Edited - Lanz HG Module 1-4

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Lanz Nivren F.

Sanchez November 6, 2023

Grade 7 - E. Javier Ma’am Obmerga

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
My Study Plan, My Guide


Directions : Copy Table No. 1.2 on a clean sheet of paper. Write the activities that you do in one week in the
“new normal” set-up. Be realistic! Write also your answers to the processing questions after the table.

Table 1.2
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 am going to going to going to going to going to morning morning

school school school school school exercise exercise
7:00 am studying studying studying studying studying eating eating
breakfast breakfast
8:00 am studying studying studying studying studying help in the help in the
household household
chores chores
9:00 am studying studying studying studying studying watching TV watching TV

10:00 am studying studying studying studying studying playing in my playing in my

cp cp
11:00 am studying studying studying studying studying playing in my playing in my
cp cp
12:00 eating lunch eating eating lunch eating eating lunch eating lunch eating lunch
noon lunch lunch
1:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying Take a nap Take a nap

2:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying Take a nap Take a nap

3:00 pm going home going home going home going home going home Take a nap Take a nap

4:00 pm watching watching watching TV watching watching TV eating eating

TV TV TV merienda merienda
5:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying watching TV watching TV

6:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying playing in my playing in my

cp cp
7:00 pm eating eating eating dinner eating eating dinner eating dinner eating dinner
dinner dinner dinner
8:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying studying studying

9:00 pm studying studying studying studying studying goes to sleep goes to sleep
onwards then sleep then sleep then sleep then sleep then sleep

Student’s Signature

Processing questions:
1. What did you observe in your study schedule? Would it make you attain your target goal this school year?
 I have spent so much of my time studying. With this, I can say that I can attain my target goal this school

2. How much time do you spend for your studies? For your rest? For your leisure or relaxation?
 I almost spent 10 hours a day studying. 8 hours for sleep especially at night and 6 hours for leisure and
relaxation especially during weekends.

3. Upon seeing your study plan, what are the activities that you want to eliminate, change and improve?
 By looking at my study plan, I think I don’t have any activity that can be remove, change or improve.

What I have Learned

Directions : Write at least five (5) new ways and/or habits that you will commit to apply in your study habits
starting today ----

1. Starting today, I will reduce using my cp.

2. From now on, I will increase my time in helping in the household chores at home..
3. I will maintain the time spent in my studies.
4. I will keep on doing what I have in my study plan.
5. I will start to be productive and meaningful.

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
The Better Me

Let’s Try This

Processing questions:
1. How do you compare the two activities?
 The second activity had a better output than the first.

2. What did you feel when you were doodling and drawing figures?

 I am out of my mind and I have no control over my action.

3. Between the two activities, what needs certain control or discipline? Why do you think so?

 I think the second activity because you know exactly what you are doing. Unlike in doodling, you don’t
know what you are doing and you have no certain direction.

Share your Thoughts and feelings

Think of two situations where you always feel that it is hard for you to have self-discipline. It may be a situation
that happens frequently to you. For example, not doing your school work on time. Then, try to analyze what
causes it. On the next parts, write the results. Follow the table below and write your answers on a clean piece of

Situation Causes of my Lack of Short-term results (the Long –term result (the
Discipline results that immediately results that happen long
follow the situation) after the situation)
Not doing my I watched my favorite My mother got mad at I forgot to do my
assignment on time movie me assignment and I got 0
Not doing my I played with my cp My father scolded me Due to frequent inability
assigned tasks at home to do the assigned task to
me, I was punished by
my parents.

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Embracing Uniqueness

Let’s Explore This

What Will You Do?

There are similarities and differences among individuals. Some of these are obvious, others are not. It is
important to recognize and respect your similarities and differences with the people around you in order to
strengthen your relationship with them.

Read each situation below and answer the questions. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper.
Situation 1:
Your younger sister shows difficulty in her school work and you would like to help her. However, you also
need to submit your school requirements the next day. What would you do?

 I will help my younger sister in her school work so that she can understand her school work easily. With
regards to my school requirements, I will exert much effort so that I can finish it also on time. Much
important is, I was able to help my sister.
Situation 2:
You overheard your parents talking about their plans for your future. They plan to send you to a medical school.
In silence you were determined to be a fashion designer, how would you tell your parents about your dream?
 Our parents always wants the best for us. They always dream of what will be good for us in the future. But,
if being a doctor is not my planned career, I will explain it to my parents wholeheartedly so that they can
understand me. For instance that they insist what they want, I will follow them and finish what profession
they want for me and after that, I will pursue the profession I want.
Situation 3:
Water supply in your area is very limited. You share the little supply with the rest of your family. If your friend
told you that you have an unpleasant smell, what would you do?

 I will explain to him our situation at home. But he insist of saying those words to me, I will just ignore him
and do what I need to do to smell good.

Processing Questions:
1. What did you consider in answering the different situations?

 I considered what is right and what should I need to do. I also think of the situations clearly and apply the
best decision I could ever make.

2. Based on your answers, how did you face your differences with other people in the situations?

 I understand each situations and always think of the differences between us and the people around me in
making rightful decisions.

3. Is it easy to maintain a positive relationship with others despite differences?

 Yes, it is. Just be an open-minded person and always think clearly and justifiably.

You can Do it!

Strengthening Relationships amidst Diversity
Choose a word from the box below and give an example on how you are going to use it to

promote respect for individual differences and healthy relationship. Write your answer on a

clean sheet of paper.

I will choose being respectful. From the word itself, I will respect every individual especially with
regards to our differences like our beliefs and way of living. I will build a healthy relationship with them by
always choosing to be good and respect each others ideas and opinion. Never to give bad comments or word
that may hurt their feelings. Instead, talk to them politely and explain the thought I want to convey to them in a
respectful way.

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Hello, My Future Self!

Let’s Try this

What do you want to be when you grow up? (Part 1)
Copy and answer the table on a clean sheet of paper. Write also your answers to the processing questions that

Top 3 Most Preferred Careers Required Skills/ Training/ People who will help me achieve
Education my career
1. Police General College Degree Holder, Brave, My Family and relatives, close
strong and with integrity friends
2. Lawyer College Degree holder, Honest and My Family and relatives, close
firm in decision making, friends
3. Doctor College degree holder, My Family and relatives, close
compassionate and conscientious friends

Processing Questions:
1. Is it easy for you to think of your future career? Why or why not?
 Yes, it is. I just think of my hearts desire and what I really want in the future.
2. How will you achieve your most preferred career?
 I will achieve my most preferred career by studying harder and focus on the things that will help me
through-out the fulfillment of my career.
3. How can other people help you in achieving your future career?
 They can help me by supporting me in my preferred career. By guiding me and assisting me, giving me
love, care and understanding. And also, supporting me financially, morally and spiritually.
What I have Learned
Complete the following to express your takeaway or insights about the lesson
Planning for my Future Career
As a Grade 7 student, I I will study hard and finish my studies with flying colors.
After Grade 12, I plan I plan to seek for a job during vacation to save money for my
to………………… college expenses. I will make myself ready for college.
After finishing my studies/training, I I will find a decent job appropriate to the degree I’ve finished.
will ………
Ten to fifteen years from now, I see I see myself as a successful Police General.
myself as …………………….

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