Startup Movie Novel Calculated Development Investor Example

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Josephine Rivers is a calculating prodigy with a nearly supernatural ability to look at the world through a purely mathematical lens, even
a ime p edic ing he f e. Af e a be a al b he o n famil hen he onl 15, he kidnapped and aken o China b the sinister
Ma ima, kno n a Madame, ho fo ce he o e he gif o inc ea e he fo ne. Thi ma k he beginning of o he o a duous
jo ne , hich ee he mo ed a o nd Shanghai c iminal nde g o nd a o he e ploi he gif . He onl clo e compan i older captive
Hong R i, nicknamed Red, ho e i dom and ppo change ho he ie he o n po e and eache he ha he need o
i e. No he 17 and o king fo a eal h man ho e cap i a ing on Kai a o chip a a a he emo ional defen e . She has
he fa e of he o ld in he hand , hank o he niq e gif , b he al o c a e engeance again ho e ho e onged her. Can she
save the world from a financial collapse and also bring her enemies down? And can she trust Kai enough to let him into her heart?
Investor 110% Return
Plus 50% Profits Share
One Door Studios, LLC
Business Description: Calc la ed Synopsis:
We develop, produce and direct the distribution of DIVERGENT meets
CALCULATED, a global, wide-audience, studio- COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO
released motion picture scheduled to premiere in She has many names
theaters the beginning of 2024. Investor returns Octavia, Double 8, Phoenix,
come in two tranches: first, 110% of the investment Josephine. She s a math
just prior to the picture s production, forecasted to prodigy, a calculating genius
occur beginning of 2023 and paid from its bank and everyone wants her. In
production funding; then from 50% of the compan s seventeen-year-old Jo Ri er s
global net profits from the picture, its games, music, complicated world of numbers,
brand tie-ins and all other sources, forcasted to there s no such thing as
begin in the last half of 2024. coincidence. When she is betrayed by someone
she lo es, kidnapped b the orld s most anted
Management Team: smuggler, and forced to use her talent to shore up
The Managing Partners have provided business, a criminal empire, Jo deems her gift a curse until
funding, distribution, development and production she meets Red. Fellow captive and unlikely sage,
services for 23 motion pictures, television network Red teaches Jo to harness her true potential, so
series and specials, released through most major she can do more than just escape. Before he dies,
studios and some television networks, with Red reveals a secret about her enemies and makes
combined production costs of over $470 million and her vow to right his wrongs. But Jo has a vow of her
global rights earnings exceeding $4 billion. own. With help from Chan, a bitter billionaire, and
Kai, his off-limits son, Jo rises into a new role,
Partner Investment is $2 Million: ready to take down those who ruined her life, until a
$2M provides 100% of CALCULATED s mathematical error comes back to haunt her with a
development capital inclusive of attaining its studio threat much more dangerous than the criminals on
level script, retaining its studio level director and the loose. To beat the odds, Jo must decide who
actors, securing its $45 million bank provided she really is and if risking everything is worth it.
production funding and its global distribution and After all, history is not made it s calculated. This
marketing relationships. theatrically-premiered contemporary young adult
action/adventure will be lensed in the US and
Investor 110% Return from Production China. Slated for release end of 2024. Earnings to
and 50% of C m an Profits: Cost Ratio 4.8:1. THESE ARE FORWARD
Investors receive a 110% ($2.2Million) return from LOOKING FORECASTS. THERE IS NO
CALCULATED s bank-provided production budget. GUARANTEE THESE WILL BE ATTAINED OR
In estors also recei e 50% of all the Compan s THAT THERE WILL BE ANY EARNINGS.
profits which are derived from 50% of all
CALCULATED s profits paid to the Compan . This
investor share is forecasted to be between $13.7
Million and to $49.9 million during CALCULATED s
first 5 distribution years.

Investor Other Benefits:

Partners may join the producers during production,
receive a screen credit, and have their own benefit
premieres just prior to CALCULATED s release.

Only Investors Able to Bear the Entire Loss of Their Investment Should Consider Participating

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