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Unit 8

Vocabulary Extend Worksheet 1.8.2

4 Complete the web with the words that name a type of person or group of people.

adult  bone  ancestor  civilization  descendant  origin  site  skull

ancestor civilization

site origin

4 Read. Unscramble the words and write them on the line. Then draw a line to match each word
to its definition.
1. kbca back a. a hard piece of a skeleton

2. ringio origin b. into the past

3. vieleeb believe c. the bone in one’s head

4. lukls skulls d. keep going

5. ebon bone e. beginning

6. enutiocn continue f. think

Impact Extend Worksheet 1.8.2 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
3 Read. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Make any necessary changes.

adult ancestor believe discover

helpful skeleton skull species

1. At the Rising Star cave, researchers found bones of both children and
adult .

2. Your parents and your grandparents are your ancestors .

3. Explorers discover the remains of an ancient girl in an underwater cave.

4. Fossils and artefacts are helpful in understanding the past.

5. Several different species made up the Australopithecus group.

6. A skull is a bone for the head. It’s part of a

skeleton .

7. Many scientists believe that the first human ancestors lived over
4 million years ago.

4 Read. Write responses to each of the following. Use the words in bold in your answers. Then
share your answers with a partner.
1. Give an example of something you think is technologically advanced. What did people do
before it was invented?

2. Name and describe someone you know who is helpful. Give examples of how he or she helps
you or others.

3. Who are you the descendant of? Describe several of your ancestors.

Impact Extend Worksheet 1.8.2 2

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Unit 8
Reading Extend Worksheet 1.8.4
4 Read. Then tick T for True or F for False.
1. Children in the past didn’t go to school because their parents could
teach them to read or write.

2. In the Aztec culture, education was very important.

3. Teenagers often chose to marry young for love.

4. By the 19th century, more and more children were needed

to work on farms.

5. Today’s teenagers usually give their money to help their parents.

2 Read. Circle the correct letter(s).

1. In Aztec culture, was very important.
a. learning c. education
b. chess d. working in a factory

2. In this culture, .
a. girls didn’t go to school c. boys and girls went to school
b. boys didn’t go to school d. boys and girls learnt different things

3. Getting married young was common in .

a. Aztec culture c. Europe before the 19th century
b. all of the past d. the past ten years

4. People moved into cities .

a. to work in factories c. to have children
b. because there was less work on farms d. to find jobs

5. In the past, children who worked in factories .

a. made fifty euros a day c. worked long hours
b. got paid very little d. gave much of their money to their parents

Impact Extend Worksheet 1.8.4 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
3 Look at the words. When you know the meaning of one form of a word, you can increase your
vocabulary by recognising related forms. How many of the words below have you seen before?
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
education to educate educational educationally

4 Complete the table. Write as many forms of each word as you can without using a dictionary.
Compare your table with a partner’s. Then use a dictionary to find additional forms and add
them to the table.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
age —
culture —
teenager — —

Impact Extend Worksheet 1.8.4 2

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Unit 8
Grammar 2 Extend Worksheet 1.8.5
1 Read. Complete the conversation with there and a form of to be.
Ray: I can’t wait for the autumn festival tomorrow.

Tina: Me, too. There is going to be music and there are going to be dancers in
colourful costumes.

Julio: There going to be people playing instruments?

Tina: Yes! There going to be a group of drummers.

Ray: What about food? At last year’s festival there was some delicious food.

Julio: Yes, that’s right. There were those delicious turkey dinners.

Tina: Oh, yes, those were good. And there was creamy pudding for dessert.

Ray: That’s true. But what about this year? What food will there be ?

Tina: I’m not sure. There hasn't be a lot of information about the menu since I heard
about the festival. I guess we’ll find out.

2 Read. Complete the sentences about what’s happening or what has happened in your life.
1. Last year in my school, there was a problematic student .

2. Next weekend in my community, there is going to be a big party .

3. Since I’ve been in this class, i have witten in my laptop .

4. This afternoon, there is going to be a football game .

5. In twenty years, there will be a good president .

Impact Extend Worksheet 1.8.5 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Unit 8
Unit Review Worksheet 1.8.7
1 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Make any necessary changes.

advanced advice back chore

continue discover education teenager

1. You go to school for an education .

2. Humans have changed over time and will continue to change in

the future.

3. Back in the 19th century, a lot of children worked

in factories.

4. Although some tools seem old-fashioned to us, they were very advanced
when people used them.

5. Like you, many teenagers are busy with schoolwork and

discover .

6. Don’t ever give advice to your opponent when you’re playing chess!

2 Complete each sentence by rewriting the first statement in the present perfect.
1. I am an excellent chess player.
For the last five years, i have played chess .

2. The queen gave the king advice.

Since they’ve been married, the queen has gaved advice to the king .

3. Our culture changed a lot.

Over thousands of years, our culture has changed a lot .

4. They play in a band. They have been played in a band since 2014.

Impact Review Worksheet 1.8.7 1

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
3 Think of an event you have attended that happens every year. Write sentences to say how it
was the last time you attended. Then say what the next one will be like. Use there + to be in
your sentences.
Every year I eat lasagna at Christmas. The last year was a very tasty vegan lasagna, the next year

going to be more delicious.

Impact Review Worksheet 1.8.7 2

Copyright © National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.
Name: _________________________

1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

1 teenager descendent adult child

2 bone skull skeleton chess
3 King Queen chess chore
4 ancestor advice descendant origin
(4 points)
2 Circle the correct word.

1 Historians are able to go back / continue in time by looking at artefacts.

2 They discovered human pieces / bones in the cave.
3 Our ancestors / descendants give us clues about the past.
4 Not many teenagers enjoy doing diets / chores.
5 It’s important to get a good civilization / education.
6 Archaeologists believe it was a(n) helpful / advanced civilization.
(6 points)

3 Tick the correct sentence a) or b).

1 a People are enjoying chess for thousands of years. 

b People have enjoyed chess for thousands of years. 
2 a They’ve been married for fifty years. 
b They are married for fifty years. 
3 a Anna is working at that university for sixteen years. 
b Anna has worked at that university for sixteen years. 
4 a I haven’t finished my homework yet. 
b I’m not finishing my homework yet. 
5 a That family has lived here for hundreds of years. 
b That family is living here for hundreds of years. 
6 a Computers have been around since the 1940s. 
b Computers are around since the 1940s. 

(6 points)

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4 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 since
The exhibition has been here __________ March.
2 for
I’ve worked with Angel __________ seven years.
3 for
Chess has been a popular game __________ hundreds of years.
4 since
They’ve been studying the site __________ 1998.
5 for
The skeletons hadn’t been moved __________ two thousand years.
6 since
I haven’t seen Sonia __________ Wednesday.
(6 points)
5 Read the sentences and circle the correct form of the verb.

1 Are there going to be / being many people at the opening?

2 There wasn’t / isn’t any rain yesterday.
3 There is / has been a nasty smell since you spilt the milk.
4 In the 1940s, there weren’t / aren’t so many cars on the roads.
5 There will be / weren’t a lot of people at the lecture tomorrow.
(5 points)

6 Read. Then answer the questions.

Modern technology has undoubtedly changed the way we live. In the past, a journey to a
different country could take months. Nowadays, businessmen and women are able to fly
overseas for a meeting in a matter of hours. Communication is now immediate and social
media means that you have access to thousands, if not millions, of people all over the world.
American anthropologist Margaret Mead said ‘… people’s lives change so fast, that a person
is born into one kind of world and grows up in another’.
1 In line 1, the word ‘undoubtedly’ means … a) it is true
b) it is uncertain
2 In the past, it was … to attend overseas meetings. a) easy
b) difficult
3 In line 3, what does the word ‘immediate’ refer to? a) how quickly you can
send a message
b) how quickly you can
travel these days
4 Margaret Mead believes … a) that the world changes
within a person’s lifetime
b) that it is easy for
people to travel the world
(4 points)

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7 Match the sentence halves. Then say if the sentences refer to food (F), music (M) or
ways (W) of celebrating.

1. Every year, the flag is raised a) to loud and lively tunes. w

2. The dancers parade through b) to see all the carnival floats and m
the streets parades.
3. There is an open-air steel c) in the centre of the capital. m
4. If you’ve never tried d) for months in advance. f
pineapple kebab,
5. You’ll need to get there early e) concert in the park each evening. m
6. Dancers practice their f) the festival is the place to try it. m
(12 points)

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