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• Schedule Management (Google Calendar, Calendly, Zoom)

• Booking Flights & Accommodations ( Agoda, Airbnb, Traveloka, Airline websites)
• Email Management (Gmail, Mozila Thunderbird, Outlook)
• File Management (Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive)
• Research/Investigation (Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox, MS Edge, Safari)
• Content Writing (MS Word, Google Docs, SEO Tools, Grammarly, Copyscape)
• Social Media Management (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YT)
• Graphic Design (Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Etc.)
• Blog Management (WordPress, Etc.)


Schedule Management
- Through General Appointment Scheduling Services, a Virtual Assistant will make
sure the Clients' meetings and other appointments have scheduled the right time.
This involves communicating with peoples' you met by phone or email. A Virtual
Assistant will make sure there are no overlaps, that the client has enough time to
change the location (If necessary), and there will be no problems if the meeting
runs a little longer than the expected.


Booking Flights and Accommodation

* Planning and Scheduling meetings at the desired destination.
* Arranging for the cab services to and from the destination.
* Booking Filght/Train Tickets.
* Planning travel budget.
* Booking service apartments.
* Rescheduling/Canceling Flights.
* Booking cruise tickets.
* Hotel Reservations.
* Vacation Planning.
* Sending timely travel plan reminders.
* Itinerary Mangement.


Email Management
- is more than just inbox sorting. It refers to organizations capturing and
managing emails created and received by employees.
- Similar to other business records, classification schemes, retention periods and
access controls can be applied to manage emails.
- Email metadata associated with the emails should also be captured to allow the
information to be managed and accessed by employees with proper permissions.


File Management
* Use Folders in a logical hierachy.
- Keep files organized in folders with a logical hierarchy to know where to find
when it needs. (Create folders within folders, as necessary)
* Make the file names short and logical.
- Name the files in order to know it. Keep the names short to make it easier to
* Back up important files.
- Having a habit of backing up files in a computer storage, external storage, cloud
storage, or in a flash drive.
* Display the files in a list to see details. In windows, when files are displayed
in a list we can view details such as file size, type, and when it was last


- refers ability to search, locate, extract, organize, evaluate and use
informations relevant to a particular topic.
- Depending to the Clients' niche, the process may include detailed and methodical
investigation into some area of study.
- It involves intensive search, investigation, and critical analysis. Usually in
response to a specific research question or hypothesis. Also, it involves a lot of

* Use trusty sources (This are some reliable resources: .gov,,,).
* search unique keywords.
* Use specific phrases or words.
* Use Google Scholar (For academic research).
* Browse online forums.
* Use different search engines.


Content Writing
- refers to professional writing created for an online audience to fulfill specific
marketing objectives. Marketers and business owners publish contents, also known as
copy. Online for many reasons.

Type of Content Writing for VAs

* Blog Posts.
* Social media posts.
* Product descriptions.
* Website copies.
* Emails.
* Press releases.


Social Media Management

- is the process of creating, scheduling, analyzing, listening, and engaging with
content posted on social media platforms.

Social Media Platforms

* Facebook
* Instagram
* Pinterest
* Twitter
* Youtube

Top Social Media Tools

* Buffer
* Hootsuite
* Sprout Social
* Sendible
* CoSchedule
* Later

Graphic Design
- The art and proffession of selecting and arranging visual elements-such as
typography, images, symbols, and colors-to convey a message to an audience.
- Sometimes Graphic Design is called “Visual Communication,” a term that emphasizes
its function of giving form-e.g., the design of a book, advertisement, logo, or web
site-to information.

Common Graphic Design Tools

* Adobe Photoshop
* Adobe Illustrator
* Canva
* Lucidpress
* SketchBook
* Figma


Blog Management
- is the process of ensuring the Clients' content is in line with their marketing
- It includes elements like finding new and exciting topics to cover and doing
keyword research to discover the best search words to include in each piece.

Blog Management Tools

* WordPress
* Wix
* Sqaurespace
* Joomla
* Hubspot
* Drupal
* Shopify



• Upwork
• Fiverr
• Linkedin


Tips to an Excellent Freelancer Profile

* Think of your best skill and use it to brand yourself.
* List all of the skills you have.
* Use a professional/formal profile picture.
* Highlight your best work in your portfolio.
* List your certificates.
* Include your education and work background.
* Create a short introduction video.
* Make sure your profile is perfect and error-free


Tips to Become a Successful Freelancer

* Define your expertise and what you want to offer.
* Set your prices competitively and adjust as needed.
* Build your digital presence (Do not stay in one platform).
* Create as many freelancer profiles as you can.
* Use contracts to clarify expectations.
* Update clients regularly.
* Don't be shy in requesting feedback.

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