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Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157

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Full length article

Understanding and predicting students' intention to use mobile cloud

storage services
Ibrahim Arpaci
Gaziosmanpasa University, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Tokat, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The challenges of mobile devices such as limited bandwidth, computing, and storage have led manu-
Received 2 May 2015 facturers and service providers to develop new value-added mobile services. To address these limita-
Received in revised form tions, mobile cloud computing, which offers on-demand services including platforms, infrastructure, and
23 December 2015
software have been developed. This study attempts to build a significantly improved research framework
Accepted 28 December 2015
Available online xxx
based on the Technology Acceptance Model in order to identify factors that affect students' attitudes
toward and intentions in using mobile cloud storage services. A structural equation model was used to
assess the proposed model based on the data collected from 262 undergraduate students. Results show
Mobile cloud computing
that perceived usefulness, subjective norm, and trust have a significantly positive effect on the attitude,
Cloud storage which in turn is a significant predictor of behavioral intentions. The research model, which explains 82%
Ubiquity of the variance in attitudes toward using mobile cloud storage services has a strong predictive power. The
Trust findings have both theoretical and practical implications for academics, managers, and educational
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction capability to control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including

operating systems, network, servers, storage, and applications.
Cloud computing is a specialized distributed computing para- Whereas, PaaS offers users with the capability to deploy applica-
digm that offers dynamically scalable computing resources, such as tions produced using programming languages and tools supported
computational power, storage, or business applications provisioned by service providers on the cloud infrastructure. However, SaaS
as a service over the Internet (Stanoevska-Slabeva, Wozniak, & provides users with the capability to use applications provided by
Ristol, 2010). Similar to the Internet's layered architecture, cloud cloud service providers on the cloud infrastructure. The users do
computing has hardware, software, virtualization, and manage- not manage the underlying cloud infrastructure or application ca-
ment layers. The hardware and software layers, which include hard pabilities (Shon, Cho, Han, & Choi, 2014).
drives, processors, network devices, the operating systems are Deployment models offered by cloud providers have different
responsible for storage and processing. The virtualization layer, levels of security. In private and community cloud, the cloud
which separates the logical from the physical layer, is used to infrastructure is managed by the organization or a third party, and
provide the essential cloud characteristics of location indepen- may exist on premise or off premise. However, in public cloud the
dence, resource pooling, and rapid elasticity. Differing from the infrastructure is made available to the general public. In hybrid
traditional clienteserver network topology cloud computing is able cloud, the cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more
to offer robustness and alleviate traffic congestion. Thus, the deployment models that remain unique entities, but are bound
management layer is able to monitor traffic and implement security together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables
mechanisms throughout the cloud (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012). data and application portability (Mell & Grance, 2009).
Cloud computing provides services at three different levels Cloud computing has a number of unique characteristics
including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as Service including the flexibility of capabilities, the scalability of infra-
(PaaS), and Software as Service (SaaS). IaaS offers users with the structure, broad network access, location independence, reliability,
the economies of scale, cost effectiveness, and sustainability
(Buyya, Yeo, Venugopal, Broberg, & Brandic, 2009; Shon et al.,
2014). However, it has a number of challenges such as data
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I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157 151

recovery, confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability, reliability, monitoring and logs, and multi-tenancy issues. Moreover, they
and security (Fernando, Loke, & Rahayu, 2013; Kim & Park, 2013; suggested some possible solutions for these challenges such as
Wang & Dey, 2013). These risks are similar to mobile cloud service level agreements for security and holistic mechanisms for
computing, which inherits the challenges and advantages of mobile ensuring accountability in the cloud. In another study, Marston, Li,
devices. On the other hand, most of the challenges of mobile de- Bandyopadhyay, Zhang, and Ghalsasi (2011) identified the
vices such as limited bandwidth, computing, and storage can be strengths (i.e., lowering costs, immediate access to resources, and
addressed by mobile cloud computing services (Dinh, Lee, Niyato, & scalability), weaknesses (i.e., the quality of service, data location,
Wang, 2013). and availability), opportunities (i.e., the effective use of information
In this paper, mobile cloud computing refers to an infrastructure technology and mashups), and threats (i.e., the lack of standards,
in which different mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets, and security, performance, and reliability) of cloud computing from a
laptops) can access various computing resources anytime and business perspective.
anywhere. One of the key functionalities of mobile cloud Gonza lez-Martínez, Bote-Lorenzo, Go  mez-Sanchez, and Cano-
computing is providing users data storage services on the cloud Parra (2015) suggested the benefits of cloud computing for
where they can backup, revise, access, or share files over their educational institutions such as the availability of online applica-
mobile devices. Some popular examples of mobile cloud storage tions to support education, the flexible creation of learning envi-
services are Dropbox, iCloud, SkyDrive, and Google Drive. These ronments, support for mobile learning, computing-intensive
services can operate across different platforms including Android, support for teaching, learning and evaluation, the scalability of
iOS, and Blackberry and enable users synchronize their application learning systems and applications, and cost savings. Moreover, they
data such as photos, videos, music, calendars, documents, and files. reported several risks of cloud computing for educational in-
Mobile device ownership has recently experienced substantial stitutions such as the lack of interoperability, performance, reli-
growth and thus the user acceptance of mobile cloud services has ability, security, privacy, licensing, and price models. In another
emerged as a significant research domain. Among others, mobile study, Duranti and Rogers (2012) identified some concerns
cloud storage services are the most closely related to students' violating the trust in cloud computing such as availability, the
needs as they provide them to store, share, and effectively manage location of legal jurisdiction, data location, trade secrets, and data
their files and documents. To this end, the present study aims to protection. Shin (2013) investigated the acceptance of cloud
identify the key factors affecting students' attitudes toward and computing services by government agencies based on the Tech-
intentions in using mobile cloud storage services. The major nology Acceptance Model. The results show that the usefulness and
contribution of this paper is to identify new factors as well as to ease of use are the significant antecedents of cloud computing. In
develop an integrated model to investigate the factors affecting the another study, Sultan (2010) focused on the green credentials of
decision to introduce cloud computing services in the educational cloud computing and reported that the cost advantages of cloud
settings. computing include using less power and thereby reducing carbon
2. Literature review Most studies reviewed here focus on the adoption to and use of
cloud computing services by organizations. However, there is
Cloud computing has been a frequent theme of recent research limited number of studies that investigate the determinants of
(Alamri et al., 2014; Jou & Wang, 2013; Lin, Wen, Jou, & Wu, 2014; cloud computing services adoption in educational settings. To fill
Navimipour, Rahmani, Navin, & Hosseinzadeh, 2015; Park & Ryoo, up this gap, the present study aims to identify the key factors
2013; Stantchev, Colomo-Palacios, Soto-Acosta, & Misra, 2014; affecting students' attitudes toward and intentions in using mobile
Zhang, Ma, Wu, Ordonez de Pablos, & Wang, 2014). For example, cloud storage services.
Shin (2015) investigated the factors that influence potential user
adoption of cloud computing. His results show that user intentions 3. Research model and hypotheses
and behaviors are largely influenced by the perceived values of
cloud services, which include access, availability, security, and The present study proposes a research framework based on the
reliability. In another study, Paquette, Jaeger, and Wilson (2010) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which is one of the most
identified possible risks associated with the governmental use of widely used adoption models in predicting user acceptance of new
cloud computing such as the reliability of the cloud, the continuity technologies and systems. The TAM uses Fishbein and Ajzen's
of the services, security to prevent unauthorized access, safety Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as a theoretical basis. The TRA
mechanisms, data confidentiality and privacy, and the location of posits that the adoption behavior is predicted by behavioral in-
legal jurisdiction. tentions, which are also predicted by attitudes toward the behavior
Yang, Sun, Zhang, and Wang (2015) investigated the factors that and subjective norms with respect to the behavior (Fishbein &
influence organizational readiness to adopt SaaS. Their results Ajzen, 1975). However, the TAM posits that two particular beliefs,
suggest that organizational users need to get prepared from tech- the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, are the main
nological, organizational, and environmental aspects for the determinants of attitudes toward using a new technology.
adoption of SaaS. In a similar study, Gupta, Seetharaman, and Raj In order to improve the prediction power of the TAM, this study
(2013) focused on the adoption of cloud computing by small and extended the TAM by adding perceived ubiquity, subjective norm,
medium enterprises (SMEs). Their results suggest that the ease of perceived security, perceived privacy, and trust. More importantly,
use, convenience, security, privacy, and cost reduction are the main these external factors were considered significant in predicting the
factors influencing cloud usage by businesses. Moreover, their re- adoption of mobile cloud storage services. Fig. 1 presents the
sults indicate that SMEs do not want to use cloud services for research model to be empirically tested in this study. The model
sharing data and collaborating with their stakeholders as they do suggests that behavioral intentions to use mobile cloud storage
not trust these services. services are predicted by the attitude and subjective norm towards
Rong, Nguyen, and Jaatun (2013) reported some important se- the behavior, while the attitude is predicted by perceived useful-
curity challenges in cloud computing, including resource location, ness, trust, and subjective norm. Furthermore, perceived usefulness
interoperability and free data movement among clouds, security, is predicted by the perceived ease of use and perceived ubiquity,
identity management and privacy, authentication and trust, system while trust is predicted by perceived security and perceived
152 I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157

Perceived ease of use

Perceived usefulness

Perceived ubiquity

Attitude Intention to use

Perceived security


Perceived privacy

Subjective Norm

Fig. 1. Research model.

privacy. mobile cloud storage services. Therefore, we hypothesize that:

H3. Perceived ubiquity would positively affect perceived
3.1. Perceived usefulness usefulness.

Perceived usefulness can be defined as the degree to which a

student believes that using mobile cloud storage services enhances 3.4. Trust
his or her academic performance (Davis, 1989). This variable is
related to some other constructs, including performance expec- Trust can be defined as students' confidence in the reliability
tancy (the Unified Theory of Acceptance and the Usage of Tech- and trustworthiness of the services offered by cloud service pro-
nology, UTAUT; Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003) and viders. Trust in a cloud environment depends on the privacy and
relative advantage (the Innovation Diffusion Theory, IDT; Rogers, security properties of the selected deployment model. If cloud
2003). The main features of mobile cloud storage services such as service providers follow strict security and privacy policies, trust
storing data, sharing the stored data, and data synchronization may be increased, which in turn positively affects students' atti-
among devices enable students effectively manage their files and tudes toward using these services. Therefore, we hypothesize that:
documents on mobile devices. Therefore, we hypothesize that:
H4. Trust would positively affect students' attitudes toward using
H1. Perceived usefulness would positively affect students' atti- mobile cloud storage services.
tudes toward using mobile cloud storage services.

3.5. Perceived security

3.2. Perceived ease of use
Perceived security refers to the degree to which students' belief
Perceived ease of use can be defined as the degree to which a that mobile cloud storage services are secure platforms for storing
student believes that using mobile cloud storage services is an and sharing personal data. Service providers should ensure that
effort-free behavior (Davis, 1989). This construct is similar to the their main security goals are confidentiality, integrity, and avail-
notion of effort expectancy in the UTAUT and complexity in the IDT. ability. Integrity refers to protecting personal data from unautho-
The complexity of mobile cloud storage services largely depends on rized modification, deletion, or fabrication. Availability refers to the
how easy it is to perform key functionalities such as storing files, accessibility and usability of the services and data upon demand by
accessing stored files, and sharing the files. The easier it is to an authorized entity. Confidentiality refers to the prevention of
perform these tasks, the lower the level of complexity and the data access by unauthorized users. The perception of a high level of
easier and quicker the perception of the advantages provided by security will positively affect students' trust in mobile cloud storage
these services. Therefore, we hypothesize that: services. In line with this discussion, the following hypothesis is
H2. The perceived ease of use would positively affect perceived
usefulness. H5. Perceived security would positively affect students' trust in
mobile cloud storage services.

3.3. Perceived ubiquity

3.6. Perceived privacy
Perceived ubiquity can be defined as the degree to which a
student believes that using mobile cloud storage services provide Perceived privacy refers to the degree to which students believe
an uninterrupted connection and access to personal data anytime that mobile cloud storage services are safe and protects their sen-
and anywhere. This construct is similar to the notion of perceived sitive data. When a student uses these services, there is a risk of
availability in the Information Systems literature. As stated before, recording or monitoring his/her personal data. Therefore, privacy
mobile cloud computing inherits some important advantages of concerns may negatively affect students' trust in mobile cloud
mobile devices such as mobility, accessibility, flexibility, and storage services. On the other hand, the higher the perceived pri-
ubiquity through “always-on” connectivity. Ubiquitous connection vacy, the more likely mobile cloud storage services will be trusted.
to personal data is one of the distinguishing characteristics of Therefore, we hypothesize that:
I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157 153

H6. Perceived privacy would positively affect students' trust in point Likert scale ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly
mobile cloud storage services. agree.”

3.7. Subjective norm 4.3. Data analysis

Subjective norm can be defined as students' perception whether 4.3.1. Instrument reliability and validity
most people who are important to them think they should or Prior to conducting the main analyses, data set was checked for
should not use mobile cloud storage services (Fishbein & Ajzen, the adequacy of factor analysis assumptions. Table 1 shows the
1975). Students who perceive greater social pressure will have suitability of the set for factor analysis. The adequacy of the data for
more positive attitudes and intentions toward using these services. factor analysis was tested with the KaisereMeyereOlkin (KMO)
This suggests that the more favorable the subjective norms about measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test of sphericity
mobile cloud storage services, the more positive attitudes and in- (Bartlett, 1951; Kaiser, 1970). In addition to KMO, the results of
tentions toward using these services. Accordingly, the following Bartlett's test of sphericity verified the sampling adequacy of the
hypotheses are formulated: data set for factorability.
An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted using prin-
H7. Subjective norm would positively affect students' attitudes
cipal components extraction to test the construct validity of the
toward using mobile cloud storage services.
scale. The Bartlett's test of sphericity indicated that the measures
H8. Subjective norm would positively affect students' intentions for four latent constructs were interdependent and the KMO
to use mobile cloud storage services. measure of sampling adequacy was well above the minimally
accepted level of .50 (Leech, Barrett, & Morgan, 2005). On the basis
of a scree plot of eigenvalues, a one-factor solution appeared to be
3.8. Attitude
most appropriate for each measurement. The percentage of total
variance explained ranged from 66.87 to 87.94, which are higher
Attitude towards using a new system is defined as an in-
than acceptable value of .40 for measures with one factor (Scherer,
dividual's overall affective reaction to use the system (Davis, 1989;
Wiebe, Luther, & Adams, 1988). Moreover, each measurement item
Venkatesh et al., 2003). Students' positive feelings about mobile
has a factor loading above .73 and a communality value above .56,
cloud storage services may positively affect their behavioral in-
which are higher than acceptable value of .40 (Field, 2005). The
tentions. Therefore, the following hypothesis is formulated:
corrected item-total correlation coefficients ranged from .50 to .89,
H9. Attitude would positively affect students' intentions to use indicating moderate to high homogeneity of the items. Item anal-
mobile cloud storage services. ysis using the item discrimination index also indicated that the
measurement items can reliably discriminate the subjects.
Average variance extracted (AVE) values shown in Table 2
4. Method
exceed .50 (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2006), indicating
that the convergent validity for the constructs of the measurement
4.1. Survey procedure and sample
model is adequate. Finally, reliability analysis indicated that the
instrument has a strong internal consistency in that Cronbach's
Before conducting the study, the participants were instructed
alpha values ranged from .81 to .93, indicating good to very good
about how to perform basic tasks such as storing files, accessing to
internal consistency (Creswell, 2005). The results of principal
the stored files, and sharing the files using mobile cloud storage
component analysis (factor loadings and communality values), in-
services. In total, 262 undergraduate students who were selected
ternal consistency reliability measures (corrected item-total cor-
using the convenience sampling method willingly participated in
relations and Cronbach's a values) and convergent validity
the study. The participants' ages ranged from 17 to 32 years old.
measures (composite reliability and AVE values) are shown in
Majority (n ¼ 245; 93.4%) of the students were categorized in the
Table 2.
18e23 years old category. Mean age was 20.25 (SD ¼ 2.25). Of the
total, 59.2% of the respondents (n ¼ 155) were females, whereas
40.8% (n ¼ 107) were males. Moreover, 76% of the respondents were 4.3.2. Common method bias
from the first year cohort, whereas 6.1% were from the second year Harman's one-factor test was used to check common method
cohort, followed by 9.5% from the third year, and 8.4% from the bias (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003). All of the
fourth year. dependent and independent variables were subjected to an
exploratory factor analysis, using unrotated principal components
4.2. Instrument factor analysis, principal component analysis with varimax rota-
tion, and principal axis analysis with varimax rotation. The results
An online survey questionnaire was designed using the ques-
tionnaire items that had been successfully used in prior studies of
Table 1
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (e.g., Davis, 1989;
The suitability of the data for factor analysis.
Venkatesh et al., 2003), subjective norm, attitude, and behavioral
intention (e.g., Ajzen, 1991), and perceived security, perceived pri- KMO Chi-square Sig.
García, &
vacy, perceived ubiquity, and trust (e.g., Carlos Roca, Jose Perceived usefulness .81 567.35 .001
de la Vega, 2009; Arpaci, Kilicer, & Bardakci, 2015). The in-
Jose Perceived ease of use .87 819.04 .001
Perceived ubiquity .69 296.40 .001
strument has 33 items, four items for perceived usefulness, five
Perceived security .75 520.61 .001
items for perceived ease of use, three items for perceived ubiquity, Perceived privacy .76 648.68 .001
three items for perceived security, three items for perceived pri- Trust .74 445.94 .001
vacy, four items for trust, three items for subjective norm, four Subjective norm .64 327.39 .001
items for attitude, and four items for behavioral intention. Partici- Attitude .74 480.10 .001
Intention to use .83 843.18 .001
pants were asked to indicate their level of agreement using a five-
154 I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157

Table 2
Reliability and validity evidence.

Construct Item Internal reliability Convergent validity

Cronbach's alpha Item-total correlation Factor loading Communality Composite reliability AVE

Perceived usefulness PU1 .87 .60 .75 .56 .88 .65

PU2 .80 .89 .81
PU3 .80 .90 .81
PU4 .73 .86 .74
Perceived ease of use PEU1 .91 .76 .85 .73 .91 .66
PEU2 .75 .85 .72
PEU3 .81 .88 .78
PEU4 .75 .84 .71
PEU5 .75 .84 .71
Perceived ubiquity PUB1 .81 .70 .88 .78 .83 .65
PUB2 .72 .89 .79
PUB3 .58 .80 .63
Perceived security PS1 .91 .81 .92 .84 .91 .77
PS2 .84 .93 .87
PS3 .80 .91 .83
Perceived privacy PP1 .93 .84 .93 .86 .93 .82
PP2 .89 .95 .91
PP3 .85 .93 .87
Trust TR1 .83 .58 .75 .57 .75 .51
TR2 .61 .78 .60
TR3 .73 .87 .75
TR4 .73 .87 .76
Subjective norm SN1 .81 .74 .90 .81 .83 .62
SN2 .75 .91 .82
SN3 .50 .73 .53
Attitude AT1 .85 .60 .76 .58 .78 .50
AT2 .68 .83 .69
AT3 .80 .90 .81
AT4 .67 .82 .67
Intention to use IU1 .93 .82 .90 .81 .94 .78
IU2 .82 .90 .82
IU3 .86 .92 .85
IU4 .83 .91 .82

suggested the presence of nine factors with eigenvalues higher Table 3

than 1.0. The nine factors together accounted for 70.02% of the total Model fit indices.

variance, while the first factor explained 45.22% of the total vari- Model Acceptable values
ance. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that c2 285.91
the one-factor model did not fit the data (c2/df ¼ 15.59, Goodness p value <.001 .05  p  1.00 (Hoyle, 1995)
of Fit Index (GFI) ¼ .55, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) ¼ .47, c2/df 2.42 <3 (Kline, 2005)
Normed Fit Index (NFI) ¼ .64, Incremental Fit Index (IFI) ¼ .68, GFI .90 .90 (Hair, Tatham, Anderson, & Black, 2006)
AGFI .86 .80 (Marsh, Balla, & McDonald, 1988)
Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) ¼ .38, Root Mean
SRMR .15 .10 (Kline, 2005)
Square Residuals (RMR) ¼ .36, Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI; RMR .15 <.05 (McDonald & Moon-Ho, 2002)
TuckereLewis index) ¼ .64, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) ¼ .68, Root RMSEA .07 <.08 (Hair et al., 2006)
Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) ¼ .142). These re- NFI .91 .90 (Hair et al., 2006)
sults suggested that common method bias is not of a concern in the NNFI .93 .90 (Bentler & Bonett, 1980)
CFI .94 .90 (Bentler, 1990)
data set.
IFI .94 .90 (Bollen, 1989)

4.3.3. Measurement models

Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed via 4.3.5. Hypothesis testing
maximum likelihood using SPSS AMOS (version 22.0) to test the A summary of the hypothesis testing results was listed below:
research model. The model produced acceptable fit indices as
shown in Table 3. The results of confirmatory factor analysis H1. Perceived usefulness would positively affect students' atti-
demonstrated that all scales used in this study formed adequate tudes toward using mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .61;
measurement models and thus provided evidences for the t ¼ 8.19; p < .001).
construct validity of the measures. H2. Perceived ease of use would positively affect perceived
usefulness (b ¼ .50; t ¼ 9.05; p < .001).
H3. Perceived ubiquity would positively affect perceived use-
4.3.4. The structural model
fulness (b ¼ .69; t ¼ 9.00; p < .001).
Hypothesized relationships were tested through a structural
H4. Trust would positively affect students' attitudes toward
model, which was developed based on the TAM. Consistent with
using mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .63; t ¼ 8.52; p < .001).
the hypotheses, the results show that all proposed paths among the
H5. Perceived security would positively affect students' trust in
latent variables are statistically significant. Fig. 2 provides results of
mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .36; t ¼ 6.64; p < .001).
the SEM analysis, including the path coefficients with significance
levels along with respected error terms.
I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157 155

R2 = .72, e = .12
Perceived ease of use

Perceived usefulness
R2 = .82, e = .05 R2 = .40, e = .24
Perceived ubiquity

Attitude Intention to use

R2 = .52, e = .22
Perceived security


Perceived privacy

Subjective Norm

*p < .001, Chi-Square = 285.91, df = 118, Chi-Square/df = 2.42, P-value = .000, GFI = .90, RMSEA = .074

Fig. 2. Causal model of the students' intention to use mobile cloud storage services.

H6. Perceived privacy would positively affect students' trust in behavioral intentions was found to be explainable by the combi-
mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .63; t ¼ 11.18; p < .001). nation of these factors. All these findings suggest that the proposed
H7. Subjective norm would positively affect students' attitudes model successfully establishes valid links between the key factors
toward using mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .25; t ¼ 3.75; of the services (i.e., perceived ubiquity, perceived privacy, perceived
p < .001). security, and trust) and the traditional constructs from the TAM
H8. Subjective norm would positively affect students' intentions (i.e., perceived usefulness, attitude, intention to use), thereby
to use mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .35; t ¼ 4.79; p < .001). extending adoption theories on mobile cloud storage services.
H9. Attitude would positively affect students' intentions to use In accordance with prior studies that revealed the positive ef-
mobile cloud storage services (b ¼ .45; t ¼ 6.10; p < .001). fects of perceived privacy and perceived security on attitudes to-
ward cloud storage services (e.g., Lian, Yen, & Wang, 2014; Park &
Kim, 2014; Yang & Lin, 2015), the findings add to the existing
5. Discussion and conclusion literature in that these factors serve as influential determinants for
trust in cloud storage services. The implication is that the enhanced
Recently, mobile device ownership has experienced substantial security of and user privacy with a mobile cloud storage service are
growth and mobile cloud services have emerged as a practical so- critical to the failure or success of the service, encouraging service
lution to address the challenges of these devices such as limited providers to invest in developing safe, reliable, and trustworthy
bandwidth, computing, and storage. Mobile cloud storage services infrastructures and platforms that protect users' sensitive data from
allow users to store data, share the stored data, and access the data unauthorized modification, deletion, or fabrication.
synchronized among devices. Although the latent customers of The results show that the perceived ease of use and perceived
mobile cloud storage services are social workers or business firms, ubiquity have significant effects on perceived usefulness, which in
the adoption of these services by educational institutions and turn positively affects attitudes. This suggests that students believe
students is a significant research area that needs investigation. As that mobile cloud storage services would increase their produc-
students manage their files and documents on their mobile devices, tivity, enhance their effectiveness, improve their academic perfor-
these services can be used by students for educational purposes, mance, and ease their tasks. The results also suggest that students
especially for team projects in which members are working find it easy to become skillful at using mobile cloud storage services
simultaneously on the same document. and believe that their interaction with these services would be clear
This study extended the TAM by adding new factors including and understandable. Moreover, they believe that mobile cloud
perceived ubiquity, perceived security, perceived privacy, subjec- storage services provide an uninterrupted connection and access to
tive norm, and trust and then examined how these factors affected personal data anytime and anywhere.
students' attitudes toward and intentions in using mobile cloud
storage services. More importantly, this study integrated these
factors with the TAM and developed a new research model to 5.1. Research implications
predict the adoption of mobile cloud storage services by confirming
the validity of the proposed model via SEM. The present study has important research implications. First, the
Results show that perceived usefulness, trust, and subjective results suggested that the research model explains the variance of
norm have significant effects on attitudes toward mobile cloud the dependent variable better than the TAM. For example, the
storage services, whereas 82% of the variance in attitude was found perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the TAM explains
to be explainable by the combination of these factors. The high 62% of variance in attitudes, while the research model explains 82%
proportion of the total variance explained indicates that the model of variance in attitudes toward using mobile cloud storage services.
includes a significant portion of factors that might affect attitudes. Second, the TAM does not explicitly include any social variables.
Perceived ease of use and perceived ubiquity emerged as mean- However, subjective norm in the proposed model may capture
ingful predictors of perceived usefulness by explaining 72% of its unique variance in attitudes and intentions. Finally, the TAM pro-
variance. The combinatory effects of perceived security and vides very general information on students' opinions about mobile
perceived privacy explained 52% of the variance in trust. The results cloud storage services. However, the research model delivers more
also suggest that attitude and subjective norm have significant ef- specific information by including variables such as perceived
fects on behavioral intentions, whereas 40% of the variance in ubiquity, perceived security, perceived privacy, and trust. Therefore,
156 I. Arpaci / Computers in Human Behavior 58 (2016) 150e157

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