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A force is a push or a pull on an object. A force happens when two objects interact
—that is, when one object does something to the other object. When the interaction
stops, the force stops, too.

Contact Forces and Field Forces

There are two types of forces: contact forces and field forces. Contact forces
happen when objects touch each other. For example, contact forces happen when a
person kicks a ball or pulls a wagon. Other examples of contact forces are
sandpaper rubbing on a piece of wood, wind blowing against a moving car, and a
rubber band stretched around a newspaper. Contact forces can be applied in
different ways on the same object. For instance, a ball may be dropped, thrown,
bounced, or rolled.

Field forces happen when two objects interact without touching each other. Field
forces can create a push or a pull even at a distance. Gravity is a field force. When
an apple falls from a tree, the force of gravity pulls the apple toward the ground.
Another field force is magnetism. Paper clips stick to a magnet because its
magnetic force is pulling on the paper clips.

Measuring Force
Most scientists measure force using a unit called the newton. Newtons measure the
force needed to accelerate, or speed up, objects. Force may also be measured in
Forces and the Laws of Motion
In the late 1600s, the English scientist Isaac Newton came up with three laws that
deal with forces and motion. The first law says that the motion of an object will not
change unless a force pushes or pulls it. The second law says that a force on an
object will make the object speed up in the same direction as the force. Also, a
strong force will make the object speed up faster than a weak force on the same
object. The third law says that whenever a force pushes on an object, the object
pushes back with an equal and opposite force.

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