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Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. Yesterday at this time, she __________ a book.

a) reads b) is reading c) was reading d) has read
2. While we __________ dinner, the power went out.
a) have b) are having c) were having d) had
3. I __________ TV when the phone rang.
a) watch b) watches c) am watching d) was watching
4. What __________ when the accident happened?
a) do you do b) were you doing c) are you doing d) did you do
5. While I __________ my homework, my friends were playing outside.
a) do b) am doing c) did d) was doing
6. She __________ her room when I called her.
a) cleans b) is cleaning c) was cleaning d) has cleaned
7. They __________ soccer when it started raining.
a) play b) plays c) are playing d) were playing
8. Last night, we __________ a movie at home.
a) watch b) are watching c) watched d) watches
9. While I __________ my car, someone stole my bag.
a) wash b) washed c) am washing d) was washing
10. The kids __________ in the garden all morning.
a) play b) plays c) are playing d) were playing
11. What __________ when I called you last night?
a) are you doing b) were you doing c) do you do d) did you do
12. They __________ a party when the neighbors complained.
a) have b) are having c) had d) have had
13. While she __________ a cake, the doorbell rang.
a) bakes b) baked c) is baking d) was baking
14. At 8 o'clock last night, I __________ my emails.
a) check b) checks c) am checking d) was checking
15. When the phone rang, she __________ in the shower.
a) is b) was c) am d) were
16. While they __________ for the bus, it started to rain.
a) wait b) waits c) are waiting d) were waiting
17. He __________ to music when I entered the room.
a) listens b) is listening c) was listening d) listened
18. Last summer, we __________ to the beach every weekend.
a) go b) goes c) went d) are going
19. While I __________ my bike, it suddenly broke down.
a) ride b) rides c) am riding d) was riding
20. They __________ a new house when I visited them last month.
a) build b) builds c) are building d) were building
21. What __________ when the earthquake occurred?
a) do you do b) were you doing c) are you doing d) did you do
22. While I __________ my favorite TV show, the electricity went out.
a) watch b) watches c) am watching d) was watching
23. He __________ the car when it suddenly broke down.
a) drives b) drove c) is driving d) was driving
24. We __________ a great time at the party yesterday.
a) have b) has c) had d) are having
25. While she __________ dinner, she received a call from her friend.
a) cooks b) cooked c) is cooking d) was cooking

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