Tim Sawyer - Chess Opening Combinations and Checkmates 04 - French Tactics (Sawyer Pub 2020)

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French Tactics

Chess Opening Combinations and


Tim Sawyer
French Tactics: Chess Opening Combinations and Checkmates
Copyright © 2020 by Sawyer Publications
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in
writing from the author.
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While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither the
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This book is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed are those of the author alone, and
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
How to use this book
C00 – 1.e4 e6 2.f4 d5
C00 – 2.b3 d5
C00 – 2.c4 d5
C00 – 2.Qe2
C00 – 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3
C00 – 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Qe2
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 c5
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6
C01 – 2.d4 d5
C01 – 3.Bd3
C01 – 3.Be3 Nf6
C01 – 3.Be3 dxe4
C01 – 3.exd5 Qxd5
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Nc3
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.c4
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Bd3
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Nf3
C02 – 3.e5
C02 – 3.e5 c5
C02 – 3.e5 c5 4.c3
C02 – 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6
C03 – 3.Nd2
C04 – 3.Nd2 Nc6
C05 – 3.Nd2 Nf6
C05 – 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7
C06 – 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Bd3
C07 – 3.Nd2 c5
C07 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5
C08 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5
C09 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Ngf3 Nc6
C10 – 3.Nc3
C10 – 3.Nc3 Nc6
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bd7
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bd3
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.exd5
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Ng8
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Ne4
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nf3
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4
C12 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4
C12 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4 5.e5
C13 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 dxe4
C13 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 dxe4 5.Nxe4
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.Bxf6
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Ng8
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Ne4
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qg4
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qd3
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Bd2
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Bd3
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nge2
C16 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5
C16 – 4.e5 Qd7
C16 – 4.e5 b6
C16 – 4.e5 Ne7
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Nf3
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.dxc5
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Qg4
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Bd2
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.a3 cxd4
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Ba5
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Nc6
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Qc7
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Qa5
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.h4
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.a4
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Nf3
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Qg4
Before You Go
French Tactics gives you 500 positions from actual games that use combinations and checkmates in
this popular opening.
French Defence chess games begin 1.e4 e6 and often 2.d4 d5. Many masters play the French most of
the time. Covered are the Winawer 3.Nc3 Bb4, the Classical 3.Nc3 Nf6, the Steinitz 4.e5, the
Rubinstein 3.Nc3 dxe4, and the Tarrasch 3.Nd2. Bishop moves 3.Bd3 and 3.Be3 are included along
with early offbeat second move options 2.f4, 2.b3, 2.c4, 2.Qe2, 2.Nc3, and 2.d3.
The French encourages you to turn strategical advantages into tactical victories. When you run
toward tactics, you run toward success. Tactics help you to attack and defend accurately. This book
shows winning positions played by masters throughout chess history with dozens of games that were
played in 2020.
If you’re good at tactics, you’re good at chess. Opening theory may help you start well. Endgame
knowledge may help you finish well. Tactical skill helps you win games and avoid losses.
Tactics include pins, forks, removing the defender, attacking two pieces at the same time, and
threatening to mate your opponent.
The easiest path to tactical success is to recognize patterns that occur frequently in your favorite
chess openings. Grandmasters know tactics and can easily slide from one opening to another.
Everyone knows a few positions. Here’s 500 in the French.
Tactical knowledge helps you to improve your winning chances. Take your opponent’s pieces. Pick
off the pawns. Mate the king!
Don’t rely on dumb luck. How can “dumb luck” allow you to win? You can win a few games when
your opponent makes dumb moves. That’s when your opponent gives up a piece for nothing. You’re
lucky when your opponent fails to defend a mate in one. To advance, you need more than dumb luck.
You need tactics.
I faced the French 1300 times as White after 1.e4 e6, or 1.d4 d5 2.e4 e6, or 1.Nc3 d5 2.e4 e6. Also I
played it 300 times as Black.
How to use this book
The purpose of this book is to illustrate and teach the French Tactics. I assume you can read algebraic
chess notation. The White pieces are positioned at the bottom of each diagram.
Above each diagram note who can move and win. It’s either White to play a tactical move or Black
to play a tactical move.
Some moves are simple and easy. Others are subtle and tricky. That’s chess – lots of obvious moves
and lots of sneaky moves.
Look at each diagram. It’s a key position ready for a tactical win. The final moves are in bold with a
brief analysis or comment. Chess engines were used to ensure the accuracy of analysis.
Follow the moves in your mind. The skill to visualize each new position without moving pieces
improves your tactical strength.
The solid French Defence provides reliable development for the Black pieces after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5.
White may close the center with 3.e5 or 4.e5 but it rarely stays closed. Strategy indicates the c-file or
the f-file can be pried open to increase winning chances.
Black attacks against e5, d4, and c3. White uses extra space to threaten the weak points or sacrifice
material to win. This book demonstrates strong moves after 1.e4 e6 with a brief comment.
Players may sacrifice a pawn, a piece, or the Exchange to speed up the attack. You make life more
difficult for all your opponents when you think tactically about how to attack their weak points.
Games are arranged by ECO (Encyclopedia of Chess Openings) coding (C00 to C19) from less
popular to more popular moves.
ECO update their 500 codes. A few variations move from one code to another to account for changes
in popularity. I tried to be consistent with my Chess Training Repertoire Moves 4 book.
Ideas in this book come from the French Defence, but take note: These same tactical patterns work in
other chess openings too. Some champions will play the French Defence from both sides.
C00 – 1.e4 e6 2.f4 d5
Diagram 1 – Black to play

Gonzalez – Garcia, Candas 1997

12…Ng3+ 0–1
If 13.Qxg3 hxg3 wins queen. If 13.hxg3 hxg3+ mates.
Diagram 2 – White to play

Vieira – Hupp, Vitoria Copa dos Cam 1999

14.Bb5+ 1–0
The check leaves the Black queen hanging en prise.
C00 – 2.b3 d5
Diagram 3 – White to play

Kimari – Berg, JSM Haninge 1997

11.Qc8+ Ke7 12.Ba3+ 1–0
White wins with two types of long distance checks.
Diagram 4 – Black to play

Luysmans – Hovhanisian, Bilzen BEL 2004

8…Qa5 0–1
(9…Nxd3+!) If 9.Kd2 N4c6+ 10.Kc2 Nxe5 wins pawn.
Diagram 5 – White to play

Repkova – Vlkovic, Liechtenstein Open 2007

12.Bh5+ 1–0
If 12…Ke7 13.Qxh4+. Or 12…g6 13.Bxg6+ will mate.
Diagram 6 – Black to play

Prato – Milikow, Graz Open AUT 2020

13…Bh4 0–1
If 14.Qe2 Bxe1 15.Qxe1 Bxe4 (Re8-Re1+ / Nb4 mate)
C00 – 2.c4 d5
Diagram 7 – Black to play

Heinola – Keto, Pori ch-Satak 1984

11…Bb4 0–1
Wins queen. If 12.Qxb4 Nc2+. Or if 12.Nxd4 Bxc3+.
Diagram 8 – White to play

Van Weersel – Kuijpers, Vlissingen NED 2000

8.Qc8+ Qd8 9.Bxf7+ Ke7 10.Qe6# 1–0
Or if 9…Kxf7 10.Qxd8 wins the Black queen.
Diagram 9 – White to play

Liardet – Sudan, Geneva SUI 2005

11.Nd2 Bxc3 12.bxc3 1–0
Knight fork on queen and c4 bishop wins one of them.
Diagram 10 – White to play

Xanco Compains – Serentill Tost, Barcelona 2007

12.Nxd5 1–0
If 12…Qxd5 13.Bc4 pins the queen to the king.
C00 – 2.Qe2
Diagram 11 – White to play

De Jong – Te Winkel, Utrecht 1985

9.Nb5 1–0
If 9…Qe7 10.Bxc5 Qxc5 11.Nc7+ Ke7 12.Nxa8 wins.
Diagram 12 – White to play

David – Penne, Meudon op 1992

12.Nxc7# 1–0
Knight mates due to a queen pin and White’s bishop.
Diagram 13 – Black to play

Hlavaty – Dufek, Usti n.L m 1996

8…Bf2+ 9.Kd1 Ne3+ 0–1
White’s move 9.Nbd2 fatally weakens the e3 square.
Diagram 14 – White to play

Kaminski – Reefschlaeger, Bad Wiessee 1997

12.b4 1–0
If 12…Ncd7 13.Nd4 c5 14.Bxa8 cxd4 15.b5 wins.
Diagram 15 – White to play

Nuri – Pettersen, Caleta ENG 2010

12.Bxd5 1–0
If 12…Nxe5 13.Bxb7 Qxb7 14.Rxe5 wins a knight.
Diagram 16 – White to play

Sanduleac – Paun, PAB Romania Open 2012

12.Nd6+ 1–0
White wins the queen or else 12…Kf8 13.Qf7 mate.
C00 – 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3
Diagram 17 – White to play

Suptut – Mos, Belconnen Club-ch 1994

10.Nxc6 a6 11.Nxe7+ axb5 12.Nxc8 1–0
If 10…bxc6 11.Qxe6 fxe6 12.Bxc6+ wins the a8 rook.
Diagram 18 – White to play

Rogers – Iotti, Salsomaggiore Terme op 1998

13.Nxe4 1–0
If 13…Rxf4 14.Nxc5 wins. If 13…dxe4 14.Qxe4 wins.
Diagram 19 – Black to play

Custodio – Bueno, Concordia BRA 2019

12…Nb4 0–1
Black has a dual threat of 13…Nxd3+ or 13…Nxc2+.
Diagram 20 – White to play

Tay – Kuderinov, Titled Tuesday chess.com 2020

13.Nxc6 1–0
If 13…bxc6 White wins the h8 rook after 14.Bxg7.
C00 – 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5
Diagram 21 – White to play

Dubois – Houhou, Belfort 1989

13.Bxe7 Nxe7 14.Rxa5 Qc7 15.Ra2 Rfc8 16.Qa3
White removes a5 defender to win two pieces for one.
Diagram 22 – Black to play

Wagner – Namyslo, Oberschwaben ch Weiler 1993

14…0–0 0–1
Black connects the rooks. One White knight will fall.
Diagram 23 – White to play

Dorst – Hain, Bad Zwesten 1998

13.Qh5 1–0
If 13…Re8 14.Qh7+ Kf8 15.Qh8 mate due to the Ba3.
Diagram 24 – Black to play

Nizetic – Clarke, Belfast IRL 2001

16…Rh8 0–1
The queen is trapped. 17.f4 gxf4 18.Qxh8 Qxh8 wins.
Diagram 25 – White to play

Kabanov – Ivanov, Voronezh RUS 2007

13.Bxg6 Rh7 14.Bxh7 1–0
13…Qe7 14.Bxa3. If 13…Qa5 14.Qxf7+ Kd8 15.Qf6+.
Diagram 26 – White to play

Leveikina – Kleymann, Rome ITA 2007

16.Qg7+ 1–0
If 16…Ke8 17.f7 mate. What a fabulous pawn mate!
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Qe2
Diagram 27 – White to play

Glavina Rossi – Llopis, Linares ESP 1997

11.Qa4+ 1–0
Check and capture. White takes the bishop 12.Qxa6.
Diagram 28 – Black to play

Wisnewski – Schlosser, Altenkirchen GER 2005

16…Bc5 0–1
If 17.Be3 Bxe3 18.fxe3 Nxe3+ wins queen and king.
Diagram 29 – White to play

Dgebuadze – Faber, Helmond NED 2013

17.Qh5+ 1–0
17…g6 18.Qxe5 wins. If 17…Kd8 18.Bd2 b4 19.Qxe5
Diagram 30 – White to play

Piskur – Todorov, Albena Open BUL 2016

13.Ng5 1–0
13…Nxg5 14.Bxb7. If 13…Nxc3 14.Qc2 (Qxh7 mate).
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2
Diagram 31 – White to play

Boll – Bastiaansen, KNSB 1978

10.Nxf6+ 1–0
If 10…Qxf6 11.Qh5+ Qg6 12.Qxc5 Qxg2 13.Rf1 wins.
Diagram 32 – White to play

Reiter – Muenchhalfen, Leutersdorf Open 2000

10.Qe4 1–0
The double threat wins: 11.Qxa8 and 11.Qxh7 mate.
Diagram 33 – White to play

Ubiennykh – Kulakova, Tomsk RUS 2001

8.Nbxd4 1–0
If 8…Bxd4 9.Qa4+ c6 10.Qxd4. Check and capture.
Diagram 34 – Black to play

Sirkova – Yakimenko, Pardubice CZE 2013

15…Qf4 0–1
16.Ke2 Nxc2 wins. If 16.Re1 Nc4+ 17.Kc3 Nxa3 wins.
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 c5
Diagram 35 – Black to play

Van Aurich – Stork, Den Bosch op 1992

14…Qe3+ 15.Kf1 Qe1# 0–1
White’s queen won a piece. Black’s queen won a king
Diagram 36 – White to play

Rowlinson – Skogman, Gaylord N MI op 1993

13.e5 1–0
After Black saves the queen, White captures 14.exf6.
Diagram 37 – White to play

Pennekamp – Held, Zuerich op 1993

11.e5 1–0
If 11…Bxe5 12.Nxe5 Nxe5 13.Bxa8 rook for 2 pawns.
Diagram 38 – White to play

Mayer – Johnson, Fredericksburg Open 1994

13.Bxe5 Bxf3 14.Bxd6 Bxd1 15.Raxd1 1–0
If 13…Qxe5 14.Nxe5 Bxd1 15.Raxd1 also wins piece.
Diagram 39 – Black to play

Fiekers – Holland, Fuerth Pyramide Open 1999

14…Bxf3 0–1
If 15.Bxf3 Nd4 16.Qxd7 Nxf3+ wins a piece.
Diagram 40 – Black to play

McPherren – Johnson, ICCF 2008

9…Ne3 0–1
10.Qe2 Nxc2+ 11.Kd1 Nxa1 wins significant material.
C00 – 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6
Diagram 41 – White to play

Bronstein – Uhlmann, Moscow 1971

15.Nxe6 1–0
If 15…fxe6 16.Qxe6+ Kh8 17.Qxc6 wins some pawns.
Diagram 42 – White to play

Shahsavar – Tsouros, Graz tt 1972

14.Qh5 1–0
If 14…g6 15.Bxg6 Rf7 16.Bxf7. If 14…h6 15.Qg6 wins
Diagram 43 – White to play

Dolata – Gillefalk, JSS sank. turn. 1974

13.Nxe5 Nxe5 14.Qxe5 1–0
If 14…Rxd3 15.Qxc5 wins. If 14…Bxf2+ 15.Rxf2 wins.
Diagram 44 – Black to play

Knox – Cox, BCF-ch Southport 1983

14…Bxc4 15.Rxa8 Bxe2 0–1
If 16.Rxd8 Rxd8 wins. Or if 15.Qxc4 Rxa1 wins.
Diagram 45 – Black to play

Haubrich – Orlov, National op Chicago 1991

6…Ng4 0–1
7.Nb3 Qxd1+ 8.Kxd1 Nxf2+ 9.Ke1 Bb6 10.Rg1 Nxe4.
Diagram 46 – White to play

Shirov – Bareev, Novgorod 1994

15.Rad1 1–0
15…Qxa4 16.Rxd8 mate. Or 15…Nxf3+ 16.Bxf3 wins.
Diagram 47 – White to play

Foygel – Chamberlain, MetroWest CC 1998

13.Qe4 1–0
A common double attack threatening a8 and h7 mate.
Diagram 48 – White to play

Oratovsky – Regnier, Quebec op Montreal 1998

11.Ne5 1–0
If 11…Qe8 12.Qa4 Nxe5 13.Bxe8 Nd3+ 14.Ke2 wins.
Diagram 49 – White to play

Giretti Kanev – Mariano, Corsico Scacchi 2000

16.Qg4 1–0
If 16…Kg8 17.Qh4 Bxg5 18.Bxg5 Qd5 19.Bf6 mates.
Diagram 50 – White to play

Nowik – Lambertz, Solingen GER 2003

14.Bh6 Qe7 15.Qxf8+ Qxf8 16.Bxf8 1–0
If 16…Kxf8 17.Bxd7 and White has won a rook.
Diagram 51 – Black to play

Dorrington – Kosten, Wokefield Park ENG 2008

16…Re8 0–1
If 17.Qxe8 Nxe8 18.Nxd4 Bxe1 up a queen for a rook.
Diagram 52 – Black to play

Mazurkiewicz – Lahiri, Rewal POL 2008

14…Qxf3 0–1
If 15.Nxf3 Rxd1+ 16.Ne1 Bxf2+ 17.Rxf2 Rxe1+ wins.
Diagram 53 – White to play

Hendrickson – Thompson, US Open Phoenix 2015

13.Qa4+ 1–0
If 13…c6 14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.d4 White has won a queen.
Diagram 54 – White to play

Meier – Parkhov, Jerusalem ISR 2017

13.Rh8+ Kxh8 14.Qh5+ Kg8 15.g6 1–0
If 15…Nf6 16.exf6 Rxf6 17.Qh7+ Kf8 18.Qh8 mate.
Diagram 55 – Black to play

Savenkov – Zilbert, ch-Moscow Final RUS 2018

15…Nxc1 0–1
16.Raxc1 Bxg5 wins. 16.Rxd8+ Rxd8 17.Bxb7+ Kxb7.
Diagram 56 – White to play

Bulacio – Barahona, Rio Grande Domingo 2020

9.e5 1–0
The lowly pawn happily sacrifices itself to win a piece.
C01 – 2.d4 d5
Diagram 57 – White to play

Diemer – Habermann, Stuttgart 1951

14.Qh5 1–0
If 14…Re8 15.Bxh7+ Kf8 16.Bh6+ Ke7 17.Qc5 mate.
Diagram 58 – White to play

Heikkinen – Kuru, Jyväskylä FIN 1988

11.Bxd6 1–0
Black’s pinned queen pretended to protect the bishop.
Diagram 59 – Black to play

Patterson – Angus, Diemer-Duhm Thematic 1996

9…Nd3+ 0–1
Knight fork on the king and queen decides the game.
Diagram 60 – White to play

Vega Gutierrez – Kupczyk, chJW U14 Murek 1998

13.Qxf8+ 1–0
Mate in next move: If 13…Rxf8 14.Rxf8 mate.
Diagram 61 – Black to play

McNab - Cassidy, Aust Girls Chp 1999

10…Bf2+ 11.Kd2 Qe3# 0–1
White is incredibly weak on the dark squares.
Diagram 62 – Black to play

Vladimirov Savov – Aranzana Areste, Balaguer ESP 2011

12…Qh4+ 13.Ke2 Qf2# 0–1
Or if 13.g3 Nxg3 14.hxg3 Qxh1+ wins.
C01 – 3.Bd3
Diagram 63 – White to play

Kaufmann – Reti, Vienna 1915

17.Bxh7+ Kxh7 18.Qh4+ Kg8 19.Ng5 1–0
If 19…Rfc8 20.Qh7+ Kf8 21.Qh8+ Ke7 22.Re6+ wins.
Diagram 64 – Black to play

Oportus – Dumas, Santiago ARAIS tt 1994

19…Rxg2+ 20.Kh1 Rg5+ 0–1
If 21.Re4 Bxe4+ 22.Rf3 Bxf3 mate.
Diagram 65 – White to play

Juhasz – Sira, SVK-chT 1994

14.c4 Nf6 15.c5 1–0
White gains time attacking one knight to win the other.
Diagram 66 – White to play

Tassopoulos – Tsartsitalidis, Glyfada GRE 2001

18.Qf8+ Kd7 19.Qxe7+ 1–0
White has won a knight.
Diagram 67 – Black to play

Lukic – Feletar, Subotica YUG 2003

16…Nf3+ 17.Bxf3 Bd6 0–1
If 18.Re1 Bh2+ 19.Kh1 Bg3+ 20.Kg1 Qh2+ wins.
Diagram 68 – White to play

Vega Gutierrez – Korneev, La Laguna ESP 2009

17.Ne5+ b5 18.cxb6+ 1–0
The discovered checks will win the Black queen.
C01 – 3.Be3 Nf6
Diagram 69 – White to play

Diemer – NN, Germany 1953

15.Nd6+ Kd8 16.Nxe6# 1–0
White’s active knights crush Black’s passive knights.
Diagram 70 – White to play

Wall – Holsapple, Dayton 1984

14.Qh7+ Kf8 15.Qh8+ Ke7 16.Qxg7# 1–0
White previously took on f7 with check to set up mate.
Diagram 71 – Black to play

Sawyer – Avalos Sarravia, corr USCF 1990

10…Nc5 0–1
If 11.Qd4 Nd3+ 12.Kd1 Nf2+ 13.Ke1 Qxd4 and Nxh1.
Diagram 72 – White to play

Sawyer – Donohue, corr USCF 1990

5.f3 Qh4+ 6.g3 Nxg3 7.Bf2 Qh6 8.Bxg3 1–0
Or if 5…Ng5 6.h4 and White wins the trapped knight.
Diagram 73 – White to play

Sawyer – Dest, Williamsport PA 1997

12.Qh5 Bxg5 13.hxg5 1–0
There is no escape. 13…f6 14.g6 Re8 15.Qh8 mate.
Diagram 74 – White to play

Zilbermints – Tiva, Internet Chess Club 2016

12.Qe4 1–0
White double attack threatens the knight and h7 mate.
C01 – 3.Be3 dxe4
Diagram 75 – White to play

Krejcik – Magyar, Vienna 1909

13.Bxg5 1–0
If 13…Nd7 14.Qh6 Black must lose a queen or a king.
Diagram 76 – White to play

Keres – Verbak, corr 1932

14.Qh6+ Kxh6 15.Rh4+ Kg7 16.Bh6# 1–0
A young Paul Keres played postal chess from home.
Diagram 77 – White to play

Hall – Hassapis, Sutton Open 1987

19.Qg4+ 1–0
If 19…Kh7 20.Rd3 intending Rh3+ and mate to follow.
Diagram 78 – Black to play

Sawyer – Jones, corr USCF 1990

17…Bxf6 0–1
Master Craig Jones defended well and won material.
Diagram 79 – White to play

Sawyer – Katz, corr USCF 1991

18.Rg1+ 1–0
18…Qg6 19.Bxg6 Bxf3+ 20.Nxf3 fxg6 21.Qxg6+ wins
Diagram 80 – White to play

Lenart – Dlauchy, Tenkes Kupa Harkany 2000

18.Qh6 1-0
White will apply a checkmate in one on h7, g7 or f7.
Diagram 81 – Black to play

Tscheuschner – Schuh, Werther GER 2007

17…Qa5 0–1
If 18.Nf6+ Kh8 19.Bxf8 Qxa1 mate.
Diagram 82 – White to play

Sawyer – Finiseur, Internet Chess Club 2012

15.Bh7+ Kh8 16.Nxf7# 1–0
Or if 15…Nxh7 16.Qxh7 mate.
C01 – 3.exd5 Qxd5
Diagram 83 – White to play

Wijnand - van Heusden, WSC 1975

15.Qxd4 Nxd4 16.Bxd7+ Kxd7 17.Rfd1 1–0
White pins and wins the Black knight.
Diagram 84 – Black to play

Townley – Thompson, US Open St Paul MN 1982

18…Bxe5 0–1
If 19.dxe5 Qxe4 and Black has won a piece.
Diagram 85 – White to play

Olsen – Rasmussen, Aarhus 1988

18.Ra4 1–0
If 18…Qb2 19.Bc1 wins the trapped Black queen.
Diagram 86 – Black to play

Sirgado – Fernandes, PORch sf fem Lisboa 1997

11…Bg4+ 12.f3 Bxf3+ 0–1
The bishop pin on the king and queen wins material.
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5
Diagram 87 – Black to play

NN – Blaine, Columbus IN 1980

7…Bg4 0–1
Suddenly the White queen has no safe moves.
Diagram 88 – Black to play

Hoek – Noel, Bagneux 1995

11…Bb4+ 12.Kd1 Re1# 0–1
Double check denies Whites king any time to defend.
Diagram 89 – Black to play

Huisman – Mourot, Ytm FRA 2nd Agneaux 1999

10…Nxf3+ 11.Bxf3 Qxe5+ 0–1
Black removes the knight defending White’s queen.
Diagram 90 – Black to play

Bessolitcin – Pavlov, Kazan RUS 2007

11…Nxe3 12.Qxe3 Bf4 0–1
Black wins the White bishop or the White queen.
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Nc3
Diagram 91 – White to play

Sackman – Ricard, New York 1950

15.Ng6+ 1–0
If 15…hxg6 16.Rh4 mate
Diagram 92 – Black to play

Espedal - Joy, Frankfurt 1966

15…Qb6+ 0–1
If 16.Kh1 Nf2+ 17.Kg1 Nh3+ 18.Kh1 Qg1+ mates.
Diagram 93 – White to play

Meinert – Leffler, Columbus OH 1970

10.Nxc6 Bd7 11.Nxb4 1–0
Or if 10…bxc6 11.Bxc6+ Kd8 12.Bxa8 wins a rook.
Diagram 94 – Black to play

Notheisen – Schmitt, Nord Baden 1996

12…Nh5 0–1
If 13.Qg4 Bxf4 14.Nxf4 f5 15.Qxg6 Nxf4 wins a piece.
Diagram 95 – White to play

Kutzner – Weidmann, SVR-op Nickenich 1998

9.Bxh7+ 1–0
9…Kxh7 10.Ng5+ wins pawn since g4 is unprotected.
Diagram 96 – White to play

Dovzhenko – Vacha, Marianske Lazne CZE 2016

14.Nxg6 fxg6 15.Qxe6 1–0
White removes the pawn defending the bishop to win.
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.c4
Diagram 97 – White to play

Petrov – Schimanski, Warsaw 1847

16.Nf6+ 1–0
17.Qe8#. Famous Russian master Alexander Petrov.
Diagram 98 – Black to play

Reti – Fahrni, San Remo 1911

15…Re8 16.0–0 Rxe5 17.Bxa8 Bg4 0–1
Black pins and wins the White queen.
Diagram 99 – Black to play

NN – Livingstone, England 1941

9…Bb4+ 10.Ke2 Qe4# 0–1
Or if 10.Qd2 Bxd2+ wins the White queen.
Diagram 100 – White to play

Certek – Sisak, Bratislava op 1992

17.Qxg6 Nd5 18.Qh5 1–0
White wins the bishop because the f7 pawn is pinned.
Diagram 101 – White to play

Treffert – Doering, Wiesbaden op 1996

6.Bxa6 Nxa6 7.Qa4+ 1–0
Check and capture Qxa6. Or if 6…Bb4+ 7.Nc3 wins.
Diagram 102 – White to play

Berg – Jaske, Hallsta op 1996

11.Nxd5 1–0
White wins a piece. If 11…Qxd5 12.Bh7+ wins queen.
Diagram 103 – Black to play

Guillen – Gutierrez, Ch Spain Oviedo 2000

15…Bxh2+ 0–1
If 16.Kxh2 Qxd5 wins the White queen.
Diagram 104 – Black to play

Zajicek – Liu, Prague Open CZE 2018

17…Qf3 0–1
White is lost. If 18.Nf4 Bxf4 19.Qxf4 Qxg2 mate.
Diagram 105 – Black to play

Datuashvili – Kizilkus, Marmaris TUR 2019

11…Bxc3 0–1
If 12.bxc3 Nxc3 double attacks the queen and bishop.
Diagram 106 – White to play

Mangialardo – Rosa Alves, Floripa Open 2019

16.Qxh7+ 1–0
If 16…Kxh7 17.Rh5 mate. Anastasia Mate pattern.
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Bd3
Diagram 107 – White to play

Seidman – Shainswit, Rosenwald New York 1957

14.Qxe2 1–0
White regains a piece and wins a piece due to the pin.
Diagram 108 – Black to play

Tatai – Korchnoi, Beersheba 1978

14…Nxd4 0–1
If 15.cxd4 Bxd4 16.Qd3 Bxf2+ 17.Kh1 Re3 winning.
Diagram 109 – White to play

Jakob – Dornieden, Badenweiler op 1995

14.Ne5 Bb7 15.Nxf7+ 1–0
White’s knight doubles attacks Bc6 and f7 with a fork.
Diagram 110 – Black to play

Dusik – Komora, SVK-chJ U18 Ruzomberok 1996

10…Qb6+ 0–1
If 11.Nd4 Qxd4+ 12.Be3 Qxe3+ 13.Kf1 Qf2 mate.
Diagram 111 – White to play

Kerimov – Van der Merwe, Trio 1999

15.Qe8+ 1–0
If 15…Rxe8 16.Rxe8 mate since h7 is covered.
Diagram 112 – Black to play

Jensen – Christensen, Copenhagen DEN 1999

14.g3 Bxf2+ 0–1
If 15.Kg2 Qh3+ 16.Kxf2 Qxh2+ 17.Kf1 Bh3 mate.
Diagram 113 – White to play

Elsner – Scherer, Wuerttemberg-ch U18 2000

14.Bb5 1–0
The powerful bishop pin wins the Black queen.
Diagram 114 – White to play

Quinn – Murphy, Olympiad Women Istanbul 2000

15.Bxe4 Bxe5 16.Bxd5 1–0
Or 15…dxe4 16.Qxf7+ Kh8 17.Qb7 Bxe5 18.dxe5.
Diagram 115 – White to play

Bojovic – Krsmanovic, Belgrade Trophy SCG 2004

9.Bg5 1–0
Black’s queen dies because she has no safe squares.
Diagram 116 – White to play

Esenbek Uulu – Van Tariro, Al-Ain UAE 2013

15.Qg5 1–0
If 15…Nf5 16.Bxf5. If 15…Bg4 16.Qh4 Bh5 17.Qxh5+
Diagram 117 – White to play

Mammadova - Benelfekir, lichess.org INT 2020

13.Qg4+ Kh8 14.Qg7# 1–0
The blunder 12…Re6 blocked the bishop covering g4.
Diagram 118 – Black to play

Tsukerman – Kostenko, Titled Tuesday 2020

14…Nxf2 0–1
If 15.Rxf2 Qxf2+ 16.Kh1 bxc6 wins the Exchange.
C01 – 3.exd5 exd5 4.Nf3
Diagram 119 – White to play

Canal – Crisovan, Toronto 1953

15.Bg5 1–0
If 15...Be7 16.Bxe7 Qxe7 17.Qxd4 wins the knight.
Diagram 120 – Black to play

Van der Haar – Weyerstrass, Goois Lyceum 1975

14…f4 0–1
Black’s pawn fork wins the White bishop or the queen.
Diagram 121 – White to play

van Gool – van den Brand, Venlo 1983

13.Bg8+ Kxg8 14.Qh7# 1–0
If Black blocks the h-file by 13…Bh6 14.Qh7 is mate.
Diagram 122 – White to play

Izard – Payne, Dallas 1983

16.Qb3+ 1–0
16…Re6 17.Qxe6+ Kh8 18.Nf7+ Kg8 19.Nxd8+ wins.
Diagram 123 – White to play

Meyer – Hansen, Copenhagen 1984

11.Qe4+ 1–0
If 11…Be7 12.Qxb7 Qxb7 13.Bxb7 wins the a8 rook.
Diagram 124 – White to play

Plaskett – Webster, Lloyds Bank op London 1989

16.Be6 1–0
Inside skewer bishop fork. If 16…Qc7 17.Bxf5 wins.
Diagram 125 – White to play

Krupkova – Jandova, CZE-chW 1993

14.Na7+ Kb8 15.Nac6+ 1–0
If 15…bxc6 16.Nxc6+ Kb7 17.Nxe7 Rhe8 18.f5 wins.
Diagram 126 – Black to play

Martic – Zaja, CRO-ch Porec 1994

14…Ne4+ 0–1
Black will take 15…Bxc3(+) and keep the extra knight.
Diagram 127 – Black to play

Feltner – Wheat, Chicago IL 1997

12…Nxe3+ 13.fxe3 Qxd3+ 0–1
Black checks gain the necessary time to win a piece.
Diagram 128 – White to play

Sorli – Smajlovic, EU-chJW Tallinn 1997

16.Qxg6+ 1–0
f7 is pinned. If 16…Kh8 17.Qxh6+ Kg8 18.Re3 wins.
Diagram 129 – Black to play

Azimova – Ovod, St Petersburg RUS 2019

15…Nbc6 16.Nxc6 Nxc6 0–1
If 17.Qxb6 cxb6. Black trapped White’s queen to win.
Diagram 130 – Black to play

Hansch – Poghosyan, Titled Tuesday 2020

13…Bh2+ 0–1
The queen protected b7 at her peril. If 14.Kxh2 Qxd5.
Diagram 131 – White to play

Mollema – Maklakova, Titled Tuesday 2020

16.Qh5 1–0
If 16…f5 17.Bg5+ Kg8 18.Bf6. Or 16…Kg8 17.Rxe6.
Diagram 132 – White to play

Benelfekir – Lania, Djerba Women Online 2020

15.Qxf7+ Kh8 16.Qxh7# 1–0
Watch out for checks, whether attacking or defending.
C02 – 3.e5
Diagram 133 – White to play

Bisguier – Seguins, US Open 1966

14.Rxg8 Nxg8 15.Qf7 Kc7 16.Qxg8 1–0
White’s queen attacks two minor pieces to win one.
Diagram 134 – White to play

Schatzle – Bermejo, Buenos Aires 1981

15.Nh5+ Ke7 16.Bg5# 1–0
White sacrificed a knight to blast open Black’s center.
Diagram 135 – White to play

Zavodnik – Korg, Anaheim 1982

9.Ba3+ Nb4 10.Bxb4+ c5 11.Bxc5# 1–0
Black cannot avoid the checkmate.
Diagram 136 – White to play

Nuij – Knuiman, Huissen 1982

11.fxg7 1–0
11…Bb4+ 12.c3. If 11…hxg5 12.Qxh8 Bxg7 13.Qxg7.
Diagram 137 – Black to play

Nishimura – Wiedenkeller, Copenhagen 1982

12…c4 0–1
White’s queen must leave her bishop unprotected.
Diagram 138 – White to play

Almeida – Purgimon, zt Andorra 1987

14.Nxg5 1–0
If 14…Bxg5 15.Qh5+ Kf8 16.Bxg5 wins.
Diagram 139 – Black to play

Vucinic – Tasic, Winter Open Belgrade SRB 2008

13…Nxd4 0–1
If 14.Bxd7 Nxe2+ 15.Kh1 Rc7 and Black wins a pawn.
Diagram 140 – Black to play

Sekandar – Vedder, TCh-NED Meesterklasse 2014

14…Bxe2 15.Qxe2 Rxc3 0–1
If 16.Rxc3 Bxc3 17.Qd3 Bb4. Black has won a piece.
C02 – 3.e5 c5
Diagram 141 – Black to play

Treybal – Foltys, Podebrady 1936

8…Nxe5 9.Qh5+ Nf7 0–1
Check h5 and capture e5 plan fails to a knight retreat.
Diagram 142 – White to play

Nezhmetdinov – Konstantinov, Rostov 1936

14.Bb1 1–0
White trapped the Black queen. 14…b5 15.Bb2 wins.
Diagram 143 – White to play

Karff – Lugatsch, Berlin 1937

9.Bh5+ Ke7 10.Qa3# 1–0
9…g6 10.Bxg6+ hxg6 11.Qxg6+ Ke7 12.Bg5+ mates.
Diagram 144 – White to play

Kogan – Plahuta, Ljubljana op 1998

14.Qxg7 1–0
If 14…Rxg7 15.Nf6+ Kf8 16.Nxd7+ Ke8 17.Nxb6 wins
Diagram 145 – Black to play

Pusch – Kern, Recklinghausen 2000

13…cxb2 0–1
If 14.Kxb2 Qc3+ 15.Ka2 Qc2 mate.
Diagram 146 – White to play

Crosa – Muzzi, Ch Uruguay U20 Las Piedras 2000

12.Bxg6 fxg6 13.Qxg6+ Kd8 14.Nf7+ 1–0
If 14…Kc7 15.Nxh8 and White wins the Exchange.
C02 – 3.e5 c5 4.c3
Diagram 147 – White to play

Gaudersen – Faul, Melbourne 1928

13.h5+ Kh6 14.Nxe6+ g5 15.hxg6# 1–0
Or if 14…Kh7 15.Qxg7 mate.
Diagram 148 – Black to play

Mateuci – Castaldi, Milan 1938

10…Rc1+ 0–1
If 11.Ke2 Rxh1 wins. If 11.Qxc1 Nxd3+ 12.Kd1 Nxc1.
Diagram 149 – Black to play

Bangma – Weyerstrass, Amersfoort 1973

9…Bxd2+ 10.Nxd2 Qxa4 0–1
Black’s check uncovers an attack on the White queen.
Diagram 150 – White to play

Oblamsky – Rudnev, Minsk 1980

14.Nxe6 Qxh4 15.Qg6+ 1–0
15…hxg6 16.Bxg6 mate. Or 14…Nde5 15.Qh5+ wins.
Diagram 151 – Black to play

Everett – Haendiges, New Hampshire 1981

14…Nf2+ 0–1
Black wins with a family fork on king, queen and rook.
Diagram 152 – Black to play

Meyer – Mack, Badenweiler op 1985

8…c4 0–1
Pawn fork wins a bishop. If 9.Bxc4 dxc4 10.Qc2 Bc6.
Diagram 153 – White to play

Havansi – Kekki, Jyvaskyla Finland 1993

8.Qa4+ 1–0
White’s check and capture wins the knight on h4.
Diagram 154 – White to play

Fruteau – Roumegous, Paris 1993

12.axb4 Qxa1 13.Bxb5+ Nc6 14.Qc2 1–0
If 14…Nge7 15.Bc3 traps the Black queen.
Diagram 155 – White to play

Prie – Rouchouse, St.Affrique op 1994

15.Qxh7+ 1–0
If 15…Kd6 16.Qxg8. Check and capture wins a piece.
Diagram 156 – White to play

Jonkman – Afek, Wijk aan Zee open 1997

13.Nc4 1–0
If 13…dxc4 14.Qxd7 mate. If 13…Nxe5 14.Nxb6 wins
Diagram 157 – Black to play

Lyubimtsev – Reutsky, St Petersburg RUS 2003

11…Na5 0–1
Black wins the White queen for a minor piece.
Diagram 158 – Black to play

Andreassen – Johnsen, Tromso NOR 2007

15…Nxe2 0–1
If 16.Qxe2 Bb5 and Black skewers a queen and rook.
Diagram 159 – White to play

Pavlov – Mukhamadiev, ch-PriFO Kazan RUS 2009

6.Bxa6 1–0
If 6…Nxa6 7.Qa4+ thematic check and capture Qxa6.
Diagram 160 – Black to play

Lu – Zhang, Hunan Op Changsha CHN 2019

13…Ne3+ 0–1
Black forks the White king and queen to win material.
C02 – 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6
Diagram 161 – White to play

Milner Barry – Trott, Ilford 1951

15.Bb6+ 1–0
15…axb6 16.Ndf7+ Kc7 17.Qd6# (16…Ke8 17.Qd8#)
Diagram 162 – Black to play

Kolvig – Truelsen, Ringsted 1952

15…Qxg3 0–1
White’s f2 pawn is pinned. Black has won a bishop.
Diagram 163 – White to play

Survila – Skoblikov, Podolsk 1978

15.Qa5+ 1–0
If 15…b6 16.Qxb6+ (or 16.Bxb6+) axb6 17.Bxb6 mate
Diagram 164 – Black to play

Rasmussen – Hansen, Copenhagen 1983

15…Rxc1+ 16.Nxc1 Bb4 0–1
Black removes the b4 defender to pin White’s queen.
Diagram 165 – White to play

Noll – Kuederle, St Ingbert 1991

9.Bb5+ 1–0
White wins a queen 9…Bd7 10.Bxd7+ Kxd7 11.Qxd4.
Diagram 166 – White to play

Burjan – Clissold, Balatonbereny op 1992

11.Nc4+ Kc5 12.b4+ Kb5 13.a4+ 1–0
The double check forces mate. If 13…Ka6 14.b5 mate
Diagram 167 – White to play

Schwarzburger – Gatzke, OLWuert 1993

10.Nf7 Nf6 11.Nxh8 1–0
Black castled into a White knight fork on the rooks.
Diagram 168 – Black to play

Ivanov – Gausel, Gausdal 1993

12…g5 0–1
Black wins bishop or knight for a pawn. If 13.Be3 g4.
Diagram 169 – Black to play

Murgia - Ciampi, Ischia op 1994

10…Be8 0–1
White’s pin on h7 is foiled by Black’s pin on the knight
Diagram 170 – White to play

Esuperanzi – Scagliarini, Palocco 1998

13.Nxd6+ Qxd6 14.Qxg7 1–0
White stops mate on h2 and removes the g7 defender
Diagram 171 – White to play

Barczi – Pastir, Ivanka SVK-chB16 1999

13.Nb7 1–0
(Nd6 or Nxd8) If 13…Qc7 14.Nd6+ Kd8 15.Nxf7 wins.
Diagram 172 – White to play

Castany Pampalona – Fernandez Palacio, Palencia ESP 1999

16.g4 1–0
White attacks Black’s queen. She has no safe moves.
Diagram 173 – Black to play

Parada - Martin, Albacete FM B 2000

14…d4 0–1
After 13…Bc6, Black queen supported the pawn fork.
Diagram 174 – White to play

Keller – Moutaux, XVIII Open Metz FRA 2000

16.Qa4+ 1–0
If 16…Kf8 17.Ng6+ wins. Or if 16…Kd8 17.Nf7 wins.
Diagram 175 – White to play

Bohrer – Habiger, 3rd Hilton Open Basle SUI 2001

13.Ng5 1–0
If 13…Kg8 14.Qh5 Re8 15.Bxg6 leads to checkmate.
Diagram 176 – Black to play

Mrndzic – Dizdar, TCh Neum BIH 2002

16…Bg4 0–1
Black attacks the queen and b5 bishop (f2 is pinned).
Diagram 177 – Black to play

Olafsson – Sanchez Castillo, Reykjavik ISL 2006

16…Ng3+ 0–1
If 17.hxg3 hxg3+ 18.Nh2 Rxh2 mate.
Diagram 178 – Black to play

Brunello – Fantini, Open A Trieste ITA 2006

14…Rc1+ 15.Ke2 Qd1+ 0–1
If 16.Kd3 Bb5 mate.
Diagram 179 – Black to play

Molander – Lehtivaara, TCh-FIN Finland 2008

15…Be8 0–1
White played 15.g4 leaving the queen no safe moves.
Diagram 180 – White to play

Marrero Lopez – Andrade Fiaes, Salvador BRA 2012

12.Qf3 Bb5 13.Qf7# 1–0
12…Qb6 13.Qf6 mate. Or 12…Be8 13.Qf6+ wins rook
Diagram 181 – Black to play

Tolias – Skaperdas, Andron Open GRE 2013

11…d4 0–1
Black’s pawn attacks and wins White’s pinned bishop.
Diagram 182 – Black to play

Slimani – Azaiez, Monastir TUN 2013

14…Nc3 0–1
Black attacks White’s queen who has no safe moves.
Diagram 183 – White to play

Pribeanu – Klimis, Katerini GRE 2014

12.Bg6+ 1–0
A bishop sacrifice wins the undefended Black queen.
Diagram 184 – White to play

Quesada Perez - Badillo Ramos, Gijon ESP 2018

15.Bxf5 exf5 16.cxd5 1–0
White’s pawns are dangerous. If 16…Na5 17.d6 wins.
Diagram 185 – White to play

Rodriguez Vila – Ferrara, Villa Martelli ARG 2018

16.Bg5 1–0
If 16…f6 17.Qh4+ Kg8 18.Bxg6 Bh6 19.exf6 wins.
Diagram 186 – Black to play

Vu – Gelman, Titled Tuesday chess.com INT 2020

14…Rxf3 15.Qxf3 Qxe1+ 16.Qf1 Qg3 0–1
If 17.Be3 Qh2+ 18.Kf2 Rf8+ wins the White queen.
C03 – 3.Nd2
Diagram 187 – White to play

Tatai – Czerniak, Beersheba 1976

16.Rc7+ Nd7 17.Bxd7 1–0
If 17…Bxd7 18.Qd6 Nh6 19.Rxd7+ wins the queen.
Diagram 188 – White to play

Hobo – Paymans, Utrecht 1987

16.Qa4+ 1–0
If 16…Kb6 17.c5 mate.
Diagram 189 – White to play

Hracek – Hertneck, Bundesliga Germany 1995

17.Bh6+ 1–0
If 17…Kxh6 18.Nf7+ wins. If 17…Kg8 18.Nxd7 wins.
Diagram 190 – Black to play

Rogovoi – Kashtanov, St Petersburg RUS 1999

16…Ba4+ 0–1
If 17.b3 hxg5 18.Qe2 Qxa1 wins. If 17.Ke1 Nc2+ wins
Diagram 191 – White to play

Anisimov – Kalugin, TCh Olginka RUS 2011

12.Qe5 1–0
White wins either the f6 knight or the h8 corner rook.
Diagram 192 – Black to play

Tiglon – Holt, PRO League Pacific 2017

14…Qxg3 0–1
Black wins a knight in view of the pinned f2 pawn.
Diagram 193 – White to play

Makoli – Sejdiu, TCh-Kosovo Prishtina 2019

13.Bg5 1–0
If 13…f6 14.Qh7 mate. Or if 13…f5 14.Bxe7 wins.
Diagram 194 – White to play

Rozycki – Gosciniak, Dzwirzyno POL 2019

13.Nxf7 Rg8 14.Nxh6+ 1–0
Or if 13…Qxf7 14.Bg6 Rh7 15.Bxf7 wins.
Diagram 195 – White to play

Lubbe – Paehtz, ch-GER PlayChess INT 2020

12.Qe4 1–0
White double attacks the rook and threatens h7 mate.
Diagram 196 – White to play

Bethke – Kotsur, Leon Blitz Open chess.com 2020

12.Rc1 1–0
Wins Black’s queen for a rook or 12…Qd5 13.Rxc8+.
C04 – 3.Nd2 Nc6
Diagram 197 – Black to play

Kirilov – Blankstein, Moscow 1938

10…Nb6 0–1
If 11.Qxc8+ Nxc8 and Black wins a queen for a rook.
Diagram 198 – Black to play

Grossner – Budrich, Halle 1949

7…Nd3# 0–1
Trojan Horse mate in one move – precautionary tale.
Diagram 199 – White to play

Mengarini - Ervin, Long Pine op 1971

13.Nxg6 fxg6 14.Qxg6 1–0
14…Bxg5 15.Qh7+ Kf7 16.Bg6+ Ke7 17.Qxg7+ wins.
Diagram 200 – White to play

Tal – Vaganian, Dubna 1973

14.Qf7+ Kd8 15.Qf6+ 1–0
White wins the Black rook in the corner.
Diagram 201 – White to play

Miguel – Martinov, Euskadi-ch 1995

10.Qa4+ 1–0
The check and capture picks up the Black bishop.
Diagram 202 – Black to play

Shaw – Clarke, Denham ENG 2011

13…Bb4+ 0–1
The check uncovers one queen to win another queen.
Diagram 203 – White to play

Weinzettl – Opasiak, Vienna AUT 2014

10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.Qh5+ 1–0
White’s queen and bishop combine to win a knight.
Diagram 204 – Black to play

Vukas – Kanov, Belgrade SRB 2018

14…Qxe5 0–1
If 15.Re1 (to cover Be2) 15…Qxh2+ 16.Kf1 Qh1 mate
Diagram 205 – Black to play

Saba – Durand-Le Ludec, ch-FRA Blitz 2020

14…Bf4+ 0–1
If 15.Kc2 Bxg5. Or 15.Bxf4 Qxf4+ 16.Kc2 Qxh4 wins.
Diagram 206 – Black to play

Sarkar – Shahinyan, PNWCC Online Blitz JP 2020

14…Bxf3 0–1
If 15.Bxf6 Bxd5 wins. Or 15.Qd2 Qg6 16.gxf3 h6 wins.
C05 – 3.Nd2 Nf6
Diagram 207 – Black to play

Thoene – Renner, Wiesbaden op 1994

12…e4 0–1
If 13.fxe4 Qxg5+ wins. Or if 13.f4 exd3 wins a bishop.
Diagram 208 – White to play

Munoz Pantoja – Ortega Serra, Sabadell ESP 2016

15.Qxb4 e5 16.Qb3+ 1–0
If 16…Kh8 17.Nxe5 wins. Or 15…Bxb4 16.Bxc7 wins.
Diagram 209 – White to play

Munoz Pantoja – Wege, Blitz Tallinn EST 2016

15.Qb5+ 1–0
If 15…Bd7 16.Qxd7 mate.
Diagram 210 – White to play

Can – Sazlik, Turkish Cup Antalya 2017

14.Nxe6+ Kh8 15.Qh6 1–0
Mate in two. Or 14…fxe6 15.Qh6+ Kf7 16.Qxg6 mate.
C05 – 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7
Diagram 211 – Black to play

Carpenter – Miller, Michigan 1976

12…Nd3+ 13.Qxd3 cxd3 14.Bxa3 dxe2 0–1
Wins a piece. Or if 13.Kd2 Qa5 14.Bg2 Nxf2 wins.
Diagram 212 – Black to play

Bawart – Dueckstein, Vienna 1996

14…cxd4 0–1
Discovered attack on queen. If 15.Qd2 dxe3 wins.
Diagram 213 – White to play

Mortensen – Hau, Copenhagen DEN 2000

14.Qh3+ 1–0
If 14…Kg7 15.Qh7 mate.
Diagram 214 – Black to play

Farre Buil – Vigo Allepuz, Barcelona ESP 2017

14…Rxf3 0–1
15.gxf3 Qxh2 mate. Or 15.Bf4 Rxf4 16.Nxf4 Qh6 wins
Diagram 215 – Black to play

Baruch – Burnett, NCL Div 2a Daventry ENG 2020

19…Rd8+ 0–1
If 20.Kc1 Ba3+ 21.Kb1 Bd3 22.Bd1 Be4 wins material.
Diagram 216 – White to play

Vallejo Diaz – Kaufman, Titled Tuesday INT 2020

18.Bg5 1–0
Black’s queen is trapped. If 18…Bxe5 19.Bxf6 wins.
C06 – 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Bd3
Diagram 217 – White to play

Tarrasch – Eckart, Nuremberg 1889

16.Qh6+ Kg8 17.Ng6 1–0
If 17…cxd4 18.Nxe7 mate. Or 17…Re8 18.Qh8 mate.
Diagram 218 – White to play

Reinle – Steinbrugger, Germany 1944

15.Qxh7+ Nxh7 16.Nxf7+ Nxf7 17.Ng6# 1–0
White sacrifices the queen to force a smothered mate.
Diagram 219 – White to play

Mix – Kopicki, Uedem 1962

16.Nxd5+ 1–0
If 16…exd5 17.Rxe7+ Nxe7 18.Qxe7+ wins the queen
Diagram 220 – White to play

Tal – NN, USSR 1970

14.Bxg5+ Bxg5 15.Qg7+ Ke8 16.Nd6# 1–0
If 14…Kf8 15.Bxd8 dxc4 16.Bc7 and White wins.
Diagram 221 – White to play

Mihaljcisin – Masera, Reggio Emilia 1970

18.Be3 1–0
Black’s queen is trapped in the middle of the board.
Diagram 222 – Black to play

Nouro – Antonsen, Copenhagen DEN 1996

17…Qh4 0–1
This wins the g3 knight leaving Black two pawns up.
Diagram 223 – White to play

Abedinov – Eklund, Rilton Cup Stockholm 1996

13.Bb5+ 1–0
The check saves the bishop for 14.Qxf4 winning.
Diagram 224 – White to play

Nurkic – Radosavljevic, Bosnjaci CRO 2002

18.f4 1–0
The Black bishop is caught without any save moves.
Diagram 225 – Black to play

Jovicic – Maravic, Bajmok SCG 2006

19…Qh5 0–1
If 20.Re1 Qxh2+ 21.Kf1 Qxf2 mate.
Diagram 226 – White to play

Schaefer – Walton, ACT Amsterdam NED 2006

19.Qxf5 1–0
19…Nd8 20.Qxh7+ Kf8 21.Qh8+ Ke7 22.Qxg7+ wins.
Diagram 227 – Black to play

Hanley – Peacock, ch-EU Liverpool ENG 2006

14…Qh7 15.Nxg7+ Bxg7 16.h3 Qg6 17.Bg5 Bh6
Black queen on h7 wins the knight or mates on h2.
Diagram 228 – White to play

Damjanovic – Gluscevic, Belgrade SRB 2006

13.Bg6+ 1–0
This thematic check wins the undefended d4 queen.
Diagram 229 – White to play

Punt – Middelveld, Open NK Dieren NED 2007

19.Nxb6 1–0
If 19…axb6 20.Rxa8 wins. If 19…a6 20.Nxa8 wins.
Diagram 230 – White to play

Hanley – Garner, 4NCL Sunningdale ENG 2007

14.Rh4 1–0
White traps Black’s queen which has no safe moves.
Diagram 231 – Black to play

Sarkina – Ulibin, Pavlodar KAZ 2013

19…Bxh2+ 0–1
If 20.Kxh2 Qh4+ 21.Kg1 Qg4 22.g3 Qh3 wins.
Diagram 232 – Black to play

Coll Enriquez – Ortega Serra, Barbera del Valles ESP 2015

17…Nd3+ 0–1
If 18.Kg3 Nf5+ 19.Kf3 Qb6 wins.
Diagram 233 – Black to play

Anaskin – Vavra, Pankrac Cup Prague CZE 2015

17…Bxh2+ 18.Kh1 Qh4 0–1
If 19.Ng6 Qh5 20.Ne7+ Kf7 21.Qf3+ Nf4 wins.
Diagram 234 – White to play

Drygalov – Karthik, PNWCC Online Blitz JP 2020

18.Qxh5+ 1–0
If 18…Kg7 19.Qxg6+ Kh8 20.Qh7 mate.
C07 – 3.Nd2 c5
Diagram 235 – White to play

Choinowski - Thibaut, Brussels 1947

12.Qc8+ Qd8 13.Qxd8# 1–0
Rather than recapture the piece on f3, White mates.
Diagram 236 – White to play

Kholmov – Danielian, Moscow 1996

13.dxc6 Qxc6 14.Bd2 1–0
White grabs one piece and retreats another piece.
Diagram 237 – White to play

Zatonskih – Baekelant, Istanbul TUR 2012

14.Be6+ 1–0
White’s in-between move checks before taking on g3.
Diagram 238 – White to play

Carlsen – Caruana, Blitz Flor & Fjaere NOR 2014

11.Bxa6 1–0
White picks off a piece in an unexpected blitz position.
C07 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5
Diagram 239 – Black to play

Bielsa Franco – Moreno Ruiz, Badalona op 1993

16…Bxf3 0–1
Black removes the defender of g5. If 17.Qxf3 Bxg5.
Diagram 240 – White to play

Ginzburg – Steinbaum, Acasusso Valle op 1994

15.Nxf7 1–0
Fork rooks. 15…Qxf7 16.Bxe6+ forks king and queen.
Diagram 241 – White to play

Bosch – Yepes Martinez, Barcelona 1997

13.Bf4 Qxf4 14.Qxb7 1–0
If 14…Qxc4 15.Qxb8+ wins. Or if 13…Bxa8 14.Bxc7.
Diagram 242 – White to play

Shaw – Obers, Masters Gibraltar ENG 2006

16.Bxf6 1–0
If 16…gxf6 17.Qe4 threatens Qxa8 and Qxh7 mate.
Diagram 243 – Black to play

Bork – Guelsen, Open Dortmund GER 2017

16…Qxh3 0–1
If 17.f4 Ng4 18.Qe2 Nxe3 with a winning attack.
Diagram 244 – White to play

Sargissyan – Gitelson, Voronezh RUS 2020

16.Qe5 1–0
The threat is 17.Qb8 mate. If 16…Bd6 17.Rxd6 wins.
C08 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5
Diagram 245 – Black to play

Fridstein – Petrosian, City Ch Moscow 1951

17…fxe3 0–1
If 18.Ba4 Rxf3 19.gxf3 Bc7 20.f4 Qxf4 and Black wins
Diagram 246 – Black to play

Hoyt – Bilyap, Siegen olm 1970

16…f6 17.Nxc6 Qxc6 18.Bxd6 Nxd6 0–1
Black has won a bishop.
Diagram 247 – Black to play

Wicker – Bednarski, Esbjerg 1980

18…Qxd4 0–1
Wins a knight. Or if 19.Qxd4 Re1+ 20.Rf1 Rxf1 mate.
Diagram 248 – White to play

Coenen – Delobel, Cappelle op 1995

17.Nxc6 Nxb3 18.Nxe7+ Qxe7 19.Rxd8+ 1–0
Wins a bishop. If 17…Rxd1+ 18.Qxd1 bxc6 19.Bxc5.
Diagram 249 – Black to play

Lanneau – Compagnie, Naujac Open 2000

17…Qg3+ 18.Kh1 Qxf3+ 0–1
If 19.Kh2 gxf6 and Black has won a bishop.
Diagram 250 – Black to play

Olsson – Brynell, ch-SWE Gothenburg 2004

19…Rxe3 0–1
If 20.Rxe3 Qf2+ 21.Kh1 Qxh2 mate.
Diagram 251 – White to play

Palac - Peric, Open Geneva SUI 2005

19.Bxg7 1–0
White wins bishop. Or 19…Kxg7 20.Qd4+ wins rook.
Diagram 252 – White to play

Narayanan – Wettasinha, Delhi IND 2010

18.f3 1–0
If 18…Nf6 19.Rxe7 wins. Or 18…Bxc5 19.fxe4 wins.
Diagram 253 – White to play

Liu Qingnan – Pang, Beijing CHN 2017

20.Nf3 1–0
If 20…Bxf2 21.Bxf2. If 20…Bh2 21.g3 Bxg3 22.Bxg3.
Diagram 254 – Black to play

Silva – Maloberti, Portugal Open Lisbon POR 2020

17…Qxg3 0–1
Black wins a knight because the f2 pawn is pinned.
C09 – 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5 5.Ngf3 Nc6
Diagram 255 – Black to play

Lehikoinen – Cappello, Groningen 1971

18…Qh2+ 19.Kf1 Ba6+ 0–1
White must lose a queen to stop mate if 20.c4 Bxc4+.
Diagram 256 – White to play

Govedarica – Petrovic, Vrbas 1976

14.Bc4+ Kh8 15.Nf7+ Rxf7 16.Bxf7 1–0
White has won the Exchange.
Diagram 257 – Black to play

Kornacker – Bath, Columbus OH 1981

17…Ned3+ 18.Bxd3 Nxd3+ 19.Kd1 Qg4+ 0–1
If 20.Kc2 Nxc1 wins the queen. Or if 18.Kf1 Qf6 wins.
Diagram 258 – White to play

Colias – Newman, Grove Park 1988

19.Rxd6+ 1–0
19…Qxd6 20.Rd1 Qxd1+ 21.Qxd1+ winning material.
Diagram 259 – White to play

Kogan – Mansoor, WchJ-U18 Singapore 1990

16.Rxe7+ 1–0
If 16…Qxe7 17.Qxc8+ wins. If 16…Kf8 17.Rc7+ wins.
Diagram 260 – White to play

Jansa – Weinzettl, Austria 1996

19.Qxf6 1–0
If 19…Qxf6 20.Nd7+ Kc7 21.Nxf6 wins a knight.
Diagram 261 – White to play

Smerdon – Skiotis, Canberra AUS 2002

16.Qxf3 1–0
If 16…axb6 17.Qxh5 wins. If 16…Bxf3 17.Bxd8 wins.
Diagram 262 – White to play

Kasparov – Jaburek, Simul Hluboka CZE 2008

16.a4 1–0
If 16…Bd6 17.axb5 wins. Or if 16…Bb4+ 17.c3 wins.
Diagram 263 – White to play

Tkachiev – Ponomariov, Blitz Moscow RUS 2008

17.Bf4 1–0
If 17…Rxe1+ 18.Qxe1 Qd8 19.Bxc7+ wins.
Diagram 264 – Black to play

Piscopo – Vaisser, Rapid Open Balagna FRA 2017

17…Qg5 0–1
18.Rad1 Qxg2 mate. If 18.f3 Nh3+ 19.Kh1 Qxd2 wins.
C10 – 3.Nc3
Diagram 265 – White to play

Bernstein – NN, Paris 1927

11.Bc4 Qxd4 12.Bxf7# 1–0
Otherwise, the threat of mate wins the Black queen.
Diagram 266 – White to play

Wall – Lippert, Dayton OH 1980

7.dxc6 Qxd4 8.cxb7+ 1–0
Or if 7…bxc6 8.Bxc6+ Bd7 9.Bxa8 Qxa8 10.Nf3 wins.
Diagram 267 – White to play

Bittner – Menge, Baden 1988

9.Nc7+ Ke7 10.Qa3+ Kf6 11.Bg5# 1–0
If 10…Nxb4 11.Qxb4+ wins. If 9…Qxc7 10.Bxc7 wins.
Diagram 268 – White to play

N. Pedersen – J. Pedersen, Aarhus 1995

11.Rh8+ Kxh8 12.Qh5+ Kg8 13.g6 1–0
If 13…Nf6 14.exf6 Rxf6 15.Qh7+ Kf8 16.Qh8 mate.
C10 – 3.Nc3 Nc6
Diagram 269 – White to play

Sprout – Kingston, New Hampshire 1981

13.Ba3 Nc4 14.Qh7+ Kf8 15.Qh8# 1–0
Or 13…c5 14.Bxc5 Qd6 15.Qxf7+ Kh8 16.Qh5+ wins.
Diagram 270 – Black to play

Stobik – Prie, Lugano op 1989

16…e5 17.Qh5 exd4 18.Rhe1 g6 0–1
Black’s pawn attacks White’s bishop to win material.
Diagram 271 – Black to play

Madl - Foisor, Subotica iztW 1991

18…Bxf2+ 0–1
If 19.Rxf2 Qxc4 winning the White queen for a bishop.
Diagram 272 – White to play

Reinderman – Rubingh, Leeuwarden NLD 1995

17.Nf4 1–0
White has a knight fork on g6 to win the Exchange.
Diagram 273 – Black to play

Van Linde – Van der Weide, Groningen op 1997

16…a6 0–1
If 17.Bd3 Bd7 and White’s queen has no safe moves.
Diagram 274 – Black to play

Spoelman – Stellwagen, Hoogeveen NED 2003

16…Rxg2+ 17.Kh1 Rg1+ 0–1
If 18.Kxg1 Rg8+ 19.Qg4 Rxg4 mate.
Diagram 275 – Black to play

Fauvel – Ghane, Elancourt FRA 2004

18…exd4 0–1
If 19.Bxd4 Nxd4 20.Qxd4 Qxd4 21.Rxd4 Bxc3 wins.
Diagram 276 – White to play

Zlatic – Katanic Vujic, TCh-Serbia Zlatibor 2006

18.Nc7+ 1–0
If 18…Rxc7 19.Rd8 mate. Slam. Bam. It’s over.
Diagram 277 – Black to play

Kaufman – Goh Weiming, Budapest HUN 2007

17…Ng4 0–1
Black removes the d4 defender. If 18.Qg3 Nxd4 wins.
Diagram 278 – White to play

Dobrowolski – Dowgird, Wroclaw POL 2011

13.Nd6+ 1–0
13…Bxd6 14.Qxh4 wins a loose (unprotected) queen.
Diagram 279 – White to play

Vocaturo – Mazzilli, Italian Teams Bratto ITA 2013

16.Qh8+ Kf7 17.Qg7+ 1–0
16…Ng8 17.Qxg8+ Ke7 18.Qg7+ Kd6 19.Qg3+ wins.
Diagram 280 – White to play

Poetsch – Mahn, Berlin GER 2015

11.e6 1–0
If 11…Bxe6 12.Ne5 Qg8 13.Nxc6 a6 14.Ne7+ wins.
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4
Diagram 281 – Black to play

Diemer – Ten Have, Amsterdam 1956

16…Qxd4 0–1
Attacks a bishop and knight. If 17.Qxc7 Qxf2+ mates.
Diagram 282 – White to play

Gegner – Roetzner, Erlangen 1982

14.Qh5+ Kg7 15.Qh7+ Kf8 16.Qh8# 1–0
If 15…Kf6 16.Ne4 mate. Or if 14…Kg8 15.Bxf7+ wins.
Diagram 283 – White to play

Bahmann – Auschkalnis, Mannheim GER op 1994

13.Bh7+ 1–0
If 13…Nxh7 14.Qxh7 mate. If 13…Kh8 14.Nxf7 mate.
Diagram 284 – White to play

Crompton – kingsterra, Live Chess.com 2020

17.Ne6+ Kh7 18.Qxg7# 1–0
Or if 17…Qg5 18.Qxg5+ Kh7 19.Qxg7 mate.
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4
Diagram 285 – White to play

Steinitz – Bird, London 1866

10.Rh2 Qxh2 11.Nxh2 Nxd4 12.Bb5+ 1–0
If 12…Nxb5 13.Qd8 mate. White wins queen or king.
Diagram 286 – White to play

Gajdos – Biro, Budapest 1916

14.Bh7+ 1–0
If 14…Kh8 15.Bg6+ Kg8 16.Qh7+ Kf8 17.Qxf7 mate.
Diagram 287 – Black to play

Kurtyka – Pokrzywa, Krynica POL chJ g16 1998

13…Qxf2+ 0–1
If 14.Kh1 Bxg2 mate or 14…Qxg2 mate.
Diagram 288 – Black to play

Mendes – Silva, Euro Seniors Porto POR 2014

15…Nc3+ 0–1
Black’s family fork fouls up White’s checkmate plans.
Diagram 289 – White to play

Jobava – Kapelchik, Rapid Minsk BLR 2015

13.Qb3 1–0
If 13…a5 14.a3 wins. Or 13…a6 14.a4 wins a knight.
Diagram 290 – White to play

Makoli – Sejdiu, TCh-Kosovo Prishtina 2019

13.Bg5 1–0
If 13…Bxg5 14.Qh7 mate. Or if 13…f5 14.Bxe7 wins.
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bd7
Diagram 291 – White to play

Wood – Lambert, London ENG 1948

10.Bb5+ 1–0
Wins queen. If 10…Bc6 11.Qxd4 Bxb5 12.Qd8 mate.
Diagram 292 – White to play

Escofet Monzo – Musso, URU ch 1987

13.Bb5 1–0
The White bishop pins and wins the Black queen.
Diagram 293 – Black to play

Andreu – Moran, C'an Picafort 1991

15…Qxf3 0–1
If 16.gxf3 Bxf3+ 17.Rg2 Nf2+ 18.Kg1 Nxd1+ wins.
Diagram 294 – White to play

Ryan – Joyce, Leinster ch 1993

15.Bc4+ 1–0
15…Bd5 16.Bxd5+ Nxd5 17.Qe6+ Kg7 18.Bh6 mate.
Diagram 295 – White to play

Milu – Suljovic, 7th Hotel Opatija CRO 2002

14.Re5 Bxf3 15.Nxf3 1–0
If 15…g5 16.Rxg5 Qh6 17.Rg8+ Nxg8 18.Bxh6 wins.
Diagram 296 – White to play

Damia – Ingason, Belgrade Obrenovac SCG 2005

14.Nd2 1–0
White blocks the check with the knight defending Bc4.
Diagram 297 – White to play

Leenhouts – Bollaart, Vlissingen NED 2006

16.Bc4 1–0
If 16…Qf8 17.Bh6 Qxh6 18.Qxf7+ Kh8 19.Rxe7 wins.
Diagram 298 – White to play

Choinska – Bogdanov, Suwalki POL 2017

15.Qxc6+ 1–0
If 15…bxc6 16.Ba6 mate. The thematic Boden Mate.
C10 – 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7
Diagram 299 – White to play

Marshall – Grossman, New York 1922

17.Ng4 1–0
If 17…Bxb2 18.Qxa8. White saves knight to win rook.
Diagram 300 – White to play

Strautmanis – Hasenfuss, Riga 1934

17.Rxe7 Qxc4 18.Rg7# 1–0
Or 17…Ne6 18.Bxe6 Qxe6 19.Qxe6 wins two pawns.
Diagram 301 – White to play

Engels – Tsvetkov, Munich ol 1936

17.Bxf6+ 1–0
If 17…Bxf6 18.Qe4 intending to play 19.Qxh7 mate.
Diagram 302 – White to play

Byrne – Hurst, New York 1947

16.Ng5+ 1–0
16…hxg5 17.Qxe6 mate. Or 16…Ke8 17.Bg6+ mates.
Diagram 303 – White to play

Karaklajic – Matanovic, Bled 1948

16.Nd6 1–0
If 16…Nxf4 17.Qf7 mate. Or 16…Bxd6 17.Bh6 mate.
Diagram 304 – White to play

Fischer – Kral, Cicero sim 1964

14.Qe4 g6 15.Qxa8 b4 16.c4 1–0
Bobby Fischer double attacks h7 and wins the rook.
Diagram 305 – Black to play

Van der Poel – Van der Weide, BSG-Watergra 1991

14…Rxd2 15.Qxd2 Bxe4 16.bxc5 Bxf3 17.Qd6 Bc6 0–1
Black wins material based on the …Qxh2 mate threat.
Diagram 306 – White to play

Gurevich – Leveille, New York MCC 1994

16.Bxf6 1–0
If 16…Bxf6 17.Be4 skewers the queen and the rook.
Diagram 307 – Black to play

Kruger – Diebig, NRW ch g15 Hiddenhau 1997

18…Bxh2+ 0–1
This check lets Black save a queen and win a queen.
Diagram 308 – White to play

Hennigan – Maduekwe, ENG-chT 1997

11.Qc3 1–0
White double attacks the knight and the rook to win.
Diagram 309 – White to play

Fressinet – Guliyev, Euro Blitz Ajaccio FRA 2007

14.Qe4 1–0
The queen double attacks a bishop and the h7 pawn.
Diagram 310 – Black to play

Chiang – Bauza Mercere, New York State ch 2010

14…Bb4+ 0–1
If 15.Bd2 Bxa5 and Black wins a knight.
Diagram 311 – Black to play

Andreev – Metev, MGU Open Sofia BUL 2016

16…Qf4+ 0–1
If 17.Qd2 Qxe4. Or 17.Qe3 Qxe3+ 18.fxe3 Bxe4 wins.
Diagram 312 – Black to play

Kosmac – Plesec, TCh Slovenia 2017

17…a6 18.Ba4 b5 0–1
Pawn fork wins a piece. Or if 18.Nxb6 cxb6 wins.
Diagram 313 – White to play

Kollars – Rewitz, Esbjerg DEN 2018

15.Bc6+ 1–0
15…Kf7 16.Qxa7. Or 15…Bd7 16.Rxe6+ Be7 17.Ne5.
Diagram 314 – Black to play

Uneken – Schleich, Eisenstein GER 2019

17…e4 18.Ng5 Bxe3+ 0–1
If 19.Kh1 Bxg5 wins. Or 18.Bxe4 Qxe4 19.Ng5 Be3+.
Diagram 315 – White to play

Pridorozhni – Nikulin, Moscow Open RUS 2020

18.Bxc5 1–0
If 18…Rxc5 19.Qa8+ Qd8 20.Qxd8+ Kxd8 21.Nxf7+.
Diagram 316 – White to play

Beerdsen – Bromann, Titled Tuesday INT 2020

17.Qxg7 1–0
(18.Qe7 mate) If 17…Qc5 18.Re1 Qd6 19.Be2 wins.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bd3
Diagram 317 – Black to play

Wolf – Swiderski, Kongress Hannover 1902

16…Qxg3 0–1
Black wins a knight due to the pinned f2 pawn.
Diagram 318 – Black to play

Gashi – Horvath, Bahn-chG Borkum 1996

16…Bxe2 0–1
If 17.Qxe2 Qxa1 wins a rook. Or if 17.f4 Rxf4 wins.
Diagram 319 – White to play

Luberti – Drake, Dallas Open TX 1997

17.Ne6+ Ke8 18.Qh5+ g6 19.Qxg6+ 1–0
If 19…hxg6 20.Bxg6 mate. Or 19.Bxg6+ also mates.
Diagram 320 – White to play

Akinseye - Moran, PRO League Group INT 2017

15.Bxh7+ Kxh7 16.Qh5+ Kg8 17.Rh3 Bh4 18.Rxh4 1–0
Or if 15…Kh8 16.Qh5 Rd8 17.Nf7 mate.
Diagram 321 – White to play

Pogorelskikh – Shoshin, Moscow Open RUS 2018

19.Rxf7+ 1–0
If 19…Nxf7 20.Qxf7 mate.
Diagram 322 – Black to play

Liang - Huang, Hunan Op Changsha CHN 2019

16…Qa3+ 17.Kb1 Qb2# 0–1
White’s king is trapped and succumbs to checkmate.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.exd5
Diagram 323 – Black to play

Noa – Mason, London England 1883

14…Bxf3 15.Rxe8 Rxe8 0–1
If 16.gxf3 Re1+ 17.Kg2 Nh5 18.Qd2 Nf4+ wins.
Diagram 324 – White to play

Alekhine – Von Feldt, blind simul Tarnopol 1916

17.g4 Be4 18.Nh4# 1–0
Alexander Alekhine played blindfold simul exhibitions.
Diagram 325 – White to play

Spielmann - Wahle, Vienna 1926

15.Nxe4 Qe6 16.Bxf6+ Kg8 17.Qf4 1–0
Rudolf Spielmann wins a piece and probably a queen.
Diagram 326 – Black to play

Moser – Weinzettl, Vienna AUT 1999

15…Kg7 16.Bxe4 Rh8 17.Bxd5 Rxh5 18.Bxc6 Qd6 0–1
When White regains a piece then Black wins a queen.
Diagram 327 – White to play

Czupor – Gutmann, Bad Gleichenberg AUT 2014

18.Rg4+ 1–0
If 18…Nxg4 19.Qh7 mate. If 18…Qg7 19.Qxg7 mate.
Diagram 328 – White to play

Dovzhenko – Mukashev, Pardubice CZE 2017

12.Bxf6 1–0
Wins a piece. Or 12…gxf6 13.Qh6 mates on g7 or h7.
Diagram 329 – Black to play

Wittmann – Schneider Zinner, Graz AUT 2017

11…Nxh3+ 12.Kh2 Nf4# 0–1
Black also wins with 12…Ng1 mate or 12…Ng5 mate.
Diagram 330 – White to play

Wantiez – Memeti, TCh Belgium 2018

15.Bxf5 1–0
If 15…Bxf5 16.Nh5 mates on g7. If 15…Qxf5 16.Nxf5.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Ng8
Diagram 331 – White to play

Estrada Nieto – Pena, Cardenas 1968

14.Bg6+ 1–0
(Or Qxg6+) If 14…hxg6 15.Qxg6+ Ke7 16.Bc5 mate.
Diagram 332 – White to play

Blomstrom - Yuksel, World Senior Bucharest 2019

18.Nxf5 Qxd3 19.Nxg7+ 1–0
If 19…Ke7 20.Rxd3 wins. Or 18…exf5 19.Qxd7 mate.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Ne4
Diagram 333 – Black to play

Seminara – Mellano, Acasusso op 1991

15…Bxb2 16.Rad1 Bxc3 17.f4 0–0 0–1
Black captures on b2 attacking the rook and knight.
Diagram 334 – White to play

Keskisarja – Aaltio, Espoo op 1996

17.Bg5+ 1–0
White skewers king and rook to win the Exchange.
Diagram 335 – Black to play

Gregg – Williams, Sutton Open 1999

17…Bf2+ 0–1
Simon Williams removes defender. If 18.Kxf2 Rxd1.
Diagram 336 – White to play

Agdestein – Langrock, Open Kiel GER 2000

17.Bxb7 1–0
White wins a bishop while attacking queen and rook.
Diagram 337 – Black to play

Benares Cruz – Lima, Santos BRA 2001

16…Rad8 0–1
If 17.Qa4 Qd2 mate. If 17.f4 exf3 18.Nxf3 Qe3+ wins.
Diagram 338 – White to play

Aryan – Martin Rodriguez, Madrid ESP 2015

19.Qxh6+ 1–0
A queen for a king. If 19…Rxh6 20.Bxh6 mate.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2
Diagram 339 – Black to play

Whitehead – Maroczy, simul 1923

18…Rf8+ 0–1
If 19.Kg5 Qe7+ 20.Kh5 Be8 mate. If 19.Ke3 Rf3 mate.
Diagram 340 – White to play

Formanek – Heidenfeld, London 1973

15.Ng5+ Bxg5 16.Qh5+ 1–0
If 16…Bh6 17.Rxf7 wins. Or 16…Kg8 17.Qxf7+ wins.
Diagram 341 – Black to play

Perez – Borges Mateos, Santa Clara CUB 2000

16…Nb6 0–1
Black attacks queen and bishop. If 17.Qe4 Bxh3 wins.
Diagram 342 – Black to play

Christ – Schramm, Altenkirchen GER 2001

14…Nxd4 0–1
If 15.Bxb4 Qxb4+ 16.Qd2 Nxf3+ 17.gxf3 Nxe5 wins.
Diagram 343 – White to play

Harandi – Trojan, Marianske Lazne CZE 2016

19.a4 1–0
If 19…Qb6 20.Bxd3 wins. If 19…Qa6 20.Qxb4+ wins.
Diagram 344 – White to play

Dominguez Perez – Mihajlov, Banter Blitz 2020

17.Ne4+ dxe4 18.Bg5# 1–0
White finds a win with this fabulous forced finish.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nf3
Diagram 345 – White to play

Perrin – NN, New York 1883

10.Bf4 Qc6 11.Bb5 1–0
11.Qxb5 12.Nxc7+ wins. If 10…Qxe6 11.Nxc7+ wins.
Diagram 346 – Black to play

Menke – Keres, Correspondence 1935

15…Qe4 16.f3 Qxe3+ 0–1
Paul Keres played by postal when travel was limited.
Diagram 347 – Black to play

Sergeant – Anderson, BCF-ch Nottingham 1954

15…h6 0–1
If 16.Qe3 Bxf5 wins. If 16.Qg6 Ne7 17.Qg3 Bxf5 wins.
Diagram 348 – White to play

West – Barakat, Novi Sad olm 1990

18.Rxg7+ 1–0
If 18…Rxg7 19.Qe8 mate. If 18.Kc8 19.Rxg8+ wins.
Diagram 349 – White to play

Medvegy – Szabo, HUN-chT 1994

19.Nh5 1–0
If 19…Bf8 20.Nf6 mate. Or if 19…Rh7 20.Nf6+ wins.
Diagram 350 – White to play

Becerra Rivero – Sloan Aravena, NY Masters 2003

17.Bxf7 Bxg3 18.fxg3 1–0
White removes a defender and opens the f-file to win.
Diagram 351 – White to play

Stankovic – Chakravarthi Reddy, Novi Sad 2018

14.Qc5 1–0
If 14…Qd7 15.Bb5 Nc6 16.Rxd5 exd5 17.Re1+ wins.
Diagram 352 – White to play

Al Maamari – Alyazia, Sharjah Women UAE 2020

14.Qd3+ f5 15.exf6+ Kxf6 16.Rxe6# 1–0
If 15…Kh5 16.g4+ Kxg4 17.Qh3+ Kxf3 18.Nxe6 mate.
C11 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4
Diagram 353 – Black to play

Owen – Maillard, North Atlantic 1980

17…d4 0–1
If 18.Nxd4 Nxd4 19.Qxd4 Nd3+ 20.Qxd3 Qxb2 mate.
Diagram 354 – White to play

Djurhuus – Kaspersen, Peer Gynt Gausdal 1988

12.Qc3 1–0
If 12…f6 13.Nc7+ Kf7 14.Nxa8 wins the Exchange.
Diagram 355 – White to play

Mitkov – Lupu, Lyon op 1993

16.Nxd5 1–0
If 16…Nxd2 17.Nxe7+ Kh8 18.Bxd2 wins a piece.
Diagram 356 – Black to play

Shashikant – Vocaturo, Sitges ESP 2015

18…Qxd4 0–1
If 19.Bb5+ axb5 20.Qxd4 Nxc2+ 21.Kf2 Nxd4 wins.
Diagram 357 – White to play

Djukic - Salkic, Bosna Open Sarajevo BIH 2018

18.Bb5+ 1–0
If 18…Nc6 19.Bxh8 wins. Or 18…Bd7 19.Bxe5 wins.
Diagram 358 – White to play

So – Vachier Lagrave, Speed chess.com INT 2019

18.Qh5 1–0
Wesley So threatens mate on f7. If 18…g6 19.Qh7.
Diagram 359 – Black to play

Ortiz – Polivanov, Titled Tuesday INT 2020

15…Qa3 0–1
The bishop pin wins the queen. (15…Qc5 also wins.)
Diagram 360 – White to play

Sapale – Goh, Women's Speed Chess 2020

16.Qg5 1–0
If 16…Nb3+ 17.cxb3 g6 18.Qh6 bxc3 19.Qg7 mate.
C12 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4
Diagram 361 – White to play

Nimzowitsch – Fluess, Zurich 1906

18.c5 Rg8 19.Rab1 1–0
Threat is 20.Ba6 mate. Or if 18…Kb7 19.Rab1+ wins.
Diagram 362 – White to play

Coles – Westbrock, US op Forth Worth 1951

15.Nxg7+ Kf8 16.Ne6+ fxe6 17.Qd6+ Kg8 18.Qg3+ 1–0
If 16…Ke8 17.Nc7+ Kf8 18.Qh6+ Kg8 19.Qg7 mate.
Diagram 363 – Black to play

Brasket – Szabo, Lone Pine 1977

17…bxc5 0–1
If 18.Nb5 Nf3+ 19.Kh1 Qxd5 wins.
Diagram 364 – White to play

Manninen – Grunthal, FIN-chT 1991

13.Bxc6 1–0
13…Bxc6 14.Qxe5 wins. If 13…Qxc5 14.Bxd7+ wins.
C12 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4 5.e5
Diagram 365 – Black to play

Pillsbury – Ramos, simul 1903

18…b3+ 0–1
(or 18…bxa3) Black has …Bxg4+ with check winning.
Diagram 366 – Black to play

Byrne – Shipman, New York 1946

17…Ne4+ 18.fxe4 Rf8 0–1
Black forks and then pins the White queen and king.
Diagram 367 – White to play

Spassky – Blaine, Paris 1969

15.Qxg8 Nxg8 16.h7 1–0
World Champion Boris Spassky gets another queen.
Diagram 368 – Black to play

Petersen – J. Pedersen, Esbjerg 1972

15…Qd4 0–1
If 16.Rb1 (to save the rook) Qxf2+ 17.Kd1 Qxd2 mate.
Diagram 369 – White to play

Machulsky – Gurevich, Alushta 1977

13.Qxe6+ fxe6 14.Bxg6+ Ke7 15.Bg5+ Nf6 16.exf6+ Kd7 17.Ne5# 1–0
Or if 13…Be7 14.Nd6+ Kf8 15.Qxf7 mate.
Diagram 370 – Black to play

Negre – Sharif, Orange op 1994

18…Nxe5 0–1
Black forks queen and rook due to a pinned d4 pawn.
Diagram 371 – Black to play

Cabart – Pirklova, ProMoPro Prague CZE 2003

11…cxb2+ 0–1
If 12.Qxb4 bxa1 and Black wins the Exchange.
Diagram 372 – Black to play

Karen – Riordan, Open Foxwoods USA 2007

18…Rxc2+ 0–1
White’s bishop was pinned: 19.Kf1 Bxd3+ Black wins.
Diagram 373 – Black to play

Mikalsen – Tikkanen, London ENG 2011

16…Qc3+ 0–1
This queen fork check wins the White rook on a1.
Diagram 374 – Black to play

Arocena Uria – Garcia Martinez, San Sebastian 2017

11…Bxe5 0–1
Black saves bishop and rook while attacking a queen.
Diagram 375 – White to play

Besson – Picart, Sables-d'Olonne Open FRA 2019

19.Nf4 1–0
If 19…Qe4 20.Nxe6+ Bxe6 21.Qxe4 wins.
Diagram 376 – Black to play

Janev – Tomilova, Euro Online chess.com 2020

17…Qb6+ 0–1
If 18.Kh1 Qxb5 wins. Or if 18.Be3 Qxe3+ wins.
C13 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 dxe4
Diagram 377 – White to play

Riedel – Stimpel, Hessenliga 1994

19.Nxf7 1–0
Fork on queen and rook. If 18…Kxf7 19.Qxe6+ wins.
Diagram 378 – White to play

Krivec – Kozamernik, Bled op 1999

12.b4 1–0
The pawn fork wins the bishop.
Diagram 379 – Black to play

Gerber – Kovalenko, Kyiv UKR 2007

14…Qc7 0–1
If 15.Nd2 d5 16.Nf3 Bd7 17.Qxf8+ Kf8 winning.
Diagram 380 – Black to play

Lederer – Buhmann, Lienz AUT 2013

11…c4 0–1
Black’s pawn attacks and wins the trapped bishop.
C13 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 dxe4 5.Nxe4
Diagram 381 – White to play

Steiner – NN, Hollywood 1934

18.Rf3 Qxh4 19.Ng6# 1–0
If 18…Bxf3 19.Nd7+ wins. Or 18…Ke7 19.Rxf6 wins.
Diagram 382 – White to play

Dake – De Burca, Warsaw ol 1935

18.Qxh7+ Kxh7 19.hxg6# 1–0
Arthur Dake was the first American to beat Alekhine.
Diagram 383 – Black to play

Unzicker – Zemgalis, Bad Nauheim mt GER 1948

19…Rd7 0–1
White’s queen took on a7 and got his queen trapped.
Diagram 384 – Black to play

Holaszek – Magnusson, Skopje olm 1972

15…Nb8 16.Nxb5 Qxe5+ 0–1
White’s queen is trapped on a6. If 17.dxe5 Nxa6 wins.
Diagram 385 – White to play

Hector – Fraser, Jersey Open 14.02.2005

18.R1xd5 1–0
One rook protects another. If 18…exd5 19.Rxf6 wins.
Diagram 386 – White to play

Onischuk – Jakimov, ch-UKR Final Kharkov 2007

18.Nxb7+ 1–0
White’s knight forks the Black king and queen to win.
Diagram 387 – White to play

Li Chao2 – Zhou Weiqi, PGMA Manila PHI 2008

16.h3 1–0
Attacks the Bf2 defender. If 16…Ne3+ 17.Bxe3 wins.
Diagram 388 – White to play

Zarubitski – Nikolaev, Rapid Minsk BLR 2019

18.Nf5+ 1–0
The end of a king hunt. If 18…Kg5 19.Qh4 mate.
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.Bxf6
Diagram 389 – White to play

Schlechter – Wolf, Vienna 1894

14.Qh5+ g6 15.Qh7+ Ke8 16.Qxg6# 1–0
Black’s king flees from the h8 rook and gets mated.
Diagram 390 – White to play

Blackburne – NN, Hastings 1894

14.Qh5+ Kg8 15.g6 Rf5 16.Qh7+ Kf8 17.Qh8# 1–0
Black’s king captures the h8 rook and gets mated.
Diagram 391 – Black to play

Mieses – Jerabek, Brno sim 1906

17…Bd6 0–1
Black wins the queen or king. If 18.Qxd6 Nxf2 mate.
Diagram 392 – Black to play

Schmidt – Keck, St Ingbert op 1994

19…Rxa3 0–1
If 20.bxa3 Qxa3 and …Qa2 mate as soon as possible
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Ng8
Diagram 393 – White to play

Hector – Iskov, Malmo 1984

16.Nxg6 Rg8 17.Nf4 Rxg3 18.fxg3 Bd7 19.Rh1 1–0
White has two knights for a bishop after exchanges.
Diagram 394 – White to play

Velimirovic – Ree, Amsterdam 1994

11.Rxh4 Rxh4 12.Bg5 1–0
Wins a bishop with an inside skewer double attack.
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Ne4
Diagram 395 – Black to play

Rummel – Baylor, corr 1949

16…Bb5+ 17.Ke1 Qc1+ 18.Rd1 Nc2# 0–1
White can only delay at best but not prevent the mate.
Diagram 396 – White to play

Winkler – Thompson, USA 1960

12.a3 Qb6 13.Rfb1 Qc6 14.Bb5 1–0
White traps Black’s queen which must die for a rook.
Diagram 397 – Black to play

Conley – Kulbacki, Taylor SE MI op 1986

16…b6 0–1
If 17.Ne1 Nxd4+ 18.Kd3 Ba6+ 19.Kxd4 c5 mate.
Diagram 398 – White to play

Zymberi – Gunter, Kensington Quickplay 1994

19.Rg3+ 1–0
White sacrifices 2 pieces. If 19…Qg5 20.Rxg5 mate.
C14 – 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Be7 5.e5 Nfd7
Diagram 399 – Black to play

Von Gottschall – Blackburne, Hamburg 1885

13…Rf1+ 0–1
Black removes the queen’s defender. If 14.Kxf1 Qxd2.
Diagram 400 – Black to play

Harmonist – Burn, Kongress Frankfurt 1887

14…Bxg2+ 15.Kxg2 Qf3+ 16.Kg1 Qg4+ 17.Kf1 Qh3+ 0–1
If 18.Kg1 Nf3 mate. Or if 18.Ke1 Nf3 mate.
Diagram 401 – White to play

Wiesel – Negyesy, HUN-ch Budapest 1931

15.Qb4+ 1–0
If 15…Nc5 16.Qxc5+ Qd6 17.exd6+ wins big material.
Diagram 402 – White to play

Keres – Wade, ENG-URS London 1954

17.Rh8+ 1–0
If 17…Kxh8 18.Ng6+ Kg8 19.Nxe7+ win the queen.
Diagram 403 – White to play

Durao – Heidenfeld, Johannesburg 1957

17.Qxd8+ Nxd8 18.Rxd8+ Kf7 19.Nd6+ 1–0
If 19…Ke7 20.Nxf5+ Kxd8 21.Nxg7 wins a piece.
Diagram 404 – White to play

Weinzettl – Grillitsch, AUT BL 1989

17.Nf5 1–0
White wins due to the threats 18.Qxg7+ and 18.Nxe7.
Diagram 405 – White to play

Velimirovic – Ristovic, Pozarevac 1995

10.Nxd5+ 1–0
White wins the Black queen with a check to the king.
Diagram 406 – White to play

Fercec - Kukina, Open Rijeka CRO 2001

10.Bxh7+ Kh8 11.Qh5 Nf6 12.exf6 1–0
A thematic win. If 11…g6 12.Bxg6+ Kg7 13.Qh7 mate
Diagram 407 – Black to play

Kleiser – Schmidt, TCh Frohnleiten AUT 2002

17…Qa1+ 18.Kc2 Qxb2+ 19.Kd3 Nb4+ 0–1
Forcing moves. If 20.cxb4 Qb3 mate.
Diagram 408 – White to play

Kosteniuk – Guerrero Rodriguez, Beijing 2008

19.Qxa7+ 1–0
White’s queen double attacks king and b8 rook to win.
Diagram 409 – White to play

Antipov – Mrndjic, Bosna Open Sarajevo BIH 2015

18.Qf7+ Kh8 19.Rd3 1–0
White’s intending plan of Rh3 will force checkmate.
Diagram 410 – Black to play

Pogorelskikh – Mokshanov, Eurasia Cup 2018

17…d4+ 0–1
If 18.Nxd4 Ncxd4 19.Rad1 Rac8 Black is up a knight.
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qg4
Diagram 411 – Black to play

Young – Ludwig, US op Omaha 1949

16…Qa5+ 17.Kd1 Rc3 0–1
Black threatens 18…Rxe3 and 18.Rxa3 or 18…Qxa3.
Diagram 412 – White to play

Benson – Strohbusch, World Seniors GRE 2012

18.Be5 1–0
If 18…Kf8 19.Qd8 mate. Or if 18…Bb7 19.Qxh8 mate.
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qd3
Diagram 413 – White to play

Winckelmann – Lau, corr GER 1986

9.Bxf6 Bxc3+ 10.Kf1 1–0
If 10…h6 11.Qg4 g5 12.Qe4 Re8 13.Qh7+ mates.
Diagram 414 – White to play

Hector – Michalke, Neu Isenburg op 1992

11.Bxh7+ 1–0
If 11…Nxh7 12.Bxe7 wins. Or 11…Kh8 12.Be4 wins.
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Bd2
Diagram 415 – White to play

Schwarz – Labau, Germany 1948

10.Qxc6+ bxc6 11.Rd8# 1–0
Or if 10…Bd7 11.Qxd7+ Kf8 12.Qd8+ mates.
Diagram 416 – White to play

Frederick – Reynaert, corr 1948

11.Bg5 Qg6 12.Qxe7# 1–0
If 12…a5 13.Qa3 and White wins the queen or king.
Diagram 417 – Black to play

Lima – Rodriguez, Sao Paulo BRA 2004

11…Nd5 0–1
Black saves the Ba5, the Qd8 and Ne7 to win a piece.
Diagram 418 – Black to play

Thjomoe – Magnussen, Baltic Sea Cup DEN 2008

17…Bd4+ 0–1
If 18.Nb3 Bxf2 and Black wins the White queen.
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Bd3
Diagram 419 – Black to play

Winawer – De Vere, Baden-Baden 1870

16…Nd4 0–1
This amazing knight covers key squares e2, f3 and b5
Diagram 420 – White to play

Alekhine – Vasic, Banja Luka 1931

10.Qxe6+ fxe6 11.Bg6# 1–0
World Champion Alexander Alekhine shines in tactics.
Diagram 421 – White to play

Heppell – Kershaw, Guernsey Open Vale GCI 2015

18.Qa4+ 1–0
If 18…Nc6 19.Bxc6+ Qxc6 20.Qxa5 wins a piece.
Diagram 422 – White to play

Hansen – Simonsen, TCh Faroe Islands 2018

14.Qh4 1–0
If 14…Bxg5 15.Qxh7 mate. If 14…Nxd3 15.Bxe7 wins
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3
Diagram 423 – Black to play

Wicksman – Kujoth, corr 1948

18…Nxe3+ 19.Qxe3 Bxc2# 0–1
White’s bishops and rooks back on original squares.
Diagram 424 – White to play

Bone – Hoover, Ch Canada Vancouver BC 1971

19.Nxe4 1–0
If 19…Qxh3 20.Ba6 mate. Or 19…Qa5 20.Qc3+ wins.
Diagram 425 – Black to play

Smyslov – Kohn, simul Columbus OH 1976

19…Qe5+ 0–1
Check and capture after if 20.Be2 Qxa1+ wins.
Diagram 426 – White to play

Winckelmann – Luebbert, corr Germany 1988

11.Bb5+ 1–0
If 11…Qc6 12.Qf3 wins. Or if 11…c6 12.Qxh1 wins.
Diagram 427 – White to play

Winckelmann – Stein, Ausschreibung 1995

13.Rxf6 1–0
If 13…gxf6 14.Qh4 Re8 15.Qh7+ Kf8 16.Qxf7 mate.
Diagram 428 – White to play

Popov – Borisenko, TCh-Moscow RUS 2016

18.Re8 1–0
(Qh8 mate). If 18…g5 19.Qh8+ Kg6 20.Rg8 mate.
C15 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nge2
Diagram 429 – Black to play

Levy – Mednis, New York 1955

15…Bxc5 16.Qxc5 Re8+ 0–1
If 17.Kf1 Qd1 mate. Or if 17.Be3 fxe3 wins a bishop.
Diagram 430 – White to play

Christiansen – Madsen, USA 1975

17.Qh5 1–0
White double attacks a bishop and threatens mate.
Diagram 431 – White to play

Tseitlin – Vladimirov, Ch Armed Forces RUS 1981

16.Qh5+ Kg7 17.Qh6# 1–0
White stripped away Black’s defenses to force mate.
Diagram 432 – White to play

Westerinen – Bergsson, Arnold Cup Gausdal 1990

17.Rfb1 1–0
Black grabbed a poisoned b-pawn and loses a queen.
Diagram 433 – Black to play

Weteschnik – Blauert, Bern op 1992

19…Nxb5 0–1
If 20.Nxb5 Bc4 with inside skewer on knight and rook.
Diagram 434 – White to play

Van Mil – Nijboer, Sonnevanck Wijk aan Zee 1992

15.Qxf5 1–0
Wins a bishop. If 15…Qxf5 16.Nxe7+ Kh7 17.Nxf5.
Diagram 435 – Black to play

Libiszewski – Krivoshey, Salou ESP 2008

15…Bg4 0–1
If 16.Rxg4 Qxg4 17.hxg4 gxh6. Or 16.Qd2 Bxe2 wins.
Diagram 436 – White to play

Bortnyk – Mischuk, Rapid Open Lviv UKR 2016

18.Qxh6+ 1–0
If 18…Kxh6 19.Rh3+ Nh4 20.Rxh4 mate.
C16 – 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5
Diagram 437 – White to play

Yudovich – Kelner, La Valetta 1980

9.Bd3 1–0
If 9…Bf8 10.Qxg6 fxg6 11.Bxg6+ Qf7 12.Bxf7+ wins.
Diagram 438 – White to play

Raddatz – Schmidt, Pinneberg op 1992

12.h5 f6 13.hxg6 hxg6 14.Qh7# 1–0
Or if 12…Nf5 13.Bxf5 Qe8 14.hxg6 wins.
C16 – 4.e5 Qd7
Diagram 439 – White to play

Gilg – Adam, Fuerth 1957

14.Nh5 0–0–0 15.Nf6 1–0
Threatened a family fork on the king, queen and rook.
Diagram 440 – White to play

Zuidema – Dunkelblum, Beverwijk 1964

15.Qh3 h5 16.Qe3 1–0
The threat is 17.Qh6 mate.
Diagram 441 – White to play

Ivanovic – Abramovic, ch-Montenegro MNE 2007

11.Qb5+ 1–0
Check and capture. If 11…Qd7 12.Qxb4 wins a piece.
Diagram 442 – White to play

Smith – Ghisi, ICCF 2009

10.g4 1–0
If 10…Nh6 11.Bxh6 gxh6 12.Qxh6 f6 13.exf6 wins.
C16 – 4.e5 b6
Diagram 443 – Black to play

Fabian – Fichtl, Czechoslovakia 1963

10…g4 11.Qh4 Be7 0–1
Black has trapped the White queen.
Diagram 444 – White to play

Klovans – Lputian, URS-ch sf Daugavpils 1978

15.Nxb6 1–0
If 15…Rb8 16.Nxd7 wins. If 15…axb6 16.Qxa8+ wins.
Diagram 445 – White to play

Tal – Karner, Tallinn Soviet Estonia 1979

14.Qxe6+ 1–0
If 14…Qe7 15.Nxf6+ Kd8 16.Qxe7+ Kxe7 17.Nxg8.
Diagram 446 – White to play

Kosintseva – Krush, Khanty-Mansiysk RUS 2014

15.Qxh6+ Bh7 16.Ng5 gxf6 17.Qxh7# 1–0
White wins because the pawn on g7 is pinned.
C16 – 4.e5 Ne7
Diagram 447 – White to play

Fourzan – Kemp, Albuquerque 1982

12.Nxe6+ Bxe6 13.Qxh6+ Kh8 14.Bxg6+ 1–0
Or 12…fxe6 13.Qxh6+ Kf7 14.Bxg6+ Ke7 15.Qg7+.
Diagram 448 – Black to play

Schuler – Bukal, St Ingbert op 1991

18…Qxf2+ 19.Kh1 Qf1+ 0–1
Now after 20.Rxf1 Rxf1 mate.
Diagram 449 – White to play

Hazai – Szoboszlai, Ch Hungary team 1994

11.Ng5 Re8 12.Qh7+ Kf8 13.Qxf7# 1–0
Black failed to get counterplay queenside or kingside.
Diagram 450 – White to play

Garcia Pantoja – Moskalenko, Titled Tuesday 2020

16.Qh6 Nf5 17.gxf5 Qxf6 18.exf6 1–0
White intends Qg7 mate which can only be delayed.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Nf3
Diagram 451 – Black to play

De Boer – Schaaps, Correspondence 1988

16…Rh8 17.Bh6 Bg7 0–1
Black wins the White queen or bishop due to a pin.
Diagram 452 – White to play

Jacobs – Anderton, Troll Masters Gausdal 1996

19.Bg5+ 1–0
If 19…Qh7 (unfortunate forced move) 20.Qxh7 mate.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.dxc5
Diagram 453 – White to play

Goldenov – Nekrasova, Minsk 1953

9.Bh6 1–0
9…Qxg7 10.Bxg7. Or 9…Nd7 10.Bb5 Qxh6 11.Qxh8.
Diagram 454 – Black to play

Schutz – Clementsson, Sweden 1994

18…Qxh1+ 0–1
If 19.Kxh1 Nxf2+ 20.Kg2 Nxe4 and Black wins.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Qg4
Diagram 455 – Black to play

Chistiakov – Kogan, Moscow 1933

19…Qd1+ 0–1
If 20.Kxd1 Ne3+ (Double check!) 21.Ke1 Rd1 mate.
Diagram 456 – White to play

Koltanowski – Saura, Palafruge SPA simul 1936

16.Bg5+ 1–0
If 16…f6 17.Bxf6+ Kf7 18.Qg7 mate.
Diagram 457 – White to play

Kaplan – Timman, WchJM Jerusalem 1967

18.Qh5 1–0
If 18…Ne7 19.Ng5+ Kg8 20.Qxh6 Rd8 21.Qg7 mate.
Diagram 458 – Black to play

Seretakis – Filev, Kavala Open GRE 2015

18…Nxa2+ 19.Kd2 Qf2+ 0–1
If 20.Kd3 Bb5 mate. Or if 19.Kb1 Nxc3+ wins material.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.Bd2
Diagram 459– White to play

Merenyi – Szekely, Budapest 1928

18.Nef6+ Qxf6 19.exf6 1–0
Wins a queen and more. Or if 18…gxf6 19.Qg4 mate.
Diagram 460– White to play

Yates – Aguilera, Barcelona 1929

17.Qc5+ Qxc5 18.Nxd7+ 1–0
If 18…Kf7 19.Nxc5 wins a bishop.
Diagram 461 – Black to play

Van der Veen – Barsov, Haarlem NED 1999

17…Bf5 0–1
18.Bd3 Nc4 19.Bxc4 Qxc2 mate. Or 18.Rd3 Nc4 wins
Diagram 462 – Black to play

Landa – Naiditsch, Haguenau FRA 2013

17…Rxd4 18.g3 Re4 19.Qxb6 Ne2+ 0–1
If 20.Kg2 axb6 and Black has an extra bishop.
Diagram 463 – Black to play

Kantane – Holt, PRO League chess.com 2017

14…Qh4+ 0–1
If 15.Ke2 Qf2 mate. Or if 15.Kf1 Qf2 mate.
Diagram 464 – White to play

Tsyhanchuk – Stoleriu, Titled Tuesday 2020

14.Bxh7+ Kxh7 15.Ng5+ Kg8 16.Qd3 g6 17.Qh3
If 16…Rd8 17.Qh7+ Kf8 18.Qh5 Be8 19.Nxe8 wins.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.a3 cxd4
Diagram 465 – White to play

Agapiev – Abraham, Karlovac Slovenia 1927

12.Qf8+ Kc7 13.Qc5+ Kd8 14.Qd6+ 1–0
If 14…Bd7 15.Qxd7 mate. Or 13…Kb8 14.Qd6 mate.
Diagram 466 – Black to play

Ljukin – Chung, Titled Tuesday chess.com 2020

14…Rxg2+ 15.Kxg2 Qxh7 16.Kh1 Qe4 17.Ra3 Ng6 18.Re1 Qxb4 0–1
Black sacrifices the rook to win the White queen.
C17 – 4.e5 c5 5.a3 Ba5
Diagram 467 – Black to play

Nash – Subramanian, USA op Aspen 1968

18…Nxh5+ 0–1
Black answers one discovered check with another.
Diagram 468 – Black to play

Alvarez - Haik, Skopje olm 1972

17…Qxf6 0–1
Black has a triple threat of …Qxf3, or …Bf4, or …d4.
Diagram 469 – White to play

Prasad – Shantharam, IND-ch 1988

19.Qxe3 1–0
White grabs a free knight due to the bishop pin on d4.
Diagram 470 – White to play

Stellwagen – Driessens, TCh Netherlands 2011

16.Qb4 1–0
If 16…Qa7 17.Qxa5 Bxc2 18.Qd2 Rc8 19.Bb2 wins.
Diagram 471 – White to play

Druska – Marsina, Bardejov Open UKR 2014

15.Bxg6 1–0
If 15…fxg6 16.Qxd7 wins. Or 15…Ke7 16.Qxf7+ wins.
Diagram 472 – White to play

Zvolensky – Vylicil, Vsetin Open CZE 2020

17.hxg6 Nxg6 18.Rxh8 Nxh8 19.Qh1 1–0
If 19…Ng6 20.Ng5 with a winning position.
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Nc6
Diagram 473 – White to play

Acers – Bills, Sunnyvale Qualifier 1968

13.Bb4 1–0
If 13…Nxb4 14.cxb4. Jude Acers traps Black’s queen.
Diagram 474 – Black to play

Townsend – Sahskian, Amateur Team East 2012

14…d3 15.cxd3 c2 0–1
If 16.Qd2 Nd3 mate. Or if 15.Nd4 Qb6 wins.
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Qc7
Diagram 475 – White to play

Iljiushenok – Ponkratov, Voronezh RUS 2018

18.Bg5 1–0
If 18…Qd6 19.Qf3+ Nf6 20.Qxf6+ Kg8 21.Qf7 mate.
Diagram 476 – Black to play

Vokhidov – Jumabayev, Tashkent UZB 2019

16…e5 0–1
If 17.Qd1 Qe3+ 18.Qe2 Qxc3+ 19.Kd1 Qxa1+ wins.
C18 – 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 Qa5
Diagram 477 – Black to play

Hatlebakk – Angantysson, Skien op 1980

19…Qb2 0–1
If 20.Rxb2 axb2 21.Kf1 b1=Q. A new queen appears.
Diagram 478 – White to play

Ventura – Astengo, Imperia op 1996

18.Qh8+ 1–0
If 18…Ke7 19.Qf6+ Kf8 20.Ne6+ Rxe6 21.Bh6+ wins.
Diagram 479 – White to play

Morales – Guelgua, Cali COL 2010

15.Rh4 1–0
If 15…Qf5 16.Bd3 and White traps the Black queen.
Diagram 480 – White to play

Derakhshani – Andersen, Politiken Cup DEN 2014

11.Bd3 1–0
If 11…a6 12.Qxc6+ bxc6 13.Bxc2 wins a piece.
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.h4
Diagram 481 – White to play

Arruebarrena – Vilarraga, Valencia Nac Experto 1999

14.c3 1–0
If 14…Bd7 15.Nb3 and the Black queen is trapped.
Diagram 482 – White to play

Nepomniachtchi – Shimanov, St Petersburg 2009

16.Be8 1–0
If 16…f6 17.exf6 Qxf4 18.f7+ Qxf7 19.Bxf7+ winning.
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.a4
Diagram 483 – White to play

Daly – Carton, IRL-ch 1993

17.Ne7+ 1–0
If 17…Kb8 18.Bf4+ Ka8 19.Qxa1 wins (Or 17.Nxa7+).
Diagram 484 – White to play

Amberger – Obenaus, Hollabrunn op 1998

16.Qb4 Ng8 17.Qf8# 1–0
If 16…Kd8 17.Qxa5+ wins a piece.
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Nf3
Diagram 485 – White to play

Beliavsky - Uhlmann, Sarajevo 1982

17.c6 1–0
If 17…Rf7 18.cxd7 Rxd7 19.Rxd7 wins.
Diagram 486 – Black to play

Hennings – Paehtz, BKL-Turnier Leipzig 1984

13…Nxd3+ 0–1
If 14.cxd3 Qxf4. “Loose Pieces Drop Off” – John Nunn
Diagram 487 – Black to play

Airapetian – Kruljac, U18 Girls Sibenik CRO 2007

13…c4 14.Qd2 cxd3 0–1
Black wins the trapped White bishop on d3.
Diagram 488 – Black to play

Kurukin – Kolmakov, Open A Vladimir RUS 2008

16…Bxc2 0–1
Black’s bad bishop thwarts Qh7 mate. If 17.Be3 Bg6.
C19 – 6.bxc3 Ne7 7.Qg4
Diagram 489 – White to play

Neishtadt – Estrin, Moscow 1938

18.Qh4 f6 19.Qh8+ 1–0
If 19…Kd7 20.Qh7+ Kd8 21.Qe7+ Kc8 22.Qc7 mate.
Diagram 490 – Black to play

Pyhala – Raaste, Jarvenpaa 1985

17…d3 0–1
18.axb4 d2+. If 18.Bd4 dxc2 wins. Or 18.cxd3 c2 wins
Diagram 491 – Black to play

Martorelli – Jahr, Lugano op 1986

17…Rg1+ 0–1
If 18.Rxg1 Qxg1+ 19.Be1 Qxd4+ 20.Bd3 Qxa1+ wins.
Diagram 492 – Black to play

Hansen – Jurek, Odense 1993

14…g6 0–1
15.Bxf6 gxh5 wins. Or 15.Qh6 Nf5 16.Bxf6 Nxh6 wins
Diagram 493 – White to play

Kreiman – Milicevic, Toronto op 1998

15.c3 1–0
If 15…Nc6 16.Nb3 Qxc1+ 17.Nxc1 wins the queen.
Diagram 494 – White to play

Duda – Nonnenmacher, XXIV Open Metz FRA 2006

16.Be3 Qc3 17.Qe8# 1–0
White gains time attacking the queen to mate the king
Diagram 495 – White to play

Nijboer – Timman, Hilversum NED 2006

19.Ne4 1–0
19…Qxc2 20.Nf6+ Kf8 21.Qxc2 Rxc2 22.Nxd7+ wins.
Diagram 496 – White to play

Pacher – Lys, Ostrava CZE 2012

16.Bf6 Kh7 17.Bxg7 1–0
If 17…Rxg7 18.Nf6+ Kh8 19.Qxh6 Rh7 20.Qxh7 mate
Diagram 497 – White to play

Leskur – Kovacevic, Novi Sad SRB 2013

13.Ng5+ Kg8 14.Nxf7 Bxg4 15.Nxd8 1–0
White wins the Exchange. If 15…Rxd8 16.fxe7.
Diagram 498 – White to play

Roganovic – Mitrovic, Kragujevac SRB 2013

17.Qh6 1–0
If 17…Nxf6 18.exf6 Nf5 19.gxf5 Rd8 20.Qg7 mate.
Diagram 499 – White to play

Loh – Syvalahti, U16 Olympiad Gyor HUN 2014

17.exf6 1–0
If 17…h5 18.Qxh5 Nd4 19.Qh6 Nf5 20.Bxf5 wins.
Diagram 500 – White to play

Makarian – Balabayeva, RUS-KAZ lichess 2020

15.Rxg7+ Kxg7 16.Qh6+ 1–0
If 16…Kg8 17.Ng5 Re8 18.Qxh7+ Kf8 19.Qxf7 mate.
Before You Go
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Tim Sawyer chess books

French Tactics: Chess Opening Combinations & Mates
Sicilian Tactics: Chess Opening Combinations & Mates
Ruy Lopez Tactics: Chess Opening Combinations & Mates
Open Game Tactics: Chess Opening Combinations & Mates

Chess Games Collection: Second Edition (non-BDG games)

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit Games Collection: Second Edition
Chess Puzzle Collection: Easy Opening Checkmates
Chess Training Repertoire Moves 4: 200 Openings
Chess Word Puzzles – Large Print Word Puzzles
Main Line 1.e4 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Main Line 1.d4 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Main Line 1...e5 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Main Line 1...c5 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
French 3.Be3 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Philidor 2.Nf3 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Italian 2.Bc4 Playbook: 200 Positions Bishop Opening White
Kings Gambit Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Caro-Kann Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Slav Defence Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Queens Gambit Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Alekhine 1...Nf6 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Dutch Stonewall Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Bird Stonewall Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
Petroff 2...Nf6 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for Black
Four Knights Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
London 2.Bf4 Playbook: 200 Opening Positions for White
London 2.Bf4 Tactics: 200 Winning Opening Positions


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