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1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

Instructor: Mouna Selmi

Student: Gurjant Singh
Course: Horngren's Cost Accounting: A Assignment: Chapter 2
Date: 01/13/24
Managerial Emphasis, 9th Edition

1. Roslyn Heninger is a​well-known software engineer. Her specialty is writing software code used in maintaining the security of credit card
information. Heninger is approached by the Elliott Commerce Group​(ECG). It offers to pay her ​$165,000 for the right to use her code
under licence in its eprocurement software package. Heninger rejects this offer because it provides her with no additional benefits if the
eprocurement package is a runaway success. Both parties eventually agree to a contract in which ECG pays Heninger a flat fee of
​$165,000 for the right to use her code in up to 11,000 packages. If eprocurement sells more than 11,000 ​packages, Heninger receives
​$10.50 for each package sold beyond the 11,000 level.


Click the icon to see the Worked Solution.

Requirement 1. What is the unit cost of ECG for​Heninger's software code included in its eprocurement package if it sells​(a) 2,400​, ​(b)
6,400​, ​(c) 11,000​, and​(d) 16,500 ​packages? Comment on the results.

Find the unit cost for each number of packages sold. ​(Round your answers to the nearest cent as​needed.)

Number of packages sold Cost per package

(a) 2,400 $ 68.75

(b) 6,400 $ 25.78

(c) 11,000 $ 15.00

(d) 16,500 $ 13.50

Comment on the results from the previous step. Choose the correct answer below.

A. The unit cost increases as the number of packages sold increases. The total cost is a variable cost based on the number of packag
B. The unit cost decreases as the number of packages sold increases until 11,000​, and then the unit cost increases. The total cost is a
C. The unit cost decreases as the number of packages sold increases. The total cost is a fixed cost up to 11,000 units and then is a va

D. The unit cost is fixed as the number of packages sold increases until 11,000​, and then the unit cost decreases. The total cost is a va

Requirement 2. For prediction of​ECG's total cost of using​Heninger's software code in​eprocurement, which unit cost​(if any) of​(a) to​(d)
in requirement 1 would you recommend ECG​use? Explain.

A. ECG should use the unit cost from situation​(b) because it has the lowest unit cost.
B. ECG should use the unit cost from situation​(a) because it has the lowest unit cost.
C. ECG should use the unit cost from situation​(d) because it has the lowest unit cost.
D. ECG should use the unit cost from situation​(c) because it has the lowest unit cost.
E. ECG should not use any of the unit costs because the total cost is a fixed amount up to 11,000 units and then is a mixed cost beyon

1: Required
1. What is the unit cost of ECG for​Heninger's software code included in its eprocurement package if it sells​(a) 2,400​, ​(b) 6,400​, ​(c)
11,000​, and​(d) 16,500 ​packages? Comment on the results.
2. For prediction of​ECG's total cost of using​Heninger's software code in​eprocurement, which unit cost​(if any) of​(a) to​(d) in
requirement 1 would you recommend ECG​use? Explain. 1/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: Number of packages sold Cost per package

(a) 2,400 nothing
(b) 6,400 nothing
(c) 11,000 nothing
(d) 16,500 nothing



2. Define cost object and give three examples.

A. A cost object is anything for which a separate measurement of costs is desired. Examples include a​product, a​service, and a custo
B. A cost object is a resource sacrificed or forgone to achieve a specific objective. Examples include direct​materials, direct​labour, and
C. A cost object is a cost incurred​(historical or past​cost), as distinguished from a budgeted​cost, which is a predicted or
forecasted cost (a future​cost). Examples include​materials, labour, and overhead.
D. None of the above

1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
3. Toronto Office Equipment manufactures and sells metal shelving. It began operations on January​1, 2022.
​(Click the icon to view the costs incurred during 2022​.) 3​(Click the icon to view the inventory​data.)
Revenues in 2022 were $420,200. The selling price per unit and the purchase price per kilogram of direct materials were stable throughout
the year. The​company's ending inventory of finished goods is carried at the average unit manufacturing costs for 2022. Finished goods
inventory at December​31, 2022​, was $28,800.

Requirement 1. Calculate direct materials​inventory, total​cost, December​31, 2022.

Determine the formula to calculate the total cost of direct materials inventory at December​31, 2022.

Ending direct materials in kilograms x Direct materials cost per kilogram = Ending direct materials total cost

The total cost of ending direct materials inventory is ​$ 1,400 .

Requirement 2. Calculate finished goods​inventory, total​units, December​31, 2022.

Before we calculate the units for ending finished​goods, we will first calculate the total cost of goods manufactured. ​(Only complete the
necessary answer​boxes.)

Manufacturing costs for 107,500 units

Variable Fixed Total

Direct materials used $ 150,500 $ 150,500

Direct manufacturing labour costs 34,500 34,500

Plant energy costs 2,000 2,000

Indirect manufacturing labour costs 18,000 $ 14,000 32,000

Other indirect manufacturing costs 7,000 32,000 39,000

$ 212,000 $ 46,000 $ 258,000

Cost of goods manufactured

Select the labels used to calculate ending finished goods inventory in total​units, and then calculate the finished goods inventory in total
units at December​31, 2022. ​(Abbreviations used: manuf. = ​manufactured; kg​= kilograms. Hold all decimals in interim calculations. Round
your final answer to the nearest whole​unit.)
Ending finished goods (dollars) / ( Total cost of goods manuf. / Total units produced ) = in units
$ 28,800 / ( $ 258,000 / 107,500 ) = 12,000

Requirement 3. Calculate selling price per unit in 2022.

Determine the formula to calculate the selling price per unit.

Total revenues / Total units sold = Selling price per unit

​Now, calculate the selling price per unit. ​(Round your answer to the nearest​cent.)

The 2022 selling price is ​$ 4.40 per unit.

Requirement 4. Calculate operating income for 2022.

Finish the income statement by entering the amounts and calculating the operating​income/(loss). ​(For amounts with a​$0 balance, make
sure to enter​"0" in the appropriate cell. Use parentheses or a minus sign for a net​loss.) 3/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

Toronto Office Equipment

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
Revenues $ 420,200

Cost of goods sold:

Beginning finished goods, Jan 1, 2022 $ 0

Cost of goods manufactured 258,000

Cost of goods available for sale 258,000

Ending finished goods, Dec 31, 2022 28,800 229,200

Gross margin 191,000

Operating costs:
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 168,000

Administrative costs 52,000 220,000

$ (29,000)
Operating income/(loss)

2: Costs incurred
Costs incurred for 2022 are as follows​(V stands for​variable; F stands for​fixed):

Direct materials used costs $ 150,500 V

Direct manufacturing labour costs 34,500 V
Plant energy costs 2,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 18,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 14,000 F
Other indirect manufacturing costs 7,000 V
Other indirect manufacturing costs 32,000 F
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 127,000 V
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 41,000 F
Administrative costs 52,000 F

Variable manufacturing costs are variable with respect to units produced. Variable​marketing, distribution, and​customer-service costs are
variable with respect to units sold.

3: Inventory data
Inventory data are as​follows:
Beginning, Ending,
January 1, 2022 December 31, 2022
Direct materials 0 kilograms 2,000 kilograms
Work in process 0 units 0 units
Finished goods 0 units ? units

Production in 2022 was 107,500 units. Two kilograms of direct materials is used to make one unit of finished product.

4: Required
1. Calculate direct materials​inventory, total​cost, December​31, 2022.
2. Calculate finished goods​inventory, total​units, December​31, 2022.
3. Calculate selling price per unit in 2022.
4. Calculate operating income for 2022. 4/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: nothing x nothing = Ending direct materials total cost


Manufacturing costs for 107,500 units

Variable Fixed Total

Direct materials used nothing nothing nothing

Direct manufacturing labour costs nothing nothing nothing
Plant energy costs nothing nothing nothing
Indirect manufacturing labour costs nothing nothing nothing

Other indirect manufacturing costs nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Cost of goods manufactured

nothing / ( nothing / nothing ) = Ending finished goods inventory in unit

nothing / ( nothing / nothing ) = nothing

nothing / nothing = Selling price per unit


Toronto Office Equipment

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022

nothing nothing
Cost of goods sold:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing
Operating costs:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Operating income/(loss) 5/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
4. Soo Office Equipment manufactures and sells metal shelving. It began operations on January​1, 2022.
​(Click the icon to view the costs incurred during 2022​.) 6​(Click the icon to view the inventory​data.)
Revenues in 2022 were $436,800. The selling price per unit and the purchase price per kilogram of direct materials were stable throughout
the year. The​company's ending inventory of finished goods is carried at the average unit manufacturing costs for 2022. Finished goods
inventory at December​31, 2022​, was $20,970.

Requirement 1. Calculate direct materials​inventory, total​cost, December​31, 2022.

Determine the formula to calculate the total cost of direct materials inventory at December​31, 2022.

Ending direct materials in kilograms x Direct materials cost per kilogram = Ending direct materials total cost

The total cost of ending direct materials inventory is ​$ 1,400 .

Requirement 2. Calculate finished goods​inventory, total​units, December​31, 2022.

Before we calculate the units for ending finished​goods, we will first calculate the total cost of goods manufactured. ​(Only complete the
necessary answer​boxes.)

Manufacturing costs for 100,000 units

Variable Fixed Total

Direct materials used $ 140,000 $ 140,000

Direct manufacturing labour costs 30,000 30,000

Plant energy costs 5,000 5,000

Indirect manufacturing labour costs 10,000 $ 16,000 26,000

Other indirect manufacturing costs 8,000 24,000 32,000

$ 193,000 $ 40,000 $ 233,000

Cost of goods manufactured

Select the labels used to calculate ending finished goods inventory in total​units, and then calculate the finished goods inventory in total
units at December​31, 2022. ​(Abbreviations used: manuf. = ​manufactured; kg​= kilograms. Hold all decimals in interim calculations. Round
your final answer to the nearest whole​unit.)

Ending finished goods (dollars) / ( Total cost of goods manuf. / Total units produced ) = in units
$ 20,970 / ( $ 233,000 / 100,000 ) = 9,000

Requirement 3. Calculate selling price per unit in 2022.

Determine the formula to calculate the selling price per unit.

Total revenues / Total units sold = Selling price per unit

​Now, calculate the selling price per unit. ​(Round your answer to the nearest​cent.)

The 2022 selling price is ​$ 4.80 per unit.

Requirement 4. Calculate operating income for 2022.

Finish the income statement by entering the amounts and calculating the operating​income/(loss). ​(For amounts with a​$0 balance, make
sure to enter​"0" in the appropriate cell. Use parentheses or a minus sign for a net​loss.) 6/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

Soo Office Equipment

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022
Revenues $ 436,800

Cost of goods sold:

Beginning finished goods, Jan 1, 2022 $ 0

Cost of goods manufactured 233,000

Cost of goods available for sale 233,000

Ending finished goods, Dec 31, 2022 20,970 212,030

Gross margin 224,770

Operating costs:
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 162,850

Administrative costs 50,000 212,850

$ 11,920
Operating income/(loss)

5: Costs incurred
Costs incurred for 2022 are as follows​(V stands for​variable; F stands for​fixed):

Direct materials used costs $ 140,000 V

Direct manufacturing labour costs 30,000 V
Plant energy costs 5,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 10,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 16,000 F
Other indirect manufacturing costs 8,000 V
Other indirect manufacturing costs 24,000 F
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 122,850 V
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 40,000 F
Administrative costs 50,000 F

Variable manufacturing costs are variable with respect to units produced. Variable​marketing, distribution, and​customer-service costs are
variable with respect to units sold.

6: Inventory data
Inventory data are as​follows:
Beginning, Ending,
January 1, 2022 December 31, 2022

Direct materials 0 kilograms 2,000 kilograms

Work in process 0 units 0 units
Finished goods 0 units ? units

Production in 2022 was 100,000 units. Two kilograms of direct materials is used to make one unit of finished product.

7: Required
1. Calculate direct materials​inventory, total​cost, December​31, 2022.
2. Calculate finished goods​inventory, total​units, December​31, 2022.
3. Calculate selling price per unit in 2022.
4. Calculate operating income for 2022. 7/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: nothing x nothing = Ending direct materials total cost


Manufacturing costs for 100,000 units

Variable Fixed Total

Direct materials used nothing nothing nothing

Direct manufacturing labour costs nothing nothing nothing
Plant energy costs nothing nothing nothing
Indirect manufacturing labour costs nothing nothing nothing

Other indirect manufacturing costs nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Cost of goods manufactured

nothing / ( nothing / nothing ) = Ending finished goods inventory in unit

nothing / ( nothing / nothing ) = nothing

nothing / nothing = Selling price per unit


Soo Office Equipment

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022

nothing nothing
Cost of goods sold:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing
Operating costs:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Operating income/(loss) 8/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
5. Alberta Office Equipment manufactures and sells metal shelving. It began operations on January​1, 2022.
​(Click the icon to view the costs incurred during 2022​.) 9​(Click the icon to view the inventory​data.)
​(Click the icon to view additional​information.)

Requirement 1. Calculate the units of finished goods produced in 2023.

Target ending finished goods, Dec. 31, 2023 10,000 units

Forecasted sales for 2023 116,000 units

Total finished goods required in 2023 126,000 units

Beginning finished goods, Jan. 1, 2023 7,000 units

Finished goods production required in 2023 units

Requirement 2. Prepare a budgeted statement of comprehensive income for 2023.

Finish the income statement by entering the amounts and calculating the operating​income/(loss). ​(For amounts with a​$0 balance, make
sure to enter​"0" in the appropriate cell. Use parentheses or a minus sign for a net​loss.)

Alberta Office Equipment

Budgeted Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2023
Revenues $ 510,400

Cost of goods sold:

Beginning finished goods, Jan 1, 2023 $ 15,400

Cost of goods manufactured 260,228

Cost of goods available for sale 275,628

Ending finished goods, Dec 31, 2023 21,900 253,728

Gross margin 256,672

Operating costs:

Administrative costs 55,000 235,037

$ 21,635
Operating income/(loss)

8: Costs incurred
Costs incurred for 2022 are as follows​(V stands for​variable; F stands for​fixed):

Direct materials used costs $ 149,500 V

Direct manufacturing labour costs 23,500 V
Plant energy costs 7,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 16,000 V
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 19,000 F
Other indirect manufacturing costs 13,000 V
Other indirect manufacturing costs 25,000 F
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 122,000 V
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 49,000 F
Administrative costs 55,000 F 9/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
Variable manufacturing costs are variable with respect to units produced. Variable​marketing, distribution, and​customer-service costs are
variable with respect to units sold.

9: Inventory data
Inventory data are as​follows:
Beginning, Ending,
January 1, 2022 December 31, 2022

Direct materials 0 kilograms 2,400 kilograms

Work in process 0 units 0 units
Finished goods 0 units ? units

Production in 2022 was 115,000 units. Two kilograms of direct materials is used to make one unit of finished product.

10: Additional information

Revenues in 2022 were $475,200. The selling price per unit and the purchase price per kilogram of direct materials were stable throughout
the year. The​company's ending inventory of finished goods is carried at the average unit manufacturing costs for 2022. Finished goods
inventory at December​31, 2022​, was $15,400.

Assume management predicts that the selling price per unit and variable cost per unit will be the same in 2023 as in 2022. Fixed
manufacturing costs and​marketing, distribution, and​customer-service costs in 2023 are also predicted to be the same as in 2022. Sales in
2023 are forecast to be 116,000 units. The desired ending inventory of finished​goods, December​31, 2023​, is 10,000 units. Assume zero
 
ending inventories of both direct materials and work in process. The​company's ending inventory of finished goods is carried at the average
unit manufacturing costs for 2023. The company uses the​first-in, first-out inventory method. Management has asked that you prepare a
budgeted statement of comprehensive income for 2023. On December​31, 2022​, finished goods inventory is 7,000 units.

11: Required
1. Calculate the units of finished goods produced in 2023.
2. Prepare a budgeted statement of comprehensive income for 2023. 10/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: Target ending finished goods, Dec. 31, 2023 nothing units

Forecasted sales for 2023 nothing units

Total finished goods required in 2023 nothing units

Beginning finished goods, Jan. 1, 2023 nothing units

Finished goods production required in 2023 units

Alberta Office Equipment

Budgeted Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2023

nothing nothing
Cost of goods sold:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

nothing nothing
Operating costs:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Operating income/(loss) 11/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
6. Consider the following account balances​(in thousands) for the Rouse ​Company:
​(Click the icon to view the account​balances.)
1. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for 2022.
2. Revenues in 2022 were $345 million. Prepare the 2022 statement of comprehensive income.

Requirement 1. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured for 2022.

Begin by preparing the schedule of cost of goods manufactured​(in thousands). Start with the direct materials and labour​costs, continue
with the indirect manufacturing​costs, and complete the schedule by calculating cost of goods manufactured.

Rouse Company
Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (in thousands)

Direct materials costs:

Beginning inventory, Jan 1, 2022 $ 22,000

Purchases of direct materials 77,000

Cost of direct materials available for use 99,000

Ending inventory, Dec 31, 2022 29,000

Direct materials used $ 70,000

Direct manufacturing labour costs 21,000

Indirect manufacturing costs:

Plant insurance $ 6,000
Indirect manufacturing labour costs 18,000
Depreciation—plant, building, and equipment 12,000

Repairs and maintenance—plant 5,000 41,000

Manufacturing costs incurred during 2022 132,000

Add: Beginning work-in-process inventory, Jan 1, 2022 23,000

Total manufacturing costs to account for 155,000

Less: Ending work-in-process inventory, Dec 31, 2022 28,000

$ 127,000
Cost of goods manufactured

Requirement 2. Revenues in 2022 were $345 million. Prepare the 2022 statement of comprehensive income.
Prepare the statement of comprehensive income for Rouse Company​(in thousands). ​(Use parentheses or a minus sign for
operating​loss.) 12/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

Rouse Company
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (in thousands)
Revenues $ 345,000

Cost of goods sold:

Beginning finished goods, Jan 1, 2022 $ 15,000

Cost of goods manufactured 127,000

Cost of goods available for sale 142,000

Ending finished goods, Dec 31, 2022 25,000

Cost of goods sold 117,000

Gross margin 228,000

Operating costs:
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 92,000

General and administrative costs 27,000

Total operating costs 119,000

$ 109,000
Operating income/(loss)

12: Account balances

Beginning of End of
2022 2022
Direct materials inventory $ 22,000 $ 29,000
Work-in-process inventory 23,000 28,000
Finished goods inventory 15,000 25,000
Purchases of direct materials 77,000
Direct manufacturing labour 21,000
Indirect manufacturing labour 18,000
Plant insurance 6,000
Depreciation—plant building and equipment 12,000
Repairs and maintenance—plant 5,000
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 92,000
General and administrative costs 27,000 13/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: Rouse Company

Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (in thousands)

Direct materials costs:

Beginning inventory, Jan 1, 2022 nothing

nothing nothing

Indirect manufacturing labour costs nothing

Plant insurance nothing

Direct materials used nothing

nothing nothing

Indirect manufacturing costs:

Plant insurance nothing
Ending work-in-process inventory, Dec. 31, 2022 nothing
Plant insurance nothing

nothing nothing nothing

Manufacturing costs incurred during 2022 nothing

Add: Ending inventory, Dec 31, 2022 nothing

Total manufacturing costs to account for nothing

Less: Cost of direct materials available for use nothing

Cost of goods manufactured

Rouse Company
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 (in thousands)

Cost of goods manufactured nothing

Cost of goods sold:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods sold nothing

nothing nothing
Operating costs:
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Total operating costs nothing

Operating income/(loss) 14/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
7. An auditor for the Canada Revenue Agency is trying to reconstruct some partially destroyed records of two taxpayers. For each case in the
accompanying​list, find the unknowns designated by capital letters​(figures are in​thousands).
​(Click the icon to view the​records.)
For each of the​cases, find the unknowns designated by the letters A and B for Case 1 and C and D for Case 2.

Case​1: Find the unknowns designated by the letters A and B.

​First, solve for A. Cost of goods sold.

Revenues $ 44,000

Cost of goods sold (29,200)

$ 14,800
Gross margin

​Next, complete the following schedule of cost of goods manufactured. ​(Complete all answer boxes. Enter a​"0" for any zero​balances.)

Direct materials used $ 12,000

Direct manufacturing labour 4,600

Indirect manufacturing costs 11,200

Total manufacturing costs incurred $ 27,800

Work in process, January 1, 2021 2,500

Total manufacturing costs to account for $ 30,300

Work in process, December 31, 2021 0

$ 30,300
Cost of goods manufactured

​Now, use the cost of goods sold formula to solve for B. Finished goods​inventory, December​31, 2021.

Finished goods inventory, January 1, 2021 $ 2,000

Cost of goods manufactured 30,300

Cost of goods available for sale $ 32,300

Finished goods inventory, December 31, 2021 (3,100)

$ 29,200
Cost of goods sold

Case​2: Find the unknowns designated by the letters C and D.

​First, solve for C. Gross margin.

Revenues $ 54,900

Cost of goods sold (28,000)

$ 26,900
Gross margin

​Next, complete the cost of goods sold formula.

Finished goods inventory, January 1, 2021 $ 10,000

Cost of goods manufactured 26,200

Cost of goods available for sale $ 36,200

Finished goods inventory, December 31, 2021 (8,200)

$ 28,000
Cost of goods sold

​Finally, complete the schedule of cost of goods manufactured to solve for D. Manufacturing overhead costs. 15/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
Direct materials used $ 13,000
Direct manufacturing labour 7,800

Indirect manufacturing costs 9,400

Total manufacturing costs incurred $ 30,200

Work in process, January 1, 2021 800

Total manufacturing costs to account for $ 31,000

Work in process, December 31, 2021 (4,800)

$ 26,200
Cost of goods manufactured

13: Records

Case 1 Case 2
(in thousands)

Accounts receivable, December 31, 2021 $ 6,000 $ 1,620

Cost of goods sold A 28,000

Accounts payable, January 1, 2021 4,200 1,920

Accounts payable, December 31, 2021 2,800 3,010

Finished goods inventory, December 31, 2021 B 8,200

Gross margin 14,800 C

Work in process, January 1, 2021 2,500 800

Work in process, December 31, 2021 0 4,800

Finished goods inventory, January 1, 2021 2,000 10,000

Direct materials used 12,000 13,000

Direct manufacturing labour 4,600 7,800

Indirect manufacturing costs 11,200 D

Purchases of direct material 12,500 9,500

Revenues 44,000 54,900

Accounts receivable, January 1, 2021 2,500 2,400 16/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Gross margin

nothing nothing
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Total manufacturing costs incurred nothing

nothing nothing

Total manufacturing costs to account for nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods manufactured

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods available for sale nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods sold

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Gross margin

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods available for sale nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods sold

nothing nothing
nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Total manufacturing costs incurred nothing

nothing nothing

Total manufacturing costs to account for nothing

nothing nothing

Cost of goods manufactured 17/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
8. What is the relevant​range? What role does the​relevant-range concept play in explaining how costs​behave?

A. The relevant range is the band of normal activity level or volume in which there is a specific relationship between the level of activity
B. The relevant range is the band of normal activity level or volume in which there is no relationship between the level of activity or vol
of activity.

C. The relevant range is the band of normal activity level or volume in which there is a specific relationship between the level of activity
D. The relevant range is the band of normal activity level or volume in which there is an abnormal relationship between the level of act

1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
9. Holbrook Plastics​Inc.'s selected data for the month of August 2022 are shown in the provided table​(in millions).
​(Click the icon to view the​data.)

Requirement 1. Calculate direct materials inventory on August​31, 2022.

Determine the formula and then calculate the direct materials inventory value at August​31, 2022. ​(Work in millions. Use a minus sign or
parentheses for numbers to be​subtracted.)

Direct materials inventory, August 1, 2022 $ 115

Direct materials purchased 350

Direct materials available for production 465

Direct materials used (380)

$ 85
Direct materials inventory, August 31, 2022

Requirement 2. Calculate fixed manufacturing overhead costs for August. ​(Work in millions. Use a minus sign or parentheses for numbers
to be​subtracted.)

Total manufacturing overhead costs $ 460

Variable manufacturing overhead costs (240)

$ 220
Fixed manufacturing overhead costs

Requirement 3. Calculate direct manufacturing labour costs for August.

Choose the labels used to calculate direct manufacturing labour cost and then calculate the costs for the month of August. ​(Work in
millions. Use a minus sign or parentheses for numbers to be​subtracted.)

Total manufacturing costs incurred $ 1,570

Less: Direct materials used (380)

Total manufacturing overhead costs (460)

$ 730
Direct manufacturing labour costs for August

Requirement 4. Calculate w​ork-in-process inventory on August​31, 2022.

Determine the formula and then calculate the​work-in-process inventory value at August​31, 2022. (Work in millions. Use a minus sign or
parentheses for numbers to be​subtracted.)

Work-in-process inventory, August 1, 2022 $ 210

Total manufacturing costs incurred 1,570

Work-in-process available for production 1,780

Cost of goods manufactured (1,690)

$ 90
Work-in-process inventory, August 31, 2022

Requirement 5. Calculate cost of goods available for sale in August.

Select the labels used to calculate cost of goods available for sale and calculate those costs for August. ​(Work in​millions.)

Finished goods inventory, August 1, 2022 $ 220

Cost of goods manufactured 1,690

$ 1,910
Finished goods available for sale in August

Requirement 6. Calculate finished goods inventory on August​31, 2022.

Choose the labels used to calculate finished goods inventory at the end of the period and then calculate the inventory value at August​31,
2022. ​(Work in millions. Use a minus sign or parentheses for numbers to be​subtracted.) 19/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
Finished goods available for sale in August $ 1,910

Cost of goods sold (1,740)

$ 170
Finished goods inventory, August 31, 2022

14: August 2022 data

Work-in-process inventory, August 1, 2022 $ 210

Direct materials inventory, August 1, 2022 115
Direct materials purchased 350
Direct materials used 380
Variable manufacturing overhead 240
Total manufacturing overhead 460
Total manufacturing costs incurred during August 2022 1,570
Cost of goods manufactured 1,690
Cost of goods sold 1,740
Finished goods inventory, August 1, 2022 220

15: Required
Calculate the following​costs:
1. Direct materials inventory on August​31, 2022.
2. Fixed manufacturing overhead costs for August.
3. Direct manufacturing labour costs for August.
4. Work-in-process inventory on August​31, 2022.
5. Cost of goods available for sale in August.
6. Finished goods inventory on August​31, 2022. 20/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh

YOU​ANSWERED: nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Direct materials available for production nothing

nothing nothing

Direct materials inventory, August 31, 2022

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Fixed manufacturing overhead costs

nothing nothing
Less: nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Direct manufacturing labour costs for August

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Work-in-process available for production nothing

nothing nothing

Work-in-process inventory, August 31, 2022

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Finished goods available for sale in August

nothing nothing

nothing nothing

Finished goods inventory, August 31, 2022 21/22
1/13/24, 3:11 PM Chapter 2-Gurjant Singh
10. The​Fremont, California, plant of NUMMI​(New United Motor​Manufacturing, Inc.), a joint venture of General Motors and​Toyota,
assembles two types of cars​(Corollas and Geo​Prisms). A separate assembly line is used for each type of car.

Classify each of the following cost items​as:
a. Direct or indirect​(D or​I) costs with respect to the type of car assembled​(Corolla or Geo​Prism).
b. Variable or fixed​(V or​F) costs with respect to how the total costs of the plant change as the number of cars assembled
changes.​(If in​doubt, select the cost type based on whether the total costs will change substantially if a large number of cars

Cost Item (a) D or I (b) V or F

A. Cost of tires used on Geo Prisms. D V

B. Salary of public relations manager for NUMMI plant. I F

C. Annual awards dinner for Corolla suppliers. D F

D. Salary of engineer who monitors design changes on Geo Prism. D F

E. Freight costs of Corolla engines shipped from Toyota City, Japan, to Fremont, California D V

F. Electricity costs for NUMMI plant (single bill covers entire plant). I V
Wages paid to temporary assembly-line workers hired in periods of high production (paid on
G. hourly basis). D V

H. Annual fire-insurance policy cost for NUMMI plant. I F

YOU​ANSWERED: Cost Item (a) D or

A. Cost of tires used on Geo Prisms. nothing

B. Salary of public relations manager for NUMMI plant. nothing

C. Annual awards dinner for Corolla suppliers. nothing
D. Salary of engineer who monitors design changes on Geo Prism. nothing
E. Freight costs of Corolla engines shipped from Toyota City, Japan, to Fremont, California nothing
F. Electricity costs for NUMMI plant (single bill covers entire plant). nothing
G. Wages paid to temporary assembly-line workers hired in periods of high production (paid on hourly basis). nothing
H. Annual fire-insurance policy cost for NUMMI plant. nothing

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