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Neville Goddard – Overcoming Failure Compilation

From Neville’s book “Prayer – The Art of Believing”

Many of us, either from too little emotion or too much intellect, both of which are
stumbling blocks in the way of prayer, cannot believe that which our senses deny. To
force ourselves to believe will end in greater doubt.

A disciplined man never permits them to be causes unless they awaken in him desirable
states of consciousness. With a knowledge of the law of reversibility, the disciplined
man transforms his world by imagining and feeling only what is lovely and of good
report. The beautiful idea he awakens within himself shall not fail to arouse its affinity in
others. He knows the savior of the world is not a man but the manifestation that would
save. The sick man's savior is health, the hungry man's savior is food, the thirsty man's
savior is water. He walks in the company of the savior by assuming the feeling of his
wish fulfilled. By the laws of reversibility, that all transformations of force are reversible,
the energy or feeling awakened transforms itself into the state imagined.

He never waits four months for the harvest. If in four months the harvest will awaken in
him a state of joy, then, inversely, the joy of harvest now will awaken the harvest now.
"Now is the acceptable time to give beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for the
spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the
Lord that he might be glorified."

If the state desired is for yourself, and you find it difficult to accept as true what your
senses deny, call before your mind's eye the subjective image of a friend and have him
mentally affirm that you are already that which you desire to be. This establishes in him,
without his conscious consent or knowledge, the subconscious assumption that you are
that which he mentally affirmed, which assumption, because it is unconsciously assumed,
will persist until it fulfills its mission. Its mission is to awaken in you its vibratory
correlate, which vibration when awakened in you realizes itself as an objective fact.

Another very effective way to pray for oneself is to use the formula of Job who found that
his own captivity was removed as he prayed for his friends. Fix your attention on a friend
and have the imaginary voice of your friend tell you that he is, or has that which is
comparable to that which you desire to be or have. As you mentally hear and see him,
feel the thrill of his good fortune and sincerely wish him well. This awakens in him the
corresponding vibration of the state affirmed, which vibration must then objectify itself as
a physical fact. You will discover the truth of the statement, "Blessed are the merciful for
they shall receive mercy." "The quality of mercy is twice blessed — it blesses him who
taketh and him who giveth." The good you subjectively accept as true of others will not
only be expressed by them, but a full share will be realized by you.

From Neville’s book “The Creative Use of Imagination”

Perhaps you have imagined something which never came to pass and you feel that you
failed, but I tell you there is only one cause for failure and that is absence of the feeling of
naturalness. It takes time for an assumption to become a fact, and a desire is fulfilled
proportionate to the degree of naturalness of the feeling of possession. If something does
not feel natural to you, it is not your nature. To ask in my name is to ask in my nature or
character; therefore, when you ask, you must feel you already are that which you are

Ask yourself how long you have been conscious of being what you want to be. To what
extent do you feel its reality now?

… The word "perverse" means "to turn the wrong way; without aim, fixity or one-
pointedness of purpose." When the latest headline or news bulletin can turn you from
your desire, you are perverse and fail. But if success is your goal, its mood must be worn
until the feeling of being successful is so natural you cannot turn away from it.

Observe your reactions to life and you are observing the being you want to separate
yourself from. And, as you begin to identify yourself with your chosen state, the
separation takes place. But your assumption must be a maintained attitude and, if for a
moment you lose the mood, recapture it. And if you lose it again, feel yourself back into
the feeling until the mood becomes so natural your thinking from that mood is normal.

The great failure of most truth students is that they are perpetually constructing but
deferring their occupancy. When entering your desired state, feel its presence surround
you like an answered prayer. Then become so one with the state that your thoughts flow
from it. Persist in viewing your world from that state, and it will harden into fact. You and
you alone determine the time for the state to externalize itself. If your mind is so
disciplined that it cannot be turned or diverted, your heart's desire will be outpictured on
your screen of space. But, if you believe in any secondary power, your belief will cause
its delay.

Only if you lack "importunity" and constantly return to the mood you are attempting to
divorce yourself from, will failure occur. Desire is hidden identity. What you want, you
already have! If you acknowledge, as fact, that you are already what you desire to be and
will not be diverted but maintain your importunity by• walking in the mood of fulfillment
which now dominates you, no power on earth can keep you from expressing it. But you
must feel yourself right into the situation of the answered prayer, for only by believing
that you already have it, will it appear.

Learn to rearrange your mind and, if you find yourself walking in the field of unanswered
prayers, turn around and walk in the field (mood) of fulfillment. And, remember, "Faith is
the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." The only reality and
the only substance is consciousness from which all prayer has its beginning and its end.

From Neville’s book “The Creative Use of Imagination”

It is entirely possible that you either have had or will have a number of failures in this
respect – many of them in really important matters.

If, having read this book, having a thorough knowledge of the application and working of
the law of assumption, you faithfully apply it in an effort to attain some intense desire and
fail, what is the reason? If, to the question “Did you persist enough?”, you can answer
“Yes” – and still the attainment of your desire was not realized, what is the reason for

The answer to this is the most important factor in the successful use of the law of

The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly
proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be – of
already having what you desire.

The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the
secret of your failure.

Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the
law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. If it does not
feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. …

How can this feeling of naturalness be achieved?

The secret lies in one word – imagination. For example, this is a very simple illustration:
assume that you are securely chained to a large heavy iron bench. You could not possibly
run, in fact you could not even walk. In these circumstances, it would not be natural for
you to run. You could not even feel that it was natural for you to run. But you could easily
imagine yourself running. In that instant, while your consciousness is filled with your
imagined running, you have forgotten that you are bound. In imagination, your running
was completely natural.

The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your

consciousness with imagination – imagining yourself being what you want to be or
having what you desire.

What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are

You must realize that changes are not caused by caprice, but by a change of
consciousness. You may fail to achieve or sustain the particular state of consciousness
necessary to produce the effect you desire.

But, once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your
particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that
success or failure is entirely in your own hands.

Whether or not you are disciplined enough to sustain the required state of consciousness
in specific instances has no bearing on the truth of the law itself – that an assumption, if
persisted in, will harden into fact.

The certainty of the truth of this law must remain despite great disappointment and
tragedy – even when you “see the light of life go out and all the world go on as though it
were still day”. You must not believe that because your assumption failed to materialize,
the truth that assumptions do materialize is a lie. If your assumptions are not fulfilled, it is
because of some error or weakness in your consciousness.

However, these errors and weaknesses can be overcome.

Therefore, press on to the attainment of ever higher levels by feeling that you already are
the person you want to be.

And remember that the time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate
to the naturalness of being it.
"Assert the supremacy of your Imaginal acts over facts and put all things in
subjection to them... Nothing can take it from but your failure to persist in
imagining the ideal realized." - From neville’s book “The Power of

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