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Einstein School forKids


May 22-25, 2023
Name: __________________________________ Level: Pre-K1 Raw Score: ___ /40
Subject: _________________________________
Language Teacher: ____________________________
Marie Blanche Pimentel-Salgado
Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Parent’s Signature: _________________

Skills: Visual Discrimination
Direction: Listen to your teacher and encircle correct picture. (1-15)

1. “Good morning!”

2. “Excuse me!”

3. Which picture makes you happy?

4. What part of the house protect us

from the heat of the sun and from
getting wet from the rain?

5. What part of the house do we use

to go up and down?

6. It is where we prepare and cook

for the family.

7. It is where rest and sleep.

1 of 3| Starting Them Young: E v e r y C h i l d a S c i e n t i s t W i t h a H e a r t
8. Where do we usually see a blanket?

9. Where do we usually see an oven?

10. Which of the following is a thing?

11. Which of the following is a place?

12. Which of the following is an animal?

13. That is a bird.

14. This is a flower.

15. These are balloons.

Skills: Recognizing the Community Helpers and Places and their Responsibilities and Things They Use
Direction: Listen to your teacher and identify the community helper and place. Encircle the correct picture.

16. He takes care of the sick and injured

2 of 3| Starting Them Young: E v e r y C h i l d a S c i e n t i s t W i t h a H e a r t


17. She plants rice, fruits and vegetables.

18. He bakes delicious cakes, pastries, breads

and cookies.

19. He catches bad guys.

20. He puts off fire.

21. It is where we have our teeth checked.

22. It is where we learn how to read and count.

23. It is where we buy fish, meat, fruits and


24. It is where boys and men have a new haircut.

25. It is where we buy breads and cakes.

26. Which is use by a police officer?

3 of 3| Starting Them Young: E v e r y C h i l d a S c i e n t i s t W i t h a H e a r t

27. Which is use by a farmer?

28. Which is use by a chef?

29. Which is use by a fisherman?

30. Which is use by a vendor?

SKILLS: Identifying the Seven Days of the Week and Months of the Tear
Direction: Listen to your teacher. Encircle the correct answer. (31-37)

31. How many days are there in a week?

32. What is the 1st day of the week? Sunday Tuesday

33. What is the last day of the week? Friday Saturday

34. What is the first school day of the week? Monday Friday

35. How many months are there in a year?

36. When do we celebrate New Year? January June

37. When do we celebrate Christmas? October December


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SKILLS: Recognizing the Different Kinds of Transportations
Direction: Listen to your teacher. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (38-40)

38. Which is an example of a land


39. Which is an example of a water


40. Which is an example of an air


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