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Grade: Grade 12
Semester: 1 st Semester
Content: 21 st-Century Literature from the region where the school is based in relation to
the Literature of other regions in various genres and forms in consideration of:
1. Various dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to contemporary;
Content Standards: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of
21 st-Century Philippine Literature from the regions.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st-century
Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and
2. An adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation
of these require from the learner the ability to:
1. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (ex. Engage in oral history research with focus on key personalities
from the students’ region/province/town.
Code: EN12Lit-Ib-22
I. Objective:
K- Identify the elements of a short story in the “The Legend of Daragang Magayon”
S- Prepare a short, five-minute skit reenacting certain scenes from the legend
A- Appreciate the beauty of Bikol Literature
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Representative texts and authors from each region (ex. Engage in oral history research with
focus on key personalities from the students’ region/province/town.
Materials: printed copies of the lesson/topic and writing and oral
activities, board, chalk
Reference: 21st-century literature from the Philippines and the world Teacher’s Manual and textbook
Value focus: Appreciation of the significance of Bikol Literature
III. Developmental Activities:
a. Pre-activity:
Checking of attendance
Submission of
A. Recop of the past discussion
b. Lesson Proper:
Group Activity assignments/outputs/projects (if there is/are)
Election of Officers
In groups of 5, think about these questions.
1. Who were the characters in the story?
2. How do the characters in the legend correspond to the behavior of the volcano in real life?
3. What does knowing the legend do to your appreciation of the volcano?
4. How would the “The Legend of Daragang Magayon” be told today? What changes would there be in how the story is told?
5. Write a caption based from the picture of Mayon Volcano. Explain

1. What is Bikolano Literature?
2. What is the story all about?
3. Who were the characters in the story “The Legend of Daragang Magayon”?
1.Why do you think that “The Legend of Daragang Magayon” reflects literature in the Bikol Region?
Elements of a short story
Directions: Identify the elements of a short story in “The Legend of Daragang Magayon”

setting characters theme conflict point of plot


IV. Assessment:
Complete the following statements.
1. _______, and its product, _______, are pieces of writing that usually have figurative language.
2. The _________ was a riddle that used ________, or metaphor that actually helped convey the answer to the riddle.
3. _______ were long, episodic, chanted poems which told a story about a _______ and spirit.
4. The most notable filipino poet of the spanish era is _______, who became known as _______.
5. The method of writing, called _______ for the tagalog, was suppressed, as friars called it blasphemous.
Choices: bugtong, baybayin, poetry, legendary hero, epics, Francisco Baltazar, poem, Balagtas

V. Assignment:
Search for more Bikolano Literary Pieces.


Date: JUNE 20, 2018
Grade: Grade 12
Semester: 1 st Semester
Content: 21 st-Century Literature from the region where the school is based in relation to
the Literature of other regions in various genres and forms in consideration of:
2. Various dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to contemporary;
Content Standards: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of
21 st-Century Philippine Literature from the regions.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21 st-century
Philippine literature from the regions through:
1. A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form
and theme, with a description of its context derived from research; and
3. An adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competency: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation
of these require from the learner the ability to:
2. Identify representative texts and authors from each region (ex. Engage in oral history research with focus on key personalities
from the students’ region/province/town.
Code: EN12Lit-Ib-22
I. Objective:
K- Identify the elements of a short story in the “The Legend of Daragang Magayon”
S- Prepare a short, five-minute skit reenacting certain scenes from the legend
A- Appreciate the beauty of Bikol Literature

VI. Assessment:
Diagnostic Test
Complete the following statements.
6. _______, and its product, _______, are pieces of writing that usually have figurative language.
7. The _________ was a riddle that used ________, or metaphor that actually helped convey the answer to the riddle.
8. _______ were long, episodic, chanted poems which told a story about a _______ and spirit.
9. The most notable filipino poet of the spanish era is _______, who became known as _______.
10. The method of writing, called _______ for the tagalog, was suppressed, as friars called it blasphemous.
Choices: bugtong, baybayin, poetry, legendary hero, epics, Francisco Baltazar, poem, Balagtas

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