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30-Second Automotive Commercial Sample

[Close-up on a baby asleep in a crib. A mobile turns slowly above
his head, casting shadows shaped like rockets and race cars across
his face.]

“The future. You used to dream about it…”

[A classroom of first-graders watch their teacher with varying

degrees of focus. The camera closes in on the face of a student who
is far more transfixed than any of his peers, panning to reveal the
chalkboard, which is riddled with diagrams about physics, the
science behind wheels and motion, etc.]

“…Learn about it…”

[In a cluttered garage, we see a teenager leaning over a homemade

electric go-kart, adjusting its wheels with a wrench.]

“…Work toward it…”

[A young man steps through the front door of his apartment,

evidently exhausted from a long day of work. He crosses to a shelf,
produces a handful of bills from his pocket, and stuffs them into a
glass jar where he’s saving money. Behind the shelf, we see a
whiteboard filled with automobile designs.]

“…Save for it…”

[Through a rain-soaked window we see a man, now in his 30s,

staring out into the street, tapping a pencil against a notepad, lost in
thought. He looks down at his notebook and experiences an a-
ha moment.]

“…Wait for it…”

[A layer of fog blanketing a city street after a storm peels back as the
new Wavefront model hurtles through it.]

“…You used to wonder what the future would hold. Now, you’re living in

[We see a supercut of the Wavefront shooting through an

assortment of scenic backdrops: a mountainside road, a sprawling
desert, past a waterfall, down a city street at dawn, etc. Our hero,
who we have seen grow over the years, sits at the wheel.]

“The Wavefront is an all-electric automobile that makes driving cleaner,

safer, and faster. Equipped with cutting-edge sensors that detect nearby
objects, and a lustrous new shape that cuts through the air, the
Wavefront truly represents a breakthrough in modern driving.”

[A fast-paced shot of the Wavefront is suddenly reduced to slow-

motion. The company’s logo fades in over the image, consuming the
entire screen.]

“Life’s short. Drive fast.”

I release feelings of fear, doubt, and loss. I invoke the power of
Infinite Light, happiness and joy for my specific person. I send my
specific person only good thoughts and energy.
I am co-creator of my reality and therefore, I always receive my
heart´s desire. I am certain my specific person has already shown
up in their best version ever.
I am confident the relationship I desire and deserve already exist.
I am in perfect alignment with my specific person and universal
unconditional love.

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