’ve provided.

7. Place Your Prospect at a Crossroads: The “Crossroads Close” is an

extremely powerful device for focusing the prospect on the decision he’s
about to make. Here’s an example …

In this report, I’ve shown you how you can nearly double
your money every year.

I’ve offered you investment services others pay up to $728

for – FREE …

I’ve offered you 6 valuable profit guides worth $174 –


I’ve invited you to save half – up to $189 – when you to join

me in XYZ investment service during this Charter
Membership period …

I’ve shown you how you must be thrilled with the profits I
bring you, or you’re entitled to a 100% refund …

Now, the decision is completely in your hands.

Only one of two things can happen now. Either we’ll go on

from here together, or you’ll go it alone.

Either you’ll join me and begin doubling your money every

year like our other XYZ members do, or you’ll continue to[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

settle for the higher risk and lower returns you’re getting

I wish I could take the next step for you. I can’t of course; it’s
completely up to you.

I urge you: The stocks I told you about today aren’t going to
wait for you, me or anybody else. They’re beginning to move
now. If you hesitate, it could cost you a small fortune in

Just call TOLL-FREE 1-800-000-0000 now and say you’ll

join me in XYZ. That way, I can rush your first issue and
your free gifts to you tomorrow, and in a few days, you’ll be
growing richer, faster.

Please do it now – there’s nothing to lose and substantial

new profits to gain.

Yours for Lower Risk and Greater Profits,


8. Load Up on Your P.S.s: Tests have shown that many prospects want to
know who your sales letter is from – so they’ll flip through your sales letter
quickly, looking for the signature.
For that reason, the copy around the signature – most notably your P.S. –
occupies a powerful place in your copy.

It’s important to keep in mind that prospects who check out the signature
first have not seen the rest of your copy – so divulging your price or other
possible negatives here is a definite no-no.

It’s also OK to have a P.S., a P.P.S., even a P.P.P.S – as many as you

need to convince scanners to read the letter and to compel readers to
place their orders now.

Here are four of the most powerful P.S. techniques I’ve ever used …

A. Guarantee Reminder: Simply restate your major benefit(s) and your

guarantee in a short paragraph.

Remember: Either I double your money in the next 12

months or I’ll cheerfully send you a full refund.

And everything I’ve sent you – including the $902 in

free bonus services and gifts I just described – are
yours to keep, FREE.[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain – so

please: Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-000-0000 now.

B. Urgency Motivator:

Early-Bird Bonus – an extra $79 Value, FREE: Let me

hear from you now, and I’ll also include The #1
Money-Doubling Stock to Buy NOW – my hot-off-
the-presses guide to my top pick for 2007 …

This P.S. would then follow with strong sales copy presenting the
benefits delivered by this additional gift and asking the prospect to call

C. Testimonial: Select one of your strongest short testimonials – one in

which the customer relates specifically how you helped him or her –
and use it as a credibility-boosting P.S.
D. Final Rationale: This kind of P.S. amplifies and intensifies the
Crossroads Close you’ve already used above …

Before you make your final decision, please ask

yourself, “What if George is right?”

“How will I feel watching these stocks take off like a

moon shot — knowing that I blew the chance to
double my money in just twelve, short months?”

I don’t want that for you. Please – your membership

is fully guaranteed – there’s simply no reason NOT to
give XYZ a fair try: Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-000-0000
and say you’ll join me today!

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

Looking for past issues of The Total Package? Click here for our archives.[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

Want to share or reprint this article? Feel free. Just give us full
attribution and a link to our Home Page when you do.

Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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← You Don’t Know Jack. Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig –

Part 2 →

16 Responses to How to Close the Deal

Stacy Karacostas says:

May 7, 2009 at 11:16 am

Wow Clayton! You’ve really over delivered again!!

I’ve been writing copy for years, and have been reading books and
newsletters from all the greats since I started. This is hands down the
best breakdown of how to write a killer close I’ve ever seen.

Most people never want to take time to go through the entire process
of laying out these details. But it’s so worthwhile when you do.
Hopefully you’ve motivated others to spend more time sharpening the
axe before they try to cut down the tree.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I’ll be linking to this from my blog for


Stacy Karacostas
Practical Marketing Expert


David G. says:
May 7, 2009 at 11:52 am

WOW – it’s always great to see the Master at work! The closing has
been a weak area for me, so I will be printing this article out and
taping it to my wall for reference!


Reply[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

John Gamble says:

May 7, 2009 at 1:03 pm


You’re golden.

I’m just finishing up an 18-page client letter today.

While reading your post, I seamlessly dropped two or three of these

gems into the close.

Awesome stuff.




Todd says:
May 7, 2009 at 1:44 pm

I feel like I just stole something from you Clayton… Pure Gold. I’m
looking for the place to swipe my credit card for the article.

- Todd Herman


Karen Sielski says:

May 7, 2009 at 1:58 pm

This is phenomenal information Clayton. You provide not only the

concepts, but the exact details we can follow. Thanks for the
incredible value you provide here.

Kinetic Wealth Blog


Jennie Heckel says:

May 7, 2009 at 2:40 pm[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

Dear Clayton,

Perfect timing again! This is just what I needed!

Your Master Closer Article is as always, right on target!

Smashing closes that every killer copywriter needs to know…and for


I am working on my Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach Binders, they

simply are the best. (I invested thousands more in other copywriter
guru stuff and have not received one quarter the value I have in

I am exceited about writing and learn more every day. My investment

in them has been returned 5 times over and I am not even finished
with them! Heck I am too busy writing copy now!

if you are sitting on the fence not sure if you want to invest in your
copywriting career, take the leap and get the Desktop Coach you will
be darn glad you did. I am.

If you are a new copywriter like me, take the guess work out of
writing…learn from the one of the great copywriters of our time.
Clayton Makepeace.

The binders help so much and are clear and concise. In no time my
copy was better and I am learning how to map out a web sales letter
like a pro.

I have upped my prices for my Internet Sales Letters for ebooks and
coversions are getting better. Now with these gang buster closing
secret tactics conversions for my clients are sure to hit the moon!

No 1 or 2% conversions with these closes!

Clayton, just keep writing the articles. I hae to admit when I see your
name on the article, I always print them out, you should see the size
of my binder!

Then, when I’m having a bad writing day, yes…it does happen…I just
take a break, I go and put up my feet, brab my coffee and read the
printed copies you wrote. In no time I am getting fired up and it gives
me inspiration! Your energized copy stokes the fire in me, and I jump
up and feel so good I can write smokin’ hot killer web copy again!

Her’s to you Clayton, you’re the best,

Jennie Heckel
Wisconsin Copy Cub[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |


Larry & Diana Hughes says:

May 7, 2009 at 2:55 pm

Priceless info. Very timely as we’re doing our

first online offer.

Thanks, Clayton


Bob Oni says:

May 7, 2009 at 4:18 pm

Hi Clayton,
Wow! What a treat. This really shows the breadth of your copywriting
capability and your generous nature. Thank you!


Jonathan Young says:

May 7, 2009 at 4:36 pm

What a waste of time…

You had me sold at the end of the bullets – Thanks Clayton


Bill Strait says:

May 7, 2009 at 8:29 pm


Thanks Clayton.

Bill Strait


Coach Ann Corcoran says:

May 7, 2009 at 9:39 pm

Clayton, once again you’ve wowed me. Your generosity in sharing

your expertise is amazing. I’m going to use these tips in promoting
my own Life Coaching business! You are a master at going above[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

and beyond in giving value. I want to acknowledge you for that, and
for living your values. You’ve given me solid ground to stand on as I
begin to promote my True Blue Coaching business and write my own
sales copy. And you’re a model for the kind of business I’m going to

Thank you!

Ann Corcoran


George says:
May 7, 2009 at 10:30 pm

Clayton, you outdid yourself!

The proof is there in the writing. No doubt now why you are described
as “the best closer” in the business. I wanted to get a swipe file of
yours on this very essential skill, and now I have it. Thanks.

When the reader has done all the reading, the one line that clinches
the deal most emphatically is the PS at the end. I love to read the
PSes. LO and BEHOLD, they somehow reinforce the credibility of the

Everyone loves to get freebies. You can write a very convincing copy
when you have some to give away. But when you do not have, what
do you do? This is something that keeps me scratching my head.
Hope you will offer some of your expertise on this matter in a future
post. I know you will. Ha, ha.




Henry says:
May 7, 2009 at 11:31 pm

I especially like the part about being at a cross road.

if they’ve spent the time with me, they need to make a decision what
they get for their time. and I have to be willing to move on even if the
client says ‘yes’.

Reply[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

Alan says:
May 8, 2009 at 6:26 am

It´s all good stuff.

I´ve always been meaning to break down some great examples of

copy and make a good ol´list like this one…..

It´s just that mine wouldn´t have turned out nearly as good.

Thank you



mark says:
May 8, 2009 at 8:33 am

Having been a former sales trainer…here are a couple of tips also.

A good question to ask…”other then the price is there any reason you
wouldn’t own this today?”

Since you should always assume your customer will buy…you give
them a choice (do you want one egg or two) offer them two packages
and almost always they take the best.



I.A. says:
May 10, 2009 at 6:35 pm


I was just thinking that you should make all your blog entries
print able.

At the click of a link your blog post should be able to print

out nicely on an A4 sized piece of paper.

What do you think Clayton?

Reply[11/29/2012 8:11:02 PM]

How to Close the Deal |

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Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

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Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Subscribe to RSS

Part 2
Posted on May 14, 2009 by Clayton Makepeace Search

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Recent Posts
He DOES exist! He DOES exist!
Two real life case histories that prove We’re still here…
Time for a Change
only savvy marketers are fit Before you take the copywriting
to run growth-oriented companies world
by storm, there’s something
you should know …
Dear Business-Builder, Do You Believe?

It’s so predictable, you can set your watch by it …

Armed with only a skeleton staff, meager resources and big dreams, an
eager young entrepreneur slaves 60, 80, and often 100 hours every week for
years to grow his business.

He does everything right: He develops or acquires top-notch products.

Watches overhead like a hawk. Reinvests every penny of profit. Becomes a
student of great marketing and sales copy strategies – and a past master at
implementing winning campaigns.

When it comes to sales copy, he never pulls a punch. He goes for the jugular
– as far as the law and his ethics will allow – demonstrating the value his
products bring to customers’ lives with edgy, can’t-put-‘em-down promotions:

Sales copy that grabs prospects by the eyeballs …

That ruthlessly differentiates his company, lifting it head and shoulders

above the competition …

That positions the owner and/or spokespeople as honest advocates for

customers and against those who use and abuse them …

And that super-glues customers to the company in ways that have them[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

spending more and more with him, each passing month.

Armed with these edgy, un-ignorable, in-your-face promotions, the owner’s

dreams of success soon become reality.

Suddenly, tens-of-thousands, then hundreds-of-thousands of new, paying

customers are flocking to the company. Products fly off the shelves faster
than pickaxes and rotgut in an Old West gold rush. Millions of dollars
cascade into the company’s coffers every week.

And that’s when “it” happens …

The owner, eager to continue or even accelerate his company’s growth rate –
and at the same time cut his own workweek down to a more reasonable size
– begins recruiting what he mistakenly believes is a “better class” of top

Maybe it’s a new President to lighten his workload … or perhaps a Chief

Financial Officer to keep an eagle eye on expenses and manage the
company’s rapidly growing cash reserves …

But typically, there’s a problem: Typically, these hired guns don’t know one
goldarn thing about the company – let alone about its business: Direct
Marketing. And typically, they won’t lift a finger to learn.

After all: They’re here to be teachers – not students!

They’re the experts. They’re the ones who read all the right business books.
They’re the ones with fancy-schmancy degrees and six-figure salaries.

Their job isn’t to learn – it’s to teach the poor, dumb business owner and his
poor, dumb staff how to do it right!

And so, these private sector bureaucrats go to work …

People who have never risked their own money or chunks of their lives to
build a successful business of their own are suddenly in control of an
entrepreneurial enterprise still in its growth phase …

Neophytes who have never created a successful direct response

promotion in their lives are lording it over veteran marketers who
previously thrashed the competition with industry-beating promotions …

And worst of all, these talentless functionaries who are genetically bred
and scholastically brainwashed to focus on reducing risk rather than
nurturing and accelerating growth … and on cutting costs instead of
investing in the future … begin running the show.

Now, I’ll give you three guesses at what happens next – and I seriously doubt
you’ll need all three …[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

Bingo: Revenue growth slows, then stops. New customers become as rare
as hen’s teeth and old customers stampede for the exits. As profits dwindle to
zero – and then to less than zero – the company’s hard-won cash reserves
quickly evaporate.

Finally, after the company’s best employees have either been laid off or have
quit in disgust – the self-important gas bags who precipitated the crisis … and
who still don’t have a clue as to why the company self-destructed (but waste
no time pointing their fingers at everyone who helped grow the business just
fine before the bureaucrats showed up) – are unceremoniously fired.

And suddenly, the business owner finds himself right back at Square One:

Armed with only a skeleton staff and meager resources, the

older but hopefully wiser entrepreneur sadly licks his
wounds and goes back to work – 60, 80, even 100 hours a
week – in a desperate attempt to return his company to its
former glory …

This cycle is repeated hundreds, perhaps thousands of times in America

every day: The bell-shaped curve that rises from modest growth … to
explosive growth … and then to the plateau and plunge into near-oblivion
that inevitably follows “The Experts” arrival on the scene.

How do I know? Well, for one thing, I’ve seen it happen more than once
among my own clients. And for another, I deal with companies who are
making the very same mistake every day – both in my professional and
personal life.

And since like me, you’re a business-builder – whether building our own
businesses, or as a marketing pro or copywriter building both your own and
your clients’ businesses – I figured today would be a good day to be
reminded of one of the dumbest things smart business owners like us do:
Subjugate marketers to these drooling morons.

NOTE: These stories are true. However, in our first case history, the names
have been changed to protect the innocent – namely, ME – from getting
drawn into a public pissing contest with the guilty.

Case History #1:

“Big, Gay Al”
and His Office of Business Prevention
OK – so his name wasn’t really Al. And the fact is, I have no idea what sexual
team he plays for – nor do I care in the slightest.

But dammit, he just reminds me so much of “South Park’s” “Big, Gay Al,” I
couldn’t resist.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

Anyways, when “Al” assumed a top position with one of my clients, he

immediately began filling the owner’s head with horror stories about how, out
of literally hundreds of direct competitors, two (including his former employer)
had been slammed by one of the U.S. government’s regulatory agencies.

Nevermind that those two errant companies comprised less than one-half
of one percent of our industry …

Nevermind that they had blatantly lied in their promotions, openly

thumbed their noses at regulators and/or shamelessly ripped off their
customers …

Nevermind that our products were above reproach and that every fact and
figure in our promotions was scrupulously substantiated …

… Al filled my client’s head with images of the public humiliation and financial
ruin that would surely follow if and when the regulators attacked.

The solution, said Al, was to hire a full-time employee – a compliance officer
– to gut our sales copy, kill response, obliterate our stellar growth and push
the company to the brink of bankruptcy.

Wait – that’s not quite right. What Al actually said when I screamed bloody
murder was, “Don’t be silly. You’re just over-reacting. It’ll be fine. These
changes won’t affect response one iota.”

So, Al established what quickly became known (behind his back, of course)
as “The Office of Business Prevention.”

And from that moment on, all sales copy was subjected to excruciating
scrutiny and all kinds of gross indignities …

Our products were instantly neutered: Unlike our competitors’ products

which actually did wonderful things and promised real benefits, The Office
of Business Prevention made sure we never claimed our products would
really do anything specific for our prospects.

Instead, our products could only “aim” to do things or “strive” to do things

or “shoot for” a particular benefit.

And of course, every vague, unspecific benefit that slipped through was
hedged six ways from sundown: Every “will” was changed to “could” …
“should” … “may” … or “might.”

Deprived of any real benefits to sell, we became a company whose only

product was a pocketful of good intentions.

Any implication of a benefit claim that somehow slipped through

was quickly DISclaimed: Just in case The Office of Business Prevention
somehow accidentally allowed the copy to imply a benefit, they made[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

sure that every promotion prominently presented an ominous reminder of

the catastrophic worst-case scenario that would follow if the product

… And of course, the return on investment our promotions produced

promptly plummeted more than 30 percent.

Predictably, the company stopped growing and started shrinking. Cash

reserves began evaporating faster than water in the Sahara sun. Good
employees quit in disgust. And the company that had once been the fastest-
growing in its industry began slouching towards bankruptcy.

Now, all this would have been bad enough if these changes had been

If Al could have pointed to one, single competitor who had been nailed by a
regulator because he said “will” instead of “could” … or because he failed to
follow every promised benefit with a vivid and disturbing word-picture of the
worst-case scenario.

But he couldn’t. Nobody could – and for one, simple reason: There wasn’t –
and still isn’t – a single precedent where this kind of thing had happened in
the entire 100-plus-year history of my client’s industry.

“Big, Gay Al” was no marketer. He couldn’t point to a single success in his
career that came close to approaching the sales and growth miracles we had
been producing before he showed up.

Worse, by putting his Office of Business Prevention in a position above the

marketing pros who had built the company, he changed the businesses’
entire focus: From an obsession with ethical growth to an obsession for risk
avoidance at all costs.

And so, after the dust settled, and armed with only a skeleton staff and
meager resources, the older but hopefully wiser entrepreneur had no choice
but to lick his wounds and go back to work – 60, 80, even 100 hours a week
– in a desperate attempt to return his company to its former glory …


Lesson #1: If rapid growth is your objective, never, EVER put anyone
but a super-savvy marketer at the helm of any entrepreneurial company.

Oh – and talk is cheap. Make sure it’s a marketer who actually has decades
of spectacularly successful same- or similar-industry promotions under his or
her belt.

Instead of appointing a marketing imbecile – or worse: A marketing imbecile

like Al who is also a hopeless bureaucrat – you’d be better off to just quit the
business while the quitting’s good. Take your money off the table and enjoy
life.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

And if you’re a marketing consultant or copywriter and you’re approached by

a company with a marketing imbecile like Al running things, do yourself a
favor: Be “too busy” to accept the assignment.

Lesson #2: Play the odds. In a vain attempt to avoid the possibility of a
regulatory nightmare that had befallen only one-half of one percent of our
competitors – and only the most blatantly dishonest .5% – Al doomed our
already-highly ethical company to the 100% certainty of a sales disaster.

He did it by putting marketing under the thumb of a compliance officer (a very

nice person whom I personally like and respect very much). And this nice
person was given a very clear-cut but impossible-to-fulfill mandate: “Your job
is to make absolutely sure this company is never, EVER questioned by a
regulator or sued by a customer.”

And so, the Office of Business Prevention kicked itself into high gear,
applying far more restrictive standards to our marketing than any – and I do
mean ANY direct competitor – did to theirs. Far more restrictive, even, than
the U.S. Federal Trade Commission had ever applied to any of our

And unsurprisingly, the result was a huge competitive disadvantage,

plummeting response rates, dwindling cash reserves, massive layoffs and all
the rest.

I say there’s a better way to go.

Now, I am definitely no lawyer, but I am a pretty darned good at business-

building – and here’s how I see it …

The compliance officer’s mandate is impossible to fulfill. There is simply no

way to make any company impervious to regulatory or legal hassles.

You can tell the truth, do your dead-level best to ensure you sales copy
doesn’t mislead or give prospects or customers the wrong impression and do
your best to follow all the other applicable laws and regulations …

… But there are gray areas and loopholes in those regulations and laws big
enough to fly the space shuttle through – and 99.99% of all businesses LIVE
in those gray areas.

And that means any regulator or customer can cost you a king’s ransom in
legal fees any time they damn well feel like it.

A thoroughly honest compliance officer charged with the impossible

responsibility to ensure zero legal hassles would immediately tell his or her
boss, “There is only one way to make absolutely sure you are never
questioned by a regulator or sued by a customer: Never promote, sell or ship
anything.”[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

“Just quit. Go out of business, and I personally guarantee you won’t be

bothered about anything you do from now on (DISCLAIMER: This guarantee
does not apply to past promotions or previously sold products.)”

Not ready to hang it up? Well, if your top priority is to stay in business – and if
you’re more afraid of the legal risks than the risk of total business failure –
your next step would be to do what Al and his Office of Business Prevention

Impose greater restrictions on marketing copy than the law requires. You
probably won’t go broke right away – and when you do, at least you’ll have a
fighting chance of going to the poorhouse with a clean legal and regulatory

Still not good enough for you? Then there’s only one solution: Change the
compliance officer’s job description.

Instead of “Responsible for ensuring the company avoids all legal hassles,”
give the legal beagles a share of responsibility in the company’s continued
success: Change it to …

“Help the marketing department ensure the company’s

continued growth while complying with directly relevant
regulations, laws and ethical standards.”

In short, tell the ambulance-chasers, “Figure out ways for marketing to say
what it must to grow this company without getting us in hot water.”

A special word to marketing consultants and copywriters: If a client’s lawyers

have the final word on your copy, raise your fees. I’d recommend a flat fee of,
say $300,000 for a direct mail package, ‘cause you sure as heck won’t be
earning any royalties!

Better yet, be “too busy” to accept assignments from clients who won’t allow
you to work “with” the compliance people – instead of “for” them.

POSTSCRIPT: After nearly destroying my client’s company, Al was

righteously and unceremoniously canned.

… But the Web is a magic place where even abject failures like Al can
reinvent themselves as instant gurus.

All you need is a website – and Al’s got a nice one. It offers – get this –
“GROWTH SOLUTIONS” for businesses!

Well, he’s got me there. Truth in advertising: Al certainly “solved” our growth
– by ENDING it!

Can’t help but notice, Al, you forgot to include any disclaimers on your[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

website. There’s not a breath of how you nearly bankrupted my client’s

company. No weasel words in your promises of spectacular growth for your

I mean – didn’t you run this website through COMPLIANCE?


So fair warning: If you ever come across a business-building website …

notice a spokesperson who bears a striking resemblance to “Big, Gay Al” …
and if you click the “Presentation” button and hear a big, booming voice
saying something like, “HELLO! I’m Big Gay Al – WELCOME to …”

… Do yourself a huge favor: Just have a good laugh and move on.

Case History #2:

“Bob”, “Skip” and “John” – and’s
Customer DISservice Department
A while back, I jumped on the Web to see what you all were saying on our

It wasn’t there.

Alarmed, I pointed my browser at The Total Package.

It was gone, too!

“WENDYYYY! Someone wiped our website right off of the Internet!”

“F-F-FUDGECAKES!” remarks The Redhead, “I’ll call FortuneCity’s customer

service number and see what’s up”.

So, she dials the 800 number and gets a recorded message telling her to dial
a bunch of other numbers in order to connect with the proper person. She
does, and is promptly exiled to on-hold music hell.

After an eternity or two, a perfectly nice guy with a thick accent – we’re
guessing Indian or Pakistani – and a tenuous (at best) grasp of the English
language appears on the line.

“My name is Bob. How may I be of service to you?”

“Well, ‘Bob,’” says The Redhead (wondering how many Indian and Pakistani
babies are being named “BOB” these days), “my website seems to have
disappeared from the Internet. I’m calling to find out why, and what we can do
to get it back up right away.”

“One moment, please” says “Bob.” And before she can reply, Wendy’s once
again impatiently tapping her toes to truly horrendous Muzak.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

After what seems like a millennium, “Bob” is back with an announcement:

“Your website should be back up in a few hours.”

Tremendously relieved, The Redhead thanked him very much and hung up.
And for the next few hours or so, we both repeatedly checked. No luck: The
website was still down.

So Wendy calls FortuneCity’s customer disservice number again, punches in

all the extra numbers and spends the obligatory amount of time in on-hold
Purgatory, yearning all the while for the assuring sound of a live, human
voice – even “Bob’s”.

Finally – in just slightly less time than it took for the Earth to cool – a
customer service rep answers: “Hello? My name is Skip." “How is it that I
may help you today?"

“My website is still down,” says The Redhead. “I just talked to someone
supposedly named ‘Bob’ about it and he said it should be ‘OK’ by now – but
it’s not. It’s still down!”

“One moment, please,” says “Skip.” CLICK! More lousy music. I know that
look: The Redhead, she’s getting ready to do a Vesuvius.

Skip eventually returns: “Looks like your website has been completely
deleted from the server. One of your employees probably sabotaged the site.
We’ll have you back up within 24 hours.”

Now, it’s Saturday night – 24 hours later – still no website.

Once again, Wendy dials FortuneCity’s customer disservice number. Once

again, she clicks in all the other numbers. Once again, she endures that
horrific music.

“Hello? This is John. How may I help you?”

“Look. My website disappeared from the Internet Friday night. First, you guys
said it would take one hour to fix it. Then, you told me it would take another
24 hours. It’s still not up. What in the bloody HELL is going on?”

“One moment, please,” says “John.” There’s that maddening music again.

Finally, “John” returns: “We don’t know why your site is down. We don’t have
access to that information. You probably didn’t pay your bill. They only do this
when you don’t pay your bill. You’ll have to call accounting on Monday.”

The Redhead – who had paid for a full year’s Web hosting just three months
before the incident – has reached her limit. “AAARRRGGHH!” she replies,
and slams the phone down so hard even folks in India who weren’t on the line
probably heard it.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

Long story short: After two, long, weekend days on pins and needles, Wendy
calls FortuneCity’s New York office first thing Monday morning.

The good news is, the folks she talks to this time are fluent in the only
language Wendy knows: English.

The bad news? They’re just as clueless as to why our website is down as
their customer disservice people were. They do promise, however, to call as
soon as they get it sorted out.

The minutes turn into hours. Still no word from FortuneCity. Finally, in mid-
afternoon – some 68 hours after our website first disappeared – I call and get
a nice lady who promises to call me right back with answers.

She does: Our account is paid in full. Our website was NOT sabotaged
externally. It was FortuneCity’s fault: An internal screw up.

What’s more, they really are fixing the problem now, and our site will be back
on their server in an hour or so.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is, it will take ANOTHER 48 to 72 hours for our site to replicate
across the Web. It could be Thursday night before our subscribers can
access it!

That’s the final straw for me. My faith in FortuneCity’s ability to do anything
right has been unalterably shattered.

“Heck,” I figure – “Since we were going to be down anyway, why not just tell
FortuneCity to ‘shove it’ and move our site to a better host?"

“Certainly,” I posed, “there must be a Web host that a) will refrain from
obliterating our website, b) that offers customer service reps who actually
know what’s going on, c) that has reps who can explain problems to us in
English, and d) that has reps who actually have been given the tools fix it

So we called, established that their customer service speak

our native tongue and have the resources to help us immediately in the event
of a similar disaster – and signed a one-year contract that costs us ONE-
THIRD of what we were paying

THE MORAL OF THE STORY: is a big company. On its

website, it boasts that it has hosted more than 1.7 million sites since 1997.

But at some point, FortuneCity’s top executives evidently decided they’re so

successful, they could afford to treat their customers like crap. And so they
exported their customer service to people who barely speak their customers’
language, but who’ll work for slave wages on the other side of the globe.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

And if that isn’t bad enough – unless “Bob,” “Skip” and “John” are bald-faced
liars, FortuneCity even failed to give them the tools required to give
customers straight answers when things go wrong over a weekend – let
alone FIX THEM.

You can bet your bottom dollar that no marketing person – or anyone else
charged with maximizing revenues or extending customer lifetime value –
made that idiotic, insulting decision.

I’m betting that decision was made by a bean counter – probably a Chief
Financial Officer – whose only responsibility is cutting costs.

Now, do you think that FortuneCity even cares that they lost us as a

Heck no.

But then – how could they possibly know I’d tell thousands of business
owners and entrepreneurs who read The Total Package™ every Monday
how poorly FortuneCity treats its customers when things go wrong?

And how could their bean counters possibly calculate how much business
they’ll lose as you guys avoid FortuneCity like the plague – and go with a
Web host like that offers solid customer service AT ONE-

So once again, the lesson is clear: If you’re a business owner, don’t make a
move without your marketing people. Better yet, let them – not your bean
counters and certainly not guys like “Big, Gay Al” – run the show.

And once again, if you’re a marketing consultant or copywriter working for a

company run by accountants, it’ll pay you handsomely to find a better class of

Hope this helps …

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,

Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package.
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Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

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18 Responses to Confessions of a Direct Marketing

Chauvinist Pig – Part 2

Garry says:
May 14, 2009 at 10:30 am

Here’s real quality.

“private sector bureaucrats”

In just three words you’ve described a whole legion of egotistical

useless self proclaimed experts with no real experience. I see more
and more of them every day.

Can we have permission to use that phrase as a well aimed insult




Silas Lieberman says:

May 14, 2009 at 11:10 am


This is an article that I printed and I intend to keep it on my desk for a

long time.

Thank you very much and keep up the good work, you’re brilliant.



Paul Flood says:

May 14, 2009 at 11:32 am

And on the seventh day, the entrepreneur known as Adam rested as

he saw things were good and sales were up.

But… He became complacent. His will was weak and he was[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |

tempted by the Tree of Branding where the Serpent of No

Accountability resided.

“Build your brand,” hissed the viper. “All the world will know your
name. Furthermore, nobody wishes to read long copy as it wastes
their precious time. We must therefore get your name out there.”

“But serpent, I know not of graphic arts and the mysteries of a pretty
advertisement. Prithee, tell me please. Where do I turn?”

“Ahhh grasshopper, the city is full of award-winning agencies who will

beat a path to your door. Your ads will win awards and you will be
known as a creative genius. The world will indeed know your name.”

It came to pass that the Lord looked down upon Adam and his now
failing business. Adam hid behind a billboard to mask his shame and
the Lord took pity.

Said the Lord, “My son, I gave thee the tools of direct response and
you forsook them in favor of building your brand. For what reason
would you pursue such folly?”

“Time is short, prospects beckon. Throw out and pay no heed to the
serpent. Speak to your prospects with excitement and emotion. Give
them reasons to buy now and buy more frequently.”

Adam heeded the word of the Lord, who smiled, knowing all was
again well with him.

He cast out the serpent and condemned him to return his ill-gotten
profits to businesses throughout the land. But, several others were
waiting for the unwary in the business jungle.

And… the beat goes on


Dave says:
May 14, 2009 at 11:33 am

I’ve heard war stories from GoDaddy too.

It is extremely difficult to find a hosting company who can provide

inexpensive quality service. And since hosting is a commodity now
everyone has to compete on price.

In the case of hosting, the problem is market saturation.

I know. I’ve been on the other side.[11/29/2012 8:11:28 PM]

Confessions of a Direct Marketing Chauvinist Pig – Part 2 |


Bill Murray says:

May 14, 2009 at 11:48 am

A bureaucrat is a bureaucrat is a bureaucrat. Often a “tall stool, quill

pen, green-eyeshade accountant-type,” to use a phrase I heard
years ago ( wish I knew the source).
That said, there are far more of them in government agencies than in
the private sector. And there are no checks and balances any more
there. No feedback system that makes free enterprise self-correct.
Yes, there can be casualties. it can be messy. but necessary lessons
can be learned only if there is an opportunity to see that when we do
X,Y happens. (Or S happens.)
Governmental agencies rarely fix anything that doesn’t work; they just
reward the guilty and pile on more money in hopes that doing the
same thing (more) will get a different result. (See Einstein’s definition
of insanity.)
You may have noticed that CFO’s are a different Type from VPs of
Marketing. Which is probably as it should be (my business is
personality Type.) I have noticed that not only are there economic
cycles, but there are corresponding management cycles. When the
economy is tough, companies (if not governments) tighten up, watch
costs, appreciate the CFO who can squeeze the last drop of values
out of a dollar of receipts.
Result: a greater percentage of green eyeshade-pessimists are
promoted —to CEO, or other position over the Sales and Marketing
optimists. That’s the time to dump the stock. A downturn is not the
time to kill the ad budget (or in the words of Phil Wrigley of chewing
gum fame, “disconnect the locomotive”).
I understand that’s now being dictated to GM and/or Chrysler, the
federal government’s two new car companies. Tell me, what DOES

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