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Name of the Experiment: To verify Bernoull's Theorem ?
Apparatrs : Beraoulli's apparatus, Controllire valve at inlet and outlet,
Uischarge Measuring T'ank, Scale, Stopwatch ctc.

Formula:Total E.acrgy 2.g

+2 Constant

P/w= Pressure enery
V'/2g Kinetic energy
Z=Poteitial energy
Theory: The Bernoulli's theoremstates tha the total energy of non Viscous in
compressible tluid in asteady state of flov, remains constant along a stream line
q Daniel Bernoulli's enunciated in 1738 that is In any stream flowing steadily without
friction, the total energy ontained in a given mass isomë at energy contained in
given mass is sone at energy point in its path ot Mow. This statement is called
Bernoulli's theorem with reference to section I-- ard 2 -2 along the length of steady
fiow in the stream tube shown in l:g. The total energy at section l-1 is equal to the total
energy - at section 2-2 as statcd i! Bernoulli's theeren.

With usual notations, the expression for total energy contained in a unit wt of fluid at
section l - l and2- 2is given by

Totalenergy at Section 1-1=P/W+ V{ 2g +21

Tota! energy at section2 - 2 = P;/V+ V/2 iZ,
P; /W=.essure energý at section 1- 1
V,f/ 2g Kinetic energy at section I -- I
Z Pot ntial energy at sectiun I-1
P2/ W = Pressure energy at scction 2 -2
V/2g Kinetic energy at section 2-2
Z} - Picntia! energy al sHon 2-2
Thus applying Bernoulli's thcore:n between section l - Iand 2 --? we find

P,/W+V'/ 2g + Z = ;/ V + V;'/ 2g + Z2
In M<S system the pressure cnergy. kinetic energy and
pulertial energy meas., n ic, iuid column per unit wt of
luid equation is rnodified ty taking into loss of energy due tc

'etwecn scctiOn | - 1and ?-? i; ritten as

P/ W- V,'i2g! Z =;/W+V:72g + Z, + ( AiH )u2

Wiere(H) 12resents the Tss of energy between section ! -- j and 2-2
Observation Table:
bead Duct area Velocity Ve'ocity Head Total Energy
P P y?
No. (a)
Ch)2 a -+Z
W 2.g W 2.g
Cm cm/sec cm Cm

Sample Ca!culatiou : H

Discharge = Oac =44 cm/sec

Duct area a=4 xB= X Cm?

Velocity = V= cm/sec

Velocity head = cm
Total head = --+Z=(
+ +
)= Cm

re çie graph : a) No. of tubes to - +Z cm

b) No. of tubes to - cm
c) No. of tubes to - +Z cm

e total encrgy cfa strean1line, while the particle moves from one
nother. Bernoulii's theorem for an incompressible fluid flow is

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