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Ss1 government.

1. All of these is not a feature of socialism except (a) code of conduct (b) village community (c) landed
property (d)production.

2.A feature of a Communist state is (a) Common ownership (b) golden chance (c) Karl Marx (d) Baron

3.Socialism is associated with (a) Karl Marx (b) Baron Montesquieu (c) AV Dicey (d) Kwame Nkrumah.

4.the economic system which supports competition is (a) capitalism (b) socialism (C) feudalism (d).

5. is an agent of political socialisation (a)mass media (b) computer (c) gasoline (d) gunpowder

6. The following are determinants of political culture except (a) instability (b) ethnic difference (c)
historical development (d) building households.

7 .Communalism speaks about _____(a) collectivity (b) common people (c) compromise (d)

8.The following are features of socialism except (a) code bureau (b) means of production (c) Nations
wealth (d) employment.

9 .-------is not an example of a state (a)Enugu (b)Ghana (c) Canada

10._----------- is not a feature of a nation (a)sovereignty (b)population

(c) territory

11. The ability to control the actions of others through the possession of means of sanctions is.
(a)military (b)power (c) government

12. The fundamental law of a state is refer to as (a) government (b)constitution (c)court

13.--------- is not a form of power (a)physical (b)authority (c)political

14. Physical power is also known as (a)military power (b)force

power (c)naked power

15. -------is a means of acquiring power (a) inheritance (b)physical (c)military

16. The right to give orders and enforce obedience is (a)authority

(b)sanction (c)power

17. Government as institution of state is a (a) motor of influence machinery (b) machinery established
by the state to organise the state, manage its affairs (c) machinery to build up capacity. (d) an
organization to build up the people.

19.The need for government came up as a result of people (a) living together, interacting and working
together as well as forming different associations. (b) fighting and killing one another. (c) forcing people
to respect each other (d) following people to church.

20. the basic function of the judiciary is to (a) interpreted the law (b) make law (c) implement law (d)
service law.

21. The basic function of the executive is to (a) implement law. (b) Make law (c) to punish the offenders
(d) to rule.10. Sovereign state is referred to as (a) government (b)permanence (c) independent

22. A nation is a group of people who share common_(a) historical background (b)form (c) country (d)

23. Coercion means the use of (a)action (b)Marley (c) power (d) force.

24.. Authority is the formal or legal right to make and (a) punish people (b) blackmail people (c) enforce
laws (d) common people.

25. One of these is not a source of political authority (a) traditional (b) charismatic (c) locomotive

26. China is to communist country as USA is to ------?

27.The class of people who do not have means of production is called?

28.The Bourgeoisie means _------------?

29.The type of government headed by a dictator in which government has total control of activities in
the state Is called?

30. A good example of Totalitarianism is ------ of Germany?


Theory attempt 3 questions only.

1. Explain the following: Communism, capitalism, socialism totalitarianism.

2. what is Government as an academic field of study.

b. state the functions of the 3 organs of government.

3. What is political culture, political socialisation.

b. List 5 agent of political socialisation

4. Define feudalism

(B) state 4 features of capitalism

5. Discuss extensively Sovereignty

b. State 4 limitations of sovereignty of a state.

Ss2 government.

1.The political neutrality of civil servants implies that they

A. are not allowed to join any organisation or group

B. have no dealings with politicians

C. are not allowed to be involved in partisan politics

D. are not allowed to vote.

2.The idea of making the civil service permanent, neutral and anonymous is to

A. enhance efficiency in administration

B. ensure loyalty and support

C. prevent opposition to government

D. make civil servants a founctional elite.

3.The structure of the civil service is based on

A. lateral organisation

B. merit system

C. patronage system

D. hierachical organisation

4.To qualify for absorption into the administration cadre of the civil service in Nigeria, an applicant must

A. knowledgable in civil services rule

B. a holder of a first university degree

C. specifically trained in public administration

D. a senior civil servant.

5.When did Nigeria gain her Independence?

A. 1st October, 1963

B. 31st October, 1690

C. 1st October, 2012

D. 1st October, 1960

E. 12th October, 1992

6.The absence of the rule of law in government will bring about

A. human rights abuse

B. treasonable offences

C. corrupt practices

D. political apathy

7.Legislative control of public corporation in Nigeria is effected through

A. the dissolution of their management

B. the reorganization of their boards

C. acts of the National Assembly

D. bye-laws

8.One of the duties of the legislature is to

A. implement laws

B. adjudicate disputes

C. promulgate decrees

D. exercise oversight

9.The civil service embraces all workers in

A. all private corporations

B. publica and private companies

C. government ministries

D. public corporations


The smooth operation of the civil service in Nigeria is mostly hampered by

A. inadequate training of personnel

B. corruption and inefficiency

C. debt burden and redundancy

D. poor infrastructure

11.The Bureau for Public Enterprises is charged with the responsibility for

A. privatization and commercialization

B. generating revenue

C. eradicating poverty

D. providing employment opportunities

12.Public opinion enables the government to (a) Employ more workers (b) Organize political
conferences and solidarity rallies (c) Find out what the people think about its activities (d) Punish
political opponents

13Elections are held for the purpose of (a) Strengthening the powers of the political leaders (b) Ensuring
a peaceful changes of government (c) Creating more political parties (d) Uniting the people

14.The appointment, promotion and discipline f civil servants are the responsibility of the (a) Electoral
commission (b) Civil Service Union (c) Judicial Service Commission (d) Civil Service Commission.

15. The anonymity of a civil servant means that he (a) should not be disciplined because of his expertise
(b) Receives neither praise nor blame publicly (c) Is above the law of the land. (d) His entitle to be paid.

16.Which of the following factors limit universal adult suffrage?

(a)Wealth (b) education (c) age (d) heredity

17. Public corporations are financed by (a) Tax payers (b) Private funds (c) Entrepreneurial funds (d)
Political parties.

18.The legal right a citizens possess to vote and be voted for is (a) Voting right (b) Balloting (c) Franchise
(d) Disfranchise.

19.The OMBUDSMAN was established in Nigeria in the year-----?(a)1975 (b)1809 (c)1971 (d)1900

20.The elimination of government powers in an industry is know as ?(a) commercialization (b)

Deregulation (c) privatization (d)Demanaging

21.Which of following manages a public corporation?

A.Chambers of Commerce B. Board of Directors C. An Accountant-General

D. An Auditor-General

22..Local governments are essential because they

A. encourage division in a country B. implement government policies at national levels

C.make laws for a nation D. train local people in the art of governing

23. The Federal police service commission was established in the year --------?

24.The OMBUDSMAN is also known as -----++++?

25.The local government authorities were created under the ------ republican constitution?

Write down the full meaning of the following





30.Privatization is aimed at ---------?


1.what is public cooperation?

b.list four reasons for setting up public cooperation

2.define the following terms

a. Privatization b.commercialization .c.Deregulation

3.highlighy 4 reasons for creation of local government

B.list two merits of privatization

4.identify any four major function of civil service

B.why is important for the civil service to be neutral

5.what is franchise

B.list two types of franchise.

Ss3 government.

1.When did Nigeria adopt a federal system of government?

A 1946B 1999.C .1975

2.What was the Richards Constitution?

A .A unitary system of governmentB A federal system of government.C A colonial document

3 How many regions were established under the Richards Constitution?

A OneB ThreeC Four

4.What led to the erosion of federalism in Nigeria?

A The introduction of the Richards Constitution

B The military coups of 1966 and 1975.C

The adoption of the 1999 constitution.

5.Why do some groups demand the creation of more states in Nigeria?

A To reduce corruption in government

B To increase the number of political parties

C To address ethnic and regional imbalances

6.What resource is Nigeria known to possess in abundance?

A. Diamonds B. Oil .C Gold

7.Which of the following is not a potential benefit of creating more states in Nigeria?

A Reduced political representation.B Improved resource allocation.C

Reduction of population pressure

8.The federal system was adopted in the year? A.1999 B.1914.C 1963 D.1984

9.The following are the solutions to the problems of the minority I'm Nigeria except? A. U.N declaration
B.Power shift C.Rule of law.D.conjugal ethnicity

10.The Nigeria national Democratic party was formed in the year ---? A.1923. B 1935 C.1980.D.1801

11.The Midwestern Region was created in the year ---? A.1963. B.1935 C.1980. D 1801

12.---------- is referred to as the father of Nigeria nationalism?A. Sir Herbert Macaulay B.chief Nnamdi
Azikiwe C. Sir Ernest shonekan D. Dr Samuel Akintola

13.The first president of the National council of Nigeria and camerouns is --+? A.Sir Herbert Macaulay.B
Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe C.Sir Ernest Okoli D . Zik Richards

14.Which of the following is not a potential benefit of creating more states in Nigeria?
A Reduced political representation.B .Improved resource allocation.C Reduction of population pressure

15.Which ethnic group is known for their elaborate and colorful festivals, including the famous Osun-
Osogbo festival?A Yoruba.B .Igbo.C Hausa-Fulani

16.What is the main cause of ethnic conflicts in Nigeria?

A Competition for resources

B Political power struggles

C. Cultural and religious differences

17.Which region in Nigeria has been a major source of conflict due to oil exploration?

A The Niger Delta region

B The Sahel region

C The Savannah region

18.What is the solution to addressing ethnic conflicts in Nigeria?

A Promoting tolerance, understanding, and peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups

B.Military intervention.C Separation of different ethnic groups


What is one measure to avoid secession in Nigeria?

Promoting national unity

Encouraging secessionist movements

Concentrating power in the central government

20.Which region of Nigeria did the NNDP have a strong grassroots base in?

Eastern region

Western region

Northern region

21.What did the NNDP advocate for?

Greater autonomy for Nigeria

Policies that would benefit the working class and poor

Both a and b

22.When was the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM) founded?




23.Who were some of the prominent leaders of the Nigerian Youth Movement (NYM)?

Ernest Ikoli

Nnamdi Azikiwe

All of the above

25.When was the National Council of Nigeria and Cameroun Citizens (NCNC) founded?




26.What was the party's focus?


Greater autonomy and self-determination

Establishment of a minimum wage

All of the above

27.Which region of Nigeria did the NCNC have a strong base of support in?

Northern region

Western region

Eastern region

28.What was the NCNC's approach to political action?

Grassroots mobilization

Relying on the colonial government for change

Military intervention


When was the Action Group formed?




30. Public corporations are set up by (a) The board of directors (b) The minister (c) An act of parliament
(d) Governors.

31. Public opinion can be expressed through (a) Census (b) Compromise (c) Socialization (d) General

32. Local government administration promotes (a) Consensus politics (b) Responsible government (c)
Democracy at grassroots (d) Responsive government.

33. All of the following are features of the civil except (a) Anonymity (b) Political neutrality (c) Security of
tenure (d) Political maturity and participation

34. Public corporations are financed by (a) Tax payers (b) Private funds (c) Entrepreneurial funds (d)
Political parties.

35. The legal right a citizens possess to vote and be voted for is (a) Voting right (b) Balloting (c) Franchise
(d) Disfranchise

36.In 1987, General Ibrahim Banbamgida created ---- and --- state.
37.The principle of separation of powers becomes meaningful when it's Linkee with the concept of -----?

38.------- divided Nigeria into three regions under the Richards Constitution Arrangements?

39.The name of the head of states that created six more states in Nigeria in the year 1996 is ----?

40.------ almagamated the southern and northern protectorate in 1914?

Section B.

1 . Explain the factors that necessitated the adoption of the Nigerian Federalism

1b.identify two major problems of the Nigerian Federalism.

2.Define government as an academic field of study

2b.state five importance of Government

3.highlight five recommendations of the winks commission

4.outline four reasons for the demand for more states

4b.Highlight two contributions of the Nigeria youth movement to Nigeria

5.write short note on the following:


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