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This Book Of The Law Shall

Not Depart From Your Mouth! See Page 3
Your Ultimate Guide To Digital Marketing
25 SuccessDigestIs100%FREE!

SINCE 1995

Success Attitude
1995 - 2020

Development Classics!

You AndPage
Your Life
Vol. 27 No. 2 Sat. September 3 - Fri. September 9, 2022

All You Need To Know How 18 Year

About The Ojeagbase

Old Created A
Multi-Million Pound
Company Despite
A-Level Failure

Internet Millionaire
Page 25

Bootcamp Page 2
The Retailer’s Guide
to Product Page SEO
Page 19

The Leader’s Marketing Superstars

Greatest Return
THE 22 Immutable
Laws Of Marketing
— By Al Ries & Jack Trout

Law Number 12.

The Law Of
Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders Line Extension
There’s an irresistible pressure to
To find, attract, and connect with potential leaders. extend the equity of the brand.
ive To motivate, train, and empower leaders to be and do their best.
What You Will Page 24
Learn In This
To teach leaders to work in teams.
To mentor, reproduce, and compound leaders to receive the
highest possible return.
Page 23

3 Practically Painless
Ways To Expand Your
Page 22
2 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

Editor’s ViewPoint
Samson Ojeagbase

All You Need To Know About The

Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp
hat is the Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire bootcamp desert for days.
and what do you stand to benefit from it? He is dehydrated and at the point of death.
Then he sees another man who has an ice cold bottle of
Allow me give you a sneak peek into what you would gain water.
from the Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp This man is willing to give him that cold bottle of water.
Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp Video 1 But for a price...
(Introduction to profitable Internet businesses): Do you think the thirsty man would argue about the price of
This video would introduce you to the world of Profitable the bottle of water or not?
Internet business and give you the foundational knowledge He would rush and buy it so he can live.
required to build your own Why did I tell you to imagine this scenario?
In this video, It is simple...
You would learn: If you want to make huge profit in your Internet business,
- The Basics of profitable Internet Businesses. You need to be able to create Irresistible offers that your
- Why there is no better time than now to ride the Internet target audience would be eager to buy from you.
to your riches and the life you desire. After you watch the first 3 videos of the Ojeagbase Internet
- A few testimonies from Nigerians who have successfully Millionaire bootcamp,
built their own profitable Internet businesses. You would understand the importance of a starving crowd
- Benefits of Building a profitable Internet Business. to sell to.
- The tools you need to build your profitable Internet But how do you create an Irresistible offer that your
business. customers would beg you to buy from you?
- Critical Information you need to know before you start building CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 2 That is what you would learn in video 4 of the Ojeagbase
your own profitable Internet Business. Internet Millionaire Bootcamp:
To watch this video, click the button below: Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp Video 3 (The CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 4
CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 1 Almighty Profit Formula):
In this video, Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp (The basics of
We would talk about an open secret most people looking to Magnetic Marketing):
Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp video 2 (How to
make head spinning profit miss in their Internet business By the time you get to video 5 of the Ojeagbase Internet
become a Casha-nova):
adventure.. Millionaire Bootcamp (which is the last video in the series)
In this video,
As with other areas of life, You would have learnt:
We talk about money.
There is a formula for building a profitable Internet business. - What you need to setup your Internet business for huge profit.
Specifically, how to seduce money into your bank account with
And irrespective of whom you are or what you believe in, - The laws of money and how to seduce money into your pocket.
If you religiously apply this formula to your Internet - The formula for Internet profit and how to identify your target
Money is governed by certain principles.
business...there is no way you would not make huge profit in audience.
And if you obey these principles... Irrespective of who you are,
your business. - How to create an irresistible offer
your age, how you look or what you believe in,
This is a formula successful brand like SuccessDigest, Nike, In video 5 of the Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp,
Money would come to you.
Apple etc. use to dominant their industries. You are going to learn the basics of magnetic marketing.
In video 2 of the Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire bootcamp, you
What is this Almighty Profit Formula and how can you apply it Why?
learn the following:
to your business? Because it is one thing to create the best product or service in
- The laws of money.
This is what you would learn in video 3 of the Ojeagbase the world.
- What you need to know before you can transform yourself into
Internet Millionaire Bootcamp But if you cannot clearly communicate the fact why and how
money magnet.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 3 your product will solve your potential customer’s problems...
- How a company used the understanding of the laws of money to
They will not buy from you!
sell rocks as pets...and make a lot of money.
Ojeagbase Internet Millionaire Bootcamp video 4 (How You would learn how to do this in video 5 of the Ojeagbase
- How you can setup your profitable Internet business using your
to make your customers beg you with their money): Internet Millionaire bootcamp
new found understanding of money.
Imagine for a minute a young man has been stranded in the CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 5

How to Contact the SuccessDigest Team
Dear valued reader,
Do you agree communication is an important pillar for a successful relationship?
SuccessDigest and SuccessDigest marketplace has official communication
channels you can use to contact us as stated below;
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Kindly Note: These are the only official communication channels for SuccessDigest and SuccessDigest marketplace.
Any transactions done outside the above lines of communication, is at individual’s risk as
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4 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

5 Ways To Turn Big Data
he Internet and social media have Image Source: SearchEngineJournal
permanently changed the way
business is conducted.
Companies, both large and small, are
now moving away from the old
interruptive advertising model to a

Into Marketing Data

content marketing model.
When businesses focus on creating
valuable content, they have a better
chance of engaging with their
prospective customers, to build long-
term loyalty.
However, while creating quality blog
posts, podcasts, and videos is paramount to delighting then and
important, it is not the only thing to keeping them as a long-term
consider. There is a seemingly infinite customer.Use your information to
amount of consumer information out uncover such metrics as number of
there today. New information is being subscribers, average time spent on
created every second. With big data, your website, click through rate, and
you can view your customer’s behavior overall customer satisfaction. These
at a truly granular level. numbers are valuable when
Enriching your content with data is the determining the effectiveness of your
latest trend in digital marketing and it can Internet marketing data efforts.
help your digital marketing become When focusing on customer
more effective. retention you need to identify why
What Is Big Data? customers are leaving in the first
First, let’s define some terms. Big data place. By being able to track customer
refers to the massive amount of behavior you can see at what points
information that is being created every they are dropping out and come up
second of every minute of every day. We with a plan to keep them in your
are creating nearly 2.5 Exabytes of ecosystem.
information each and every day. 4 – Topic Discovery
That’s an incredible amount. And this You can also discover what topics
information is being created by your your audience wants to know about.
customers and prospects. You can then serve-up the information
Once you can distill all the raw that they are seeking the most.
information you can start creating blog There are many ways to come up
posts that will resonate with your with topics to create but one of the
customers and that they will be more easiest is through keyword research.
likely to share. What words and phrases are your
How Can You Turn Big Data Into customers searching for the most?
Marketing Data? Once you find this out you can easily
Before embracing this trend it is create blog posts, videos, and
important for you to focus on those infographics around these keywords.
things that are actually helpful. With so Another way to come up with topics
much information out there it is tempting is to look and see what your
to try to use all of it, to think that it is all competitors are putting out. Dive into
important. You do not need to analyze their website and take a look at the
every bit of information to provide value blog posts and lead gen items they
to your customer. are offering. They may have a case
That being said, here are five ways to study or whitepaper that is doing well.
incorporate this trend into your digital It would not be difficult to create
marketing strategy. something similar for your company
1 – Raise Awareness With Your and offer it to your prospects.
Target Audience 5 – Choosing The Right Delivery
If you want to raise brand awareness Channels
with your target audience, there are a The whole point of digital It is important to deliver information
· Brand name searches
number of areas you can measure and marketing is to convert customers to your customers via their preferred
By using a program like Google
analyze. as they travel down the buying channel. Some may want to interact
Analytics you can see the behavior
They are: path. Using marketing data, you can via social media while others may
of your target audience. How often
* Website traffic see your prospect’s behavior along prefer to be contacted via email. By
are they mentioning you?
* Brand mentions on social that path. How long do they stay at a harnessing the power of this
What are they saying about your
media certain point? What kind of information you can discover which
brand? Once you have identified
* Social media followers information are they consuming the channel to send information through
patterns of behavior you can then
* Traffic sources most? Are they abandoning the and the format they prefer.
create information that your audience
* Backlinks generated by your process at a certain point? This will include:
will be more receptive to.
posts “Of critical importance, always * Format type (blogs, videos,
2 – Customer Conversion
remember that you can’t improve infographics, ebooks, etc.)
what you can’t measure. That’s * Desktop vs. mobile
why you need to track your * Length (short social media

By choosing the right conversion rates on both a daily

and monthly basis. Doing so
posts or long form blog posts)
* Value
allows you to immediately correct * Quantity or quality
delivery channel you problems (e.g., why is our
conversion rate so low today?
By choosing the right delivery
channel you increase the chance of
increase the chance of that …oh my, it’s because our website
isn’t loading properly) and make
that information becoming an integral
part of the buying process. Each

information becoming an sure you are improving your

conversion rates over time.”
piece will move the prospect to the
next step in the buying process.
All this information will help you Conclusion
integral part of the buying refine your marketing efforts and
create information that will help move
Big Data is here to stay. In fact, it will
become a larger part of every
process. Each piece will move the prospect on to the next step. By
conducting this type of analysis, you
company’s marketing data going
forward. It is time to embrace this
will be able to identify ideas that growing trend and reap the benefits of
the prospect to the next step convert and deliver value to your
turning big data into your critical
marketing data.
in the buying process. 3 – Retaining Customers
Providing valuable information after Source:
someone has become a customer is
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 5

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6 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

Success Attitude Development Classics!

Timeless Winning Literature To Feed Your Brain And Mind...

T HIS is your life. Kindly slow

down your reading. The
following words you are about
to read may turn your personal and
professional life around for greater
your time to fight through
This is the time to lay the
foundation for a successful married
life. This is the time to plan
success and happiness. I am about to successfully with your spouse; the
ask you one of life’s most important time to manage your money
questions. Your answer to this successfully; the time to stop all foul
question at this moment and your and notorious habits; the time to stop
willingness to pursue your answer is committing adultery and all moral
your destiny. offences and the time to start
What are the personal beautifying your life for a happy ten,
achievements you desire in the next twenty-five and thirty marriage
five and ten years? Allow me to anniversaries. This, in fact, is your
demonstrate the how to answer this life. You have the vitality and strength
question. to reach your dreams at this stage.
Divide your personal Great achievers achieved great
achievements into personality, achievements at this great
marriage and professionalism. opportunity of life. Don’t wait to act.
For personality, write the moral Don’t look back. Don’t procrastinate.
qualities you desire in five years and Don’t regret. Don’t pity yourself.
ten years time. Don’t sleep in defeat. Arise! and
Next is your plan for a new marital conquer the great battles of life.
life or the progressive marriage. For The supplementary opportunity
the hopeful bachelor or the princess (35-45 years) is what I call the
of distinction, write down the qualities ‘second attempt,’ even though you
you desire in a man or woman Image source: Greater Good Science Center - University of California, Berkeley have failed between 25-35, you will

You And Your Life

targeted for marriage. Be natural and still make it if you can start dreaming
sincere. again.
As for the kings and queens Henry Ford did it, you can do it
already, in the battle of marriage, write also. But, you have to go the extra
down what you want (attitude and mile for wasting time during the apex
achievements) your husband or wife stage. You have to work like ants to
to be in the next five and ten years. reach your dreams. Don’t give up.
Lastly, your career as a worker, Keep pushing and your dream at 40
write down the post you want to 19 years). Your childhood has a other developed countries, thousands bodies. will come to pass.
occupy in five and ten years time. For tremendous impact on you today. go through psychoanalysis to get rid of You can’t afford to sit down and The diminishing opportunity (45-
the prospective business tycoons, According to Arthurt Jerisus of the unforgiving spirit and thoughts of past waste your time and life. Give your all 65) is the opportunity for lions to
write down how big you want your Columbia University in his book failures and misfortune. Why don’t you and you will be surprised at 40. Attack reach their goals. Only few people
business to be in five and ten years Psychology of Adolescence, “the correct your life now? opportunities while the time tarries can start and reach their goals,
time. adolescent not only continues many The next is the evolutionary and you will join the hardworking especially as they approach 60. You
Remember, don’t limit yourself to tasks of life that he began in earlier opportunity (20-25 years). These are giants in the city of great can still do it at 60 if you have a strong
this article. You can write your desires years, he also leaves unfinished many the years of preparation for future achievements. desire to launch out. Don’t let them
for the next one or two years. You are tasks that are the business of opportunities, this is your student life. The apex opportunity (25-35 years) tell you, ‘you are too old.’ Life gives
expected to examine your desires adolescence, but are carried over into Your attitude, self-evaluation, is the ultimate. This is the greatest gifts to those that deserve it. If you
every three months to maintain the adult life.” judgment and calculative power will opportunity of your life, you have deserve it, you will smile at 80.
power of focus. If you are the type abused by shape out your future performance. started working, your business has Finally, have you written down
Great achievers wrote down their parents or relatives, you have to Make the best of your student life commenced, you are now married. your desires? If you haven’t, you
desires and sacrificially pursued them forgive them to live a complete life of and success will be attracted to you in This is the time to raise that can’t start. Remember Robert
until they discovered gold. Write it happiness. You must learn not to look your professional world. business with all your might and Schuller’s words ‘You won’t win, if
now and get started. Your time is back on failures and misfortune to If you are unfortunate not to go strength. you don’t begin.’ I wish you a
running out. Travel with me as we capture a successful adult life. through higher institution, keep This is the time to give your best as successful implementation of your
discover the way to fulfilling your Unforgiving spirit has destroyed the working, keep reading, keep a faithful worker. This is the time to go written desires for a new successful
written agenda. lives of millions, so, don’t join the educating yourself through books, the extra mile, this is your time to century, 2000 and beyond.
Your life started with, the marching team into the land of magazines and public lectures. If watch, teach and train your kids
fundamental opportunity (first day to destruction. In the United States and possible, sit for professional sacrificially. This is your time to set First Published in October 1996.
examinations created by professional goals and pursue it vigorously. This is

Inspirational Quotes To Inspire SUCCESS

” In Your Life And Your BUSINESS
You Will Never Change Your Life Until You Change Your Daily Routine
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in
2 There are two types of people who will tell you that you

the service of my vision, then it becomes less and cannot make a difference in this world: those who are
less important whether I am afraid. afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed
--Audre Lorde --Ray Goforth

3 If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll 4 A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have
the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and
fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they
if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the
have planned for you? Not much.
things that are worthwhile, it can be done.
--Jim Rohn --Vince Lombardi


Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog 7
8 SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

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Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 9

Every Success Story Leaves A Clue

... Follow Its Trail From Here

The late Steve Jobs,

Apple founder and
former CEO,
introduces the iPhone
at a conference in 2007.
- Getty Images

O How Overcoming The

vercome your greatest fears by using your goals?”
Tim Ferriss’ fear setting exercise. Bill Gates used failure as a stepping

Fear Of Failure Helped

If the fear of failure is keeping you back from The billionaire has alluded to the importance
professional goals, you’re not alone. Some of of learning from failure on different occasions
the most brilliant minds, including Apple’s and reportedly once said: “It’s fine to celebrate
Steve Jobs, author Tim Ferriss and success but it is more important to heed the

Steve Jobs, Tim Ferriss

Microsoft’s Bill Gates, have had to address lessons of failure.”
this personal setback. Gates took an unorthodox path to becoming
In fact, they’ve all proven in their careers a sensation in the software world. Like Jobs, he
dropped out of college before launching the

And Bill Gates Succeed

that failure is a necessary evil on the road to
success. Here’s what they’ve said about the company that would ultimately lead to his
subject over the years: success. But prior to his enrollment at Harvard,
Steve Jobs said the idea of death motivated the businessman co-founded his first company
him to never fear failure at age 17, called Traf-O-Data.
“All fear of embarrassment or failure — these which may soon be valued at $1 trillion, has Traf-O-Data was a computerized machine
One of the late Jobs’ primary motivations in
things just fall away in the face of death, become an iconic brand and was listed as the company that used a chip to process and
achieving success, albeit morbid, was
leaving only what is truly important.” world’s largest tech company, according to analyze traffic data. Although the company was
realizing that one day he would die. In
Apple’s late founder is arguably the poster Forbes. a failure, according to co-founder Paul Allen,
comparison, failure seemed like nothing. The
child for transitioning from failure to success: Tim Ferriss tackles his fears head on the two used what they learned from that
tech guru even calls death “the single best
The tech mastermind dropped out of college, The bestselling author, investor and experience to create Microsoft.
invention in life” in a 2005 commencement
launched a business, got kicked out of it and podcast host says he has one simple tool for Microsoft is now valued at $507.5 billion and
later rejoined when it was failing. keeping fears at bay: facing them head-on. with a net worth of $89.9 billion, Gates is the
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the
Each failure, however, brought Jobs one In a June TED Talk, titled “Why you should richest person on the planet, according to
most important tool I’ve ever encountered to
step closer to Apple’s success. The business, define your fears instead of your goals,” Ferris Forbes.
help me make the big choices in life,” he says.
says, “I created a written exercise that I called But even at Microsoft, Gates had to
‘fear-setting,’ like goal-setting, for myself.” repeatedly deal with failure. In 1993, a
Here’s how it works: The author documents database project that he thought would be
Once you embrace unpleasant his fears, lists what may or may not happen as
a result of that fear and then writes down what
revolutionary didn’t work and in the mid-90s,
Microsoft’s TV-style internet shows on MSN
news not as a negative but as he can do to prevent it. The entrepreneur says
that he can trace all of his biggest wins to fear-
were a flop, he writes in his book “Business @
the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the
evidence of a need for change, you setting. Why? Because his hardest choices
and biggest fears are often what he needs to
Digital Economy.”
The billionaire says that the weight of all of
aren’t defeated by it,” Gates says do most.
In a YouTube post, the author explains
his failures could have made him depressed.
Instead, he accepted these challenges and
in the book. “You’re learning from what he has learned through all of his
experiences: “You need to fail, learn how to
learned from them.
“Once you embrace unpleasant news not as
fail and condition yourself to fail” in order to
it. It’s all in how you approach find success.
a negative but as evidence of a need for
change, you aren’t defeated by it,” Gates says
Ferriss says it’s important to ask yourself,
failures. “Where in your lives right now might defining
in the book. “You’re learning from it. It’s all in
how you approach failures.”
your fears be more important than defining Source:
10 SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022
11 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

This Book Of The Law Shall

Not Depart From Your Mouth! Thank GOD these servants were not like you and me
before we finally learn this principle. They didn’t stop to

And as you meditate on this Word and it

question Jesus why they have to fill pots with water when
what was needed was wine that they ran out of in the
middle of the marriage ceremony.

becomes clearer and clearer to you, you Well, what follows as these servants obeyed the simple
instruction that Jesus gave them? The water was turned

will be ready to do what GOD instructs

to wine! A wine so good that the chairman of that
ceremony had to wonder why the new wine that was
served was better than the one they had been drinking.

you to do next in order to achieve the

What is the lesson from that miracle? Whatever GOD
ask you and I to do, we must do it
UNQUESTIONINGLY in order to get the result we want.

level of success He wants you to have. Do I have a testimony that this has ever worked for me?
Yes. And I am not saying it has worked for me a number of
times. It has worked for me ALL THE TIME I have been
careful enough to follow GOD’s instructions, including
when I fell critically ill between 2012 and 2014 and I even,
Contd from page 3 at one time, thought GOD was about to call me home.
There was one thing I hung on to throughout the attack
who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully you’ve been careful to know what it means to “obey and on my health: GOD had assured me in His Word that He
use you and persecute you.” serve GOD”, you will naturally want to discover several would restore my health in Jeremiah 30:17 (that’s just
That’s a clear instruction from our Master, the ways of serving and obeying GOD. That is what meditation one of such promises in the Bible). He had done it many
Bishop of our soul. That’s something for you to will do for you. Meditation will ensure that the thought of it times before 2012. So I did not have any problem
meditate on if you want to live the life of obedience to consumes you totally. believing that He would still do it again.
the Word of GOD. James puts it this way in James And as you meditate on this Word and it becomes He’s GOD, and the Bible says He changes not
1:21-25 (NKJV): clearer and clearer to you, you will be ready to do what (Malachi 3:6). I said to myself, if GOD did not heal me, no
21. “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of GOD instructs you to do next in order to achieve the level one else could. That I am alive is evidence of the fact that
wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted of success He wants you to have. if we do what He says we should do diligently (in this case
word, which is able to save your souls. “That you may observe to do according to all that is trusting Him with the whole of our heart without seeking
22. “But be doers of the word, and not hearers written in it…” other alternatives, alternative here refers to babalawo
only, deceiving yourselves. This is the most important part of this instruction, “to do and the gods they serve); we will get the result that He
23. “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a according to all that is written in it.” Success cannot be in promised, no matter how long it takes in our own eyes for
doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a sight in anything we do unless we understand and do this it to happen.
mirror; critical part of GOD’s instruction. It’s that important. For it is not always that the result will come as quickly as
24 for he observes himself, goes away, and Many people who genuinely crave success fall short at we want. At least this last healing did not come as fast as I
immediately forgets what kind of man he was. this point. They will do every other thing that GOD would have wished. (I’ve had partial stroke which he
25 “But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty recommended. But they will either do this part cleared off in three short days in 1999 and I’ve had
and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a halfheartedly or they will not do it at all. We all are guilty of hypoglycemia on the eve of my 60th birthday during
doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he this at one time or the other in our lives. which I only regained consciousness hours later at the
does.” Yet this is an important element of achieving success hospital but early enough for me to be at the Thanksgiving
See? GOD’s Word always tells you what to do to according to GOD’s prescription. This is what separates Service that was planned for my birthday!).
have your life decorated. the successful from those who are struggling to succeed. But if we don’t turn away from Him; if we stand firm on
“You shall meditate in it day and night…” What does it mean to do according to all that is His Word and do what He says consistently while trusting
To meditate is an act of turning things over in your instructed? One classic example is found in John 2:1-12 Him to do what He says He would do in His Word, we
mind. One dictionary says it is “focusing one’s where we read about Jesus turning water to wine in His shall make our way prosperous and have good
thoughts on (something) or reflecting on it or very first miracle on earth. The key part of this miracle was success in all that we do.
pondering over it.” That simply means whether it’s that Jesus gave instruction to the waiters serving guests at Glory be to GOD!
during the day or in the night, you must continue to turn the wedding ceremony to fill empty pots with ordinary
the Word of GOD over and over in your mind. water.
And you do this all the time without perhaps knowing
that is what you’re doing. When someone insults you
(we have all been insulted at one time or the other in
our lives), the thought of it goes everywhere with you at But if we don’t turn away from
least for the next couple of days. You’re thinking
something else and all of a sudden that insult floats Him; if we stand firm on His
back into your mind. “So that fellow called me a big-
headed fool?”
And for the next few minutes you’re thinking about
Word and do what He says
the insult all over again and, if you’re like me many,
many years ago, you start to think of ways you will
consistently while trusting Him to do
retaliate. That is how we meditate on things. So now,
turn that process around and use it to meditate on the
what He says He would do in His
Word of GOD.
Take for example the instruction in Job 36:11. If you
Word, we shall make our way
acquire it as part of your new vocabulary, and you’re
saying it over and over, you will get to a point where prosperous and have good success in
you’ll be familiar with that Word. But it will still not
deliver the full benefit to you because you’ve not taken all that we do.
time to meditate on it.
But when you start to turn it over in your mind, and
124SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

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here’s a certain stigma that leads Image Source: Helium 10
people to believe they can’t do
affiliate marketing without a
website. While operating a website or blog is
the most surefire way to succeed at affiliate
marketing, you can be a successful affiliate
marketer without them.
The key to affiliate marketing is knowing
how to send targets to an affiliate vendor’s
site, and that can be accomplished in a
number of ways. As long as you know how to
get leads to click on links and make a
purchase on your affiliate merchant’s site,
you’re good to go.
In this article, we’ll explore four ways how
to do affiliate marketing without a website.
Let’s dig in!
4 Ways to Do Affiliate Marketing
Without a Website
If you’re interested in affiliate marketing,
but hesitant because you don’t have a
website or blog, we’ve got some good news
for you. Just check out the following four
simple solutions.

How to Do Affiliate Marketing

Keep in mind, the best way to succeed at
affiliate marketing is through a combination
of platforms – including a website and blog.
Consider the following methods great ways
to get started!

Without a Website (4 Ways)

1. Promote Through Social Media
While becoming an affiliate marketer
doesn’t require you to own a blog or website,
it does require that you have an online
presence. Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram accounts can be a good start. of plugging in some affiliate links. Your all you need is a YouTube account to get
As long as you have friends or followers, AFFILIATE readers will see right through it.
The point is to provide your readers with
started. Contrary to popular belief, you
don’t need to be a YouTube star with
you have an audience who may be inclined
to click on the affiliate links you post. The MARKETING helpful information. That is, the goal is to
gain your readers’ trust in the information
thousands of followers to be successful
with affiliate marketing on the platform.
key is to create posts that will have an
impact on your audience and inspire them to A-Z you’ve provided. If they perceive value in As long as the videos you post are
click. the information you’ve presented, they informative, useful, and creative, you
Above all, make sure your social media 2. Create an ebook should be willing to click on your affiliate should have no trouble achieving success.
posts contain useful content and make use Another good option for promoting links. Just make sure your videos are relevant
of images. Visual elements are proven to affiliate links is through an ebook 3. Promote Through Forums or to the products or services you’re
attract readers. (promoted on social media or forums). Online Communities promoting, and place your links in the
Also, ensure the content you post is Although this option is more involved, a Online forums and communities are all description section. Keep in mind, though,
relevant to your niche. Posting something successful ebook can have long-lasting over the internet these days, and they’re that YouTube requires you to provide
that means nothing to your niche may drive results if done correctly. great places to promote affiliate links. To disclosures letting viewers know you’re
away potential customers. You need to earn Most importantly, when putting together get started, search for a forum that promoting affiliate links.
your audience’s trust, so it’s vital that the an ebook, you should choose a topic discusses topics around the product you The Takeaway
posts you create are meaningful and you’re knowledgeable about. You never want to promote. There are plenty of ways to do affiliate
attractive to them. want to write an ebook simply for the sake Also, make sure to check the community marketing without a website. As we
or forum guidelines so you understand discussed, four of the best are:
what (if any) types of affiliate link posts are 1. Promote through social media
Whichever way you choose to go, allowed. Once you find a good forum or 2. Write an e-book
community, become an active member. 3. Create forums or online
be consistent with your posts, and Your active engagement will help you gain communities
provide your readers, viewers, or the trust of other forum members. 4. Record YouTube videos
Active engagement includes interacting Whichever way you choose to go, be
followers with fresh and useful content. with people, providing helpful answers to consistent with your posts, and provide
Also, make sure to analyze your questions, and offering solutions to your readers, viewers, or followers with
problems. In the context of these fresh and useful content. Also, make sure
progress, be patient, and work toward interactions, you can include your affiliate to analyze your progress, be patient, and
eventually operating a website and links. Over time, community members will work toward eventually operating a
grow to trust you and be willing to click on website and blog. Affiliate marketing takes
blog. Affiliate marketing takes time and the links you provide. time and hard work, but it’s certainly worth
4. Use YouTube Videos it in the end!
hard work, but it’s certainly worth YouTube is one of the most effective
it in the end! platforms for promoting affiliate links. And Source:
16 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

hen it comes to creating new blog
Image Source: SEOBOX
content ideas to post, it isn’t
always a cake walk. And unless
you’re already writing on a regular basis,
most employees and owners alike don’t
know where to begin…especially when the
writer’s block sets in.
I’m in the unique position where I write
everyday. So, let me share with you some of
the ways I come up with new content topics
for the Cazbah blog and beat writer’s block
at it’s own game!
Anyone Can Write
Yes, some people will have more of a
natural talent for writing, but that doesn’t
mean that only those born with it can do the
work. If it takes you a little longer to
remember grammar rules, check your
spelling, or even find the words to write,
that’s OK. Content development isn’t a
sprint to the finish line.
However, even the most accomplished
and practiced writers can sometimes
struggle to come up with new and
interesting web content. Sometimes it feels
like you can only write so much. I’ve been
there, and there have been times when I
can’t possibly think of another word I could
write. I get burned out and frustrated. To
help overcome this issue, I’ve scoured

Destroy Writer’s Block With

various articles and YouTube videos and
have come up with the best list of blog
content ideas to make sure you overcome
writer’s block every time it strikes!

These Blog Content Ideas

But, when it comes to blog content ideas,
there are usually two main issues that arise:
how to create fresh content from old content
and how to come up with original content
ideas in the first place.
Let’s go through both!
Where to Find Your Writing Inspiration 2. Make it your routine to read the work in that sector products or services to create an eye-
You can get content development ideas whole paper every day (if you read the 10. Have themed content for a catching ad or pamphlet
from anywhere, the news, podcasts, office news on your phone, make sure you’re specific day of the week (like a throwback 6. Gather some of your best articles
conversation, a customer’s passing following several diverse news channels) Thursday where you write about your on a topic to form an e-book or case study
comment etc. The most important lesson 3. Make sure you interact with your business’ development over the years) Re-purposing your existing content gives
here is to not close off any opportunity just co-workers or employees at least once a Successful writing is all about emotion. it a longer shelf life, relieves you of the
because it may seem insignificant at the day Having a mixture of personal (while still burden of having to write an original article,
time. In order to come up with new ideas, 4. Read a new quote every day and professional) interests, stories, and promotes your business as relevant and
you need to be continually exposed to new write an article around it experiences is sure to help your audience original, and helps to keep your audience
information and viewpoints. 5. Use a personal story to make a connect with you and your brand. entertained and regularly engaged. Your
You need to hear about a new topic, point Remember, you’re writing for your followers and viewers don’t want to spend
event, or law and research it for yourself. 6. Go to a store or business and audience to help them solve a problem or their whole day scrolling through an endless
Read every section of the paper and don’t people watch (pay attention to how answer a question they might have, so supply of article, it’s just not practical.
always have conversation with your co- customers and employees interact and make sure you have a relatable tone to Give them different methods to interact
workers just about your businesses. If you how the business is run) your writing. with your content that will keep them coming
stay in the same continuous environment, 7. Browse some stock images and Ways to Reboot Your Old Content back to your page or website! Having a
you’ll quickly find your ideas are stale. create an article around them We’ve all been here. You need to queue diverse range of content media will help your
Here are just 10 ways to gain better 8. Find trending topics on Twitter up an article to post on your website and posts stand out in a scroller’s social media
blog content ideas: and read through those Tweets social media accounts, but you have a feed and will also set you apart from your
1. Follow a podcast that isn’t specific 9. Find an area of your business you million other tasks to do and no time to write competitors who stick to article only posts.
to your industry don’t know about and interview those that a brand new article. Where do you turn? Once you transform an article into a new
Your already published blog articles of media form, you can post your new content
course! But, you don’t want to re-publish a separately on your social media and
Creating new blog content tired looking article because it most likely
won’t get you any useful traffic. So instead
website. However, you should also add the
new content form to your old blog article (or
isn’t hard if you know where of deciding not to post anything, re-create
your existing blog article into a new and
at least a link), so your audience has the
option if they find the article first. Not
to look! Don’t spend unnecessary interesting media form!
Neil Patel has a great video with a few
everyone prefers the to interact with content
the same way, so you need to give them
time worrying about what you’re ideas for re-purposing older content you
may not have considered. Check it out!!
In Conclusion
going to post. Instead, read the So, let’s break down 6 options to
ignite your old content:
Creating new blog content isn’t hard if you
know where to look! Don’t spend
tips above to gain fresh content 1.
Turn your article in a SlideShare
Create a marketing video so
unnecessary time worrying about what
you’re going to post. Instead, read the tips
ideas to engage your audience your viewers can watch instead of read
3. Transforms your article into an
above to gain fresh content ideas to engage
your audience and bolster your content
and bolster your content informative infographic
4. Publish a guest post with an
marketing campaign!

marketing campaign! interesting spin

5. Take an article about one of your
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog 17


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18 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

o you use Instagram s a marketing Image Source: Later
channel but do not get enough
conversions? Social media is
rising so is Instagram with each passing
day. Instagram has more than a billion
users that actively use it daily. As a small
business, you have many opportunities to
market your brand on Instagram and
increase your sales rapidly.
Despite millions of active users on
Instagram, getting their attention can be
challenging. However, there are some
tactics you can use to increase sales. You
can purchase Instagram followers and
also use various strategies that definitely
work. Dive into the article to know some
secret tricks that can generously increase
your sales percentage. Let’s begin!
10 Ways to Increase Sales on
Are you new to Instagram marketing?
The ten tips discussed below will
undoubtedly help small businesses make
big money. Here you go:
1. Be Creative
Aesthetic images and videos are an
instant attention grabber and make people
hit the like button. When designing posts
or content for your feed, think from an
Instagram user’s perspective. Staying true
to your business is essential to grab a

10 Ways to Increase
user’s attention.
If you design posts for your business
yourself, make sure it’s colorful and
attractive. Add a hook line in the caption or
on the image to make users stare at it 2
seconds longer. You can also use free
graphic designing apps to enhance an

Sales on Instagram
ordinary image to make it more attractive.
2. Be Real and Authentic
The audience nowadays is smarter than
you think. You cannot make your audience
fool for more than two seconds. It is crucial
to engage with the audience and remain
true to them. Deliver something new with
every post and ensure it is attractive for
Plan the content, post at an optimal time,
and engage with them in comments. Make a sales offer every few months to entice post ads yourself or hire a marketing Also, the paid ads should have a ‘Shop
sure the product you are selling provides people to get your products. Do not miss out business to post targeted ads. If Instagram Now’ call to action button that directs the
value to the customers. Always ask for on festive occasions and create an urgency ads are done right, you will see an potential customer to the website. Direct
their feedback and post positive ones on in people. Creating a sense of FOMO (fear immediate spike in your sales. website visits can also bring attention to
your feed for potential customers to see. of missing out) in people is a great trick to 6. Make Video Content other products you have to offer.
3. Send PRs get them to buy your products. Understanding the algorithm is key if you 9. Buy Instagram Followers
As an emerging business on Instagram, You can also issue promo codes that want to go viral on Instagram and gain more As a new brand, it can be fairly hard to
you may need the help of people with people can use to get freebies or a certain traction towards your profile. Videos are emerge on a highly competitive platform.
ample audience already. Influencers and percentage off. Promo codes are a great Instagram’s best friend and gain two times Initially, you can buy Instagram followers to
Instagram bloggers are open to helping deal that people love. You can also give more engagement than videos. Instagram increase your engagement and bring more
small businesses get the attention they promo codes for the audience to bloggers reels are new-age tools that help user attention. Real and authentic
deserve. You can contact bloggers with promoting your products. Promo codes are businesses reach their sales goals. followers can help you gain the exposure
sufficient audiences to promote your a great way to get people excited to Your feed should not only have the best you have been meaning to get.
product. purchase a product. images of your products but great videos as The Instagram algorithm works in a way
If you don’t have the marketing budget to 5. Run Ads well. Make sure to make small snippets of that it shows people what they want to see.
pay bloggers, offer them a barter deal. If you are a fairly new business, you can your product in action. Keep the videos More traction on your profile can help bring
However, it would be best if you did not use Instagram ads to reach your target short, mobile-friendly, high-quality, and raw. organic followers and increase profile
continue the barter deal practice for audience. Instagram ads are a great The behind the scene videos also do great visits. The bought Instagram followers are
longer. It is great to kickstart but slowly investment one can make for their business. as potential customers get to connect with best for temporary support.
keep aside a budget to pay bloggers for According to users, they make unplanned you on a deeper level. 10. Use Appropriate Hashtags
marketing. purchases at least twice a month seeing 7. Don’t Go Overboard with Influencer Using the right hashtags can do the trick
Small bloggers with 20K to 40K Instagram Ads. Marketing if you want more exposure on Instagram.
following agree to barter deals; you can Instagram Ads hold power over people Influencer marketing is the new-age People don’t understand the importance of
target them and still gain a spike in sales. and make them make blind purchases. strategy that most businesses swear by. It is hashtags as often. However, hashtags can
You can also ask your friends and family to Once you start making money from your one of the best ways to generate more sales make your page appear to the users
try and promote your product on their business, keep a small percentage aside for and get high user attention. However, too scrolling mindlessly and spark their
Instagram through posts and stories. paid promotions. Use targeted ads and use much of it can be off-putting for the interest in your page.
4. Run Promotional Deals a banging call-to-action statement. audience, and your product might lose its Instagram allows you to use up to 30
People love a good sale and a great Businesses get a great chunk of their credibility. hashtags under every post. You can go all
value for their money. It will help if you run sales through Instagram ads. You can either Some brands contact more than 15 out with the hashtags and use as many as
famous influencers simultaneously to you see fit. It is best to use popular
promote their product. Seeing the same hashtags with thousands and millions of
product promoted by multiple bloggers at followers. You can easily grab your

Instagram allows you to use up the same time can irritate the audience.
They might think your product is not that
potential customer’s attention by doing
great, requiring excessive marketing. Final Verdict
to 30 hashtags under every Here are some ways to be subtle with
influencer marketing:
Instagram is a versatile platform for
marketing and provides the best sales
post. You can go all out with the · Ask influencers to be natural and
provide unique video or image scripts.
results. However, your sales target can be
unapproachable sometimes if you don’t
hashtags and use as many as you · Do not only contact high-level
influencers, work with small ones as well.
use the right strategies. The best way can
be to buy Instagram followers and create
· Work to develop organic attractive content. It can take you some
see fit. It is best to use popular engagement more than using paid time to navigate the strategy that works
methods. best for your business.
hashtags with thousands and · Post authentic reviews on your
page as opposed to paid ones.
However, you also have to invest some
money if you want faster results. Make
millions of followers. You can easily 8. Direct the Traffic to your Website
As a brand, having your website is
sure you have a budget for influencer
marketing and paid ads. Using the

grab your potential customer’s essential, especially if you are an online

brand only. One of the best ways to direct
strategies we discussed above, you will
sooner or later reach your marketing goal
traffic to your website is using stories and sooner or later. Best of luck with your sales!
attention by doing that. adding links to your bio. You can also ask
influencers to add a link to your website in Source:
their stories.
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 19

f you’re a small business retailer, you Image Source: TheWebHospitality
know that creating and then
maintaining your product page seo
can be a daunting task. Every page
requires something new so it can be
found in an individual search query.
Many times, you can end of with
hundreds of individual product pages
that aren’t getting any traction at all!
Here are some steps to follow to
better optimize your products’
search engine and social media
1. Choosing a Quality Product
A picture is worth a thousand words.
The truth and importance of that
statement can be clearly seen in the
presence (or absence) of your product
page image. If a person is shopping
you’re ecommerce store, they lose the
ability to actually pick up the product
and judge it. Your optimized product
image is what will help you convert a
searcher into a sale. Your product
image will be the only visual guide your
customer has with that specific product,
so you need to make sure it’s high
quality, well sized, and preferably has
the ability to rotate or be seen from
different angles.
I would never buy a product from an

The Retailer’s Guide

online retailer if there was no interactive
product image available. In my eyes,
that’s a big red flag because I’m literally
gambling with my money on my
expectations for the product. Providing
a quality product image helps establish
trust with your customer.

to Product Page SEO

There are several places to take
advantage of product page SEO, some
that you can’t necessarily see. You want
to make sure you include Alt tags for all
your product images on a page. That
way, an online searcher can find your
product image in the normal results or
the image tab in search engines. Having
the ability for your products to be found
and track the keywords for your the product optimized retail websites give the
in several different locations will only
product pages and see how they -Unique product description potential customer the ability to easily
increase your product exposure and
perform. -Customer product reviews see all your products or find items they
hopefully your sales to follow.
Include your keyword in your product Don’t forget to include your long tail may not have originally considered if
2. Long Tail Keywords Only
page, your page title, and your meta keywords in your product listing and they were shopping in person. That way
As a small business, you’re selling to
description to better optimize for description as well! You should also you don’t have to wait to make a sale
a specific group of people. Your
search engine results. include some of the product until someone comes into your store,
keyword choice and product page SEO
3. Create a Comprehensive description in the meta description so you’re making your products available
need to reflect that. As a small business
Product Listing your potential customers can learn a to potential customers anytime,
retailer, you’re product pages won’t rank
Your product page needs to be little about the product before even anywhere! An optimized mobile website
well for generic keywords because
loaded down with all the information a clicking on your result. Your potential equals more exposure, which equals
you’ll be up against bigger businesses.
searcher will need to decide to buy customers will judge your result more revenue for you!
Concentrate your efforts on reaching
your product. Don’t make them go based on how it compares with others Your mobile site needs to be
that niche population with product-
somewhere else to get the whole story, listed, so you want to include valuable designed for speed and easy
unique keywords. Your target audience
put all the info in one convenient place information like descriptive adjectives navigation to get the best return.
will be using specific, industry terms to
for them. Your product page needs to and prices fight from the get-go. Here’s a checklist to follow when
find your products, so you want to
be designed to convert a lead into a Pro tip: creating your mobile site:
optimize your products with keywords
customer immediately and easily Include short paragraphs and bullet -use JPEG images (PNGs often slow
your customers are actually using.
Essential Product Listing points in your product listings. This will down a site’s load time)
Perform an in-depth keyword
Information: encourage the lead to read more of -have clear CTA buttons that differ
research study to determine those
-Price (include any markdowns and the content on the page and stay on from the rest of the page (this will draw
specific, long tail keywords you want
discounts as well) longer. These formatting types help to the lead’s eyes to it)
to use for each of your product pages.
-Clear product name/ title break up a page and make it easier to -limit the amount of redirect links
You can use a keyword planner like
-Additional images and/or videos of reader to understand. You also want (create your own checkout on your site)
SEMRush and Google Analytics to find
to make your descriptions fun and -limit the amount of unnecessary
engaging to read. Don’t be afraid to code (excessive code increases
use light humor and strong adjectives processing time)
As a retailer, you can’t afford to to attract your lead’s eye! With mobile voice search and internet
search on the rise, it pays to optimize for
4. Think Globally, Act Mobily
be left out of that incredible According to a study, 19% of all mobile. Going this extra mile will show
your potential and current customers
US retail e-commerce sales are done
opportunity. Your e-commerce site on smartphones! that you are a dedicated, thorough
small business.
needs to be fully optimized for As a retailer, you can’t afford to be
left out of that incredible opportunity. In Conclusion
There are many ways you can
mobile to access the full scope of Your e-commerce site needs to be
fully optimized for mobile to access implement product page SEO. Every
product page on your site needs to be
your target audience. Mobile search the full scope of your target audience.
Mobile search is becoming more fully optimized before you’ll start seeing
any measurable results. By using the
is becoming more popular by the popular by the day and younger
generations often prefer to search tips above, you’ll be able to ensure your
day and younger generations often and buy online.
Mobile offers buying ease to the
product pages are easy to navigate for
both leads and search engines.
prefer to search and buy online. customer, which often leads to
higher purchase and sales rates for e- Source:
commerce retailers as well. Mobile
20 SuccessDigest Marketplace Advertiser’s Catalog Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022


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Reaching Your Goals [3]
y next observation is not
scientific but I advise you to

Tip Of The Day stay away from cottage

cheese. Based on my personal
observation, I have come to the
conclusion that cottage cheese is
fattening. I say this because nobody but
fat folks eat cottage cheese. [Dr. Martin story in detail, not in an effort to get you
told me I could eat anything I wanted - $34,000 to over $104,000 in sales in they were easy victims for his awesome
to lose weight but because it involves
then he gave me a list of the things I was just one year. Here is the rest of the skills. When John Wooden sent his
every principle of goal setting and goal
going to want.] story on how he reached that objective. UCLA Bruins onto the basketball court,
reaching. First of all, the goal was mine.
On the serious side, there are two The thing that made the difference is his opponents were so “snioped” that
Neither my red head nor my doctor had
things wrong with roller coaster dieting. the reason I tell the story. He learned the issue was often settled before the
“talked” me into going on a diet or losing
First, to lose weight and then gain it one thing that enabled him to multiply opening buzzer sounded. That’s part,
weight. Second, my credibility was at
back is destructive to your self-image. his business. He learned how to “train but just part, of the reason UCLA won 10
stake since I had said you could be like
Second, it is hard on your physical body fleas.” Do you know how to train fleas? national championships in 12 years.
you wanted to be and I obviously wasn’t
and puts a strain on your entire system I’m serious. It’s critically important that That’s also one of the reasons
like I wanted to be. Third, it represented
[ask your skinny doctor why]. you know how, because until you do, coaches repeatedly teach an athlete to
a strong commitment which you must
Let me also tell it like it is. If you are you will never make it big. I’ll emphasize fight his own fight or play his own game
have if you are to reach your goal. I
going to lose weight you are going to that statement. You are not going to and not let the opposition force him to
Micha Bednarski committed to paper the fact that I
get hungry- and that’s a fact. It will help make it big, success-wise or happiness- play their game.
weighed 165 when in reality I weighed

if you guys will take a 3x5 card and print wise, until and unless you know how to I have a close friend with the Kirby
202. This was ten months before we
these words on it. “Hungry? You bet I train fleas. [Talking about fleas, did you Company whom I often accuse of
went to press and since no publisher
am, but it’s worth it to change from hear the one about the two fleas at the “snioping” his fellow Divisional
would publish the book [until the fourth
‘lard’to’hard’. “The girls should print: bottom of the hill trying to decide if they Supervisors into fighting for second
printing when they decided it would

Yourself in
“Hungry? You bet I am, but I’m should walk or - take a dog?] That is a place. He just grins, but Jim Sperry has
sell], I financed and published it myself.
changing from ‘poundcake’ to fact. Now, I’ll bet you want to know how been first for fifteen consecutive years
My initial order was for 25,000 copies.
‘cheesecake’.” You will still be hungry, to train fleas, don’t you? Say Yes. and every year he has had an increase
[Can you imagine me with 25,000
but you’ll be laughing about it instead of You train fleas by putting them in a jar in business. Fortunately, Jim is aware of
copies in my warehouse saying I

the Face of
crying. with a top on it. Fleas jump, so they will the fact his fellow Supervisors have
weighed 165 and I go waddling around
Dr. Bruno’s book, Think Yourself jump up and hit the top over and over taken dead aim on his spot and are after
at 202? Now friends, that’s a
Thin, will be helpful as you get serious and over again. As you watch them him. Actually Jim encourages the other
commitment.] Fourth, the goal was big-
about doing something about you - for jump and hit the top, you will notice Supervisors in every way possible
lose 37 pounds.

you. I also urge you to turn back to the something interesting. The fleas because he knows the tougher the battle
The rule is simple. If the goal is to be
Self-Image section and remind yourself continue to jump, but they are no longer for first place - the more productive his
effective it must affect change. Fifth, the
that you deserve to be slender and jumping high enough to hit the top. own Division will become.
goal was specific [37 pounds] because
healthy. Remember, pleasure [eating Then, and it’s a matter of record, you The “sniop” listens to the negative
you must be a “meaningful specific” and

too much for you] is very short lived, but can take the top off and though the fleas garbage from the “prophets of doom,”
not a “wandering generality.”
happiness [being pleased with your continue to jump, they won’t jump out of who give him excuses for failure instead
t’s natural to fear the unknown, but Sixth, it was long range - 10 months
slimmer, healthier, extended life - five to the jar. I repeat, they won’t jump out of methods for success. In the process,
uncertainty doesn’t have to be debilitating. [or as explained earlier, intermediate].
twenty years longer] is of much longer because they can’t. The reason is he acquires his own Loser’s Limp. Not
Seventh, it was broken into a daily goal
Here’s how to empower yourself to step duration. simple. They have conditioned so with our enthusiastic cookware
of losing 1.9 ounces. Eighth, I had a
confidently into the unknown and seize the The fringe benefits that go with themselves to jump just so high. Once salesman. Not only was he not a “sniop,”
plan to overcome the surplus weight
opportunities it presents. weight loss are too numerous to they have conditioned themselves to but he had gotten rid of his Loser’s Limp
[diet and jogging]. Ninth, a thorough
· Reframe. Every situation has upsides and enumerate, but this I stress. When you jump just so high, that’s all they can do. and had set a big goal. He had a long-
physical examination had established
reach the weight loss goal you set, your ARE YOU A SNIOP? range goal: to break the record and
downsides. When faced with uncertainty, focus precisely where I was [37 pounds
Man is the same way. He starts out in become the best “pot” salesman in the
self-image and self-confidence will overweight], which you must know in
on the former, rather than the latter. life to write a book, climb a mountain, world. He had a daily goal: to sell $350
grow by leaps and bounds and will order to start in the right direction.
· Prime yourself. There are many types of risks: spread to many other areas of your life. break a record or make a contribution. per working day. He also had a result: he
financial, intellectual, social, emotional, physical, BE A FLEA TRAINER
Remember - success begets Initially, his dreams and ambitions tripled his business in one year.
In Chapter Three of this Segment on
and so on. Identify which ones you have a natural success. Goals, I shared with you the story of the
have no limits but, along the roadway of Incidentally, I know the young man’s
aversion to or affinity with. This will help you Don’t get the wrong idea. I tell the life, he bumps his head and stubs his story quite well because he’s my
cookware salesman who jumped from
approach uncertain situations with more self- toe a few times. younger brother, Judge Ziglar. I’m also
At this point his “friends” and proud that he applied these same “goal
awareness and confidence.
associates often make negative reaching,” flea training principles to
· Take small steps. If you’re unsure how a You might have to comments about life in general and him become one of the top speakers and
situation or idea will play out, starting modestly compromise and settle for in particular and as a result he becomes sales trainers in America. He now
can be more effective and less anxiety-provoking acquiring an 8 handicap a SNIOP. A SNIOP is a person who is teaches others how to reach their goals,
than trying to do everything at once. instead of becoming club Susceptible to the Negative Influence of in seminars all over America. As an
· Prepare yourself for setbacks. It’s frustrating champion and being active
Other People. That’s the reason we officer in our company and as an
when something doesn’t turn out the way you’d suggest you be careful about who you instructor for The Richer Life Course he
hoped or intended. Allow yourself to feel in the PTA instead of share your goals with. Interestingly is busy teaching others how to set
disappointed and frustrated, then ask yourself, president. At any rate, in enough, we can also be “snioped” by records - and train fleas.
order to accomplish these the most positive people in the world.
“What insights can I take away from this?” You’ll For example, when Joe Louis was
be able to learn from the setback and adopt a new objectives, you’ll have to be Heavyweight Champion of the world, he Culled from:
approach. organized Zig Ziglar “snioped” his opponents time after time. SEE YOU AT THE TOP
They were often so paralyzed with fright Author: Zig Ziglar
Source: Harvard Business Review

This Week’s Briefing

ay the word “networking,” the same gender as you? Race?

3 Practically Painless Ways

and most of us die a little Do they look like you? Now
inside. However, there are there’s nothing wrong with social
a few simple steps to take to narrowing. It’s natural to seek out
broaden and deepen your ties, people who are similar to us. But
says business school professor it can be a problem when we need

To Expand Your Network

Tanya Menon. new ideas, new jobs or new
I started teaching business resources. According to research
school 17 years ago, and I’ll often conducted by sociologist Mark
run into my students years and Granovetter, people appear to
years later. When I run into them, memory — it’s because my university with close ties to just a come to business school in part to find their jobs more frequently
I’ve noticed that a funny thing students are creatures of habit. few people who are similar to develop great networks. through their weak ties, or
happens. I don’t just remember They have their favorite seats them, squandering their chances But it’s not just my students — acquaintances, than through
their faces; I’ll also recall exactly near their favorite people, and to build a diverse network. I’d all of us do this. Think about your their strong ties, which are their
where they sat in the classroom they stay there the whole term. guess this is probably far from best friend, the person who you partner or close friends. That’s
and who they sat with. This isn’t The danger of this behavior is their intention. My students are spend the most time with and who
because I have an incredible they’re at risk of leaving the open-minded people, and they’ve is not your partner. Is your friend Click HERE To Continue Reading
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 23

This Book Is Available On
The Leader’s
2. What were the characteristics of the best boss you’ve ever had?
3. Describe how you handled a
conflict with one of your co-workers.
4. What kind of feedback do you

Greatest Return
expect to receive in this role, and
how often do you expect to receive
Attitude of the potential leaders:
Are they willing?
Attitude is a choice, and at the
heart of a good attitude is
Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders willingness to learn, to improve, to

serve, to think of others, to add
hat is the greatest return on a leader’s time? After leaders have What is your organization trying to value, to do the right thing, and to
invested in their own leadership growth, what is the best way to do? Do you possess a clear make sacrifices for the team.
accomplish their vision and grow their organizations? Develop target? Do you know what you’re Leadership skill may come from the
leaders! The more leaders an organization has and the better equipped going after? That will tell you what head, but leadership attitude comes
they are to lead, the more successful the organization and all of its leaders. kind of leaders you need to find to from the heart.
In The Leader’s Greatest Return, John Maxwell shares his most improve your organization. Ability of the potential leaders:
Assets on hand: Who has Are they able? How do you know
important lessons about the
potential leaders are gifted in a
leadership development process
particular area? They will be good at
over the last quarter century. He You must give up looking to it—that displays excellence.
instructs readers in how to
They will have opportunities to
recognize potential leaders, attract cross a finish line and instead use it—that creates expansion.

The Leader’s
leaders by creating a leadership
“table,” position leaders to build a find your own internal fulfillment They will draw other people to
them—that shows attraction. They
winning team, and more. Following
Maxwell’s guiding principles,
line. That’s something you can will enjoy doing it—that brings

leaders will experience the cross each and every day when Accomplishments of the potential
compounding value of developing
leaders: Have they produced
leaders and achieve the highest you embrace the process of results? What have they achieved?

levels of leadership themselves.
Anyone who wants to take the developing leaders. When given a task, do they
complete it with excellence? Do
next step in their leadership, start
they meet and exceed goals? Do
building their organization or team
they deliver? If they can produce
today, and create their legacy for That’s something you can cross leadership potential within the results for themselves, they have
Attracting, Developing, tomorrow needs to read The each and every day when you organization? Where is the best the potential to help other people
Leader’s Greatest Return. embrace the process of place to begin looking for potential succeed.
and Multiplying Leaders Introduction: Everyone Wins
When You Develop Leaders
developing leaders. leaders to develop? In your own 2. Attracting Leaders: Invite
Developing leaders is the best organization or on your team. It just Them to the Leadership Table
There is nothing in this world way to grow any organization. makes sense for so many reasons: Having a leadership table means
Key Concepts Covered that gives a greater ROI to a leader Grow a leader, grow the They are a known quantity. They creating a place in your
In This Book: than attracting, developing, and organization. A company cannot already fit the culture. They have organization or on your team where
multiplying leaders. grow throughout until its leaders already established influence. people have a place to learn, an
It’s the key to success for any Assets not on hand: Who has
l To find, attract, and country, family, organization, or
grow within.
Developing leaders is the only leadership potential outside of the
opportunity to practice leadership
with its successes and failures, and
connect with potential institution. As you take the
leadership journey, there are some
way to create a leadership culture.
Culture impacts every aspect of
organization? Sometimes you
can’t find who you’re looking for in
a chance to shine. Having a
leadership table with open seats is
leaders. things you need to prepare
yourself for.
how organizations function. If your own organization or on your perhaps the best way to attract
you’re a leader in an organization, team. But bringing in outsiders can
To motivate, train, and Developing leaders is going to only you can create a positive create challenges because of the
leaders, not only within an
organization but also from outside.
be difficult but worthwhile. Many
empower leaders to be people who lead let themselves
leadership culture, and you can do
it only by developing more
unknowns. The greatest challenge
is cultural compatibility. David
Why? Because nothing is more
attractive to a potential
and do their best. become comfortable attracting and
leading followers instead of
leaders. Walker, CEO and co-founder of
Triplemint real estate brokerage in
leader than to be asked to sit at
If you desire to improve your the leadership table.
To teach leaders to seeking out and developing
leaders. Followers usually follow.
team and achieve your dream, New York City, recommends To make your leadership and
asking four questions:
work in teams. Leaders, not so much. However,
you will need to learn how to take
each of the following 10 steps. 1. How did the culture at your
your organization attractive to
potential leaders, here’s what you
the work of investing your life in
To mentor, reproduce, developing other leaders has a
1. Identifying Leaders: Find
Them So You Can Develop
last company empower or
disempower you?
need to make sure happens at your

and compound leaders high return.

Developing leaders is a job that
Them Click HERE To Continue Reading
For a leader who develops
to receive the highest never comes to an end. If you
desire to fulfill a bold vision or do
leaders, there is something Attitude is a choice, and at
possible return. something great, you have to let go
scarcer and much more important
than ability. It is the ability to the heart of a good attitude is
of a microwave mindset for
leadership. The process can’t be
recognize ability. Take a look at
these six areas of identification
willingness to learn, to improve, to
done instantly. It’s slow, like a
Crock-Pot. Anything worthwhile
and answer each of the serve, to think of others, to add
ailable On Amazo
(This Book Is Av corresponding questions, and
To get a cop y of this bo ok and other
oks, Please
takes time. you’ll know what you’re looking value, to do the right thing, and
life-transforming bo, You must give up looking to
Visit: … Amazon.c
om, BarnesAndNo
line or off- line book store. cross a finish line and instead find
for. to make sacrifices for the
or any other good
on Assessment of needs: What is
your own internal fulfillment line. needed? Who are you looking for? team.
Author: John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 31 million books in 50 languages. He has been identified as the #1 leader in business by the American Management Association® and the
most influential leadership expert in the world by Business Insider and Inc. magazines. He is the founder of The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, organizations that have trained
millions of leaders from every country of the world.

From The Leader’s Greatest Return: Attracting, Developing, and Multiplying Leaders by John C. Maxwell, copyright © 2020 by John C. Maxwell. Published by arrangement with HarperCollins Leadership, a division of HarperCollins Focus, LLC. 256
pages, ISBN 978-0-7180-9853-7.
24 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

Mar r s
ket in
g Su p e r s ta

The 22 Immutable
Laws Of Markting
Violate Them At Your Own Risk

I Law Number 12.

The Law of
f violating any of our laws was a
punishable offense, a large portion
of corporate America would be in jail.
By far the most violated law in our
book is the law of line extension. What’s
even more diabolical is that line
extension is a process that takes place

Line Extension
continuously, with almost no conscious
effort on the part of the corporation. It’s
like a closet or a desk drawer that fills up
with almost no effort on your part.
One day a company is tightly focused
on a single product that is highly
profitable. The next day the same
company is spread thin over many
products and is losing money.
Take IBM. Years ago when IBM was
focused on mainframe computers, the There’s an irresistible pressure to
extend the equity of the brand.
company made a ton of money. Today
IBM is into everything and barely
breaking even. In 1991, for example,
IBM’s revenues were $65 billion. Yet home computer market with the PCjr. plants the seeds for its future problems. Microsoft is the leader in personal
the company wound up losing $2.8 Along the way, IBM dropped millions Take Microsoft, the most successful computer operating systems, but it
billion. That’s almost $8 million a day. on copiers (sold to Kodak), Rolm (sold company in the software field. (Even trails the leaders in each of the
In addition to selling mainframe to Siemens), Satellite Business though the company is one-fiftieth the following major categories:
computers, IBM markets personal Systems (shut down), the Prodigy size of General Motors, Microsoft’s spreadsheets (Lotus is the leader),
computers, pen computers, network (limping along), SAA, stock is worth more than GM’s.) What is word processing (WordPerfect is the
workstations, midrange computers, TopView, OfficeVision, and OS/2. Microsoft’s strategy? leader), and business graphics
software, networks, telephones, you When a company becomes In a word, more. (Harvard Graphics from SPC
name it. IBM even tried to get into the incredibly successful, it invariably “Microsoft Corp. said it is Software Publishing is the leader).
aggressively seeking the dominant Microsoft keeps puffing itself up by
share in every major software expanding into new categories, such

When a company applications category in the personal

computer field,” said the Wall Street
Journal recently. “Michael Maples,
as pen computers. Recently, Microsoft
bought Fox Software for $170 million
in order to get into the data base
becomes incredibly senior vice president of Microsoft’s
applications division, suggested that
software field. (What do you bet the
company kills the Fox and changes it
Microsoft might be able to achieve as to Microsoft?)
successful, it invariably much as a 70 percent share in every
major applications category,” continued
There are ominous signs of softness
in Microsoft’s strategy. The Economist

plants the seeds for its the Journal.

Whom does that sound like? Sounds
reported in early 1992, “Mr. Gates is
putting together a range of products,
like IBM. based on a common core of
future problems. Microsoft is setting itself up as the
next IBM, with all the negative
technology, that will compete across

implications the name suggests.

Click HERE To Continue Reading
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 25

Successful Companies Highlight!

The Making Of The World’s Most Successful Companies … Their Winning Strategies To Copy

SD Team

image source:

How 18 Year Old Created A

Multi-Million Pound Company
Despite A-Level Failure

image source:

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About Us
The CDMSD Team

L/R: Babatunde T. Oloyede; Oluremi Olowookere; Jadesola Shonupe;

Samson Ojeagbase; Cynthia Ibe; Francis Jacob; and Korede Idowu

uccessDigest Marketplace is a digital
marketplace that creatively gives opportunities
to savvy online shoppers and offline shoppers
who are still learning to shop online to shop conveniently
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A collaborativ e partnership between Complete Digital

Marketing Services(CDMSD), a division of Complete
Communications Limited, publishers of Complete
Sports, Nigeria’s No 1 sports daily, and SuccessDigest,
Nigeria’s No 1 Life-changing digital magazine, owned
by Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC), an

SuccessDigest Marketplace is a specialized

marketplace where small to medium businesses and
their customers meet to do business.
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32 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

3 Practically Painless Ways

To Expand Your Network being high status. Rather, the narrowing we saw with the low-
iStock status group can happen to us when we feel especially
vulnerable, powerless and at risk. It happened to me after I
had a baby. Imagine being suddenly and spontaneously
unfriended by everyone in your network other than your mom,
your dad and your dog. That’s essentially what some of us are
doing to ourselves psychologically. We mentally compress
our networks when we are harassed, bullied or being
threatened by job loss. We close ourselves off, isolating
ourselves, creating a huge blind spot where we can’t see our
resources, allies and opportunities.
How can we overcome this? Go down your lists of
Facebook friends and LinkedIn friends, and most likely you’ll
see people who are in your network but who may not
automatically come to your mind when you’re feeling
threatened or down. Also, remind yourself of your own
strengths and your own values. Coauthors Leigh Thompson,
Hoon Seok Choi and I conducted another study about how we
seek advice from other people. We found that people were
more likely to avoid advice from those they were close to
because they felt envious of them or threatened by them, and
they were more likely to accept advice from outsiders because
they were viewed as less threatening. But when we had
participants affirm themselves by writing down things that
made them proud about themselves (for example,”I love my
family” and “I love animals”), they were more willing to learn
from the people who had been more threatening to them.
Strategy #3: Use “thank you” and “you’re welcome” as
diversity or unpredictable people? For example, some chances to strengthen your relationships.
students of mine play pickup basketball games, which attract Think about the last time someone asked you for something
Contd from page 22 different people every week. The dog park is another place in a professional context, you did it, and they thanked you.
that brings you together with people you might not meet Besides replying with “You’re welcome” or “No problem” or
because when it comes to strong ties, your networks can otherwise. “Np” or “No worries,” did you say anything else? If not, you’ve
be redundant — in general, you and your close Strategy #2: Be more courageous in your outreach. missed an opportunity. Persuasion theorist Robert Cialdini
connections know the same people. But your weak ties, A few years ago, I went through a very eventful few months. suggests saying “I know you’d do the same for me” after
which include people you just met once in passing, are I lost a job, I managed to get a dream job, I accepted it, I had a “You’re welcome,” which can serve as a subtle reminder that
your ticket to a whole new social world (TEDxOSU Talk: baby the next month, I got sick, I was unable to take the dream you might ask for a favor in the future.
Strategies to widen your social universe). However, most job. In a short span of time, I lost my identity as a faculty This goes the other way, too. When someone recently did
of us don’t use our tickets very well, and we stay awfully member and acquired a stressful new identity as a mother. I something for you, did you just reply with a “Thank you,” “thx”
close to home. Here are three easy strategies to try to also got tons of advice from people, and the advice I disliked or “ty”? Next time, say “Let me know if I can ever help you” or “I
expand your sphere of influence. more than any other was “You’ve got to go out and network look forward to collaborating again.” Sentences like these can
Strategy #1: Use a more imperfect social search with everyone.” When your psychological world has broken reinforce our ties with other people. Yes, you’re quietly
engine. down, I can tell you the hardest thing to do is to reach out and acknowledging the transaction that has taken place between
There’s no new app you need to download or site to build your social and professional worlds. Coauthors Ned you two, and this might seem cold and calculating and make
access. I use the phrase “social search engine” to define Smith, Leigh Thompson and I studied this idea. We had some people feel uncomfortable. But these expressions can
how we find and filter friends and acquaintances. People participants classify themselves as high or low help smooth an interaction — they’re respectful of the other
often tell me they’re hoping to find a new job or project by socioeconomic status. Then, we told half of them to imagine person’s humanity and signal your openness to continue the
networking. However, for most of us, our networks are they’d gotten their dream job. We asked the other half to exchange. After someone has, for instance, given you an
quite predictable and unlikely to present us with these imagine that they had their dream job but they’d lost it. After informational interview or had coffee with you, go beyond
novel opportunities. Think about your daily path through these prompts, we had all the participants activate, or call to “thanks” — find a way that you can be useful to them, now or
the world, and what you’ll probably discover is you start at mind, their social networks. After thinking about the job-loss later. The best networkers are able to recognize the the
home, you take the same route to your workplace or to scenario, we found the low status group tended to reach resources they can get from others and also the resources
school, you might even use the same elevator, staircase or inwards, activating networks that were smaller and less they can give to others. It takes little time or effort to be more
entrance to get in. During the day, you probably use the diverse, and the high status group reached outwards, intentional about broadening and deepening your social ties.
same stall in the same bathroom. After work, you might go activating a larger social network. Source:
to the gym or stop by a handful of stores, and then you go However, the takeaway here is not about the benefits of
home. It’s like set stops on a train schedule. You’ve worked
out an efficient way of living your life, but you end up seeing
the same people because they’re also following their own

After someone has, for

routines. Why not make your network slightly more
inefficient? Go to a bathroom on a different floor, get your
morning coffee from a different place, park in a different
spot. You should encounter a new network of people.

instance, given you an

Another way we get stuck in ruts is through filtering. We
do this automatically and immediately. The minute we
meet someone, we look at them and decide “You’re
interesting” or “You’re not interesting” or “You’re relevant”
or “You’re not relevant.” What I want to encourage you to
do is to fight your filters. Think carefully about your day-to-
day life, and try to identify the person whom you find the informational interview or
had coffee with you, go
least interesting. And then connect with them — start a
conversation or ask them for coffee. Force yourself to
connect with who you don’t want to connect with, and you’ll
widen your social world. With my students, I’ve learned not

beyond “thanks” — find a

to let them sit in their favorite seats. I move them around; I
force them to work with different people so there are more
accidental bumps in their networks. Coauthors Arjun
Chakravarti, Chris Winship and I studied this at Harvard

way that you can be useful

University, where freshmen rooming groups, like at most
colleges, are assigned. As a result, people from different
races, ethnicities and backgrounds are thrown together.
Some students might be initially uncomfortable, but the
amazing thing is by the end of the year many of them
choose to keep living with their roommates, showing that
these random connections between diverse people can
result in positive relationships.
to them, now or later.
Besides talking to people you’d typically avoid, are there
any places or activities where you can get injections of
Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022 SuccessDigest 33


The Leader’s
Contd from page 23 If you want to develop people, stay close to them
leadership table: and coach them while allowing them to gain hands-
People at the table can experience a leadership on experience doing things that will expand them
culture. A company’s culture is the expression of the and prompt them to grow.
values of the people within the organization. It is the Set equipping goals with them. At some point in
the equipping process, you need to set goals for

Greatest Return
sum of the behavior of the people, not a reflection of
what you want it to be. People do what people potential leaders. Make sure the goals are tailored
see—and they keep doing it. to each person. Make sure the goals are attainable.
People at the table participate in the dynamics of Make sure the goals require them to stretch. Make
the table. Creating a leadership roundtable allows sure the goals are measurable. Make sure the goals
you to provide a good environment for your team are clear and in writing.
members to grow, learn, and begin embracing the Remove barriers to growth. Sometimes that
dynamics of leadership. It can be a fantastic tool for means giving them tools or providing the resources
shaping leaders. them—room for articulation, communication, l Mastery—leaders want to excel at their work. they need. Other times it means introducing them to
People at the table benefit from the power of innovation, and problem-solving. As a leader who l Recognition—leaders want others to people who can help them—inside and outside the
proximity. Leadership is more caught than taught. develops leaders, you need to be looking ahead. appreciate their accomplishments. organization. And it always means creating an
That’s why one of the best ways for potential leaders Front-end questions set the direction of the l Money—leaders want to be financially secure. environment that allows people to flourish.
to learn how leaders think, problem-solve, and act is conversation, draw out what they see and compare How well does each of these motivate you? Give 6. Empowering Leaders: Release Them to
to spend time with them at the table. Getting the it to your perspective, help you discover their yourself a score from 1 to 5 for each. Highly Reach Their Potential
opportunity to be present in a strategy meeting is intuitive potential, learn how much they rely on motivated people tend to score themselves highly in If you make the effort to identify and attract
eye-opening. Listening to leaders wrestle through assumptions, and find out if you are both on the all seven areas. In fact, the more of them that inspire leaders and then understand, motivate, and equip
issues, seeing how they make choices, and same page. a person, the higher the odds that person will stay them but then fail to take the next step of
watching how they interact with one another are Back-end questions prompt leaders to evaluate motivated. empowering them, it would be like searching for a
some of the best gifts a potential leader can receive and reflect on their experiences. They help gauge As you develop leaders, you need to learn what Thoroughbred racehorse, purchasing him, training
from you. their level of awareness and clarify what they motivates them and tap into that motivation. Focus and preparing him to race, and then never letting
The power of proximity creates “who luck,” a term observed, how they felt, what they learned, and how first on what motivates them the most, but also him out of the stable and onto the track. It would be
coined by author Jim Collins. Simply stated, it’s who they will apply it. inspire them in every area you can. such a waste of talent! Racehorses love to race.
you know. It’s valuable to you as a leader, and it can Front-end questions set the agenda, while back- 5. Equipping Leaders: Train Them to Be Great They want to run. That’s what they are born to do.
become an incredible asset to the leaders you invite end questions maximize the agenda. Front-end at Their Job Like racehorses, good leaders want to do what they
to the table. Show them the value of who luck. When questions encourage preparation, while back-end It’s at the equipping stage that multiplication were made for. They want to be empowered to lead.
you possess who luck, in any Where does the ability to
challenging situation, empower others come
instead of asking yourself, from? It is based primarily on
“What should I do?” you ask earning respect, building
yourself, “Who do I know
who can help me?”
The greatest leaders relationships, and providing
an environment of
You don’t need to know
everything. You just need to
know enough people who
aren’t necessarily the Respect: Earn the power
of credibility by achieving

ones who do the greatest

between them know success. When you
everything. empower your leaders, you
People at the table get to increase their power to plan,
practice leadership. In the
end, the only way for any things. They are the ones who think, grow, problem-solve,
and act. You give them the
power to be more
empower others to do great
person to learn leadership is
to lead. Leading isn’t a successful.
theoretical exercise. Lead is You must have power to
give power away. That
a verb, and to get better at
leadership, people have to
lead, whether they’re leading
things. To do that, leaders power comes from
credibility. Only after you
as a businessperson, a
volunteer, an employee, a need to be willing to give up have achieved success and
earned influence do you
have credibility. Credibility
parent, or a coach.
Everybody has to start
center stage. develops as outward
success and inward
Why not let your potential success. Outward success,
leaders start practicing at the which is what you achieve in
table with you and other your career, catches the
leaders who can help them? questions encourage reflection. happens. attention of others. You have
3. Understanding Leaders: Connect With Become a better listener. How many times have When you start equipping leaders and helping influence with them because of your professional
Them Before You Lead Them you heard people complain that their bosses don’t them become great at their jobs, you begin credibility.
Before you lead and develop people, you need to listen? People in authority usually prefer to talk. experiencing the compounding of influence, time, Inner success grows when you lead yourself well.
connect with them. You need to find common ground However, there is perhaps no better way to connect energy, resources, ideas, money, and effectiveness. It comes from the development of good character,
with potential leaders, which is less about ability and with people than to become a better listener. It’s one thing to ask people to join your team and from making the right decisions instead of the easy
more a function of attitude. Why is it so important to Listening leads to understanding people, is the take the journey with you. It’s another to equip them decisions, from putting in the work of intentional
touch a heart before you ask for a hand? Because best way to learn, and engenders trust and with a road map for the trip. Good leaders provide a growing instead of taking life as it comes. While the
people don’t automatically commit to you and follow connection. Listening draws people to you, which means for people on the team to get where they need outward career success gives you credibility based
you when they understand you. They commit to you works much better than trying to push your to go. on what you can do, the personal growth that fuels
and follow when they feel understood. The best way leadership on them. Empathy builds trust. Not only that, good leaders also help them rise up inward success fills you up so that you have
to do that is to try to see the world from their 4. Motivating Leaders: Encourage Them to to who they can be. You can be successful in the something to give from who you are.
perspective, always ask questions, and become a Give Their Best process if you focus on six essential practices. Relationships: Be secure enough to give your
better listener. Every leader’s organization or team possesses Be an example others want to follow. Developing power away. You cannot empower people if you
Try to see the world from their perspective. Good people who seem to lack motivation. It’s difficult to yourself comes first because you cannot give what allow your insecurities to control you. Why?
leadership requires a perspective shift from “it’s all get them moving, and if you do succeed, it’s only a you do not have. Telling others to do what you Insecure leaders want to be the center of
about me” to “it’s all about others.” That means we matter of time until they slow back down again. If haven’t done yourself isn’t equipping. It’s bossing. everything. They love the incredible emotional
need to try to see things from others’ points of view. getting them to move isn’t a big enough challenge, When you learn, experience, apply, and then return of feeling indispensable. They make
Learn perspective thinking. While people’s hopes keeping them moving is. It can be exhausting. develop others, that’s not bossing; it’s leading. everything all about themselves, and what they do is
and dreams may be unique, they share many Author Zig Ziglar was right when he said, “People Ask yourself, “What am I learning”? “What am I motivated by preserving their power, not giving it
characteristics, and as a leader, you can connect often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither experiencing?” “What am I applying?” “Who am I away. The greatest leaders aren’t necessarily the
with them when you know those things. does bathing— that’s why we recommend it daily.” developing?’ ones who do the greatest things. They are the ones
Good leaders inspire others only to the extent that Gather your potential leaders around you. No who empower others to do great things. To do that,
l Most people are insecure. Give them
they inspire themselves. After they’ve discovered matter how busy you are or how demanding your leaders need to be willing to give up center stage.
their own internal motivations, they can fan that leadership situation, you will only be able to equip Environment: Create a place where empowered
l Most people want to feel special. Compliment
spark into a roaring fire. We also want to coach them potential leaders effectively if you take the time to leaders can rise up. Take a look at the seven
to a place where tapping into their own internal gather them close to you and invest time in them. characteristics of an empowering environment,
l Most people need to be understood. Listen to motivations is a habit. There is no substitute for intentional proximity. make note of how many of them describe your
them. This process depends on knowing your team Ask the right questions. Effective equipping organization or team, and think about ways you
l Most people want direction. Walk with them. members individually. You must connect with them, begins with asking the potential leader you intend to could promote them where you lead.
l Most people are selfish. Speak to their needs understand them, and know what makes them tick. equip the right questions. How else will you know
first. Consider the seven motivations of leaders: what direction your equipping efforts need to take Empowering environments
l Most people want to be included. Ask their l Purpose—leaders want to do what they were with people? If you don’t ask questions, you may find l Embrace people’s potential;
opinion. created to do. yourself teaching the wrong people the wrong things l Give people freedom;
l Most people want success. Help them win. l Autonomy—leaders want the freedom to at the wrong time for the wrong reason. l Encourage collaboration;
l Most people want to be appreciated. Give them control their lives. Encourage potential leaders to learn by doing. l Welcome accountability;
credit. l Relationships—leaders want to do things with Few things cement learning like actually doing the l Give people ownership;
Always ask questions. When you give direction to other people. work yourself, hands on. Theory and instruction
l Value people serving one another;
your team, you often confine them. When you ask l Progress—leaders want to experience alone produce limited results. The moment people
l Reward production.
questions, you create discovery room for personal and professional growth. get involved, their abilities rise quickly.
34 SuccessDigest Saturday, September 3 - Friday, September 9, 2022

The Law of
Contd from page 24

virtually the whole of the software

industry: from big computers to small
ones, and from operating systems in the
information engine-room to graphics

Line Extension
programs that draw every picture for
Nobody in the software industry has
yet managed a venture of that
complexity—though IBM has tried and
When you try to be all things to all
people, you inevitably wind up in
trouble. “I’d rather be strong
somewhere,” said one manager, “than Bic lighters. Bic pantyhose? Ultra Slim-Fast Plus.” Daniel Abraham, What does IBM stand for? It used to
weak everywhere.” Chanel. Chanel for men? Chairman. stand for “mainframe computers.” Today
In a narrow sense, line extension Tanqueray gin. Tanqueray vodka? (Good luck and good night, Mr. it stands for everything, which means it
involves taking the brand name of a Coors beer. Coors water? Abraham.) stands for nothing.
successful product (e.g., A-1 steak Heinz ketchup. Heinz baby food? Why does top management believe Why is Sears, Roebuck in trouble?
sauce) and putting it on a new product USA Today. “USA Today on TV”? that line extension works, in spite of the Because the company tried to be all
you plan to introduce (e.g., A-1 poultry Adidas running shoes. Adidas overwhelming evidence to the contrary? things to all people. Sears was big in
sauce). cologne? One reason is that while line extension is hard goods, so it went into soft goods
It sounds so logical. “We make A-1, a Pierre Cardin clothing. Pierre Cardin a loser in the long term, it can be a winner and then fashion. The company even
great sauce that gets the dominant wine? in the short term (chapter 11: The Law of hired Cheryl Tiegs. (Do fashion models
share of the steak business. But really buy their miniskirts at Sears?)
people are switching from beef to Image Source: AbrahamUniversity
In the conventional view, a
chicken, so let’s introduce a business strategy usually consists
poultry product. And what better of developing an all-encompassing
name to use than A-1. That way vision. In other words, what concept
people will know the poultry sauce or idea is big enough to hold all of a
comes from the makers of that company’s products and services
great steak sauce, A-1.” on the market today as well as those
But marketing is a battle of that are planned for the future?
perception, not product. In the conventional view, strategy
In the mind, A-1 is not the brand is a tent. You stake out a tent big
name, but the steak sauce itself. enough so it can hold everything
“Would you pass me the A-1?” you might possibly want to get into.
asks the diner. Nobody replies: “A- IBM has erected an enormous
1 what?” computer tent.
In spite of an $18 million Jay Abraham Nothing in the computer field,
advertising budget, the A- 1 poultry today or in the future, will fall outside
launch was a dismal failure. the IBM tent. This is a recipe for
There are as many ways to line disaster. As new companies, new
extend as there are galaxies in the products, new ideas invade the
universe. And new ways get For many companies, line computer arena, IBM is going to get
invented every day. In the long run blown away. You can’t defend a
and in the presence of serious extension is the easy way out. rapidly growing market like
competition, line extensions computers even if you are a
almost never work.
Creating flavors is a popular way
Launching a new brand requires not financial power- house like IBM.
From a strategic point of view, you
to try to grab market share. More
flavors, more share. Sounds right,
only money, but also an idea or have to be much more selective,
picking and choosing the area in
but it doesn’t work.
Back in 1978, when 7-Up was
concept. For a new brand to which to pitch your tent.
Strategically, General Motors is in
simply the lemon-lime uncola, it
had a 5.7 percent share of the soft-
succeed, it ought to be first in a the same boat as IBM. GM is into
anything and everything on wheels.
drink market. Then the company
added 7-Up Gold, Cherry 7-Up, new category Sedans, sports cars, cheap cars,
expensive cars, trucks, minivans,
and assorted diet versions. Today even electric cars. So what is GM’s
7-Up’s share is down to 2.5 business strategy? If it runs on the
percent. Levi’s blue jeans. Levi’s shoes? Perspective). road, or off the road, we’ll chase it.
Wherever you look, you’ll find line Colgate-Palmolive: “We want to Management is also blinded by an For many companies, line extension is
extensions, which is one reason why leverage our basic core brands and trade intense loyalty to the company or brand. the easy way out. Launching a new
stores are choked with brands. (There on our brand names to extend into new Why else would PepsiCo have brand requires not only money, but also
are 1,300 shampoos, 200 cereals, 250 categories.” Ed Fogarty, President. introduced Crystal Pepsi in spite of the an idea or concept. For a new brand to
soft drinks.) Campbell Soup Company: failures of Pepsi Light and Pepsi AM? succeed, it ought to be first in a new
Invariably, the leader in any category “Leveraging and extending high-quality, More is less. The more products, the category (chapter 1: The Law of
is the brand that is not line extended. repeat-purchase brand names is always more markets, the more alliances a Leadership). Or the new brand ought to
Take baby food, for example. preferred over launching a new name.” company makes, the less money it be positioned as an alternative to the
Gerber has 72 percent of the market, David W. Johnson, CEO. makes. “Full-speed ahead in all leader (chapter 9: The Law of the
way ahead of Beech-Nut and Heinz, the Del Monte: “We’re dedicated to the directions” seems to be the call from the Opposite). Companies that wait until a
two line-extended brands. single brand concept. We’re going to corporate bridge. When will companies new market has developed often find
In spite of evidence that line keep extending the Del Monte name into learn that line extension ultimately leads these two leadership positions already
extensions don’t work, companies new areas.” Ewan MacDonald, to oblivion? preempted. So they fall back on the old
continue to pump them out. Here are President. Less is more. If you want to be reliable line extension approach.
some examples: Ultra Slim-Fast: “There will be soups, successful today, you have to narrow the The antidote for line extension is
Ivory soap. Ivory shampoo? pastas, salad dressings, soda, fruit focus in order to build a position in the corporate courage, a commodity in short
Life Savers candy. Life Savers gum? juices and a new, thicker diet drink called prospect’s mind. supply.

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