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Q1: Explain, in detail, how to handle the stress/depression at home being unemployed.

did you manage stress during the COVID-19 lockdown?
Ans. Stress/depression is a natural feeling of not being able to cope with specific demands
and events such as home being unemployed during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Actions taken to handle the stress/depression at home being unemployed:-
1. Create a budget that can help to gain a better sense of control over financial situation.
2. Try to immerse in art or some other hobbies to feel calm and happy.
3. keep searching for new jobs, part-time jobs, freelance or gig-jobs.
4. Aim to exercise for 30 minutes or more per day, or break that up into short, 10-minute
bursts of activity. A 10-minute walk can raise your spirits for two hours.
5. Get involved in your community. Try attending a local event, mentoring youngsters,
supporting your church or temple, or becoming politically active.
6. Watch inspirational series and meditate to keep yourself away from depression.
7. Upgrade knowledge, skill, and education to the next level.
8. Do what makes you feel happy and try to spend time with family.
9. Meet new people with common interests by taking a class or joining a group such as a
book club, dinner club, or sports team.
10. Get a good sleep and try to eat healthy food.

Ways by which I manage my stress during the COVID-19 lockdown:-

1. I tried to maintain my regular timetable but instead of going outside i started workout
in home area (ex :- sit ups ,yoga etc)
2. I learnt new skills to keep my mind busy (ex rubix cube ,video editing etc)
3. I stayed connected with friends by talking to them on the phone or via meeting them
in online meetings.
4. I started spending more time with family and trying to help them in different task.
5. I started to give myself challenge of the day (Ex:- Read 100 pages of the book).
6. I also started mediation that helped me to keep my mind calm, collected, and stress-

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