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Tute 1

1. For the circuit in Fig. 1, find the Thevenin equivalent between terminals a - b.

Figure 1

2. Find the Thevenin equivalent between terminals of the circuit in Fig. 2. a-b

Figure 2

3. Obtain the Norton equivalent at terminals of the circuit in Fig. 3. a-b

Figure 3

4. For the circuit in Fig. 4, find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits at terminals a-b.

Figure 4

5. Obtain the Thevenin equivalent seen at terminals of the circuit in Fig. 5 a-b

Figure 5

6. For the circuit in Fig. 6, what resistor connected across terminals will absorb maximum
power from the circuit? What is that power? a-b

Figure 6

7. The Thevenin equivalent at terminals of the linear network shown in Fig. 7 is to be determined
by measurement. When a 10-k resistor is connected to terminals a-b, the voltage is measured
as 6 V. When a 30-k resistor is connected to the terminals, Vab is measured as 12 V.
Determine: (a) the Thevenin equivalent at terminals a-b, (b) Vab when a 20-kΩ resistor is
connected to terminals a-b.

Figure 7

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