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Program Strategy Activities Target Indicators Needs

Quality Quantity
I. Linkaging for >clustering of 1) Leadership 1) 51% of 1) secure LGU 1) __ known > At least 1
Organizational the old networks Training for existing old PO blocs relations w/ old PO blocs additional staff
Development side by side w/ is Networks w/ IS groups networks 2) __ initially for IS field
direct assistance 2) Organizers 2) 100% for 2) direct link known new or work
to IS subgroups Trainings for new/recent w/ new groups potential IS
or new networks unorganized IS IS groups 3) assistance to groups (full-time or
3) Regular LGU-IS 3) 70% of participants in 3) _ meetings part-time as
Office Meetings w/ old & new IS regular LGU- in a year assigned to IS
IS Leaders/Groups groups IS meetings Office)
II. Facilitation >LGU official 1) LGU Registration 1) 100% of 1) complete & 1) ___ total in >Orientation
in Mainstream registration and for IS organizations applications non-restrictive past info + __ Modules for
SocialProtection endorsement to 2) Orientation Re: w/ complete listing/form for initial estimate target social
Programs the mainstream IS's Enrollment to requirements requirements as new groups protection
social protection SSS, PhilHealth, etc 2) 70% of all 2) proportional =___ total programs
programs 3) LGU & IS the enlisted representation 2) pre & post
groups' proposal IS leaders & to 5 subgroups coordination (production by
formulation of the organizers 3) identify the meetings w/ IS Office or
city's benefits for 3) 50% of 5 benefit that SSS/Philhealth assigned to the
the registered IS sub-groups can be fully/ etc + 1 activity other LGU
groups/workers can avail of immediately for each IS office)
the proposed implemented sub-grouping
LGU's social within existing 3) 1 proposal
protection LGU operation applicable to
benefit all IS groups
or 5 (1 each for
5 sub-groups)
III. Promotion > awareness- 1) Basic OHS input 1) 1 General 1) identified 1) __ OHS by > Module and
of Educational raising on OHS to IS network/group OHS input + each IS sub- partners in the outline making
and Advocacy & Labor rights & Workshops for 5 5 subsectoral sector's needs local DOH + _ Facilitators +
Campaigns toward making sub-sectors Re New workshop on on OHS for 5 workshops by Documentalists
of customized customized modules customized new modules LGU-IS Office for workshops/
modules/course 2) Consultation on OHS module development w/ 5 subsectors consultations
outline IS Legal Protection 2) 1 General 2) formulated 2) __ seminars
Needs & on National Consultation an educational on IS & Labor (production by
Labor Laws + 5 subsector outline for the Rights by GO the IS Office or
3) IS Participation meetings for module on the & NGO + __ as assigned to
& Recognition in educational IS & Labor consultations the other LGU
LGU's advocacy module on IS Rights by LGU-IS office)
campaign events -labor rights 3) recognition Office
3) At least by LGU on IS 3) __ total of
70% of LGU participation calendared
advocacy in LGU events/ LGU events
activities LGU advocacy for a year
on the poverty
IV. Assistance > information- 1) data gathering & 1) 70% of IS 1) 51% of IS 1)__ IS groups > Consultants
on Projects' analysis on the joint analysis w/ IS groups as the groups will get + __ networks re project data
Development existing/planned groups on projects' basis of data involve in the known to have survey sheet &
Requirements project/program integration or need on projects project making some projects references for
activities of IS for central project 2) 100% as 2) coordinated 2) support by project study
groups 2) Consultancy for need arises service/support at least _ other on viability
support or referral for LGU's IS from the other LGU offices,
for assistance by office action LGU offices namely: _____ (both GO &
other LGU offices ____________ NGO resource
__________. persons)

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