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- Approaches involve are methodical and

systematic giving emphasis in proving

theoretical concepts and formulating
standards of truth in order to accept as
“Philosophy is something obscure, weird and universal foundation learning
4. Philosophy and Religion
Philosophy is defined in two fashions: - Inseparable fields in a sense that one
1. Etymological definition justifies the other.
● Philosophy was first coined by - Religion is generally a philosophical
Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher. culmination of basic and complex ideas
● It came from the greek word; philos about almost everything.
means love , and sophia means - While philosophy is a religious context
wisdom. Its literal meaning is “love of that tries to concretize divine beliefs,
wisdom”. ideas, opinions, and facts.
● Ancient Greeks three concept of love:
- eros – passionate love (sexual
Importance of Philosophy
- Philia – friendship love (loyalty ● Not only to satisfy the requirement in the
and sharing of emotions) academic curriculum, but also develop a
- Agape – compassionate love cultured, well-defined and well rounded
(highest form) individual.
● It develops students of their ability to
2. Essential definition comprehend, systematize learning and
● Philosophy is the “search for meaning”. enhance their critical thinking ability in
● Many have described Philosophy as the evaluating their gained knowledge and
‘science of all sciences’; as ‘mother of information.
all sciences’, or the “search for the ● Philosophy can provide students with
ultimate meaning of reality”. fundamental views in coping with the
● Seeks to understand the mysteries of changing demands and ethical
existence and reality. problems.
● The most significant task of Philosophy ● Philosophy will always be an important
is to evaluate the totality of human aspect to human life, an experience to
experience. develop a holistic view of life that may
help one to come up with right decision
1. Philosophy and Science better understanding of fellow humans
Both discuss the fundamental truths about the and that of one’s self.
universe. These fields study nature and life.
Major Disciplines in Philosophy

2. Philosophy and History ● Logic – the study of right and

Interrelated fields that are dependent on each reasoning.
other, history serves as the breeding ground of ● Epistemology – the study of the validity
Philosophy. Philosophy on the other hand, of knowledge.
defines history and interprets its existence to ● Metaphysics – seeks to explain the
understand the past. fundamental concepts of being.
● Aesthetics – the philosophical study of
3. Philosophy and Mathematics beauty.
- Both logical bodies of knowledge.
● Cosmology – the study of real things in beyond, then good deeds are not
the universe. rewarded nor evil doers are punished.
● Theology– is the study of God and his ● It is a cornerstone in ethics.
● Social Philosophy – the study of
humans and their relation to society.
● Ethics – as the science of the morality A dilemma is a difficult situation in which
of human acts. an individual is confronted/forced to choose
between two or more conflicting options, neither
of which is acceptable. The key here is that the
person has choices to make that will have
What is Ethics
results he or she does not want.
● From the Greek word “ethos” or
Moral Dilemma
● Ethics or morality is essentially a
philosophy subject/branch. ● Defined as any situation in which the
● A philosophical discipline concerned person making the decision must
with what is morally good and bad and consider two or more moral values or
morally right and wrong. duties but can only honour one of them;
● It also involves systematizing, thus, the individual will violate at least
defending, and recommending concepts one important moral concern, regardless
of right and wrong. of the decision.
● A situation where a person is forced to
IMPERATIVE ETHICS “sine qua non” choose between two or more conflicting
as per Emerita Quito (2008) options, neither of which is acceptable.
● It must be noted, however, that if the
person is in a difficult situation but is not
forced to choose between two or more
options, then that person is not in a
Human Freedom dilemma.
● An inherent human power to act or not ● The least that we can say is that the
to act that makes them responsible for person is just experiencing a
their actions. problematic or distressful situation.
● Ethics in this sense will be irrelevant in ● When dilemmas involve human actions
the absence of human freedom. which have moral implications, they are
● Freedom always entails the right to called ethical or moral dilemmas.
choose. ● Moral dilemmas, therefore, are
situations where a persons, who are
Existence of God called “moral agents” in ethics, are
● A salient factor that makes sense in the forced to choose between two or more
study of ethics. conflicting options, neither of which
● Without God’s existence that postulates resolves the situation in a morally
humans’s belief, humans find no reason acceptable manner.
to do good and avoid evil.

Immortality of the Soul Karen Allen’s Three Condition of Moral

● If there is no life after the earth where Dilemmas
the soul is believed to perpetuate life
● First, the person or the agent of a moral The top performer gets the job done, but his
action is obliged to make a decision action and attitude hurt the culture.
about which course of action is best.
Here, the moral agent must choose the Structural Dilemma
best option and act accordingly. - refers to the social, national,
● Second, there must be different courses international or macro level of dilemma.
of action to choose from. Hence as Leaders, people, or nations are
already pointed out above, there must confronted with a problem and is forced
be two or more conflicting options to to choose between two or more
choose from for moral dilemmas to conflicting options, neither of which is
occur. acceptable.
● Third, no matter what course of action is Ex.
taken, some moral principles are always Manipulating the drug industry to control the
compromised. This means that. prices of medicines
According to Allen, there is no perfect
solution to the problem.
Foundation of Morality: Freedom as requisite
Benjiemen Labastin said, in moral
on Moral Responsibility
dilemmas, the moral agent “seems fated to
commit something wrong which implies that she ● Freedom comes in various meanings
is bound to morally fail because one way or such as the power or right to act, speak,
another she will fail to do something which she or think as one wants with out hindrance
ought to do. In other words, by choosing one of or restraint; “we do have some freedom
the possible moral requirements, the person of choice”;
also fails.” ● Politically, freedom is coined as liberty
but relatively the same, is understood as
the absence of subjection to foreign
Three Levels of Moral Dilemmas
domination or despotic government;
Personal/Individual Dilemma ● Moreover, freedom in politics, consist of
- These are situations in which an the social, political, and economic
individual has a choice to be made freedoms to which all community
between two options, neither of which members are entitled;
resolves the situation in an ethically ● In philosophy, freedom involves free will
acceptable fashion. In such cases as contrasted with determinism.
personal ethical guidelines can provide
no satisfactory outcome for the chooser. “Kant made a claim in the lectures on ethics in
Ex. the early 1780s that freedom is the source of all
Deciding which parent to live with. value – that it is intrinsically valuable, and that
Someone deciding whether to let their family other valuable things must not merely be
starve to death or steal bread from someone compatible with freedom but actually derive their
else. value from the value of freedom.” GUYER, 1993
- Kant further said that freedom is the
Organizational Dilemma highest order of life, which serves as the
- is a challenge for every organization foundation of all perfection and is their
nowadays; it is all about how to match necessary condition. All animals have
discrepancy between individual needs the faculty of using their powers
and aspirations on the one hand and the according to will. But this is not free. It is
organizational goals on the other. necessitated through the incitement of
Ex. stimuli, and the actions of animals
involve a bruta necessitas. If the will of over actions that we intend to do and
all beings were so bound to sensuous decide which of them to take.
impulse, the world would possess no ● On the other hand, impartiality is a
value. The inherent value of the world, principle of justice holding that decisions
the summun bonum , is freedom in or judgment on something or someone
accordance with a will which is not should be objective not on the basis of
necessitated to action. Freedom is thus bias or prejudice to favor someone
the inner value of the world. irrationally. As to adhere on moral
values, no one shall be exempted from
St. Augustine showed that human is free that same rule. Impartiality indeed is a
physically, yet bound to obey the law. It is , good value.
therefore, clear that there is difference between
“like to do” and “the ought to do””.
- (Gorbachev,1998) In his time asserted
that the principle of freedom is a must. ● A being who is capable of acting with
Refusal to recognize this principle will reference to right and wrong
have serious consequences to the issue ● Moral agents are expected to meet the
of world peace. demand of morality (choosing between
good and evil). However, not all agents
● Indeed, the right to freedom is very are automatically considered moral
fundamental to every nation as it is the agents. For moral agents must also be
heart of every democratic ideal, as capable of conforming to at least some
much as it is also inherent to every demands of morality.
human .
● Now we live in an age of moral freedom, What are these demands?
in which individuals are expected to ● If the agent has the capacity to conform
determine for themselves what it means to some of the external requirements of
to lead a good and virtuous life. morality.
● This precept that the agent is a knower,
Moral freedom involves freedom over the things regardless if the knowledge is full or
that matter most. Freedom is a significant limited.
foundation of moral acts. It is an imperative that ● According to the strong version, the
makes the study of moratlity possible Kantian version, it is also essential that
- (Quito, 2008) Explains that no ethics is the agents should have the capacity to
likewise possible without human rise above their feelings and passion
freedom. and act for the sake of moral law.
● Agents should have an enduring self
with free will and an inner life;
understanding of the relevant facts as
well as moral understanding; and moral
Reason and Impartiality: Requisites for
sentiments, such as capacity for
remorse and concern for others (Haksar,
● Immanuel Kant argued that “morality 2018).
was based on reason alone, and once ● A “moral agent” is therefore someone
understood, we would see that acting who is capable of doing things rightly or
morally is the same as acting rationally.” wrongly. Typically, this is understood to
This entails that reason is a fundamental mean acting with the ability to freely
requirement for any moral decision. choose (within parameters) what to do.
Reason enables us to think and reflect It sometimes includes the idea of being
aware of the concepts of rightness and - Is a concept relating to culturally
wrongness, or of what actions are embedded differences within society, it’s
considered right and wrong. Human is a the fact that different cultures exist
being that acts, one who acts with will alongside each other.
and knowledge and holds responsibility
for the acts. Subculture
- Culture enjoyed by small group within
Characteristics of Moral Agent society. It is a minority part of the
● A moral agent is a person who has the majority.
ability to discern right from wrong and to
be held accountable for his or her own Popular Culture
actions. - It borrows the idea from high culture and
● Moral agents have moral responsibility popularizes it, making it available for the
not to cause unjustified harm. masses; a product of the media
● Traditionally, moral agents are only dominated world; it is a positive force for
those who can be held responsible for it brings people of different backgrounds
their actions. Children and adults with together in a common culture.
certain mental disabilities may have little
or no capacity to be moral agents. Multiculturalism
- it is depicted to be very similar to
cultural diversity, other definitions align
multiculturalism with different ethnic
groups living alongside each other.
● From the word “culltus” which means to
cultivate Global Culture
● It is an aggregate of the learned beliefs, - A global culture is a key feature of
attitudes, values, norms and customs of globalisation, they emerged due to
society or group of people, shared by patterns of migration, trends in
them and transmitted from generation to international travel and the spread of
generation media, exposing people to the same
● The set of shared attitudes, values, images of the same dominant world
goal, and practices that characterizes an companies.
institution or organization.
● It is the characteristics and knowledge
Characteristics of Culture
of a particular group of people,
encompassing language, religion, Culture is learned
cuisine, social habits, music, and arts. - Culture is not instinctive or innate; it is
not part of the biological virtue of his
membership in groups.
Types of Culture
- Culture is transmitted from one
High Culture generation to the next
- Is linked with the elite, upper class - Man is an heir to a social tradition. It
society, those families and individuals represents our social legacy as
with an ascribed status position. Often contrasted with our organic heredity.
associated with the arts such as opera, - Culture is socially shared
ballet and classical music, and sports - human beings living in organized groups
such as polo. share culture and keep relatively
uniform by social pressure.
Cultural Diversity
- Culture represents the ideal form of
The Importance of Culture
- The group habits that compromise the Culture affects perception
culture are viewed as ideal patterns of - How we perceive things is largely
behavior. affected by our judgement skills,
preconceived notions, attitude, and
Culture is gratifying emotions. These factors are closely
- Culture satisfies human needs, both linked with our culture. Our culture
biological and moral. The fulfillment of determines the structure of our thinking,
biological needs is provided by culture which influences our perceptions on the
with a recognized pattern. good or bad.

Culture is adaptive Culture influences behavior

- The culture of any society represents an - Culture affects perceptions and
adaptation or adjustment in the perceptions drive behavior. Thus, the
various conditions of life, including culture we belong to has a direct impact
physical, social and supernatural on our behavior. Moreover, our
environment. environment, which has cultural
influences, shapes our behavior.
Culture is integrative
- The parts of a given culture tend to Culture shapes personalities
form a consistent integrated whole. In the - Our culture defines people’s
words of William Graham summer, the parts are expectations from us. In the attempt to
subject to strain of consistency fulfill them, we shape our behavior and
with each other. personality to suit the culture. Our
religions, traditions, customs, all part of
our culture, play a major role in shaping
Modes of Acquiring Culture
our personalities.
- This takes place during the process of Our culture shapes our value and belief
socialization. As the child grows, he system
imitates the things around him. - Culture shapes our value and belief
system which influence our
Indoctrination personalities.
- This takes the form of formal teaching or
training which may take place anywhere
the individuals finds himself interacting
with his fellow humans. ● Critically, no one can simply say which
behavior is a moral one because all
Conditioning behaviors are. Relatively, it is the moral
- Through the social norms prevailing in of the person or the society that make
one’s social and cultural milieu, the them adopt those particular behavior.
individual acquires a certain pattern of ● Moral are the prevailing standards of
beliefs, values, behavior, and actions behavior that people have to follow and
through the process of conditioning. act in accordance with one’s beliefs in
order to live cooperatively in groups.
● Moral behaviors are what one believes
to be the right things to do. No doubt
that cultural and religious beliefs paly a
role in what one thinks to be right and
Human values are the virtues that guide
us to take into account human element when
The Role of Culture in Moral Behavior
one interacts with one other human being. They
● Culture indeed influences human are our feelings for the human essence of
behavior at any given society’s belief others. It's both what we expect others to do to
system, laws, mores, practices, us and what we aim to give to other human
language, and attitudinal variables beings. These human values give the effect of
which make a people unique from bonding, comforting and reassuring.
others (Victor, 2017)
● Culture Considerably shapes its Moral Values
members on how they live and relate - Moral values help us distinguish
within themselves and with other between what's right and wrong, good or
cultures (Bretzke, 2004) bad for you as well as society. Moral
● Culture has a great impact in the values are principles that govern our
development of the human person in lives and beliefs that make us realize
varied ways; may it be in physical, the importance of life, the goals that we
knowledge, thought, relationship, want to attain or accomplish in life.
religious or moral development.
● Therefore, cultures function to mold and
Types of Moral Values (Kathy Slattengren,
establish a social identity that brings
people as well to provide the knowledge
of common objectives which members Acceptance
would try to achieve. - having an objective attitude toward
others' ideas and practices that differ
VALUES refers to the principles, beliefs, and from your own
standards that guide and influence an
individual's or a group's behavior, decisions, and Compassion
actions. - understanding the suffering of others or
self and wanting to do something about
VALUES or good moral values once they are it
habitually practiced, they turned into virtues. Courage - willingness to do difficult things.
Equality - believing everyone deserves equal
VALUE the origin of the term values rights and to be treated with respect.
comes from the Latin word ‘Valere’ which means Fairness - acting in a just way, sharing
to be of worth. appropriately
Somewhere, some other dictionary Generosity - willingness to give resources, help
states that value is that which renders anything or time to others
useful, worthy or estimable. It is price, worth or Honesty - being truthful and sincere
importance of a thing. Integrity - sticking to your moral and ethical
principles and values
"Value means primarily, to price, to esteem, to Kindness - being considerate and treating
appraise, to estimate. It means the act of others well
cherishing something holding it clear and also, Perseverance - persisting in a course of action,
the act of passing judgment upon the nature and belief or purpose
amount of its value as compared with something Politeness - using good manners, acting in
else." JOHN DEWEY socially acceptable ways
Respect - showing consideration for the worth
of someone or something - Justice is a virtue of giving anyone
Responsibility - being reliable in your his/her due under no condition.
obligations - Temperance is the virtue of curbing or
Self-control - staying in control of your words managing the sensitive appetites.
and behavior - Fortitude is a virtue of keeping resolute
in the face of overwhelming odds.
Theological Virtues
Moral values are the standards of good - Faith is the virtue of believing in God's
and evil, which govern an individual's behavior word without seeing
and choices. Individual's morals may derive from - Hope is the virtue of keeping trust in
society and government, religion, or self. When Divine Providence.
moral values derive from society and - Charity is the virtue of loving God and
government, they, of necessity, may change as His creatures. The greatest virtue in
the laws and morals of the society change. Christianity.


Human beings are aware of various Moral development occurs as we grow
moral values of which they have the option to and helps us choose between right and wrong.
practice. Once these values are applied in order
to lead a good life, one is living in virtue, a The theory of Lawrence Kohlberg
habitual good character. states that the moral development of most
In essence, values and virtues are inversely people begins with a desire to avoid personal
related. If one intends to live a virtuous life, punishment and may evolve over time to a
he/she must nurture that value leading to desire to make the world a better and more just
attaining relative virtue by habitually practicing place for all people. It is also a process through
the same value. With these, we can say that which we develop proper attitudes and
virtues are good moral habits which make the behaviors towards other people in society based
person even better to perform those good on the existing norms, rules or laws.
actions well and consequently function well as
human beings. Moral decision is relative to actual
experiences that we are confronted with
For the Greek wisdom, knowledge is particularly on moral issues that we encounter in
inborn, while virtue is the knowledge and our lives. With that, we gradually develop our
practice of good habit, virtue is likewise a natural moral skills in deciding upon difficult moral
endowment. Since virtue is inborn in the mind situations in reference to what one has
and knowing is the source of all wisdom, so the experienced through which one's moral principle
only way to acquire virtue is simply to recall is challenged.
“good” restored in the mind. Formation of virtue
then is the acquisition of the true knowledge in
the mind which is the "good". Knowing and
practicing virtue is knowledge to one's self.
Just like any continents, Asia as well
Cardinal Virtues possesses a distinct moral/ethical behavior that
- Prudence is the virtue of knowing what makes us unique in our culture, dealing with
to do under peculiar circumstances socio-political-cultural difficulties and challenges.
which enables one to see the best Relatively, Asians stress personal
means to approach a given situation. orientation rather than task orientation, the
needs of the group are given priority than for the practitioners to keep their emotions and
individual. The value of modesty is also passions in check and stresses karma over
emphasized. Even those who achieved success determination, which often means people are
in life remain modest and humble. Likewise, more willing to accept their lot in life and is
generosity and sharing are greatly valued. sometimes viewed by Westerners as a lack of
The characters of Southeast Asian keep ambition or unwillingness to work hard to
establishing our Asian identity which makes us improve their positions in life. Just like many
more resilient in facing challenges such as Filipinos, this character is explicit in times of
inflation, climate change, domestic problems conflict where we tend to be calm and
and even political difficulties in the region. euphemistic; Filipinos avoid conflict with fellow
In Southeast Asia which the Philippines Filipinos.
is a part of, Jeffrey Hays (2013) provides more Moreover, like most Filipinos, Buddhism
distinct traits and characters that are mostly also provides guidelines for village justice,
Buddhism and Confucianism. Southeast Asians namely in the form of the five basic moral
generally don't like confrontation and rarely prohibitions:
show visible signs of anger. They have ● refrain for taking life;
traditionally valued cool-headedness, placidity ● don't steal;
and soft words. Outward expressions of anger ● avoid illicit sexual activity;
are considered boorish and crude. Southeast ● don't speak falsely; and
Asians rarely lose their temper and if they do it ● refrain from consuming inebriating
doesn't help them get their way. People just substances.
think they are crazy. Anger is usually expressed
through a third person so face-to-face Buddhists believe that humans want
confrontation is avoided. many things and want to keep them forever,
which is impossible and creates a constant state
Southeast Asians smile a lot. Smiles are of desire, which in turn causes suffering and fear
often a genuine way of expressing happiness of further loss. Buddhists have also taught us to
and friendliness but they can also be a way of practice nonviolence, do good deeds, present
masking true emotions. gifts to monks, aspire to have gentle thoughts,
meditate, and have respect for the sanctity of
Southeast Asians have a reputation for life. The basic tenets of Buddhism influenced
being fun, loving, compassionate, gentle, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
hospitable, open-minded, laid-bank, smiling and
friendly; there is a prevailing sentiment that life
should be enjoyed at the moment, and problems
should not be taken so seriously that disrupt
enjoyment and they have a strongly developed Confucian values include love and
sense of courtesy and respect with values that respect for the family, integrity, loyalty, honesty,
include respect for elders, loyalty to friends and humility, industriousness, respect for elders,
family. patience, persistence, hard work, friendship,
commitment to education, belief in order and
stability, emphasis on obligations to the
community rather just individual rights and
preference for consultation rather than open
confrontation. Hence, the same characters are
also unique in Filipino communities. They also
Buddhism shapes character in give strong emphasis on teachers, superiors,
Southeast Asia as Christianity does in Europe. family members and elders. Love and respect
Theravada Buddhism encourages its are principals that were practiced more in the
context of the family than in society and another. Rumors spread quickly. Some
humanity as a whole. say Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people
who are often pessimistic about today
Confucianism is a social code based on but always optimistic that tomorrow will
morality rather than laws; recognizes five be better (Krutovsky, 2009).
cardinal virtues:
● benevolence in terms of sympathy for Strengths and Weaknesses of Filipino Moral
others (jen); Character
● duty reflected in the shame felt after - Every country has differing values and
doing something wrong (yi); stereotypes, and the Philippines is no
● manners, propriety and feelings of exception. We Filipinos firmly believe
deference (li); and show values to the world that make
● wisdom, in terms of discerning right and us one of the many individuals loved
wrong (chih); and and appreciated by people across
● loyalty and good faith (hsin). nations. Although we have been
colonized by several countries, many
core values from our ancestors
remained intact and are still honored to
Filipino Character and Personality this day. Filipinos are not perfect, but we
- Filipinos have been described as have great characteristics and qualities
friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily every one of us should be proud of.
offended, nosy, garrulous, direct,
hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good
natured, clever, witty, gregarious, happy,
generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy
to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive Pakikipagkapwa-tao
and hospitable. - basic sense of justice and fairness,
- Personal and family honors are concern for others and ability to
stressed, as well as dignity and pride. empathize with others
Education is highly valued and families - Sensitivity to people's feelings
make great sacrifices to educate their (pakikiramdam)
children. “Hiya” (shame) is instilled in - Pagtitiwala or trust
Filipinos at an early age. To be shamed - Sense of gratitude or utang na loob
is the greatest form of disgrace. Filipino - Very dependent on interpersonal
culture developed over centuries in relationships; gives sense of security
tandem with and in response to Western - Camaraderie and a feeling of closeness
culture introduced by the Spanish and to one another.
later Americans.
- Filipinos are generally more easy-going Strong Family Ties
than other Asians. A survey conducted - Filipinos possess a genuine and deep
by the Hong Kong-based Political and love for family source of personal
Economic Risk Constituency (PERC) identity, emotional and material support
ranked Filipinos as "the easiest people - Honor and respect given to parents and
in Asia to get along with." elders
- Filipinos have a strong sense of family - Care given to the children
and community. They are very sociable - The generosity towards kin in need
and like to talk and hang out with family - Great sacrifices that one endures for the
and friends. They love to fool around, welfare of the family sense of security
gossip, make jokes and tease one
- Sense of family results in a feeling of reservoir of psychic energy, a
belongingness and rootedness in a psychological prop on which we can
basic lean during hard times. This
“pampalakas ng loob” allows us to act
Joy and Humor despite uncertainty.
- Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving
approach to life and its ups and downs;
- Laughing at ourselves and the mess we
are in is an important coping Hospitability
mechanism; - It's one of the most popular traits of
- Manifested in the Filipino's love for Filipinos. We are usually friendly and
socials and celebrations, to laugh even welcoming to our guests.
in the most trying of times.
Helpful to others/Bayanihan.
Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity - Unity in Bayanihan spirit manifests our
- We can adjust and adapt to close relationship with our neighbors. In
circumstances and the surrounding our Barangays and most subdivisions,
environment, both physical and social; the people in the neighborhood know
adjusts to whatever happens even in each other, talk to each other, and
unplanned or anticipated events. We protect each other. Our communities are
possess a tolerance for ambiguity that organized.
enables us to remain unfazed by
uncertainly or lack of information. Respectful (mano, po and opo, halik sa kamay).
- Filipinos are courteous people. The
Hard Work and Industry children and the young Filipinos will
- We have the capacity for hard work always use the words "po" and "opo" to
given proper conditions; to raise one's show respect to someone who is older
standard of living and to possess the or who has higher position than them.
essentials of a decent life for one's We also do the "mano po" gesture as a
family. sign of respect to our elders. Moreover,
- We are willing to take the risks with jobs workers will always address their
abroad and, while there, to work at two customers with "sir" or "ma'am“ to show
or three jobs. The result is productivity humility and honor to serve them.
and entrepreneurship for some and
survival despite poverty. Bravery.
- There is a hero's blood running on our
Faith and Religiosity veins. We have the most fearless
- Our innate religiosity enables us to heroes who only think of defending our
comprehend and genuinely accept homeland. Remember Lapu-Lapu,
reality in the context of God's will and Andress Bonifacio and Jose Rizal.
plan. Moreover, our soldiers are probably the
- Religious expressions is very tangible bravest in the world. General Douglas
expressed everyday; we relate to God MacArthur was even quoted saying
like a human being-threaten, thank, ask "Give me ten thousand Filipino soldiers
forgiveness, appease. and I will conquer the world."
- Tragedy and bad fortune are accepted
and optimism characterizes even the
poorest lives are related to “bahala na” Jolliness and Sense of Humor
which may be considered positively as a
- The Philippines is a country of smiles, - Filipinos are willing to make big
Nothing can take away the humor and sacrifices just to make sure that their
jolliness of many Filipinos... not even loved ones will have a good life. Our
super typhoon Yolanda-the strongest parents will do anything just to give us a
recorded typhoon that made a landfall. brighter future. They are even willing to
Despite the tragedy, Yolanda survivors work in a foreign soil just to achieve
can still be seen smiling, positive and such goal.
hopeful to rebuild their lives even better.
Adaptability and resilience.
Discretion and dignity - Despite all the calamities that struck our
- Perhaps many of our politicians don't country, like the strong earthquake and
have a delicadeza. But our people, Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) that
especially the Filipinas, still observe devastated the central part of Visayas in
delicadeza. Despite the growing number 2013, Filipinos are persistent enough to
of Filipinos who are giving up their get back on their feet, even without the
delicadeza, there are still many Filipinos solid help from the government.
who always think twice before they
make a decision that can affect their Resourcefulness and creativity.
dignity and honor. - Filipinos are known for ingenuity. We are
creative in many ways, whether it's in
Gratefulness art, music, science, technology and
- Aside from being hospitable, Filipinos business. Some of our smartest
are also thankful. We don't forget countrymen can come up with a brilliant
anyone who helped us, whether he idea despite poverty or lack of financial
(she) is a Filipino or not. We even build resources.
monuments to show our utmost respect
and gratitude to our heroes and other Faithfulness
foreign personalities who helped the - The Filipinos are one of the most faithful
Filipino people. people in the world. Whatever our
religion is, we remain faithful and we
Honesty and commitment. don't lose hope for a better tomorrow.
- Perhaps "palabra de honor" is not
evident among our politicians, but it's Thriftiness.
still evident among the common - There may be Filipinos who are living
Filipinos. When we make a promise, we beyond their means. But on the brighter
try our best to fulfill that promise even if side, there are also many Filipinos who
it will undermine ourselves. are frugal. We shop wisely to save our
money for future important uses.

- Finally, even if the Philippines is not a
big and rich country, we still grant aids to
other countries in need. We also send
our brave soldiers to protect other Extreme Personalism
nations from threats and to preserve - Filipinos view the world in terms of
world peace. personal relationships; no separation
between objective task and emotional
Family-oriented involvement.
- We tend to give personal interpretations Colonial Mentality
to actions, i.e., "take things personally - Filipinos have a colonial mentality which
- We tend to be uncomfortable with is made up of two dimensions: the first
bureaucracy, with rules and regulations is a lack of patriotism or an active
and with standard procedures, all of awareness, appreciation and love of the
which tend to be impersonal. Philippines; the second is an actual
- Personal contacts are involved in any preference for foreign things.
transaction and these are difficult to turn
down. Preference is usually given to Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
family and friends in hiring, delivery of - Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving
services and even in voting. attitude that generates a feeling of envy
and competitiveness toward others,
Extreme Family Centeredness particularly one's peers who seem to
- Excessive concern for family manifests have gained some status or prestige.
itself in the use of one's office and
power as a means of promoting the Lack of Self-analysis and Self-reflection
interest of the family, factionalism, - There is a tendency in the Filipino to be
patronage and political dynasties, and in superficial and even somewhat flighty. In
the protection of erring family members. the face of serious problems, both
- Family centeredness results in a lack of personal and social, there is lack of
concern for the common good and acts analysis or reflection.
as a block to national consciousness.
Identified Filipino Negative Values
Lack of Discipline
(Joan Cyril Abello, 2014., 2017)
- The Filipino's lack of discipline is
manifested in a casual and relaxed Fatalism
attitude towards time and space which - An attitude of "what goes around, comes
manifests itself in lack of precision and around" or "come what may." We have a
compulsiveness, in poor time tendency to surrender our future to fate.
management and procrastination. We often accept bad news or
- We are impatient and unable to delay circumstances without trying to stop or
gratification or reward, resulting in the change them. This can sometimes be
use of short-cuts, in skirting the rules helpful in adversity, but it can also keep
(the palusot syndrome) and in us from finding ways out of situations.
- Our lack of discipline often results in Crab mentality
efficient and wasteful work systems - Simply put, this refers to the behavior of
violations of rules leading to more preventing someone from achieving
serious transgressions and a casual something due to jealousy or envy.
work ethic leading to carelessness and Instead of praising or rendering
lack of follow-through. assistance, someone with crab mentality
would think "if I can't have it, then you
Passivity and Lack of Initiative can't as well" and will purposely try to
- Filipinos are generally passive and bring his/her victim down. And just like
lacking in initiative. There is strong the crabs who could have escaped from
reliance on others (e.g., leaders, the bucket if they only stopped pulling
government) to do things for us related each other down, nothing ever gets
to our need for a strong authority. accomplished.
Ningas-Kugon the law. So the tendency is to break and
- One reason why we sometimes exert even ignore the laws. Another hindrance
half- hearted effort in our undertakings is to follow the law is the so called
due to this attitude. Translated to “padrino” system where one contacts
"burning cogon grass" in English, this relatives or known enforcement officer,
idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos public officials or prominent individual
initially exhibit great enthusiasm at the who will make “areglo” on their behalf.
beginning of a project. Our eagerness This behavior makes the enforcement of
however, fades away just as quickly as the law impossible.
the fire is extinguished, leaving our work
either half-baked or unfinished. Procrastination or "Mañana Habit"
- This is another habit which keeps the
Filipino Time development of our country slow. Look
- Related to the “mañana” habit, Filipino at the government projects which have
time refers to the Filipinos' own unique been left undone for years. If only they
brand of time, Pilipino Tim which is were completed immediately, then many
known to be minutes or hours behind Filipinos would have already benefited
minutes or hour behind the standars the from them.
standard time. In other words, we tend
not to observe punctuality at all. This Corruption
behavior usually drives time-observant - One of the biggest social ills our country
foreigners crazy. While we Filipinos with has continued to face since time
our easy-going ways have somewhat immemorial is the issue of corruption.
become used to Filipino time, it still is a Let's face it, our "culture of corruption" is
bad habit that needs to be dropped. embedded deep within our system and
reinforced by a complex web of
Colonial Mentality economic and social factors which
- Probably one of the biggest flaws we include personal ambitions and a
have as a nation is our colonial twisted sense of loyalty to friends and
mentality, defined as a preference for all kin. The Philippines is in for a long haul
things foreign over our own, a negative if our officials and we ourselves do not
trait we acquired from our days under get rid of this very negative habit.
the Spanish and the Americans. As a
result, we Filipinos have been Gossiping
indoctrinated with the misconception - No, no This isn't gossip, It's the truth
that our culture is inferior to that of our
past colonizers. Filipinos are fond of talking about others'
business. It is not true that only women are into
General Disregard for Rules gossiping. Even men can also be noisy on other
- Filipinos are known law abiding people's lives. Sadly, this does not bring any
individuals but with stronger inclination good to the subjects. Secrets are brought out;
to disregard these laws. Ironically, failures and flaws are emphasized; and
Filipinos abroad follow rules and laws relationships are destroyed. Worse, as gossips
because they know they cannot get are passed around, they tend to be twisted until
away with not following them. the final story becomes too far from the
- In foreign land, Filipinos cannot simply original-thus, causing more damage.
bribe authorities. Whereas, many
Filipino enforcers are corrupt,
incompetent and ill equipped to enforce
Passivity (lack of leadership) specific and subtle sense-the inherent purpose
- Today's Society Filipinos' lack of of each thing, the ultimate reason for each thing
initiative for change is also one reason being the way it is, whether created that way by
why our country does not progress. We human beings or nature.
keep on complaining against the
government and other societal issues. Telos is the ancient Greek term for an
However, we do not do anything about end, fulfilment, completion, goal or aim; it is the
them. One of our excuses is the lack of source of the modern word 'teleology'. In Greek
faith that our small actions can bring philosophy the term plays two important and
change. However, the worse reason for interrelated roles, in ethics and in natural
this could be our lack of care for what is science; both are connected to the most
happening around us. Common Filipinos common definitional account of the telos,
also lack courage and confidence. If you accordingly, it is that for the sake of which
can notice it, in classrooms, churches, something is done or occurs.
or conference rooms, most of us don't
like to sit in the front seat. In an ethical view, each human action is
taken to be directed towards some telos (i.e.
end), and practical deliberation involves
specifying the concrete steps needed to attain
FRAMEWORKS AND PRINCIPLES OF that telos. An agent's life as a whole can also be
MORAL DISPOSITION understood as aimed at the attainment of the
Virtue Ethics agent's overall telos. In the essence of their final
- Most moral philosophers believed that end or summum bonum ('highest good') is
virtue is a natural endowment, not an generally identified in antiquity as eudaimonia
artificial habit of action to be acquired by (happiness). However, rival ancient ethical
education. It may be indeed taught but theories are distinguished primarily by their rival
this is to be understood that it is specifications of the end; the Epicurean telos is
discerning good through our natural pleasure, the Stoic telos is life according to
moral judgment guided by the right nature, and so on (Routledge Encyclopedia of
reason. Philosophy, 2002). For us christians, our sense
of purpose is to live in the image and likeness of
1. Aristotle (Montemayor, 1995) God. It is, therefore, imperative for us to act and
shape our lives to attain our telos; one with the
- Human being is not a pure mind or spirit universal and highest good, GOD.
as Plato taught human being originally
is. Apparently, Aristotle presented that Aristotle on his part, further provides a
human being's present earthly existence framework for this ethical thought Telos. Having
is a composite nature of body and soul, said that all actions tend toward an end or
mind and matter, sense and the intellect, specific purpose, two kinds of ends were
and passion and reason. distinguished: the instrumental ends; these are
actions done as means to another end. In this
a. Aristotle's Concept of Telos regard, various actions made by humans are
practically not an end themselves but a means
Do you believe that everything has a to a greater end. One typical example is
purpose? Aristotle, the ancient Greek schooling. Earning a degree is an end indeed
philosopher, thought so, and he called that but for a much greater end/s such as getting a
purpose, telos (pronounced 'tell- os' or 'tay-los'). job, earning for living, personal enrichment,
The word can mean 'purpose," "intent, end,' or among others.
'goal,' but as usual, Aristotle used it in a more
The other end mentioned by Aristotle is he also gives more weight to contemplation
intrinsic ends; actions that are Committed for which enables human attain the highest form of
their own sake. This is evident once an action happiness and actualizes his/her ultimate
just serve the person as human. However, it will purpose (teleology) in life.
always be difficult to just act for its own sake
without aiming at other purpose of why one does Aristotle furthers that achievement of
such act. But how would this telos determine happiness comes from the harmonious exercise
humans good? Just like a teacher, a student, or and development of human's subordinate
a doctor, it is only when one fulfills his/her as powers such as their physical, economic,
expected functions. Nonetheless, being good is artistic, and social capabilities - of all faculties,
not just doing one's special function on society powers, and potentialities as the rationally
but doing one's function as a human being. For organized activity of whole human (Copleston,
there is a difference being a good person and 1953).
being a good professional.
d. Principle of Moderation
b. Virtue as Habit
Aristotle tells that a good and happy life
As discussed in the earlier topic, a follows when lived in consonance with reason;
certain moral value turns into a virtue as it is meaning within the rational bounds which lie
constantly practiced as a way of life. However, between two vicious extremes. Anything done
Aristotle made it clear life of virtue can be extremely or insufficiently becomes
achieved through constant contemplation of the unreasonable, improper and irrational. Eating to
"good" or happiness. He furthers that in give example is good in itself, but once it's done
contemplation or meditation, the individual excessively or insufficiently can result to health
human mind and will can commune with the injury.
universal, eternal good. So Aristotle maintains
that knowing truly the good means doing the Intrinsically Nevertheless, Aristotle also
good constantly and habitually because human recognizes that this principle of moderation or
being does not only know, love and appreciate known as the mean cannot be applied to all
virtue; but practices virtue and lives a life of human actions. Actions that are i evil or in itself
virtue. evil or naturally evil such as murder, adultery
and the likes will always remain evil even done
c. Happiness as Virtue moderately or excessively. In the same manner,
actions that are geared toward personal pursuit
Unlike the common perception on the to excellence are not subject to moderation such
concept of happiness, it consists of the a as achieving the highest award in sports,
knowledge of the good and wisdom to apply culture or in the arts.
such knowledge for the attainment of one's own
perfection. Hence, perfection and happiness of 2. St. Thomas Aquinas
human being according the Aristotle, is derived
from wisdom and virtue. St. Thomas Aquinas was born sometime
between 1224 and 1226 in Roccasecca, Italy,
Happiness, therefore, is the near Naples. Thomas' family was fairly
manifestation of a good life, a well-ordered one, well-to-do, owning a castle that had been in the
guided by and lived in accordance with reason; it Aquinas family for over a century. One of nine
is the fruit of virtuous living, the constant and children, Thomas was the youngest of four boys,
proper exercise of reason in all human's actions and, given the customs of the time, his parents
and endeavors. Indeed, Aristotle emphasizes considered him destined for a religious vocation.
happiness as a result of a good/virtuous life, but Canonized in 1323, Thomas was later
proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope St. St. Thomas Aquinas defined a just law
Pius V in 1567. In 1879, Pope Leo XIII published as "an ordinance of reason promulgated by
the encyclical Aeterni Patris, which, among other competent authority for the sake of common
things, holds up Thomas as the supreme model good."
of the Christian philosopher. Through his
voluminous, insightful, and tightly argued 1. A just law is an ordinance of reason
writings, Thomas continues to this day to attract
numerous intellectual disciples, not only among This means that a good law must be
Catholics, but among Protestants and reasonable; it must be a product of careful and
non-Christians as well. serious deliberation.

a. Happiness (Encyclopedia of Philosophy) For example, the law against driving

under the influence of alcohol is based on
Aquinas follows Aristotle in thinking that concrete findings that alcohol consumption
an act is good or bad depending on whether it causes loss of control and coordination
contributes to or deters us from our proper
human end-the telos or final goal at which all In addition, for a law to be reasonable, it
human actions aim. That telos is eudaimonia, or must also be permanent. This does not mean
happiness, where "happiness" is understood in eternal existence of the said law. A law is
terms of completion, perfection, or well-being. considered as permanent provided it is binding
Achieving happiness, however, requires a range and relevant for a long period of time. Not just
of intellectual and moral virtues that enable us to for a year or two, but within reasonable length of
understand the nature of happiness and time to avoid confusion or panick among the
motivate us to seek it in a reliable and consistent citizens. Likewise, it is reasonable if a certain
way. law is attainable. Meaning it is not burdensome
to people. Finally, a law is reasonable if it is
On the other hand, Aquinas believes flexible. This means it is considerate to some
that we can never achieve complete or final exemptions.
happiness in this life. Most goods do not have a
necessary connection to happiness. For him, 2. A just law is properly promulgated.
final happiness consists in beatitude or
supernatural union with God. Such an end lies For any law to be effective, it must be
far beyond what we through our natural human clearly communicated to all people concerned.
capacities can attain. For this reason, we not When a school or any organization, for instance,
only need the virtues, we also need God to enacts a new set of policies, they often provide
transform our nature-to perfect or "deify" it. students with handbook for them to know,
Moreover, Aquinas believes that we inherited a understand and follow these policies. This
propensity to sin from our first parent, Adam. element of law should not be understood literally.
While our nature is not wholly corrupted by sin, it It implies that as duly part of the community,
is nevertheless diminished by sin's stain, as people have the duty to know the law, take the
evidenced by the fact that our wills are at enmity responsibility to get informed of related
with God's. Thus we need God's help in order to provisions.
restore the good of our nature and bring us into
conformity with his will. To this end, God imbues 3. A just law must be decreed by competent
us with his grace which comes in the form of authority.
divinely instantiated virtues and gifts.
Only persons with legitimate authority
b. Transcript of St.Thomas Aquinas' have the power to create and implement laws for
definition of Law their respective communities. That is why,
church leaders cannot make laws for the country described as "love of self perverted to hatred
nor can government leaders enact church laws. and contempt for one's neighbor."

4. A just law ought to be for the sake of 2. Greed

common good.
Greed, which is also known as avarice
This means that a just law, first of all, or covetousness, is the immoderate desire for
presupposes the promotion of and respect for earthly goods, as well as situations such as
the dignity and freedom of each person. power. It is a sin of excess.
Secondly, it should foster the social well-being
and authentic development of the community. Greed can further inspire such sinful actions as
Lastly, it should promote true and lasting peace. hoarding of materials or objects, theft and
robbery, trickery, and manipulation.
However, we know that not everything
permitted by law is considered morally good. An 3. Gluttony
act is considered legal if it does not contradict
any state law, while an act is considered morally Gluttony, which comes from the Latin
good if is nature, intention, and circumstances gluttirei - to gulp down or swallow, refers to the
are all positively good for the person as a sin of over-indulgence and over- consumption of
person-in-community. food and drink. The manners in which gluttony
can be committed, as later reiterated by Thomas
e. Deadly Sins Aquinas, are eating too soon, eating too
expensively, eating too much, eating too eagerly,
"Sin is nothing else than a morally bad eating too daintily, and eating wildly.
act, an act not in accord with reason informed by
the Divine law." 4. Lust

According to St. Thomas (Summa, The sin of lust refers to impure desire of
II-II:153:4), "a capital vice is that which has an a sexual nature. Sexuality is a gift from God, and
exceedingly desirable end so that in his desire not inherently impure in itself. However, lust
for it a man goes on to the commission of many refers to the impure thoughts and actions that
sins all of which are said to originate in that vice misuse that gift, deviating from God's law and
as their chief source. It is not then the gravity of intentions for us. Indulging in the sin of lust can
the vice in itself that makes it capital but rather include (but is not limited to) fornication,
the fact that it gives rise to many other sins." adultery, bestiality, rape, and incest and can lead
to such things as sexual addiction.
Later, seven (7) deadly sins were
enumerated by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa 5. Sloth
Sloth is often described simply as the
1. Pride sin of laziness. However, while this is part of the
manifestation of sloth, the central problem with
of our own worth. This is listed first sloth as a capital sin is spiritual laziness. The sin
because it is widely Pride is an unrestrained and of sloth means being lazy and lax about living
improper appreciation considered the most the faith and practicing virtue. In general [sloth]
serious of the seven sins; pride often leads to means disinclination to labor or exertion. As a
the committing of other capital sins. Pride is capital or deadly vice, St. Thomas calls it
manifested in vanity and narcissism about one's sadness in the face of some spiritual good which
appearance, intelligence, status, etc., and one has to achieve.
6. Envy from the person holding it. Man has right
because law provides him it. Law provides man
The sin of envy or jealousy is more than the power to do, to express, to act, to receive,
merely one person wanting what someone else etc. Without law man has no right. Law extends
has; the sin of envy means one feels unjustified and limits the rights of man. Rights serve as
sorrow and distress about the good fortune of rules of interaction between people, and, as
someone else. The law of love leads us to such, they place constraints and obligations
rejoice in the good fortune of our neighbor - upon the actions of individuals or groups (for
jealousy is a contradiction to this. Envy is named example, if one has a right to life, this means
among the capital sins because of the other sins that others do not have the liberty to murder
to which it leads. him).

7. Anger or Wrath Right may also be defined as a moral

power endowed to human by God to do or not to
From the Catholic Encyclopedia: "[Anger do that which is in consonance to one's own
is] the desire of vengeance. Its ethical rating state of life. Rights therefore are not physical nor
depends upon the quality of the vengeance and material, for it is a moral power. Rights are due
the quantity of the passion. When these are in to man because he is a person possessing
conformity with the prescriptions of balanced worth and dignity.
reason, anger is not a sin. It is rather a
praiseworthy thing and justifiable with a proper Right is indeed a power, but it is only
zeal. It becomes sinful when it is sought to moral. This means that one cannot use physical
wreak vengeance upon one who has not force to enjoy a right. Right is reciprocal by
deserved it, or to a greater extent than it has nature. One has right that others are bound to
been deserved, or in conflict with the respect and obey. Rights are necessary in man's
dispositions of law, or from an improper motive. life in order to facilitate his relationship with
The sin is then in a general sense mortal as others. Corollary to rights are duties and
being opposed to justice and charity." responsibilities.


c. Rights

Right, in a broader sense, is anything d. Essential Properties of Rights

due to a person. Strictly speaking, right is a
moral power endowed to man to do or to refrain Inviolability is the essence of right. The following
from doing something that which one maybe are the properties which flow from human rights
entitled of Right, therefore, is neither physical (Bauzon, 2002):
nor material for it is a moral power. This is due to
human because a person possesses worth and 1. Coaction is the capacity of right to forcefully
dignity. Rights are necessary in human's life in prevent its violation, and to exact redress for
order to live in harmony with other human unjust violation.
2. Limitation is the natural limit or boundary of
A right is the legal or moral entitlement right, beyond which it cannot be exercised
to do or refrain from doing something or to without violating the right of another.
obtain or refrain from obtaining an action, thing
or recognition in civil society. It is a thing to 3. Collision is the apparent conflict of the rights.
which one has a just claim. Rights originate not In this case, the right which should prevail to
which the other gives way, is that which (i) prescribed by law, e.g., acquisition of citizenship,
belongs to a higher or more universal order; (ii) right to suffrage.
concerned with the graver matter; (iii) is found
upon the stronger title or claim. 3. Public Rights. Those rights given to people
by the ecclesiastical and civil laws.
e. Fundamental Rights of Man (Summa
Theologica) 4. Private Rights. Those rights granted by
private industries, institutions or organizations
1. The Right to life is man's highest right who have formulated laws in accordance with
because without it, no other rights can be the civil law.
enjoyed. It is inalienable to him. Whenever that
right is threatened, all the other rights will have 5. Positive Rights. Those rights which confer
to give way. Hence, the right of the fetus to be upon a person the power to do certain things.
born belongs to this right. e.g., right to marry, to possess wealth.

The right to life, however, has a corresponding 6. Negative Rights. These are power of the
duty. One must keep himself healthy and has to person to refuse to perform negative acts. e.g.,
develop one's capabilities like intellectual, moral, stealing, intoxication drinking, killing, etc.
and physical.
7. Alienable Rights. The rights that can be
2. The Right to Private Property is the transferred or renounced, e.g. ownership rights,
acquisition and ownership of a certain good/s or positive and negative rights.
properties. Man must own some property to live
well. He needs an adequate amount of property 8. Inalienable Rights. The rights that cannot be
to pursue his life fruitfully. Its corresponding duty transferred or renounced, e.g., religious rights or
is to take care one's property, and come to the right to life.
aid for those who do not have.
9. Perfect Rights. These are mandatory or
3. Right to Marry posits that man may choose enforceable by the law, e.g., right to collect
the kind of life one wants to pursue, especially in payment from debt.
getting married and establishing a family. But it
involves the duty to support one's family and 10. Imperfect Rights. The rights which are not
bring up the children. This right is guaranteed enforced by law or not juridical, e.g., rights to
and protected by the state. give tips to ushers.

4. The Right to Physical Freedom means the g. Limitations of Rights

moral power of one to move freely. This
connotes the duty to respect private boundaries. Human rights have an intrinsic relationship to
the common good. One may therefore exercise
f. Kinds of Rights his rights for that good provided its execution will
not imperil the society.
1. Natural Rights. They are rights acquired by
birth. Also called basic human rights. e.g., right 1. All rights are defined by the natural law,
to life, to freedom, to obtain properties, to therefore rights are limited by what the natural
education. law prescribes or allows. There is never the right
to do evil.
2. Acquire Rights. Those rights obtained by
individuals after fulfilling some requirements as 2. Rights are necessarily the correlative of
duties. For every right there is a corresponding
duty. Each has right that others are bound to asking you if you want to take it back; no one
respect. can show your work in a way that damages its
meaning. Moral right of infringement is when
3. Rights must be limited for the preservation of you have not been properly named or credited
the social order. when your work is used. If someone has treated
your work in a way that hurts your reputation,
4. Rights are limited because of the very this is called derogatory treatment.
limitation of man's nature. Man is physically free
but morally bound. j. Legal Rights

h. Extensions of Right to Human Life These are, clearly, rights which exist
under the rules of legal systems or by virtue of
1. Man is not obliged to take extraordinary decisions of suitably authoritative bodies within
means to life, e.g., undergoing major operations them. Legal rights are based on a society's
on account of grave reasons, only to prolong but customs, laws, statutes or actions by
not save life. legislatures.

2. It is not inordinate to subject life to ordeals THE ACT

called for by a higher order, e.g., extreme fasts,
long vigils, flagellation or forms of asceticism. An act is categorically defined only to
human, an activity that is attributed to human
3. Besides goods of soul and body, man must being. Since human act is inevitably the subject
strive for the full perfection of human life, i.e., the of morality, it is but proper to understand its
normal pursuance of an adequate livelihood, complex implication to human dimension.
good name, good moral life and honor.
Essentially, human act proceeds from
i. Moral Rights the deliberate free will of man (Glen, 1965). In a
broader sense, human act refers to any activity,
Rights that the creator of a copyrighted either external or mental that is performed by a
work has to ownership and control of the work, person. More so, these acts are moral as long
as recognized by civil law and some common as they are actions in accordance to what is
law jurisdictions. Moral rights typically include expected from human being.
the right to the integrity of the copyrighted work,
the right to publish anonymously or under a For Babor (2006) however, mere acts of
pseudonym, and the right of attribution. Moral human do not make them responsible for their
rights are different from the economic rights actions unless done with knowledge, freedom
rendered by copyrighting. and voluntariness. These are requisites to
subject human action to moral obligation. Thus,
The first of the moral rights, the right of these are also considered constituents (Agapay,
attribution means that an author or creator of a 1991) of human acts.
work is entitled to assert their authorship in the
work in any situation in which the work is Constituents of Human Act
utilized, presented, reproduced or disseminated.
To put it another way, every authority has an 1. Knowledge
ingrained and an unfettered right to be
recognized as the creator of the work. Once an act is done with knowledge of
the agent, the act is deliberate, which means the
Right of integrity means that no one agent is aware upon performing the act as well
can change your work without your permission;
no one can destroy your work without first
its consequences. Thus a deliberate act makes Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan build the Taj
the person responsible. Mahal is nothing but a deep and passionate
emotion of love. Negative incidences like war
2. Freedom are also related to the emotions such as greed,
hatred, anger or envy. One of the best examples
Simply that the agent/doer is not of these is Hitler's hatred towards the Jews
constrained in doing the act. The person is which resulted in merciless killing during World
neither forced nor compelled to do or not to do War II. So we can say that whatever we do is
an act against the will, hence making the agent influenced by emotions to a large extent.
responsible as well.
Though there are a lot of expressions of
3. Voluntariness emotions, we can broadly divide them into two
types: positive and negative. Positive
Voluntariness requires the presence of emotions are love, care, understanding,
both knowledge and freedom of the agent. For a friendship, happiness, satisfaction, etc., whereas
willful act to be executed, an agent must know negative emotions comprise anger, hate, envy,
and free to choose which act to perform or not to greed, frustration, etc. We think with the help of
perform. our brain, but most of the time we listen to our
heart. Some people are more emotional than
It is, therefore, to be remembered that others and hence, their decisions are most of
for an act to be worthy of reward or punishment, the time biased. Emotions influence our
it must be done with knowledge, freedom and decisions, right from buying toys for ourselves to
voluntariness. the careers we want to pursue or to something
as important as finding partners who can love,
C. Feelings and Moral Decision-Making
understand and emotionally, support us. These
emotions are responsible for many of our
Daily life is peppered with
important decisions for which later on, we may
decision-making such as whether to take the
feel regretful or consider them most cherished
Uber ride or hurdle with traffic on a public utility
ones depending on the outcome. But the fact is
ride. Either decision is an explicit manifestation
that they do affect our moral decision-making.
of one's feeling which affects our choice
traveling to our destination.
How Emotions Affect Moral Decision-making
To discuss how important feelings are in
Our environment, family background,
making decisions specially those decisions
education, life experiences and everything
addressing moral issues, a timely article by
related to us play a very important role in
PsycholoGenie Staff (updated March 2018) has
keeping our emotions positive or negative. If
provided the authors as to the role of feelings in
your family and friends are cheerful and can
making moral decisions.
boost you up when you are feeling negative, it
helps you in coming up with positive decisions.
We all have feelings and these help us
When you are in a positive mood, you are more
to live every minute of our life. Anger, sadness,
likely to make positive decisions or at least try to
happiness, fear, surprise and love are some of
think about the positive side of the particular
the most common feelings experienced by every
topic. Whereas, if you are in a bad mood you are
human being. These emotions play a very
more inclined towards the negative aspect of
important role in every aspect of our life and
that topic. In such a situation, the decisions may
especially, in decision-making. The reason
or may not be correct. Of course, this holds true
behind everything we do in our life, in one way
even in case of positive emotion. Many a time
or another is related to feelings. What made the
you love a person so much that you take a
decision in favor of him/her, but later on regret it. notion of good will which for him "can be taken
Hence, over-optimism or over pessimism both as good without any qualification." He says that
can hamper your ability to take a good decision "a good will is not good because of what it
without exercising a bias. Excessive emotions affects or accomplishes, it is good through its
result in clouded thinking which leads to poor willing alone - that is good in itself." Good will is
decision-making. If we are in a bad mood and good not because it wills the good but it is good
are very depressed, we end up messing things simply because it is good in itself. However,
and sometimes, harming ourselves and others Kant also argues that the only "true function of
physically, financially or emotionally. reason must be to produce a will which is good,
not as a means to some further end, but in itself.
On the other hand, moral In this sense, freedom of the will makes morality
decision-making is a choice made based on a possible. Kant agrees that free will is the
person's ethics, manners, character and what necessary postulate of moral reason.
they believe is proper behavior. These decisions
tend to not only affect their well-being, but also 2. Aquinas' Notions of Reason and Will
the well-being of others.
Similarly to Kant's notion of good will,
Will and Reason Aquinas's concept of will cannot be separated
from his notion of reason. According to Aquinas,
One of the most perennial debates in will is the rational appetite, which basically
the world of moral philosophy is to determine the means that will as 'appetite' is the form of desire,
ultimate ground of morality. Two of these but, as rational, will is guided by intellect/reason.
fundamental questions are will and reason. We Thus, we see that the relation between the will
could simply ask to extent the will and reason and the reason is complex. Even if in its
can provide fundamental basis for moral action, essence, reason is superior, the will by virtue of
one that would allow the grounding of moral being the appetitive power and thus being
action in human being and, to this extent, hope inclined toward its object, has its own movement
to provide the criterion of moral worthiness of or dynamism.
action. Kant and Thomas Aquinas are just two
among philosophers who attempted to provide CURRENT PHILIPPINE ETHICAL ISSUES
will and reason as strong foundation for moral Role of Religion in Ethics
actions. ● For Kant, he defended the idea of God
as a basic requirement of ethics. We
1. Kant's Notion of Will and Reason ought to be virtuous and do our duty, he
said. Kant believed virtue should be
Reason, qua action-directing, is called rewarded by happiness, and it would be
"practical." The problem at issue is the relation, if intolerable if it were not so. Since it's
any, between will and reason, i.e. practical clear that virtue often does go
reason. On a Kantian view of the practical, if unrewarded in the present life, Kant
reason is practical, the will, guided by reason, argued that the soul must be immortal.
can effect, or cause, action. Also, on a volitionist Virtue must receive its due recompense
account, willing (ie. an act of will) can effect, or in a future life, and there must be a God
cause, action. Kant claims that if there is such guaranteeing that it is so rewarded.
an ultimate moral principle, it must be found in ● Further, most of our basic moral
reason alone and it cannot be related to conducts are directed towards the
anything in the empirical [phenomenal] world. fulfillment of religious codes or
commands such as the Ten
Even though Kant's ultimate ground of Commandments in the Old Testament.
morality is reason, he begins his inquiry with the For example, Christians agree that
God's command not to commit murder penalty is the answer to rising
or adultery is always regarded as wrong criminality.
or evil under any circumstance. Most - However, ethically speaking only guilty
major world religions advocate the same people deserved to be punished; guilty
codes, and it can be argued that the people deserved to be punished
ancient codes of conduct that these commensurate to the degree of the
traditions embody are actually the crime committed. This means that a
reference of our ethical intuitions. In this criminal should be punished in relation
juncture, we do regard religion as a to what their crime deserves and in the
good source of basic moral guidance, case of a murderer, their crime deserves
making it unwise to argue that there their lives.
ought to be no connection between
religion and ethics. War on Illegal Drugs
- War on illegal drugs confronts moral and
ethical considerations related to the
Philippine Ethical Challenges and Issues
issue of human rights.
- Since taking office on June 30, 2016,
Death Penalty (Tempo Editorial, 2015) Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
- In 1966, the UN General Assembly, of has carried out a "war on drugs" that
which the Philippines is a founding has led to the deaths of over 12,000
member, adopted the International Filipinos to date, mostly urban poor. At
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights least 2,555 of the killings have been
(ICCPR) which, together with the attributed to the Philippine National
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Police. Duterte and other senior officials
and the International Covenant on have instigated and incited the killings in
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, a campaign that could amount to crimes
make up what is known as the against humanity.
International Bill of Human Rights, The - Probably with the foregoing contention,
Philippines signed the ICCPR on a moral evaluation should be
December 19, 1966, and ratified it on established in accordance to the degree
October 23, 1986. of dependence and consequence
- In 1989, the General Assembly adopted derived from its use and do not focus so
the Second Protocol on Civil and much on the mere use of the substance.
Political Rights, calling on all states to Eliminating those involved will not cure
abolish the death penalty. The Protocol the problem but would only lead to more
and a treaty signed by 83 states, serious social problems such as human
including the Philippines. The rights violation, abuse of authority on the
Philippines signed the Protocol on part of the state, which eventually may
September 20, 2006, and ratified it on lead to lawlessness in the country.
September 20, 2007.
- The Philippines became the first Asian Corruption
country to abolish the death penalty - High corruption levels severely restrict
when the nation ratified the Constitution the efficiency of businesses operating in
in 1987. the Philippines. Extensive bribery within
- All the while, the Commission on Human the public administration and vague and
Rights vehemently opposed efforts to complex laws make foreign companies
re-impose the death penalty. It said it vulnerable to extortion and manipulation
was not convinced that the death by public officials. Favoritism and undue
influence are widespread in the courts,
leading to time-consuming and unfair the exploitation of the prostitution of
dispute resolution, and to an uncertain others or other forms of sexual
business environment. Corruption exploitation, forced labor or services,
plagues the customs administration, and slavery or practices similar to slavery,
fraud routinely occurs for companies servitude or the removal of organs.
when filing import and export - Human trafficking is a crime against
documentation. The Anti-Graft and humanity. In an effort to deal with the
Corrupt Practices Act criminalizes active problem, the Philippines passed R.A.
and passive bribery, extortion, abuse of 9208, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act
office and conflicts of interest. Giving of 2003, a penal law against human
gifts, except for gifts of insignificant trafficking, sex tourism, sex slavery and
value given in line with local customs, is child prostitution.
prohibited. Facilitation payments are not - What will be our response? Filipino and
addressed by anti- corruption any organization have an ethical role to
regulations and private sector bribery is play in the fight against human
not criminalized. The legislative trafficking by firstly not the perpetrators
framework for fighting corruption is themselves. In companies or
scattered and is not effectively enforced institutions, implementing and following
by the weak and non-cooperative law codes of conduct highly prevents
enforcement agencies (The Philippines attempts to practice trafficking among
Corruption Report, 2017). their ranks. For the public service
- Generally, corruption allocates institutions, procurement regulations
resources and opportunities in ways that should be simple and strictly enforced
are unfair and inefficient. True enough in empowerment of workers, diversity
the Philippines, it occurs in many tolerance within international/national
contexts and institutions, including organizations, requiring that staff
government agencies, the military, and conduct themselves at the highest
even religious institutions. Likely, these standard of behavior at all times and
moral problems can be addressed by treating one another with dignity could
maintaining public commitment to most likely minimize if not totally
ethical standards set forth in our eradicate human exploitation and
mandate in public service. Democratize abuse.
public access through transparency can
empower public participation in Bribery
decision-making and planning in the - Bribery of public officials is penalized
utilization of public funds. under Articles 210 to 212 of the Revised
Penal Code. Same as in Republic Act
Human Trafficking 6713 (The Code of Conduct and Ethical
- The recruitment, transportation, transfer, Standards for Public Officials and
harbouring or receipt of persons, by Employees) which prohibits public
means of the threat or use of force or officials and employees from soliciting or
other forms of coercion, of abduction, of accepting, directly or indirectly, any gift,
fraud, of deception, of the abuse of gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or
power or of a position of vulnerability or anything of monetary value from any
of the giving or receiving of payments or person. The act in all forms is a
benefits to achieve the consent of a misconduct mutually violated by the
person having control over another giver and the recipient, it is an act of
person, for the purpose of exploitation. dishonesty and disregard to public
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, norms.
- In the theory of ethics, certain act is - The ethical evaluation on these issues is
considered moral or immoral if the act is based on the moral point of view of
done out of free will and knowledge. Utilitarian and Kantian ethics. On the
Reason and free will are the bases for lenses of Kantian ethics, child labor is
moral evaluation of a certain act. In this morally wrong since it violates the
case, if the act is done because he dignity and disregards the rights of a
wants to do it despite the fact that he child. It also emphasizes that children
knows that bribery is wrong but he still should not work, no matter how poverty
does it, then it is immoral. Bribery is stricken their families might be. On the
immoral. contrary, Utilitarian ethics argues that
- Moral responsibility concerns the child labor is morally right because it
evaluation of human acts or actions gives poverty-stricken families a source
which man performs knowingly and of income; thus, it brings pleasure and
freely. It is essentially concerned with happiness to the greatest majority
wrongful act. It assumes that a person (Ancheta, 2016).
who performs an act knows why he acts - Regardless of the benefits that one or
and freely commits it; even though he group can derive from child labor, child
knows his act is wrong. In relation to the labor is still immoral and it has to stop.
acts, the person deserves blame or The happiness that child labor brings to
punishment. Thus, moral responsibility many does not justify its continuity. It is
involves the notion of guilt or innocence. not morally right either that a child
The one who is to be morally becomes a means and an end for the
responsible and to be blamed is the pleasure of others.
person who is receiving the bribe. The
person is not forced to receive the bribe, Nepotism in the Workplace
it is always under the gentleman's - Wheatley (2016) defines nepotism as
agreement, Fr. Abun furthers. the practice of those with power,
showing favoritism towards friends or
Child Labor family; usually by way of giving them a
- Child labor is work that deprives children job or benefits. According to her
of their childhood, their potential and originally, nepotism meant favoritism of
their dignity, and that is harmful to family members, but today it has a much
physical and mental development. In the broader meaning. She said that in the
Philippines, there are 2.1 million child workplace this could mean favoring
laborers aged 5-17 years old million members of staff because they are
based on the 2011 Survey on Children friends, relatives or they just really like
of the Philippine Statistics Authority their personality; as a result they are
(PSA). About 95 percent of them are in offered better opportunities.
hazardous work. Sixty-nine percent of - In the Philippines, nepotism is simply
these are aged 15-17 years old, beyond defined as the allocation and distribution
the minimum allowable age for work but of appointments in the government on
still exposed to hazardous work. the basis of kinship; it is the sibling of
Children work in farms and plantations, patronage which shows discretionary
in dangerous mines, on streets, in favors in exchange for political support
factories, and in private homes as child and to support a particular group, and
domestic workers. Agriculture remains the hiring or promotion of a family
to be the sector where most child member (including in-laws). Siababa
laborers can be found at 58 percent. (2017) agrees that some people say it is
really unethical and unfair practices.
They identify nepotism as an immoral Philippines are known to usually spend
issue in the organization because of the for luxury goods which leave their bank
negative practices like, for instance, accounts shaken-the reason why they
they prioritized hiring their relatives and are also described as "broke."
friends, even sometimes they are not Millennials are also described as
qualified or capable for the position and narcissist, making them known as the
this is automatically well-defined as "Me, Me, Me Generation."
discrimination. - However, there are also good attitudes
- The current Philippine rule on nepotism which millennials possess: being
is covered by Section 9, Rule XIII of the politically and socially-engaged.
1998 Memorandum Circular No. 40 of Compared to other generations,
the Civil Service Commission, which millennials have their say about issues
states that "No appointment in the and are more involved with politics.
national, provincial, city or municipal - When it comes to entertainment,
governments or any branch or millennials in the Philippines are usually
instrumentality thereof, including seen spending time online watching
government-owned and/or -controlled YouTube videos.
corporations with original charters shall - Another set of description that best fits
be made in favor of relative or the millennials are: upbeat, lazy, narcissistic,
appointing or recommending authority, materialistic, self-expressive, fun-loving
or of the chief of the bureau or office or and liberal. They also have a short
of the person exercising immediate attention span.
supervision over the appointee." The - Aside from the age difference,
memorandum also provides that "unless millennials have their own personalities.
otherwise provided by law, the word According to Time, millennials have a
relative and the members of the family mantra of "Challenge convention." This
referred to are those related within the means that millennials seek to find
third degree either of consanguinity or of better ways of doing things.
- With the foregoing, nepotism itself is
Fillennial Ethical Challenges
negative and unethical. This kind of
practices at work can be very - Much has been said about millennials -
detrimental and defeatist to government roughly defined as those who were born
services and to the community it tends between 1980 and 2000. It has been
to serve with honesty and integrity. It is said that they're digital natives - growing
important that all organizations such as up amidst social networks and rapidly
in the government should avoid the evolving technology. It has been said
practices of nepotism; it is a harmful that they crave growth and experiences
practice in the organization. versus stability. It has been said that
they're empowered, yet entitled - at least
in prevailing Western narratives.
Filipino Millennials (Valeriano, 2016)
- As the Phillennials thrive to establish
- In the Philippines, Filipino millennials or stronger and healthier generation, they
"Fillennials" is now a thing. Millennials in too have to face different difficulties that
the Philippines are described as those would not only challenge them socially,
who are social media- dependent and culturally nor politically but test their
also, the "selfie" generation. moral disposition as well. A list of few
- According to The Week, millennials are have to be considered.
usually spendthrifts. Millennials in the
Environment Inequality.
- Today, threat to safe environment is a - Inequality among Filipinos is a difficult
growing concern among Phillennials. problem that has existed over time and
The rising population, massive land manifests itself in all community
conversion, illegal minings, illegal settings. Inequality is firmly entrenched
loggings, energy and chemical pollution, in our society brought by ideological,
and deforestration are severely religious, cultural, and regional
damaging our nature. With these, differences that have constantly set
millennials are responsible in changing boundaries between generations. In the
their lifestyle that is more friendly to our country, economic inequality is the most
environment. Participation and common form of inequality that widens
compliance with state programs in the gap among the millennials. As such,
saving the environment make no they are in an effort to ensure equal
condition for their adherence. rights are respected and upheld by the
- The clear ethical concern of Phillennials society.
with the issues on environment is being - While it may be true that inequality is
responsible person in their conduct one of the most challenging and diverse
particularly in dealing with other livings issues of the future, the millennial
and organisms; a conduct with respect generation does possess some of the
to our natural landscape and resources. tools to tackle the problem of inequality:
Health Care. cooperation; positive attitudes;
- According to Micah Yvana M. Vardeleon resilience; and strong faith.
of the Manila Times (2018), as the Technology.
results of a survey, six to 13 hours of - In the advent of technology, millennials
desk work causes 64 percent of are facing various ethical issues to
millennials to spend half an hour less on consider such as genetic engineering in
physical activities like standing, humans to internet privacy. Since
stretching, and walking on an average technology makes knowledge
work day. About 51 percent of Filipino accessible from which people are
millennials engaged themselves in empowered and through which,
physical activities at least twice a week. inequality could be mitigated. It is,
Unfortunately, majority had a hard time therefore, a challenge to this generation
maintaining active lifestyles. Of the top to preserve the dignity of information
five health concerns that beset and make sure ideas are neither abused
morethan half of millennials, gaining nor harmful to the public it aims to
weight had the highest percentage at 84 serve. Millennials tend to utilize this
percent. It is followed by high stress media platform for healthier
levels at 67 percent, having less energy communication to establish better
with 65 percent, poor digestive health, relationship leading to unity in solving
54 percent, and joint problems, 53 moral problems together.
percent. According to the report,
addressing these concerns is important OTHER ETHICAL QUESTIONS
because by 2020, around half of the Cosmetic Surgery
global workforce will be composed of - a medical practice that aims to improve
millennials. With the foregoing issues, physical appearance in order to
Phillennials have to consider the value enhance one’s personality.
of life as a universal right that has to be - It is made to restore damaged parts of
protected against any kind of threat. the body such as fatal physical injuries
due to car accident, explosion or other - Adultery and concubinage are both
injuries inflicted by individuals. wrong and immoral in the sense that
- Another application to this practice is to they violate the sanction of the state,
restore or upgrade parts of the body like validity of marriage an dunreasonable
facelift, the removing of wrinkles, breast breach of sacred contract.
augmentation, among others. Beastiality
Mutilation - It is the sexual contact with any kinds of
- With the wonder of modern medicine, animals, a lewdness act even graver
mutilation becomes a progressive than any other sexually perverted acts.
medical intervention in relation to health It is, therefore immoral.
and bodily care. Today, it makes easy Rape
possible to change one’s face, sexuality, - Is not just a perverted act but a heinous
liver, kidney, etc. Nevertheless, not all crime violating a public law.
interventions can bring good to human. Homosexuality
- It is a direct action to injure particular - Is the mutual sexual attraction between
part of the body that can possibly the same genders where male and
compromise the normal functioning of male, female and female are
the body. emotionally and physically involved with
one another.
Questions on Human Sexuality - However from the viewpoint of morality,
There are sexual behaviors that keep humans this relationship must be judged with
from their real nature as sexual beings. These prudence because to date no common
deviation are generally postulated by lust. This ground had been laid that can be
lustful sexuality equate human to that of the employed for its moral justification.
animal level. Lustful sexuality comes in several Masturbation
expressions. - In moral sense has been declared to the
highest term without hesitation that this
Premarital Sexual Relationship act is intrinsically a distortd and
- Human biological needs as natural is seriously a disordered act.
true; they are salient parts in human life - Ethically lacks the necessary
that need to be satisfied is absolutely considerations that foster mutual love,
true. But sexual union outside the respect and the realization of self-giving
benefit of marriage is contrary to the and procreation called for by the moral
ethical standard of the state and of the order. This a sin of impurity, therefore,
church doctrine. immoral.
- Moreover, premature sexual relations Incest
cannot ensure sincerity and fidelity - In essence is an act of rape because the
between the woman and the man nor perpetrator abuses his power over his
they can protect their relationship from daughter or younger sister.
factors that compromise lasting and - It is, therefore, in contrast to an ethical
lifetime relationship thus, it endangers relation and in the preservation of
pregnancy and their possible siblings. It human dignity and life.
is, therefore, immoral. - This act is no difference to beastial act
Extramarital Sexual Relationship where animals get intercourse with
- This activity can only be committed by parent, siblings, etc.
married people, and is considered as Violence
infidel and unjust action against the - Holds no boundaries; at home, school,
children, faithful partner, protocol of the community, and even in religious
state, and the doctrine of the church. organizations,.
- This can even lead to more serious terms of economic power, wealth and
moral problems such as murder, injury contribution. It is a founding principle of
to persons, torture, discrimination, and various forms of Socialism.
grave threat to human live. Morality Moral Egalitarianism
rejects these actions as illicit for it - Is the position that equality is central to
debates human dignity. justice, that all individuals are entitled to
equal respect, and that all human are
DIFFERENT KINDS OF JUSTICE equal in fundamental worth or moral
Distributive Justice Legal Egalitarianism
- Refers to the extent to which society’s - The principle under which each
institutions ensure that benefits and individual is subject to the same laws,
burdens are distributed among society’s with no individual or group or class
members in ways that are fair and just. having special legal privileges, and
- It is concerned with the fair allocation of where the testimony of all persons is
resources among diverse members of counted with the same weight.
community. Political Egalitarianism
Retributive or Corrective Justice - is where the members of a society are
- Refers to the extent to which of equal standing in terms of political
punishment are fair and just power or influence. It is a founding
- In general, punishments are held to be principle of most forms of democracy.
just to the extent that they take into Luck Egalitarianism
account relevant criteria such as the - Is a view about distributive justice
seriousness of the crime and the intent espoused by a variety of left-wing
of the criminal, and discount irrelevant political philosophers, which seeks to
criteria such as race. distinguish between outcomes that are
Compensatory Justice the result of brute luck and those that
- Refers to the extent to which people are are the consequence of conscious
fairly compensated for their injuries by options.
those who have injured them; just Gender Egalitarianism or Zygarchy
compensation is proportional to the loss - Is a form of society in which power is
inflicted on a person. equally shared between men and
women, or a family structure where
EGALITARIAN power is shared equally by both parents.
Egalitarianism is apolitical doctrine that holds Racial Egalitarianism or Racial Equality
that all people should be treated as equals from - Is the absence of racial segregation.
birth, usually meaning held equal under the law Opportunity Egalitarianism or Asset-based
and in society at large. It is a belief in human Egalitarianism
equality, especially with respect to social, - Is the idea that equality is possible by a
political and economic rights and privileges, and redistribution of resources , usually in
advocates the removal of inequalities among the form of capital grant provided at the
people and of discrimination. age of majority, an idea which has been
around since Thomas Paine
Economic Egalitarianism or Material Christian Egalitarianism
Egalitarianism - Holds that all people are equal before
- Is where the participants of a society are God and in Christ, and specifically
of equal standing and have equal teaches gender equality in Christian
access to all the economic resources in church leadership and in marriage.

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