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Vestibule and semicircular canals w/in

EARS, NOSE, MOUTH, AND THROAT labyrinth compose the vestibular apparatus
EARS b. Cochlea contains central hearing apparatus
- the sensory organs for hearing and maintaining - Functions can be assessed but can’t direct
equilibrium and has three parts: examine
- external, middle, inner ear HEARING
EXTERNAL EAR - Auditory system divided into 3 levels:
- called auricle or pinna - PERIPHERAL, BRAINSTEM, CEREBRAL CORTEX
- consists of movable cartilage and skin - PERIPHERAL – ear transmits sound and coverts its
- shape serves to funnel sound waves to its vibrations into electrical impulses that can be
opening, called the external auditory canal analyzed by the brain
AUDITORY CANAL - Amplitude : loudness
- cul-de-sac (tube, vessel, or sac) 2.5-3 cm long in - FREQUENCY: pitch or # of cycles per sec
- terminates at eardrum, or tympanic membrane Sound waves produce vibrations on TM
- lined w/ glands that secrete ear wax/cerumen - carried by middle ear, dissipated against round
(lubricates and protects ear that is a sticky barrier window
to keep foreign bodies from entering and reaching - Basilar membrane vibrates @ a point specific to
tympanic membrane) frequency of sound
CARTILAGE - Numerous fibers along basilar are receptor hair
- the outer 1/3 of canal cells of organ CORTI – sensory organ of hearing
- a slight s-curve in adult - Hair cells bend, they mediate vibration into
- inner 2/3 consists of bone covered by thin electric impulses conducted by auditory portion
sensitive skin of CN 8(vestibulocochlear) to brainstem
- lymphatic drainage of external ear flows to Function @ brainstem level is binaural interaction
parotid, mastoid, and superficial cervical nodes - Locates direction of sound in space
TYMPANIC MEMBRANE - How does it work?
- separates the external and middle ear - Each ear is actually 1 ½ of total sensory organ
- pearly gray color - CN8 sends signals to both sides of brainstem w/c r
- translucent membrane sensitive to differences in intensity n timing of
- oval and slightly concave, pulled in @ its center by messages from 2 ears
malleus - Cortex – interpret meaning of sound n begin
MALLEUS appropriate response, happens split second
- middle ear ossicles Pathways of hearing
- parts of the malleus show through translucent - Normal: air conduction (most efficient)
drum: umbo, manubrium(handle), and short - Alternate route: bone conduction, bone of skull
process vibrate n r transmitted directly to inner ear to CN8
- PARS FLACCIDA – small, slack, superior section of
- PARS TENSA – remainder of TM, thicker, more - Anything obstructing transmission of sound
taut impairs hearing
- ANNULUS – outer fibrous rim of TM Conductive hearing loss involves mechanical dysfunction
of external/middle ear
- Partial loss because person is able to hear if
- Tiny air-filled cavity inside temporal bone
sound amplitude is increased enough to reach
- Contains tiny ear bones, auditory ossicles
normal nerve elements in inner ear
(malleus, incus, stapes)
- May be caused by impact cerumen, foreign
- Has several openings:
bodies, perforated TM, pus or serum in middle
- Opening to outer ear (TM)
ear, otosclerosis – decrease mobility of ossicles
- Opening to inner ear are oval window at the end
of the stapes and round window
Sensorineural hearing loss
- EUSTACHIAN TUBE – connects middle ear w/
- Pathology of inner ear, CN8/auditory areas of
nasopharynx and allows passage of air
cerebral cortex
- Normally closed, opens during swallowing or
 Increase in amplitude may not enable
person to understand words
 May be caused by presbycusis (gradual
1. Conducts sound vibrations from outer to central
nerve degeneration occurs w/ aging,
hearing apparatus in inner ear
otoxic drugs w/c affect hair cells in
2. Protects inner ear by reducing amplitude of loud
- Mixed hearing loss is combination of conductive n
3. EUST TUBE. Allows equalization of air pressure on
sensorineural types in same ear
each side of TM so it doesn’t rupture
INNER EAR - Labyrinth in inner ear constantly feeds info to
- Contains bony labyrinth, holds sensory organs for brain abt body’s position in space
equilibrium and hearing
 Works like plumb line to determine - TINNITUS
verticality/depth  Ringing, crackling, buzzing in ears
 Ear’s plumb lines register angle of ur head - VERTIGO
in relation to gravity - SELF-CARE BEHAVIORS
 If inflamed, it feeds wrong info to brain, OBJECTIVE DATA
creating staggering gait n strong spinning - Position: sitting upright w/ head eye lvl
called VERTIGO - If TM intact n no current infection present, clean
ADULTS canal w/ warmed mineral oil n hydrogen peroxide
OTOSCLEROSIS - Do not irrigate if hx suggests perforation/infection
- Common cause of conductive hearing loss in - Equipment: otoscope n tuning forks
young adults 20-40 yrs old Inspecting TM
- Gradual hardening that causes foot plate of - Child under 3: down, back, out
stapes to become fixed in oval window, - Above 3: up, back, out
impending transmission of sound n causing - Avoid touching inner “bony” section cause its
progressive deafness sensitive to pain
AGING ADULTS - Cone=shaped light rel
- Cilia lining ear canal become coarse n stiff
 may cause cerumen to accumulate n oxidize,
reduces hearing
 cerumen is drier bec of atrophy of apocrine
 impacted cerumen is common but reversible
cause of hearing loss in elderly
- type of hearing loss that occurs in elderly, even in
people living in quiet environment
 gradual sensorineural caused by nerve
degeneration in inner ear/auditory nerve
 onset occurs in 50s n slowly progresses
 first notice a high freq tone loss
 ability to localize sound is impaired
 accentuated when unfavorable bg noise is present
 auditory reaction time increases after 70; takes
longer to process sensory input n to respond to
- obstruction of eustachian tube/nasopharyngeal
secretion into middle ear
- most common in children
- important cause is environmental: children in high
risk grps have multiple pathogens n total bacterial
load is high
- when supine, gravity and sucking tend to draw
nasopharyngeal contents directly into middle ear
 hold baby ipright while feeding
 do not prop bottle/let baby take a bottle to
 encourage breastfeeding
 important side effect: persistence of fluid in
middle ear after treatment; middle ear
effusion can impair hearing, placing child
@risk for delayed cognitive development
- DRY CERUMEN: gray, flaky, freq forms thin mass
- WET CERUMEN: honey brown to dark brown
- Asian n American Indian have 84% dry cerumen,
blacks have 99% and whites 97% wet cerumen
- Cerumen is not poor hygiene

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