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LESSON 1: HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND In 1660, a group of knowledge makers

TECHNOLOGY founded the “College for the Promoting

of Physico-mathematical Experiential
NOTES: Learning”, this was later re-founded in
1663 as “The Royal Society of London
● QUANTUM MEANS FIXED for the Improvement of Natural
IS TRUE “Societies Philosophical Transactions”
● EXPERIMENT IS CONDUCTED – it is one of the world’s oldest peer-
TO ANSWER AND SOLVE reviewed scientific journals.
● “Metacognition”, means In fact, the word “science” was only
“thinking about your own termed just recently in 1840 by William
thinking”. Whewell, an English scientist who also
served as a historian and a priest.
Science is not a single idea; it is not as
stable as other disciplines are. It covers NATURAL PHILOSOPHERS TO
compounding contributions of different SCIENTIST
natural philosophers and scientists all
throughout history. The history of science includes more types
of people from different parts of the world.
ATOMIC MODEL AND THEORY The history of science aims to show the
TIMELINE different worlds of knowledge that will
serve as lenses in viewing our relatively
DEMOCRITUS - DALTON - THOMSON - evolving science. Each systems has
RUTHERFORD - BOHR - CHADWICK - social norms which gives account on what
MODERN is a valid way to make and share the
generated knowledge in order to have a
DEMOCRITUS - ATOMS global science perspective.
TINY SOLID BALLS. Humanity is still historically crafting our
THOMSON - HIS ATOMIC MODEL WAS understanding of the world. This discipline
KNOWN AS THE RAISIN BUN MODEL. also serves as a lens of the science of the
PLUM PUDDING. past, that science of the past is also
RUTHERFORD - HE DISCOVERED influenced by religion, because of its
PROTONS AND NUCLEUS unifying quest in the never-ending attempt
BOHR - HE IMPROVED RUTHERFORD’S of humans in searching for the truth.
WHILE WORKING WITH RUTHERFORD. Humans have numerical attempts to
QUANTUM MODEL. describe the natural world because it is
MODERN - IN THE MODERN MODEL, wonderful and fascinating to know, and to
ELECTRONS ARE MOVING AROUND control it. This boils down to the saying
THE NUCLEUS. “knowledge is power”, the knowledge of
knowing how things work and why thing
“NULLIUS IN VERBA” = “no one’s word” exists gives the bearer power, which is why
one must study the history of science.
Base metals – Mercury (mercury), Copper
The history of science, highlights (Venus), Iron (Mars),
understanding of what is good and bad, Tin (Jupiter), and Lead (Saturn)
and what should be the acceptable
behavior of scientists and engineers in There are also two forms of
facing the future based on the learnings transmutations:
of the past. Particulars – one transmutation (Ex.
Copper turning to
It aims to answer the questions on “how silver)
science and technology shaped society, Universals – turning anything into new
and vice versa?”, and “how to science form.
things out?”
(Philosopher’s stone) - The Tincture, The
LESSON 2: THE ALCHEMIST Powder, Materia Prima.
Alchemy wasn’t a practice of magic as INTO NOBLE METALS.
many thought it was, “Alchemists”, people
involved in the practice of alchemy, were ASIAN ALCHEMY
experimentally skilled and theorists of ● ELIXIR OF LIFE
understanding and answering the perennial ● WAIDAN
question, “What is matter?”
The field of chemistry, known to be the ● FOCUSED ON NATURAL
central science, came from the word MEDICINE AND PRESERVATION
“alchemy”, which might mean “black OF HEALTH
earth”, that symbolizes the rich and fertile ● THEIR AYURVEDIC PRACTICE
lands of Egypt, the land of “Khem”. OF LIFE FOCUSED ON NATURAL
Alchemy is a philosophical manner of PRODUCTS AND TOXICOLOGY.
thinking about the material world and
changing it. Southeast Asian countries like the
Philippines also showed alchemical
Alchemists wrote different books and practices, the “Babaylans” - spiritual
published them but using allegorical shamans who specialized in
codes. communicating to spirits, showed
intelligence on the practice of medicine,
It was not publicly available for the people. scientific crafts, and predicting weather and
They use code words called Decknamen, seasons.
which may mean the words written in their
books were “not what it seems”. The Middle-eastern alchemists with the
influence of Aristotelian, Chinese, and
The most known alchemical practice Indian alchemical practices, were more
transcribed in many alchemical books was advanced in the conquest, but they
focused on transmutation or changing focused more on mathematics and
materials into a new form. understanding the heavens. A Persian
alchemist, Jabir Ibn Hayyan also known
There are two kinds of alchemical metals: as “Geber '' in Europe was known for
Noble metals – Gold (sun) and Silver authoring more than three thousand
(moon) texts about alchemical practices,
including mineralogy, transmutation, with many theories that attempts to take
and medical elixirs, and invented new account and answer the “why’s” and
equipment. “how’s” in the material world.

WHAT HAPPENED TO ALCHEMY? They drew red lines between the abstract
and the material
Since alchemy exhibits elements of world, attempted to separate the myths
religion and science, and during the 16th and truths, and the
to 18th century, there was an evident practice of natural philosophy became a
separation of the church and state, conquest for abstract
alchemy had to choose between “being a Knowledge.
science” or “being a religion” in order for
the discipline to survive, it chose to “be PRE-SOCRATICS
science”. - TURNED INTO CHEMISTRY Before the time of Socrates, there were
many philosophers in the Ancient Greeks
Alchemy did not completely die out, part who have taken initiatives to spark
of it lives on in the discipline of the central questions on the material world.
science, chemistry. The death of alchemy “School of thoughts”, which are not literal
is proof that “knowledge kept, dies, but physical schools, to spread ideas of the
the knowledge shared, grows.” world.
Chemistry continues to practice some of its These schools are a group of students and
alchemical roots, but with more scientific teachers that asks and attempts to answer
foundation. - SCIENTIFIC METHOD the questions on the natural world and
reason out. The biggest contribution of the
scientific foundation. - SCIENTIFIC school is the “rational debates”, in order to
METHOD generate knowledge.
“be science”. - TURNED INTO
● He was the first European
LESSON 3 : Natural Philosophers: The philosopher that was recorded in
“how’s” and “why’s” of us the ancient Greece that contributed
in the crafting of knowledge
Greeks were people of interest and craft, ● He was known to be first on many
they practiced natural philosophy, which things, one of these was, he was
means that their practice of intellect was – known to be the first individual to
“self -conscious inquiry into nature.” have made and proved his own
theorem, the Thales’s Theorem
A lot of the Greeks contributed in the ● He believed in separating the
practice of science today, like the art of divinities of the gods to the power of
“scientific inquiry”, this started off with the human intellect, knowledge
their quest on answering important became an object, but this doesn’t
perennial questions. mean he was against them, he in
fact believed that things have souls
Ancient Greek philosophers were not within them
purely scientists as there was no single ● He was also regarded as the
discipline of science then, they didn’t founder of the first European
make detailed or any accurate knowledge “schools of philosophy” called the
based on observation, but they came up “Milesians”. This School was
known for its articulate attempts in water, and adding all of this by two
explaining the natural and the strong forces of love and strife.
material world and started making ● One of the primeval questions of
theories about them. the philosophers that they
● The theories of Thales were later attempted to answer was the
dismissed by Plato and Aristotle. question, “what is matter?”.


● is also one of the first Greeks to ● Pythagoras is one of the most

contribute to the body of famous pre-Socratic
knowledge, he has more recorded philosophers, he studied the
theories than Thales, because he is philosophy of the Milesians, but
also the first European he was a more abstract thinker.
philosopher to write down his ● He was the one who introduced
ideas. idealism in the practice of
● He believed that the material world science, an idealist like him,
and the natural world is governed generates abstract models of
by discoverable laws, he also perfect materials.
introduced the concept of a
formless initial state, called the ● But his largest contribution known
“apeiron”. until today is his math, his idealism
● He also contributed works on shifted from Egyptian and
astronomy, geometry and Mesopotamian mathematics, which
mathematics, he was also the one are practical mathematics, to a
who introduced the “gnomon”, new and pure mathematics, the
which is being used by the Asian geometry.
philosophers for over two millennia.
● Anaximander also worked on the Pythagoras’s creation of the pure,
possibility of animal transformation, elegant and abstract mathematics
which is influenced by the Greeks became a model of proving systems of
myths, this work was one of the knowledge, which is being used now as
primordial points of starting to ask a practice in science to prove a point,
the question, “where did we come after all “math is the language of
from?”, which eventually led to the science”, but many also believes that
theory of evolution. “mathematics is a separate and
independent body of knowledge.”
● The last great thinker and The most known natural philosopher in
philosopher that was said to be the pre-Socratic era that contributed a lot
associated with the Milesian in the sciences was the first person to
schools was Empedocles. scientifically ask the question “what is
● Empedocles literally made a book matter?” and “what is matter made off?”
called “On Nature”, here he formed using philosophical approach.
his theories on the four classical
elements, the earth, air, fire, and The biggest thread in the Greek of
knowledge was “Atomism”, a theory that
remains a theory until today, but has been improving the possibilities of what is
supported through time. right.
● But his biggest contribution in the
Democritus held the idea of the small history were not books or even
particle that is indestructible, uncreated, philosophical phrases, his biggest
always in motion, and infinite number, contribution is “legacy”. Though
which may be in many forms and sizes. In Socrates did not directly
his attempt to answer the question, “what is contribute to science, he
matter?”, like the Milesians, he was also a inspired two icons in classical
materialist. Greek philosophy. His student,
Plato, and his student’s student,
To test his hypothesis, he held a bottle filled Aristotle.
with air and placed it under water to prove
that air is made of something as it forms PLATO
bubbles – this allowed him to come up of
the theory, but he still had a lot to prove. He ● Plato had a great impact on what is
argued with many fellow philosophers Zeno now called “Metacognition”,
and Parmenides using the “void means “thinking about your own
hypothesis”. thinking”. Until now his
establishment of physical schools
SOCRATES called “academy”, is still being used
to describe philosophical learning
● The urban Athens started in circa for higher education.
399 BCE, during these era was the
rise of the famous philosopher, ● Plato emphasized in the original
Socrates. He is not a natural Academy the training on how to
philosopher, he did not even dwell think properly over the door of the
on studying nature, his studies academy. He was inspired by
was more on politics, morality, Pythagoras, thus he based his
and citizenship. But, he philosophy on geometry. He taught
contributed a lot in the quest of inspired idealism or a theory of
understanding the universe by nature based on the abstracts of the
“asking questions”, which world, he believed of rules that the
eventually has influenced a lot of material world is a perfect example.
succeeding philosophers in their He had to fit his observations to the
manner of teaching their ideas. theories of idealism rather than the
● Today, we call it as “Socratic other way around, this is one of the
Method”, the “art of questioning”, major reasons why he was more
and this method is used in many regarded as a philosopher than a
disciplines, for science, we call it scientist, but he’s actually both.
“Scientific inquiry method”, this Plato’s system on cosmos was
method involves constantly asking perfect, he believed that the natural
questions so that the students can world is governed by perfect rules,
breakdown into the problem, and and believed that all materials were
eventually create and test their made of atoms with varied
hypothesis. The Socratic method is geometrical shapes, “Platonic
a relevant method used in negative Solids”, each solids createsnsacred
hypothesis elimination, and elements,;
decided to put up his own school as well,
Tetrahedron – fire, the “Lyceum”.
Cubes – earth ,
Octahedron – air, Aristotle wrote many of his books and
Icosahedrons – water , works on meta-physics, “On the heavens”,
Dodecahedron – whole universe. “On the soul” – this book was a primeval
book that married protobiology and
His theory of the heavens believes that the psychology, and the most influential natural
wanderers of the cosmos, both stars and philosophy textbook of Aristotle in his
planets, have a uniform circular motion. school is called “Physics”.

ARISTOTLE Plato saw the world of idealism, while

Aristotle had accepted the some of the
Aristotle is the star student of Plato, is concepts of discord, and that things
referred as the only Greek naturally messes up, but always trying to
that has more written philosophies than go back to its original
him. position or situation.
Aristotle was a mentee and a rival to
Plato, in terms of philosophy. Aristotle trusted the senses, he used it for
his works, such as history of animals, he is
Aristotle’s philosophy has more regard on one of the first to write down his
the common sense, unlike Plato whose observations of animals and classified
philosophy is abstract, Aristotle’s work is them in their kinds. He also tried to order
passed on ideas that are grounded on the system of the living things, animals,
empirical evidences, he observed the world which led to the development of the
and then explained it, developing his own taxonomy. He also attempted to answer the
theories. This order of operations is being question “what is life?”, the taxonomy he
used by in the practice of modern science. created were based on what he called
“system of souls”.
Aristotle came from Macedonian roots
who studied in the Academy of Plato in Plants – has the simplest soul, they have
Athens for twenty years, until Plato died. the vegetative soul.
He later took a very lucrative job as the Animals – have a mobility soul, they have
tutor of the son of King Philip II of vegetative and sensitive animal souls.
Macedonia, Alexander the Great. Humans – has the highest form of soul,
Alexander expanded the territory of the combination of vegetative, sensitive and
state by conquering parts of all three the rational soul, and these three souls
continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe. allows the humans to think and reflect.

Ironically, Aristotle is known for writing His system of classification influenced the
books on “ethics”, but supported his succeeding natural philosophers and
student, Alexander the Great, to invade scientists today.
Persia, kill barbarians, and conquer other
states. He remained teacher and adviser to NATURAL PHILOSOPHERS
Alexander, until “Alex” died in young age, Both Plato and Aristotle’s views on the
Aristotle then decided to go back to Athens material and natural world influenced many
and natural philosophers, they both inspired
centuries of scholars to think about
thinking, observe the laws of nature, and to in technology, and building, rather than
reflect on the universe. reasoning and natural philosophy, the
The Ancient Greece has indeed
contributed a lot and has rippled through The Romans ended the flourishing growth
centuries and across the world. Just like of reasoning of ancient Greece as they
Egypt, this powerful, and long standing conquered the state at around 146 BCE.
state of greatness and power came to an
end, the Ancient Greece ended in the The Romans were great builders, they
Roman conquest in 146 BCE. built many and strong monumental
buildings, roads, bridges, arches, and most
Note: famous domes which still stand today.
Socrates - Plato - Aristotle - Alexander They engineered a lot of infrastructures
The Great that were useful for the state, like
aqueducts, that are used to carry tons of
Plato - academy water to quench the thirst of the people
Aristotle – lyceum of the state and used for farming.

Roman’s search for knowledge did not

LESSON 4 - The Engineers: The Artists rely on reasoning like the Greeks, they
did not ask the questions, “where are we?”,
GREAT BUILDERS “what is matter?” or “when are we?”
Instead, they focused on the question,
There were many great builders in the “how to apply the knowledge?”
history of humankind, their strong
infrastructure serves as a portal for the The Greeks' collection of knowledge
modern world to have a glimpse of their obtained by the state on geometry, physics,
lives in the past. astronomy, and even other disciplines
contributed by great natural philosophers
The Egyptians were great builders, they that spread in the Hellenistic world, were
created measurement mathematics for mostly adapted by the Romans.
construction purposes, they invented the
cubit system and used it to build the Aristotle sought knowledge and
Pyramids of Egypt. classified it in two forms, is it “useful”
or is the knowledge “theoretical”.
The Babylonians were also great
builders and architects as they built the TWO FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE
Hanging Garden of Babylon during the
time of Nebuchadnezzar as a testament of Techne – the root word of “technology”, in
power. the historical times, the word techne is
associated with the arts – the art of
The Mesoamericans were also great craftmanship, this also meant that the
builders of temples and houses, like the practical knowledge can be learned by
concrete construction of the city of doing, and relate to practical world.
Machu Pichu in Peru.
Episteme – the root word of
There were many builders in the world, but “epistemology”, is considered as the study
a certain civilization invested their strength of knowledge, this form of knowledge is
mostly associated to science, because forces. This is a big deal if you are trying to
science is abstract. move a really heavy material, like water.

The Greco-Roman politicians were also The water during the Roman era was able
like most of the heads of state today, they to move long distances using “Arch
invested on technology and engineering Aqueducts”. This allowed the city to grow
to build big and strong weapons, for the further in population and in territory. The
Greco- Roman empire, the catapults and Romans also changed their lands in many
ships are proof of power. In the ancient ways too, they drained the marches of their
Mediterranean times, the people that build home city using sewer systems which were
those “war machines” were called called “Cloaca Maxima”, which literally
“Architectons” or the “Architects.” means, “Big Sewers.”

ARCHIMEDES OF SYRACUSE Their roads became a key to many doors

for the Romans, their builders stepped up
Since the architects and engineers were their game and took the art of logistics to a
mostly on the art of craftsmanship, they different level. Look at the map of Rome,
didn’t have much of a written document to consider the “Apian Way”, the first leg was
take account of. But there were famous built on 312 BCE, using layers of fitted
Architectons during these times, the most stones and gravel, it started from Rome
famous is Archimedes of Syracuse. southeast, through “heel” of Italy, it
connected the several towns and cities
Archimedes is a famous mathematician, he across the region of the peninsula.
also worked with geometrical proofs, like
the area a circle, infinitesimals, and The Apian way became an open door for
exponents. He used his intellect to help the the Roman troops to efficiently crush their
Greeks fight the Romans by inventing a lot enemies, and then further expanded. It is
of war machines. one of the many well preserved
_________________________________ infrastructures of Rome that lasted up to
date. Their roads crisscrossed along parts
Today, the practice of construction is of Africa, Asia, and Europe, as the old
mixing cement, sand and adding water to saying goes, “All roads, lead to Rome”.
build concrete buildings, but this practice
goes back in 150 BCE, as the Roman “Flavian Amphitheater”, the
engineers began mixing ash, rocks, “Colosseum”.
water, and lime to build Roman concretes,
this also known as “opus caementitum”. The most known infrastructure of the
Roman empire today that flooded
This material was durable and could be blood for many years is the “Flavian
poured and shaped in different forms, this Amphitheater”, the “Colosseum”. It had a
technology was used to form domes. The retractable roof, this was manned by sailors
Pantheon in Rome is covered by 143 who used complicated rigging in order to
foot diameter of dome of concrete that move the canvas covering the viewers.
stood until today. Sometimes, the engineers had to flood the
colosseum to allow naval battles to be
The Romans found out that the “arches” viewed.
are strong supports for weights rather
than straight joints without understanding
Public works were for Romans, before the There is no single method of pursuit in
industrial revolution in the 19th century, the seeking scientific knowledge, but scientific
construction of roads, sewer systems, and methods should possess basic principles of
other infrastructures required a lot of seeking knowledge; rationality,
materials and laborers, slaves. experimentation, ruthless self-examination.
One out of three people in Rome, Italy,
were enslaved, the Roman slaves involved The development of the “Scientific Method”
highly educated people like engineers and is given credit to three great intellectuals
even physicians, their knowledge-based who took part in the pursuit of knowledge.
constructions were still standing today.
Though they could buy their freedom to GALILEO GALILEI
become voting citizens, many still
remained as slaves. • Born in 1564, is an Italian scientist who
largely took part in the cosmological
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote about understanding of the world view today.
architectures, buildings and urban planning • In 1609, he re-invented the telescope
and engineering also involved and used it as an instrument that changed
understanding of human systems, he astronomy today. Upon his observation of
inspired De Vinci’s Vitruvian man. His the universe using technology of telescope,
architecture sums up the concepts about he developed his support to the
the obtained and flourishing knowledge heliocentric view.
during the Hellenistic era and the Greco-
Roman world. His technical manuals were • In 1611, he became vocal to his stand
focused with the harmonie of the human on the cosmological understanding of
bodies as well as the management of the the world and supported heliocentrism,
cities. so he was called by the church for

There were many great builders, the • He stated that the bible and nature do not
engineers of the disagree with another, the bible is the word
past were able to create a portal for the for the people, a guide and story on how to
people today behave and why, while nature is God’s
to visit the past by seeing their works. physical work. He simply stated that
“Science is the uncovering of God’s work”.
The Greco-Roman architecture and
engineering still • Though Galilei was a faithful man, the
stands today, it is a testament of the church did not believe him.
impact of
science and technology to social, • And in 1616, the church banned all the
economic and studies on the cosmos pertaining
political power. to heliocentrism.

LESSON 5 - The Scientists: Version 2.0 • In 1623, by this time he published the
“Assayer” where he strongly stated that
The “Scientific Method”, is not necessarily scientists should be free to do their
a step by step process that only follows one works, that God moves the heavens in
flow of direction to obtain a conclusion. many ways, so the source of ultimate
truth will always be faith.
Galilei’s message opened the “Dialogue of Solomon’s House
the Two Chief Systems of the Cosmos” in
1632, he stood for Heliocentrism, which did The world of science must have a central
not match Geocentrism. planning and support system, and that it
should be a program or a system that works
The dialogue did not end well so he was for the public good.
called for inquisition, and in 1633 he
was house arrested for the rest of his In 1626, he published his book “New
life. Atlantis” where he outlined his own
vision of a utopic scientific society.
Isolation did not stop Galilei and continued
“Sciencing” astronomy, physics, and other He proposed developing a hub for
fields of science. intellectual work, a super university which
will be called as the “Solomon’s House”,
FRANCIS BACON here all personnel (exclusively all male)
would be segregated to specific roles.
• Born in London in 1561, also shares
credit in the development of the The Traveler – They will travel the world to
scientific method. He proposed that there gather facts.
should be a whole new approach to
science, which should be practical, The Experimentalist – They will conduct
instrumental, and supported by the state. experiment to create new facts.
• He wanted a new replacement system of
understanding natural philosophy by The Book Worm – Extract facts from the
wrapping up all the fields of natural books which will be submitted to the
philosophies. experimentalists to test it.
• He also believed science should not be
based on the Aristotelian method of The Analyzer – All results of the
seeking scientific knowledge by rational experiment will be submitted to them and
argumentation, instead, it should be will be analyzed.
experimentally proven.
• Natural philosophy should be used to The Interpreters of Nature – Composed
improve the well-being of humanity by of three men who will take all the facts and
leading to technological advances. use them to produce new “axioms”, new
• Francis Bacon wanted to understand the truth.
natural world to control it by means of
“useful art” – techne – like the development The Benefactors – The “Dowry-men” will
of the gun powder, silk, and the printing use the new axioms to put it in practical
press from understanding the basic use, the people of techne.
• He wanted to focus on “useful RENE DESCARTES
• He believed that a natural philosopher Born in central France in 1596, but he lived
should have first-hand experience in the most of his time in the Netherlands. He
experimentation and test the important is known as one of the founding figures of
questions without relying on the words of modern mathematics, modern
the long-dead Greek and Arabic philosophy, and he bridged geometry
and algebra, this allowed him to develop The “Scientific Method” was born, and the
“cartesian coordinates”. founding members of the royal society
pointed these three as their inspirations.
Having heard of what had happened to
Galileo in 1633 of being house arrested, he Scientists were not called “scientists” until
stopped publishing his own book 1840, the term was coined by William
supporting Heliocentrism, “Le Monde”, Whewell, an English scientist who also
or “The World”. He did come up with a new served as a historian and a priest. There
cosmological idea based on Heliocentrism were many scientists that contributed a lot
which featured a chaotic moving aethereal in the scientific body of knowledge.
fluid where the planets and stars are
suspended, instead of spheres. These three great thinkers were the
major contributors to the scientific way
In 1637, Descartes published his book of understanding the natural world.
called “Discourse on the Method”, which
was his major contribution in the history of Galileo Galilei is an experimentalist, he
scientific knowledge. He started from the focused on the independent rationality and
very beginning with a very abstract comparison on theories about the natural
question, “how do we know what we world.
know?”. This question became the core of
the philosophy of epistemology, and Francis Bacon is a practical thinker, he
until today, philosophers still debate focused on experimentation and social
Descartes' question on the origin of norms in promoting scientific research.
Rene Descartes is a pure philosopher,
Descartes wanted to challenge the king of who promoted always asking yourself on
philosophy, Aristotle, and his attack on him “how sure you are on what you know?”.
boils down to his two arguments.
• Science is not a one man team, it is a
Two major arguments of Descartes to contribution of different people from
Aristotle different times and different fields in
order to understand and explain the
Knowledge is obtained through the natural and the material world.
senses, which lacks absolute certainty,
because the senses often deceive us. • The questions on “what is matter?”,
“where are we?”, “when are we?”,
Human reason can also be deceived. “what is life?” and the “how’s” and
Logical conclusions from false “why’s”, are questions that goes back
premises will lead you to wrong to the alchemists, natural philosophers,
answers. and even engineers of the ancient times,
and until today, we still ask those
He used mathematics, and only question.
mathematics as a way towards proof in
order to explain the natural world. He used
the “Systematic doubting” method,
simply doubting yourself on what you
really know.

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