ملخص شابتر 2 الصيانه

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Chapter 2

Planning is one of the major and important functions for effective management. It helps in
achieving goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective manner.
Planning is usually divided into three levels, depending on the objective and the planning horizon.
The levels are as follows:
1. long-range planning (covers a period of five or more years);
2. medium-range planning (covers 1 month to 3 years); and
3. short-range planning (daily, weekly, and monthly plans).
Maintenance strategic planning is a long-range planning and is concerned with the determination
of maintenance mission, strategic goals, and objectives.
Maintenance capacity planning is medium- to long-range planning for maintenance involves the
determination of the maintenance resources that are needed to perform the maintenance load in
order to achieve organizational objectives such as availability, reliability, quality rates and
delivery dates.
Maintenance forecasting is an essential activity for planning.
Maintenance forecasting comprises the estimation and prediction of the maintenance load. and it
consists of two major categories.
(1) The first category is the scheduled and planned maintenance which is formed of
(1) routine and preventive maintenance.
(2) scheduled overhauls which involve closure or plant shutdown,
(3) ) Corrective maintenance that involves determining the causes of repeated
breakdown and substandard performance as a result of design malfunction,
(4) scheduled overhaul, repair, or building of equipment which is not covered
under item.

(2) The second category is emergency or breakdown maintenance load.

• This category depends primarily on the failure pattern, and it is a major
source of uncertainty in the planning process.
determining maintenance capacity:
The sum of the maintenance load for the two categories (1,2) is a random
variable, and it is the major factor to determining maintenance capacity.
Forecasting Maintenance Work:
to performing capacity planning or designing a new maintenance organization, it is essential
to have some forecast of the expected maintenance load. The load comprises the following:
1. Emergency maintenance workload This can be forecasted using
• actual historical workloads
• the appropriate techniques of forecasting
• management experience
This component of the load is random and can be minimized by having a well designed
planned maintenance
2. Preventive maintenance workload. This can be forecasted using
• actual historical records coupled with newly developed preventive maintenance programs.
This should include routine inspection and lubrications.
3. Deferred corrective maintenance. This can be forecasted based on historical
records and future plans.
4. A forecast for overhaul removed items and fabrication. This can be estimated
from historical records coupled with future plans for improvements.
5. Shutdown, turnarounds, and design modifications. This can be forecasted
from actual historical records and the future maintenance schedule.

The forecasting of the maintenance load for a new plant is more difficult and must rely on
. 1similar plants’ experience,
2. benchmarking, management experience
3. and manufacturers’ information

Backlog is errors in forecasting and job standards may lead to a

An alternative approach is to do forecasting by examining the
maintenance backlog.
Maintenance Capacity Planning:
Capacity planning techniques play very important roles in handling this complex
problem. The steps involved in capacity planning can be summarized as follows:
1. Determine the total maintenance load.
2. Estimate the required spares and material to meet the load.
3. Determine equipment and tools that are necessary for all types of maintenance work.
4. Determine the skills and the number of crafts from each skill. A special attention
should be given to multi-skill crafts.
5. Sometimes in highly computerized equipment, there may be a need to provide
a certain specialty that may require special
Capacity planning techniques:
• deterministic
• stochastic
deterministic techniques:
1. assume all variable fixed constant
2. A plan to minimize cost or maximize availability
deterministic techniques will be presented, namely:
• Heuristic tableau method.
• linear programming.

The stochastic: maintenance load consist of

• standard time
• job arrival times
they are always random variable has probability distributions
The heuristic tableau method:
• determine feasible craft mix
• used to evaluate cost of each alternative minimum cost
Sound principles and guidelines include
• providing sufficient in-house crafts for high priority work
• a reasonable ratio of overtime work to regular time work and
• a fixed level of a healthy back

Linear and Integer Programming for Maintenance Capacity Planning:

Linear and Integer Programming is
• a mathematical model that optimizes a linear function subject to linear inequalities
• l determines the optimal values of decision variables that optimize a given objective
• minimizing cost or maximizing profit.
• Decision variables are elements under the control of the decision maker
• their values determine the solution of the model
• The objective function in linear programming is the criteria with which feasible
solutions are evaluated
• A feasible solution is a solution that satisfies all the constraints in the system
• A constraint is a condition on the system that must be satisfied.

maintenance capacity planning (MCP):

• the decision variables could be the number of hours from different skills and trades made
available for maintenance capacity through regular in-house, overtime, or contract
• The objective could be to maximize resource utilization or minimize total cost.
• constraint is the ratio of overtime hours to regular in-house hours should not exceed
certain percentage.

‫طريقة حل المسائل طريقتين‬

‫ زي مسألة الميد‬Heuristic tableau method.
‫ الطريقه التانيه ويتم شرحها في الصفحه التاليه‬linear programming
Linear and Integer Programming for Maintenance Capacity Planning
• Linear programming is a mathematical model that optimizes a linear function
subject to linear inequalities.
• The linear programming model determines the optimal values of decision variables
that optimize a given objective such as minimizing cost or maximizing profit.
• Decision variables are elements under the control of the decision maker, and their
values determine the solution of the model
• The objective function in linear programming is the criteria with which feasible
solutions are evaluated.
• A feasible solution is a solution that satisfies all the constraints in the system.
• A constraint is a condition on the system that must be satisfied.

In the case of maintenance capacity planning (MCP),

the decision variables could be the number of hours from different skills and trades
made available for maintenance capacity through regular in-house, overtime, or
contract maintenance.

The objective could be to

maximize resource utilization or minimize total cost.
An example of a constraint is the ratio of overtime hours to regular in-house
hours should not exceed certain percentage.

Suppose it is forecasted that the mechanical maintenance load is 100 man-hours
divided into two grades: 60 h of grade 1 and 40 h of grade 2. Grade classification is
based on the skill the work requires and the impact the work has on the facility. The
capacity in man-hours for this work can be provided from two skills of workers, i.e.,
skill 1 and skill 2. Both skills of workers can perform the two types of mechanical
work but with different productivity. The productivity of skill one worker is 0.75
and 0.8 for grade 1 and grade 2 mechanical works, respectively. The productivity of
skill two worker is 0.5 for grade 1 and 0.7 for grade 2 works. The cost of one man-
hour of skill 1 worker is 30 dollars, and the cost of one man-hour of skill 2 worker is
20 dollars. The objective is to determine the number of man-hours from each skill
level workers assigned to perform the maintenance load (work) at a minimum cost.

The first constraint is to meet the load for grade 1 mechanical work. This is stated
mathematically as
0.75 𝑥11 + 0.5𝑥21 ≥ 60
The second constraint is to meet the grade 2 mechanical work mathematically
stated as
0.8𝑥12 + 0.7𝑥22 ≥ 40
The non-negativity restrictions state that the man-hours obtained from each skill
of workers should be nonnegative, mathematically stated as
𝑥11 , 𝑥12 , 𝑥21 , 𝑥22 ≥ 0
The objective function is to minimize the sum of the cost of meeting the required
load from the two skill levels. The linear programming model for determining the
capacity for the mechanical work in the example above is
𝑀𝑖𝑛30(𝑥11 + 𝑥12 ) + 20(𝑥21 + 𝑥22 )
Subject to
0.75𝑥11 + 0.5𝑥21 ≥ 60
0.8𝑥12 + 0.7𝑥22 ≥ 40
𝑥11 , 𝑥12 , 𝑥21 , 𝑥22 ≥ 0
• Solving the above model will determine the allocation of man-hours from
different skills to perform the two grades of mechanical work at minimum
• The solution of the linear program could be fractional values
• If we want to obtain the solution in whole hours, an additional restriction
must be imposed.

The above model can be solved by any linear programming algorithm such as
1. the simplex-based code in the package Linear Interactive and Discrete
Optimizer (LINDO)
2. or International Mathematical Software Library (IMSL)
3. or the Optimization Software Library (OSL).
‫وفي االخر هو حل المساله بطريقة االكسيل وشكلها مش هتيجي في االمتحان عشان هو قال‬
‫مش هعلمك تحل يدوي‬

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