Fb2 3 4 Cross Training

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Fitness Basics II

3.4 Assignment
Cross Training
Name: Haoua Pavan.

Directions: Research a sport that is popular in other countries but not

widely played in the United States. Some examples are polo, lacrosse,
cricket, rugby, and fencing. Answer the questions below.

1. What sport did you choose for this assignment? (1 point)

2. Was this sport entirely new to you? If not, what experience have you
had with it (ex. spectator or participant?) (2 points)

3. In which countries is this sport most popular? (1 point)

4. Is the sport played alone, with a partner, or with a group? (1 point)

5. What equipment is used in the sport? (1 point)

6. Explain the general rules and strategy of the game. (4 points)

7. Do you expect this sport to become more popular in the U.S.? Why, or
why not? (1 point)

8. What suggestions would you have for someone else who is considering
playing this sport? (1 point)

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Fitness Basics II

© Carone Fitness 2

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