Lesson Plan

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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Compare and contrast Comets and Asteroids

Learning across curriculum:

1) English - Writing a compare and contrast essay on Comets and Asteroids,

focusing on their similarities and differences.

2) Mathematics - Calculating the distance between Earth and a comet or asteroid

using mathematical formulas.

3) Art - Creating a visual representation of a comet and an asteroid using different art


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a story about a Filipino astronomer who made significant

contributions in the study of comets and asteroids.

Anecdote 2: Share a traditional Filipino folklore that involves comets or asteroids.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Costumes, props

1) Idea: Divide the students into two groups - one representing comets and the other
representing asteroids. Have them create short skits showcasing the characteristics
and behaviors of their assigned celestial bodies.

2) Idea: Conduct an interactive quiz using buzzers or a digital platform where

students compete to answer questions about comets and asteroids.Explore:Explore:

Activity 1: Creating a Model

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Art supplies, cardboard, glue, scissors

Significance: Students will create models of comets and asteroids to visually

understand their physical features.


1) Provide materials to each group of students.

2) Instruct students to research and design their models, making sure to include the
distinguishing features of comets and asteroids.

3) Allow time for students to construct their models.


- Accuracy of model: 5 pts

- Creativity: 5 pts

- Presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How are comets and asteroids different in terms of their physical appearance?

2) What are the similarities between comets and asteroids?

3) Explain the significance of the tail of a comet.

Activity 2: Venn Diagram

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Significance: Students will compare and contrast comets and asteroids using a
Venn diagram.


1) Divide the students into pairs or small groups.

2) Provide each group with a Venn diagram template.

3) Instruct students to research and fill in the Venn diagram with the similarities and
differences between comets and asteroids.


- Accuracy of information: 5 pts

- Completeness of Venn diagram: 5 pts

- Presentation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Name one similarity and one difference between comets and asteroids.

2) How are comets and asteroids formed?

3) Explain the significance of the asteroid belt.

Activity 3: Virtual Field Trip

Teaching Strategy: Technology Integration

Materials: Computers, internet access

Significance: Students will explore virtual simulations or videos to observe the
behavior and characteristics of comets and asteroids.


1) Provide students with a list of recommended websites or videos.

2) Instruct students to explore the provided resources and take notes on the
similarities and differences they observe between comets and asteroids.

3) Facilitate a class discussion based on their findings.

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the different types of comets and asteroids?

2) How do comets and asteroids impact the Earth and other celestial bodies?

3) Explain the significance of studying comets and asteroids.

Activity 4: Research and Presentation

Materials: Computers, internet access, presentation software

Significance: Students will conduct research on comets and asteroids and present
their findings to the class, enhancing their understanding of the topic.


1) Assign each student or group a specific aspect of comets or asteroids to research

(e.g., composition, orbit, formation).

2) Instruct students to gather information from reliable sources and create a visually
appealing presentation.

3) Allow time for students to prepare their presentations.


- Accuracy of information: 5 pts

- Organization and clarity: 5 pts

- Presentation skills: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the composition of comets and how it differs from asteroids.

2) What are the similarities and differences in the orbits of comets and asteroids?

3) Explain the process of comet and asteroid formation.

Activity 5: Hands-on Experiment

Materials: Water, dry ice (for comets), rocks (for asteroids), gloves, safety goggles

Significance: Students will simulate the behavior of comets and asteroids through
hands-on experiments, deepening their understanding of their properties.


1) Divide students into pairs or small groups.

2) Provide each group with the necessary materials.

3) Instruct students to observe and record the behavior of the dry ice (representing
comets) and rocks (representing asteroids) when exposed to water.

4) Facilitate a discussion on the observations and connect them to the

characteristics of comets and asteroids.


- Observation accuracy and thoroughness: 5 pts

- Analysis and interpretation of results: 5 pts

- Cooperation and safety: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What happened when the dry ice (comet) was exposed to water? How does it
relate to the behavior of comets in space?

2) Describe the behavior of the rocks (asteroids) when exposed to water. How does
it relate to the behavior of asteroids in space?

3) Explain the significance of studying the behavior of comets and asteroids through

Activity 6: Graphic Organizer

Materials: Graphic organizer template, markers

Significance: Students will use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast comets
and asteroids, organizing their thoughts and reinforcing their understanding of the


1) Provide each student with a graphic organizer template.

2) Instruct students to fill in the organizer with information about the similarities and
differences between comets and asteroids.

3) Encourage students to use visuals, keywords, and phrases to enhance



- Accuracy of information: 5 pts

- Completeness of organizer: 5 pts

- Neatness and organization: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) Identify two similarities and two differences between comets and asteroids.

2) How do comets and asteroids interact with the Sun? Explain.

3) Discuss the potential impact of a comet and an asteroid colliding with Earth.

Teaching Strategy: Lecture

During this phase, the teacher will provide a detailed explanation of the
characteristics, composition, behavior, and significance of comets and asteroids. The
teacher will engage the students through interactive questioning and encourage


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Design Your Own Comet or Asteroid

Materials: Art supplies, poster board

Task 2: Research and Report

Materials: Computers, internet access

Students will choose one task to complete:

Task 1: Design Your Own Comet or Asteroid

- Instruct students to create their own comet or asteroid using art supplies and poster

- Students should include labels or descriptions of the features and characteristics of

their celestial body.

Task 2: Research and Report

- Instruct students to research a specific comet or asteroid and create a report

highlighting its characteristics, behavior, and significance.

- Students can present their reports through oral presentations or written reports.

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, worksheets

Question 1: Compare and contrast the composition of comets and asteroids.

Question 2: Explain the significance of comets and asteroids in the formation of the
solar system.

Question 3: Discuss the potential impact of comets and asteroids on Earth and how
scientists monitor and study them.


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios

Students will analyze case studies related to comets and asteroids and apply their
knowledge to make informed decisions or propose solutions. This will encourage
critical thinking and the application of concepts in new situations.


Assignment 1: Write a Newspaper Article

Overview: Students will write a newspaper article about a recent discovery or event
related to comets or asteroids.

Actual Assessment Question: Write a newspaper article describing the discovery

of a new comet or asteroid. Include information about its characteristics, significance,
and potential impact on Earth.
Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Assignment 2: Create a Comic Strip

Overview: Students will create a comic strip that tells a story involving comets or

Actual Assessment Question: Create a comic strip that showcases the differences
between comets and asteroids. Include dialogue and illustrations that accurately
represent the characteristics of each celestial body.

Teaching Strategy:

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