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Keith recently came back from a trip to Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is the
largest city in the United States state of Illinois this midwestern
metropolis is found along the shore of Lake Michigan. During his visit,
Keith spent a lot of time exploring the city to visit important landmarks
and monuments.

Keith loves baseball, and he made sure to take a visit to Wrigley Field.
Not only did he take a tour of this spectacular stadium, but he also got to
watch a Chicago Cubs game. In the stadium, Keith and the other fans
cheered for the Cubs. Keith was happy that the Cubs won with a score of

Chicago has many historic places to visit. Keith found the Chicago Water
Tower impressive as it is one of the few remaining landmarks to have
survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Keith also took a walk through
Jackson Park, a great outdoor space that hosted the World’s Fair of 1892.
The park is great for a leisurely stroll, and it still features some of the
original architecture and replicas of monuments that were featured in the
World’s Fair.

During the last part of his visit, Keith managed to climb the stairs inside
of the Willis Tower, a 110-story skyscraper. Despite the challenge of
climbing the many flights of stairs, Keith felt that reaching the top was
worth the effort. From the rooftop, Keith received a gorgeous view of the
city’s skyline with Lake Michigan in the background.
Answer the questions below correctly!
1. Where is chicago in the United States ?
a. The west coast
b. The south
c. The midwest
d. The east coast
2. What sport do the chicango cubs play in wrigley field ?
a. Rugby
b. Soccer
c. Baseball
d. Football
3. What place that has many monuments and is a the World’s Fair in 1892 is..
a. Jackson park
b. Chicago Water Tower
c. Wrigley Field
d. Willis tower
4. Why was keith impressed by the chicango Water Tower ?
a. It is the tallest building in the city
b. It is one of few landmarks that survived a historical fire
c. It is the only remaining monument of the world’s fair
d. It is supplies water to the entire population
5. what place did keith visit by passing a 110 story high skyscraper?
a. spectacular stadium
b. replicas of monuments
c. willis tower
d. In the stadium
6. What even was important for chicago in 1892 ?
a. The world’s fair took place here
b. Wrigley field was constructed
c. The great fire destroyed a langer part of the town
d. Jackson park became open to the public
7. How did keith arrive to the rooftop of the willis Tower ?
a. He calimbed the building’s exterior
b. He took an outdoor elevator
c. He walked up the interior strairs
d. He used an indoor elevator
8. How many floors are there in the Willis Tower...
a. 111
b. 120
c. 110
d. 109
9. What game did Keith watch?
a. Baseball
b. Chicago Cubs
c. Climbing
d. Bike recing
10. what year did the great fire in chicago ?
a. 1892
b. 1871
c. 1890
d. 1870

Adapted from English Text for Beginners/


First Treatment
Reading Text

Travel experiences

I've always liked travelling. My parents have both travelled a lot and I
guess that I wanted to follow their example. When I left school and
turned eighteen, I realized I could do it. I spent eight months away
altogether four months in- South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,
Vietnam), three months in Australia, and then a final month back in

At first I travelled in Asia with my friend, Alex, and then met up with
another surfing friend from home in Australia But I realized that you can
still feel lonely, whoever you are with, wherever you are. The first time
the real fear hit me was just as the plane was about to land in Bangkok,
but I clearly remember how beautiful it all seemed from the sky. It was a
rich, dense green ...nothing like Europe.

Every day in South East Asia was a new experience. I learn new things
about the way the world works and you learn new things about yourself. I
went to Australia for one reason only surfing It might seem a little
superficial to ignore the whole tourist side of Australia, and the things
most backpackers do, but that's the way it is. I've surfed since I was
fourteen and have always dreamed of surfing perfect waves in warm
water instead of the freezing water temperatures of England.

Adapted from ESL Printables, 2009

Post Test
Reading Text
Space is an area. From our point of view, as Earthlings, it starts about 100
kilometers (60 miles) above our planet Earth. Up there, beyond our
atmosphere, there is no air to breathe or to allow light to pass through. In
that area, blue becomes black because there are not enough oxygen
molecules to make the sky blue.

Furthermore, space is a vacuum. This means that sound cannot travel

because molecules are not close enough together to transmit sound
between them. That's not to say that space is empty, however. Gas, dust
and other bits of matter float around "emptier" areas of the universe,
while in more crowded regions there are planets, stars and galaxies.

No one knows exactly how big space is. The difficulty arises because of
what we can see through our telescopes and other devices. We measure
long distances in space in "light years." A light year represents the
distance it takes for light to travel in a year and that is about 5.8 trillion
miles, or 9.3 trillion kilometers. From light that is visible in our
telescopes, we have charted galaxies reaching almost as far back as the
Big Bang, which is thought to have started our universe 13.7 billion years
This means we can "see" into space to a distance of almost 13.7 billion
light- years. However, astronomers are not sure if our universe is the only
universe that exists. There may be more universes! This means that space
could be a lot bigger than it appears to us and certainly, bigger than we
can imagine.
1 27

A. Research schedule and location

This research will conducted at MTsN 1 majene, It is located at Jl. Abd.
Wahab Anas Simullu, Banggae Timur district. Hence, this research will
conducted at october 2023. by administering treatment to the sample of the
study which are the eight-grade students MTsN 1 majene.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population
According to Sugiyono (2017) population is the total area a generalize region
consisting of objects or subject that has quantity, quality and certain
characteristics according to those specified by researchers use to compile
interpretations and research data that ends with drawal activities conclusion.
According to (Khalifah Mustami 2015) That the population is the group that is
the target of research studies. The population of this research is the eight-
grade students at MTsN 1 majene there are five classes namely classes A, B,
C, D, and E.

No. Class Male Female

1. Class A 12 13
2. Class B 12 15
3. Class C 15 16
4. Class D 14 13
5. Class E 15 14
68 71
Total : 139

Source MTsN 1 majene

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