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尊 敬 的 评 为 老 师 大 家 下 午 好 , 我 是 来 自 Suan Sunandha Rajabhat

University,我叫 Wu Xuanlin 我的导师是 Thada Siththada,今天

演讲的题目是 Analysis of employment status of private

colleges and countermeasures

Dear teachers, good afternoon, I am from Suan Sunandha

Rajabhat University, my name is Wu Xuanlin, my tutor is

Thada Siththada, the topic of today's speech is Analysis of

employment status of private colleges and countermeasures


With the continuous development of higher education,

more and more colleges and universities begin to expand the

enrollment scale, and the number of college graduates is

increasing, aggravating the problem of "difficult

employment", and "difficult employment" is particularly

prominent in private undergraduate universities. Therefore,

it is an important step to improve the employment

competitiveness of private undergraduate students and their

reasons, and to explore the corresponding countermeasures

of the employment status of private undergraduate students.

随着高等教育的不断发展,越来越多的高校开始扩大招生规模 ,大学毕业


The number of college graduates is also growing larger.

However, the improvement of the quality of national

education has also brought about a problem- -the difficulty

of employment, which has also become a sensitive topic of

public concern. The college students of private

universities are generally weaker than other public

undergraduate universities because of their own quality.

The employment problem of students in private undergraduate

colleges is also an important part of the employment

problem of college students

中从事服务类工作岗位的毕业生就占据了 39%,从事技术类工作岗位的占到
发展空间不大。Most people work in low-level jobs with little room for
development. Data survey shows that in private undergraduate colleges
and universities, most graduates can only engage in low-level work
and low development pattern. Among them, 39 percent of graduates are
in service jobs, and 20 percent are in technical jobs. It can be seen
that most of the private undergraduate graduates are engaged in
strong substitution, low level and little space for development.
Employment expectation and employment ability deviate greatly.
Namely, the employment expectation of private undergraduate graduates
is too high, and their own ability is insufficient. Many private
undergraduate graduates lack initiative in the work, lack of hard
work spirit, continue to the employment choice, it is afraid of
difficulties, no courage to start from the grass-roots level. Lack of
positive job belief and high expectations for the work, so that they
gradually lose confidence in the work
Employment satisfaction is generally not high. Private colleges lower
than the influence of public colleges and universities, and some
private colleges professional setting and market demand is not match,
students in employment will face employment opportunities or not
associated with professional, and private colleges in employment
guidance, or insufficient, students may encounter in the process of
confusion and uncertainty, so the student employment satisfaction is
generally not high.
There is a certain relationship between the employment situation of
students in private colleges and the region. Most of the private
colleges and universities are regional universities, and the students
mainly come from the surrounding areas. There is a close relationship
between the employment situation of the students and the region.
Different industrial structure and economic development level in
different regions, and developed regions usually have richer economic
resources and more employment opportunities

how to conduct research

析,得出民办高校本科生就业存在的主要问题 This paper mainly analyzes
the employment rate data of private universities and the employment
status analysis to obtain the main employment problems of private
分析民办本科毕业生就业存在问题的原因。可以概括为四个方面 Analyze the
reasons of the employment problems of private undergraduate
graduates. It can be summarized into four aspects。
位。In terms of units, with the expansion of college enrollment and
the scarcity of employment positions, the employment standards of
enterprises are also constantly improving. Some enterprises believe
that the ability of private undergraduate college graduates is not
enough to cope with the job.
不足。In terms of schools, the curriculum setting of some private
undergraduate colleges is unreasonable. There is no targeted
curriculum arrangement for the job market and students 'needs, but
blindly follow the trend of setting courses, resulting in the lack of
students' ability.
路等。In terms of students, students' employment concept has
problems. If you do not make a plan for your future development
direction, do not make a reasonable positioning according to your own
development conditions, and do not consider the future promotion and
development path.
大。ResearchOn the economic side, the economic downturn and the
shrinking demand of the job market occur, with fewer jobs and greater
competition for employment.


略。Therefore, in view of the above analyzed employment status and
reasons, the employment strategy of private undergraduate graduates
is now put forward.
的政策,使政策更加有力、更有温度。The government should strengthen
the support for private college students and encourage their own
entrepreneurship. In practice, we should strengthen the guidance of
public opinion, actively promote the successful cases of returning
home to play a typical demonstration effect; increase the policy
support, optimize the entrepreneurial environment, study the
establishment of college students entrepreneurial fund, and give
corresponding funding according to the local actual situation. At the
same time, governments at all levels should actively implement the
national policy on college students to start businesses to make the
policy more powerful and warm
will fully explore employment channels. Facing the current grim
employment situation of college students. On the one hand, we should
make good use of the preferential policies of civil service
examination and expanding the recruitment scale of state-owned
enterprises, encourage college students to work for the grassroots
level, and vigorously promote the preferential policies for college
students to enlist. On the other hand, college students should be
guided to work in small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and
medium-sized enterprises are the main channel for the employment of
college graduates in China, and also an important channel for the
employment of college graduates. At the same time, we should actively
support the flexible employment of college graduates. With the
popularity of Internet work, the scope of Internet services is also
expanding, and the resulting new employment opportunities are also
业。Establish a correct view of employment. For the graduates of
private colleges, only by establishing a correct employment view and
changing their employment ideas can they effectively broaden their
employment channels. Private undergraduate colleges and universities
should also hold relevant lectures to help students establish a
correct view of employment, so that students understand in
employment, flexible, timely adjust their thinking, to broaden their
employment channels, try to diversify employment
和灵活性,为学生提供技能发展的机会和就业的经验。To improve the market
adaptability of students in private colleges and universities.
Private undergraduate course colleges and universities should improve
their talent training system, establish a job market oriented talent
training system, schools should be in terms of professional setting
and curriculum structure to strengthen their own characteristics,
improve private colleges graduates for adaptability and flexibility
of the market, provide students with skills development opportunities
and employment experience
企业中寻找工作和开创自己的事业。We will strengthen vocational
guidance for graduates from private colleges and universities.
Employment guidance teachers in colleges and universities should
organize all kinds of employment guidance lectures and exchange
meetings to help students to carry out career planning and cultivate
college students' spirit of hard work and hard work. At the same
time, big data analysis should be carried out according to the job
needs to provide accurate job-hunting information for college
students, so as to encourage them to go to the "most needed place in
the country". Guide graduates to find jobs and start their own
businesses in strategic growth enterprises.
动学生的主动性和创造性。Strengthen the curriculum construction of
entrepreneurship education. In the organization of entrepreneurship
courses, entrepreneurship education is taken as the main line,
combined with the actual situation of the school, and the difficult
entrepreneurial process of entrepreneurs is shown, and their
entrepreneurial spirit plays an important role in cultivating the
innovation and entrepreneurial ability of college students. In
addition, the second class is used to provide students with more
creative and entrepreneurial opportunities. Sign cooperation
agreements with local enterprises, allowing students to experience
the whole process of entrepreneurship, and actively organize lectures
and visits, to promote the development of "mass entrepreneurship and
innovation", establish and operate virtual enterprises, and fully
mobilize the initiative and creativity of students.
实际,达到教与学的双赢。Strengthen the cooperation between private
colleges and enterprises. On the one hand, the professional setting
of universities should meet the market needs and formulate
corresponding talent training plans according to the actual social
situation; on the other hand, enterprises should actively participate
in the training programs and timely communicate with the training
institutions. Set up the practice base, use summer practice vacation,
actively organize students to participate in social practice
activities. At the same time, technical personnel and management
talents should be sent to the school classroom, the real case of work
and learning together, truly achieve theory with practice, and
achieve a win-win situation between teaching and learning

Discuss and condusion

做出贡献。In a word, for private undergraduate colleges and
universities, they should combine students with their own
characteristics and professional characteristics to develop targeted
talent training programs, so as to enhance students' employment
competitiveness. It is also necessary to establish the correct view
of employment for private undergraduate colleges and universities,
and encourage students to actively participate in employment and
entrepreneurship, which can not only solve their own employment
problems, but also provide more jobs and make contributions to the

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