Agri 6

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I. Encircle the letter with the correct answer.

1. It is an orchard where its facilities focus on growing fruit bearing trees.

A. fruit orchard C. seed orchard
B. nut orchard D. vegetable orchard
2. An orchard includes a large variety of facilities that produce nut-bearing trees.
A. fruit orchard C. seed orchard
B. nut orchard D. vegetable orchard
3. This orchard focus on growing trees that produce seeds rather than nuts or fruits.
A. fruit orchard C. seed orchard
B. nut orchard D. vegetable orchard
4. Suitable soil for orchard planting is ________________.
A. clay B. clay loam C. sandy D. sandy loam
5. Good plant materials come from trees that are________________.
A. old B. young C. small D. mature
6. Provide water for your seedlings by _______________.
A. drying B. feeding C. watering D. fertilizing
7. Orchards are usually situated ___________________.
A. in the malls C. in the forest
B. in the city D. near bodies of water
8. It is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cll
division at one particular site.
A. grafting B. marcotting C. budding D. cutting
9. It is the conversion of the sun’s energy to food for plants.
A. stomata B. chlorophyll C. photosynthesis D. enzymes
10. It is the green coloring in the leaves of the plants.
A. stomata B. chlorophyll C. photosynthesis D. enzymes
11. Which animals are raised for their meat and milk?
A. hog B. fish C. cow D. dog
12. Which freshwater fish has an English name of muriel or mudfish?
A. tilapia B. bangus C. dalag D. hito
13. The noise created by animals in the farm may injure the eardrums and can cause temporary deafness.
A. true B. false C. maybe D. impossible to happen
14. Which of the following animals also serve as the farmer’s worker or helper?
A. rooster B. ducks C. carabao D. hog
15. Castration is done _____________ to prevent bleeding.
A. in the evening C. late at night
B. in the afternoon D. early in the morning
16. A capital investment which includes land and building, crafting, ponds, water tanks, oxygen meters, etc.
A. operation cost B. expenses C. capital cost D. profit
17. A capital investment which includes purchasing eggs or fingerlings, fish, feeds, electricity, fuel, labor, etc.
A. operation cost B. expenses C. capital cost D. profit
18. A tool used for shallow digging and planting small plants.
A. trowel B. hoe C. shovel D. rake
19. A tool used for spreading the soil easily.
A. trowel C. shovel
B. hoe D. rake
20. Tools are means to successful planting. Here are some ways to take care of the tools except for one.
A. Clean or wash the tools after use before keeping.
B. Clean the metal with water and keep it directly.
C. Sharpen the tools so that they will be in good condition.
D. None of the above.
21. In preparing the seed plot for planting, which should be followed?
A. Use measuring tool in preparing the plot.
B. Remove the dirt in the soil like dried leaves and stones.
C. Dig the soil around the seed plot and raise it about 6 cm.
D. All of the above.
22. Proper care of plants and soil is necessary for healthy and bountiful harvest. Which one does not belong
to the group?
A. Choose a place where there is obstruction for the trees to grow.
B. Choose the seeds that best suit the season and the soil.
C. Put sufficient fertilizers in the soil.
D. Take care of the soil and the plant regularly.
23. In seed germination, small seeds are sown in a___________ before setting them out in the field.
A. plastic trays C. bottles
B. pots D. A and B are correct
24. It is a method of planting where the seeds or parts of the plants are directly planted in the soil.
A. Scientific Planting C. Direct Planting
B. Indirect Planting D. None of the above
25. The following are the methods in transferring plants except ______________________.
A. Cone-shaped Method C. Triangular Digging Method
B. Digging Method D. Hole Digging Method
26. Since pests and diseases are enemies of plants, they must be eliminated by means of_______________.
A. Maintaining total cleanliness in the surrounding of the plants.
B. Taking care of the place where pest and insects live.
C. Watering the plants every after two days.
D. A and B are correct.
27. Fertilizers come from nitrate soda, sulphate of ammonia, nitrate, urea and others.
A. Home-made fertilizers C. Organic Fertilizers
B. Inorganic Fertilizers D. Plain Fertilizers
28. Fertilizers can be added to the crops in different ways, except for one.
A. Broadcasting B. Foliar Dressing C. Top Dressing D. Underground Dressing
29. Seller should pack fruits properly in good container to maintain their ________________.
A. blemishes C. cuts
B. bruises D. freshness
30. In computing the cost of ___________, sum up all the expenses and deduct to the total amount earned in
A. capital B. debit C. expenses D. profit
31. When products are sold during the peak season, the price tends to be ____________.
A. same B. lower C. higher D. none of the above
32. It is a process where a ring bark on a large branch is removed; the inner surface is scraped lightly then wrapped with moist soil
and covered with plastic sheets and secured tightly on both ends with twine.
A. budding C. marcotting
B. grafting D. none of the above
33. Backyard fish raising is important because ______________________________.
A. It is a source of family income.
B. It can contribute to the economic growth of the community.
C. It can serve as the beginning of a big business.
D. All of the above.
34. The following are the basic requirements for a successful backyard fishpond except for one.
A. Availability of suitable fish stocks C. Knowledge of source of feeds
B. Knowledge of pool construction D. Supply of fresh water
35. The following are the causes of fish disease except for one.
A. Absence of natural food leading to nutritional deficiencies.
B. Lack or excess of oxygen and presence of pesticides.
C. Presence of bacteria, virus, parasites and algae.
D. None of the above.
36. What practices should be considered for health and safety in taking care of animals.
A. Always wear non-working clothes in taking care of animals.
B. Animals’ houses should not be well ventilated.
C. Have all tools and equipment needed in raising animals.
D. B and C are correct.
37. The following are factors that should be considered in choosing animals to raise, except _________.
A. The color of the animals C. The house for the animals
B. The climate in your place D. Your goal or objective
38. The size of the fish that is just right to harvest and is about __________ grams each.
A. 70 grams B. 60 grams C. 50 grams D. 40 grams
38. A method of harvesting fish that is commonly used by fishermen who catch fishes on brooks or streams.
A. Use of taklob C. Use of Bangka
B. Use of net D. Use of baited hook and line
39. A kind of selling of fish through kilo, by piece or small batches.
A. Wholesale Selling C. Ramble Selling
B. Retail Selling D. Sample Selling
40. Duck eggs can be made into _______________.
A. salted eggs B. A and C are correct C. balut D. nothing
41. How many days of incubation in order for the duck’s egg can be made into balut?
A. 18 to 20 days B. 20 to 25 days C. 25 to 30 days D. 30 to 35 days
42. A method of propagating trees wherein an uncut branch or a shoot touches the ground or soil and develop
roots and become an independent plant.
A. Marcotting B. Cutting C. Rhizomes D. Layering
43. The first woman from La Castellana who was awarded as Outstanding Organic Tilapia Grower in Negros
A. Erlinda Alibo B. Dory Nacional C. Rosalinda Gaguit D. Susana David
44. A multi-awardee proprietor who is known as the “King of Lettuce”. Used the mixture of coco fibers and rice
Husks instead of soil in growing lettuce. His farm has been a world-class standard of hygiene and health
A. Renato T. Buenviaje C. Lyndon Tan
B. Moises M. Padilla D. Oscar Garin
45. A public servant and a Philippine Coconut Administrator who started raising sows in the early 1980’s. His
small piggery eventually become a commercial hog farm, a major supplier of high quality breeders for hog
farmers and backyard growers.
A. Renato T. Buenviaje C. Lyndon Tan
B. Moises M. Padilla D. Oscar Garin
46. A breed of duck that lays egg easily.
A. Indian runner C. Mallard duck
B. Khaki Campbell duck D. Pateros duck
47. Materials that are needed in making quails’ house are the following, except for one.
A. chicken wire C. piece of wood
B. curtain D. plywood
48 – 50. Compute the Income Statement Mang Juan in selling seedlings and fruits.

Cost of Seeds Php 1 350.00 Income from Selling of Seedlings Php 5, 255.00
Cost of Labor Php 1 320.00 Income from Selling of Fruits Php 4, 275.00
Plastic Bags Php 1 625.00
Light and Water Php 580.00
Fertilizer Php 1 070.00

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