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Why I choose this?

For the last three hockey seasons me and my sports psychology mentor before the season
would start. Set process, performance, and outcome goals for myself to reach throughout
my season and meet by the time my season ended. Which are shown on the picture of my
goals that I set down below. I just think it’s an extremely valuable thing to do as a goalie
before your season starts because your setting goals for yourself to reach. No matter how
hard those goals may be to reach, even impossible at that. Nevertheless, it highly motivates
you to meet those goals of yours, no matter what the circumstances may be. It gives you a
drive to get better and perform in games to reach them.
How can it help young goalies?
It can help young goalies set a plan of goals for themselves that they are motivated to
achieve. This is small exercise that a parent can do with their kid. It’s as easy as taking a little
bit of time out of their day to sit down and just brainstorm those three types of goals
(process, performance, outcome). This allows their kid to think of some goals they want to
reach in their hockey season that year. That’s why I thought it would be important to share
this with younger goalie’s parents. So, they can do this with their kid to help them in any
way possible.

Here’s a picture of my 2023/2024 season goals:

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