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An Alternative Approach

Now that we outlined a few things to avoid, here is an quick solution that you can use to resolve and avoid
both of those. Focus your sales pitch primarily around the value that your products and services offer.

Just about every product or service will deliver some sort of value and this is how the product helps the
customer or what it helps them to achieve. We recommend breaking the value you offer down to three
levels: technical value, business value, and personal value.

Once you have those details identified for your product or service, you can then combine the details to
form a number of different sales pitch samples.

An Example
To demonstrate this, let’s use an example where we sell inventory management software. Here is an
example of a not so great sales pitch:

I work for Sun Solutions and we are the leading provider of inventory management software. Our Track
Connect product has won awards for technology advancement and provides full supply chain
management capabilities. We have been in business for 30 years and have offices in 60 countries.

Now let’s look at sales pitch samples for that same scenario. First let’s outline some of our key details.

 Technical value: improve ability to manage inventory levels

 Business value: decrease cost of goods sold
 Personal value: improve work life balance

With those in place, we can combine to create all of the following sales pitches:

We help businesses to improve their ability to manage inventory levels.

We help businesses to decrease their cost of goods sold.
We help operations managers to improve work life balance.
We help businesses to improve their ability to manage inventory levels and that can often lead to a
decrease in cost of goods sold.
We help businesses to decrease their cost of goods sold and do that by improving their ability to manage
inventory levels.
We help businesses to improve their ability to manage inventory levels and do that through a portfolio of
inventory management solutions.
We help businesses to improve their ability to manage inventory levels and that can often help operations
managers to improve their work life balance.

SalesScripter provides software to help sales pros access sales pitch samples.

By Michael Halper|July 9, 2013|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Communicating Value, Sales Pitch, Sales Script Example, Sales
Scripts|0 Comments

Check Out This Sales Script Example

The following is a sales script example with a structured script framework which contains seven

Click Here to Receive an Email with a Call Script Template Outline

1. Introduction
An introduction is necessary in every sales script. With telesales, you possibly need two introductions –
one being for the gatekeeper and the other for the target prospect.

Hello [Contact’s Name], this is Michael Halper from SalesScripter , have I caught you in the middle of

2. Value Statement
Share details regarding what you’re offering immediately following your introduction. The most optimal
way of doing this is by sharing a value statement, one sentence which communicates how you help.

The purpose of my call is we help sales managers to improve the performance of every person on their

3. Disqualify Statement
By disqualifying the prospect early in the call by questioning if they’re a good fit is a psychological tactic in
this sales script example. This decreases the prospect’s guard, creates curiosity as well as builds rapport.

I’m not certain if you’re a good fit for what we do, so I just have a couple of questions if you have a couple
of minutes to talk.

4. Qualifying Questions
In addition, this sales script example has questions to help qualify the prospect. These help you to be
certain you’re spending your valuable time with qualified prospects as well as to get the prospect talking
and interested in the conversation.

Do you feel like it is challenging to get new sales hires ramped up and performing? Do you feel like all of
your sales resources are saying and asking the right questions when talking with prospects? Are you
concerned about the amount of under-performing sales resources that you regularly have? Do you feel
like you know how to get all of your sales resources consistently saying the right pitch when prospecting?

5. Common Pain Points

By sharing common challenges which others have been experiencing, you can help to uncover pain the
prospect may be having.

I understand. When speaking with other individuals, we find that they sometimes express challenges

o it takes a long time and is difficult to get new sales resources trained and ramped
o don’t know if the sales resources are saying the right stuff when talking with
o they always have too many under-performing sales resource
o they are not real sure how to get all sales resources trained and saying the right
pitch when prospecting
Can you relate to any of those things?

6. Building Interest Points

The need to trigger interest will arise at some point and you can have some strong points at the end of
your sales script to assist you with this.

Oh, ok. I understand. Well, it might be productive for us to talk in more detail. As I said, I’m with
SalesScripter and we have sales prospecting solution and training program that provides your resources
with scripts and clarity around what to do and say..

7. Close
The following is a sales script example for a close attempt.

But, since I have called you out of the blue, I do not want to take any more of your time to talk right now.

Trial Close:

o What do you think about what we have discussed so far?

o Is this something that you are interested in discussing in more detail?
Soft Close:
o A great next step would be for us to schedule a/an brief 15 to 20 minute
meeting where we can discuss your goals and challenges and share any value
and insight that we have to offer.

o Is that something that you would like to put on the calendar?

Hard Close:

o How does your calendar look next Tuesday or Thursday morning for us to
schedule a/an brief 15 to 20 minute meeting wherediscuss your goals and
challenges and share any value and insight that we have to offer.

You can sign up for SalesScripter with no risk with our 100% money back guarantee and access more
samples like thissales script example.


By Michael Halper|December 13, 2012|Cold Call Script, Cold Calling, Sales Coaching, Sales Prospecting, Sales Script
Example, Sales Scripts|0 Comments

The Best Sales Pitch Ever

Corbett Barr wrote this on Nov 16 • 47 Comments
Most people hate selling. They hate
having to sell things to other people, and they hate being
sold to.

If you’re the seller, selling can be a frustrating process of rejection.

And if you’re the potential buyer, nothing is a bigger turn-off than a
blatant sales pitch.
Unfortunately, if you have a business, you have to sell products or
services or advertising to earn revenue.

Just the thought of selling is enough to keep many people from

going into business for themselves, and many people who do decide
to start a business end up failing because they don’t accept the fact
that products don’t sell themselves.
Selling in some form is just a fact of life when you’re running a

I’ve never been particularly good at selling directly and used to

cringe at the thought of the sales process just like everyone
else. That was, until I discovered the best sales pitch ever.

The best sales pitch ever is no sales pitch at all.

That’s right. The best sales pitch you can use is no sales pitch at
all. At least not in the traditional sense. This isn’t a trick. Let me
explain how it works.

I run an independent small business based primarily around this

blog. The business supports me comfortably and is starting to
provide opportunities for other people as well. I built the entire
business in about 18 months and I sell products, services and other
people’s products. I’ve never cold-called anyone to make a sale and
I’ve never made a hard sales pitch either over the phone or online.

I don’t cringe at the thought of sales anymore because I don’t have

to do much of it at all. The selling I do is actually something I look
forward to.

This is all because of (get ready for a couple of

buzzwords here) inbound marketing and permission marketing.
Inbound marketing is about attracting people to your website or
business who are looking for information on the topic you cover.
Search marketing, blogging and social media are three channels for
inbound marketing.
Permission marketing (coined by Seth Godin) is about reaching out
to people after they’ve given you permission to. It’s the opposite of
the old standard of interruption marketing.
The point of both of these types of marketing is that you’re telling a
friendly and interested audience about products that might help
them instead of forcing your message in front of people who are
trying to avoid it.

Your goal for building an audience for your website or blog should
be to attract people who you can help fill a need or desire for. Once
you’ve attracted those people, you can ask for permission to stay in
contact with them (for instance by getting people to follow you on
Twitter or Facebook or subscribing to your email newsletter).

Rinse and repeat and eventually selling will be easy (you might
even start to look forward to it).

Hot leads! No selling required!

This site is just eight months old and yet it has already become a
powerful driver of clients and customers to my business.

Because I’ve focused on both inbound and permission

marketing (instead of pushy old-school sales tactics or shady
internet marketing trickery), every day I wake up to email from
potential customers and notifications of sales of products.
The people who contact me don’t require any convincing or inspired
speeches to become customers. They’ve reached out to me
because they already know I can help their business. I’ve already
demonstrated my expertise every week through the value in every
piece of content I publish.

They feel like they know me already. No sales required.

Someone recently asked me why I blog. Part of the answer is
personal. I love the process of writing and connecting with people
through words. The other part of the answer is purely business.
Blogging is a fantastic vehicle for building an audience of people
who want more of what you have to offer. Some of those people will
become paying customers to get more of what you offer.

But blogging certainly isn’t the only way to take advantage of these
superior marketing strategies, it just happens to be something I’ve
used successfully and I tend to write about my experience.

If you don’t blog, you can still use these strategies to your
advantage. The point is simply to attract an audience which is
interested in what you have to offer and ask for permission to reach
the audience members on a regular basis.

Once you’ve done that, the selling part is easy.

What about you? Have you tried inbound marketing or permission

marketing? How has it worked compared to traditional sales
techniques? Please share in the comments!

2 Elevator Speech
Examples - One Works,
the Other Doesn't

 inShare463

There are multitudes of ways to

answer the question "What do you do?". Your answer has the power
to make or break your opportunity with a potential client.

Below are two different elevator speeches I've seen salespeople

use: one method repels prospects, while the other entices them.

The Impresser: How to Repel

The Impresser wants to set himself apart – no, above – others. His
elevator speech sounds like this:

“I work with only the best companies in the industry. Elite

Enterprises and SNOB are my biggest customers. I work closely
with their CEO, Terry Gucci. I’m sure you’ve heard of her. We
handle their COQS financial systems, specifically in the re-
arbitration of the micro-funding from their international and
intergalactic commercial markets.”

Impressed? You should be, because the Impresser goes to great

lengths to ensure you understand just how important he is. High-
falluting words and industry-specific acronyms fill his elevator
speech. Also, you’ll hear lots of name-dropping; well-known people
and top-notch companies are part of the repertoire.

The trouble with the Impresser’s elevator speech is that it’s off-
putting. Most people don’t like the implications of intellectual
superiority or elitism. They’re intimidated by the big words and
won’t ask questions that might make them look stupid. Again,
another elevator speech that doesn’t deliver results.

The Attractor: How to Entice

The Attractor’s elevator speech is magnetic to the right listeners
because it’s focused on their needs, issues and concerns. Here are
several examples:

- “I work with people who are struggling to sell their products or

services into large corporate accounts.”

- “I help small businesses win big contracts with large corporate


- “I help technology companies who struggle launching important

new products into the market and want to improve their time-to-

These are some of the different Attractor elevator speeches I have

used. Each one of them has been successful for me. They all invite
and stimulate further discussion – which is exactly what I want!

You can download my ebook, Attracting More Customers, to learn

more about elevator speeches.

WHAT IS AN ELEVATOR SPEECH : An elevator speech is a clear, brief message or

“commercial” about you. It communicates who you are, what you're looking for and how
you can benefit a company or organization. It's typically about 30 seconds, the time it
takes people to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.
10 Epic Videos To Inspire
Your Salesforce
Feb. 2, 2015 · Jeremy Boudinet · 13 Minute Read

Sales is the transfer of energy. Chris Walken needed

more cowbell. Your Sales Force needs motivation. These 10
YouTube videos can help.

We love epic, inspiring videos. So much, in fact, that we built

them into Ambition. Here are two case studies and video
walkthrough that prove how effective YouTube can be as a team

Inspiration and invigoration are hardly natural byproducts of the

sales process. In fact, they're often diametrically opposite to the
force you and your Salesforce go up against every day:

To succeed at sales is to constantly battle through adversity. To

win over, excite, and influence your prospective customers about
your product or service. It's a transference of energy -- from
seller to buyer -- and an invigorated, excited Salesforce is
the necessary prerequisite to sustained, long-term success.

Mental feelings of disillusionment in the face of adversity are

your arch-nemesis. That negative mentality must be crushed
quickly and without remorse, and you need resonant,
inspirational material for doing so. It's time to go the extra mile
and break out one (or more) of the following videos.
YouTube Sales Motivation: 10 Clips To
Inspire Your Salesforce
The 10 videos I'm about to share with you are not ones you'll be
expecting. Nor should they be. You'll never be able to fire up a
Salesforce with total effectiveness by showing them a clip
they've already seen a million times. Some of the selections here
may even seem unorthodox, which is why I'm providing a
synopsis of each clip in accompaniment.

The following list is a mix of speeches, real sports clips, film

excerpts, and advertisements that all call to mind a singular
focus: Instilling ambition. These are 10 sources of pure
adrenaline rush, and they're much healthier to digest than a 5
Hour Energy. They've inspired our own Sales Team here at
Ambition, and we believe they'll inspire yours as well. Let's get to
the list.

1. Hunger (Motivation)

The best motivational videos challenge you. They push the

adversity you face smack-dab in front of you, and force you to
embrace it.

This video is a compilation of interviews from leading figures in

21st century society -- Steve Jobs, Kevin Spacey, Adrian
Peterson (regrettably) -- dispensing wisdom like Samurai nobility
to potential new recruits.

What's key here, and what sets this particular video apart, is the
rising sensibility that the person behind these words doesn't
even matter. Everything said is universal truth. The final
voiceover in the video, the source of which I can't even identify,
is the most gripping.

"Habits are the building blocks of our lives. Not the goals or the
grand schemes, nor the vision or the big idea -- it's what you do
every single day that matters more than anything."

Powerful words, backdropped by compelling audio and visual

production. I get chills every time I watch this video -- your
personnel will, too.

2. The Mind of Michael Jordan

Winning is a mentality. The beautiful thing about the human brain

is that it has the ability to constantly re-wire itself, improve
itself, making the person it inhabits a more powerful, driven, and
self-reliant individual. To evolve into a winner.

To that effect, a proven way for the brain to learn new behaviors
is by studying others. As an awestruck Jeff Van Gundy relates
in the opening of this video, Michael Jordan commanded himself
in the rarest of ways: His opponents desperately wanted his
friendship and respect, even as he embarked on ruthless
missions to destroy them, professionally.

In sales, the Michael Jordans of our professions are those

individuals who possess that kind of rare gift -- the dual ability to
genuinely gain the respect and trust of their prospects, while
having that killer instinct to know how and when to close a deal.

To that end, Jordan remains the ultimate paragon of likability

and guile -- the consummate definition of what the perfect Sales
Professional's mentality should be. This video is a showcase of
that mentality.
3. How Great Leaders Inspire Action

It's important that your Sales Reps think of themselves as

leaders. Why? Let's start by acknowledging what the hallmark of
any true leader is: The ability to positively influence actions and
generate desired outcomes from others. In other words, the
absolute essence of sales.

Simon Sinek's "How Great Leaders Inspire Action" is regarded by

many as the ultimate Ted Talk, and for good reason. He re-
conceptualizes the source of leadership-driven inspiration,
tracing it back to biology.

Here at Ambition, the very first thing new hires do, on their very
first day with our company, is watch this video. We are a
software company whose mission is to empower Sales Reps and
improve company culture via science. We knowwhy we do what
we do. Our behavior, our professional drive, come from our gut.

Your Sales Reps should feel likewise. They should never have to
rationalizewhy they do what they do. If they don't believe in
themselves, if they don't believe in what you believe, they will
never be as effective as you need them to be. Watching this
video will facilitate that realization.

4. The 2008 U.S. Men's Swim Team 4 x 100 Relay

The brain responds to shocks to its system. You want to work

some neurons into a frenzy on a sleepy Monday morning? Put on
this electrifying clip from the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

In case your memory of this particular race is a little foggy,

here's the context: Michael Phelps was gunning to become the
first Olympic swimmer to sweep all 8 Gold Medals. This was the
2nd race he would be competing in, as part of an underdog U.S.
Men's team going up against a heavily-favored French team.
Adding to the drama, the French had just trash talked the U.S. in
the press the previous day.

A compelling enough premise, to be sure, but nothing compared

to the actual race itself. The best scriptwriters in
Hollywood couldn't equal the real-life drama that plays out over
the race's 180 seconds. Commentators Dan Hicks and Rowdy
Gaines (perfect name) deliver the ultimate play-by-play, as U.S.
Team anchor Jason Lezak gives new meaning to the phrase,
"true grit."

I'm not a swimmer. I'm not someone who even considers himself
that patriotic. But this video makes me thirsty for blood. It's an
incredible depiction of team effort, resilience, and professionals
performing at the highest level, on the biggest stage, with the
greatest stakes. Forget the morning cups of coffee, have your
Sales Team go to the 4:25 mark and feel the adrenaline rush that
comes from witnessing the epitome of "clutch."

5. Secretariat Winning the Belmont

Sales can feel like a never-ending race, a sprint towards beating

quota, staying ahead of the pack, obtaining the revenue needed
to get that bonus, that promotion, or just to stave off feelings of
job insecurity.

Like a hard wind pushing up against you, every Sales

Professional runs against constant feelings of adversity --
prospect apathy, objections, seemingly impossible quota targets.
In many cases, there's that bleakest-of-all feeling of loneliness.
Even though you're moving with the pack, you're truly running in

These existential quandaries, of course, transcend the Sales

profession. They come into everyone's life, at one point or
another. And maybe that's why watching this clip of Secretariat,
the greatest of all racehorses, winning the Belmont Stakes to
secure the 1973 Triple Crown is an unexpectedly moving

Watching Secretariat gallop gallantly, neck-and-neck with Sham

for the first third of the race, there's the sense of doubt as to
whether he'll be able to maintain the pace needed to win the
race. To cement his legacy of greatness.

But as the strains of the dramatic background music heighten,

Secretariat begins forging ahead. The roars of the crowd begin
to ascend. The lead never stops widening. And in a breathtaking
moment, the camera finally pans far enough back so that it's only
Secretariat in the shot, truly running alone, leaving the race itself

No longer merely a Racehorse, but something else

entirely. Moving like a tremendous machine. A one-of-a-
kind individual triumph, worth watching with your Sales Team
before its personnel takes their places at the starting line for
another day.

6. The Any Given Sunday Speech

Hollywood has a way of turning the "Big Coach Speech" into

a hackneyed, cliche-driven perpetrator of misty eyes and
swollen hearts (to subvert one of the better Hollywood Big Coach
Speeches from Friday Night Lights). Not so with Al Pacino's
classic speech from Any Given Sunday.

If the Secretariat footage was about firing up your Sales Team,

as individuals, the Any Given Sunday speech is about firing
them up as a singular unit. Al Pacino delivers a
four minute monologue that slowly, subtly builds in intensity
and culminates with an emotional finale that will have your
Sales Team wanting to run through a brick wall.

Ponderous and heartfelt -- Pacino's words resonate, alluding to

the harsh realities of existence. Not merely of football, but of life
itself. The content translates beautifully to the realities of the
Sales industry.

"The inches we need [to succeed] ... are everywhere around

us." He growls, capturing how one trait above all else --
resourcefulness -- can make the difference between success and
failure. Your Sales Team, at one point or another, will feel
disillusioned. Disconnected with one another. Doubtful of their
ability to meet the expectations set before them. These will be
the words they need to hear.

7. My Better is Better (Nike)

There's a reason Nike is one of the most powerful brands on

Earth -- this might be the only commercial you'll ever watch that
makes you feel invincible.

To go back to Simon Sinek's video, people don't buy what you do

-- they buy why you do it. This clip is a living, breathing example
of that mantra executed to utter perfection.
The sense of urgency in Nike's classic 2007 advertisement for its
Nike Sparq shoe line is unparalleled. The video captures the
qualities every Sales Executive on this planet wants to see 365
days a year from their Sales Team personnel:
Driven. Relentless. Undaunted.

The background audio is tough as nails. The only text that

appears is a series of declaratory statements. Nike captures the
prevailing attitude of a successful Sales Professional: Defiant
toward adversity, dripping with total confidence, willing to go the
distance to prove that his or her 'better' is better than anyone
else's. One minute of pure adrenaline that stays with you long
after you're done watching it.

8. The Miracle Speech

"Great moments ... are born from great opportunity." Kurt

Russell's delivery of that opening line, by itself, delivers enough
inspirational fuel to power a Sales Professional the rest of the
quarter. But this epic scene from Miracle doesn't stop there.

What makes this speech such a classic, inspirational piece of

footage is, ironically, its brevity. Playing 1980 U.S. Men's Olympic
Hockey Team coach Herb Brooks, Russell spits out each line
as gruff, matter-of-fact truth.

Why will the U.S. team beat the heavily favored Soviets? Brooks's
feelings about the seemingly insurmountable odds before his
crew of college-aged players are the same as his feelings
towards the Soviets themselves. "Screw 'em."

Like Pacino's speech in Any Given Sunday, this a great clip to

play for your Sales Team when the chips are down, heads are
hung low, energy is lackluster, and trepidation reigns. It's a
perfect reminder that, by working together and putting forth the
individual effort, a great Sales Team can accomplish any feat.

If you happen to be on a smaller or mid-sized Sales Team, the

speech has an extra layer that is especially applicable to you, my
friend. Can you skate with the big, bad leaders in your
industry? Damn right you can.

9. The 1995-96 Chicago Bulls Player Introduction

It's a beautiful thing to hear, those opening strains of "Sirius" in

this video. They portend what's about to follow: the most epic
Starting Lineup introduction in sports history.

The crowd is bloodthirsty. The audio/visual production

is perfect. The stage (Game 6 of the NBA Finals) is as big as it
gets. And the team just happens to be the greatest in NBA

I don't know about you, but I'd be more pumped to come into
work each morning if my day started with an Introduction like
this at 9 A.M. Monday through Friday. For the time being, I'm
stuck using my imagination, but the key here is this: I conceive
of myself as a SaaS industry counterpart to the guys in this

A member of an elite team, competing at the highest level, with a

ton at stake, professionally -- when I come into work with that
kind of healthy mindset, I'm exponentially more effective, as a
Marketing Director. That's the right kind of self-identity for a
professional in Sales, and this is the premiere depiction of that
identity. Because people like us might never be able to hit a
game winning jumper in the NBA Finals, but we sure as Hell can
close an industry-shifting deal stealing away a top client from
our biggest competitor. Watch this video, go close a major
account, and make Jordan, Pippen, Phil Jackson and the rest of
the 95-96 Chicago Bulls proud.

10. The Glengarry Glen Ross Speech

You know this one already. You've watched it 100 times.

Memorized every word. Recited a couple of its lines in timely
moments at the office.

Am I introducing you to anything new here? No. But let's face it:
a sales-oriented list of epic, inspirational Youtube clips that
omitted a mention of Alec Baldwin's speech from Glengarry Glen
Ross might as well be as valid as a Greatest Films list that
lacks The Godfather.

I don't need to tell you to have your Sales Team watch this clip. I
do, however, need to give you one key piece of advice on how I
would use this video with my Sales Team.

Stow it away for once a year. Don't talk about it. Don't mention
it. Don't even allude to it. But when your Sales Team is going
through a real tough time, when it's just wrapped up a
particularly dry month, and everyone is walking around with the
wind taken completely out of their sails -- unleash it.

Sales Managers overdo the Glengarry Glen Ross speech,

shoving its mantras about attitude, toughness and guile down
their team's throats until true meaning is lost and its timeless
lines are greeted with jaded sighs. Do not be that person. Wield
it with care and discretion, like a treasured family heirloom you
put on and wear out only for the most momentous of occasions.
Your Sales Team will appreciate you, and most importantly all of,
feel the full impact of the greatest motivational sales speech in
movie history once again.

This concludes our list of 10 Epic Youtube Clips to Inspire Your

Salesforce. We welcome any feedback from you in the
comments or via email


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