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Specifically, after going through this lesson, you will be able to:

 identify the atoms that tend to lose or gain electrons.

 classify atoms whether cations or anions; and

 illustrate how atoms lose or gain electrons.

 Did you ever experience Having a diarrhea and throwing up at the same time? And your mother
is telling you to drink oral rehydration salts?
 What do you think these oral rehydration salts contain that prevent you from being dehydrated
every time you are having a severe case of diarrhea?
 What is an ions?
 Ions are atoms that carry either a positive or a negative charge.
 These charges are a result of the atom losing or gaining electrons.
 I have here some symbols of elements. Who would like to try to answer which of these elements
contains ions?

 Ok the answer is Sodium ion (Na+), chlorine ion (Cl-) and sulfide ion (S2-) are all carrying their
correct charges.
 How about the other elements why do you think it is not carrying an ion even though they have
numbers on them?
 Yes, because Fluorine (F) cannot carry a 2+ charge since it is more likely to gain an electron and
Potassium (K) on the other hand cannot carry a 3+ charge since it belongs to group 1 and has 1
valence electron.
 Do you understand?
 Now how do you think ions are formed do you have an idea?

 Ions are formed when an atom gains or loses an electron.
 How about metals does metal gain or lose electrons?

 Yes, metals tend to lose electrons because they have low electron negativity.
 Again, what is electronegativity?
 Take note: Electronegativity is the ability of the atoms to attract electrons.
 When an atom loses an electron, it will form a positively charge ion and it is called Cat ion.
 Can someone please read what is a cation, yes marcel.
 Cation – a positive ion
- Is produced when one or more electrons are lost from a neutral atom.
- Cation is named using parent atom (which is the sodium Na)
 Let’s have an example: Sodium is a metal element that tends to lose 1 valence electron, it will
form a positively charged sodium ion or a cation.

 Non-metals tends to gain electros, because they have higher electron negativity, remember that
the higher the electron negativity the higher it is to attract or gains electrons.
 Also non-metals tends to gain electrons and form negatively charged ion called anions.
 Anions
- A negatively charge ion
- An atom that gains one extra electron forms anion with a (1-) charge
 For example: fluorine is a non-metal element it can gain electron from a metal element such a
sodium to form a negatively charge chlorine ion.
 Take note: the number of electrons an atoms gains or losses is its valence thats why it is
important to know how to get the number of valence electron.
 Again metal atoms tends to lose electrons and forms positively charge ions and non-metal atom
to gain electrons and form a negatively charge called anion.

Look up the following elements in the periodic table and see whether they tend to lose electrons
and become cations or gain electrons and become anions. Put a check mark ( ) on the column that is
applicable. The first item is done for you.


1. What sub-atomic particle is mainly involved in the formation of ions?

a. electrons b. neutrons c. protons d. all of them

2. Potassium belongs to group IA in the periodic table. Potassium is most

likely to
b. gain an electron c. either gain or lose an electron
c. lose an electron d. neither gain nor lose an electron
3. Which of the following atoms is most likely to become a cation?
argon b. bromine c. calcium d. iodine

4. What are the general characteristic of metal?

a. losing valence electrons. c. sharing valence electrons.
b. gaining valence electrons. d. sometimes gaining and sometimes losing
valence electrons.
5. Which of the following is an anion?
a. An atom that gained an electron.
b. An atom that lost an electron.
c. An atom that gained a proton.
d. An atom that lost a proton.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A

What is a cation and how is it forned?
What is anion and how it is formed?
Ok I hope you learn something.

It’s more fun in our house!!!! You tour around your house and list the different elements
you can find. Then write the ion formula of the elements you can find.

1. Living room
2. Dining area
3. Kitchen area
4. Bedroom

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