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LESSON 1: The SELF from various - Body and Soul

philosophical perspectives - 3 parts of soul

- Appetitive
Psychology of the Self - Rational
- Study of cognitive, conative, and - Spirited
affective St. Augustine
- Conation is the mental faculty of - Bifurcated nature
purpose, desire, or will to perform an - The body will dia and the soul will go
action to God
St. Thomas Aquinas
Self Awareness - Matter and Form
- Inward focus on knowing people’s - Matter or hyle: what compose
needs and the environment universe
Self Knowledge - Form or morphe: essence of
- Construction of self concepts the substance, it is what makes
Self Perception it what it is
- Foundation of self knowledge Rene Descartes
- Father of modern philosophy
The SELF - Methodical Doubt
- Totality of an individual consisting all - Body and Mind
characteristics attributes - Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I
Sense of self - Cogito: Mind, Extenza: Body
- The way people thinks about David Hume
themselves - Empiricist
- Self is a bundle of impressions
The I and the Me - Impressions are derive from
The “I” - Ideas are copies of impressions
- Active agent who acts on the world Immanuel Kant
and being influenced - There a mind that organizes
- The self as a subject doers impressions
The “Me” - Appratuses of the mind
- From the outside - Collection of Impressions are the only
- The self as an object way to define a human
Johari Window - Trascendal Apperception
- Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham Gilbert Ryle
- Heuristic - Self cannot be located or analyzed but
simply a name all use to refer human
- Behaviour is what it takes to define a
Socrates person
- First martyr of education - Ghost in the machine
- Body and Soul Maurice Jean Jacques Merleu-Ponty
- Body: Imperfect, Soul: Impermanent - Phenomenologist
- Socratic Method - Body and Mind are intertwined
Plato - Body perceives while consciousness
- Father of the academy interprets the sensation of the boody
John Locke
- Tabula Rasa (Blank Slate)
Paul Churchland
- Movement of the brain
Sigmund Freud
- Self is multilayered
- 3 aspects of personality

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