CSE3010 CV Semester Supplementary 2023-24

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Fall 2023-24 / Fall
Programme : B.Tech. Semester :
2023-24 (Fast Track)
Course Title : Computer Vision Course Code : CSE3010
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer ALL the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A ( 30 Marks)
1 (a) Consider the following 2-dimensional (2D) gray scale image and kernel. 3+3+4
2 4 3 3 3
3 5 4 4 4
4 3 3 3 3
5 5 6 6 6
5 1 2 2 2
2 3
-2 -1
Discover the resultant images for the following questions.
• Perform 2D convolution without padding, stride=1.
• Perform 2D convolution without padding, stride=2.
• Perform 2D convolution with padding, stride=1.
(b) i. Compare and contrast between general stereo vision setup and canonical stereo vision 4+3+3
ii. Explain the process of image rectification concerned to the above two stereo vision
iii. Given a stereo camera setup with a depth of an object of 20 meters, cameras with a
focal length of 256 pixels, and a known disparity of 32 pixels between corresponding
points in the stereo images, the task is to determine the baseline distance using t his
provided information.
2 (a) Identify Gradient based edge operators. Explain the Laplacian of Gaussian and 2+4+4
Difference of Gaussian edge finding operators. Demonstrate how the Canny edge
detector operates with python code.
(b) Develop K-Means clustering algorithm for pattern analysis in images. Show the 4+6
working of K-Means algorithm over the following data points (Decide K's value on
your own).

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Dataset = {(1, 5), (4, 2), (2, 3), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 2)}.
3 (a) Explain principal component analysis (PCA) for analysing the patterns in image. Find 2+8
the principal components of the following image patch.

x 4 4 6 6
y 3 2 5 3

(b) List out different sources of light and shading models. Inspect for surface albedo to 4+6
compute radiosity for different lighting conditions.

PART - B (20 Marks)

4 i. Differentiate between image enhancement and restoration. 2+4+4
ii. Apply histogram equalization method to the following gray level values to enhance
the corresponding image.

iii. Write the python code for histogram equalization using openCV
5 Identify the equation for the reflectance map given by R(p,q), where R denotes 10
reflectance, p and q are gradients along x and y directions and show that R(p,q) is given
by the equation shown below.


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