Tutorial 5. Nov 6 - Lajoie&Al1996

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Gait of a deafferented subject without

large myelinated sensory fibers

below the neck
Y. Lajoie, PhD; N. Teasdale, PhD; J.D. Cole, MD; M. Burnett, PhD; C. Bard, PhD; M. Fleury, PhD;
R. Forget, PhD; J. Paillard, PhD; and Y. Lamarre, MD, PhD

Article abstract-We evaluated the gait pattern of a deafferented subject who suffered a permanent loss of large sensory
myelinated fibers below the neck following an acute episode of purely sensory neuropathy 21 years ago. The subject has
developed several strategies to achieve a secure gait, namely: (1) a reduction of the degrees of freedom by freezing the knee
articulations during the stance phase, (2) a preservation of body balance by enlarging his base of support, and (3) visual
monitoring of his step by stabilizing the head-trunk linkage together with a characteristic forward tilt. As a result, the
gait of the deafferented subject lacks the fluidity of normal gait. Compared with normal subjects, the gait pattern of the
deafferented subject is characterized by a shorter cycle length, a longer cycle duration, a slower speed, and a lower
cadence. Using a dual-task paradigm, the attentional demands for walking were particularly important (as indexed by
longer probe reaction times) during the double-support phase, suggesting that the deafferented subject uses the double-
support phase as a transitory stable phase to update cognitively the postural features necessary for generating his next
NEUROLOGY 1996;47: 109-1 15

Walking is a highly practiced activity, often consid- rare case of extensive sensory neuropathy. This deaf-
ered to be automatically controlled. Nevertheless, ferented subject is deprived of all contingents of
continuous regulation and integration of sensory in- large myelinated sensory fibers below the neck. In
puts of various origin is required to preserve the spite of this drastic loss of somesthetic and proprio-
postural balance and to achieve a permanent adapta- ceptive information, he recovered a walking capacity8
tion to a n ever-changing environment. Experiments that prompted us to analyze carefully the kinematics
with experimental animals have led to significant of his walking pattern and to measure the atten-
understanding of these Pathology tional cost of his performance compared with that of
may also offer unique opportunities to evaluate the normal subject^.^ Attention is often considered, a t
role of sensory feedback in human motor control pro- least by cognitive theorists, as a n extension of sen-
cesses, especially patients suffering partial or acute sory processes,'O thus providing a link for studying
loss of proprioception and touch, as observed in the the interdependence between sensorimotor and cog-
sensory neuropathy syndrome. This syndrome, nitive systems for the control of posture. Compared
which follows a n acute infection of unknown origin, with control subjects, we wanted to examine whether
is presumably associated with a cross-reaction be- the deafferented subject, because of the extensive
tween antibody t o the foreign antigen and the sen- loss of sensory information, needs to allocate a
sory neurons of larger myelinated fibers. The struc- greater portion of his attentional resources to the
tural loss is definitive and most patients do not show walking task. Without going into the specific details
any recovery of nerve function, although they gener- of cognitive resource models, there are three basic
ally develop compensatory strategies by using substi- assumptions to the use of such models: (1) central
tutive feedback channels, mainly v i ~ u a l . Studies
~-~ of processing capacity is limited, (2) performing a task
such cases may lead to a better understanding of the requires a given portion of this capacity, and (3) if
way and the extent to which cognitive strategies and two tasks performed simultaneously require more
supplementary sources of information overcome the than the total capacity, the performance on one or
lack of muscular and cutaneous proprioception in the both will be affected negatively.11-13When the pri-
control of coordinated actions. mary task (walking in the present experiment) is
We recently have had the opportunity to study a unaffected by the introduction of a probe reaction

From the Laboratoire de Performance Motrice Humaine (Drs. Lajoie, Teasdale, Bard, and Fleury), Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada; the Department of
Clinical Neurophysiology (Drs. Cole and Burnett), Poole Hospital, Poole, England; the Ecole de Readaptation (Dr. Forget), Universite de Montreal, Montreal,
Canada; the Laboratoire de Neurobiologie du Mouvement (Dr. Paillard), CNRS, Marseille, France; and the Centre de Recherche en Sciences Neurologiques
(Dr. Lamarre), Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Supported by various Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Quebec's Formation de Chercheur et Aide a la Recherche grants.
Received July 6, 1995. Accepted in final form December 15, 1995.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Yves Lajoie, Laurentian University, School o f Human Movement, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario,
Canada P3E 2C6.
Copyright 0 1996 by the American Academy of Neurology 109
time task (discrete secondary task, consisting of a positioned on the left side of the subject (20 feet from the
simple reaction time t o an auditory or visual stimu- subject, 27 feet apart). The camera placement allowed the
lus), an increased probe reaction time reflects an recording of a little more than one complete walking cycle
increased attentional load.11~14Using this general ap- (i.e., the third walking cycle). Active infrared markers also
proach, walking requires more cognitive processing were placed on the left shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle,
than simple sitting or upright standing p o s t ~ r e . ~ . ~and
~ J foot.
~ Electromyographic activity from the vastus late-
ralis, medial hamstring, tibialis anterior, and medial gas-
In the present experiment, we used a dual-task ex-
trocnemius were also recorded with the use of AgfAgC1
perimental paradigm similar to that employed by surface electrodes with preamplification a t the source
Lajoie et al. and ~ t h e r s l ~to- ’examine
~ how much (Therapeutics Unlimited). The signals were full-wave rec-
attention the deafferented subject needed to allocate tified and integrated (2.5 msec time constant). All signals
to the walking task. were sampled at 500 Hz.
For comparison purposes, kinematics and electromyo-
Methods. The deafferented subject (1.W.; aged 40 years) graphic normative data were taken from Winter.“’ The
suffered a permanent loss of large sensory myelinated fi- mean of the young adults (n = 11)for Winter’s normative
bers following an acute episode of purely sensory neuropa- data was 24.9. Subjects walked a t their natural cadence
thy at the age of 19. There was no recovery and this epi- and data were collected on a minimum of eight walking
sode left him without light touch or proprioception below trials.
the neck. Neurophysiologic tests showed no sensory nerve To evaluate the mental load required for locomotion, the
action potentials and no H reflex below the neck.8 In con- deafferented subject walked a t his preferred pace and was
trast, muscle power and bulk were normal, a s was concen- asked to consider the walking task as the primary task.
tric needle electromyography. Cutaneous-muscular re- The secondary task was to respond as rapidly as possible
flexes were absent.’* He had a similar perception of pain, to an auditory stimulus (1 kHz, 50 msec duration) with a
heat, and cold over his unaffected head and over his af- vocal response (“top’’).The subject wore a helmet equipped
fected body, suggesting that there was significant sparing with a microphone. The analog signal from the microphone
of small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. His percep- was used to detect the onset of the verbal response. Reac-
tion of muscle fatigue and aching were normal. A more tion times (RTs) were evaluated by computing the tempo-
detailed clinical description of the case can be found else- ral difference between the presentation of the stimuli and
where. ’!’ the onset of the verbal responses. Signals from foot con-
The data reported come from two different sessions of tacts and the microphone were sampled at 500 Hz. In
testing spanning a period of 2 years. In a first session, the addition, the secondary task was performed alone when
subject walked a t his own pace across a laboratory floor. the subject was seated. For the sitting task, 10 stimuli
The gait was recorded using a CODA motion analysis sys- were given following one of five randomly presented prepa-
tem. Markers were placed on the shoulders, elbows, wrists, ratory periods: 3, 3.5, 4,4.5, and 5 sec. Before the walking
hips, knees, ankles, and feet. The position of each marker trials, the subject familiarized himself with the walking
was output a t a sample rate of 200 Hz. The monitoring environment (five practice trials ). After these trials, data
system comprised three scanners with divergent beams in were collected for six trials without the secondary task
the X, Y, and Z axes. The lateral two scanners were 1 m (control condition). These trials served to establish the
apart. By a reflectant system and comparison with the subject’s walking pattern. Then, the subject performed 24
emitting scanner, i t was possible to reconstruct position trials. The stimuli were randomly presented ( 3 to 5 sec-
within the three dimensions. Six cycles were recorded, of onds after a verbal warning) on left foot toe off (i.e., a t the
which the middle three cycles were quantilied. In a second onset of the single-support condition of the third walking
session, the subject walked on an 8-m long pathway pro- cycle; 10 trials) or on left foot heel contact (i.e., a t the onset
viding the recording of approximately seven walking cy- of the double-support condition of the third walking cycle;
cles. The subject’s shoes were equipped with conductive 10 trials). Four catch trials (i.e., without stirnulus) served
material under the heel and toes of each foot. Contacts to prevent any anticipation. The data of Lajoie et al.,”
with the pathway, covered with aluminum-wire netting, wherein eight healthy young adults (five men and three
were digitally coded to provide accurate temporal values women, mean age = 26.0, range 22 to 34 years) were
corresponding to the onset and offset of right and left sin- tested in similar conditions, were used for comparison pur-
gle-support and double-support phases. The horizontal foot poses.
displacement of the two feet was recorded via small mono-
filament wires attached to the rear of each shoe cover. Results. Kinematics of the gait. Figure 1 presents stick
Each wire was wrapped around a plastic wheel (30-cm figures of the gaits of the deafferented subject and a con-
circumference)fixed onto a gear-box system having a 4.6:l trol subject viewed from the sagittal plane. Several differ-
ratio. A 10-turn high-precision potentiometer was mounted ences between the deafferented subject and the control
on the shaft of the rotating axis and provided a voltage subject are observed. The shoulder of the deafferented sub-
proportional to the distance covered. The wires were main- ject tilted forward during t h e beginning of the step-
tained stable with a constant resistance spring (0.66 N) through phase (i.e., onset of the double-support phase),
fixed into the rotating mechanisms. This low resistance and the knee was locked before and during weight-bearing
served only to prevent the wires from shivering; it did not by that foot. The gait of the deafferented subject was also
affect the walking and was not perceived by the subject. characterized by a wider base of support. Table 1 presents
The system provided a resolution of 3 mm. Additional gait cycle length, cycle duration, speed, and cadence of the
parameters were recorded with a 3D Selspot two-camera deafferented subject’s walking pattern for the two sessions.
system. The sampling rate was 500 Hz and cameras were Data for the second session are taken from the control
110 NEUROLOGY 47 July 1996
about 10%of the cycle). Winter20 has proposed that the VL
activity serves to control the amount of knee flexion and to
assist in the extension of the knee in mid-stance. To insure
stability when the leg is weight-bearing, the deafferented
subject contracts the VL for a longer period (i.e., from 0 to
40% of the cycle). This activity may explain why he shows
no flexion of the knee as the foot strikes the ground. For
the deafferented subject, the medial hamstring (MH)
shows a peak level of activation a t 45% of the cycle (i.e.,
late in SS while the leg was in stance phase); controls, on
the other hand, have no significant activity during this
portion of the cycle. The VL and MH are biarticulate mus-
cles that serve to stabilize the hip and the leg. For the
deafferented subject, the peak MH activation may serve to
stabilize the trunk in the forward tilt position. The deaffer-
ented subject adopts this position presumably to permit
vision of the lower segments throughout the walking cycle.
The EMG pattern of the tibialis anterior shows major dif-
ference a t the beginning of the walking cycle. The deaffer-
ented subject's muscle is relatively silent compared with a
Figure 1. Stick figures of gait pattern viewed from the peak activation in controls. For controls, the peak activa-
sagittal plane for the deafferented (bottom portion of the tion serves to maintain the ankle in a dorsiflexed position.
figure) and an age-matched control subject (top portion of The deafferented subject walks with the medial surface of
the figure). the foot pointed forward, creating less need for foot reten-
tion near heel contact. Finally, the medial gastrocnemius
trials (i.e., walking without a secondary task). For compar- of the deafferented subject shows a similar pattern of ac-
tivity to that of normal subjects.
ison purposes, normative data from Winter2" and Lajoie e t
al.9 also are presented. Compared with normal subjects, Attentional demands necessary for walking. An essen-
our subject had a shorter cycle length, a longer cycle dura- tial prerequisite of the double-task methodology is that the
tion, a slower speed, and a lower cadence. The deafferented addition of the secondary task (i.e., the verbal response to
subject walked similarly in the two sessions, indicating the auditory stimulus) does not modify the primary task
well-established and stable gait. Data obtained for the sec- (i.e., walking). For this reason, the average cycle length,
ond session were submitted to separate one-tailed t tests duration, speed, and cadence, when probes were given in
(mean of a subject compared with a population). Results single- and double-support conditions, were compared with
are presented in table 1. the control no-stimulus condition (table 2). The kinematic
Electromyographic activity when walking. The electro- parameters were similar across the three walking condi-
myographic patterns of four major muscles involved in tions. The deafferented subject did not modify his walking
walking are presented in figure 2. They are also compared pattern when stimuli were presented, therefore validating
with the normative data of Winter.20To allow a compari- the RTs as a representative index of the attentional de-
son with controls, EMG signals obtained for the third cycle mands for walking.
(second session, control trials without stimulus) were time- Data for the controls are taken from Lajoie et al.9 In the
base normalized to 100% of the cycle. Clear differences seated position, our subject was faster than most control
between the deafferented subject's EMG patterns and the subjects to react to the auditory stimuli (166 msec versus
controls were observed. The vastus lateralis (VL) shows a 235 msec, respectively; t, = 1.69, p > 0.05). When walking,
significant level of activation for about 75% of the walking the deafferented subject's RTs were similar to those of
cycle while it is solicited for only 25% of the cycle in normal controls when the stimuli were given in the single-support
subjects, with a peak of activity a t weight acceptance (at phase (371 msec versus 321 msec, respectively; t, = 1.10,

Table I Cycle length, cycle duration, speed, and cadence for the deafferented subject and control subjects

DeafTerented subject

(Session 1) (Session 2) Winterz0 Lajoie et al.9

Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD

Cycle length (mm) 1,340 56 1,355 32 1,560" 100 1,546 160

Cycle duration (msec) 1,276 10 1,335 26 1,090t - 1,102" 40
Speed (m/sec) 1.05 0.053 1.005 0.016 1.436t - 1.41" 0.14
Cadence (steplmin) 94.0 1.2 89.0 2.0 110.5" 8.3 110.0" 4.1

* Significant differences with normative data (p < 0.05).

t Winter's data are temporally normalized and speed and cycle duration variability are not available for computing t statistics.
July 1996 NEUROLOGY 47 111
400 -
350 -
300 -
250 -
50 100

200 1 A

5 0
1 I I I I I

c.9 Tibialis anterior


150 -
100 -
50 150
0 - 50

Medial g a s t r o c n e m i u s

Figure 2. Normalized elt?ctromyo-

graphic activity (average and stan-
100 dard deviation) of the vnstus latera-
50 lis, medial hamstring, tibialis
0 anterior, and medial gastrocnemius
muscles for the deafferented (left por-
tion of the figure) and control (right
portion of the figure) suhjects. Data
for control subjects are taken from
.I , I Winter's normative datat>ase."' The
EMG data are time-basp normalized
to 100% of the stride befbre ensemble

Table 2 Parameters for three walking conditions"

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~ ~~~~
ss ~~ ~~~

Average SD Average SD Average SD

~ ~ ~ ~ ~_________~ ~. ~ ~~~~ ~~

Cycle duration (msec) 1,335 26 1,335 29 1,350 26

Cycle amplitude (mm) 1,278 45 1,346 45 1,346 40
Speed ( d s e c ) 0.95 0.016 1.008 0.014 0.99 0.013
Cadence (stepdmin) 89.9 2.0 89.8 2.3 88.9 1.8
-. ~ ~~ ~

'I: Cycle length, cycle duration, speed, and cadence in the control no-stimulus condition and when stimuli were given at toe-off (onset (if'
the single-support phase-SS) and at heel-contact (onset of the double-support phase-DS) for the deafferented subject.
112 NEUROLOGY 47 July 1996
p > 0.05). When the stimuli were given in the double- served for this subject show that the supplementary
support phase, however, the deafferented subject was con- strategies used to compensate for the absence of pro-
siderably slower to respond to the stimuli than controls prioception increase the mental load. The double-
(402 msec versus 270 msec, respectively; t, = 2.7, p < support phase of his walking cycle is more attention-
0.05). Compared with controls, the slower RTs observed demanding than that of control subjects, whereas no
when stimuli were given at the onset of the double-support differences were found in the single-support phase.
phase suggest that this phase requires an increased atten- This strongly suggests that the deafferented subject
tional load. uses the double-support phase as a transitory stable
phase for generating his next step, on the basis of
Discussion. The deafferented subject has devel- cognitively updated postural features. These opera-
oped several strategies to achieve a secure gait: (1)a tions, presumably automatic in normal subjects,
reduction of the degrees of freedom (normally con- heavily load the deafferented subject’s cognitive sys-
trolled by local peripheral loops in the control of pos- tem (as indexed by the longer RTs). Conversely, the
ture) by “bracing” himself while moving; (2) a preser- single-support phase does not produce a different
vation of body balance by enlarging his base of load in our subject and the control subjects. This
support; (3) the visual monitoring of his step by sta- phase is mainly conducted with passive forces and
bilizing the head-trunk linkage together with a char- appears to require less or no on-line r e g ~ l a t i o n . ~ ~ ~ ~
acteristic forward tilt. Compared with normal sub- Previous results obtained in pointing tasks with
jects, the gait pattern of our subject is characterized another deafferented subject support the hypothesis
by a shorter cycle length, a longer cycle duration, a that a dynamic egocentric frame of reference, which
slower speed, and a lower cadence. This general gait needs a permanent updating of the postural schema,
pattern is reminiscent of the gait adaptations ob- is not available in complete absence of muscular pro-
served for elderly people. For the elderly, these adap- ~ ~ subject, G.L., suffers a perma-
p r i o ~ e p t i o n .(This
tations serve chiefly to produce a more secure and nent and specific loss of the large sensory myelinated
less destabilizing gait and an energy-efficient speed fibers in the four limbs following two episodes of
of p r o g r e s ~ i o n . ~ ~ - ~ ~ sensory polyneuropathy that affected her whole body
Following the classical distinction introduced by below the nose. The illness resulted in a total loss of
H ~ s s walking
,~~ is the product of two interactive the senses of touch, vibration, pressure, and kines-
mechanisms: (1) the ereismatic or postural compo- thesia, as well as in absent tendon reflexes in the
nent that provides the support for the propulsive four limbs. Motor nerve conduction velocities and
force and postural adjustment for preserving overall needle EMG investigation of the muscles of the arm
body orientation in the field of gravity forces, and (2) are She is now 47 and these observations
the teleokinetic or instrumental component, that is, have been confirmed and have proven stable for the
the goal-directed displacement of body and limb^.^"^^ past 17 years.) Moreover, the model of “coherent cop-
Reference frames may be the basis for the underly- ies,” proposed by Droulez and D a r l ~ t accounts
,~~ for
ing mechanisms necessary to insure that the body the capacity of the visual system and of visual kines-
and the limbs are rightly positioned with regard t o thesis to complement the direct proprioceptive infor-
environmental landmark^.^^^^^.^^ Two such frames are mation originating from the muscular sensors, or
generally considered: (1) a n egocentric reference even more, to provide a valid substitute when the
frame regarded as a dynamic structure that stems dedicated sensors are temporarily or completely dis-
from a continuous updating of the relative positions abled.35 M i t t l e ~ t a e d t proposed
~ ~ . ~ ~ that, in normal
of the body segments by way of static and dynamic subjects, the head is referred to the “idiotropic vec-
proprioceptive signals, and that tunes the motor tor” as an internal egocentric reference related to the
commands for spatially oriented movements; and (2) trunk main axis. Conversely, our subject is more
an exocentric reference frame that derives from a likely to use a head-centered frame to which his
memory-based internal construct built from extract- deafferented trunk and body segments (albeit vividly
ing the stable covariant features of the visual envi- represented in a “visual body image”) can be referred
ronment that remain stable as the body moves.29 via neck afferent information. This strategy allows
One of our initial basic assumptions concerning the leading head segment, which is visually an-
the state of the deafferented subject is that a dy- chored on stable environmental landmarks, to steer
namic egocentric frame of reference, which needs a the locomotion of the deafferented body.
permanent updating of the postural schema, is no Further empiric observations support this view-
longer available in complete absence of muscular point. Indeed, the deafferented subject G.L., com-
proprioception. Consequently, to monitor and evalu- pletely devoid of neck proprioception, in contrast to
ate the relative position of the body segments with I.W., cannot walk unassisted, mainly because of her
respect to the world frame, the deafferented subject inability to maintain balance without support, in
must rely on alternative strategies mainly based on spite of being able to stabilize her head with respect
the visual exocentric frame of reference. From a to the environment via visual and vestibular cues.
qualitative viewpoint, this is corroborated by the This observation suggests a crucial role for neck pro-
deafferented subject’s self-report that walking re- prioception in articulating the ereismatic and teleo-
quires a constant visual monitoring. The RTs ob- kinetic constraints of locomotion and the functional
July 1996 NEUROLOGY 47 113
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Motor neuropathy due to docetaxel and

Ronnie J. Freilich, MD, FRACP; Casilda Balmaceda, MD; Andrew D. Seidman, MD;
Michael Rubin, MD, FRCP(C1; and Lisa M. DeAngelis, MD

Article abstract-Paclitaxel and docetaxel are novel chemotherapeutic agents that promote the polymerization and
inhibit the depolymerization of microtubules. Sensory neuropathy is common with these agents, particularly paclitaxel.
We evaluated 64 patients treated with these drugs; 54 were followed prospectively. Eleven (17%, including six of the 54
prospectively followed patients) developed muscle weakness that was predominantly proximal. The weakness was idiosyn-
cratic, occurring at any stage of treatment, had a variable course, and was reversible upon cessation of drug. All patients
developed symptoms or signs of taxane-induced sensory neuropathy. Weakness was likely neuropathic in origin; electro-
diagnostic studies suggested a distal axonopathy in some patients and proximal denervation (anterior horn cell or nerve
root) in others.
NEUROLOGY 1996;47:115-1 18

Paclitaxel and docetaxel are novel chemotherapeutic However, two prospective studies of 82
agents with activity against several malignancies. 1-8 patients suggest that sensory neuropathy is more
The drugs exert their antineoplastic activity by pro- frequent (49 to 67%) than initially reported.22,23Re-
moting the polymerization and inhibiting the depoly- cently, New et aLZ0described 10 of 186 (5.3%) pa-
merization of m i c r o t ~ b u l e s but
, ~ by differing mecha- tients with mild proximal and distal weakness due to
nisms; paclitaxel alters the number of protofilaments docetaxel peripheral neuropathy and Hilkens et al.")
in microtubules whereas docetaxel does not."' observed a comparable frequency of distal weakness
Peripheral neuropathy occurs with paclitaxel in patients receiving docetaxel. Neither study de-
doses 2200 mg/m2; severity is associated with in- scribed myalgias or a proximal pattern of weakness
creased cumulative dose, and becomes dose-limiting in patients taking docetaxel. We identified 11 pa-
at doses 2250 mg/m2.11-15 Paclitaxel produces a pre- tients treated with docetaxel or paclitaxel who devel-
dominantly sensory neuropathy,16although a senso- oped substantial muscle weakness, predominately
rimotor neuropathy is more common than originally proximal, in association with a sensory neuropathy.
appreciated.I5 Weakness is usually mild and distal,
but proximal or more generalized weakness has been Methods. Sixty-four patients were evaluated, 60 treated
reported.13.16Myalgias are common with high doses with docetaxel and four treated with paclitaxel. Fifty-four
of paclitaxel, and myopathy has occurred in patients patients treated with docetaxel on phase I1 protocols were
followed prospectively for neurologic complications (34
treated with a combination of high-dose paclitaxel
breast, 20 ovarian cancer). In addition, six patients treated
and cisplatin."J5 with docetaxel for non-small cell lung cancer on a phase I1
Early phase I and I1 studies suggested that do- protocol were referred for possible neuropathy, and four
cetaxel neuropathy is uncommon (frequency 0 to patients who developed muscle weakness while receiving
17%), mild to moderate in severity, often reversible, paclitaxel for breast cancer were also examined.
and predominantly sensory. Symptoms began at cu- The initial dose of drug was determined by protocol for
mulative doses of 50 to 720 mg/m2, occurring espe- the three groups of patients receiving docetaxel: 100
cially in patients treated previously with cispla- mg/mz as a 1-hour intravenous infusion every 3 weeks for

From the Departments of Neurology (Drs. Freilich, Balmaceda, and DeAngelis) and Medicine (Dr. Seidman). Division of Solid Tumor Oncology, Breast and
Gynecologic Cancer Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and the Department of Neurology (Dr. Rubin), Cornell University Medical
College, New York, NY.
Supported in part by Rhone-Poulenc Rorer. A.D.S. is the recipient of a Career Development Award from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Presented in part a t the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Washington, DC, May 1994.
Received August 4, 1995. Accepted in final form December 20, 1995.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Lisa M. DeAngelis, Chief, Neurology Service, Department of Neurology. Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021.
Copyright 0 1996 by the American Academy of Neurology 115
Gait of a deafferented subject without large myelinated sensory fibers below the
Y. Lajoie, N. Teasdale, J. D. Cole, et al.
Neurology 1996;47;109-115
DOI 10.1212/WNL.47.1.109

This information is current as of July 1, 1996

Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services http://n.neurology.org/content/47/1/109.full

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