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Art Deco Fortune telling cards

for study purposes

Art Deco Fortune telling cards

I shuf ed the 52 Art deco fortune-telling cards while keeping a question in mind. My
intention was to use the above 3-card Answer layout but I forgot to lay the cards
accordingly. The image below of the cards is in a straight line but I will be read
according to the positional meanings in the above image. Either way the card will
provide some understanding which leads to some sort of answer. Follow me 🙂

The Good news and Old man cards are not part of the typical Gipsy cards (Zigeuner
Wahrsagekarten). The last card named Widow is actually the Widower and it is part the
Gipsy style cards such as Beidermeier and Z. W.

My question is an emotionally tough one. I wanted to know if a certain man will be ok

when he gets back home (separated from woman since August). In other words, will
the adjustment between the two people work out.

Thinking out loud. The opening card bring some false optimistic energy to this reading
considering the Old man and Widower follow. Did you notice the two single men in the
last two cards. One man is beaten down with age and experience while the other one is
grieving what once was in his life – perhaps his younger years. I get a great sense of
sadness with these cards. The Old man if facing Good news (younger happy couple)
and remembering a time they once had in their relationship. He is thinking that his
return home will be viewed as good news. He has learned much (long beard) and is not
able to stand on his own two feet in many ways like he did once upon a time. The last
card shows him saying good-bye. Notice all the people in the three card face to the left
(interpreted as the past in my style of reading). No one is looking to the future or at each
other. Something is de nitely lost.

for study purposes

Art Deco Fortune telling cards

Positional interpretation:

1. Past. Good News: Yes, good or positive news was received just recently but it is in
the process of leaving as well.

2. Now. Old Man: The man is alone without the support of the person who shared the
initial good news in the past. He is tired as you can see by the image. This card
represents experience. It also represents the aging process either physically or
mentally. He cannot take much more.

3. Answer. Widower: Keeping the question in mind the Widower is a single act. No, the
man and woman will not be able to or want to make the adjustments. As a consequence
he will not be ok. He is saddened by the experience. He will also need to put to resent
any notion of recapturing what was. Everything has changed. This is depicted by the
Old man card quite clearly.

I could not see anything promising or long-lasting as a result of his return home.
Sometimes, when people separate they get a wake up call or are awoken from the cycle
they once were involved in with another person. People’s emotions fade and the bonds
melt away. I truly wish him well.

for study purposes

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