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Pro-Poor Tourism Workshop 6th – 7th July 2009, Kigali, Rwanda Simon Kiarie Ministry
of Tourism Kenya Pro-poor Tourism in Kenya Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Background • Tourism is a significant sector in Kenya • About 20% foreign exchange

earnings • 10% GDP • 9% total workforce • High multiplier effect • Beach+wildlife
combination, (diversity viable) • Potential for quick gains & poverty alleviation
(PRSP, ERSWEC, Vision 2030)

Min. of Tourism –Roles & Functions • Formulation & implementation of policy •

Regulation of the tourism industry • Tourism product development • Tourism
marketing • Resource mobilization • Human resource development • (exec. thro’ – DoT
& parastatals)

Pro-poor Tourism Experience in Kenya Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Pro-poor Tourism • PPT – tourism that generates net benefits for the poor. • PPT
unlocks opportunities for economic gain & other livelihood benefits for the poor •
‘Tilt’ tourism at the margin Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Tourism Product Development and Diversification Programme • A Tourism Trust Fund

programme (GoK & EU initiative) • Approx. Kshs 2 billion Fund • Main aim -
alleviate poverty, community devt & conservation of natural & cultural resources •
Focus on projects that spread benefits & income to communities across the country •
Direct assistance through grants & technical assistance • Supported 62 projects
Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Ol lentile Sanctuary Satao Elerai Camp

UNWTO ST-EP Programme • UNWTO & SNV are supporting a 3-year ST-EP Prog • Phase I -
a footbridge bridge linking Nairobi National Park & a cultural village completed •
Phase II started – capacity building in 7 selected communities in South Rift, North
Rift & Northern Kenya

Handicraft Business • Thriving curio business • Govt plans to put up modern trading
markets & work spaces for handicraft sellers in key tourism areas (e.g Coast)
Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Beach Operators • Mainstreaming beach operators into the tourism industry • Tourist
itineraries will include services and products offered by beach operators such as
boating, local safaris, etc Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Employment Generation • Most tourism jobs require semi-skilled labour hence enable
locals to benefit from employment in hotels, lodges, etc • KUC expanding training
thro’ mobile training units • To establish a tourism training institution at the
Coast • Koiyaki Guiding School Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Community- based Tourism Framework • Developing a community based tourism framework

to govern product standards (supported by Commonwealth Secretariat) • The framework
will establish guidelines for partnerships • KECOBAT –supported by TTF Ministry of
Tourism, Kenya

Home stay facilities • Registering and regulation of homestay facilities • Target

1000 homestays – MTP (Vision 2030) Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Other potential products • Sports tourism (kayaking etc) • Adventure (camel

safaris, wilderness holidays) • Historical sites (Ol Donyo Sabuk, Lodwar, etc) •
Cultural centres • Agro-tourism (tea, coffee, etc)
Challenges • Tourism not given priority in funding (MoT) • Value of tourism not
appreciated (TSA?) • Lack of comprehensive tourism policy • Fragmented/outdated
legal framework • Lack of integrated tourism area management plans (PPT) • Poor
Infrastructure and low literacy levels in marginal areas where majority of poor
are. • Seasonality Ministry of Tourism, Kenya

Way Forward & Research Needs • Theoretical foundation (weak?) • Entrench PPT agenda
in tourism policy & legal frameworks (national & regional) • PPT Strategies • Land
use policies/practices (tsm vs others) • Incentives (fiscal/monetary), financing •
Expand training opportunities (needs?) • Safety, competitiveness, quality & pricing

Way Forward & Research Needs • Workspaces, markets, packaging & branding •
Understanding and mapping poverty • PPT & value chain (??); Linkages. •
Perceptions/Behavior – private sector • Cultural impacts (commercialization) •
Enhancing revenue sharing/plough back e.g Narok County Council • Collaborative
Research (Univ., policy research institutes, Ministries) -AR

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