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Philippine National Security

The National Security Council and the security area prevailing in sufficiently overseeing public
security even with various issues and worries that keep on testing the security of the country.
The National Security Strategy (NSS) that was given by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in May was
instrumental in incorporating the nation's significant security strategies, characterizing obligations, and
planning the activities of every concerned organization, to successfully address security dangers, issues,
and concerns both inside and outside the nation.
In the outside climate, the West Philippine Sea issue stayed to be quarrelsome because of covering
regional cases and oceanic space worries among the different inquirers. The incredible forces challenge
had really moved concentration towards the challenged waters of the South China Sea/West Philippine
Sea, and in Asia as a rule. In the midst of this reestablished worldwide interest on Asia, the Duterte
Administration embraced a "center ground" position meaning that the Philippines is a companion to all
and a foe to none. With this outlook, the Philippines had set out on an autonomous international strategy
that fashions new associations with China and Russia, while keeping up attaches with conventional
accomplices, for example, the United States.
In making sure about the nation's regional uprightness and power in the West Philippine Sea, we proceed
with the utilization of discretionary commitment with China and other petitioner states without trading off
Philippine public interest. The Bilateral Consultative Mechanism with China was set up while the
ASEAN-focused arrangements for the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea was formalized. The
Philippines additionally sought after the advancement of its discouragement capacities for a trustworthy
protection act, especially through the expanded financing designation by Congress. The improvement of
offices in the Philippine-involved highlights in the West Philippine Sea were additionally attempted.

Trans-limit issues, for example, psychological warfare, drug-dealing, theft, pirating, and illegal
exploitation are being tended to through the solid synergistic systems inside the ASEAN structure. The
Philippines stays a functioning part express that perceives the ASEAN route in embraced deliberate
activities against security dangers and difficulties in the locale. In the Philippines, illicit medications have
become a public security danger. The mission against illicit medications has become an essential mission
and the mission will even be more strengthened to kill the hazard.
National security is the safekeeping of the nation as a whole. Its highest order of business is the
protection of the nation and its people from attack and other external dangers by maintaining armed
forces and guarding state secrets

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