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Name: Angel Karen G.

Tagbo BSTM 311

Great Books 04 eLMs Activity 1

Join the discussion by answering the following questions:

1.What do you think the person you have chosen is an extraordinary one? - In the story of Peter and
Wendy, the character who is considered extraordinary is Wendy. Because Wendy is a young girl who is
naturally disposed to care for others. She is also a storyteller and a dreamer, who is fascinated by the
idea of eternal childhood and the love of mothers. Wendy’s story in the novel explores the themes of
growing up, motherhood, and the power of imagination

2.How do you think the life and actions of your chosen person changed one's perspective and beliefs?

- In the story of Peter and Wendy, Wendy’s life and actions are portrayed as a bridge between reality
and Neverland. She is the one who convinces Peter to take her home with him to be his “mother”.
Wendy’s internal conflict over either growing up or living forever in childhood make-believe is the
story’s central conflict as well. Wendy’s character is a symbol of the transition from childhood to
adulthood. Her actions and decisions throughout the story reflect the struggles of growing up and the
loss of innocence. Her character is also a representation of the power of imagination and the
importance of holding onto it even as we grow older. Her character teaches us to embrace our inner
child and to never lose sight of our dreams and aspirations. Overall, Wendy’s character is an essential
part of the story of Peter and Wendy. Her life and actions serve as a reminder of the importance of
imagination, the struggles of growing up, and the journey of life itself.

3.Would you consider the same thing as what s/he did? why?

-Yes, because the story shows how Wendy handle passed the problem or struggle, she went through in
the said story. In the story of Peter and Wendy, Wendy’s character is portrayed as a bridge between
reality and Neverland. Her actions and decisions throughout the story reflect the struggles of growing up
and the loss of innocence. For me her character is also a representation of the power of imagination and
the importance of holding onto it even as we grow older. This story is similar in real life because we have
our own problems too that we must overcome or solve, also we don't always have to rely on other
people, we must stand on our own. To learn something new and gain more experience.

4.How would you know if a person's story is good or bad?

- Reading is a great way to escape reality and enter a world of imagination. Good novels are often well-
written and have engaging storylines that can captivate readers. Fantasy novels, in particular, can
transport readers to magical worlds filled with mythical creatures and epic adventures. They can inspire
readers to think creatively and expand their imaginations.
5.Why do you think people who read books or watch films are moved by the beliefs and actions of a

-Because while reading and watching can be a way to escape reality and immerse oneself in a different
world. I believe that when we read or watch films, we tend to identify with the characters and their
experiences. We also tend to adopt the cultural beliefs and actions that are portrayed in the story. It can
help us connect with fictional characters and explore our own identities. When we emotionally connect
with a character in a book or film, we get the opportunity to “try on” that character’s identity for a
while, to see what it feels like. By doing so, we can better understand ourselves and others. In addition,
reading and watching films can be a way to escape from the stresses of everyday life. They can provide a
temporary distraction from reality and allow us to enter a world of imagination and creativity. This can
be especially helpful during difficult times when we need a break from the real world.

6.What makes a life story good? -Life stories have an extra lesson that can be learned through each
character's experiences, and that makes the story more beautiful. A good life story is one that captures
the reader’s attention and holds it. It should tell the reader something important and make it so
interesting that people sit up, pay attention, absorb it and react to it too.

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