Set 3 P 3 Sem I External sh2023 Fy

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2 ½ Hours Total Marks: 75
1. Attempt all questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
4. Use of log tables and non-programmable calculator is allowed.
5. For Q 2, Q 3 and Q 4 attempt the pair A and B OR the pair C and D.

Q1 Do as directed (Any fifteen) 15

1. Write any one example of primary standard reagent.

2. What is the unknown sample in the titrimetric reaction?

3. What is meant by end point of the reaction?

4. Give one example of intermolecular hydrogen bonding?

5. Give any one examples of stereogenic compounds.

6. Give the any one example of ionic bond.

7. Write name of natural indicator.

8. Draw the structure of BF3.

9. Define gravimetric reaction.

10. What is meant by polar compound?

11. Define titrant.

12. What is racemic mixture in stereochemistry?

13. In stereochemistry R and S stand for.

14. Write any one example of strong acid and weak base.

15. In pOH, p stands for?

16. Say True or false:

In gravimetric analysis quantity of an analyte based on the weight, mass of solid.

17. Fill in the blanks: E and Z isomer also called as _______ .

18. Write any one examples for polar compound?

19. Fill in the blank: In titrimetric reaction phenolphthalein used as _______ .

20. Define indicator.

Q. 2 A Draw the geometry with their bond angle structure of CH4, NH3, H2O, BeCl2. 08

Q. 2 B Which type of bond formation take place in compound NaCl explain. 07


Q. 2 C Explain covalent bond and ionic bond with example. 08

Q. 2 D What is hydrogen bonding. Explain formation of hydrogen bonding in any one of 07

these H2O, RCOOH.

Q. 3 A Calculate the ph. of the solution before adding 4 ml 0.1 N NaOH to 25 ml 0.1 M 08
HCl. Write pH at equivalence point for the given reaction

Q. 3 B What is meant by solubility? Write down factors which effect solubility. 07


Q. 3 C Calculate the ph. of the solution after adding 24 ml 0.1 N NaOH to 25 ml 0.1 M 08
HCl. Write pH at equivalence point for the given reaction.

Q. 3 D Write the theoretical aspect of titration curve and between strong acid and strong 07
base. Calculate ph at the start of reaction.

Q. 4 A Differentiate between configuration and conformation with suitable example. 08

Q. 4 B Draw given compound to Newman projection. 07


Q. 4 C Differentiate between boat and chair conformation in cyclohexane stability and 08

physical qualities.

Q. 4 D Describe with suitable example stereospecific and stereoselective reaction? 07

Q. 5 Write Short notes on any three of the following 15

a. Selectivity of Indicator for acid base reaction.

b. Enantiomers.

c. Precipitation reaction.

d. Nature of covalent bond.

e. Erythro and Thero compound.


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