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Momentum (p): The momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and its velocity. The S.I
unit is kgms-1or Ns

M =mass in kg, V= velocity in ms-1

Impulse: it is the product of the average force acting on a particle and the time during which it acts. It is
numerically equal to change in momentum.

, .

mv is final momentum, mu is initial momentum

The unit of impulse is Newton-second (Ns) or kgms – 1

Newton’s first law of motion:

The first law states that every object continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line
unless acted upon by an external force.

Inertia: It is the tendency of a body to remain in its state of rest or uniform linear motion. Newton’s law
of motion is called law of inertia.

Applications of Newton’s first law:

1. When a moving vehicle is suddenly brought to rest by the application of the brakes, the passengers
suddenly jerk forward as they tend to continue in their straight line motion. That is why it is advisable to
use a safety belt.

2. A car driver in a stationary car hit by another car from behind is likely to suffer neck injuries because
when the car is hit, his body is pushed forward, but his head stays still and is jerked backward in relation
to his body. It is advisable to have ax -

Head rest to protect the driver and passengers from injury.

3. A moving body comes to rest due to opposing forces such as air resistance , friction or pull of gravity.

Newton’s second law of motion:

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes
place in the direction in which the force acts.

1. A net force of magnitude 0.6N acts on a body of mass 40g, initially at rest.

Calculate the magnitude of the resulting acceleration.


2.A ball of mass 5.0kg hits a smooth vertical wall normally with a speed of 2ms -1 and rebounds with the
same speed. Determine the impulse experienced by the ball.

Newton’s third law of motion:

It states that Action and Reaction are equal and opposite. Or to every Action there is an equal and
opposite Reaction.
Applications of Newton’s third law:

1. Gun and bullet: When a bullet is shot out of a gun the person firing it experiences the backwards
recoil force of the gun. The recoil force of the gun ( reaction) is equal to the propulsive force(action)
acting on the bullet.

Force is proportional to change in momentum,

Momentum of bullet is equal and opposite to momentum of gun.
mb – mass of bullet
vb - velocity of bullet
mg - mass of gun
vg – velocity of gun

2. Rocket and Jet propulsion: The momentum of the stream of hot gases issuing out of the nozzle
behind the jet or rocket impacts an equal and opposite momentum to the rocket or aeroplane which
undergoes a forward thrust.

Action force(jet of hot gas) Reaction force(forward thrust)

mr – mass of rocket
vr - velocity of rocket
mg - mass of hot gas
vg – velocity of hot gas

3. Garden sprinkler: this has a Z- shaped tube mounted on a

pivot and through which water flows
into the tube.As water is forced out of the
open end of the tube, the tube is pushed backward with a equal but opposite reaction.
This way, the tube is able to spin round and round and water the field all around it.

4. Weightlessness or weight loss in a lift: a person standing on a weighing machine in a lift

descending with a certain acceleration will experience weight loss and if the downward
acceleration of the lift is equal to the prevailing acceleration due to gravity at that
location, the person becomes weightless and float around in the lift.
I. when the lift is ascending with acceleration a;
R - reaction
Net force


R – mg = ma
R= ma + mg
R = m(a + g)
(Note: the value of R represents the reading on the weighing machine on which the
person stands). In this case, the reading on the machine is greater than the usual
weight W. The person will feel heavier as the lift ascends.

II. When the lift is ascending but at constant velocity.

Net force =
R - reaction
0; v is


R – mg = net force
R – mg = 0
R = mg
( note that in this case, the reading recorded on the weighing machine is the exact weight of the
body at that location)
III. When the lift is descending with acceleration a
R - reaction
Net force

mg – R = ma
R = mg – ma
R = m( g – a)
In this case, the person will feel lighter as the lift descend.

However, if the lift is descending with acceleration a = g

R = m(g – g)
R = m(0)
In this case, the person will weightlessness (free fall). In fact, he will float around in the lift

Example 1:

A woman of mass 57 kg stands on a weighing machine inside a lift ascending at 0.2 m/s 2. What is the
reading on the machine?



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